From Ancilla to Mexico: Making Connections


From Ancilla to Mexico: Making Connections
The magazine of Ancilla College
In this issue: Campus News 2 :: Annual Report 12 :: Giving to Ancilla 10 :: Ancilla and Rome 6
From Ancilla to Mexico:
Making Connections
Fall 2013
A Message from President Ronald L. May
Greetings from Ancilla College! Let
me begin by thanking each of you for
your continued support of Ancilla
and the students who attend. Without
your very generous support it would
be nearly impossible to sustain the
efforts made by our faculty and staff
to transform the lives of our students.
Foundation, Northern Indiana Community Foundation,
Community Foundation of St. Joseph County and the Kosciusko
County Community Foundation. We are grateful that individuals,
corporations and foundations have set aside such funds to benefit
Ancilla and its students.
The average scholarship or grant made to Ancilla students totals
$3,000 per year. At the endowment pay out rate currently used by
the Board of Trustees, such a grant requires $75,000 in endowment.
That is not an insignificant amount of money for most of us.
During the current budget year we
have allocated $1.2 million to support Nonetheless, if we are to continue to provide the support needed
to serve the students we are called to serve, that is the kind of
the merit scholarship program, the
number we have to keep in mind.
need based grant program and our
athletic grant program. More than
Ancilla is changing student lives, one student at a time. You can
80 percent of the students attending
help us fulfill that by continuing your generous annual financial
Ancilla receive aid from one or more of those three programs.
support. Whatever level of gift you can provide helps us reach the
More than 40 percent of the students attending the college come
total amount needed each year. You can help us by talking with
from families who cannot provide financial support for that
me, with Todd Zeltwanger, with Tom Sibal or with a member
of our Board of Trustees about creating a named and endowed
fund in the permanent endowment at the college. If you prefer,
How is the college able to provide such financial support to its
we would be willing to discuss with you the creation of a similar
students? First, we draw income from our meager endowment.
fund in the community foundation near where you live. Just let us
Second, in each of the last seven years the Poor Handmaids of
Jesus Christ have made a generous donation to our operating fund. know.
Most of that is used to provide need based financial aid. Third, we
Thank you again for your generous financial support of Ancilla
receive gifts from you. Income and gifts from those three sources
enable the college to provide the $1.2 million in financial aid to our College! You are changing the lives of our students!
Currently the Board of Trustees uses a four percent payout rate
on our endowed assets to support the operating budget. Not all
our endowment is set aside to support scholarships and grants.
Some funds within the endowment are set aside for programmatic
support, in accordance with the wishes of the donor who created
the fund. In addition to the funds held within the college’s
endowment, area community foundations also hold funds that
generate income to support Ancilla scholarships and programs.
Such funds are currently held by the Marshall County Community
Ancilla College Accent
Ancilla College
P.O. Box 1
Donaldson, IN 46513-0001
visit us online at
Ancilla College is part of
The Center at Donaldson.
Board of Trustees
Sr. Deanne Blume, PHJC
Mr. Randall Danielson
Sr. Judith Diltz, PHJC
Sr. Michele Dvorak, PHJC
Mr. Francis Ellert, Chair
Mrs. Virginia Gibson
Managing Editor: Todd Zeltwanger
Design: Carrie Shelhart
Contributors: Chelsea Chalk, Tom Sibal,
Sarah Cawthon, MaryAnn Rush, Eric Wignall
Contributing Photographers:
Carrie Shelhart, Sarah Cawthon, Ancilla
Sr. Nora Hahn, PHJC
Sr. Margaret Anne Henss, PHJC
Mr. Ryan Jessen
Mr. Jack Jordan
Mrs. Patricia Kitch
Sr. Marlene Ann Lama, PHJC
Mrs. Suzanne Light
Dr. Ronald May, Ex Officio
Ancilla College Accent is published twice a
year by the Ancilla College Office of Institutional Advancement. Every effort has been
made to ensure its accuracy and completeness.
Send address changes to:
Ancilla College
Institutional Advancement
P.O. Box 1
Donaldson, IN 46513-0001
Mrs. Amanda Morris-Feldman
Sr. Agatha Niebrugge, PHJC, Emeritus
Ms. Jessica Oliver
Sr. Mary Jo Shingler, PHJC
Mr. Thomas Teghtmeyer
Mr. James Hardesty, Emeritus
In This Issue
Connections 4
Connections 4
Ancilla Alumna, Sarah Cawthon spent her
summer with a PHJC ministry in Mexico.
Ancilla and Rome 6
Dr. May traveled to Rome to learn more
about Catholic Education.
Campus News
Athletic News
Alumni News
Financial Statement
Honor Roll of Donors 13
Endowed Funds
Giving to Ancilla 10
Your gift to Ancilla makes a difference in
students’ lives.
Fall 2013 :: 1
Campus News
Sr. Dr. Judith Diltz is now the Provincial of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. We are sad to see Sr. Judith
leave after many years of service to Ancilla as an associate professor, but know that she will provide excellent
leadership to the ministries of The Center at Donaldson.
Welcome Week
Ancilla hosted a fall Welcome Week for students, faculty, and
staff. The event took place September 10-12 at the college.
More than 400 students, faculty, and staff enjoyed games, free
food, and prize drawings. Information tables about student
activities, local vendors, and more were available for attendees to peruse.
“We’re really excited about the new school year. We had a
great turnout and students were able to connect again, or
for the first time, after the summer break,” said Eric Wignall,
Executive Director of Admissions.
2 :: Ancilla College Accent
With a
Look at
Sister Cathy
PHJC, was the
featured presenter for the Ancilla College Lampen
Lecture series Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2013
Sr. Cathy has been a student of iconography for 15
years and received her master’s degree in pastoral
studies. She met with students, faculty, staff, and
members of the PHJC community to discuss icons,
which are religious images famous in the Orthodox
and Eastern churches. The following question
was posed, “Why do we call the symbols on our
computer screen icons when religious images
honored by the Orthodox Church for centuries were
called icons?”
“Sister Cathy told us that icons point beyond
ourselves. Computer icons point to functions;
religious icons point to religious stories. Religious
icons came into being to tell religious stories
during the time when many people could not
read or write,” explained Sister Carleen Wrasman,
Coordinator of Mission Integration at Ancilla
The Lampen Lecture Series was designed to
combine the universality of the Catholic Church,
the international character of the Poor Handmaids
of Jesus Christ, who sponsor Ancilla College, and
the Earth Charter to promote thinking beyond one’s
own experiences and interests.
Student Government Participates in
Leadership Conference
Ancilla’s Student Government Association
president, vice-president, and faculty advisor
attended the 35th annual National Leadership
Conference on Student Government in St.
Louis, MO from October 3-6.
Amanda Amstutz, student body president,
Desiree Narkawicz, student body VicePresident, and Jill Neidlinger, Faculty advisor
spent four days interacting with students and
faculty from around the country.
“This was an amazing experience for the
Ancilla College SGA board members. I
am so proud of how enthusiastically they
approached this conference and ‘soaked up’ all
of the energy from the other devoted Student
members. I
received many
compliments on
how professional
Amanda and
Desiree were as
well as how their
questions were
both challenging Desiree Narkawicz, Jill Neidlinger,Amanda Amstutz
and thoughtprovoking. They definitely contributed in a
positive way to the event,“ said Jill Neidlinger,
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and
Developmental Studies and SGA advisor at
Ancilla College.
Amstutz commented, “I learned a lot from
the conference overall, and was inspired to
be around so many student leaders as well as
such qualified speakers. Overall, it was a great
Ancilla College President Dr. Ron May, will be the
featured guest at October’s lecture to discuss his trip
to Rome over the summer.
Fall 2013 :: 3
Making Connections
ou step on a plane to fly more than 2000 miles from home to a country where you don’t speak the
language. You land at the airport in Querétaro at 10 p.m., where two PHJC Sisters drive you more
than an hour to a remote village. Sound crazy? Maybe to you or me, but not to Ancilla alumna Sarah
Cawthon 12’.
Sarah is part of IU-Bloomington’s individualized major program. She has created her own multidisciplinary major
focusing on journalism and latino studies. What better way for a Latino studies major to spend her summer than
volunteering for 18 days in Querétaro, Mexico? Sarah couldn’t think of any, “I was there to absorb the Mexican
culture, learn Spanish and document my experience through photography. My trip was a chance to volunteer and
gain a better understanding for my Latino studies major.”
Sarah combined her connection
and love of Ancilla College with
her passion at IU. She linked
up with PHJC sisters, including
Sr. Mary Jane, to travel to San
Ildefonso, Mexico. San Ildefonso
is a small village of Otomi, an
indigenous people to Central
Mexico, about 12 miles outside the
town of Amealco. And she was not
alone. Sarah volunteered alongside
three other Americans and 12
university students from Mexico.
Her American counterparts
included a married couple from
Texas and a man from Alaska. Sr.
Mary Jane divided the volunteers
into pairs, and each pair worked
with a certain grade level in the
local summer camp.
Sarah Cawthon, a junior at Indiana University and alumna
of Ancilla College ’12, stands at the base of a waterfall in
Querétaro, Mexico, after hiking with fellow volunteers.
4 :: Ancilla College Accent
Sarah and her partner were
assigned to work with the
kindergarten-aged children at the
summer camp. She hoped to make
the two weeks fun for the children
and so as a Phi Theta Kappa
alumna, Sarah brought four soccer
balls donated by PTK to give to
the children of San Ildefonso. She also hoped to expand her Spanish vocabulary while she was there, but what she
experienced went beyond any vocab lesson.
“When I first began working with the kindergarteners, I was very nervous and most of the children were skeptical
of me. For many, I was the first person they had ever encountered who did not speak Spanish,” said Sarah. It
could also have been her blond hair and blue eyes that gave the children a heads up. However, reading Yorgua la
Tortuga (Yertle the Turtle), a Dr. Seuss book, to 3-year-old Diego was all it took to break the ice. He soon sought
Sarah out as a soccer buddy during recess. Sarah encouraged 5-year old Rogelio to play during recess as well.
She explained, “Otomi parents do not often play with their children, so most grow up not knowing how to play. I
would see Rogelio sitting on the sidewalk instead of playing soccer with his classmates. So I grabbed one of the
soccer balls Phi Theta Kappa had donated and kicked the ball towards Rogelio. Not wanting to be rude, Rogelio
would politely kick the ball back to me and sit back down. After a few times of kicking the ball, Rogelio started to
smile and continued to stand as he waited for the ball to be passed his way again.”
The soccer balls were such a hit that Sarah gave one to each of the four boys she worked with: Diego, Rogelio,
Eluney, and David. Rogelio was particularly grateful, approaching Sarah in town after camp had ended to give her
a huge hug with a smile on his face. It was
moments like these that made Sarah’s trip.
Sarah returned home and is now back at IU
continuing her studies.
Fall 2013 :: 5
Ancilla and Rome
It was an honor for me to participate as a member of the 2013 Association of Catholic Colleges
& Universities (ACCU) Rome Seminar. I was asked to participate in February 2013 and after
discussions with the leadership of the Ancilla College Board of Trustees I agreed to do so. The
Rome Seminar has been an official activity of ACCU for the past nine years. Its purpose is to foster
ongoing dialogue between leaders from American Catholic colleges and universities and various
Congregations and Pontifical Councils in the Vatican. Greater understanding and cooperation
between the Vatican and U.S. Catholic higher education institutions is among the desired outcomes.
Our delegation met with Vatican representatives from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian
Unity, the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life & Societies of Apostolic Life, the
Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, the Congregation for Catholic Education, the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Pontifical Council for Culture, the Pontifical Council for
Interreligious Dialogue, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
and the Prefect of the Vatican Library. In addition, we met with the British & Canadian Ambassadors
to the Holy See, as well as representatives of the Jesuit Curia, and several Catholic colleges and
universities in Rome. It was a busy schedule of discussions and dialogue spread over four days.
Our delegation and spouses also had an audience with Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square. We
celebrated Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica in a small chapel across from the sepulcher of St. Peter. We
were able, during an afternoon of free time, to visit the Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel.
The discussions with various Vatican officials and other members of the delegation helped me gain a
more global understanding of how little Ancilla College, in rural northern Indiana, contributes to the
overall mission of Catholic higher education. Catholic colleges, universities and schools are literally
in every part of the world. The discussions helped reinforce my commitment to serving students at
Ancilla College who come from underserved
populations. The role we play in transforming
the lives of those students truly does help
change the world.
Subsequent to our time in Rome, my wife,
Joan, and I began a leisurely move toward a
meeting in Dernbach with General Leadership
of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. It took
us a few days to get there, but we made it and
we were warmly greeted by Sr. Jolise and Sr.
Christiana. We also met over meals with other
members of General Leadership over the
course of a two day visit. We learned much
about the history of the Poor Handmaids from
their origins to the present day. We were able
to see firsthand how a small group of women
religious, in a small village in Germany could
eventually grow to serve countless people on
multiple continents in healthcare, education, eldercare, social services and many other ways. The
experience in Dernbach helped me connect what we are trying to do at Ancilla College each day
to strengthen that mission. I was reinforced in my efforts to respect and value each person served
by Ancilla. I was challenged to stand with the poor and powerless in the search for justice. I was
reminded, once again, to use the talents and gifts with which I have been blessed to serve others.
Let me close by again saying the visits to Rome and Dernbach were impactful. Each part of the visits
gave me new insights into the importance of what we do here in Donaldson.
6 :: Ancilla College Accent
Athletic News
The fall athletic
teams are off to
a great start. Stay
up to date on all
Charger Athletics at
Rush and Hall Join the Charger Athletic Staff
MaryAnn Rush joined the Charger staff as Assistant Sports Information Director/Assistant
to the Athletic Director and Head Cheerleading Coach. Rush brings with her six years of
experience working in athletics and the health care industry. She has
five years of experience cheering at Division I and II universities.
Rush holds a master’s degree in exercise science and is currently
pursuing a doctorate degree in education/athletic administration.
The Athletic Department announces the hiring of Adam Hall as the
fourth head coach in the history of the men’s soccer program.
Coach Hall has lived in the South Bend area since 2011 where he
had been working with the Mishawaka High School soccer team as
assistant boys’ coach and the Junior Irish Soccer Club as Technical
Director. Prior to that, he had been completing his master’s degree at Wesley College in Dover,
DE, serving as assistant soccer coach there from 2008-2011.
Fall 2013 :: 7
Alumni News
Dorothy Weber, was named
Volunteer Of The Year for 2013
by Marquette Auxiliary Getting
Involved Creatively or MAGIC in
Norma Wiseman-Hancock, is
retired and has been selling Avon
for 42 years in Naples, FL.
Sharron Dettmer, is a sociology
instructor at Casnvia College in
Syracuse, NY.
Keith Ecker AC, is the principal at
Hamilton Heights Primary School
in Arcadia, IN.
Valna (Morris) Stettler AC, is an
elementary teacher for Plymouth
Community Schools in Plymouth,
Thomas Goerz AC, works in the
research lab at Thermal Physical
Properties Research Laboratory in
West Lafayette, IN.
John Stube AC, is a housing
engineer for the city of Chicago.
Therese Schmeltz, is a sales
manager for Lock Joint Tube in
South Bend, IN.
Dannette (Schultz) Fields AC, is
a project manager for Sprint in
Stillwell, KS.
Cheryl (Cole) Avery AC, is an
insurance agent in Wakarusa, IN.
Deborah Martin, is the owner
of the Ace Hardware store in
Caledonia, MI.
Veda Smith, is a computer
analyst at Methodist Hospital in
Merrillville, IN.
Gwen Calvert, was named the
director of the Maria Center at
the Center for Donaldson in
Donaldson, IN.
Helene (Lenz) Banina AC, teaches
history and English at Maconaquah
High School in Bunker Hill, IN.
Bryan LaFree, is a field supervisor
for Ritschard Brothers in South
Bend, IN.
James O. Wells, is a lawyer in
Rochester, IN, and runs his own
John Drennon AC, is an English
teacher at Pendleton Heights
High School in Anderson, IN.
David Bacon, is the chief of police
in Plymouth, IN.
8 :: Ancilla College Accent
Valerie Schafer AC, is an artist and
sculptor in Plymouth, IN.
Angela Loehmer AC, is an
occupational therapist for Theracare
in Culver, IN.
Edward Houlihan AC, oversees
approximately 200 attorneys as
the office manager at a law firm in
Chicago, IL.
Jill (Foley) Janda, is a credit
counselor at Financial Hope in
Warsaw, IN.
Patricia Rhoads, works in inventory
control at Bay Valley Foods in
Plymouth, IN.
Theresa (Craig) Hartzel, is a dietary
manager at Woodlan Manor in
Elkhart, IN.
Christopher Spier, is a maintenance
tech for the Bradley Company in
South Bend, IN.
Paula Trethewy, is a logistics
coordinator at Zentis in Plymouth,
Diana (Clemons) Gudeman AC, is
a sales executive for WKVI radio in
Knox, IN.
Thadd Mellott AC, is the president
of Circle M Spring in Warsaw, IN.
Paul Calhoun, is a nurse at
Kosciusko Community Hospital in
Warsaw, IN.
Evelyn Einspahr-Brakel AC ‘77,
passed away April 7, 2013.
Ralph E. Burkholder ‘10, passed
away July 10, 2013
RoseAnn Kwak, is a dental
hygienist in LaPorte, IN.
Bradley Brady AC, is a process
engineer for Pregis in Plymouth,
Lorna Ladd AC, is an
administrator for Century Link in
Winona Lake, IN.
Alcia Collins AC, is the office
manager for American Oak East in
North Judson, IN.
Lawrence Kriss AC, works at WalMart in Plymouth, IN.
Patrica LaMunion, is a nurse at
Healthwin in Mishawaka, IN.
Angela (Trusty) Eskridge AC, is a
nurse at Winter Song Home Village
in Knox, IN.
Manuel Amezquita AC, is a
corrections officer in Logansport,
Note: (AC)
Ancilla College Graduate
Fall 2013 :: 9
Daniel Seago, a double
major in business
administration and logistics
from North Judson, IN lives
out Ancilla’s mission to
achieve high academic goals.
Daniel never thought that
he would even complete a
degree at Ancilla, but with
the help of devoted faculty,
has been on the dean’s list
every semester. He will
graduate in 2014 and plans
to open his own restaurant.
Like Daniel, many students
come to Ancilla in need
of financial assistance.
Gifts to the Ancilla Fund
allow 82 percent of our
student body to receive
scholarships and aid.
Thank you for your
investment in Ancilla
College students.
The Ancilla Fund empowers
students to achieve high goals.
10 :: Ancilla College Accent
Giving opportunities at Ancilla College
There are a number of ways for you to provide financial support to Ancilla College, Indiana’s only private two-year, Catholic
college sponsored by the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ and part of The Center at Donaldson. With the College providing
more than $1 million in need based grants and scholarships each year to its students, the need for gifts from generous
donors is great. Please review the various categories below and consider how you might like to get involved as we work
together to help change lives:
Ancilla Fund- Gifts to the Ancilla Fund enable the college to provide much needed financial aid in the form of
scholarships and tuition assistance for the students who enroll at Ancilla. Ancilla Fund income is an important component
of each year’s operating budget allowing the college to not only provide financial aid, but also technology and classroom
upgrades, professional development, and student support services.
Endowment- A critical long-term funding priority for the College is the establishment of an endowment fund program
that will enable the College to operate with a degree of financial security for the future. As of June 30, 2013, the total market
value of the existing 15 endowed funds is slightly more than $4 million. In order for the College to continue its current
practice of providing $1.2 million in need-based financial aid on an annual basis to its students, the endowed funds total
needs to get to $30 million. A minimum of $25,000 is required to establish a named scholarship fund. Gifts can also be made
to any of the 15 existing funds. To view a listing of the existing funds, please go to: In addition, gifts can be made to Ancilla-related endowment funds
held at area Community Foundations in Kosciusko, Marshall, Starke and St. Joseph counties.
Programmatic- Needs exist for each of the 18 degree programs currently offered at Ancilla. From endowed chairs and
professorships to technology and resource enhancements, your investment in a specific academic program will provide the
financial backing it needs to stay competitive in today’s ever-changing workplace environment. To check out the current
offering of degree programs, go to:
Athletics- The College offers students an opportunity to continue their athletic careers by providing a number of team
sport options. As members of the National Junior College Athletic Association and the Michigan Community College
Athletic Association, women’s basketball, softball and volleyball and men’s basketball, baseball, soccer, and golf are all
available at Ancilla. Cheerleading is also offered as a club sport for both men and women. Your gifts of support will help to
provide athletic scholarships, facility upkeep and improvements, uniforms, equipment, and travel support. In addition, field
and facility naming opportunities are available. The goal for an athletic endowment fund is $6 million in order to provide
the current level of athletic scholarships totaling $240,000 per year.
Residential and Student Life Facilities- In order for Ancilla to increase its student enrollment, residential
and student life facilities are needed. If student housing was available today, the admissions staff could be recruiting
students from Catholic and other high schools from points outside the current 40 to 50 mile radius. As we evaluate a
variety of proposals for residential and student life facilities, we would be able to keep our student room and board fees at
reasonable and competitive rates if we could raise the approximately $5 million for a student commons building, as opposed
to borrowing that money. Naming opportunities for the residential and student life facilities are available.
All of us here at Ancilla College hope we can count on your financial support in one or more of the areas described above.
In addition to gifts of cash or stock, planned gifts, no matter the size, have the power to impact Ancilla for generations to
come. To request a planned giving brochure, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement by phone at
1-866-ANCILLA or by e-mail at Thank you for your consideration of a gift to help our students
realize their dream of a college education and for helping to change lives.
Fall 2013 :: 11
Annual Report
Ancilla College Statement of
Revenue and Expenditures
Fiscal Report for year ending June 30, 2013 (audited).
Gross student tuition and fees
Less: scholarships and financial aid
Net tuition and fees
Government grants
Investment Income
Net unrealized and realized gains on investments
Auxiliary Enterprises
Other Income
Total Revenues
Student Services $2,193,686
Auxiliary Enterprises
Institutional Support
Academic Support
Total Expenditures
Change in Net Assets for year ending June 30, 2013
12 :: Ancilla College Accent
Honor Roll of Donors
The following donors, alumni, parents, friends, corporations, foundations, religious organizations, and other organizations have made a
significant difference through their gifts to help us provide a quality educational experience for our students. You are part of the blessings
that we count in the fiscal year 2012-2013. Contributions made July 1, 2012- June 30, 2013.
Lampen Society
Ancilla College invites all who support the College to join the circle of Lampen Society members, which is named in honor of Ancilla’s
founding president, Sister Joel Lampen, PHJC, Ed.D. The Lampen Society is available for those donors making gifts of $1,000 and above.
President’s Circle $10,000.00 +
1st Source Foundation
Family of Clifford and Lorriane Adams
Ancilla Domini Sisters
Ancilla Systems Incorporated
Carol Bowen
Dr. Otis R. and Carol Bowen
Cedar Point
Dave and Ginny Gibson
Gibson Foundation, Inc.
James Hardesty
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Lynch Properties Inc.
Ronald and Joan May
Dorothy Weber (‘62)
Founder’s Circle $5,000.00 +
Ancilla College Fund of the Community Fnd. of St. Joseph Co.
Richard and Suzanne Belcher
Independent Colleges of Indiana Fnd.
Jack and Hope Jordan
N.I.C.F./Ancilla College Fund
Provincial Circle $2,500.00 +
Ancilla Alumni Association
Ancilla Mission Club
Randall (‘77) and Eleanor Danielson
First Federal Savings Bank
Johnson - Danielson Funeral Home
Koch Bomarko Founders Scholarship Trust IUA
N.C.F./ Dr. Thomas and Elaine Browne Charitable Fund
Oliver Ford Sales, Inc.
Jack and Jana Oliver
Councilor’s Circle $1,000.00 +
Ruth Ann Bales
Beacon Credit Union
Ronald and Margaret (‘70) Bissonette
Harold Cogburn and Dr. Joanna Blount
Bottorff Chiropractic Clinic
Dr. John Bottorff, Sr.
John J. Chandler
Christo’s Banquet Center
Don and Margaret Crews
Culver Storage
Loren and Gloria Daily
Jennifer M. Davis
Edward Jones Investments
Edith B. Enos
Farm Fertilizers & Seeds Inc.
Larry (AC ‘76) and Kay (AC ‘78) Faulstich
Fiduciary Management, Inc.
Paul and Ellen Gignilliat
Raymond and Kathryn Girres
Jerome and Cherry Gumz
Elwood and Carol Hillis
Ronald (AC ‘84) and Janelle (AC ‘85) Hoffer
Honzik Family Trust
R.J. Honzik Family
Kevin (‘72) and Susan Huff
Hydro Aluminum
IU Health Starke Hospital Medical Staff
Ken and Margaret Johnson
Ned Johnson
Donald Kindt
Brian (AC ‘72) and Patricia Kitch
Knights of Columbus Council 1975
Jon and Sonja Laidig
Betty Laramore
Suzanne M. Light
Jack Lynch
Michael and Kathleen Marien
Marshall County Community Foundation /
Elwood Hillis Fund
Gary and Anne McClellan
Michiana Contracting, Inc.
Miller Consulting Group, Inc.
Thomas (AC ‘74) and Elaine (AC ‘74) Monhaut
Rev. Paul E. and Carol (‘82) Nye
Roger Rettinger (AC ‘83)
Lynn Rybarczyk
Thomas Rybarczyk
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center
Daniel and Nancy Schmelter
David Schmitz
John and Diane Shields
Reverend Anthony L. Spanley
Starke County Farm Bureau Co-Op, Inc.
Gordon and Dot (‘82) Taiclet
Gladys Umbaugh (‘74)
Charles Weaver and Jennifer Davis
Donald Wendel (‘78)
Ralph (‘97) and Barbara Winters
Edwin and Jane Yochum
Todd and Marty Zeltwanger
Benefactor’s Club $500.00 +
1st Source Bank
Banfich Interiors
Peter and Marilyn Banfich
Bowen Center
Thomas and Carol Buchanan
Centier Bank
Allen and Betty (AC ‘92) Chesak
Courtney N. Clark (‘13)
Richard and Phyllis Davidson
Del Monte Corporation
Gene and Margo (AC ‘71) DeMont
Evelyn Einspahr-Brakel (AC ‘77)
Francis and Susan Ellert
Matthew and Marci Enos
William Erwin
First National Bank of Monterey
Dr. Walter and Diana Fritz
Judith D. Guild
Hamlet Lions Club
Jeff and Lynn Henning
David and Diane Hogsett
Wade and Eileen (‘05) Hsu
Ralph W. Huhn
Jones, Huff & Jones
K.C.C.F./Savina Kralis Charitable Fund
Dodd M. Kattman
Kersting’s Cycle Center, Inc.
Lake City Bank
Langfeldt & Payne, Inc.
Ed and Linda Langfeldt
Brad Lankford
Marshall County Community Fnd./Lewis Erwin Memorial Fund
Hobart Martin
Phil and Sherrie (‘92) Martin
Mayflower Tavern
Thomas and Kathleen McConnell
McGladrey LLP
Rick and Barb (‘81) Miller
David and Christine (‘02) Morrow
Morrow Insurance Agency, Inc.
Thomas (AC ‘94) and Yvette (‘83) Nowak
Jessica Oliver
Gregory and Susan Payne
Pioneer Hi-Bred Int’l, Inc.
PNC Bank
Rickscapes LLC
Rochester Telephone Co.
Harriet Scheetz
Signode Metals
Alexandria M. Snyder (‘13)
Starke County Economic Development Foundation
Mathew and Marilyn Swanson
Town & Country Press, Inc.
Timothy and Laura Wilbur
Michael Zeider (AC ‘83)
Ambassador’s Club $250.00 +
A+ Bail Bond
Joseph and Patricia Adams
Angelina’s Cigars
Robert and Carol Beiter
Francie and Dennis Beville
Big Idea Company, LLC
Fall 2013 :: 13
Bomarko Incorporated
Rev. Dr. Sam and Tammy (‘05) Boys
Ursel and Irene (‘84) Bradley
Richard (AC ‘07) and June Breeding
Bernard and Sue (‘71) Busart
James and Cristeen Causey
Center for Hospice Care
Chester Inc.
Christianson Furniture, Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. John Christianson
Marilyn Coby
Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Inc.
Alan and Becky Collins
Community Hospital of Bremen
Country Auto Center
Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn, LLC
Denise Davault Gilbert
Dr. Michael and Judith Deery
Kayla N. Dell (‘13)
Diversified Tools and Machines, Inc.
Keith (AC ‘74) and Jeannie Ecker
Economy Auto Sales of Knox Inc.
Mark and Joyce Faulstich
Cortney M. Ferrell (‘13)
First Farmers Bank and Trust
Joel and Jody Flotow
Flynn Family Foundation
Dr. Lloyd and Mary France
Greg and Mary Ellen Frushour
The Frushour Group, LLC
Fulton Industries, Inc.
Lowell and Nancy (AC ‘83) Gardner
Gibson Insurance Group
Frank and Billie (‘74) Harshey
Nena Haskins (AC ‘02)
Randy (AC ‘90) and Yolanda Hedington
Branson and Mary Hiatt
Mary Margaret Hilmes Family
Interlogic Outsourcing, Inc.
IU Health Starke Hospital
James and Babs (AC ‘73) Johnson
Mark and Linda Johnston
Wendy K. Jones
Kankakee Valley Steel
Kappa Kappa Kappa, Inc.
Donald and Janice Kinney
Kiwanis of Plymouth
Knox Fertilizer, Inc.
Fr. William Kummer
Bryan (‘79) and Susan LaFree
Kurtis A Lamm
Michael and Kim Langer
Lesea Broadcasting
Lighthouse Dental
Majority Builders
Don and Christine Marohn
Marquette Associates, Inc.
Joe and Jennifer Martin
McGrath Refrigeration, Inc.
MKM architecture+design, inc.
Steven and Linda (‘84) Murphy
N.I.C.F./Catherine and Frank Alan Fund
Jill Neidlinger (AC ‘89)
Barry and Pamela (AC ‘04) Neilson
Niles Lankford Group
P&S Concrete, LLC
Plymouth Country Club
Plymouth Foundry, Inc.
Pregis Corporation
Price Nurseries
John and Virginia Razzano
14 :: Ancilla College Accent
Gene and Marsha Reese
Scott and Ingrid Reese
Dr. James and Betty (AC ‘86) Rimel
Julian and Betty Rouch
Curt (AC ‘74) and Shannon Rowe
Ruoff Home Mortgage
Deborah Schulte (‘70)
Matthew and Dr. Mary Schwartz
Robert and Susan Shaw
Sherwin-Williams and Company
Thomas Sibal
Lance (AC ‘86) and Lana (‘86) Singleton
John Speed
James and Claudia (AC ‘74) Swarthout
James and Mary (AC ‘95) Szymusiak
Thomas and Cherie Teghtmeyer
Steve and Donna (‘79) Toth
Verizon Foundation
W. E. Smith and Company, CPA
Resa Warren
Frederic Webster (AC ‘88)
Michael Wenino (AC ‘72)
WKVI Radio Station
The Zeglis Family Charitiable Foundation Trust
John and Carol Zeglis
Harold and Marjorie Zeltwanger
Century Club $100.00 +
A K Industries Inc.
A&W Custom Carpentry & Interiors
Ace Fitness
Adams Remco
Rick and Jennifer Addis
Marie Albertson (AC ‘83)
American Legion Auxilary
Arrow Services
Jerry (AC ‘76) and Janice Arvesen
Auto Park Service Center
Fred Bach (‘73)
Douglas E. Baker
James Baldwin
Daniel and Helene (AC ‘78) Banina
Gervaise Bastian (‘65)
Dan and Patricia Bates
Patricia J. Bawcum
Martin (AC ‘78) and Marcia Bedrock
Michelle L. Bergeron (‘09)
Best Ford, Inc.
Philip and Sylvia (AC ‘80) Bieghler
Ann Bloom
Terry Bloom
Tim Boeving
Ralph E. Booker
Books and More for Less
Tom and Deborah Rowles (AC ‘77) Boudreau
Jacquelyn Brandenburg (‘82)
Timothy and Peggy (AC ‘93) Brettin
Marshall L. Brown
Alan Bunner
John and Pamela Buxton
David and Diana (AC ‘04) Caldwell
Alli Calhoun
Carlson’s Drive-In, Inc.
Brendel Carter
Shirley Casbon
Sheryl K. Caslow (AC ‘70)
Certified Wastewater Management Inc.
Chesapeake Run Golf Course
Melissa Christiansen
Kathy Clees
COJIM Properties, LLC
Alicia C Collins (AC ‘06)
Gregory and Leslie Collins
Kenneth and Penny Collins
Joe and Dorothy Coury
Richard and Welma (‘71) Craft
Bill and Mary (‘82) Crocker
Chris (AC ‘89) and Robin Davidson
The Davidson Co. Inc.
James and Ann Davis
June A. Deisch
Robert and Donna (AC ‘78) DeRuntz
Ray Devault
Victor and Kathleen (‘67) Diepholz
Jim and Mary Drews
Thomas and Lois Dusthimer
Diane L. Endres
Dr. Jacqueline Erwin
Herb and Diane Eveland
Sheila E. Felinski
Joe and Linda Felke
Olga Felton
Luther and Cheryle Ferch
William and Marilyn Fortin
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Frank and Eloise (AC ‘67) Geiselhofer
Cameron S. Gibson
Helen I. Glaub
Jan E. Good (AC ‘02)
John and Laura Gough
John and Susan Grant
Donald and Lynn Groenleer
Jonathon J. Hardin
Tom and Janet (‘70) Hayes
Ted and Marcia Hayes
James and Mary Henderson
Robert and Carol Hendry
John and Teresa Hensler
Hensler Nursery, Inc.
John and Margaret Hiss
Dr. Byron and Mary Holm
Kenneth and Janet Houin
Toni L Hutchings (‘91)
Indiana Pacers
Carolynn Ison (‘81)
Jayne Jacobson (AC ‘77)
Michael J. Jeffirs
Dan and Terri Johnson
Kenneth and Vickie (‘03) Juhasz
Richard and Frances Kent
KeyBank Foundation
King’s Jewelry
Larry (‘71) and Connie Kipfer
William and Debbie (AC ‘78) Kirby
Inge Kirk (AC ‘00)
Roba Kribs
Dr. Rod S. Kubley
Meghan Kulton
Frederick and Linda (AC ‘92) Lane
Greater LaPorte Chamber of Commerce
LaPorte Regional Health System
Paul (‘96) and Marilyn (AC’89) Lautrup
Brad and Donna Lawrence
Laws-Carr-Moore Funeral Homes
Janet Lawson (AC ‘83)
Chris and Karmen (AC’ 86) Leeper
John and Jenny Lemmon
Dr. Rochelle Lethoit
Jeff and Andrea (‘85) Lightfoot
Frederick and Kathleen Lintner
Linda Lockwood (AC ‘75)
Barbara M. Lowry
Kenneth and Penny (‘91) Lukenbill
Galen and Wanda (‘73) Mangus
Laura E. Mann (‘12)
Masterson and Associates
James Masterson
Lloyd and Margaret McGowen
Michael and Jenny (AC ‘73) McGraw
Sandra M. McIntire (‘63)
William McQueen
Lowell Metheny
Jeff Miller
Miller/Norcen Insurance
Katherine Mills
Toni D. Mola
Hanna L. Moore (‘13)
Frederick and Shirley Morrow
Roger and Linda (‘96) Mullins
Cliff and Terri Myers
Mystic Hills Golf Club
Dr. Lawrence T. Nichols
Austin Nielsen
North Central Agri-Power
Janet Onken (‘77)
Donald and Elizabeth (‘00) Palbykin
Dr. Ronald and Virginia Peterson
Larry and Beth Pinkerton
Dr. Louis and Shelly Plumlee
Plymouth Ponderosa
Plymouth Rock Golf Inc.
Allen and Donna (AC ‘71) Pontius
Portfolio Recovery Associates, Inc.
John and Ann Powen
The Quality Castings Company
Quality Fire Protection Inc.
Cary and Janet Radcliff
Andrew and Stephanie Ragozzino
Donald Ransome (AC ‘70)
James and Barbara (‘79) Read
Lester and Susan Read
Dr. William and Kathy (‘98) Record
Rich-Mons Group LLC
Charles and Norma Ripley
Tracy Rippy (AC’84)
Robert (‘83) and Barbara Roach
William and Susan Roth
Oscar and Martha (‘91) Russell
Richard and Roxana Ruud
Jack and Sharon (AC ‘70) Samar
Donald (‘84) and Shirley (‘84) Schlegel
Sam and Karen Schlosser
William (‘84) and Ann Schlosser
Elizabeth Schmeltz (AC ‘83)
Pamela G. Schneeman
Sears Roebuck and Company of Knox
Jane Serovy (AC ‘78)
Lance (AC ‘86) and Lana (‘86) Singleton
William and Helen (‘82) Slemons
Mildred Slemp
Robert E. Smrt
Dan and Marjorie Snider
Darlene Snyder (AC ‘87)
Samuel Y. Soliman
William Spencer
Keith Stewart (‘80)
Stephen and Paula C. Storey
William and Kathryn (AC ‘97) Strycker
John (AC ‘84) and Cheryl Stube
Super Wash Car Wash of Plymouth
Swan Lake Resort
Don and Marlene Swank
John and Kathleen Sweeney
Russ and Jeannette (AC ‘01) Teall
Brian K.(‘89) and Karen M. Teeter
Alan and Linda Terrell
Jack Tharp
Joel D. Thomas
Lawrence and Deborah Timko
TKE Enterprises, LLC
Richard and Sheryl (AC ‘12) Tompos
Tower Trailer Leasing, LLC
Budd and Ajean Treat
Treat’s Squire Shop
Diane K. Umbaugh
Roger and Carol Umbaugh
United Steel Workers Local Union 12775
United Way of Elkhart County
University of Notre Dame
UPS Store
Michael and Sandy (‘93) Vandenbossche
David (‘84) and Christine VanVactor
Dr. Gertrude Volk (AC ‘70)
Mark and Jean Wagner
Stephen (AC ‘70) and Sally Wallace
Weigand Construction
James (‘89) and Christine Wells
Timothy and Marjorie (AC ‘87) Wise
Woody’s Installatons LLC
Clara Woolley
David and Luisa Wozniak
Anthony Yonto
Joseph Yonto (‘11)
Benjamin and Lanette Young
Young’s TV & Appliances
Supporter $0.01 +
Brian (‘79) and Anne Adams
Kristen Agostino
David and Patricia (‘85) Allen
Amerprise Financial
Don Anderson
JuLee Anderson
Roberta Anderson
Alexander Angel
Larry Angel
Virgil and Janet (‘92) Anglemyer
Roger Antoniu
Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar
Earl Armentrout
Laura Arriaga (‘89)
Roman Arteaga
Robert and Rhonda (AC ‘90) Arvesen
Troy Avergonzado
Frederick and Cheryl (AC ‘87) Avery
Sydney and Mary (AC ‘86) Awald
Sue E. Awald (‘87)
Ronald and Paula M. (‘83) Babcock
Charles and Judy Bachelder
Wendy Badger-Peters
Linda Bailey (‘87)
Bailey’s Home Furnishings
Baker and Co. Insurance, Inc.
Ben (‘78) and Kim (‘78) Baker
Nancy Bannon (‘80)
Ann Barker
Bass Lake Pub Ristorante
Richard Bean
Kelsey Beatty
Norman and Jean (AC ‘91) Beem
Larry A. Bess (AC ‘89)
Michael Best
Susie Black
Margaret M. Block (‘93)
John and Glenda Bockman
Sr. Bonnie Boilini (‘75)
Shanna Bonnell
Ray and Glenna Borggren
Nigel Bosch
Bourbon Street Pizza
Bryan Bradfield (‘76)
Bradley D Brady (AC ‘02)
Richard Brantingham
The Brass Rail
James and Mary Breckenridge
Chris Brennan
Robert Brooke
Alyse Bruszewski
David and Janet (AC “73) Burke
Rashel Burkett (AC ‘77)
James and Donna Burroughs
Jerry and Diana Burton
Velma A. Butler (‘82)
Cafe Max
Cafe Navarre
Joseph and Jeanene (‘80) Calabrese
Gary and Ginger Calhoun
Marilyn Calhoun
Steve and Debbie Calhoun
Susan Calkusic
Stephen Camilleri
Lydia Campbell
Brandon Canepeel
John (‘91) and Mary Cargo
Brian Carter
Larry Carter
John Casebeer
Michael (‘94) and Denise (‘88) Casey
Jane M. Chapman (‘70)
Tim Cherney
Kelly Chevalier
Chicago Bears
Eugene and Ida Chipman
Ted and Janet Chittum
Terry (‘84) and Julia Clemens
Lisa D. Clemons (‘14)
Mark and Jo Ann (AC ‘90) Click
George (‘73) and Lynn Clough
Raymond and Barbara (AC ‘83) Cole
Dennis (‘84) and Cynthia Cole
Terrance Coleman
Beach Comer
Steven and Donna (‘90) Conger
Joseph Conley
Debra Conti
Gerald and Vicki (‘90) Cooley
Kyle Copelin
Corndance Cafe
Renee R. Cornelius (‘83)
Corner Cup Cafe
Harry and Paulette Couse
Carol Cox (AC ‘67)
Crystal Creekmore
Meg Cronin
Diane Cullen
Culligan Soft Water Service
The Culver Coffee Company
Janice Curtis
Donald L. Darda (AC ‘95)
Fall 2013 :: 15
Terri Davis
Deaton Funeral Home
Monty Degenhardt
Nancy Dembowski
Eugene and Penny DeMien
Joe Dervin
Bill Dickinson
James and Barbara (‘66) Doebele
Les Doepping, Jr.
William E. Dorsey
Toby and Caren (AC ‘88) Dove
Steve and Melanie (AC ‘89) Dove
Angela A. Drake (AC ‘96)
Floyd and Janice Dreffs
John F. Drennon (AC ‘91)
Daniel Drubert (AC ‘11)
Eddie and Becky Drudge
James Drzewiecki
The Duke of Oil
Marie A. Dylag (AC ‘84)
Eagle Glen Golf Course
Richard and Geneal Ecker
Nora Egan
Martha M. Elkin (‘91)
Todd (AC ‘84) and Tina (AC ‘89) Emmons
Encore Performing Arts
Angela M. Eskridge (AC ‘07)
Gale Evans
LuAnn Evans
Rodrick and Jackie Eveland
Jason and Jessica (AC ‘03) Feathers
Chris and Jennifer Felke
Felke Florist, Inc.
Charles R. Fennema (‘97)
Phyllis Fenwick (AC ‘69)
Fernbaugh’s Diamonds and Fine Jewelry
Loren and Eleanor Field
Fisher and Company
Fitness Forum Sports and Wellness Center
Lynn Flora (‘73)
Raymond Flory
Thomas (‘80) and Kelsey (‘83) Flynn
G. William and Marilyn (‘77) Folkers
The Frame Shoppe
Daniel Franz
Marilyn Frasure (‘66)
Darrell and Maria Fry
Nancy S. Frye (‘72)
Stephen Gabrys
Kevin Gardner (AC ‘77)
Jan and Crissie (‘77) Garrison
Jim Gates
Bill and Lynn Gee
Bryan George
Shirley Gidley (‘81)
Matthew J. Gilsinger
Gilsinger’s Implement Co., Inc.
Delores Girton (‘77)
Barbara A. Glover
Thomas (AC ‘83) and Rita Goerz
L. Joe and Karen Good
Bob and Rita (‘68) Graber
Grand Rental Station
Arlene Gray (AC ‘82)
Peter Greaves
Kevin Grunawalt
Leroy and Diana K. (AC ‘99) Gudeman
Chester and Shirley Gut
16 :: Ancilla College Accent
John and Donalene Gutt
Ole (AC ‘74) and Toni Hagen
Richard and Marian Hall
Steven Hallman
DJ Hanback
James and Joan (‘90) Haney
Joan Harley (‘84)
Shane Harmon
Matthew Harris
Nena A. Haskins (‘03)
David and Diana Haycraft
Brian and Jill (AC ‘75) Hazelton
Gerald H. Hess (‘79)
Jennifer Hiers
Wesley Higdon
Keith Higginbottom
Joyce Hill
Debbie Hillman
Brian Hixenbaugh
Carlin Hobbs
Betty Holland
Kristina Holub
Tom and Patty Holweger
Mrs. Amelia L. Hooper (‘03)
Steve Hosang
Jeffrey (AC ‘77) and Christine (AC ‘77) Houston
Rick Huff
Raymond R. Hummel (‘13)
Kimberly S. Hurley (‘86)
Kenneth and Candice (AC ‘94) Igel
Indianapolis Colts
Thomas (‘82) and Cindy (‘87) Isenbarger
Marie L. Jacobs
Rodney (AC ‘98) and Tina (AC ‘98) Jacobs
John and Janette Jacobson
Jamaica “Me” Tan
Alan (‘82) and Tammy Jansma
Christopher Janusz
Java Trail
Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches
John Deere Classic
William and Susan (AC ‘73) Johnson
Parker Jones
Richard and Joan Joyce
Kabelin True Value Hardware
Frederick and Judy Karst
Brent and Mary Kaufman
Connie (Dalton) Kaufmann (AC ‘69)
Ryosuke Kawakami
Mindy Keilman
Michael (‘91) and Debbie (AC ‘88) Keiper
Bruce Keiser, Jr. (‘76)
Michael and Anita Keith
Daniel (‘81) and Margaret Keller
Matthew Keller
Eula Kelly (AC ‘91)
Kyle Kerr
Kenneth and Sandra (‘99) Kiel
Kindscape, Inc.
Paul and Deloris Kingery
Aaron Kirk
Doug and Sharon (‘80) Klinge
Clinton Klingerman (‘01)
Theresa Klingerman (AC ‘01)
Bruce and Amy (AC ‘88) Knapp
Jerry and Deborah Knepp
Knox Super Wash
Judy Nies Koehlinger (AC ‘99)
Daniel Krecik
Duane and Diane (AC ‘78) Kreighbaum
Allyson Kricheff
Lawrence (AC ‘06) and Gwendolyn Kriss
Timothy and Vicky (‘88) Krohn
Lisa Kroll
Amy Kuitse
Sr. Johnel Kunkel (‘45)
Lorna A. Ladd (AC ‘04)
Tena Lade
Shawn Lafleur
Patricia E. LaMunion (‘06)
Candace A. Larson (AC ‘90)
Terri Lawton (‘03)
Cindy L. Lewis (AC ‘92)
Dr. Ronald and Anna Liechty
Ryan J. Liedtky (‘08)
Brian Linhart (AC ‘88)
Richard Liwosz
Loren and Angela (AC ‘92) Loehmer
Alan and Wendy Loehr
Loghouse Restaurant, Inc.
Jerry Long
Jack Longtreth
Senator Richard and Charlene Lugar
Dana Mackie
Glenn Maenhout
David Maher
Marlene Mahler
Tonia M. Manikowski (AC ‘02)
Lawrence (AC ‘72) and Linda (AC ‘82) Mann
Kelly A. Manning
Dr. Kenneth and Elizabeth Mart
Vern (AC ‘95) and Nancy Marti
Charles (AC ‘74) and Cathy Martin
Ross and Deborah (‘88) Martin
Rex (‘78) and Cindy Martin
Katrina Mascarella
Stephen (AC ‘86) and Beth (‘86) Mattison
Kent and Donna (AC “88) Mattix
Don and Mary Lou McCarthy
Diane M. McCauley (‘98)
Joseph and Joann (AC ‘71) McCormick
Elaine McCracken
Robert McKeague
John and Linda McNeil
Ruth Mejer (‘88)
Thadd (AC ‘99) and Lora Mellott
Andy Melton
Jason and Elisha Messner
Stephanie Metsker
Mike’s Mower Mart
J. Michael and Cynthia (‘92) Miley
Greg Miller
Jeff Milliman (AC ‘85)
David and Kathleen (AC ‘92) Monesmith
William and Suzanne Montgomery
Thomas and Rosemary (‘83) Morgan
Nona Mortensen (AC ‘85)
Mark Mravec
Patrick and Julie Murphy
Andrew Murray
Robert and Carla Musial
Lance and Michele (AC ‘95) Nelson
Dennis Newberg (AC ‘73)
Brenda S. Newcomer (AC ‘88)
Night and Day Cafe
Ralph Nurse
John Oberwetter
Joyce Oboy (AC ‘71)
Keith Oden
Thomas O’Leary
James and Beverly Oleson
Opie’s Deli
Overmyer Water
Papa John’s Pizza
William Pauley
Tim Peck
Penguin Point
Paul and Marilyn Peters
Dr. Timothy and Marianne Peters
James Peterson
Anthony Philbin
Matt Pickens
Pizza Hut
Adam Plaunt
Plymouth Express Lube
Plymouth Tire & Service Center
Kristyn Pondelicek (AC ‘06)
The Pork Shop
Gordon R. Potter (‘95)
Preventive Medicine, PC
Barbara J. Price (‘00)
Camille C. Quinn (‘63)
James Quirk
Catherine Raab
Janet M Radcliff and Leona Feldman
Rosalie A. Rader
William and Cindy (AC ‘90) Rash
Gale and Shirley Reese
Patrick Reynolds
Arnold and Patricia (‘93) Rhoads
Jim and Betty (‘87) Rhoda
Bob Richard
Chris Ricketts
James and Sandra (AC ‘04) Ringer
John (‘91) and Sheila Rinkenberg
Ken and Peggy Rinkenberg
Robert and Julie (AC ‘72) Rogers
Dr. Rodrick and Wilma Rolston
Larry R. Ross (‘86)
Sidney Rouch (AC ‘80)
David and Alice (‘87) Ruff
Thad J. Russell (‘05)
Kristin Rust (‘02)
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
Tom A Sabel (AC ‘75)
John Sabo
Ed and Lisa (AC ‘06) Salzer
David Sampson (‘71)
Adam Sandberg
Paul and Betty Sanders
Robert and Valerie (AC ‘92) Schafer
David and Guinevere Scheetz
Brian and Therese (‘84) Schmeltz
Terry and Molly (AC ‘72) Schmidt
Justin Schramm
Mat Schramm
Kenneth and Helen Schroder
Andy Schuller
Michael and Cynthia (AC ‘02) Schultz
Dale and Kaye (‘92) Schultz
Michael Schumacher
Nevenka Schumacher
Dianne M. Schwartz (AC ‘68)
Josiah (‘12) and Donna Scott
Marcus (AC ‘97) and Heidi (‘98) Scott
Sears Roebuck and Company of Plymouth
Dawn Seifer (AC ‘84)
John Sellers (AC ‘96)
Steve Shaffer
Reland E Sheets (‘07)
Russ Shemberger
Deborah A. Sherwood (AC ‘08)
Lillian A. Sherwood (‘82)
Sherwood Tire and Service Center
Derek Shilling
John and Lawana Singleton
Jerry and Diane (‘92) Siroky
Smith Farm Stores
Veda M. Smith (‘77)
William and Sharon Snyder
South Bend Silver Hawks
South Bend Symphony Orchestra
Specialty Shoppe
Karen K. Spencer
Christopher (AC ‘98) and Patricia Spier
Dr. Harry and Sharrel Sponseller
Marcella A. Spoor (‘93)
Norman and Velma (AC ‘75) Stettler
James (AC ‘95) and Sharon (AC ‘75) Stewart
Joshua J. Stewart (AC ‘01)
Lee Ann Stewart (‘89)
Anna Story
Michael Straubel
David and Jennifer Stultz
Cynthia Y. Stutzman (AC ‘02)
Gary and Virginia Sullivan
Merl and Edna Swihart
Ericka Taylor-Joseph
The Dent King
Gregory (AC ‘76) and Loretta Timmerman
Tippecanoe Place Restaurant
Dr. Douglas K. Tolle
Silvia A. Towne (AC ‘97)
Tim and Paula (AC ‘98) Trethewey
Dennis Tsang
Jason Tucker-Ramer
Paula Turk
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Larry (AC ‘97) and Jillorna Uceny
Upper Crust Piizza
Chad Van Herk
Paul and Deborah (‘79) Vandemark
Joseph and Dianne Vass
Joyce Verhagen (AC ‘80)
Andrew Vernum
Justin Wall
Larry E. Wallace (‘82)
Timothy Walls
Wal-Mart Super Center
Daniel and Mary (AC ‘72) Walsh
George and Marian (‘96) Wamsley
Steven Ward
Tracie Ward
Daniel (‘73) and Judy Warkentien
Donna J. Weirick (AC ‘93)
Ruth E. Weist (‘81)
Craig Welling (‘77)
Deborah L. Wesley (‘85)
Rick and Cynthia (AC ‘80) Whitacre
Steven R. White (‘05)
Chris Wickard
Keith Wickens
Tim Williams
Wings Etc.
The Winning Edge
Norma Wiseman Hancock (‘71)
Carolina Wiwi (‘78)
Rosemarie Wozniak
Yvonne Wraight (AC ‘91)
Tom (‘03) and Linda (‘80) Wruble
Bonnie Yeazel
Yoder’s Sports, Inc.
Kelli Zaremba
Joseph (‘81) and Sandra Zehner
Rebecca S. Zellers (‘97)
Karen S. Zimmerman (‘06)
Corporate Matching Gifts
Del Monte Corporation
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Matching Gifts Program
KeyBank Foundation
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Pioneer Hi-Bred Int’l, Inc.
Portfolio Recovery Associates, Inc.
Regions Bank
Signode Metals
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Memorial Gifts
In memory of Andrea Sue Busart
Bernard and Sue (‘71) Busart
In memory of Chris Irwin
Elizabeth Schmeltz AC ‘83
In memory of Dawn Tan-Kanlic
Nancy Kanlic AC ‘80
In memory of Delmar McCan and Hope Anderson
Angela M. Eskridge AC ‘07
In memory of Dennis Emmons
Donald and Janice Kinney
John and Lawana Singleton
Mildred Slemp
In memory of Edith May
Ronald and Joan May
In memory of Gladys Umbaugh
Nancy Bannon (‘80)
Raymond and Barbara AC ‘83 Cole
Gregory and Leslie Collins
Dave and Ginny Gibson
William and Suzanne Montgomery
William Spencer
Diane K. Umbaugh
In memory of Jake May, Jr.
Ronald and Joan May
In memory of Kevin Vandenbossche
Michael and Sandy ‘93 Vandenbossche
In memory of Michael Wenino
Michael Wenino AC ‘72
In memory of Norma J. Spencer
Fall 2013 :: 17
Karen K. Spencer
Barbara A. Glover
Richard and Marian Hall
Michael and Anita Keith
Betty Laramore
In memory of Sr. Bertram
Tim Boeving
In memory of Sr. David
Thomas ‘82 and Cindy ‘87 Isenbarger
Candace A. Larson AC ‘90
In memory of Sr. Johnel Kunkel
Mary Margaret Hilmes Family
Cary and Janet Radcliff
Janet M Radcliff and Leona Feldman
In memory of Sr. Maris
Barbara M. Lowry
In memory of Sr. Mary Angeline
Michael and Jenny (AC ‘73) McGraw
In memory of Sr. Mary D’
Rashel Burkett (AC ‘77)
John F. Drennon (AC ‘91)
John (AC ‘84) and Cheryl Stube
In honor of Sr. Marguerite Nissan, PHJC
Margaret M. Block ‘93
In honor of Ray Borggren
Glenna Borggren
In honor of Rhonda Van Horn Mueler
Fred Bach ‘73
In honor of Jay Snyder
Darlene Snyder AC ‘87
In honor of Jim Hardesty
Jennifer M. Davis
Dan and Terri Johnson
Steve and Donna ‘79 Toth
In honor of Sr. Virginia Kampwerth
Benjamin and Lanette Young
In memory of Terry Bloom
Ann Bloom
Restricted Gifts
Lynch Properties Inc.
Laura E. Mann (‘12)
Ronald and Joan May
Gary and Anne McClellan
Thomas and Kathleen McConnell
Lloyd and Margaret McGowen
Miller Consulting Group, Inc.
Hanna L. Moore (‘13)
David and Christine (‘02) Morrow
Patrick and Julie Murphy
Brenda S. Newcomer (AC ‘88)
Price Nurseries
Quality Fire Protection Inc.
Andrew and Stephanie Ragozzino
Gene and Marsha Reese
Scott and Ingrid Reese
18 :: Ancilla College Accent
Rich-Mons Group LLC
Kristin Rust (‘02)
Paul and Betty Sanders
David and Guinevere Scheetz
John and Diane Shields
John and Lawana Singleton
Mildred Slemp
Alexandria M. Snyder (‘13)
John Speed
David and Jennifer Stultz
Gary and Virginia Sullivan
The/Dent King
TKE Enterprises, LLC
Steve and Donna (‘79) Toth
Tower Trailer Leasing, LLC
United Steel Workers Local Union 12775
George and Marian (‘96) Wamsley
Timothy and Laura Wilbur
Woody’s Installatons LLC
Clara Woolley
Edwin and Jane Yochum
Michael Zeider (AC ‘83)
Todd and Marty Zeltwanger
Ancilla College Golf
1st Source Bank
A K Industries Inc.
Ace Fitness
Adams Remco
Ancilla Domini Sisters
Ancilla Systems Incorporated
Angelina’s Cigars
Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar
Auto Park Service Center
Bailey’s Home Furnishings
Banfich Interiors
Bass Lake Pub Ristorante
Best Ford, Inc.
Big Idea Company, LLC
Sr. Bonnie Boilini (‘75)
Bomarko Incorporated
Bourbon Street Pizza
Bowen Center
The Brass Rail
Richard (AC ‘07) and June Breeding
Robert Brooke
Cafe Max
Cafe Navarre
James and Cristeen Causey
Center for Hospice Care
Centier Bank
John J. Chandler
Chesapeake Run Golf Course
Chester Inc.
Chicago Bears
Christianson Furniture, Corp.
Christo’s Banquet Center
Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Inc.
COJIM Properties, LLC
Community Hospital of Bremen
Corndance Cafe
Corner Cup Cafe
Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn, LLC
Culligan Soft Water Service
The Culver Coffee Company
June A. Deisch
Jim and Mary Drews
The Duke of Oil
Eagle Glen Golf Course
Encore Performing Arts
Farm Fertilizers & Seeds Inc.
Felke Florist, Inc.
Fernbaugh’s Diamonds and Fine Jewelry
Fiduciary Management, Inc.
First Federal Savings Bank
First National Bank of Monterey
Fisher and Company
Fitness Forum Sports and Wellness Center
Flynn Family Foundation
Thomas (‘80) and Kelsey (‘83) Flynn
The Frame Shoppe
Greg and Mary Ellen Frushour
The Frushour Group, LLC
Fulton Industries, Inc.
Gilsinger’s Implement Co., Inc.
Grand Rental Station
Hensler Nursery, Inc.
Indiana Beverage, Inc.
Indiana Pacers
Indianapolis Colts
IU Health Starke Hospital
Jamaica “Me” Tan
Java Trail
Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches
John Deere Classic
Johnson - Danielson Funeral Home
Jones, Huff & Jones
Jack and Hope Jordan
Kabelin True Value Hardware
Kankakee Valley Steel
Dodd M. Kattman
Kersting’s Cycle Center, Inc.
King’s Jewelry
Knox Fertilizer, Inc.
Knox Super Wash
Lake City Bank
Brad Lankford
Greater LaPorte Chamber of Commerce
Lesea Broadcasting
Loghouse Restaurant, Inc.
Jack Longtreth
Majority Builders
Don and Christine Marohn
Marquette Associates, Inc.
Ronald and Joan May
Mayflower Tavern
McGladrey LLP
McGrath Refrigeration, Inc.
Michiana Contracting, Inc.
Rick and Barb (‘81) Miller
MKM architecture+design, inc.
Cliff and Terri Myers
Mystic Hills Golf Club
Night and Day Cafe
Niles Lankford Group
North Central Agri-Power
Thomas (AC ‘94) and Yvette (‘83) Nowak
Oliver Ford Sales, Inc.
Opie’s Deli
Overmyer Water
P&S Concrete, LLC
Papa John’s Pizza
Penguin Point
Pizza Hut
Plymouth Country Club
Plymouth Express Lube
Plymouth Foundry, Inc.
Plymouth Ponderosa
Plymouth Rock Golf Inc.
Plymouth Tire & Service Center
Allen and Donna (AC ‘71) Pontius
The Pork Shop
Pregis Corporation
Preventive Medicine, PC
Catherine Raab
Rickscapes LLC
Ruoff Home Mortgage
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
John Sabo
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center, Inc.
Daniel and Nancy Schmelter
Sears Roebuck and Company of Knox
Sears Roebuck and Company of Plymouth
Sherwood Tire and Service Center
Smith Farm Stores
South Bend Silver Hawks
South Bend Symphony Orchestra
Specialty Shoppe
Starke County Economic Development Foundation
Super Wash Car Wash of Plymouth
Swan Lake Resort
Tippecanoe Place Restaurant
Town & Country Press, Inc.
Treat’s Squire Shop
University of Notre Dame
Upper Crust Piizza
UPS Store
David (‘84) and Christine VanVactor
Wal-Mart Super Center
Resa Warren
Weigand Construction
Wings Etc.
The Winning Edge
WKVI Radio Station
David and Luisa Wozniak
Yoder’s Sports, Inc.
Joseph Yonto (‘11)
Young’s TV & Appliances
John and Carol Zeglis
Harold and Marjorie Zeltwanger
Ancilla College Offers a Free Preview of College to
Adult Learners
A life overflowing with work, children, and filled schedules can make
going back to school seem too difficult. News of tuition increases at
regional universities can make it seem too expensive. For some it may
be the thought of going back to school after years away from classrooms
and homework. But Ancilla College is trying to make it easier for adult
learners to come and try out college – for free.
Ancilla is offering a free college course to first-time students as part of
the “We Believe in You” program. “We Believe in You” allows any adult,
21-years and older, who has not yet earned any college credits, to take a
class with up to three credit hours at no cost (free tuition and fees).
In addition, all students in the program will have an academic advisor
to assist them with every aspect of attending college for the first time,
including help with the registration process, completing a financial aid
application, choosing education opportunities, and more.
Spring classes begin Jan. 6, 2014 at Ancilla’s campus near Plymouth. “We
Believe in You” was created in 1988 by the Poor Handmaids of Jesus
Christ, the religious order that sponsors Ancilla College. “Over 50 people
have taken part in this program,” said Ancilla Admissions Director Eric
“Many of them have gone on to take more classes and several have
completed college degrees. They started with one course to test the waters
and took advantage of the opportunity to restart their education. Adult
students can use the ‘We Believe in You’ grant on top of other financial aid
from federal and state programs to launch a college degree,” Wignall said.
“Taking a college course in writing or computer technology can jump-start
a college degree at any age. Faced with a difficult jobs outlook today I
expect to see more students across Northern Indiana to take that first step
in college and receive up to three credits of coursework for free,” Wignall
For more information on “We Believe in You,” please contact the Ancilla
College Admissions Office at (574) 936-8898.
Ancilla College has made every effort to include all
donors. However, errors do occasionally occur. We
sincerely apologize if an error has been made and ask
that you notify us by emailing to:
Note: (AC) Ancilla College Graduate
(Date) Attended Ancilla College
Fall 2013 :: 19
Endowed Funds
Ancilla College has as one of its priorities the establishment of an endowment fund program that will enable the College to operate with
a sense of confidence that it has a degree of financial security for the future. Here is a listing of those funds that have been established to
help the College in the future:
College Endowment Fund
Market Value as of 06/30/13 — $1,302,479
This fund was established to support the general operation of the College, including student financial aid.
Financial Aid Endowment Funds
Goldie F. Bayless Scholarship Fund
Market Value as of 06/30/13 —
Established in 2002, this scholarship fund was created in memory of the late Goldie F. Bayless, mother of Dr. Charles Bayless of Culver,
Indiana, to benefit a new or continuing Ancilla student from the Culver community.
Bowen Scholarship Fund
Market Value as of 06/30/13 — $204,507
Established in 1981 by Otis R. Bowen, M.D. of Bremen, IN, this scholarship opportunity was created for residents of Marshall County, IN,
with a preference for Bremen residents. The award is based on sufficient scholarship and the financial need of the student.
Ruth and Lawrence Castaldi Scholarship
Market Value as of 06/30/13 — $279,506
Established in 2008, this fund was created by the estate of Ruth Castaldi for financial aid for students who might otherwise be underserved academically.
Mildred Johnson Scholarship for Nursing Students Fund
Market Value as of 06/30/13 —
This fund was established in May 1999 by Mildred Johnson of Bremen, Indiana, who put herself through nursing school while working to
earn money for her own tuition. The scholarship was created to assist a deserving nursing student with his/her pursuit of higher education
at Ancilla College.
Sister Joel Lampen Memorial Scholarship Fund
Market Value as of 06/30/13 —
This fund was created by family and friends in remembrance of Sr. M. Joel Lampen, PHJC, who was the first president of Ancilla
College. Sr. Joel embodied the vision of an atmosphere of values-driven learning where virtue, strength, and self-respect thrive. The
award is based on sufficient scholarship and the financial need of the student.
Orville Nichols Scholarship Fund
Market Value as of 06/30/13 —
This fund was established in 2005 by Orville Nichols and is awarded to persons residing within Starke County, Indiana, desiring to
attend Ancilla College.
John and Gini Razzano Scholarship Fund
Market Value as of 06/30/13 — $145,945
John and Gini Razzano Scholarship Fund – established by the former president of the College’s Board of Trustees and his wife to assist
selected students studying at Ancilla with their financial aid needs.
Clarence and Mary Jane Rouch Scholarship Fund
Market Value as of 06/30/13 —
This scholarship fund was established in March 2004 in the memory of Clarence and Mary Jane Rouch by the Rouch Family to benefit a
graduate of LaVille Junior-Senior High School in the Union-North United School District (Indiana) who will be attending Ancilla College
as a full-time student.
Mary H. Swanson Nursing Fund
Market Value as of 06/30/13 —
This fund was created by Margaret Buerger in honor of her sister Mary Swanson. Mary Swanson is the former director of nursing and
current resident of the Catherine Kasper Home. This scholarship was created to assist Ancilla College students of Marshall County who
are pursing a career in nursing. Preference is given to those already employed at C.K.H.
Trustee Academic Scholarship Fund
Market Value as of 06/30/13 — $606,998
As part of the Lilly Endowment Inc.’s Challenge Campaign, the trustees of Ancilla College established the Trustees’ Academic Awards
Program to assist academically qualified prospective students, with financial need, to attend and benefit from an Ancilla College
educational experience.
Henry and Gladys Lee Willhite Minority Scholarship Fund
Market Value as of 06/30/13 —
Henry Lee Willhite, Jr. of Culver, IN, created this scholarship in honor of his parents, Henry and Gladys Lee Willhite. This scholarship
fund was established in 2001 for a new, full-time minority student living in Marshall County.
Sister Mary Dolores Alumni Scholarship
Open to an alumnus/or immediate family member of an Ancilla alum.
20 :: Ancilla College Accent
Market Value as of 06/30/13 —
St. Elizabeth Scholarship Fund
Market Value as of 06/30/13 —
The income of this fund is to be used to provide scholarships for either new or currently enrolled male students in the Ancilla College
nursing program who plan to continue their education in pursuit of a Bachelor’s degree in nursing, (BSN).
John and Pauline Weber Family Scholarship
Market Value as of 06/30/13 —
Created to assist students who are enrolled in the nursing program, who have a grade point average of at least 3.0, and who have
demonstrated financial need.
Community Foundation Funds:
Ancilla College Endowment of Starke County
Market Value as of 06/30/13 — $185,556
The fund was established at the Northern Indiana Community Foundation in 1997 and the primary purpose of the fund shall be to provide
support to Ancilla College, Donaldson, IN, to carry out its role and mission as described by its governing documents.
Ancilla College Fund of Marshall County
Market Value as of 06/30/13 —
The Ancilla College Fund at the Marshall County Community Foundation for the benefit of Ancilla College.
Ancilla College Fund of St. Joseph County
Market Value as of 06/30/13 —
The Ancilla College Fund of the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County was established by the Leighton-Ore Foundation Inc. for
student financial aid and operating budget support.
Ruth and Lawrence Castaldi Scholarship
Market Value as of 06/30/13 — $162,523
The Ruth and Lawrence Castaldi Scholarship Fund at the Marshall County Community Foundation and Ancilla College was established
for financial aid for students who might otherwise be underserved academically.
Lewis Erwin Memorial Fund
Market Value as of 06/30/13 — $531,739
The Ancilla College Lewis Erwin Memorial Fund at the Marshall County Community Foundation for the benefit of Ancilla College.
Elwood H. and Carol H. Hillis Charitable Fund
Market Value as of 06/30/13 —
The Elwood H. and Carol H. Hillis Charitable Fund was established at the Marshall County Community Foundation for the benefit of
Ancilla College.
Savina Kralis Nursing Scholarship
Market Value as of 06/30/13 —
The Savina Kralis Nursing Scholarship Fund at the Kosciusko County Community Foundation provides scholarship money to deserving
Ancilla College nursing students.
in touch
If you are interested in establishing a named endowed fund or wish to contribute to an existing endowed
fund, contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at 574.936.8898 ext 355.
send in your alumni note
A fun vacation, volunteering, a job change - whatever your news,
share it with friends and classmates via Ancilla College’s Accent
Magazine. Submit your news to be considered for the next issue.
If your address or other information has changed, please let us
MAIL: Ancilla College
PO Box 1
Donaldson, IN 46513
Former Name:__________________________ Class Year:________
You may also use this form to join the Ancilla Alumni
Association. Please check the appropriate box if you are
paying membership dues and make checks payable to
“Ancilla Alumni Association.”
$15 yearly dues
$150 Lifetime Membership - AAA
Your News:_______________________________________________
Fall 2013 :: 21
P.O. Box 1
Donaldson, IN 46513-0001
Ancilla College is part of The
Center at Donaldson.
We give thanks for the
life of
Dr. Otis Bowen,
for his many
contributions and years
of service that he made
to Ancilla College.
You can honor the life of
Dr. Bowen by making a gift to
the Bowen Scholarship Fund.
Nonprofit org.
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