İstanbul Cevahir


İstanbul Cevahir
The International Council of Shopping Centres
(ICSC) divides shopping centers into two
main categories introduced by the European
Organization; “Traditional” and “Specialized.”
Traditional shopping centers are classed as
“very large”, “large”, “medium” and “small”
while specialized shopping centers are classified
separately. Among Traditional Shopping Centers,
İstanbul Cevahir falls into the “very large” category.
Behind the growth in the retail market, three
main factors emerge: The large consumer market,
changing consumer habits with modernizing
conditions, and a powerful retail market linked to a
young population.
With an average of age of 30, and 33% of
its population under the age of 20, Turkey has
a larger young population than the European
Union, Central and Eastern Europe, and the
Commonwealth of Independent States. Oxford
Economics estimates show that Turkey’s retail
sales growth between 2014 and 2018 will be at
3.2%, faster than that of the European markets.
Istanbul’s attracting power is seventh after London,
Paris, Moscow, Milan, Madrid and Rome. The
number of Istanbul’s retailers, which constitute its
door to the European market, is increasing by the
day; İstanbul’s stock of modern shopping centers,
the city’s symbols, and the favorable makeup of its
population are key influences in this. For retailers
planning to enter the European market, İstanbul
stands out as the entry point. Thanks to increasing
numbers of foreign visitors and international
events such as the Shopping Fest, the international
retail demand is expected to be strong. The
increase in foreign visitors and the still underconstruction quality retail presentation are some
of the main factors which are raising the demand
created by foreign visitors.
When Turkey’s first shopping center opened
in 1987, its retail sector entered a new era. The
projects realized since that day have brought and
increasing number of shopping centers every year.
In contrast with the EU average of 198 m2 per
capita, the number is 129 m2 per person in Turkey
as a whole, but 268 m2 per capita in Istanbul. Thus
while Turkey is behind the EU average, Istanbul
has surpassed it. This is the most important
evidence of the sector’s development.
The 2014 earnings in all shopping center
categories show an increase compared to the
previous year, as did the number of foreign
visitors. The number of visitors to İstanbul Cevahir
also showed a significant increase.
Becoming a symbol of İstanbul since the day it
opened, İstanbul Cevahir demonstrates its success
both with its increase in visitors and the awards it
has won. Cevahir Shopping Center’s activities not
only entertain its visitors, they also raise awareness
about its social responsibility projects. Domestic
and international awards such as the SOLAL
Marketing Awards, the Hermes Creative awards
and Superbrands are ample evidence of its success
in this area.
İstanbul Cevahir’s successful 5-year anniversary
celebrations, with performances by Bryan Berg,
placed it in the finals of the ICSC 2011 SOLAL
Marketing Awards in the PR and Grand Opening
Anniversary categories.
İstanbul Cevahir’s “This Shopping Trip Gives
Life to Nature” project, held to draw public
attention to the environment and make a habit
of environmental education, placed it among the
finalists of the ICSC SOLAL Marketing Awards
2012, Social Responsibility (Cause Related
Marketing) categories. Encouraging the gathering
and recycling of waste paper, the project drew an
enthusiastic response from Cevahir visitors.
The social responsibility project “Cevahir
Shopping Center Seeks its Gems” [Cevahir =
‘Gem’], demonstrated both its commercial activity
as well as the importance it places on art, earned
İstanbul Cevahir the “Friend of Artists” certificate
from the Municipality of Şişli.
İstanbul Cevahir received a Solal Marketing
Award with its “Tweetbox” project. The
TweetBox project, as well as its “Privilege
Passport,” “Overjoyed,” and “Give a Little Smile”
projects were chosen from among thousands of
international projects to receive eight different
awards in the Hermes Creative Awards.
Combining licensed activities like the Flintstones,
Disney, Snoopy and other characters, with social
responsibility awareness, Cevahir Shopping Center
brings a new approach to shopping center events
with campaigns like Turkey’s first ever “Fashion
Days with Snoopy” as well as the “Hand in Hand
for a Healthy Future”, held as part of the Back to
School project.
Serving with a rich combination of national and
international brands, İstanbul Cevahir is one of
the most preferred shopping centers, by visitors
as well as brands. İstanbul Cevahir is home to
many brands’ highest-earning stores, offering
countless products and services appealing to all
ages, from clothing to shoes and bags, accessories
to kitchenware, sports supplies to toys, cosmetics
to jewelry, large home appliances to furniture,
decoration to home textiles, and coiffeurs to
Ground was broken for Istanbul Cevahir in 1997,
and it opened on September 15, 2006; it is the
largest shopping center in a city center in all of
Since its opening day, İstanbul Cevahir has been
a multifaceted shopping and social center that
embraces a wide public with its strategic location,
spacious comfortable venues, and its fine brands,
services and events. Quickly becoming a symbol
of İstanbul, İstanbul Cevahir has the distinction of
being an indispensible destination for local and
foreign tourists.
With more than 200 renters, serving thousands
of visitors and holding countless events, İstanbul
Cevahir shopping center’s funds and assets are
managed by a the professional team of expert
property management company Pradera.
With over 200 stores on six stories, a wide
selection of powerful brands, social areas, services,
and cafes and restaurants serving delicacies from
around the world, İstanbul Cevahir provides its
guests a flawless shopping experience. Located in
a strategic spot in Turkey’s metropolis of İstanbul,
İstanbul Cevahir, as one of the most important
organized retail centers for powerful national
and international brands, serves local and foreign
visitors 365 days a year.
The largest shopping center in central İstanbul,
İstanbul Cevahir’s innovative architecture creates
a sun lit, climate controlled, hygienic and safe
environment with the open feel of an outdoor
street. The broad corridors, spacious areas, and
sunlight that permeates the entire area, allow its
customers to walk from shop to shop protected
from the elements, but without feeling as if they
are indoors.
The ease of reaching Cevahir by public
transportation from around the city, including an
entrance directly from the İstanbul Metro, is one
of the factors that make it so attractive. Those
who prefer to drive will find a 2.500 car parking
garage complete with valet service.
Appealing to the whole family, İstanbul Cevahir
is one of İstanbul’s favorite social centers with its
variety of cultural and arts events, including eleven
movie theaters and three İstanbul State Theatre
Also home to exciting and entertaining gaming
areas, a bowling alley and special children’s
areas, İstanbul Cevahir offers the largest indoor
recreation center in the heart of the city.
İstanbul Cevahir’s aim is to provide a quality
shopping experience. Some of the services offered
include lockers, baby changing rooms, children’s
toilets, elevators and restrooms for the disabled, a
prayer area, a first-aid room and tax-free services
offering instant tax refunds to tourists.
In addition, the alternative advertising areas in
the shopping center allow companies to easily
reach their target audiences with attractive
promotions. Preferred by many brands in a variety
of sectors for product launches, promotions
and other marketing activities, İstanbul Cevahir
lets companies strengthen their brands through
alternative advertising practices and the right
communications in the right place. Welcoming
a broad and varied visitor profile, İstanbul
Cevahir not only offers a vast selection of
brands, but allows advertisers to establish direct
communication with their target audiences.
Recent Developments
Developing its powerful combination of brands
in conjunction with current developments and
continually adding new brands to its offerings,
Istanbul Cevahir has created new retail spaces
with its recent reconfiguration and renewed
interior design, optimizing its common-use areas.
In addition to its powerful and varied selection
of brands, İstanbul Cevahir strives through its
campaigns and events to offer its visitors brand
new, unique experiences.
Actively using digital marketing channels,
including the social media, İstanbul Cevahir reaches
its young, technology-savvy public in particular
with fun competitions held through its Facebook
page. Including announcements held in Cevahir,
its Facebook page takes advantage of special
days like Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, April 23
(National Sovereignty and Children’s Day) and
Valentine’s Day to hold interesting, entertaining
contests. İstanbul Cevahir also provides its visitors
with unusual experiences via the mobile platform
with its iPhone, iPad and Android applications,
allowing them instant, easy access to all manner of
information about the shopping center.
İstanbul Cevahir also influences its visitors
with its value adding projects. Cevahir conducts
social responsibility projects in a variety of areas,
including activities for young children that are
not only fun but educational as well. With these
social responsibility projects, it aims to encourage
assistance and increased awareness, especially
in the areas of children, education, the arts
and animals. Projects such as “I Have a Girls in
Anatolia, She will Become a Teacher” conducted
with the Modern Life Support Association, the
“Hand in Hand for a Healthy Future”, “Leftover
Food to Animal Shelters”, “Cevahir Shopping
Center Seeks its Gems” and “Small Hands Help
their Friends” conducted together with animal
welfare organization HaySev, leave visitors with
wonderful, lasting memories.
Serving the people of İstanbul with its brands,
activities and comfortable social areas, İstanbul
Cevahir also hosts many entertaining fashion and
beauty events, providing visitors with all manner of
experiences that add color and pleasure to their
With this slogan, the campaign included a series of
events that illustrated how Cevahir has been the
backdrop for the most beautiful, interesting and
life-changing moments for ten years.
Aiming to provide its guests a rich shopping
experience under a single roof, İstanbul Cevahir
has become one of the city’s most preferred
venues, not only with its vast range of brands but
also with its cafes and restaurants offering tastes
from around the world. With its movie theatres,
state theatres and indoor recreation center,
İstanbul Cevahir continues in its 10th year to be
not only a shopping center but an indispensible
part of İstanbul social life.
›Its original architecture lets in sunlight in through all of its side entrances and corridors.
In addition to the various campaigns held by its
stores, İstanbul Cevahir holds sales and social
responsibility campaigns that contribute to society.
Throughout the year, it runs campaigns on special
days and seasons in which visitors can instantly win
surprise gifts and checks, and provides fascinating
experiences even for its youngest visitors. İstanbul
Cevahir’s New Year’s campaigns have become a
tradition, during which it gives its visitors a variety
of gifts and unique experiences.
Brand Values
With its central location, proximity to public
transportation, comfortable spaces and brand
range that appeals to every taste and budget,
İstanbul Cevahir is an important part of every
İstanbulite’s social life. Recently celebrating its
10th year and emphasizing its contribution to
İstanbul life, it held an attractive image campaign
with the concept, “İstanbul Lives at Cevahir.”
İstanbul Cevahir
› The İstanbul Cevahir shopping center project’s concept work was done by Minoru Yamasaki who designed the World Trade Center.
›Covering 64.000 m
of land, İstanbul Cevahir contains 358.000 m2 of enclosed space,
including 118.000 320 m2 of rentable space.
›İstanbul Cevahir has a total of 10 stories, including 4 floors of parking, 4 floors of stores and 2 floors of restaurants.
›2 floors have direct connections with the İstanbul Metro.
›İstanbul Cevahir contains 80 escalators, 27 elevators and 5 km of railing.
›It welcomes art lovers with a total of 11 movie theatres and 3 İstanbul State Theater stages.
›Its recreation center contains a 310 meter roller coaster, a 28 meter freefall ride, and a cable car 15 meters above the entire recreation center.
›There is a huge hydraulic platform stage in the center of the shopping area.
›In the center of the enormous 2.500 m
glass ceiling of the central atrium is the world’s largest clock. Its numbers are 3 meters tall.
›Together with store employees, İstanbul Cevahir
employs close to 3.500 people.