Magnetic Prospection of the Pre-Columbian - UMR Sisyphe
Magnetic Prospection of the Pre-Columbian - UMR Sisyphe
Archaeological Prospection Archaeol. Prospect. (2014) Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/arp.1482 Magnetic Prospection of the Pre-Columbian Archaeological Site of El Caño in the cultural region of Gran Coclé, Panama ALEXIS MOJICA1,2, LOUIS PASTOR2, CHRISTIAN CAMERLYNCK2*, NICOLAS FLORSCH3 AND ALAIN TABBAGH2 1 Laboratorio de Investigación en Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas, Centro Experimental de Ingeniería, Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Panama City, Panama 2 Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Université Paris 06, UMR 7619 METIS, F-75005, Paris, France 3 Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Université Paris 06, UMI 209 UMMISCO, F-75005, Paris, France ABSTRACT The archaeological site of El Caño is located in the cultural region of Gran Coclé and is one of the most important preColumbian ceremonial complexes of the Isthmus of Panama. El Caño is 3.57 ha in area presents a set of mounds and alignment of columns of carved basalt and tuff. The first organized occupation is dated between 100 and 400 BC, and this occupation lasted until the arrival of the Spanish conquerors. In order to determine the spatiotemporal organization of the site, the first magnetic and electrical surveys of this archaeological site were performed in 2005 and 2006. Although the resistivity mapping survey did not offer any information about buried stone structures, the magnetic survey in gradiometer mode produced well-characterized magnetic anomalies. A circular magnetic anomaly in the central area of the site allowed the discovery of one of the largest Panamanian pre-Columbian funerary complexes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Key words: Magnetic prospection; gradiometer; El Caño; magnetic anomaly; mound; pre-Columbian funerary complex Introduction In recent decades the use of non-invasive geophysical techniques in recognizing the archaeological potential of a given site has experienced a noticeable increase due to its speed in the field, the low cost and high data density, in combination with highresolution results. Today, important geophysical investigations are applied to the study of archaeological sites in Central America such as Copan (Pastor et al., 2004). Although Panama has important pre-Columbian and Hispanic archaeological sites, geophysical investigations are not numerous. Electrical methods were used in the eastern sector of Panama to locate buried preColumbian graves (Wake et al., 2012) and in northern Panama for detection of buried Hispanic structures at * Correspondence to: C. Camerlynck, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Université Paris 06, UMR 7619 METIS, F-75005, Paris, France. E-mail: Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. the site of Nombre de Dios, which was the first European port on the Atlantic coast of the Isthmus of Panama and was in connected with the old city of Panama for transferring wealth from South America to Spain (Mojica et al., 2010). Magnetic methods were used successfully in Panama Viejo, which was the first European settlement on the Pacific coast of the Americas (Mojica, 2007; Mojica et al., 2009). Excavations at the archaeological site of El Caño began in1961, but it was not until 2005 and 2006 that the first geophysical magnetic and electrical surveys were performed by the authors of this article. Electrical prospecting with a 1-m square grid offered no evidence of very shallow buried stone structures within the investigation depth and showed very weak variations in this area of the fairly uniform alluvial site. Consequently, the work focused on exploiting the information of the magnetic survey, previously well known as a fruitful method in archaeological surveys, and this paper presents the most important results of this prospection. Received 17 October 2013 Accepted 31 January 2014 A. Mojica et al. Geographical and geological context The site of El Caño is located in the district of Natá of Coclé province, in the central sector of the Isthmus of Panama, about 185 miles west of Panama City (Figure 1) and near the important archaeological site of Conte. The elevation of the site is 100 m above sea level and it is situated in very fertile lowlands that extend along the coast, which is characterized by a tropical rainy climate with rainfall of around 2500 mm per year. The average temperature is 28° and the vegetation is savanna grasses, shrubs and few trees. The site is located on an alluvial plain drained by the Coclé del Sur, El Caño, Grande and Churubé rivers; according to Miranda and Gutierrez (1993), fluvial deposits of these rivers comprise sandy-clay sediments with gravel components of volcanic origin. The regional geology is described as the Rio Hato Formation (Figure 2), which includes consolidated and nonconsolidated sandstones, conglomerates, shales, tuffs and Quaternary pumices. The El Caño site is located close to the Yeguada volcano, one of the major preHolocene active volcanos in Panama (Knutsen, 2010). Archaeological context The central zone of the Isthmus of Panama presents archaeological characteristics of the pre-Columbian culture of Gran Coclé, which is characterized by the oldest ceramics of the American continent (Mayo, 2006). According to Briggs (1989), Isaza (1993) and Cooke (1998) the organized settlements of such sites as El Caño and Conte date from the first years of the Christian period. Two periods are distinguished in these inhabited sites: the first from AD 100–700, which corresponds to a quite egalitarian social organization, and the second from AD 700–1550, which is associated with the occurrence of tribal chiefs (caciques); the social Figure 1. Location of the pre-Columbian site of El Caño. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Figure 2. Geological map of El Caño and its surroundings (source: Mapa Geológico de la República de Panamá, Instituto de Recursos Minerales). organization, egalitarian in the beginning and then hierarchical, is verified in the inventory of archaeological funeral excavations. For archaeologists, the site of El Caño corresponds then to a political and social centre ruled by the caciques, with production of gold, copper and various artefacts (Cooke et al., 2003). A brief physical description of the site indicates a path of volcanic river cobbles to the east, tuff basalt monoliths carved in the centre of the site (Figure 3), and a set of four mounds of few metres high and tens of metres in diameter: Figure 3c shows one of the mounds that played an important role in funeral rites. The chronology of the main archaeological studies of the site of El Caño is as follows: the first excavations were carried out in 1926 by the collector Hyatt Verrill; Gerald Doyle identified later in 1961 a pre-Columbian cemetery near the basalt monoliths; in 1973, Richard Cooke developed an archaeological rescue plan of the site and identified a set of urns with pre-Columbian and colonial remains; between 1982 and 1985, excavations within mound M4 (excavations E1982-3-4 and E84-5) revealed pre-Columbian tombs and many potsherds were discovered (Lleras and Barillas, 1985); finally Carlos Fitzgerald carried out excavations at mounds M3 and M4 and highlighted the multicomponent and multifunctional aspects of this site (Fitzgerald, 1992). Since 2005 the archaeologist Julia Mayo has been conducting a new archaeological programme at El Caño and asked us to plan and implement the first geophysical studies at the site. Archaeol. Prospect. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/arp Magnetic Prospection of the Pre-Columbian El Caño Site, Panama Figure 3. Panoramic views of the site of El Caño: (a) monoliths, (b) ‘temple’ (rectangular set of monoliths), (c) mound M1 and (d) the cobbled path. Methodology Magnetic prospection instrumentation and measurements Magnetic survey is often used in archaeology because it is a non-invasive, high-resolution method that allows rapid and extensive coverage of the study area (Aspinall et al., 2008). We used a G-858 caesium magnetometer (Geometrics Ltd) with two sensors in vertical gradiometer configuration. This mode is commonly used in archaeological surveying, whereby the two sensors are fixed on an aluminum tube and separated vertically by a distance of 0.7 m (Figure 4), the lower sensor being at 0.45 m elevation above the ground surface. At El Caño, the inclination of Earth’s magnetic field is 37°, its average modulus is 33 653 nT and its declination 3°4’ west. The difference between the values of the magnetic field intensity recorded by the two sensors, divided by the distance between them, approximates the vertical magnetic gradient measured at the midpoint between both sensors, hereafter called pseudo-gradient. We have prospected a surface area of 3.57 ha distributed into 22 areas, as shown in Figure 5. Magnetic prospecting was carried out along a set of profiles separated by a distance of 1 m and the survey was made in opposite directions between adjacent profiles Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (zig-zag mode). In most of the 22 areas, profiles are oriented along the 11°N direction. For practical reasons, profiles are oriented along the perpendicular 101°N direction in the two smaller southwestern areas. Along each profile measurements were made every 0.2 s, that is, every 20 cm for an operator moving at a speed of 3.6 km h-1, with the data acquisition system interpolating the data to correct variations in operator speed. The measurement resolution of the G858 magnetometer Figure 4. Using G-858 caesium magnetometer in gradiometer mode in the El Caño site. Archaeol. Prospect. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/arp A. Mojica et al. Figure 5. Aerial photograph of the archaeological site with the polygons that define the area surveyed. This aerial photograph was taken after the ground levelling works in 1970 (Lleras and Barillas, 1985). is 0.01 nT, but the actual sensitivity is close to 0.1 nT at the selected sampling rate (Mathé et al., 2006). Magnetics data analysis For all geophysical prospection, before obtaining a simple result or interpretation, the numerical data have to be cleaned in order to remove effects induced by the acquisition as well as external factors and defects within the devices. Thus the removal of all effects not linked to the buried archaeological structures is necessary and this pre-processing is particularly needed in magnetic geophysical prospecting (Scollar et al., 1986; EderHinterleitner et al., 1996; Ciminale and Loddo, 2001). Figure 6 shows the effects of the magnetic signal processing on the measured data: the corrections made to the magnetic signal are explained below. of the soil (volcanic rock pieces, scrap metal, etc.). A logarithmic compression algorithm can reduce this distorting effect: jxj þ1 (1) xcompressed ¼ A log10 A Figure 6c illustrates the application of this algorithm on the data corrected for the zig-zag effect. Figure 6c therefore represents the most important result in the discussion of the magnetic survey, however, Zig-zag (or herringbone) effect correction Measurements along alternating profiles are made in opposite directions (forward and return) and this process can create a zero drift, an effect that accumulates in various pairs of profiles to transform a linear anomaly into a teeth-shaped anomaly (zig-zag effect). An interprofile cross-correlation algorithm therefore was used to correct this effect and Figure 6b shows the result of correcting for this effect. Spike-effect correction This effect is linked to the existence of specific strong or spike anomalies caused by the presence of small magnetic sources distributed randomly on the surface Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Figure 6. Map of vertical magnetic pseudo-gradient: (a) measured, (b) correction of zig-zag effect and (c) correction of spike effects after correcting for zig-zag effect. Archaeol. Prospect. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/arp Magnetic Prospection of the Pre-Columbian El Caño Site, Panama with the aim of taking into account all magnetic information we have also looked at the magnetic field recorded by the upper magnetic sensor. Without a continuous record of the magnetic field at a base station, however, the recorded magnetic field could be corrected for diurnal variation only by removing a polynomial trend on a profile-by-profile basis, thus providing residual data. A reduction to the pole was then performed using a Wiener filter to stabilize the process at the local 37° inclination (Hansen and Pawlowski, 1989). Both raw data and data reduced to the pole are shown for the areas east of mounds M3 and M4 and south of the monoliths (Figure 7). Data that have been reduced to the pole (Figure 7b) allow magnetic anomalies to be identified and localized more clearly than the raw data (Figure 7a), however, these field maps provide lower frequency information than vertical magnetic pseudo-gradient maps. Results and discussion We did not make magnetic measurements around mounds M3 and M4 because they are excavated and exposed to tourism. In addition, although we identified anomalies A3 and A4, we will limit our discussion to anomalies A1, A2 and A5–A9. Figure 8 presents the vertical magneticpseudogradient-corrected and schematic interpretative maps. We can classify the set of anomalies observed into two groups: the first comprises anomalies A6–A9, which according to the narratives of site workers and our Figure 7. (a) Map of raw total magnetic field data from the top sensor and (b) of the residual total field reduced to the pole. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/arp A. Mojica et al. observations are linked to leveling work at the site before 1970; the second comprises A1, A2 and A5. Anomalies A1 and A2 correspond to circles of approximately 15–20 m in diameter, and are surrounded by the topographical border associated with the remainder of mounds M1 and M2, which have slightly larger diameters. Consequently these magnetic anomalies are interpreted as ‘magnetic traces’ or ‘magnetic boundaries’ of mounds. Anomaly A5 comprises a set of circular rings of approximately 80 m in diameter and is the most important magnetic anomaly identified. In the first instance the regular circle forming A5 cannot be explained (Figure 8a) by geological reasons and therefore can be interpreted as Figure 8. (a) Vertical magnetic pseudo-gradient after corrections. (b) Schematic interpretation of the main magnetic anomalies. Positions of the A–B and C–D profiles discussed in the text are shown. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/arp Magnetic Prospection of the Pre-Columbian El Caño Site, Panama anthropogenic. We therefore proposed to archaeologists that this anomaly could represent the boundary of a funeral or ceremonial area. With these results, in 2010 the archaeologists led by Julia Mayo and Carlos Mayo excavated in centre of magnetic anomaly A5 and at a depth of about 5 m the remains of a warrior chieftain with golden breastplates, bracelets and necklaces were found. During the dry season of 2011, at greater depth, a second grave was detected with details and ornaments similar to the first, suggesting the existence of another important cacique. In the vicinity of this grave a golden dressed baby was found, who could probably correspond to his son, and under these residues a set of bones was detected that probably correspond to sacrifices of slaves or captive warriors. Radiocarbon analysis showed that these graves date from AD 900. Other artefacts contained in the excavation walls marked the limits of another four graves (Williams, 2012). Figure 9, a photograph of the excavations in 2013, shows the great depth at which ceramics and bones remains have been discovered, and emphasizes that pseudo-gradient or top-sensor magnetic maps could provide non-redundant interpretations through different investigation depths (see discussion below). After the discovery of magnetic anomaly A5 it was necessary identify its causative feature or causative soil process. First, as mentioned above, we observe that inside mounds M1 and M2, near their base, there are magnetic circular anomalies. Second, it is known that in the year 1970, before the site was listed as an archaeological park, agricultural work had levelled some mounds (Cooke, 1976; Lleras and Barillas, 1985). Therefore we can assume the possible existence of a mound, M5 (now levelled), linked to A5 anomaly. It was not possible to obtain information from maps or aerial photography showing this mound, but it has been possible to identify a former farm worker at site, Benjamin Ortega, who confirmed the existence of a low-lying mound (of about 1.5 m height) with a large diameter corresponding to that of anomaly A5. This information was provided in the presence of the director of the El Caño Museum, who knew Benjamin Ortega and confirmed these claims. Furthermore, we propose that because anomaly A5 corresponds to a ‘magnetic trace’ of mound M5 (now levelled), circular anomalies A1 and A2 would correspond to the ‘magnetic traces’ of mounds M1 and M2. In order to investigate the physical cause of circular anomalies A1, A2 and A5, it is noted that stratigraphic studies conducted in different parts of the site in 1984 showed a simple stratigraphy of alluvial deposits on a unique sandy-clay layer over almost all parts of the site. The difference between the inside and outside of the mounds (existing or levelled) lies in the amount of water infiltration due to strong runoff on the mounds during the rainy season, which lasts 8–9 months per year. In the ‘interior’ of the mounds the balance between infiltration and runoff is less favourable to infiltration due to the topography, whereas in the ‘exterior’ of the mounds the flatness limits runoff and infiltration is higher. Thus, the physical characteristics of the subsurface soil vary between the interior and exterior of the mounds. To verify this fact, two perpendicular electrical resistivity tomograms (north–south, east–west) were performed across the mound M1. For a realistic achievement, we selected the pole–pole array, with 46 (north–south) and 44 (east–west) electrodes with a Figure 9. Photograph of excavations in the centre of anomaly A5, with Louis Pastor (geophysicist) and Carlos Mayo (archaeologist): (a) indicates a ceramics deposit and (b) a set of bones. Photograph by A. Mojica, April 2013. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/arp A. Mojica et al. Figure 10. Two-dimensional electrical resistivity tomographies across mound M1: (a) north–south direction; (b) east–west direction. The inverted triangle represents the point of intersection between both tomographic profiles. Superimposed the corresponding vertical magnetic pseudogradient profiles. This figure is available in colour online at 0.5 m minimum electrode spacing. Acquisition was performed using five levels, which provide an inner current and potential electrodes distance between 0.5 and 2.5 m. Apparent resistivity data were then inverted using Res2dinv software (Geotomo Software, http:// Figure 10 shows the difference in calculated electrical resistivity under the mound and outside of the mound, with a range of values between 5.3 and 10.7 Ohm.m for the low electrical resistivity and between 10.7 and 14.5 Ohm.m for the less conductive surface. Under the mound it can be seen that there is a surface layer of high resistivity (in dark colour) of greater thickness than outside the mound. Moreover, it can also be noted that (particularly in Figure 10a) under the surface layer, electrical resistivity outside the mound is less (5.3–7.2 Ohm.m) than electrical resistivity inside the mound. Also in Figure 10a, and in the vertical magnetic pseudo-gradient profile, it is evident from the shape of the north–south profile that the mound is an accumulation of magnetic material, with some localized magnetic anomalies coincident with shallow slightly less resistive material. We therefore postulate that the Figure 11. (a) Observed (bold line) and modelled (dashed line) vertical magnetic pseudo-gradient profile calculated for a magnetic ring structure along the A–B profile. (b) Corresponding vertical cross-section of modelled ring structure. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/arp Magnetic Prospection of the Pre-Columbian El Caño Site, Panama Figure 12. Stratigraphy of the mound along the A–B profile (a) before levelling work in 1970, (b) after 1970 and (c) curve of the magnetic field intensity along the A–B profile with superimposed a running average curve. difference in electrical resistivity is associated with a soil having experienced more than several centuries of intense rainfall, with severe redox cycles, and this weathering effect is also responsible for the magnetic susceptibility differences (Liu et al., 2012) between the inside and outside of the mound. A careful analysis of anomaly A5 shows a circular normal polarity anomaly (positive anomaly to the south, negative to the north) on the vertical magnetic pseudogradient. To identify the cause of this circular magnetic anomaly we have calculated the vertical magnetic pseudo-gradient in the case of a simple model for comparison. The selected model corresponds to a ring with a +0.0018 u.SI susceptibility contrast, located in the local magnetic field. Some additional noise based on statistical parameters determined from actual measurements is included for realism. The modelling result (Figure 11) shows a corresponding normal bipolar circular magnetic anomaly very similar, qualitatively, to the circular anomaly A5 of Figure 8a, through low signal/noise conditions. As an explanation, the high runoff due to heavy rains during yearly rainy seasons associated with the former M1 mound topography therefore promoted intense infiltrating conditions at the mound periphery, creating a potential shallow water-storage phenomenon. The runoff associated with the infiltrating condition so enriched the former mound periphery with ferromagnetic soils materials that have left a residual magnetic anomaly (Orgeira and Compagnucci, 2006). We present in Figures 12 and 13 two profiles of the magnetic field, measured by the upper sensor of the magnetometer. Figure 12 shows the profile along A–B (see Figure 8) through anomaly A5, which is associated with the levelled mound M5, and Figure 13 shows the profile along C–D (see Figure 8) through existing mound M1. The stratigraphy chosen for these figures is that evidenced by archaeologists in boreholes and trenches performed in the year 1984 in the mounds M3 and M4. Figure 12a represents a simplified stratigraphic section along profile A–B: outside the mound a surface layer of alluvial deposit with humus of approximately 0.5 m thickness rests on sandy-clay material with few potsherds; inside the mound, we find sandy-clay materials used to build the mound and under this mound a sandy-clay layer with many potsherds. Figure 12b represents the stratigraphic section along the same profile A–B after it was levelled in 1970. Figure 12c represents the variation of the magnetic field measured by the upper sensor along profile A–B. Between positions 31 and 111 m of the A–B profile, there is a field average Figure 13. (a) Stratigraphic section along the C–D profile. (b) Curve of the total magnetic field intensity along the C–D profile. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/arp A. Mojica et al. value slightly higher than the average values of the field outside the levelled mound. The profile is disturbed by magnetic field variations (A6) due to the surface irregularities of the terrain or levelling works. The C–D profile made through mound M2 is much simpler, as shown in Figure 13, which shows (a) the stratigraphic section and (b) the variation of magnetic field intensity along the profile. We observe an increase in the value of the magnetic field intensity between positions 10 and 26 m of the C–D profile that reflects the magnetic effect of the material under the mound, which should present a higher magnetic susceptibility to that of the host rock. Conclusions The most important discovery of this first geophysical survey of the El Caño site corresponds to the circular anomaly of 80 m in diameter that was revealed (in the absence of any archaeological or geomorphological indication) by magnetic survey in gradiometer mode. The perfect regularity of this anomaly and the discovery of small similar circular anomalies at the base of two mounds (which are often burial areas), led us to propose to the archaeologists that this anomaly delimits a large burial or ceremonial area. Five years after this discovery, in 2010, archaeologists began excavating in the centre of this circular anomaly and revealed one of the most important pre-Columbian funerary complexes in Panama (Williams, 2012). This anomaly did not appear immediately explicable, and small trenches perpendicular to this anomaly as well as boreholes did not provide any results, so at first it was considered to be a ‘magnetic ghost’, in accordance with Fröhlich et al. (2005). Careful enquiries about the recent history of the site revealed, in addition to the existing mounds, there were former mounds that were levelled after 1970. This led us to identify the ‘magnetic ghost’ as a ‘magnetic trace’ of mounds (in place or recently levelled) exposed to high water runoff during the 8 or 9 months of the rainy season. This high water runoff separates the sandy-clay medium of the mound in a cylindrical space inside the mound, with limited water infiltration, from the surrounding external environment that is water saturated. Thus revealing the capability of the vertical magnetic pseudo-gradient signal to detect a peripheral magnetic effect linked to accumulated ferromagnetic material. In contrast, the total magnetic field signal shows materials with higher susceptibility located beneath the Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. mounds. This distinction between ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ the mounds (present or levelled) is visible with magnetic profiles through mound M1 and through the central area of the large circular anomaly This physical distinction between these two media of the same geological nature is also revealed by the electrical resistivity tomographies performed through mound M1. For a complete understanding of these anomalies, in addition to the possible role of differential water content, we could also take into account the different densities of ceramic potsherds inside and outside the mounds and the presence of deep graves. Above all, however, it would be necessary to make in situ measurements of soil magnetic properties, both inside and outside the mounds. As there are no magnetic susceptibility measurements it is difficult to propose quantitative structural models based on the total field anomalies, however, in accordance to the archaeologists it is planned to carry out additional measurements in 2014 and 2015. Joint susceptibility and magnetic measurements have proved very useful for detailed understanding of archeological sites (Simon et al., 2012). We also show the potential of using both the total magnetic field and the vertical magnetic pseudo-gradient signals, which bring complementary information for the detailed understanding of archaeological sites. Parallel to measurements of magnetic susceptibility on samples and along trench walls, we plan to perform additional electromagnetic surveys and electrical resistivity tomography in selected areas. These surveys will serve a dual purpose: to find the potential location of levelled former mounds and to propose quantitative structural models consistent with the observations made by archaeologists. Nevertheless, the magnetic data presented have underlined the complexity of a major funerary site, the formation process of which is still debated (Martin Seijo et al., 2012). Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to la Magister Sandra L. Serrud V., Directora Nacional de Patrimonio Histórico del Instituto Nacional de Cultura de Panamá for allowing geophysical surveys on the site, to Julia and Carlos Mayo for their welcome and support on the archeological site, to Richard Vanhoeserlande for his kind participation in the fieldwork, and to Julien Thiesson for some fruitful discussions. Constructive contributions of three anonymous reviewers are also welcomed. 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