September 2016 Vagabonder
September 2016 Vagabonder
Des Moines Yacht Club Newsletter est. 1957 September 2016 UPCOMING EVENTS September Sept 1 Power Squadron 6:00 pm Sept 2-5 FOY Cruise to Brownsville Sept 6 Sept 7 Ent. Comm. 6:30 pm Board Mtg 7:00 pm Fleet / B&G 6:30 pm Sept 10 Carling Com. Ball 6:00 pm Sept 13 PM Dinner 6:30 pm General Mtg 7:30 pm Sept 17 Viking Com. Ball 6:00 pm Sept 19 Coast Guard Aux 6:00 pm Sept 24 Work Party Steak Fry Sept 27 First Mates Mtg 9:00 am 5:00 pm 7:15 pm October Oct 4 Ent Comm. 6:30 pm Board Mtg 7:00 pm Oct 5 Fleet / B&G 6:30 pm Oct 6 Power Squadron 6:00 pm Oct 7– 9 PC Cruise to Port Orchard Oct 11 Dinner General Mtg 6:30 pm 7:30 pm Oct 17 Coast Guard Aux 6:00 pm Oct 22 MONSTER BASH 6:00 pm Oct 25 First Mates Mtg 7:15 pm From the Crows Nest Here we are in the throes of summer! I just returned form my 3 week cruise to the San Juan’s. I ran into a number of our members in the Islands this year. Just a reminder to always fly your burgee. I was cruising on a beautiful afternoon when I was hailed on the VHF " This is the Anna Bjorn calling the vessel flying the Vagabonder north of Friday Harbor." It took me a second for it to register before I answered, and sure enough, BJ was just returning from Canada when he saw my burgee, and not recognizing my boat, hailed my DMYC Vagabonder burgee! Good eyes BJ! and then, another member chirped in and let us know he was also in the area. It pays to fly your colors. We had several members take extended cruises up North this year. Most were uneventful, but, three had less luck, having the misfortune of hitting rocks or logs while underway. Be sure to come to the meeting so we can hear their stories and adventures. This can happen to anyone, but remember, when entering unknown waters pay attention to your charts and keep your eyes open and don't be shy about asking for local advice on navigation. We also will have a stiff Rope Award to a member who towed another boat from up North to Anacortes at time of Tom & Jerry party in December. Soon, summer will be waning, and fall will slowly spread it's beautiful colors and cooler weather upon us. We have lot's to look forward to. The Family of the Year cruise honoring Lyle & Theresa Schneider is in early September. We will have work parties, steak fry's, and dances at the club also. And of course, the Vagabonders will be doing our monthly cruise! You will notice a few cosmetic changes around the club also. There is some new furniture & decor in the foyer & the restrooms. The foyer has been repainted, and the stage doors have been repainted. Thank you to those who gave their time to accomplish this, including Debbie Minniti, Charlene McGahan, Sandy Higgins, Patti Dahl, and a big thanks to Melody Swett for all of the carpet shampooing prior to our South Sound opening! Thank you, Neil Kelly FLYERS / ETC Cruise Schedule Page 2 Scuttlebutt Page 4 Family of the Year Cruise Page 5 Hee Haw Variety Show Page 5 Save the Date Page 6 DMYC Summer Social Page 6 Mike McGahan Pics Page 6 T-Town The Va g a b o nd e r Se p t e mb e r Vice Commodore… Wow! This summer has flown by! I hope everyone had a great summer cruising around our great Pacific Northwest. It’s always exciting to see our backyard empty out as our seasoned boaters go north for weeks at a time…Wondering what tales are in store when they return from their adventures. Rumors always abound about who did what to their boat and where. True to form, I became victim to the vicious transmission gods on our way to the San Juans. We limped into Poulsbo and one of our dock neighbors promptly gave me a smile Brian Wood A big thank you to Bob Weber, Mindy McClean, Peggy Claar, Bill and Patti Linscott, for their participation with the Des Moines Waterland Parade. Bill had a beautiful boat for us to trailer. There was a great turnout of people watching along the parade route. We had a great time handing out candy and we quickly learned that no matter how much candy you have to “handout” to the crowd, it’s NEVER enough. We had a Summer Social gathering on Friday, August 12th and had a great turnout. It was fun getting together and catching up. The club provided hamburgers and hotdogs for a “cook-yourown” BBQ. All 36 hamburgers and several hotdogs were gobbled up. Thank you Joe McCaslin there. Don't forget to put October 22nd on your calendar for this year's Halloween costume party at the yacht club. We will be giving out prizes for best costumes!! The entertainment committee will be meeting on September 6th at 6:30 in the lounge upstairs. If you’re interested in helping out with the Halloween party please join us. Joe McCaslin CJ MARINE 22613 7TH AVE S Mindy and Jim McClean for setting it up. Look for future Friday Night Socials this next year. Fall is around the corner with many fun activities ahead. There will be a work party on Saturday, September 24th at 9:00 AM. I'm working on compiling a list of chores and will email a list to everyone in the near future. Thank you for all the fun and enjoyment and above all the help you have provided your Vice Commodore this year. You are the eyes and ears of the building and grounds team, so if you see something that needs attention, please let me know. Brian Wood, Vice Commodore First Mates Store Apparel The First Mates now have Jackets, Vests, Ties and Shirts for sale. Colors of the shirts now are white, black and navy. Prices vary from $20.00 to $50.00 depending on the style and make. We also have hats, which come in Tan, Black and Blue . Prices are $18.00 each. All items come with the DMYC Logo. Special orders are available. For more Information please contact: Marlo Goetz at (253) 441-0718 or email at DES MOINES WA 98198 2016 CRUISE SCHEDULE SUMMARY Date Location Sept 2-5 Brownsville Board Members FOY / Labor Day Oct Port Orchard Past Commodores Halloween Nov 25-27 Dock Street Tacoma Jim & Sue Jones Thanksgiving Dec Des Moines Lyle & Theresa Schneider New Years Eve 7-9 30– 1 Cruise Captains 2 and said, “I wonder how many boat unit$ that will cost ya!” Rear Commodore… Hello fellow Vagabonders, I hope you all enjoyed your summer, it seemed to fly by pretty quick this year. Keep your fingers crossed that we have a good September to end the summer. I didn't make it but I hear the Friday night summer social was a success. I hear there will be another gathering on September 16 I hope to see you Pa g e 2016 Holiday Pa g e 3 Se p t e mb e r Fleet Captain… What is it about logs & rocks up in Canada? First Brad & Janelle Neil hit a rock up in Campbell River, and had to wait weeks for parts. Then Charlene & I hit a rock garden in False Narrows going into Nanaimo, poked a big hole in the bow and wiped out the Port prop. Our boat started taking on water, Charlene was down in the hallway bailing, but we were still able to make 7-8 Knots. Called the CG, and they were there in 20 minutes and First Mates… Hi all you First Mates and Vagabonders. I hope you all have enjoyed some good cruising, with more to come. It is time to get back to our Fall/Winter schedule of monthly meetings. First Mates resume meeting as usual the 4th Tuesday of the month. The next meeting will be on September 27th at 7:30 pm. I will be on Vacation so our Vice President, Janelle will be presiding. Membership... As we settle back into the post summer routine, the DMYC Board is also gearing up for 2017! YEARBOOK - CURRENT MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Please take a minute to look at your entry in this year's Yearbook. If there are any errors, please let me know by November 1 so I can incorporate any changes into the new book YEARBOOK AD SPACE We are also offering advertising space in the Yearbook! It's a great way to get your business information out to the membership while supporting the The 2016 Mike McGahan followed us for 14 miles to a Marina that could haul us. Took two days to get back home, and hopefully we will get repairs done before we head to Spain in September. Then next on the list was Virgil & Linda Thompson who nailed a log going through the narrows passage in Nanaimo, and ended in the same boatyard. At the 4th of July cruise to Des Moines we packed the place with over 33 boats. Bill and Patti Linscott did a great job shopping for food, planning and setting up. Thanks to Steve & Liz Howard Va g a b o nd e r Maru King, Jim Boileau and others for making the cruise successful. Steve Sewell, Linda Thompson and Sandy Higgins were winners of the test on the constitution. The men won against women on the wild and crazy contest on the US flag and congrats to the staff at the marina getting all the boats in. And now it is time for the Family of the Year Cruise to Brownsville honoring Lyle and Theresa Schneider, see the attached flyer. Lots of fun ahead. Yeah, and keep your eye out for them rocks & logs! On the agenda, we will be voting for which charity will get money from our charitable giving fund. Des Moines food bank received $500.00 from the Bake less bake sale fund. Thanks to Sue Jones and everyone that contributed. Please remember your secret pals. If you have forgotten who they were I have the list. Next cruise is the family of the year honoring Lyle and Theresa Schneider. See you all at Brownsville for Labor day weekend. New Fresh Burgees $ 25.00 Gate opener Deposit $ 25.00 Parking Stickers $ 5.00 By the way, you will need your membership cards when you take advantage of all the reciprocals out there. Liz Howard FM president Mindy McClean Club. It works too - many members have been known to turn to the Yearbook to look for a vendor before going elsewhere. The funds raised are used to pay for the printing and distribution of the Yearbook - every ad helps! Costs are based on size and are as follows: 1/3 Page $75, 1/2 Page $150, Full Page $175. The deadline is November 1. While we are talking ads did you know you can also advertise in the Vagabonder? Let me know if you are interested in either the Vagabonder or the Yearbook! BURGEES & STICKERS We have burgees and stickers available! It's a great deal to buy them now, as prices will be adjusted for 2017 to accommodate rising production costs. Margaret has plenty on hand if you need to restock! Burgees are $25, stickers /clings are $5. NEW MEMBERS We have a good group of potential members in the queue, with some just one event away from going to vote keep sending them my way! If you should have any questions about DMYC Membership, need information on the Yearbook ads, or want to update your membership information, please email me at See you at the DMYC! The Va g a b o nd e r Se p t e mb e r 2016 Scuttlebutt ...Secret Snitch... Pa g e What a way to enjoy her first cruise on her new boat! Candy Wagner slipped and went in the drink at Poulsbo over the 4th of July! Quack, Quack, Candy!!! And this one is a double duck??? Maybe a triple duck??!! Shannan Mc Caslin dumped herself off her skidoo, says “that’s not a duck, doesn’t count off a skidoo!!” Shannan’s already flying a duck for falling in this year, and there was Longbranch last year! Me thinks she should fly it a bit longer, right, folks!!! Quack, Quack, Shannan!! Jim Boileau and Linda went over to Maury Island visiting. They boarded a 6’ dinghy along with 2 other people. Jim knew better says Jim, but he got in anyway. Needless to say they rolled the dinghy and all went into the drink! Don’t know the other 2 but Jim and Linda are our newest ducks!! “Doesn’t count” says Jim, “not an official cruise!” Little does he know, they all count. Quack, Quack, Jim and Linda! Kim Hazzard and Henry Apigo were married on August 27th in a beautiful wedding at Des Moines Yacht Club. Kim is a former DMYC swabbie and she also did a stint as Swabbie advisor for a year. Congrats to Kim and Henry! We champagned Robin Miller’s new 28’Bayliner the “Sea Gal” at the 4 th of July Cruise. Happy New Boat, Robin! Happy new car too! Recently spied Robin in a new Mustang convertible!!! We also celebrated Nadine Masoero July 5th birthday and PC George Hiatt’s July 7th birthdays at the 4th of July cruise with cake and champagne! Lots more notable July and August birthdays! Max Vornbrock had his big day on July 7th, Kameron Hunt July 8th, Rick Marquiss on 7/10, Frank Keenan 7/11, Kim Mc Farlane 7/14, Debbbie Larer 7/20, Robin Miller 7/23, Joe Stewart 7/24, Diane Sewell 7/25 Jessie Cook 7/28. PC Bernie Murray celebrated his big day on 8/5, Leo Goedde, Carl Bryant and Robert Holmgren had their birthdays on 8/8. Bill Lande’s big day was 8/11, Paula Stobert and Laurie Lucas 8/15, Gene Ellison 8/18, Simon Stobert 8/19, Teresa Nelson 8/21, Lori Jones, 8/26 Lorne Hauser 8/27 and Lori Fleek had her big day on 8/31. These are all the birthdays that I know about in July and August. Happy Birthday to all!!! It’s been a real rocky summer! Fleet Captain Mike McGahan and First Mate Charlene went through False Narrows (they did what??) and put a hole in their boat! Also wiped out the props and shafts. Charlene bailed with a coffee can for an hour! The Coast Guard escorted them into Nanaimo where they were immediately hauled out. The boat is still there being fixed! Virgil and Linda Thompson hit a log! Their boat is sitting alongside Mike and Charlene’s! PC Brad and Janelle Neil also hit a rock and did quite a bit of damage to their boat! Don’t know if it’s fixed yet or what! Last but not least, (actually it may well be the least!) Tyler Horn hit a rock. However we heard that one was only a $700.00 fix. Me thinks it was the least! Harold and Phyllis Bowman celebrated 70 years of marriage on June 6, 2016. Harold and Phyllis are long time members of DMYC. They joined our club in 1959 and were very active for many years. Congratulations Harold and Phyllis! PC Roger Hazzard and First Mate Karen celebrated 31 years of mostly wedded bliss on July 27th. Bondo Billy and Judy Brant celebrated 46 years on July 11 th, Rear Commodore Joe Mc Caslin and First Mate Shannan’s anniversary was August 16th, Bill and Dianne Watters August 10th and PC Wayne and PC Peggy Weber marked 58 years on August 26th. Happy Anniversary everybody and many more!!!! 4 Pa g e 5 Se p t e mb e r 2016 The Va g a b o nd e r The Va g a b o nd e r Se p t e mb e r 2016 206-878-8668 MARK YOUR CALENDARS! DMYC Summer Social September 16, 6pm in the Lounge The last "mix & mingle with the membership" was such a success, we thought we'd do it again to wind up the summer fun! There is no cost, but it is BYOB, and if you could bring something yummy to share that would be great! Mindy McClean 206.679.8692 Pa g e 6 Pa g e 7 Se p t e mb e r 2016 DMYC Club Officers for 2016 Commodore Neil Kelly 253-951-6940 Vice Commodore Brian Wood 253-335-8336 Rear Commodore Joe McCaslin 206-227-5636 Fleet Captain Mike McGahan 253-631-5473 Membership Mindy McClean 206-679-8692 Secretary Peggy Claar 253-709-2789 Treasurer Richard Swingler 206-431-1563 First Mates President Liz Howard 253-239-4147 Jr. Past Commodore Don Masoero 253-569-1916 Parliamentarian Warren Elfstrom 206-824-3715 Trustees Bill Linscott 206-445-2099 Trish Keenan 206-824-1212 Steve Sewell 206-444-0575 Peggy Weber 253-941-3046 Ken Bryant 425-255-3554 Mark Grassell 206-878-6970 Staff Bookkeeper Jeanne Moroney Margaret Moreau 206-853-1237 206-878-4441 Office/Clubhouse 206-878-7220 Swabbee Advisor Diane Swingler 206-431-1563 Vagabonder Editor Lyle Schneider Theresa Schneider (253-740-6529) (253-740-6539) E-mail: * Deadline for newsletter articles is 20th of month * The Va g a b o nd e r est. 1957 Des Moines Yacht Club P.O. Box 13004 Des Moines, WA 98198-1001 We’re on the web. To view photos of cruises and events, please read the web version of our Vagabonder. DMYC Member