Integrated Safety - Flash Memory Summit
Integrated Safety - Flash Memory Summit
2015.8.12_Flash Memory_Summit_2015, Santa Clara Driving Intelligence for Safer Automobiles Hideo Inoue Toyota Motor Corporation Integrated Safety 1/30 The History of the Automobile 1769 The world's first automobile: A steam-powered vehicle Today (from 2006) Pre-collision system (PCS) Emergency avoidance of objects and pedestrians Invented by Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot Integrated Safety 2/30 Our perspectives of safe & secure driving Tomorrow Driving quality enhancement based on safety technologies Today ? (2) Emergency avoidance (1) Mitigation *Rear-end collision avoidance *Pedestrian protection *Head on collisions *PCS, ESC, ABS, etc. *Airbag *Seatbelt *Body structure Time Integrated Safety 3/30 Our perspectives of safe & secure driving Tomorrow Driving quality enhancement based on safety technologies Today (3) Avoidance of human-error induced accidents 1) Distraction, fatigue, drowsiness, heart attacks, etc. 2) Less stress in monotonous driving situations e.g., highway/interstate driving/trips, congested/stop-and-go traffic 3) Elderly/disabled drivers (2) Emergency avoidance (1) Mitigation *Rear-end collision avoidance *Pedestrian protection *Head on collisions *PCS, ESC, ABS, etc. *Airbag *Seatbelt *Body structure Time Integrated Safety 4/30 Our research into intelligent driving technology Monitor around the vehicle and predict risks. Find and follow safe routes From 2005: From 2007: Learn from skilled drivers Pursue sensing, perception, Verify potential of autonomous and recognition technology vehicle dynamic controls Integrated Safety 5/30 Two topics for tomorrow 1. ADAS with Driving Intelligence for a Safer and More Secure Traffic Society for Elderly Drivers (S-Innovation Project in Japan) 2. Traffic Congestion and Highway Driving Intelligence Integrated Safety 6/30 Two topics for tomorrow 1. ADAS with Driving Intelligence for a Safer and More Secure Traffic Society for Elderly Drivers (S-Innovation Project in Japan) 2. Traffic Congestion and Highway Driving Intelligence Integrated Safety 7/30 Motivation and objectives: Overcoming fear of driving - Deterioration in driving ability reduces self-confidence in driving. - However, elderly drivers are highly motivated to improve QOL. - Intelligent driving systems can help to compensate for this deterioration in physical ability and overcome the fear of driving. Recognized the warning and operated brake. Recognized the warning but did not brake. Did not recognize the warning and did not brake The older the driver, the higher the ratio that could not recognize the warning. Age 20 to 39 Elderly drivers have high motivation to drive. 40 to 59 60 to 69 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Can be used anytime, anywhere Drivers over age 60 recognized the warning but did not brake. Trains and buses cannot be used 1 Trains and buses limit time Trains and buses take too much time Fig. 1 Reaction of drivers to active safety system (Experimental study using Toyota Driving Simulator) Love to drive for fun 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Fig. 2 Vehicle necessity Integrated Safety 8/30 60% 70% 80% 90% ADAS concept with driving intelligence Shared control between an expert driver model and actual driver Driver can override the system if necessary • Driver-vehicle cooperative system >= Experienced driver Assistance system • Computer Driver-in-the-loop ADAS concept (not fully automated) Human driver • Integrated Safety 9/30 Haptic-based control is important. Safe driving concept: Obtaining anticipatory driving information - Learn from the knowledge and experience of experienced drivers Accident! 10 sec 1 sec 5 sec (1) Determine how to drive (2) Predict hidden risks 100 msec 10 msec (3) Emergency avoidance Collision avoidance PCS Damage mitigation PCS Knowledge/experience-based information (mechanical learning) / external information (maps, V2X) Awareness of in-vehicle sensors Higher sensor performance Innovative sensing/recognition/judgment algorithms Speed Anticipatory driving information Prediction Vehicle path Forward distance m 300 Integrated Safety Intersection/ crossing 60 Stopped vehicle Gradient Tail of congestion Road profile Traffic restriction Road friction Merge information 200 100 10/30 km/h 20 100 Control scheme of experienced driver model Vehicle motion Driving environment Vehicle motion Driver maneuver Human driver Digital map Path/speed modification Objects Location Steering command Accelerator command Brake command Actuator control unit Radar Shared control Desired trajectory + Trajectory planner Course tracking Desired speed + Distance control Safe speed control Camera Acc. Brake (1) Normal driving model Risk potential prediction Artificial intelligence Human factors Steer Obstacle Env. model Acc. OFF Knowledge-based DB Brake ON (2) Risk prediction model (3) Emergency crash avoidance model Vehicle speed Vehicle position and heading Integrated Safety 11/30 Driving intelligence: (1) Normal driving control (1) Normal driver model for longitudinal and lateral direction, i.e. , car following and lane keeping, integrating the risk potential field Road Boundary Experimental Vehicle Vehicle Trajectory Predicted Vehicle Position Target Path Sensing the position of the driver’s vehicle using the curb measured by laser radar, combined with GPS/digital map Driver’s vehicle 自車 Repulsive斥力ポテンシャル force potential Speed control using curvature and lane tracking Proceeding 先行車 vehicle k Car following control using repulsive and attractive forces in the risk potential field Integrated Safety 12/30 Typical hazardous situation from near-miss database Near-miss incident data collected in the real world can be used for the assessment and advanced development of autonomous driving intelligence systems. Integrated Safety 13/30 (2) Risk prediction model Risk prediction model: Defensive driving, object motion prediction, hazard anticipation Near-miss data High risk Low risk Contour of risk potential generated from surroundings and on-road objects Driving intelligence must predict the possibility of the appearance of pedestrians from behind an object and determine the optimum safe speed. Integrated Safety 14/30 Demonstration of driving with risk prediction (1) Normal driving control of longitudinal and lateral dynamics, i.e., car following and path tracking (2) Risk potential based control including hazard anticipation to minimize collision risk (3) Emergency avoidance control by braking and steering Anticipatory driving intelligence is demonstrated using a Toyota Prius as shown below. No pedestrian appears (2) Risk potential based control Integrated Safety Pedestrian appears from behind the parked car (2)+(3) Emergency avoidance 15/30 Effect of defensive driving by driving intelligence Longitudinal distance to Pedestrian [m] • Collision avoidance performance can be effectively enhanced by introducing risk prediction into the driver model (Fig. 2). • The driving intelligence model can express expert driver behavior (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 Comparison with data of expert drivers 20 (amax=2.5 m/s2) (amax=7 ● with risk prediction ▲ without risk prediction m/s2) 15 10 Collision unavoidable 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 Velocity [km/h] 50 Collision avoidable Fig. 2 Collision avoidance performance Synthesis of defensive driving model by learning expert driver data for enhancing driving safety. Integrated Safety 16/30 (3) Emergency avoidance control: New Pre-Collision Safety (PCS) system - Steering control added to conventional emergency brake. - System controls the steering if a collision cannot be avoided by braking. Pedestrian Safe space Avoidance by automatic braking and steering Integrated Safety 17/30 Conceptual diagram of ADAS with driving intelligence Integrated Safety 18/30 Smaller 3D Lidar CMOS detector chip SPAD Lidar* Polygon mirror LASER beam Size: 1/6 LASER emitter Output by dist. image Smaller/highly reliable/optimized processing * SPAD: Single Photon Avalanche Diode, Lidar: LIght Detection And Ranging Integrated Safety 19/30 Two topics for tomorrow 1. ADAS with Driving Intelligence for a Safer and More Secure Traffic Society for Elderly Drivers (S-Innovation Project in Japan) 2. Traffic Congestion and Highway Driving Intelligence Integrated Safety 20/30 Situation of highways in Japan Congestion Others: 2% Accidents *2008 * 2007 Other: 7% Construction: 1% Vs. person: 1% Single vehicle: 14% Accident: 29% Sagtunnel: 53% Other: 4% Toll gate: 2% Junction: 9% Collision: 9% Integrated Safety Stopped car in lane: 35% Stopped car at toll gate: 7% Rear-end collisions: 67% Traffic overconcentration: 68% Targets Moving car: 23% Reduction of - Traffic congestion - Traffic accidents - CO2 Global & local driving intelligence V2X, ACC/cooperative ACC Smart highway traffic system 21/30 V2V: Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (C-ACC ) With millimeter-wave radar, vehicle to vehicle communication capabilities (760 MHz) have been added to ACC to maintain an appropriate distance between leading and following vehicles. C-ACC provides a greater margin of safety for the driver, helps to prevent waves of deceleration, and contributes to reduced highway traffic congestion. V2V Preview control Relative velocity & distance control of ACC Radar Driving force Fig. 1 Control overview Decelerating (90km/h 30 km/h, 0.2 G) (1) (2) (3) (4) 100 90 先頭車 トヨタ スバル マツダ (1) (2) (3) (4) 70 60 80 70 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 60 Amplifying 65 70 75 time[s] 先頭車 トヨタ スバル マツダ 90 車速[km/h] 80 車速[km/h] Vehicle speed (km/h) 100 80 Human driver 85 0 60 90 Damping 65 75 time[s] Time (sec ) ACC Fig. 2 String stability performance of C-ACC (field operational test ) Integrated Safety 70 22/30 C-ACC 80 85 90 Traffic congestion reduction effect by simulation Simulation to evaluate the quantitative relationship between the amplification rate and the penetration rate. (e.g. amplification rate of 0.98 is needed to halve the congestion rate at a penetration rate of 20%) Congestion reduction rate 0.02 G deceleration Congestion 40 km/h Amplification rate Os2 = of headway Os1 Time headway to ensure a basic traffic flow rate of more than 2,000 veh/h depending on the ACC penetration rate. Penetration rate of ACC Simulation result Large effect on reducing congestion 0.9 0.7 0.5 Amplification rate of headway (ACC performance) Congestion before widespread adoption of ACC - Congestion after widespread adoption of ACC Traffic congestion = reduction rate Congestion before widespread adoption of ACC Integrated Safety 23/30 Automated highway driving Automated Highway Driving Assist (AHDA) Integrated Safety 24/30 Automated driving technology: Gate-to-gate Integrated Safety 25/30 Summary: Cyber-physical system for intelligent driving systems Big data • Global driving intelligence Near-miss data analysis/accident analysis Enhanced map for dynamic usage Traffic congestion prediction etc. • ICT: Info. & communication technology V2X Travel conditions database Vehicle Feedback Human factor database • Local driving intelligence ADAS with autonomous driving intelligence Accident avoidance Optimum Fun to drive eco-driving Integrated Safety 26/30 Expectations for non-volatile memory Advanced driver assistance Integrated vehicle control Calibration Power train Driving intelligence Performance Non-volatile memory New NV-memory for next-gen systems Integrated Safety Vehicle Computer • Retention period: over 20 years • Sleep & wake up power reduction Automated driving - Localized map model - Sensor fusion model - Motion planning - Driver model etc. Flash-memory for current systems • Computing power (inst-fetch/data-ope) Memory size increasing Machine learning Reliability • Writing times: over 105 times 20XX year Connected driving Flash Memory Summit 2015 27/30 • Huge data storage for machine learning - Localized map model, sensor fusion model, motion planning, drive model, etc. • Random access speed • High reliability Rewarded with a smile by exceeding your expectations Thank you for your kind attention! Integrated Safety 28/30
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