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9) It contains dextrose, sugar and/or maltodextrin and large amounts of sodium that make you fat & bloated! 8) It contains Arginine AKG which has proven to be 100% ineffective in three Baylor University Studies! 7) It contains NO Casein and Whey Protein Hydrolysates which are the most anabolic protein fractions on Earth! 6) It contains NO powerful fat burning and mind-altering Meltdown® matrix! 5) It contains NO Redline energy technology to fuel episodes of psychotic physical and mental intensity! Natural Muscle April 2008 4) It contains NO insulinogenic compounds and is not sophisticated enough to jack your most anabolic hormone (insulin) through the roof without using carbs or sugar. 3) Requires more than one scoop per serving to fit so much sugar & maltodextrin. 2) Contains NO new age Creatine Taurinate, BPOV, GBBEE, L-Carnitine Arginine HCl, etc.... 1) Has you stuck in the bloated, fat promoting hell of yesterday’s old school sugar & maltodextrin-laden Nitric Oxide products. %329 ELV3LFROLQDWH 2[R9DQDGLXP LQFUHDVHV WKH EHWD FHOO¶V VHQVLWLYLW\ DQG UHVSRQVLYHQHVVWRLQVXOLQ7KLVLVKXJHO\LPSRUWDQWEHFDXVHWKHNLQHWLFVDQGG\QDPLFVRILQVXOLQ GLFWDWHWKDWLWLVQRWKRZPXFK\RXSURGXFHEXWPRUHLPSRUWDQWO\KRZ³LQVXOLQUHVSRQVLYH´RU HI¿FLHQW\RXUERG\XWLOL]HVLQVXOLQWRVKXWWOH&UHDWLQH%HWDDODQLQH/HXFLQHDQGRWKHUPXVFOH HQHUJHWLF FRPSRXQGV LQWR WKH PXVFOH FHOO WR PDQXIDFWXUH PRUH OHDQ PXVFOH 6L[W\ VHYHQ SHUFHQW RI$PHULFDQV DUH LQVXOLQ UHVLVWDQW WR VRPH GHJUHH ,I \RX KDYH DQ\ GHJUHH RI LQVXOLQUHVLVWDQFH\RXUDELOLW\WRXVHLQVXOLQLVFRPSURPLVHG7KHUHIRUHLWGRHVQ¶WUHDOO\PDWWHU KRZ PXFK LQVXOLQ \RXU ERG\ UHOHDVHV EHFDXVH \RX DUH ³UHVLVWDQW´ WR LQVXOLQ¶V DELOLW\ WR EXLOG PXVFOHDQDEROLVP/HVVRYHUDOOFDUERK\GUDWHFRQVXPSWLRQJO\FHPLFORDGDQGHOLPLQDWLRQRI KLJKJO\FHPLFLQGH[GLHWDU\FDUEVDORQJZLWKKLJKHUSURWHLQLQWDNH%329VXSSOHPHQWDWLRQDQG LQFUHDVLQJ PXVFOH PDVV YLD UHVLVWDQFH WUDLQLQJ DUH DOO IDFWRUV WKDW LQFUHDVH LQVXOLQ VHQVLWLYLW\ DQGXWLOL]DWLRQ $UJLQLQH (WK\O (VWHU +&O RU $(; 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Results are not typical. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 9,7$/3+$50$&(87,&$/6,1& Natural Muscle April 2008 AIN EVPERRY IZ E BOWL, 25 GRAMS OF PROTEIN. You could WIN a one year supply of supplements. Go to and enter code CER408NM Natural Muscle April 2008 Natural Muscle April 2008 IN BODYBUILDING TODAY! most ANABOLIC ARSENAL 4 The ™ Let’s get right to the point: Only Gaspari Nutrition dares to let the results of unbiased, independent clinical research do the talking for its products. While other companies make up outlandish claims out of thin air or use hardcore photos and catchy one liners to sell their products, Gaspari products are about proof. We take the guess work out of choosing supplements so you can get it right the first time. LET THE SCIENCE SPEAK FOR ITSELF TEAM GASPARI SuperPump250™ – Super Anti-Catabolic/ Myotrophic Stimulant Cocktail FLEX LEWIS 2007 BRITISH NATIONALS OVERALL WINNER The Reigning KING of Dramatic Effects in the Pre-Workout Category NEW IFBB PRO Results of the Independent Pilot Study Conducted At Ohio Research Group: • Subjects Added an Average of 2 1/2 Times More Lean Mass in a Single Dose Than Subjects That Didn’t Take the Supplement • Significant Decrease in the Percentage of Body Fat in a Single Dose • Look For The Results of the NEW Groundbreaking Clinical Trial Coming Soon and See What 30 Days on SuperPump250 ™ Can Do For You! Novedex XT® – The Undisputed #1 Testosterone Booster - 3 Times Tested! No Other Legal Product on the Market Even Comes Close. More Muscle in the Gym AND in the Bedroom than Any Other Testosterone Booster in History! Introducing... There’s Only One True Hardcore Brand! A brand with products so powerful and so effective that no other brand on the market can touch it. That’s Gaspari Nutrition. Ask any experienced bodybuilder what they think about any Gaspari compound and you’ll get the same answer again and again,”Nothing works like Gaspari! When you take a Gaspari product, you really know you’re on something!” Try them once and you will see and feel, once and for all, what everyone else is talking about –Gaspari products get you bigger, stronger, and leaner than anything else on the market... period. Combine them, and get ready to vehemently smash through the plateaus of your genetic potential and rewrite your body’s blueprint once and for all. Enter The 4th Dimension of Muscle What if you could harness the ultimate anabolic condition in regard to your supplement program? Imagine the possibilities. No guesswork or disappointment, just incredible results. Introducing the most powerful synergy in the history of sports nutrition, and perhaps the 1st “can’t miss” combination ever available to the serious bodybuilder –The 4most Anabolic Arsenal™. No other legal stack can produce a more explosive, lean muscle transformation or increase in strength and performance than this. Unlike other products, this unprecedented offering does not target the entry level consumer or “first time buyer.” If you already know what you’re doing, this stack is for you. Try The 4most Anabolic Arsenal™ and experience the kind of results you’ve been hoping for. Stop wasting time and “experimenting” with other combinations –get the job done right... get it done now! The 4 most Anabolic Arsenal™........ GAME ON! Attention 4mostAA users -we want to hear from you! Tell us about your results on The 4most Anabolic Arsenal! Email us at 4maa@gaspari Results of the Independent Clinical Trial Conducted at Baylor University and published in the 2007 International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism†: • Increased Natural (Free) Testosterone an Average of 600% • Up to a 600% Increase in Testosterone to Estrogen Ratio • Returns to Baseline Within 3 Weeks of Stopping Novedex XT • Rock Solid Safety Data PlasmaJet ™ – Instant Myotrophic Hyperexpansion Growth Kit THE FINAL KNOCKOUT BLOW TO THE NITRIC OXIDE CATEGORY After almost 2 years in development, the most intense and effective nitric oxide boosting product ever seen or sold in the sports supplement industry... and we mean EVER, is here. We knew the last thing this industry needed was another “me too” NO product, but when you come across something so unique and so powerful that its bound to obliterate an entire category, what choice did we have? This is not just about instant gratification... its about big gains – now AND down the road. Sure PlasmaJet™ will induce massive muscle pumps, definition, and vascularity, but also real muscle mass, strength and endurance on a level previously unattainable by ANY other nitric oxide mediated sports supplement EVER! This product is so effective on its own, we nearly had to leave it out of the The 4 most Anabolic Arsenal™. Hold onto your hats boys!* *Look for results of the independent clinical trail documenting the unprecedented effects of PlasmaJet™ coming soon! SizeOn™ – The Dragon Slayer of All Creatine Products The Intelligent Choice For Increasing Muscle Cell Volume, Mass, Endurance & Performance. Destroyed Both The Top Selling Creatine and Arginine in Head to Head Independent Clinical Trial For Both Muscle Size AND Strength!!!! Results of The 30-Day Independent Clinical Trial Conducted First 250 At Ohio Research Group*: customers to email their full name • SizeOn™ Increased Muscle Mass: and address to info@ - 180% more than Creatine Ethyl Ester with - 1,400% more than Arginine Alphaketoglutarate “NatM: SP250/SizeOn Offer” in the subject will get • SizeOn™ Increased Strength: 2 free samples - 322% more than Creatine Ethyl Ester of each! - 776% more than Arginine Alphaketoglutarate Natural Muscle April 2008 † Willoughby D. S., & Wilborn C. Eight weeks of aromatase inhibition using the nutritional supplement Novedex XT: Effects on serum steroid hormones, body composition, and clinical safety markers in young, eugonadal males. International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2007, 17, 92-108 © 2007 Human Kinetics, Inc. *Standard deviation bars have been omitted for clarity. Differences between groups were statistically significant. *Ziegenfuss T.N., Mendel R.W., and Hofheins J.E. Comparison of Purported Anabolic Supplements on Body Composition and Muscular Performance. Ohio Research Group. Wadsworth, Ohio 44281, USA. - Presented at the ISSN Convention in June 2006, Las Vegas, NV. (Neither the research team or The Ohio Research Group received any financial compensation from Gaspari Nutrition, nor do they endorse this, or any other Gaspari Nutrition product.) Visit for all pertinent study data. See PlasmaJet™ First, Exclusively Available At Available at health and vitamin stores, gyms and select retailers around the world. ® Manufactured for Gaspari Nutrition • 501 Prospect St., Suite 107, Lakewood, NJ 08701 • Distributors Call 1.732.364.3777 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Natural Muscle April 2008 0(/7'2:1 '(&/$5(6'($7+ 72)$7&(//6 Meltdown® by VPX is the most profound scientific fat loss innovation of the decade. Meltdown has a star studded ingredient profile of newly invented exclusive fat loss compounds designed to burn fat faster and longer by kicking up a thermogenic storm! And that’s just the tip of a very large iceberg of fat burning science. Meltdown will radically increase energy levels, take mental acuity and alertness into the stratosphere and induce an intense mood-altering euphoric effect that is going to re-write fat loss biochemistry. Meltdown is also highly pro-sexual. In fact I’ll guarantee that you have the best sex you ever experienced shortly after taking Meltdown! However, we are only here today to talk about fat loss. 7KH<RKLPELQH6\QHUJLVWLF)DW/RVV7ULIHFWD Yohimbine is an alpha-2-antagonist which simply means it exerts its fat loss magic by blocking the alpha-2 receptors. Blocking action of the alpha-2 receptors is critical for fat loss because it increases blood flow in adipose tissue and as a result ramps up internal fat metabolism causing previously stored body fat to be released into the blood stream and burned as energy. This process is known as Lipolysis. Yohimbine also works by increasing Norepinephrine (NE) - one of the body’s principal lipolytic (fat burning) hormones. The challenge is that when NE is released it stimulates both the alpha and beta receptors. While stimulating the beta receptors causes the desired effect of fat liberation, NE simultaneously also stimulates the alpha-2 receptors which can have the undesired effect of interfering with the process of body fat being burned as energy. Yohimbine is a really cool substance because it exerts a kind of self-protective mechanism by blocking the alpha-2 receptors and guarding one of the body’s key fat burning hormones called Norepinephrine. Simply stated, it is almost like Yohimbine has a mind of its own that says I’m going to increase NE to destroy body fat and nothing is going to get in my way. Because of the sheer fat burning potency of Yohimbine, we analyzed this chemical very closely and now introduce two new forms (along with Yohimbine HCl) of Yohimbine in Meltdown. Consequently, Meltdown contains three specialized forms of the potent fat loss agent, Yohimbine. It’s no secret that when it comes to burning fat, milligram per milligram, Yohimbine is even more effective than ephedra. Along with pure Yohimbine HCl, Meltdown now contains 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine which has unusually long half-life and, therefore, exerts a prolonged research-proven fat burning effect for up to eight hours while increasing norepinephrine levels by up to 56%! This is important because Norepinephrine (NE) is one of the body’s principal lipolytic (fat burning) hormones. Further, Meltdown also contains the rare alpha-Yohimbine compound. The scientific marvel is that Yohimbine HCl, 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine and alpha-Yohimbine work synergistically to increases lipolysis. These compounds work particularly well in the stubborn areas of the butt, thighs and abdomen because of the Yohimbine receptor cites concentrated in those areas. prehension because generally speaking, if an ingredient doesn’t work to begin with, it normally doesn’t work no matter what you do to the chemical structure. The answer to the Synephrine challenge was to chemically engineer Methyl Synephrine. To our delight Methyl Synephrine didn’t make your heart race or give you anxiety like ephedrine but provided almost equal amounts of thermogenesis, energy and feeling of well being. After perfecting Methyl Synephrine, human subjects were excited about its effectiveness and our scientific team was even more excited knowing how well beta andrenergic agonists stack with alpha antagonists in regard to fat loss. With Yohimbine HCl, 11-hydroxy Yohimbine, alpha-Yohimbine and Methyl Synephrine VPX could have easily stopped here and delivered the best fat burner ever created. However, we had a great deal of other new compounds equally important in assembling the most profound scientific fat loss innovation of the decade. It is well documented in research that ephedrine and caffeine stacked together have a significant synergistic effect to cut fat and that ephedrine and caffeine stacked with Yohimbine had an even greater capacity to destroy fat. Therefore, we theorized that combining caffeine with Methyl Synephrine (the chemical cousin of ephedrine) would exert a similar fat loss effect. More importantly, we theorized that we could even beat the old-school Ephedrine-Caffeine-Yohimbine combination with a more scientifically hip: Caffeine-Methyl Synephrine-Yohimbine HCl, 11-hydroxy Yohimbine, alpha-Yohimbine stack. And, human subjects (including myself) confirmed that our theory was correct! All my staff and I can say is that this combination rocks, period! 1DWXUDOO\2FFXUULQJ´'HVLJQHUµ)DW/RVV&RPSRXQGV Phenylethylamine (PEA) processes the unique capacity to increase metabolism by stimulating your thyroid gland and inducing thermogenesis to burn fat while eliciting the mild euphoria of eating a 1000 chocolate bars. So imagine if you could take PEA and make it 40 to 60 times more effective? Meltdown may give you the buzz of 40,000 fat and calorie free chocolate bars while melting fat off faster than a blow torch! Therefore, it was now time to add our new breakthrough fat loss compounds called, R-ß-M-PEA (R-ß-Methylphenylethylamine) and nMethyl-ß-PEA (n-Methyl-ß-Phenylethylamine). We originally began working with ordinary ß-PEA and ß-PEA HCl but found these compounds to have far too many limitations. First, they were metabolized far too quickly and secondly, their ability to cross the blood brain barrier was weak and could, therefore, be astronomically improved up to 40 to 60 times by using the R-ß-M-PEA and n-Methyl-ß-PEA versions! This is mind boggling considering that most consumers and other supplement companies are already satisfied with ordinary PEA. But remember, I’m staking my entire career and reputation on my guarantee that Meltdown ® is the most profound scientific fat loss innovation of the decade! +LJK3RZHUHG+RUGHQLQH It is commonly known to skilled biochemists that the kinetics of any version of PEA can be extended when combined with an MAO inhibitor. However, I was highly disappointed with lack of MAO inhibiting capacity of Hordenine and Hordenine HCL. We needed this compound to kick butt for two major reasons. To achieve the desired MAO inhibition effect, we again had to alter the basic chemical structure to create a super type of High Powered Hordenine. Unlike straight Hordenine or Hordenine HCl, this special Hordenine had to be a potent MAO inhibitor to pre- *When combined with increased exercise and a reduced calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Natural Muscle April 2008 Of equal importance, adding the appropriate functional group to the chemical structure would also ramp up Hordenine’s intrinsic andrenergic fat burning capacity. So, after attempting to stabilize Synephrine with HCl and failing at hydroxylation to make it more soluble as was accomplished with 11 Hydroxy Yohimbine, we finally arrived at adding a Methyl functional group to Hordenine thus giving birth to “Undisputed King of all MAO Inhibitors called, Methyl Hordenine AKA High Powered Hordenine! - not to mention that Methyl Hordenine and Methyl Synephrine are an outstanding beta adrenergic agonist fat loss stack that works synergistically with the triple Yohimbine alpha 1 and alpha 2 andrenergic antagonists. And, we are all well aware from old days of the Ephedrine (an andrenergic agonist), Caffeine and Yohimbine stack that Caffeine further enhances the effect of andrenergic agonists like Methyl Hordenine/ Methyl Synephrine and Yohimbine. And, our Methyl Hordenine innovation produced effects beyond our wildest imagination with real human subjects when combined with R-ß-M-PEA and n-Methyl-ß-PEA and the other above-mentioned compounds in Meltdown. This resulted in a super clean mild “X” buzz with unprecedented mental acuity that lasted for hours and extended thermogenesis, carb Craving Control® and other markers of fat loss. 0HWK\O6\QHSKULQH$.$6XSHU6\QHSKULQH Caution: Synephrine DOES NOT WORK! I hate to burst your bubble but Synephrine and Synephrine HCl are as useless as a screen door on a submarine. However, Methyl Synephrine is an off the chain version of Synephrine. This adrenergic amine robustly accelerates fat metabolism and thermogenesis to simultaneously speed up the fat burning process. Unlike its chemical cousin Ephedrine, Methyl Synephrine has mild stimulating properties on the central nervous system which is highly desirable because you get ultimate fat burning properties without the racing heart and anxiety that ephedrine caused. This is because Ephedrine works at the beta 2 receptor which acts on the CNS (central nervous system) and may have side effects in unhealthy individuals while, Methyl Synephrine is one of the adrenergic amines that stimulates the beta-3 receptors. This functions to increase the metabolic rate without affecting heart rate or blood pressure. Synephrine releases epinephrine and norepinephrine primarily in the beta-3 receptor sites in adipose (fat) tissue. Stimulation of the beta-3 receptor sites brings forth lipolysis meaning it stimulates fat metabolism. Another distinctive physiological property of Methyl Synephrine is its role as an Alpha-1 adrenergic agonist which plays a major part in the metabolization and destruction of body fat by freeing up stored body fat and allowing you to burn it for energy (lipolysis). Acting on both Alpha 1 and Beta 3 receptors to induce fat loss is why Methyl Synephrine will earn its reputation as a powerful lipolytic agent in scientific circles when it is released to the general public. going to use just TTA. Instead, the goal was to turn the heat up a several hundred percent in Meltdown with M-TTA or Methyl TTA. M-TTA also promotes anti-adiposity meaning it prevents you from storing fat along with improving insulin sensitivity. If you read my Zero Impact Diet book or read the newest N.O. Shotgun article, you would know the importance of insulin sensitivity in building muscle and annihilating body fat. Other biological aspects of M-TTA are, reduced proliferation and apoptosis (death) to fat cells. &RPSDULQJRWKHU)DW%XUQHUVWR0HOWGRZQLV/LNH &RPSDULQJD7ULF\FOHWRD6WHDOWK%RPEHU Meltdown is the world’s most scientifically sophisticated advanced fat burner. Meltdown is powered by a pharmaceutically inspired polymer based lipid delivery system called PolyLipid. This “steady state” technology delivers both rapid and sustained controlled-release of the powerful active Meltdown compounds. VPX is the father of liquid delivered fat burners in the nutritional industry and to date has engineered and sold more liquid delivered fat burning ingredients than all other companies combined! You won’t catch VPX doing any mindless “capsule within a capsule” hocus pocus nonsense. PolyLipid Delivery is advanced and authentic pharmaceutical science that dramatically improves the pharmacokinetics of fat burning compounds. You will only find the pure R-ß-M-PEA and n-Methyl-ß-PEA powerhouse versions of PEA in Meltdown. Well, guess what? There are many other really cool fat loss ingredients in Meltdown like the bio-molecularly engineered, CCK-8, and pure cAMP. However, unfortunately, I’m out of time and this magazine was supposed to go to print today and here I’m spilling my heart and soul out to you about the greatest fat loss invention of the 21st Century. Rock On my friends - its time to get so ripped and shredded to such a degree that on lookers will stare in disbelief and offer you Band Aids for all those cuts.-DFN2ZRF Further, adding a functional group to the chemical structure ramped up Synephrine’s Beta 3 intrinsic fat burning capacity so that it worked like its chemical cousin ephedrine. So, after trying stabilization of Synephrine with HCl and failing at hydroxylation, we finally arrived at adding a Methyl functional group to Synephrine thus giving birth to Methyl Synephrine. This compound was so impressive that we trade marked it as Super Synephrine™! And, of course our Super Methyl Synephrine produced effects beyond our wildest imagination with real human subjects when combined with R-ß-MPEA and n-Methyl-ß PEA and the other above-mentioned compounds in Meltdown. 0HOWGRZQ)DW$VVDXOW0DWUL['HFODUHV 'HDWKWR)DW&HOOV²077$ 0HOWGRZQ5HVHDUFK$QG'HYHORSPHQW3URMHFW Interestingly, most of these compound innovations contained in Meltdown didn’t even exist and had to be chemically engineered in the lab. For example, 20 milligrams Synephrine is supposed to be a fairly decent fat loss compound similar in action and chemical structure to ephedrine. So we set up a human subject study and tested all the parameters of fat loss using 1) 25 mgs of pure Synephrine then, 2) 50 mgs of pure Synephrine HCl (hydrochloride) and finally, 3) 200 mgs of pure Synephrine HCl. Even when these high amounts of pure Synephrine were stabilized with HCl and bound to a polymer-lipid based delivery system, thermogenesis was not induced. Furthermore, energy, heart rate and oxygen uptake did not increase nor were any other markers of fat loss apparent! We were about to give up on Synephrine until I came up with one last creative effort to get this compound to work. We turned to several molecular modifications of Synephrine to see if this scientific approach would make this compound an effective fat loss agent. I must admit that there was a great deal of ap- vent PEA from being metabolized by the monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme. Blocking MAO would increase the duration of action of our brilliant R-ß-M-PEA and n-Methyl-ß-PEA inventions and permit easy transport across the blood brain barrier. In medicine this is called increasing the pharmacokinetic value. This would allow R-ß-M-PEA and n-Methyl-ß-PEA – two of the most potent legal designer fat loss compounds to become even more efficacious. Above is the chemical structure of yohimbine (R1 = R2 = H) and its 2 hydroxylated metabolites, 10-hydroxyyohimbine (R1 = OH, R2 = H) and 11-hydroxy-yohimbine (R1 = H, R2 = OH). Combined with Owoc’s new Methyl Hordenine & Methyl Synephrine are the world’s most powerful fat loss compounds - ALL contained in MELTDOWN ® Tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA) is referred to in science as having pleiotropic properties meaning that it produces many effects from a single compound. As you probably expected, these effects all relate to monster fat loss! In fact, the biological responses to TTA in regard to fat loss are so profound that it is hard to believe a fat burning agent of this diverse nature actually exists. Guess where fat is burned? It’s burned in the mitochondria of the muscle cell and TTA induces mitochondrial proliferation (increases the number of mitochondria in the cell). The more mitochondria contained within a muscle cell, the greater your capacity to burn fat. So it’s no wonder that another biological response to TTA is increased catabolism of fatty acids. You have probably heard the word catabolism before in reference to destroying muscle tissue which is not good; however, in the case of TTA we refer to catabolism in regard to destroying fat which is highly desired! Meltdown does NOT contain TTA. About 10 years ago I was tagged with the name “Supplement Guru” for a reason and that was because I am somewhat of a freak in the field of research and development science and also overly enthusiastic about bringing you new supplement innovations that have physique-altering properties. Therefore, although very powerful, I wasn’t VPX1.COM Natural Muscle April 2008 contents March 2008 IN EVERY ISSUE TRAINING The 10 LBs Diagnosis by: Jimmy Smith 24 Muscleology Series- Yoga by: Eric Hoult 34 Resolution training by: Hugo Rivera 60 HEALTHY RECIPES The Fit Gourmet by Danielle Nagel-Singh 26 The MUSCLE Chef by Mark Alvisi 38 MOTIVATION Fitness for Her by Kristal Richardson Sherry’s Fitness Formula by: Sherry Goggin Modern Manners by: Brenda Kelly 28 36 40 Pz’s Perspective by Pz Hopkins 50 Welcome to my World by Coach A 54 Fab Abs at forty 30 Resolution training part 2 60 EXPO WEST 16 ARNOLD EXPO 18 THE LITTLE BLACK DRESS 52 10 Natural Muscle April 2008 UP TO 6 TIMES FASTER THAN DEXTROSE FOR DELIVERING VITAL MACRONUTRIENTS Replenish glycogen at lightning fast speed.* Deliver BCAA’s at an unsurpassed rate.* Ideal for strength and endurance sthletes. Unparalleled during carb-up right before contest.* Call: MOST COMPLETE BCAA FORMULA FOR POST WORKOUT RECUPERATION.* FEATURES THE CARNOSINE BOOSTING SUPPLEMENT B-ALANINE. SUPPORTS NUTRIENT DELIVERY AND ACCELERATES MUSCLE REPAIR.* STIMULATES NITRIC OXIDE PRODUCTION AND SUPPORTS RED BLOOD CELL FORMATION.* TIGHT HARDCORE FEATURES A NANO DISSOLUTION TECHNOLOGY FOR COMPLETE ABSORPTION & EFFECTS* TIGHT HARDCORE CRUSHES APPETITE TO PREVENT OVEREATING* TIGHT HARDCORE CONTAINS RAPID RELEASE SOFTGELS FOR IMMEDIATE ENERGY AND EFFECTS* TIGHT HARDCORE MAXIMIZES THERMOGENESIS AND THUS TURNS FAT INTO HEAT ENERGY* 888.519.9300 Int: 805.988.0640 SANN.NET *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Some of these studies were performed at a different dosage than that in our product. The efficacy of this ingredient at the dosage level in our product has not been established in a clinical study and may not be equivalent. Some of these studies were performed on animals and not humans. Because of differences between humans and animals and the difficulty in determining the equivalence of dosages administered to animals and humans, the results of animal studies may not be transferable to humans. **Blood tests were conducted through the life extension foundation and are on file with the SAN Corporation. No Claim is made with the exception of what is provided within this graph. AVAILABLE AT Natural Muscle April 2008 11 12 Natural Muscle April 2008 Natural Muscle April 2008 13 *When combined with increased exercise and a low calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. CIRCULATION Natural Muscle Magazine is distributed to select gyms and health related businesses throughout the USA. If you would like to carry the magazine at your location please call 813-961-4806, email, fax 813-3542460, or order online at There is a one time fee for this. Natural Muscle Magazine is available free of charge at select locations, limited to one copy per reader. No person, without written permission, may take more than one copy of each issue. DISCLAIMER Natural Muscle Magazine does not necessarily agree with the views in articles and assumes no responsibility for any claims or representations contained in this magazine or in any advertisement. Copyright © 2007 Natural Muscle Magazine, Inc., all rights reserved. Readers are advised to consult their physician before starting a diet or exercise program. Cover Photo: Kenia Lizama by Alex Gonzalez 14 Natural Muscle April 2008 Publisher/Editor Debbie Baigrie my two cents Debbie Baigrie Art Director Alex Gonzalez Web SITE Shelly Dickson Contributing Writers Mark Alvisi Dr. John Atherton Sherry Goggin Eric Hoult Pz Hopkins Brenda Kelly Skip Lacour Richard Nannis Danielle Nagel Gina Ostarly Kristal Richardson Hugo Rivera photographers John Atherton Debbie Baigrie Alex Gonzalez Walt Ostarly Gordon Smith NM readers often remark that my two cents columns are never about fitness. “Aren’t you supposed to write about what’s in the magazine each month?” Well, I know I’ve said this before, however ... I have more respect for the readers of Natural Muscle to, a) know they can just look through and see what’s inside..they don’t need me to tell them and, b) I know that just as I am a lot more than muscle, skin, and bones, so are the readers. Those muscles, skin and bones is what carries us through life, but that is merely our surface. We are not as shallow as people like to believe. I like to write about other stuff. I often ask “fitness” companies why they don’t advertise their vitamins, minerals, green foods and such. Their reply is “not our market” Not their market?? It seems fitness people give off the impression that we care less about what’s brewing inside than anyone else. I would like to hear from anyone reading this if you do not do not take vitamins. Are we really perceived as mere shells? I sure hope not. But, apparently, we are. I consider myself a spiritual person. I feel very “connected”—but, I also look very fit! When I walk into any “spiritual” establishment, I am sometimes looked at as an imposter. How can this women, all tanned and buff possibly care about anything else? And I think, “how can these people not know that we stay in shape not only for ourselves—to be strong, but also to stay healthy for our loved ones.” I love the fact that I can inline skate with my daughter and jump a fence if need be. I smile when people say..”ooh, I have to hit the beds, so I can look healthy”... How about healthy diet, exercise, and be centered and glow from the inside?? That, I believe is the entire premise of fitness. To radiate the result of your lifestyle. Just as the beer guzzler has a big belly, people who ride their bikes have muscular legs. I used to think the problem was in perception. I later realized that we have gotten so far away from what FITNESS really is. Even our competitions display this. We use diuretics, steroids, fake tans, and starve ourselves..all in the name of aprearing the most fit in a competition. No wonder people perceive fitness people as shallow. Do any of these fitness types that are using many these false means of looking the part take vitamins? It even makes me wonder. Maybe we aren’t their market after all. And if we are, the place to change a perception of anything is from within. Have a look at how you really take care of your insides. Not just your organs, but your spirit. Does what you show the world reflect what you do and who you are? This is not only evident in the fitness world—it seems to be universal. It used to be that if you lived in a big house and drove an expensive car, you had a lot of money. In 2008, it is generally how much debt you owe. While people are trying to show the world how rich they are, they are “spazzing out” ...but everyone else thinks they are rich... that’s all that matters. People undergo plastic surgery for the same reason. Maybe we should stop caring what others think and start thinking about how we can be the happiest, most fulfilled, and healthiest person we can be. That’s really when we look our best, without even trying. Natural Muscle April 2008 15 Natural Products Expo West /SupplyExpo 2008 Continues Upward Climb ndance with Record Atte Betancourt Nutrition M ore than 52,000 retailers, manufacturers, and industry professionals attended the country’s largest natural, organic, and healthy products trade show, Natural Products Expo West/Supply Expo 2008 (www.expowest. com), an increase of 11 percent over last year’s Redline attendance. In its 28th year, Natural Products Expo West/Supply Expo, produced by New Hope Natural Media, a division of Penton Media, attracted a record 3,392 exhibits to the Anaheim Convention Center in Calif. Keynote speaker, The New York Times best-selling author, Michael Pollan told a capacity crowd to think about “not just what is in our food but how we enjoy our food,” and reminded the audience that shopping is part of the pleasure of food. The $57 billion dollar natural and organic products industry continues to enjoy brisk sales with strong growth in certified organic meat and seafood, beer and wine, pet products, herbs and botanicals, and personal care, according to The Natural Foods Merchandiser’s 2007 Market Overview. Innovation continues in this marketplace with new biodegradable goods, from housewares and home cleaning products, to certified fair trade products and organic fiber fashions and bedding. “Each year, Natural Products Expo West gives a sneak peek into what the public will find in Americaâ ™s stores tomorrow.” said Fred Linder, president of New Hope Natural Media. “This year, more buyers from the full retail spectrum” from supermarkets, pharmacies, club and convenience stores to independent co-ops and ethnic markets “saw more products than ever before.” Based on new product trends discovered at Natural Products Expo West/Supply Expo, shoppers will soon see thousands of new healthy products from the following categories in their neighborhood markets: Gluten-Free: breads, brownies, cereals, pastas, and snack foods Certified Fair Trade: personal care products, rice, teas, chocolate, snacks, coffee 16 Natural Muscle April 2008 Whole and Sprouted Grains: pizza, kid snacks, nutrition bars, dinner rolls, desserts Healthy Omega-3 Fats: capsules and culinary oils to breakfast and dinner foods Reusable Shopping Bags: certified organic, hemp, recycled materials and biodegradable Pre- and Pro-biotics: from vitamin supplement capsules to yogurt snacks, drinks and bars Natural and Organic Personal Care: men’s and women’s skincare, shea butter products, mineral cosmetics Exotic ‘Superfruit™ Ingredients and Flavors: mangosteen, goji berry, yum berry, acai, yerba mate™ Healthy Kid-sized Foods: drinks, snacks and everything in-between New Hope Natural Media (, a division of Penton Media, Inc., is the leading media resource and information provider for the natural, organic and healthy products industry with print, in-person/ event, and e-business products and services. New Hope also produces Natural Products Expo East/Organic Products Expo-BioFach America (, Natural Products Expo Asia (www.naturalproductsasia. com), the NBJ Summit (, the Organic Summit (, and the Healthy Foods Conference ( In June 2008, New Hope Natural Media and Supermarket News will launch the Healthy Foods International Exposition and Conference (www. in Dallas, TX. Penton Media, Inc. is the largest independent business-to-business media company in the U.S., serving more than six million business professionals every month. The company’s market-leading brands are focused on 30 industries and include 113 trade magazines, 145 Web sites, 150 industry trade shows and conferences, and more than 500 information data products. Headquartered in New York City, the privately held company is owned by MidOcean Partners and U.S. Equity Partners II, an investment fund sponsored by Wasserstein & Co., LP, and its coinvestors. For additional information on the company and its businesses, visit Rich Gaspari Dymatize Himalaya *When combined with increased exercise and a reduced calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ©2008 VITAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Natural Muscle April 2008 17 EXPO arnold fitness weekend Bodywell’s Oksana, Jimmy, and Kristal VPX-Redline gang! The Arnold EXPO is the largest health and fitness expo in the country with 650 booths showcasing healthy lifestyle products and methods to more than 150,000 fitness fans in three days of free entertainment and competiton from top professional and amateur athletes. The Arnold Sports Festival is “A Weekend of Sports and A Lifetime of Fitness” hosting 39 sporting events. More than 17,000 athletes and 150,000 sports fans watch three days of athletic competition that tests human capabilities in the widest variety of sports in one place for so many athletes than any other event in the world. There are more than 650 booth spaces in the Arnold EXPO at the Arnold Sports Festival. As many as 150,000 sports fans and fitness fans pass through the doors of the Greater Columbus Convention Center on their way to the 36 sporting events during the weekend. If you’ve ever been to the Arnold EXPO on a Saturday afternoon or waited on Friday morning with that $10 EXPO ticket in hand for the doors to open you’ll know there’s no way to properly describe what it’s like to be among so many people with fitness fun on their minds. Dymatize Milkmaids 'LVWULEXWHGE\ Mandy Blank more pictures on the next page!... April 2008 1818 Natural Muscle Natural Muscle April ‘08 $YDLODEOHDW Select WWW.BODYWELLNUTRITION.COM ©Bodywell Nutrition LLC 2007. For best results, use Tight Curves in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program. Consult with your physician before starting any diet or exercise program. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Natural Muscle April 2008 19 Accuguys! Lee and Hugo bennies of the and Mike O’Hearn Gaspari cover model, Marzia Prince The beautiful “new forty” Gina Ostarly Canadian dynamo, Sylvia Trembley I can see what Alan Shugarman has been doing since he last wrote for us..getting shredded! Tricks! Accuguys! VPX booth rep, Ashley King and Remy Me and JNL! Cassie Rae holding her cover! Darrem Charles SAN! 20 Muscle Chef, Mark Alvisi Natural Muscle April 2008 LoneStar’s TJ! Scott and Monica Brant-Peckham Moh and Ava Cowen-Dreamtan Lil Rosita! Debbie Kruck Natural Muscle April 2008 21 22 Natural Muscle April 2008 Natural Muscle April 2008 23 The 10lbs Diagnosis Are you doing the right things to prime your body I for growth? I DIAGNOSIS 1 You need to address your bigger muscle fibers. Muscles really do not know how much weight is on the bar, they just know how much tension they are experiencing. It is tension that recruits Type II b or fast twitch fibers and that is what we are really after and it is really well known in the field that the Type II b fibers are the ones that have, by far, have the greatest capacity to enlarge or to hypertrophy. Successful training methods need to address Type II b fiber stimulation and consequently hypertrophy. You can lift a heavy weight and create a lot of tension because there is a lot of force but I think the most tension is developed when you use moderate weights and when you apply acceleration to those weights. So what you need to do right now is train with slightly lower reps (48 reps) but lift the weight faster than you have been doing. DIAGNOSIS 2 Reassess your mind frame. There are two kinds of mind sets that you can have. If you look at people in the health club or in the gym-there are two mind sets. The first is like an exerciser mind set. As an exerciser, whether you want to lose fat or gain muscle you are very wrapped up in the whole world thermodynamics so if you are trying to gain muscle you are thinking Ok I need to train hard and I need to really rest and I need to take certain number of protein and I need to get a certain number of calories so that I have caloric surplus. And conversely if you are trying to drop body fat and you are saying to yourself well 24 Natural Muscle April 2008 Before you read this, go look in the mirror. Close your eyes and visualize how much better your body would look with ten pounds of lean muscle on your frame. Visualize how well your favorite shirt would fit and how big your arms or shoulders would look. Now do this, go find your training log and look at your past three months of training. Have you made consistent progress and increased your sets or weights every workout? Even if you have, if you have gotten stronger have you gotten bigger? Are you doing the right things to prime your body for growth? There is a reason that the guy who always looks like he is growing is getting bigger. No, it has nothing to do with steroids either. If you follow the ten pound diagnosis, you will be following a step-by-step blueprint for transforming your physique from pebble to rock hard. By Jimmy Smith alright I am eating 1500 calories a day and I am 45 minutes on the treadmill and you had a plateau and the question is: Where do you go from there? You now go to 1200 calories a day doing an hour on the treadmill. There is no, to me there is no happy end game in all of these. To me it just strikes me as a monotonous kind of not very aspirational kind of way of life. The other way to think about it isas an athlete and I have been an athlete all my life in different sports and not a good athlete by any stretch but an athlete nonetheless and I do not know when I go to the gym I am thinking about how I am going to improve myself that day. What I can do to improve my technique on the Olympic Lift. I am thinking about maybe I will get a personal record. When is my next competition going to be? That is a kind of aspirational mind set, I mean that is something I can wake up. DIAGNOSIS 3 Vary Your Training Every Three To Four Weeks I found that the lower body is a little dumber if you will, and takes a little longer to adapt and thus you can keep people on say squats and dead lifts and variations thereof a little bit longer than you would for upper body movements. So I found that you tend to vary upper body movements more than lower body. Now the problem too is that there is something called the variable recovery system. We know for instance that arm, so take your biceps will recover much quicker than say your legs particularly the hamstrings. So the arms can be hit a Career Opportunities Available Now! -Marketing -Graphics -Sales little more often than legs and because of that you will have a greater frequency of arm movements and body split training is quite popular especially foe advanced athletes because of the fact that they are tapping into this variable recovery system. Not everything recovers to the same rate. Whole body systems can be quite demanding especially for advanced athletes since your constantly pounding the body with big movements like squats and dead lift stroke to weeks. DIAGNOSIS 4 Properly Mix In Compound And Isolation Exercises In general you want to emphasize the big multi joint compound movements however training economy will dictate what you do in the particular program. I mean if someone is going to train once or thrice a week then make sure, you want to ensure that you are given the big movements. If you have someone that wants optimal gains I think you need to have a healthy mix of both compound and isolation type movements. Now to truly isolate is difficult particularly at high intensity. So if you take a movement such as triceps press down for instance, research shows that at high intensities there is greater EMG or electrical activity in the abdominals than there are in the triceps themselves when you are doing that movement. So as the intensities surge increase it is actually quite difficult to truly isolate a muscle but with that said I think it is important that you incorporate some isolation movements. Now available at all Texas Nutrition Depot locations! Natural Muscle April 2008 25 the fit gourmet Easy Low-Carb Low Fat Spinach and Feta Quiche By Danielle Nagel, APCA Nutrition & Natural Health Consultant Ingredients 1 bag fresh spinach 2/3 fat free cup sour cream 2 eggs (or egg whites equivalant) 3 1/2 oz low fat feta cheese, crumbled 1 tablespoons chives, finely chopped salt and pepper, to taste 1/3 cup parmesan cheese, grated 10 minute prep! Directions 1-Pre-heat oven to 400. 2-Cook spinach until tender. Drain, rinse with cold water, squeeze dry and roughly chop. 3-Beat together soured cream and eggs, stir in feta cheese, chives and season with salt and pepper. Add spinach and pine nuts and sultanas if your are using them. 4-Pour into a ceramic dish, sprinkle with parmesan and bake for 30-35 minutes until firm and golden brown. Get the awesome, cutting-edge energy technology you’ve come to experience with the world famous 8-ounce REDLINE Ready To Drink formulations now in a convenient 2.5oz Redline Power Rush bottle! Who says Big things don’t come in Little Packages? Say Hello to our newest (little) Redline Power Rush! 1. The Power Rush of REDLINE, in a 2.5-ounce package! 2. Redline Power Rush Tastes Great: Zero Carbs/Zero Sugar! 3. Redline Power Rush offers up to 7 hours of Pure Energy with no crash or jitters! 4. And, most importantly, Redline Power Rush contains two servings, at similar price as single serving competitors.* *When combined with increased exercise and a reduced calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 26 Natural Muscle April 2008 Natural Muscle April 2008 27 fitness for her kristal richardson The best anti aging vitamins IFBB pro there is a fountain of youth While all vitamins are important to your overall health, there are some which are especially useful for protecting against the effects of aging. Vitamin A This is important for stimulating bone growth and also for strengthening the gums, teeth, fingernails, toenails, and hair follicles. It also keeps skin healthy by preventing acne, blemishes and boils, and also promotes good eyesight. Vitamin A also helps to fortify the protective linings of vital organs such as the intestines, lungs, and bladder. Deficiency of Vitamin A can cause eye and skin problems, fatigue. The recommended daily dosage of Vitamin A for adults is 5,000 IU. Vitamin A only needs to be taken four days a week.Vitamin A can be found in the following foods: Carrots Yellow and green vegetables Milk and other dairy products Yellow fruits Liver Eggs “The price to pay for quitting exercise is higher than expected, and this price may be an important factor in the obesity epidemic affecting Americans,” says Paul Williams, whose study was published in the journal Medicine & Science in sports and Exercise. Williams’ study suggests that people are getting fat because they don’t exercise sufficiently and consistently. The solution is not just to start exercising, but to stick with it. Think of fitness/wellness as financial, as well as physical and emotional. If I’ve invested in running shoes, I’ll walk or run; if I’ve invested in gym membership or personal training, I’ll use it; if I’ve bought into a diet program, I’m going to follow it. ‘Cause I’ve decided to stop throwing money away. In fact, I’m going to start saving – on all those high calorie drinks and foods that I keep telling myself I need, even though I know I don’t. I’m going to put that money into a special vacation, reward, fun time jar and day to day watch my money grow as my waist shrinks. View fitness as a financial plan. You’re investing in a longer, happier, and more enjoyable life. Rather than allowing yourself to slip into the consequences of being out of shape – overweight, short of breath, risking or suffering diabetes, and experiencing the crippling financial consequences of prolonged ill health. 28 Natural Muscle April 2008 Don’t just do something. Do something you enjoy. Two of my clients made great breakthroughs this way. Getting either of them to “do cardio” was almost impossible. They were masters at finding “I can’t” reasons to avoid the track or the treadmill. So, we found activities each enjoyed – for the woman, mall shopping; for the gentleman the camaraderie of bicyclists his age. Easy solutions – walk the mall or join you buddies four or five times a week. Both quickly began losing weight, increasing cardiovascular health, and feeling happier and more pleased with themselves. Another client is an avid reader and after surgery on his foot, running or even treadmill running, was out of the question. But, walking on the treadmill or riding a stationary bike was never a problem – as long as he had a bookstand. Find what works for you – exercise, diet or diet and exercise. When Thomas Edison was asked how many times he failed in his efforts to develop the first electric light, he responded, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” So find what works for you! Take care of today and the future will take care of itself. How you treat your body today…good or bad…will be reflected in the years to come! k Vitamin B6 Cory Sorenson photo Change your thinking and the messages you give yourself. You don’t have to diet or have to do cardio. You’re choosing to eat more healthfully. You’ve decided to do something healthy for yourself and those you love. “I just have to do my cardio/weights today. I’ll decide tomorrow for tomorrow.” “I’m going to do cardio because I know that I’ll feel better when I’ve finished it and if I don’t I will feel guilty and more like giving up. And I hate to quit.” “If I stick to my eating plan today, I’ll lose weight and I’ll be proud of myself; if I give in and stuff myself, I’ll feel discouraged and shamed.” “No one can take better care of my body than I can; and I’m determined to do it.” This helps the body to consume fats and proteins. It is crucial to the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, and is known to prevent skin and nerve disorders. Signs of B6 deficiency can include muscle cramps, nervousness and oral sores. Vitamin B6 should be taken in small doses - Most multi-vitamins include a solid Bcomplex. Vitamin B6 can also be found in these foods: Cheese Eggs Milk Cabbage Cantaloupe Kidney meat Beef Wheat germ Bran Vitamin B12 This is essential for the body as it enables to use lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, and is important for the production and regeneration of red blood cells. It can also increase energy and improve short-term memory, concentration, and physical balance. Indicators of a deficiency in Vitamin B12 include body odor, heart palpitations, and menstrual problems. A lack of Vitamin B12 can lead to serious problems, including brain damage and anemia. A daily dose of 2.5 mcg is sufficient for most adults. If Vitamin B12 is to be absorbed it should be accompanied by calcium. Vitamin B12 is found in Cheese, milk and other dairy products like Eggs and Meat . Vitamin C This has a wide array of benefits. It is perhaps best known for its usefulness in fighting against common cold, though it can also lower cholesterol, decrease blood clots, help prevent infections, help wounds to heal and speed recovery after surgery. A lack of Vitamin C can lead to loss of appetite, fatigue, chronic nosebleeds, and gastrointestinal problems. The average daily intake of Vitamin C for adults ranges from 500 mg to 2 g. Humans are one of the few animals who do not naturally produce Vitamin C, and so it must be obtained from other sources. Fortunately, it is found in many types of food like the following: All citrus fruits Berries Potatoes Tomatoes Cauliflower Leafy vegetables Vitamin D This allows the body to utilize phosphorous and calcium. Several serious problems like tooth decay, senile osteoporosis, ostemalacia, and rickets can be due to deficiency of Vitamin D. The average recommended dosage for adults is 500 - 1,000 IU a day. Foods containing Vitamin D include All dairy products (especially milk) Many fish foods, including sardines, tuna, and salmon Vitamin E This is one of the best vitamins for energy and anti aging product, because it helps oxygen to reach all the cells of your body more easily. It also helps to prevent blood clots and can help to treat burns. The indicators of Vitamin E deficiency include red blood cell destruction, muscle degeneration and atrophy. The average daily dose for adults is 200 - 1,200 IU. Some good natural sources of Vitamin E are: Whole grains and wheat germ Soybeans Eggs Whole grain cereals Broccoli Brussel sprouts Spinach Some anti aging vitamins, such as Vitamin E, are nontoxic and safe. Other vitamins, such as Vitamins A and D, can have harmful effects on the body when taken in large amounts for an extended period of time. Natural Muscle April 2008 29 fab abs at forty 40 A re you searching for that six pack and can’t seem to find it? Have you spent endless hours in the gym doing hundreds of crunches? Tried every new ab contraption that promises a tight tome midsection? If you answered yes to any of these, you owe it to your ABS to read on. Americas crazed fascination and never ending quest for a 6 pack, everyone wants one. Washboard abs have become the ultimate badge of a superb fit physique. After giving birth to 3 children, 2 by c-section, my crazed fascination for a tight tone midsection arrived. Through trial, error and some sweat, not only did I sculpt, but built abs I never thought possible. Stop spending money on every new gadget and pill that promises you what you are searching for. Great abs don’t come in a bottle or from exercising on a lounge chair. They come from hard work, dedication and consistency. I train my abs like any other body part. The biggest mistake I see people making in their abdominal training is that it gets thrown in, here and there. Instead incorporate a workout that is dedicated to abs at least once a week. My favorite ab exercise of all time is hanging knee raises. I contract my abdominals throughout the movement and pull my knees in high to incorporate lower as well as upper abs. My routine consist of 4 different exercises which hit upper and lower abdominals in a variety of ways. My diet is clean 80% of the time. The hard truth is that you can train abs till the cows come home, but if you do not incorporate clean eating, you will never get to see them. I eliminate all white flour and stick to whole grains, use Splenda instead of refined sugar, Limit foods higher in fat, such as nuts, peanut butter and beef and try to drink a gallon of water a day. By Gina Ostarly, “the NEW FORTY!” My ab routine sets reps 1. Crunches on floor/mat with hands behind head 3 20 2. Decline bench crunches with hands across chest 3 20 3. Flutter kicks on floor/mat 3 4. Hanging knee raises 3 1 min 25 Take a 10-15 second rest between sets. Always focus on your “ABS” doing the work. Keep breathing, never hold your breath. photo by Walt Ostarly 30 Natural Muscle April 2008 Natural Muscle April 2008 31 0(/7'2:1 '(&/$5(6'($7+72)$7&(//6 Gina Ostarly photo by Walt Ostarly Made with Swarovski crystals.. Meltdown Science: Combines the synergistic fat burning power of beta andrenergic agonists (MetylSynephrine) and alpha andrenergic antagonists (Yohimbine HCl, alpha-Yohimbine and 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine). In simpler terms it activates fat burning mechanisms in your body while simultaneously blocking the internal biochemistry that prevents you from burning fat by guarding one of the body’s key fat burning hormones called Norepinephrine (NE). When fat burning is both promoted and protected at the same time we call this effect “synergistic”. So, instead of 9 (activation factor) + 8 (protection factor) equaling 17 on the fat burning scale, this synergistic combination has a geometric effect of 72! The powerful fat loss agent, 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine is of great interest here because regular Yohimbine yields a roughly 32% increase in the fat burning hormone, NE. Compare this to 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine that yields an even more impressive research proven 56% increase in the potent fat burning hormone, NE. We are only now just studying how the combination of the other Yohimbine compounds in Meltdown work in concert to increase NE even further. With the combined effect of alpha-Yohimbine and 11-hydroxy Yohimbine contained in Meltdown blocking both alpha-1 and alpha-2 receptors, my hypothesis is that we are looking at a 81%+ increase in NE! 7+,6,621/<7+(7,32)$/$5*(6&,(17,),&,&(%(5*0(/7'2:1 Synergistic Tri-Matrix ™ Yohimbine HCl, 11-Hydroxy & Alpha Yohimbine 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine Order your own t-shirt today and show it off! because it’s who you are! 32 Natural Muscle April 2008 11-hyrdoxy Yohimbine is the active metabolite of Yohimbine. Research indicates that 11-hydroxy Yohimbine has a potent alpha-2 adrenergic receptor affinity that significantly increases lipid metabolism. 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine exhibits a 10 fold increase in the binding ability to alpha-2 adrenergic receptors. The half-life of 11-hydroxy Yohimbine is approximately 8 to 11 hours compared to Yohimbine’s two hour half-life. 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine offers definite advantage over Yohimbine in alpha-2 adrenergic receptors binding affinity and the longer half life in blood. The body converts Yohimbine to 11-hydroxy metabolite in the liver. Consequently, it is Meltdown’s unique Yohimbine Tri-Matrix that works synergistically to increase unmatched norepinephrine-induced fat burning in both potency and duration of action. nist lies in it’s ability to burn fat without causing anxiety like its chemical cousin, ephedrine which a beta-2 Andrenergic Agonist. Methyl Synephrine (MS) -- as previously mentioned MS is a beta-3 AA just like real Clenbuterol! The magnificence of a beta-3 Andrenergic Ago- Meltdown is also designed to increase mental clarity and mood with minimal jitteriness while burning fat at an unprecedented rate. The active Methyl PEA isomer, R-beta Methylphenylehtylamine – found botanically in nature and found also in chocolate is a simpler form called PEA has been called the love compound. Think of Meltdown’s R-beta Methylphenylehtylamine as the love compound in overdrive dramatically enhancing the sexual experience and many other aspects of fat loss and is trademarked by VPX as Craving Control® and Mind Control Matrix™ for its potent ability to shut down appetite and eliminate carbohydrate cravings. MTTA is another really impressive research proven compound that causes apoptosis or systematic death to fat cells. VPX1.COM *When combined with increased exercise and a reduced calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Natural Muscle April 2008 33 34 34 Natural Muscle April 2008 Natural Muscle April ‘08 Natural Muscle April 2008 35 Just the facts! Mediterranean style grilled fish serves 4 Ingredients 1 tablespoon minced garlic 4 tablespoons chopped fresh basil 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley 2 tablespoons lemon juice 4 cod fillets, each 6 ounces Cracked black pepper, to taste 4 green olives, chopped 4 thin slices lemon stuff you should know about .. You may substitute swordfish, halibut, sea bass or any other whitefish, and the nutrients are similar. by Sherry Goggin Cholesterol Facts: 3 Cholesterol is a naturally occurring substance in the body. 3 Most all of the cholesterol that is needed by the human body is manufactured by the liver. 3 Cholesterol is a waxy like substance that is found in our blood stream and is essential for our body in various functions like building cell membrane, making Vitamin D and hormones. 3 Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is the bad cholesterol. 3 High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is the good cholesterol can be found in a variety of foods such as fruits and vegetables as well as cereals. 3 The role cholesterol plays in diseases is not as obvious as it may first appear. 3 High levels of some cholesterols can contribute to heart disease and circulatory problems such as hypertension and strokes. 3 In some countries that have typically high fat diets, for example France, and report high levels of cholesterol in the population, yet have low rates for heart disease. 3 A family history of high cholesterol increases your risk for having high cholesterol, even if you exercise and eat healthy. 3 High soluble fiber foods help reduce the bad cholesterol levels. 3 A diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids can help to lower triglycerides as well as increase HDL cholesterol. 3 Garlic is one of several herbs that lower cholesterol naturally. 3 Olive and walnut oils help in naturally lowering cholesterol. 3 Refined, bleached flour products increases cholesterol. 3 High cholesterol is a silent, painless, symptom less disease and left untreated it can be come life threatening. 36 Natural Muscle April 2008 Cholesterol is a lipid found in the cell membranes of all tissues, and it is transported in the blood plasma of every animal. Cholesterol is also considered a sterol which is a combination of steroid and alcohol. Trace amounts of cholesterol are found in the membrane of plants and fungi because cholesterol is synthesized by all eukaryotes. Most of the cholesterol in the body is synthesized by the body and it is more abundant in tissues which either synthesize more or have more abundant denselypacked membranes, for example, the brain, liver, and spinal cord. Cholesterol is insoluble in blood but is transported in the circulatory system bound to one of the varieties of lipoprotein. The main types of lipoprotein are: lowdensity (LDL) and high-density (HDL). HDL(“Good Cholesterol”) & LDL(“Bad Cholesterol”) carry cholesterol from and to the liver, respectively. Abnormally high cholesterol levels and abnormal proportions of LDL and HDL are associated with cardiovascular disease by promoting ath- try the I f you’re looking for a hearthealthy eating plan, the Mediterranean diet might be right for you. The Mediterranean diet incorporates the basics of healthy eating, plus a splash of flavorful olive oil and perhaps a glass of good red wine, among other components characterizing the traditional cooking style of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. In 1965 Dr. Ancel Keys, after completing the “Seven Countries Study” divulged the fact that in Crete, where 40% people food intake was olive oil, the heart diseases were eroma development in the arteries called atherosclerosis. This disease process leads to heart attacks, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. This is why exercise and a healthy diet is so important and some time medication is necessary. High Cholesterol affects over 42 million Americans and more than 60 million Americans have borderline High Cholesterol. Cholesterol is found in animal fats and the major dietary sources of cholesterol include egg yolks, beef, poultry and shrimp. The amount of cholesterol in one egg yolk is equal to about 2 ½ gallons of pure peanut oil. Foods containing fiber, potassium, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, saponins, lecithin stanol sterol phytic acid, phenolics, antoxidants, carotenoids, flavonoids,and nitric oxide in green leafy vegetables will help lower cholesterol levels in the body. Foods high in salt, trans fat, saturated fat and grease will help raise cholesterol levels in the body. It is recommended to have choles- terol tested more frequently if a person has total cholesterol of 200 mg/dL or more, is a man over age 45 or a woman over age 50 and has HDL cholesterol less than 40mg/dL or other risk factors for heart disease and stroke. DIET and Exercise may play an important role in preventing or causing Heart Disease High levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream have been linked to atherosclerosis and heart disease and stroke. The negative impact of raised levels of triglycerides is lower thean that of LDL and HDL ratios. Pancreatitis is another disease caused by high triglycerides. Consuming less fats, carbohydrates and alcohol and participating in aerobic exercise is essential to reducing triglyceride levels. Omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, niacin, and some statins will also reduce triglyceride levels. You can get omega-3 fatty acids from fish, flax seed oil or other sources, and you can take up to 3g per day and you can take one or more grams of niacin per day. Mediterranean Diet considerably low. The research was made with more than12.000 persons from Finland, Greece, Italy, Japan, Holhand, USA and Yugoslavia. In reality, there is not an exact formula of the Mediterranean diet, but the olive oil is the most significant factor. Other important sources of calories in Crete came from bread, olives, vegetables, cheese, fish and wine. About eighteen countries border the Mediterranean Sea. Countries with very different cultures, religions, ethnic background, economy and agricul- tural production. It’s difficult to say that there is only one Mediterranean Diet. Anyway, the common Mediterranean dietary pattern has these characteristics: • high intake of vegetables, fruits, bread, pasta and other cereals, potatoes, beans, nuts and seeds • olive oil is the most important fat source and almost the unique vegetal oil used. • The proportion of dairy products, fish and poultry is low to moderate. Not much red meat is eaten • eggs are consumed from one to four times a week • wine is consumed regularly and is a habit in the meals, but in low to moderate amounts Directions -Prepare a hot fire in a charcoal grill or heat a gas grill or broiler. Away from the heat source, lightly coat the grill rack or broiler pan with cooking spray. Position the cooking rack 4 to 6 inches from the heat source. -In a small bowl, combine the minced garlic, basil, parsley and lemon juice. -Place aluminum foil on a baking sheet or a grill-pan designed for grilling seafood. Spray with cooking spray. Place fish on aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray. Top each fillet with equal amounts of the garlic mixture. Sprinkle with black pepper. -Grill over medium heat, turning once, until the fish is opaque throughout when tested with the tip of a knife, about 10 minutes. -Garnish with green olives and lemon slices. Serve on warmed plates. Nutrition (per serving) Serving size: 1 fillet Calories 145 Cholesterol 75 mg Protein 30 g Sodium 175 mg Carbohydrate 2 g Fiber trace Total fat 2 g Potassium 731 mg Saturated fat trace Calcium 35 mg Monounsaturated fat 0.5 g Tabbouleh serves 8 Ingredients 1 cup vegetable stock, broth or water 1 cup fine-grind bulgur 2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved, or 2 tomatoes, seeded and diced 1/2 cucumber, peeled, seeded and diced 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf (Italian) parsley 3 tablespoons chopped fresh mint 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 green (spring) onions, including tender green tops, finely chopped 1 tablespoon grated lemon zest 1 clove garlic, minced 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice Directions -In a small saucepan, bring the vegetable stock to a boil. Place the bulgur in a large, heat-proof bowl and pour in the boiling stock. Let stand until the bulgur is tender and the liquid is completely absorbed, about 15 minutes. -Add all the remaining ingredients and toss gently just until the ingredients are evenly distributed. Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours to allow the flavors to blend. Serve chilled. Nutritional Analysis(per serving)Calories 109 Monounsaturated fat 3 g Protein 3 g Cholesterol 0 mg Carbohydrate 18 g Sodium 286 mg Total fat 4 g Fiber 4 g Saturated fat 1 g Natural Muscle April 2008 37 The MUSCLE chef Mark Alvisi BBQ Chicken with brown rice & mixed vegetables photos by Axis Design BBQ Chicken with Brown rice and mixed vegetables Serves 4 Ingredients 4 ea Boneless, skinless Chicken breast Salt & pepper to taste 1 tsp Garlic (fresh, chopped) 1 tsp Onion Powder 4 oz Orange Juice 2 oz Lemon Juice 4 oz Olive oil Sauce 8 oz Kraft BBQ Sauce 6 oz Ketchup 2 oz Honey 1 tsp Garlic Powder 1 tsp Onion Powder Mixed Vegetables 1 oz Olive Oil 16 oz Frozen Mix Vegetables (thawed) 2 oz Chicken Broth (hot) Onion, medium dice 1 tsp Garlic (fresh, chopped) Salt & Pepper to taste Brown Rice 2 cups Par Boiled Brown Rice 4 cups Chicken Broth (hot) 3 oz Onion, diced 2 oz Butter 38 38 NaturalNatural MuscleMuscle April 2008 April ‘08 Method of Preparation 1. Preheat oven to 425°F. Combine fresh Garlic, onion powder, lemon and orange juice, olive oil, salt and pepper in a bowl and whisk together. Add chicken breast and marinate for at least one hour. Once marinated, grill or sauté the chicken in a lightly greased skillet or grill until browned. Do not cook all the way. Remove from heat and reserve. 2. To make brown rice, melt butter in a medium sized sauce pan, add onions and sauté until translucent. Add rice and sauté until grains are evenly coated with the butter. Do not brown. Once coated, add hot chicken stock, reduce to a low heat and cook until all liquid is absorbed. 3. In a bowl, mix together, BBQ sauce, ketchup, honey, garlic and onion powder. Dip each piece of chicken in the sauce and coat evenly. Place chicken on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake for 10 minutes or until temperature of the chicken reaches 165° F. 4. To make mixed vegetables, in a heated sauté pan, add oil and sauté garlic until light brown. Add onion and sauté until translucent. Add Mixed Vegetables and sauté for two minutes over high heat. Add chicken broth and sauté for another minute. Remove and serve immediately. FITNESS FOOD MADE EASY! Natural Muscle April 2008 39 Modern, proper manners have a time and place. Learn where and how you can use them when it counts to impress. By: Brenda Kelly modern day manners 101 Brenda Kelly BASIC TABLE MANNERS: We have a grab and go food society eating everywhere from standing up over the refrigerator to navigating a sandwich to your mouth while driving along the 405 in rush hour. While at a restaurant, it can be a huge turn off watching someone holding utensils like primitive weapons, jabbing, stabbing and stuffing food down while friends are ducking from flying food out of your mouth. No, this is certainly NOT attractive. Luckily for all of us, with a little attention this is an easy fix. UTINSILS: To the left of your plate are up to 3 forks. The smaller fork farthest away is your salad or appetizer fork. The biggest one in the middle is for the main course and the smaller one closest to the plate is your desert fork. To the far right of your plate is your soupspoon, in the middle is your teaspoon and your knife is closest to your plate. DEFINITION OF MANNERS: Something you would do if you were alone and not just if someone else who’s opinion you cared about were watching…as in using a tissue instead of your finger or washing your hands after you have used the restroom. Remember, manners range differently from culture to culture. Slurping your soup from a soup bowl is VERY OK in Japan while it is considered rude here in the USA. Use your best judgment considering your surroundings or if you are really stumped at how to properly eat, use the advice…when in Rome…do as the Romans do. Observe and copy. 40 Natural Muscle April 2008 EATING: Pierce your food with your fork and bring the food TO your mouth, fork top facing up. Your mouth does NOT go to the food. Got it? Do not blow on your food. If it is too hot, wait a bit. Just don’t do the open mouth pant with the fork still in your mouth holding the hot food thing. Close your lips around the fork with all of the food in your mouth and extract the fork without scraping your teeth. Doesn’t fit? IT”S TOO BIG of a bite then now, isn’t it? Putting the fork down and napkin dabbing after every bite is overkill unless the Queen is present. Just put the fork down sometimes and wipe milk mustaches and food falling off your face every so often. Do not talk with food in your mouth. Finish swallowing and THEN talk. This way no one has to see your disgusting chewed up food, or even worse, you spray your disgusting chewed up food everywhere because you are talking with your mouth full. Bluck! Do not drink with your mouth full of food. Chew more thoroughly EATING OUT SWANKY: When making a reservation, it is proper for it to go under the Gentleman’s last name. After the Gentleman checks in for the reservation it is the “Ladies First” rule. It is proper to let the lady walk in front, behind the hostess to the table. Ladies are handed the menus first. Ladies order first. After the food shows up, it is proper to wait until everyone at the table is served until just digging in. If the rest of the table tells you to go ahead, it is at your hunger level discretion to wait or not at that point. When community dishes arrive like appetizers or Chinese food, do not eat directly from the serving dish. Never put your personal eating utensils into the community dish. Use a serving spoon. It is fine to use your bread plate for more than bread. If you have to leave the table for any reason, excuse yourself. If it is an intimate dinner, set your cell phone for message pick up. It is considered rude to talk on your cell phone while out on a one on one date and sometimes it is not appropriate in an important group meeting either. Ask if other people are finished with their food and drink before standing up to leave or asking for the check. A gentleman helps his date out of her chair, with her coat and walks out with the lady in the lead. *I sometimes find it preferable to walk behind my date in crowded situations because he clears a better way through and is taller than me. SLUMMIN’: There is always time for balance of both the prissy and the practical world. In a fun, informal social situation, it may be more like… hey, whoever gets to the seat with the best view of the action first wins. If you need help with your friggin coat just say so, but I think we both can handle ourselves and eating using your fingers without proper utensils is perfectly fine. There are times you just want to get some grub down without the manner patrol getting on your back and it’s fine, really. Just as long as your manners make an appearance when it counts. You never know when someone may just motivate you to want to pull out all of the stops and impress with manners. Natural Muscle April 2008 41 Toxic Chemicals In Food: Your Number 1 Weight Loss 3 Bad Diet Mistakes To Avoid At All Cost Even though there is so much information available about weight loss, the same diet mistakes are being made over and over every day. We are not talking here about little slipups where you ate a slice of pie that was not on the plan, but big mistakes that lead to failure to lose the weight that you want to lose. Understanding these errors can help you develop the attitude that will lead to permanent weight loss for you. your target weight. You may have a great diet plan and be very successful in losing weight, but what happens when you reach your goal? You have not learnt to eat ‘bad foods’ in moderation so as soon as you start, you are likely to go out of control. It is better to include a little of everything in your diet and learn to enjoy it in small quantities. Yes, even chocolate! 1. The All Or Nothing Attitude 3. Goal Failure All or nothing dieters will often pick out a complicated diet that is almost impossible for them to maintain. Before beginning, they will search the kitchen for anything that does not fit the plan and throw it in the garbage. They are planning to be the perfect dieter, and so they will be, for one day, three days, seven days or even a couple of weeks. Then, inevitably, something happens that means they cannot keep to the diet one time. Immediately the whole thing is ruined in their eyes and the diet is over. They go to the store and buy all the things that went into the garbage last week and proceed to gain back all the weight that they lost, as fast as possible. If you are this kind of dieter you need to ask yourself some tough questions. Do you really want to lose weight permanently, or just lose a few pounds so that you can enjoy putting them back on again? The way forward is to make small changes to what you eat so that you have a slow but steady weight loss. Setting achievable goals is vital in any weight loss plan. Goals should be clear, realistic and set out in writing. While you probably do have an ideal weight in your mind, unless you are only very slightly overweight it is probably too distant to be useful. A more useful goal would be to lose two pounds per week for the first five weeks and then one pound per week after that. Some weeks you will lose more and some less, some weeks you may even gain, but if you track your progress on a graph you will see that ups and downs are natural and do not stop you progressing steadily toward your major goal. If you have been making these mistakes, do not worry. The most important point in dieting as in so many other things is to move on. Learn from your failures as well as your success and do not use a mistake as an excuse for giving up. The only way to achieve your goal permanently is to make a commitment to become a healthier person. Remember that eating normally includes eating more some days and less others. Learn to enjoy food in moderation and you have every chance of avoiding these bad diet mistakes. By: Mark Kimathi 2. The Attitude of Sacrifice Another common mistake is to view your diet as a period of sacrifice. You do not allow yourself the foods that you enjoy most while you are on your way to Measure Body Fat By Yourself… …with the FatTrack® GOLD Digital Body Fat Caliper and Accu-Measure® Fitness 3000 Personal Body Fat Tester ENDO RSED BY: • Gold Standard Accuracy • Instructions Included • Measurement Info FREEpe® MyoTeaach in ® GOLD ck FatTraackage. p Super-Accurate Measurement of ANY BODY PART Track your body measurements and progress as your muscles grow and unwanted fat goes away! Also available at: 42 Natural Muscle April 2008 A Enemy lthough most people logically acknowledge that chemicals in food are bad for them they do not really understand the full implications especially its direct connections to the metabolism and storage of excess body fat. Firstly, the more chemicals that a person consumes from their food, the harder the liver must work to metabolize and flush out all of the toxins from the body. What does this have to do with fat loss? The liver is the body’s number one fat burning organ and its health and function is closely related to how lean your physique will be. The more time it spends processing chemicals (including alcohol), the less it has to properly regulate your metabolism, burn fat and keep you looking lean and toned. Here’s some statistics to clearly put you in the picture: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) currently lists about 2800 international food additives and about 3000 chemicals added deliberately to the food supply. Including chemicals used in food production from ground to stomach, the number rises to between 10,000 and 15,000. William Kellas and Andrea Dworkin -Surviving in a toxic world There are currently over 100,000 chemicals approved for use in Europe alone with over 8000 more added each year. The Danish Environmental Authority entered all that was known about 40,000 chemicals into a database and concluded: “ 20,624 to be dangerous, of this number 9,538 acutely dangerous when consumed. “ A further 9,668 incur allergic reactions. “ 1678 are mutagenic. “ 642 incur cancer. Another massive problem with processed foods is that almost all of them contain refined white sugar. This can be in several forms such as sugar, sucrose, corn syrup etc but the bottom line is that all are highly detrimental to your health and achieving the body you deserve. This section is quite detailed but it’s important that you know the TRUTH about how white sugar just totally destroys your ability to get lean and muscular and with this knowledge ‘eating clean’ becomes a powerfully sane choice. The following information comes from ‘Sugar Blues’ by William Duffy. Why is sugar toxic to the body? In 1957 Dr William Coda Martin tried to answer the question: When is a food a food and when is it a poison? His working definition of “poison” was: “Medically: Any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body, which causes or may cause disease. Dr Martin classified refined sugar as a POISON because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals. This is why the KEY principle above all else in your eating plan will be to eat only natural, unprocessed (and organic whenever possible) foods. Reducing the chemical build-up and intake will get your liver burning fat and speed up your metabolism so you are a better fat burning machine 24/7. Obviously with the amounts of chemicals most people typically consume from the foods they generally eat, the liver cannot process them all so they become stored in the body until they can be processed. If the chemical barrage would stop these ‘chemical stockpiles’ would get around to being processed but unfortunately since there are more chemicals taken in every day, the stockpiles get larger and larger. Also many of these chemicals cause an acidity in the body that needs to be neutralized lest it literally burn and damage cells and tissue including your hard earned muscle that you spend hours in the gym developing. About The Author Ben Kong is the author and co-creator of Natural Muscle April 2008 43 pushups 0(/7'2:1 '(&/$5(6'($7+72)$7&(//6 1 TRY THESE! REGULAR PUSHUPS- Regular push-ups are the usual push-ups that everybody does. WIDE PUSHUPS- keep your hands just a bit wider than shoulder width, in order to gain maximum effect. MEDICINE BALL PUSHUPS- This is performed just like a normal pushup, but the only difference is to use medicine ball. This move requires lot of core strength. Medicine ball pushup is a bit advanced one, as it stabilizes the muscles of your upper body and gives you great strength. CHAIR PUSHUPS- Performing chair pushups are very useful for lower chest, shoulder and triceps. Let me tell you how to do this. Have two chairs of equal height of your shoulder far away from one another. Place one hand flat on each seat and extend legs behind. Press yourself back up and repeat as many times as possible. (Some fitness gurus recommend that it is better to use stairs than chair as they increase resistance and stamina.) 44 Natural Muscle April 2008 Mobile and budget friendly! In today’s busy world many people don’t find enough time to go to a gym and workout but a simple pushup can do it all! They are one of the excellent ways of exercising and can be done anywhere as they are budget friendly too. Pushups strengthen your triceps, pectorals, shoulders and almost the whole of your upper body. Performing pushups will not only help you to pump up blood to muscles. A warm-up is essential before doing any kind of workout. It will be more effective, if you warm-up well before starting your pushups. As push-ups are a high-rep exercise, they help to increase your blood flow within the muscles and arms. If you use these exercises properly, you will definitely gain strength and condition your muscles. Start with the basic push-up and work up to 3 sets of 8 reps, then challenge yourself more. Meltdown Science: Combines the synergistic fat burning power of beta andrenergic agonists (MetylSynephrine) and alpha andrenergic antagonists (Yohimbine HCl, alpha-Yohimbine and 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine). In simpler terms it activates fat burning mechanisms in your body while simultaneously blocking the internal biochemistry that prevents you from burning fat by guarding one of the body’s key fat burning hormones called Norepinephrine (NE). When fat burning is both promoted and protected at the same time we call this effect “synergistic”. So, instead of 9 (activation factor) + 8 (protection factor) equaling 17 on the fat burning scale, this synergistic combination has a geometric effect of 72! The powerful fat loss agent, 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine is of great interest here because regular Yohimbine yields a roughly 32% increase in the fat burning hormone, NE. Compare this to 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine that yields an even more impressive research proven 56% increase in the potent fat burning hormone, NE. We are only now just studying how the combination of the other Yohimbine compounds in Meltdown work in concert to increase NE even further. With the combined effect of alpha-Yohimbine and 11-hydroxy Yohimbine contained in Meltdown blocking both alpha-1 and alpha-2 receptors, my hypothesis is that we are looking at a 81%+ increase in NE! 7+,6,621/<7+(7,32)$/$5*(6&,(17,),&,&(%(5*0(/7'2:1 Synergistic Tri-Matrix ™ Yohimbine HCl, 11-Hydroxy & Alpha Yohimbine 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine 11-hyrdoxy Yohimbine is the active metabolite of Yohimbine. Research indicates that 11-hydroxy Yohimbine has a potent alpha-2 adrenergic receptor affinity that significantly increases lipid metabolism. 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine exhibits a 10 fold increase in the binding ability to alpha-2 adrenergic receptors. The half-life of 11-hydroxy Yohimbine is approximately 8 to 11 hours compared to Yohimbine’s two hour half-life. 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine offers definite advantage over Yohimbine in alpha-2 adrenergic receptors binding affinity and the longer half life in blood. The body converts Yohimbine to 11-hydroxy metabolite in the liver. Consequently, it is Meltdown’s unique Yohimbine Tri-Matrix that works synergistically to increase unmatched norepinephrine-induced fat burning in both potency and duration of action. nist lies in it’s ability to burn fat without causing anxiety like its chemical cousin, ephedrine which a beta-2 Andrenergic Agonist. Methyl Synephrine (MS) -- as previously mentioned MS is a beta-3 AA just like real Clenbuterol! The magnificence of a beta-3 Andrenergic Ago- Meltdown is also designed to increase mental clarity and mood with minimal jitteriness while burning fat at an unprecedented rate. The active Methyl PEA isomer, R-beta Methylphenylehtylamine – found botanically in nature and found also in chocolate is a simpler form called PEA has been called the love compound. Think of Meltdown’s R-beta Methylphenylehtylamine as the love compound in overdrive dramatically enhancing the sexual experience and many other aspects of fat loss and is trademarked by VPX as Craving Control® and Mind Control Matrix™ for its potent ability to shut down appetite and eliminate carbohydrate cravings. MTTA is another really impressive research proven compound that causes apoptosis or systematic death to fat cells. VPX1.COM *When combined with increased exercise and a reduced calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Natural Muscle April 2008 45 Meltdown® by VPX is the most profound scientific fat loss innovation of the decade. Meltdown has a star studded ingredient profile of newly invented exclusive fat loss compounds designed to burn fat faster and longer by kicking up a thermogenic storm! And that’s just the tip of a very large iceberg of fat burning science. Meltdown will radically increase energy levels, take mental acuity and alertness into the stratosphere and induce an intense mood-altering euphoric effect that is going to re-write fat loss biochemistry. Meltdown is also highly pro-sexual. In fact I’ll guarantee that you have the best sex you ever experienced shortly after taking Meltdown! However, we are only here today to talk about fat loss. The Yohimbine Synergistic Fat Loss Trifecta Yohimbine is an alpha-2-antagonist which simply means it exerts its fat loss magic by blocking the alpha-2 receptors. Blocking action of the alpha-2 receptors is critical for fat loss because it increases blood flow in adipose tissue and as a result ramps up internal fat metabolism causing previously stored body fat to be released into the blood stream and burned as energy. This process is known as Lipolysis. Yohimbine also works by increasing Norepinephrine (NE) - one of the body’s principal lipolytic (fat burning) hormones. The challenge is that when NE is released it stimulates both the alpha and beta receptors. While stimulating the beta receptors causes the desired effect of fat liberation, NE simultaneously also stimulates the alpha-2 receptors which can have the undesired effect of interfering with the process of body fat being burned as energy. Yohimbine is a really cool substance because it exerts a kind of self-protective mechanism by blocking the alpha-2 receptors and guarding one of the body’s key fat burning hormones called Norepinephrine. Simply stated, it is almost like Yohimbine has a mind of its own that says, “I’m going to increase NE to destroy body fat and nothing is going to get in my way.” Because of the sheer fat burning potency of Yohimbine, we analyzed this chemical very closely and now introduce two new forms (along with Yohimbine HCl) of Yohimbine in Meltdown. Consequently, Meltdown contains three specialized forms of the potent fat loss agent, Yohimbine. It’s no secret that when it comes to burning fat, milligram per milligram, Yohimbine is even more effective than ephedra. Along with pure Yohimbine HCl, Meltdown now contains 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine which hich has an unusually long half-life and, therefore, exerts a prolonged research-proven fat burning effect for up to eight hours while increasing norepinephrine levels by up to 56%! This is important because Norepinephrine (NE) is one of the body’s principal lipolytic (fat burning) hormones. and finally, 3) 200 mgs of pure Synephrine HCl. Even when these high amounts of pure Synephrine were stabilized with HCl and bound to a polymer-lipid based delivery system, thermogenesis was not induced. Furthermore, energy, heart rate and oxygen uptake did not increase nor were any other markers of fat loss apparent! We were about to give up on Synephrine until I came up with one last creative effort to get this compound to work. We turned to several molecular modifications of Synephrine to see if this scientific approach would make this compound an effective fat loss agent. I must admit that there was a great deal of apprehension because generally speaking, if an ingredient doesn’t work to begin with, it normally doesn’t work no matter what you do to the chemical structure. The answer to the Synephrine challenge was to chemically engineer Methyl Synephrine. To our delight Methyl Synephrine didn’t make your heart race or give you anxiety like ephedrine but provided almost equal amounts of thermogenesis, energy and feeling of well being. After perfecting Methyl Synephrine, human subjects were excited about its effectiveness and our scientific team was even more excited knowing how well beta andrenergic agonists stack with alpha antagonists in regard to fat loss. With Yohimbine HCl, 11-hydroxy Yohimbine, alpha-Yohimbine and Methyl Synephrine VPX could have easily stopped here and delivered the best fat burner ever created. However, we had a great deal of other new compounds equally important in assembling the most profound scientific fat loss innovation of the decade. It is well documented in research that ephedrine and caffeine stacked together have a significant synergistic effect to cut fat and that ephedrine and caffeine stacked with Yohimbine had an even greater capacity to destroy fat. Therefore, we theorized that combining caffeine with Methyl Synephrine (the chemical cousin of ephedrine) would exert a similar fat loss effect. More importantly, we theorized that we could even beat the old-school Ephedrine-Caffeine-Yohimbine combination with a more scientifically hip: Caffeine-Methyl SynephrineYohimbine HCl, 11-hydroxy Yohimbine, alpha-Yohimbine stack. And, human subjects (including myself) confirmed that our theory was correct! All my staff and I can say is that this combination rocks, period! Further, Meltdown also contains the rare alpha-Yohimohimbine compound. The scientific marvel is that Yoohimbine HCl, 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine and alpha-Yohimbine work synergistically to increase lipolysis. These compounds work particularly well in the stubborn areas of the butt, thighs and abdomen because of the Yohimbine receptor cites concentrated in those areas. Meltdown® Research & Development Project Interestingly, most of these compound innnovations contained in Meltdown didn’t’t even exist and had to be chemically y engineered in the lab. For example, 20 milligrams Synephrine is supposed to be a fairly decent fat loss compound similar in action and chemical structure to ephedrine. So we set up a human subject study and tested all the parameters of fat loss using 1) 25 mgs of pure Synephrine then, 2) 50 mgs of pure Synephrine HCl (hydrochloride) 46 Natural Muscle April 2008 Above is the chemical structure of Yohimbine (R1 = R2 = H) and its 2 hydroxylated metabolites, 10-hydroxy-yohimbine (R1 = OH, R2 = H) and 11-hydroxy-yohimbine (R1 = H, R2 = OH). Combined with Owoc’s new Methyl Hordenine & Methyl Synephrine are the world’s most powerful fat loss compounds - ALL contained in MELTDOWN . ® Phenylethylamine (PEA) processes the unique capacity to increase metabolism by stimulating your thyroid gland and inducing thermogenisis to burn fat while eliciting the euphoria of eating a 1000 chocolate bars. So imagine if you could take PEA and make it 40 to 60 times more effective. Meltdown may give you the buzz of 40,000 fat and calorie free chocolate bars while melting fat off faster than a blow torch! Naturally Occurring “Designer” Fat Loss Compounds Phenylethylamine (PEA) processes the unique capacity to increase metabolism by stimulating your thyroid gland and inducing thermogenesis to burn fat while eliciting the mild euphoria of eating a 1000 chocolate bars. So imagine if you could take PEA and make it 40 to 60 times more effective? Meltdown may give you the buzz of 40,000 fat and calorie free chocolate bars while melting fat off faster than a blow torch! Therefore, it was now time to add our new breakthrough fat loss compounds called, R-ß-M-PEA (R-ß-Methylphenylethylamine) and n-Methyl-ß-PEA (n-Methyl-ß-Phenylethylamine). We originally began working with ordinary ß-PEA and ß-PEA HCl but found these compounds to have far too many limitations. First, they were metabolized far too quickly and secondly, their ability to cross the blood brain barrier was weak and could, therefore, be astronomically improved up to 40 to 60 times by using the R-ß-M-PEA and n-Methyl-ß-PEA versions! This is mind boggling considering that most consumers and other supplement companies are already satisfied with ordinary PEA. But remember, I’m staking my entire career and reputation on my guarantee that Meltdown® is the most profound scientific fat loss innovation of the decade! n-Methyl-ß-PEA and the other above-mentioned compounds in Meltdown. This resulted in a super clean mild “X” buzz with unprecedented mental acuity that lasted for hours and extended thermogenesis, carb Craving Control® and other markers of fat loss. Methyl Synephrine AKA Super Synephrine™ Caution: Synephrine DOES NOT WORK! I hate to burst your bubble but Synephrine and Synephrine HCl are as useless as a screen door on a submarine. However, Methyl Synephrine is an off the chain version of Synephrine. This adrenergic amine robustly accelerates fat metabolism and thermogenesis to simultaneously speed up the fat burning process. Unlike its chemical cousin Ephedrine, Methyl Synephrine has mild stimulating properties on the central nervous system which is highly desirable because you get ultimate fat burning properties without the racing heart and anxiety that ephedrine caused. This is because Ephedrine works at the beta 2 receptor which acts on the CNS (central nervous system) and may have side effects in unhealthy individuals while, Methyl Synephrine is one of the adrenergic amines that stimulates the beta-3 receptors. High Powered Hordenine™ It is commonly known to skilled biochemists that the kinetics of any version of PEA can be extended when combined with an MAO inhibitor. However, I was highly disappointed with lack of MAO inhibiting capacity of Hordenine and Hordenine HCL. We needed this compound to kick butt for two major reasons. To achieve the desired MAO inhibition effect, we again had to alter the basic chemical structure to create a super type of High Powered Hordenine. Unlike straight Hordenine or Hordenine HCl, this special Hordenine had to be a potent MAO inhibitor to prevent PEA from being metabolized by the monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme. Blocking MAO would increase the duration of action of our brilliant R-ß-M-PEA and n-Methyl-ß-PEA inventions and permit easy transport across the blood brain barrier. In medicine this is called increasing the pharmacokinetic value. This would allow R-ß-M-PEA and n-Methyl-ß-PEA – two of the most potent legal designer fat loss compounds to become even more efficacious. Of equal importance, adding the appropriate functional group to the chemical structure would also ramp up Hordenine’s intrinsic andrenergic fat burning capacity. So, after attempting to stabilize Synephrine with HCl and failing at hydroxylation to make it more soluble as was accomplished with 11 Hydroxy Yohimbine, we finally arrived at adding a Methyl functional group to Hordenine thus giving birth to “Undisputed King of all MAO Inhibitors called, Methyl Hordenine AKA High Powered Hordenine! - not to mention that Methyl Hordenine and Methyl Synephrine are an outstanding beta adrenergic agonist fat loss stack that works synergistically with the triple Yohimbine alpha 1 and alpha 2 andrenergic antagonists. And, we are all well aware from old days of the Ephedrine (an andrenergic agonist), Caffeine and Yohimbine stack that Caffeine further enhances the effect of andrenergic agonists like Methyl Hordenine/Methyl Synephrine and Yohimbine. And, our Methyl Hordenine innovation produced effects beyond our wildest imagination with real human subjects when combined with R-ß-M-PEA and VPX1.COM *When combined with increased exercise and a reduced calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ©2008 VITAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Natural Muscle April 2008 47 Meltdown is for persons who are healthy and serious about burning fat fast. It is extremely potent and therefore, you must read and follow the entire label prior to taking this product. The first 700 persons to purchase Meltdown directly from VPX will get a FREE copy of Jack Owoc’s Zero Impact Diet book. You must mention this magazine ad to receive your FREE book. FREE B OOK! This functions to increase the metabolic building muscle and annihilating body We theorized that we could even beat the old-school rate without affecting heart rate or blood fat. Other biological aspects of M-TTA pressure. Synephrine releases epinephrine are, reduced proliferation and apoptosis Ephedrine-Caffeine-Yohimbine combination with a more and norepinephrine primarily in the beta-3 (death) to fat cells. scientifically hip: Caffeine-Methyl Synephrine-Yohimbine receptor sites in adipose (fat) tissue. StimuHCl, 11-hydroxy Yohimbine, alpha-Yohimbine stack. And, lation of the beta-3 receptor sites brings Comparing other Fat Burners to human subjects (including myself) confirmed that our forth lipolysis meaning it stimulates fat meMeltdown is Like Comparing a theory was correct! All my staff and I can say is that this tabolism. Another distinctive physiological Tricycle to a Stealth Bomber combination rocks, period! property of Methyl Synephrine is its role Meltdown is the world’s most scienas an Alpha-1 adrenergic agonist which tifically sophisticated advanced fat plays a major part in the metabolization burner. Meltdown is powered by a phard and destruction of body fat by freeing up stored maceutically inspired polymer based lipid deTetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA) is referred to in n livery system called PolyLipid. This “steady science as having pleiotropic properties meannstate” technology delivers both rapid and susing that it produces many effects from a single e tained controlled-release of the powerful accompound. As you probably expected, these eftive Meltdown compounds. VPX is the father he fects all relate to monster fat loss! In fact, the of liquid delivered fat burners in the nutritional biological responses to TTA in regard to fat industry and to date has engineered and loss are so profound that it is hard to besold more liquid delivered fat burning inlieve a fat burning agent of this diverse gredients than all other companies comnature actually exists. Guess where fat is bined! You won’t catch VPX doing any burned? It’s burned in the mitochondria mindless “capsule within a capsule” hoof the muscle cell and TTA induces micus pocus nonsense. PolyLipid Delivery tochondrial proliferation (increases the is advanced and authentic pharmaceunumber of mitochondria in the cell). The tical science that dramatically improves more mitochondria contained within a the pharmacokinetics of fat burning muscle cell, the greater your capacity to compounds. burn fat. So it’s no wonder that another biological response to TTA is increased You will only find the pure R-ß-M-PEA catabolism of fatty acids. You have proband n-Methyl-ß-PEA powerhouse verably heard the word catabolism before sions of PEA in Meltdown. Well, guess in reference to destroying muscle tissue what? There are many other really cool which is not good; however, in the case fat loss ingredients in Meltdown like the of TTA we refer to catabolism in regard bio-molecularly engineered, CCK-8, to destroying fat which is highly desired! and pure cAMP. However, unfortunately, Meltdown does NOT contain TTA. About I’m out of time and this magazine was 10 years ago I was tagged with the name supposed to go to print today and here “Supplement Guru” for a reason and that I’m spilling my heart and soul out to you was because I am somewhat of a freak about the greatest fat loss invention of in the field of research and development the 21st Century. science and also overly enthusiastic about bringing you new supplement innovations that have physique-altering Rock On my friends - it’s time to get so ripped properties. Therefore, although very and shredded to such a degree that on lookpowerful, I wasn’t going to use just TTA. ers will stare in disbelief and offer you Instead, the goal was to turn the heat Band Aids for all those cuts. -DFN 2ZRF up a several hundred percent in Meltdown with M-TTA or Methyl TTA. M-TTA also promotes anti-adiposity meaning it prevents you from storing fat along with improving insulin sensitivity. If you read my Zero Impact Diet book or read the newest N.O. Shotgun article, you would know the importance of insulin sensitivity in Call 954-641-0570 to begin living your Meltdown fat loss dream today. VPX1.COM 48 Natural Muscle April 2008 *When combined with increased exercise and a reduced calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ©2008 VITAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Q: What exercise would you recommend as the best for putting serious size on my legs? Y our legs are your foundations and hard heavy leg training will transform your physique making it more powerful and stronger than you ever imagined. However, hard heavy leg training is brutal and that’s why the majority of the masses run for the hills and don’t achieve Ultimate Body Success. Leg training is simple in many ways but at the same time has many subtle technical and psychological nuances that make it very challenging and often very frustrating when people get stuck but can’t quite figure out why or how to get past their plateau. The Squat is the king of all exercises and failing to pay close attention to the technical aspects of this core exercise will mean that you will crash and burn with what I call the 80-90kg squat phenomenon. Very few guys squat, but still fewer squat well. If you don’t perfect your technique, eventually around the 80-90lg mark, your progress will come to a grinding halt. You won’t be able to get proper depth, the movement will feel awkward and at worst you may even injure yourself. I have seen it countless times,guys that weigh 8090kg or more getting stuck at around the 80-90kg mark who end up 3/4 squatting that weight for years on end. Don’t let this happen to you - technique is everything, otherwise you’re just wasting your time and energy needlessly. It is absolutely imperative to practice until the bar sits well, you feel your groove and you can hit your depth consistently, staying tight and strong throughout the whole movement. Like the deadlift, the squat is a hard and heavy simple movement yet has many subtle nuances that you will discover as you progress in your training journey. As with any progressive overload, over time you will come up against sticking points or even from the start you may find that you may not be able to hit proper depth with any appreciable amount of weight. The most common technique flaw is not going to at least parallel. Even if you are never going to enter a powerlifting competition, going to parallel is so crucial for long term squatting power, effective leg training and balanced development of the quads, glutes and hamstrings that you always have to be fastidious about your depth. Whenever you increase the weights, make sure that you still keep your depth. If you lose some depth, get it back before you increase the weight again. Simple. On the subject of proper squat depth as well, once you get beyond the basics, it should be a never ending constant refinement to improve your feel or awareness of where your proper depth is so you can work on hitting it precisely EVERY time and not spend any more time ‘in the hole’ than necessary before powering the weight back up. There is a saying that I think relates beautifully to the squat: “amateurs practice until they get it right, professionals practice until they never get it wrong.” About The Author Ben Kong is the author and cocreator of - The Impossible To fail, Total Lifestyle System For Creating Your Best Body Ever. Natural Muscle April 2008 49 pz’s perspective photo by Billy the Kid Conscious vs. Unconscious which one are you? by: Pz L ife is the coexistence of opposites. One contrasts the other and together they give each other meaning. Pleasure and pain, hot and cold, light and dark, joy and sorrow, birth and death are all members of the family of opposites. There are many pairs of opposites we use to describe people—rich or poor, strong or weak, happy or sad. When you hear someone referred to as being rich it usually means that they have a lot of money. If they are called weak then you can probably conclude they couldn’t make a living as a competitive bodybuilder. A sad description brings to mind someone who is unhappy or depressed or hurting in some way. I’d like to add one more pair to the list--conscious and unconscious. If I were to ask are you a conscious person what would you say? How would you answer? Day in and day out people come and go in our lives. Some we meet only in passing or from a far. Some stay longer than others. Some we interact with more regularly like on the job or at the gym. Some we are related to or have as friends. Some we actually live with and even marry. Some are conscious some are not. What is the difference and how would we know how to distinguish one from the other? I have been an observer of human behavior my entire life. Early on, I instinctively knew everyone was not plugged into the world the same way. I couldn’t quite explain it, but I could make the distinction. For some it seemed like a firm, solid connection-- a high voltage free flowing energy. Others seemed not to be plugged in at all and reminded me of a three-pronged plug trying to fit into a two-pronged outlet—impossible on its own to connect. It was as though these folks were literally asleep at the switch. 50 Natural Muscle April 2008 What I came to discover is we are, in essence, not divided by color or race or intellect or religion or social status or class, but by being either conscious or unconscious. Some people are exactly conscious— ever evolving, ever growing, ever striving. They are listeners, givers, movers, thinkers, and keepers of the flame of awareness, stewards of the Earth and of the gift of humanity. They are on a frequency tuned-in to themselves, to others, and to the good of the collective whole. Then there are the unconscious, those who don’t have a clue about who they are or why they are here. They don’t care very much about you or your situation either. They go through the motions of life with their blinders and their myopic vision never fully being engaged. They can appear as inflexible or one tracked, unyielding or entitled. These are the people who can be the most dangerous, cause the most disappointment, or create the most havoc. Since they are so little invested they have so little to lose. Unaware of their surroundings or uncaring of the consequences of their behavior they act without thinking or think without knowing. They are on a frequency system much lower that creates a draining on those around them and on the quality of light that flows through us all. Countries can be unconscious, too. I believe the whole damn country, the United States of America, has been unconscious for some time. That is the only possible explanation I can come up with for the abysmal condition we find ourselves in. It didn’t happen overnight, but it happened. It’s here—real issues facing real people without any real solu- tions. It’s not the fault of one guy at the top either. America was an experiment of sorts—one that to this day is mostly misunderstood throughout the world and not altogether appreciated by us right here at home. It is a work in progress that seems, here of late, needs a little more progress and a lot more work. America is also an instrument of inspiration. We are so blessed to be living in this land of opportunity where the dream of anyone from anywhere can still come true. What happened to us? When did we get so arrogant? As Americans we are not alone. The rest of mankind is practicing similar selfish and destructive policies. Why do we think we know better and we are conscious while the universe is not? Why do we think we’re not responsible—during or beyond this lifetime-- for our words and deeds to others and to the universe at large? The good news is there is an awakening--a shift taking place. It is gathering momentum and picking up speed. There is fear among nations that can diminish if we want it to. There is healing among nations and harmony on the Earth that can be established if we want it to. We have the ability to make this happen. At stake is the future of civilization as we know it. The whole of mankind hangs in the balance. Let the unconscious keep their heads in the sand. That’s their choice for now. Let the conscious unite and put their heads and their hearts and their energies together. The planet can be the beneficiary of those efforts. We have the power. It is possible to bring this about—one conscious person at a time. Conscious or unconscious-- what about you? Pz’s Pointers on being conscious: Being part of a bigger system-- As a member of the human race you are an individual born from parents into a family and a culture and a country and a continent and a planet and a galaxy and a life design that is integrally woven as one. In this vast context you can seem small and insignificant. You are not. What you do during your stay contributes on all of those levels. You are a being with a purpose and a mission. Your life is no accident. When we see ourselves in that reflection we have the potential to learn and grow consciously. When we contribute we leave a mark of the earth that is significant and ours alone. than a private matter between consenting adults, the Governor is under investigation for how he used or misused his power as an elected official. While this fall from grace is perfect fodder for folks living in glass houses, the stones being thrown at Spitzer seem to be coming from multiple said recently he wished he’d learned to read music when he began playing. It might have been helpful throughout his career, but he is a stylist, and he is who he is. Lindsey is an example of someone who identified his talents and worked hard at cultivating them until he has now become one of the all-time giants in his field. The gifts you are given may or may not be grandiose or obvious. They are, nonetheless, important—you are important. Whatever the case, use your gifts for the betterment of you and for the advancement of planet Earth. We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are. —Anais Nin Leaders reflect the collective whole—Those who are in positions of influence upon our planet are making choices that either advance humanity or not. In a world where the only power recognized is external a reverent politician may not appear qualified. When leaders lead with their soul and not with their ego the outcomes of their decisions will be quite different. They will bring about change that is based on compassion and caring, rather than brutality and destruction. At last count the amount spent on the race for the White House was $760m and counting. Imagine the good works that could be accomplished with those funds. How can a system that requires so much money for one to participate attract the most honorable to the process? So many great possibilities are left out. It’s like a stacked deck in Vegas where the house always holds the winning hand. The protracted battle between Hillary and Barack has shown itself to be one of dueling egos. The alternatives aren’t uplifting either. Regardless of the outcome, we have to stay involved. We must remain on a positive plane. What we can do as citizens is continue to be the best citizen possible. The positive energy and pure intentions of the collective whole can turn the tide of negativity and bring about an attitude of reverence for life both here and beyond. S e c r e t s a n d h y p o c r i sy don’ t lead to authentic empowerment—You have all heard about it by now. He has spent his career rooting out government corruption and led a crackdown on prostitution. Known as the “Sheriff of Wall Street,” and named by Time magazine as “Crusader of the Year,” Governor Eliot Spitzer is now out of a job. When his long-time involvement with the Emperors Club came to light, that once political hot-shot was through. More unsympathetic corners. Because he was talking one talk and walking another his hypocrisy is what has most lips wagging. The engine of our evolution is choice. Choices we make affect more people than ourselves. Spitzer’s issues with power or lack of responsible choice didn’t allow him to take into account the consequences of his actions. His wife, Silda, and three daughters will decide for themselves how to move forward in the midst of their pain and the cost this has taken on their relationship. Spitzer will have the chance to work through his weaknesses and see if he can find a way out on the other side. Thoughts, words, and actions do count— In each moment always be conscious of who you are and of your intentions. What you say and do and act towards others will be said and done and acted exactly to you. That is the law of karma. It is a given. Ask yourself, “Would you rather be a taker or a giver? Would you rather live in judgment or acceptance? Would you rather live in fear or love?” Trust that the universe will provide for you the needs of your soul and the assistance to get you to that perfect place of clarity. Utilizing your gifts—Each soul comes to this Earth with their own set of gifts. Look within your own family—no two siblings are exactly alike when it comes to their innate strengths, yet they’re from the same mom and dad. Look around within your group of friends-- no two are quite the same even though they share common interests. Look around the gym—no two members are identical yet they train with similar goals. Look at society as a whole. Even within professions no two people perform their chosen vocation in the exact fashion. That’s because we ARE like snowflakes—beautifully formed and complexly crafted with a shape and structure that is uniquely us. Whatever has been bestowed upon you is a gift worth its weight in gold. It’s a gift worth pursuing and worth sharing. In some cases your gift can be obvious. Guitarist Lindsey Buckingham, formerly of Fleetwood Mac, Understanding temptation---Knowledge is a wonderful but crazy discovery. The closer you look the more there is to learn. The more answers you find the more questions arise. The journey is taken step by step. That’s a good thing. You will be tempted and seduced time and again by external circumstances. If you make the conscious choice not to beat the temptation you will experience the cause and effect that decision brings. You will lose power. Temptation, however, provides an opportunity for the soul to learn without harming others and to be empowered. It’s like a dry-run at getting it right. This is a process that doesn’t miraculously happen because you wish it so. Authentic power comes from making choice after choice after choice and is a process that must be earned. Challenge and release your fears—When your emotions are based on fear and not love the behaviors that come after are negative and a product of that fear. You can express jealously or greed or anger in ways that keep you locked into a loss of authentic power. The human species is evolving, leaving the pursuit of external power behind to pursue, instead, genuine power. That is power based upon a world built with the energy of the soul. It’s a walk that requires looking at the universe and our place in it through different lenses. We’re all on this journey together. Travel outside of your fear and judgment; allow the power in you to shine bright, and, in doing so, help transform the world. Pz is the author of Club Shattered. As a motivational writer and personal power coach, Pz specializes in the area of relationships and the human condition. Contact Pz with ideas, questions, or feedback: Visit her website You’ve been hurt. Your heart has been broken. Your world is about to come unglued. WHAT DO YOU DO NOW? In Pz’s NEW book You’ll find the answers. NOW AVAILABLE AT: Circle Books Sarasota 941.388.2850 Haslam’s Bookstore St. Pete 727.822.8616 Cool Crystals Largo 727.559.0007 pzpower .com Natural Muscle April 2008 51 photos: Danny Fittro Lisa Church Linda Rosenfeld n ts th e Fi tn e ss p re se Sh ap e s To ta l “Little Black Dress” tampa florida Summer Melendez, Tania Romero Top 5--21-35 yrs. Lisa Church Michelle Newell* Thunder Lowe Jamie Smithers Tiffany Warmack Christina Gordon, Summer Melendez, Rachel Melendez, Patricia Duffield, Robin Leiby Natural Muscle April 2008 52 52 Natural Muscle April ‘08 Lisa Vinson Top 5--36-49 yrs. Christina Gordon* Mary Pat McGuire Mary Jo Espy Karen Harris Carey Bond Top 5--50 and over P.J.Oakes* Maripi Rawls Sue Behring Joan Dale Julie Bingham * Overall Winners Over $4400 raised for The Humane Society of Tampa Bay Jamie Smithers, Tiffany Warmack Vickie Cater, Carey Bond Olga Ovichyan Judges, Michael Pittman, Melissa Pittman, Casio Jones, Jen Holloway Karen Harris, Amanda Peloquin Christina D’More, Jennifer Roth, Crystal Haverlak Natural Muscle April 2008 53 welcome to my world ever since. Who do you want to emulate? I like who I am and have never dreamed of being someone else or being like someone else. I am how God made me and that is what I accept. What traits do you value the most? Honesty, sincerity and respect. What do you see that is good in Fitness today? Women are receiving more exposure and respect than they did years ago. Interview and photos by: Dr. “Coach” Atherton What needs to change in Fitness today, in your opinion? Although fitness is taught in schools, I don’t think it receives enough emphasis. Eating disorders are at a high with teens and I believe with proper education in fitness we could help to avoid bad habits and instill a healthy lifestyle. T his past November in LA, MY WORLD was introduced to Amelia Powers, 2007 Overall Bikini Cham- pion. She is the first Classic division winner in the history of FAP to win the OVERALL title (and it was over Siena and Monica - you can easily run out of adjectives for these two!) After the competition, I emailed Amelia to ask her to grace MY WORLD. The more conversations I had with her, the more What would you like to say to the reader of NMM? Normally, to reach goals is not something that happens overnight, but if you take one step at a time you will reach them eventually. I wanted to know about this Peruvian Beauty. Her background intrigued me and her maturity of vision and purpose challenged me. She and her husband and son drove down from New York for a shoot in my Great Falls studio. This shoot was magical from beginning to end. Despite 8 hours on the road, Amelia’s strength, poise, charm, and grace adorn the images. In all my years of shooting, I think Amelia is at the very top, and considering I “I like who I am and have never dreamed of being someone else or being like someone else. I am how God made me and that is what I accept.” have shot the best of the best, this compliment is not lightly given, but well deserved. Something exquisite and enchanting stirred with each click of the camera. A mesmerizing Latina mystique stirred and astounded the camera frame by frame. AMELIA POWERS IS SIMPLY SUNNING! Her beauty goes is rooted in deep in her soul. It has been lovingly nurtured by her parents and protected by her husband into something exquisite and enchanting. My Coach A? I think he is truly a gentleman and his advice has been a blessing to me. I believe he talks from the heart and his words are sincere. There are no words to truly explain my appreciation to him. camera absolutely loves this champion! (Some company is going to snap her up as the REAL DEAL - a super spokes model.) I took over 500 images (Can you believe I get to do this for a living?) and was hard pressed to pick the best –See for yourselves, my friends, Welcome to MY WORLD….. What do you consider your greatest lesson learned? That being a mother isn’t as easy as I thought it would be, so I have learned not to assume things in life. Is there anyone you would like to thank? God for giving me the joy, strength and health to live my dream What do you consider your greatest triumph(s)? 2007 Miss Bikini America Overall title at age 35 and being a mother of one is to me my greatest triumph. What do you do for a living? I own my own Gym where I train only women in Menands, NY How/Why did you get involved in fitness? I first developed a passion for fitness at age 12 and entered my first competition at age 16. My father was a national running champion and his influence helped me to get 54 Natural Muscle April 2008 involved in the sports and fitness industry. Favorite Book: Bible Movie: Ghost Cheat Food: Vanilla wafers Who influenced you the most athletically, Academically? My father Who do you admire the most? Male? My father Female? My mother What did you think about your first competition? It was truly a challenge because my mother never wanted me to compete. She was worried that I would look like a guy because she didn’t understand that I could compete and still look feminine. After seeing me on stage she started crying with happiness and has supported me Lives: New York Born: Lima, Peru Marital Status: Very happily married with son, Brandon Education: BA Physical Education Age: 35 Height: 5’4” Weight: 110 lbs Where do you go from here? My next goal is to the talent agents are helping me to become fitness model and spokes person. I am currently working on ways to give back. How can our readers learn more about you? What is your passion? What makes you tick? My passion has always been and will always be to compete and to help other women reach their fitness goals. Sum up your philosophy of fitness in one sentence? Fitness is not just for the body, but also for the mind and soul. What else do you want the readers to know about you? I love to eat raw oysters (usually 30 or more) which is probably why the owners of the local all-you-can-eatbuffets cringe when they see me coming! amelia powers Natural Muscle April 2008 55 L-ARGININE The amino acid L-arginine is considered the most potent Nutraceutical ever discovered, due to its powerful healing properties, and is referred to by scientists as the Miracle Molecule. The remarkable properties of L-arginine were validated by the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine, and since then have created a frenzy of interest in the Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical fields. Medical researchers have gathered enough clinical evidence to bring L-arginine to the forefront of modern medicine as an accepted treatment for a variety of human ailments. The L-arginine phenomen is changing standard treatment methodologies in heart disease, immune function, adiposity-generated diseases, genetic growth deficiencies, high blood pressure, sexual disfunction, and human aging. Columbia University refers to L-arginine as the “magic bullet” for the cardiovascular system. Over 10,000 L-arginine citations were complied by Columbia University researchers in their quest to document the clinical benefits of this simple amino acid. It is now taught to medical students at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. The Nobel Prize landmark discovery of the functions of Nitric Oxide (NO) elucidated the fact that without NO, human life would be impossible. Even more revolutionary was the irrefutable evidence that L-arginine is the body’s chief source for creating Nitric Oxide. 56 Natural Muscle April 2008 Twenty years ago, the idea that a simple and humble amino acid could change the face of medicine would have been dismissed. Now, physicians, researchers, and scientists are embracing the effectiveness of L-arginine and its use has become mainstream. The efficacy of L-arginine as a therapeutic agent has been validated by thousands of clinical studies. The benefits and functions attributed to oral ingestion of L-arginine include: • Precursor for the synthesis of Nitric Oxide (NO) • Stimulation of the release of the most important antiaging hormone in the body, growth hormone. • Improves immune function • Reduces healing time of injuries (particularly bone) • Reduces risk of heart disease • Natural Alternative to Viagra • Increases muscle mass • Reduces adipose tissue body fat • Helps improve insulin sensitivity • Helps decrease blood pressure • Alleviates male infertility, improving sperm production and motility OBESITY, GH, & L-ARGININE Obesity is characterized by increased levels of insulin (high glycemic foods and drinks) and by subnormal growth hormone (GH) release. Insulin promotes fat and carbohydrate storage while GH stimulates lipolysis (fat-burning). The insulin/growth hormone ratio is significantly higher in obese humans than in lean humans. The combination of high insulin and low GH exacerbates the obese condition. L-arginine is the main oral agent responsible for restoration of GH in humans, and administration of 8 to 12 grams of free form L-arginine taken at bedtime on an empty stomach 30 minutes prior to Delta sleep reinstates normal GH levels. Pharmacology, 1988, 36:2, 106-11 Natural Muscle April 2008 57 58 Natural Muscle April 2008 Natural Muscle April 2008 59 I n my last article, I provided you with the first four weeks of an 8-week training plan that I designed to put you on the fast track to bodybuilding results. Before we started the program however we embarked on a one week “Active Recovery Phase” in which you only trained with weights twice a week on a full body routine in order to rejuvenate and prime the body for what is about to come. We then proceeded to the “Loading Phase”, which was four weeks in duration and consisted of a high volume routine with short rest between sets. Training volume gradually increased over the course of these weeks in order to stress the body almost to the point of overtraining. We will now finalize this program with a heavier weight, lower volume and slower paced phase called the “Growth Phase”. By reducing the volume, this phase allows the body to catch up and use its extra adaptive energies (the ones built up during the weeks of the loading phase) to super compensate by growing extra muscle size and strength. In other words, we are using the body’s own defense mechanisms to help our bodybuilding cause. Monday: Legs Weeks 6-8 Modified Superset: • Squats (Wide Stance)4 x of 10, 8, 6, 6 reps (120 sec. rest) • Lying Leg Curls (Toes In) 4 x of 10, 8, 6, 6 reps (120 sec. rest) Modified Superset: • Barbell Lunges3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Single Leg Curls (Toes Out) 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) Modified Superset: • Leg Press (Close Stance) 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Stiff Legged Dead-lifts 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) Tuesday: Chest, Back, and Calves Modified Superset: • Incline Barbell Bench Press 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Low Pulley Rows 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) Modified Superset: • Chest Dips 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Wide Grip Pull-ups to Front 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) Modified Superset: • Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Chins or P-downs 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Calf Press (Toes Straight) 4 x of 12, 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec rest) Cardio: 30 minutes at target heart rate Wednesday: Shoulders and Arms Modified Tri-set: • Seated Military Press 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Upright Rows 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • R Delt Machine Lat Raises 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) Modified Superset: • E-Z Preacher Curls 4 x of 10, 8, 6, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Triceps Pushdowns 4 x of 10, 8, 6, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) Modified Superset: • Zottmann Curls 4 x of 10, 8, 6, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) Execution note: start with the dumbbells palms facing down as if you were going to do a reverse curl but start rotating the wrist as you lift the weights. The final position is the same one as that of a regular dumbbell curl. • Lying E-Z Triceps Exts 4 x of 10, 8, 6, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) Cardio: 30 minutes at target heart rate 60 60 Natural Muscle April 2008 Natural Muscle April 2008 New Year’s Resolution Body Re-Engineering Training and Diet part 2 Thursday: Abs and Cardio Tri-Set: • V-Ups 3 x of 10-25 reps (no rest) • Bicycle Crunches 3 x of 10-25 reps (no rest) • Rope Crunches 3 x of 10-25 reps (1 minute rest) Cardio: 30 minutes at target heart rate Friday: Legs Modified Superset: • Squats (Wide Stance) 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Lying Leg Curls (Toes In) 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) Modified Superset: • Barbell Lunges 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Single Leg Curls (Toes Out) 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) Modified Superset: • Leg Press (Close Stance) 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Stiff Legged Dead-lifts 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Seated Calf Raises 3 x of 20, 15, 10 reps (75 sec. rest) Cardio: 30 minutes at target heart rate Saturday: Upper Body • Incline Bench Press 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Chin-ups with Reverse Grip 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Chest Dips 3 x of 8-12 reps 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • One Arm Db Row or Pulley Rows 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Military Press 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (75 sec. rest) • Bent Over Lateral Raise 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (75 sec. rest) • Zottman Curls on Incline Bench 4 x of 10, 8, 6, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) • Triceps Pushdowns 3 x of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 sec. rest) Cardio: 30 minutes at target heart rate Sunday: Abs and Cardio Tri-Set: • Knee-Ins 3 x of 10-25 reps (no rest) • Bicycle Crunches 3 x of 10-25 reps (no rest) •Swiss Ball Crunches 3 x of 10-25 reps (1 minute rest) Cardio: 30 minutes at target heart rate WEEK TO WEEK DIET AND CARDIOVASCULAR TRAINING ADJUSTMENTS Cardio If you are losing body fat at the rate of 1-2 lbs per week then keep cardiovascular activity at 30 minutes six times a week. Otherwise, you can increase it to 45 minutes every day. Again, remember to work hard and try to bring your heart rate to 85% of your maximum. Diet If you lost 1-2 lbs last week, then keep the diet the same for this week and do not change a thing. If you are not losing at least one pound bodyweight per week it’s time for another calorie adjustment in the neighborhood of a 100 - 200 reduction. These calories will come from the starchy carbohydrate department so we are looking to reduce between 25-50 grams of carbs per day taken out evenly from the 6 meals with carbohydrates. This reduction will happen even over your high calorie days. WHAT TO DO AFTER WEEK 8? I would suggest that after week 8 you take some good “After” pictures so that you can visually assess your progress. Then decide if you’d like to keep losing fat or if you’d like to shift your focus solely on gaining muscle. A) Further Fat Loss: If you decide to keep losing fat then increase your calories by adding 10 grams of carbohydrates to each meal. Then reduce cardiovascular activity to 5 sessions of 30 minutes. After the Active Recovery Week, increase cardio to 30 minutes every day for weeks 1-3 and then increase to 45 minutes for weeks 4-8. As far as the diet, refer to the diet adjustments specified for the following weeks in Parts I and II of this article ad make the necessary adjustments after week 1. Note that the cardiovascular exercise this time around will be higher in quantity. B) Exclusive Muscle Gain: If instead you decide to embark on a muscle gaining phase, then increase your calories by 300 in the form of carbohydrates evenly throughout the day and reduce cardiovascular activity to 30 minutes, 3 times a week. You will keep cardiovascular activity at this level. As the weeks go by, assess if you need to further go up in calories based on your progress. After the first two weeks, you should not be gaining more than ½ - 1 lb per week. Otherwise you risk gaining too much body fat. The optimal caloric intake will be the one that allows for an increase in body weight with minimum increases in the caliper readings. If body fat is increasing too much, then decrease calories by 100 in the form of carbs (so that means taking 25 grams of carbs off from the diet). Cardio Note: Try to bring your heart rate from 75% to 85% of your maximum: (220-age) x .85 = beats per minute at 85% of max. Try to get better at the activity and burn more calories every time you do it. Should I Keep The Same Exercises For The Sec. Time Around? For maximum benefit, change a few exercises around and/or shift the order of the existing ones. Leave the rest of the workout parameters (such as sets, repetitions and rest in between sets) the same. Conclusion I hope that you greatly benefited from this program. As you can see, it takes more than just a simple diet pill or supplement to make the bodybuilding gains that you are looking for. However, if you consistently apply the right program, the achieved results can be considered dramatic or almost “magical”. When you finish the program feel free to drop me a line at to let me know how you liked it. About The Author Hugo Rivera is an ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer and best-selling fitness author of over 8 books on bodybuilding, weight loss and fitness, including “The Body Sculpting Bible for Men”, “The Body Sculpting Bible for Women”, “The Hardgainer’s Bodybuilding Handbook”, and his successful, self published e-book system, “Body Re-Engineering”. You can visit Hugo Rivera at www.,, and his new site TRAINING NOTES: • For these routines, we will be using modified supersets. In a modified superset, you perform the first exercise, rest the prescribed period, move to the second exercise, again rest for the pre-determined amount, and go back to the first one. You continue in this manner until all sets are done. • If unable to perform in modified superset fashion due to working out at an extremely busy gym, then simply do straight sets resting for the prescribed amount of time. • Because of the slower pace of these routines, they will take 60 minutes to complete. Natural Muscle April 2008 61 62 Natural Muscle April 2008 Natural Muscle April 2008 63 0(/7'2:1 '(&/$5(6'($7+ 72)$7&(//6 Meltdown Science: Combines the synergistic fat burning power of beta andrenergic agonists (MethylSynephrine) and alpha andrenergic antagonists (Yohimbine HCl, alpha-Yohimbine and 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine). In simpler terms it activates fat burning mechanisms in your body while simultaneously blocking the internal biochemistry that prevents you from burning fat by guarding one of the body’s key fat burning hormones called Norepinephrine (NE). When fat burning is both promoted and protected at the same time we call this effect “synergistic”. So, instead of 9 (activation factor) + 8 (protection factor) equaling 17 on the fat burning scale, this synergistic combination has a geometric effect of 72! The powerful fat loss agent, 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine is of great interest here because regular Yohimbine yields a roughly 32% increase in the fat burning hormone, NE. Compare this to 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine that yields an even more impressive research proven 56% increase in the potent fat burning hormone, NE. We are only now just studying how the combination of the other Yohimbine compounds in Meltdown work in concert to increase NE even further. With the combined effect of alpha-Yohimbine and 11-hydroxy Yohimbine contained in Meltdown blocking both alpha-1 and alpha-2 receptors, my hypothesis is that we are looking at a 81%+ increase in NE! 7+,6,621/<7+(7,32)$/$5*(6&,(17,),&,&(%(5*0(/7'2:1 Synergistic Tri-Matrix ™ Yohimbine HCl, 11-Hydroxy & Alpha Yohimbine 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine 11-hyrdoxy Yohimbine is the active metabolite of Yohimbine. Research indicates that 11-hydroxy Yohimbine has a potent alpha-2 adrenergic receptor affinity that significantly increases lipid metabolism. 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine exhibits a 10 fold increase in the binding ability to alpha-2 adrenergic receptors. The half-life of 11-hydroxy Yohimbine is approximately 8 to 11 hours compared to Yohimbine’s two hour half-life. 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine offers definite advantage over Yohimbine in alpha-2 adrenergic receptors binding affinity and the longer half life in blood. The body converts Yohimbine to 11-hydroxy metabolite in the liver. Consequently, it is Meltdown’s unique Yohimbine Tri-Matrix that works synergistically to increase unmatched norepinephrine-induced fat burning in both potency and duration of action. Methyl Synephrine (MS) -- as previously mentioned MS is a beta-3 AA just like real Clenbuterol! The magnificence of a beta-3 Andrenergic Agonist lies in it’s ability to burn fat without causing anxiety like its chemical cousin, ephedrine which a beta-2 Andrenergic Agonist. The active Methyl PEA isomer, R-beta Methylphenylehtylamine – found botanically in nature and found also in chocolate is a simpler form called PEA has been called the love compound. Think of Meltdown’s R-beta Methylphenylehtylamine as the love compound in overdrive dramatically enhancing the sexual experience and many other aspects of fat loss and is trademarked by VPX as Craving Control® and Mind Control Matrix™ for its potent ability to shut down appetite and eliminate carbohydrate cravings. MTTA is another really impressive research proven compound that causes apoptosis or systematic death to fat cells. Meltdown is also designed to increase mental clarity and mood with minimal jitteriness while burning fat at an unprecedented rate. VPX1.COM :KHQFRPELQHGZLWKLQFUHDVHGH[HUFLVHDQGDUHGXFHGFDORULHGLHW8VHRQO\DVDGLHWDU\VXSSOHPHQW7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)'$7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWRGLDJQRVHWUHDWFXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH 64 Natural Muscle April 2008