Skinner`s Nursery
Skinner`s Nursery
Skinner’s Nursery and Garden Centre Ltd. Tel: (204) 564-2336 • Fax: (204) 564-2324 email: • Skinner’s Skinner s Hardy Hardy Perennial Perennial Collection What’s New in the Ingwersen’s Bigroot Geranium • Herman’s Pride Archangel • Petite Delight Monarda • Alpha Phlox • Assiniboine Primrose • Autumn Joy Sedum MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE Take advantage of Skinner’s century of knowledge. Create a perennial garden or enhance your current perennial beds with Skinner’s Hardy Perennial Collection. $22.95 (While quantities last.) 22.95 $ Skinner’s Nursery and Garden Centre Gift Certificates Give a gift of plants to a special friend. We will issue a gift certificate and card in amounts of $20.00 or more for special occasions. The person will receive a copy of our current catalogue or for Christmas gifts we will notify them and send a copy of our next catalogue. Skinner's has a vast selection of Perennials Perennials that can be found throughout throughout the catalogue Skinner’s Nursery and Garden Centre Ltd. Our Nursery is located in Western Manitoba, 13 miles (21 km) south of Roblin, or 20 miles (32 km) north the Yellowhead Highway at Russell on Highway 83 and 3/4 mile east. ❖ Tel: (204) 564-2336 ❖ Fax: (204) 564-2324 ❖ Email: • Website: Skinner Garden Classics 2001 2000 marked the successful re-introduction of perennials to our mail order catalogue. Your response to this offering has been encouraging and while we offer about the same number of varieties for 2001, we hope that we have propagated and included more of the varieties that you are looking for this year. In addition , we have greatly increased our collection so that we may add to our offering in the future. If you visit the nursery, some of these added varieties will be available in small quantities this year. You will be able to see many of these growing in our gardens. Our rose collection continues to expand with additions to all classes which we list in our catalogue. Most notable for 2001 is the addition to our catalogue of two new varieties in the Parkland series – Morden Snowbeauty and Morden Sunrise and three new varieities in the Explorere series – Louis Jolliet, De Montarville and Marie Victorin. We expect to have a number of significant additions in the Heritage roses in 2002 and 2003. We are proud this year to bring you Skinner’s Dwarf Pyramidal Cedar. This plant was grown from seed collected by Frank Skinner near Lac St. Jean, Quebec in 1960. We began to propagate and test it in 1990. At that time the original plant was approximately 180 cm. in height. It has dark green foliage with a noticeable spiral. We believe that this more dwarf form will prove to be a significant addition to evergreens which can be used for foundation planting. Table of Contents Dwarf Shrubs - such as.....................4 Caragana, Cotoneaster, Daphne, Burning, Bush Bush, Eunonymus, Honeysuckle, Mahonia, Sandcherry, Currant, Gooseberry, Smooth Sumac, Cranberry and others. Medium Shrubs................................6 Flowering Trees................................7 Coniferous Trees ..............................8 Coniferous Shrubs ...........................9 Climbing Roses ..............................10 Parkland Series Roses ....................11 Limited Availability Roses .............12 Explorer Series Roses.....................13 Heritage Roses ...............................16 Old Garden Roses..........................20 Rugosa Hybrid Roses .....................19 Deciduous Shade Trees .................20 Potentilla........................................22 Spirea .............................................23 Lilacs ..............................................24 Tall Shrubs .....................................26 Order Information Order Form Clematis and other Vines ..............27 Perennials - such as: ....................28 Yarrow, Lady’s Mantle, Anemone, Aster Grasses, Herbs, Dianthus, Avens, Daylily, Coral Bells, Archangel, Creeping Jenny, Peony, Phlox, Poppy, Lungwort, Sedum, Thyme, Globeflower, Speedwell, and others. Hostas ............................................41 Irises ...............................................43 Pacific Giant Delphiniums.............45 Skinner’s Hedge Options ..............46 Glossary..........................................47 Index ..............................................49 Skinner’s Research & Development...........................51 Frank Skinner Arboretum Trail.....52 Photo Credits: F.L. Skinner, Hugh Skinner, Morden Research Station, K.J. Roller, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Cover photo: Hugh Skinner, Dropmore Yellow Foxglove g Enthusiasts, roses and clematis in n e d r a G r a De rennials, talogue w varieties of pe River W E S Roblin 5 to Yorkton 5 Lake of the Prairies S h ell Dauphin Frank Skinner Arboretum Trail e hope that you will visit your nursery and will spend time to appreciate the trees which are on the Frank Skinner Arboretum trail for your enjoyment and learning. The nursery and trail are located 21 km south of Roblin, Manitoba or 32 km north of Russell, Manitoba on Highway 83, and 1 km. East. Skinner's Nursery Dropmore 482 Asessippi Prov. Park Inglis Legend Camping er Riv is years ca ded many ne w varieties to th ne Last year we ad d de ad ve ha en. We d in the future. to our trial gard ed varieties to ad st te e or m y an m and we will have our garden cens needs through er en rd Last ga ly pp ued to su order catalogue. We have contin rough our mail th the d at an y ea er ar rs te nu the r immedia ou e id ts tre in Russell, at ou the m at ements any people fro ve made improv ha year we saw m e to W re y. he er e rs who com at the nu r for customers Arboretum and sie on ea h ve uc ha m e it w e at ill mak ties th the many varie nursery which w they want from at th ts an pl e th find We display. s in our garden. any new varietie is m it e d th y an tr ns to io re at pleasu our expect nd yo be s It is certainly a is rm g in rfo are watch n a variety pe ling which we ed se are thrilled whe w ch hi ne w a s n tie u varie ifying whe is in bringing yo particularly grat he real pleasure T . rill. or th sit e vi m a sa is by admired d bring you th an en rd ga ur yo will perform in W N 83 83 Park Lake Hugh Skinner Saskatchewan Manitoba 16 e A s sinib o i n Skinner's Garden Centre Highway Russell 45 16 MANITOBA Our Statement of Purpose To offer plants that will be hardy for the majority of Canadians. We believe that hardiness standards are oversimplified and climatic adaptation of ornamental plants has been largely untested. Skinner’s Nursery actively tests plants for the Zone 2 climatic and encourages the sharing of this information among gardeners. Skinner’s Nursery and Garden Centre Ltd. To support and actively foster the maintenance of a strong genetic plant base by offering a broad selection of trees and shrubs with emphasis on hardy varieties. 2 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Tel: (204) 564-2336 Fax: (204) 564-2324 P.O. Box 220 Roblin, Manitoba R0L 1P0 EMAIL: WEBSITE: 3 DWARF SHRUBS WALKER CARAGANA (Caragana arborescens 'Walker') Plants of this weeping form will creep over walls or form an interesting ground cover on its own roots. SD-CAR-AW-C2..........................................................................2 gal. - $16.00 GROUND COTONEASTER (Cotoneaster horizontalis perpursilla) A low spreading cotoneaster to 30 cm. Interesting for a rock garden. SD-COT-HP-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 CAROL MACKIE DAPHNE (Daphne burkwoodii 'Carol Mackie') A variegated leafed daphne. The pale pink spring flowers are intensely fragrant. In zone 2 this plant needs a protected, shaded, well drained location. SD-DAP-BC-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal. - $16.00 FEBRUARY DAPHNE (Daphne mezereum) A choice dwarf shrub valued for its fragrant flowers early in spring before the leaves appear. It will grow well in shaded locations. SD-DAP-ME-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $16.00 DWARF BURNING BUSH (Euonymus nana) Similar to Turkestan burning bush. Dark green linear leaves. Creeps along the ground . Good semi-evergreen ground cover for a shady location. SD-EUO-NA-C1..........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 TURKESTAN BURNING BUSH (Euonymus nana turkestanica) A dwarf shrub growing to 1 m. in height. Narrow dark green leaves turn red in fall. Shade lover. SD-EUO-NT-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 GLOBE CARAGANA Skinner Introduction (Caragana frutex globosa) A very dense dwarf form of C. frutex to 1.5 m. Drought tolerant. Does not produce seed. SD-CAR-FG-C1 .............1 gal. - $10.00 RUNNING EUONYMUS Skinner Introduction (Euonymus obovata) A hardy ground cover shrub. Will root where trailing stems touch the ground. Light green foliage and strawberry-like seed pods. SD-EUO-OB-C1..........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 KOREAN WINGED BURNING BUSH Skinner Introduction (Euonymus alatus compacta) Grows to 1.5 m. Light green foliage turns brilliant red in fall. Corky winged green stems. SD-EUO-AC-C1 ..........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 MINIGLOBE HONEYSUCKLE (Lonicera X xylosteoides 'Miniglobe') A dwarf honeysuckle. Grows to 60 cm. high and 1.5 m. diameter. Dense growth with blue-green foliage. Morden origination. SD-LON-XM-C1..........................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 CREEPING MAHONIA Heritage Collection (Mahonia repens) A ground cover shrub for shady locations. Attractive shiny dark green evergreen leaves on a shrub which grows to 30 cm. Yellow flowers in clusters in the spring followed by dark blue berries. This strain was collected in the Black Hills and has survived here for 50 years. SD-MAH-RE-C1 ............................................................................1 gal. $12.00 PURPLE-LEAVED SANDCHERRY (Prunus X ‘Cistena’) Dark purple shiny leaves. Spring pruning removes winter tip kill and controls shrub size. Makes an attractive 1 m. shrub. SD-PRU-CI-C1 ............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 WESTERN SANDCHERRY (Prunus besseyi) Upright shrub to 1.2 m. Silvery foliage. Profuse white bloom in spring. The 1 cm. black fruit are astringent but edible and make excellent jam. Used as informal hedge or as rootstock for plums, apricots. FS-PRC-BE-C1.............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 ALPINE CURRANT Heritage Collection (Ribes alpinum) Dense upright shrub. Grows to 90 cm. height. Often used for hedging. SD-RIB-AL-C1...............................................................................1 gal. - $8.00 DAKOTA DWARF GOOSEBERRY (Ribes oxycantha 'Dakota Dwarf') A dense upright shrub similar to alpine currant but more tolerant of shade. Red fall colour. SD-RIB-OD-C1 ..........................................................................1 gal. - $ 12.00 WESTERN SMOOTH SUMAC Globe Caragana 4 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue (Rhus glabra cis-montana) Long pinnately compound leaves on dwarf bush to .6 m. Red fall colour. This dwarf form has come from Clayton Berg of Helena, Montana. SD-RHU-GC-C2..........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 5 COMPACT AMERICAN CRANBERRY HEDGE (PEKING) COTONEASTER (Viburnum trilobum compactum) A dense upright shrub to 1.2 m. Its lobed leaves turn red in the fall. SD-VIB-TC-C1.............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 MEDIUM SHRUBS GOLDLEAF NINEBARK (Grow 1.5 - 2.5 m. in height) FALSE INDIGOBUSH Heritage Collection (Amorpha fruitcosa) This form grows to approximately 2 m. Long pinnately compound leaves, spikes of small dark purple flowers in summer. SM-AMO-FR-C1 .........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 GOLDLEAF DOGWOOD (Cornus alba aurea) This variety grows to 1.5 m. in height, 2 m. across. Striking golden foliage. SM-COR-AA-C1 .............1 gal. - $12.00 NORTHERN GOLD FORSYTHIA (Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Luteus’) An upright shrub with intense golden foliage. Stiking in a mixed border. Will grow to 180 cm. height. It should be more widely used. SM-PHY-OLC1 .............................................................................1 gal - $12.00 DIABLO NINEBARK (Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Daiblo’) An upright growing shrub with outstanding dark purple foliage. Makes a striking contrast to gold or silver-leafed shrubs. Grows to about 150 cm. in height. SM-PHY-ODC1.............................................................................1 gal - $14.00 FLOWERING TREES (Forsythia ovata hybrid) Upright growing bush to 2 m. Developed for flower bud hardiness. SM-FOR-NG-C1............1 gal. - $10.00 SILVERLEAF DOGWOOD (Cornus alba elegantissima) Upright growing to 2 m. Foliage has white margins which give the bush its silvery cast throughout the summer. SM-COR-AE-C1 ..........................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 GEORGES BUGNET SWEETBERRY HONEYSUCKLE (Lonicera caerulea edulis 'Georges Bugnet') A dense upright bush with pale green leaves. Makes an excellent hedge. The blue fruit is edible and makes a very interesting jam. SM-LON-CG-C1..........................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 GOLDEN VARIEGATED DOGWOOD Heritage Collection (Cornus alba gouchaulti) Broad growing shrub to 1.8 m. Golden edged foliage. SM-COR-AG-C1 .........................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 REDOSIER DOGWOOD Heritage Collection (Cornus sericea) The native red dogwood is an extremely hardy and reliable shrub. Winter bark colour is red. It will tolerate growing in wet conditions. SM-COR-SE-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 ISANTI DOGWOOD (Cornus sericea ‘Isanti’) This more compact form of dogwood grows to 150 cm. It has a dense growth habit. University of Manitoba introduction. SM-COR-SIC1 ..............................................................................1 gal - $12.00 6 Heritage Collection (Cotoneaster lucida) An upright growing shrub with shiny dark green leaves and brilliant orange fall colour. Popular for hedges. 25 cm. bare root. See also Skinner’s Hedge Options SM-COT-LU-C1.............................................................................1 gal. - $8.00 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue ROCKY (GREENE'S) MOUNTAIN ASH Heritage Collection (Sorbus scopulina) A small tree with dark reddish-brown bark. Large white flower clusters are followed by clusters of orange berries in fall. TF-SOR-SC-C5........................................................................120 cm. - $30.00 RUDOLPH ROSYBLOOM CRAB Skinner Hybrid (Malus X 'Rudolph) This Skinner variety is introduced in 1954. It's bright pink flowers, hardiness and disease resistant have made it a proven winner. TF-MAL-RU-B4 .......................................................................120 cm. - $30.00 THUNDERCHILD ROSYBLOOM CRAB (Malus X 'Thunderchild') This variety was selected at Sutherland, Sask. It was hardy and the most disease resistance variety. Compact habit. TF-MAL-TH-B4.......................................................................120 cm. - $30.00 SKINNER'S BRONZE MAYDAY Skinner Hybrid (Prunus padus 'Skinner's Bronze') Fast growing tree to 6 m. Large panicles of white flowers in spring. Leaves unfurl green and turn dark bronze purple as they mature. A new variety! TF-PRU-PS-C5.........................................................................120 cm. - $28.00 SHUBERT CHERRY (Prunus virginiana 'Shubert') This small tree develops dark purple foliage during the summer. TF-PRU-SB-C5 ........................................................................120 cm. - $24.00 EUROPEAN MOUNTAIN ASH Heritage Collection (Sorbus aucuparia) Tree grows to 8 m. Clusters of white flowers in the spring are followed by red berries in the fall. TF-SOR-AU-C5 .......................................................................120 cm. - $24.00 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 7 JAPANESE TREE LILAC Heritage Collection (Syringa reticulata) Blooms in late June with large feathery panicles of white flowers. The flowers are exquisitely fragrant. The tree will grow to 7 m. TF-SYR-RE-C5.........................................................................120 cm. - $30.00 CONIFEROUS TREES PRINCE OF WALES JUNIPER (Juniperus horizantalis 'Prince of Wales') Dark green low spreading juniper. Grows to 20 cm. height. One of the best low junipers for ground cover. SC-JHO-PW-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 DUNVEGAN BLUE JUNIPER AMERICAN LARCH (TAMARACK) (Larix larcia) Tamarack grows in moist conditions in the forest. It grows well under garden conditions. The yellow fall colour is a striking contrast to spruce. TC-LAR-LA-C2 ...........................................................................2 gal. - $24.00 SIBERIAN LARCH CONIFEROUS SHRUBS Heritage Collection (Larix siberica) The Siberian Larch is more adapted to dry conditions than our native species. It is a fast growing conifer and will grow to very large size. The gold autumn colour is spectacular. TC-LAR-SI-C2...............................................................................2 gal. - 28.00 COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE Heritage Collection (Picea pungens glauca) We grow Blue Spruce from a hardy source which produces seedlings with exceptional blue needle colour. It is drought tolerant. TC-PIC-PG-C2 ............................................................................2 gal. - $30.00 BLACK HILLS SPRUCE (Juniperus horizantalis 'Dunvegan Blue') Hardiest of the silver blue spreading junipers. SC-JHO-DB-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 COMPACT ANDORRA JUNIPER (Juniperus horizantalis 'Plumosa') Moss green in summer turns purple in winter. Grows to 25 cm. height. Attractive ferny appearance. SC-JHO-CA-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 YUKON BELLE JUNIPER (Juniperus horizantalis 'Yukon Belle') Hardy low growing juniper. Steel blue colour. SC-JHO-YB-C1 ............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 HUGHES JUNIPER (Juniperus horizantalis 'Hughes') A vigorous silvery blue spreader. Grows to 25 cm. height SC-JHO-HU-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 Heritage Collection (Picea glauca densata) Denser than our native white spruce and more drought tolerant. TC-PIC-GD-C2 ...........................................................................2 gal. - $28.00 BLUE CHIP JUNIPER LIMBER PINE SAVIN JUNIPER (Pinus flexilis) A five needle pine native to the Rocky Mountains. Very drought resistant – should be grown on well drained sites. Pyramidal when young becoming round topped in maturity TC-PIN-FL-C1 .............................................................................1 gal - $19.00. BLUE DANUBE JUNIPER SCOTS PINE Heritage Collection (Pinus sylvestris) The Scots Pine grows across northern Europe. Our trees are grown from Scandinavian sources which are practically immune to winter burn. TC-PIN-SY-C2 .............................................................................2 gal. - $28.00 EASTERN WHITE CEDAR Heritage Collection (Thuja occidentalis) This is the natural tree form. It will grow to 10 m. and is a broad pyramidal tree. A beautiful small tree for moist calcareous soils. Native tree to Eastern Manitoba. Makes an excellent screen. TC-THU-OC-C1 .........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 8 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue (Juniperus horizantalis 'Blue Chip') Compact growing form to 25 cm. height. Intense blue colour. SC-JHO-BC-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 (Juniperus sabina) Large spreading juniper, vase shaped. Dark green colour. Grows to 1.2 m. height. SC-JSA-SA-C1.............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 (Juniperus sabina 'Blue Danube') Silvery blue colour. Grows to 80 cm. in height. SC-JSA-BD-C1 ............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 CALGARY CARPET JUNIPER (Juniperus sabina ‘Calgary Carpet’) Low spreading form to 30 cm. height. Light green in colour. SC-JSA-CC-C1 ............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 SKANDIA JUNIPER (Juniperus sabina 'Skandia') Low growing form to 30 cm. height. Dark bluish green. SC-JSA-SK-C1 .............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 9 SIBERIAN CYPRESS (Microbiota decussata) Low growing to 30 cm. Spreading evergreen with flat adpressed needles like a cedar. Grows in a circular form. Plant in part shade. SC-MDE-SI-C2 ............................................................................2 gal. - $24.00 DWARF MUGO PINE Heritage Collection (Pinus mugo mughus) Dwarf mountain pine. Shrubby form. Matures at 2.5 m. height. SC-PMU-MU-C1..........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 PUMILIO MUGO PINE (Pinus mugo pumilio) A more dwarf variety of Mugo Pine which grows to a mature height of 1.5m. SC-PMU-PU-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 BRANDON PYRAMIDAL CEDAR (Thuja occidentalis 'Brandon') Hardy upright columnar form. A standard for foundation planting on the prairies. SC-THP-BR-C1 ............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 SKINNER’S DWARF PYRAMIDAL CEDAR H. Skinner selection (Thuja occidentalis ‘Skinner’s Dwarf’) This dwarf pyramidal cedar has grown to 2 m. at 30 years of age. It has dark green foliage with an attractive spiral form. Very winter hardy. SC-THP-DP-C2 .............................................................................2 gal - $29.00 LITTLE GIANT GLOBE CEDAR (Thuja occidentalis ‘Little Giant’) A dense compact globe cedar, grows to 60 cm. in height. It has proven to be very winter hardy. SC-THG-LG-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 WARREANA GLOBE CEDAR Heritage Collection (Thuja occidentalis 'Warreana globosa') This Siberian native has dark green foliage which is coarser in texture than that of the North American forms. Will grow to a large globe 3 - 4 m. in diameter. SC-THG-GW-C2 .........................................................................2 gal. - $24.00 Winnipeg Parks Rose WHITE MOUNTAINS ROSE (Risley 1958 - Skinner’s Rambler X Skinner’s Rambler) Vigorous trailing shrub. Canes will grow to 3-4 m. in one season. Clusters of very double white “Sweetheart” roses in July. Will kill back to snowline in zone 2. Use as a climber on a fence or as a trailing ground cover. RO-CLI-WM-C1..........................1 gal. - $14.00 MAX GRAF ROSE Heritage Collection (Bowditch 1919 - R. rugosa X R. wichuriana) Long trailing canes can reach 2.5 m. over the season. Clean shiny foliage. Exposed canes will freeze back in zone 2 but will recover to produce profuse quantities of deep pink single flowers. Grow as a ground cover or train to climb on a low fence. Parent to R. kordesii. RO-RUG-MG-C1 ........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 PARKLAND SERIES ROSES These roses have been developed over the past 30 years by Agriculture Canada. The program for their development was begun by Dr. Henry Marshall, was carried on by Lynn Collicutt and is now managed by Dr. Cam Davidson at the Canada Agriculture Research Station at Morden, Manitoba. These roses are generally quite low growing and bloom on new wood throughout the summer. The flowers have good form. The colours are relatively fade proof. WINNIPEG PARKS ROSE Well shaped double flowers open medium red and fade to deep pink. Compact bush to . 8 m. Protect the crown in Zone 2. RO-PAR-WP-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 ADELAIDE HOODLESS ROSE Semi-double dark red flower in clusters of up to 24 blooms. Has proven to be root hardy for 15 years. An outstanding continuous bloomer. RO-PAR-AH-C1 ..........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 HOPE FOR HUMANITY ROSE This double dark red rose blooms throughout the summer on a low bush. It was named in honour of the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Red Cross RO-PAR-HH-C1 ..........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 WOODWARD GLOBE CEDAR Heritage Collection (Thuja occidentalis 'Woodwardi') A dense globe form. Grows to 2 m. in height. SC-THG-WO-C1.........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 CLIMBING ROSES POLSTJARNEN ROSE (Wasast-jarna 1937 - Rosa beggeriana hyb.) The white rose of Finland. Vigorous climbing plant produces a copious flush of small white semi-double blooms in late June and early July. RO-CLI-PO-C1............................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 10 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Hope For Humanity Rose Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 11 CLIMBERS FROM THE EXPLORER SERIES: MORDEN CENTENNIAL ROSE John Davis, Henry Kelsey, John Cabot, William Baffin, William Booth, Louis Jolliet Rose. Details about these roses can be found on pages ....................9 – 11. Large double pink flowers. Recurrent bloomer with large shiny foliage. RO-PAR-MC-C1........1 gal. - $12.00 LIMITED AVAILABILITY ROSES: We have a few plants available of the following rose cultivars. If we sell out in this spring, let us know if you want us to ship in the fall when the new stock is available. Please indicate product code and variety name on the order form. Prairie Dawn, "Red Dawn X Suzanne", Ames Climber, Fruhling's Gold, Frontenac, Morden Ruby, Dr. Merkeley, Assiniboine, Morden Amorette, Double White Burnett, Charles Albanel, Capt. Samuel Holland, Dwarf Pavement, Purple Pavement, Belle Poitivine Rosa beggeriana, R. laxa, R. multiflora. RO-LIM-VAR-C1.........................................................................1 gal. - $16.00 O ur collection of roses continues to expand. We have added a number of varieties to our list and more to our collection. It was exciting this summer to travel to Alberta to visit the rose gardens at Pink Masquerade Brooks and to con(R. laxa hybrid) tinue on to visit with Robert Erskine near Rocky Mountain House. As a result of this trip we have added a number of rare and worthwhile Canadian originations to our collection. These will be planted in our gardens over the next 2 years. The roses we have planted over the past two years provided bloom and were of interest to visitors this past summer. Their growth has been good and they should provide a spectacular display this summer. We hope that many of you will come to visit and to study these interest- Royal Edward ing and worthy hardy roses. (Explorer series) Jens Munk Rose MORDEN FIREGLOW ROSE Double scarlet red flowers. RO-PAR-MF-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 MORDEN SUNRISE ROSE A breakthrough in hardy roses. An upright shrub to 50 cm. The semi-double flowers are a unique combination of yellow and orange/red. RO-PAR-MNC1 ............................................................................1 gal - $14.00 MORDEN SNOWBEAUTY ROSE Low growing shrub to 80 cm. Continuously produces semi-double pure white flowers which open flat. Good disease resistance. RO-PAR-MSC1.............................................................................1 gal - $12.00 PRAIRIE JOY ROSE Masses of double rose-pink flowers on a compact 60 cm. high bush. Good plant for a low hedge. RO-PAR-PJ-C1.............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 EXPLORER SERIES ROSES The Explorer series are results of a breeding program at the Canada Agriculture Central experimental farm in Ottawa by Dr. Felicitas Svejda in the mid 1960s. This program has been carried on by Dr. Neville Arnold at the Canada Agriculture Research Station at L'Assomption, Quebec. There are two basic types in the Explorer series; hybrid Rugosas and hybrids of Rosa kordesii. JENS MUNK ROSE (Svejda 1974 - Schneezwerg X Frau Dagmar Hartopp) Bush grows to 1.5 m. Semi-double medium pink flowers are produced freely throughout the summer. RO-EXR-JM-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 HENRY HUDSON ROSE (Svejda 1976 - Schneezwerg seedling) Semi double white blooms have a tinge of pink in the bud produced in profusion all summer. Very fragrant. Compact bush to .6 m. in height. RO-EXR-HH-C1 1 gal. - $12.00 Henry Hudson Rose Harison’s Yellow 12 MORDEN BLUSH ROSE Clusters of double blush pink flowers. RO-PAR-MB-C1 ..........1 gal. - $12.00 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 13 HENRY KELSEY ROSE Henry Kelsey Rose (1984 - Rosa kordesii hybrid) Trailing growth habit. Semi-double flowers, bright medium red with a large boss of yellow stamens. Flower clusters of 9-18 blooms. Will die back to snow line in zone 2. RO-EXK-HK-C1.......................1 gal. - $12.00 MARIE VICTORIN ROSE (1998 – L’Assomption) An upright shrub rose with unique peach pink flowers. It may require mulch in Zone 2 along with spring pruning. Highly disease resistant. RO-EXK-MVC1 1 gal - $14.00 Marie Victorin Rose MARTIN FROBISHER ROSE DE MONTARVILLE ROSE (Svejda 1968 - Schneezwerg seedling) Soft pale pink double flowers throughout the summer. Upright shrub with pale green foliage and reddish bark. Disease resistant, hardy and free flowering. RO-EXR-MF-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 (1997 – L’Assomption) Medium pink blooms on an upright plant to 1m. This variety blooms profusely from late June until September. It promises to have very good winter hardiness. RO-EXK-DMC1 ............................................................................1 gal - $14.00 DAVID THOMPSON ROSE (Svejda 1979 - (Schneezwerg X Frau Dagmar Hartopp) X seedling) Fragrant medium magenta red flowers throughout the summer. Compact and attractive shrub with rugosa type foliage. RO-EXR-DT-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 GEORGE VANCOUVER ROSE (L'Assomption 1994 - R. kordesii hyb.) 8 cm. medium red blooms produced in clusters throughout the summer. Upright shrub to 1 m. in height. Disease resistant. Fertile. RO-EXK-GV-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 JOHN DAVIS ROSE (Svejda 1986 - R. kordesii X(Red Dawn X Suzanne op.) Clusters of medium pink 8 cm. flowers throughout the summer. Plant will grow to 1.8 m. and can be used as a small climber. RO-EXK-JD-C1............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 ALEXANDER MACKENZIE ROSE JOHN CABOT ROSE (Rosa kordesii hybrid) Medium red flowers are freely produced on a tall growing bush. Height is limited in our area by winter dieback but survives, grows vigorously and blooms freely. RO-EXK-JC-C1............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 LOUIS JOLLIET ROSE (1990 – L’Assomption) Medium to deep pink flowers produced from June to September. The plant has a climbing or trailing habit to 1.2 m. Winter hardy to the tip in zone 3. RO-EXK-LJC1 ...............................................................................1 gal - $12.00 ROYAL EDWARD ROSE (Rosa kordesii hybrid) 5 cm. medium pink flowers fade to pale pink. This is a semi-miniature with plant height to 50 cm. Repeat blooming, highly disease resistant and quite hardy. RO-EXK-RE-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 J.P. CONNELL ROSE (Svejda 1985 - Queen Elizabeth X ( Red Dawn X Suzanne op.)) Medium red cup-shaped double flowers, repeat bloom through the summer. Upright shrub to 1.2 m., disease resistant foliage. RO-EXK-AM-C1..........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 (Svejda 1987 - Arthur Bell X op. seedling of Von Scharnhorst) Fully double flowers open lemon yellow and fade to cream. Heavy June bloom is followed by repeat bloom through the summer. Upright bush to 1 m. Protect in Zone 2. RO-EXX-JC-C1 ...............1 gal. - $14.00 CHAMPLAIN ROSE WILLIAM BAFFIN ROSE (Rosa kordesii hybrid) Large clusters of double dark red flowers on a compact 90 cm. bush with shiny disease resistant foliage. RO-EXK-CH-C1..............1 gal. - $12.00 (Svejda 1983 - Rosa kordesii hybrid) Semi double hot pink flowers in clusters from June until frost. This is one of the most winter hardy of the Explorer series roses. Grows to 2 m. Could be trained as a pillar rose. RO-EXK-WM-C1 .......... 1 gal. - $12.00 Champlain Rose 14 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue William Baffin Rose 15 Prairie Youth Rose PRAIRIE YOUTH ROSE (Morden Research Station 1948) A large upright shrub to 2 m. Semi-double pure salmon pink flowers are produced intermittently through the summer. Very hardy. RO-HGO-PY-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal - $14.00 Suzanne X Red Dawn Rose MRS. JOHN McNABB ROSE WILLIAM BOOTH ROSE (1999 -Rosa kordesii hybrid) Produces vigorous long trailing shoots ideal for training on a fence or wall. Dark red buds in clusters open to medium red single flowers 5 cm. across. Floriferous over the entire summer. RO-EXK-BT-C1............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 Heritage Roses Canadian plant breeders have made many significant contributions to the development of hardy roses. The imaginative combinations of Frank Skinner, Percy Wright, Will Godfrey and Robert Simonet have provided inspiration to rose breeders who followed them. Many of the varieties that these and others have developed have special interest to gardeners and rose enthusiasts but are difficult to find. Many are excellent hardy plants for the landscape. Some are of particular interest for their breeding background and they reflect the diversity which can be found in roses. We have included in this section the varieties of more contemporary plant breeders such as John Wallace and Stan Zubrowski because individuals such as these have carried on the pioneering spirit in rose breeding in Canada. SUZANNE ROSE (Skinner 1950 - R. laxa X R. spinosissima 2nd generation) Double pale coral pink. Grows to 1.2 m. Small dark green foliage. Free and recurrent bloomer. Important parent to Explorer series roses. RO-HSK-SU-C2...........................................................................2 gal. - $14.00 Heritage Collection (Skinner 1941 - R. beggeriana X R. rugosa) Flowers are double white tinged with pink. Very hardy bush to 1.5 m. with few thorns. Long bloom period. RO-HSK-MM-C1 ........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 METIS ROSE (Morden Research Station - R. rugosa X R. nitida) Profuse semi-double pink blooms in July. This compact bush has shiny foliage and showy red/orange fall colour. Excellent for a low hedge. RO-RUG-ME-C1 .........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 HAZELDEAN ROSE (Wright – 1948 R. spinosissima altaica X Persian Yellow) This very hardy rose produces quantities of double yellow roses in June. The bush is upright and will grow to 180 cm. Striking in bloom!! RO-HWR-HAC2 ..........................................................................2 gal - $19.00 WASAGAMING ROSE Heritage Collection (Skinner 1939 - (R. rugosa X R. acicularis)X Gruss an Tepplitz) Large double medium pink blooms late June and early July. Cabbage rose form. Some repeat bloom. Very hardy shrub to 1.5 m. RO-HSK-WA-C1 ........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 Wasagaming Rose WILL ALDERMAN ROSE (Skinner 1954 - (R. rugosa X R. acicularis) X Hyb. Tea) Large double flowers of clear rose pink. This bush grows to approximately 1 m. Blooms until frost. Although this variety is susceptible to chlorosis on some soils, it is outstanding in our plantings. RO-HSK-WI-C1 ............................... 1 gal. - $14.00 Will Alderman Rose 16 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 17 Marie Bugnet Rose DR. F. L. SKINNER ROSE MARIE BUGNET ROSE (Bugnet 1963 - (Therese Bugnet X seedling) X F.J. Grootendorst) Pure white double flowers 8 cm. in diameter from June until frost. A compact bush to 1 m. in height, vigorous and hardy. An exceptional white rugosa hybrid. RO-HBU-MB-C1 .........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 LOUISE BUGNET ROSE (Bugnet - Hybrid rugosa) Large white flowers are red in the bud stage. Nearly thornless. Bush grows to 1.2 m. Healthy medium green rugosa foliage. RO-HBU-LB-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 RETA BUGNET ROSE (Bugnet - Hybrid rugosa) Large pure white flowers with red edge on petals in the bud. Round bush to 1 m. with typical rugosa foliage. RO-HBU-RB-C1 ..........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 HELEN BLAND ROSE (Wright 1950 - Betty Bland X R. blanda (St. Hilaire clone) This vigorous upright bush has thornless red stems. It grows upright to 2.2 m. Profuse semi-double pink blooms, non-recurrent. RO-HWR-HB-C1 ........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 AYLSHAM ROSE (Wright 1948 - Hansa X R. nitida) Attractive shiny medium green foliage on a 1.2 m. bush. Exceptional fall colour. Large double dark red flowers in July. RO-HWR-AY-C1 .........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 SCARLET RANGER ROSE (Wright) In Zone 2 this rose grows to 1.5 m. In milder climates it will reach 3 m. Clusters of small bright coral to scarlet flowers. RO-HWR-SR-C1 .........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 THÈRÉSE BUGNET ROSE Mrs. Anthony Waterer Rose 18 (Bugnet 1950 - (R. acicularis X R. rugosa kamschatica) X (R. amblyotis X R. rugosa plena) X Betty Bland) Large double flowers, red in the bud fades to pale pink. Upright bush to 1.8 m. Blooms from mid-June until freeze-up. RO-HBU-TB-C1.1 gal. - $14.00 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue (Simonet - R. spinosissima hybrid) Long pointed bud, large peach-cream flowers. Upright bush to 1.8 m. Blooms late June early July. RO-HSI-DS-C1............................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 PINK MASQUERADE ROSE (Simonet - R. laxa hybrid) Clusters of coral pink semi-double flowers on strong new canes growing to 1.8 m. in height. Very vigorous growth. Striking colour. Use as a climber. RO-HSI-PM-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 LOUIS RIEL ROSE (Zubrowski 1995 - R. glauca hybrid) White single flowers in June combine with the deep red foliage of R. glauca. Very hardy and attractive landscape shrub. Will grow 1.5 –2 m. in height. RO-HZU-LR-C1............................................................................1 gal.- $15.00 COUNTRY DANCER ROSE (Buck 1973 - Prairie Princess X Johannes Boettner) Vigorous large shrub. Could be trained as a pillar or climber. Large semi-double flowers of clear deep salmon pink. Shiny disease resistant foliage. RO-BUC-CD-C1 .........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 RUGOSA HYBRID ROSES Rosa rugosa is native to much of Eastern Asia. This tough disease resistant species has contributed much to the development of many of the hardy rose hybrids. There is ongoing work for the development of new hybrids of R. rugosa. We have been growing and testing old and new varieties and offer a variety of cultivars in this group. In addition, you can find rugosa hybrid roses among the Heritage Roses and the Explorer series Roses. DART'S DASH ROSE Large magenta red semi-double blooms similar to Hansa produced over a long season. Plant is more compact than Hansa. Grows 1-1.2 m. RO-RUG-DD-C1 .........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 MRS. ANTHONY WATERER ROSE (Waterer 1898 - R. rugosa x General Jaqueminot) Semi-double deep crimson. Very fragrant and free blooming hybrid rugosa. Grows to 1.2 m. RO-RUG-MW-C1........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 PIERETTE PAVEMENT ROSE (Uhl 1987 - R. rugosa hybrid) Dark pink semi-double reapeat bloomer. Excellent ground cover grows to .8 m. Fragrance award winner. RO-RUG-PP-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 ROSERIE DE L'HAY ROSE (Cochet-Cochet 1901 - Hybrid Rugosa) Large fully double flowers, cherry-carmine red. Vigorous 1.5 m. bush, free recurrent bloomer. RO-RUG-RH-C1 .........................................................................1 gal. - $14.00 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 19 BLANC DOUBLE DE COUBERT ROSE GREEN ASH (Cochet-Cochet 1892 - R. rugosa X Sombreuil) Double pure white rugosa. Grows to 1 m. in height. Very fragrant. Free blooming. RO-RUG-BD-C1...........................................................................1 gal. -$14.00 Heritage Collection (Fraxinus pennsylvanica subintegerrima) Green ash is a native tree which is widely used for street tree planting. It is hardy and adapted to a variety of conditions. TS-FRA-PE-F4.........................................................................120 cm. - $20.00 HANSA ROSE Heritage Collection (Schaum & Van Tol 1905 - hybrid rugosa) Large fragrant reddish violet flowers. Hardy bush to 1.2 m. RO-RUG-HA-C1 .........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 MANCHURIAN POPLAR OLD GARDEN ROSES BROWNTWIG POPLAR The Old Garden Roses as a group are roses which were developed in Europe prior to the incorporation of the genetics of the China rose and the Tea rose to give rise to the hybrid Teas, Floribundas, and Grandiflora hybrids. They have a charm of their own and are generally disease resistant plants with fragrant flowers. Most of these require some protection in our Zone 2 climate but the varieties that we offer should be among the hardiest for gardeners in warmer areas. NORTHWEST POPLAR ALIKA ROSE Heritage Collection (R. gallica grandiflora) Brought from Russia in 1906 by Dr. N.E. Hansen. Semi-double clear red flowers. Grows to 2 m. Will freeze back to snowline in zone 2 but blooms freely. RO-OGG-AL-C1 ..........................................................................1 gal.- $14.00 GRUSS an TEPPLITZ ROSE Skinner Introduction (Populus songarica) An upright growing tree with large light green leaves. See also Skinner’s Hedge Options TS-POP-SO-C3........................................................................100 cm. - $14.00 Skinner Introduction (Populus tristis) Upright form while young. Grows to be a very large spreading tree when mature. Attractive red male catkins in the spring. See also Skinner’s Hedge Options TS-POP-TR-C5 ........................................................................100 cm. - $14.00 (Populus X jackii 'Northwest') Fast growing spreading tree often used for shelter. See also Skinner’s Hedge Options TS-POP-JN-C5 ........................................................................120 cm. - $16.00 SKINNER’S WEEPING POPLAR Skinner Introduction (Populus ‘Skinner’s Weeping’) Large tree with weeping form. TS-POP-SW-C2 .......................................................................120 cm. - $16.00 Heritage Collection ( Geschwind - int P. Lambert, 1897) Light crimson flowers on a vigorous 1.5 m. bush. Will require covering in winter to flower in Zone 2. This rose is a forerunner of the modern hybrid Teas. RO-OGP-GT-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal.- $14.00 TOWER POPLAR DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES GOLDEN WILLOW MANITOBA MAPLE (Acer negundo) Manitoba Maple is native across the southern Prairies. Large branches provide seats and hangers for swings. Fast growing shelter. May yield maple syrup when mature. TS-ACE-NE-C2 .........................................................................90 cm. - $20.00 BROWN CHINA PAPER BIRCH Skinner Introduction (Betula albo-sinensis septentrionalis) A smaller growing birch tree which has interesting shaggy bark with orange colour. TS-BET-AS-C2 ..........................................................................90 cm. - $24.00 PAPER BIRCH Heritage Collection (Betula papyrifera) This native birch is an attractive tree with white exfoliating bark. TS-BET-PA-C2.........................................................................120 cm. - $20.00 20 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue (Populus X canescens 'Tower') This hybrid is a hardy columnar poplar growing to 120 cm. width. TS-POP-CT-C1 ..........................................................................80 cm. - $14.00 (Salix alba vitellina) Golden bark makes the golden willow very attractive in winter and spring. Grows to a large spreading tree in moist sites. See also Skinner’s Hedge Options TS-SAL-AV-VC2 .......................................................................2 gal.. - $14.00 REDSTEM WILLOW (Salix alba chermisina) An upright growing tree with red bark on new growth, golden bark on older stems. Its upright habit is ideal for shelter on wet sites. See also Skinner’s Hedge Options TS-SAL-AC-C3 ......................................................................100 cm. - $14.00 SILKY WHITE (SILVER) WILLOW (Salix alba sericea) A large spreading tree with attractive silver foliage. Tendency to weeping habit. See also Skinner’s Hedge Options TS-SAL-AS-C2 ............................................................................2 gal. - $14.00 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 21 PINK PUSSY WILLOW SNOWBIRD POTENTILLA (Salix daphnoides) A small tree with greenish golden bark. Catkins are large, silvery with red anthers. The pussy willow of the florist trade. See also Skinner’s Hedge Options TS-SAL-DA-C2 ...........................................................................2 gal. - $14.00 Double white flowers on a compact 60 cm. bush. Outstanding white variety from the University of Manitoba. SD-POT-SB-C1 ............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 LAUREL WILLOW Heritage Collection (Salix pentandra) A large round headed tree with lustrous dark green leaves. See also Skinner’s Hedge Options TS-SAL-PE-C2.............................................................................2 gal. - $14.00 AMERICAN BASSWOOD Heritage Collection (Tilia americana) A large oval tree. Grows well on rich moist soils. TS-TIL-AM-F4.........................................................................120 cm. - $24.00 LITTLELEAF LINDEN Heritage Collection (Tilia cordata) A Swedish race of littleleaf linden which has proved hardy for us. A relatively small oval headed tree with sweet smelling flowers in July. TS-TIL-C0-C5..........................................................................120 cm. - $24.00 DROPMORE LINDEN Skinner Hybrid (Tilia X flavescens ) An outstanding hybrid between American basswood and littleleaf linden. Broad pyramidal form and large dark green leaves. TS-TIH-FD-C5 ........................................................................120 cm. - $30.00 Larger Sizes of Trees are Available at the Nursery Site. GOLDFINGER POTENTILLA Large deep yellow flowers on an upright 90 cm. bush. SD-POT-GF-C1............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 YELLOWGEM POTENTILLA Large medium yellow flowers on 30 cm. high by 60 cm. diameter bush. SD-POT-YG-C1............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 DART'S GOLDIGGER POTENTILLA Largest deep yellow flowers on upright 1 m. bush. SD-POT-DA-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 ELIZABETH POTENTILLA Large medium yellow flowers on a spreading 60 cm. high bush. SD-POT-EL-C1 ............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 PRIMROSE BEAUTY POTENTILLA Pale yellow flowers on a 1 m. bush with grey-green foliage. SD-POT-PR-C1 ............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 PINK PRINCESS POTENTILLA Pink flowers, fade to near white in hot sun. A compact bush to 50 cm. height. SD-POT-PP-C1.............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 PINK BEAUTY POTENTILLA POTENTILLAS (Potentilla fruticosa varieties) Many varieties have been developed of this hardy shrub which blooms all summer. They are hardy, drought tolerant plants which will thrive in a variety of garden conditions. Varieties available are listed. ABBOTSWOOD POTENTILLA Pure white flowers on a 1.2 m. shrub SD-POT-AB-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 CORONATION TRIUMPH POTENTILLA Prolific bright yellow flowers. SD-POT-CO-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 SUNDANCE POTENTILLA Pale yellow double flowers on 60 cm. plant. SD-POT-SU-C1............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 YELLOWBIRD POTENTILLA Bright yellow double flowers. From L. Lenz at the University of Manitoba. SD-POT-YB-C1 ............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 22 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Pink double flowers. This variety has received widespread acclaim. New from the University of Manitoba. SD-POT-PB-C1 ............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 SPIREAS AURORA FALSE SPIREA Skinner Hybrid (Sobaria X 'Aurora') An upright growing bush to 1.5 m. Large panicles of while flowers in June. SM-SOR-AU-C2 ..........................................................................2 gal. - $12.00 DENSITY SPIREA Heritage Collection (Spiraea trichocarpa erectra) An upright shrub to 1.5 m. with large while flower clusters in June. SD-SPI-TE-C2..............................................................................2 gal. - $12.00 THREELOBE SPIREA Heritage Collection (Spiraea trilobata) Upright growing bush to 1.5 m. White flowers in June. Bluish green foliage. SD-SPI-TR-C1..............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 23 FAIRY QUEEN SPIREA Skinner Hybrid (Spiraea X 'Fairy Queen') White flowered dwarf form like Vanhoutei but hardier. SD-SPI-FQ-C1 .............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 SNOWHITE SPIREA Skinner Hybrid (Spiraea X 'Snowhite') White floweres in June. Graceful arching branches. Grows to 1.5 m. SD-SPI-SN-C1 .............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 ANTHONY WATERER SPIREA Heritage Collection (Spiraea X bumalda ‘Anthony Waterer') Attractive rose red flowers in June/July. Upright growth habit to 2'. Long proven hardy dwarf spirea. SD-SPB-AW-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 ROSABELLA SPIREA Skinner Hybrid (Spiraea X bumalda 'Rosabella') A vigorous grower to 60 cm. Rose pink flowers all summer. SD-SPB-RO-C1 ...........................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 GOLDFLAME SPIREA (Spiraea X bumalda ’Goldflame') This variety has foliage which comes out reddish and turns golden. The flowers are pink. Striking colour all summer. SD-SPB-GF-C1 ............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 GOLDMOUND SPIREA (Spiraea X nipponica 'Goldmound') A very dense dwarf form to 40 cm. Bright yellow foliage. SD-SPB-GM-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 LITTLE PRINCESS SPIREA (Spiraea nipponica 'Little Princess') A dense dwarf bush to 40 cm. with bluish green leaves and blush pink flowers all summer. SD-SPB-LP-C1 .............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 LILACS MEYER LILAC Skinner Introduction (Syringa meyeri 'Palibin') An outstanding dwarf lilac with small round leaves. Its dense growth to 2 m. is ideally suited to hedging. Lilac flowers in spring. ST-SYR-ME-C1 ........................................................................... 1 gal. - $12.00 PERSIAN LILAC (Syringa X persica) This is a small upright bush to 1.5 m. Pale bluish lilac flowers. Survives with some die back in Zone 2. ST-SYR-PE-C1..............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 VARIEGATED LILAC (Syringa vulgaris 'Acubaeifolia') A variegated leaved sport of the variety President Lincoln. Interesting gold dappled foliage, blue double flowers. ST-SYR-VA-C2.............................................................................2 gal. - $24.00 MAIDEN'S BLUSH LILAC Skinner Hybrid (Syringa X hyacinthiflora 'Maiden's Blush') Deep pink in the bud, clear pink when open. Grows to 2.5 m. ST-SYH-MB-C2 ...........................................................................2 gal. - $19.00 POCAHONTAS LILAC Skinner Hybrid (Syringa X hyacinthiflora 'Pocahontas') An outstanding dark purple. It is an upright shrub to 2.5 m. ST-SYH-PO-C2 ............................................................................2 gal. - $19.00 ROYAL PURPLE LILAC Skinner Hybrid (Syringa X hyacinthiflora 'Royal Purple') This dark purple variety is a relatively dwarf bush to 2 m. in height. ST-SYH-RP-C2 .............................................................................2 gal. - $19.00 SISTER JUSTINA LILAC Skinner Hybrid (Syringa X hyacintiflora ‘Sister Justina’) This is an outstanding single white flowered variety. The bush is quite dwarf to 2 m. ST-SYH-SJC1 ...............................................................................1 gal. - $19.00 CORAL LILAC (Syringa X prestoniae 'Coral') Clear pink flowers on an upright bush to 3 m. ST-SYP-CO-C2.............................................................................2 gal. - $15.00 DONALD WYMAN LILAC Skinner Hybrid (Syringa X prestoniae 'Donald Wyman') A very vigorous bush to 3.5 m. Reddish purple flowers. ST-SYP-DW-C2 ............................................................................2 gal. - $15.00 MISS CANADA LILAC (Syringa X prestoniae 'Miss Canada') Bright coral pink flowers. Bush grows to 2.5 m ST-SYP-MC-C2 ............................................................................2 gal. - $15.00 MISS KIM LILAC (Syringa patula 'Miss Kim') This lilac is more upright growing with larger leaves than Meyer lilac. The flowers are similar and lilac in colour. ST-SYR-PM-C1 ............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 24 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue ROYALTY LILAC (Syringa X prestoniae 'Royalty') Dark purple flowers on a relatively dwarf 2.5 m. ST-SYP-RO-C2.............................................................................2 gal. - $15.00 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 25 MINUET LILAC (Syringa X prestoniae 'Minuet') Lilac flowers on a dwarf dense bush with dark green foliage. ST-SYP-MI-C2..............................................................................2 gal. - $15.00 TALL SHRUBS Grow more than 2 m. high. Terms and Conditions Trees will be shipped as bareroot stock. Shrubs will be shipped from container grown stock. Growing medium will be removed from deciduous shrubs to reduce the cost of packing and shipping. AMUR MAPLE Stock will be shipped by mail or bus or may be picked up at the nursery. Please indicate your shipping instructions. (Acer ginnala) A tall shrub or small tree to 4 m. Outstanding red fall colour. ST-ACE-GI-C2.............................................................................2 gal. - $15.00 Shipping SUTHERLAND CARAGANA BUS shipments will be shipped COLLECT for shipping charges with Greyhound from Roblin. (Caragana arborescnes ‘Sutherland’) This very upright growing form of caragana makes a striking large accent shrub. ST-CAR-ASC1 ..............................................................................1 gal - $12.00 MAIL SHIPMENTS will be shipped EXPRESS POST. Please add the following charges for mail shipping: TIDY CARAGANA (Caragana arborescens 'Tidy') Vase shaped, fern-leaved tree. It is well adapted to dry conditions, will grow in shady sites. Sterile, no seedlings. ST-CAR-AT-C1 ............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 Up to $50.00 $50 to $100 over $100.00 Mb. Sk. NW Ont $9.50 $12.50 $12.50 + 10% of amt. over $100 Ab $15.00 $25.00 $25.00 + 15% of amt. over $100 On., Qb, BC, Maritimes $25.00 $35.00 $35.00 + 20% of amt. over $100 PAGODA DOGWOOD Guarantee: (Cornus alternifolia) This large shrub has attractive tiered branch habit. It is native in Manitoba in the Riding Mountain. Our native form grows to 3-4 m. in height and will reach 3 m across. ST-COR-ALC1 ..............................................................................1 gal - $12.00 We will make every effort to fill your order with stock of the variety and quantity ordered. Please indicate whether we may substitute for items that are not available or whether you would like us to hold your order for later shipment. Please let us know immediately if plants fail to arrive in good condition. We will replace plants which do not survive the first season. Claims must be made by September 30th and accompanied by a copy of the invoice. ARNOLD RED HONEYSUCKLE (Lonicera tatarica 'Arnold Red') An upright honeysuckle, grows to 2.5 m. height. Red flowers in early summer. This variety is immune to honeysuckle aphid. ST-LON-TA-C1............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 BLIZZARD MOCK-ORANGE (Philadelphus lewisii ‘Blizzard’) A very hardy and vigorous mock-orange selected by John Wallace at Beaverlodge, Alberta. Very free flowering. ST-PHI-LB-C1............................................................................. 1 gal. - $12.00 CHERRY PRINSEPIA Skinner Introduction (Prinsepia sinensis) An arching shrub to 2.8 m. Pale green leaves are the earliest to appear in the spring. Red cherry-like fruit in the fall. ST-PRI-SI-C1................................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 POLAR BEAR WILLOW (Salix ‘Polar Bear’) This willow originated in the Mackenzie Valley. Heavily felted white leaves, upright growing bush to 3 m. ST-SAL-PB-C2 .............................................................................2 gal. - $12.00 26 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner’s Nursery and Garden Centre Ltd. P.O. Box 220 – Roblin, MB. R0L 1P0 Tel: (204) 564-2336 Fax: (204) 564-2324 Coll. Coll. VAR-SC-FO-P4 VAR-PC-SX-P6 Comments: Method of Shipping: ❏ Bus ❏ Mail ❏ Pickup at Nursery Size Product Code Signature ______________________________ Expiry date_____________________________ Card No. ______________________________ Method of Payment ❏ Visa ❏ Mastercard ❏ Check / Money Order Skinner’s Hardy Perennial Collection Skinner’s New Roses Collection Variety TOTAL GST 7% Man. Residents 7% PST Subtotal Mail Shipping Charges Subtotal Sum of other side (1) $22.95 $44.95 Price Ea. Total ) ___________________________________________________ Date of Order: ____________________________________________ If we are sold out, may we substitue: ❏ Yes ❏ No ❏ Similar variety only Quantity Phone No. ( Province: _____________________________________________________________ Postal Code: ______________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________ Town/City:________________________________________________ Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ P.O. Box 220 – Roblin, MB. – R0L 1P0 Tel. (204) 564-2336 Fax (204) 564-2324 Skinner’s Nursery and Garden Centre Ltd. ORDER FORM Quantity STAGHORN SUMAC Product Code (Rhus typhnia) This more winter hardy form of staghorn sumac was obtained from a Clayton Berg in Montana. The large pinnate leaves and the shoots have dense purple hairs. The tips die back here but the plant has survived for several years and attains a height of about 2 m. ST-RHU-TY-C2 ............................................................................2 gal. - $15.00 NANNYBERRY Heritage Collection (Viburnum lentago) This tall upright native shrub has dark green shiny leaves which turn red in fall and contrast with the dark purple/black berries. ST-VIB-LE-C2 .............................................................................. 2 gal - $15.00 Size CLEMATIS AND OTHER VINES BLUE BIRD CLEMATIS Skinner Hybrid (Clematis X ‘Blue Bird’) A hybrid of Clematis macropetala. Profuse pale blue flowers in early summer. This completely hardy clematis will grow to 3 m. VI-CLM-BB-C1.............................................................................1 gal - $12.00 Variety ROSY O’GRADY CLEMATIS Skinner Hybrid (Clematis X ‘Rosy O’Grady) This hybrid of Clematis macropetala has large rose-pink flowers with white centres. An outstanding variety in this group. Blooms in June and again in August. VI-CLM-ROC1 .............................................................................1 gal - $12.00 WHITE SWAN CLEMATIS Skinner Hybrid (Clematis X ‘White Swan’) This hardy C. macropetala hybrid has large white flowers. VI-CLM-WS-C1...........................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 FRANCIS RIVAS CLEMATIS (Clematis alpina ‘Frances Rivas’) Rich blue bell shaped flowers are accented with purple veins. This hardy vine will grow to 2-3 m. VI-CLA-FR-C1.............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 Total this Price Ea. page (1) BLUE BOY CLEMATIS Skinner Hybrid (Clematis X ‘Blue Boy’) A hardy hybrid between Clematis viticella and C. integrifolia. Medium blue flowers open flat like a miniature C. X jackmanii. Prune back to near ground level in the spring. Will grow up to 2 m. height and begin to bloom in early July. Continues to bloom until hard frost. VI-CLV-BB-C1 .............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 Total PRAIRIE TRAVELER'S JOY CLEMATIS Skinner Hybrid (Clematis X 'Prairie Traveler's Joy') A very vigorous vine with clusters of small white flowers which bloom in late summer. VI-CLL-PT-C1..............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 27 JOUINIANA PRAECOX CLEMATIS DWARF LADY’S MANTLE Clematis X jouiniana ‘Praecox’ A vigorous rambling vine. It is suited to rambling along the ground as a ground cover or climbing against a fence or over a stump. Soft lavender flowers in late summer. VI-CLE-JPC1.................................................................................1 gal - $12.00 (Alchemilla erythropoda) Attractive scalloped grey green leaves. Tiny green flowers. A neat edging plant. PE-ALC-ER-C1 .......................................................................9 cm. pot - $6.00 DROPMORE SCARLET TRUMPET HONEYSUCKLE Skinner Hybrid (Lonicera X brownii 'Dropmore Scarlet Trumpet') A graceful and free flowering vine to 2 - 2.5 m. It is hardy and produces scarlet trumpet shaped flowers throughout the summer. VI-LON-DS-C1............................................................................1 gal. - $12.00 VIRGINIA CREEPER Heritage Collection (Parthenociscus quinquefolia) The shiny dark green foliage on this hardy vine turns brilliant red in the fall. Grow on fence, trellis, or into trees. VI-PAR-QU-C1............................................................................1 gal. - $10.00 SNOWDROP ANEMONE Heritage Collection (Anemone sylvestris grandiflora) White flowers 4 cm. in diameter in early summer. Will form a dense ground cover in sun or partial shade. PE-ANE-SY-C1 ...............................................................................Each - $3.25 DOUBLE SNOWDROP ANEMONE (Anemone sylvestris White pom-pom flowers in the spring. Mat of cark green foliage. Blooms are longer lasting than the species. 40 cm. PE-ANE-SD-C2.....................................................................11 cm. pot - $6.00 CANADA WILD GINGER PERENNIALS (Asarum canadense) Felty heart shaped leaves grow to 15 cm.. This is an interesting hardy ground cover for shady areas. It grows from a creeping rootstock which has a strong ginger fragrance. PE-ASA-CA-C1........................................................................9 cm.pot - $4.00 CLOTH OF GOLD YARROW GOLIATH ALPINE ASTER (Achillea filipendula ‘Cloth of Gold’) 90 cm. tall. Heads of small yellow flowers through the summer, Finely cut, fragrant grey green foliage. Very drought tolerant. PE-ACH-FC-C2 .............................................................................Each - $3.25 SUMMER PASTELS YARROW (Achillea millefolium ‘Summer Pastels’) Long blooming, tough clump forming plant. Pastel shades of pink, tan and ivory. 60 cm. tall. PE-ACH-MS-C2 .............................................................................Each - $3.25 FIRE KING YARROW (Achillea millefolium 'Fire King') The darkest red of the yarrow. Cluster of tiny flowers over a long bloom season on a plant which establishes quickly and is very drought tolerant. PE-ACH-MF-C1 .............................................................................Each - $4.00 PERRY’S WHITE ACHILLEA Heritage Collection (Achillea ptarmica ‘Perry’s White’) Clusters of double white button flowers in July and August. More compact plant than other varieties of pearl achillea. PE-ACH-PP-C1...............................................................................Each - $4.00 THRILLER LADY’S MANTLE (Alchemilla mollis ‘Thriller’) Felted grey green leaves. Clusters of tiny lime green flowers. A choice edging plant for a moist partly shaded location. PE-ALC-MT-C1.......................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 28 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue (Aster alpinus ‘Goliath’) Large flowered spring blooming aster. Grows to 20 cm. Mixed colours. Grow in a sunny well drained location. PE-ASE-AG-C1 .......................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 NEW ENGLAND ASTER (Aster novae-angliae) Very hardy tall (120 cm.) fall blooming aster. Medium purple flowers. PE-ASE-NO-C2 ....................................................................11 cm. pot - $4.00 PINK BEAUTY ASTER (Aster novae-angliae ‘Pink Beauty’) 120 cm. tall upright plant. Clear pink flowers in September. PE-ASE-NP-C2........................................................................9 cm. pot - $4.00 PINK BOUQUET ASTER (Aster novi-belgi ‘Pink Bouquet’) Dense bushy plant with numerous pink flowers in September. 40 cm. PE-ASE-BP-C1.........................................................................9 cm. pot - $4.00 PURPLE DOME ASTER (Aster novae-angliae ‘Purple Dome’) This is a new dwarf form of New England Aster. It forms a dense clump to 50 cm. height. Deep purple flowers in September PE-ASE-NUC1 .........................................................................9 cm pot - $3.25 ALERT ASTER (Aster novi-belgi ‘Alert’) A compact plant (30 cm.) with deep crimson flowers beginning in early September. PE-ALE-AN-C1.......................................................................9 cm. pot - $4.00 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 29 BLUE LAGOON ASTER (Aster novi-belgi ‘Blue Lagoon’) Clear blue flowers on a 50 cm. plant. PE-ASE-BB-C1 ........................................................................9 cm. pot - $4.00 LEATHERLEAF BERGENIA Heritage Collection (Bergenia crassifolia) This plant will adapt to a variety of growing conditions. The evergreen foliage is attractive throughout the growing season. Spikes of rose flowers in May and early June. PE-BER-CR-C3 ..............................................................................1 gal. - $6.00 SERBIAN BELLFLOWER (Campanula poscharskyana) A trailing bellflower. The lavender blue flowers grace the trailing stems in June and July. A good plant for a dry location in a rock garden or against a wall. PE-CAM-SBC1.........................................................................9 cm pot - $3.25 SNOW-IN-SUMMER (Cerastium tomentosum) Sun loving ground cover. Dense silver foliage is topped by white flowers in early summer. PE-CER-TO-C1 .......................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 BUNCHBERRY (Cornus canadensis) This native evergreen groundcover produces conspicuous white flowers in the spring followed by red berries in the summer. Grows well in very shady locations. PE COR-CAC2...........................................................................1 l. pot - $6.00 DROPMORE YELLOW FOXGLOVE Skinner Hybrid (Digitalis X 'Dropmore Yellow') Hardy long lived perennial hybrid of Digitalis grandiflora. Spikes of pale yellow flowers to 60 cm. in late summer. PE-DIG-DY-C2 ...............................................................................Each - $6.00 TINY RUBIES DIANTHUS (Dianthus gratianopolitanus ‘Tiny Rubies’) Mounds of blue green grassy foliage are topped by tiny double flowers through most of the summer. PE-DIA-GT-C1 ...............................................................................Each - $4.00 BRILLIANT MAIDEN’S PINKS (Dianthus deltoides ‘Brilliant’) A ground cover or edging dianthus. Dark green foliage with numerous small single red flowers in early summer. PE-DIA-DF-C1 ...............................................................................Each - $3.25 FAIRY BELLS PURPLE GAS PLANT (Campanula pusilla) An edging plant for a sunny location. Spreading habit, numerous small bluebells through the summer. PE-CAM-PU-C1......................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 (Dictamnus albus purpureus) Purple gas plant is a showy long lived perennial. The rosy purple flowers are produced in June and early July. Shiny pinnate foliage is attractive through the summer. Sun-loving. PE-DIC-AP-C2........................................................................11 cm. pot..$6.00 MOUNTAIN AVENS (Dryas octapetala) Evergreen foliage, creeping woody stems. A ground cover for a rock garden or sunny border. White flowers in spring followed by wooly seed heads. PE-DRY-SC-C1 ..........................................................................9 cm. pot $4.00 CLARA CURTIS CHRYSANTHEMUM (Chrysanthemum zawadskii ‘Clara Curtis’) Pink daisy flowers in September. The plant is vigorous and clump forming, height 60 cm. PE-CHR-ZC-C2.......................................................................9 cm. pot - $4.00 GROUND CLEMATIS (Clematis recta) Clusters of 2-3 cm. fragrant white flowers in early summer. Use at the back of the border with support or let it scramble through a shrub. Grows to 150 cm. PE-CLE-RE-C3...............................................................................1 gal. - $6.00 LILY OF THE VALLEY Heritage Collection (Convallaria majalis) A ground cover for shady places. Dark green strap shaped leaves. The fragrant white bell shaped flowers are produced in spikes in June. PE-CON-MA-C2 ............................................................................Each - $3.25 30 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue DWARF SIBERIAN MEADOWSWEET (Filipendula palmata nana) Forms a 30 cm. mound of dissected foliage topped by feathery pink plumes of small flowers in mid summer.. Plant in a moist location in sun or partial shade. PE-FIL-PN-C2 .........................................................................11 cm. pot..$8.00 DOUBLE EUROPEAN MEADOWSWEET Heritage Collection (Filipendula ulmaria Heads of tiny double white flowers from mid July to mid August. Upright plant to 1 m. height. Dark green crinkled compound leaves. PE-FIL-UF-C1 .................................................................................Each - $4.00 CROSS GENTIAN (Gentiana cruciata) Sky blue flowers on 25 cm. stems. Will thrive on ordinary garden soil in full sun or partial shade. PE-GEN-CR-C2.......................................................................9 cm. pot - $5.00 PURPLE WATERS DAYLILY (Hemerocallis ‘Purple Waters’) A reliable purple variety which blooms over a relatively long period. PE-HEM-PW-C3............................................................................ Each - $6.00 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 31 AMUR DAYLILY Heritage Collection PALACE PURPLE CORAL BELLS (Hemerocallis middendorfii) The earliest blooming of the daylilies. Orange-yellow flowers are produced in June and early July. Suitable for naturalizing in moist lightly shaded locations. PE-HEM-MD-C3 ............................................................................Each - $5.00 (Heuchera ‘Palace Purple’) Deep bronze-red leaves make a striking contrast in a sunny or partly shaded border. PE-HEU-MP-C2.....................................................................11 cm. pot - $5.00 MIKADO DAYLILY YELLOW ARCHANGEL (Hemerocallis ‘Mikado’) A very hardy variety which has withstood the test of time. Yellow flowers with a purple eye. PE-HEM-MK-C3.............................................................................Each - $6.00 (Lamiastrum galeobdolan) Attractive variegated ground cover for shady location in the garden or in a planter. Spreads rapidly by trailing surface runners. PE-LAL-GA-C1 .......................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 CATHERINE WOODBURY DAYLILY SIBERIAN AVENS (Hemerocallis X ‘Catherine Woodbury’) This pink flowered variety is a classic. 90 cm,. PE-HEM-CA-C3..........................................................................3 l. pot - $6.00 KINDLY LIGHT DAYLILY (Hmerocallis X ‘Kindly Light’) An interesting yellow spider flowered variety. Blooms over a long period. PE-HEM-KLC3............................................................................3 l. pot - $9.00 STELLA D’ORO DAYLILY (Hemerocallis ‘Stella d’Oro) This dwarf repeat blooming daylily is a favorite. Golden yellow. Long season of bloom. PE-HEM-ST-C1..............................................................................30 cm. $5.00 SILOAM URI WINIFORD DAYLILY (Hemerocallis X ‘Siloam Uri Winiford’) An outstanding dwarf variety. Cream with a purple eye PE-HEM-SU-C3 ..........................................................................3 l. pot - $9.00 INGWERSEN’S BIGROOT GERANIUM Geranium macchorizum ‘Ingwersen’s Variety’ Forms a very dense aromatic ground cover. Pale pink flowers in May and June. PE-GER-MI-C2......................................................................11 cm, pot - $5.00 GERANIUM X MAGNIFICUM Lobed basal leaves. Blooms profusely. Flowers are intense blue with violet veins. Does not produce seed. Plant height 50-60 cm. PE-GER-MP-C2.......................................................................11 cm. pot - $6. TATARIAN STATICE (Goniolum tataricum) Tiny pink flowers in airy flat panicles – 30 cm. Use dried as an everlasting flower. PE-STT-DU-C1...............................................................................Each - $3.25 NORTHERN FIRE CORAL BELLS (Heuchera ‘Northern Fire’) A hardy variety from the Morden Research Station. Bright scarlet flowers. PE-HEU-NF-C2 .....................................................................11 cm. pot - $5.00 32 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue (Geum urbanum sibiricum) Brilliant scarlet/orange single flowers on stems which rise 30 cm. above a rosette of strawberry-like foliage. Blooms June and August. PE-GEU-US-C1 ..............................................................................Each - $4.00 MUNSTEAD DWARF LAVENDER (Lavendula angustifolia ‘Munstead Dwarf’) The most winter hardy of the lavender varieties. Very fragrant violet blue flowers in late summer. 40 cm. Needs good drainage. PE-LAV-AM-C1..............................................................................Each - $3.25 HERMAN’S PRIDE ARCHANGEL (Lamiastrum galeobdolan ‘Herman’s Pride) This outstanding variety is clump forming with pointed silver variegated leaves. 40 cm. PE-LAL-GH-C1.......................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 BLUE FLAX (Linum perenne) Unique sky blue flowers are striking in drifts. Short lived but self seeds and will persist if seedlings are preserved. Likes a sunny well drained location. 50 cm. height. PE-LIN-PE-C1 ................................................................................Each - $3.25 SCARLET LIGHTNING (Lychnis chalcedonica) Quickly forms clumps. Flower heads are formed of small bright scarlet flowers. A tough drought tolerant plant. 80 cm. PE-LYC-CH-C2...............................................................................Each - $3.25 ROSE CAMPION (Lychnis coronaria) Felted silver foliage forms an attractive ground cover. 2-3 cm. intense deep rose flowers on 60 cm. stems in mid summer. Short lived but self-seeds. PE-LYC-CO-C1 ..............................................................................Each - $3.25 CREEPING JENNY (Lysimachia nummularia) A rapidly spreading ground cover. Small round dark green leaves. 1 cm. bright yellow flowers. PE-LYS-NU-C1........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 33 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue GOLDEN CREEPING JENNY (Lysimachia nummularia aurea) Intense golden yellow ground cover. Grows rapidly in a moist shady garden. PE-LYS-NA-C1........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 OSTRICH FERN (Matteuccia struthiopteris) Upright fronds to 60 cm. This native fern will grow best in a shaded location protected from wind. Soil should be moist with lots of organic matter. PF-MAT-ST-C3............................................................................3 l. pot - $5.00 DOUBLE GERMAN CATCHFLY (Lychnis viscaria splendens fl. pl.) Brilliant magenta flowers on 30 cm. stems in early summer. Neat grassy tufts of evergreen foliage. Sun and well drained soil preferred. PE-LYC-VS-C1 ........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 PETEITE DELIGHT MONARDA (Monarda X ‘Petite Delight’) A dwarf variety of monarda growing to 25 cm. Excellent for bedding in a sunny location. PE-MON-PDC1 .....................................................................9 cm. pot….$4.00 VARIEGATED KAMSCHATICA SEDUM Heritage Collection (Sedum kamschaticum variegatum) The variegated foliage of this variety is attractive all summer. Red buds open to yellow flowers which give way to red seed heads. PE-SED-KV-C1 ...............................................................................Each - $3.25 VARIEGATED GROUND IVY (Nepeta hederacea variegata) A very vigorous ground cover for sun or shade. Needs to be controlled. Use as a ground cover in a planter. Fragrant foliage. PE-NEP-HV-C1 ...............................................................................Each - $3.25 DROPMORE BLUE CATMINT (Nepeta X ‘Dropmore’) The grey green foliage is topped with smokey blue flowers all summer. An outstanding companion for pink and red roses. PE-NEP-DR-C1........................................................................9 cm. pot - $4.00 RUBIES CHOICE PHLOX Skinner Hybrid (Phlox subulata X P. borealis) This hybrid creeping phlox is superior to either parent. The rose flowers are borne in profusion in May and early June. PE-PHL-RC-C1 .................................................................................Each $4.00 ARCTIC PHLOX (Phlox borealis) Low carpet of evergreen needle-like leaves. Covered with deep rose flowers in spring. PE-PHL-BO-C1 .......................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 AUTUMN ROSE PHLOX (Phlox subulata 'Autumn Rose') Mats of pale green leaves are covered with medium rose flowers in spring. Some fall bloom on this variety. PE-PHL-SA-C1........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 ALPHA PHLOX (Phlox maculata ‘Alpha’) Lilac pink flowers on 90 cm. stems in early summer. An upright and elegant garden phlox . PE-PHL-MAC1........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 KARL ROSENFELD PEONY (Paeonia X lactiflora 'Karl Rosenfeld') Large double dark red flowers on strong upright stems. 60 cm. PE-PAE-KR-C3..........................................................................3 l. pot - $10.00 Spotted Lungwort FESTIVA MAXIMA PEONY (WHITE) (Paeonia X lactiflora 'Festiva Maxima') Very large double white flower with a fleck of red at the tips of the petals. PE-PAE-FM-C3 .........................................................................3 l. pot - $10.00 SPOTTED LUNGWORT Heritage Collection (Pulmonaria officinalis) Attractive silver spotted foliage. Vigorous clump to 30 cm. Purplish pink buds open to blue flowers in the spring. Prefers a shaded or partly shaded area. PE-PUL-OF-C2......................................................................15 cm. pot - $5.00 34 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 35 STARFIRE PHLOX SUPERB EUROPEAN BISTORT (Phlox paniculata ‘Starfire’) A red flowered variety of summer blooming phlox. The foliage of this cultivar is purple. PE-PHL-PS-C1 ........................................................................9 cm. pot - $4.00 (Polygonum bistorta superba) Bold foliage with densely packed spikes of bright rose flowers. Long bloom period in rich moist soil. Best in part shade. PE-POY-BI-C1 .........................................................................9 cm. pot - $5.00 KRINKLED WHITE PEONY ALLEGRO ORIENTAL POPPY (Paeonia X lactiflora ‘Festiva Maxima’) Single white flowers with satiny crinkled petals and centre of yellow stamens. PE-PAE-KW-C3 ............................................................................Each - $16.00 (Papaver orientale 'Allegro') A relatively short Oriental Poppy to 50 cm. Bright red with black blotches at the base of the petals. PE-PAP-OR-C1 ...............................................................................Each - $4.00 G.F. HEMERICK PEONY (Paeonia X lactiflora ‘G.F. Hemerick’) Single bright pink flowers with centre of yellow stamens. PE-PAE-GH-C3 ............................................................................Each - $13.00 MAT PENSTEMON (Penstemon caespitosus) Dense mat of evergreen foliage is graced by purple flowers in early summer. PE-PEN-CAC1 .......................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 PINK OBEDIENT PLANT (Physostegia virginiana) Spikes of pink snapdragon-like flowers on a stiff upright plant. 100 cm. Blooms through the summer. Will spread aggressively – plant it where it has adequate space and can be controlled. PE-PHY-VI-C1 .......................................................................11 cm. pot - $4.00 SOLOMON'S SEAL (Polygonatum mutiflorum) Elegant foliage on arching stems. Greenish white bell shaped flowers hang from the stems. An easy to grow ground cover for the back of a shady border. PE-POP-MU-C1.......................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 COWSLIP PRIMROSE Heritage Collection (Primula veris) A very winter hardy primula which will naturalise in a shaded garden. Yellow flowers in June. PE-PRI-VE-C2.................................................................................Each - $4.00 Cowslip Primrose VICTORIA LOUISE ORIENTAL POPPY (Papaver orientale 'Victoria Louise') Large salmon pink flowers with a black blotch at the base of the petals. 90 cm. PE-PAP-OV-C2 ...............................................................................Each - $5.00 ASSINIBOINE PRIMULA Skinner Hybrid (Primula X 'Assiniboine') A hybrid has interesting tan coloured flowers. Very reliable in a moist shaded garden. 15 cm. PE-PRI-AS-C1 .........................................................................9 cm. pot - $5.00 SISSINGHURST WHITE LUNGWORT (Pulmonaria officionalis 'Sissinghurst White') Pure white flowers and silver spotted foliage. 30 cm. Prefers shade. PE-PUL-OS-C2...............................................................................Each - $6.00 MRS. MOON LUNGWORT (Pulmonaria saccharata 'Mrs. Moon') Leaves are marked by large silver spots. Flowers open pink and gradually fade to bluish. 40 cm. PE-PUL-SM-C2 .....................................................................15 cm. pot - $6.00 JUNGFRAU SAXIFRAGE (Saxifraga cotyledon) The giant encrusted Saxifrage has large rosettes of silvery foliage with white calcium encrustation. Flower spikes to 50 cm. White flowers spotted red. PE-SAX-CO-C1....................15 cm. pot - $6.00 BIG BETONY (Stachys grandiflora) Dense dark green foliage topped by spikes of purple flowers through the late summer. PE-STA-GR-C1 ............................Each - $4.00 Jungfrau Saxifrage 36 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 37 ALPINE SKULLCAP Barren Strawberry (Scutellaria alpina) Dark green leaves are toothed and wrinkled. Spreading clump. Flowers are creamy white with blue tips. 30 cm. PE-SCU-AL-C1 .....................................................................15 cm. pot - $4.00 BARREN STRAWBERRY (Waldestinia fragarioides) A very attractive ground cover. Dense mats of dark evergreen foliage. Small yellow flowers in the spring. PE-WAL-FR-C1 ..........9 cm. pot - $3.25 BLUE SPRUCE SEDUM (Sedum 'Blue Spruce') Upright plant to 20 cm. Awl shaped blue-green foliage. Flowers are bright yellow. PE-SED-BL-C1 ........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 MIDDENDORF SEDUM (Sedum kamschaticum middendorfianum) Forms a dense mound of dark green foliage. Flowers are yellow in mid summer. Choice edging plant. PE-SED-KM-C1 ......................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 AUTUMN JOY SEDUM Sedum spectabile ‘Autumn Joy’ This upright growing plant grows to 50 cm. in height. The succulent bluegreen foliage is topped by flower heads which open pink providing colour into late fall. PE-SED-SAC1 .........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 BRONZE CARPET SEDUM (Sedum spurium 'Bronze Carpet') A variety of two-row sedum with dark purple foliage and red flowers. 5 cm. PE-SED-SB-C1 ........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 TRICOLOR SEDUM (Sedum spurium 'Tricolor') A creeping sedum with red, white and green variegated foliage. Some stems revert to green and should be pruned out. PE-SED-ST-C1 ........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 MOSS CAMPION (Silene acaulis) Round tufts of moss-like foliage topped with 1 cm. rose-pink flowers through the spring and summer. 5 cm. high. An interesting plant for the rock garden or edge of small border. PE-SIL-AC-C1........................................................................ 9 cm. pot - $3.25 CLOTH OF GOLD GOLDENROD (Solidago ‘Cloth of Gold’) This dwarf goldenrod grows to 20 cm. in height. Yellow flowers enhance the fall garden. PE-SOL-CG-C2 ..............................................................................Each - $4.00 LAMBIES LUGS MOTHER OF THYME (Thymus serpyllum) Low dense ground cover with tiny dark green leaves. The most reliable of the thymes for ground cover, edging or between stepping stones. PE-THY-SE-C1 ........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 (Stachys byzantina) Forms a dense mat of wooly silvery foliage. Spikes of tiny purple flowers. 3040 cm. PE-STA-BY-C2................................................................................Each - $3.25 UKRANIAN THYME (Thymus odoratissimus) Sub shrub to 15 cm. Grey-green foliage is intensely fragrant. Pale purple flower. Use this plant as an herb. PE-THY-OD-C1 ..................................................................... 9 cm. pot - $3.25 Mother of Thyme BRACKETED SPIDERWORT Heritage Collection (Tradescantia bracteata) Grassy foliage is topped with pastel pink or blue flowers through the summer. Plant in the light shade for the longest bloom period and to delay early foliage die down. PE-TRA-BB-C1...................... Each - $4.00 Bracketed Spiderwort 38 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 39 WOOLY STEM THYME (Thymus serpyllum lanicaulis) Dense mats of wooly grey green foliage. Pale purple flowers. PE-THY-SL-C1 ........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 CREEPING SPEEDWELL Heritage Collection (Veronica prostrata) Creeping stems with linear hairy grey green leaves. Pale blue flowers. A choice ground cover or rock-garden plant. PE-VER-PR-C1 ........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 SPIKE SPEEDWELL Heritage Collection HOSTAS These perennials are prized for their foliage and for their adaptation in shaded gardens. While some variegated types will scorch in full sun, most varieties will grow well in sunny locations if they have adequate moisture. Hostas are hardy long lived plants. The quality of the foliage improves with age with some of the larger varieties taking 3-5 years to reach their beautiful potential. They range from 15 cm. edging plants to large 1 m. plants. Foliage can be green, blue, or yellow and may have various patterns of variegation. We offer the following from our collection: GOLD DROP HOSTA (Veronica spicata) Neat plant. Upright spikes of blue flowers in mid-summer. 50 cm. height PE-VER-SB-C1 ........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 (Hosta X ‘Gold Drop’) A dwarf gold leaved cultivar which could be used as an edger or ground cover. PE-HOH-GD-C3 ............................................................................Each - $6.00 PINK SPIKE SPEEDWELL Heritage Collection (Veronica spicata rosea) More compact than the blue variety. Grows to 30 cm. Spikes of rose-pink flowers on a compact clump. PE-VER-SR-C1 ........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 ANTIOCH HOSTA AUSTRIAN SPEEDWELL AUGUST MOON HOSTA Heritage Collection (Veronica teucrium austriacum) Sprawling clump. Spectacular when covered with deep blue flowers in the late spring. Long lived and easy to grow. PE-VER-TA-C1........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 SUNNY BORDER BLUE SPEEDWELL Veronica longifolia ‘Sunny Border Blue’ An upright plant with spikes of intense violet blue flowers over a long period in the summer. Grows to 50 cm. PE-VER-SUC1 .........................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 GOLDEN QUEEN GLOBEFLOWER (Trollius ledebouri 'Golden Queen') Flowers are bright orange yellow on stems to 100 cm. PE-TRO-CG-C1 ....................................................................15 cm. pot - $5.00 LEMON QUEEN GLOBEFLOWER (Trollius europeus ‘Lemon Queen’) Large double yellow “buttercup” flowers rise 40 cm. above a rosette of dark green cut foliage. Blooms in June and again in fall. PE-TRO-EL-C1 Each - $6.00 (Hosta ‘Antioch’) Light green foliage with a wide white variegated edge. A well grown plant will reach 60 cm. PE-HOH-AN-C3 ..........................................................................Each - $10.00 (Hosta ‘August Moon’) A large vigorous plant reaching 80 cm. Round leaves are bright golden yellow. PE-HOH-AM-C3............................................................................Each - $8.00 SEE SAW HOSTA (Hosta ‘See-Saw’) Narrow strap shaped leaves with thin white edge. 40 cm. PE-HOH-SE-C3 ..........................................................................3 l. pot - $6.00 BLUE BOY HOSTA (Hosta ‘Blue Boy’) Attractive small round blue leaves. Compact plant to 25 cm. PE-HOH-BB-C3..........................................................................3 l. pot - $8.00 HOSTA FRANCES WILLIAMS (Hosta sieboldiana ‘Frances Williams’) The bold round leaves are blue green bordered with a yellow edge. This large specimen hosta has been a favorite for many years. Grows to 70 cm. PE-HOH-FW-C3 ............................................................................Each - $8.00 Hosta Frances Williams Lemon Queen Globeflower 40 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 41 Wine Blue Flag Iris GINKO CRAIG HOSTA (Hosta X ‘Ginko Craig’) A small to medium sized variety with narrow wavy margined leaves edged in white. An outstanding edger. Deep mauve flowers in mid-summer. PE-HOH-GI-C2 ..............11 cm. pot - $8.00 FRANCEE HOSTA (Hosta ‘Francee’) 40 cm. tall. Dark green strap shaped leaves with a white border. A favorite. PE-HOH-FR-C2 .........................................................................3 l. pot - $8.00 GOLD CROWN HOSTA (Hosta ‘Gold Crown’) Medium green lanceolate leaves have a wide gold margin. Upright plant to 50 cm. PE-HOH-GC-C3.........................................................................3 l. pot - $6.00 GOLD STANDARD HOSTA (Hosta ‘Gold Standard’) The leaf opens light green with a dark green edge. It matures to gold in shade, to near cream in more sunlight. 50 cm. PE-HOH-GS-C3 .........................................................................3 l. pot - $8.00 KROSSA REGAL HOSTA (Hosta ‘Krossa Regal’) Large chalky blue strap shaped leaves. This variety needs rich moist soil and takes several years to reach its magnificent best. Grows to 80 cm. PE-HOH-KR-C3........................................................................3 l. pot - $10.00 REGAL SPLENDOR HOSTA (Hosta ‘Regal Splelndor) This sport of Krossa Regal is a large hosta with lance shaped gray-blue leaves edged with cream to yellow. Matures to an attractive vase-shaped plant. PE-HOH-RS-C3 ....................................................................11 cm. pot - $8.00 MIDDLE RIDGE HOSTA (Hosta undulata ‘Middle Ridge’) Dark green edge with white centre stipe edged with light green. 40 cm. PE-HOS-MR-C3 .............................................................................Each - $6.00 LANCELEAF HOSTA (Hosta lancifolia) A vigorous ground cover species. Grows to 30 cm. Bright green strap shaped leaves lend a tropical look when it is used as ground cover or edging. PE-HOS-LA-C3 ..........................................................................3 l. pot - $8.00 AUGUST LILY HOSTA (Hosta plantaginifolia grandiflora) Medium green leaves to 60 cm. are topped with fragrant white flowers in August. PE-HOS-PG-C3 ..........................................................................3 l. pot - $8.00 ELEGANS SIEBOLD HOSTA (Hosta sieboliana ‘Elegans’) Large round seersuckered leaves. Chalky blue. A choice large hosta to 90 cm. PE-HOS-SI-C3 ............................................................................3 l. pot - $8.00 HALCYON HOSTA (Hosta tardiana ‘Halcyon’) Silver grey lance shaped leaves. R.H.S. Award of Merit winner. Outstanding ground cover. 60 cm. PE-HOS-TH-C2..............................................................................Each - $8.00 LOVE PAT HOSTA (Hosta tokudama ‘Love Pat’) Large round chalky blue leaves are well puckered. Needs to be grown in shade. 50 cm. height. PE-HOS-TL-C1 ............................................................................Each - $10.00 PEARL LAKE BLUE HOSTA (Hosta X ‘Pearl Lake Blue’) A dwarf blue cultivar suitable for use as a ground cover. PE-HOH-PL-C3..............................................................................Each - $8.00 SHADE FANFARE HOSTA (Hosta ‘Shade Fanfare’) Brightens a shady corner with golden leaves edged in white. 40 cm. high. A vigorous grower. PE-HOH-SH-C2...... Each - $8.00 IRISES YELLOWFLAG IRIS (Iris pseudacoris) Bold strap shaped leaves. 120 cm. Will form a large clump. Tolerant of wet conditions but will perform well in the flower border. Deep yellow flowers in early summer. PE-IRG-PS-C3 ................................................................................Each - $4.00 WINE BLUE FLAG IRIS Yellow Flag Iris 42 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue (Iris versicolor kermesiana) A wine purple flowered from of this native iris. 70 cm. PE-IRG-VK-C3 ............................................................................3 l. pot - $7.00 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 43 EYEBRIGHT IRIS An outstanding hardy and vigorous intermediate dwarf bearded iris. Bright yellow flowers marked with burgundy in June. PE-IRB-EY-C1 .................................................................................Each - $4.00 HESPERIA IRIS Heritage Collection (Iris germanica ‘Hesperia’) Old fashioned iris variety with bright yellow standards and purple falls. Fragrant. PE-IRB-HE-C1................................................................................Each - $4.00 ROYAL FAIRY IRIS (Iris X germanica ‘Royal Fairy’) Dark purple flowers with blue beards. Blooms early June. 30 cm. PE-IRB-RO-C2 ......................................................................11 cm. pot - $4.00 PALE YELLOW IRIS PSEUDACORIS The pale yellow form is a smaller plant than the species. Grows to 90 cm. Pale yellow flowers have dark veins. PE-IRG-YI-C3 .................................................................................Each - $7.00 TYCOON IRIS (Iris siberica ‘Tycoon’) Very large deep purplish blue flowered Siberian Iris. Will tolerate wet conditions but grows well in the flower border. PE-IRG-ST-C3.............................................................................3 l. pot - $5.00 BLUE FLAG IRIS (Iris versicolor) This native iris grows at the water’s edge in the wild. Adapts well to garden conditions if moisture is adequate early in the summer. Lots of medium blue flowers in early summer. PE-IRG-VE-C2 ..............................................................................90 cm. $4.00 WHITE DOVE IRIS (Iris siberica ‘White Dove’) Pure white Siberian iris. Upright grassy foliage. Flowers in late June and early July. PE-IRG-SW-C1 Each - $5.00 GRASSES SKINNER'S GOLDEN BROMEGRASS H. Skinner Selection (Bromus inermis 'Skinner's Golden') Very vigorous gold striped grass. To control its aggressive habit it. It should be mowed in mid summer. Do not allow it to go to seed as the seedlings will have green leaves and will take over the planting. PG-BRO-IS-C1 ...............................................................................Each - $3.25 GAY BOUQUET RIBBON GRASS (Bromus inermis ‘Gay Bouquet’) A variegated brome grass discovered by Ed Robinson of Wawanesa. Leaves are variegated with white and pink. Mow in mid summer and avoid letting it produce seed. An aggressive ground cover. PG-BRO-IG-C1 ..............................................................................Each - $3.25 SKINNER'S BLUE FESCUE H. Skinner Selection (Festuca glauca ‘Skinner’s Blue’) Vigorous clump forming plant with good blue colour. Plant grows to 25 cm. with golden seed heads in fall. Very winter hardy. PG-FES-OS-C1...............................................................................Each - $3.25 RIBBON GRASS (Phalaris arundinacea picta) A tall variegated grass to 120 cm. Quickly forms a large clump to 90 cm. across. PG-PHA-AP-C1.......................................................................9 cm. pot - $3.25 PACIFIC GIANT DELPHINIUMS These Dephinium hybrids produce long showy spikes of flowers 120-150 cm. tall. They require rich moist soil and high fertility to produce the best flower spikes. They should be protected from the wind and staked. The main flush of bloom is in early summer with repeat bloom if spent flowers are removed. BLACK KNIGHT DELPHINIUM Deep purple with black bee. PE-DEL-BK-C2.........................Each - $3.25 GUINIVERE DELPHINIUM Pink with white bee. PE-DEL-GU-C2 ......................Each - $3.25 White Dove Iris SUMMER SKIES DELPHINIUM Medium blue with white bee. PE-SUM-SK-C2 ..................Each - $3.25 Summer Skies Delphinium 44 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 45 ARNOLD HAWTHORN Bundle of 10 - 30 cm. TF-CRA-AR-H10 .....................................................................................$45.00 GALAHAD DELPHINIUM HEDGE (PEKING) COTONEASTER White with white bee. PE-DEL-GA-C2 .Each - $3.25 Bundle of 10 - 25 cm. SM-COT-LU-H10....................................................................................$34. 00 BLUE SPRINGS DELPHINIUM WESTERN SANDCHERRY Bundle of 10 - 30 cm. FS-PRC-BE-H10......................................................................................$30. 00 Shorter plant (to 80 cm..) with blue or mauve flowers PE-BLU-SP-C2 Each - $3.25 GLOSSARY Skinner Hybrid - Plants that are the product of Dr. F.L. Skinner's plant breeding work. (1927-1968) Heritage Collection - Traditional favorites. Reliable and hardy plant selections most grown at Skinner's since 1950 and before. Skinner Introduction - Hardy plant material selected by Dr. F.L.Skinner from other circumpolar regions. H. Skinner Selections - Plant materials resulting from introductions and plant breeding by Hugh Skinner. SKINNER’S HEDGE OPTIONS MANCHURIAN POPLAR Bundle of 10 - 60 cm. TS-POP-SO-H10........................ $40.00 Galahad Delphinium BROWNTWIG POPLAR Bundle of 10 - 60 cm. TS-POP-TR-H10 ........................ $40.00 NORTHWEST POPLAR Bundle of 10 - 60 cm. TS-POP-JN-H10.......................................................................................$40.00 GOLDEN WILLOW Bundle of 10 - 60 cm. TS-SAL-AA-H10 .....................................................................................$40.00 REDSTEM WILLOW Bundle of 10 - 60 cm. TS-SAL-AC-H10 .................................................................................... $40.00 SILKY WHITE (SILVER) WILLOW Bundle of 10 - 60 cm. TS-SAL-AS-H10 .....................................................................................$40.00 PINK PUSSY WILLOW Bundle of 10 - 60 cm. TS-SAL-DA-H10 .....................................................................................$40.00 LAUREL WILLOW Bundle of 10 - 60 cm. TS-SAL-PE-H10.......................................................................................$40.00 46 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 47 INDE Double Snowdrop Anemone, 29 Snowdrop Anemone, 29 Archangel Herman’s Pride Archangel, 33 Yellow Archangel, 33 Ash European Mountain Ash, 7 Green Ash, 21 Rocky (Greene’s) Mountain Ash, 7 Aster Alert Aster, 29 Blue Lagoon Aster, 30 Goliath Alpine Aster, 29 New England Aster, 29 Pink Beauty Aster, 29 Pink Bouquet Aster, 29 Purple Dome Aster, 29 Avens Mountain Avens, 30 Siberian Avens, 33 Basswood American Basswood, 22 Barren Strawberry Barren Strawberry, 39 Bergenia Leatherleaf Bergenia, 30 Betony Big Betony, 37 Lambies Lugs, 39 Birch Brown China Paper Birch, 20 Paper Birch, 20 Bistort Superb European Bistort, 37 Bunchberry Bunchberry, 31 Campanula Serbian Bellflower, 30 Fairy Bells, 30 Caragana Globe Caragana, 4 Tidy Caragana, 26 Walker Caragana, 4 Cedar Brandon Pyramidal Cedar, 10 Eastern White Cedar, 8 Little Giant Globe Cedar, 10 48 Skinner’s Dwarf Pyramidal Cedar, 10 Warreana Globe Cedar, 10 Woodward Globe Cedar, 10 Cerastium Snow-in-Summer, 30 Cherry Shubert Cherry, 7 Chrysanthemum Clara Curtis Chrysanthemum, 30 Clematis Blue Bird Clematis, 27 Blue Boy Clematis, 27 Rosy O’Grady Clematis, 27 Francis Rivas Clematis, 27 Ground Clematis, 30 Jouiniana Praecox Clematis, 31 P.T. Joy Clematis, 30 White Swan Clematis, 30 Coral Bells Northern Fire Coral Bells, 32 Palace Purple Coral Bells, 31 Cotoneaster Ground Cotoneaster, 4 Hedge (Peking) Cotoneaster, 7 Hedge (Peking) Cotoneaster, 47 Crabapple Rudolph Crab, 7 Thunderchild Crab, 7 Cranberry Compact American Cranberry, 6 Creeping Jenny Creeping Jenny, 33 Golden Creeping Jenny, 34 Currant Alpine Currant, 5 Cypress Siberian Cypress, 10 Daphne Carol Mackie Daphne, 4 February Daphne, 4 Daylily Amur Daylily, 32 Catherine Woodbury Daylily, 32 Kindly Light Daylily, 32 Mikado Daylily, 32 Purple Waters Daylily, 31 Siloam Uri Winiford Daylily, 32 Stella D’Oro Daylily. 32 Delphinium Black Knight Delphinium, 45 Blue Springs Delphinium, 46 Galahad Delphinium, 46 Guinivere Delphinium, 45 Summer Skies Delphinium, 45 Dianthus Brilliant Maiden’s Pinks, 31 Tiny Rubies Dianthus, 31 Dogwood Golden Variegated Dogwood, 6 Goldleaf Dogwood, 6 Isanti Dogwood, 6 Pagoda Dogwood, 26 Redosier Dogwood, 6 Silverleaf Dogwood, 6 Euonymus Dwarf Burning Bush, 4 Korean Winged Burning Bush, 5 Running Euonymus, 5 Turkestan Burning Bush, 4 False Indigobush False Indigobush, 6 Falsespirea Aurora Falsespirea, 23 Fern Ostrich Fern, 34 Flax Blue Flax, 33 Forsythia Northern Gold Forsythia, 6 Foxglove Dropmore Yellow Foxglove, 31 Gas Plant Purple Gas Plant, 31 Geranium Ingwersen’s Bigroot Geranium, 32 Geranium X Magnificum, 32 Globeflower Golden Queen Globeflower, 40 Lemon Queen Globeflower, 40 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Goldenrod Cloth of Gold Goldenrod, 38 Gooseberry Dakota Dwarf Gooseberry, 5 Grasses Gay Bouquet Ribbon Grass, 45 Ribbon Grass, 45 Skinner’s Blue Fescue, 45 Skinner’s Golden Brome Grass, 45 Ground Ivy Variegated Ground Ivy, 34 Hawthorn Arnold Hawthorn, 47 Honeysuckle Arnold Red Honeysuckle , 26 Dropmore Scarlet Trumpet Honeysuckle, 28 Georges Bugnet Sweetberry Honeysuckle, 6 Miniglobe Honeysuckle, 5 Hosta Antioch Hosta, 41 August Lily Hosta, 43 August Moon Hosta, 41 Blue Boy Hosta, 41 Elegans Siebold Hosta, 43 Frances Williams Hosta, 41 Francee Hosta, 42 Ginko Craig Hosta, 42 Gold Crown Hosta, 42 Gold Drop Hosta, 41 Gold Standard Hosta, 42 Halcyon Hosta, 43 Krossa Regal Hosta, 42 Lanceleaf Hosta, 43 Love Pat Hosta, 43 Middle Ridge Hosta, 43 Pearl Lake Blue Hosta, 43 Regal Splendor Hosta, 42 See Saw Hosta, 41 Shade Fanfare Hosta, 42 Iris Blue Flag Iris, 44 Eyebright Iris, 44 Hesperia Iris, 44 Pale Yellow Iris Pseudacoris, 44 Royal Fairy Iris, 44 Tycoon Iris, 44 White Dove Iris, 44 Wine Blue Flag Iris, 43 Yellowflag Iris, 43 Juniper Blue Chip Juniper, 9 Blue Danube Juniper, 9 Calgary Carpet Juniper, 9 Compact Andorra Juniper, 9 Dunvegan Blue Juniper, 9 Hughes Juniper, 9 Prince of Wales Juniper, 9 Savin Juniper, 9 Skandia Juniper, 9 Yukon Belle Juniper, 9 Lady’s Mantle Dwarf Lady’s Mantle, 29 Thriller Lady’s Mantle, 29 Larch American Larch (Tamarack), 8 Siberian Larch, 8 Lavander Munstead Dwarf Lavender, 33 Lilac Coral Lilac, 25 Donald Wyman Lilac, 25 Japanese Tree Lilac, 8 Maiden’s Blush Lilac, 25 Meyer Lilac, 24 Minuet Lilac, 26 Miss Canada Liac, 25 Miss Kim Lilac, 24 Persian Lilac, 25 Pocahontas Lilac, 25 Royal Purple Lilac, 25 Royalty Lilac, 25 Sister Justina Liac, 25 Variegated Lilac, 25 Lily of the Valley Lily of the Valley, 30 Linden Dropmore Linden, 22 Littleleaf Linden, 22 Lungwort Mrs. Moon Lungwort, 37 Sissinghurst White Lungwort, 37 Spotted Lungwort, 34 Lychnis Double German Catchfly, 34 Rose Campion, 33 Scarlet Lightning, 33 Mahonia Creeping Mahonia, 5 Maple Amur Maple, 26 Manitoba Maple, 20 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue INDEX Anemone Mayday Tree Skinner’s Bronze Mayday, 7 Meadowsweet Double European Meadowsweet, 31 Dwarf Siberian Meadowsweet, 31 Mockorange Blizzard Mock-orange, 26 Monarda Petite Delight Monarda, 34 Nannyberry Nannyberry, 27 Ninebark Diablo Ninebark, 7 Goldleaf Ninebark, 7 Obedient Plant Pink Obedient Plant, 36 Peony Festiva Maxima Peony, 34 G.F. Hemerick Peony, 36 Karl Rosenfeld Peony, 34 Krinkled White Peony 36 Penstemon Mat Penstemon, 36 Phlox Alpha Phlox, 35 Arctic Phlox, 35 Autumn Rose Phlox, 35 Rubies Choice Phlox, 35 Starfire Phlox, 36 Pine Dwarf Mugo Pine, 10 Limber Pine, 8 Pumilio Mugo Pine, 10 Scots Pine, 8 Poplar Browntwig Poplar, 21 Browntwig Poplar, 46 Manchurian Poplar, 21 Manchurian Poplar, 46 Northwest Poplar, 21 Northwest Poplar, 46 Skinner’s Weeping Poplar, 21 Tower Poplar, 21 Poppy Allegro Oriental Poppy, 37 Victoria Louise Oriental Poppy, 37 Potentilla Abbottswood Potentilla, 22 Coronation Triumph Potentilla, 22 49 INDE Dart’s Goldigger Potentilla, 23 Elizabeth Potentilla, 23 Goldfinger Potentilla, 23 Pink Beauty Potentilla, 23 Pink Princess Potentilla, 23 Primrose Beauty Potentilla, 23 Snowbird Potentilla, 23 Sundance Potentilla, 22 Yellowbird Potentilla, 22 Yellowgem Potentilla, 23 Primula Assiniboine Primula, 37 Cowsllip Primrose, 36 Prinsepia Cherry Prinsepia, 26 Rose Adelaide Hoodless Rose, 11 Alexander MacKenzie Rose, 14 Alika Rose, 20 Aylsham Rose, 18 Blanc Double de Coubert Rose, 20 Champlain Rose, 14 Country Dancer Rose, 19 Dart’s Dash Rose, 19 David Thompson Rose, 14 De Montarville Rose, 15 Dr. F.L. Skinner Rose, 19 George Vancouver Rose, 14 Gruss an Tepplitz Rose, 20 Hansa Rose, 20 Hazeldean Rose, 17 Helen Bland Rose, 18 Henry Hudson Rose, 13 Henry Kelsey Rose, 14 Hope for Humanity Rose, 11 Jens Munk Rose, 13 John Cabot Rose, 15 John Davis Rose, 14 J.P. Connell Rose, 15 Louise Bugnet Rose, 18 Louis Jolliet Rose, 15 Louis Riel Rose, 19 Marie Bugnet Rose, 18 Marie Victorin Rose, 15 Martin Frobisher Rose, 14 Max Graf Rose, 11 Metis Rose, 17 Morden Blush Rose, 13 Morden Centennial Rose, 11 Morden Fireglow Rose, 13 Morden Snowbeauty Rose, 13 Morden Sunrise Rose, 13 Mrs. Anthony Waterer Rose, 19 Mrs. John Mcnabb Rose, 17 Pierette Pavement Rose, 19 Pink Masquerade Rose, 19 50 Polstjarnen Rose, 10 Prairie Joy Rose, 13 Prairie Youth Rose, 17 Reta Bugnet Rose, 18 Roserie de l’Hay Rose, 19 Royal Edward Rose, 15 Scarlet Ranger Rose, 18 Suzanne Rose, 16 Therese Bugnet Rose, 18 Wasagaming Rose, 17 White Mountains Rose, 11 Will Alderman Rose, 16 William Baffin Rose, 15 William Booth Rose, 16 Winnipeg Parks Rose, 11 Sandcherry Purple-leaved Sandcherry, 5 Western Sandcherry, 5, 47 Saxifrage Jungfrau Saxifrage, 37 Sedum Autumn Joy Sedum, 38 Blue Spruce Sedum, 38 Bronze Carpet Sedum, 38 Middendorf Sedum, 38 Tricolor Sedum, 39 Variegated Kamschatica Sedum, 34 Silene Moss Campion, 39 Skullcap Alpine Skullcap, 38 Solomon’s Seal Statice Tatarian Statice, 32 Sumac Staghorn Sumac, 27 Westen Smooth Sumac, 5 Thyme Mother of Thyme, 38 Ukranian Thyme, 39 Wolly Stem Thyme, 40 Virginia Creeper Virginia Creeper, 28 Wild Ginger Canada Wild Ginger, 29 Willow Golden Willow, 21 Golden Willow, 46 Laurel Willow, 22 Laurel Willow, 46 Pink Pussy Willow, 22 Pink Pussy Willow, 46 Redstem Willow, 21 Redstem Willow, 46 Silky White (Silver) Willow, 21 Silky White (Silver) Willow, 46 Polar Bear Willow, 26 Yarrow Cloth of Gold Yarrow, 28 Fire King Yarrow, 28 Perry’s White Achillea, 28 Summer Pastels Yarrow, 28 Solomon’s Seal, 36 Speedwell Austrian Speedwell, 40 Creeping Speedwell, 40 Pink Spike Speedwell, 40 Spike Speedwell, 40 Sunny Border Blue Speedwell, 40 Skinner’s Research and Development S kinner’s efforts in developing new plants have a long history and cover a broad range of plants. We have been collecting the historical varieties which have been developed or introduced from the nursery and hope to begin to develop a garden to display these many varieties. Part of the excitement of assembling this collection is in rediscovering some excellent plant varieties which have been neglected by the market for many years. We expect to be able to re-introduce some of these excellent varieties in the future. m. s in the arboretu Over the past 15 years we have Examining Tree been selecting from the exceptionally hardy trees, shrubs and perennials which are part of our collection. Among the material which we are looking at for possible introduction are lindens, clematis, mountain ash and prunus. Evaluation of new varieities of trees is a particularly long process. With the introduction of Skinner’s Dwarf Pyramidal Cedar, we have begun a new round of introductions in trees and shrubs. Look for more to come Spiderwort Bracketed Spiderwort, 38 Spirea Anthony Waterer Spirea, 24 Density Spirea, 23 Fairy Queen Spirea, 24 Goldflame Spirea, 24 Goldmound Spirea, 24 Little Princess Spirea, 24 Rosabella Spirea, 24 Snowhite Spirea, 24 Threelobe Spirea, 23 Spruce Colorado Blue Spruce, 8 Black Hills Spruce, 8 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue ramidal Cedar. Skinners Darf Py In the past two years we have added many cultivars to our test gardens. We will be bringing you some of these varieties in the future and we also hope to use some of these in the development of other new varieties. The range of plants that we can grow in our climate is certainly expanding quite rapidly at the present time. Visitors to the nursery and arboretum can see some of these varieties which are new or not commonly offered to prairie gardeners. Our focus has always been to provide you with plants which will thrive in your garden. Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 51 Visiting the Frank Skinner Arboretum Trail Helen Skinner, Hugh Skinner unveiling plaque erected by the Manitoba Historic Sites Advisory Board. 1981. T he Arboretum Trail is a series of self guided trails through native and planted trees, shrubs and perennial flowers. Frank Skinner homesteaded on this property in 1901. Planting in the area began around 1912 and has continued until today. The historical significance of these plantings has been recognized on numerous occasions. Visit the trail You will marvel at the unique and majestic specimens and enjoy the serenity of the garden. along the trail include Scots Pine, Showy Mountain Ash, Siberian Larch, Black Hills Spruce, Mugho Pine, Japanese Elm, Siberian Stone Pine, Volunteers planting along the trail September 2000 Notable species Membership Form ✂ Clip and mail this coupon with your membership donation. Frank Skinner Arboretum Corporation, Box 1221 Roblin, Mb R0L 1P0 Name: _________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________ Amount to Donation: ❏ $20.00 or __________________________________ 52 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue and Manchurian Pear . Recent plantings include a collection of Canadian developed roses, and a variety of perennial flowers suited to sun and shade. Bring a notebook and a camera – you may wish to adapt some of what you learn to your own garden. Bring a picnic and take advantage of the picnic area and fire pit. Guided tours can be arranged for school groups as well as for other larger groups of interested persons. Visitors to the Arboretum Trail are welcome to take self guided tours during daylight hours No admission is charged, but voluntary donations are appreciated. Fall colour alon g the trail. Amur Maple (red), Ja with evergreens panese Elm (yell in the background ow) . Membership in the Frank Skinner Arboretum Corporation The Frank Skinner Arboretum Trail is administered by the Frank Skinner Arboretum Corporation. It is a not for profit charitable corporation which is dedicated to the preservation of the horticultural legacy of Frank Skinner. Membership in the Corporation is open to anyone in return for a tax creditable donation of $20 or more. Join us in helping to preserve this unique planting and in helping to promote the study of Frank Skinner’s unique contribution to the development of prairie hardy plants. Frank Skinner examines a Linden hybrid - 1965. Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 53 New Roses Collection Start a new rose garden or add some of the best new varieties from Agriculture Canada to your rose garden. This collection brings you 4 new varieties to add to your garden. ● Morden Snowbeauty ● Morden Sunrise ● De Montarville ● Marie Victorin Order Early for Mothers Day Limited Quantities 44.95 $ Skinner’s Nursery and Garden Centre Ltd. P.0. Box 220 Roblin, MB. R0L 1P0 Tel: (204) 564-2336 Fax: (204) 564-2324 To: Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 55 56 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 57 58 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 59 60 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 61 62 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue 63 64 Skinner Garden Classics Mail Order Catalogue