Desktop Edition 3443 South Galena St., Denver


Desktop Edition 3443 South Galena St., Denver
Desktop Edition
3443 South Galena St., Denver, Colorado
July 2016
El Jebel will be dark for the months of June, July, and August. The next stated meeting
will be September 12th. This meeting will be held at 3443 S. Galena St. The build out of the
meeting room will be done by then and ready for our use. Beginning in September the meetings will be held in our permanent location on the second floor of the Galena Street building.
We will have many parades, functions, and individual unit meetings throughout the summer. Plan on remaining active supporting El Jebel and your favorite clubs and units.
We have begun the Sportsmen’s Raffle campaign for 2016. We will hold the Raffle August
20th. This will be at the Douglas County Fair Grounds in Castle Rock. The new location is
roughly twice as large as the room we had last year and we are shooting at filling it with unit
tables and other vendors.
We need volunteers to sell the tickets. Contact the office for your supply of 2016 Sportsmen’s Raffle Tickets. When you sell the tickets please return the ticket stubs and the money
to the office as soon as possible. This is one of our largest fund raisers, we need every one of
you to support this project to support El Jebel.
We had a couple of parades for June. The first was in Johnstown on the first weekend.
This was a fun parade, the town had a good turn out and they really appreciated El Jebel’s appearance at the Johnstown parade. The second parade was in Salida; it was a joint parade
with Al Kaly.
The Salida weekend was a great time. Al Kaly had their Mon Ark Shrine Club Official Visit
Friday night. This was held at the Elks Lodge this year. They had a good turnout for the OV
and we all had a great time and good fellowship. El Jebel had our hospitality room on Friday
before and after the OV. The parade on Saturday went well as usual, enthusiast crowds all
along the parade route. If you missed FIBARK you missed a great time in southern Colorado.
If you missed our Spring trip to Alaska we are planning a Fall trip to Puerto Vallarta Mexico in November. Additional information will be published soon. The travel agent hopes to have
any responses in July. We will fly to P.V. for Thanksgiving week and spend the time at the resort. Using the resort, a home base we will do the normal tourist stuff in the Puerto Vallarta
area. This will be a fun week. Carol and I look forward to traveling with you.
We have scheduled a Ceremonial for the last Saturday in July. We need as many men as
possible. At this time, we have four men for the Ceremonial, we need more men. Please contact your candidates and get their petitions and money into the office so we will be good to go
for our Ceremonial.
The building project is moving along on schedule, no more surprises so far. The end of
May, we began working on the elevators to modernize them. They will be out of commission
for the duration of the modernization project. If you need to go upstairs for any reason you
will get to experience our newly repainted stair wells.
We are planning to move the offices into the permanent locations in July. As of the end of
June the construction team is applying the finishing touches to the office spaces. We hope to
make the move very soon, i.e. the first couple of weeks in July.
When you are at the Shrine please stay away from the construction areas. Safety first, we
don’t want anyone getting hurt in the construction zones.
Jay Bobick
As I was down with a viral infection at the end of May and failed to get an article in to meet the deadline, I have decided to have the May Family Night report published this month as it was significant for our El Jebel Temple and for you as members.
Our 6 May Family Night meeting was a monumental event! It was our first
regular monthly meeting in our new Temple held on the third floor in an unfinished
room that was a blast. We had 84 reservations but 94 people showed up, 58 of
which were nobles. Our next meeting will be 12 September when our Temple renovation will be complete. Let’s all make an effort to at least double the noble attendance. We are on a new and exciting path and cannot be fully successful without you,
and you is every El Jebel Noble. Be an active member. If you need assistance in attending, contact a noble brother to take you. Above all, register with the office so we
will have an accurate count for meals. We need you there and you need to be there.
There was a fun social hour 5 to 6:00 pm after which Our Master-ofCeremonies, Bobby Marner kicked off the evening with an invocation by Chaplain Jim
Oliver. A buffet bar-b-que dinner was served with plenty of food for all. At 7:00 pm,
Bobby started the meeting by introducing our Past Potentates; Amer Plaisted, Jim
Fitzpatrick, Phil Hause and Mike Trevathan; the Divan and our Chief Rabban, Rich Silver filling in for our Potentate who was on a trip. The Legion-of-Honor, David King
and Russ Gray presented the colors and Rich Silver led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag of our Nation followed by the Chanters leading all in the National Anthem.
Other dignitaries present were welcomed: Scottish Rite Venerable Master, Rich Silver
and Commander of Kadosh, Bob Salazar; York Rite Grand Commandery Grand Senior
Warden, John Zeaphey.
Chief Rabban, Rich Silver thanked the nobles, ladies and family members who
worked so diligently at the circus and announced that the circus appreciation party
will be on 7 August at 12:30 pm. Nobles Illustrious Sir Phil Hause and Bill Schwartz
reminded all that the Sportsmen’s Raffle would be held at the Douglas County Event
Center on 20 August. Tables will be available for units. Food and drinks will be there
as at past raffles. This is an event for all nobles and their friends. Sell tickets!
Our Chief Rabban, Rich Silver was pleased to accept a $3,000 donation check
from the Larry Bodaness Family. Noble Larry was an active member of the Morgan
County Shrine Club and the family is gracious in continuing their support in Larry’s
The following events were announced:
Scottish Rite Reunion – 12-14 May
Nile White Rose Celebration, Highlands Temple – 15 May
Tanzer Dance – 20 May
Memorial Day Parade (Call Out) – 30 May
Our Business Manager, Bill Schwartz gave a building update. The Shrine space
should be completed in July and the office in middle June. All work is proceeding well
with no significant delays.
The evening ended by the Chief Rabban, Rich Silver thanking all who attended
and closing the meeting at 7:50 p.m. peace and harmony prevailing.
Calendar of Events
El Jebel Shrine e-mails
16- Day at the Races
30 – Ceremonial
6 – Douglas County Parade
7 – Circus Appreciation Party
20 – Sportsmen’s Raffle
20 – Eastern Star Picnic
24-27 – CSSA – Little Rock
10 – Arvada Parade
12 – Stated Meeting
17 – Broomfield Parade
Susan Boles—
Red Fez articles—
Wanda Stretch
Mike Trevathan, P.P.
Don Emarine
Patricia Gilchrist.
Ric Dena
Rich Wall.
RV Roamer
Jill Johnson
Provost Guard
Merv Bauer
Bruce Lawlor
Barbara Christensen.
Dune Buggys
Casey Campbell
Robyn Williamson
Mike Trevathan, P.P.
Sallie Lewis.
Rich Wingate.
Dan Kamunen
Jim Cram.
Shyrlee Anderson
Bobby Marner
Betty Bethune
Rich Wingate.
Jeffco Shrine Club
Legion of Honor
Harry Ciruli Jr
Ruth Gleason
Bill Greene
Lynn Armstrong
Michael Marcus
Don Chalmers
Jim Stewart, P.P.
Phone (303) 455-3470
Fax (303) 458-8849
Red Fez Articles -
Desktop Edition 201607
Larry Clark
Illustrious Potentate
There was a friend whose heart was good.
He walked with men and understood.
His was a voice that spoke with cheer, And
felt like music on the ear.
His was a smile men loved to see; His was
a hand that asked no fee For friendliness or
kindness done. And now that he has journeyed on, His is a fame that never ends--He leaves behind uncounted friends.
Passed thru the Unseen Portals
In Memoriam
“Our beloved Brethren live on in new and
more glorious life and service. We carry their
influence in our lives and their memories in
our hearts. They are not forgotten.”
George Kato
Van T. Kistler
Jack D. Kline
William H. Livingston
Harold F. Weaver
Richard Silver
John Zeaphey
Ric Dena
Joe Castellano
Bill Schwartz
Jay Bobick
Chief Rabban
Assistant Rabban
High Priest & Prophet
Oriental Guide
Bob Salazar
Loren Kohler
Perry Mittler
James Dawkins
Dave Krogh
Ron Dunsmore
Jim Oliver
1st Ceremonial Master
2nd Ceremonial Master
Captain of the Guard
Outer Guard
Lee E. Schlessman (1970)
Robert L. Ullery (1979)
Robert G. Van Male (1988)
Thomas D. Palmer (1989)
Jack D. Patten (1990)
Steve Tucker Jr. (1991)
Richard E. Williams (1993)
Amer Plaisted (1994)
Dr. David Powell (1997)
Jim Lear (1998)
Michael G. Severe (1999)
Jim Fitzpatrick (2000)
Ron Cosens (2003)
Richard Karns (2004-2005)
Clint Dexter (2006)
Tony Dattilo (2007)
Fred Taylor (2008)
Jim Stewart (2009)
Ed Rendon (2010)
Dennis Proctor (2011)
Jim Long (2012)
Matthew Raia (2013)
Phil Hause (2014)
Michael Trevathan (2015)
Susan Boles - Editor 455-3470
John Zeaphey - Associate Editor– Desktop
Ron Dunsmore - Photographer
Tony Dattilo, PP - Feature Writer
Advisory Committee - Tony Dattilo, PP
Subscriptions are only available to members. If you
would like a copy Call (303) 455-3470 and a copy
will be mailed to you for an annual fee of $15.00
Hello, my name is Julian Dawkins. I am currently working on my Eagle Scout Project, creating the Memorial & Serenity Garden for the new Shriner’s Office Building. This new garden will include the previous bricks from the old building and as a fundraiser for the new garden, orders are being taken for new bricks.
These bricks may be purchased in honor of someone, in memory of a loved one, or with a donation a brick would be
added with your name. These bricks serve as an easy and convenient way to donate and serve the El Jebel Shrine.
All proceeds will go towards the Memorial Garden Eagle Scout project. The bricks being sold come in five different
Diamond - $1,500 and up
Emerald - $1,000
Gold - $500
Silver - $300
Bronze - $100
The Diamond Level features a 12”x12” black polished granite brick with 4 lines of engraving. The Emerald Level features an 8”x8” imperial beige brick with 3 lines of engraving.
The Gold Level features an 8”x8” antique red brick with 3 lines of engraving.
The Silver Level features a 4”x8” imperial beige brick with 2 lines of engraving.
The Bronze Level features a 4”x8” antique red brick with 2 lines of engraving
An optional 3rd line is available for the Silver and Bronze Level for an extra $15.
If you would wish to make a donation rather than purchasing a brick, please contact me. It will be greatly appreciated. Please email me at or call me at 303-906-2512 by July 15, 2016.
Order forms are available in the Shrine Office. Please contact the office at 303-455-3470 or e-mail at
Attention all Nobles that are going to CSSA in Little
Rooms are available for you in Little Rock, for the August 24 – 28, CSSA event. The
hotel is the Comfort Inn & Suites Presidential, 707 Interstate 30 Frontage Road.
A block of 24 rooms is available for dates August 24 – 28, Wednesday through Saturday.
The main hotel is about 10 blocks from the convention center area. This is the best we
could get at this late date, but it is a great hotel with great amenities.
Free parking with a multi-level parking structure, free breakfast, afternoon happy
hour bar with snacks, free shuttle bus to and from the hotel to the main river front area
by the convention area. Also, a beautiful outdoor pool with a beautiful view.
We were able to get some great rates:
King or double queen standard rooms at $96.00 per night
King or double queen mini suite rooms at $106.00 per night
These rates do not include any taxes or additional fees.
We were also able to acquire a suite for an El Jebel Shrine hospitality room.
To book a room, please call the hotel directly at: 501-687-7700, ask to speak to the
front desk, then refer to the El Jebel Dune Buggy group to get our group rate. The cutoff date for these rates is August 1, 2016.
If you have any questions please call Don Weiser, 303-489-4390.
Plan ahead now to get your room!
COMMUNICATIONS! Jay Bobick, Secretary
Board of Directors
How often have you heard “Communications is
the key to success”? How often have you thought
that there is no real communication to meet my
needs/desires? Well it is true that communication
is a key to success in any organization, more especially ours, the El Jebel Temple. Now that we have
successfully made our move and will soon be fully
entrenched in our newly remodeled Temple, the
time has come to develop a useful compendium of
communication skills that can and will be used by
every El Jebel Noble and their family.
The question is, how do we accomplish this
“monumental” feat? Simply, by organizing an effective team of willing experts in each communication type of which there are many. The days of
“mouth-to-ear” and telephone only have faded.
Now we use; Red Fez, Mail Chimp, Web Site, Cell
Phone, E-Mail, Twitter, Flickr, Linkedin, FaceBook,
that are just a few of what’s available. I know I
am not knowledgeable of most of these systems
and my guess is many of you, our nobles are not
either. Yet, we need to use every means of communication to effectively reach our membership.
Currently, we have nobles and ladies working diligently and need to thank them. For example: Red
Fez, Susan Boles, John Zeaphey, and Emit Hurdelbrink; Mail Chimp; Phil Hause and Emit Hurdelbrink; Web Site, Emit Hurdelbrink and his daughter
Lisa. Please accept my apologies as I am sure I
have missed several more. The time has come to
expand this group and include those qualified in all
areas of communication.
During Thanksgiving week there will be a trip to
Puerto Vallarta.
Our July meeting will be at Jimmy’s Chalet at
7340 W. 38th Avenue – Wheat Ridge.
Clowns - By Swede “Cuddles” Nelson
It's summer, and parades are coming up
faster than clowns can say, "WOO HOO!!" One of
the toughest elements we have encountered is this
tremendous heat! Some places have been warming up into the 80s by parade time and 90-plus before it's over! That is really, really tough in crazy
outfits BUT it's our makeup that can be a problem.
So, here is a peek at what goes on behind the
scenes for clown makeup. Sheeeesh . . . you
thought this was just whining!
Here is something most of you may not know:
The old style makeup is yet used today by many
clowns; yep, it's still called "grease paint"! It is
heavy, heavy makeup applied via layering. Powder
is added for drying after each layer as the process
continues. Keep in mind that the makeup has to
be "sweat proof" (no little rivers of sweat running
through it), and "hug proof" (we don't want it coming off onto kiddos' cheeks when we give them
hugs). The final product is hard and crusty, and
this heat makes it tough to wear!! Later, the
grease paint is taken off with the old standby, "cold
In the recent past, a new product has surfaced.
It has a coconut-oil base, and it is water actuated.
Just a tiny bit of water is placed into the color container, a brush is used, and on it goes. It dries in
five minutes (nice for repainting mistakes), the colors are vivid, and it does not require powdering. A
plus: At the end of the parade, a Handi Wipe and
five minutes yields a clean face. "Sweeeeet", says
the clown who wants to get home early! Warmly,
To that end, I would like to invite any noble who "Cuddles" Swede Nelson
has experience in any area of communication to an
initial meeting to establish an effective Temple Directors Staff - By Don Douglass
Communications Committee to meet current and
Things to all Nobles and Ladies,
future needs. Since many travel throughout the
summer, this first meeting will be held on 5 Sep- At the retirement community that I live in, there
tember, 6:30 pm at the Temple. Please let me are four elevators and each one contains the same
know if you are interested, your contact infor- quote of the day. Sometimes they make sense and
mation (e-mail), and your area(s) of expertise by e other times they do not. I will try to pick out a
-mail, at any time during the couple during the month that I think; you might
summer months. I will compile a list and send an enjoy and pass it along to you.
e-mail to all in August. This is an important area of
volunteer service and our Temple needs you. I Quote – “The time to repair the roof is when the
look forward to receiving your e-mail and also sun is shining.” – John F. Kennedy
hearing your thoughts at any time throughout the Quote – “Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.” – Ernsummer.
estine Ulmer
Caring Ladies - By Lindy Wazny
Quote- “Life is just a journey.” – Princess Diana
We met at Perkins on 8 June. We had fourteen
present including five guests and Potentate Larry
Clark and his wife Carol.
Larry spoke to us about the Circus, the Alaska
Cruise and the Commerce City Parade.
The Sportsmen’s Raffle will be 20 August at
Douglas County Fairgrounds.
Quote- “If you and a fool have an argument, he
succeeds.” – African Proverb
Stated Shrine Meetings Please see the Red Fez for details, and future happenings. Please be sure to check the Red
Fez for details for the day at the races at Arapahoe
Park. Also, please check your emails and snail
mails for information about the 6th Annual Sportsman’s Raffle.
Director’s Staff Monthly Business Meeting –
Please see the Monthly Business meeting
minutes to know the location of our next eating
and business meeting location(s). As stated in our
Potentate’s message in last month’s Red Fez. He is
planning a Shrine Ceremonial on Saturday July 30,
2016, for details please see this Red Fez. Let’s see
if we can help him out and get some candidates.
Work nights Our Director will notify us, as to where and
when we need to meet for a work night.
Burritos, homemade coffee cake, coffee, and juice.
On June 17/18, we traveled to Salida for the annual FIBArk parade, with most staying on Friday,
June 17, and some staying on June 18. Again, 7
Buggy’s made the trip. We had a grand evening of
socializing and Hospitality on Friday evening.
Our July schedule in not as busy as June. First is
the Brush July 4th parade. Some of us will be
spending the night on July 3rd in Ft Morgan, with
the rest joining us for breakfast in Ft Morgan. Next
will be our monthly meeting, on Wednesday, July
6th, at Malone’s, 14455 W. 64th. Finally, on Saturday, July 23rd, we will have our Social of the Month.
This will be held above Evergreen, at Don and Connie Strand’s cabin. Once again, the plan is for a
Dune Buggy Run, weather permitting. More details
will be emailed out soon.
Birthdays for the Month: Robyn Williamson
Our parades for 2016 have been posted.
Here’s hoping that all the Shriner’s of El Jebel are
Our next parade is the Brush Parade on Monday,
having as much fun as the Dune Buggy Patrol. If
July 04, 2016, please mark your calendars and plan you’re looking for an Inner Body to join that is very
on attending.
active, consider the Dune Buggy Patrol. We have
Nobles and Ladies, let’s keep everyone that been informed that there is a Buggy now available
to buy. If interested, please contact MW Bro. Bob
is under the weather, as well as, our men and
Elsloo for more information.
women fighting to protect our freedom, and those
members of law enforcement, fire fighters, and
paramedics in our thoughts and prayers.
Dune Buggy Patrol By: Don Weiser
June has been a busy month for the Dune Buggy
Patrol. We started the month with the Commerce
City Memorial Day parade. There were 7 Buggy’s
on parade, with 5 riders. Most of the group met for
breakfast at the T/A truck stop.
Next stop was the Johnstown Parade, on
June 4. We again had a great turnout with 7 Buggy’s on parade, and 5 or 6 riders. We all met for
breakfast, this time at the Johnsons Corner Restaurant. This was a great parade with lots of folks
along the parade route.
Our June meeting was held on June 8th, at Jay’s
Bar and Grill. There were 11 members present,
with 6 ladies also attending. Our ladies discussed
the plans for the FIBark weekend while the men
held our meeting. It was a great evening of socializing, dinner and meeting discussions.
Englewood Shrine Club - by Don Phelps
The June 11th social had the theme of Baseball. It was also saying good bye to Russ, Ginny,
and Vince Gray. The Gray's have been very active
in the Club. Russ has been President three times
in recent years. We will miss them. There were
On June 11, the Dune Buggy’s held their June So- twenty-five people at the social.
cial event and Buggy run. This was held at the
Now for the future, on July 9th we will have our
Genesee Park in the foothills. There were 6 Bugannual picnic at Kent and Mona's house. You are
gy’s making the event, with 14 members and Lainvited!!! The theme is "4th of July A "Murder Mysdies present. Also present was a Special guest,
tery on the Grill". Tom Yok will provide the enterPatti Dunsmore’s sister. To liven up the event,
President Ron Williamson arranged to have every- tainment. If you are interested in Mystery Playone take part in an exciting event, A BLINDFOLDED house, this is the place you will want to be. The
cost for the evening is just $18 per person. The
OBSTICIAL COURSE. Each member drove the
time is 5:30 for the social hour. Make your resercourse with his lady giving course directions. This
turned into quite a spectacle as many of us appar- vations with me (Don Phelps) at 303-471-2481 or Make reservations by
ently don’t know our right from our left. The winner of this was Ron and Patti Dunsmore. We would July 6th.
like to say a big “THANK YOU” to Robyn Williamson We are still going to Black Hawk. In July we will go
for arranging a wonderful breakfast of Breakfast
on July 14th. We meet at Highlands Temple (35th
and Federal) and the bus leaves at10:00 am. The
cost is $10 which goes to the Shrine Club. The Casino pays for the bus. We need lots more people. If you are interested call me at the above
number for more details.
Mayor. and Brother Mason to many of us on the
Plains. His influence was quiet but firm and he
lived up to his obligations that he took in 1946
when many of us were toddlers. He may be gone
but hopefully not forgotten His legacy lives on in
the men who were touched by his gentle demeanor
Jeffco Shrine Club - By Jim Cram
and friendly smile. “Well done, good and faithful
It was a great day for well attended Annu- servant” …
al Picnic at Fairmont Park on June 15. The BrothOur recent business meeting was completed in
ers’ BBQ picnic food was excellent and the beer
an efficient manner as we heard reports from repand pop met everyone’s needs. We were pleased to resentatives of local Lodges, York Rite and Scottish
welcome our Potentate, Larry Clark, and his Lady,
Rite bodies sharing their upcoming activities. We
Carol. Also present Past Potentate, Phil Hause, Div also discussed our fireworks sale set for July and
Rep Joe Castellano, and his friend, Beverly Green.
paid all the bills. We discussed purchasing a disA special visitor was, Dianne White, who is the wid- play canopy for use at our local activities and speow of Oris White who was President of the Club for cial events. It was soon time for all to go to work
the year 2000. President Herb led the Pledge of
so we departed with Peace and Harmony prevailAllegiance, said the Invocation and welcomed eve- ing.
ryone to start the festivities. Phil Hause won the
Horse Shoe Championship but it was close match.
As most of you know, our club meets for breakOthers participating were Dan Kamunen, Gary Jew- fast each month and we often bring our Masonic
ell and Heb Schillerff. A group picture was taken by friends to join us. So, our standing invitation is
the BBQ delivery man so that everyone present
offered to all Masons to meet with us on the second
could be in the picture. Thank you very much Herb Monday of the month at 6:00 a.m. at the Sinclair
and Lorna Schillerff, Smokey Yoritomo and Gary
Overland Trail Café at the Atwood Exit #115 off IJewell for making all the picnic arrangements.
76. We guarantee a hearty breakfast with lots of
friendly Shriners.
Congratulations to Frank and Minnie Yoritomo
who celebrate their wedding anniversary on July
OPTARS - By J & J Taylor
Ron Dunsmore did a program at the June dinner
Lou Maxson report on a trip to Fredericksburg,
meeting, at Davie’s Chuck Wagon. He brought,
Texas and was accompanied by his son, Steve.
and showed us, some of his framed, enlarged phoThey visited Lou’s daughter, Janet, and her hustographs, taken at the Denver Zoo. Many of Ron’s
band Dr. Jim Lindley, and granddaughter and fami- pictures have won awards and have been featured
ly. Fredericksburg is the home Admiral Nimitz and
in magazines, and he urged us to submit our best
South Pacific War Museum.
pictures to various places as well.
Jack Russell shared a letter he has received some
time ago in which Chapin Blake expressed sincere
thanks to Jack for his efforts in preparing the
Sports Raffle contest. They usually are set up for
football (Super Bowl), College Basketball (Sweet
16), and Baseball (World Series). Jack appreciated
very much receiving Chapin’s letter.
George Moreno had been asked to do a short
educational session for the end of the June program. Besides showing a few of his own pictures,
he showed one of his brainstorm computer drawings (most likely created earlier in the day!) of a
mermaid; the process he went through to produce
“her” was quite hilarious!
The Green Mountain United Methodist Church is
holding a reception on Sunday July 3 from 2 to 4
PM in Fellowship Hall to celebrate Jim Cram’s 100th
Birthday. It is expected that approximately 200 relatives and friends will attend to help devour the
100 candle Birthday Cake.
As a result of looking at these fantastic photos,
the Optars members present voted to “buy” a table
at the Sportsmen’s Raffle, and put up for auction a
large framed photograph. Members are asked to
submit their best photos (which will enlarge well),
and one will be picked for this purpose. Tickets will
be sold ahead of time for entering the auction.
Legion of Honor - by Don Phelps
Remember Jim Cram’s 100th birthday party,
The Legion of Honor is dark in the summer
coming right up on July 3rd! Jim is one of Optars’
for meetings. We are very active in all the Parades Past Presidents, and still faithfully attends most
the Shrine participates in. If you have any quesdinner meetings.
tions call me (Don Phelps 303-471-2481 or email
me at
Optars will not have dinner meetings for the next
two months; however, Ron will be heading up the
NORTHEAST Colorado Shrine Club - By Charlie summer photo shoot at Red Rocks Park, on August
14. We will meet at the top, at 8:00 a.m.! Pictures taken at the summer photo shoot have tradiOur community in NE Colorado sustained the
loss of a dedicated Man and mason last week when tionally been shown (and critiqued) at November’s
Optarama, organized by Ed Hamm.
Wm. B. Paynter passed away. He was a fifty-year
member of his local Lodge, the Denver Consistory,
So our next meeting hopefully will be held in the
and El Jebel Shrine. Bill was an attorney, Judge,
new Shrine building. The dinner part is going to be
at Kennedy Golf Course Clubhouse---we hear they
have delicious food! The program will be by Ron &
Robyn Williamson, on Hawaii. We’ll meet at 6:00
p.m. for social hour and dinner; then we’ll transfer
to the new Shrine building for a quick meeting.
The program will start shortly after 7:30. Come
with a guest or two; let our Treasurer, George
Moreno, know you’re coming.
To see the Optars’ schedule for 2016, look at our
web site:
Pipe Band - By Kent Burns
It is difficult writing an article two weeks before
(to meet the deadline) about events yet to come,
and make it seem as though those events are factual and in the past. Last month’s article is a case
in point. The weather forecast was for hot and dry
until after Memorial Day. (Although anyone who
has lived in Colorado for more than a month knows
full well the climate prognosticators have a lessthan stellar accuracy rate; some of us still take a
chance and are just as often caught with the proverbial pants down. I have shoveled six inches of
partly cloudy off the driveway on more than one
occasion.) So I swallowed the Kool Aide and talked
about how the performances over that weekend
were in warm-to-hot weather with the inference it
was also dry. In actuality, the Greeley High School
graduation ceremony was moved indoors due to
rain that was just this side of torrential. And the
Resthaven Memorial Gardens show was performed
with one eye on the clouds – which showed us their
indifference to kilts and pipes and staying dry by
opening up just as we were about to finish. Oh
well, at least the rain held off long enough to satisfy the crowds.
While at Resthaven, we were able to pay our respects to one of the founding fathers of the Band,
Bill “Sully” Sullivan, who rests there, and also to
Nancy Bergquist. That one was particularly rough
since it has only been a month or so since she entered into eternal rest. Sully’s widow, Beverly, was
her usual bright and cheery self, regaling all with
“remember when’s” and coyly telling us not to look
too closely at the dates on her headstone. Of
course, all being gentlemen, we honored her request. (She looks great, especially when you do
the math using that date!)
June was a fairly quiet month, with only the Colorado State Patrol Academy graduation and the
Scott Wagner Memorial Softball tournament to occupy our time. The CSP graduation we have been
doing for a long time now; they used to hold it at
the old Shrine Center. The tournament was to help
with the medical expenses left by a Westminster
police officer who recently succumbed to cancer,
and for whose funeral and interment John Harris
played. (Note: We played for the softball tourna10
ment; we didn’t play in it.)
This month, July, is also fairly quiet. The big
event of the month is the annual outdoor meeting
of Wheatland (WY) Lodge at the Kennedy Ranch.
For those of you who have never had the pleasure
of this pilgrimage, it is well worth the time. Up in
the mountains just a little south and west of
Wheatland is an outdoor lodge “room,” complete
with the usual furniture which is very unusual. The
three main chairs, the altar, and the candlesticks
are all made of flagstone. We haven’t been there
for two years, so it is possible other pieces have
been constructed in the Kennedy’s continued upgrading. Last time we were pleased to find the
splintered-infested old wooden seats had been upgraded to aluminum bench-seats, a well-received
“plus,” especially for those whose attire renders
certain portions of the anatomy vulnerable to those
splinters. (Remember, we attend and perform for
this meeting in the usual Scottish attire, which includes kilts which have no leather crotch such as
seen on some cowboy jeans. In fact, there is little
between us and the bench, but that could be considered by some as TMI.)
Then there is one of the few Highland Games left
in the area, those in Elizabeth. While quite as big
as those in Estes Park, they are a fun little games,
and deserving of a visit from time to time. Now
that Highland Ranch games have moved to Snowmass, there are fewer games near here. Hopefully
they will stand the strain of the times and stick
around for a time. They have the usual vendors,
competitions, and ambience of games elsewhere,
just on a smaller scale. We share the “duty band”
work with Michael Collins – they are on Saturday;
we are on Sunday.
June also saw the potential for a new member,
both for the Band and for the fraternity. Dan
McCune dragged along a friend of his, Erik
Aadland, who actually came back a second time on
his own. So there is hope. And our other student,
Jeff Caldwell, is coming along much faster than
usual. He either has an extraordinary talent, a
dedication rarely seen, or both. He should be on
the street very soon. Keep up the good work, Jeff.
for us to caravan to the NEW” Plantation in Evans,
Colorado on June 12. We had 28 members and
guests, what a great turnout. Thank you John and
June 17th and 18th the Clark’s and Eckley’s attended the “Fibark” Parade in Salida. We went on
Friday and stayed the night. A great dinner at the
Elks Club was provided by a local caterer. One of
the ladies helping with the dinner has a two-yearold that was helped by our Salt Lake City Hospital.
This darling child was born seven weeks early and
had a “Palate Problem”. The mother was very
grateful for our help. The parade was very well attended and was a beautiful day. After the parade
we were provided a lunch by some of the Salida
Unit of Al Kaly Shrine.
The Sports will have no business meetings for
June, July or August, but we are still busy with parades and socials throughout the summer. Anyone
is welcome to our socials. Bring guests, friends
and family for some really great fun and friendship.
On July 24th (Sunday) a social at the Eckley’s
home of BBQ Ribs, sides and drinks (bar also). The
price - $25.00 per person. A flyer will be coming
out soon. Contact Kent or Mona if you would like
to attend 303-934-1888 or
On August 21st (Sunday) the Sports will be going
to the Rambler Ranch at 11:00 a.m., cost $15.00
per person and lunch on your own later in Elizabeth. Please contact Rich Wingate if you can make
this 303-601-9608.
Our business meetings are held on the 2nd
Wednesday of each month at different locations.
Dinner is at 5:30 p.m. for those who wish to participate and the meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. Contact
President Rich Wingate 303-690-2523 (home) 303601-9608 (cell) or Hos Varner, Secretary 303-9795942 (home) for location of the September meeting if you would like to come and check out our
If you have a convertible and would like to join a
group that attends the parades, is very active and
has a great time and fellowship contact any officer
for a petition. STAY COOL!!!!!!!
T-Nobles - By Chris Weymouth
We always welcome any and all who may be interested in our Band. We meet every Thursday on
At our meeting last night, the members decided
the third floor at 1900 (that’s 7:00pm for the unini- that we would raffle off a “Bose Wave Music Systiated). And we offer lessons for those interested. tem at the 6th Annual Sportsmen’s Raffle on August
20th, at Douglas County Events Center. It provides
SPORTS CAR CLUB - By Kent Eckley
life-like room-filling sound for Internet services
Well Summer certainly came in with a bang.
such as Spotify, Pandora, Internet Radio, your own
Hot, Hot Weather!!!!!
stored music & CDs, and AM/FM radio. Works with
Seven Sports attended the Commerce City Memo- your home WiFi network and Blue Tooth devices so
rial Day Parade. It was well attended by spectators you can play almost anything you can imagine.
Waveguide Speaker technology delivers deep, hiand seemed that all really enjoyed the day.
performance sound.
Free app transforms your
June 4 was Johnstown Parade and eight Sports
phone into your music remote control. Tickets are
were present. I don’t know what all happened at
available for purchase from any club member and
either the Commerce City Parade or the Johnstown also at our table at the Sportsman’s Raffle. Tickets
parade as I was not able to attend.
will be $5, so be sure to get lots. Also, be sure to
sell your Sportsmen’s Raffle Tickets. It’s easy to
Noble John Kesig and his Lady Sandy made plans
sell a few books to your friends and invite them to
come and enjoy the party. There will be free food
and drink, including beer. Bring cards or games to
play during the time of the drawing.
and meeting at 7pm. Location is to be announced.
Anyone interested in our club is entitled to attend,
just give me a call and I can inform you on the location.
On May 30th, we had five cars participating in the
Memorial Day Parade in Commerce City. The photo shows Don Myers, Travis McLain, Harry Gorham,
Ryan Puckett, and Chris Weymouth. Also present
was Phil Hause who missed the photo op due to his
socializing. Harry has been sidelined because of
knee problems, but it was nice to have him there
and to bring the theme trailer. He wanted to parade, so he rode as a passenger with the Dune
Buggies in Michael and Robin Terry’s car.
Myers, her granddaughter, Emma, and Judy rode in
the Long John Jeep, along with lots of other wives
and Shriners.
We have another work party scheduled for July
17th to work on minor issues with existing cars and
further work on restoring several of the cars that
have been in storage for years. Hopefully, we will
have these cars ready for potential new members
very soon. Anyone interested in joining the TNobles, think about it and we would love to have
you in our unit. If you have any questions about
the unit, please contact me at 559-960-2339.
We are going to Salida this weekend for their
FIBARK activities. Travis McLain, Paul Stoltman,
Byron Walker and Chris Weymouth will be driving
their T-Noble vehicles. It will be nice to have four
cars in the parade this year, last year we only had
one. We are looking forward to a fun weekend!
Our next meeting is July 12th with dinner at 6pm
Recently we were notified of a small
trailer that looks like it might have been an old TNoble trailer parked at the storage yard in Commerce City. No one in our club knows where this
trailer came from. If anyone knows any details,
please call me so that we can know the current
owner of the trailer. We don’t know if this trailer is
available to anybody that needs it. The trailer
needs a lot of work to get parade ready. See pictures below and get in touch with me if you know
something about this trailer. Thanks, Chris
Western Colorado Shrine Club - By Jerald Conyers.
train back in commission with new clown Gary
"Zeke" Weiszbord making his debut. June 25th we
have Eagle Flight Days in beautiful Eagle, CO. the
Well here we go with another one. The meeting only parade that I know of that it takes a helicopter
was called to order by President Emmitt Palmer at
to start the parade and it don't start until it comes
11:45 AM on June 14th at the Grand Vista Hotel
over period. You all come on over if you can it is
with 15 members in attendance. The meeting was lots of fun and good food. Then we will be going
short and sweet as we just discussed how we did at to Cherry Days in Peonia, CO there is always a big
the Circus and the upcoming parade schedule,
turn out there, lots of fun.
which is attached for all to see and come join
us. It looks like we did good at the circuses and
Tri-County will not have their next meeting until
we are discussing making some major changes as
July 30th due to all the parades. The meeting will
to what days we will be having the circuses next
be at RJ's Steakhouse just south of Cedaredge, CO.
year. I know the Ring Toss did good as we sold all everyone
our soda which made it nice to not take any
back. The poster dart booth did well also. We had is always welcome.
some help from mother nature as she decided to
Sickness and Distressed: Bob Emrich and his
rain on the last performance and all the people
wife have been moved from the hospital to assisted
came inside and played at the booths until the rain living quarters at Larchmont Inn. They seem to be
was over the show never stopped as we didn't have getting better but don't know how long they will be
any lightning.
there. Gary Brown has taken over helping as HosThe clowns are the only unit that is up and going pital Coordinator. Walt "Stubby" Wright is still havto the parades right now we had our first parade in ing balance problems and is working with the doctors trying to find out the cause.
Crawford, CO. big town parade is 3 blocks
long but we have a lot of fun. Then we went to
Glenwood Springs for Strawberry Days. Didn't
have a big turnout just 3 clown units showed up,
this was mostly due to other commitments with
other Masonic rites and rituals. But we got the
Meeting was closed at 12:30 PM by President
Emmett Palmer in due form.
Note: Noble David Krogh sent a lot of circus pictures to Noble Taylor for the Red Fez.
My name is Hayley Ryker, on April 8, 2015 I was blessed with my son Brantley Duke. He was born seven
weeks early, with a hole in his soft palate. He spent one month in the NICU. He struggled to eat from a bottle due
to not getting suction.
On June 15, 2015 we had our first visit with the Shriners in Shreveport LA. Then it was monthly check ups until
the day of the surgery. May 17, 2016 was Brantley's big day. we checked in at 5:30am, he was the second child to
have surgery that morning. They took him back at 9 o'clock, His surgery was three hours long. Every hour a nurse
called to let us know how he was doing. After his surgery he was in post-op for an hour. The surgeons came in after the surgery and told us Brantley did amazing!
The next morning Brantley got to come home. He did so well that they released him early. Now a month later
and he has healed beautifully. They gave him the okay to go back to eating solid food. I am so great full for the
Shriners and everything they have done for us. If it wasn't for them I would never have been able to pay for my
son's surgery. They took amazing care of us. They made sure we were always comfortable and truly cared for us
as if we were family. Thank you Shriners you are a true blessing to us. Thank you for all that you do. we are so
happy Brantley and I were able to meet and talk to the Shriners at the OV dinner in Salida, CO. They made us feel
so welcome and loved.
Brantley Duke and Hayley Ryker
Nobles, ladies and friends, please join us, the
Ladies of the Daughters of the Nile, for a trip to the
Mardi Gras Casino in Black Hawk the second Thursday of each month. The dates for this summer include July 14th, August 11th and September 8th. The
price for the bus is $10.00/person. We play Bingo on
the trip. The Casino provides vouchers for lunch,
making the bus your only cost plus whatever you
choose to spend at the Casino. We meet in the north
lot of Highlands Masonic Temple at 10:00 a.m. and
return from Black Hawk at 3:00 p.m. Please contact
Pam Smith at 303-756-9759 or by E-mail at before Wednesday of the
week you would like to go.
Heath, Richard & Patrice
Foster, Jeanie
Turner, Robert M
Kamunen, Dan & Sonja
McKibbin, Kathy
Akridge, Claude & Shirley
McKibbin, Kathy
Reed, Elbert & Carol
Bergquist, Nancy
Proctor, Dennis & Judy
Thee, Bill & Marcia
Carlberg, Jan
Bergquist, Nancy
Coone, Ginny
Keystone Kops—By Larry N. Clark
The Kops had a kicked back relaxed June. The Kops have been easing into the summer parade season. We had the Kops meeting, a couple of parades, and the beginning of Sportsmen’s
Raffle Ticket sales.
The Kops made it up to Johnstown for their parade the first weekend in June. Our T was a
big hit with the crowd, as usual. Some of us got together for lunch after the parade, good times
I’ve heard that a few Kops and their Ladies made the trek to Salida for the Arkansas Valley
Salida Boat Race and Parade. That sure sounds better then Fibark doesn’t it? Once again we went
as participants with other Units since our equipment didn’t make it to Salida. Either way it was
good times with Shriners from El Jebel and Al Kaly.
Keep selling Raffle Tickets, for the Sportsmen’s Raffle to be held August 20 th. We need men
to volunteer to sell tickets at various locations from now up until the day of the Raffle. Contact Perry Mittler to volunteer.
Remember we will not have a July meeting on July 5th.
Birthdays: Barb Christensen, Hal Harper, Bruce Lawlor, Kate McCumber, Jody Moffett, Glenn
20ft pontoon boat aqua, Pattio 40hp motor, new
carpet and upholstery ,trailer, $3500.00 firm.
Marv 303 419-3910
Side by Side—BlackPowder Shotgun $600.00 - 303
941 6251
1 slightly used Classic, call Sam Wittner at 303-915
-0905 he can send pictures and answer any questions.
Can your Unit/Club use an Extra $500?
How about an Additional $3,000?
6th Annual Sportsmen’s Raffle -- AUGUST 20, 2016
Douglas County Fairgrounds
Now is a perfect time for your Unit/Club to get involved with the Sportsmen’s Raffle. It’s
easy and fun. All you need to do: (1) determine what to raffle ($999.99 maximum value);
(2) pay your $50 table fee and submit the “approval form” for approval of your item (as soon
as you get approval, you can start selling tickets); (3) get your members to sell tickets to
everyone they know (along with your Sportsmen’s Raffle tickets); (4) staff a table at the
Sportsmen’s Raffle on Saturday, August 20, 2016; and (5) put the money in the bank!
Last year, units made a profit from $300 to $3,000!
Units from last year have already started signing up again this year for the Sportsmen’s
Raffle. They felt it was easy and profitable. Note: There are a limited number of tables
available for this event. There are some guidelines that must be followed in order to assure
that all state laws regarding “raffle” requirements are met. Call Jim Kato at (303) 771-6835
(home) or (303) 478-6694 (cell) or if you have any questions. Your
Unit/Club President and Secretary have been sent a detailed list of requirements and a
form to submit to get your “spot” reserved. We will answer your questions and help you in
any way that we can.
Don’t forget we will be having a few Vendor tables available at the Sportsmen’s Raffle on
August 20, 2016 for $100 for one table or $150 for two tables. If you know of any Vendor
who would like to be involved, please contact Jim Kato. He has the reservation forms for
the Vendor tables and will be glad to answer any questions and send out the forms.