dance - USA Dance Royal Palm Chapter 6016
dance - USA Dance Royal Palm Chapter 6016
eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ 6016 axãáÄxààxÜ SEPTEMBER, 2015 September 7- Labor Day September 11-Patriot Day September 13-14-15 September 21 - Hajj September 23 September 18 - 27, 2015 History of National Ballroom Dance Week™ 1989: In That great, creative Big Apple of it all, a number of New Yorkers led by a dedicated dynamo of action, Mary Helen McSweeney, put together a "Ballroom Week," April 21st to the 28th. The week was to bring ALL of the dancing community together and present Ballroom Dancing at its best to the public. With Dulaine and Marceau’s fabulous show as an "anchor," these intrepid NYC members of the Greater New York Chapter of USABDA bonded with studios, pros, the city government and caused dancing everyplace in the city - from libraries to ferry boats, from studios to public and company halls. The media loved it and relished covering it. A 1990, September 14-21 concept had been put into place. President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush dance - at Constitution Ball - Washington, DC 1990, September 14-21: The editors of the major dance publications in the United States, Doris Pease of Dancing USA, Cay Cannon of Dance Action International and Bob Meyer/Joan Adams of Amateur Dancers got together, and in consensus, agreed to publish the proposition of the whole country having a NATIONAL BALLROOM DANCE WEEK™ (NBDW™) with the Amateurs, the Pros, the Studios, the governments, vendors and other interested parties and sectors. They decided to have a full week with "anchor events" at each end of the week. Creative chapters solicited and obtained “proclamations" from Mayors, Governors and (through the efforts of then USABDA president Peter Pover) even President George Bush along with a picture of the President and Mrs. Bush dancing. Studios hosted "open-door" weeks. Thousands danced. Princess Diana dancing with John Travolta in the See more at: entrance hall at the White House hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 2 COME DANCE WITH US The USADance eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ 6ICDI V{tÑàxÜ DANCE 2ND TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 7:00 - 8:00PM P.M. Free Dance Lesson with Liene DiLorenzo with paid Admission to the evening Social Dance 8:00 - 11:00 P.M. - General Dancing At the GOLDCOAST BALLROOM Lyons Plaza, 1415 Lyons Road Coconut Creek, Florida ATTENTION: ROYAL PALM CHAPTER MEMBERS Our New Schedule of Dances are: October 13 - 2nd Tuesday November 10 - 2nd Tuesday November 21 - 3rd Saturday - Show by Alexei and Olga Kiyan December 19 - 3rd Saturday - Christmas Chapter Dance - Free for all Royal Palm Chapter Current Members Please note that starting November 19 our Royal Palm Chapter Dances are held on the 3rd Saturday every month. To all our Members who continue to participate in our Chapter Dances and A ctivities. SPECIAL DANCE PARTY & SHOW CELEBRATING NATIONAL BALLROOM DANCE WEEK! September 19, 2015 7:30 PM–1:00 Featuring Our Excellent Amateur Dance Couples and International Performers from CID-UNESCO World Congress on Dance! Goldcoast Ballroom and Co-Hosted by hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI *All Amateur Couples are Invited to Participate in the Show!! Dance your own routines. Any style of dance. As many dances as you wish. SIGN UP NOW!! To Sign up to Dance or Reserve Tickets (Only $20.00 p/p) for the evening: Call Goldcoast Ballroom: (954) 979-0770 For More information about the Show, ask for: Liene Di Lorenzo at Goldcoast Ballroom or Patti MacDonald, President, USA Dance Royal Palm Chapter Email her at VOLUNTEER PHOTOGRAPHER NEEDED WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE YOUR TALENTS BY HELPING CREATE MEMORABLE MOMENTS FOR THOSE WHO LOVE DANCING? PHOTOGRAPHER NEEDED TO COVER OUR SPECIAL DANCE PARTY & SHOW CELEBRATING NATIONAL BALLROOM DANCE WEEK ON SEPTEMBER 19, 2015 - PLEASE CONTACT PATTI MACDONALD AT - Email: hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 3 Happy Birthday September Celebrants Please See Announcement on pages _10_ & _11_ re: Election to be held for Royal Palm Chapter Board of Directors. USA DANCE FLORIDA CHAPTERS CELEBRATE Gail Brecher Tricia Don Connie Koontz Mel Niser Lee Ranger Joi White Clara Salazar Marius Ungureanu If your birthday month went by and you were not listed, we do not have your date. We would like to include your birthday and celebrate you. Please email Herb at with your month and day. No year is necessary. September 17 (Thursday) - USA Dance Vero Beach Chapter #6070 National Ballroom Dance Week Celebration - 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM; DJ: Robert Scott; Lesson: West Coast Swing at Heritage Center - 2140 14th Avenue in Downtown Vero Beach, Fl 32960 Admission: USA Dance members - $8.00; Guests - $10.00; Contact Lorely Ridge, President/Secretary at: 772-770-9684 or E-mail: ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ September 19 (Saturday) - The Spirit of Citrus Dancers USA Dance Chapter #6072 National Ballroom Dance Week Celebration at the at Kellner Auditorium 102 Civic Circle Beverly Hills, FL 34465 Members - $6.00 Non-members $9.00 Complimentary dance lesson at 7:00 PM. Open dancing from 7:30 to 10:00 PM. Ice and coffee provided. Music by Butch Phillips. For more Information call Deborah Piotte, President - 746-6906 or Email: ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Marius Ungureanu and Brigitte Pfindel Clara Salazar and Alex Kulik 4 David & Connie Koontz Charles & Joi White ~ DANCE YOUR AWAY ~ “Relationships are like a dance. It's as much about your patience, kindness, confidence, and sense of rhythm as it is your choice of partner.” Author Unknown USA DANCE FLORIDA CHAPTERS CELEBRATE NATIONAL BALLROOM DANCE WEEK____________ September 19 (Saturday) - A Special Dance Party and Show celebrating National Ballroom Dance Week - 7:30 PM–1:00 AM Co-Hosted by Goldcoast Ballroom and USA Dance Royal Palm Chapter #6016. All Amateur Couples are Invited to Participate in the Show. Dance your own routines. Any style of dance. As many dances as you wish. Sign up now. To Sign up to Dance or Reserve Tickets (Only $20.00 p/p) for the evening: Call Goldcoast Ballroom: (954) 979-0770; For More information about the Show, ask for: Liene Di Lorenzo at Goldcoast Ballroom or Patti MacDonald, President, USA Dance Royal Palm Chapter or email at September 20 (Sunday) - USA Dance Orlando, Florida Chapter #6002 celebrates National Ballroom Dance Week - “Ballroom Blast at the Mall” - 2:00 PM (FREE) Non-stop Ballroom Dance performances at the Orlando Fashion Square Mall. We have a fabulous lineup of dancers, Pros, Amateurs, Pro-Ams performing showcase dances on the Mall’s center court stage, to show the public the joy and fun of the many genres of ballroom dancing: Latin, Swing, Country, and Smooth. We will also intersperse some general dances, where everyone can dance on-stage or around the audience to DJ Bobby Chapman’s great music. For information Contact: John Davis, Chapter President 407/614-3472 @ or Email - ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ September 20 (Sunday) - USA Dance Martin St. Lucie Chapter # 6047 National Ballroom Dance Week Celebration - 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM; Showcase Dance by Kevin and Louise Payne - USAD members $8.00; Public $11.00 at the Jensen Beach Ballroom - 881 NE Jensen Beach Blvd, Fl34957. For Information: Call: Ron Bryson, President at 772/713-4698, email or Call Randy - 914 589-5500 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ September 20 (Sunday) USA Dance Chapter #6026 - Greater Daytona Please join us for our no cost Mall Ball at the Volusia Mall, Daytona Beach, Fl in celebration of National Ballroom Dance Week for performances and general dancing - 12:00 N 4:00 PM; Email the chapter with questions or suggestions Have a Great Day and KEEP ON DANCING hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 5 We're missing You at our ANOTHER DANCE ROAD TRIP On our way home from a road trip to Augusta, GA for a family reunion, Herb and I attended the July 7th 1st Tuesday USA Dance Ocala Chapter #6027 Sadie Hawkins Day dance. We had a lovely time joining their fund raising event to benefit local Veterans. All the men were “arrested ” and placed in jail by the amiable “Sheriff” Ken Ward, Vice President of Ocala Chapter in complete cowboy attire - cowboy hat and boots. It was amusing to watch all the men inside the improvised “jail” in a corner of the ballroom waiting to be bailed out by their partners. No men on the floor - there was nobody to dance with! So the ladies paid the $1.00 fee each for the release of their partners. After a few dances, it was the ladies’ turn to be herded to “ jail ”. The men returned the favor and paid the $1.00 bail for each one’s release from the pokey and the dance continued. Have you ever heard of the Barn Dance Mixer? Well, I never had -‘til then. We found it to be an interesting variation of a dance mixer and fun to take part in. Before the mixer starts the ladies form an outer circle and the men an inner circle. A brief lesson is given for the short, simple dance pattern to the music of Bachata that was easy and fun to learn. Every time the ladies complete their twirl they face a different partner and the circle moves clockwise until the music ends. I also had an opportunity to enjoy learning some new Bachata dance patterns so deftly dances, Marlene Paris ~ We all wish You a speedy recovery and look forward to having you back on your Dancing Feet. From your Friends In the Dance World SAVE THE DATE January 30, 2016 The Annual USA Dance eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ WtÇvxfÑÉÜà VÉÅÑxà|à|ÉÇ “WINTER FROLIC” at the Goldcoast Ballroom In Coconut Creek, Florida See Details Visit our Competition website: led by “Sheriff ” Ken Ward, who turned out to be such a proficient dancer. Regret we missed Pat Vollman, President of the Ocala Chapter who was away at the time. Next stop was the fully attended 2nd Wednesday chapter dance of USA Dance Southern Star Chapter #6038 at the famed Rhapsody Ballroom in Tampa - which has a beautiful and spacious wood dance floor, site of the 21st Mid-Summer Classic All Amateur Ballroom Dance Competition held on Saturday, July 25th. A fascinating dance lesson in Swing East Coast was in progress when we walked into the ballroom, and a variety of scrumptious fare on the buffet table was being set up. The attendees enthusiastically enjoyed an impressively tender and graceful Pro-Am Showcase of Waltz, Fox Trot and Tango. We danced amidst several skilled dancers on the floor some of whom were recognizably DanceSport competitors and Comp judges. It was gladdening: to see and say hello to DJs’ Peg and Mike Johnston, to see them dancing together again; and to enjoy a brief conversation with the vibrant, trimmer Tracey Zirfas, President of Southern Star Chapter. We look forward to seeing them again, hopefully, in a “not too distant future” T erry O’ hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 6 ANYONE INTERESTED TO ATTEND? 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION USA DANCE PRESENTED BY USA DANCE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CHAPTER 6049, FORT MYERS, FL and USA DANCE NAPLES PARADISE, FL CHAPTER 6103 on Saturday, September 19, 2015 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM at THE CALOOSAHATCHEE WATERFRONT PIER in the “Historic River District” 300 Hendry Street, Fort Myers, FL Black Tie Formal, Vintage Formal Optional Featured Dancers: Daniel Fugazzotto and Janis Merluzzo Music by Daniel Fugazzotto Ticket Price: $60.00 USA Dance Member - $50.00 Please make Checks payable to: USA Dance Chapter 6049 Mail to: 2797 First St. Apt. 306, Ft. Myers, FL 33916-1859 For Information you may contact: Mary Bonnette 239-851-9876 or ~ LEARN TO DANCE ~ hf WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 7 ~ SO YOU CAN DANCE TO YOUR HEART’S CONTENT ~ Ballroom Dance Lessons Monday - Tuesday (Advanced) or Thursday Seven 2-Hour Lessons (7-9 pm) $55.00 Per Person Includes 90 minute Instruction CD Free Need a partner or private lesson? $15.00 per hour Join a Second Class for 1/2 Price! Classes are Held at the American German Club 5111 Lantana Rd. Lake Worth ''Never Forget What You've Learned" With Recorded Cued Combinations Call: Howard Marlow 561/793-5370 President National Dance Teacher of America Ballroom Director, Dance Masters of America Certified by Test To Teach Dance for Fun! Tell Your Friends! LET’S KEEP ON DANCING Do you have any dance pictures that you would like posted on our Website? Please send them to our Webmaster, Marius at Do you have any DANCE related subject that you would like to talk about or published? Comments? Please submit them to: Terry O’Donnell, your Newsletter editor, at IF YOU CHANGE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS PLEASE NOTIFY MARY AT USA DANCE CENTRAL OFFICE 800-447-9047 fax 239-573-0946 OR EMAIL OR ONLINE: WHERE YOU CAN JOIN, RENEW OR UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION. THIS WILL ENSURE THAT YOU GET OUR NEWSLETTER AND KEEP YOU INFORMED OF CURRENT EVENTS IN OUR DANCE COMMUNITY. hf WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 8 Support the Sport that you Love Join USADANCE today Look at the return on your investment! Regular Price / USADance price Each dance for 11 months - - - - - - - - - $15.00 / $13.00 Free entry for ladies in May - - - - - - - - $15.00 / FREE Free entry for men in June - - - - - - - - - $15.00 / FREE December - Free at Gold coast - - - - - - $13.00 / FREE (For all current Royal Palm Chapter Members only) * As a USA Dance member, you are entitled to a discounted admission rate to regular USA Dance Chapter dances held anywhere in the country. A great feature for those who travel or who have multiple chapters within driving distance. * Members receive free subscription to our bi-monthly magazine - American Dancer WHAT A BARGAIN! JOIN ONLINE: GO TO At Dance Membership Management System! This is your USA Dance membership portal to JOIN, RENEW, UPDATE your contact information, or PRINT your membership card. Click on Click on: JOIN USA DANCE OR RENEW/CHANGE YOUR USA DANCE MEBERSHIP USADance encourages renewing online. However if you must, please send a check to USADance Inc. Member Services Dept., PO Box 90 Oak Hill, Fl. 32759-009 MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS PROGRAM As a member of USA Dance, you are eligible to access special benefits and discounts as listed below. Contact the vendors directly for more information on the items of interest to you. See more at: for links to individual servers. HEALTH INSURANCE MARKETPLACE - USA Dance Health Insurance Marketplace, Long Term Care Resources Insurance, Veterinary Pet Insurance, VPI PET INSURANCE LONG TERM CARE RESOURCES INSURANCE - - ACSIA Partners TRAVEL BENEFITS -Wyndham Hotel Group, CAR RENTALS (Avis, Budget), CRUISES ONLY, FUNJET, HOTEL - Motel 6, Red Roof Inn, ORLANDO VACATIONS. TNT Vacations DISCOUNTS AND SERVICES - Office Depot, Azigo, FREE Prescriptions Savings Card hf WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 9 Our Board Members & Officers for 2015 Patti MacDonald - - President and Competition Organizer Daniel Shanetzky - - - - Vice President Carolyne New - - - - - Treasurer Board Members At-Large Geri Easter Connie Koontz Dave Koontz Les MacDonald Herb McCarter Supporting the Board Marius Ungureanu - - - - - Webmaster, Royal Palm Chapter Website Connie & Dave Koontz - - - Webmasters, Our Competition Website Terry O'Donnell - - - - - - - - - - - - - Newsletter Editor Geri Easter - - - - - - - - - - - - - Photography ========================================================= NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING RATES SIZE 1 ISSUE 2 ISSUES Full Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/4 Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Business Card . . . . . . . . .. . . $40 $20 $10 $5 $70 $35 $18 $9 Contact Patti MacDonald: 3 ISSUES $100 $50 $25 $12 YOU CAN POST YOUR ADS OR LISTINGS ON OUR NEWSLETTER OR OUR COMPETITION WEBSITE AT: LET’S ALL KEEP ON DANCING This election year reminds us of the old story of the dance teacher who talked of a very old dance called “The Politician.” “All you have to do,” she told her class, “is take three steps forward, two steps backward, then side-step, sidestep, and turn around.” Make a promise to get elected, then spend the rest of the time doing the avoidance dance —and then the promises go unfulfilled. For many of us, this is true not only in our political lives, but also in our spiritual lives. hf WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 10 The Board of Directors of USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter # 6016 Announced in our August, 2015 Newsletter that the Election for Members of the 2016-2017 Board of Directors of the Chapter will be held on November 10, 2015. Please Read the following Notice which appeared in our August Newsletter, and PLEASE NOTE: If you are interested in running for the Board, Your Candidate Confirmation Form or Candidate Nomination by Petition Form Must be Received by September 10, 2015 per the instructions below: According to the Bylaws of USA Dance, the Board consists of from 7 to 9 “Voting Members” of our Chapter, who are elected by the “Voting Members” of the Chapter every two years. The Bylaws define “Voting Member” as any (i) Recreational: Social, (ii) Athlete: Competitor, or (iii) DanceSport Professional: Official member of the Chapter in good standing, who is at least 18 years old. The next Board will be elected to serve for 2 years, from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2017. In accordance with the USA Dance Chapter Election Procedures, the current Board has appointed the following Voting Members in good standing of the USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter, to serve as the Nominating and Elections Committee for the next election: Vi Chiong – Committee Chair. Vi is a Member & former Board Member of USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter. Vic Chiong – Vic is a Member and former President & Board Member of USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter. Marius Ungureanu – Marius is a Member and Chapter Webmaster of USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter. Paula Mendelsohn - Paula is an active Chapter Member and long-time Volunteer at the Chapter’s Competition. Jan Hurley – Jan is an active Chapter Member and Volunteer. The Nominating and Elections Committee is an impartial body, and members of the Nominating and Elections Committee are not permitted themselves to be candidates for election to the Board, nor are they permitted to endorse or engage in campaigning or electioneering for any candidate. In accordance with the Bylaws of USA Dance and the USA Dance Chapter Election Procedures: The Nominating and Elections Committee invites all Voting Members in good standing of USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter # 6016, to Propose Candidates for the 2016-2017 Chapter Board of Directors to the Nominating and Elections Committee, No later than September 10, 2015, by following the procedures stated below: Either: 1. Submit a “Candidate Confirmation Form” completed and signed by the proposed candidate (which can be yourself – if you are a Voting Member – or any other Voting Member of our Chapter), in which the candidate must agree to serve if nominated and elected, state the candidate’s USA Dance Member Number and expiration date (and attach a copy of the candidate’s USA Dance membership Page 11 card), and include the candidate’s biography, qualifications, and past service to USA Dance in sufficient detail to enable the Nominating and Elections Committee to assess the candidate’s qualifications for office as a Director. Any Voting Member of our Chapter can obtain the required form of “Candidate Confirmation Form” from the Nominating and Elections Committee by request e-mailed to (indicating your USA Dance membership number and e-mail address). The completed Form can be submitted to the Nominating and Elections Committee by mailing it to the address stated below. Submission of the Candidate Confirmation Form to the Nominating and Elections Committee does not guarantee that the candidate will be placed on the Ballot. The Nominating and Elections Committee has discretion to select and include on the Ballot only those candidates so submitted that the Committee determines to be best qualified to serve as Board members. Or: 2. If you are a Voting Member of our Chapter, You Can Submit a “Candidate Nomination By Petition Form,” Completed and Signed by at Least 10 Voting Members of USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter # 6016 (including yourself), to place your own name on the Ballot: If you are a Voting Member of our Chapter and you meet the requirements of the Petition, your name will be guaranteed a place on the Ballot. In order to be valid, each “Candidate Nomination by Petition” form must be completed and signed by the candidate, must be accompanied by a copy of the candidate’s USA Dance Membership card and biography showing your qualifications to serve, and must also be signed by the lesser of (i) 10% of all Voting Members in good standing of the Royal Palm Chapter of USA Dance as of the date 4 months before the Election or (ii) 20 Voting Members in good standing of the Royal Palm Chapter of USA Dance. As of the date 4 months before the Election, the Royal Palm Chapter had a total of 92 Voting Members in good standing; thus, a total of 10 signatures of Voting Members of the Royal Palm Chapter of USA Dance would be required to validate any Candidate Nomination by Petition form. As a Voting Member of our Chapter, your own signature can count as one of the 10 required signatures. Petitions must include the USA Dance member number and expiration date of each signer. Any Voting Member of our Chapter can obtain the required form of “Candidate Nomination By Petition Form” from the Nominating and Elections Committee by request e-mailed to (indicating your USA Dance membership number and e-mail address). In order to be considered, Candidate Confirmation Forms and any Candidate Nomination By Petition forms must be submitted to and received by the Nominating and Elections Committee on or before September 10, 2015. All such forms shall be submitted to the Nominating and Elections Committee by mail, addressed to: Vi Chiong, Chair, Nominating and Elections Committee c/o USA Dance Royal Palm Chapter 4805 Nolina Lane Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Forms received after September 10, 2015 cannot be considered. The Nominating and Elections Committee will announce in the October, 2015 Chapter Newsletter the Slate of Candidates to stand for Election for the 2016-2017 Board of Directors of the Chapter, and the Elections Procedures to be followed. When You feel Sad, ~ JUST DANCE ~ hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ Septembert, 2015 Page 12 DA N C I N G A R O U N D If you are planning a Dance Road Trip, it is convenient to have on hand the schedule of dances held by our sister Chapters to make it easier to coordinate your schedule and get in as many dance days as possible during your trip. We have therefore prepared a list of the Florida Chapters with their scheduled dances by the Day of the Week. We hope this will make it easier for you to work out your itinerary. Remember to arm yourself with one of those valuable Hotel Coupon Books that each State provides, if you are budget conscious. SUNDAY USADance (StarCast Miami) Chapter #6061 (Serving the Florida areas of: Miami, Miami Beach, Coral Gables, Homestead, South Miami, Kendall, Miami Springs, Key Biscayne, Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay, FL) Chapter dance on the first Sunday of every month - Start Time: 6:00pm As always a GRAND POTLUCK! $5.00 - Members; $10.00 - Others Bijoux Dance Studio - 4150 SW 70th CT Miami, FL 305-667-5359 Call Mary 305-596-0107 or Susie 305-271-0642 Contact: Mary Radford, President - Rosemarie Klee - (305) 387-1342; Amelia Canali (305) 448-7356 Or you may contact them thru their contact provider at: “We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~ hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 13 * Life is a Dance * USA Dance Blue Springs Chapter #6086 (Serves all of West Volusia and Seminole counties) Monthly dances are held on the 1st or 2nd Sunday of every month: at Chisholm Community Center at 520 South Clara Ave. Deland, Fl 32720 Doors open at 5:00 PM; 5:30 PM - General Dancing: 6:00 - 8:30 PM Dance Hosts are available at no charge to dance with unaccompanied ladies. Admission: $6.00 for members, $10.00 for non-members, $3 students with ID Shared "potluck" dinner table; Contributions are encouraged and appreciated, but not required. Soda, water and coffee are provided for a donation of $1.00 per item Fifty percent of the 50/50 raffle goes to our Youth Program. Jan Covert, President - 386/218-4768 Deltona Charles Pirnat - Vice 386/-734-4515 Deland Charles Pirnat, Vice President 386-734-4515 Gale Henderson - Secretary - 386-574-7496 Visit our Website: Notice : As of October 4 2015 admissions will be $8.00 for members, $12.00 for non-members, Students $5.00. Blue Springs Chapter 2015 Monthly Dance Schedule: SEPTEMBER 13 - SEMI-FORMAL - LESSON: TANGO NOVEMBER 1 - DRESSY CASUAL LESSON: SALSA OCTOBER 4 - DRESSY CASUAL; LESSON: COUNTRY 2 STEP DECEMBER 6 - SEMI-FORMAL LESSON: QUICKSTEP USA Dance Blue Springs Chapter #6086 Visit our Website: See the calendar for specific dates and times Or email: or Call 386-218-4768 Contact by Email Online : Jan Covert, President - 386/218-4768 Deltona Charles Pirnat, Vice 386/-734-4515 Deland Charles Pirnat, Vice President 386-734-4515 Gale Henderson - Secretary - 386-574-7496 Stephen Cerra - Treasurer - 386/860-5330 Deltona John Teetsel - Web 386/789-6856 Board Members: Charlie & Litta 386/738-3940 Norma Teetsel- If a non-member joins our Chapter at the dance, they get in free for the night. Members who bring a guest that joins also get in free for the evening. ~ Let’s All Dance ~ hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 14 USA Dance Chapter #6049 Southwest Florida (Serves Ft. Myers, Cape Coral and Port Charlotte) Hosts a Social Dance Every 4th Sunday “Down by the Riverside” at the Riverside Community Center - 4:00 to 7:00 PM - 3061 East Riverside Dr., Fort Myers, FL 33916 239-676-8581 USA Dance members $8.00 Non-members - $10.00 Website - Saturday, September 19, 2015 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION USA DANCE - PRESENTED BY: USA DANCE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CHAPTER #6049, FORT MYERS, FLORIDA AND USA DANCE NAPLES PARADISE CHAPTER #6103 AT THE CALOOSAHATCHEE WATERFRONT PIER in the “Historic River District” 1300 Hendry Street, Fort Myers, FL 6:00 - 10:00 PM Black Tie Formal - Vintage Formal Optional - Featured Dancers: Daniel Fugazzotto & Janis Merluzzo; Music by Daniel Fugazzotto - Ticket Price: $60.00 USA Dance Member - $50.00; Please make Checks payable to USA Dance Chapter 6049 - Mail to: 2797 First St. Apt. 306, Ft. Myers, FL 33916-1859 - For Information you may contact: Mary Bonnette 239-851-9876 or For more information Contact - Tom Timmons, President Chapter 6049 Call 954/798-0757 or email: Southwest Florida Chapter #6049 Board of Directors Tom Timmons, President/ Newsletter Editor Jo-Ann Bevins Social Dance & Volunteer Coordinator, Wayne Manning Vice President/DJ Marjorie Riordon Director at Large Marty Beck - Director at Large Email - Carol Davis Treasurer/Marketing Barbara Wilson Membership, Communications Amy Maneval - Secretary Mary Bonnette – Special Events Coordinator hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 15 “Never criticize your dance partner.” ~ Brave Combo ~ USA Dance Chapter # 6058 - North Star Jacksonville (Serving the area of Jacksonville) North Star Jacksonville Chapter dances are on the 4th Sunday of each month at the Jacksonville Dance Center: 2375 St. John's Bluff Road S, Jacksonville, FL Doors Open at 6:15 PM-Free Group Class 6:30-7:00 PM General Dancing - 7:00; 10:00 PM Admission: $10.00 members and $12.00 non-members To Sign up for our wonderful "Dance Host Program" Contact Jan Crisostomo at (904)6166541. You may also email her at: For additional information contact: Joy Bellemare at (904)248-2014 or Carol Wyninger at (904)220-0232 or Visit our Website: USA Dance Chapter - North Star Jacksonville Chapter Officers: • President: Joy Bellemare • Vice President & DJ: Kim Taylor • Secretary: Craig Acton • Treasurer: Jan Crisostomo • Member Coordinator: Carol Wyninger • Members-at-Large: Craig Acton Joseph Dagher Member-At-Large & Past President: Wade Nolan To Sign up for our wonderful "Dance Host Program" Contact Jan Crisostomo at (904)616-6541. You may also email her at: For additional information contact: Joy Bellemare at (904) 248-2014 or Carol Wyninger at (904) 220-0232 or Visit our Website: Member-At-Large & Past President: Wade Nolan (904) 220-0232 Face book Meet our Hosts “A man who knows how to dance can make any woman feel good.” ~ Barbara Haller ~ hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 16 MONDAY USA Dance Sarasota White Sands Chapter #6012 (Home of USA Dance Amateur Champion Competitors: Daniel Fugazzotto and Janis Merluzzo * 8-time USADANCE National Champions in American Rhythm and the American Nine Dance) Weekly Social Dance Every Monday at The Sara Dance Center of Sarasota, FL 5000 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, FL 34231 Dance Lesson 7:00 - 8:00 PM with a new professional instructor every month General Dancing - 8:00 - 10:00 PM At 6:30 PM the ladies can sign up for $2.00 taxi dances with the pros. Admission - $8.00 Members; $10.00 Non-Members; $5.00 student with I.D. Unless stated otherwise, all dances are open to the public. For more information please Text or call: Bill Grolemund, President, at (941) 720-6875 or email; (New) Visit our Website: Sarasota White Sands Chapter #6012 Board of Directors Bill Grolemund President Michele Garden Vice President Irene Press Secretary Diane Kemp Treasurer Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter by Richard Powers ( I ) For centuries, dance manuals and other writings have lauded the health benefits of dancing, usually as physical exercise. More recently we've seen research on further health benefits of dancing, such as stress reduction and increased serotonin level, with its sense of well-being. Most recently we've heard of another benefit: Frequent dancing apparently makes us smarter. A major study added to the growing evidence that stimulating one's mind by dancing can ward off Alzheimer's disease and other dementia, much as physical exercise can keep the body fit. - - - WHY DO WE DANCE? hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 17 USA Dance Suncoast Chapter #6004 (Serves the areas of Pinellas County, St. Petersburg, Gulfport, Largo, Clearwater) Chapter Dances on the last Monday every month 7:00 - 10:00 P.M. - Members - $5.00; $7 Non-Members 7:15 - 7:45 - Class 8:30 - Show Held at the historic Gulfport Casino 5500 Shore Blvd South, Gulfport, FL 33707 (at the foot of Beach Blvd.) Doors open and music begins at 7:00 PM - Dance ends at 10:15 PM President : Nancy Welch - 727/ 576-1206 Website: The Casino 2015 Monthly Dance dates - * September 16 (Wednesday) - USA Dance 50th Anniversary Dance 7:30pm - 10:00pm Bayou Dance Club - 6541 102nd Ave N. Pinellas Park 727- 548-6511 Hosted by Mario and staff; Bayou members Free, $ 8.00 USA Dance members, $10.00 non-members *September 28 (Monday) - Suncoast Chapter Member Appreciation Dance @ Gulfport Casino Card carrying members are FREE this evening - 7:00pm -10:15pm @ Gulfport Casino 5500 Shore Blvd S, Gulfport, FL (727) 893-1070 * November 15 (Sunday) - Anniversary Dance for, at Magic Dance Club in Largo *October 7 (Wednesday) - St Petersburg Coliseum Celebration of National Ballroom Dance Week 11:30 lesson - $3.00; Dance - 12:30 - 3:30pm; $7.00 Members $5.00 Students W/ID card; Show given by White Sands Chapter competitors. Suncoast Chapter #6004 Board of Directors Nancy Welch President President : Nancy Welch - 727/ 576-1206 Vice Pres.: Gail Spear, - Administrator of our Facebook page; Membership Chair - 359-2817 Nancy Welch Secretary: Bets Meier - 360-9689 Treasurer: Wendell Wood - 614-2789 Publicity Chair: Betty Jo Scherer 397-5754 Photographers: Ed and Mary Zuranski Members-at-Large: Donna Draper: 522-2805 Ian Forestier - 823-0922 Richard Moss: 595-3724 Essie Lutes: 219-5483 Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter by Richard Powers - - - Continued: ( II ) Dancing also increases cognitive acuity at all ages. You may have heard about the New England Journal of Medicine report on the effects of recreational activities on mental acuity in aging. - - - hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 18 TUESDAY hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI Monthly Chapter Dance - Every 2nd Tuesday of the Month 7:00 PM - Free dance lesson by a Professional Instructor 8:00 - 11:00 P.M. - General Dancing Special Rate for USA Dance Royal Palm Chapter Members - $13.00 Non-members - $ $15.00 Held at The Goldcoast Ballroom 1415 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek, FL 33063 Contact Patti - Email: Visit our website - Or our Competition website: We proudly sponsor Florida Atlantic University Dance Club Patti MacDonald President Special Dance Party and Show celebrating National Ballroom Dance Week, September 19, 2015 (Saturday) 7:30 PM–1:00 AM Co-Hosted by Goldcoast Ballroom and USA Dance Royal Palm Chapter. Call Goldcoast Ballroom: (954) 979-0770 For More information about the Show, ask for: Liene Di Lorenzo at Goldcoast Ballroom or Patti MacDonald Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter by Richard Powers - - - Continued: ( III ) Here it is in a nutshell. The 21-year study of senior citizens, 75 and older, was led by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, funded by the National Institute on Aging, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Their method for objectively measuring mental acuity in aging was to monitor rates of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. The study wanted to see if any physical or cognitive recreational activities influenced mental acuity. They discovered that some activities had a significant beneficial effect. Other activities had none. They studied cognitive activities such as reading books, writing for pleasure, doing crossword puzzles, playing cards and playing musical instruments. And they studied physical activities like playing tennis or golf, swimming, bicycling, dancing, walking for exercise and doing housework. One of the surprises of the study was that almost none of the physical activities appeared to offer any protection against dementia. There can be cardiovascular benefits of course, but the focus of this study was the mind. - - - hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 19 USA Dance Ocala Chapter #6027 Winner of the 2014 USA Dance District 9 Florida “Rising Star” Award (Serves the area of: Ocala, Gainesville, Hawthorne, Citra, Anthony, Belleview, The Villages, Marion, Lake & Alachua Counties and Surrounding Areas) Twice-Monthly Dances are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at The Armenian American Cultural Society 8831 SE 58th Ave. Ocala, FL (Hwy 35) Baseline Road Belleview, FL Dance Instruction: 7:00 to 7:30 PM; Open Dancing: 7:30 to 10 PM Admission: Members - $8.00 pp; Non-Members: $10.00 pp Beverages and light desserts available Pat Vollman - Chapter President - 352-307-8486 Email - Webb site: Contact: Bill Wayland - Membership Chairman @ Ocala Chapter Twice-Monthly Dances Dance Instruction: 7:00 to 7:30 PM; Open Dancing: 7:30 to 10 PM Admission: Members - $8.00 pp; Non-Members: $10.00 pp Beverages and light desserts available Left To Right : Pat Vollmann, Norma Wayland, Gail DiCorcia, Judy Amspacher, Mary Hoffman , Paul Estock & Tom Amspacher USA Dance Ocala Chapter #6027 Elected Chapter Board Members 2015 President: Pat Vollman Vice President: Ken Ward Secretary: Gail DiCorcia Treasurer: Norma Wayland Directors At Large: Newsletter/Webmaster: Charles & Amy MacDougall Membership/Public Relations: Joy Schimborski Special Events: Dennis Rose Hospitality: Carol Cerniglia, Norma Pat Vollman - Chapter President - 352-307-8486 Email - Webb site: Contact: Bill Wayland - Membership Chairman @ hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 20 "To watch us dance is to hear our Hearts speak." ~ Hopi Indian Saying ~ WEDNESDAY USADance Pasco County Chapter #6090 USA Dance Pasco County offers a monthly dance event every 1st Wednesday of the Month in Port Richey at The New Lakes of Regency Park Civic Center 8330 Civic Dr., Port Richey, Fl Doors open at 6:30 pm; Dance Workshop - 7:00 – 7:30 pm; Mixers & Open Dancing 7:30 – 8:30 pm Dance Exhibition -8:30 – 9:00 pm; 9:00 – 10:00 pm Mixers & Open Dancing DJ Mike will be playing the latest in ballroom dance music. Admission is $6 for members, $8 for non-members (refreshments & snacks included) President: Pete Petrignani - 727-967-3106 Hudson For information - Local Chapter email: or Call 727-967-3106 Pasco County Chapter #6090 Officers President: Pete Petrignani - 727-967-3106 Hudson Vice President: Robbie Cash 727-207-8077 Port Richey Secretary - Sherry Richert Treasurer : Robbie Cash 727-207-8077 Port Richey Pete Petrignani President Volunteer Coordinator: Jeanette Leonard 727-869-3189 Board Members At Large: Mary Martin - New Port Richey Carol Makris Cheri` Harapat Website - Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter by Richard Powers - - - Continued: ( IV ) There was one important exception: the only physical activity to offer protection against dementia was frequent dancing. Reading - 35% reduced risk of dementia Bicycling and swimming - 0% Doing crossword puzzles at least four days a week - 47% Playing golf - 0% Dancing frequently - 76%. That was the greatest risk reduction of any activity studied, cognitive or physical. - - - hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 21 USA Dance Southern Star, FL Chapter 6038 (serves the area of Tampa) Monthly Chapter Dances Held every 2nd Wednesday of the Month - 7:30 – 11:00 PM at The Rhapsody Ballroom (one of the best floating, maple dance floors in the state of Florida) 12101 North 56th Street, Tampa, Florida (813) 985-6570 Admission: ($6.00 Members) ($8.00 Non-Members) Southern Star Chapter 2015 Monthly Dances January 14 ……………….Monthly Dance February 11 ………..…….Monthly Dance March 11.……..……..……Monthly Dance April 8 ….………….………Monthly Dance May 13……..……….……..Monthly Dance June 10…..……….…..…..Monthly Dance July 8………..…….….……Monthly Dance July 25………..……….…..MidSummer Classic August 12 ……..…..….….Monthly Dance September 9………..…….Monthly Dance Oct 14…………………..….Monthly Dance Nov 11……………………..Monthly Dance Dec 9……………………....Monthly Dance General Dancing, Mixers, Refreshments For More Information: CALL Carol or Pete Peterson - (813) 689-5381; Peg or Mike Johnston (813) 685-1656 Contact us by email - PO Box 4 , Valrico, Florida 33594 * To sign up for the email blasts about upcoming events and chapter dances. Send to: jdvorak@verzion Visit our Web site: (Sponsor of Strawberry Crest High School ballroom dance lessons with Daria Kopylov as their coach) Southern Star Officers & Committee Members President…….……………..…... Tracey Zirfas Vice President .........……..... Jackie Blount Secretary ............................ Martha Hughes Treasurer ............................ Stan Shephard Members-At-Large .……...... Elaine Derby, Jerry Dvorak, Beth Nolan Competition Chair …………... Michael Nolan Entertainment Chairperson .. Lelia Blevins Membership Chairperson ..... Peggy Johnston Outreach Chairperson .......... Lelia Blevins Publicity Chairperson……....... Deborah Kobritz Refreshment Chairpersons….Lurlene Gough and Jackie Blount Newsletter Editor…………….... Nikki Dvorak hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 22 THURSDAY LOVE ~ TO DANCE DANCE ~ TO LOVE USA Dance Chapter # 6106 Lake-Sumter Counties FL (Serving the area of: Leesburg, Wildwood, Lake Panasoffkee and other communities in Lake & Sumter Counties ) Generally we have our dances on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays, Fall through Spring; 3rd Thursdays through Summer. Kellner Auditorium - 102 Civic Circle, Beverly Hills, FL Lake Sumter Counties, FL Dance Schedule - 2015 7:00 PM - A free 30-minute lesson followed by general ballroom dancing till 10:00 P.M. Light snacks and beverages are provided Admission: Members $8.00; Non-member- $10.00 For Questions and information: Contact Nancy Kitchen at: Or Call: 352-793-2707 or Visit our Website - USA Dance Chapter 6106 - Lake Sumter 2015 Board Members: USA Dance Chapter 6106 Lake-Sumter Counties Board Members: Luz Sweetland, Max Hansel, Joyce Brinson, Preston Crandall, Barbara Word - President Barbara Word - President Nancy Kitchen Vice President/Acting Treasurer Max Hansel - Secretary Directors: Regent Weber, Ray Gardner, Diane Bixler, Owen Bixler, Ursula Olive Carl Ferguson - Volunteer Preston Crandall - Director Emeritus LET’S KEEP ON DANCING Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter by Richard Powers - - - Continued: ( V ) Neuroplasticity: What could cause these significant cognitive benefits? In this study, neurologist Dr. Robert Katzman proposed that these persons are more resistant to the effects of dementia as a result of having greater cognitive reserve and increased complexity of neuronal synapses. Like education, participation in mentally engaging activities lowers the risk of dementia by improving these neural qualities. - - - “In couple dances, gentlemen, hold onto her like you like her.” ~ Richard Duree ~ hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 23 USA Dance Chapter #6070 Vero Beach Florida Every 3 Thursday of the month - We invite you to join us at The Heritage Center 2140 14th Ave in Downtown Vero Beach for our monthly Ballroom Dances. On a 2,920 sq ft floor (40x73) Dress: dressy casual or theme of the month Free dance lesson from 7:00-8:00 PM, Open Dancing from 8:00 - 10:00 pm $8.00 for members, $10.00 for Guests, Half price for students with ID. Donations to the refreshment table are welcome. Water and soda $1. 2015 VERO BEACH CHAPTER DANCE SCHEDULE rd *September 6 - 3:00-6:00 PM, We are holding an extra Sunday Afternoon Social Dance Phil & Caroline Gaskin will be teaching Bolero September 17 (Thursday) - National Ballroom Dance Week 19-28th; DJ: Robert Scott; Lesson: WCS October 15 (Thursday) - Autumn Leaves - DJ: Bob Kane; Lesson: Hustle November 19 (Thursday) - Toys for Tots Mayflower Ball DJ: Robert Scott Lesson: Viennese Waltz December 17 (Thursday) - Jingle Bell Rock Dinner Dance & Food Drive for The Source - 7:00-10:00 PM $$15.00 per person - Please RSVP 772-770- 9684; Live music with Janice & Rene * For information Contact: Lorely Ridge, President/Secretary at: 772-770-9684 or E-mail: Visit our web site at: Vero Beach Chapter 6070 Board of Directors Left to Right: Fred & Donna Knerr - Food and Beverages Lorely Ridge - President / Secretary Marge Callahan - Membership Joe Wynes - Treasurer LET’S KEEP ON DANCING Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter by Richard Powers - - - Continued ( VI ) As Harvard Medical School psychiatrist Dr. Joseph Coyle explains in an accompanying commentary: "The cerebral cortex and hippocampus, which are critical to these activities, are remarkably plastic, and they rewire themselves based upon their use." - - - hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 24 FRIDAY USA Dance Chapter # 6047 Martin - St. Lucie Chapter Dances on the 1st Friday at 7:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. rd and the 3 Sunday of the month at 3:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. At the Jensen Beach Ballroom - 881 Jensen Beach Boulevard, Jensen Beach, FL $8.00 - Members; $11.00 Future Members Our dances include dance mixers, line dancing, raffles, and light snacks. During 2015 we are holding theme dances on Fridays, otherwise, attire is dressy/casual. Sundays may include a dance exhibition or lesson. We welcome all to come join us at our Chapter dances for some dancing, make new friends, and have fun! Our Chapter holds fundraiser events that have provided for Treasure Coast Food Bank, Police Athletic League (PALS), Dance Competition, and “Toys for Tots” drive. Contact us: Ron Bryson - 772-713-4698 or email him at; Randy Lenna - 914 589-5500 MARTIN-ST. LUCIE CHAPTER Members of the Board of Directors (L-R): Dick Diamond - Public Relations & Communications Cathy Migliore - Hospitality Karen Diamond - Secretary Jeanette Barnett - Treasurer Ron Bryson - President Donna Norton - Hospitality Susan Giffen - Vice President Randy Lenna - Web Manager Visit our Website: Visit our face book: USA DANCE #6047 MARTIN - ST.LUCIE Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter by Richard Powers - - - Continued: (VII ) Our brain constantly rewires its neural pathways, as needed. If it doesn't need to, then it won't. hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 25 USADANCE ORLANDO FLORIDA CHAPTER #6002 (Serves primarily the 3-county Metro Orlando, Florida area: Orange, Seminole, & Osceola Counties) Established in 1991; USA Dance Chapter of the Year 2012 & 2014! District 9 Join Us on the Third Friday of Each Month for an Evening of Fun and Dancing at The Bahia Shrine Ballroom 2300 Pembrook Drive, Orlando 32810 (just off Maitland Blvd, West of I-4 Exit 90) 7:30 - 8 pm - Free - Group Lesson; 8 - 11 pm - General Ballroom Dancing Regular admission is $6 for USA Dance Members $10 Non-Members (Slightly more for charity events.) Questions about The Orlando Chapter of USA Dance, please direct them to: John Davis, Chapter President @ 407/614-3472 or Email - Visit our Website Web Site Contact: Meet the Members of the Orlando Chapter Board President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Mark your Calendars September 20 (Saturday) 2:00 PM (FREE) - “Ballroom Blast at the Mall” to celebrate National Ballroom Dance Week - Non-stop Decorations Competition/Committees Communication/Website ballroom dance performances at the Orlando Fashion Square Mall with Pros, Amateurs, Pro-Ams - performing showcase dances on the Mall’s center court stage. Everyone can dance – onstage or around the audience – to DJ Bobby Chapman’s great music. hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 26 Let’s All Get Together And DANCE SATURDAY The Spirit of Citrus Dancers USA Dance Chapter #6072 (Comprises Crystal River, Homosassa, Inverness) Dances are held at Kellner Auditorium, 102 Civic Circle Beverly Hills, FL 34465 For 2015 we will still be dancing on the FIRST and THIRD SATURDAY, with the exception of April and July, where we will be having only one dance. WHEN: 7:00 - 10:00 PM - Complimentary Dance Lesson from 7:00 - 7:30 PM Admission: $6.00 - USA Dance Members; $9.00 - Non-Members Complimentary, coffee, snacks and ice; Sodas available for purchase. For more Information call - Deborah Piotte, President - 746-6906 Email: Website: Spirit of Citrus Dancers Chapter - 2015 Dance Schedule FEBRUARY 7 - (BILL) Dimmitt Birthday FEBRUARY 21 - BUTCH LADY IN RED MARCH 7 - (CHARLES) Birthday MARCH 21 - (BUTCH) Swing into Spring APRIL 4 - NO DANCE APRIL 18 - (BUTCH) APRIL IN PARIS and B-DAY MAY 2 - (CHARLES) Birthday/Latin MAY 16 - (BUTCH) COUNTRY DANCE JUNE 6 - (BILL) Birthday Dance JUNE 20 - (BUTCH) ANNIVERSARY BALL JULY 4 - NO DANCE JULY 18 - (BILL) OLDIES and B-day AUGUST 1 - (CHARLES) Birthday AUGUST 15 - (BUTCH) RAT PACK DANCE SEPTEMBER 5 - (BILL) Birthday Dance SEPTEMBER 19 - (BUTCH) NBDW OCTOBER 3 - (BILL) Birthday OCTOBER 17 - (BUTCH) COSTUME SOMETHING NOVEMBER 7 - (BILL) Birthday NOVEMBER 21 - (BUTCH) Harvest Hoedown DECEMBER 5 - (CHARLES) Birthday DECEMBER 19 - (BUTCH) Grand Holiday Ball Spirit of Citrus Dancers 2015-2017 Board President: Deborah Piotte - 746-6906 Vice President/Photography - Lenore Millison 228-1688 Secretary/Publicity: JoAnn Messina - 746-4274 Spirit of Citrus 2015-2017 Board Members: Paul Piotte, Debbie Piotte, JoAnn Messina, Lenore Millison (not in photo: Clayton Hart, Dominick Passalacqua) Treasurer: Paul Piotte - 746-6906 Newsletter Editor: Deborah Piotte - 746-6906 Membership: Jack Krejca - 344-1383 Refreshments: Clayton Hart - 726-5634 Photography: Lenore Millison - 228-1688 Webmaster: Barbara Krejca 344-1383 Newsletter Editor: Deborah Piotte 746-6906 Director at Large: Dominick Passalacqua 746-4664; Catrina Mercado "Dance isn't a form it's a way of life." ~ anonymous ~ hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 27 USA Dance Chapter #6026 - Greater Daytona FL (USA DANCE NATIONAL CHAPTER OF THE YEAR 2011; District 9 (Florida) Chapter of the Year 2009, 2011, and 2013) (Serving the area of Port Orange, FL) Chapter Dances held every 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month at Gold Star Ballroom - 3100 S. Ridgewood Ave, South Daytona, FL (Use 3090 S. Ridgewood, South Daytona as your GPS address South Daytona, FL 32119) 6:30 PM- Doors open; 7:00 - 8:00 PM - lesson included with admission 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM - General Ballroom and Latin Dancing Admission: $10.00 for members; $15.00 for non-members; 5.00 for students with ID. Waltz and Foxtrot Mixers; 50/50 raffle includes 10 - 15 items, not just the cash; Snacks, cookies (free) and water and soft drinks ($1. per bottle) are available. New members joining our chapter will be admitted free at their first dance. USA Dance Chapter #6026 - Greater Daytona 2015 Dance Schedule September 12 (Saturday) - Chapter Anniversary Dance Cost: $ TBA September 20 (Sunday) - Please join us for our no cost Mall Ball (Volusia Mall, Daytona Beach, Fl) in celebration of National Ballroom Dance Week for Performances and General Dancing - 12:00 N - 4:00 PM September 26 (Saturday) - Chapter Dance including "Dance with a Pro" - 7:00 pm to 10:00 PM; $10. Members; $15. Non-members; $5. Students; Dance Lesson - Cha Cha Taught By: Caleb Young Saturday, October 11 -Beginners-Intermediate ChaCha lesson by Matthew Osborn Saturday, October 25 - Chapter Dance including "Dance with a Pro" Beginners/Intermediate ChaCha Lesson by Matthew Osborn Saturday, November 8 - Chapter Dance including "Dance with a Pro" Bolero lesson By Viorel and Angela Ionita Saturday, November 22 - Chapter Dance including "Dance with a Pro" Bolero By Viorel and Angela Ionita Saturday, December 13 - Viennese Waltz - By Felix Solis Saturday, December 27 - Chapter Dance including "Dance with a Pro"; Viennese Waltz By Felix Solis Greater Daytona Chapter #6026 Greater Daytona Chapter #6026 Board receiving District ”Chapter of the Year” Award 2015 - 2016 Officers and Board of Directors President: Marta Pascale - Serves as the USA Dance Chapter Liaison 386-562-0590 Vice-President - Jean Krupa, serves as National Social Dance Vice President for USA Dance 386-761-1625 Secretary: Tom Sanders - 386/631-1796 Treasurer: Valerie Green 386-290-2472 Directors at Large: Clarence Pan, Carol Edwards, Henry Eure, Donna Keller, Geoff Davis, Alea Plumley, Bobby Weich Key Volunteers: Key Volunteers: Jean Bell, Geoff Davis, Email the chapter with questions or suggestions hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 28 LIFE IS A DANCE FLOOR USA Dance Naples Paradise Chapter #6103 Invites you to Come Dance with us At the Naples Ballroom Company, 1644 Trade Center Way, Naples, Fl $10.00 members and $15.00 non-members DANCE SCHEDULE Saturday, September 19, 2015 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION USA DANCE - PRESENTED BY: USA DANCE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CHAPTER #6049, FORT MYERS, FLORIDA AND USA DANCE NAPLES PARADISE CHAPTER #6103 AT THE CALOOSAHATCHEE WATERFRONT PIER in the “Historic River District” 1300 Hendry Street, Fort Myers, FL 6:00 - 10:00 PM Black Tie Formal - Vintage Formal Optional Featured Dancers: Daniel Fugazzotto & Janis Merluzzo; Music by Daniel Fugazzotto - Ticket Price: $60.00, USA Dance Member - $50.00; Please make Checks payable to USA Dance Chapter 6049 Mail to: 2797 First St. Apt. 306, Ft. Myers, FL 33916-1859 For Information you may contact: Mary Bonnette 239-851-9876 October 24 (Saturday) - HALLOWEEN PARTY (in the planning stage) November 6 (Saturday) - SOCK HOP (another imagined date shown for planning) For Information: Please contact: Kimla Stewart, President Phone: 239-298-0509; Email - Earl Pontillo - Vice President 610/203-9506 or email us at We’ll Keep on Dancing Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter by Richard Powers - - - Continued: (VIII ) Aging and Memory - When brain cells die and synapses weaken with aging, our nouns go first, like names of people, because there's only one neural pathway connecting to that stored information. If the single neural connection to that name fades, we lose access to it. As people age, some of them learn to parallel process, to come up with synonyms to go around these roadblocks. The key here is Dr. Katzman's emphasis on the complexity of our neuronal synapses. More is better. Do whatever you can to create new neural paths. The opposite of this is taking the same old well-worn path over and over again, with habitual patterns of thinking and living. hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 29 USA Dance Space Coast, Fl Chapter #6003 ( serves the area of Melbourne/Palm Bay ) Monthly dances held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday each Month At the Melbourne Ballroom - 6300 N. Wickham Road, Suntree (inside the Omni Health Complex building) Melbourne, Fl 32940 7:30 - 10:30 PM with one hour professional Group Dance less Admission: $5.00 Members, $6.00 Non-members Light refreshments will be provided. Dress code is smart casual/dressy Dance hosts for unaccompanied ladies The dance hosts are qualified instructors from the surrounding areas, from Titusville to Vero Beach. Their responsibility is to see that each lady who attends a dance gets her turn on the dance floor. Your dance level doesn't matter. The hosts are there to be sure you have the best experience possible. All our Sunday dances will be held at the Melbourne Moose (even the USA 5th Sunday dance) at 157 Dayton Blvd. across from Target on 192 (Entrance is through the double doors to the right of the main covered entrance) Robert J. Acosta - President, USA Dance Space Coast Chapter email: - phone: 321-724-1221 Chuck Hendricks, Membership Tel - 321-615-0248 or via e-mail at Contact USA Dance Space Coast Chapter #6003 Phone - 321/446 - 8384 or Go To: Visit our Website: JUST KEEP ON D A N C I N G Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter by Richard Powers - - - Continued: (IX) When I was studying the creative process as a grad student at Stanford, I came across the perfect analogy to this: “The more stepping stones there are across the creek, the easier it is to cross in your own style.” The focus of that aphorism was creative thinking, to find as many alternative paths as possible to a creative solution. But as we age, parallel processing becomes more critical. Now it's no longer a matter of style, it's a matter of survival — getting across the creek at all. Randomly dying brain cells are like stepping stones being removed one by one. Those who had only one well-worn path of stones are completely blocked when some are removed. But those who spent their lives trying different mental routes each time, creating a myriad of possible paths, still have several paths left. As the study shows, we need to keep as many of those paths active as we can, while also generating new paths, to maintain the complexity of our neuronal connections. hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 30 Chapter # 6104 Dances are held on the 3rd Saturday each month: at Arthur Murray Studio, 84 Theater Drive, Suite 300, St. Augustine next to the Epic Theater Doors open at 7:15 PM with a free dance lesson beginning at 7:30 PM Open dancing : 8:15 – 10:30 PM Admission: $10. for USA Dance members; $14. for non-members/guests. $5. Students with ID Dance Hosts cost per slot for our dance host program will be $12.00: To reserve a spot in our dance host rotation, please be sure to contact Della Myers at 904-806-6283 or email Please be aware that it is our policy that this reservation must be paid for at the time you make the reservation for a host. March 21 August 15 Della Meyers St. Augustine , FL Chapter #6104 2015 Dance Schedule April 18 May 16 June 20 September 19 October 17 November 21 St. Augustine , FL Chapter #6104 Board of Directors Rick Hatton Vice President Denise Cooper Secretary Joan Selph Director July 18 Dec - TBA Paul Weaver Public Relations Treasurer: Susan Steward Directors: Virginia "Honey" Burton ; Denise Cooper - Membership Paul Weaver - Public Relations; Rick Hatton - Webmaster; Della Myers - Dance Hosts To Contact Chapter: Visit our Webpage: LET’S KEEP ON DANCING hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 31 USADance Tallahassee Chapter #6010 (Serving the area of Tallahassee, FL) Dances are held every 3rd Saturday of the month at The Senior Center 1400 N. Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL Fees: Members - $8:00; Non-members - $14.00; Students with Valid IDs $5. 00 Free Lessons from 7:30 – 8:00 PM General Dancing- 8:00 - 10:00 PM Complimentary Soft Drinks & Snacks. Non-Smoking & Non-Alcohol Environment! For information please email or Call 850.296.9326 Tallahassee Chapter Dance Schedule for 2015 August 15 - Shanghai Moon September 19 - Sapphire Ball (Semi-Formal) October 17- Twist or Treat November 21 - Autumn Leaves December 19 - Old Fashioned Christmas Semi-Formal TALLAHASSEE CHAPTER #6010 BOARD MEMBERS - 2015-2016 For questions, or more information feel free to contact our Board Members or Visit our Website: Visit our YouTube Page Brenda Austin - President Telephone: 850-567-1377 email - Lisa Wiegman - Vice-President Andrea Willett - Secretary 850.893.3168 Ralph Clark - Treasurer 850-383-0385 Michael Webb - Member-at-Large/ Newsletter Editor - 850-556-3210 email - B. J. Gossett - Member and Volunteer Committee 850-445-6579 Members-at-large - Terry Hague, Rose Chapman Website: Use It or Lose It: Dancing Makes You Smarter by Richard Powers - - - Continued: (X) In other words: Intelligence — use it or lose it. What exactly do we mean by "intelligence"? You'll probably agree that intelligence isn't just a numerical measurement, with a number of 100 plus or minus assigned to it. But what is it? To answer this question, we go back to the most elemental questions possible. Why do animals have a brain? To survive? No, plants don't have a brain and they survive. To live longer? No, many trees outlive us. (continued next issue) /Rosh-Hashana HAPPY LABOR DAY! September 7: Became a federal holiday in 1882; celebrated on the first Monday of September. The first Labor Day was held in 1882. Its origins stem from the desire of the Central Labor Union to create a holiday for workers. It was originally organized to celebrate various labor associations' strengths of and contributions to the United States economy. Labor Day is largely a day of rest in modern times marked as the end of the summer season and a last chance to make trips or hold outdoor events. All government offices, schools and organizations and many businesses are closed. bor-day September 21 (Monday) - Hajj_ Hajj is a holy pilgrimage to Mecca that is obligatory for all Muslims who can afford to go. The 3rd chapter of the Quran, Surah Ale-Imran makes Hajj mandatory. Image Attribution Notice: hfT WtÇvx eÉçtÄ ctÄÅ V{tÑàxÜ ICDI axãáÄxààxÜ September, 2015 Page 32 Patriot Day is a day the US remembers the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. This day is commonly referred to as "9-11" ("Nine-Eleven"). It is believed that 2,977 people died in the attacks. President George W. Bush proclaimed September 11th Patriot Day in 2002. Facts about Patriot Day (Sept 11) : On September 11th, US Flags should be flown at half mast - both on US soil and abroad. A moment of silence is held at 8:46 a.m. (EST) across the nation commemorating the time the first plane struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. - Patriot Day (September 11) References and Related Sites Happy Rosh Hashana - September 13, 14, 15 - Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year which literally translates to the Head of the Year. It is a two day festival. In the Bible, it is called Yom Ha-Zikkaron, the day of membrance or Yom Teruah the day of the sounding of the shofar. /Rosh-Hashana Yom Kippur - (Day of Atonement) September 23 (Wednesday) - is the last day to atone our sins of the Ten Days of Repentance, which start on the New Year (Rosh Hashanah). This is a fast mentioned in the Bible and the punishment mentioned for not keeping this fast is excommunication. Jews seek to 'purify their souls' on this day, by abstaining from common pleasures. /Yom- Your Text Here design: * Princess Diana dancing with John Travolta - * Photo of President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush - White House photo by Susan Sterner *Young patriot.jpg - Wikimedia Commons -*Autumn Tree Leaves Red Autumn Forest Golden Autumn, License: CC0 Public Do main / Free for commercial use / No attribution required * The U.S. Army - Young patriot.jpg - Wikimedia Commons* File:Al-Haram mosque - Flickr - Al Jazeera English.jpg Uploaded by BotMultichillT - CC BY-SA 2.0 -* Rosh Hashana - * Hajj - File:Al-Haram mosque - Flickr - Al Jazeera English.jpg Uploaded by BotMultichillT All images in this Newsletter are used pursuant to (i) direct copyright ownership therein by USA Dance, Inc., or (ii) rights to use the image specifically granted to USA Dance, Inc. or its Royal Palm Chapter by the copyright owner, or (iii) a public commons license or rights to use the image granted to the public by a free photo-sharing service, or representation by the photo source that the image is in the public domain and our good faith belief that the image is in the public domain. Copyright Policy; Notice: We respect and do not intend to infringe any legitimate intellectual property rights, artistic rights, or copyright of others. If you claim to be or represent the rightful copyright owner of any image or content included in this Newsletter, and you believe that such use of the image or content infringes upon your copyright, then please submit notice thereof by email to (with a cc to our Copyright Agent at ). Please include in your e-mail the information required for a valid copyright notice pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of the United States (17 U.S.C. 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