2012 meeting program - Mycological Society of America 2012 Meeting
2012 meeting program - Mycological Society of America 2012 Meeting
80TH MEETING OF THE MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 15-18 July 2012 MSA 2012 Sponsors We are extremely grateful for support from the following sponsors: Integrated DNA Technologies, Life Technologies, GeneWiz and The Rutgers Turf Grass Center co-sponsored the symposium “The Fungal Bar Code and Beyond.” FESIN contributed support for the MSA/FESIN reception at the Peabody Museum The British Lichen Society sponsored the symposium "Science that Underpins Fungal Conservation". The International Union of Microbiological Societies provided a grant in support of the symposium "The mycologist’s guide to the new International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants". Elsevier's journal Fungal Ecology sponsored the symposium "Fungi in a Changing World." Roche/454 sequencing sponsored the symposium “Phylogenetic, Ecological, and Functional Diversity of Fungi”. 2 The Mycological Society of America Founded in 1932 MSA Officers David S. Hibbett, President (2011-2012) Mary L. Berbee, President Elect (2011-2012) Joseph Spatafora, Vice President (2011-2012) Jessie A. Glaeser, Secretary (2009-2012) Marc A. Cubeta, Treasurer (2010-2013) Thomas Bruns, Past President (2010-2011) Rytas Vilgalys, Past President (2009-2010) MSA Councilors Frances Trail, Councilor Cell Biology/Physiology (2010-2012) Robert Blanchette, Councilor Cell Biology/Physiology (2011–2013) Anne Pringle, Councilor Ecology/Pathology (2010-2012) Terry Henkel, Councilor Ecology/Pathology (2011–2013) Imke Schmitt, Councilor Genetics/Molecular Biology (2010–2012) Ignazio Carbone, Councilor Genetics/Molecular Biology (2011–2013) P. Brandon Matheny, Councilor Systematics/Evolution (2010–2012) Ning Zhang, Councilor Systematics/Evolution (2011-2013) MSA 2012 Local Organizing Committee David Hibbett Erik Hobbie Robert Marra MSA 2012 Web Team Michael Routhier Ilya Atkins Tod Hagen MSA 2012 Program Committee D. Jean Lodge, Chair (2009-2012) Kerry O'Donnell (2010-2013) Sharon A. Cantrell (2010-2014) Andrew Miller, ex officio, Past Chair Mary Berbee, ex officio, President-Elect MSA 2012 Foray Organizers Nathan Wilson Robert Marra Harold Keller 3 The Mycological Society of America Sustaining Members 2012 The Society is extremely grateful for the continuing support of its Sustaining Members. Please patronize them and, whenever possible, let their representatives know of our appreciation. Mycotaxon, Ltd. Attn: Richard P. Korf PO Box 264 Ithaca, NY, 14851-0264 (607) 273-0508 info@mycotaxon.com Triarch, Inc. Attn: P.L. Conant - President PO Box 98 Ripon, WI, 54971 (920) 748-5125 Sylvan, Inc. Attn: Mark Wach Research Dept Library 198 Nolte Drive Kittanning, PA, 16201 (724) 543-3948 mwach@sylvaninc.com Syngenta Seeds, Inc. Attn: Rita Kuznia Dept Head, Plant Pathology 317 330th Street Stanton, MN, 55018-4308 (507) 663-7631 rita.kuznia@syngenta.com Genencor International, Inc. Attn: Michael Ward 925 Page Mill Rd Palo Alto, CA, 94304 (650) 846-5850 mward@genencor.com BCN Research Laboratories, Inc. Attn: Emilia Rico 2491 Stock Creek Blvd Rockford, TN, 37853 (865) 573-7511 emilia.rico@bcnlabs.com Novozymes, Inc. Attn: Wendy Yoder 1445 Drew Ave Davis, CA, 95618 (530) 757-8110 wty@novozymes.com 4 MSA Awards – 2012 MSA Distinction Awards: Chair Alex Weir. Members: Walter Sundberg, Tom Bruns, Louise Glass, François Lutzoni, and ex-officio past chair Joey Spatafora, ex-officio president David Hibbett. Distinguished Mycologists: Linda M. Kohn and Kerry O’Donnell Weston Award for Teaching Excellence: David Rizzo Alexopoulus Prize Outstanding Early-Career Mycologist: Anne Elizabeth Arnold MSA Honorary Awards: Chair Greg Mueller. Members: John Taylor, Mary Palm, exofficio past chair Timothy J Baroni MSA Fellows: Honorary Members: M. Catherine Aime David M. Geiser and Don Natvig Pedro W. Crous and Reinhard Agerer Research Awards: Chair Dennis Desjardin. Members: Teresa Pawlowska, Ning Zhang, Betty Strack, David Geiser, and ex-officio past chair Thorsten Lumbsch. Bartnicki-Garcia Award: Katarina Sweeney C.T. Rogerson Award: Catalina Salgado-Salazar Forest Fungal Ecology Award: Rachel A. Koch A.H. & H.V. Smith Award: Vincent P. Hustad Martin-Baker Award: Jaime Elizabeth Blair J.W. Rippon Research Award: Lynnaun Johnson MSA Student Awards: Chair John McKemy. Members: Imke Schmitt, Antonio Izzo, Julie Kerrigan, and ex-officio Past Chair, Brian Perry. MSA Fellowships Kathryn Picard and Rodrigo Olarte Backus Award Joshua Birkebak NAMA Fellowship Dimitrious Floudas Mentor Student Travel Awards: Chair Todd Osmundson. Members: Hellen HallenAdams, Melissa McCormick, Matias Cafaro, and ex-officio Past Chair, Peter Kennedy. Luttrell Award Denison Award Miller Award Gilbertson Award Butler Award Barr-Bigelow Award Alexopoulos Award Bigelow Award Trappe Award Korf Award Fitzpatrick Award Kramer Award Wesley Beaulieu Sarah Hicks Laszlo Nagy Kathryn Picard Richard Hung Hector Urbina Angela Ratekin Nhu Nguyen Alisha Owensby Tabitha Williams Laura Quintanilla Farhana Runa 5 Mycological Society of America 2012 Karling Lecture Stealth Strategies of a Cereal Killer Dr. Barbara Valent Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University Barbara Valent earned a B.A. degree with a major in chemistry at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Still working at the University of Colorado, she earned a Ph.D. in biochemistry, identifying and characterizing a structural carbohydrate from Phytophthora sojae cell walls that alerts soybean plants to respond to the invading pathogen. She was awarded a National Research Service Award from the National Institutes of Health for post-doctoral training as a yeast molecular geneticist at Cornell University. While there, she proposed and began developing the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae, as a model for fungal plant pathogens. Dr. Valent accepted a research position in the DuPont Company in 1985 to pursue basic development of the rice blast system, and to develop novel strategies for control of this important pathogen. In 1997, she became one of the first women ever promoted to the position of Research Fellow, the top scientific position within DuPont. She then served as Technical Leader of the Genetic Disease Resistance Program in DuPont Agricultural Products. Dr. Valent became a Professor in the Department of Pathology at Kansas State University in 2001 and a University Distinguished Professor in 2002. She has chaired the KSU Interdepartmental Genetics Program since 2004. Dr. Valent and her colleagues have been the “first” or contributed significantly to several fundamental advances. Her laboratory was the first to identify and clone both a fungal avirulence gene and corresponding rice resistance gene. They demonstrated that the products of these two genes physically interact to trigger resistance, a finding with important implications for engineering enhanced disease resistance in plants. Other results include new fungicide targets for chemical control of fungal diseases, a patented fungal glue (“Spore Tip Mucilage”) that sticks to hydrophobic surfaces including plant surfaces and DuPont’s Teflon, and strategies for deploying rice resistance genes using molecular markers for analysis of the fungal population structure. Currently, Dr. Valent’s laboratory is applying functional genomics and advanced techniques in cell biology to understand how specialized biotrophic hyphae invade and hijack living rice cells to cause blast disease. She has become a leader in research on wheat blast, a disease that recently emerged in South America and now threatens global wheat production. Dr. Valent is a Fellow of the American Phytopathological Society (APS) and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Notable MSA activities include presenting the 1st John S. Karling Lecture in 1996, and serving as councilor for genetics and molecular biology. Additional career highlights include organizing a Fungal Metabolism Gordon Conference and serving on the selection jury for the prestigious Wolf Prize in Agriculture. She has served on the Board of Trustees for the International Center of Tropical Agriculture in Colombia, and as organizer for International Rice Blast Congresses held in Hunan, China, and in Little Rock, Arkansas. She is currently a Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Non-Resident Fellow in Plant Biology, and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology in Germany. Dr. Valent’s fascination with fungi extends to collecting, identifying and eating wild mushrooms. As a long-standing member of the North American Mycological Association, she helped organize the NAMA foray in Granby, Colorado in 1983. 6 Meetings, Social Events, Special Addresses & Sessions MSA Council Meeting Location Saturday, 14 July, noon – 6:00pm Davies Hall, 15 Prospect St. FESIN Workshop, North American Mycoflora Location Saturday 14 July, 8:30am – 5:00pm, Sunday 15 July, 2:00-5:30 PM, Writing teams Conn. Agric. Expt. Station Davies Hall, 15 Prospect St. MSA Foray, West Rock Ridge State Park Location Sunday 15 July, 8:00am – 1:30, 2:00 or 2:45pm Swing Hall on Tower Drive Culinary Walking Tour Location Sunday 15 July, 10:45 – 2:30pm Omni Hotel, John Davenport Restaurant Student Workshop: How to Use Fungi to get a Job Location by Anne Pringle Sunday 15 July, 5:00 – 6:00pm Kline Geology Lab, 210 Whitney Ave. MSA/FESIN Reception Location Sunday 15 July, 6:00pm – 9:00pm Peabody Museum, 170 Whitney Ave. Presidential Address: David Hibbett “Three unfinished mycological tales” Monday 16 July, 11:00am – 12:00pm 114 SSS, 1 Prospect St. Macrofungal Collections Consortium Location Monday 16 July, 12:15pm – 1:45pm Kelly’s Restaurant, 196 Crown St. Fungal Ecology Editorial Board Meeting (by invitation) Location Monday 16 July, 6:00pm – 8:00pm Kelly’s Restaurant, 196 Crown St. Student Mixer & Organizational Meeting Location Monday 16 July, 7:30pm – 8:00pm Omni Hotel, Ballroom D Poster Sessions I & II Location Monday 16 July, 8:00pm – 10:00pm Omni Hotel, Ballroom C Karling Lecture Location Tuesday 17 July, 11:00am – 12:00pm 114 SSS, 1 Prospect St. MSA Business Meeting (boxed lunch, everyone) Location Tuesday 17 July, 12:00pm – 1:30pm 114 SSS, 1 Prospect St. USA Fungal Culture Collection Network Location Tuesday 17 July, 4:00pm – 5:00pm Becton CO 31 Volunteer’s Reception (by invitation) Location Tuesday 17 July, 6:00pm – 7:00pm President’s Room, Woolsey Hall, 169 Grove Schooner Dinner Cruise Location Tuesday, 17 July, 6:00pm – 8:30pm Tower Drive, Swing Hall 1000 Fungal Genomes Project Location Tuesday 17 July, 8:00pm – 9:00pm Omni Ballrooms A&B MSA Editorial Board Meeting (by invitation) Location Wednesday 18 July, 12:00pm – 1:30pm Kline Geology Lab, 210 Whitney Ave. MSA Banquet, Auction & Awards (everyone) Location Wednesday, 18 July, 7:00pm – 10:00pm Omni Hotel, Ballrooms A&B Nomenclature Working Groups Thursday, 8:30am – noon Conn. Agric. Expt. Station 7 Meeting Schedule Synopsis Saturday 14 July 2012 8:30am–5pm 5:15-9pm FESIN Workshop – Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (bus Swing Hall 8:15 AM) FESIN dinner – Kelly’s Restaurant, 196 Crown Street (bus transport from CAES to Kelly’s) Sunday 15 July 2012 8am–2:45pm 8–2:30pm MSA Foray – West Rock Ridge State Park and Conn. Agricultural Experiment Station MSA Foray-Cruise Duo – West Rock Ridge State Park & Long Wharf 10:45–2:30pm Culinary Walking Tour – depart from Omni Hotel, 19th floor, John Davenport’s Restaurant 2:00–3:30pm FESIN writing teams – Davies Hall 3:00–5pm 4:00–5:30pm Registration – Becton-Davies Hall Foyer (late arrivals go to Reception at Peabody Hall) FESIN writing teams – Davies Hall 5:00–6pm Student Workshop: How to use fungi to get a job, by Anne Pringle – 123 Kline Geology Lab 6:00–9pm MSA/FESIN Reception – Peabody Museum, 170 Whitney Ave. Monday 16 July 2012 8:30–10:30am Oral Contributed Session 1 Fungal Diversity: Aquatic Environments, Fungal Biofilms Sterling Memorial Library (Chair: Carol Shearer) Oral Contributed Session 2 Basidiomycete Systematics, Evolution & Biogeography Davies Hall (Chair: Theres Thompson) Oral Contributed Session 3 Ascomycete Genetics, Systematics & Evolution Whitney Humanities Cntr. (Chair: Ignazio Carbone) 10:30–11am Coffee Break – Davies Hall 11am–noon Presidential Address, David Hibbett “Three Unfinished Mycological Tales” – SSS 114 12:00-1:30 Lunch Break 12:15–1:15pm Macrofungal Collections Consortium meeting – Kelly’s Restaurant, 196 Crown Street 1:30–3pm 3:00–3:30pm 3:30–6pm Symposium 1: Phylogenetic, Ecological & Functional Diversity in Fungi Whitney Humanities Center (Chair: Brendan Hodkinson) Symposium 2: The Science that Underpins Conservation Davies Hall (Chairs: Paul Cannon & Gregory Mueller) Break – Davies Hall Symposium 3: Mycologist’s Guide to the New International Code of Nomenclature Whitney Humanities Cntr. (Lorelei Norvell, Scott Redhead & Keith Seifert) Round-Table: Toward a Roadmap for Fungal Conservation Research in N. Am. Davies Hall (Chairs: Todd Osmundson & Else Vellinga) 8 6:00-8:00 Dinner Break 6:15–8pm Fungal Ecology Editorial Board Meeting – Kelly’s Restaurant, 196 Crown Street 7:30 –8pm Student mixer & MSA student section organizational meeting – Omni Hotel, Ballroom D 8:00 –9pm Poster Session 1 – Omni Hotel, Ballroom C 9:00 –10pm Poster Session 2 – Omni Hotel, Ballroom C Tuesday, 17 July 2012 8:30–10:30am Oral Contributed Session 4 Fungal Diversity & Ecology [9:30 AM start] Whitney Humanities Cntr. (Chair:Andrea Porras-Alfaro) Oral Contributed Session 5 Ascomycete Systematics & Evolution Davies Hall (Chair: Vincent Hustad) Oral Contributed Session 6 Cellular Biology & Evolution [9:00 AM start] Kline Geology Lab 123 (Chair: Frances Trail) 10:30–11am Coffee Break – Davies Hall 11am–noon Karling Lecture by Barbara Valent “Stealth Strategies of a Cereal Killer” – SSS 114 12–1:30pm Lunch Break 1:30–3:30pm 3:30–4pm 4–6pm Oral Contributed Session 7 Systematics & Evolution, including Lichens Davies Hall (Chair: Jolanta Miadlikowska) Oral Contributed Session 8 Ectomycorrhizal Ecology & Conservation Biology Whitney Humanities Cntr. (Chair: Cathy Cripps) Open Group Meeting 9 Invertebrate-Associated Fungi Becton CO 31 (Chair: Matias Cafaro) Whitney Humanities Center Oral Contributed Session 11 Genomics, Transcriptomics & Evolution Davies Hall (Chair:Todd Osmundson) (Chair: Jason Slot) Open Group Meeting 9 RCN: Plant-Associated Culture Collections Becton CO 31 (Chairs: Kevin McClusky & Jessie Glaeser) Break – Davies Hall Oral Contributed Session 10 Plant Pathology/Ecology 6–8pm Dinner Break 6–7pm MSA Volunteers Reception (by invitation) – President’s Room, Woolsey Hall, 169 Grove St. 6–8:30pm Dinner Schooner Cruise – meet at 6:00 on Tower Drive in front of Swing Hall, 6:10 pm departure 9 8–9 pm 1000 Fungal Genomes Project (open to all), Chair Joey Spatafora – Omni Hotel Ballroom AB Wednesday 18 July 2012 8:30–10am Oral Contributed Session 13 Oral Contributed 14 Fungal Population Genetics Soil & Litter Community Ecol. Davies Hall Whitney Humanities Center (Chair: Andew Wilson) (Chair: Jana U’Ren) 10–10:30am Coffee Break – Davies Hall 10:30am– noon Oral Contributed Session 16 Fungal Ecology: Anthropogenic Disturbance Davies Hall (Chair: Linda van Diepen) 12–1:30pm Lunch Break 12:00 1:30–3:30pm 3:30–4pm 4–6 pm 7–10pm Oral Contributed Session 15 Mammalian Pathogens Kline Geology Lab 123 (Chair: Thomas Volk) Oral Contributed Session 17 Endophytic & Rhizosphere Fungi Whitney Humanities Center (Chair: Jose Herrera) MSA Editorial Meeting, Chair Jeffrey Stone – 123 Kline Geology Lab, 210 Whitney Ave. Symposium 4: Comparative Genomics of Fungi Davies Hall (Chairs: Joey Spatafora & Jason Stajich) Symposium 5: The Fungal DNA Barcode & Beyond Whitney Humanities Center (Chairs: Conrad Schoch & Ning Zhang) Break – Davies Hall Symposium 6: Fungi in a Changing World Davies Hall (Chairs: Erik Hobbie, Linda van Diepen & Jacqueline Mohan) Symposium 7: Using Cellular Structure & Biochemistry as Indicators of Fungal Phylogeny Whitney Humanities Center (Chairs: Robbie Roberson & Brian Shaw) Banquet, MSA Auction & All Awards – Omni Hotel, Ballrooms A, B & D Thursday 19 July 2012 8:30–9am –noon Nomenclature Working Groups Meeting – Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station International Subcomission on Fusarium Systematics (Chairs: David Geiser & Keith Seifert) Nomenclature Working Group on Hypocreales (Chairs: Amy Rossman & Priscila Chaverri) Boxed lunch, bagged for those needing to depart Continued discussion, as needed 10 MSA 2012 Full Meeting Schedule Monday 16 July 2012 Oral Contributed Session 2 Basidiomycete Systematics, Evolution & Biogeography Davies Hall (Chair: Therese Thompson) Oral Contributed Session 3 Ascomycete Genetics, Genomics & Transcriptomics Whitney Humanities Center (Chair: Ignazio Carbone) 8:30 Are there New Zealand-only clades of rust fungi? – Mahajabeen Padamsee and Eric McKenzie. Nuclear condition of Aspergillus flavus by heterokaryosis and ploidy analysis – Farhana Runa, Ignazio Carbone, Deepak Bhatnager, and Gary A Payne. 8:45 The "Big Ditch" project: TransAtlantic mushroom disjunction tested using multiple taxonomic tools. – Ronald H Petersen and Karen W Hughes. Partial reconstruction of the ergot alkaloid pathway in Aspergillus nidulans – Katy L Ryan and Daniel G Panaccione. 9:00 Toward a monograph of Gyroporus – Naveed Davoodian. Characterization of MAT genes reveals unexpected patterns of sexual compatibility in Leptographium and Grosmannia – Tuan A Duong, Z Wilhelm de Beer, Brenda D Wingfield, and Michael J Wingfield. 9:15 Biogeographic and phylogenetic relationships of four easily recognizable morphospecies of Entoloma Section Entoloma (Basidiomycota), inferred from molecular and morphological data – Luis N Morgado, Machiel E Noordeloos, Delia Co-David, Yves Lamourex, and Jozsef Geml. Mixed mating and biparental inbreeding in the forest pathogen, Neonectria ditissima – Robert E Marra. 8:30– 10:30 am Oral Contributed Sess. 1 Aquatic Fungal Biofilms Sterling Memorial Library (Chair: Carol Shearer) 9:30 Identification of fungal contamination in bottled maple syrup – Seanna L Annis, Rafael Garcia, Beth Calder, and Kathryn L Hopkins. A phylogenetic evaluation of the tribe Leucopaxilleae: polyphyly, the LPD grade, and novel taxa from the Southern Appalachians – Marisol Sanchez-Garcia and P Brandon Matheny. Genetic diversity and reproductive isolation in Didymella bryoniae, a fungal pathogen of cucurbits – Marin T Brewer and Ashley N Turner. 9:45 Biofilm formation by Aspergillus niger, Aureobasidium pullulans, and Cladosporium cladosporioides – Julia Kerrigan and Virginia Waldrop. A systematic revision of Clavariaceae (Agaricales) from the Pacific Northwest – Joshua M Birkebak and Brandon Matheny. Transposable element dynamics in ectomycorrhizal genomes: a close-up perspective – Jaqueline Hess, Inger Skrede, and Anne Pringle. 11 10:00 Marine ascomycetes of U.S. Gulf of Mexico barrier island beaches: biodiversity, succession and sampling strategy – Allison K Walker. Addressing the polyphyletic origin of Phanerochaete (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) based on a multi-gene dataset: how many lineages exist? – Dimitrios Floudas and David S Hibbett. Comparative transcriptomics reveals new Neurospora crassa genes important to perithecial development – Nina Lehr, Zheng Wang, Usha Sikhakolli, Francesc Lopez-Giraldez, Ning Li, Frances Trail, and Jeffrey P Townsend. 10:15 On the rocks: the first look at fungal biodiversity in marine biofilms of submerged artificial reefs – Amy Salamone and Allison Walker. Basidioascus: a new lineage of heat resistant and xerotolerant basidiomycetes – Hai Nguyen, Nancy Nickerson, and Keith Seifert. Comparative transcriptomics identifies new genes important to perithecium development and function in Fusarium – Usha Sikhakolli, Nicholas Harrison, Nina Lehr, Zheng Wang, Ning Li, Jeffrey P Townsend and Frances Trail. 10:30–11am Coffee Break – Davies Hall 11am–noon Presidential Address, David Hibbett “Three Unfinished Mycological Tales” – SSS 114 noon-1:30pm Lunch Break 12:15–1:15 1:30–3 pm Macrofungal Collections Consortium meeting – Kelly’s Restaurant, 196 Crown Street Symposium 1: Phylogenetic, Ecological & Functional Diversity in Fungi Whitney Humanities Center (Chair: Brendan Hodkinson) Symposium 2: The Science that Underpins Conservation Davies Hall (Chairs: Paul Cannon & Gregory Mueller) 1:30 Introduction to phylogenetic, ecological and functional diversity of fungi – Bendan P Hodkinson and Thomas Jarvie Systematics and DNA barcoding of waxcap fungi – Bryn TM Dentinger, D Jean Lodge, A Martyn Ainsworth, Paul F Cannon, and Gareth W Griffith. 1:50 Investigating early-diverging fungi from marine and estuarine habitats in North America and Europe – Kathryn T Picard, Rowena F Stern & François Lutzoni. Is there a "best" unit of conservation for valuable mushroom species? A scientific approach based on studies on matsutakes, morels and truffles – Matteo M Garbelotto and Todd W Osmundson. 2:10 High-throughput sequencing to explore the biogeography of soil fungi and the use of network analyses to examine fungal-bacterial interactions – Scott T Bates, J Gregory Caporaso, D Lee Taylor & Noah Fierer Species concepts in European stipitate hydnoid fungi – A Martyn Ainsworth, David Parfitt, Hilary J Rogers, and Lynne Boddy. 2:30 Diversity and phylogeny of marine and freshwater Verrucariaceae – Starri Heidmarsson, Sergio PerezOrtega, Holger Thüs, Cecile Gueidan, Asuncíon de los Ríos, and François Lutzoni. Population genetics of Lobariaceae of conservation importance – Christoph Scheidegger. 2:50 A multi-gene pyrosequencing-based approach for elucidating the phylogeny of diverse lichenized microfungi – Brendan P Hodkinson and James C Lendemer Current fungal data from the Great Smoky Mountains ATBI are inadequate to determine conservation status: what is needed? – Karen W Hughes and Ronald H Petersen. 3:10 Conservation of Fungi - threat status of fungi in New Zealand and globally – Peter K Buchanan, Peter R Johnston, and Mahajabeen Padamsee. 12 3:30–4pm Break – Davies Hall 4–6 pm Symposium 3: Mycologist’s Guide to the New International Code of Nomenclature Whitney Humanities Cntr. (Chairs: Lorelei Norvell, Scott Redhead & Keith Seifert) Round-Table: Toward a Roadmap for Fungal Conservation Research in N. Am. Davies Hall (Chairs: Todd Osmundson & Else Vellinga) 4:00 A mycologist's guide to the Melbourne Code. – Lorelei L Norvell and Scott A Redhead. Topics are introduced by Barbara Thiers, Tom Bruns, Tom Horton, Erik Lilleskov and Elizabeth Barron. 4:25 Ascomycete taxonomy and the outset of the one name era for fungi – Andrew M Minnis. continued 4:50 Basidiomycete taxonomy without dual nomenclature – M Catherine Aime. continued 5:15 Nomenclatural databases as working tools for taxonomists: opportunities and challenges – Vincent Robert, Joost Stalpers, and Pedro W Crous. continued 5:40 Subcommissions, working groups, and protected lists – Keith A Seifert and Andrew N Miller. continued 5:50 Discussion, led by Keith Seifert 6:00-8:00 Dinner Break 6:15–8pm Fungal Ecology Editorial Board Meeting –Kelly’s Restaurant, 196 Crown Street 7:30 –8pm Student mixer & MSA student section organizational meeting–Omni Hotel, Ballroom D 8–9pm Poster Session 1 – Omni Hotel, Ballroom C P1 P6 MSA Student Section – Mia R Maltz, Naupaka Zimmerman, Kolea Zimmerman and Sydney Glassman. P7 Effect of a dominant endophytic fungus, Phialocephala fortinii, on plant growth – Katrina Sandona, Terri Tobias, Antonio Rosales, Katherine Suding, Robert Sinsabaugh, and Andrea Porras-Alfaro. P8 P9 Fungal root endophytes in barley, tomato, and eggplant – Jonathan P Carver and Thomas J Volk. P10 In search for a function: Endophytic fungi in the alpine tundra and their effect on cultivated plants. – Terri L Tobias, Katrina P Sandona, Antonio D Rosales, Andrea Porras-Alfaro, Robert L Sinsabaugh, and Katharine N Suding. P11 Vertically transmitted endophytes from plants in the alpine tundra – Antonio Rosales, Terri Tobias, Katherine Suding, Robert Sinsabaugh, and Andrea Porras-Alfaro. P12 Formation of Aspergillus flavus sclerotia on corn grown under different drought stress conditions – Bruce W Horn, Ronald B Sorensen, Marshall C Lamb, Victor S Sobolev, and Ignazio Carbone. P13 Competition experiments to test the efficacy of Aspergillus flavus biocontrol strains – Geromy G Moore and Kenneth C Ehrlich. Fungal symbionts suggest an alternative origin for the red turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus valens) invasion in China – Stephen Taerum, Z Wilhelm de Beer, Tuan A Duong, Min Lu, Nancy Gilette, Jianghua Sun, and Michael J Wingfield. Effect of nitrogen pollution on root fungal endophyte communities from two co-dominant alpine tundra plants at Niwot, LTER – Sarah L Hicks, Emily Farrer, Robert Sinsabaugh, Andrea Porras-Alfaro, and Katherine N Suding. 13 P14 Trichoderma viride volatile organic compound profile: The effect of individual components on Arabidopsis thaliana – Richard Hung. P15 Morphological, physiological and molecular characterization of different strains of Geomyces – Shiloh Lueschow, Lynnaun Johnson, Robert McCleery, Rod McClanahan, and Andrea Porras-Alfaro. P16 White-nose syndrome and Illinois bat hibernacula – Steven J Taylor, Andrew N Miller, Anthony C Yannarell, Joseph F Merritt, Nohra Mateus-Pinilla, Edward J Heske, Vincent P Hustad, H M Lin, Joseph A Kath, and Rod D McClanahan. P17 Comparison of fungal communities associated with different bat species in Southern Illinois – Tabitha F Williams, Robert McCleery, Rod McClanahan, and Andrea Porras-Alfaro. P18 Stuff in Duff: a metagenomic study of fungi in kauri forests – Mahajabeen Padamsee, Stanley E Bellgard, Ian Dickie, Scott Fraser, Duckchul Park, Bryan Stevenson, and Bevan Weir. P19 Searching for clues of sexual reporoduction in the genomes of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi – Rohan Riley, Alexander Idnurm, Philippe Charron, Yolande Dalpé, and Nicolas Corradi. P20 Reproductive genetics and development in the fungus Myceliophthora heterothallica, a thermophilic model for the Chaetomiaceae – Miriam I Hutchinson, Amy J Powell, Kylea J Parchert, Joanna L Redfern, Andrea M Martinez, Randy M Berka, Eric Ackerman, Blake Simmons, Igor V Grigoriev, and Donald O Natvig. P21 Cloning, characterization and population analysis of the mating-type genes from Leptographium procerum and L. profanum – Tuan A Duong, Z Wilhelm de Beer, Brenda D Wingfield, and Michael J Wingfield. P22 Description of two anamorphic yeasts in the Ustilaginales – Sebastian Albu, Tomas A Rush, and M Catherine Aime. P24 Microbotryomycetes: Higher-level classification and description of a new genus – Merje Toome and M Catherine Aime. P42 2013 systematics internship program focussing on fungi and insects – David Geiser and Amanda C Hodges P46 Multilocus phylogenetic analysis of the Xylariaceae: what are the roles of previously unknown endophytic and endolichenic fungi? – Jana M U'Ren and A Elizabeth Arnold. P48 Identification of the anamorphs of morels and false morels in Pacific Northwestern U.S. forests – Lori Carris, Kalyn Thomas, Sean McCotter, and Tobin Peever. P49 Ecological diversification of saddle fungi: Helvella indicated by phylogeny and secondary structure of ITS sequences from annotated collections and environmental samples – Jonathan Hwang, Qi Zhao, Zhuliang Yang, Zheng Wang, and Jeffrey P Townsend. P50 Helvella vespertina and Helvella dryophila, two new Helvella lacunosa look-alikes from western North America – Nhu H Nguyen, Karen Hansen, Rosanne Healy, and Else C Vellinga. P51 Fire drives habitat specialization, speciation, and hybridization of Morel mushrooms in western North America – Todd W Osmundson and Matteo Garbelotto. P52 What is a cup fungus doing fruiting from a truffle tree? The case of the truffle-cup fungus lineage /pachyphloeus-scabropezia – Rosanne A Healy, Gregory M Bonito, Matthew E Smith, Gonzalo G Guevara, Jonathon Frank, Darlene Southworth, James M Trappe, and David J Mclaughlin. P53 P54 The Ecology of Morchella anatolica – Mustafa Isiloglu, Hakan Alli, and Hayrunisa Bas Sermenli. P55 Membranomyces species are common ectomycorrhizal symbionts across the northern hemisphere – Jessie K Uehling, Terry W Henkel, Rytas Vilgalys, and Matthew E Smith. P56 Host and tissue specificities in Galerina and Mycena species associated with boreal forest mosses revealed by data-mining of amplicon pyrosequencing fungal inventories – Rune Heimdal, Marie L Davey, and Håvard Kauserud. P57 P58 Systematics of Lactarius in the Rocky Mountain alpine zone – Edward G Barge and Cathy L Cripps. Phylogeography and diversification of Truffles in the Tuberaceae – Gregory Bonito, Matthew Smith, Michael Nowak, Rosanne Healy, Gonzalo Guevara, Efren Cázares, Akihiko Kinoshita, Eduardo Nouhra, Laura Domínguez, Leho Tedersoo, Claude Murat, Yun Wang, Baldomero Arroyo Moreno, Donald Pfister, Kazuhide Nara, Alessandra Zambonelli, James Trappe, and Rytas Vilgalys. Evolutionary relationships of the gomphoid genus Clavariadelphus: One genus or two? – Andrew S Methven and Andrew N Miller. 14 P59 The Boletineae of Queensland, Australia – Mitchell Nuhn, Roy E Halling, Manfred Binder, David S Hibbett, and Todd W Osmundson. P60 A molecular analysis of European and North American taxa within the Xerocomus chrysenteron complex and the description of X. redeuilhii Taylor, Eberhardt & Simonini sp. nov. – Andy FS Taylor, Greg W Douhan, Allan E Hills, Giampaolo Simonini, Manfred Binder, and Ursula Eberhardt. P61 Vernal fruiting Cortinarii from the mountains of California and the Pacific Northwest – Dimitar Bojantchev. P62 Phylogenetic diversity of the ectomycorrhizal genus Cortinarius (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) in the Arctic – Luis N Morgado, Manon Neilen, Machiel E Noordeloos, D Lee Taylor, Ina Timling, and JÃ_zsef Geml. P63 Willows - the arctic connection: biodiversity of arctic-alpine ectomycorrhizal fungi in Salix repens communities in Dutch North Sea sand dunes – Manon Neilen, Machiel E Noordeloos, Luis N Morgado, and József Geml. P64 Mycorrhizal community composition of Quercus oleoides as a function of stand maturity in a regenerating dry tropical forest – Nikhilesh S Desai. P65 The use of native ectomycorrhizal fungi in the restoration of whitebark pine – Erin R Lonergan and Cathy L Cripps. P66 From trees to grasses: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi community is shaped by host plant preference – KoHsuan Chen, Gregory Bonito, Hannah Reynolds, Chris Schadt, and Rytas Vilgalys. P67 Improvement in colonization and seedling survival of Wyoming big sagebrush following inoculation with native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi – Bill E Davidson and Marcelo D Serpe. P68 Mycorrhizal associations in restored and invaded grasslands – Mia R Maltz, Kathleen Treseder, and Jutta Burger. P75 Changes in hyphal growth and ultrastructure in two chitin synthase mutants of Neurospora crassa – Karen E Fisher, Ricardo Reyes, David Lowry, and Robert W Roberson. P76 Actin dynamics in constricting ring traps formed by nematophagous fungi – Yunluan Cui and Nicholas P Money. P77 Colorimetric method for discriminating abnormal strains of Flammulina velutipes and SSR markers linked to the defective symptoms – Hee Jeong Je, Chak Han Im, Na Hee Kwon, Mi Jin Kim, Min Keun Kim, Ki Kwan Park, and Jae San Ryu. P78 Antifungal effects of Aloe striata on early hyphal development in Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium solani – Gloria A Wada, Richard L Bretz, Richard E Edelmann, and Marcia R Lee. P79 Microscopic analysis of Cordyceps bassiana (anamorph stage: Beauveria bassiana) stromata during artificial cultivation for commercial Use – Seong Hwan Kim, Hyuk Woo Kwon, Min Woo Hyun, Gi-Ho Sung, and Hyung-Kyoon Choi. P80 Characteristics of a new mid-high temperature adaptable oyster mushroom variety 'Gonji-5ho' for bag culture – Jong-In Choi, Jeon Dae-Hoon, Tai- Moon Ha, Young-Cheul Ju and Geon-Sik Seo. P81 Fungal profiles in various milk thistle botanicals from the US market – V H Tournas, J Rivera Calo, and C Sapp. P82 Utility of Albasia sawdust for cultivating Pleurotus ostreatus in bottles –Young-Cheol Ju, Yun-Hae Lee, and Myoung-Jun Jang. P98 Stuff in Duff: a metagenomic study of fungi in kauri forests – Mahajabeen Padamsee, Stanley E Bellgard, Ian Dickie, Scott Fraser, Duckchul Park, Bryan Stevenson, and Bevan Weir. P100 Fungal diversity associated with oaks in Korea – Young Woon Lim, Hyun Lee, Changmu Kim, and Jin Sung Lee. P101 Overview of research activities of the FunWood and FuPerS project consortia of the German Biodiversity Exploratories: fungal and bacterial diversity and wood and litter decay – Dirk Krüger, Björn Hoppe, Witoon Purahong, Danuta Kapturska, Kristin Baber, Marek Pecyna, Tobias Arnstadt, Renate Rudloff, Harald Kellner, Peter Otto, Tiemo Kahl, François Buscot, Jürgen Bauhus, and Martin Hofrichter. P102 Fungal communities of Populus - comparisons between culture-based and culture independent approaches – Khalid Hameed, Gregory Bonito, Michael Gajdeczka, Christopher Schadt, and Rytas Vilgalys. 15 P103 Complete genome sequence of Pleurotus eryngii using the next generation sequencing – Jae San Ryu, Song Hee Lee, Kyung Hee Kim, Hee Jeong Je, Min Keun Kim, Hyun sook Lee, and Su Myung Chae. P104 Mobyle SNAP Workbench: a phylogenetic and genomic analysis web portal – James T Monacell and Ignazio Carbone. P105 Open Tree of Life: Community driven synthesis of the Tree of Life – J Gordon Burleigh, Keith Crandall, Karen Cranston, Karl Gude, David S Hibbett, Mark Holder, Laura A Katz, Richard H Ree, Stephen A Smith, Douglas E Soltis, and Tiffani Williams. P106 Contributions of ectomycorrhizal fungi to organic matter formation and degradation in response to chronic nitrogen deposition – Jesse J Sadowsky, Linda TA van Diepen, and Serita D Frey. P107 Estimating fungal contributions to nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from nitrogen fertilized grasslands using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy. – Sara R Lopez, Robert L Sinsabaugh, David T Hanson, and Andrea Porras-Alfaro. P108 Lead isotopic composition of macrofungi: possible applications in fungal ecology – Jan Borovicka, Martin Mihaljevic, and Milan Gryndler. P109 Diversity and heavy metal content of macrofungi found on serpentine andgranite outcrops, Deer Isles, Maine, USA – Katherine E Jumper, Nishanta Rajakaruna, and David Porter. P110 Airborne fungal spore dispersal and trait diversity in coastal mixed-evergreen forests in California – Sharifa G Crandall and Gregory S Gilbert. 9–10pm Poster Session 2 – Omni Hotel, Ballroom C The gut of arthropods: a source for isolation of new Trichomonascus species – Hector Urbina, Sung-Oui P2 Suh, and Meredith Blackwell. P3 Microfungi community associated with yeast agriculture ant Cyphomyrmex minutus – Mariely Medina Rivera and Matias J Cafaro. P4 Entangled and nearly deceived in a web of gut fungi: two intermingled, dimorphic Smittium species from Idaho – Justin W Gause and Merlin M White. P5 Extending knowledge of Trichomycetes by fixing on preserved immature aquatic insects in Idaho – Nicole K Reynolds, Emma R Wilson, Prasanna Kandel, Matthew Laramie, David Pilliod, and Merlin M White. P23 The genetic structure of mating type locus B3 in Pleurotus eryngii – Jae San Ryu, Kyung Hee Kim, Min Keun Kim, Su Myung Chae, Hee Jeong Je, and Won Du Song. P25 Estimating genetic diversity of Cronartium ribicola populations in Oregon by RAD marker genotyping – Katarina Sweeney, Michael Freitag, and Jeffrey Stone. P26 P27 ITS, problematic to amplify a rust barcode – Alistair R McTaggart and M Catherine Aime. P28 Microsatellite markers reveal isolation by distance and recent population expansion of Waitea circinata var. circinata – Evans N Njambere, Frank Wong, and Ning Zhang. P29 A new species, and first record of Meliola weigeltii var. fraxinifoliae, on anacardiaceous hosts from the Brazilian Pantanal – William RO Soares, Eliane AS Armando, and José C Dianese. P30 An Evolutionary examination of ecological and physiological resistance within host-pathogen interactions: a Montiaceae and Microbotryum model – Jorge Mena-Ali, Erica Goldberger, Elizabeth Heppenheimer, and Maggie Serpi. P31 P32 Fungi associated with Panicum spp. in New Jersey and Hawaii. – Emily Walsh and Ning Zhang. P33 Molecular, chemical and morphological diversity of Periglandula, clavicipitaceous symbionts of Convolvulaceae (Morning Glories) – Wesley T Beaulieu, Wittaya Kaonongbua, Daniel G Panaccione, and Keith Clay. Population genetic structure of Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands associated with Phytophthora root rot of avocado within California and the potential introduction of a new clonal lineage – Deborah P Pagliaccia, Elinor P Pong, Brandon M McKee, and Greg W Douhan. Two new hyphomycetes, Strelitziana windsorensis sp. nov. and Zeloasperisporium toonae sp. nov., from Toona sinensis in Connecticut – De-Wei Li and Guihua Zhao. 16 P34 Tropical species of Tubeufiaceae (Dothideomycetes) in northern Thailand – Saranyaphat Boonmee and Amy Y Rossman. P35 Chemotypic and genotypic diversity in the ergot alkaloid pathway of Aspergillus fumigatus – Sarah L Robinson and Daniel G Panaccione. P36 Taxonomic and phylogenetic studies of Dothideomycetes on bamboo in Chiang Rai Province, Northern of Thailand – Rungtiwa Phookamsak, Amy Y Rossman, Ekachai Chukeatirote, and Kevin D Hyde. P37 Aspergillus section Versicolores: nine new species and multilocus DNA sequence based phylogeny – Stephen W Peterson. P38 A new species of Aliquandostipite from an urban lagoon of Tabasco, Mexico – Maria C Gonzalez, Anthony E Glenn, Edmundo Rosique-Gil, Kevin D Hyde, and Richard T Hanlin. P39 Species richness and distribution patterns of freshwater ascomycetes along an altitudinal gradient in the Peruvian Andes – Steven E Zelski, Carol A Shearer, Huzefa A Raja, and Andrew N Miller. P40 Environmental sampling as a means of rapid identification of freshwater fungal assemblages on submerged woody debris – Steven E Zelski, Andrew N Miller, and Carol A Shearer. P41 Measuring oomycete biodiversity in aquatic, forest, and agricultural ecosystems: culture-based and metagenomic approaches – Jaime E Blair, Lauren Coffua, Alison Greidinger, Amy Chabitnoy, and Lauren Cook. P43 Biological and volatile organic compound diversity in fungal endophytes from Malaysian and Ecuadorian rainforests – Jeffrey Shaw, Daniel Spakowicz, Cambria Alpha, Brian Dunican, Kaury Kucera, and Scott Strobel. P44 Foliar endophytic community structure in wild and cultivated stands of Hawaiian 'ohi'a lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha) – Brian A Perry, Erin Datlof, and Mali’o Kodis. P45 P47 Lichen biodiversity in Big Cypress National Preserve: A pilot study – Klara Scharnagl & Frederick Seavey. P69 Analyzing the role of white-rot fungi in bioremediation using transcriptome and degradation assays following growth on Number 6 fuel oil – Darcy Young, Rachael Martin, James Rice, Dimitrios Floudas, Igor V Grigoriev, and David S Hibbett. P70 Does ECM induce a clean sweep of decay related genes in Agaricomycetes? – Laszlo G Nagy, Dimitrios Floudas, Manfred Binder, Igor Grigoriev, Francis Martin, and David S Hibbett. P71 Transcriptional activity of "GH61"-encoding genes from various fungal species grown on straws – Ingo Morgenstern, Justin Powlowski, and Adrian Tsang. P72 Degradative enzyme production: a function of phylogenetic or niche relatedness? – Jenny Talbot, Lotus Lofgren, and Kabir Peay. P73 Insights into the potential diversity of the brown rot decay mechanism provided by substrate compositional analysis – Justin T Kaffenberger and Jonathan S Schilling. P74 Spatial mapping of gene expression in the brown rot fungus Postia placenta during wood decay – Gerry N Presley and Jonathan Schilling. P83 P84 Join the dark side: Temptations of melanins – Eric D Walberg and Thomas J Volk. P85 Mycological Research in Panama: A high-impact field experience for students with variable levels of training – Alma E Rodriguez Estrada, Michael L Draney, and Vicki Medland. P86 P87 Trametes versicolor: A tremendously versatile fungus – Andrew M Hart and Thomas J Volk. P89 Cystolepiota and Echinoderma: tropical spp. in México – Joaquín B Cifuentes & Rosalva A VázquezEstup. Cophylogenetic study of the lichen-forming fungus Peltigera and its cyanobiont Nostoc at an intercontinental spatial scale – Eimy Rivas Plata, François Lutzoni, Orvo Vitikainen, Trevor Goward, Emmanuel Sérusiaux, Nicolas Magain, and Jolanta Miadlikowska. Viability and efficacy of probiotic yeast supplements from U.S. retail – V H Tournas, Naomi Santillan, and Nicholas S Niazi. A preliminary checklist of Agaricales from Reserva Biológica do Alto da Serra de Paranapiacaba, Santo André, SP, Brazil – Marina Capelari, Fernanda Karstedt, Jadson JS Oliveira, and Nelson Menolli, Jr. 17 P90 One hundred and twelve years of Pluteus knowledge in Brazil: revision of the first collections studied by J. Rick and P. Hennings – Nelson Menolli, Jr. and Marina Capelari. P91 New species of agarics from the Páramo region in Colombia – Timothy J Baroni, Ana Esperanza FrancoMolano, Marcelo Betancur, and Tatiana Sanjuan. P92 P93 Lepiotaceous fungi (Agaricaceae, Basidiomycota) in Northeastern North America – Alfredo Justo. P94 Lentinus sensu stricto in Southeast Asia – Jaya Seelan Sathiya Seelan, Alfredo Justo Justo, and David Hibbett Hibbett. P95 Geographic distribution of Fomes fasciatus and F. fomentarius in the United States – Meghan A McCormick, Marc A Cubeta, and Larry F Grand. P96 Species delimitation in Trametes (Polyporales, Basidiomycota): a comparison of ITS, TEF1, RPB1 and RPB2 phylogenies – Alexis L Carlson, Alfredo Justo, and David S Hibbett. P97 Cryptomarasmius gen. nov. is proposed in the Physalacriaceae to accommodate members of Marasmius section Hygrometrici – Thomas S Jenkinson, Brian A Perry, Rainier E Schaefer, and Dennis E Desjardin. P99 Resolving the phylogenetic relationship between Armillaria and the newly discovered genus Guyanagaster – Rachel A Koch, Terry W Henkel, and M Catherine Aime. Resolving the generic boundaries within the Rhodocybe/Clitopilus clade (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) – Kerri L Kluting, Sarah E Bergemann, and Timothy J Baroni. P111 P112 The insect and yeast communities of carnivorous pitcher plants – Leonora S Bittleston and Anne Pringle. P113 Root-associated fungi of Geum rossii and Deschampsia cespitosa at the Niwot LTER site – Zachary T Gossage, Sagar Yeraballi, Katherine Suding, Robert Sinsabaugh, and Andrea Porras-Alfaro. P114 Monitoring Fusarium complex mycelia replacement by mycopathogenic Sphaerodes using ATPtest, qPCR and HPLC – Vladimir Vujanovic. P115 Effect of Pleurotus tuber-regium Singer and microorganisms on degradation of unsterilized soil contaminated with cutting fluids – Clementina O Adenipekun, Omasan E Ejoh, and Adeniyi A Ogunjobi. P116 Manure gas eating microbes: Effect of fungal and bacterial biomass on biofiltration of livestock production emissions – Jason P Oliver and Jonathan S Schilling. P117 Morphological and molecular characterization of some Allomyces E. J. Butler strains (Blastocladiomycota) from Argentina and Brazil: preliminary results – Agostina V Marano, Carmen LA Pires-Zottarelli, Mónica M Steciow, José I de Souza, Frank H Gleason, Timothy Y James, and Felipe S Chambergo. P118 Characterizing the paracrystalline inclusion in zoospores of members of the Chytridiales (Chytridiomycota) – Peter M Letcher, Satoshi Sekimoto, and Martha J Powell. P119 Exploring sporangial surface features to characterize members of the Chytriomycetaceae (Chytridiales) – William J Davis, Martha J Powell, Peter M Letcher, and Jonathan Antonetti. P120 A timescale for Oomycete evolution estimated from conserved regulators of gene expression – Jaime E Blair and Nahill H Matari. A modern, high-throughput workflow for biodiversity research integrating floristics, taxonomy, phylogeny, ecology and conservation – Brendan P Hodkinson and James C Lendemer. 18 Tuesday, 17 July 2012 8:30– 10:30 am Oral Contributed Session 4 Fungal Diversity & Ecology Whitney Humanities Center (Chair: Andrea Porras-Alfaro) Oral Contributed Session 5 Ascomycete Systematics & Evolution Davies Hall (Chair: Vincent Hustad) Oral Contributed Session 6 Cellular Biology & Evolution [9:00 AM start] Kline Geology Lab 123 (Chair: Frances Trail) 8:30 Fueling the future with fungal genomics – Igor Grigoriev. Host conservatism or specialization? Patterns of fungal diversifycation are influenced by host specificity in Ophiognomonia (Gnomoniaceae, Diaporthales) – Donald M Walker, Lena Struwe, Lisa A Castlebury, Amy Y Rossman, and James F White, Jr. 8:45 ITS and LSU automated classification: the fungal RDP naïve Bayesian classifier – Andrea Porras-Alfaro, Liu Kuan-Liang, Zachary Gossage, Lynnaun Johnson, Tabitha Williams, Gary Xie, and Cheryl R Kuske. A new monotypic genus to accommodate Cosmospora vilior and related species – Cesar S Herrera, Amy Y Rossman, Gary J Samuels, and Priscila Chaverri. 9:00 Application of semantic technology to define names for fungi – Nathan J Wilson, Kathryn M Dunn, Han Wang, and Deborah L McGuinness. Molecular systematics of saprophytic and plant pathogenic isolates of the cosmopolitan fungus Thelonectria discophora (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota) – Catalina SalgadoSalazar, Amy Y Rossman, and Priscila Chaverri. Potential of the trichomycete fungus Harpella melusinsae to inhabit the midgut of mosquito hosts. – Charles E Beard and Abdullah Inci. 9:15 Mycota of the Andean Yungas forests: assessments of fungal biodiversity and habitat partitioning in a threatened ecosystem – Jozsef Geml, Eduardo R Nouhra, Christian Y Wicaksono, Nicolas Pastor, Lisandro Fernandez, and Alejandra G Becerra. Taxonomic and molecular phylogenetic studies of the phytopathogenic genus Diaporthe (Phomopsis) – Dhanushka Udayanga, Xingzhong Liu, Amy Y Rossman, Ekachai Chukeatirote, and Kevin D Hyde. Reaction partitioning by wooddegrading fungi - doing the two step without tripping – Jonathan S Schilling, Jun Ai, Robert A Blanchette, Shona M Duncan, Timothy R Filley, Joel Jurgens, Justin Kaffenberger, Gerald Presley, and Urlike W Tschirner. 9:30 A phylogenetic study on the Saturated molecular census of soil fungi in boreal Alaska suggests 6 Magnaporthaceae (Ascomycota) million species of Fungi on Earth – – Jing Luo and Ning Zhang. Lee Taylor, Jack W McFarland, Teresa N Hollingsworth, and Roger W Ruess. The importance of carotenoids for sexual development of fungi – Nina A Lehr, Zheng Wang, Francesc Lopez-Giraldez, Ning Li, Frances Trail, and Jeffrey Townsend. 9:45 Assessing fungivory in rodents, marsupials, and kiwi from stable isotope evidence – Erik A Hobbie. Taxonomic and phylogenetic evaluation of the holomorphic complex of Cochliobolus, Bipolaris and Curvularia – Dimuthu S Manamgoda, Lei Cai, Amy Y Rossman, Ekachai Chukeatirote, and Kevin D Hyde. Investigation of sclerotial morphogenesis in the soil fungus Rhizoctonia solani – Elizabeth Thomas, Nick Taylor, Pio Moises Figueroa-Contreras, Zhi Zhang, Kelly L Ivors & Marc A Cubeta. 10:00 A study of correlations between fungal and bacterial communities in dead wood – Björn Hoppe, Tiemo Kahl, François Buscot &Dirk Krüger. Studies in Geoglossomycetes systematics – Vincent P Hustad and Andrew N Miller. Actin dynamics in Aspergillus nidulans – Laura A Quintanilla and Brian D Shaw. 19 10:15 Initial population abundance shaped the competition between two wooddegrading fungi – Zewei Song and Jonathan Schilling. A multigene phylogenetic assessment of species boundaries in Otidea – Karen Hansen and Ibai Olariaga. Analysis of a putative sensory rhodopsin in the Chytridiomycota – Steven R Ahrendt and Jason E Stajich. 10:30–11am Coffee Break – Davies Hall 11am–noon Karling Lecture by Barbara Valent “Stealth Strategies of a Cereal Killer” – SSS 114 12–1:30pm MSA Business Meeting for members only (boxed lunches for everyone) – Davies Hall 1:30– 3:30 pm Oral Contributed Session 7 Systematics & Evolution, including Lichens Davies Hall (Chair: Yolanta Miadlikowska) Oral Contributed Session 8 Ectomycorrhizal Ecology & Conservation Biology Whitney Humanities Center (Chair: Cathy Cripps) Oral Contributed Session 9 Invertebrate-Associated Fungi Becton CO 31 (Chair: Matias Cafaro) 1:30 Novel molecular markers and their utility in molecular systematics of Fungi – Jolanta Miadlikowska, Bernie Ball, Francesc López-Giráldez, Jeffrey P Townsend, Ester Gaya, Tami McDonald, Suzanne Joneson, Andrii Gryganskyi, Teresita M Porter, Brandon Matheny, Kassian Kobert, Alexandros Stamatakis, Barbara Robbertse, Joseph Spatafora, David Hibbett, Rytas Vilgalys, and François Lutzoni. Linking fungal biology to restoration: Use of host-specific ectomycorrhizal fungi to restore whitebark pine, a 'threatened' species in western North America – Cathy L Cripps, Erin Lonergan, and Cyndi M Smith. Molecular-based phylogenetic placement of the Asellariales, an enigmatic order of arthropod gut endosymbionts – Eric M Johnson, Eric D Tretter, Prasanna Kandel, and Merlin M White. 1:45 Phylogenetically marking the limits of the genus Fusarium for post-Article 59 usage – David M Geiser, Alejandro P Rooney, Todd J Ward, Takayuki Aoki, Seogchan Kang, Stephen A Rehner, and Kerry O'Donnell. On the role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in Pinaceae invasions – Thomas R Horton, Martin A Nuñez, Yazmin Rivera, G Amico, R Dimarco, N Barrios, Jeremy Hayward, and Dan Simberloff. Ribosomal RNA gene-based and multi-gene phylogenies of Smittium (Harpellales) and alliestoward unraveling relationships among early-diverging fungi – Yan Wang, Eric D Tretter, Eric M Johnson, Prasanna Kandel, Robert W Lichtwardt, and Merlin M White. 2:00 The impacts of 1F:1N on the Ophiostomatales (Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota) – Z Wilhelm de Beer, Keith A Seifert, and Michael J Wingfield. Ectomycorrhizal ascomycetes from the Guiana Shield: Elaphomyces and Pseudotulostoma – Terry W Henkel, Michael A Castellano, Hannah T Reynolds, M Catherine Aime, Steven L Miller, and Matthew E Smith. Utilizing new genes (MCM7 and TSR1) for the phylogenetic analysis of early-diverging fungi – Eric D Tretter, Eric M Johnson, Yan Wang, Prasanna Kandel, and Merlin White. 2:15 Estimating selective pressure across the coding sequences of the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae – Ning Li and Jeffrey P Townsend. Ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Pakaraimaea dipterocarpacea, an endemic neotropical dipterocarp – Matthew E Smith, Terry W Henkel, H David Clarke, Alex K Fremier, and Rytas Vilgalys. Genome-enabled marker development for evolutionary studies of the insect pathogen Metarhizium – Ryan M Kepler, Jonathan Shao, and Stephen A Rehner. 20 2:30 Chemical diversity across Ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with individual lichens – Anne Pringle, seedlings of a monodominant tree in Shugeng Cao, and Jon Clardy. the Neotropics – Gwendolyn C Williams, Matthew E Smith, Terry W Henkel, and Rytas J Vilgalys. The biology and phylogeny of Rozella (phylum Cryptomycota) revealed by genome sequencing – Timothy Y James, Adrian Pelin, Stefan Amyotte, Courtney S Frye, Nicolas Corradi, and Jason E Stajich. 2:45 Sterile asexually reproducing crustose lichens: improving classification, conservation, and communication in the 21st century – James C Lendemer and Brendan P Hodkinson. Synopsis of Boletaceae from the central Guiana Shield – Dillon R Husbands and Terry W Henkel. Molecular phylogeny of the Entomophthoromycota – Andrii P Gryganskyi, Richard A Humber, Matthew E Smith, Jolanta Miadlikovska, Steven Wu, Kerstin Voigt, Iryna M Anishchenko, Oleksandr V Savytskyi, and Rytas Vilgalys. 3:00 High throughput analyses of early life history traits of Neurospora crassa – Kolea C Zimmerman, Daniel Levitis, and Anne Pringle. Thelephoroid symbionts of Pisoniae are limited to a small group of closely related taxa throughout the range of the plant tribe – Jeremy Hayward and Thomas R Horton. Nucletmycea, Holozoa, Opisthokonta, and the problem with the "Entagled Bank" – Frederick W Spiegel. Community composition of The protist trichomycete genus ectomycorrhizal fungi along a climatic Enterobryus in the Caribbean – gradient in Scotland – Susan G Jarvis, Matias J Cafaro. Andy FS Taylor, Ian J Alexander, and Steve Woodward. 3:15 3:30–4pm 4–6 pm Break – Davies Hall Oral Contributed Session 10 Plant Pathology/Ecology Oral Contributed Session 11 Genetics, Genomics, Transcriptomics & Evolution Whitney Humanities Center (Chair: Todd Osmundson) Davies Hall (Chair: Jason Slot) Open Group Meeting 12 RCN: Plant-Associated Culture Collections Becton 31 (Chairs: Kevin McClusky & Jessie Glaeser) 4:00 Invasion biology of the butternut canker fungus Ophiognomonia clavigignenti-juglandacearum – Kirk Broders, Andre Boraks, Laura Barbison, John Brown, and Greg Boland. Modelling transcriptional reaction norm evolution in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae – Andrea Hodgins-Davis, Aleksandra Adomas, Daniel Rice, and Jeffrey Townsend. Research Coordination Network for US culture collections of microorganisms associated with plants – Kevin Mc Cluskey and Jessie Glaeser. 4:15 Rust fungi of Himalayan Moist Temperate forests of Pakistan, their diversity and distribution: An overview – Najam-ul-Sahar Afshan, Abdul Nasir Khalid, and A R Niazi. Genomic and transcriptomic analysis of the novel endophytic isolate E5202H for the identification of natural product pathways – Daniel J Spakowicz, Jeffrey J Shaw, Rahul S Dalal, Gang Fang, Brian F Dunican, and Scott A Strobel. continued 4:30 A new synnematous hyphomycete parasitic on a Phyllachora species – William RO Soares, Maria DM Santos, Erica SC Souza, and José C Dianese. A draft genome of Rhizopogon vesiculosus using the next generation Illumina sequencing platform – Alija B Mujic and Joseph W Spatafora. continued 21 4:45 Xylose-fermenting yeasts from the gut of passalid beetles: geographical distribution – Hector Urbina, Janet J Luangsa-ard, Sung O Suh, and Meredith Blackwell. Comparative genomics reveals complex patterns of secondary metabolite evolution in the genus Elaphocordyceps – Alisha C Owensby, Kathryn E Bushley, and Joseph W Spatafora. continued 5:00 Characterization of the wood decay fungi Fomes fasciatus and F. fomentarius using sequence analysis, morphology, and growth response to temperature in vitro – Meghan A McCormick, Larry F Grand, and Marc A Cubeta. Multidimensional regulation in transcriptome during sexual development in Neurospora crassa revealed with RNA sequencing – Zheng Wang, Nina Lehr, Francesc Lopez-Giraldez, Marta Farré, Frances Trail, & Jeffrey P Townsend. 5:15 Host-parasite relationships between California boletes and boleteinfecting Hypomyces species. – Gilberto Uribe Valdez and Greg W Douhan. Comparative transcriptomics and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi – Nicolas Corradi and Stefan Amyotte. 5:30 Temporal fluctuations and the role of disturbance in disease progression of the Sudden Oak Death epidemic – Melina Kozanitas, Todd W Osmundson, and Matteo Garbelotto. Fungal gene clusters, transfer, tinkering and death – Jason C Slot, Matthew A Campbell, Han Zhang, John G Gibbons, and Antonis Rokas. 5:45 Pathogenesis and host response during infection of seeds by Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium verticillioides – Xiaomei Shu. 6:00–8:00pm Dinner Break 6:00–7:00pm MSA Volunteers Reception (by invitation) – President’s Room, Woolsey Hall, 168 Grove St. 6:00–8:30pm Dinner Schooner Cruise – meet at 6:00 onTower Drive in front of Swing Hall, depart 6:10 8:00–9:00pm 1000 Fungal Genomes Project (open to all), Chair Joey Spatafora – Omni Ballrooms A&B Wednesday 18 July 2012 8:30– 10am Oral Contributed Session 13 Fungal Population Genetics Davies Hall (Chair: Andew Wilson) 8:30 Global population genetic structure of Aspergillus niger and Eurotium rubrum in green coffee beans – Iman A Sylvain and Timothy Y James. Oral Contributed Session 14 Soil & Litter Community Ecol. Whitney Humanities Center (Chair: Jana U’Ren) Oral Contributed Session 15 Mammalian Pathogens Kline Geology Lab 123 (Chair: Tom Volk) How bad is BAD1? Looking at the relationship between Blastomyces dermatitidis Virulence Factor BAD1 and Human Neutrophils, the "Infantry" of our Initial Immune Response – Angela K Ratekin, Bernadette C Taylor, and Thomas J Volk. 22 8:45 Mating-type heterokaryosis and population shifts in Aspergillus flavus – Rodrigo A Olarte, Bruce W Horn, Carolyn J Worthington, and Ignazio Carbone. Surveys at five sites across North America reveal taxonomic and functional differences among fungi from living, senescent, and fallen leaves – Jana M U'Ren and A Elizabeth Arnold. The occurrence of Phialosimplex in the built environment – Joey B Tanney and Keith A Seifert. 9:00 Population dynamics of Monilinia vaccinii-corymbosi in blueberry fields throughout the United States – Kathleen M Burchhardt and Marc A Cubeta. Nutrient enrichment increased species richness of leaf litter fungal communities in a diverse lowland tropical forest – Jennifer F Kerekes, Michael Kaspari, Bradley S Stevenson, and Thomas D Bruns. Like a rock?: lack of sequence variation in clinical isolates of the dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum – Michael T Gajdeczka, Wenjun Li, Catharine B Kappauf, and Joseph Heitman. 9:15 Population dynamics of aerial and terrestrial populations of Phytophthora ramorum in a California watershed under different climatic conditions – Catherine A Eyre, Melina Kozanitas, and Matteo Garbelotto. Exploring fungal community structure and function in forest soils: challenges and limitations of current methodologies – Petr Baldrian, Tomás Vetrovsky, Jana Vorisková, Ivana Eichlerová, Jaroslav Snajdr, Luciag Zifcáková, & Martina Stursová. Description of mycobiomes associated with three species of bats in Illinois – Lynnaun Johnson, Shiloh Lueschow, Jason Stonewall, Robert McCleery, Rod McClanahan, Joseph Kath, and Andrea Porras-Alfaro. 9:30 Alaska - Europe: Biogeography of arctic populations of Microbotryum – Chris Eberlein, Angela M Schäfer, and Dominik Begerow. Fungal diversity associated with differing monoculture forest types measured by next-generation metabarcoding. – Joshua R Herr. Assessment of the saprotrophic ability of the White Nose Syndrome agent, Geomyces destructans – Hannah T Reynolds, M Kevin Keel, and Hazel A Barton. 9:45 Using new techniques in genotyping by sequencing to rejuvenate population genetic studies in fungi. – Andrew W Wilson, Norman Wickett, Paul Grabowski, Jeremie Fant, Justin Borevitz, and Gregory M Mueller. Fungal and bacterial diversity in connection with soil decomposition processes resolved using 13C rRNA-SIP – Julia Moll, Dörte Dibbern, Susanne Kramer, François Buscot, Dirk Krüger, Tillmann Lueders, Sven Marhan, and Ellen Kandeler. 10:00–10:30am 10:30 am –noon Coffee Break – Davies Hall Oral Contributed Session 16 Fungal Ecology: Anthropogenic Disturbance Davies Hall (Chair: Linda van Diepen) Oral Contributed Session 17 Endophytic & Rhizosphere Fungi Whitney Humanities Center (Chair: Jose Herrera) 10:30 Assessing the effects of radiation after the Fukushima Daiichi meltdown on dogwood endophyte communities – Stephen J Miller, Jr., Hayato Masuya, and Ning Zhang. Phylogeographic analyses of epichloid endophytes in Hordelymus europaeus suggest repeated host jumps and interspecific hybridizations – Martina Oberhofer and Adrian Leuchtmann. 10:45 Diversity and composition of soil fungal communities under long-term nitrogen enrichment – Eric W Morrison, Serita D Frey, W Kelley Thomas, and Anne Pringle. The effect of soil on the fungal root endophyte community of Zea mays – Jose Herrera and Ravin Poudel. 23 11:00 The arbuscular advantage: Soil warming stimulates the growth of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM)associated tree species and poison ivy over 8 years at Harvard Forest – Jacqueline E Mohan, Jerry M Melillo, James S Clark, Fahkri A Bazzaz, Katherine J Bridges, Charles Cowden, Paul Frankson, Richard Shefferson, Richard Sicher, Timothy Sipe, and Lewis Ziska. Endophyte and pathogen communities of symptomatic and asymptomatic seedlings of tree species from a temperate forest – Maria S Benitez, Michelle H Hersh, Brantlee S Richter, Rytas Vilgalys, and James S Clark. 11:15 Influences of nitrogen deposition and soil warming on saprophytic fungal community structure, fungal growth, and litter decomposition – Christopher M Sthultz, Linda TA Van Diepen, Serita D Frey, and Anne Pringle. Populus species, genotype, and soil inoculum influences on the assemblage of rhizospheric fungal and bacterial communities – Gregory Bonito, Christopher Schadt, Gerald (Jerry) Tuskan, Mitchel Doktycz, and Rytas Vilgalys. 11:30 Soil metatranscriptomics reveals changes in expression of transcripts encoding lignocellulolytic enzymes in the forest floor of a temperate forest under increased nitrogen deposition – Linda TA van Diepen, Serita D Frey, and W Kelley Thomas. Soil fungal lineages respond to host plant identity and community diversity in a model grassland system – Nicholas LeBlanc, Linda Kinkel, and H Corby Kistler. 11:45–1:30pm Lunch Break 12-1:30pm 1:30– 3:30 pm MSA Editorial Meeting, Chair Jeffrey Stone – 123 Kline Geology Lab, 210 Whitney Ave. Symposium 4: Comparative Genomics of Fungi Davies Hall (Chairs: Joey Spatafora & Jason Stajich) Symposium 5: The Fungal DNA Barcode & Beyond Whitney Humanities Cntr. (Chairs: Conrad Schoch & Ning Zhang) Insights into independent origins of multicellularity in Neolecta from comparative genomics – Jason E Stajich, David A Hewitt, and Gregory Jedd. Barcodes and a MycoCHIP - a case study on turfgrass pathogen barcoding and diagnosis – Ning Zhang. Convergent and divergent evolution of nonribosomal peptide synthetases – Kathryn E Bushley and Joseph W Spatafora. Assigning ITS and LSU rDNA 'barcodes' with confidence – Teresita M Porter and G Brian Golding. Evolution of plant pathogenesis within Dothideomycetes – Stephen B Goodwin. Oomycete barcoding and applications – C Andre Levesque, Gregg Robideau, Chen Wen, and Lewis Christopher. Horizontal gene transfer and public goods games in fungi and fungi-like organisms – Thomas A Richards. Fungal barcoding database, innovative concepts – Vincent A Robert and Conrad Schoch. Becoming A Fungus: Comparative Phylogenetic Studies of Evolution of Absorptive Nutrition – Mary L Berbee, Satoshi Sekimoto, Ludovic LeRenard, Joseph W Spatafora, and AFTOL2 Working Group. The use of DNA barcode techniques to identify the constituents of teas and herbal dietary supplements – Damon P Little. 3:35–4pm Break – Davies Hall 24 Symposium 6: Fungi in a Changing World Davies Hall (Chairs: Erik Hobbie, Linda van Diepen & Jacqueline Mohan) 4–6 pm Symposium 7: Using Cellular Structure & Biochemistry as Indicators of Fungal Phylogeny Whitney Humanities Center (Chairs: Robbie Roberson & Brian Shaw) Temporal patterns of fungal fruiting reveal ongoing climate change effects – Håvard Kauserud, Einar Heegaard, Ulf Büntgen, Simon Egli, Rune Halvorsen, and Lynne Boddy. The structure of the hyphal apex: Spitzenkörper or not? – Robert W Roberson. Mycorrhizae and resource acquisition: dynamics in fluctuating environments – Michael F Allen. What can nuclear division, spindle pole body, and septal pore characters reveal about fungal phylogeny? – David J McLaughlin, TK Arun Kuman, and Rosanne Healy. The role of fungi in mediating ecosystem responses to global change – Kathleen K Treseder and Krista L McGuire. Using cellular structure and biochemistry for insights into gungal cell biology and phylogeny – Martha J Powell and Peter M Letcher. The impact of mycorrhizal fungal traits on ecosystem responses to global change: a modeling approach – Kate H Orwin, Miko UF Kirschbaum, Julie R Deslippe, and Ian A Dickie. Lysine pathways and cell wall chemistry revealed the existence of two evolutionary lines within the Kingdom Fungi – Salomon Bartnicki-Garcia. Tallgrass prairie soil microbial communities are resilient to climate change – Ari Jumpponen. Biochemical characters support fungal lineages – John D Weete, Maritza Abril, and Meredith Blackwell. Interactions among saprotrophic fungi and invertebrate grazers under climate change – Lynne Boddy. Regulation of conidiation in Aspergillus nidulans and Neurospora crassa – Brian D Shaw, Da-Woon Chung, Srijana Upadhyay, Charles Greenwald, Sheng-Li Deng, Heather H Wilkinson, and Daniel J Ebbole. 7:00–10:00pm Banquet, MSA Auction & All Awards – Omni Hotel, Ballrooms A, B & D Thursday 19 July 2012 8:30–9:00am Nomenclature Working Groups Meeting – Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station coffee –noon International Subcomission on Fusarium Systematics (Chairs: David Geiser & Keith Seifert) Nomenclature Working Group on Hypocreales (Chairs: Amy Rossman & Priscila Chaverri) Boxed lunch, bagged for those needing to depart Continued discussion, as needed 25 INDEX Abril, Maritza: S7............................................. 26 Acharya, Krishnendu: P88 .............................. 18 Ackerman, Eric: P20 ........................................ 15 Adenipekun, Clementina O: P115 .................. 19 Adomas, Aleksandra: C11............................... 22 Afshan, Najam-ul-Sahar: C10......................... 22 Ahrendt, Steven R: C6 ..................................... 21 Ai, Jun: C6......................................................... 20 Aime, M Catherine: P22, P24, P26, P99, S3, C8 ..................................................5, 11, 15, 17, 19 Ainsworth, A Martyn: S2 ................................ 13 Albu, Sebastian: P22 ........................................ 15 Alexander, Ian J: C8 ........................................ 22 Allen, Michael F: S6 ......................................... 26 Alli, Hakan: P53................................................ 15 Alpha, Cambria: P43........................................ 18 Amico, G: C8 ..................................................... 21 Amyotte, Stefan: C9 ......................................... 22 Anishchenko, Iryna M: C9 .............................. 22 Annis, Seanna L: C1......................................... 12 Antonetti, Jonathan: P119............................... 19 Aoki, Takayuki; C7 .......................................... 21 Armaleo, Daniele: C11 ..................................... 23 Armando, Eliane AS: P29................................ 41 Arnold, A Elizabeth: P46, C14..............5, 15, 24 Arnstadt, Tobias: P101 .................................... 16 Arroyo Moreno, Baldomero: P54 ................... 15 Binder, Manfred: P59, P60, P70 ...............16, 18 Birkebak, Joshua M: C2 ..............................5, 12 Bittleston, Leonora S: P111 ............................. 19 Blackwell, Meredith: P2, C10, S7 .......17, 23, 26 Blair, Jaime E: P41, P120 ......................5, 18, 19 Blanc, Guillaume: C11 ..................................... 23 Blanchette, Robert A: C6.............................3, 20 Boddy, Lynne: S2, S6..................................13, 26 Bojantchev, Dimitar: P61................................. 16 Boland, Greg: C10 ............................................ 22 Bonito, Gregory: P52, P54, P66, P102, C17 . 15, ..................................................................16, 25 Boonmee, Saranyaphat: P34 ........................... 18 Boraks, Andre: C10 .......................................... 22 Borevitz, Justin: C13 ........................................ 24 Borovicka, Jan: P108........................................ 17 Bretz, Richard L: P78....................................... 16 Brewer, Marin T: C3........................................ 12 Bridges, Katherine J: C16 ............................... 25 Broders, Kirk: C10 ........................................... 22 Brown, John: C10 ............................................. 22 Bruns, Thomas D: C14.............................3, 5, 24 Buchanan, Peter K: S2 ..................................... 13 Burchhardt, Kathleen M: C13 ........................ 24 Burger, Jutta: P68............................................. 16 Burleigh, J Gordon: P105 ................................ 17 Buscot, François: P101: C4, C14.........16, 20, 24 Bushley, Kathryn E: C11 ................................. 23 Büntgen, Ulf: S6 ................................................ 26 B C Baber, Kristin: P101......................................... 16 Baker, Scott: C11 .............................................. 23 Baldrian, Petr: C14........................................... 24 Ball, Bernie: C7................................................. 21 Barbison, Laura: C10....................................... 22 Barge, Edward G: P57 ..................................... 15 Baroni, Timothy J: P91, P93 ....................... 5, 19 Barrios, N: C8 ................................................... 21 Bartnicki-Garcia, Salomon: S7....................... 26 Barton, Hazel A: C15 ....................................... 24 Bates, Scott T: S1 .............................................. 13 Bauhus, Jürgen: P101 ...................................... 16 Bazzaz, Fahkri A: C16 ..................................... 25 Beard, Charles E: C6 ....................................... 20 Beaulieu, Wesley T: P33 .............................. 5, 17 Becerra, Alejandra G: C4................................ 20 Begerow, Dominik: C13 ................................... 24 Bellgard, Stanley E: P18, P98.................... 15, 16 Benitez, Maria S: C17 ...................................... 25 Berbee, Mary L: S4 ...................................... 3, 25 Bergemann, Sarah E: P93 ............................... 19 Berka, Randy M: P20....................................... 15 Bester, Cathy: RT ............................................. 14 Betancur, Marcelo: P91 ................................... 19 Bhatnager, Deepak: C3.................................... 12 Cafaro, Matias J: P3, C9........... 5, 10, 17, 21, 22 Cai, Lei: C5........................................................ 20 Calder, Beth: C1................................................ 12 Campbell, Matthew A: C11 ............................. 23 Cannon, Paul F: S2 .......................................9, 13 Cantrell, Sharon A.............................................. 3 Cao, Shugeng: C7.............................................. 22 Capelari, Marina: P87, P90 .......................18, 19 Caporaso, J Gregory: S1.................................. 13 Carbone, Ignazio: P12, P104, C13 .. 3, 9, 12, 14, ..................................................................17, 24 Carlson, Alexis L: P96...................................... 19 Carris, Lori: P48 ............................................... 15 Carver, Jonathan P: P8.................................... 14 Castellano, Michael: C8 ................................... 21 Castlebury, Lisa A: C5..................................... 20 Chabitnoy, Amy: P41 ....................................... 18 Chae, Su Myung: P23, P103 ............................ 17 Chambergo, Felipe S: P117 ............................. 19 Charron, Philippe: P19 .................................... 15 Chaverri, Priscila: C5...........................11, 16, 26 Chen, Ko-Hsuan: P66....................................... 16 Choi, Hyung-Kyoon: P79................................. 16 Christopher, Lewis: S5..................................... 25 Chukeatirote, Ekachai: P36, C5................18, 20 Chung, Da-Woon: S7........................................ 26 A Cifuentes, Joaquín B: P89 ............................... 19 Clardy, Jon: C7................................................. 22 Clark, James S: C16, C17................................ 25 Clarke, H David: C8......................................... 21 Clay, Keith: P33 ................................................ 17 Co-David, Delia: C2.......................................... 12 Coffua, Lauren: P41......................................... 18 Collart, Frank: C11 .......................................... 21 Cook, Lauren: P41............................................ 18 Corradi, Nicolas: P19, C9, C11...........15, 22, 23 Cowden, Charles: C16...................................... 25 Crandall, Keith: P105 ...................................... 17 Crandall, Sharifa G: P110 ............................... 17 Cranston, Karen: P105 .................................... 17 Cripps, Cathy L: P57, P65, C8......10, 15, 16, 21 Crous, Pedro W: S3 ...................................... 5, 14 Cubeta, Marc A: P95, C6, C10, C13 ...3, 19, 20, .................................................................. 21, 24 Cui, Yunluan: P76 ............................................ 16 Cázares, Efren: P54.......................................... 15 D Dalal, Rahul S: C11 .......................................... 22 Dalpé, Yolande: P19 ......................................... 15 Datlof, Erin: P44 ............................................... 18 Davey, Marie L: P56......................................... 15 Davidson, Bill E: P67........................................ 16 Davis, William J: P119 ..................................... 19 Davoodian, Naveed: C2.................................... 12 Deng, Sheng-Li: S7 ........................................... 26 Dentinger, Bryn TM: S2 .................................. 13 Desai, Nikhilesh S: P64..................................... 16 Desjardin, Dennis E: P97............................. 5, 19 Deslippe, Julie R: C6 ........................................ 26 de Beer, Z Wilhelm: P6, P21, C7 ........14, 15, 21 de Souza, José I: P117, C10 ....................... 19, 22 de los Ríos, Asuncíon........................................ 13 Dae-Hoon, Jeon ................................................. 16 Dianese, Jose C: P29, C10.......................... 17, 22 Dibbern, Dörte: C14......................................... 24 Dickie, Ian A: P18, P98, S6..................15, 16, 26 Dietrich, Fred: C11........................................... 23 Dimarco, R: C8 ................................................. 21 Doktycz, Mitchel: C17...................................... 25 Domínguez, Laura: P54 ................................... 15 Douhan, Greg W: P27, P60, C10 ........16, 17, 21 Draney, Michael L: P85 ................................... 18 Duncan, Shona M: C6 ...................................... 20 Dunican, Brian F: P43, C11....................... 18, 22 Dunn, Kathryn M: C4...................................... 20 Duong, Tuan A: P6, P21, C3 .................12, 4, 15 Dutta, Arun K: P88 .......................................... 18 E Ebbole, Daniel J: S7.......................................... 26 Eberhart, Ursula: P60 ...................................... 16 Eberlein, Chris: C13......................................... 24 Edelmann, Richard E: P78.............................. 16 Egli, Simon: C6.................................................. 26 Ehrlich, Kenneth C: P13 .................................. 14 Eichlerová, Ivana: C14..................................... 21 Ejoh, Omasan E: P115, C13 ............................ 19 Eyre, Catherine A ............................................. 21 F Fang, Gang: C11 ............................................... 22 Fant, Jeremie: C15............................................ 23 Farrer, Emily: P9.............................................. 14 Farré, Marta: C11............................................. 23 Fernandez, Lisandro: C4 ................................. 20 Fierer, Noah: S1 ................................................ 13 Figueroa-Contreras, Pio Moises: C6 .............. 20 Filley, Timothy R: C6 ....................................... 20 Fisher, Karen E: P75 ........................................ 16 Floudas, Dimitrios: P69, P70, C2 ..........5, 13, 18 Franco-Molano, Ana Esperanza: P91 ............ 19 Frank, Jonathon: P52....................................... 15 Frankson, Paul: C16......................................... 25 Fraser, Scott: P18, P98 ...............................15, 16 Freitag, Michael: P25 ....................................... 17 Fremier, Alex K: C8 ......................................... 21 Frey, Serita D: P106, C16 ....................17, 24, 25 Frye, Courtney S: C9........................................ 22 G Gajdeczka, Michael T: P102, C15 ............16, 24 Garbelotto, Matteo M: P51, S2, C10 ...13,15, 21 Garcia, Rafael: C1 ............................................ 12 Gause, Justin W: P4 ......................................... 17 Gaya, Ester: C7 ................................................. 21 Geiser, David M: C7 ...............................5, 11, 21 Geml, József: P62, P63, C2 ........................12, 16 Gibbons, John G: C11 ...................................... 23 Gilbert, Gregory S: P110 ................................. 17 Gilette, Nancy: P6 ............................................. 14 Glaeser, Jessie: C12 ................................3, 10, 22 Glassman, Sydney: P1 ...................................... 14 Gleason, Frank H: P117................................... 19 Glenn, Anthony E: P38 .................................... 18 Goldberger, Erica: P30 .................................... 17 Golding, G Brian: S5 ........................................ 25 González, Maria C: P38 ................................... 18 Goodwin, Stephen B: S4................................... 25 Gossage, Zachary T: P113, C4 ..................19, 20 Goward, Trevor: P47........................................ 18 Grabon, Jason: RT ........................................... 14 Grabowski, Paul: C13 ...................................... 24 Grand, Larry F: P95, C10 .........................19, 23 Greenwald, Charles: S7 ................................... 26 Greidinger, Alison: P41.................................... 18 Griffith, Gareth W: C2 .................................... 13 Grigoriev, Igor V: P20, P69, P70, C4 .15, 18, 20 Grabon, Jason, RT............................................ 14 Gryganskyi, Andrii P: C7 ................................ 21 Gryndler, Milan: P108 ..................................... 17 Gude, Karl: P105 .............................................. 17 27 Gueidan, Cecile: S1........................................... 13 Guevara, Gonzalo G: P52, P54 ....................... 15 H Ha, Tai-Moon: P80 .......................................... 16 Hallen-Adams, Heather ..................................... 5 Halling, Roy E: P59 .......................................... 16 Halvorsen, Rune: S6......................................... 26 Hameed, Khalid: P102 ..................................... 16 Hanlin, Richard T: P38.................................... 18 Hansen, Karen: P50, C5............................. 15, 21 Hanson, David T: P107 .................................... 17 Harrison, Nicholas: C3..................................... 13 Hart, Andrew M: P86....................................... 18 Hayward, Jeremy: C8 ................................ 21, 22 Healy, Rosanne A: P50, P52, P54, S7 ....... 15, 26 Heegaard, Einar: S6 ......................................... 26 Heimdal, Rune: P56.......................................... 15 Heitman, Joseph: C15 ...................................... 24 Heidmarsson, Starri: S1................................... 13 Henkel, Terry W: P55, P99, C8 3, 15, 19, 21, 22 Heppenheimer, Elizabeth: P30 ....................... 17 Herr, Joshua R: C14......................................... 24 Herrera, Cesar S C5, ........................................ 20 Herrera, Jose: C17...................................... 11, 24 Hersh, Michelle H: C17.................................... 25 Heske, Edward J: P16 ...................................... 15 Hess, Jaqueline: C3........................................... 12 Hewitt, David A: S4 .......................................... 25 Hibbett, David S: ....... P59, P69, P70, P94, P96, P105, C2 ............... 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19 Hicks, Sarah L: P9........................................ 5, 14 Hills, Allan E: P60 ............................................ 16 Hobbie, Erik: C4, S6 ........................3, 11, 20, 26 Hodgins-Davis, Andrea: C11........................... 22 Hodkinson, Brendan P: S1, P112, C7....... 9, 13, .................................................................. 19, 22 Hofrichter, Martin: P101................................. 16 Holder, Mark: P105.......................................... 17 Hollingsworth, Teresa N: C4........................... 20 Hopkins, Kathryn L: C1, C4..................... 12, 20 Hoppe, Björn: P101 .......................................... 16 Horn, Bruce W: P12, C13.......................... 14, 24 Horton, Thomas: RT, C8 ........................... 14, 21 Hughes, Karen: C2, S2............................... 12, 13 Humber, Richard A: C9 .................................. 22 Hung, Richard: P14...................................... 5, 15 Husbands, Dillon R: C8 ................................... 22 Hustad, Vincent P: P16, C5 .............5, 10, 15, 20 Hutchinson, Miriam I: P20.............................. 15 Hwang, Jonathan: P49 ..................................... 15 Hyde, Kevin D: P36, P38, C5 .................... 18, 20 Hyun, Min Woo: P79.................................. 16, 17 I Idnurm, Alexander: P19 .................................. 15 Im, Chak Han: P77........................................... 16 J James, Timothy Y: P117, C9, C13 ......19, 22, 23 Jang, Myoung-Jun: P82 ................................... 16 Jarvie, Thomas: S1 ........................................... 13 Jarvis, Susan G: C8 .......................................... 22 Je, Hee Jeong: P23, P77, P103...................16, 17 Jedd, Gregory: S4 ............................................. 25 Jenkinson, Thomas S: P97 ............................... 19 Johnson, Eric M: C9......................................... 29 Johnson, Lynnaun: P15, C15.................5, 15, 24 Johnston, Peter R: S2 ....................................... 13 Joneson, Suzanne: C7....................................... 21 Jumper, Katherine E: P109 ............................. 17 Jumpponen, Ari: S6.......................................... 26 Jurgens, Joel: C6............................................... 20 Ju, Young-Cheul: P82 ...................................... 16 Justo, Alfredo: P92, P94, P96 .......................... 19 K Kaffenberger, Justin T: P73, C6 ...............18, 20 Kahl, Tiemo: P101, C4 ...............................16, 20 Kandel, Prasanna: P5, C9..........................17, 21 Kandeler, Ellen: C14 ........................................ 24 Kang, Seogchan: C7.......................................... 21 Kaonongbua, Wittaya: P33.............................. 17 Kappauf, Catharine B: C15............................. 24 Kapturska, Danuta: P101 ................................ 16 Karstedt, Fernanda: P87.................................. 18 Kaspari, Michael: C14...................................... 24 Kath, Joseph A: P16, C15 ..........................15, 24 Kauserud, Håvard: P56, S6 .......................15, 26 Keel, M Kevin: C15 .......................................... 24 Kellner, Harald: P101 ...................................... 16 Kennedy, Peter .................................................... 5 Kepler, Ryan M: C9 ......................................... 21 Kerekes, Jennifer F: C14 ................................. 24 Kerrigan, Julia: C1 .......................................5, 12 Khalid, Abdul Nasir: C10 ................................ 22 Kim, Changmu: P100 ....................................... 16 Kim, Kyung Hee: P23, P103 ............................ 17 Kim, Mi Jin: P77............................................... 16 Kim, Min Keun: P23, P77, P103 ...............16, 17 Kim, Seong Hwan: P79 .................................... 16 Kinkel, Linda: C17 ........................................... 25 Kinoshita, Akihiko: P54 ................................... 15 Kirschbaum, Miko UF: S6............................... 26 Kistler, H Corby: C17 ...................................... 25 Kluting, Kerri L: P93 ....................................... 19 Kobert, Kassian: C7 ......................................... 21 Koch, Rachel A: P99.....................................5, 19 Kodis, Mali‘o: P44 ............................................ 18 Kozanitas, Melina: C10.................................... 23 Kramer, Susanne: C14 ..................................... 24 Krüger, Dirk: P101, C4, C14...............16, 20, 24 Kuan-Liang, Liu: C4 ........................................ 20 Kucera, Kaury: P43.......................................... 18 Kuman, TK Arun: S7 ....................................... 26 Kuske, Cheryl R: C4......................................... 20 28 Kwon, Hyuk Woo: P79..................................... 16 Kwon, Na Hee: P77........................................... 16 L Lamb, Marshall C: P12.................................... 14 Lamourex, Yves: C2......................................... 12 Laramie, Matthew: P5 ..................................... 17 Larsen, Peter: C11............................................ 23 LeBlanc, Nicholas: C17.................................... 25 LeRenard, Ludovic: S4 .................................... 25 Lee, Hyun: P100................................................ 16 Lee, Hyun sook: P103....................................... 17 Lee, Jin Sung: P100 .......................................... 16 Lee, Marcia R: P78........................................... 16 Lee, Song Hee: P103 ......................................... 17 Lee, Yun-Hae: P82............................................ 16 Lehr, Nina A: C6............................................... 20 Lendemer, James C: S1, P112, C7......13, 19, 22 Letcher, Peter M: P118, P119, S7 ............. 19, 26 Leuchtmann, Adrian: C17............................... 24 Levesque, C Andre: S5 ........................................... 25 Levitis, Daniel: C7 ............................................ 22 Li, De-Wei: P32................................................. 17 Li, Ning: C7 ....................................................... 21 Li, Wenjun: C15................................................ 24 Lichtwardt, Robert W: C9...................................... 21 Lim, Young Woon: P100.................................. 16 Lin, H M: P16.................................................... 14 Little, Damon P: S5 .......................................... 25 Liu, Xingzhong: C5........................................... 20 Lodge, D Jean: S2 ......................................... 3, 13 Lofgren, Lotus: P72.......................................... 18 Lonergan, Erin R: P65, C8........................ 16, 21 Lopez, Sara R: P107 ......................................... 17 Lopez-Giraldez, Francesc: C6, C11 ......... 20, 23 Lowry, David: P75............................................ 16 Lu, Min: P6........................................................ 14 Lumbsch, Thorsten............................................. 5 Luangsa-ard, Janet J: C10 .............................. 23 Lueders, Tillmann: C14 ................................... 24 Lueschow, Shiloh: P15, C15 ...................... 15, 21 Luo, Jing: C5 ..................................................... 20 Lutzoni, Francois: S1, P47, C7, C11......... 5, 13, ...........................................................16, 21, 23 M Maltz, Mia: P1, P68 .................................... 14, 16 Manamgoda, Dimuthu S: C5 .......................... 20 Marano, Agostina V: P117 .............................. 19 Marhan, Sven: C14........................................... 24 Marra, Robert E: C3.................................... 3, 12 Martin, Francis: P70, C11 ............................... 23 Martin, Rachael: P69 ....................................... 18 Martinez, Andrea M: P20................................ 15 Masuya, Hayato: C16....................................... 24 Matari, Nahill H: P120..................................... 19 Mateus-Pinilla, Nohra: P16 ............................. 15 Matheny, P Brandon: C2............................. 3, 12 McCluskey, Kevin: GM12 ............................... 22 McClanahan, Rod D: P15, P16, P17, C15.15,24 McCleery, Robert: P15, P17: C15.............15, 24 McCormick, Meghan A: P95, S10 ............19, 23 McCormick, Melissa........................................... 5 McCotter, Sean: P48......................................... 15 McDonald, Tami: C7 ........................................ 21 McFarland, Jack W: C4................................... 20 McGuinness, Deborah L: C4........................... 20 McGuire, Krista L: 110, S6 ............................. 26 McKee, Brandon M: P27 ................................. 17 McKenzie, Eric: C2........................................... 12 McLaughlin, David: P52, S7............................ 26 McTaggart, Alistair R: P26 ............................. 17 Medina Rivera, Mariely: P3 ............................ 17 Medland, Vicki: P85 ......................................... 18 Melillo, Jerry M: C16 ....................................... 25 Mena-Ali, Jorge: P30........................................ 17 Menolli, Nelson, Jr: P87, P90 ....................18, 19 Merritt, Joseph F: P16 ..................................... 15 Methven, Andrew S: P58 ................................. 15 Miadlikowska, Jolanta: P47 ................10, 18, 21 Mihaljevic, Martin: P108................................. 17 Miller, Andrew N: P16, P39, P40, P58, C5 3, ..................................................................18, 20 Miller, Stephen J, Jr: C16................................ 24 Miller, Steven L: C8 ......................................... 21 Minnis, Andrew M: S3 ..................................... 14 Mohan, Jacqueline E: C16, S6 ............11, 25, 26 Moll, Julia: C14................................................. 24 Monacell, James T: P104 ................................. 17 Money, Nicholas P: P76.................................... 16 Moore, Geromy G: P13 .................................... 14 Morgado, Luis N: P62, P63, C2.................12, 16 Morgenstern, Ingo: P71 ................................... 18 Morin, Emmanuelle: C11 ................................ 23 Morrison, Eric W: C16 .................................... 24 Mueller, Gregory M: S2, C13............5, 9, 13, 24 Mueller, Olaf: C11 ............................................ 23 Mujic, Alija B: C11........................................... 22 Murat, Claude: P54 .......................................... 15 N Nagy, Laszlo G: P70 .....................................5, 18 Nara, Kazuhide: P54 ........................................ 15 Natvig, Donald O: P20..................................5, 15 Neilen, Manon: P62, P63.................................. 16 Nguyen, Hai: C2 ................................................ 13 Nguyen, Nhu H: P50 .....................................5, 15 Niazi, A R: C10.................................................. 22 Nickerson, Nancy: C2....................................... 13 Njambere, Evans N: P28 .................................. 17 Noordeloos, Machiel E: P62, P63..............12, 16 Norvell, Lorelei L: S3 ...................................9, 14 Nouhra, Eduardo R: P54, C4 ....................15, 20 Nowak, Michael: P54........................................ 15 Nuhn, Mitchell: P59.......................................... 16 Nuñez, Martin A: C8 ........................................ 21 29 O Q O'Donnell, Kerry: C7............................... 3, 5, 21 Oberhofer, Martina: C17................................. 24 Ogunjobi, Adeniyi A: P115.............................. 19 Olariaga, Ibai: C5 ............................................. 21 Olarte, Rodrigo A: C13................................ 5, 24 Oliveira, Jadson JS: P87 .................................. 18 Oliver, Jason P: P116 ....................................... 19 Orwin, Kate H: S6 ............................................ 26 Osmundson, Todd W: P51, P59, S2 RT, C10..5, ............................... 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23 Otto, Peter: P101............................................... 16 Owensby, Alisha C: C11 .............................. 5, 23 Quintanilla, Laura A: C6.............................5, 20 P Padamsee, Mahajabeen: C2, S2, P18, P98 ... 12, ......................................................13, 15, 16, 19 Pagliaccia, Deborah P: P27 ....................... 12, 18 Palm, Mary .......................................................... 5 Panaccione, Daniel G: C3, P33, P35............... 17 Parchert, Kylea J: C3, P20 .............................. 17 Parfitt, David: S2 .............................................. 13 Park, Duckchul: P18, P98................................ 15 Park, Ki Kwan: P77.......................................... 16 Pastor, Nicolas: C4 ........................................... 20 Paul, Deb: RT.................................................... 14 Payne, Gary A: C3............................................ 12 Peay, Kabir: P72 ............................................... 18 Pecyna, Marek: P101........................................ 16 Peever, Tobin: P48............................................ 15 Pelin, Adrian: C9 .............................................. 22 Perez-Ortega, Sergio: S1.................................. 13 Perry, Brian A: P44, P97 .......................5, 18, 19 Petersen, Ronald: C2, S2 ........................... 12, 13 Peterson, Stephen W: P37 ............................... 18 Pfister, Donald: P54.......................................... 15 Phookamsak, Rungtiwa: P36 .......................... 18 Picard, Kathryn T: S1.................................. 5, 13 Pilliod, David: P5 .............................................. 17 Pires-Zottarelli, Carmen LA: P117 ................ 19 Pong, Elinor P: P27 .......................................... 17 Porras-Alfaro, Andrea: P7, P9, P10, P11, P15, P17, P107, P113, C4, C15...10, 14, 15, 17, 19, .................................................................. 20, 24 Porter, David: P109, ......................................... 17 Porter, Teresita M: C7, S5......................... 21, 25 Poudel, Ravin: C17 ........................................... 24 Powell, Amy J: P20........................................... 15 Powell, Martha J: P118, P119, S7............. 19, 26 Powlowski, Justin: P71..................................... 18 Pradhan, Prakash: P88 .................................... 18 Presley, Gerald N: P74, C6........................ 18, 20 Pringle, Anne: C3, P111, C7, C16 3, 7, 9, 12, 19 .................................................................. 22, 25 Purahong, Witoon: P101.................................. 16 R Raja, Huzefa A: P39 ......................................... 18 Rajakaruna, Nishanta: P109 ........................... 17 Ratekin, Angela K: C15 ...............................5, 23 Redfern, Joanna L: P20 ................................... 15 Redhead, Scott A...........................................9, 14 Ree, Richard H: P105 ....................................... 17 Rehner, Stephen: C7, C9.................................. 21 Reyes, Ricardo: P75.......................................... 16 Reynolds, Hannah T: P66, C8, C15 ....16, 21, 24 Reynolds, Nicole K: P5..................................... 17 Rice, Daniel: C11............................................... 22 Rice, James: P69................................................ 18 Richards, Thomas A: S4 .................................. 25 Richter, Brantlee S: C17 .................................. 25 Riley, Rohan: P19 ............................................. 15 Rivas Plata, Eimy: P47..................................... 18 Rivera Calo, J: P81 ........................................... 16 Rivera, Yazmin: C8 .......................................... 21 Robbertse, Barbara: C7 ................................... 21 Roberson, Robert: S7 .................................11, 26 Robert, Vincent A: S3....................................... 11 Robideau, Gregg P............................................ 25 Robinson, Sarah L: P35 ................................... 18 Rodriguez Estrada, Alma E: P85.................... 18 Rogers, Hilary J ................................................ 13 Rokas, Antonis: C11 ......................................... 23 Rooney, Alejandro P: C7 ................................. 21 Rosales, Antonio D: P7, P10, P11.................... 14 Rosique-Gil, Edmundo: P38............................ 18 Rossman, Amy Y: P34, P36, C5 ....11, 18, 20, 26 Roy, Anirban: P88 ............................................ 18 Rudloff, Renate: P101 ...................................... 16 Ruess, Roger W: C4.......................................... 20 Runa, Farhana: C3 .......................................5, 12 Rush, Tomas A: P22 ......................................... 15 Ryan, Katy L: C3 .............................................. 12 Ryu, Jae San: P23, P77, P103 ....................16, 17 S Sadowsky, Jesse J: P106................................... 17 Salamone, Amy: C1 .......................................... 13 Salgado-Salazar, Catalina: C5 ....................5, 20 Samuels, Gary J: C5 ......................................... 20 Sanchez-Garcia, Marisol: C2 .......................... 12 Sandona, Katrina P: P7, P10........................... 14 Sanjuan, Tatiana: P91 .......................................... 19 Santillan, Naomi: P84....................................... 18 Santos, Maria DM: C10 ................................... 22 Sapp, C: P81 ...................................................... 16 Sathiya Seelan, Jaya Seelan: P94 .................... 19 Savytskyi, Oleksandr V: C9 ............................ 22 Schadt, Christopher: P66, P102, C17.......16, 25 Schaefer, Rainier E: P97 .................................. 19 30 Scharnagl, Klara: P45 ...................................... 18 Scheidegger, Christoph: S2 ............................. 13 Schmitt, Imke ...................................................... 5 Schilling, Jonathan S: P73, P74, P116, C4, C6 ............................................................18, 19, 20 Schoch, Conrad: S5 .................................... 11, 25 Schäfer, Angela M: C13................................... 23 Seavey, Frederick: P45..................................... 18 Seifert, Keith A: C7, C15 ...........9, 11, 14, 21, 24 Sekimoto, Satoshi: P118, S4 ...................... 19, 25 Seo, Geon-Sik .................................................... 16 Sermenli, Hayrunisa Bas: P53 ........................ 15 Serpe, Marcelo D: P67 ............................... 16, 17 Serpi, Maggie: P30............................................ 17 Sérusiaux, Emmanuel: P47................................. 18 Shao, Jonathan: C9........................................... 21 Shaw, Brian D: S7....................................... 11, 26 Shaw, Jeffrey J: P43, C11................................ 22 Shearer, Carol A: P39, P40, C1 ............9, 12, 18 Shefferson, Richard: C16................................. 25 Shu, Xiaomei: C10 ............................................ 23 Sicher, Richard: C16 ........................................ 25 Sikhakolli, Usha: C3......................................... 13 Simberloff, Dan: C8.......................................... 21 Simmons, Blake: P20........................................ 15 Simonini, Giampaolo: P60............................... 16 Sinsabaugh, Robert L: P7, P9, P10, P11, P107, P113 ...................................................14, 17. 19 Sipe, Timothy: C16 ........................................... 25 Skrede, Inger: C3.............................................. 12 Slot, Jason C: C11.................................10, 22, 23 Smith, Cyndi M: C8.......................................... 21 Smith, Matthew E: P52, P54, P55, C8, C9 ............................................................15, 21, 22 Smith, Stephen A: P105 ................................... 17 Soares, William RO: P29, C10 .................. 17, 22 Sobolev, Victor S: P12...................................... 14 Snajdr, Jaroslav: C14....................................... 21 Soltis, Douglas E: P105..................................... 17 Song, Won Du: P23........................................... 17 Song, Zewei: C4 ................................................ 21 Sorensen, Ronald B: P12.................................. 14 Southworth, Darlene: P52 ............................... 15 Souza, Erica SC................................................. 19 Spakowicz, Daniel J: P43, C11.................. 18, 22 Spatafora, Joseph W: C7, C11 ........3, 11, 21, 22 Spiegel, Frederick W: C9................................. 22 Stajich, Jason E: S4, C6, C9 ..........11, 20, 21, 25 Stalpers, Joost: S3............................................. 11 Stamatakis, Alexandros: C7 ............................ 21 Steciow, Mónica M: P117 ................................ 19 Stern, Rowena F: S1 ......................................... 13 Stevenson, Bradley S: C14............................... 21 Stevenson, Bryan: P18, P98....................... 15, 16 Sthultz, Christopher M: C16........................... 25 Stone, Jeffrey: P25...................................... 11, 17 Stonewall, Jason: C15 ...................................... 24 Strack, Betty ........................................................ 5 Strobel, Scott A: P43, C11 .........................18, 22 Struwe, Lena: C5 .............................................. 20 Stursová, Martina: C14.................................... 24 Suding, Katherine N: P7, P9, P10, P11, P113 ... ..................................................................14, 19 Suh, Sung O: C10.............................................. 21 Suh, Sung-Oui: P2............................................. 17 Sun, Jianghua: P6 ............................................. 14 Sung, Gi-Ho: P79 .............................................. 16 Sweeney, Katarina: P25 ...............................5, 17 Sylvain, Iman A: C13 ....................................... 23 T Taerum, Stephen: P6 ........................................ 14 Talbot, Jenny: P72 ............................................ 18 Tanney, Joey B: C15......................................... 24 Taylor, Andy FS: P60, C8..........................16, 22 Taylor, Bernadette C: C15............................... 23 Taylor, D Lee: P62: S1, C4 ..................13, 16, 20 Taylor, John......................................................... 5 Taylor, Nick: C6................................................ 20 Taylor, Steven J: P16........................................ 15 Tedersoo, Leho: P54 ......................................... 15 Thiers, Barbara M: RT .................................... 14 Thomas, Elizabeth: C6 ..................................... 20 Thomas, Kalyn: P48 ......................................... 15 Thomas, W Kelley: C16 .............................24, 25 Thompson, Therese.......................................9, 12 Thüs, Holger: S1................................................ 13 Timling, Ina: P62 .............................................. 16 Tobias, Terri L: P7, P10, P11 .......................... 14 Toome, Merje: P24 ........................................... 15 Tournas, VH: P81, P84...............................16, 18 Townsend, Jeffrey P: C3, P49, C6, C7, C11 ...... ......................................... 13, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23 Trail, Frances: C3, C6, C11...... 3, 10, 13, 20, 23 Trappe, James M: P54 ..................................... 15 Treseder, Kathleen K: P68, S6..................16, 26 Tretter, Eric D: C9............................................ 21 Tsang, Adrian: P71 ........................................... 18 Tschirner, Urlike W: C6 .................................. 20 Turner, Ashley N: C3 ....................................... 12 Tuskan, Gerald (Jerry): C17........................... 25 U U'Ren, Jana M: P46, C14...............11, 15, 23, 24 Udayanga, Dhanushka: C5 .............................. 20 Uehling, Jessie K: P55 ...................................... 15 Upadhyay, Srijana: S7 ..................................... 26 Urbina, Hector: P2, C10.........................5, 17, 23 Uribe Valdez, Gilberto: C10............................... 23 V Valent, Barbara.......................................6, 10, 21 Van Diepen, Linda TA: P106, C16, S6.......... 11, ............................................................24, 25, 26 Vellinga, Else C: P50 ..............................9, 11, 15 31 Vilgalys, Rytas J: P54, P55, P66, P102, C7, C8, C9, C17..............................3, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25 Vitikainen, Orvo: P47 ...................................... 18 Voigt, Kerstin: C9............................................. 22 Volk, Thomas J: P8, P83, P86, C15 11, 14, 18 23 Vorísková, Jana: C14 ....................................... 24 Vujanovic, Vladimir: P114 .............................. 19 Vázquez-Estup, Rosalva A: P89 ..................... 19 Vetrovsky, Tomás: C14.................................... 24 Wilson, Nathan J: C4 ....................................... 20 Wingfield, Brenda D: P21, C3...................12, 15 Wingfield, Michael J: P6, P21, C3, C7 12, 14, ..................................................................15, 21 Wong, Frank: P28............................................. 17 Woodward, Steve: C8....................................... 22 Working Group, AFTOL2: S4........................ 25 Worthington, Carolyn J: C13.......................... 24 Wu, Steven: C9.................................................. 22 W X Wada, Gloria A: P78 ........................................ 16 Walberg, Eric D: P83 ....................................... 18 Waldrop, Virginia: C1 ..................................... 12 Walker, Allison K: C1...................................... 13 Walker, Donald M: C5..................................... 19 Walsh, Emily: P31 ............................................ 17 Wang, Han: C4.................................................. 20 Wang, Yan: C9.................................................. 21 Wang, Yun: P54 ................................................ 15 Wang, Zheng: P49, C6 ............................... 15, 20 Ward, Todd J: C7............................................. 21 Weete, John D: S7............................................. 26 Weir, Alex............................................................. 5 Weir, Bevan: P18, P98................................ 15, 16 Wen, Chen: S5................................................... 25 White, Jame F, Jr: C5 ...................................... 20 White, Merlin M: P4, P5, C9..................... 17, 21 Wicaksono, Christian Y: C4............................ 20 Wickett, Norman: C13 ..................................... 24 Wilkinson, Heather H: S7................................ 26 Williams, Gwendolyn C: C8............................ 22 Williams, Tabitha F: P17, C4................5, 15, 20 Williams, Tiffani: P105 .................................... 17 Wilson, Andrew W: C13 ......................11, 23, 24 Wilson, Emma R: P5 ........................................ 17 Xie, Gary: C4..................................................... 20 Y Yang, Zhuliang: P49......................................... 15 Yannarell, Anthony C: P16 ............................. 15 Yeraballi, Sagar: P113...................................... 19 Young, Darcy: P69............................................ 18 Z Zambonelli, Alessandra: P54........................... 15 Zelski, Steven E: P39, P40................................ 18 Zhang, Han: C11............................................... 23 Zhang, Ning: P28, P31, C5, C16, S5 ......3, 5, 11, ......................................................17, 20, 24, 25 Zhang, Zhi: C6 .................................................. 20 Zhao, Guihua: P32............................................ 17 Zhao, Qi: P49..................................................... 15 Zifcáková, Luciag: C14 .................................... 21 Zimmerman, Kolea C: P1, C7...................14, 22 Zimmerman, Naupaka: P1 .............................. 14 Ziska, Lewis: C16.............................................. 25 32 33 one way Sterling Law Buildings Grove Street Cemetery ce c t Pla tre e e Pros p Ca n Slifka Yale Press 302 320 3 Leet Oliver 12 Dunham Lab Kirtland re e t 24 370 Temple Street et Undergrad Admissions 38 87 28 30 one w 27 31 t mp Co k 13 Osborn Labs School of 60 Management 34 Luce 89 ve n u e use A Health H il lh o CMI Services 88 15 Mason Lab 442 Helen Hadley Hall 432-4 1 S on tre tre e t Rin 35 37 52 46 56 5 ay 51 55 President's House 85 To Pierson-Sage Parking Garage eet 6 Malone Eng. Center u ll St on Bec t i es D av SSS 493 Silliman 158 2 Peabody Museum Wh it n e y Av e n u e one way Omni New Haven Hotel Rosenfeld Hall Timothy Dwight 4 1. Omni Hotel; 155 Temple St. 10. Becton Center; 15 Prospect St. 2. Peabody Museum; 170 Whitney Ave. 11. Sterling Library; 120 High St. 12. Kelly’s Restaurant; 3. Davies Auditorium; 15 Prospect St. 4. Whitney Humanities Center; 53 Wall St. 196 Crown St. 13. CT Agricultural 5. Kline Geology Lab; 210 Whitney Ave. Station; 6. Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona; 1 Prospect indicates parking garage St. Experiment 123 Huntington St. 7. Swing Residence Hall; 100 Tower Parkway 8. Morse Residence Hall; 304 York St. 9. President’s Room; 168 Grove St. a l ls m Str one way 10 Woolsey Hall ec t S 77 b Tru m 9 Commons Wall Street Woodbridge Hall p Pros 411 175 433 58 Whitney Humanities Center 53 246 Church Street 405 one way one way Visitor Info 149 143 In g Donaldson Commons 70 124 140 Whitney Grove Square one way Wh it one ve n n ey A w ay ue Bradley Street 12 United Church Hendrie Hall Hewitt Quad Audubon Street Center Church 82-90 Trinity Church one way 435 et 135 Grove Street Shubert Performing Art Center Stoeckel 451 Hall one way Calhoun one way Connecticut Hall Battell Phelps Chapel Lawrance Farnam Welch Cross Campus Beinecke 80 Old Campus Cross Campus Library Berkeley 68 Bingham Lanman Post Wright Office WLH Sprague Hall McClellan Vanderbilt 12 f St e 80 4 t Trumbull Saybrook Sterling Memorial Library ns d iel Sach e Mory's re e t e Ya l e Bo wa one ay o ks y t or w ay one adw Br o k St y dwa Br o a Elm Stree t Davenport Rose Alumni University Theater Street LinslyHall Chittenden Dwight Ma Hammond Hall Harkness Tower Elm Street Chapel Street 100 11 College Street one way et one way one way 1 hm ay n Wa ts1o 5 To New Haven Hotel one way Crown Street High Street As tre ew al S OAG Hall of Graduate Studies S un on Mudd Library Durfee British Art Center Branford 301 295 Weir Art Gallery Sculpture Garden New Residence Hall July 15th-19th one way Jonathan Edwards 149 305 254 90 S q u -6 1 0 a r e 2 -8 Pl a ce Lo c ue Ed ge wo od Av en York Street Yale Rep Theatre 7 Yale University Rose Center (Police Station) Yor k 8 Morse 35 m eb A&A Ezra Stiles Gy MSA W GPSCY ey et 294 212 220 itn re 1156 Chapel Wh St Pierson 217 205 211 Drama Annex 215 Park ne e ay Park Street one way y lac ew Police Substation Pa y eP st e r Lynwood Place La k on R T ay h oo m p u k To se i ns we rP ark wa Lincoln Street Entrance From/To Interstate I-91 Orange Street one way Information 155 Technology Services 181 Time Saturday, July 14 Sunday, July 15 Monday, July 16 8:30 Contributed Oral Concurrent Sessions 9:00 11:00 11:30 Swing Hall Tower Drive CAES Jones Auditorium 12:00 12:30 Foray Lunch CAES Lunch 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 MSA Council Foray display Lunch Shuttles to Meeting FESIN Workshop Swing Dorm cont'd 1:30, 2:00 & 2:45 CAES Jones Auditorium Davies 4:30 5:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 Poster boards ready Omni Hotel, Ballroom C meet 10:45 at John Davenport's Restaurant Omni 19th Floor FESIN Workshop Dinner Kelly's Restaurant 196 Crown Street Council Meeting continued if needed 2. Basidiomycete Systematics Davies 3. Genetics, Syst. & Evol. WHC Break MSA President's Address SSS 114 Lunch FESIN FESIN FESIN FESIN Breakout 1 Breakout 2 Breakout 3 Breakout 4 Davies Registration Symposium 1 Phylogenetic & Functional Fungal Diversity WHC Break for coffee & registration FESIN Writing teams, all together Davies Student Workshop: How to use fungi to get a job KGL 123 5:00 6:30 Culinary Walk Foyer of BectonDavies 4:00 6:00 1. Fungal Diversity; Aquatic Environment Sterling Library Foray meet at 8:00 AM in front of FESIN Workshop 9:30 Charting a course towards a 10:00 North American Mycoflora 10:30 Break Symposium 3 New International Code of Nomenclature WHC Reception/Mixer Symposium 2 Science that Underpins Conservation Davies Fungal Ecology Editorial Board Kelly's Restaurant Round Table Fungal Conservation in N. America Davies Dinner Peabody Museum Student Mixer Omni Hotel, Ballroom C late arrivals ONLY can pick up registration at the door Poster Session 1 Omni Hotel, Ballroom C Poster Session 2 Omni Hotel, Ballroom C (see campus map for locations) Becton (10); CAES (13); Davies (3); KGL (5); Kelly's (12); Omni (1); Peabody (2); SSS (6); Sterling Library (11); WHC (4) Time Tuesday, July 17 Wednesday, July 18 8:30 Contributed Oral Concurrent Sessions Contributed Oral Concurrent Sessions 9:00 9:30 10:00 4. Diversity & Ecology 5. Ascomycete Systematics 6. Cell Biology & Evolution WHC Davies KGL 10:30 Break 11:00 Karling Lecture SSS 114 11:30 12:00 2:00 2:30 3:00 Contributed Oral Concurrent Sessions Contributed Oral Concurrent Sessions 7. Syst., Evol. & Lichens 8. Ectomycorrhizal Ecology 9. Invertebrate Assoc. Fungi Davies WHC Becton 31 Break 4:00 Contributed Oral Concurrent Sessions 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 10. Plant pathology WHC 11. Genetics, Genomics and Evolution Davies MSA Volunteers' Reception President's Room 168 Grove St WHC Mycologia Editorial Board Lunch Meeting KGL 123 Lunch 3:30 4:30 17. Rhizosphere endophytes 16. Fungal Ecology Davies Davies 1:00 15. Mammal Pathology KGL 14. Soil Community WHC Break MSA Business Meeting/Lunch 12:30 1:30 13. Population Genetics Davies Thursday, July 19 Symposium 4 Comparative Genomics of Fungi Davies Symposium 5 The Fungal DNA Barcode and Beyond Nomenclature Working Groups CAES Jones Auditorium International Subcommission on Fusarium Systematics CAES Jones Auditorium Nomenclature Working Group on Hypocreales CAES Jones Auditorium Boxed Lunch continued discussion, as needed continued discussion, as needed WHC Break 12. USA Culture Collection Coord. Network Becton 31 Symposium 6 Fungi in a Changing World Symposium 7 Cell Structure & Biochemistry In Phylogeny Davies WHC Dinner Cruise 6-8:30 pm depart 6:10 pm from Swing Hall Banquet, Auction and Awards 1000 Fungal Genome Project Omni Ballroom A or B Omni Hotel Ballrooms A, B, D (pick up posters) 9:30 (see campus map for locations) Becton (10); CAES (13); Davies (3); KGL (5); Kelly's (12); Omni (1); Peabody (2); SSS (6); Sterling Library (11); WHC (4)