
89 Mill Road North Haven, CT 06473 203.239.2641
Website: www.theanimalhaven.com
Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday * 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m.
Saturday * 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m.
Greetings Members! We hope you are enjoying
your summer and that you have survived all the
rain. WAY too much of it for my taste but hey,
what can you do about the weather? . or the
price of gas!!
(EMF = benefits Emergency Medical Fund)
Bake Sales at PETCO 420 Universal Drive,
North Haven 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Baked
goods always needed drop off to PETCO that
morning. 8/12, 9/9, 10/14, 11/11, and 12/9
Pet Adoption Day at PETCO - 420 Universal
Drive, North Haven 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
8/12, 9/9, 10/14, 11/11, and 12/9
Visit some of our pets that are up for adoption.
Yankee Candle Sale - Sept. 11 to Oct. 9
40% of sales will benefit the EMF.
Candles make great holiday gifts - sell at work &
to family, friends & neighbors.
Catalogs will be available after Sept. 10.
Call Diana for info at 203-484-0270
Donate to the Combined Federal Campaign
Sept. 15 to Dec. 15
Federal employees can donate to Animal Haven
via the CFC. Our CFC # is 7123. Pledge a
donation that will benefit homeless animals.
Pet Calendar 2007 (EMF) deadline for photo
entry is September 1. Submit pet photos for $10
each accepting only 60 photos. Printer needed
to make the calendar. Call Liz 203-488-3859
(calendar cost depends on the printer.
11th Annual Walk-A-Dog-Athon
Sept. 16 10:00 a.m. (9:15 a.m. registration)
North Haven Green. Walk with your dog!
$15.00 per entry will get you a T-shirt
& a gift for your dog. Business sponsors needed
($50 donation). Call for a form to pre-register.
Bark Busters to do dog obedience demo!
Clean-Up Day at Animal Haven
Oct. 21 Noon to 4:00 p.m.
Help make our kennel for homeless cats & dogs
sparkling clean.
We need some strong helpers to move heavy
items to better organize our facility.
Congratulations to the following:
1st Prize Lea Pannella
(Cedar s St eakhouse at Foxwoods)
2 nd Prize Lisa Mercugliano
($150 Exxon/Mobil card)
3 Prize Harriett Applewhite
(Black & Decker items)
4 th Prize Sheryl Oliver (Panera Bread)
5 th Prize Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kretvix
(Nuance Hair Design & Spa)
Pet food
Office supplies
C leaning supplies (i.e. bleach, disinfectant,
paper towels)
Yest er day s N ews scoopable cat litter
Toys/treats for large dogs (i.e. Kongs, large
dog biscuits)
Small scratching posts for cats
Garden hose rack
Newer computer witn Windows
Lorraine & Stephanie
Velardi at The Only Game in
Town for hosting our
June tag sale.
University of New Haven
students Rachel Smith, Derick
LaTore, Noah Savy, Jake
Gotlitboski & Amanda Astle who helped us clean
up after the OGIT tag sale.
Jane Yant for organizing the OGIT tag sale and
the one at 32 Ezra St.
Jess Friedman for hosting the Ezra St. tag sale.
Bill Carey for his superior salesmanship skills at
our tag sales.
Friends of Animals for giving us 10 spay/neuter
Cheryl Serra for writing special pet stories to help
adopt our hard-to-place pets.
Eleanor Valley for her many years of service on our
Board as our Public Relations contact.
Maryann Mele for donating cat food & litter.
Dave Foley of Bark Busters Home Dog Training
for offering us a discount on training, for working
with long-time resident Howard, and for doing a
dog obedience demonstr ation at our upcoming
Walk-A -Dog-Athon.
The following visitors to our shelter who made
various donations: Brenda Eddy (food), Barbara
Skomro (gift basket), Bill DeMatteo (money gift),
Judy Perkins (money gift & chair cushions), David
Doleys (food & dog bed), Karen Baker (beds,
blankets, leashes & collars), Deborah Armitage
(food, biscuits, Heartguard & Frontline), Nancy
Suski (cat toys), Shirley Gustafson (food and
treats), Roxanne Delvata (towels), Rosanne
Dimauro (food), Colleen Robek (food & bedding),
Good News Christian Church (food), Ed Gorman
(food & blankets), Renee Fasulo (food & treats),
Bernice Giskin (food & treats), Middlesex Dance
Center (money gift, blankets & food), Shawn Clark
(food, treats, medicine), Debbie Caso (toys), Mary
Cruz (blankets & towels), Michael Kuczewski
(many donations of food & biscuits), Jane & Robert
Fiengo (food & toys), Laurie Gibbons (food), Sue &
Dan Oliverio (food), Patricia Stallone (food),
Kathy Kristhoffer (food, paper towels, toys),
Griffin Genovese (for his 10th birthday he
collected food, beds, biscuits & gift cards for us),
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kohn (towels), Donna Candella
(food), Sharon Schreiber, Vicki Deweul, Haley
Kaercher (food), Walter Kaercher (money gift),
Donna & Sam Sutter (towels, blankets, food),
Deanna Katz (for her Bat Mitzvah she collected
donations of food, toys, litter & beds),
North Branford Senior Center Holiday Fair
Nov. 18 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
North Branford Community Center, Rt. 80
We will have a table there selling items!
Animal Haven s Holiday Fair
November 25 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
North Haven Congregational Church.
To donate something, contact Chris.
St. Therese Holiday Fair
Dec. 2 Middletown Ave., North Haven
We will have a table there selling items!
Since we are participating in
some other Holiday Fairs this
year, we really could use lots of
d o n a t ed it em s t o s ell
crafts, handmade items, gift
baskets, decorative items, gifts,
almost anything new. Please contact Chris.
Dog walkers - age 16 or over (call shelter).
Volunteers to help socialize shy cats by
petting & grooming them. This is a very
important job because shy kitties take longer
to adopt (call the shelter).
Gardeners to help weed, plant flowers &
clean up the grounds (Jane 203.234.9584).
Raffle prizes (call Chris).
Volunteers to help with fundraising & at
events (call Liz 203.488.3859).
Do you know a reliable company to vacuum
air ducts? (call Liz).
Adopting is the most responsible
option for anyone seeking a pet.
Even the most pathetic shelter cat
or stray can usually blossom into a beauty with
the right kind and amount of care,
love and patience.
Melinda Maisano (food, bed, medication), Mary-Jo
Warren (bed and carrier), Nicole Davison (blankets
& cushions), Tom Leahn/ Anna Morse/Lauren
Hassan/Cora Jacobs (toys, treats, blankets),
and Bob Kowalski (food)
I srael ( left ) is a one- and- a- half year old part
Siam ese cat t hat has been spayed and
vaccinated. She is an incredibly social cat t hat
cam e t o t he Anim al Haven wit h a group of nine
cats from t he sam e hom e. Her sibling, Sly, was
also part of t he group. Sadly, I srael and Sly
tested posit ive for feline leukem ia. I srael
current ly needs daily inj ect ions of insulin. The
cat s are separat ed from The Anim al Haven s
healthy cat population and are living comfortably
in t he conference room . Sly ( right ) is also very
greet ing
guest s
ent husiast ically. Bot h of t hese cat s deserve a
loving hom e and The Anim al Haven is
desperat ely seeking eit her an adopt ive hom e or
a fost er hom e sit uat ion, perhaps wit h ot her
feline leukem ia- posit ive cat s. I f I srael and Sly
didn t have feline leukem ia, t hey would likely be
t he m ost quickly adopt ed cat s at The Anim al
Remember that I like to play and have fun.
I have no concept of obligations, appointments, or any
kind of timetable.
Please be patient with me when it seems as though I'm
unaware of time.
I can never understand why time is so important to you.
If, like me, you're living life to fullest, and making the
most of every moment, what difference does time
The way I figure it, I can always make time for you.
Animal Haven needs your favorite
recipes so we can publish a
cookbook to sell for a fundraiser!
The easiest way for us to get them to
Morris Press Cookbooks is for you to
enter the recipes online.
Go to: www.typensave.com
login, and enter:
your name
group login is: catsanddogs
password is: r2jce
Special thanks to everyone who sent in stories
about their pets adopted from us! We received
many great stories & photos and the book is well
underway. It will include not only adoption
stories and how our furry friends touch our lives,
but will also feature the history of Animal Haven.
We expect the book to be out sometime in 2007.
The book s aut hor, Marie Cox, works full-time for
the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce
and is working on the book as time allows. She is
extremely dedicated to promoting adoption and
the mission of Animal Haven and is determined
to get the book finished as soon as possible.
Follow the instructions.
We will also have recipe forms at the
shelter for you to fill out, or you can
contact Chris to have a form sent to
you. You can send in
as many as you want!
The deadline is October 1, 2006.
OKAY will somebody please explain to me
what happened to the month of July?
Is it just me or is time going by faster?
TO YOUR DAYS. And thank you for helping
Animal Haven bring meaning to the lives of the
animals in our care.
Your Editor: Chris Gagne
203.484.9648 or chriskat32@aol.com
The size and cost of the book is dependent on
how many recipes we collect.
PLEASE help by contributing recipes that you
love and know others will love, too!
Jennie Angelini
Cymballine, Arthur & Cherise beloved Kitty-Cats of the Beak Brothers
Wilson beloved dog of Jeff & Nancy Cave
Quincy, much loved by Marylin Newman
Jasper & Andy - beloved pets
Norma Thomas
Norma Thomas
Leo - a much loved cat, 10 yrs. old
Leo - loved & missed by Connie Delia
Daisy Mecca
Ebony, an angel cat both here and beyond
Our beloved companion, Gigi,
a beautiful German Shepard
My cat my baby Smokey
Sweet Bridget
Luna, beloved kitten of Robert W., 1 yr. old
Preston Valley, 13 yrs. old, beloved yellow Lab
of David, Nancy & Andrea Valley
The Cameras & Smiths
Kevin Hall
Del Werner
Michalah Bracken & Mark Rosenthal
Ruth Petrucci (pet sitter)
Bobbie & Roland Parenteau
Bill & Sandy Richards
Connie Delia
Nancy Turner
Kathy & Ron Diotaiuto
Irene & Michael McCoy
Mildred C. Richard
Adelle Wengert
Liz Gallagher
Betsy Frey
Sara, Meg & Gwen (adopted from A.H. 1987)
In memory of Carol Kenney Johnson, donations were received from:
Mr. & Mrs. John Early, Anne Ockert, Milford Imports, Inc. dba Courtney Honda,
Newlon, LLC dba Conn s Volvo-Mazda of Milford, Dan Perkins Subaru, Branford Hyundai Inc.
dba Quality Hyundai, Napoli Motors Inc., Napoli Indoor Auto Outlet, LLC, Robert & Albert Vagnini,
Jack & Bobbie Lynch, Dick & Dianne Halloran, Joyce & Ed Fedor, Crest Lincoln Mercury Inc.
Sovereign Bank- John Early, Wayne, Sokolosky, Anthony Thomas, Robert Vagnini, Joseph Nelson,
Gladys Rivera, Deborah Wnek, Diane Coleman, George Hall, Kathy Burke, Jo-ann & Richard Feegel,
and Cheryl Magera
The Animal Haven, Inc.
89 Mill Road
North Haven CT 06473
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 60
North Haven, CT