February 2016 - Saint Athanasius the Great


February 2016 - Saint Athanasius the Great
February 2016
This offering was
published in the
March 4, 1991
edition of the
U.S. News and
World Report. It
clearly shows
that The Eastern
Church flows
from the time of
our Lord and
Saviour Jesus
Christ to the
present without
+Fr. NMK
4 Appleton Street ■ Arlington, MA 02476 ■ church 781.646.0705
Fr. Kastanas Emergency Voicemail Pager 781.673.2002 ■ fax 781.641.4700 ■ www.saint athanasius.org
Office E-Mail Address: stathanasiusgoc@gmail.com
OFFICIAL Publication of the Saint Athanasius the Great Greek
Orthodox Church
4 Appleton Street, Arlington, MA 02476
Sunday Worship Schedule
Winter: Orthros 8:45 AM Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM
Summer: Orthros 8:00 AM Divine Liturgy 9:15 AM
Rev. Fr. Nicholas M. Kastanas
Rev. Dn. Markos Nickolas
Publication is the first of each month. Twelve issues are published
yearly. Deadline for notices is the 15 th of the prior month.
Saint Athanasius the Great is a parish under the spiritual and
ecclesial oversight of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of the
Metropolis of Boston of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
under the jurisdiction of The Ecumenical Patriarchate of
The St. Athanasius the Great Greek Orthodox Church in Arlington,
Massachusetts strives to be a living witness of our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ. Our mission as a Parish is to "Practice Hospitality"
(Romans 12:13), as St. Paul so exhorts...... Thus, it is our rich
blessing to strive and bring the Light of Christ to all of God's people,
through Orthodox Christian tradition, education, and philanthropy.
We seek to serve the spiritual needs of our faithful parishioners
through the sacramental life of the Church. By means of outreach
and faith in God, we continue our growth as a living Church by
inviting others into the Orthodox faith through Baptism and/or
Chrismation, and educating them through the establishment of our
Christian ministries, programs, schools, and philanthropic activities.
Church Directory
Parish Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 9:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.
Friday: 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.
Parish Administrative Assistant…..Stella Kazantzas &
Dimitrios Loucagos
Parish Office……...................................781-646-0705
Fr. Nick Kastanas (Emergency Pager).781-673-2002
Metropolis of Boston...........................617-277-4742
Metropolis Website..............www.boston.goarch.org
Archdiocese Website........................www.goarch.org
Parish Council Officers
Dean Ioakimidis --------------------------------------President
Bill Karras ------------------------------------ 1st Vice President
Paul Tsitsopoulos ---------------------------- 2nd Vice President
S. Nicholas Kriketos ----------------------------------Secretary
Maria Tsaousidis ----------------------------Associate Secretary #1
Stefanos Bouboulis------------------------------------Treasurer
Nikitas Splagounias-------------------Associate Treasurer #1
Emmanuel Meimaris----------------------- Associate Treasurer #2
Vassilios Pantazopoulos-------------------- Associate Treasurer #3
Parish Council Members
David Bowling, Antonios Dakopoulos, George Katsarakes,
Peter Ladas, Charles Pappas, Eleanor Profis, Ted Speros, Mark
Parish Ministries and Organizations
Agape Care Team (ACT)---------------------Dn. Markos Nickolas
Altar Boys (Acolytes):-----------------------Fr. Nicholas Kastanas
Parish Council: Stewardship Chair--------------Maria Tsaousidis
Philoptochos: President-----------------------------Irene Kalogeris
Choir Director:-----------------------------------------Stella Pathiakis
Protopsaltis Emeritus--------------------------------------Nikos Pithis
Cantors:---------------------------------Dimitrios Manolakis, Spyros Prois,
Vasilios Meimaris, Dimitrios Loucagos
Sunday School Directors------------------ Ioannis Moutstatsos &
Cassandra Chamallas (Associate)
Sunday School Teachers----Charles Chamallas, Pat Magoufis, Loula
Boretos, Despina Bouboulis, Eleni Terzakis, Marianna Terzakis, Popi
Moustakas, Eleftheria Horiatis, Alex Athanasiou, Mary Kandaras,
Ioannis Moutsatsos, Harry Kandaras, Maria Anamateros, Valerie
Relias, Mary Tsihlis, Cassandra Chamallas, Demi Tsitsopoulos, Nick
Pantazopoulos, Philip Halikias, Katerina Ioakimidis, George Makredes,
Annalise Paganis
Greek School Director-------------------Fr. Nicholas M. Kastanas
Greek School Teachers --- Popi Moustakas, Vaia Palla-Siarkos, Eleni
Kosmidis, Evi Sotiropoulos
Little Halos Day School Director------------Kaiti Galanopoulos
Little Halos Day School Teachers-------Argiro Nikoletos, Eleni MalliouTrihakis, Despina Bouboulis, Alexandra Gerouki, Vaia Palla-Siarkos,
Evi Sotiropoulos, Nektaria Boustris, Ronni Olitsky, Stelios Karaminas,
Voula Manousos
Little Halos Day School Parent/Teacher Consultant-----------Dr.
Anastasia Galanopoulos
Greek School PTO---Doxy Stefanidis, Betty Dakopoulos, Tanya
Stamoulis, Tina Christodouleas
G.O.Y.A.: President-------------------------------Demi Tsitsopoulos
J.O.Y. & H.O.P.E: --------------------Athina Reisopoulos & Sophia Loyack
Young Adults---------------------------------------Dimitrios Loucagos
Fifties Plus: Committee-------------------------------Tina Caramanis,
Aphrodite Darris, Katina Ioakimidis, Irene Paleologos, Dorothy
Zevitas, Katherine Zevitas, Crystal Roussos, Elaine Dalaklis
Pine Street Inn---Randy Fassas, Merope Kapetanakis, Irene Paleologos
Gardening Ministry ----------------------------- S. Nicholas Kriketos
The Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple
Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016
Reading: When the most pure Mother and EverVirgin Mary's forty days of purification had been
fulfilled, she took her first-born Son to Jerusalem
on this, the fortieth day after His birth, that she
might present Him in the temple according to the
Law of Moses, which teaches that every first-born
male child be dedicated to God, and also that she
might offer the sacrifice of a pair of turtle-doves or
two young pigeons, as required by the Law (Luke
2:22-24; Exod. 13:2; Lev. 12:6-8). On this same
day, a just and devout man, the greatly aged
Symeon, was also present in the temple, being
guided by the Holy Spirit. For a long time, this man
had been awaiting the salvation of God, and he had
been informed by divine revelation that he would
not die until he beheld the Lord's Christ. Thus,
when he beheld Him at that time and took Him up into his aged arms, he gave glory
to God, singing: "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace, O Master. . ." And
he confessed that he would close his eyes joyfully, since he had seen the Light of
revelation for the nations and the Glory of Israel (Luke 2:25-32). From ancient times,
the Holy Church has retained this tradition of the churching of the mother and newborn child on the fortieth day and of the reading of prayers of purification.
The Apodosis of the Feast of the Meeting in the Temple is usually on the 9th of
February. This, however, may vary if the Feast falls within the period of the
Triodion. Should this occur, the Typicon should be consulted for specific
information concerning the Apodosis of the Feast.
Apolytikion of Presentation of Our Lord in the First Tone
Hail Virgin Theotokos full of Grace, for Christ our God, the Sun of Righteousness,
has dawned from you, granting light to those in darkness. And you, O Righteous
Elder, rejoice, taking in your arms, the Deliverance of our souls, who grants us
Kontakion of Presentation of Our Lord in the First Tone
Your birth sanctified a Virgin's womb and properly blessed the hands of Symeon.
Having now come and saved us O Christ our God, give peace to Your
commonwealth in troubled times and strengthen those in authority, whom You love,
as only the loving One.
Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee: Triodion Begins Today
Sunday, February 21st, 2016
Reading: The Pharisees were an ancient and
outstanding sect among the Jews known for their
diligent observance of the outward matters of the Law.
Although, according to the word of our Lord, they "did
all their works to be seen of men" (Matt. 23:5), and were
hypocrites (ibid. 23: 13, 14, 15, etc.), because of the
apparent holiness of their lives they were thought by all
to be righteous, and separate from others, which is what
the name Pharisee means. On the other hand, Publicans,
collectors of the royal taxes, committed many injustices
and extortions for filthy lucre's sake, and all held them
to be sinners and unjust. It was therefore according to
common opinion that the Lord Jesus in His parable
signified a virtuous person by a Pharisee, and a sinner
by a Publican, to teach His disciples the harm of pride
and the profit of humble-mindedness.
Since the chief weapon for virtue is humility, and the
greatest hindrance to it is pride, the divine Fathers have set these three weeks before the
Forty-day Fast as a preparation for the spiritual struggles of virtue. This present week they
have called Harbinger, since it declares that the Fast is approaching; and they set humility
as the foundation for all our spiritual labors by appointing that the parable of the Publican
and the Pharisee be read today, even before the Fast begins, to teach, through the vaunting
of the Pharisee, that the foul smoke of self-esteem and the stench of boasting drives away
the grace of the Spirit, strips man of all his virtue, and casts him into the pits of Hades; and,
through the repentance and contrite prayer of the Publican, that humility confers upon the
sinner forgiveness of all his wicked deeds and raises him up to the greatest heights.
All foods are allowed the week that follows this Sunday.
Resurrectional Apolytikion in the Plagal of the First Tone
Let us worship the Word, O ye faithful, praising Him that with the Father and the Spirit is
co-beginningless God, Who was born of a pure Virgin that we all be saved; for He was
pleased to mount the Cross in the flesh that He assumed, accepting thus to endure death.
And by His glorious rising, He also willed to resurrect the dead.
Seasonal Kontakion in the Fourth Tone
Let us flee from the boasting of the Pharisee and learn through our own sighs of sorrow the
humility of the Publican. Let us cry out to the Savior, "Have mercy on us, for through You
alone are we reconciled."
Sunday of the Prodigal Son
Sunday, February 28th, 2016
Reading: Through the parable of today's
Gospel, our Saviour has set forth three things
for us: the condition of the sinner, the rule of
repentance, and the greatness of God's
compassion. The divine Fathers have put this
reading the week after the parable of the
Publican and Pharisee so that, seeing in the
person of the Prodigal Son our own wretched
condition -- inasmuch as we are sunken in sin,
far from God and His Mysteries -- we might at
last come to our senses and make haste to return
to Him by repentance during these holy days of
the Fast.
Furthermore, those who have wrought many
great iniquities, and have persisted in them for
a long time, oftentimes fall into despair,
thinking that there can no longer be any
forgiveness for them; and so being without
hope, they fall every day into the same and even
worse iniquities. Therefore, the divine Fathers, that they might root out the passion
of despair from the hearts of such people, and rouse them to the deeds of virtue, have
set the present parable at the forecourts of the Fast, to show them the surpassing
goodness of God's compassion, and to teach them that there is no sin -- no matter
how great it may be -- that can overcome at any time His love for man.
Resurrectional Apolytikion in the Plagal of the Second Tone
Angelic powers were above Thy tomb, and they that guarded Thee became as dead.
And Mary stood by the grave seeking Thine immaculate Body. Thou hast despoiled
Hades and wast not tried thereby. Thou didst meet the Virgin and didst grant us life.
O Thou Who didst arise from the dead, Lord, glory be to Thee.
Seasonal Kontakion in the Third Tone
O Father, foolishly I ran away from Your glory, and in sin, squandered the riches
You gave me. Wherefore, I cry out to You with the voice of the Prodigal, "I have
sinned before You Compassionate Father. Receive me in repentance and take me as
one of Your hired servants."
St. Athanasius the Great
Greek Orthodox Church of
Arlington, MA
Cordially invites you to its
Dinner Dance
Crown Plaza Hotel
15 Middlesex Canal Road
Woburn, MA
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Cocktails at 7 p.m.
Dinner at 8 p.m.
For Tickets:
Adults $75
Children (12 and under) $35
Maria Tsaousidis (617) 448-7931
Despina Bouboulis (781) 589-8156
Annette Tsitsopoulos (781) 272-4684
Save the Date!
Invites you to our
If you would like
to receive “Hope Joy” event email
reminders simply
email us at:
Join us for an evening of
Valentine Fun!
Dancing, Crafts, Pizza,
Decorate your own cupcake
and more!
Friday, February 12th
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Church Hall
$15 Donation per Family
Please R.S.V.P. by February 10th to:
(RSVP’s are important as they help us with accurate food counts)
All children must be accompanied by an adult.
The Hospitality
of Abraham Icon
In this traditional Orthodox
iconic representation of the
Holy Trinity, we understand
that we have God the Father,
God the Son, and God the
Holy Spirit represented by
three angels. The Icon is
known as the "Hospitality of
Abraham." This corresponds
to the most traditional
interpretation. According to
the Bible (Gen. Chapt. 18),
Abraham and Sara, living in
oak grove Mamre, had been
visited by three wanderers
whom they welcomed into
their tent to have a meal
Stewardship Committee - Fellowship Hour Sponsorship
On behalf of our Stewardship Committee, we are inviting families
or individuals to be a part of Sponsoring a Sunday Fellowship
Hour. It will be a blessing for a family to pour coffee and greet
their fellow parishioners. For information on how to be a Sponsor
for a Fellowship Hour, please contact Eleanor Profis at 781-7757143. On behalf of the Stewardship Committee, we would like to
thank the ministries who have sponsored the coffee hour up to
now. Thank you on behalf of our Stewardship Committee and we
look forward to hearing from you!
News and Announcements
Parish Council – Oath of Office
The Parish Council Affirmation of Office took place on Sunday, January 3rd, 2016. Following Divine
Liturgy, elections were held for the Parish Council Officers. Congratulations and good luck to the 2016
Parish Council!
President Constandinos Dean Ioakimidis
1st Vice President Vassilios Bill Karras
2nd Vice President Apostolos Paul Tsitsopoulos
Treasurer Stefanos Bouboulis
1st Assoc. Treasurer Nikitas Splagounias
2nd Assoc. Treasurer Emmanuel Meimaris
3rd Assoc. Treasurer Vassilios Pantazopoulos
Secretary S. Nicholas Kriketos
Assoc Secretary Maria Tsaousidis
2016 Parish Council
Stefanos Bouboulis
David Bowling
Antonios Dakopoulos
Dean Ioakimidis
Bill Karras
George Katsarakes
Nicholas Kriketos
Peter Ladas
Emmanuel Meimaris
Charlie Pappas
Eleanor Profis
Nikitas Splagounias
Ted Speros
Maria Tsaousidis
Paul Tsitsopoulos
Mark Ypsilantis
St. Athanasius Stewardship Roll of Honor for 2016
Contributions as of January 15, 2016
THANK YOU! Your continued Love and Support make our many ministries possible
ΣΑΣ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΟΥΜΕ! Η αγάπη και η υποστήριξη σας στηρίζουν τις πολλές διακονίες της εκκλησίας μας
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Antonakas
Jonathan & Thea Athanas
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander
Mihail S. Bouboulis
Mr. & Mrs. Stefanos
Mr. & Mrs. James Chalapatas
Cassandra Chamallas
Mrs. Kiki Chrisafis
Anastasios & Eleni
Ms. Katherine Darris
George & Joanne Delyani
Robert & Stephanie Devasto
Demetre Evangelinellis
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Evangelis
Ms. Christine Fassas
Mr. John Gagalis
Mr. & Mrs. James Geanakos
Mrs. Evangeline
Christos Ioakimidis
Stavros & Katina Ioakimidis
Mrs. Katherine Karagianis
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Karras
Fr. Nicholas and Presv. Litsa
Alice Kefalas
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantina
Ms Jenny Koulouris
Mrs. Effie Legatos
Mr. & Mrs. Efstratios Liakos
Charles & Despina Makredes
George & Leona Makredes
Vasiliki Manousos
Margaret Mitropoulos
Tessie Mitropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. George
Dr. Ioannis & Angela
Mrs. Katina Muksuris
Robert & Marea Mullen
Thomas & Aglaia
Theofanis & Christine
Arthur Papas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pappas
John & Maria Pavlidis
Joanne E. Piandes
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Pourakis
Mrs. Eleanor Profis
Anthony & Elaine Sgouros
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Shuris
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios
Anthony & Despina Speros
Mr. & Mrs. George Tsakirgis
Maria Tsaousidis
Mr. & Mrs. James Tsihlis
Mr. & Mrs. Apostolos
Mr. & Mrs. John
Steven & Kelly Vosnakis
Homer & Georgia Ypsilantis
Demetra Zacharakis
Dorothy Zevitas
Nickolas Ziavras
News and Announcements
Great Vespers – St. Athanasius & St. Cyril
On the eve of the feast day of St. Athanasisus and St. Cyril Patriarchs of Alexandria (January 17th),
Vespers and Artoclasia services were held at our Saint Athanasius Parish. We extend our gratitude to
all the parishioners, friends, and clergy that attended!
News and Announcements
Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island Greek School Trip
On Saturday, September 12, 2015 the 6th grade graduates, and the 5th grade students of our St.
Athanasius Greek School went on a field trip to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island with Greek School
teachers, parents, and Father Kastanas. This wonderful educational and fun trip, which is sponsored
by the Greek School PTO, and Father Nick has been taking place almost annually for 25 years. The
young people also enjoyed a walk around Times Square and a visual drive by the Freedom Tower, 9/11
News and Announcements
Greek School – Back to School Exhibition
From November 16th to the 19th, 2015, the St. Athanasius Greek School presented the Project of the
Year! The theme was “The Greek Sea.” Our Greek School students were very creative at collecting
information for their posters!
News and Announcements
Sunday Catechetical Church School
The month of February starts with a touching Orthodox feast that celebrates the Presentation of our
Lord Jesus Christ to the Temple as a small baby. This feast also reminds all of us parents, a similar event
in our children’s life, when we too brought each of them to the Church for their 40 day blessing. The
same way the elder priest Simeon welcomed the 40 day-old child Jesus into the Temple, our children
were welcome and dedicated to God by our parish priest. Interestingly, the Orthodox Church (before
it also became influenced by foreign customs) dedicated the feast of the Presentation as a ‘Mother’s
day’ celebration underscoring the importance a mother and by extension a family plays in presenting
our children to the Church for a blessing and continuous dedication to God. I hope and pray that this
beautiful feast reminds each of us parents to re-dedicated our children to God. By frequently bringing
our children to Church, we allow them to experience and fully participate our Orthodox faith and
tradition. In this way they will be guided to grow in the presence and imitation of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ.
On Sunday, February 28th, we will celebrate our annual Godparent-Godchildren Sunday. Each year we
dedicate a Sunday to highlight the important bond and actions that fulfil the promise given by
Godparent’s to their Godchildren. Godparent’s are responsible for something much bigger than simply
buying gifts on birthdays and holidays for their Godchildren and taking them out for shopping and
lunch. They are responsible for exemplifying a life dedicated to the Orthodox Christian way of life and
by actively contributing to the spiritual growth of their Godchildren. Our special celebration will
include a special Godparent/Godchildren blessing during the Divine Liturgy, invitation to classroom
activities, cake, pictures and a special commemorative board featuring messages from Godparents and
their Godchildren. We pray that you will all be able to participate and we are looking forward to seeing
all Godparents and their Godchildren.
We will also soon start preparing our students for the annual St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival
to be held on Saturday, April 2nd, 2016. Please, see the additional flyer in this bulletin with information
on this year’s topics, and encourage your students to participate.
The next staff meeting is scheduled for Sunday February 14th, immediately after the end of classes.
News and Announcements
The Catechetical Sunday School 6th grade teachers and students share a piece of Vasilopita.
Let us be attentive! Words put to practice by the Catechetical Sunday School pre-K students.
St. Athanasius’s Annual
St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival
For Elementary, Junior and Senior Divisions will be held in our Parish Auditorium
Saturday, April 2, 2016 - 9:00 a.m. Registration
Introduced in 1983, the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival offers Greek Orthodox youth the opportunity to
write and talk about their faith.
The National Oratorical Festival Program begins at the parish level and is divided into two divisions: Junior
for students in grades 7th-9th and Senior for students grades 10th-12th. Two speakers in each division
advance to the District Festival, where two finalists in each division will advance to the Metropolis Festival held
in May. There one finalist in each division will go to the National Festival, this year in Charlotte, SC, June 1012. Those finalists will receive a monetary award and are eligible for scholarships. Please note that the parish’s
Senior Division finalists will be eligible for the Hellenic College Chrysostom Scholarship.
Below are the Junior and Senior Division topics.
Please find the topics with writing tips at:
goarch.org/archdiocese/departments/religioused/sjcof . Scroll down to 2016 Topics, Tips and Resources (pdf).
In addition, our parish holds a non-judged Elementary Division for all students in grades 4th-6th, where the
students present their thoughts on any topic related to their faith.
The students will be working on their presentations in Sunday School and will also work on them at home.
Parents, please encourage them to complete their speeches and present them to Father Nick on April 2nd. Please
contact Father Nick (781-646-0705, Frnmk@aol.com ), your child’s Sunday school teacher, or Tina Pavlakis
Bowling (781-860-9418, cpbowling@verizon.net ) if you have any questions.
Everyone is welcome to attend and hear our students’ presentations! Thank you!!!
2016 St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Topics Junior Division (Grades 7–9)
In the Old Testament we read that there is “a time to keep silence and a time to speak” (Ecclesiastes 3:7). What is
the value of silence and quiet in a time when we are always “plugged in”?
Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish (Matthew 14:13–21). Discuss what this miracle teaches about
our ability to serve humanity.
Discuss how icons play a helpful role in the prayer life of an Orthodox Christian.
Houses of worship and congregations have always been thought of as a sanctuary of peace and serenity. Recently
they have become the vulnerable targets of violent crimes. Discuss the attitude of Orthodox Christians toward this
issue today.
How might Orthodox Christians contribute and support the efforts to eliminate poverty and hunger in the world?
Senior Division (Grades 10–12)
How does gathering as a community of Orthodox Christians to participate in the Divine Liturgy influence your daily life?
In light of Genesis 1:24-27, the sixth day of creation, discuss how all living beings are connected and its impact on
our responsibility for the planet.
How do you respond to people who question your belief in God and participation in the life of the Church?
Discuss how “the arts” (music, painting, sculpture, architecture, and others) can inspire a greater connection between
God and an individual or community.
Human trafficking (i.e., the exploitation and enslavement of women and children) remains a tragedy even today.
We know that all human beings are created by God in His image (Genesis 1:27); therefore, how can we as Orthodox
Christians help these victims and assist in the efforts to eliminate human trafficking?
Food Pantry
Appeal for Donations
The Arlington Food Pantry needs your support. Each month we provide food to 500 Arlington residents--residents
of all ages from all neighborhoods in town. Over the past few years we have seen the need for food increase
significantly as residents regularly decide between paying for food or paying rent. Arlington now ranks 11th in need
for food assistance in Eastern Massachusetts according to the Greater Boston Food Bank.
The Arlington Food Pantry is entirely supported through community donations. Our goal in 2015 is to continue to
provide food to the growing number of residents in need, while increasing the amount and types of food that
residents can receive. To meet the growing demand, the Arlington Food Pantry will open a satellite location in
December at 117 Broadway. The new location will focus on providing mostly fresh and frozen food items and will
also increase the amount of food residents receive each month.
You can help the Arlington Food Pantry meet its goal. Please consider making a financial donation to support the
necessary, good work of the Arlington Food Pantry. Checks, made payable to the Arlington Food Pantry, may be
mailed to 27 Maple St, Arlington, MA 02476.
No child, senior, or family should ever go hungry. Please help us continue to provide nutritious food to our neighbors
in need. We remain truly grateful to you, the Arlington community, for your continued support.
Christine Bongiorno
Director of Health and Human Services
The Arlington Food Pantry now has two locations:
21 Marathon St. (Church of our Saviour)
117 Broadway
Distribution Dates
2nd Tuesday and last Saturday*
1st and 3rd Thursday
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
* The last Saturday distributions in November and December will be moved up a week because of the Holidays.
The Pantry will be open on Saturday, November 21 and December 19.
Residents are able to visit the Marathon location once a month to receive a supply of non-perishable food items.
Residents are able to visit Broadway location multiple times a month for a supply of fresh and frozen food items.
If you have any questions, please call the Department of Health and Human Services at 781-316-3170 or email us
at foodpantry@town.arlington.ma.us.
Food Donations Needed Including:
Oils-Canola, Vegetable or Olive*
 Crackers, Cookies, Baking Mixes
Canned Fruits & Vegetables
 Ramen Noodles*
Peanut Butter & Jelly
 Toiletries* (i.e., soap, shampoo,
Condiments*-Ketchup, Mustard, Mayo,
conditioners, toothpaste,
Salad Dressings
toothbrushes, toilet paper, paper towels,
 Tuna Fish & Canned Meats
tissues etc.)
 Coffee (Decaf, Regular, and Instant)*
 Laundry Detergent*, Dish Soap*, Cleaning
 Tea*
 Pasta Sauces
 Supermarket Giftcards
 Canned Tomatoes and Tomato Sauce
*Indicates a high need item.
Please no glass containers, perishable foods, or outdated food.
February 2016
Strict Fast
1 Little Halos 8:30-3pm
Fast Free......................................
Greek School K1 and K2
4-6pmGreek Dancing for the
children 6-8pm
Adult Rel.Ed.and Bible Study
in Greek 7:15-8:30pm
Adult Grk Dancing 8pm
7 Orthros 8:45am
8 Little Halos 8:30-3pm
Wine/Oil Allowed
D. Liturgy 10-11:30
Ch. School 10
Memorial: +Nicholas Pithis+
14 Orthros 8:45am
D. Liturgy 10-11:30
Ch. School 10
Memorial: +Eleni
21 Orthros 8:45am
D. Liturgy 10-11:30
Ch. School 10
Baptism 2pm Baby
Nico Scali
28 Godchildren-Godperents
Orthros 8:45am
D. Liturgy 10-11:30
Ch. School 10
Memorial: +Andonios
Aggouras+ Pine St. Inn 5pm
Greek School K1 and K2
4-6pmGreek Dancing for the
children 6-8pm
Adult Rel.Ed.and Bible Study
in Greek 7:15-8:30pm
Adult Grk Dancing 8pm
2 The Presentation of our
Lord To the Temple
Ortrhos 8 D. Liturgy 9-10
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 1 and 4
Rel.Ed.&Bible Study in
English 7:15-8:30pm
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 1 and 4
No School
No Bible Study in Greek
22 Little Halos 8:30-3pm
Greek School K1 and K2
4-6pmGreek Dancing for the
children 6-8pm
Adult Rel.Ed.and Bible Study
in Greek 7:15-8:30pm
Adult Grk Dancing 8pm
29 Little Halos 8:30-3pm
Greek School K1 and K2
4-6pmGreek Dancing for the
children 6-8pm
Adult Rel.Ed.and Bible Study
in Greek 7:15-8:30pm
Adult Grk Dancing 8pm
Winter School Break
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 1 and 4
Rel.Ed.&Bible Study in
English 7:15-8:30pm
Little Halos 8:30-3
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 2 and 5
Little Halos 8:30-3
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 3 and 6
Little Halos 8:30-3
Great Vespers 4:30pm
Basketball Practice for
all @ the Ottoson Gym
Little Halos 8:30-3
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 2 and 5
Parish Council Meeting
Little Halos 8:30-3
Winter School Break
Winter School Break
Winter School Break
Wedding 4pm
John Korfias and
Monique Santoni
No Vespers
Little Halos 8:30-3
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 2 and 5
Parish Council Meeting
Little Halos 8:30-3
PTO Little Halos
Pizza Party 1-3pm
Great Vespers 4:30pm
Altar Servers/Acolytes
Fellowship with Fr. Nick
(pizza) 5:30-6:30
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 3 and 6
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 3 and 6
Little Halos 8:30-3
Basketball Practice for
all @ the Ottoson Gym
Great Vespers 4:30pm
HOPE-JOY Event 6pm
Little Halos 8:30-3
Basketball Practice for
all @ the Ottoson Gym
Φεβρουάριος 2016
The Historical & Personal Meaning of the
Icon with the Presentation of Christ in the Temple,
Metropolitan Museum
1400–1500 Byzantine
Wood, painted, with gold ground  Bequest of Lillie P. Bliss, 1931 (31.67.8)
Jesus was brought to the Temple on the 40th Day
On February 2nd, we celebrate the Feast of “Ypapanti,” often translated as the “Presentation”
of our Lord to the Temple, although a more accurate translation would be the “Meeting”
between Jesus and Symeon.
The Gospel reading for the feast, Luke 2:22-40, tells us the story which is the origin of the
holiday. Jesus was taken by His parents to Jerusalem, “to present Him to the Lord.” Once
they arrived at the temple, they were met by Symeon. Symeon was “righteous and devout,”
upon whom was the Holy Spirit. It was revealed to Symeon that “he should not see death
before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.” When he met the baby Jesus, Symeon took Him into
his arms, in accordance with the custom of the Old Testament laws, and blessed Him. Symeon
then said to God: “Lord, now let your servant depart in peace, according to Your word, for
my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a
light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to Your people Israel.” These words are
recited by the priest as he holds the baby at the conclusion of the Orthodox Christian 40-Day
What does this tell us?
But what about this “meeting”? What does it tell us? First, it tells us something of the
Jewish practice of presenting a child to the temple. Jesus was brought, according to the
custom, forty days after His birth to the temple. Based on His example, we in the Orthodox
Church also bring our children to Church for their forty-day blessing. Although it is a brief
service, it is indeed powerful and a wonderful opportunity for parents to express their
thankfulness to God for giving them their child, and thereby dedicating the child back to
This “meeting” of Jesus and Symeon also tells us that Symeon knew of the importance of Jesus,
though we know that not everyone did. Symeon knew that Jesus is indeed our salvation. Not
everyone understands this fact today, even among all who claim to be Christians. When we
present our children to the Church for their 40-day blessing, we have an opportunity to be
reminded of our own need to “meet” with Christ and to be thankful to God for our meeting.
We can meet the Lord
When can we meet with Him? We can meet with the Lord when we are in prayer, when we
serve our “neighbor,” when we practice His commandments, and when we participate in the
sacraments. We have opportunities throughout our day to meet with our Lord; however, we
need to allow the Holy Spirit to inspire us! If we do that, we will find numerous opportunities
to meet Him daily. All too often, as a consequence of our daily concerns, we place our
meetings with the Lord at the bottom of our “to do list” and often fail to finish that list by the
end of the day!
In accordance with the practice of the Orthodox Christian faith, we bring our children to the
Church, to be presented to the Lord, for their own forty-day blessing. We do so out of our
thanksgiving to God. Let us continue that spirit of thanksgiving by meeting with Him
throughout our day and throughout our life. Let us not give Him the mere leftovers of our
time, but the first fruits, that our meeting may prove to be of great importance to us! Let us
keep Him - as we chant in the Hymn of the Feast of His Presentation - as our own “Sun of
Righteousness,” guiding us throughout our day and throughout our life, for He has indeed,
“conferred upon us the Resurrection.”
Fr. Anthony Stratis
News and Announcements
Little Halos
Happy New Year 2016! January was a busy month for the children of the Little Halos Day School. Little
Halos’ curriculum this month included the feasts of St. Basil the Great, St. John the Baptist, Theophania,
and St. Athanasius, our church’s Patron, and talked about the reasons for which the Orthodox Church
has labeled them "Great". We discussed their significance within the Greek Orthodox tradition and
how to recognize their icon. On January 31st, the Feast of the Three Hierarchs, beside celebrating the
Saints Vasilios, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom, we also paid tribute to students and
teachers of all Greek Schools. This day is also the “feast day” for the “Greek Letters” (the day we
congratulate students and teachers on their successes throughout the year), especially for Greek
Orthodox Education. In honor of the Three Hierarchs and Greek Letters Day, Little Halos students
recited a beautiful poem in church after liturgy, and again at the Maliotis Cultural Center later the same
afternoon. Everyone was impressed and touched by the children of our school. It was a long day for
them, so many thanks to the parents and students of the school for their participation.
In addition, we spent time studying the winter weather, how people and animals behave, and where
they spend the winter months. We also explored the life of animals thriving in the coldest climates.
We read lots of interesting books and did experiments to understand how polar animals survive in
such low temperatures in frozen lands. Children enjoyed many hands-on interdisciplinary activities
that enriched their understanding of our themed studies.
**On Thursday, January 28, 2016 Little Halos hosted a parent workshop on “ On Question and
Answer to Parenting Challenges”. This workshop was open to all parents of our school and was
conducted by Little Halos Developmental Consultant Dr. Anastasia Galanopoulos, Ph.D.
Little Halos Preschool has New Flexible Schedule Options 8:30am-12:00noon OR 8:30am-3:00pm
**Registration for the 2016-2017 school year has now begun and there are only few spaces left for
children ages 2.9-4 year old.
For more information and registration materials, please call the school at 781-646-1322 or 781-3549232.
News and Announcements
Now Enrolling
For the 2016/2017 School Year
You are invited to an Open House
March 3 and 4, 2016
at 10:00 – 11:00 am. or to schedule a tour
Come learn more about our exceptional school, visit the Preschool and PreKindergarten classrooms, and meet the teachers.
Children are welcome!
Little Halos Preschool Day School has rolling admissions- we accept applications any
time. The following programs are offered for the year 2016-2017.
For More Information, please contact:
Kaiti Galanopoulos, Director
kaitigalanopoulos@gmail.com * 781-646-1322
Little Halos Greek Bilingual Day School is an Arlington Massachusetts based Preschool that
provides a three-fold program of the Greek Language, Hellenic culture, and Greek Orthodox
Faith, within a developmental framework of play-based learning for children 2.9- 5 year old.
Little Halos is licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care.
Four Appleton Street (corner of Massachusetts Ave.) * Arlington, MA 02476
Tel: 781-646-1233 – Fax: 781-641-4700 * littlehalospreschool@gmail.com
News and Announcements
Dear Goyans,
January has been a very eventful and fun-filled month! We went indoor mini-golfing. It was a great
time and we had a lot of fun! In addition, we hosted our annual GOYA black-light dance!! We had a great
turnout from all other GOYAs, and we want to thank everyone who helped set up and made this night
possible! We want to extend a thank you to Stavros Ioakimidis for DJing! In addition, we also collected
cans for our canned food drive! Also, our annual GOYA ski trip will be the weekend of March 3rd. We
want to remind everyone in GOYA that they are welcomed to join us on this trip. For more information,
contact one of the officers! Looking forward to what next month has in store!
Few 50th Anniversary Albums Remain For Sale!
Only about 40 copies of our parish's Golden Anniversary Album remain available. If you haven't had an
opportunity to obtain one yet, please contact either the Church Office at 781-646-0705 or Album Chairman,
George Makredes at 781-648-0083to reserve one. We are quite pleased as to how this full-color tribute to
our parish has been received by our communicants and supporters. Note: Free mailing is also available for
our long distance friends and out-of-stateformer parishioners.
News and Announcements
P.E.A.C.E. Ministry
What a blessing! On Sunday, January 10th, 2016 the P.E.A.C.E. (Physical and Emotional Abilities and
Challenges Embraced) Ministry celebrated its first adaptive liturgy and it was a great success. Thank you to
all who attended and supported this important ministry.
St. Barbara’s Philoptochos
Go Red for Women is the American Heart Association’s national call to increase
awareness about heart disease, the #1 killer of American women. In women, heart
disease is more deadly than all forms of cancer.
On Philoptochos GO RED SUNDAY February 7th, we are asking you together with
Philoptochos to join the movement and wear red when attending Church service.
It's not just a man's disease. Heart disease and stroke kill 1 in 3 women, yet it's
80% preventable. Help us raise awareness to end this killer of women. Wear Red to
show your support for saving women's lives.
For more information go to: www.goredforwomen.org
On January 3rd we collected $405 through your generous donations for St. Basil’s
Academy. Together with your donations the Philoptochos sent a check in the amount of
$500 to this worth cause. We thank you for your continued support.
Please join us for our next general assembly
Thursday, March 10th at 7:00 p.m.
James Bouboulis Auditorium
The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston has undertaken a mission to assist homeless veterans who
transition to independent living in coordination with the Department of Veterans Affairs, New England
Healthcare System. Give whatever you can! Every donation helps!
The items listed below represent the homeless veterans’ needs list as identified by the homeless
veterans in order to establish their home in the community. Please provide any of the listed items
below in the available bin or to the Parish Office.
NOTE: Monitory contributions or gift cards in lieu of the listed items are also welcome. Monitory
contributions should be given to church office where they will be placed in appropriate envelope
for delivery. The funds will be used by the Metropolis to purchase the items listed for the veterans.
Please make checks payable to: Metropolis Philoptochos of Boston
The High Priority Items listed below complete One Housewarming Basket:
Toilet Brush & Holder
Shower Curtain
Shower Rings
Dish Rack/Tray
Dish Cloth/Towel
Cleaning Sponge(s)
All-Purpose Cleaner
Dish Soap
Bar Soap (pkg of 4)
Liquid Hand Soap
Toilet Paper (pkg of 4)
Paper Towels (pkg of 4)
Bath Towels/Wash Cloths(2ea) Laundry Detergent
Trash Container/Bags
Bathroom Small Trash Container
The Following Are Additional Items Which Are Needed:
2 Sets Plastic Dishware & Cups
1 Set Bed Sheets (Twin)
1 Electric Toaster Oven
2 Bed Blankets (Twin)
1 Twin Size Bed Cover
1 Set of Silverware (for 4)
1 Non-Slip (inside) Shower Mat
1 Set of Cooking Utensils
1 Set of Pots & Pans
1 Cloth (outside) Shower Mat
Coffee Maker
Manual Can Opener
1 Cooking Utensils Container
1 Set of Full Size Bed Sheets 1 Twin Size Bed Pillow
Thank you for your support and generosity!
A few years ago a group of salesmen went to a regional sales convention in Chicago...They had assured
their wives that they would be home in plenty of time for Friday night's dinner. In their rush, with
tickets and briefcases, one of these salesmen inadvertently kicked over a table which held a display of
apples. Apples flew everywhere. Without stopping or looking back, they all managed to reach the plane
in time for their nearly-missed boarding...
ALL BUT ONE!!! He paused, took a deep breath, got in touch with his feelings and experienced a twinge
of compassion for the girl whose apple stand had been overturned.
He told his buddies to go on without him, waved good-bye, told one of them to call his wife when they
arrived at their home destination and explain his taking a later flight. Then he returned to the terminal
where the apples were all over the terminal floor.
He was glad he did. The 16-year-old girl was totally blind! She was softly crying, tears running down
her cheeks in frustration, and at the same time helplessly groping for her spilled produce as the crowd
swirled about her; no one stopping and no one to care for her plight.
The salesman knelt on the floor with her, gathered up the apples, put them back on the table and helped
organize her display. As he did this, he noticed that many of them had become battered and bruised;
these he set aside in another basket.
When he had finished, he pulled out his wallet and said to the girl, "Here, please take this $40 for the
damage we did. Are you okay?" She nodded through her tears. He continued on with, "I hope we didn't
spoil your day too badly."
As the salesman started to walk away, the bewildered blind girl called out to him, "Mister...." He paused
and turned to look back into those blind eyes. She continued, "Are you Jesus?"
He stopped in mid-stride....and he wondered. He gently went back and said, "No, I am nothing like Jesus
- He is good, kind, caring, loving, and would never have bumped into your display in the first place."
The girl gently nodded: "I only asked because I prayed for Jesus to help me gather the apples. He sent
you to help me, so you are like Him - only He knows who will do His will. Thank you for hearing His
call, Mister."
Then slowly he made his way to catch the later flight with that question burning and bouncing about in
his soul: "Are you Jesus?"
Do people mistake you for Jesus?
That's our destiny, is it not? To be so much like Jesus that people cannot tell the difference as we live
and interact with a world that is blind to His love, life and grace.
If we claim to know Him, we should live, walk and act as He would. Knowing Him is more than simply
quoting scripture and going to church. It's actually living the Word as life unfolds day to day.
You are the apple of His eye even though you, too, have been bruised by a fall. He stopped what He was
doing and picked up you and me on a hill called Calvary and paid in full for our damaged fruit.
Sometimes we just take things for granted, when we really need to be sharing what we know....
"Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the
Q.0g \ 1
OIAOOEH rl'A0r1voio
"Av oi g6prupeq rov np6rcov XptqrtqvlKdv
Xp6vrov eivot lxqvoi vd nopotp0vouv tfu16g
vd oyrrlvtmo0v yrd t6v Xptcr6, oi veog6ptu-
T6 yeyov6g oir6 6[totopei 6 e0oyye]rtardg Aouxog m6 re<pdtroro 6', or.22-35'2u'
v66q oopdvto g6peg petd t1 y6vvrloq toO
nqt6to0'lqoo0. I0p<p<ovo p6 16 Mtoooir6 v6po, f1 flop06vog Mopio, dqo0 ougnl'dptooe
16 Xp6vo xo0oprogoO dn6 r6v roxet6, rfiye
peq dno6etxvtiouv 6rL 6ytor pnopo0v vd
undp[ouv o6 xd0e 6no1q xoi, 6no;r6vtog, 6
xord Xptor6v oycilvog np6net vd eivot ou-
vexnq. Mtd r6toto nopo6eryporrxr] veogopruq eivqt xoi 11 ooio Ortro06r1. l-evvq0qre mrlv
'Agrivo 16 1522 on6 crelpo pr1r6po, 14 lupiyn, not npooeupl0qxe o;r6rpqreg Qop6q' yt6
vd rnq Xopioet o Oe6g o0rr1 qv r6pr1. 'O 66 nordpog tqg 6voUq(6rov "Ayyetrog Mnevr(6trog. "Orov { ooio 6yrve 666exo
Xpovdv, oi yoveig rnq g6 rn 6io qv novrpe$ov p6 Svov opret6
nLo0oro civ6po trilv'AOqvrlv.'H (cori rnq rovtd rou fltov goptuprr4, 6r6tt ouvex(iq tr1 lrunoUoe rol rr1 6oo6vt(e.'O Oe6g 616novroq rqv 0nopovtl rr1g, ;rerd rpio 1p6vto, Oepi(et p6 16 6pendvt tou Oqvdtou t6 Bqvouoo o0(uy6 rqg. T6te r:1 ooio, dv xol
66xrrlKe nr6oetg ytd 6eOrepo ydpo, dnoqooi(et xoi ylverot povofl. Tn geydtrq rqq neptouolo 6t60eoe mo0g QrcoXo0g rol ytd
rtlv dnel,eug6poqrl rdv ortroBog6v<ov Xptortovtiv on6 ro0g
To0pxoug. "Eror 6yrve "KopQ(" m6 gdtr rrrlv To0pt<tov, rql 6rov
rorig 660qxe q e0xorp(o, eio68qtrov o16 povoorrlpt rqg roi rrlv
6oupov 6!or.'AQo0 ri Xrirnrloqv dvetr6lto,,npoxd)reoqv t6 06vot6 rqg, orig 19 Oeopouopiou 1589.'O "Aytog Ntx66rlpog o
( _ _oEBloY_APrO>
noO qnoreKupitp rhnOrioetot" xql yrd vd npooQ6pouv 0uoio'
loOvrov dn6 6vq (euydpl tpuy6vro
i"ia .n
repo t6v dv66er[e 6n(oxono Ip0pvqg. It6
rd ro€r]xovrd tou pr6 (flAo ro0opd
dnomotrtr6. 'Avo6e[10qxe d 6tddoxotrog, 6 norrlp, o notpriv, 6
qpoup6g. "Otov dpXroov o[ 6tc,rypol Kord r(Dv lptmtovtlv, 6ni
o0roxpdropo'Avlov(ou fl(ou, 6 dvO0notoq rRq M. 'Ao(og
trog Ko6pdrog, perd on6 povub6rl dnoir4orl ro0 ei6co)\ol,orptxoU 61trou, ouv6lq6e r6v flol,0xopno xql r6v 6t5ro[e vd 6trqoQqprloer 6qp6oro 16 Xpror6.'O y6povtog 6n[oronog ondvtqse: "'Eni 86 Xp6vro T6v 0rqperrD, Xopiq xo06trou vd p6 ddtxtioer. Kq[ nd]S pnopo rdlpo vd Olooqrlp{otrl r6v Bqoil6o rql Ior{po ptou;" 'Ap6ooq r6te, r6v 6pt[ov mr1 Qcorto vq xqel (crrvtov6g. 'Atrtr' f1 Qcotrd r6v dqrlvet dv6yytXro! T6re, Svog drlgtog
r6v lrund U6 16 EiQoS rou ro[ t6v 0qvqr6vet. "Erot mig 23 @e6pouoplou ro0 167, o p6yog o0lnrqq rflg niorrlg teppoti(et-rr1
(torl rou. 116 np6oon6 tou, 666qrq,6Qopp6mqre ntrqp<og o tr6yoq roU OeoU crr4v'Anoxdtrurprl: "Mq66v rlo6o0, 6 p5lAetg no0eiv... Fivou nror6g dlpr 0ov6rou roi btitoo oot r6v or6qovov
r4q (o[q"1. A11lo611, pn Qo8door yt' qr]rd no[ np6rettot vd n66erg. op6vrt(e vd eioor ntor6g p6Xpt Oovdtou xo( 6ycit 0d ooU
6riioo 16 merpdvt rRq qi6vtoq EoRq.
6!o plrpd neptot6pto'
pviJ tt*pnir*os lupedlv, 6no4 06 e(rmopiooupe.o[pto crrn
yevov6g dnore)rei dMq srd on66et['r1 6rr o Kfr6v Mtoooix6 v6I,iri;rno.us Xpror6g 66v firOe v6 xoropy{oer
po,6n<r4 iolupiqovrov oi rlnoxprr6g Ooplooiol xoi Fpopporelq'
ariA uA'tO" oul.rntrrlpriloet, v6 r6v reAetonotrloer' Kotd tqv
olovuxr(o tfl g'Ynonovrqg mrlv Kt'lvmqvttvo0noh4' o[ 6qot)reig ouvrl8r(ov vd nopeuploKovror m6 Nq6 r<iv BLoXepvriv''H
ouvd0eLo or1rr1 e[oxo)tot0qoe p61pt r6troug rrlg 6u(ovrtvflg
d(iropro q0t6, dntre)\oUoe
peto6oorl orirrl, 6610qxe r6v 'lr1oo0 crrrlv oyxotrtd rou
l-evvr104re 60 Xp6vto neplnou petd 16
Xpror6. Ir6v 206 1p6vo rflg ffuxiog rou 6ytve Xprorrov6g. "Oncog ypdQer 6 po0qrrlg tou
Eip4voiog, o flotrOxopnog flrov motrropdvog
p6 pey6lq ocorfpoo0vrl, oOcrrlp6rqro rl9rDv
roi oh6gupl dqooirrlo4 orn 6rdqoxql,(q ro0
Oelou )r6you. Td nporeprlpotd rou o0td xoi
{ yevvoror{.ruXio rou, r6v Exovov no}ri dyon4r6 or6v e0oyyetrrmrl 'ltodvvq, no0 dpy6-
'lofvvou, 6"10.
ytd vd drteLeoOei 11 runrxrg dQt6poon roU
6pdqouq qr6 Oe6 xord 16 "ndv <ipoev 6tovotyov Unrpqv (6nlo6rt npolr6toxo) 6ytov tril
AnO: flOAYKAPflOE 6nioxonog Ipripv4q
1. 'AnoKo^uqrn
o16 No6 rRq'lepouoqlqp po(i p6 r6v'tooqQ'
AnO: TAPAEIOI'Aplrenioxonog Ktov/nolqg
l-evvqOqxe, dvorpdq4xe xoi 6xnot6e0rr1xe
orf v K<ovotqvrtvorSno)\r1 dn6 yoveiq e0oe6elg, ro0 l-etopy(ou, KptroU xo( norptxlou xo(
rflg Eirxporioq.A6Ye rnq peVdlnq poprldroetou, dv66r1xe cr6 d[ito1.to ro0 nporooon-
xpirou. Eriq 25 Aerep6plou roU 784, 6rov Xtlperfe 6 norptoplrx6q 0p6vog fiq Kcov/nol'r1g'
e{eA6yq p6 o0pQcovq YV6pn l\oo0, ouyxl\(rou, xtrtlpou xoi 6ooAe[og, d qn6 rig )t'oix6g
rdEerq Tqpdotog (dto6610qxe t6v norpt6p14
floUtro r6v A'). 'Hrov dv0pc,lnog pt6 noLl\d 6rtqxro npoo6vro
rql geydtro o[icopo.'An6 r{ 06on otrrri, 66er(e peyd\q o0veorl
xoi gerprond0eto. f1p<oroyovlcrrrloe mrlv 7r1 Oiroupevtxti o0vo6o qni Nixoro, irn6p rqg dvom4trolorlg rtlv eix6vtrlv.'Ag nopog6oouUe, 6prcog, ri A5et prero(i dAAtov ytd r6v Topdoto, o ioroptr<6q K. lionopprly6nouAog: "Triv 25q Oe8pouopiou 806 n60ove
6 llorprdplrlq Top6oloq, drlo0 ini 21 lp6vro noipove r{v
'ExxArloio per6 n6or1g gerprono0eioq xoi ouv6oe<og.'O Ilorpr6plqg Top6oroq ouv6npo[e p6v p6 nol0 (r1lo orrlv dvoorri'
loon r6v eix6vtov, dlA6 rlp6vrroe p6 r6v 6po rrlq 74q Oix. Eu'
v66ou, f1 npoox0vqo4 v6 dno66let, 6oo yiverol, rd0e lopoxrl;po trorpeiog doupBi6oor4g o16 dAr10rv6 nveUpo rflq Xplorlq'
vrxfrg nioreog. Oedlpqoe p6v np6nov vd inqvqA66er d'Avorolt'
r{'Exxtr4oio rig ol6oerg rnq p6 r6v dplrep6o rrlg Pdrpqg, dIA6
6oo xoveiq titrAoq dyolviorqxe v6 neplopioet riq d$droetg ro0
dplrep6o otro0. T6Ioq iyxor6lerrpe xoi orirriv rriv Eiprivq'
6rov ei6e iirr dn6 noArrrxflg 16 rpdroq xlv6rlveue.'H or6pr1or1
r6rorou florprdpxn xorer6po{e r6v 6oorA16 Nrx4Q6po xoi
6Aoug iioouq ixrtgoiioov riq gey6Aeq;lprorrovr169 xoi noltrtx6g dper6g ro0 dv6p6g.' 'ErdQrl o6 Movri ro0 Boon6pou, no0
6rrroe o i6toq.
O OEIOE BOYKOAO>'Enioxonog Ip0pv4g
'O Sotog Boux6trog rtpdrqt odv 6 nprilroq
6nioxonog rnS Ep0pvnq, no0 6x1,6104xe roi
dyxoromdOrlre dn6 r6v "AyLo'ltodvv4 16 Oeotr6yo, 6rov o0169 nr1ye ot4v "E<peoo xo(
rrlv 6nrorqolo trlv'Exxl,qotrlv rflg Mtxpog'Ao(og. Ertl dtorovlo tou ourr1, o (qtror
t4g orirr6g iepdpXrlg, un4p6rqoe p6 5I4 rrlv
eirouve16rlo[o, rq Oepprdtqro roi rqv o0rondpv4oq rriv dproix<ilv xol poprupLxrlv 6xe[eiXe
1p6vrov. 'Ynqp[e npoyporrx6g nor6pog
np6g ro0g xprmrovo0g rou roi crrr] 6t6ooxotrlq xql ornv 0nep6onror1 roug, orov xtv60veuqv on6 to0g eX0po0g toO E0oyye)r(ou. f1p6g 66 ro ei6co)roAorptrd ntrriO4, oupnept<pep6rov p6
Oouudorq o0veorl roi dydrq, npoo6Xovrog g6v vd pr1 to epe0i(er, oMd rol npoonoOtilvrog 96 6]rq tou r4v t6p4, vd 6trr0et
noNto0g dn' orjro0g m4 XprorrovLr4 nlmr1. Oi np6q rtpqv tou
6xrtrqoroortxoi iipvor rovi(ouv t4v eifuxptvI niorrl rou, r{v
dvun6xprr4 dy6nr1 rou, rrlv xo0op6rrlro ro0 voO rou xoi 16
rjrloq rrls roneivooqg rou. Oeopo0v pdl,tcno 6tt o dytog Bou16l,o9 tn66er(e 6td6o16 rou r6v iep6 FloI0xopno.
n6Luoe 6Lcrlyp6 xqrd t(iv Xptorrovriv, o 6nqpxoq AouxLov6g 6eepe pnpoord rou 16
Xopdl,<ipno xol t6v dne[.l,4oe 6rt 0d r6v 6oodvr(e noA0 or<trr1pd, yrd vd dpvqOel 16 Xpro16. 'O y6povrog iep6oq loproy6l,ooe xoi
ondvrrloe: "'Epeig oi lprorrovoi, eipoore 6forxetop6vor p6 ro0g dy6veq xoi ro0g noA5poug, <intog oi yevvoiol
orporrdrreq 66v 6nr0upo0v 16v rioulo gdvqro o16 xpe66rr,
dlAd r6v 6oloop6vo r4q F6X4q.16 p6vo 0n6p1ouv 16 y4porer6, dAAd v6 pdOere xqA6 6rr oro0g 6lxo0g pog dyroveg 16 ndv
eivor I UuXi, rl dnoQoororrx6r4ro, r1 o0ronripvqo4. A016 6ev
n6Qrouv p6 rriv {Arxio, dA16 p6vouv n6vrore dvO4pd xoi v6o.
'Apqr8dAlerg, dnop;1e; Aoxipooe. Koi 0d 6eig 6rr p6 r{
16pq rou
Kupiou pou'lqoo0 Xproro0 0d xoupoo0o0v 6Aor oi dx;roior 6{;rroi oou , Xopiq 6 iep6og Xopdtropnog vd (4r{oer rriv 6nreirer6
oou".'Exveupropr6vog dn6 rd L6yro oOrd o Enop1og, 6rord(et
xol r6v yd6pvouv (ovrov6. 40169, 5;ro4, dvri vd onopd(er dn6
r6v n6vo, 6o[otroyo0oe 16 @e6 yrd qv ovro14 no0 ro0 i6rve.
T6re nohl,o[ 6dpror, no0 6BAenov or]16 16 0o0po, nioreqiqv qr6
Xptcrr6. OoBropr6vog o Snoplog t6v dqqoe dtre0Oepo.'Apy6repo o i6roq o Ee6qpog, pq gnopcilvrog vd rd Bydler n6po po(i
rou, r6v dnoreOdtrtoe o6 nLrxio 113 6rrirv.
crr6 on(rq rov Qroxdtv doOevrilv, no0 Oepdneue xo( Qp6vtt(e 96
xd0e rp6no. IuyXp6vtog optog, petretorloe qdrqKono Kql rnv
'Aviq l-poQi. "Ohq rou q xotrrl 6pyooio 6qepe r6v Bhdoro orig
6v€pc,rno rl dlq0tvq oorpio. Koi 6 BAdotog 16 66erle. Triv
r6[erg ro0 xtr{pou Kq[ r6v dv66et{e 6nioxono Ee6oore(og. 'An6
m e6on o0u], Xpqotponotel nsptoo6tepo r{v 6ntcrrnpn rou Yld
rn 66Eq roU O€o0, p6 6pyo xql 6t6qoxqtriq' Tetrtrd, Bqoqvi(erqt
ortrqpd dn6 r6v 6nop1o'Ayprx6)ro rol dnoxeQo]rl(etot. Iuv60qoe, 6rot, mr1 (cor1 tou opllovtx6toro, nlmq rol 6nrmr1pq.
1 .
'Emmotrq 'lordr6ou, Y' 13.
pc,lv, ;rr1 oLoug ro0g ovoptilnoug Tou oflrTro0
rou, eiXp npooril0er o16 Xprorrovto1r6 xol
frtov mopyrxdrorog oro0g 6orjLouq rou. 'O
'Ovrlorprog ogr,lg, r10el,e vd ndeL mri pcbUn,
vd xdver 6ncog ro0 cipeoe 11 (o4 rou. KoroXpdrol, AoLn6v, 16v x0p16 rou, 6forxovoger-
rd vorllq xoi 6ponere6er. 'ExeI orq p6grl
dtrr1reue, 6pyooio 66v 56pLoxe, oUre oropyrj
ro( 6or10ero dn6 nouOevd. T6v r<qr6l,q6e peydtr4 crrevoXtirpLo. T[
vd iixove; Oup40r1xe r6re, dn6 16 onlrr roU xuplou rou, ro0g
lprcrLovo0g, no0 flrov erl,avOp<onor. I-lL4oLd(er rr1 polpoixrl 1prmrovrxq rorv6r4ro, xol npdyporr f1 6o110ero no0 no(pver flrov
peydLq. luylp6vog pro0olvet 6rr orrl p<il;rr1 eivor tn66rxog o
'An. l-1o0l,og. T6v yvrilproe 6rov eiXe
ed,o[ev4Oei o16 on[rL roU
xuplou rou.'O'Ov4oLgoq, ov rql ei6o^,oLdrpr1g, eile 6vrunootqooei qn6 rnv qUuxn ro0 prr<p6o<oprou 6re(vou Xprorrovo0. Tdrpo no0 cirouoe orr eivqr qrn p6Un, vor60er rr.lv enr0u;rio vd r6v
6eI rqi qioOdverqr prd ouvropoxrrx4 6otoreprrrl pero6ol,4 cr6v
6our6 tou. To0 ouv66r1 q0r6 no0 dvoeriper o 0e6nveuorog Lgyoq rRq'Ayioq TpqQRg, "dyevriO4 dn' orire nve0po OeoU,r.
o' o0r6v nve0pq Oeo0. 'O 'OvrloLpog 6riv
dQ{ver 14v e0xoLplo ovexgerd},.Leurr1. Iuvovrder r6v flq0^,o
xol oir6g ro0 Q6perqr 16oo oropyrrd xo[ norptxd, dime o'OvrjoLpoq 61r ;r6vo y(vetor 0epp6g lpLorrovdg, otrtrq xq( odv qn6orotrog rqq qyiqq nloreog Aopr6dver popruprx6 Odvoro. (l-vtomq 6ri6oro eivoL r'1 6nrmpoe4 rou or6v x0pto roU Or.lrlpovo no0
ovo<p6perot or{v np6q Ot},4povo 6nroroA4 1-22toO dn. flq0Ar1tro6r1, 6nveuoe
'Hrqv 6oUl,oq o16 onltr rorl nLouoiou eil,ri1.rovo, ord 1p6vLo ro0 'An. flo0Aou.'O Orlri-
'O "Ayrog o0169 6(1oe r6v 4o oitirvo' Eno66ooe rrlv iorprxrl ro[ o[ yvcloetg not nqpe dn'
q0rn ouver6treoov vd 6vto1ugel 11 nlorrl tou'
Ar6rr mri getr6rq ro0 dv8potnivou odrgotog,
ro0 Oquu6otou orlroU (<ovtovoU dpyovtogo0,
vog Kq[ ooQ6q cr6 puo]ro. "Optlg o016 66 Q0dvet, xol pcotdet 6
0e6nveuaroq )r6yog t4g'Ayioq l-poQrlg: "Tiq ooQ6q xoi dnror{'
urov 6v 0piv; 6er[drto 6x rflg xotrftg dvoorpoQflq 16 6pyo o0ro0
iv npoUrqrr ooqioq"1. AqAo6rl, not6g dn6 odq eivor ooQ6g xoi
"Onorog eivot, dg 16 6el[et 6Xt p6 tr6yto, q].Ad U6 td
6pyo rrlg xotrflg rou (toflg xoi p6 npo6rqto, no0 6[vst or6v
AnOt ONH:lMOf 6'An6oroAog
AflO> BAA:lO: inioronoq Ee6ooreioq
66lene ovop[0pr1ro rol xotontrrlxrtrd 6eiyUorcr ooQlqq. Od frrov nopoqpoo0vq vd rd
qno66oet qrnv r0xn. "Otro qt,rd uoprupouv
r6v nqvto6tvogo xoI ndvoo<po Arlprtoupy6.
o Btrdoroq, l,otn6v, flrov dptorog dntorrlpo-
'Hrov lep6og crrrl Moyv4oio rqg M. 'Aoiqq.
'H (tor1 rou flrov ;rLd ouvel4g 0rqpeoio deooiolorlg m6 Xptm6 r<oi dydnqg np6g r6v nl,r1o[ov. "Otqv 16'l98 6lemlprog fe6rlpog e(o-
A' Bqorler(lv. l0' 23.
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Ver. 01-2016
FOOD FOR THOUGHT
Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. — George S. Patton
"Friendship is born at that moment when on person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one. ~C.S. Lewis
There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still. — Franklin D. Roosevelt
The sweetest of all sounds is praise. — Xenophon
"When you are kind to someone, you hope they'll remember and be kind to someone else and it will become like wildfire."~ Whoopi
"Attitudes are more important than facts." ~ George MacDonald
Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting. — William Arthur Ward
"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life... as by the obstacles which he has overcome
while trying to succeed." ~ Booker T. Washington
"Every charitable act is a stepping stone toward heaven." ~ Henry Ward Beecher
"The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and
receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises." ~ Leo Buscaglia
They can conquer who believe they can. — Virgil
"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get back up." ~Vince Lombardi
"Humor is our way of defending ourselves from life's absurdities by thinking absurdly about them." ~Lewis Mumford
Volume Twenty-Seven, Number Six, February 2016