+Special Edition YCup 2013
+Special Edition YCup 2013
September 2013 Affiliated Foods, Inc. … Does It Again! Teams across Amarillo have been in competition since August 5th with the YMCA Suddenlink 4th Annual Corporate Cup Challenge. The Health Challenge consisted of the following: 5k Run / Walk, Volleyball, Basketball, Frisbee Golf, Tug of War, Softball, Slam Dunk Basketball, 3 on 3 Basket and Fitness. 275 individual Affiliated Foods employees took the challenge that ended on Saturday, August 17, 2013. Affiliated Foods was awarded the Corporate Cup for the second year in a row. Congratulations and many thanks to all our Employees for your hard work, sportsmanship and great team effort, you made this possible. The funds raised from this event will help the many programs that the YMCA have to offer. 1 AFI 2013 Y Cup Participants… GREAT JOB!!! David Monica Fernando Susan Mark Ralph Souia Ralph Bret Alex Enrique Pedro Pablo Greg Glenn Marlow Robby Gene Darius Chop Travis Barbara Jason Chris Bryan Charles Manuel David Adrian Lupita Jarhud Claudio Diane Yesenia Brittany Robert EJ Pablo Cruz Sandra Jesus Doug Bobby Jamallh Angela Cindy Kirk Monica Abeyta Abeyta Acosta Appel Artis Avalos Avalos Avalos Baer Ballin Barreras Barrientes Barrientes Battee Bearden Becker Beckwith Blackburn Blackshere Bol Bowen Bray Brooks Burgos Bustamante Byrd Calderon Campsey Carranza Carranza Cedillo Cedillo Cervantes Cervantes Chapa Chavarria Chavez Chavez Chavez Chavez Chavez Cherry Chiles Clark Clauson Collie Collins Collins Kassie Kendra Brandon Amy Macy Victoria Edith Esteban Efrain Alan Cindy Nellie Mandi Kathie Sergio Ted Jasmine Chris Kenny Blane Steven Yolanda Juanita Juan Rent Trish Kourtney Megg Toby Connie Stephen Cali Clay Chris Yvonne Jaime Thomas Clemente Salvador Thomas Christy Christine Claudia Allen Kevin Donna John Richard Conklin Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Contreras Cortez Cortez Craig Craig Criqui Crist Crosby Cruz Cruz Cruz Cummins Curry Davidson Davidson Davis Delgado Diaz Donaldson Eklund Evans Elbert Elliott Elmore Enriquez Erwin Erwin Evans Favila Ferrel Flores Flores Flores Flores Flores Flores Flores Fontenot Fortenberry Fox Fulton Gaines Thomas Paul Luis Angel Guircel Adrian Kristi Tristan Samantha Angela Tommy Eliezer Demarray Shanavian Peter Precious Crystal Freddie German Adam Jo Ann Scott Brad Jonathan Joe Chris Martin Gabby Brenda Nicole Joe Miguel Bob Ashley Nathan Amy Freddy Blanca Deborah Chris Timothy Paul Courtney Kyle Rodney Carol Michael Lawrence Gaiter Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Gilbreath Glisson Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzalez Gonzalez Graves Graves Green Green Greene Guajardo Gutierrez Gutierrez Haddock Hahn Hanvey Henderson Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Herrera Hewett Himes Hoelting Hood Jimenez Jimenez Jobe Johnson Johnson Jones Jones Keller Kellison Kroeger Lafuente Laney Kim Vicki Michael Tara Cody Mike Jason Augie Wol Jose Tim Mikey Leandra Sisto Mark Luis Edgar Melinda Norma Mitch Charles Dorthy Tami Les Dustin Fernando Crystal Francisco Nancy David Marisol Jacklyn Tristan John Michael Demarcus Debbie Adam Starr Marvin John Makayla Gabe Erick Jessica Martin Tracy 2 Larson Leyva Lindley Lindsey Livingood Lopez Lueb Luera Maluo ManiRodriguez Marshall Marshall Martin Martinez Martinez Martinez Martinez Martinez Martinez Mathis Mayhew McCampbell McCroskey McLaughlin Medina Mendez Mendez Mendoza Mendoza Minjares Minjares Monteagudo Moore Mootry Morales Morrow Moya Munoz Munoz Myers Napihaa Napihaa Nino Nunez Nunez Nunez Nunez Chance Deseray Cynthia Lee Anthony Michael KC Neil Lupe Esther Joey Selma James Sally Kayleigh Alex Trent Arthur Vickie Eric Rosie Brandon Victor John Diana Jesus Jose Rodney Wilson Edward Ruben Sonia Eric Theresa Courtney Jimmy Samantha Slaton Victoria Andres Sonny Roxana Michael Edward Adam Jeromy Crystal Anthony Nunn Ochoa Ochoa Ochoa Olivarez Ortega Ortega Osborn Palacio Patino Pena Pena Perez Perez Perez Perez Pierson Pitchford Pitchford Pittman Pratt Raetzel Ramirez Ramos Ray Rendon Reynosa Rich Rivera Robles Rodarte Rodarte Rodriguez Rodriguez Ross Ross Rosser Ruiz Salinas San Miguel Sanders Sasndovar Sasueda Savage Savage Sellmyer Sepeda Shaw Eddie Rick Kelly Ken Brandon Billy Robert Ralph Don Dale Linda Ronnie Jose Yvana Manny Eziquiel Connor David Michael Beverley Chris Liz Autumn Janie Kaleb Linda Craig Debra Chris Shelton Taheerah Josh Paul Jason Robby Shelton Sims Skinner Smith Stewart Stovall Strite Telles Thompson Thompson Thompson Tinner Torres Torres Tovar Trevino Trimble Trimble Turner Upchurch Vandamme Varela Vaughn Wagner Wallace Ward Ward Wieck Wilkerson Williams Woods Wright Zepeda AFI Guest AFI Guest Fitness Challenge 1st Place - Linda Thompson 2nd Place - Connie Elmore 3rd Place - Nellie Criqui 3 on 3 Basketball Slam Dunk 1st Place - Charles Byrd Jr. 1st Place - Jamallh Clark 3 Basketball 2nd Place Basketball Winner Rent Donaldson, Demarray Graves, Timarrah Marshall, Tim Marshall, JJ Graves and Tammie Coffee, AFI Vice President and CFO 1st Place Basketball Winner Charles Byrd Jr., Pablo Chavez, Jamallh Clark, Charles Byrd Sr., Michael Lopez and Tammie Coffee, AFI Vice President and CFO 4 Softball 1st Place Softball Winners David Abeyta, Fernando Acosta, Jesus Chavez, Slaton Ruiz, Tristan Gonzales, Freddy Jimenez, Michael Lafuente, Sisto Martinez, Mark Martinez, John Mootry, Victor Ramirez, Shelton Williams 3rd Place Softball Winners Jarhud Cedillo, Chuck Trevino, Esteban Cortez, Josh Flores, Ted Cruz, Stephen Enriquez, Thomas Flores, Freddie Guajardo, Peter Green, Simon Flores, Eziquiel Trevino, Brandon Raetzel 5 Tug of War 1st Place Tug of War Winners Travis Bowen, Angel Garcia, John Napihaa, Neil Osborn, Lupe Palacio, Brandon Raetzel, Anthony Chavez Volleyball 3rd Place Volleyball Winners Sara Tran, Kassie Conklin, Susan Appel, Aaron Vidaurre, Josh Criado, Rigel Randolph 6 5k Run / Walk 3rd Place 5k Run Cody Livengood Frisbee Golf 1st Place Frisbee Golf Winners, Not Pictured… Mark Artis, Rodney Kellison, Trent Pierson, Robert Strite 7 City Wide Results - 2013 Winners Fitness Challenge: Affiliated Foods - 1st Place, Linda Thompson Affiliated Foods - 2nd Place, Connie Elmore Affiliated Foods - 3rd Place, Nellie Criqui Tug of War: Affiliated Foods #30 - 1st Place Suddenlink - 2nd Place ASARCO - 3rd Place 3 on 3 Basketball: Affiliated Foods #9 - 1st Place Affiliated Foods #1 - 2nd Place People’s Credit Union - 3rd Place Youth Tug of War: Happy State Bank - 1st Place ASARCO - 2nd Place Excel - 3rd Place Volleyball: People’s Federal Credit Union - 1st Place Amarillo National Bank - 2nd Place Affiliated Foods #32 - 3rd Place Volunteers: Amarillo National Bank - 1st Place Suddenlink - 2nd Place Affiliated Foods - 3rd Place Softball: People’s Federal Credit Union - 1st Place Amarillo National Bank - 2nd Place Affiliated Foods #32 - 3rd Place Thanks to our Team Captains! Rent Donaldson, Freddy Jimenez. Scott Erwin, Jamallh Clark, Billy Stovall, Cindy Craig, Andy Halencak 5k Race: Tascosa Office - Brock Logan, 1st Place ASARCO - Shane Petrey, 2nd Place Affiliated Foods - Cody Livengood, 3rd Place “Sportsmanship for me is when a guy walks off the court and you really can’t tell whether he won or lost, when he carries himself with pride either way.” ~ Jim Courier Frisbee Golf: United, Front 9 - 1st Place Bell #3, Front 9 - 2nd Place Affiliated Foods #2, Back 9 - 1st Place Target #1, Back 9 - 2nd Place “THANK YOU” to all who have contributed to the success of the Newsletter”! A special thanks to Dale Thompson and Kevin Fortenberry for their continued support and help! The Affiliated Family News Cathy Gallivan / afinews@afiama.com If you have any thing to contribute please e-mail the “AFI Family News” @ www.afinews@afiama.com 1401 Farmers Avenue Amarillo, TX 79118 806-372-3851 8
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