2010 - Editura Lumen
2010 - Editura Lumen
LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN ASSOCIATION LUMEN’S BOOKS REVIEW Iaşi, Romania 2010 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN’S BOOK REVIEW ROMANIA, IASI Ţepeş Vodă, nr. 2 edituralumen@gmail.com grafica.redactia.lumen@gmail.com prlumen@gmail.com www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Editorial Adviser: Dr. Antonio SANDU Editor in Chief: Simona PONEA Editor: Cristian UŞURELU Colecţia: Recenzii Reproduction of any part of this book by photocopying, scanning, copying unauthorized is prohibited. LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN ASSOCIATION LUMEN’S BOOKS REVIEW Iaşi, Romania 2010 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE SUMMARY: S Social Work and Sociology Collection...................... 7 Christianism...........................................................109 Collections and ancillary tests ...............................123 Philosophy .............................................................133 Linguistic Philology ..............................................169 Law ........................................................................205 Engineering ...........................................................233 European Integration ............................................249 Literature ...............................................................268 Marketing and economy........................................355 Training Center Journal ........................................365 The Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education ..............................................................376 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Research and Social Intervention Journal.............384 P.R. and Communication......................................410 Psychology.............................................................425 Education Science .................................................441 Political Science.....................................................455 Other Editorial Apparitions...................................505 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Social Work and Sociology Collection LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2011 Grupul de socializare apreciativ. Un model de creativitate sociala colaborativa/ Appreciative Socialization Group. A model of social colaborative creativity (Romanian Version) Authors: Simona PONEA, Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2011 No. pg. 220 Appreciative socialization group represents an innovative way of personal development. Through this paper we want to highlight the importance of both positive thinking and positive acting, as two of the most important steps necessary in the process of personal development. This model was first implemented with a group of persons with physical disabilities and then was theoretical developed in Lumen Research Centre in Humanistic Sciences. We will present in this paper those elements that were combined, and that facilitated the evolution of the proposed model, and also its transformation in a successful model of personal development. 9 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Migratie si dezvoltare. Aspecte socio-economice si tendinte/ Migration and development. Social and economical aspects and trends (Romanian Version) Author: Daniela Petronela FERARU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2011 No. pg. 278 Migration is the social process that has an increasingly higher influence in the current Romanian society although in the world Romanian migration is only at the beginning. International migration is a very developed phenomenon in terms of market globalization. Being selective and dynamic migration requires a differentiated and complex approach. It should be noted from the outset that this paper does not pretend to reference a scientific debate but rather wants to build a series of questions, seek answers launching assumptions that lead to challenges in the debate on migration and development. The entire approach of the subject is only the beginning of a wider research for doctoral thesis. 10 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010 Social Capital in the Romania of Beginning Milenium. Traveler in the countrz of no friends / Capital social în România începutului de Mileniu: Drumeţ în ţara celor fără de prieteni Authors: Bogdan VOICU Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, 2010 / Nr. pag. 172 Let us imagine a random person. If you would be born in 1550 in Europe, our person in discusion would probably had at least 3-4 brothers and dozens of cousins. Let's say that there would be no rank of nobility. It would be lived with his parents for a while, then most likely between 17 and 22 years will go married. It would be living in his parents'house or in his wife's parents' house or in a nearby house, quite probably in the yard of parenthood. It had many opportunities to interact with his many cousins, brothers and brothers in law. Would be quickly made at least 3-4 children. His life would not a long one. At 50 years he would be an old person, this in case he would reach this age. In elderly stage, his family would be taken care of him. At this moment he would certainly had a bunch of grandchildren, and his first orn children would already had their families. Mainly, interactions with others outside the family would have been quite rare;caught in his family,would be deprived of the physical time to interact frequently with his friends .... 11 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Social Work Treaty. Protection of specific and auto-marginalized populations /Tratat de asistenţă socială. Protecţia populaţiilor specifice şi automarginalizate Author: Vasile MIFTODE Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, 2010 Nr. pag. 554 There is an opinion that considers that in Romania the social work practice was "released" after the Revolution of '89, until then beeing practiced only "ideological policy" to support disadvantaged and vulnerable populations! Not true, especially if we consider the pre-communist era traditions, the values and the "community arrangements", which operated in the Romanian social space! For a better understanding of the social protection status in the traditional society, we will build a propositional paradigm, including the most significant elements. Despite the fact that there were no professionals in this field - in the modern sense of the term - and thus no specialized services, the traditional human communities provide to individual, family, and generally all those who are in a crisis situation, a real and effective social protection. Then how to explain that in the traditional village, for example, there is only as an exception, disabled people, abandoned elderly, "street children", massive divorce, extended family violence etc. 12 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Social Values of postCommunist Transition / Valori sociale ale tranziţiei post-comuniste Autori: Mălina VOICU Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, 2010 Nr. pag. 147 The last twenty years have been marked by profound social, economic and political changes occurring in post-communist societies. These transformations were aimed both institutional and cultural changes, and also in terms of value. All over Central and Eastern Europe has moved from Communist totalitarianism to pluralist democracy, from planned to market economy. These changes have worked in tandem with changing social attitudes and values, how people perceive and relate to society as a whole, as well as various institutions and its components. This volume addresses precisely this latter aspect of the changes produced in post-communist societies in the past two decades - cultural change - value. The paper focuses on three different dimensions of social values change occurred in the last two decades: support for a democratic political system, religion and gender. Each of these themes is addressed both from a comparative perspective longitudinal and transverse ................ 13 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Lifestyles în Communist Romania. What comportament model we addopt and why? / Stiluri de viață în România Comunistă. Ce modele comportamentale adoptăm şi de ce Author: Marian VASILE Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, 2010 Nr. pag. 231 What is a lifestyle? How can we say that person A has X lifestyle and person B has Y lifestyle? What are Romanians lifestyles today? What factors cause them to choose that lifestyle? In fact, we can say that the Romanians opted for a lifestyle, or because socioeconomic living conditions, they live in crashes or in a certain way? What impact have the lifestyles upon the satisfaction with life, when they control the resources that they hold the values we adhere to and how they define their situation? These are major questions that try to give an answer in this paper. 14 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Limbaj gestual. Comunicare si interpretare/ Body Language. Comunication and Interpretation (Romanian Version) Author: Barbu Florea Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 382 This paper treats a variety of issues arising from hearing loss, both from theoretical as well as social and practical aspect, offering those interested a more realistic description of the Deaf community viewed from the inside. The entire contents of the book sometimes takes the form of a manifest, especially because I was totally deprived o hearing since early childhood and I am an active member of this community. In this capacity I can provide a little-known perspective on issues facing this community and some solutions for solving them. We addressed in this context, the efficiency of services provided by the society to those people. 15 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Terapia prin joc la copilul cu ADHD/ Game Therapy to ADHD Child (Romanian Version) Author: Oana Motiu- Socaciu Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 106 Nowadays both parents and teachers face with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, often found in children of preschool and school age. This paper aims to understand this process and offers several strategies to improve the disorder. We described in this paper some of the forms through game therapy, which we implemented in the research: the box of sand therapy, therapy by modeling, drawing therapy, music therapy, dance and movement therapy. 16 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Modele contemporane in psihologia organizationala si a muncii. Perspective psihosociale/ Contemporary Models in Organizational and Work Psychology. Psychosocial perspective (Romanian Version) Author: Raluca Iordache Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 114 The organizational environment represents a wide analysis subject, especially because it integrates the economic, technological, cultural, judicial, natural aspects and the psychological and social perspectives as well. The paper presents the most important theoretical – applicative models on psychosocial environment in the contemporary organizational and work psychology field. Both theoretical, framework and applicative aspects are tackled. Also, the models are integrated into a perspective on a general approach of designing programs to optimize the psychosocial environment at the organizational level, to prevent stress and maintain the employees’ health state. 17 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Impactul programelor de asistenţă socială în penitenciar/ The Impact of Social Work Programs in Prison (Romanian Version) Author: Adina RACHIERU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 132, format For most of us, only the idea of deprivation of liberty - even legitimate achieved - is able to make us tense. Like haunted places in the past, prison surroundings seem to borrow something from the distortion around. The prison is a place which in the social imaginary belongs to both those who commit severe, antisocial acts and those who must ensure us that the convicts will not leave earlier than established by the court. They are supplemented by the image of his relatives or friends visiting those imprisoned. There is however a different category of people for whom the space of confinement is familiar. They are, as a matter of fact, the only ones who go there voluntarily. Iaşi, Romania 15.10.2009 Associate Professor Dr. Tudor Pitulac 18 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Prevenirea şi sancţionarea violenţei domestice prin normele dreptului penal/ Prevention and Santioning of Domestic Violence through Penology (Romanian Version) Author: Diana Loredana HOGAŞ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 Domestic violence is a universal phenomenon present everywhere, from the smallest human settlements to the greatest cities, from emergent countries to the developed ones. Domestic violence is a myth or a phenomenon of significant size. We "hear it" daily in mass-media, we face with it on the street in fugitive captured scenes, and sometimes enters in our homes due to very thin walls of apartment blocks, as a cruel reality, that we can not accept, but that we can control it on a small scale as individuals. The extent of family violence is currently one of the most serious social problems facing contemporary societies, including Romania. Present in all forms of aggression (maltreatment of partners, abuse against children, parents, elders or other relatives, incest, rape, etc..), this form of violence is added to the wave of aggression exercised outside the family, thus contributing to a social climate dominated by anxiety, fear and pain. 19 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Gestionarea crizelor de imagine. Criza din Tibet/ Image Crisis Management. Tibet Crisis (Romanian Version) Author: Crînguţa Irina PELEA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 242, format Contemporary society is characterized by an unprecedented proliferation crisis and the lack of cohesion affects every area of public life. In this situation, it becomes more difficult to overcome and successful manage a crisis: the global political situation is uncertain, natural disasters are frequently increasing, armed conflicts are multiplying and financial fluctuations are more often. In this difficult and tense context, it is necessary to adopt appropriate strategies for crisis management to maintain credibility and public image capital.The main hypothesis underlying the research approach was that a crisis, even if is thought to be "internal", will no doubt affect a;so the external. This is the case with the Beijing government which has labeled Tibetan riots as a "purely internal matter", deliberately ignoring the external context - community and media the international media. Although the crisis was considered a national and managed as such by Chinese officials, it has seriously affected China's international image. 20 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Uniforma vestimentară. Ipostază a conformării astăzi/ Fashion uniform. A Way of Compliance Nowadays (Romanian Version) Author: Adrian STANCIU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 110, format The interest in the phenomenon of social compliance has emerged with the experiments of Solomon E. Asch (1951, 1956) who proposed an experimental design based on the results of another classic study: the adherence process to the rules of the group (Muzafer Sherif, 1936). We identified an interesting phenomenon in the current culture change opinions based on what others say, even if we don’t really believe what we got to say. A concrete example is provided by evaluation of clothes items; I often perceived a discrepancy between what a person says and makes. In the groups of women, especially female students, there is a tendency to go shopping together. Thereby messages about the chothes are issued, though some say they are beautiful or ugly, we expect the buyer to take into account the views of others. 21 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Seminarii Apreciative/ Appreciative Tutorials (Romanian Version) Author: Antonio SANDU (coord.) Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 The volume accomplished by “Supervision and Social Planning” Master students and coordinated by Mr. Ph. D. Antonio SANDU is a considerable attempt to implement the appreciative methods in social practice as it is reflected in the daily experience of our students. The issue of the volume is welcomed in the context of transformation efforts from social services still based on deficiency paradigm, into real appreciative services. Issues covered in the volume are focused on different areas, from parental education to appreciative theology via social innovation and the creation of social support groups . The fact that the students are very interested in the domain, as well as the scientific research, can only be pleasing, since we hope that they will take further action by applying appreciative methods to their jobs and in their social practice. Beyond the academic content of this book, we appreciate the idea of transforming a potentiality, that of the students, to make scientific research by bringing up their their work into public debate of experts. Lecturer Dr. Ştefan Cojocaru 19th september 2009 22 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Lupta împotriva procesului de colectivizare în judeţul Galaţi. Revolta populară din comuna Cudalbi din ziua de 11 ianuarie 1958/ The Fight Against the Process of Collectivization in Galaţi County. Popular Riot from Cudalbi on 11th January 1958 (Romanian Version) Author: Petrică DANIEL Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 148, format Nowadays, after the adherence of Romania to the European Union, it is noticed a crisis of the Romanian village, marked in Brussels by the flags put next to the Romanian agriculture capacity to absorb EU funds. In other words, the Romanian peasant is not capable of viable initiatives, the key to obtaining these funds. This crisis, which may endanger the future of agriculture in light of national integration in general and competitive EU agriculture has profound causes on mental constitution of those who today are the result of the changes suffered by the Romanian village world during one of the most destructive processes, "socialist transforming agriculture "- collectivization. 23 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 Migraţia de revenire/ Recursive Migration (Romanian Version) Author: Camelia Virginia BADEA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 180, A 5 format This book is an update of the license paper work presented in June session 2008. Given the novelty of the theme and the original way of the presentation, we believed that its publication would bring in the limelight in public discussions not only the effects but also the phenomenon of recursive migration for the study and discovery in time of the means of (re) integration of migrants in their communities, of adaptation to Romanian reality, especially those who have left an extended period. Camelia Badea 15th Mars 2009 24 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Drepturile minorului şi răspunderea pentru faptele sale/ The Minor’s Rights and the Responsability for his Actions (Romanian Version) Authors: Daniel VASILE, Ionuţ Ciprian DASCĂLU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 139, format The publication of this book intends to cover the needs of the minor, which is to have rights regardless of ethnicity, nationality, sex, age, religion, sickness, disability and other criteria. In addition to rights, the minor must also have obligations that must be respected regardless of ethnicity, nationality, sex, age, religion, sickness, disability and other criteria. "No free man shall be closed or destroyed in any way without being legally judged by his peers according to the laws of his country”. In this formulation we can identify the right to life and freedom, as well as the right to a fair trial, mainly to establish the principle of legality of crimes and punishments. 25 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Manual pentru cursanţii programului de formare profesională „Manager de proiect”/ Manual for Students of the Professional Training Programm „Project Manajer”(Romanian Version) Authors: Antonio SANDU, Simona PONEA, Oana BRADU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 165, format The occupation of project manager is actually performed by all persons who have the responsibility to conduct and implement projects at the operational level, both with internal financing and external public or private. The course is addressed to representatives of NGOs, business sector, public institutions, etc., eligible for POSDRU structural funding. 26 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Deschideri postmoderne în sociologie şi asistenţa socială/ Postmodern Openings in Sociology and Social Work (Romanian Version) Authors: Simona PONEA, Ecaterina – Maria PORUMB, Andreea RACLEŞ, Cătălin ROGOJANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 138, format Supervision and Case Management: Simona PONEA Social Inclusion of Youth who Grew up in Foster Care Centers: Ecaterina – Maria PORUMB Family and Homes of the Rich Gypses from Strehaia: Andreea RACLEŞ Transition in Hungary: Dumitru – Cătălin ROGOJANU 27 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Tehnici afirmativ - apreciative în dezvoltarea organizaţională. O socio-pedagogie a succesului/ Appreciative Techniques in Organizational Development (Romanian Version) Author: Antonio Ştefan SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 139, B5 JIS format The “Appreciative Techniques in Organizational Development” volum, published by Antonio Sandu, presents a model of organizational development from a innovation perspective centered on success and positive assessment, that is the appreciative inquiry model as it was proposed by Cooperrider and Bush. Integrating the appreciative inquiry in a cultural context dominated by the transition from post to transmodernism, the author shows its origins in client-centered psychotherapy, proposed by Carl Rogers, constructionist sociologies, especially those in Burr's version, in the new religious current inspired by New Age, and neuro-programming techniques as they were made by Bandler and Grinder. Associate Professor Dr. Ştefan Cojocaru „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Phylosophy and Social Political Science Faculty Social Work and Sociology Department 28 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Flagelul HIV-SIDA, o bătălie pierdută? Analiza flagelului la nivel global. Studiu de caz: România/ HIV-AIDS, a Lost Battle? The Global Analysis of the Syndrome. Case Study: Romania (Romanian Version) Author: Daniel - Alin RĂSPOP Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 183, format This work, in which the evolution of HIV / AIDS is presented globally, regionally and nationally, is intended as an analysis of the factors contributing to the HIV / AIDS escalade, followed by an evaluation of the measures to prevent HIV / AIDS in Romania and finally, a recommendation to increase the capacity of protecting and fighting against this syndrome. When I started this book, in early spring 2007, I tried to use the most recent data in analyzing this syndrome. Meanwhile, other editions of numerous reports that underpin this work have emerged. Author 29 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Teoria fericirii în asistenţa socială. De la managementul îngrijirii la managementul fericiri/ Happiness Theory in Social Work. From Care Management to Happiness Management (Romanian Version) Author: Petru ŞTEFĂROI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 190, format More than ten years ago, after I started to practice the profession of psychologist in education and protection of children in difficulty, I was unpleasantly surprised by the excessive concern that is placed on the instrumental and behaviour side of the personality and problems that children have and the unconcern for the soul, the spiritual, empathic, subjective, emotional side of children - both in terms of knowledge / evaluation / diagnosis and the education, care and intervention. This book brings together three major aspects of social and human fields: social work, management and psychology, presenting a series of paradigms, concepts and theories on the ontogenesis and the role of the soul, difficult to understand without a knowledge of their origin. 30 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Rememorări ale vieţii cotidiene din timpul comunismului într-un oraş provincial. Studiu de caz: Drobeta Turnu Severin/ Recollections of Everyday Life During Comunism in a Provincial Town. Case Study: Drobeta Turnu Severin (Romanian Version) Author: Corneliu DRAGOMIR Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 294, format The paper signed by Cornelius Dragomir does not intend to be a history work on communism, nor to criticize the totalitarian regime, but to reconstruct aspects of everyday life during communism in a provincial Romanian town through those who lived it and also to discover the links between 'individual experiences and collective stakes "(Blanchet & Gotman, 1988:127). The recollection of the 35 interviewed habitants, different as social professional and experience status, bring to light dominant or peripheral social facts. Associate Professor Dr. Livia Vasiluta „West University” Timişoara Romania Psychology and Sociology Faculty Sociology and Anthropology Department 31 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cercetarea politicilor sociale/ Social Politics Research (Romanian Version) Author: Ana-Maria PREOTEASA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 207, format The concept of social politics is very broad, and my experience as a researcher in social politics often made me wonder if there is no possibility to include the main scientific approaches in a systematic frame. In the study of social politics an active attitudeis preferred, to approach a specific politic, in terms of evaluating them, comparing them and analyzing the problems that have resulted. Methodology works in social politics are less numerous. The explanation may be related to the increased interest towards specific research (applied) but also the assumption that the methodology is the same as that of social science research. 32 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE O lume diferită, o lume la fel. Integrarea socială a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi locomotorii/ A Different World, the Same World. Social and Professional Integration of Persons With Locomotor Disabilities (Romanian Version) Author: Simona PONEA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 183, format Social exclusion of disadvantaged groups is currently a problem encountered in most modern societies. This is manifested in various forms in society, "helping" the impossibility of accessing the different systems by individuals. We propose in this paper to analyze the social exclusion of persons with locomotor disabilities. Special emphasis is placed on redefyning concepts such as equality, participation, involvement, accessibility, social partnership, which together form the process of integration. It refers to a total of interdependent "actions" that can ensure the change of the Romanian social system. Whether we accept or not, change is the process which "the disability disability" needs to achieve equality. Author 33 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Rolul familiei, comunităţii şi a mediatorului şcolar în combaterea absenteismului şcolar, a abandonului şcolar şi a delincvenţei juvenile la copii de etnie romă/ The Role of Family, Community and School Mediator in Fighting Against School Truancy, School Abandonment and Juvenile Delinquency in Roma (Romani) Children (Romanian Version) Author: Mircea ZIDĂRESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 265, format In the history of Romanian education, there have been more concrete initiatives for Roma (Romani) education. For instance, during 1949-1951, in Siria, in Arad county, the teacher Vasile Homescu has organized a school for Roma (Romani) people, which was visited in 1951 by the Minister of Education, Ion Nistor, and Grigoras Dinicu, who was then the representative of Roma (Romani) people. On this occasion, Mrs. Georgina Homescu teacher has received special praise from visitors on the brilliant manner in which the 41 students in class were presented in lessons. Author 34 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Orientări metodologice privind dezvoltarea comunităţilor etnice (comunitatea italiană)/ Methodological Guidance on the Development of Ethnic Communities (the Italian Community) (Romanian Version) Author: Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 200, format The conceptual framework of institutional analysis and analysis of programs made in this study focuses on a double dimension, on one hand, the program significance criterion towards the objectives of the organization, on the other hand the program’s efficiency criterion, in terms of methods of implementation and impact on group target. They were chosen as example, programs implemented during the 2003-2004 by the Italian Community in Romania, the representative organization at the time for the Italian minority. The research results were published in the Research and Social Intervention Review, in June 2004. 35 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE O socioantropologie a dezastrelor naturale/ A Social Anthropology of Natural Disasters (Romanian Version) Author: Corneliu DRAGOMIR Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 291, format This work represents an early step of a journey to maturity in a field of social life, identifying ways of investigation, analysis and diagnosis, providing topics and replies regarding the subject. This approach provides a space for dialogue on natural disasters and their implications in the daily cultural rhetoric. The first part of the work submits to the reader major themes of reflection on social, human and psychological implications of the natural disasters on the communities, based on the dramatic experiences of humanity and on the literature about this domain. The first two chapters provide an analytical perspective on natural disasters: fundamentals, hazards, vulnerabilities, phenomenology. Corneliu Dragomir 36 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 Generaţii în schimbare/ Changing Generations (Romanian Version) Author: Simona BRANC Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 299, format Simona Branc approaches the issue of family education in Banat from a generational perspective. As expected, she feels the need to define and clarify the theoretical and methodological work. It is flexible, based on a very good knowledge of the main directions in which the sociological research has defined itself, including the Romanian one, suggesting the multiplicity of perspectives in which the subject may be approached. The author’s research is mainly based on constructivist theories of reality, the symbolic interactionism, the ethnomethodology, grounded theory, invoking a qualitative research, oral history and methods of analysis of life story. It's essentially a real deployment of competent and elegantly organized potential, which is not lacking a certain amount of didactic value. Smaranda Vultur 37 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Percepţia persoanelor cu deficienţă de vedere/ The Perception of Persons with Visual Deficiency (Romanian Version) Author: Filip GUTTMAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 101, B5 JIS format This paper has intended to identify the perception which persons with visual deficiency have about information on physical accessibility as well as their social integration compared with the perception of people without disabilities on the same issues. By identifying the problems that visual deficiency persons face in the above areas, there are expected the decrease or even elimination of those difficulties through the important role which social work plays in intervention. They were identified problems such like: difficulties in physical accessibility to means of public transport, access to public and private institutions, poor access to everything concerning information (especially academic) and social integration difficulties. 38 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Condiţiile deţinuţilor din România înaintea aderării la Uniunea Europeană/ Conditions of Convicts from Romania before its Adherence to the European Union (Romanian Version) Author: Daniela Petronela FERARU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 156, format This work contains three projects grouped into three main sections, projects that give to the entire work a full sociological reflection which can be successfully implemented in an epistemological perspective. I speak also in the present study, about stigmatization and de-stigmatization, of some differences that exist and I try folding data into a social construction, of identity pathology, of evil intent, of determinism. This way I offer different interpretations throughout the research work, with a rich data provided by field research and data offered by the most-known Romanian national and local newspapers. Author 39 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Roz vs Albastru, Barbie vs Bionicle. Despre şi dincolo de dicotomii: în căutarea spaţiului gender confortabil/ Pink vs. Blue, Barbie vs. Bionicle (Romanian Version) Author: Silvia COBUSNEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 151, format The main topic approached in this research, which is gender, refers to psychological, social and cultural differences between women and men, what femininity and masculinity are. The interest in investigating gender and how it is constructed from pre-school has both qualitative reasons for the scarcity of research with children in the Romanian landscape, and practical reasons, to summarize some studies that make recommendations to parents and teachers to remove gender stereotypes and valuing the potential of both girls and boys. The logic of this qualitative research was to describe the universe / universes of the Romanian preschool, in the construction of concepts related to gender on a group of equals, but with a permanent filter in respect of children's rights perspective. Author 40 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Libera circulaţie a persoanelor în Uniunea Europeană. Despre condiţiile imigranţilor români în Europa după aderare/ Free Movement of Persons in the European Union. About the Conditions of the Romanian Immigrants in Europe after Adherence (Romanian Version) Author: Daniela Petronela FERARU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 225, format This work is an attempt to debate and evaluate the problems and the recently created challenges on European labor market,with direct target on member states and their social systems. It must be mentioned that foreign labor migration is currently an extremely important phenomenon in a continuous rising, especially after 1990. The phenomenon is important not only for the individual and society of origin / adoptive society, but especially for the European economy. Author 41 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Consideraţii generale privind infracţiunile contra vieţii/ General Considerations on Crimes Against Life (Romanian Version) Authors: Daniel VASILE, Ionuţ Ciprian DASCĂLU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania, 2008 No. pg. 91, format The degree of social danger that acts of homicide represent is very high, putting in jeopardy not only the security of each person, but also the entire community. This is because, without the legal framework to ensure respect for the lives of individuals, a peaceful coexistence is noz possible – both at micro and macro level. Although acts of murder seriously harm the same social relations, is likely to result in a person's death; the degree of social danger posed by each one is different, in relation to form of guilt, relationship between offender and victim, the way of commiting the crime. Authors 42 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Implicarea comunităţii în educaţia pentru prevenirea factorilor de risc/Community Involvement in Education for Prevention of Risk Factors (Romanian Version) Authors: Nicoleta-Adriana FLOREA, Cosmina-Florentina SURLEA, Mihaela -Andreea URSU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 164, format As long as changes in contemporary society can bring danger not only opportunities, we plan to approach education for preventing situations of risk, hoping to identify some effective ways to prevent and remove them. The paper addresses theoretical issues regarding education for prevention of risk factors, presents the most important techniques used in counseling for prevention of risk factors, provides information on counseling programs on this subject and presents the results of a study regarding Community education for preventing risk factors. Authors 43 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Conceptualizarea abuzului şi neglijării copilului în familie/ Conceptualisation of child abuse and neglect in the family (Romanian Version) Author: Mihai-Bogdan IOVU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 117, format Violence against children remains largely hidden, for various reasons. One reason is fear: many children are afraid to talk about incidents involving violent acts against them. In many cases, parents, who should protect their children, keep the silence when the act of violence has been commited by the spouse or another family member by a strong member of society, such as an employer, a police officer or a leader of the community. Fear exists especially in places where the "honor" of the family is placed above the safety and welfare of children. In particular, rape or other forms of sexual violence can lead to ostracism, other violence or even death. Author 44 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Generaţii în schimbare. Modele de educaţie familială în Banatul secolului XX/ Changing Generation. Models of Family Education in Banat in the XXth Century (Romanian Version) Author: Simona BRANC Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 300, format Simona Branc approaches the issue of family education in Banat, Romania from a generational perspective. As expected, she feels the need to define and clarify the theoretical and methodological work. It is flexible, based on a very good knowledge of the main directions in which sociological research was reformed, including the Romanian one, suggesting the multiplicity of perspectives in which the subject may be addressed. The work is mainly based on constructivist theories of reality, the symbolic interactionism, the ethnomethodological, grounded theory, invoking a qualitative research, an oral history method, and methods presented by analysis of the life story. Smaranda Vultur 45 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Divorţul în tradiţia evreiască/ Divorce in the Jewish Tradition (Romanian Version) Author: Iulia Andreea MOLDOVAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 120, format The theme: divorce in Jewish tradition did not attract so far particular attention of researchers. Therefore we do not have a variety of sources to deal with ending a marriage in Hebrew and almost everything written so far is signed by authors of Jewish origin. If you are planning to research on this topic in Romania you will have an unpleasant surprise to find not too much information, especially not finding Romanian author writing on the subject. Dissolution of marriage is a matter of tradition, culture and reflects the Jewish people’s mentality which has evolved and undergone several transformations in the context of interaction with other civilizations and which has influenced people who came in contact with. Author 46 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Sistemul românesc privativ de libertate. Perspectiva asistenţei sociale asupra sănătăţii mentale în penitenciar şi asupra minorilor din Centrele de Reeducare/ The Romanian System of Deprivation of Liberty. Social Work Perspective on Mental Health Care and on Children in Reeducation Centers (Romanian Version) Author: Cecilia POPA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 217, format My personal motivation, which was at the basis of this scientific approach, consisted in more than 2 years of volunteering experience in two non-governmental organizations (NGOs), one for the delivery of social services for people with mental health problems, the Estuar Foundation, and the other for reintegration of minors with a criminal risk, Day Center of Prison Fellowship Romania, as well as almost a year and a half of professional practice in several prisons institutions in Romania. All this indulged me to make an initial evaluation of the two phenomena which may require a particular attention. Author 47 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Pruncucidere/ Infanticide (Romanian Version) Authori: Daniel VASILE, Ionuţ Ciprian DASCĂLU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 111, format Infanticide is the crime that contradicts the sacred duty and maternal instinct of breeding, as long as, eros as a form of self-preservation instinct, is the most natural and accessible way to get out of the instability and temporality of death and aspire to the transcendency, with fear, hunger and defense, forms of the same instinct of preservation (Noica). At the same time, infanticide is also the most monstrous crime because is aimed at a fragile being - fruit of eroticism - and on a defenseless person. In antiquity, infanticide was punished as severely as any murder. Authors 48 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007 The Activation of Xenophobia as a Result of Immigration in Europe Case Study: Spain (English Version) Author: Doru Petrişor FRANŢESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 103, format At the time of the writing of this thesis the European Union is at a crossroads. Hardly have the member states got over the crisis that divided them during the Iraqi war in 2003, that other problems emerged to the European construction. In late May and early June 2005, France and respectively the Netherlands have rejecte through referendum the Constitutional Treaty. In December the same year the negotiations for the 2007- 2013 financial plan came dangerously close to a failure and the final budget agreed upon represents less than the European Commission had considered necessary for a succesful integration. 49 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Dezvoltarea comunitară: strategie de reducere a sărăciei/ Community Development: a Strategy of Reducing Poverty (Romanian Version) Author: Georgiana PĂUN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 100, format This work represents an important topic for any future specialist who wishes to know and implement sustainable solutions to reduce the scale of the phenomenon of poverty locally. Community development has emerged as an alternative, complementary solution, of limits of the welfare state and market economy mechanisms in creating the collective good. The more people become more aware of their power to solve problems together, actively involving themselves, the increasing possibility of successful community development programs. Author 50 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Strategii de dezvoltare comunitară/ Strategies on Community Development (Romanian Version) Author: Iuliana PRECUPEŢU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 203, B5 JIS format Community development was often seen a social innovation after 1989, seen as a particular approach that belongs more to the practice of international organizations. In fact, the idea is very old and not a foreign practice in the Romanian context. The paper presents theoretical schemes of the idea of community in the works of classical sociologists, and revaluation of the concept of community. Author 51 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Sărăcia în comunităţile de romi din România/ Poverty in the Roma (Romani) Comunities from Romania (Romanian Version) Author: Mircea ZIDĂRESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 373, format Today many Roma (Romani) people live with the majority population, sharing with it comfort, housing problems in cities or villages. However most Roma (Romani) people live in separate areas, slums or ghettos, abandoned, or near landfills; from time to time, we see Romanian and Hungarian families who share with Roma (Romani) people isolation of these places, but they do not change their ethnic overwhelming character of exclusion. Romania is currently facing many problems of the Roma (Romani) minority caused by the lack of non viable plans and effective strategies which should treat more complex the issues of marginalized Roma (Romani) communities. Author 52 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Între conflict şi economie/ Between Conflict and Economy (Romanian Version) Author: Zsuzsanna KACSO Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 132, format Currently there are many conflicts and crises that require international intervention. For this matter, the international community formed numerous mechanisms to solve these problems, some of them efficient other less efficient, some of them whose purpose is the cease of hostilities by signing some documents, others by addressing root causes of conflict, aiming at its transformation from a destructive phenomenon to a constructive one, in which the needs of each party can find its answers. The purpose of this paper is to present one of the components of building peace through nonviolent transformation of conflict: the construction of future planning scenarios. Author 53 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Costuri sociale ale migraţiei externe din România/ Social Costs of External Migration from Romania (Romanian Version) Author: Daniela Petronela FERARU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 221, format The present survey aims to approach the phenomenon of migration in an explanatory manner, primarily testing which are the external social costs of migration in Romania. There have been some researches in finding some answers in relation to this specific type of migration, namely international migration,the go-andforth type that has known a constant growth in Romania in recent years. Travel for work abroad are part of a life strategy with major effects on the individual / household. Concerning this matter, the author highlights the social costs of a growing problem, with impacts at national level. Author 54 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Stresul organizaţional. Modalităţi de identificare, studiere, prevenire şi combatere/ Organiyational Stress. Ways of Identification, Study, Prevention and Fighting Against It (Romanian Version) Author: Mihaela Andreea URSU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 123, format Summary: Theoretical Aspects Concerning Organizational Stress The Prevention of Stress The investigation of Organizational Stress in Ambulance Service Staff Concept Defyning of the Problem Methodology pf the Research Results of the Research 55 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Infracţiunea complexă/ Complex Crime (Romanian Version) Author: Ioana Florina COSTIN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 173, format Summary: Introduction Forms of complex crime The structure of complex crime The attempt Compatibility of complex crime with other forms of criminal unit Criminal liability for complex crime 56 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Pasajele instituţiilor intermediare/ Intermediary Institutions (Romanian Version) Author: Marian BADEA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 112, format Summary: Consensual couples – a way of accommodation to uncertainty Probation services Gradual strategy – preparation for liberation Normative architecture of the social reintegration services 57 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE The Social Universe of Adolescence in the Context of Physical Disability (English Version) Author: Mihai Bogdan IOVU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 77, format Statement of problem: The scientific problem which is the object of this paper is the social universe in the case of physical disabled and nondisabled adolescents. The aspects taken in consideration are structure and motivation that stay at the base of such a construction. Objective: The paper aims to give a conceptual frame which could allow a better understanding of the life of disabled adolescents and also to present a methodological view which could be used in future studies on this theme. Method: The methodology we used is a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, with emphasis on qualitative. Five physical disabled adolescents and five nondisabled adolescents werw asked to complete 3 worksheets in order to asses the structure of their social universe. Then they were asked to complete RSE test in order to evaluate the manner in which they represent themselves. Author 58 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cercetări multidisciplinare în ştiinţele socio- umane/ Multidimensional Research in Social Human Science (Romanian Version) Authors: Edi APOSTU, Lucian Bogdan, Tomiţă CIULEI, Ana DRĂGUŞ, Ioana MUREŞAN, Anna Maria PAPP, Dragoş RĂDULESCU, Irina RĂDULESCU, Antonio SANDU, Inga SÎNCHEVICI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 220, format A 5 Summary: Art and sacredness, history aspects: Antonio Stefan SANDU, Edi APOSTU Unilateralism-multilateralism debate in the organization interventions in force. S.U.A. opposing the world so that the world is entitled to oppose it: Lucian BOGDAN Paradigm of scientific knowledge in ancient Greece: Tomiţă CIULEI Bilingualism and biculturalism in Tirgu Mures. Attitudes of Hungarian linguistic perspective: Anna Maria PAPP Evolution of the main forms of global economy: Dragos RĂDULESCU 59 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006 Migraţia internaţională şi politicile sociale/ International Migration and social politics (Romanian Version) Author: Camelia TOANCHINĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 98, format The present study shows us very clearly that, on long term, the situation of migrants should be regulated, legalized, institutionalized both in countries of origin and destination countries. The author draws our attention to social protection. In this volume the institutional dimension of social life is alert, carefully analized. The conclusion that we can draw from this study is that is in the interests of migrants that their problems should be solved legally. Associate Professor Dr. Rudolf Poledna 60 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Efectele migraţiei. Studiu la nivelul comunităţii Vulturu, Vrancea/ The Effects of Migration. Vulturu, Vrancea County Study (Romanian Version) Authori: Romelia CĂLIN, Radu Gabriel UMBREŞ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 240, format Temporary migration abroad is one of the innovative strategies adopted by individuals living in postcommunist period (Sandu, 2000) to resist structural changes that took place rapidly in the early 90s. Currently, however, after diffusion and the social contagion effect, it has become a dominant strategy within certain rural communities. Starting from the interest for the effects of the phenomenon in these communities, I stopped on a topic not approached in specialized practice in Romania so far : how young people from such a community perceive migration and are influenced by it in the choices they do. Authors 61 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Facilitarea comunitară în comunităţile interetnice din mediul rural/ Community Facilitation in Ethnic Cmmunities from Rural Areas (Romanian Version) Author: Mircea ZIDĂRESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 192, format Capacity development, both of individuals and community groups is a central aspect of the process of renewing the civil society, a process that allows members of local communities to find their own solutions to problems which affect their lives. Community groups have a key role in reviving public life. These groups are the result of human decision committed to solve problems, to determine change and to ensure that the entire community has a say. 62 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Familia monoparentală de la vulnerabilitate la autocontrol/ Single-Parent Families, from Vulnerability to Self-Control (Romanian Version) Author: Anca SCUTARU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 314, format This paper is a comprehensive scientific approach to exploration and analysis of the effects of applying passive social policies on social work client. The study explores the single parent families as passive clients of social services, for their dependence from state financial support is particularly worrying because in these families there is only single potential for generating income and stability. The analysis is based on a rigorous methodology and an extensive bibliographical documentation. Author 63 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Contribuţii monografice asupra Văii Bohotinului şi Văii Moşnei/ Monographic Contributions on Bohotin Valley and Moşnei Valley (Romanian Version) Author: Vicu MERLAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 287, format This is a sociological, arheological, geographical, social political, topographical analisys on the Bohotin Valley and Moşnei Valley 64 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Fuga de acasă a adolescenţilor : evaluări, implicaţii, atitudini/ Escaping from Home of Adolescents: Evaluations, Implications and Attitudes (Romanian Version) Author: Simona SÎNZIANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 In modern society conditions, adolescents create more problems than in the past. Urban agglomeration, the continuous growth of the temptations, the penetration of modern technology in all spheres of life, longer school period, the confusion of the terms "democracy" with "freedom" are some factors which justify increasing research interest in the phenomenon of "esacping from home". The hypothesis of the work aimes at evaluation of adults and adolescents attitudes, to what extent this differs from male subjects versus female subjects and to what extent is different depending on the contact with the type of deliquency. Author 65 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Dreptatea rectificativă în context intergeneraţional/ Corrective Justice in Intergenerational Context (Romanian Version) Author: Monica Maria BUCURENCIU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 126, format The theme of the present work is corrective justice, which means that that type of justice, concerned primarly with repairing past injustices. I will analyze the problems that this type of justice raises and I will try to show that it makes sense to speak of justice as a kind of corrective justice that can not be reduced to other types of justice (such as distributive ) and not only fulfills an auxiliary role, supporting justice or distributive justice in transfer. Author 66 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Fenomenul migraţiei şi criza familială/ The Migration Phenomenon and the Family Crisis (Romanian Version) Author: Tereza BULAI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 120, format The leaving of one or both parents is in close relation with finding a job on the foreign labor market, with material and financial balance restoration within the family environment, with the rising living standards, and is manifested as a social phenomenon. Through this scientific approach, we aim to identify and highlight the essential changes, and the consequences of migration for employment abroad of the parents over the family in general and over children in particular. Author 67 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Drepturile victimei. Recuperarea din uitare/ The Rights of the Victim. Recovery from Oblivion (Romanian Version) Author: Dalina GROZA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 333, format This work proposes a way of approaching the victim's rights, in terms of connections. These will be made, on one hand, between a criminal proceeding and psychology (including the victim's feelings, attitudes of those willing to intervene and perceptions of the general public) and on the other hand, between the international standard as "home address" and the particular standard of different legal systems as " residence address " on the victim's rights. Author 68 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Criminalitatea juvenilă/ Juvenile Crime (Romanian Version) Author: Adriana Rodica BERINDEI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 183, format The work of Ms. Adriana Rodica Berindei is very useful for those who believe that what happens during the younger generation is the fruit of our youth, that will go away over the years. This is not true; the author believes that destructive spirit of the times may be stopped in the family through Christian education and in school by a religious moral education. But what must be considered as very important is the part referring at "prevention" of the juvenile crime in Romania. Associate Professor Dr. Ioan Chirilă 69 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Colectivism după colectivism? Forme asociative de organizare în agricultura românească de tranziţie: 1990 -2002/ Collectivism after Collectivism? Associative Forms of Organnization in Romanian Agriculture in transition: 1990-2002 (Romanian Version) Author: Adrian HATOS Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 368, B5 JIS format The paper aims to theorize agricultural associations from a sociological perspective, sometimes trans-disciplinary, beyond economic or anthropological reductionism. We will achieve this goal by solving some research tasks that we have imposed voluntarly: Conceptualisation of agricultural associations and their theoretical framing. Understanding the processes through which associations have emerged, evolved and often disappeared Understanding the relationship between agricultural associations and other institutional structures in the field of contemporary Romanian agriculture. Author 70 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Metrosexualul. Un mit urban contemporan/ Metrosexual: an Urban Contemporary Myth (Romanian Version) Author: Raluca IONESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 150, format Reading Raluca Ionescu’s book, I felt that behind the intelligent and rigorously documented speech, lies a whole team of analysts, historians, philologists, psychologists and fashion stylists. Such a complex and documented writing that can be applied in the contemporary reality, can only be the product of an extremely diverse and specific team. As a reader, I can declare myself surprised when discovering that this book is the product of a single person who, with elegance and good taste, is composing a writing so complex about a topic apparently frivolous. Cosmin Mureşan Fashion Designer 71 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Asistarea (acompanierea) bolnavului terminal în context familial. Situaţia din România/ Assisting the Terminal Patient Within the Family. The Situation in Romania (Romanian Version) Author: Ruxandra Maria CRĂCIUN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 287, format When a child is born, he already bears a purpose in his body, which we call the final death. Paradoxically, is the meaning of his life, his life denouement, which is the same for all people. Where are we going to? Where we will all be together? However, death appears as something frightening, something that we have to run from, and fight against. Disease is to be combated, it is true, not death, even if this confusion is often made. Author 72 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Parohialism şi regionalism la studenţii români/ Parochialism and Regionalism in Romanian Students (Romanian Version) Author: Dana Bălaş TIMAR Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 113, format The liberation from the communist mentality, the uncertainty of Tomorrow, the political corruption and disillusionment are social landmarks that the psychology of the Romanian faces today and trying to overcome them, he will be in front of a real psycho-social paradigm characterized by general mistrust, isolation, noninvolvement and social indifference. There is a decay of the social, moral, economical and cultural capital of the Romanian, who lives the fear and drama of a possible marginalization at the lower limit of subsistence. This study was designed to capture the level of parochialism in Romanian students and how it varies depending on the historical region of belongingness. Author 73 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cercetări, studii şi abordări în ştiinţele umaniste. FilosofieStiinţe Sociale/ Researches, Studies and Approaches in the Human Sciences. Phylosophy and Social Sciences (Romanian Version) Authors: Delia POPA, Mihai Bogdan IOVU, Gim GRECU, Silvia FĂT, Diana DĂMEAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 209, format Summary: Imagination and reality: Delia POPA The Other and Self-Disenchantment: Gim GRECU The impact of the psychological and emotional abuse in the family and school environment on adolescent rationality: Michael Bogdan IOVU Social construction of educational interactions: Silvia FĂT The image of women in post-communist transition: Diana DĂMEAN 74 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Violenţa în familie prezentată în presa din România/ Domestic Violence Presented in Mass Media in Romania(Romanian Version) Author: Simona SÎNZIANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 107, format The extent of domestic violence is now one of the most serious social problems facing contemporary society, including in Romania. Print media as well as the audiovisual continuously inform on various manifestations of this phenomenon. From most aggresive sensational forms, such as child abuse, maltreatment of the partner, parents, elders to the less striking but no less guilty violence such as verbal, mental, social violence, all supported by an abundance of violent images passing daily before our eyes. Author 75 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Vagabondajul autentic/ Real Vagrancy (Romanian Version) Author: Cătălin IONETE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 137, format The vagrant is not criminal, not a beggar, and not even homeless. The vagrant is .. something else. In general, in discussions about vagrancy, the vagrant is identified with one of the hypostasis identified above and that, usually, is believed to clarify the issue: the vagrant is that homeless person who practice begging to survive and even resorting to criminal acts, being therefore, a criminal. Such a definition of the vagrant not only says much about vagrancy, but leaves the real problem with everything outside the discussion. Author 76 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Pacientul chirurgical vârstnic/ Elder Surgical Patient (Romanian Version) Author: Radu TERINTE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 128, format Academic The present study tries through clinical ways, to make a complex image of the elder surgical patient, highlighting especially the aspects related to general issue analisys raised by the elder in the surgical clinic, than his pathology. Author 77 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE New Approaches In Humanistic Sciences (English Version) Authors: Sebastian BUHAI, Simona VIERU, Alexandra MIHAI, Raluca MAIEREAN, Costică VIERU, Ruxandra RAŢIU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 258, format Summary: Customary Law Assessment and Applications: Capital Punishment for Juvenile Offenders: Sebastian BUHAI Issues in the American Film: Simona VIERU Romania s foreign policy at its Eastern border: Alexandra MIHAI Anti- Communist Uprisings and the Media: Raluca MAIEREAN Freedom of Trade over Freedom of Movement a Paradox: Ruxandra RAŢIU Multicultural Education: Costică DUMBRAVĂ 78 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2005 Consilierea gravidei şi a tinerelor mame/ Pregnant Women and Young Mothers Counseling (Romanian Version) Author: Ştefan COJOCARU (coord.) Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 66, format The state of pregnancy and childbirth is an important moment in the life of any women, this event is characterized by the emergence of contradictory feelings, which oscillates from serene, joy and satisfaction of accomplishment to self-uncertainty, doubts over the ability to be parent and even aversion for the newborn infant. All the institutions of family and child care provide extensive social services aimed at reducing early / child institutionalization and maintenance of the family. 79 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Stop Violenţa în familie/ Stopping Domestic Violence (Romanian Version) Authors: Monica ANCUŢA, Andreea CĂNILĂ, Mădălina CONSTANTIN, Gabriela MOISII, Marinela TĂTĂRĂŞANU, Cristina TOMA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 60, format Summary: Definitions and conceptual clarification Family profile affected by violence Child abuse, a particular form of domestic violence Professional network and multidimensional team intervention Intervention in crisis situations - Care Center for women victims of domestic violence 80 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Social Policy for Single Mother Families (English Version) Author: Daniel HRISTODORESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 54, format This volume examines the systems of social policies designed to improve life in single-parent families. 81 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Terapii familiale şi asistenţa socială a familiei/ Family Therapies in Family Social Work (Romanian Version) Authori: Monica ZAPODEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 184, format This volume seeks to explore change as a fundamental process in social work practice, based on the concept that, regardless of the situation of the client (whether individual, family or community), changing at least a reference point, may lead to improvement if not solve the problem. The practice of social welfare must always be seen as an aid for people to bring change in their relations with other individuals, groups, organizations or social systems. Author 82 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Designul propunerilor de finanţare/ Design Proposal for Financing (Romanian Version) Author: Ştefan COJOCARU (coord.) Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 516, B5 JIS format Summary: Forms of social design Setting types of intervention Solving social problems through intervention projects Conceptual boundaries Drugs, a memory(The project proposes a method for complete and structured detoxification) Be careful, do not become an addicted! program to combat drug use among teenagers; Pro Vita. Project to prevent unwanted teenage pregnancy; Multicultural education - a real opportunity to integrate Roma (Romani) children. Establish a "multi-ethnic laboratory"; Abandoned elderly - between hope and certainty. Social integration project for street elders 83 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Copilul instituţionalizat între protecţie şi abuz/ Institutionalized Child – Between protection and abuse (Romanian Version) Authors: Ionel BRĂTIANU, Cristinel ROŞCA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 400, format This volume makes a comparative analysis of social protection of institutionalized children in Romania, exposing all the results, implications and consequences that have emerged over the past nearly 15 years of reform in this area, together with an extensive reference to Romanian and foreign literature, coupled with practical experience in social assistance of the authors held in foster care centers. 84 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Asistenţa socială a mamelor adolescente/ Social Work of Teenage Mothers (Romanian Version) Author: Petronela ŞERBAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 316, format The volume is structured in two parts: one theoretical and one practical; in the first two chapters the author has defined the concept of family, theories on single-parent family and has analyzed various types of families. In the third chapter was defined the single-parent family phenomenon and they were described the types of single parent families. The fourth chapter turned his attention to adolescents and parents who may have implications on an early pregnancy. In the last chapter the author described the types of services that the single parent families can require by law. 85 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cercetări multidimensionale în ştiinţele umaniste/ Multidimensional Research in Human Science (Romanian Version) Authors: Cristina COSTANDACHE, Costel DUMBRAVĂ, Antonio SANDU, Ionuţ SOCOL Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 169, B5 JIS format Summary: Liberalism and Diversity: Costel DUMBRAVĂ Corneliu Coposu and PNŢCD: Cristina COSTANDACHE Models of Universe: Antonio SANDU You Are on the Internet, That Means You Exist: Ionuţ SOCOL 86 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Des recherches multidimensionnelles dans les sciences humanistes (French Version) Authors: Emilia PRUTEANU, Simona GÂRLEANU, Cristina DINU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 270, B5 JIS format Summary: Intertextualite-Intertitularite dans le domaine journalistique: Emilia PRUTEANU Pour une approche praqmatique de la litterature: Simona GÂRLEANU Visages de l`amour dans les contes africains et roumains: Cristina DINU 87 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Multidimensional Research in Humanistic Sciences (English Version) Authors: Eva GHEŢU, Mihai LUCACIU, Anamaria STROIA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 250, B5 JIS format Summary: Brave New World And Nineteen Eighty-Four From Text To Context: Eva GHEŢU Women and the Romanian Greek Catholic Church: Mihai LUCACIU Enviromental Policies Against Water Pollution in Romania: Anamaria STROIA 88 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Aprecierea inteligenţei sociale la elevi/ Social Intelligence Appreciation in Students (Romanian Version) Author: Elena MIRON Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 44, format This is a research aimed at investigating the importance of knowing the results of the students (often made in direct relation to the existence of a high level intelligence) in appreciating their social intelligence by teachers. Numerous times, students with high marks are appreciated as having a higher intellectual development, though having the first criterion, does not always necessarily mean you have the second (subjective school appreciation). Author 89 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2005 Şomajul. Anxietatea şi frustraţia la persoanele şomere/ Unemployment. Anxiety and Frustration of Unemployed Persons (Romanian Verion) Author: Corina COCHINESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 150, format The volume presents a theoretical approach on issues of social psychological problems of unemployment, focusing on the phenomena of anxiety and frustration. In the contents of the book is found a practical research on the correlation between unemployment and incidence of anxiety and frustration in unemployed people. Individual reactions to unemployment as a situation of life, as it is normal, vary from one individual to another depending on social group membership, age, gender, family, social responsibility and, not least, the psychological structure of the person. 90 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Maltratarea copilului între cunoaştere şi intervenţie/ Abuse of the Child – Between Knowledge and Intervention (Romanian Version) Author: Mădălina CONSTANTIN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 300, format The volume presents a set of social psychological theories on the phenomenon of physical abuse and neglect of the child as forms of maltreatment. This volume seeks definition of child physical abuse from other forms of abuse, starting with the classification of this form of abuse within the wider concept of maltreatment, and ending with specific intervention in such cases. 91 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Tehnici în Asistenţa Socială/ Tchniques in Social Work (Romanian Version) Author: Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 129, format This volume proposes a presentation on some basic techniques of social work practice. Using arguments of social epistemology, the author introduces an overview of work on the case and highlights important aspects of counseling in social work. Implementation of the main professions relationship used in the work assistants, creates the complex inter and multi-dimensional approach to social welfare practice, recognizing the border issue discipline. The whole approach proposed by the author is filtered by the ethical character of social assistance, targeted to promote individual rights, and having as a central concept, the quality of life. 92 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Imaginea persoanei cu handicap în presa scrisă/ The Image of the Disabled Person In Mass Media (Romanian Version) Author: Daniela DUMITRESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 124, format This work may generate interest for a problem that, at a social level, has a negative representation, as will be seen from the analysis of questionnaires and newspaper articles. The author wants his work to bring a new vision closer to reality, and represent a starting point to other studies in the same field. Study results may be useful for better understanding and acceptance of these people, and a better understanding and representation of their social level. This volume’s purpose is to draw attention to attitudes that exist, starting from the question to what extent are they consistent with reality. 93 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Secte sinucigaşe/ Suicidal Sects (Romanian Version) Author: Iulian DAMIAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 160, format The sociological research of the phenomenon is required to highlight its actual size, its implications, to the safety of citizens on the one hand, and to freedom of expression of religious beliefs on the other. In the volume there are some general features of new religious movements with violent and suicidal potential. It is clear that many of these features are not only specific movements that were already involved in such acts, but some still exist and are proving very active. Author 94 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2004 Dezvoltarea comunităţilor etno-culturale. Integrare europeană şi interculturalitate/ EthnoCultural Development of Communities. European Integration and Interculturality (Romanian Version) Authors: Vasile MIFTODE, Daniela NACU, Ştefan COJOCARU, Antonio SANDU Editura Expert Projects (coediţie) Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2004 No. pg. 128, format The volume presents theoretical and methodological issues concerning the protection of national minorities, taking community development and sustainable development as the main factor in achieving effective protection of minority groups. 95 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Analiză instituţională prin cercetare acţiune. Comunitatea Italiană din România/ Institutional Analysis through Action Research. The Italian Community from Romania (Romanian Version) Author: Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2004 No. pg. 168, format In our country there are over 23 ethnic minorities, of which 18 are recognized as traditional minorities, and are represented the Romanian Parliament, through a representative organization. The importance of studying inter-ethnic relations and social dimensions of the phenomenon of "cohabitation" lies in the possibility of prediction of possible negative developments and of the dynamics of relationships, with negative consequences for social balance and security, both the minority and the majority. Author 96 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2003 Acţiune socială prin strategii educaţionale/ Social Action through educational strategies (Romanian Version) Authors: Ştefan COJOCARU (coord.), Stela COMAN (coord.), Antonio SANDU (coord.) Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2003 No. pg. 242, format The authors of this volume present the theoretical, methodological aspects, but also pragmatic conduct of social intervention in areas such as parental education, social reintegration of persons at delinquency risk. The contents of the paper, is analyzed the education in school, but also alternative education in group of equals, family education, lifelong learning forms and issues on mentality changing. 97 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Asistenţa maternală pentru copilul seropozitiv HIV/ Foster Care for HIV Child (Romanian Version) Authori: Fundaţia ALĂTURI DE VOI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2003 No. pg. 164, format Beyond all prejudices related to contacts with HIV people, reality has shown that they are often unfounded. The response of families wanting to educate children with such problems shows the interest of the community on this social problem, the desire to help others. Foster Care seeks a reconstruction of the social system in which the child in need may develop. 98 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Elaborarea proiectelor/ Elaboration of Projects (Romanian Version) Author: Ştefan COJOCARU Editura Expert Projects Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2003 No. pg. 130, format This volume is a real support for both students of sociology and social work and for social practitioners trained in this activity. It is a resource of information and documentation for all those who wish to change something, for those who hope to attract funds for the development of programs, for those seeking to develop long term strategies in different areas of intervention. 99 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Tratat de metodologie sociologică Tehnici de investigaţie de teren Elaborarea proiecteor de intervenţie/ Treaty of Sociological Methodology. Investigation Techniques. Elaboration of Intervention Projects (Romanian Version) Author: Vasile MIFTODE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2003 No. pg. 500, format The volume presents systematic and organized sociological methods and investigation techniques, from the traditional ones such as observation, interviewing, documentation, together with techniques to investigate views about facts, questionnaire, scale, etc., and advanced techniques: network method, method of intervention project , Action Research method, together with a series of qualitative research techniques of social life. The book is useful both to researchers and students in sociology and social work and those who wish to outline an image over the sociology universe and its methods. 100 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2002 Caietul educatorului specializat/ The Handbook of the Specialised Educator (Romanian Version) Authors: Ştefan COJOCARU, Pintilie PENCIUC, Ion SERBINA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2002 No. pg. 430, format This is a working tool for staff working in foster care centers. However, this book, following the line of The National Authority for Child Rights Protection and Adoption, is formed as a support for those dealing with education of children and young people in these centers to make the educational activity more efficient. 101 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Ghiduri de bună practică în asistenţa socială a copilului şi familiei/ Guidance in Good Practice in Child and Family Social Work (Romanian Version) Author: HOLT România, Ştefan COJOCARU (coordonator) Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2002 No. pg. 377, format Based on the experience of Holt Romania Organization on development of social programs in the field of child protection and welfare, the volume contains the theoretical, methodological and practical information in areas such as: Interventions in crisis, Counseling families with HIV children, Foster Care, National Adoption. 102 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Populaţii vulnerabile şi fenomene de automarginalizare. Strategii de intervenţie şi efecte perverse/ Vulnerable People and Self-Marginalisation. Intervention Strategies (Romanian Version) Authors: Vasile MIFTODE (coordonator), Maria COJOCARU, Ştefan COJOCARU, Daniela GÎRLEANU, Gabriela IRIMESCU, Conţiu ŞOITU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2002 No. pg. 410, format Social or community solidarity has several meanings emerged with the evolution of society and the stabilization of values and standards colective. First of all, it is the common meaning of solidarity, expressed overall by the feeling of belonging to a group and realization of the debt on defending common causes with other members, to help the needs and aspirations with them to promote values. Secondly it is the legal meaning, normative, according to which it is conceived as a mechanism to assume the obligations by someone in respect of another person to take charge of protection activities for those who need help at a specific moment, when they are victims of social and individual risks. 103 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Ghidul tinerelor mame/ Guidance for Young Mothers (Romanian Version) Authors: Holt-Romania, Irina ANGHELESCU, Luminiţa COSTACHE, Lăcrămioara GANEA, Felicia GURGHIAN, Sidonia MAXIM, Cristina MUREŞAN, Cristina VAMEŞU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2002 No. pg. 58, format This work is intended as a guide to encourage mothers to confront the difficulties inherent in the life of a parent. Not infrequently, childbirth is associated with the uncertainty, related to some disturbances in the psychological and social life of young mothers. And all this is caused by a lack of accurate information on the rights enjoyed by mother and child services aspects of certain institutions or organizations to which the young mother could call in certain situations. 104 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Asistenţă şi intervenţie socială/ Assistance and Social Intervention (Romanian Version) Authori: Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2002 No. pg. 139, format The volume presents a series of theories and models of social assistance, focusing on methodological elements. Seen as an intervention on a social system (individualfamily-community) in dysfunction, the social assistance model proposed by the author favors change theory, the client individually or collectively is himself an agent of change, the social worker having role in highlighting the failures and facilitate customer access to various resources in the social environment. 105 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Asistenţa maternală pentru copilul de vârstă mică. Metodologie, standarde, proceduri/ Foster Care for Small Child. Methodology, Standards, Procedures (Romanian Version) Author: Holt-Romania, Beth BREDFORD, Odette CHIRILĂ, Ştefan COJOCARU, Luminiţa COSTACHE, Ada GABOR, Niculina NEGUŢU, Mariana POPESCU, Mirela TOBIAS, Iuliana ZAGAN, Cristina ANDREICA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2002 No. pg. 136, format The work has practical applications in social work and is addressed to specialists working in child and family protection, decision factors, foster care, those who are included in various training programs. 106 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Adopţia naţională. Metodologie, standarde, proceduri/ National Adoption. Methodology, Standards, Procedures (Romanian Version) Authori: Holt România, Cristina ANDREICA, Ştefan COJOCARU, Luminiţa COSTACHE, Dana ISAC, Ruxandra POLYSU, Daniela STAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2002 No. pg. 102, format Romania is a country where adoption was known as a practice which protected children. Even in traditional Romanian society we can find the existence of the soul children along with the blood children. In the communist regime, after the social, economical and cultural change, adoption became a solution for couples without children, the aim of adoption being to find the child for the family. This view still persists in many people’s mentality even today. 107 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Christianism LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 Salvarea bisericilor de orice rit din România sub ocupaţia militară sovietică Saving the churches of any rite from Romania under the Soviet military occupation Author: Tudor POPESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 188, format This work represents a significant page from the history of our people, who was born a Christian, lived Christian and suffered with serenity and dignity, all severe tests of the destiny. In Romania, during the Soviet occupation, and throughout the communist regime, although it was in force the Decision no. 202/1948, which ordered the confiscation of ecclesiastical property in order to clearly abolish the existing religious institutions, these were not abolished, nor was any ecclesistical property confiscated. 111 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Ortodoxia şi noile mişcări religioase/ Orthodoxy and New Religious Movements (Romanian Version) Author: Ciprian Marius CLOŞCĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 535, format In Romania, neoreligions arrive from the West, but many of them bearing the imprint and influence of many Eastern religions. Oscillating between syncretism and eclecticism, many of the new religions are established in a confusing combination of ideas, doctrines and practices. On the other hand, new religious groups of Eastern origin is a mixture of hinduisto-Buddhist-mosaic-Islamic type, including Christian elements, fact that is explained, moreover, taking into account that these neoreligions are "exported" in the West and are addressed largely to Christian culture. 112 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Isihasm în mănăstirile spaţiului mioritic românesc – de la palamism la paisism/ Hesychasm in Romanian Monasteries – from Palamism to Paisism (Romanian Version) Author: Constantin MARIN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 192, format It is known that the Arab approache of Aristotle's philosophy comments (Averroes, in particular) kept its authentic spirit, without "refine" it in the Augustinian sense, etc.. Averroism appeared in Spain but could not penetrate the Byzantine space, so it is unclear whether the term Arab Dikhr (Allah) which was mentioned during the conscious control of breathing exercises, would be synonymous with the name of Jesus. In this case, the spatial scope of practice of that prayer would be larger. 113 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 Rolul duhovnicului în viaţa creştinului/ The Purpose of the Confessor in the Life of the Christian (Romanian Version) Author: Elena Lăcrămioara ANDON Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 105, format We see today more than ever that the contemporary world has lost almost all meaning of sin. Although we see its destructive effects, however, sin is not seen in its true dimension. Man today is always uneasy and restless, in the throes of passions and pleasures, always in search of worldly happiness forgetting the ultimate goal for which it was created, namely the acquisition of glorifying God and eternal happiness. Author 114 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Isihasm în mănăstirile spaţiului mioritic românesc – de la palamiśm la paisism Hesychasm in Romanian Monasteries – from Palamism to Paisism (Romanian Version) Author: Constantin MARIN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 177, format In Eastern religious terminology, including the Romanian Orthodox, the word „Hesychasm” is taken from the Greek word κοινη; in the writings and work of the West as well as dictionaries of Ancient Greek, the equivalent term is slightly different, namely hesychia. Therefore, there are two words that could create some queries words that refer to one and the same spiritual reality, theorized by some prominent representatives of Eastern theology. 115 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Adversus Haereses, vol. 2 / Adversus Haereses, Volume 2 (Romanian Version) Author: Tudor GHIDEANU (coordonator) Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 761, format “We know that no road is pointless, if it does not go to church, and therefore we believe that no law is pointless unless it defends indigenous people and its faith”. This rejection of unfair, unjust laws is synthesized in 3 points: 1. The law does not protect freedom of conscience, but, lacking citizens defending their freedom of conscience, especially for the Orthodox. 2. The law denies the traditional role, identity, culture and faith of the Orthodox Church 3. The law requires state interference in the life of the Orthodox Church, and prohibits the Church the application of a series of church canons. 116 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Splendoarea bucuriei în ontologia trinităţii/The beauty of Joy in Trinity Ontology (Romanian Version) Author: Tudor GHIDEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 246, format The Three Divine Persons are a unique Godhead (Holy Trinity) in eternal reciprocity of Love for God in man and man in God. That is way, the bodily resurrection is only once, and the fearful Judgement Day is once, for eternity of life of Jesus, for the continuity of human. In such a faith it is hard to get, very hard, but increases the power of the beauty of life, death and weakens the vision of mysterious joy. 117 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007 Sensul teandric al iubirii/ Dual Love Between Mankind And God (Romanian Version) Author: Tudor GHIDEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Roamania 2007 No. pg. 293, format Knowledge is one of the necessary size of a human being, so we are both: subject and object of knowledge. God, however, can never be an object of knowledge fundamental error committed by representatives of discursive thought, which reduced the logical meaning: idea, monad, prime still engine, a principle, a vital force, etc.. Such philosophical thinking, tend to catch everything in concept and argument, losing sight of what is deeply characteristic of Christianity: "What is and remains always the same-The Living God". Author 118 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Melchisedec al României/ Melchisedec of Romania (Romanian Version) Authors: Tudor GHIDEANU, Preda GHIDEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 141, format The one whom Bogdan Petriceicu Haşdeu (the titanium of our national hystory) addressed the immortal words: "without doubt, the man with the most knowledge of our pontiffs, Mihai Stefanescu (Melchisedec), son of Peter Stefanescu priest, was to meet, with his multivalent personality, the Romanian Orthodox Church, as Bishop of the Roman Diocese, a happy continuation of his great predecessors Macarie and Dosoftei. Authors 119 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Adversus Heresis. Filosofie Creştină şi dialog cultural/ Adversus Heresis. Christian Phylosophy and Cultural Dialogue (Romanian Version) Author: Tudor GHIDEANU (coordonator) Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 657, format Summary: With love I want to eat this Easter with you Teoctist, the Patriarch of Romanian Orthodox Church Phenomenology of living and Christian Love Culture and Interculturalism: Romania in the new European cultural context Sign and symbol in Christianity Vade retro insipiente! Prozelist sectarian phenomenon Icon in Orthodoxy, the contribution of Romanian Painting Renaissance and Theotokos Theology of love 120 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006 Creaţie şi întrupare. Teoria logosului de la Ioan Teologul la Atanasie cel Mare/ Creation and Incarnation. Logos Theory from Ioan the Theologian to Atanasie the Great (Romanian Version) Author: Ion Cordoneanu Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 281, format The volume represents an attempt to reopen the issue of a specific ontology of Eastern Christianity in terms of the Logos theory as it was developed in Greek philosophy. The author tried to argue the philosophical and theological of the term Logos ontology. Ontology means the speech about the being. Logos ontology is required to deal with how the word is a being. As in Christianity the Word is God we are dealing with a special ontology which is Divinity. 121 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Collections and ancillary tests LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 Teste pregătitoare pentru teza cu subiect unic. Clasa a VII – a. Limba şi literatura română/ Test Preparations for the One Subject Test Paper. Seventh Grade. Romanian Language and Literature (Romanian Version) Author: Cristina BIDA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. , format The content of this book aims to become a necessary tool for training skills and abilities. The book contains 25 tests for seventh grade. The texts were carefully selected from the works of important writers of Romanian literature. The requirements are in accordance with school curriculum and approaches the language levels, with emphasis on functional side of the language and communication. Ph. Dr. Antonio Sandu 125 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Teste pregătitoare pentru teza cu subiect unic. Clasa a VIII – a. Limba şi literatura română/ Test Preparations for the One Subject Test Paper. Seventh Grade. Romanian Language and Literature (Romanian Version) Author: Cristina BIDA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 The content of this book aims to become a necessary tool for training skills and abilities. The book contains 25 tests for eighth grade. The texts were carefully selected from the works of important writers of Romanian literature. The requirements are in accordance with school curriculum and approaches the language levels, with emphasis on functional side of the language and communication. Ph. Dr. Antonio Sandu 126 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007 Teste pregătitoare pentru examenul de bacalaureat/ Test Preparations for the Baccalaureate Exam (Romanian Version) Authors: Ana Maria BOBOC, Ruxandra NECHIFOR, Loredana OPARIUC, Cristina RĂDULESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 141, format This book contains 108 tests grouped by genre: lyrical, epic and dramatic. The texts were carefully selected from works of representative authors, but also those of other major writers. The requirements are in accordance with the curriculum and cover levels of language, with emphasis on the ideational plane of communication. Authors 127 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Teste pregătitoare la Limba şi Literatura Română pentru clasa a VII-a/ Test Preparations in Romanian Language and Literature for the Seventh Grade (Romanian Version) Authors: Anamaria BOBOC, Ruxandra NECHIFOR, Loredana OPARIUC, Cristina RĂDULESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 169, format The test are elaborated according tot the curriculum for the national tests. 128 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006 Culegere de exerciţii şi probleme de matematică pentru cl. a IV-a/ Collection of Math Exercises and Problems for the Forth Grade (Romanian Version) Authors: Elena CHIPRIEAN, Dorela DELCEA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 109, format The organization of this material was made taking into account the contents of the curriculum in force but also the training capacities of the different types of exercises and problems. Various exercises and problems stimulate thinking, sense of observation, creativity, imagination and not least the passion for mathematics. Authors 129 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2005 Matematică. Culegere de exerciţii şi probleme pentru clasa a IIIa/ Mathemathics. Collection of exercises and Problems for the Third Grade (Romanian Version) Authors: Elena CHIPRIEAN, Dorela DELCEA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 We consider the appearing of this work as a new element to enrich collections of different topics, a foothold in teacher training activity and as well as for the unskilled teachers; this work is addressed to third garde pupils. First Grade Teacher Veronica Păduraru 130 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2004 Teste de matematică pentru admiterea în clasa a V-a/ Math Tests for Admission in the Fifth Grade (Romanian Version) Authori: Ana CHIOSA, Silvia CHIRILĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2004 No. pg. 111, format Tests of this paper is addressed equally to students, teachers and parents. They are really helpfull in preparing students for admission in the fifth grade and for some school competitions to stimulate those with high skills in mathematics. 131 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Ne jucăm. Franceză şi engleză învăţăm. Fişe de evaluare pentru cei mici/ Playing and Learning French and English. Evaluation Files for Children (Romanian Version) Authors: Gabriela Florentina BÎRSAN, Ramona Elena MITOCEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2004 No. pg. 60, format This book is addressed to children between 5 and 8 years who are learning French and / or English. The book contains individual sheets which set out the tasks exposed in the two languages studied, and in Romanian. The files are an attractive means of evaluating the knowledge and opportunities for expression of children. 132 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Philosophy LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010 Filosofie sociala/ Social Philosophy (Romanian Version) Author: Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 134, format The volume aims to outline the main areas of interest of social philosophy in contemporary, both in historical and thematic approach. In building of the course was taken into account on one hand the specific philosophical interest shown by mentioned specialization students, and on the other hand the necessity of establishing a common framework of understanding social philosophy in his capacity as a major component of human culture with the role of interrogative and theoretical guidance of consciousness in the approach of understanding the world. 135 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Resurectia metafizicii in cosmologia in lui Giordano Bruno/ Resurrection of Metaphysics in Cosmology of Giordano Bruno (Romanian Version) Author: Marian TARANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 344 Giordano Bruno's work history interpretations reflect the succession of revolutionary periods or search the identity of epoch. Diachronic patterns over trends or models of interpretation of the work and biography of Bruno highlight almost radically different ways of seeing a decisive contribution to the shape of Modernity. Thus, Bruno has been interpreted both materialistic and spiritualistic, was claimed by both atheists and magical thinking and was invoked as historical evidence by both the revolutionary and the conservatives. 136 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Libertate si moderatie politica/ Freedom and Political Moderation (Romanian Version) Author: Marius CAPRARU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 252 This collection consisting of two works, first that deals with philosophical work of Raymond Aron and the second dealing with the intellectual origins of the American Revolution, serves following how the work of Aron and the event represented by the American Revolution have been overcome in importance by their gradual interpretations. Meanwhile, their philosophical and historical status resisted attempts of suppression and social amnesia. 137 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Adevăr şi cunoaştere în raţionalismul critic/ Truth and Knowledge in Critical Rationalism (Romanian Version) Author: Emilia CLOŞCĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 304, format The work falls into the summaries and monographs category because it is designed around ideas, specific to popperiene thinking: deductive method of testing, increase of knowledge and truth. They are not only described, but are dealt with safe procedures according to their limits. Briefly said, the work is a critical assessment of Karl Popper's epistemology to sustain the need of critical rationalism, a doctrine that can win a predominant status in epistemology. Mr. Teodor DIMA 138 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 Politica şi metapolitica la Platon/ Politics and Metapolitics in Platon (Romanain Version) Author: Isadora DUNCA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 106, format The motivation of this work concerns the fundamental problems of human existence in society, analyzed by the Sophists, Plato and Aristotle, who show (some of them) the actuality. The political issue is present throughout the work of Plato and is the central substance of the Platonic philosophy. Dialogue Republic, where the philosopher gives one important area of state analysis, was interpreted in very different ways. 139 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Mic tratat de gnoseologie/ Treaty of Gnosiology (Romanian Version) Author: Tomiţă CIULEI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 446, format Philosophy, in essence, comprises two major problems: the problem of existence that is the subject of metaphysics and gnosiology or the theory of knowledge. By gnosiology, the philosophical approach tends to clear up the nature and extension of knowledge, its presuppositions and foundations. Today it is used, in particular, the term "epistemology." Epistemology, however, is understood as the philosophical theory of scientific knowledge, while gnosiology covers all forms and methods of human knowledge. 140 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 Metafizica cuantică/ Quantum Metaphysics (Romanian Version) Author: Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 128, format Quantum Metaphysics may take some concepts, which to develop and integrate into its own vision of a transdisciplinary concept of transcendence, which is necessarily associated with the knowing, transepistemic subject. Contemporary philosophy, after science has given way and possibly knowledge indeterminacy, should recover gnosiology mystery. We understand mystery not only as a limitation of knowledge in terms of a transcendent censorship, but also as a creative opening to the infinite. Antonio Sandu 141 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Invidual Versus Society in The Dystopian Fiction of The First Half of The XXTh Century Author: Gabriel ROMANBĂRBUŢI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 101, format The present paper has as its main theme the complex relationship between the individual and society in the anti-utopian literature of the first half of the XX-th century. As we know, this period has been an extremely prodigious one for the utopian literature, marking a decisive shift of perspective of the utopian imaginary. The reasons for this will be analyzed in the following pages, both from a synchronic and from a diachronic perspective. We will analyze the literary evolution of the utopian genre and the reasons that lead to its mutations, and also we will try to configure the paradigmatic changes in the collective imaginary that lead to the flourishing of anti-utopianism. We will thus try to understand the causes that lead to the emergence of the dystopian subgenre and to categorize them adequately. Author 142 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Suflet întrupat şi trup însufleţit/ Reincarnated Soul and Body Soul (Romanian Version) Author: Alina BARBU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 205, format We noted the seriousness of writing the study, rich information and analytical fineness. The approach is from the perspective of literary history and we are dealing with a balanced presentation of the views of previous commentators and of reputation. In totality, the essay should be seen as a step to push forward research in this direction. Nicolae Rotund 143 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Om, creaţie, libertate. Cultura ca orizont ontologic uman în concepţia filozofului Lucian Blaga/ Human, Creation, Liberty. Culture as a Human, Ontological Horizon According to Lucian Blaga Philosopher Author: Ioana Camelia ŞANDOR Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 124, format This work was intended to be a transposing of the Blagian philosophical system in policy terms so familiar to each of us: the beginning (human development), development (knowledge) and finally the meaning (culture and God). Then doubts have arisen, the meanings that initially were ignored, now returned in the form of imperatives. You can not ignore in the body of a work the ultimate meaning, you need to grind it, let it go back and forth to betray the whole rationale. Author 144 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Studii în filosofia Orientului/ Studies in the Eastern Philosophy (Romanian Version) Author: Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 164, format The intention of this volume is not to achieve a comprehensive overview of Eastern philosophy, but to present those particular systems and schools of philosophical doctrine whose reinterpretation contribute to building holistic paradigm. We will focus on the metaphysical ideas and concepts with some current construction holistic vision, aiming to point semantic transfers that this idea has suffered going through a process of integrating to become the origins of transmoderne paradigm. Author 145 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Sartre - un filosof al libertăţii umane/ Sartre – a Human Liberty Philosopher Author: Ramona BUJOR Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 392, format In a time of critical trial decline, Ramona Elena Bujor has proposed an analysis of the work of Jean-Paul Sartre, following the concepts of freedom and creativity, in all sections of its philosophy: phenomenology, ontologyexistential, anthropology and moral. Paper succeeds to disclose: explanatory structures, operational concepts (categories), tools of a hermeneutical work -philosophical and literary works - which has built theoretical and practical values around an historical, social and individual ideal: human freedom. Professor T. Ghideanu 146 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Logică, argumente şi retorică. De la raţiunea teoretică la raţiunea practică în discursul public/ Logics, Argumentation and Rethorics. From a Theoretical Reason to a Practical one in the Public Discourse (Romanian Version) Author: Tomiţă CIULEI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 300, format 147 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Direcţii în hermeneutica actuală/ Directions in present Hermeneutics (Romanian Version) Author: Oleg BERNAZ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 92, format The attempt of this work has as a reference point the foucald archeology approach. If we are to give a first definition of archeology, then we can say that it is emerging as a philosophy of the event. The concept of "event" is central to the foucald thinking, because from here, Foucault will build a critic of all tests that would be subordinated to a general meaning (all culture) or originate (the subject of transcendental or historical consciousness). 148 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007 Despre Zombie şi alţi demoni/ About Zombi and Other Demons (Romanian Version) Author: VARGA Alexandra Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 85, format Starting from the differences between what is meant by zombi, I will try to argue that in the experiment proposed by me, the inability to achieve a rational distinction makes me doubt of a dichotomous way to tell about consciousness. Thus, I will show the analogy between consciousness problem and the psychological paralogism problem, for example, in Kantian terms, ultimately trying to import the solution of Kant in philosophy of mind, for example, discussions about the nature of consciousness, of its specificity. Author 149 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Platon- Teoria reamintirii/ Plato – Remembering Theory (Romanian Version) Author: Patricia VOINESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 151, format The theory of remembering means that the immortal human soul, has gone through many lives and many existence periods outside the body. Thus, "there is nothing that the soul may not have learned, for it is immortal and many times born and received what is in the world here, and in Hades, and everywhere" (Plato, Complete Works II , Menon 81 c), in addition, all nature is akin, so a soul that was made to remember only one thing can start from there to rediscover other things, if willing to persevere. Author 150 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Eseuri de metafizică cuantică/ Quantum Metaphysics Essays (Romanian Version) Author: Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 203, format Summary: Quantum Metaphysics a possible direction of the transmodern speech Limits of the cross-cultural model Scientific approach seeks truth Scientific approach aims to analyze the objective reality Scientific approach has as a tool the logical rationality Scientific approach has as a tool the experiment and reporting of phenomena Spiritual functions of art Representation function of the sacred Mediating function of access to the transcendent 151 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Depăşirea fenomenologiei clasice în filosofia creştină contemporană/ Overcomnig the Classical Phenomenology in Contemporary Christian Philosophy (Romanian Version) Author: Ramona BUJOR Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 287, format In a time when postmodernism has taken the right to challenge, through what is called deconstruction, categories that seemed to express fundamental truths conquered by thinking along the historic road is almost impossible to even try a classification of sciences, as Aristotle in Metaphysics and Rene Descartes in Philosophy Principles did. 152 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Despre neant şi existenţă. Tentative de dialog cu Jean Paul Sartre/ About Nothingness and Existence. Attempts of Dialogue with Jean Paul Sartre (Romanian Version) Author: Raluca RĂDOI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 177, format Summary: About being and nothingness About existence The game and theater About nothingness Human issue in Sartre’s philosophy Freedom and the other gods 153 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Eul şi religia. Cercetări de psihologie şi filosofie/ Ego and Religion. Psychology and Philosophy Research (Romanian Version) Author: Bianca Bogdana ARCHIP Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 117, format In the first section of the paper there is argued that we cannot dispense ourselves with the argumentative value of the person and that the doubt is the one which gives us ego of "Cogito, ergo sum". In the second section I try to show that "there is a thought" to be fined up to " (single) consciousness of one or more thoughts" and that, according to Descartes, what I observe when I say "cogito" is a mentally act doubled by his consciousness. Author 154 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Pluralism ontologic şi ideea simţului comun din perspectiva filosofiei analitice/ Ontological Pluralism and the Idea of Common Sense from the Perspective of Analytical Philosophy (Romanian Version) Author: Cătălina Daniela RĂDUCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 247, format This work is not what the title suggests, from a very simple reason: we chose as the subject of our research, a single author, in which the two themes announced: ontological pluralism and the idea of common sense are intertwined in the most relevant way. The author chosen was Bertrand Russell, making our research both easy and difficult. Are we dealing with a paradox here? It would not be surprising if we think of the author’s passion in researching all the implications it could have a philosophical idea, find and solve paradoxes, where they appear. Autoarea 155 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006 De sensu. Încercare istoricometodologică asupra empirismului în efortul Gnoseologic/ De Sensu. Historical and Methodological Attempt on Emipicism in a Gnoseological Effort (Romanian Version) Author: Tomiţă CIULEI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 528, format The present effort lies its assumptions in a double attepmt: first, the need for detailed historical analysis of empiricism in general and the classic one (Anglo-Saxon) in particular and on the other hand, recovery of the common approaches of the philosophical perspective, from the knowledge and understanding of Being, to the possibility of its appearance in semantic constructs. Author 156 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cartea Legii/ The Law Book (Romnaian Version) Author: Keşişian BEDROS Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 128, format In its content, there are explained the mechanisms, in other words, the lwas that act in the Universe and that govern the existence in its complexity, in relation with the two dimension that characterize it: the material plan dimension and the spiritual plan dimension. Authorul 157 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Misterul Zeiţelor de la Isaiia/ The Mystery of Godess from Isaiia (Romanian Version) Author: Vicu MERLAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 172, format 158 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Dracula de la Gotic la Postmodernism/ Dracula from Gothic to Postmodernism (Romanian Version) Author: Ana Maria BOBOC Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 80, format Dracula is a symbol of the dark, the darkness of the world that exists in every being. Ana Maria Boboc’s volume is a hermeneutic opening to the vampire literature whether the original Gothic, postmodern or SF. This volume is the gateway to understanding the fantastic imagery, and in the same timp an invitation to reading. Ph. D. Antonio Sandu 159 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Semiotica cuantică a limbajului arhetipal/ Quantum Semiotics of Archetypal Language (Romanian Version) Author: Şerban FOTEA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 263, format Serban Fotea approaches comprehension of the "unity in diversity that characterizes the archetype in general; an archetype can be expressed as a language game, inextricably linked to a given situation typical of life, characterized by a variety of factors, which find unity in that archetype. 160 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Dualismul cartezian şi avortul. Două reflecţii asupra persoanei/ Cartesian Dualism and Abortion. Two Reflections on the Person (Romanian Version) Author: Marko Lehel CSONGOR Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 230, format Both works put questions on the definition and value of the individual. On one hand, from the systematic philosophy approach, addressing the questions that are born in a concrete existential situation (facing an unwanted pregnancy). Other work is a reflection of the person from the perspective of philosophy of history, bringing into focus a part of the Cartesian work less known and often misunderstood by followers and commentators of Descartes: the problem of the body, Cartesian dualism. Author 161 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Interferenţe spirituale postmoderne. Revalorizări ale spiritualităţii Orientului în Gândirea contemporană/ Postmodern Spiritual Interference. Revalorization of Eastern Spirituality in Contemporary Thinking (Romanian Version) Author: Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 162 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Erosul „labirint” semn şi simbol în Maitreyi/Eros. Sign and Symbol in Maitreyi (Romanian Version) Author: Ruxandra NECHIFOR Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 103, format The myth of love and the couple motif are crucial axis in the literary works of M. Eliade (Wedding in the Sky, Extinguished Light, Maitreyi, protagonists abandon Eros, dimension which approaches essential experiences, and becomes way of knowledge and self-knowledge. Author 163 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE A spune şi a arăta. Onto–logia în Tractatus Logico – Philosophicus/ Saying nad Showing. Onthology in Tractatus Logico – Philosophicus (Romanian Version) Author: ACHIM Andrei Alexandru Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 66, format The author starts from Ludwig Wittgenstein's work analysis which he considers one of the most interesting philosophers of the twentieth century to whom it emphasizes the contribution to the development of contemporary logic symbolism and also his mystical character. The volume is a hermeneutical argumentative approach from an analytical and synthetical perspective structuring the main interpretations of the work: Tractatus Logico Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein. 164 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Scurtă istorie a logosului/ Short History of Logos (Romanian Version) Author: Bogdan BAGHIU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 207, format Bogdan Baghiu’s book bears the mark of a conspicuous stylistic individuality, a clear and alert style, expression of clear, coherent thinking, a simple style without an allusive digressions, just as we do and invite all the friends of Sophie to read this interesting and full of teaching book. Associate Professor Constantin Marin „Al. Ioan Cuza” University 165 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cunoaşterea în vidul iubirii/ Knowledge in Love (Romanian Version) Author: Marilena BONTAŞ Editura Cristal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 39, format Why do we love? To find out how far we reach out to existence. To find ourselves in other stronger and more alive than ever ... Why do we make love? Perhaps to remind us how small we are in front of it, how unsignificant we are without others, how lost we are without their reach and comfort ... Author 166 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2005 Căutarea omului nou, o interpretare antropologică/ The Search of the New Man, an Anthropological Interpretation Author: Oana Grigoraş SAVIN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 160, format 167 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Linguistic Philology LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010 Surtitrage du dialogue dramatique dans la pratique théâtrale contemporaine Author: DRAGNEA Ana Maria Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 Sous le rapport des incessants changements que subit le monde contemporain, la traduction devient un concept de plus en plus difficile à contenir dans les limites d’une simple définition. A la fois processus, technique, résultat et domaine d’activité, la traduction élargit son aire en s’appuyant sur de nombreux nouveaux concepts, nouvelles visions et thèses, nouveaux instruments de travail. Son sens n’étant donc pas univoque, sa vocation ne l’est non plus. Elle est devenue une partie intégrante non seulement de la vie personnelle, mais, elle est importante dans nombre de secteurs d’activité humaine, tels la diplomatie, la politique, les affaires, le tourisme, l’économie, l’éducation, et caetera. Elle justifie donc, par cela, l’importance qu’on lui accorde. 171 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 Nichita Stănescu – poezia ca aventură ontologică/ Nichita Stănescu – Poetry as Ontological Adventure (Romanian Version) Author: Irina Monica BAZON Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 107, format The theme that this paper proposes refers to the steps taken by the poetry of Nichita Stănescu in the crystallization of an authentic vision of the poet's world and especially the word. We aimed the transformation which the word suffered along the work, from depiction of body into full merger with nature and the feelings of the poet, passing through the experiment of fracture to the transgression to metalinguistic poetry establishment. Author 172 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Ipostaze ale simbolului în lumea tradiţională/ Hypostasis of the Symbol in the Traditional World (Romanian Version) Author: Daniel COJANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 202, format Over time, the symbol has raised lasting interest to the theoretical consciousness, with different approaches. A tradition of interpretation of the symbol that goes up to Plato gradually incorporated hermeneutics of sacred texts, art history, philosophy of culture, anthropology, semiotics, phenomenology of religion, psychoanalysis. Furthermore, common consciousness has formed an unequivocal representation about the symbol and invokes symbols in its usual activities. 173 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE De Docta Ignorantia. În theognosia apofatică a Sfântului Dionosie Pseudo – Areopagitul/ De Docta Ignorantia (Romanian Version) Author: CLOŞCĂ Ciprian Marius Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 360, format The development of religious feeling is made by some religion historians on behalf of the prehistoric human fear of the forces of nature; Christianity has called this dimension of human existence, religiosity, the term nostalgia paradise, inseparable from man. 174 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Experimentul lecturii/ Reading Experiment (Romanian Version) Author: Nastasia SAVIN, Mirela SAVIN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 245, format This paper aims to examine what Umberto Eco would designate as "fireworks of consolation" as our object of study "is a combination of topical articulated places, according to ancient traditions that have something specific." We found this approach necessary because the act of reading experiment to invest reality with the primary meaning, able to encompass the reality of the fictional world. Authors 175 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Chateaubriand entre L'Essai sur les revolutions et Le Genie du christianisme: l'apparition d'une conscience chretienne (French Version) Author: MITE Diana Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 135, format Pour une etude qui se propose d'analyser la specificite de la conscience chretienne dans les oeuvres de jeunesse de Chateaubriand, il nous semble necessaire de commencer notre argumentation par quelques precisions preliminaires â l'egard de la notion de « visage de la Providence ». Dans l'espace culturel judeo-chretien, le theme de la recherche de la face de Dieu n'est pas un sujet marginal; la recension des occurrences du mot pănîm <hb. face dans l'Ancien Testament montre que sur un total de quatre cents references, dont la plupart se referent â des etres humains ou â d'autres intermediaires, une centaine d'entre elles se rapportent â Dieu lui-meme. Comment pourrait-on expliquer ce desir de voir Dieu dans un culte foncierement iconoclaste qui semble rejeter toute forme de visualisation ? Pourquoi serait-on toujours â la recherche du visage divin en sachant que toute image en est d'emblee marque de faussete ? 176 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Dinamica prozei în perioada interbelică/ The Dynamic of the Prose in the Interwar Period (Romanian Version) Author: Daniel LUCA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 88, format Prose in the interwar period has an important feature: orientation towards novel. Before World War I, the Romanian prose writers were storytellers or story writers, being attracted by short genres. Although the Romanian novel appears in the middle of the nineteenth century and knows some success before 1900, the first modern novels are considered particularly in the post-1920. The greatest prose writers are known as novelists, although some of them write also stories or short stories. 177 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Auteurs francais.François Villon et Marcel Proust (French Version) Author: MANEA Ruxandra Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 165, format Paris 1431-Au carrefour de la Renaissance et du Moyen Âge, à la fin de la Guerre de Cent ans entre la France et l’Angleterre, quand Jeanne d’Arc, la vierge d’Orléans, était brûlée vive sur la Grande Place de Rouen, voyait le jour François de Montcorbier ou plus tard Maître des Loges, nommé aussi François Villon. Fils d’une famille pauvre de la région de Montcorbier, d’où probablement vient aussi son nom, il est élevé par son oncle, Guillaume de Villon, Maître ès Arts, dans une maison assez modeste à Paris. C’est ce nom avec lequel François entrera dans la postérité. Il est le premier à changer la poésie française du Moyen Âge, celui qui va mettre son empreinte dans l’éternité avec ses poèmes. François Villon reste dans la légende: le poète et le cambrioleur. Sa vie et sa poésie sont si apparentées. Lais, Ballades trouvent toutes leurs forces créatrices dans la vie quotidienne de François. 178 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Eugeniu Coşeriu. Contribuţii la pragmatica lingvistică/ Eugeniu Coşeriu. Contributions to Pragmatic Linguistics (Romanian Version) Author: Carmen PĂDURARU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 135, format The origins of pragmatics is undoubtedly in Greek philosophy and this is not by chance, if we consider that there is no "opposition to the writing itself, but an annex to the writing, a drive to the vehicle of vocality" the spoken word becoming the supreme model. This is what Eugeniu Coşeriu highlights, considering that "the fundamental question of philosophy of language is to answer the question 'What is language?" 179 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Heidegger şi rostirea fiinţei/ Heidegger (Romanian Version) Author: Viorel ROTILĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 227, format This book aims to reveal the inextricable link between being and language into which the German philosopher places the thinking of the being, this relationship indicating another more visible, that is between being and time. 180 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Tragicul în filosofia existenţialistă franceză/ Tragedy in the French Existentialist Philosophy (Romanian Version) Author: Viorel ROTILĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 476, format We can say that the methods of highlighting the tragic, as existence, as role, as purpose, are beyond what some philosophers mention, maintaining themselves in an area of possible of their philosophy, in other words, they are carrying a further thinking, a derivation of existent conclusions, but whose premises can be identified in their philosophy. 181 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Exilul ca traumă, trauma ca exil în opera lui Norman Manea/ Exile as Trauma, Trauma as Exile in the Works of Norman Manea (Romanian Version) Author: Aurica STAN EdituraLumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. , format This work is a nuanced and original critical approach of several key books of the writer. The book provides, for each of these readings, interpretation and critical reflection not only fully substantiated, but personal and authentic, in memorable phrases of a certain analytical value. Norman Manea Bard College, 20th July 2008 182 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE De veghe în lanul de proză. De la Mircea Eliade la Mircea Cărtărescu/ On the Outlook in the Prose Field. From Mircea Eliade to Mircea Cărtărescu (Romnaian Version) Author: GEO Vasile Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 200, format The book starts with classics writers like Mircea Eliade, Nicolae Breban, Dumitru Radu Popescu or Augustine Buzura who does not deny the massive construction and serious universal issues, (recurring in the work of Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, Thomas Mann, Tolstoy, Proust). Their work is remarkable for the conspicuous types, contrast and complementary (mind - body, life - art, Apolline - Dionysian, teacher - pupil, executioner - the victim, including the erotic, political, social plan). 183 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Exilul ca traumă, trauma ca exil în opera lui Norman Manea Exile as Trauma, Trauma as Exile in the Works of Norman Manea (Romanian Version) Author: Aurica STAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 209, format I started with the hypothesis that Trauma and Exile are two word which are identified with the works of Norman Manea. So in this book, I will try to analyze these two reasons, but instead of trauma and exile, the formula adopted exclusively by literary criticism, I stand for a redefined report, in the end, avatars of exile as trauma and trauma as exile, as a source of exile, identifiable in all Manea’s literature. 184 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Stilul indirect liber în proza lui Vasile Voiculescu/ Free Indirect style in Vasile Voiculescu’s Prose (Romanian Version) Author: Claudia Ileana SPINEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 108, format Biography of an author can often be a starting point for those who study his work. Sometimes detectable, sometimes not, the data offered by his social and cultural life can be a possible prism in an appropriate interpretation. This approach to literary work requires reservations about the idea of absolute autonomy of the artistic text (considered only in terms of perception and taken out of the context in which was founded). 185 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Le mythe d’Œdipe et le roman policier – une analyse de quatre romans français (French Version) Author: Adriana GHEORGHE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 153, format Cet ouvrage constitue la version à peine modifiée du mémoire de Master que j’ai soutenu en septembre 2006 à l’Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne en France. C’est un travail réalisé sous la direction de Monsieur Vincent Jouve à qui je souhaite apporter ici mes vifs remerciements. Ses conseils m’ont toujours été d’un aide précieux dans mes recherches et ses suggestions m’ont souvent stimulée à sortir des impasses auxquels ce type de démarche est parfois confronté. Comme il s’agit d’un mémoire de Master, les dimensions du texte sont assez réduites. La structure du plan n’est pas toujours très élaborée (surtout le plan « à tiroirs » dans la troisième partie de l’ouvrage) et l’analyse, loin d’être exhaustive, pourrait être facilement développée dans un commentaire plus étendu. Néanmoins, je considère que ce texte a le mérite d’avoir bien mis en évidence les similitudes thématiques et structurelles entre les deux modèles annoncés dans le titre: le mythe œdipien et le roman policier. 186 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 Iaşul în literatură/ Iaşi in Literature (Romanian Version) Authors: Antonio SANDU, Anamaria BOBOC Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 220, format Iaşi embowers even from the time of Alexander the Good, a princely court, being also the secondary residence in the XIV century, and after Stephen the Great the majority of rulers to make Iaşi their residence (Neamtu apud Bădărău 2007:31) . During the reign of Alexander Lăpuşneanu (1552-1561, 1564-1568) Iaşi became the capital of the feudal state of Moldova. (Hen, 2008:28-29). Iaşi loses the status of capital after the union of Moldavia and Wallachia in 1859 and the formation of modern Romania. Decreasing the political and administrative importance, Iasi will remains to state as a cultural center that will polarize Romanian spiritual values of the nineteenth and twentieth century. 187 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007 Themes In The Contemporary British Novel By Women (Romanian Version) Author: Ileana Botescu Sireţeanu Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 133, format 188 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Displacements of History and Identity in Salman Rushdie s Midnight’ s children (Romanian Version) Author: Angela Stănescu Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 153, format While for V.S. Naipaul home is ultimately nowhere, for Salman Rushdie home is potentially everywhere. While Naipaul sees cultural collisions and collusions as irredeemably tainting and corrupting, Rushdie casts a more lenient eye on the beneficent possibilities and opening vistas of cultural encounter. Although their characters are equally displaced and rendered homeless by the sinuous historicity of their sense of identity and belongingness, their quests for the core of the postcolonial condition follow somewhat different routes and itineraries, inscribed on different historical and cultural maps. Author 189 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Acted And Unacted Parts. The Quest for Identity in Virginia Woolf s Novels (Romanian Version) Author: Florentina Cioloca Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 116, format Florentina Cioloca is a qualified translator, interpreter and teacher of English, with a keen interest in the works of Virginia Wolf. She has a B.A. (Hons) degree in English-Romanian from Transilvania University Braşov and is currently studying at the University of Exeter UK, where she has been offered a special scholarship for the MED-TESOL programme. The turn of the last century was marked by an acute identity crisis resulting from decisive economical and socio-political changes. Consequently, the concept of self started to be represented in literature as fluctuating and fragile, from a subjective and limited narrative perspective. Crystallingin her novels the image of the frustrated individual who is never pleased with his/ her life, Virginia Wolf hailed the modern ascendancy of illusion overreality. Author 190 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE L’hermaphrodite monstrueux (French Version) Author: Mihaela Stănică Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 101, format Qui a peur de l hermaphrodite monstrueux? Voila la question qui constitue le point de depart de cette demarche analytique dont la seule ambition ne saurait se traduire que dans les termes suivants: donner un nom nouveau a une peur ancienne. En effet, ce qu on se propose de faire tout le long de cette analyse c est d illustrer les nouvelles formes de presentation et de reprezentation d une peur archetypale: la peur du melange non- differenciateur tel qu elle est traduite dans la figure de l hermaphrodite. Author 191 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Sadovenizarea bovarismului (Romanian Version) Author: Oana PĂTRAŞCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 96, format This paper aims to illustrate how the Romanian writer, Mihail Sadoveanu adapted in his writings the concept of bovarysm equivalent with a different conception of his own reality. Structured in five chapters, the book will follow briefly the degree to which Sadoveanu’s work can be linked to Flaubert's novel, Madame Bovary. Author 192 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Aspecte ale dandysmului în literatura română/ Dandysm Aspects of Romanian Literature (Romanian Version) Author: Elena DRAGU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 123, format This paper aims to highlight the importance of the dandy phenomenon regarded as a cultural movement that has impact in both European and American literature and in the Romanian one. After reviewing the most representative dandy figures, we conclude that the dandy movement did not represent elegance and style, but an aesthetic choice and an esthetic world vision, vision that transcends from the dandy works. Author 193 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cultural Glimpses of the English-Speaking World (English Version) Author: Augustina BUT Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 344, format ‘We used to invent words and then yield to their power. No knowledge would be possible without words though, in the process, words would often grow into selfmastered entities, into obstacles that interpose between us and the ‘real world’. They would bestow on us both proximity to, and enstrangement from, the essence of things, whereas spiritual independence presupposes a state of semantic vigilence, a rejection of the tyranny wrought by these unavoidable lexical intermediaries. ‘History’ is such a misleading word ... Bringing history closer to us, therefore, implies a process of selection in the first place — an extremely drastic selection after which the remaining part is, quantitatively speaking, infinitesimal as compared to the real ‘charge’ of the past. Lucian BOIA 194 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Themes in the Contemporary British Novel by Women (Romanian Version) Author: Ileana Botescu SIREŢEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 133, format Faced with a world where it is impossible to resist, let alone oppose diversity and diference, where notions such as tolerance, multiculturalism, interdisciplinarity have becomekey concepts, we are actually in the position to reconsider and redefine our own experience of the world and in the world and to question centuries of philosophical and scientific certainties; we are in the postmodern condition. On close analysis, all definitions of postmodernism, as different and numerous as they are, do actually revolve around two basic perspectives on the present-day state of affairs or what we have grown accustomed to call postmodernism. One, that I would call oversimplifying polarizes the negativistic features of the phenomenon, focusing exclusively on its potential of completely rejecting the previous systems, values, norms and concepts. The other goes further and exposes postmodernism s ability to understand differences. Author 195 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Jocurile de limbaj ale lui Ludwig Wittgenstein. O explicaţie a comunicării intra şi interpersonale/ Language Games of Ludwig Wittgenstein. An Explanation of Intra and Interpersonal Communication (Romanian Version) Author: Cosmina Florentina SURLEA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 123, format This work, besides on display the main ideas of Wittgenstein's later philosophy and terms of developing this philosophy in relation to his first philosophy but also with analytic philosophy of his time, aims to present key concepts of the theory of language games and how this theory works. It is particularly important the overview of this theory as absolutely original as well as the thoroughly explaination of each concept in hand, and the links between them. Author 196 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Otherness and the Quest For Identity: An Epitome of George Eliot s Novels (English Version) Author: Ioana IACOB Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 96, format In the paradigm of the Victorian canon, George Eliot s corpus presents itself as the „voice of a century” that draws the contours of protrusive individuals marked by the difference of otherness. Being both an epitome of the Victorian literature and a refined prolepsis of the psychoanalytical debate over the individual s self, Eliot s novels remain pillars of the cultural and epistemological society, in which identity involuntarily appears as a biased construct. Thus, a prolegomena of psychological and psychoanalytical framework of the conceptualization of „otherness” and „identity” is firstly performed, in order to set a theoretical starting ground for the further analysis. After such a presentation, the portraits of the distinct typologies of identity are drawn from George Eliot s novels, with a focus on the feminist other, racial different and the socio- political alien of the Victorian society. Author 197 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cultivarea limbii literare/ Cultivation of Literary Language (Romanian Version) Authors: Liliana IACOBACHE, Ion IACOBACHE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 94, format In primary school, the importance of the Romanian language as a material subject, acquires new dimensions due to the fact that it is intended both the cultivation of students' oral and written language, knowledge and proper use of mother tongue and learning the basic techniques of intellectual activity: reading , writing, correct expression. These techniques or tools of intellectual work ensures the development and improvement of language and also success in the whole evolution of schoolchildren. Authors 198 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Dezvoltarea, nuanţarea şi activizarea vocabularului/ Development, Shaping and Activation of the Vocabulary (Romanian Version) Authors: Liliana IACOBACHE, Ion IACOBACHE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 85, format Summary: Introduction Explanatory reading and variety of literary genres Teaching methods and learning processes in terms of modernization of education Training and development of verbal creativity through creative activities Methodology of explaining words 199 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006 Imaginarul social în opera lui Rabelais şi Creangă/ Social Imaginary in the works of Rabelais and Creangă (Romanian Version) Author: Ana-Maria BOBOC Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania2006 No. pg. 61, format The book is intended to detect the similarities between the work of Rabelais and that of Creanga, similarities that can be identified both at the character and style level. Rabelais's novel and the writings of Creanga are built with artistic purpose for good observation of the real; real often becomes the ideal, which is a metaphor that lingers the listener, but not without hearing his laughter. Author 200 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Arhaicul în poezia şi proza lui Vasile Voiculescu/ Archaic in Vasile Voiculescu’s Poetry and Prose (Romanian Version) Author: Lili Helga GERGELY Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 143, format The book seeks programmatic, to embrace the personality of Vasile Voiculescu seen in terms of theme, that is to speak about the poet and novelist, but also about the man and doctor, as he was one of the creators who has no faction between his artistic and moral personality, between the human ethics, conscience and the ethics of the doctor. Author 201 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE I.L.Caragiale Jocuri textuale şi tipuri de discurs. Aplicaţie pe Momente şi schiţe/ I.L.Caragiale. Textual Games an Types of Discourse (Romanian Version) Author: Cristina CIOBANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 153, format The present study is intended to be a short stories approach from the pragmatic and narratological perspective. Therefore, it seems more important to succeed in an application, on several texts, a relatively small number of such notions than to introduce many distinctions reffering to ways of exposure and narrative techniquess. Author 202 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2003 Style in Language Discourses and Literature (English Version) Author: Horia HULBAN (editor) Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2003 No. pg. 361, format 203 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Law LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010 Drepturile omului in Uniunea Europeana/ Human Rights in the European Union (categorie: Law) Author: Alice Mariana Apetrei Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 432 This paper provides a notable analysis of European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights, aiming at presenting its history and the fundamental rights contained in this document emblematic for the European Union. The paper begins with an overview of the emergence of fundamental rights at EU level, starting with the presentation of the revolutionary decision of the Court of Justice in cases such as Internationale Handelsgesellschaft, Nold, Rutile, Hoechst, etc, through to a detailed analysis of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Thus, Fundamental rights inserted in the Charter are progressively analyzed and compared with the European Convention on Human Rights. 207 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Aspecte juridico- istorice ale succesiunii statelor in dreptul international public/ Legal and Historical Aspects of State Succession in Public International Law (Romanian Version) Author: Filipovici Anca Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 126 The study presents in the first part of the paper a review of regulations, stating specific examples, different situations of succession and the applicable rules to such succession. The second part of the paper analyzes the situation of dismemberment of the Soviet Union in 1991, focusing on how the former constituent states have addressed and solved problems that arose regarding the succession. 208 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Protecţia drepturilor fundamentale ale omului în jurispridenţa CEDO/ The Protection of Human Fundamental Rights in the Jurisprudence of ECHR (Romanian Version) Author: Roxana Alina PETRARU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 136, format European Convention on Human Rights was preceded by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man. Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, drawn up within the Council of Europe, opened for signature in Rome on November 4, 1950, entered into force in September 1953. Since the entry into force of the Convention, important developments have occurred following the adoption of a number of thirteen additional protocols. 209 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Reproducerea umană medical asistată. Etica incriminării vs. Etica biologică. Studiu de drept comparat/ Medically Assisted Human Reproduction. Criminalization Ethics vs. Biological Ethics. Comparative Law Study (Romanian Version) Author: Alexandra HUIDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 Taking into account that some techniques of medically assisted human reproduction are not only controversial but they are at the limit of crime - as the author himself presents us. I appreciate his originality in the way he justifies his assertive approach, more incisive to the topic, or with his words that "it is appeared as justified the recourse to the protection system of values provided by criminal justice" Associate Professor Dr. Maria-Ioana Michinici Law Faculty, ”Al. I. Cuza” University, Iaşi 210 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Conţinutul şi derularea contractului de vânzarecumpărare internaţională. Studiu de caz pe exemplul unei operaţiuni de import direct/ The Content and Conduct of International Sale Contract. Case study on an Direct Import (Romanian Version) Author: Ana MIHEI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 The present paper examines various aspects of contract and international commercial contracting, being structured in four chapters. Major issues addressed in the order of their treatment are: the definition and regulation of international commercial contract, the cease, content and its development, each problem being associated with a chapter. 211 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Prefectul şi instituţia prefectului în sistemul administraţiei publice din România/ Prefect and the Prefect institution in the Public Administartion System in Romania (Romanian Version) Author: Paul Romeo POSTELNICU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 170, format Some professionals argue that the origin of the prefect’s institution is found in ancient Rome where the notion of prefect meant either official civil, military or economic functions, or administrative units. The prefect of Rome was called "prefectus Urbis”. Others consider that the concept in question belongs to the Napoleonic era. Author 212 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 Uniunea europeana si organizatia internationala.Studiu comparativ de drept international/ European Union and the International Organization (Romanian Version) Author: Virginia Mădălina ANTONESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 550, format A 5 The European Union, including as it appears in the form established by the Lisbon Treaty,supposes a unique combination of institutional elements, some of them of specific to the state type institutions, others taken from the institutional structure of international intergovernmental organizations and other origins. This survey is approaching the institutional side of European Union, analyzing the elements of originality of the institutional framework of the European Union in the period after the entry into force of the Treaty of Nice. 213 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Drept procedural fiscal/ Fiscal Procedural Law (Romanian Version) Author: Nadia Cerasela DARIESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 233, format The public finances system is closely linked to political, economical, financial outlook and the way of organization of a country. Therefore we try to describe the context of the development and emergence of the fiscal legislation in Romania. Procedural law is defined in the literature as the set of acts and operations from which taxes and fees are collected to the state budget or the budgets of territorial administrative units. 214 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Didactica predării ştiinţelor juridice şi administrative/ Teaching Legal and Administrative Science (Romanian Version) Authors: Nadia Cerasela DARIESCU, Roxana Alina PETRARU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 193, format The originality of discipline didactics results from the fact that it is built and evolves through a double center: the one who teaches and the interaction with discipline. In the speciality literature, teacheing is defined as a set of techniques and training procedures based on theoretical principles essential to effective problem-solving content, training methods and organization. 215 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Instituţiile Uniunii Europene în perioada Post Nisa. O perspectivă de drept constituţional/ European Union’s Institutions in the Post Nisa Period. A Constitutional Law Perspective (Romanian Version) Author: Mădălina ANTONESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 727, format The hypothesis of the present paper envisages that EU institutions have a legal-political original nature, because they can not be assigned definitively and exclusively in one of the existing legal and political patterns, standing on the premise of our theory that the European Union itself has a original nature in its legal and political plan, being a complex, dynamic, evolving structure, but above all endowed with many innovative elements that distinguish it from other political structures. 216 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 Reglementarea juridică a contractului de tranzacţie în legislaţia Republicii Moldova/ The Regulation of the Contract Transaction in the Moldovan Republic Legislation (Romanian Version) Author: Ion DĂNOI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romaniafebruarie 2008 No. pg. 92, format Material law admit to legal persons civil and subjective rights, which correspond to correlative obligations. Most often, the rules of law are respected and subjective rights are satisfied and obligations fulfilled without having to resort to coercion. Thus there is fortunately a huge area of application of the law-court. Author 217 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007 Raporturile patrimoniale dintre soţii români având aceeaşi cetăţenie domiciliaţi în străinătate/ Romanian Patrimonial Relations Between the Spouses of the Same Nationality Living Abroad (Romanian Version) Author: Nadia Cerasela DARIESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania2007 No. pg. 120, format We can summarize the essential features that a legal order must have to be qualified by the Romanian authority, under the conflict of patrimonial relations between spouses: 1. legal relationship is established between spouses or between a husband/ wife on one hand and third person on the other hand; 2. legal relationship to be found in the status of one of the married person, or both; 3. the legal relationship to have as an object the legal obligations to achieve the tasks contracted by marriage or property of one or both spouses, properties which existed at the date of marriage or were acquired later. Author 218 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Instituţiile Uniunii Europene în perioada Post Nisa. O perspectivă de drept constituţional/ European Union’s Institutions in the Post Nisa Period. A Constitutional Law Perspective (Romanian Version) Author: Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 721, format 219 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Sisteme electorale în societăţi divizate etnic/ Electoral Systems in Ethnically Divided Societies (Romanian Version) Author: George JIGLĂU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 131, format Summary: Introduction Theoretical basis The classification of electoral systems The importance of social context Lijphart vs. Horowitz and Reilly Typology of democratic systems The importance of political culture Reilly's theory Other theoretical aspects 220 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Convenţia matrimonială în dreptul internaţional privat român/ Matrimonial Convention in Privat International Romanian Law (Romanian Version) Author: Nadia Cerasela DARIESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 60, format Summary: Primary qualification of the concept of matrimonial regime Primary qualification of the concept of matrimonial convention The law governing the conditions of validity of marriage agreement The regime and matrimonial Convention effects The change of matrimonial Convention Conclusions 221 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Romanian Interest Representation in Brussels: an Initial Assessment of Romania s Lobbyng Potential in the View of Eu Membership (English Version) Author: Zoe ONUŢU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 132, format The paradigm shifts induced by the consecutive enlargements on the Eu polity reshape the questions regarding the influence of various interestson the sophisticated patterns of EU governance. Strongly motivated by the new focus of interest group research, this study aims to provide a tentative assessment of the potential of a future member state, Romania, to influence the European policy process. Thus a theoretically-based overview of the EU lobbyng arena is firstly performed, in order to isolate the relevant criteria by which to assess the lobbyng efficiency of interest groups in such a competitive environment. After a brief excursus on the particular Central and Eastern European repertoires for interest reprezentation, the analysis further proceeds to discussing the aforementioned criteria on the core study case material represented by the Romanian organizations activating in Brussels. Author 222 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cadrul general de organizare şi funcţionare a curţii de justiţie europene/ General Frame of Organization And Function of the European Justice Court (Romanian Version) Author: Valentina BĂRBĂŢEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 120, format Summary: Introduction Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice Report of the intern law of the Member States and Community law Court of Justice of the European Union in light of the Constitution for Europe About the legal effects of European Court of Justice 223 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Efectele juridice ale tratatelor internaţionale/ The Legal Effects of International Treaties (Romanian Version) Author: Cristina Elena RĂDULEA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 156, format Summary: Introduction Public international law and international societies The obligation of international treaties The legal effects of international treaties over parts The legal effects of international treaties to third countries Conclusions 224 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cercetarea interdisciplinară ca metodologie a ştiinţelor/ Interdisciplinary Research as a Methodology of Science (Romanian Version) Author: Rodica Ion ROŞCA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 185, format In recent decades, philosophy turned increasingly to analysis of the role of science in society, to search for solutions to global problems of mankind and to the increasing interest in issues of methodology and philosophy of social science. Thus the actual process of development of science, as an unitary system of knowledge, lead to the establishment of connections and points of contact between the sciences. Author 225 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Titularii dreptului de apel în cauzele penale/ The Right to Appeal in Criminal Cases (Romanian Version) Author: Mihaela Laura PAMFIL Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 85, format What we proposed in this study was to examine the laws which grant the right to wear the appeal of the various participants in criminal proceedings and, in particular those that have undergone recent changes, highlighting the appropriate arguments for us to agree or not with the legal regulations. Author 226 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Politica europeană de vecinătate. Cazul Republicii Moldova şi al Ucrainei/ European Neighborhood Policy. The Case of the Republic Of Moldavia and Ukraine (Romanian Version) Author: Doina BORDEIANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 113, format Summary: Moldavia and Ukraine in close proximity to the European Union Expectations of Moldavia and Ukraine across the European Union European Neighborhood Policy as an alternative to EU enlargement The role and importance of the European Neighborhood Policy in Eastern Europeanisation Moldavia and Ukraine part of the European Neighborhood Policy Opportunities opened by participation in the ENP Limits of the European Neighborhood Policy Romania's role as a border country of the European Union 227 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006 Raporturile patrimoniale dintre soţii străini având aceeaşi cetăţenie şi cu domiciliul în România/ Patrimonial Relations Between Foreign Spouses With the Same Nationality and Residence in Romania (Romanian Version) Author: Nadia Cerasela DARIESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 112, format From a scientific point of view, the conflict of laws in matters of patrimonial relations between spouses is significant for several reasons. First, this area is noted by an amazing diversity of legal solutions, offset by the absence of the concept of "patrimonial regime" in countries of Muslim law or the traditional common law. Then, the patrimonial relations between spouses are in a close relationship with the relationship on the personal rights of spouses, with those concerning the goods and those relating to legal documents (all of which are governed, often by different laws). 228 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Consideratii teoretice si practice asupra caducităţii contractului/ Theoretical and Practical Considerations on the Nullity of the Contract (Romanian Version) Author: Mihaela NICOLA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 The volume analyzes in terms of both the Romanian civil law and comparative law of the nullity of the contract. The volume presents the application of the nullity of contract cases such as the disappearance of consent, object disappearance, disappearance of cause, the loss of an item related to the person of contractors, the loss of legal capacity. 229 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Rezerva succesorală. Cu comentarii privind proiectul Codului civil/ Successional Reserve. Coments on the Civil Code Project (Romanian Version) Author: Mădălina Ioana MORARIU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 292, format The work is highlighted by the critical examination of the views expressed in the literature regarding the issues raised by the institution of successional reserve. The documentation made at the completion of this work (and, indeed, visible through the extent of footnotes) should be particularly emphasized. Where the author considered, the judicial practice in this area was analyzed. Associate Professor Dr. Codrin Macovei 230 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Incursiune în contractele aleatorii. Renta viageră şi întreţinerea/ Foray into Contracts. Life Annuity and Maintanance (Romanian Version) Author: Alexandra HUIDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 290, format This monography is devoted to the life annuity contract and maintenance contract is a valuable scientific work, of real originality, for the major institutions in civil law. We can distinguish the conscientiousness and depth of research undertaken by the author, which bases her analysis and scientific findings on a serious and extensive documentation, including not only treatment, training and monographs, but also relevant articles and studies published in professional journals and a relevant law courts, covering the doctrine and jurisprudence plan the attorney activities generated in recent years by the two contracts. Associate Professor Dr. Codrin Macovei 231 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Dreptul de asociere în jurisprudenţa Curţii europene a drepturilor omului/ The Right of Association in the European Court of Human Rights (Romanian Version) Author: Valentina BĂRBĂŢEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 The right of association is a fundamental element of the democratic society, in which the concentration and interaction between different social groups is necessary to enable the articulation and shaping of the different views of citizens. It is observed that freedom of association aims at building an organization endowed with a certain personality, to follow a specific purpose and over a period time. 232 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE History LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010 Razboiul din Afghanistan (1979- 1989). In memoria participantilor din Republica Moldova. Realitate istorica si imaginar social/ Afghanistan War (1979- 1989). In memory of participants from Moldavia Republic. Historical Reality and Social Imaginary (Romanian Version) Author: Ion Xenofontov Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 544 The work belongs to the historical and hermeneutical dimension, especially significant for the history of our times, making from memory a form of justice. The importance of this issue is significant also due to the fact that they make, exclusively for the recent history, an attempt to approach a dimmed subject through multidisciplinary perspective, representing an expansion trend by discussing some new aspects and even 'non-academic" of the historical discourse regarding the subject studied and analyzed. 235 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Arta bijuteriilor in Moldova/ Jewelry Art in Moldavia (Romanian Version) Author: Liliana CONDRATICOVA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 286 The monograph of the author Liliana Condraticova “Jewelry Art in Moldavia" presents a great scientific interest because the jeweler's art history problem (manufacturing, distribution of jewelry, stylistic development) in Moldova has been partially overlooked by researchers, recent studies showing particular interest in painting, sculpture, national costume etc. For these reasons we are entitled to say that the monograph in art study of Dr. Liliana Condraticova substantially fills a gap in the visual arts development issue in Moldavia Republic. 236 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 Arme şi unelte de silex şi piatră din neoliticul Moldovei dintre Carpaţi şi Prut/ Weapons and Tools of Flint and Stone from Eneolithic in Moldova Between the Carpathians and Prut (Romanian Version) Author: Vicu MERLAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 300, format The results of our study were based on lithic articles published in various literature, on those pieces in the collection of museums (Suceava, Vaslui, Botosani, Iasi, Huşi, Barlad) and on the analysis pieces from personal research. Study tools offer many opportunities for historical interpretation: enables us to know the stage of development reached by the communities of civilization, allowing us to reconstruct the various activities undertaken by people of the Neolithic period using stone tools. Author 237 Engineering LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010 Comunicatii de voce si comunicatii de date prin Internet protocol (VoIP SI VPN). Aplicatii in sisteme inteligente de transport (ITS)/ Voice and Data Communications through Internet Protocol (VoIP SI VPN). Applications in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) (Romanian Version) Author: Dr. Ing. Florin Grafu Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 458 The main purpose of the book is to establish both a mathematical approach of voice flow virtual through private virtual networks based on a sufficient number of experimental data by the analytical expressions and graphical representations that can be used in situations other than those in which data were obtained, and contribute to the implementation of secured voice services through latest generation equipment in intelligent transportation systems. Thus, in the present work was carried out experimental and analytical analysis of VoIP 1 and VPN 2 in ITS. 241 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006 Proiectarea sistemelor mecatronice. Îndrumar de proiectare/ The Design of Mechatronic Systems. Guidelines (Romanian Version) Author: Gheorghe BODI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 170, format This work is a systematic attempt to systematically introduce in the theory of mechatronic systems design with reference to practice design. Through the framework within which the action takes place, we are entering a new, multidisciplinary branch, which integrates knowledge selected from several disciplines and is applicable and relevant in the context of most systems. Information was concentrated as far as to allow inclusion in the number of hours offered by the curriculum. Author 242 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Microunde (vol 1)/ Microwaves (Romanian Version) Author: Irinel Casian BOTEZ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 298, format The design is not a simple application of the calculation formula. What is perhaps more important is understanding the ideas underlying the used method. This understanding enables the intelligent combination of several methods, or parts thereof, in attaining the desired end. This is the role of an engineer, but of an engineer who has a solid theoretical basis, who understood things. Author 243 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Sisteme mecatronice. Îndrumar de laborator/ Mechatronic Systems. Guidelines (Romanian Version) Author: Gheorghe BODI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 119, B5 JIS format The aim of this work is to develop the applied side of the notions presented in the course. The fully theme developed in course must be commented in laboratory in a live dialogue with students, that would require them to feel responsible for solving problems, build hypotheses and to imagine solutions. The guidance for "mechatronic systems" ensure the proper storage of laboratory hours, managing to cover the main chapters of the course. 244 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2002 Elemente de design industrial şi design ergonomic/ Industrial and Ergonomic Design Elements (Romanian Version) Author: Octavian CIOBANU Editura Cristal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2002 No. pg. 100, format In this area, medicine and technology are intertwined in the commun activity of creating medical technical equipment, prosthetics, implants and instrumentation necessary to fight diseases and human suffering. Medical Bioengineering must follow his training both preclinical and clinical subjects and technical subjects selected according to the specific chosen specialization. Products resulting from project activities must meet a series of aesthetic and ergonomic criteria to be assessed and selected by doctors or patients who ude them. 245 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2001 Formalismul Bond-Graph în prezentarea teoriei sonicităţii/ Bond-Graph Formalism (Romanian Version) Authors: R. IBĂNESCU, R. MELNICHI, I. IBĂNESCU, N. IRIMICIUC Editura Cristal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2001 No. pg. 135, format Bond Graph modeling method is an effective means for modeling engineering systems, especially when processing various types of energy. It is a form of physical modeling object-oriented systems as Bond Graph elements can be seen as objects. Bond Graph represent a graphic description of the dynamic behavior of physical systems independent of the energy of the electrical system, mechanical, hydraulic, thermal, that means that description takes place in an independent way to the type of energy prodessed by the system. 246 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE O nouă prezentare a bazelor teoretice ale sonicităţii (Romanian Version) Authors: R. IBĂNESCU, R. MELNICHI, D.VIERU, N. IRIMICIUC Editura Cristal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2001 No. pg. 113, format 247 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE European Integration LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 Interesat de „City Branding?” Despre branding de oraş în contextul evenimentului „Capitala Culturală Europeană”/ Interested in City Branding? About City Branding in the Context of the European Cultural Capital (Romanian Version) Author: Andra Cristina BOTNARU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 233, format City branding is a subject as new as it is controversial and difficult. Through the research conducted, I aimed a deepening of this area, to understand why cities are regarded as brands and how they are "constructed" as brands. I chose a particular context, the single-event "European Cultural Capital", to give a unit character to the research. Author 251 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 Studii europene. Analize multidimensionale/ European Studieas. Multidimensional Analysis (Romanian Version) Authors: Octavian ARON, Lidia MÂNDRU, Elena STAN, Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 91, format The therapeutic goal of Deliquency in Romanian literature European Union-cultural and artistic diversity and political manifestations identical The society, a theater of convention: Elena STAN European Commission's role in competition policy: Lidia MÂNDRU Ethical transmodern horizons in European culture: Antonio SANDU Bureaucracy And The Role Of Law: A Comparative Perspective Countries In Mirror: Reflections Of Lustrationin The Cyech Republic And Romania: Octavian- Cornel ARON 252 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE L’avis conforme du Parlement Européen pour l’adhésion de la Roumanie à l’Union Européenne Author: Camelia ENACHE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 105, format Le discours politique sur l’idée de l’Europe est aujourd’hui massivement pénétré d’un besoin de réflexion critique loin des seules discussions techniques concernant la construction européenne. Par exemple, Jacques Delors constate que la construction de l’Europe relève d’une « vision à long terme » consistant a conduire les peuples dans la direction d’un horizon. D’autre côté, Raph Dahrendorf exprime son opinion concernant l’idée de l’Europe, en soutenant que « l’Europe peut être une illusion optique », et que « nous avons besoin d’une Europe ayant des institutions souples, pas d’un superEtat européen ». 253 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Dimensiuni psiho-sociale ale integrării europene: o analiză a reprezentărilor stereotipe dinamice în relaţiile intergrup/ Psychological Social Dimensions of the European Integration: an Analysis of the Dynamic Stereotype Representations in Intergroup Relations (Romanian Version) Author: Vlad Petre GLĂVEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 221, format The differences between individuals is one of the main concerns of clinical psychology. Differences between cultures and social backgrounds, leading factors in shaping the human personality, are a fundamental area of social and cultural psychology. Each of us is unique but not all of us have the same capacity to accept this diversity, we are not equally tolerant on those who “are not like us ". 254 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Uniunea Europeană, Imperiile Antice şi Imperiile Medievale/ European Union, Ancient and Medieval Empires (Romanian Version) Author: Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 567, format The purpose of this paper (which can be classified under a political essay, but just as well can be considered a trans-historical study) is the comparison between the EU, as a type of post-modern empire, original, new, modern and the classical type empires (in which we included the empires of the ancient period and the medieval period). Of course, this is not a comparison between the EU and all ancient and medieval empires, considering the space but also because these empires follow in general, a certain pattern (in terms of the formation, founding principle, the organization of powers how to extend, the causes of decay) specific to martial empires (based, extended and fallen through the use of military methods). Author 255 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Forme de participare politică a minorităţilor naţionale în contextul Uniunii Europene/ Ways of Political Participation of the National Minorities in the Context of the European Union (Romanian Version) Author: Sanda FĂRCAŞ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 302, format The research proposed by this thesis is to examine how minorities groups represented in the Romanian Parliament engage in political type action in different types of arenas (local, national, European), without neglecting the patterns of political behavior which they built in different historical contexts and time (communist, pre and post adherence). Author 256 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Muslims in Europe. The European Union Solving Social Conflicts (English Version) Author: Alexandru BALAŞ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 187, format European Union’s conflict transformation approaches are best known in the framework of the Europeanization process of Central and Eastern Europe. Little is known about the European Union’s 3rd party structural transformation intervention into the social conflicts taking place inside the European Union. Many Member-States of the European Union experienced over the last decade an increase in the social conflict involving Muslim communities. The E.U.’s bodies and institutions are the most suited to address such an European-wide conflict. 257 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Teoria complexului regional de securitate: complexul de securitate european/ Regional Security Complex Theory: The European Security Complex (Romanian Version) Author: DumitruCătălin ROGOJANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 160, format Traditional approaches about security have had (and in the minds of many still have) a narrow foundation. This hypothesis does not mean that there is a consensus on how they should look like a design with a wider base. However, highlighting the filed where any view is a useful and exciting exercise, is what we tried to achieve during this scientific approach. Author 258 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006 Identitate europeană. Reprezentări sociale/ European Identity. Social Representations (RomanianVersion) Author: Andreea ENACHE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 279, format Far from being a finished concept or even a relatively exhaustible through a systematic description, European identity is a concept in the process of construction, a process that is active both on top-down dimension and on the bottom up dimension. Very broad objectives of the EU and the complexity of the legislative and institutional machinery which is to achieve their aims can not rely only on a series of formal mechanisms, however effective they would be. Author 259 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Despre Europa/ About Europe (Romanian Version) Authors: Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU, Anamaria BOBOC, Tomiţă CIULEI, Mădălina CONSTANTIN, Paula-Daniela GÂNGĂ, Victor IONESCU, CristinaMaria LADARU, Cătălina LOMOŞ, Ioana MANOLESCU, Daniel MĂCIUCĂ, Iulia Elena NANU, Antonio Ştefan SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 European integration process became irreversible for Romania and is on the one hand a natural opening, a real change in the face of Romania, on the other hand a challenge to a profound change in the news and base on which Romania is planning its future development. I think it is the role of young people to be the agents of change from citizens outside of Europe to Europe citizens equal to those in other countries. Romania's European rise is a historical fact, but above all a matter of conscience. Associate Professor Dr. Antonio Sandu 260 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Integrare, naţiune, identitate/ Integration, Nation, Identity (Romanian Version) Author: Corina Nicoleta GUGULUŞ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 133, format This work includes the study of the relationship between integration, nation and identity. This is a topical issue in the European integration process conditions when the literature speaks more about national and European identity. The first five chapters represent the theoretical part of the paper, the next chapter presenting the process of European integration, theories of this process, but also the two models facing the European construction process: confederate and federal model. Author 261 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Investiţiile străine directe şi restructurarea economiei româneşti în contextul integrării europene/ Foreign Direct Investment and the Restructuring of the Romanian Economy in the Context of European Integration (Romanian Version) Author: Raluca PRELIPCEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 193, format This volume approaches a topic intensely debated in the academic world in the country and abroad, because of its explosive event in the middle 80s. There have been written a studies and works about the flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) and their impact on world economies, or more specifically, the economies in transition of former communist countries in Romania. Associate Professor Dr. Ana BAL A.S.E. Bucharest 262 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of the future EU enlargement towards CEEC (English Version) Author: Salomeea ROMANESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 128, format The hypothesis: for all the progress in the construction of the new identity of European Union, the European Civil Society (resistance against the coercive European Political Society) cannot accept “the embedded neoliberalism” (the EU s actual hegemonic Project) without finding real solutions for so- called “social fracture” of globalization and this represents a big threat to the soft security model of Europe. This research is based on the neo- Gramscian integrative theoretical perspective. The question is : could Civil Society from CEEC, as social power participate in the potential anti- hegemonic Project of European Civil Society (in neo-Gramscian terms), able to face the hegemonic project of European Political Society, “embedded neo- liberalism”?” Author 263 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Identitate naţională şi identitate europeană. Dintro perspectivă psihosociologică/ National Identity and European Identity. From a Psychological and sociological Perspective (Romanian Version) Author: Anca ŞERBĂNESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 145, format The theme of European identity in relation to national identity is part of the Romanian social actuality. Interest in the issue of identity also grows (the author cites here the Euro barometer). The author presents in his work the following themes: social representations paradigm, national identity and European identity - objects of social representation, methodological issues, types of social identity, theories of identity, self-monitoring and selfefficacy - related concepts. 264 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Creare şi deturnare de comerţ datorită extinderii Uniunii Europene. Analiză econometrică/ Creation and Trade Diversion Due to EU Enlargement. Econometric Analysis (Romanian Version) Author: Florentina PARASCHIV Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 110, format Current trends of the world’s economy is characterized by the institutionalization of trade policy rules, as a result of the formation of trading blocs that determine the main directions of world trade. In trade policy, sovereign states, take into account the general state of the economy and the trends that have appeared in international economic relations. The volume presents the effects produced in foreign trade (trade creation and diversion), in the context of regional trade regulations (EU trade policy). 265 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2005 Politica agricolă comună. Din perspectiva recentelor propuneri de reformă şi a negocierilor purtate în cadrul OMC/ Common Agriculture Policy. In the View of Recent Proposals to Reform and WTO Negotiations (Romanian Version) Author: Oana Mihaela SALOMIA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 77, format CAP presents significant elements of the main reform measures adopted, including the initiation of the Single Payment Scheme, the most important reform of the common market organization, changes to the Common Agricultural Policy in terms of accession of 10 states. There are also presented new reform elements from 2004, the relationship between the EU and World Trade Organization, the implications for Romania's Common Agricultural Policy, the impact studies in agriculture, the main measures under negotiations for Romania's accession to the EU in 2004. 266 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Integrare europeană prin educaţie multiculturală/ European Integration through Multicultural Education (Romanian Version) Author: Tudor GHIDEANU (coordonator) Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2003 No. pg. 150, format 267 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Literature LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010 Masca de fier a RegeluiSoare (Novel in Romanian) Author: Alexandr TRUBCA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 488, format 271 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Anatomii fictionale (Poetry in Romanian) Author: Andreea TANASE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 102, format 272 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Povesti (Novel in Romanian) Author: Ana- Maria MANDRA, Gabriela Gratiana ZAICA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 176 273 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Franturi de poveste (Novel in Romanian) Author: Ionut Vasile STAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 254 274 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Dimineti literare (Poetry in Romanian) Author: Cristian ANGHEL, Iarina COPUZARU, Petronela HOJBOTA, Andreea LACATUS, Ana-Maria MANDRA, Daniela SAVUICA, Andreea STATE, Constantin TATU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 93 275 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Goana dupa valuri (Poetry in Romanian) Author: Claudia DUNCA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg.138 276 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Celofan de apa (Novel in Romanian) Author: Paula ALDESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 162 277 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Sculptură în timp (poetry in Romanian) Author: Alexandra PETRESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 84, format 278 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Luptătorii virtuali (Novel in Romanian) Author: Bogdan Cătălin MEREUŢĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 180, format 279 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Timpul fără despărţire – un răspuns la problemele existenţei noastre (Novel in Romanian) Author: Aura CIUBOTARU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 232, format 280 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Eros provoacă necazuri (Novel in Romanian) Author: Iustina Gabriela HARCO Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 146, format 281 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Ganduri d’amore cu parfum de zarnacadele (Poetry in Romanian) Author: Mihaela CHIRICA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 112 282 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Mistere din Carpati (Novel in Romanian) Author: Diana Carmen CIARNAU, AnaMaria MANDRA, Gabriela Gratiana ZAICA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 188 283 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Ultimul vapor spre San Michele (Novel in Romanian) Author: Gabriela LUNGEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 210 284 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Pânze de catarsis (Novel in Romanian) Author: MUŞAT Florentina Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 154 285 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cartea Iuliei (Novel in Romanian) Author: Paul Gabriel SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 212, A 5 format 286 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Versuri pentru Elena (poetry in Romanian) Author: Carmen MUNTEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 94, format 287 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 No canis phaecalia in the parcus (Novel in Romanian) Author: Alex Porc Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 180, format 288 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Trial version (Novel in Romanian) Author: Alexandru DUMITRU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 114, format A 5 289 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Întâlnirea cu Idolul (Novel in Romanian) Author: Anina ŢARĂLUNGĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 111, format 290 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Idole (Novel in French) Author: Anina ŢARĂLUNGĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 117, format 291 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Între noi (poetry in Romanian) Author: Ecaterina BARGAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 109, format A 5 292 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE In memoria (poetry in Romanian) Author: Luminiţa IONESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 84, format 293 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Gândurile unei lesbiene (Novel in Romanian) Author: Alexandra TOADER Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 119, format 294 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Sufletul meu, pasăre cu aripi (poetry in Romanian) Author: Crina BRĂNIŞTĂREANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. , format 295 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Secunde de grafit (Novel in Romanian) Author: Claudiu BÂRSILĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. , format 296 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Silenţiada sonoră (poetry in Romanian) Author: Emil FANACHE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania2009 No. pg. , format 297 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Grădina mea (poetry in Romanian) Author: Ana Maria GIBU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. , format 298 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Palpitaţii retorice (poetry in Romanian) Author: Alexandra PETRESCU EdituraLumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. , format 299 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Omul de nisip (poetry in Romanian) Author: Alexandra POPESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. , format 300 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Când trandafirii nu mai înfloresc (poetry in Romanian) Author: Lucica SAVA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. , format 301 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Bucla Infinitului (Novel in Romanian) Author: Andru SIMIONOIU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. , format 302 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Drumul prin frică (poetry in Romanian) Author: Andreea TĂNASE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. , format 303 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Oniricele (poetry in Romanian) Author: Andra ŞOŞEA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. , format 304 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Teatrul Nocturn – Captarea Visului. Eseu Teatral Oniric (Novel in Romanian) Author: Alina ŞANDRA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 190, format 305 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Atlas ezoteric de adorat femeia (poetry in Romanian) Author: Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 200, format 306 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Poveşti pentru copii care nu mai sunt copii şi pentru adulţi care mai sunt copii (Novel in Romanian) Author: Horia HULBAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 200, format 307 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Tonomatul cu vise (Novel in Romanian) Author: Radu – Vasile CHIALDA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 192, format 308 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 Lumini şi umbre (poetry in Romanian) Author: Nicoleta CRAMARUC Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 121, format 309 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Minuni albastre (poetry in Romanian) Author: Andreea Elena NEAGU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 60, format 310 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cutia cu pereţi de cer (Novel in Romanian) Author: Andreea Elena NEAGU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 68, format 311 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Părinţelul din Schiuleşti (Novel in Romanian) Author: Elena STAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 183, format 312 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Analogii distante (poetry in Romanian) Author: collective volume Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 383, format 313 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Trepte (Novel in Romanian) Author: Collective Volume Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 103, format 314 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Negru (Novel in Romanian) Author: INVIO NEVIS Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 120, format 315 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cine eşti...Dear? (Novel in Romanian) Author: Lucica SAVA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 192, format 316 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Păienjenişul crimelor (Novel in Romanian) Author: Vasilica CATRINA Editura Cristal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 330, format 317 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Semiliricul Tonomat de Poezii Excentrice (poetry in Romanian) Author: Mircea BOBOC Editura Cristal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 75, format . 318 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE La templul poeziei(poetry in Romanian) Author: Daniel LĂCĂTUŞ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 64, format 319 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Taina şoaptelor (Novel in Romanian) Author: Costel MACOVEI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 204, format 320 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Nu-mă-uita – povestiri (Novel in Romanian) Author: Anca Laura CODREA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 111, format 321 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Mai departe de ochii tăi(poetry in Romanian) Author: Davide DE FELICIS Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 94, format 322 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Ceasuri târzii (Novel in Romanian) Author: Paul MIHALACHE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 114, format 323 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Replay la viaţă. Jurnal de dimineaţă (Novel in Romanian) Author: Ana Maria BĂLAŞ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 57, format 324 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Semeseuri (poetry in Romanian) Author: Astrig DUMITRIU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 90, format 325 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Infern(poetry in Romanian) Author: R.C.MORTIMER Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 63, format 326 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007 Îngeri de ceară (poetry in Romanian) Author: Antonio SANDU Editura Cristal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 34, format 327 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Identităţi(poetry in Romanian) Authors: Collective Volume Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 77, format 328 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Jurnalul meu de lesbiană. Sau despre fenomenologia imaginii (Novel in Romanian) Author: Medeea Iancu IANCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 73, format 329 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Nu- mă-uita (Novel in Romanian) Author: Anca Laura CODREA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 106, format 330 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Ultraviolet (poetry in Romanian) Author: Anca Laura CODREA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 62, format 331 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Bulevardul iluziilor colţ cu strada libertăţii (Novel in Romanian) Author: Anina ŢARĂLUNGĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 116, format 332 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Trandafiri (poetry in Romanian) Author: Monica MANOLACHI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 150, format 333 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Fericire necontrolată (Novel in Romanian) Author: Oana ZUBCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 113, format 334 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Puzzle la persoana I (Novel in Romanian) Author: Lorena STOICA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 93, format 335 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Epimirand (poetry in Romanian) Author: Ioana Alexandra DIACONU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 135, format 336 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Obsesii (poetry in Romanian) Author: Livia CIUPAV Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 89, format 337 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Destine poetice (poetry in Romanian) Author: collective volume Editura Cristal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 338 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Caietele Dorei Maar (poetry in Romanian) Author: Cezara POPESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 65, format 339 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE În pod (poetry in Romanian) Author: Delia CICANI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 63, format 340 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Sentimente diacronice (poetry in Romanian) Author: collective volume Editura Cristal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 131, format 341 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Rază de soare. Poezii pentru copii(poetry in Romanian) Author: Aurelia COCIU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 48, format 342 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Gesturi fireşti(poetry in Romanian) Authors: Cristina BORŢUN, Cristina FLOREA, Marius PĂDUREANU, Dan BĂLTĂREŢU, Emilia BUCUR, Emil PAL, Simona PETRICĂ, Cristian IOSIF, Andreea NEAGU, Adrian ŞTEFAN, Emanuel Doru ICONAR, Valentin LAZĂR, Andru David SIMINOIU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 155, format 343 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Pădurea fermecată (Novel in Romanian) Author: Karin ZALL Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 58, format 344 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006 Iubeşte-mă căci timpul... (poetry in Romanian) Author: Florin STAN Editura Cristal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 101, format 345 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Temple Tantrice (Novel in Romanian) Author: Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House Editura Cristal www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 346 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Candela (poetry in Romanian) Authori: Georgeta Paula DUMITRIU Editura Cristal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 79, format 347 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2005 Renunţare (Novel in Romanian) Author: Elena SECRIERU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 473, format 348 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Aforisme de amor (poetry in Romanian) Author: Adrian OROŞANU Editura Cristal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 57, format 349 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE A patra zi (poetry in Romanian) Authors: collective volume Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 350 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2004 Jurnalul unui bărbat (Novel in Romanian) Author: Elena STREDIE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 174, format 351 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Jocul dragostei (Novel in Romanian) Author: Elena SECRIERU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2004 No. pg. 441, format 352 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2003 Iubire, Lumină, Poezie(poetry in Romanian) Author: collective volume Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2003 No. pg. 78, format 353 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2002 Poezia tinereţii (poetry in Romanian) Authori: colective volume Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2002 No. pg. 43, format 354 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Marketing and economy 355 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 Decizia financiară privind investiţiile întreprinderii sub impactul politicilor bugetare/ Financial Decision on Company’s Investments under the Impact of Budgetary Policies (Romanian Version) Author: Mihaela DIACONU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 329, format This work proposes a topic of real interest and constant current in the modern world, given the role of investment in the economy and their related financial issues, related to the budget-tax policy promoted by the state. Author 356 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007 Emmanuel Levinas -Les aventures de l economie subjective et son ouverture a l alterite Author: Delia POPA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania2007 No. pg. 239, format 357 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Protecţionismul şi liberalismul - două megatendinţe în gândirea economică modernă şi contemporană/ Protectionism and Liberalism – Two Megatrends in the Modern and Contemporary Economy Thinking (Romanian Version) Author: Eugenia LOZINSCHI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 61, format Protectionism was and is currently a phenomenon of the world economy, one of the ideas which is based on being the economic vision embodied in the vision that in the international economic exchanges, for those who do not have a significant part internationally, the only way to be amounts to "enemies" is its temporary protection, at least, those national economic sectors that have real opportunities to progress and become immune to direct competition from the outside. Author 358 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006 Leadership. Teorii, modele şi aplicaţii/ Leadership. Theories, Models and Aplications (Romanian Version) Author: Veronica RÎLEA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 104, format With the transformation of the global economy from manufacturing industrial type to the postindustrial and information type, the need to review the leadership model has emerged. The labor of the leader in organizations is becoming increasingly complex. Mergers between companies, or acquisitions of companies, globalization and rapid technological developments, population growth and number of organizations, etc., are some of the factors leading to increasing complexity of the leadership process. Author 359 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Elemente de economie aplicată/ Applied Economy Elements (Romanian Version) Authors: Loriana ZAMFIR, Mihaela LUCACI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 145, format 360 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Marketing cinematografic/ Film Marketing (Romanian Version) Author: Mihaela DRON Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 The film is not only a cultural product or industry, but a mixture of these two concepts, is a "sui generis" product, the outcome of creation and artistic-industrial construction. In the film industry, what usually sells is an idea, a concept. Each film is a unique creation, containing a mix of elements, combined in some way. It can therefore be considered as a prototype. When people buy a product that is new they first try, which is not just like in this industry, the film can be defined as a product that is sold only once. Author 361 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Impactul Leadership- ului Transformaţional şi Tranzacţional. Asupra performanţei de grup percepute/ The Transformational and Transactional Impact of Leadership over the Perceived Group Performance (Romanian Version) Author: Elena LEVINŢA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 72, format The major role in differentiating successful organizations from those manifesting failures, is the presence of a dynamic, flexible and efficient leadership. For this reason, many specialized works have studied the phenomenon of leadership and management style and their influence on organizations to which people belong, in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. Studies over the past 25 years, tried to get answers to many questions regarding the effectiveness of a particular type of leadership in both the organizational context and socio-political. Author 362 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Stresul ocupaţional : teorii, modele, aplicaţii/ Occupational Stress: Theories, Models and Aplications (Romanian Version) Author: Roxana CAPOTESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 118, format This paper proposes the presentation and analysis of different theoretical approaches of stress, explore and support the empirical adequacy of models developed in occupational stress and occupational stress analysis applications and stress management strategies. Stress is conceptualized in this work as a process defined by history, experience and consequences of stress. Author 363 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cercetări, studii şi abordări în ştiinţele umaniste: ştiinţe economice/ Researches, Studies and Approaches in Human Science: Economical Science (Romanian Version) Author: Agnes BUZOGANI, Mihaela COCEA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 164, format Determination of Optimal Production Levels Associated with Maximum Productivity: Agnes BUZOGANI Development Of A Causal Model Of Personal Effectiveness In Computers Domain: Mihaela COCEA 364 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Wage and labour market LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Wages Seniority and Separation Rates in a Stochastic Productivity Model. A Comparative Perspective (English Version) Author: Sebastian BUHAI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 60, format Econometric analysis on the labor productivity in different european systems. (OUT OF STOCK) 367 Reviews and Journals Training Center Journal LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010 Centrul de training – Manager de proiect/ Training Center – Project Manager (Romanian Version) Centrul de Cercetări SocioUmane Lumen Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania vol. 6 / 2010 No. pg. 52, B5 JIS format The present article proposes to highlight the most important concepts with regard to project manager. In this case we intend to add into discution the folowing: how to set goals and objectives, how to plan a project, how to evaluate it. Also it is important to know about costs management, communication management or quality management. 371 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Centrul de training – Evaluarea competenţelor profesionale/ Training Center – Evaluation of Professional Competencies (Romanian Version) Centrul de Cercetări SocioUmane Lumen Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania vol. 5 / 2010 No. pg. 44, B5 JIS format The present article proposes a model of how to develop a plan for evaluate professional skills of the employees. Also, this process can be applicable to people that want to certify their skills acquired in non-formal ways, and also in human resource departments, where the managers want to evaluate professional skills of their members. Evaluation of professional competencies can be a useful instrument in the human resources departments especially when the main purpose is that of achieving a more efficient use of human resources. We consider this model can be used during internal trainings, in during the annually staff evaluations, or when the manager considers is necessary. 372 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Centrul de training – Relaţii publice şi comunicare/ Training Center – Public Relations and Communication (Romanian Version) Centrul de Cercetări SocioUmane Lumen Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania vol. 4 / 2010 No. pg. 89, B5 JIS format Classical communication scheme can be considered a process that involves wo or more persons, aimed in the proces of transfering of information. Information is encoded in the signs, which are generally entirely arbitrary in relation to what they signify. A word does not describe everything, always left something to say. General Semantics is a practice designed to release from the constraints of formal language, governed by the laws of Aristotelian logic. 373 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Centrul de training – Dezvoltare organzaţională centrată pe succes şi apreciere/ Training Center – Organizational Development based on Success and Appreciation – The Book (Romanian Version) Centrul de Cercetări SocioUmane Lumen Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania vol. 2 (a) / 2010 No. pg. 104, B5 JIS format As individuals we are born into a culture, we form ourselves throughout our lives and shape our own cultural horizon, which comprises a set of values, beliefs, ideals, hopes. Thus we are surrounded from the start with culture and also create culture, we are creations of the culture in which we are born but also creators of culture and perspectives of development. We propose you to discover together through this course which are the easiest ways to transform any origanization in a successful one, the most favourable ways to transform human resources into strengths of our organization. 374 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Centrul de training – Dezvoltare organzaţională centrată pe succes şi apreciere Training Center – Organizational Development based on Success and Appreciation – The Notebook (Romanian Version) Centrul de Cercetări Socioumane Lumen Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania vol. 2 (b) / 2010 No. pg. 42, B5 JIS format Exercise: The role of this exercise is to enable students to become familiar with the requirements and demands of framing an organizational development program focused on success and appreciation. 375 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010 Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională/ Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education Centrul de Cercetări Socio Umane Lumen Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com www.revistaromaneasca.ro Iaşi, Romania nr. 5/ 2010 No. pg. 144, format B 5 JIS Le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence [The Common European Framework of Reference] - Jan GOES L ׳éducation de l׳Europe en France dans le cadre des programmes de l׳éducation nationale et sa mise en oeuvre pédagogique en college [The Education of Europe in France as Part of National Education Programs and Its Implementation in Teaching College] Brigitte SAINT-GEORGES Normative-Explanatory Valences at the Level of the Scientific Theory - Marius-Costel EŞI 377 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Integrative Processes in the Romanian Contemporary Rural. The Impact of Advisory Community Councils Elena Unguru, Antonio Sandu Migration and Economic Development. Comparative Study: Romania-Italy - Petronela Daniela FERARU The Topos of the Ephemeral in the Ancient Greek Tragedy - Ioana PETCU Qualitative Methodology in Analyzing Educational Phenomena - Antonio SANDU, Simona PONEA, Elena UNGURU The Pragmatism of Educational Strategies within Managerial Society - Georgeta PUSTIU 378 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională/ Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education Centrul de Cercetări Socioumane Lumen Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com www.revistaromaneasca.ro Iaşi, Romania nr. 4/ 2010 No. pg. 102, format B 5 JIS Executive Function in Preschool Children: Working Memory as a Predictor of Mathematical Ability at School Age - Diana ANGHEL Assessment of Professional Competences.Constructive Dimension of Human Resources Management - Simona PONEA, Antonio SANDU Legitimizing the Educational Experience in the context of the Didactic Methodology - Marius-Costel EŞI The War from Afghanistan (1979–1989) in the Memory of Participants from the Republic of Moldova. Official and Oral Speech - Ion XENOFONTOV Modern Jewelry Art CONDRATICOVA of 379 Moldova - Liliana LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Regulation of the main principles that govern the family relationships according to the stipulations in the Family Code and the new Civil Code - Nadia Cerasela DARIESCU Reviews Appreciative seminars. Appreciative teaching of Appreciative Inquiry - Simona PONEA, Bianca VLASÃ 380 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională/ Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education Centrul de Cercetări Socioumane Lumen Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com www.revistaromaneasca.ro Iaşi, Romania nr. 3/ 2010 No. pg. 84, format B 5 JIS Freedom as a hermeneutical pretext [Libertatea ca pretext hermeneutic] Lecturer Ph.D. Antonio SANDU Poetry: primitive form of language in the philosophy of Giambattista Vico [Poezia: forma primitivă a limbii în filosofia lui Giambattista Vico] Ph.D. Gabriela LUNGU Appreciative Management –A Management based on Excellence [Managementul Apreciativ – Un management de excelenţă] Simona PONEA Roles, responsabilities and situations faced by supervisor [Rolurile, responsabilităţile şi situaţiile întâmpinate de supervizor] Bianca VLASĂ Crisis and the Activity of Communication and Public Relations Department [Crizele şi activitatea departamentului de comunicare şi relaţii publice] Elena UNGURU 381 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională/ Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education Centrul de Cercetări Socioumane Lumen Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com www.revistaromaneasca.ro Iaşi, Romania nr. 2/ 2009 No. pg. 93, format Nevoia de educaţie filosofică în societatea contemporană/ [The need for philosophical education in contemporary society] - Antonio SANDU Semn şi cuvânt în filosofia lui Giambattista Vico/ [Sign and word on the philosophy of Giambattista Vico] Gabriela LUNGU Studiu privind mentalitatea evreiască: Divorţul/ [Study on Jewish Mentality: The Divorce] - Simona PONEA Evaluarea programului de educaţie parentală „Cum să devenim părinţi mai buni?”/ Evaluation of Parental Education Programme "How to become better parents?" - Bianca VLASĂ 382 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională/ Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education Centrul de Cercetări Socioumane Lumen Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com www.revistaromaneasca.ro Iaşi, Romania nr. 1/ 2009 No. pg. 93, format Romanian Mentality: from Homo Balcanicus to Homo Europeus: Antonio SANDU şi Oana BRADU (Romanian Version) Corruption And Anti-Corruption Strategies: An Assessment Framework: Octavian ARON (English Version) The Influence Of Trade Unions On Pension Reform In Romania And Hungary: The Role Of Ideas, Interests And Inastitutions In Policy – Making Globalization And Social Policy: Monica BUCURENCIU (English Version) Perceptive Conversions in „Ion” Novel (by Liviu Rebreanu): Rodica CALOTĂ (Romanian Version) Nato’s Military Intervention In Kosovo And The Diplomatic Alternative: Elena Iulia SOCEA (English Version) 383 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Journal of Social Work and Social Mediation LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010 Revista de Asistenţă şi Mediere Socială Autor: Centrul de Cercetări Socio Umane Lumen Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Noiembrie 2010 Nr. pag. 130, format B 5 JIS Intervention and Social Change [Intervenţie şi schimbare socială] - Ph.D. Antonio SANDU Theoretical Perspectives on Supervision [Perspective teoretice asupra supervizării] - Elena ALEXA Communication and Personal Development as Elements of the Supervision Process [Comunicarea şi dezvoltarea personală ca elemente ale procesului de supervizare] Elena UNGURU Need of Supervision in the Home Care Centre [Necesitatea supervizării la nivelul Centrul de Îngrijire la Domiciliu] - Adina PLUGARU, Simona PONEA Appreciative Models within the Roma Community [Modele apreciative la nivelul comunităţii rome] - Simona PONEA, Catalina IRIMIA 385 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Migration and Economic Development. Comparative Analysis: Romania-Italy [Migraţie şi dezvoltare economică. Analiză comparativă: România-Italia] - Ph.D. Candidate Petronela Daniela FERARU Reviews Recenzie la volumul “Cercetarea politicilor sociale” al autoarei Ana Maria Preoteasa, publicat la Editura Lumen (2009) - Simona PONEA 386 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Postmodern Openings LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010 Postmodern Openings (Bilingual Version) Centrul de Cercetari Socio Umane Lumen Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, nr. 4/ 2010 No. pag. 144, format B5 JIS La politique linguistique en Europe [The Linguistic Policy in Europe] - Prof. Ph.D. Jan GOES Philosophical Perspectives on the Social Contract Theory: Hobbes, Kant and Buchanan Revisited. A Comparison of Historical thought Surrounding the Philosophical Consequences of the Social Contract and Modern Public Choice Theory - Ph.D. Canditate Mathias ROYCE Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Performance of Employees - Ph.D Scholar Hassan JORFI, PhD. Scholar Saeid JORFI, Ph.D. Scholar Sirous Korahi MOGHADAM Appreciative Socialization Group. A Model of Personal Development - Simona PONEA, Ph.D. Antonio SANDU Romans Immigrants in Italy and the Social Costs - Ph.D. Candidate Petronela Daniela FERARU The Self and the Other in the British National Context Gabriel ROMAN- BĂRBUŢI 388 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Postmodern Openings (English Version) Centrul de Cercetari Socio Umane Lumen Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, nr. 3/ 2010 No. pag. 144, format B5 JIS The Implementation of Appreciative Management in the Recruting Process and the Integration of the New Employees - Simona PONEA Constructive - Postmodern Approaches on the Philosophy of Law - Ph.D. Antonio SANDU Challenges in Using Mix Methods in Evaluation - Ph.D. Stefan COJOCARU Evaluation of Supervision Practice of the Social Services provided to Elderly in Home Care Centre - Adina PLUGARU, Simona PONEA The Military Organism of the State: Theoretical and Methodological Analysis Ph.D. Constantin MANOLACHE The Republic of Moldova between Neutrality and NATO Membership Status - Ph.D. Svetlana CEBOTARI Angela Carter and the Violent Distrust of Metanarratives - Ileana BOTESCU – SIRETEANU 389 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Postmodern Openings (Romanian Version) Centrul de Cercetari Socio Umane Lumen Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, nr. 2/ 2010 No. pag. 112, format B5 JIS Appreciative counselling. Methodological framework [Consilierea apreciativă. Cadre metodologice] - Ph.D. Antonio SANDU, Researcher Assistent Simona PONEA Gender Differences and Public Health [Diferenţe de gen şi sănatate publică] - Filip GUTTMAN Aspects regarding the Agriculture Collectivization Process in Timiş-Torontal District during 1949-1953 [Aspecte privind procesul colectivizării agriculturii în judeţul Timiş-Torontal în perioada 1949-1953] Loredana TĂNASIE Virtual Culture, cyberpunk literature [Cultura virtualăliteratura cyberpunk] - Simona MĂRIEŞ GRUIAN Initial Training and the Entrance into the Teaching Profession. Structural Temporalities Based on Coerence or Disruption [Formarea iniţială şi debutul în profesia didactică. Temporalităţi structurante construite pe continuitate sau ruptură] - Silvia FĂT Features Of Lie In Verbal And Nonverbal Communication [Trăsături ale minciunii în comunicarea verbală şi nonverbală] - Elena UNGURU 390 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Postmodern Openings (Romanian Version) Centrul de Cercetari Socio Umane Lumen Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, nr. 1/ 2010 No. pag. 114, format B5 JIS Recurring Themes in the History of Social and Political Philosophy [Teme recurente in istoria filosofiei sociale si politice] - Antonio SANDU The relationship between State and Church during the Petru Groza government ( 1945-1947). The GreekCatholic Church of Romania and Vatican’s attitude [Raportul Stat-Biserică în perioada guvernării Petru Groza (1945-1947). Biserica Greco-Catolică din România şi atitudinea Vaticanului] Dumitru-Cătălin ROGOJANU A Clash of Civilizations: Turkey and the European Union? [Ciocnirea civilizaţiilor: Turcia şi UE?] Dumitru-Cătălin ROGOJANU Decision-Makers in Romania`s Foreign Policy – Further Interpretations of the Diplomatic Arena between 18771888 [Actori decizionali în politica externă românească noi interpretări ale evoluţiei scenei diplomatice din perioada 1877-1888] - Aura Carmen SLATE For a Dialectic of Representation [Pentru o dialectică a reprezentării] - Simona MÃRIES GRUIAN 391 Ekpirosis 2010 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Ekpirosis (Romanian Version) Author: Centrul de Cercetări Socio Umane Lumen Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, November 2010 Nr. pag. 86, format B5 JIS The Image of Iasi in Mihai Eminescu's Work [Imaginea oraşului Iaşi în opera lui Mihai Eminescu] - Anamaria BOBOC Human Problem in Contemporary World [Problema omului în lumea contemporană] Ph.D. Emanuela BIRU The Ephemeral Topos in Ancient Greek Tragedy [Toposul efemerului în tragedia greacă antică] Ph.D Candidate Ioana PETCU The Rights of the People with Disabilities in the Context of Human Rights [Drepturile persoanelor cu disabilităţi în contextul general al teoriei drepturilor omului] Simona PONEA Appreciative Political Discourse [Discursul politic apreciativ] Cristian DORUŞ, Roxana ENACHE, Elena OANCEA Review Review for the book „Dracula de la Gotic la Postmodernism” of the author Anamaria BOBOC [Recenzie la volumul Dracula de la Gotic la Postmodernism al autoarei Anamaria BOBOC] Ph.D. Antonio SANDU 393 Research and Social Intervention Journal LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 Revista de Cercetare şi Intervenţie Socială/ Research and Social Intervention Journal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com www.asistentasociala.ro Iaşi, Romania nr. 24 / 2009 No. pg. 160, format Dynamic Of Gender Violence And Trafficking Of Women In Mexico: A Study On Monterrey City: Arunkumar ACHARYA (English Version) The Situation of Romanian Youth Pratcitioners of Commercial Sex: Marian PREDA, Doru BUZDUCEA, Florin LAZAR, Vlad GRIGORAS (Romanian Version) Child Rights Based Analzsis Of Children Without Parental Care Or At Risk Of Losing Parental Care In Romania: Ştefan COJOCARU (English Version) Representations Of The Local Resources As A Factor Of Community Development In Romania And Republica Moldova: George NEAMŢU (English Version) 395 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Life Expectancy, Quality of Life and Potential for Rehabilitation of Amputee Patients: Radu Florin POPA, Cristina POPA (Romanian Version) Epistemic and Axiological Perspective in Appreciative Supervision: Oana Alina BRADU, Antonio SANDU (Romanian Version) Physician S Attitude Towards End-Stage Heart Failure Patient - Clinical And Bioethical Considerations: Florin MITU (English Version) L’ Observation Au Service De L Evaluation De La Parentalite: Catherine SELLENET (French Version) Supervision as a Factor of Change in Social Intervention: Ovidiu BUNEA (Romanian Version) Supervision: A New Field in Social Work in Romania: Mariana GUGEANU (Romanian Version) 396 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Revista de Cercetare şi Intervenţie Socială/ Research and Social Intervention Journal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com www.asistentasociala.ro Iaşi, Romania nr. 25 / 2009 No. pg. 116, format The Absorption Capacity Of European Union Funds For Social Inclusion. An Analysis Into The PHARE 2004-2005 Grants Beneficiaries: Cristina TOMESCU, Iulian STANESCU (English Version) Adoptabilite Et Apparentement, Deux Points Faibles De L'adoption [Adoptability And Relatedness, Two Of Adoption 'S Weakpoints]: Catherine SELLENET (French Version) Biological Parenthood In Foster Caring: Daniela COJOCARU (English Version) L 'Evaluation De La Maltraitance Du Point De Vue Des Enfants Et Des Jeunes [Maltratment Assesment: Perspectives Of Children Andyoungsters]: Pierrine ROBIN (English Version) 397 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Factors Associated With Smoking Among Romanian Senior High School Students: Lucia M. LOTREAN, Carmen IONUT, Ilse MESTERS, Hein DE VRIES (English Version) Educational Counselling In Relation To Other PsychoSocial Intervention Forms: Elena Dimitriu-TIRON (English Version) 398 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Revista de Cercetare şi Intervenţie Socială/ Research and Social Intervention Journal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com www.asistentasociala.ro Iaşi, Romania nr. 25 / 2009 No. pg. 99, format School Bullying: Definition, Characteristics, And Intervention Strategies: Mihai CURELARU, Ioan IACOB, Beatrice ABĂLAŞEI (English Version) The Impact Of The External Financing On The Development Of The Social Work System: Daniel ARPINTE, Adriana BABOI (English Version) Committing Incest Between Ignorance And Obliviousness: Dumitru STAN (English Version) Risk Factors For Hepatitis C Virus Infection: Egidia MIFTODE, Daniela LECA, Mihaela RADU, Răzvan MIFTODE (English Version) Clarifying The Theory-Based Evaluation: Ştefan COJOCARU (English Version) Challenges Of Childhood Social Research: Daniela COJOCARU (English Version) 399 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Revista de Cercetare şi Intervenţie Socială/ Research and Social Intervention Journal Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com www.asistentasociala.ro Iaşi, Romania nr. 25 / 2009 No. pg. 127, format Absorption Capacity Of The Structuralfunds. Integrating Perspectives: Corina CACE, Sorin CACE, Cristina IOVA, Victor NICOLĂESCU (English Version) The Impact Of Governmentalprograms For Family Protection Case Study On Single-Parent Family: Nicolina RACOCEANU, Aniela MATEI, Bertha SÂNDULEASA, Mihaela GHENŢA (English Version) Evaluation Of The Need For Development Of Social Enterprises. Case Study In The Arges County: Daniela PÎRVU, Emilia UNGUREANU, Alina HAGIU (English Version) Changes In Family Structure In Transition Of Romania. A Lifestyle Approach: Mihaela-Cornelia DAN, Simona VASILACHE (English Version) 400 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Selling Alcohol To Underage Adolescents In Romania: Compliance With Age Restrictions In Pitesti: Joris J. van HOOF, Marit MOLL, Maria CONSTANTINESCU (English Version) Romanian Probation System And The Effect Of Semantics In Social Work: Mihaela TOMIŢÂ, Cosmin GOIAN (English Version) Development Opportunities For The Isolated Communities: George NEAMŢU (English Version) 401 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 Revista de Cercetare şi Intervenţie Socială Centrul de Cercetări SocioUmane Lumen Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com www.asistentasociala.ro Iaşi, nr. 20 / 2008 Nr. pag. 82, B5 JIS format Summary: Appreciative Inquirz for Enhancing Individual and Organization Capacity: Chandi Prasad CHAPAGAIN, Gana Pati OJHA (English Version) La Intervencion Apreciativa: una Nueva Manera de Descubrir, Crear, Compartir e Implementar Conocimiento Para el Cambio en Instituciones Gubernamentales o Privadas/ Appreciative Inquiry: a New Method to Discover, Create, Share and Implement Knowledge to Change Government and NonGovernmental Institutions: Federico Varona MADRID (Spanish Version) 402 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Creating Growth and Development in a Coaching Relation Using Appreciative Inquiry and Solution Focused Approach: Gry ESPEDAL (English Version) Evaluarea apreciativă – formă a evaluării formative/ Appreciative Evaluation – a Form of Formative Evaluation: Ştefan COJOCARU (Romanian Version) Appreciative Inquiry – Changing Perspectives in our Perception of Organisations: Jo TÖPFER (English Version) Utilizarea intervenţiei sociale apreciative în supravegherea specializată a minorului în comunitate/ Utiliting the appreciative Intervention for Specialised Supervision of Juvenile Delinquents in Community: Ecaterina CROITOR (Romanian Version) 403 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Revista de Cercetare şi Intervenţie Socială Centrul de Cercetări SocioUmane Lumen Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com www.asistentasociala.ro Iaşi, nr. 21 / 2008 Nr. pag. 106, B5 JIS format Summary: Feţele oraşului. Studiu de sociologie urbană în municipiul Roman/ The Faces of the City. Urban Sociology Study in Roman Town: Otilia Alina LUPU (Romanian Version) Asistenţa socială: structură, istorie şi dezbateri recente/ Social Work: Structure, History and Recent Debates: Doru BUZDUCEA (Romanian Version) Rolul Sindicatelor în cadrul pieţei forţei de muncă din România/ The Role of the Trade Union on the Romanian Labor Market: Cristian BLEANDĂ (Romanian Version) Rolul şi locul comunicării în activitatea managerială/ The Role and Place of Communication in the Managerial Activity: Petronela Liviţă PRACSIU (Romanian Version) 404 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Domestic Adoption of Children Currently in the Protection System: Ştefan COJOCARU (English Version) Vers des Standards Europeens dans le Protection de L’Enfant/ About European Standards in the Protection of Children: Cristina NEAMŢU (French Version) Foster Care and the Professionalisation of Parenting: Daniela COJOCARU (English Version) 405 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Revista de Cercetare şi Intervenţie Socială Centrul de Cercetări SocioUmane Lumen Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com www.asistentasociala.ro Iaşi, nr. 22 / 2008 Nr. pag. 112, B5 JIS format Summary: Maintenir les liens parent-enfants en protection de l’enfance. Du bon usage des visites mediatisees/ Maintaining the Ralationships Between Parents and Children in Child Protection System. The Right Use of Accompanied Visits: Catherine SELLENET (French Version) Copii in dificultate. Studiu comparativ Iaşi – Chişinău/ Children at Risk. A Comparative Study Iaşi – Chişinău: Gabreila IRIMESCU, Dumitru STAN, Maria COJOCARU, Mihaela PITEA (Romanian Version) Drepturile, protecţia şi asistenţa victimelor traficului de persoane în cursul procesului penal. Perspective juridice şi Psihosociale/ Rights, Protection and Assistance of 406 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Human Trafficking Victims. Legal and Psychosocial Perspectives: Ana Maria SIMON (Romanian Version) Asistarea tinerilor care urmează să părăsească sistemul de protecţia a copilului. Situaţia actuală şi deziderate pentru viitor/ Assisting the Young People that will Leave the Child Protection System. The Actual Situation and Goals For Future: Anca Maria SÎRGHIE (Romanian Version) L’evolution des conceptions de la petite enfance( 19452000)/ Evolution of Infant Conception( 1945-200): Gerard NEYRAND (French Version) Anonimat, confidenţialitate, negare – dileme profesionale în tratamentul dependenţei de alcool/ Anonimity, Confidentiality, Denial – Professional Dilemmas in Addiction to Alcohol Treatment: Claudia VARGA (Romanian Version) Etica asistentului social în relaţie cu vârstnicii aflaţi în dificultate/ The Ethics of the Relationship Between social worker and the Aged Persons in Difficulty: Daniela ŢIGMEANU, Erica Eugenia KELLER (Romanian Version) Aspecte aşe asistenţei si protecţiai victimelor traficului de persoane în sistemul din România/ Assistance and Protection for Victims of Human Trafficking in Romania: Adriana FERDEAN (Romanian Version) 407 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Revista de Cercetare şi Intervenţie Socială Centrul de Cercetări SocioUmane Lumen Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com www.asistentasociala.ro Iaşi, nr. 23 / 2008 Nr. pag. 104, B5 JIS format Summary: Parentalité et dignité sociale en situation de précarité et de contrôle judiciaire/ Parenthood and Social Dignity When in Precarious and Judicial Control: Catherine SELLENET (French Version) Migraţia romanilor in tari UE/ The Migration of Romanians in European Community: Ion IONESCU (Romanian Version) Perspective internationale in asistenta sociala/ International Perspectives in Social Work: Doru BUZDUCEA Fenomenului migratiei ilegale si specificul lui in Romania/ The Illegal Migration Phenomenon and its 408 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Spedificity for Romania: Marius PREDESCU (Romanian Version) Violenta familiala – factor de risc in delincventa juvenila/ Domestic Violence – a Risk in Juvenile Deliquency: Maria SANDU (Romanian Version) Definirea serviciilor si selectarea metodelor de interventie sociala pentru copilul aflat in dificultate in unitatile sanitare. Provocari si limite/ Defining the Services and Selecting the Methods of Intervention for Children in Difficulty Abandoned in Medical Units: Anca CLIVEŢ (Romanian Version) 409 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Journal of Legal Studies LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 Jurnalul de Studii Juridice/ Journal of Legal Studies (Romanian Version) Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, nr. 3-4 / 2009 Nr. pag. 306, format B 5 JIS 411 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Jurnalul de Studii Juridice/ Journal of Legal Studies (Romanian Version) Editura Lumen www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, nr. 1-2 / 2009 Nr. pag. 206, format B 5 JIS I. Comunity Law. Comparative Law. European Law The importance of NATO, OSCE and UE in promoting the global Security - Roxana Alina PETRARU The incidence of the conventional notion of genocide Iuliana BARAT The Demarcation bettween the human trufficking and the children trafficking and the related offences: the experience of the Republic of Moldavia - Sergiu BRÎNZ, Vitalie STATI The Special Seizure. Elements of comparative law Călina Andreea MUNTEANU The Murder Wittingly Committed in the Penal Legislation of the Republic of Moldavia - Sergiu BRÎNZ The Criminal Liability for Unfair Competition in the Legislation ofthe Republic of Moldova - Vitalie STATI Aspects from the Practice of the European Consumer Protection - Roxana Elena LAZĂR The administrative - legal and constitutional aspects of the Romanian Constitution from 1991, republished, and the constitutions of other states - Oana ARAMET 412 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Prosecution and Penalties for Violation of Labour Inspection’s Legislation - Carla SPIRIDON II. Romanian Law The Solution of the Complaint against the Acts and theMeasures of the Criminal Prosecution - Mihaela Laura PAMFIL Infanticide, Imperfect Text in the Present Penal Code Ana Andreea FLOREA Guilt in Contractual Liability - Marian SMEREA III. Law and Related Sciences Interactive Education. Group Interactive Methods and Techniques. Applications for the Field of Juridical Sciences - Roxana Alina PETRARU Politics and Gender in the Balkans. Patriarchal Patterns in South East Europe - Mihaela STĂNCIULESCU IV. Comments on Jurisprudence European Court of Human Rights Related Cases against Moldova as Regards Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatament - Augustina BOLOCAN 413 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE P.R. and Communication LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010 Ghid al comunicatorului din institutiile publice/ Comunicators’s guide from public institutions (Romanian Version) Author: Ana DINESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 404 The idea of making this guide originated as a result of personal institutional experiences during 2004 - 2008 which showed me that, although in the private sector and, increasingly frequently - though not always consistently and professionally - in the political, the way people communicate is very close to Western standards. And, if we only think that these public institutions are financed from the budget, so from the contribution of everyone, we realize how important it is to inform taxpayers consistently and professional about activities, goals and programs of the institution. 417 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 Inteligenţa emoţională şi stilurile de conducere/ Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Type (Romanian Version) Author: Iulia FODOR Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 152, format The study aimed to demonstrate the importance of emotional intelligence in leading activity, fixing the associative relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership style (defined by two variables: task oriented and / or human relations) and relations between emotional intelligence and the coping methods adopted. Author 418 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Dimensiuni etice ale comunicării în postmodernitate/ Ethical Dimensions of Communication in Postmodernity (Romanian Version) Author: Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 218, format This volume constitutes an attempt to identify the ethical dimensions of a cultural paradigm which is increasingly becoming more dynamic and far-reaching: the holistic paradigm or transmodern paradigm after Theodor Codreanu (2005). Transmodernity currently coexist with postmodernity and that is why so many authors identify the two paradigms, considering them a single cultural matrix. Author 419 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007 Fundamentele jurnalismului pentru adolescenţi/ Journalism Fundamentals for Adolescents (Romanian Version) Authors: Bogdan BAGHIU, Tomiţă CIULEI, Antonio SANDU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 49, format In contemporary society the media tends to become a competitive player more and more stronger on the educational market compared to the formulas of formal education. The exponential multiplication of methods of transmitting information in digital system has led to the creation of new forms of public mediation of the immediate reality. In terms of acceptance and assimilation of new communication technologies, the younger generation is a privileged class. Bogdan Baghiu 420 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006 Marketing şi comunicare pe internet/ Marketing and Communication on the Internet (Romanian Version) Author: Gabriela GROSSECK Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 490, B5 JIS format The paper is structured in 8 chapters in which there are approached from general to particular specific issues, both theoretical and practical, of marketing communication in the online environment. A book which aims to investigate marketing communication on the Internet is based, from the very beginning, on three highly dynamic components: communication, marketing and the Internet. Yet, it is not the place to do an analysis of communication, the marketing or the Internet. Author 421 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Documentarul între jurnalism şi cinematografie/ The Documentary Between Journalism and Film Author: Oana IACOB Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 128, format The research method chosen was the analyze of the content. The main issues approached were: how to construct the visual and narrative discourse, the relationship between word and image, and characteristics of the material as media product. The materials used were the videotape which is attached to the work. Because is not selling as well as a news or show, the documentary is presented in small chapters in the major books on the themes of television. Author 422 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Teorii ale categorizării lumii şi practici ale comunicării/ Categorization of the World Theories and Communication Practice (Romanian Version) Author: Angela E. SPINEI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 198, format The theme of communication leads to major changes in the way of conceptualizing the world and human behavior. The communication process turns into the game, and how everything is put into communication "without limits" (Codoban, 1995) everything is a game. Transforming reality into a playground makes the depth not to matter. As a result, transcendence is excluded and any ontological model of origins is denied. History itself, "break into pieces" (Vattimo). Author 423 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Psychology LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 Despre vremuri fără timp/ About Times Without Time (Romanian Version) Author: Manuela RUSU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 103, format Between a business meeting and a personal one, people are "colliding" with eachother, and relations between them are strengthened or dissolve. There are so many factors that influence relationships between people and so few relationships that actually survive time and lack of time, that the emotional capital of each one suffers. This is why we have this strange feeling that we have no time ... to have time to be with us and with others, to remain over time and across time. Pieces of life, in which you get to ask yourself what really matters and essentially who you are. Author 427 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Une institution en quatre lectures à travers une activité de groupe: l’Hygiène Mentale. Approche psychosociologique clinique (French Version) Author: Camelia SOPONARU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 153, format The institution is considered, from more than half a century, a privileged research and / or psychosocial intervention, institutional analysis being practiced in France since the early '40s by some psychiatrists. But the theory and practice of institutional analysis has been founded and recognized in the '70, by those grouped in ARIP (Association pour la Recherche et l'Intervention Psychosociologiques). The institution has the power to establish and strengthen links between individuals, has the power to create a community to support and develop the desire to change the social actors. Associate Professor Dr. Adrian Neculau 428 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007 Psihologia jocurilor video/ Psychology of Video Games (Romanian Version) Author: Alexandru TARASOV Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 165, format The theme of this book is one of actuality for contemporary society, that is related to the psychological effects of computer games. Scientific curiosity and interest in the subject has determined the young author Alexander Tarasov, to start as a real detective on the trail of researchers in this field and to cast doubt on a controversial topic of research results achieved so far. It's about impact of video games on the aggression of its users. Associate Professor Camelia Puzdric 429 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Tipurile de personalitate şi satisfacţia profesională/ Types of Personality and Professional Satisfaction (Romanian Version) Author: Gabriela Loredana TRĂISTARU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 101, format The importance of this research is observable at three different levels: theoretical, methodological and practical. In theoretical plan, is the first study trying to determine sources of satisfaction for different psychological types in a private organization with industrial profile. Moreover, depth analysis done within the organization allows the development of some conclusions that can be used in future analysis or a very large number of organizations. Author 430 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Imaginile publicitare cu copii / Les publicites avec des enfants (Bilingual Text: Romanian and French) Author: Georgeta- Mădălina MEGHIŞAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 128, format Women, men and children are chosen to animate the advertising pages of magazines. The objective of this work is to perform an analysis of various aspects of child representation in advertising images, to understand how this representation creates the need or desire for consumption over two types of magazine readers. Author 431 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Etnopsihologii minoritare în spaţiul dobrogean/ Minority Psychologies in Dobogea (Romanian Version) Author: Mictat A GÂRLAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 237, format In our country, problems of psychology of the Romanian people, minorities and ethnic relations began to be studied systematically only after 1990. This book is the second volume of the author, in which he approaches psychological problems, a domain with a interdisciplinary character through contributions required from sociology, psychology, legal science, policy, science education etc. Dr. Constantin Voicu Chief Editor of the Psychology Hournal of Romanian Academy 432 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006 Criza vârstei de mijloc şi specificul ei la femeile din România/ Middle Age Crisis and its Specific to Romanian Women (Romanian Version) Author : Mihaela PETREA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 116, format The paper deals with an issue of particular importance in psychology. The issues of middle age is a complex subject, with significance at various levels, with both valences on the psychology of development and for psychotherapy and counseling. This topic is of particular interest because is describes the motion from health to imbalance, disease, on a psychological level. Associate Professor Dr. Irina Holdevici Bucharest, 2006 433 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE De la femeia obiect la imaginea-identitate. Reprezentări ale feminităţii în cultura de masă/ From Woman as an Object to Identity Image. Female Representation in Mass Culture (Romanian Version) Author: Diana DĂMEAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 118, format If the object that we intend to know is the feminine identity, and this is built through mass culture products, media representations of female identity must be examined from several perspectives. For our research we chose to study women's identities proposef by the mass media in terms of gender. This requires analyzing gender representation in the media, the construction of gender identity in agreement with the models offered to the factors contributing to validation and acceptance of gender models and patterns of the general public. Author 434 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Realităţi organizaţionale: vârsta şi stresul. Studii comparative în organizaţii militare şi civile/ Organiyational Realities: Age and Stress. Comparatives in Civil and Military Organizations (Romanian Version) Author: Ana MOISE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 82, format In Europe, according to various studies more than 40 million people are affected by stress due to job. Stress at work is responsible for millions of working days unused each year, millions of sick leave. The volume was intended to capture a relationship between 2 factors with significant effects both on human and on the organization: organizational adulthood and response to eustres-distress. To increase generality of results, the study was conducted in different organizational environments, military and civilian organizations. 435 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Abordarea simbolisticii arborelui în psihologia analitică junghiană/ Approach of the Tree Symbol in Jung Analytical Psychology (Romanian Version) Author: Corina Nicoleta OGREZEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 85, format The tree is one of the richest and most common symbolic themes, its bibliography can compose a book. Symbol of life evolving, growing to the sky, the tree symbolism evokes verticality as the tree of Leonardo da Vinci. In spite of superficial appearances and hasty conclusions, the tree, even sacred, is not everywhere an object of worship, it is the symbolic embodiment of an entity as it can go and become the object of worship itself. Author 436 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Penitenciarul. Psihologie socială aplicată/ Penitentiary. Applied Social Psychology (Romanian Version) Author: Anamaria LEAUA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 184, format Summary: Deviance and the prison environment Determination and approach, explanatory theories Personality of the offender The integration of prisoners in the prison system of interpersonal relations Social reintegration of offenders Stereotypes, stereotypes categorization Groups and group processes Influence of stereotypes in social reintegration of prisoners Regulatory aspects of conflict in situations of deviation in prison 437 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2005 Fundamentări metodologice în etnopsihologie/ Methodological Foundation in Psychology (Romanian Version) Author: Mictat A. GÂRLAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 208, B5 JIS format This book in 4 chapters proposes to expose themes like psychology as a science of identification, assessment and individualization of psychological traits throughout a nation or ethnic community, to which the author complements and adds that of inter ethnicity as broad areas of research interest in Europe. Author 438 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Studii de socio-psihologia transportului în comun/ Social Psychology Studies of the Public Transport Author: Manuela RUSU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 123, format This volume provides opportunities to approach the psychological intervention research in public transport domain. Among these new directions we can remember: the use elements detected by tests of personality, enabling more complex operation data from psychological examination. The conclusions and observations of the author opened a new way of approaching the training of future drivers. 439 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Education Science LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010 @ Sea (Romanian Version) Author: Alina Barbu Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 124 The book addresses all those who want to learn English in a new spirit by two ways: first by theme – being about sailors and water, then by method - providing the necessary vocabulary knowledge gradually, in short, different information. Exercises are completing, through form and content, each chapter material. The book is an individual module structured in four parts (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking), as the test models established like TOEFL and Cambridge. 443 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Formarea continua a personalului din invatamantul preuniversitar/ Continuous training for university education staff (Romanian Version) Author: Felix Godeanu, Dorin Roscan Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 124 Besides the initial training of teachers, continuous education is a key element of educational professionalism, efficiency and performance because the education system is represented by the quality and professionalism of the human resources involved. An important role should be assigned to lifelong learning as the teacher needs to be documented, up to date with the latest scientific and pedagogical information, to become the "master" who manages to print the brilliance and value to his diamonds, which he organizes and guides on the path of knowledge and professional and human development. 444 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 Deschideri postmoderne în ştiinţele educaţiei/ Postmodern Oppenings in Education Science Authors: Antonio SANDU, Cristina SPIRIDON, Laura SOMEŞAN, Elena STAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 112, format The "Training" Method In Adult Education: Antonio SANDU Applications In Erotetic Logics In Romanian Research: Cristina SPIRIDON The Religiosity SOMEŞAN – Empathy Connection: Laura Ideology, Utopic Concept, Human Civilization Fundamental Human Freedom Efficient Management Of Human Instinctivity - A Social Life Harmony Imitation Atrophies Creativity: Elena STAN 445 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Modele operaţionale în practica programelor de training/ Operational Models in Training Programms Practice (Romanian Version) Authors: Antonio SANDU, Simona PONEA, Oana BRADU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 312, format Learning is effective when knowledge and skills acquired by students are systematically used in social situations different from those they were taught. Student's mind should not be treated like a data bank that stores information read or displayed in a course. Educational partnership between the educator and the educated resettles the social construct called learning, as a selfdiscovery dimension, which catalyzes the motivational and cognitive abilities of the student to maximum selfupdate of their potential, both for the educated and trainer. 446 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE L’Internet, espace de l’éducation interculturelle dans l’Union Européenne (French Version) Author: Mihaela CAPRIŞ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 68, format Cet ouvrage trouve son point d’origine dans un rapport de stage intitulé Le management de l’éducation interculturelle élaboré à la suite de mon activité didactique à l’Ecole Nicolae Bălcescu de Tecuci. Ma carrière d’enseignante de langue et littérature roumaine a commencé par la Chance du Débutant, parce que j’ai eu l’occasion de travailler avec des enfants roumains et des enfants roms qui apprennent ensemble dans la même école. En qualité de responsable du module éducation interculturelle, ma mission a été de faciliter la communication entre ces deux communautés, d’effacer les préjuges et d’aider les Roumains et les Roms à vivre ensemble, sans avoir des conflits. Author 447 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 Propuneri de opţionale cu caracter practic pentru aria curriculară „Tehnologii” primar – gimnaziu/ Optional Proposals with Practic Character for the Curriculum of „Technologies” (Romanian Version) Author: Daniela VLĂDUŢ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 101, format Optionals presented pursue the training of the practical spirit in parallel with the development of creativity and aesthetic sense, while valuing the traditional arts. Through the content, presentation and issues approached, the work is addresses to a wide range of readers: students, teachers, it is a step ahead for the author, in designing and launching the future and other works point. Ms. Iveniţa Rujoiu 448 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007 Stima de sine şi anxietatea profesorului - învăţământ special şi de masă/ Selfesteem and the Professor’s Anxiety – Special and Mass Education (Romanian Version) Author: Nicoleta Cramaruc Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 138, format It is known that high self-esteem is beneficial for the individual as long as it does not exceeds the limits of reality and that low self-esteem attracts many consequences on personality that I found interesting to analyze the level of resulting anxiety. In fact the approach of the cognitive basis of dissertation work started from a specific situation that of being a teacher in a special school. Therefore, I decided to try to prove through my research work that self-esteem and anxiety that teachers in special education feel, are different from those of teachers in mass education. Author 449 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Research in Political Sciences and Administration (English Version) Author: Cristina Elena RĂDULEA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 106, format Both researchers and politicians are more and more discussing the desirable institutional shape of the Union in terms of parliamentarism and presidentialism. That is, should the EU be a parliamentary or a presidential political system? However, little research has clearly established what kind of political system the EU is, and specific criteria for assessing the European polity in terms of parliamentarism – presidentialism have never been applied. This research paper seeks to find what kind of political system the EU is, by applying Arend Lijphart’s (2000) six criteria for distinguishing between parliamentary and presidential systems. The reason for doing so is that Lijphart’s theoretical framework provides appropriate instruments for assessing the relationship between the executive and legislative branches of a polity, as well as for determining their weight within the system. 450 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2004 Repere socio-pedagogice ale schimbării în sistemul educaţional/ Highlights of Change in Social Pedagogy Education System (Romanian Version) Author: Daniela COJOCARU (coordonator) Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2004 No. pg. 108, format The volume presents the methods and strategies for implementing change in educational institutions. Investigation of organizational life (school being no exception), should begin with appreciation. This principle assumes that the first task of the researcher is to discover, describe and explain those social innovations, even small, that have given life to the system and have enabled the skills and energies of members who act as participants in the formation and transformation of organizational reality. The volume presents ways and strategies to implement change within educational institutions. Author 451 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2003 Noua paradigmă a educaţiei multidimensionale/ A New Paradigm of the Multidimensional Education (Romanian Version) Author: Tudor GHIDEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2003 No. pg. 166, format Collection of articles in the Multidimensional Education System. 452 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Educarea limbajului. Culegere de jocuri didactice şi distractive pentru copiii între 5 şi 7 ani/ Language Education. Collection of Educational Games for 5-7 Years Old Children (Romanian Version) Authors: Gabriela Florentina BÎRSAN, Ancuţa MIRONESCU, Ramona Elena MITOCEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2003 No. pg. 64, format The ludic dimension of education, especially pre-primary cycle is an important link in building operational assumptions of the educational act. The volume contains a collection of games used in kindergartens, but can be used in class with the aim to build digital skills, skills necessary recognition during ABC etc.. The volume is a useful tool both for teachers working with children from 5 to 7 years and for parents. 453 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Political Science LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2011 Britishness and multiculturalism. An essay on post-Imperial Nostalgia (English Version) Author: Gabriel ROMANBARBUTI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2011 No. pg. 104 The present paper has as its main theme the attempt of trying to define the concept of Britishness, both from its national and imperial perspective, and to analyze its complex relationship to such issues as ethnicity and culture, especially in the post-war period, when Great Britain is faced both with the collapse of its empire and with massive immigration from its former colonies and dominions. The analysis will be both a synchronic and a diachronic one, with an important focus being placed on the shift of national consciousness from one epoch to the other, always trying to offer the historical backdrop for these evolutions as well. 457 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2010 Primele 100 de zile ca primar în România/ First 100 Days as a Mayor in Romania (Romanian Version) Author: Cristina CATANĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 278, format The history regulations on the status of the mayor is eloquent for the state of constant search for a better solution. The need to have an effective local administration and in line with central authoritative rules on one hand, and with community features (with the national character ultimately) have made this area to be one with frequent changes of organization and positioning in relation to the central power. Ion Olteanu 458 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE How Free is the Freedom of Movement? Transitional Arrangements and Beyond (English Version) Author: Mădălina COŢIU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 The founding fathers created the European Union as a space of freedom and justice, which by bringing peace and economic prosperity was meant to prevent Europe from ever facing the destruction caused by the two World Wars. At first the emphasis was placed on the economic integration and one of its key elements was represented by the freedom of movement. The free movement of goods, capital, services and people was first mentioned in the Treaty of Rome and is also the guiding principle of the Single European Market. The free movement of persons is the first of the four rights defining the European Citizenship and therefore also an element of the political union. Despite being perceived as the first and foremost asset of the European Union by half of its citizens, the ‘freedom to travel, study and work anywhere in the EU’ has nonetheless generated many debates among the Member States. 459 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Democratie virtuala/ Virtual Democracy (Romanian Version) Author: Gabriela CRETU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2010 No. pg. 170, format special A correct diagnosis of the condition of Romanian politics and society is a necessary condition for the shaping of solutions. Passing responsibility and excuse to the "forty years of communism" which would have destroyed a model democracy is not useful. Articles collected in this volume try such a diagnosis. Observations converge on the conclusion of the title the disease that Romanian democracy is suffering its virtual nature. The term virtual democracy is a euphemism used to describe the sad situation that now defines the public space. 460 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Genocidul din Armenia. Ideologie şi negare/ Genocide in Armenia. Ideology and Denial (Romanian Version) Author: Alexandra COŢOFANĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2010 This paper aims to be both descriptive and analytical, with more emphasis on the analysis. Specifically, it proposes to introduce the Armenia genocide, with the entire data and issues, examining also the causes for the phenomenon of genocide in all its uniqueness. The theme chosen is an example of 'how should not be', having a terribly complicated historical and a present with a promising change. 461 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 Perspective culturale şi politice asupra evenimentelor din 1968/ Cultural and Historical Perspectives on the 1968 Events (Romanian Version) Author: Bogdan Alexandru CHELARIU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 110, format The riot, a necessary condition of any revolution, is a challenge to the individuality, because to die for what you realize means "an idea put above the expense of their own lives”. Camus argues that "riots provide values”, so we could envisage the existence of non-values. What would unite individuals would be the unfair states which they are facing, poverty, and violence on them and these evidence are witnessing throughout the whole society, especially the aesthetic level. 462 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Aspecte geopolitice şi geoeconomice ale formării şi destrămării sistemului colonial enlgez/ Geopolitical and Economical Aspects of the Formation and Disintegration of the English Colonial System (Romanian Version) Author: Adim CUJBĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 141, format The purpose of this work is to render through the economic and geopolitical aspects of British colonial system, the operating mechanism of a complex political body by its structure, which reflected the developmental stages of the empire of politically and economically and including relationships with other colonial powers . Also by studying this issue we follow the changes on the political map along the historical time, and influence of Great Britain as the colonial power over these spatial changes. 463 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Deschideri postmoderne în ştiinţele politice/ Postmodern Oppenings in Political Science (Romanian Version) Authors: Camelia ENACHE, Lorand GERGELY, Alexandra PETRESCU, Cătălin ROGOJANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 108, format Analysis Of The War In Bosnia Herzegovina Negotiations On Transnistria: Camelia ENACHE The Process Of 'Nation Building' And University Association Of Eastern – Central Europe: Lorand GERGELY "Special Relationship" Between Roman - Catholic Polish Chursh And The Communist Secret Services: Cătălin ROGOJANU Women And PETRESCU Fascism In 464 Romania: Alexandra LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Între mit şi realitate. Lupta pentru Ţara Sfântă/ Between Myth and Reality. The Battle for the Holy Land (Romanian Version) Author: Raluca RUS Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 250, format This book represents a brave attempt to approach a problem of great complexity of current international political scene - the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East. The book's central objective is to detect the views outlined in the Romanian public opinion in the first decade of post-communist transition in the Middle East problem. Professor Dr. Ladislau Gyémánt 465 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Liberalism şi dezvoltare. Principii pentru e educaţie liberală/ Liberalism and Development. Principles for a Liberal Education (Romanian Version) Author: Elena FILIP Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 142, format Liberalism was and remained a general topics of theoretical and doctrinal dispute. In addition, suggesting a policy and system development, was by far the redoubtable competitor of the other systemcommunism. In retrospect, the success belongs entirely to liberalism. Nurturing and supporting the brands values and principles - individualism, private property, market competition, freedom and control - liberalism explains the development of the civilized world. Professor Dr. Ion Pohoaţă 466 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Tipul eroului în cultura română. De la stereotip la comportament politic/ The Hero in Romanian Culture. From Stereotype to Political Behaviour (RomanianVersion) Author: Adriana Ivonne MARINESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 126, format "The hero" was in ancient times and in all cultureswith a known mythology, an emblematic figure and a model worth following, who distinguish himself by bravery, unseen acts, a civilizing hero or Savior, has always been a reference model to the generations that followed. Its inclusion in the pantheon of culture figure is equivalent to a place in collective memory, and updating its figure calls on imaginary mythological and psychological mechanisms, to anyone who calls this a "familiar" of consciousness. 467 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Family Background Influnece on Romaninan’s Youth Voting Behaviour (English Version) Author: Corina MORUŢAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 134, format In nowadays society, politics represent a matter of great concern for people all over the world. There is a tremendous variety of attitudes, options, opinions and beliefs with regard to politics, across different cultures, which shape the similarities and differences among individuals, and implicitly the society in which they live. Furthermore, researchers have been long concerned with the central questions of democratic political behaviour: What are the prevailing patterns of citizen political opinion and behaviour? How do these patterns change over time, across generations? Which are the sources of these opinions and behaviour, and what changes them? How and how much do citizens influence their leaders and their government? Which are the factors that contribute to the political values development? 468 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Machiavelli and the Legitimization of the Realism in International Relations (English Version) Author: Ioana PETRE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 99, format The conceptual delineation between the sphere of political ideas and political activity has never represented a strong borderline for the continuous processes and influences that were exerted from one part to the other. In numerous occasions, political ideas were practically transformed into genuine guidelines that were intended to facilitate the art of statecraft for those that were in the ruling position. However, there are also famous cases in which ideas lack the potential to materialize and, thus, stagnate from this point of view, transforming themselves into sheer utopias aimed at raising public or simply elite awareness on certain issues. Considered by many the founding father of the discipline of political science, a proponent of civic humanism or simply blamed as an extremely wicked, immoral and irreligious intellectual, Niccolo Machiavelli has been the target of overwhelmingly long scholar debates that did not manage to integrate him into strict categories. 469 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 Femeile sunt de vină/ Women are to Blame (Romanian Version) Author: Gabriela CREŢU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 181, format special 470 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Urăsc realismul politic! I Hate Real Politics! (Romanian Version) Author: Gabriela CREŢU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 181, format special Political realism is becoming more common in world politics, a translation which in English sounds more suggestive - real politics. It is the extreme conservative view of the political, military or economic interests of the stronger is replacing the principle of law. Arguments to justify an action or position exist always; if not, there can be invented. 471 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Decentralization And State Capacity. Pathways for State in reform in Post- communist societies (English Version) Author: Todor ARPAD Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 93, format The scope of the present approach is twofold. First, it will try to analyze whether the post- communist transitions were very different from other transitions from autocratic rule (see Schneider and Schmitter 2003 for a debate on the subject) by attempting to adjust a theoretical apparatus developed for other uses and to apply it irrespective of the degree of democratization. Second, as the vision on what decentralization means and how it works influences how important funds are distributed and how many programs of the international institutions are implemented, the findings may have an immense public policy stake. Especially under the influence of the main international institutions of the World Bank and the IMF, many developing countries are guided into adopting specific policies. Author 472 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Problema kurdă în contextul crizelor irakiene/ Kurdish Issue in the Context of Iraqi Crisis (Romanian Version) Author: Valentina-Tania SECHEŞAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 137, format Kurdish issue in the context of Iraqi crisis is a work worth reading by anyone who wants to try to decipher the complexity of international relations in the Middle East and beyond. If we follow the events of recent years we find that this region may be the key to future configurations of power in international politics and the Kurdish issue can be framed within the broader global agenda after September 11th, 2001. The volume tries to answer many of these problems in a compelling way, in an elegant, clear, concise and to the point style. Adrian Liviu Ivan şi Dacian Duna 473 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Tranziţia postcomunistă ca discurs/ Postcommunist Transition as a Discourse (Romanian Version) Author: Bogdan DRAGOŞ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 140, format The approach paper signed by Dragos Bogdan is among the few attempts in the Romanian cultural space which have as a methodological support the Foucaults’ archeology project. That is why we plan on following a brief review of the Foucault theory. Following the organization of the work, we hope that the discursive space of the author noted above to get an increase of both clarity and interest. Oleg Bernaz 474 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE The image of New York as quintessence and unique reflection of urban America -An analysis of the city’s emergence in the post World War II period (English Version) Author: Ioana IACOB Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 153, format In its unremitting quest for the elusive destination of an ‘all-encompassing’ locus, the American city forges a panoramic view dominated by a history of diversity and cosmopolitan specificity. The breath-taking odyssey that carried the urban space from a gregarious pragmatic community, to a cultural promoter of the nation’s artistic mission and eventually, to an economic leader of the global democracy, reads as a vortex in which identities, architectural revolutions and ideological mobs joint inside the pot of America. Its ramifying story of acceptance, assimilation, rejection and stereotypy brought the city at a stage where one can only hint at the complexity that governs the metropolis’s structure in terms of democratic narrative. Author 475 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Deliberative Democracy in a Diverse Europe - From Theory to Practice Author: Carmen Gabriela GREAB Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 106, format The nature of democracy has been debated for several millennia as philosophers and other thinkers have speculated about what it is, what might become, and what is supposed to be. Compared to competing forms of government and methods of organizing society, democracy worked rather well by the values most theorists and idealists have held to be important. Consequently, democracy produced societies that have been humane, flexible, productive, and vigorous. Still, democracy did not come out looking the way many theorists and idealists imagined it should and it could. (Mueller, 1999) Author 476 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Interferenţe publicistice între România şi Portugalia/ Publicist Interferences Between Romania and Portugal (Romanian Version) Author: Oana Marcela POPIŢIU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 173, format This paper is a summary of what is and was the Portuguese-speaking area for Romania. The idea came from a personal experience in Portugal, where I lived for six months, as a resident student. What happened was that just when I was leaving, Sorin Alexandrescu published „Mircea Eliade About Portugal”, work which I had the occasion to read in a Romanian language only on my return. Author 477 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Negocieri în Kosovo. Acordul de la Rambouillet (19981999)/ Negotiations in Kosovo. The Rambouillet Agreement (Romanian Version) Authors: Camelia ENACHE, Ion Tudor COMAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 108, format Diplomatic, military, economic crises, ethnic wars, once analyzed, are not treated as occurrences are not reported to both their immediate context, but to a larger one, to a historical-geographical tradition. To make clear the problems in the Balkans, "through the simply affiliation of the principal actors to the Balkan area, and extend it to the entire region, despite the fact that they are quite locate” are some of the examples reporting to the Balkan Area. Authors 478 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE România şi conflictul israeliano-palestinian/ Romania and the IsraeliPalestinian Conflict (Romanian Version) Author: Raluca RUS Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 230, format The present survey aims at an analysis of the Romanian state relations with Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) conducted during 1948-2000. The study deals with the origin of the relations, developments and areas where cooperation between Romania and the Romanian-Israeli and Palestinian grew, the attitude of the United States, Russia and member countries of the Soviet bloc, reflecting these events in the Romanian media and the foreign and attitude Romanian public opinion. Author 479 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Istoriografia separatismului transnistrian/ Historiography of the Transnistrian Separatism (Romanian Version) Author: Lidia PRISAC Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 139, format Framework of activity and creativity of historians investigating the events of the last decades forms, in terms of theory of history, the area of recent history, history of immediate or historical present tense, which marks, with the proximity of the period in which we live, as witnesses or analysts' our time "and interviewing the actors of that period. The current historical coexistence is presented by Professor Jean-Francois Soulet in the synthesis of Immediate History. Research base of the immediate history surprised achievements in a speech devoted to contemporary historiography. Dr. Ion Xenofontov 480 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007 Institutional Design And Party Development in Post Communist States. The Key- Role of National Parliaments (English Version) Author: Sergiu GHERGHINA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 161, format The topic approached in this book was inspired by a course on Central European Politics in the fall semester of the academic year 2005- 2006, attended at Central European University, Budapest. In this respect I am grateful to Karen Henderson, the course instructor, for being the first to encourage me to develop the measurement of presidential powers in the former states of Warsaw Pact countries into a more complex framework of analysis. Her numerous advices shaped the evaluation of the checks and balances system, often questioning aspects of internal and external validity of the claims I intended to make. A further step in elaborating this research was taken as a 481 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE The Economic Dimension of Russian Foreign Policy in Central Asia After 9/11. Pursuing and Promoting Energy Diplomacy (English Version) Author: Andreea MOCANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 Since he become president, Vladimir Putin had two important points on his policy agenda, which he has tried to fully maximize. Firstly, he intented to pursue a foreign economic policy and secondly to preserve Russia s economic interests, aiming therefore to achieve WTO membership. Moreover, these two points are best reflected in Russia s policy towards the Central Asian states. Considering these issues, the purpose of this study is to analiyze the salience of the economic ties that exist between Russia and the five oil –rich republics. As a result, this dissertation aims to contribute to the understanding of Russia s position in world politics after 9/11 by analyzing the impact of these events on shaping Russia s attitude in preserving its economic interests in Central Asia after the US troop s arrival in the region. All the advanced propositions are done by examining the available English or Russian literature that focuses on the existing economic ties between Russia and Central Asia. Author 482 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Evoluţia relaţiilor rusoamericane din perspectiva dezbaterii multilateralism/ unilateralism/ The Evolutioan of the Russian-American Relations from the Multilateralism/Unilateralism Perspective (Romanian Version) Author: Angela GRĂMADĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 86, format In speeches on international relations, we were used to use more cliches: when we talk about the international system we use, even after the Cold War, the terms of unipolar, bipolar, multipolarity. Is it just a habit or a reality? However, the Cold War ended, and the cliches have remained in the memory of foreign countries that have used them. They tend to make a transfer from one category to another, varying, most often between multilateralism very in vogue today among young actors of the international system and unilateralism very contained, officially, but which is the main action instrument for achieving foreign policy goals of large players in particular. Author 483 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Consecinţele extinderii NATO asupra Europei de Sud- Est/ The Consequences of the NATO Enlargement over South – East Europe (Romanian Version) Author: Natalia RUSU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 105, format This work is an approach to a problem that can be debated ad infinitum and to achieve multiple and diverse results and conclusions. It is not the first attempt to review the security of Moldova and NATO enlargement that is the subject of research. We focused this research and the terms, concepts and effects of security policies in Moldova, in particular, interested in how these threats affect the functioning of civil and military institutions in Moldova and the risk of high residual risks and the influence of external factors. Author 484 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Impactul procesului de aderare la Uniunea Europeană asupra administraţiei publice din România/ The Adherence Process Impact to the European Union on the Public Administration (Romanian Version) Author: Mădălina IVĂNICĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 344, format The literature of Romania is lacking works covering such a topic. Reference works in the field are treated in general either matters regarding Romania's EU structures, or only sequential and deepen research covering a specific theme. That is why the work proposed by Madalina Ivan, the structure and manner of dealing with problems, fills an important goal in the field. Dr. Vasile Puşcaş Chief Negotiator with the European Union (2000-2004) 485 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Globalizare şi securitate economică/ Globaliyation and Economical Security ( Romanian Version) Author: Lavinia FLOREA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 183, format Globalization is a fashionable topic, omnipresent in the media discourse, in the literature, but also in everyday conversations. The opinions expressed on this set of processes that marks every aspect of our lives are often antagonistic, and therefore, for a better understanding of globalization, we felt the need of a personal and objective analysis. This work aims to monitor the effect of globalization on individuals and states. The analysis is limited to economic and social aspects, namely, the socalled economic security, political and cultural issues that may each be the subject of other work being intentionally left sideline. Author 486 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Puterea Statelor Unite ale Americii în plan global/ The Power of the Unite States of America Globally (Romanian Version) Author: Adriana VASILE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 107, format The present study aims, in particular, the developments in the historical period after the Second World War. However, the paper considers to expose the main theories, explanations and current and emerging ideas developed in this period in American literature and in the European economic area, international relations and geopolitics, but also the official positions of national institutions, regional and international. It is important to state that the purpose of present paper is not to assess the good or bad, actions, positions and attitudes of actors-states, institutions or persons referred to. Author 487 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006 Relaţia NATO PESC Confruntare pentru securitatea colectivă?/ NATO and CFSP Realtion. Confrontation for Collective Security? (Romanian Version) Author: Zsuzsanna KACSO Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 130, format The ultimate aim of this work is finding answers to some of the following questions: How is NATO seen today, and which is its role provided by analysts for the future? Viability of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU: will CFSP be strong enough to keep pace with NATO and eventually take over some of its duties, if it needs such a thing? What is the relationship between the two organizations: fierce competition for defense and collective security and cooperation to solve more effective regional and international crisis? 488 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Partidul Democrat Evoluţia Partidului Democrat în perioada 2000-2004/ The Democratic Party. Its Evolution Between 20002004 (Romanian Version) Author: Răzvan Victor PANTELIMON Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 188, format The volume seeks to find out to what extent the general concepts discussed in contemporary political science are used increasingly to analyze and understand political realities present in developed societies, can be applied to the Romanian case. The author took particular account of the concept of "party cartel" in Romanian political space, taking as a case study the Democratic Party. Author 489 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Cercetări, studii şi abordări în ştiinţele umaniste. Politologie/ Research, Studies and Approaches in the Human Science. Politology (Romanian Version) Authori: Manuela PARAIPAN, Simona Gabriela SÎNZIANU, Costică DUMBRAVĂ, Salomeea ROMANESCU, Timea CSETNEK Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 177, format Summary: Perspective on Human Rights: Manuela Paraipan Modern political conflict: Simona Gabriela Sînzianu Nations and Nationalism: Costică Dumbrava Relations Between European Countries with countries from Central and Eastern Europe: Salomeea Romanescu The role of cross-border cooperation in light of Romania's integration into the European Union: Timea Csetnek 490 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE The weight of historical patterns, collective memory and historical legacies over the evolution of the Romanian democratization process (English Version) Author: Cristina BUCUR Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 259, format 491 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Conflictul din Orientul Apropiat în perioada 19482000/ Middle East Conflict in the 1948-2000 Period (Romanian Version) Author: Raluca RUS Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 183, format The present study devoted to the conflict in the Middle East in the period 1948-2000, is a panorama of the fiftytwo years characterized by multiple conflicts and peacebuilding attempts. This work is justified by the increasing interest in the history of Israel and Hebrew, fascinating people. The Holy Land, as it is called Israel, located at the intersection of two worlds, the Oriental with the European one, is a bridge between two civilizations that know a harmonious combination in the land promised to Moses. Author 492 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Relaţiile SUA-UE la începutul secolului XXI: noile raporturi transatlantice/ SUA – UE Relations at the Beggining of the XXI Century: New Transatlantic Relationships (Romanian Version) Author: Ana Maria STOIAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 183, format This paper aims to achieve an analysis of relations between the U.S. and EU in XXI century. Research focuses mainly on the political dimension, economic and security relevant, in our opinion, the analysis of transatlantic relations. We will explore the dynamics of transatlantic relations, focusing on those elements of continuity and change. Author 493 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Artistic autonomy in soviet cinematography. Reverse discourse, subversion or dissent? (English Version) Author: Iulia Clara SERAFIM Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 The aim of this research is to identify and study the discourse opposing the official one in feature films of Soviet cinematographi. The argument is that artistic autonomy existed in Soviet cinematography and it created a niche space for political communication in which a reverse discourse appeared. The reverse discourse is a discourse that expresses and contains statements or messages that contradict and consequently oppose the official discourse, the ideology. A context for this study is provided in the form by reviewing and interpreting theories about ideology, control, power relations and the role of common sense as an ideological goal but also by a brief history of Soviet cinematography. A discourse analysis and a content analysis are applied on twenty-five motion pictures produced between 1956 and 1989. The purpose and the content of the messages encountered in these motion pictures are interpreted and analyzed. Author 494 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Provocări şi dileme ale intervenţiei umanitare după Războiul Rece. Studiu de caz: Bosnia-Herţegovina/ Challenges and Dilemmas of Humanitarian Interventions after The Cold War. Case Study: BosniaHerzegovina (Romanian Version) Author: Elena Lorena POPESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 163, format What I proposed to show in this paper is that, despite an apparent opposition among some academics and some actors in international society, in the post-Cold War there have been many political, ethical and legal arguments in favour oft he formulation of a doctrine of universal humanitarian intervention, the Security Council itself authorizing a series of important interventions in humanitarian crises. Author 495 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Creştin –democraţia europeană şi creştin democraţia românească/ European Christian Democracy and Romanian Christian Democracy (Romanian Version) Author: Victor IONESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 144, format This work represents a culmination in the editorial plan of a rich professional experience, managerial and policy that Mr. Victor Ionescu gained in the 5 years of work of both government and as president in Europe Association Youth Movement as a member of other organizations participating in national and international seminars, courses, summer schools etc. 496 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Alianţe şi cooperări. Noi forme de internaţionalizare/ Alliances and Cooperations. New Forms of Internationalization (Romanian Version) Author: Alexandra CĂLUGĂR Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iasi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 117, format As the opening of the new world changed assumptions on the old world, the same way "new continent" began to change attitudes on the creation of wealth nations and human efforts. The impetus for exploration came also from a desire to accomplish new business. Once again, brave and curious people discovered new ways of life, which radically changed the way of life on the old continent. Author 497 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Party Behavior in The European Parliament (English Version) Author: GREAB Carmen Gabriela Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 105, format The volume presents pragmatic ways of action of parties in European Parliament. There are addressing issues such as the importance of political parties, the formation of political parties and parliamentary groups in the European Parliament, European elections impact on the action of parties in Parliament. 498 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Participarea cetăţenilor în România. Implicarea factorilor economiei/ Participation of Citizens in Romania. Involvment of Economy (Romanian Version) Author: Cristina NICOLESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 121, format This study advances the main hypothesis that the socioeconomic status influences individual decision to participate actively in social and political life and choice of participatory act to be done. One of the secondary hypotheses to be tested during the author's approach is: the choice of forms of participation conventional, protest or unconventional vary by individual socioeconomic status; Author 499 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE The Media Coverage of The Romanian Revolution (English Version) Author: Andreea Raluca MAIEREAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 95, format This thesis focuses on the December 1989 Revolution that ended the dictatorship of Nicolae Ceauşescu in Romania. The research question explores the specificity and the consequences of the live coverage of the Revolution. In order to test, whether the television informed and mobilised people and, at the same time, legitimate the uprising, an empirical examination of the broadcast is conducted. The method chosen to studz the speeches of the revolutionists is discourse analysis. The major findings are that the broadcast contributed to the victory of democratic forces by informing about the current situation, by legitimating the revolution and by mobilizing the population. Author 500 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Tony Blair şi noul discurs laburist/ Tony Blair and the New Labour Discourse (Romanian Version) Author: Marina ROTARU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 161, format The purpose of this volume is to identify how the New Labor Party (in Britain) managed at least linguistically, to create its own political discourse known as the Third Path. The author discussed Tony Blair's speech in terms of critical analysis of discourse, therefore focused on an analysis of political language. The author conducted a comprehensive and relevant analysis of political speeches and interviews given by Tony Blair. 501 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2005 Extrema dreaptă azi. Ideologie, discurs, electorat. Analiză econometrică/ The Right Wing. Ideology, Discourse, Vote. Econometric Analysis (Romanian Version) Author: Lavinia FLOREA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 181, format The qualification of Corneliu Vadim Tudor in 2nd round of presidential elections in 2000 and winning by his political formation, the Greater Romania Party (PRM), one fifth of the places in Parliament has shocked public opinion in Romania and abroad, drawing a warning the extreme danger to our country. In addition, results of voting has serious doubts about the degree of ownership by the Romanian democratic values and Romania's capacity to integrate into Euro-Atlantic structures. 502 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Secretul preşedinţilor/ The Secret of Presidents (Romanian Version) Author: Ana Maria POPA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 230, format This work approaches a comparative analysis of election speeches of candidates to the Romanian presidency compared with the candidates the U.S. presidency in the final electoral confrontation between candidates. From the beginning, political power felt the need to form its own communication with the led, to take control of those media which escaped its domination, or to integrate groups expressing and forming dominant opinions. 503 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Doctrina neomachiavelistă în contextual provocărilor globaliste/ Neomachiavellic Doctrine in the context of Global Challenges (Romanian Version) Author: Mădălina ANTONESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 124, format The volume treates in a first part, a broad concern about the new American concept of security after September 11, 2001. There are analyzed the evolution of the American new concept of security, new threats and risks to the American superpower, major events of historical scenes, global terrorism and "axis of evil", rebel states and the threat of weapons of mass destruction, etc.. Phenomena are conceptualized as humanitarian conditions of stability for a democratic world order, "gray eminents role" in U.S. foreign policy as "opinion formers". 504 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Other Editorial Apparitions LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2009 Entomologia: între „operete” din Natură şi somităţi istorice/ Entomology (Romanian Version) Author: Asea TIMUŞ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 272, format The humanity is more and more orriented towards increasingly profits in any field of activity, without noticing that the frequency and irreversible, and ignoring the laws of nature. Especially in the last 50-60 years, this ignorance has led to the disappearance of species of plants, insects and vertebrates. Scientific world is very concerned about what happens to the Fauna and Flora of the Earth, but unfortunately they are much fewer attitudes for this purpose. Therefore, any activity for sensitizing human societies within the meaning of environmental issues also possible saving ideals of Nature, is positive and worthy of all respect. Dr. Valeriu Derjanschi 507 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Istoria artelor sau memoriile unui veleitar incognito/ Art History or the Memories of a Veleitar Incognito (Romanian Version) Author: Vlad DRĂGOI Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2009 No. pg. 105, format whole is he who forgets the past for memories untainted shall befriend him first time I tried to write a novel I stopped at page 8 A4 format, was about 2 sophisticated guys who want to go on a trip just because the poet said...... 508 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2008 Clădiri de patrimoniu/ Heritage Buildings (Romanian Version) Authors: Antonio SANDU, Irina MORARIU, Anamaria BOBOC Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 240, format The Iaşi culture is based on a deep sense of eternity. To leave Iaşi the passenger must have an impetus needed to climb the hills that surrounds him. They are a point of rest in his way before getting another impetus to other horizons but also as a rest stop before a temple, in the way of the pedestrian who driven by things carries his steps to Iasi. 509 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Presiunea osmotică. Aspecte teoretice şi experimentale/ Osmotic Pressure. Theoretical and Experimental Aspects (Romanian Version) Author: Bogdan CONDURACHE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2008 No. pg. 126, format Substances with molecular weights from around 5000 atomic mass units are called macromolecular substances. They are the subject of macromolecular chemistry. Materials based on polymers play an increasingly more important role in modern industry because of their diversity and ease of processing. 510 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2007 Agricultură şi horticultură/ Agriculture and Horticulture Author: Constantin CHIRIAC Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 281, format Producing food for all current and future members of society, in the context of population explosion, when a large part of the world population suffering from hunger and malnutrition requires technical solutions, representing the contribution of agriculture, but also political and social solutions economically. The paper is the result of long experience, technical and scientific education, which I hope to be useful to my students and beyond. Author 511 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Teoria sistemelor/ System Theory (Romanian Version) Author: Ovidiu ALEXANDRESCU Constantin Chiriac Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 238, format 512 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Bazele ştiinţei solului. Fizica solului/ Fundamentals of Soil Science. Soil Physics (Romanian Version) Author: Constantin CHIRIAC, Florian STĂTESCU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 202, format 513 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Scurtă antologie a Şcolii de Poduri- Paris/ Short Anthology of the Bridges School of Paris (Romanian Version) Authors: Raluca CHIRIAC, Paulică RĂILEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 130, format The authors found that the influence of the School of Bridges and Roads of Paris, was particularly important to school in Romania and therefore wrote this anthology where important work performed by persons who went to that school are listed. 514 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Tele Detecţie/ Remote Sensing (Romanian Version) Author: Ovidiu ALEXANDRESCU, Constantin CHIRIAC Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2007 No. pg. 163, format Planetary dimension of the object of study, as a hardly accessible regions have led science on Earth using indirect observation, made on various types of representations of Earth's surface. Accordingly, the information sought is obtained without direct contact with the object sought and in his absence. Information without a contact with the object sought can be obtained, but also on its direct observation, but from a distance. Authors 515 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2006 Biblioteca virtuală daneză/ Danish Virtual Library (Romanian Version) Author: Andreea FOCŞĂNEANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 95, format The last decades have produced many changes in most fields of research. Neither the library field has remained indifferent to the transformations, generated in particular by developing new technologies, which led to the change of needs and requests for information. The reader in turn had to adapt to changes in the operating area, as for the traditional library as a mean of information no longer appeared to be sufficient. Information existing on many and varied media determined libraries to change the form under which existed before. Author 516 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Geomorfologia Comunei Tomeşti şi a zonei adiacente/ Geomorphology of Tomeşti Village and the Adjacent Area (Romanian Version ) Authors: Felicia Liliana IACOBACHE, Ion IACOBACHE Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 72, format Regional geography, studied from the physical, human and economic point of view was shaped in Romanian geography in the early twentieth century and offers deciphering of geographical features of the territory based on comparative analysis of natural complex. Authors 517 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Culegere de cântece pentru studenţii de la păpuşi şi teatru. Elemente de tehnică vocală şi stil în cânt/ Collections of Songs for Students from Puppets and Theatre. Elements of Vocal Technique and Singing Style (Romanian Version) Author: Paula CIOCHINĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 178, format Literature in the last 10-15 years has made essential contributions to the deciphering phonic mechanism, speech therapy, foniatria, functional exploration (videostroboscopia, microcinematography) which allowed explanation of controversial issues of vocal emission, while the methods of modern mathematics and systems theory has allowed the understanding, expression and evaluation of spoken and sung voice, opening up new perspectives and new directions in vocal pedagogy. Author 518 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Tradiţie şi înnoire în muzica europeană la sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea/ Tradition and Innovation in the European Music at the end of the XIXth Century (Romanian Version) Author: Paula CIOCHINĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania2006 No. pg. 157, format Summary: Social cultural and historical landmarks Musical cultures representative Lied Symphony Music Room Music Opera Conclusions 519 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Liedul postromantic german/ the Postromantic German Lied (Romanian Version) Author: Paula CIOCHINĂ Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2006 No. pg. 278, format Most times, dictionaries, encyclopedias and specialized studies, the authors defining lied, are especially concerned with the relationship between music and poetry, noting gains in the evolution of means of expression and the details of meaning that music brings poetry. Enescu also said that the union of word and tone "were born and will be born of divine, immortal works". Indeed, we can not forget that in ancient times the history of relations between music and word is identical with the history of music. Associate Professor Dr. Mihai Cozmei 520 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2005 Unelte şi arme din silex şi piatră. Din eneoliticul Moldovei dintre Carpaţi şi Prut/ Weapons and Tools of Flint and Stone from Eneolithic in Moldova Between the Carpathians and Prut (Romanian Version) Author: Vicu MERLAN Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 256, format Stones throughout history have had considerable significance, from providing shelter, building tools, to the use of their magical-ritualistic. The author examines the archaeological discoveries of Moldavia between the Carpathians and Prut, with reference to lithic material that is used, and tools used by the inhabitants of eneolithic period. 521 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Carte de Crăciun/ Christmas Book (Romanian Version) Authors: Panciluţa ALEXA, Cătălina ALEXA Editura Tehnopres Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 64, format Summary: Christmas Book History of Christmas feast Who is Santa Claus Santa’s Reindeers Christmas Tree Mythology of Christmas Carols 522 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE A Christmas Book (English Version) Author: Dana Mihaela COLT Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2005 No. pg. 146, format Summary: Traditional Carols Nursery Rhymes Chrismas Dinner Symbols Winter Songs 523 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2004 Dicţionar frazeologic român selectiv/ Romanian Selective Phraseological Dictionary (Romanian Version) Authori: Mircea FOTEA, Ecaterina ŢĂRANU Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2004 No. pg. 519, format The Romanian expressions of this Dictionary with the equivalent in French, English and Neogreece were carefully selected according to their wide spread throughout the Romanian language and style are representative of all levels of language. They were registered as is customary in works of this kind, in alphabetical order and in bold lettering. 524 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2003 Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Tratat de Hatha Yoga/ Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Hatha Yoga Treaty (Romanian Version) Author: SVATMARAMA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2003 No. pg. 76, format This treaty is fundamentally attributed traditionally to the great yogi Svatmarama and is one of the most important texts in the field. The translation was done by Sanskrit and English bilingual edition published at Allahabad in 1915. The author decided to continue this edition of the original text for two reasons: 1. English translation is sometimes poor, which made the original need for detailed and correct errors seized, 2. the polysemantic look of any such text makes the original presence to inspire new insights and interpretations designed to guide the practice started. 525 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE 2001 Gheranda Samhita/ Gheranda Samhita (Romanian Version) Author: GHERANDA Lumen Publishing House www.edituralumen.ro www.librariavirtuala.com Iaşi, Romania 2001 No. pg. 86, format This Treaty of Hatha Yoga can be considered as a general guide manual for both initiator and the initiated, is like a curriculum for teacher and as a very general scrapbook for students. Such a text helps the teacher to teach yoga in a way as coherent, systematic and scientific and student to remember what was communicated. 526 LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE IASI, ROMANIA TEPES VOD, Nr. 2 www.edituralumen.ro www.asociatialumen.ro edituralumen@gmail.com prlumen@gmail.com grafica.redactia.lumen@gmail.com PRINTED IN EU