
Payment Method
q Check
q Discover
q Visa
q MasterCard q American Express
To register and make payment online,
please visit:
Check# ________________ Amount $ ________________
Credit Card # _____________________________________ _
Expiration Date ____________________ CVC __________
Credit Card Charge Amount $ _______________________
Signature ________________________________________
I hereby authorize any of The First Tee of Greater
Sacramento (TFTGS) staff member or golf facility staff
member to act for me according to their best judgment in
an emergency requiring medical attention and hereby
waive and release the staff from any and all liability for
any injuries and illness incurred. I assumed all risks of
injury whatsoever and agree to hold harmless TFTGS
facilities and programs from claim(s) of any nature arising
from activity, including transportation connected with
TFTGS. I consent to the communication of information
regarding my child's participation with TFTGS via the
internet. I hereby give TFTGS and participating agencies
permission to use file, videotape and/or photography for
lawful promotional purposes. For safety reasons,
discipline will be strict and violations of discipline could
involve a call to a parent or guardian for arrangement for
your junior to return home.
Bing Maloney Golf Course
6801 Freeport Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95822
q New Participant
q Returning Participant from any The First Tee program
Child’s Name: ____________________________________
Birth Date: _____________ Age: _____ M/F: __________
Grade in School: __________________________________
Shirt Size: ______ Left or Right Handed: ______________
Current NCGA GHIN #: (if applicable) ________________
Allergies/Medications: _____________________________
Name: __________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
City: _____________________ State: _____ Zip: ________
Phone (h): _______________________________________
Phone (w): _______________________________________
Email: __________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature
Emergency Contact
Please Print Name
Phone: __________________________________________
Name: __________________________________________
Ethnicity (Optional):
q Asian
q Black or African American
q Hispanic or Latino/a q Native American or Native Alaskan
q Pacific Islander q White or Caucasian q Multi-Racial
The First Tee Life Skills Experience
q TARGET q PLAYer q Par q Birdie q Eagle q Ace
All new members age 7 and up start at the PLAYer level
Bing Maloney Golf Course
Atlee Anders (916) 808-2283
Summer Camps:
q Wee Swingers I/II Combo (ages 5-8)..........$159.95
m June 8-11 9:00am-11:30am
q Wee Swingers I (ages 5-8).......................... $159.95
m June 15-18 9:00am-11:30am
m July 20-23 9:00am-11:30am
q Wee Swingers II (ages 5-8)......................... $159.95
m June 22-25 9:00am-11:30am
m July 27-30 9:00am-11:30am
q Junior Beginner (ages 9-17)........................ $179.95
m July 6-9 8:00am-12:00pm
m Aug 3-6 8:00am-12:00pm
q Junior Intermediate (ages 9-17).................. $189.95
m July 13-16 8:00am-12:00pm
m Aug 10-13 8:00am-12:00pm
Summer Camps Total:
Sessions 1-3 are ten weeks long, from 4:00-5:30 pm
Session 4 is six weeks long, from 4:00-5:30 pm
Year Round Program:
q One Day per week.................... $109.95 per session
q Two Days per week.................. $199.95 per session
Please Choose preferred day(s):
q Wednesday q Thursday
q Session 1: January 14 - March 19
Orientation - January 10 at 5:00pm
q Session 2: April 1 - June 4
Orientation - March 28 at 5:00pm
q Session 3: August 19 - October 22
Orientation - August 15 at 5:00pm
q Session 4: Nov 4 - December 16*
Wednesdays only....................$79.95 per person
Orientation - October 24 at 5:00pm
This session is a six week program for parents and
children to learn the game together. However some
topics are specific to parents and juniors only.
*skip Thanksgiving week
Year Round Program Total:
Sacramento City Play League*:
*Green fees are not included; participants are
responsible for those the day of play. Play league
rotates between Bing Maloney, Haggin Oaks and
William Land Park Golf Courses. See coach for details.
Spring Session:
Summer Tuesday Little/Junior Linker Play:
June 9 - August 11
Orientation May 30 at 4:00pm
Tee Times start at 3:30pm
q Little Linker* (ages 7-12)...........................$109.95
q Junior Linker* (ages 13+)..........................$109.95
Skip June 30
*Participants must be able to play 9 holes
independently and in a timely fashion
q Optional Little Linker group lessons.........$40.00
8 Group lessons will be on Mondays
June 8 - August 3 4:00pm-5:00pm
Skip June 29
q Pee Wee Play League (ages 4-6)..................$79.95
June 2 - July 14 4:00-5:00pm
Skip June 30
Summer League Play Total:
Orientation - February 4 at 6:00pm at Haggin Oaks
q February 7 - April 11 (ages 7-17) ............... $49.95
Tee times begin at 1:30pm
skip April 4
Fall Session:
Orientation - September 9 at 6:00pm at Haggin Oaks
q September 12 - November 14 (ages 7-17).....$49.95
Tee times begin at 1:30pm
skip September 26
*Participants must be able to play 9 holes
independently and in a timely fashion.
Sac City League Play Total:
Saturday Summer FootGolf
Orientation June 6 at 5:00pm
q FootGolf (ages 5-17).................................. $109.95
June 13 - Aug 15 1:00pm-3:00pm
Skip July 4
FootGolf Total:
Saturday Classes:
Spring Class:
Orientation February 28 at 5:00pm
q FUNdamental Movement I (ages 5-13)......$109.95
March 7 - May 9 (9:00-10:30) skip April 5
Summer Class:
Orientation May 16 at 5:00pm
q FUNdamental Movement I (ages 5-13)......$109.95
May 23 - August 1 (9:00-10:30) skip June 27 & July 4
Fall Class:
Orientation August 8 at 5:00pm
q FUNdamental Movement I (ages 5-13)......$109.95
August 15 - October 17 (9:00-10:30) skip Sept 5 & 26
Winter Class:
Orientation October 24 at 5:00pm
q FUNdamental Movement I (ages 5-13)...... $109.95
November 7 - January 23, 2016 (9:00-10:30)
skip November 28, December 26 & January 2
Saturday Classes Total:
Saturday Practice and Play:
Classes are from 11:00am-1:00pm
q Session 1: January 17 - March 21
Orientation: January 10 at 5:00 pm
q Session 2: April 11 - June 13
Orientation: March 28 at 5:00 pm
q Session 3: August 22 - October 31
Orientation: August 15 at 5:00 pm skip Sept 5 & 26
Price Per Session......................................$129.95
*Participants must be able to play 9 holes
independently and in a timely fashion.
Saturday Practice and Play Total: ____________
Tots on the Tee
Tots on the Tee (ages 3-4)............................
q Session 1: June 6-July 25 11:00-12:00
Orientation - May 30 at 5:00pm
Skip June 27 & July 4
q Session 2: Nov 7-Dec 19 11:00-12:00
Orientation - Oct 24 at 5:30pm
Skip Nov 28
Tots on the Tee Total: