May 2015 bulletin - Congregation B`nai Israel
May 2015 bulletin - Congregation B`nai Israel
Congregation B’nai Israel 6525 Sylvania Avenue Sylvania, Ohio 43560 (419) 517-8400 A congregation affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservatiave Judaism 148 years of consecrated service to God, Torah and Israel May 1 - 31, 2015 12 Iyyar - 13 Sivan, 5775 m t ’ iss n o D Congregation B’nai Israel presents Malt Shop Memories Congregation B’nai Israel and Lake Plains Chorus invite you to travel back in time to the days of soda jerks and poodle skirts! Our own Paul Rothschild is a long time member of this popular, barbershop-style chorus. Sunday, May 31, 2015 6:30 p.m. Reception following the concert Wine, beer, appetizers, and “malt shop” desserts from Chef Jeff Sherman! $25 pre-sale general admission • $30 at the door on the day of event RSVP to the CBI office at 419-517-8400 by May 19. Your payment is your reservation. Sponsorship Levels: Role Models: $72 Supporters: $118 Builders: $154 Congregation B’ nai Israel is proud to presen t an outstanding musical event pe rformed by the popular Northw est Ohio Lake Plains Chorus. Th e program will feature a larg e and talented group of men si nging a cappella in the style of ba rbershop. If you’re a fan of music from the fabulous fifties and sixties, you’re sure e”; to enjoy music such as “Bye Bye Lov ”; om “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”; “Sh-Bo “Hello Mary Lou” and songs from the Beach Boys. includes admission for 2 and 1 drink includes admission for 2 and 2 drinks includes admission for 2 and 2 drinks and a gift bag of malted milk balls This ev en comm t is open to unity a the n impor tant fu d will be an nd Jewish educa raiser to sup tio po additio nal sch n and provid rt olarsh David ips for e S. ou studen Stone Religi ous Sc r ts. hool Notes from the Cantor MAKING EVERY DAY COUNT – SEFIRAT HA’OMER We are currently in the midst of a period in the Jewish calendar known as Sefirat Ha’omer –The Counting of the Omer. It is a 49 day period connecting Pesach to Shavuot referenced in the Torah in Vayikra/Leviticus 23 and in Devarim/Deuteronomy 16. Each day from the 2nd day of Passover a unit measure called an omer of barley was brought to the Temple as a grain offering. The idea simply put is to make a connection between the Exodus - marking our freedom as celebrated on Pesach, and the receiving of the Torah as celebrated on Shavuot, without which our freedom would have been meaningless. At CBI this Sefirat Ha’omer counting period will be marked by frenzied activity which, by your supporting some of these activities listed below, you will be participating in this mitzvah of making each day count Jewishly – Shabbat service on May 2nd devoted to the end of our religious school academic year during which we will honor our wonderful graduating seniors, our devoted staff, and Jeremy Davis, our outstanding student of the year, for his enthusiastic involvement in religious services. Come and support our excellent religious school. A highlight of the service will be a presentation by our religious school students called The Heroes Project. Confirmation on Sunday May 3rd at 10:30 a.m. in our sanctuary with our 6 outstanding Confirmands: Brian Glasser, Miranda Hupp, Nathan Podolsky, Matthew Rothschild, Jamie Sherman and Dahlia Zack. I am particularly gratified with this 2015 class as, with the exception of Brian whose family moved here a few years ago, I trained and officiated the b’nai mitzvah of each of these young people. Kim Brody and I are already busy at work planning their trip to Israel in June 2016 which will be a life-altering experience for all of them. I will be leading a European Jewish Heritage Trip with Lee and Gail Kwait beginning on May 5th. Over the past year we have been frantically arranging and coordinating the many details that go into this kind of complicated trip. There are 20 participants from B’nai Israel and our other Toledo synagogues. We will visit the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary. I am hoping to blog often and will send link details so you can follow our journey along the Danube River to some of the most important and historical destinations of European Jewish history. If our South African trip two years ago is any indication of what lies ahead, this too will be a life-altering experience for participants. I am currently in the process of lining up many subs in my absence, and our congregation will be left in the capable hands of, amongst others, Rabbi Jason Miller, Howard Rosenbaum, Jeff Bauer, David Weinberg and David Friedes, coordinated through the efforts of Chuck and Rhoda in our office. Soon after we return from our trip (with wonderful memories we hope to share with you) is the beautiful but much neglected holiday of Shavuot on May 23-25 which commemorates the receiving of the Torah. Shavuot is neglected for reasons that include the fact that it always falls late in the academic year when religious school is on summer recess and most students and many congregants are away. It also doesn’t have a proper name, called in the Torah simply Shavuot, i.e. Weeks, as in seven ‘weeks’ after Passover. Plan to join us for Shavuot services. On Saturday night May 23rd at 7 p.m. we will have an inspiring Shavuot Tikkun including a traditional evening of learning, delicious dairy dinner by Miriam Beckerman, davening, dramatic reading of the Book of Ruth, and Havdallah. A highlight of the evening will be (besides dinner!) informative classes with our own David Weinberg and Blair Grubb who will share their unique insights on the Biblical Book of Ruth that is always chanted on Shavuot. On Sunday May 24th at 9:30 a.m. is our 1st day Shavuot service followed by Monday’s 2nd day service on May 24th during which Yizkor will be at approximately 11:00 am. Both services begin at 9:30 a.m. To top off the frenzied month of May at CBI, on Sunday, May 31st at 6:30 p.m. we will host Malt Shop Memories featuring the acclaimed Lake Plains Chorus, one of the area’s best barbershop choruses, that includes our own Paul Rothschild! Appetizers and desserts will be prepared by our own expert chef Jeff Sherman. Make your reservations with the office. For us at CBI, if we all participate and support these events in some way, May will truly see the fulfillment of the mitzvah in the Torah “u’s’far-tem – you shall count each day.” Hazzan Ivor Lichterman Rabbinic Insights from Rabbi Jason In Praise of Our Teachers After I began rabbinical school at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, I also applied to the William Davidson Graduate School of Education at the Seminary to pursue a master’s degree in education. This was in addition to the semicha (rabbinical ordination) I was already to receive? Why would I subject myself to more classes, more reading, and a demanding thesis assignment in order to receive another degree? After all, “rabbi” means teacher. My desire was to learn how to teach in addition to learning what to teach. Rabbinical School, I knew, would prepare me well with the content knowledge as well with the fundamentals of how to learn Jewish texts. I wanted to learn how to be a good teacher as well, and the William Davidson School of Education prepared me well. I love to teach and I believe that education is a core Jewish value. Much of what ails the Jewish community today can be improved through more Jewish learning, both formal and informal. My teaching career began, albeit informally, when I was only eighteen-years-old and I received a call from the local rabbi during my first week in college. He hired me to teach three days a week, which translated into seven hours in the classroom. I taught the same students for the next three years and fell in love with teaching. Whether it is teaching in a synagogue religious school, Jewish day school, or what I call “lifelong learning” (informal adult education), I always feel rewarded to be a teacher. For the past eight years I’ve served as a visiting professor at Oakland University and before that I I taught a few university courses at my alma mater Michigan State University. Whether I’m teaching a class of teens in a Religious School, sitting on the floor reading a story to kindergartners, standing in front of a classroom of college students or leading an informal discussion for adults at the synagogue, I find the teaching experience to be immensely rewarding. As we will soon celebrate the festival of Shavuot, I encourage us to offer praise to the teachers in our lives. These might be formal or informal educators from our youth or college or our adult years. Perhaps it is our parents who served as teachers as they raised us. Maybe it’s a friend who took the time to explain a new hobby or a colleague who sat patiently enlightening us at the office. In today’s digital age, it might even be a stranger from across the world who taught us a new skill in a YouTube video. Education is so important and it is appropriate that we learn about Rabbi Akiva on Shavuot since tradition tells us that he only started his Jewish learning at age forty. I’m sure he was grateful for his patient teachers. May we all commit ourselves to Jewish education and let us pay appropriate honor to the teachers who are dedicated to educating us. Together with Elissa and our children, Joshua, Jonah and Talya, I wish you a Chag Shavuot Sameach! -Rabbi Jason Miller The Book Clubs of Congregations B’nai Israel, Etz Chayim and Shomer Emunim Announce their Joint Summer Book Club program The Midwife of Venice by Roberta Rich Thursday, June 11th at Noon Congregation Etz Chayim, 3853 Woodley Road Dairy Luncheon Meeting $7.00 at the door Reservations by June 5 or call (419) 473-2401 Message from the President After our bitterly cold northwestern Ohio winter, the summer months remind us why the Toledo area offers us many reasons to be thankful to live and raise our families here. Many could accuse me of bias, but except for the three minor months of January, February and March, I love living in Toledo. Our late Toledo mayor Collins revived the 100 year old slogan that “You Will Do Better in Toledo”. We would do well to remind our children and our friends’ children that Toledo provided career opportunities for their parents, uncles and aunts which allowed them to send them to wonderful schools including B’nai Israel’s Religious School. At our David S. Stone Religious School, our wonderful principal Kim Brody, her dedicated teachers and aids as well as Cantor Ivor Lichterman are proud to graduate six students who will celebrate their confirmation on Sunday, March 3. A hearty “yasher koach” to each of these special young adults and their terrific parents. Also a reminder to parents that Congregation B’nai Israel has several youth activity funds which may provide your child with scholarship assistance for certain camps or Jewish youth activity experiences. Some qualification requirements exist but I urge you to contact our office to learn more about funds that may be available for your child either now or in the future. Jeffrey Bauer CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL ANNUAL MEETING and CONGREGATIONAL PICNIC PLEASE JOIN US ON SUNDAY, JUNE 14 AT 4 PM BARRY SOCIAL HALL PROGRAM Report to Congregation Election of Officers Election of Trustees PICNIC TO FOLLOW ON GROUNDS AT 5 PM NO CHARGE RSVP OFFICE 419-517-8400 Memorial Plaques A memorial plaque in the sanctuary is a wonderful way to remember your loved ones. If you would like to purchase a plaque please contact the office for an order form. Plaques ordered now will be dedicated at the Yom Kippur Yizkor Service. The cost of a plaque is $500. It’s not easy being Green! If you prefer to receive the bulletin by email, please send a note to and we will switch you away from paper. Congregational News Saturday, May 23rd at 7 p.m. Celebrate a Shavuot Tikkun at Congregation B’nai Israel Dairy dinner by Miriam Beckerman, Classes, Learning and Prayer Service including reading the Book of Ruth. Classes with David Weinberg and Blair Grubb. Dinner 7 p.m. $8.00 per person RSVP required by May 18th. Call the B’nai Israel office: 419-517-8400 Shavuot Service Schedule Saturday, May 23rd at 7 p.m. Sunday, May 24th Service at 9:30 a.m. Congregational Israel Trip On May 27th at 6:30 p.m. there will be a meeting at B’nai Israel with Hazzan Lichterman to explore the potential of a congregational trip to Israel. Everyone is welcome to attend. Monday, May 25th Service at 9:30 a.m. Yizkor at 11:00 a.m. The office will be closed on May 25th. Adult Education Monday, June 1 7:00 p.m. A Conversation with Federal Judge David Katz Bring your questions and thoughts for an interactive discussion with Judge Katz. RSVP by May 29th to the office. B’nai Israel Film Festival update Due to the success of the 2014-15 CBI Jewish Film Festival, we are asking for recommendations of films you may like to see next year. Please email any suggestions to for consideration. Congregational News Welcome New Member Happy Birthday Irene Gerhardstein Linda Steinberg Marvin Remer Robin Isenberg Ralph Williams May 3 May 5 May 14 May 23 May 27 Sidney Levine – A hearty Mazel Tov to Sid, who celebrated his 90th birthday on April 15th! Happy Anniversary Matt and Jill Kripke May 28 20th Gift Shop News New items have arrived! Many gifts are available for graduations, weddings, confirmations and birthdays. Stop by and take a look at our wide selection of merchandise. Sundays 9:30 a.m. – Noon Wednesdays 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. or by appointment: call Phyllis Diamond 419-531-5005 LEAGRAMS A Leagram for Confirmation is a thoughtful way to honor a Confirmand. If you would like to add your name to his/her certificate, the cost is $3.00 per listing. Complete class listing is $15.00. Lists, checks and your name as you would like to see it listed should be sent to Phyllis Diamond 3008 Strauss · Toledo 43606 Please no telephone calls. Mazel Tov to the B’nai Israel Confirmation Class of 5775 Please join us for a special Confirmation Program Sunday, May 3, 2015 10:30 a.m. 2015 Confirmation Class Dahlia Zack daughter of Dr. David and Dena Zack Miranda Hupp daughter of Megan Miller and Corey Hupp Nathan Podolsky son of Leslie and Michael Podolsky Brian Glasser son of Marc and Susan Glasser Matthew Rothschild son of Cheryl and Stephen Rothschild Jamie Sherman daughter of Alison and Jeff Sherman We are extremely proud of our Confirmation class and their dedication to getting up on Sunday mornings for the past 10 plus years to arrive at this special day. Their commitment to Jewish learning is an example for others to follow. We are looking forward to them coming back to work in our Religious school as well as going to Israel on their Confirmation Class trip in June of 2016. Sisterhood Sisterhood Book Club The next Sisterhood Book Club is May 26 at 10:30 a.m. in the synagogue library. Carol Richman will be reviewing Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker. Join the group for a lively discussion. Yahrzheits 5/1 Iyyar 12 Abraham Katzman, Rebecca Marenberg, Rosaline Stotland, Seymour Yaffe 5/2 Iyyar 13 Jennie Albert, Abraham Gerber, Jacob Hoffman, Michael Katz, Tillie Liber, Harold Malkin, Marian Tarschis 5/3 Iyyar 14 Murray E. Remer, Joanne Schwartzberg 5/4 Iyyar 15 Max Moldawsky 5/5 Iyyar 16 Jacob Feinbloom, Fay Weiner, Anna Wengrow 5/6 Iyyar 17 Lewis Bernstein, Alice Bogart, Dora Katz, Philip C. Miller 5/7 Iyyar 18 Ruth Bauer, Harry M. Bernstein, Edith Romanoff Bort, Ann Levine, Pauline Shoffer, Joseph Topper 5/8 Iyyar 19 Bertha Fink, Leo Kahn, Florence Lenenberg, Maurice Marenberg, Goldye Palman 5/9 Iyyar 20 Ethel Skolnick 5/10 Iyyar 21 Mollie Hoffman, Vern Petler, Norville Rappaport, Beatrice Sattinger 5/11 Iyyar 22 Harvey Berg, Nathan B. Forman, Jeanette Kohler, Matilda Lewis, Stanley Zimmerman 5/12 Iyyar 23 Anna Korman, Bertha Odesky, Grayce Rusgo Pervin, Irving Rubin, Seymour Sattler 5/13 Iyyar 24 Esther Karp, Norman Perlmutter, Leon Williams 5/14 Iyyar 25 Samuel Brassloff, Rachel Burack 5/15 Iyyar 26 Alfred Damrauer, Bobbi Rosenbloom 5/16 Iyyar 27 Howard Erd, Roy Goldman, Rabbi Aaron Intrater, Julius Swolsky, Miriam Wexler 5/17 Iyyar 28 Earle Samuel Bracker, Bertha Hecht, Morris Joseph, Kopel Judashko, Isadore Leibovitz, Ralph Oberlin 5/18 Iyyar 29 Hermine Bentley, Linda Goldner, Evelyn Grande, Marcia Kisin, Issac Scharf, Ruth Scheer, Herman Soldinger 5/19 Sivan 1 Blanche Duchon Hurst, Charles Rubin, Clara Scharf, Florence Waldman, Gizella Weiss, Elsie Winter 5/20 Sivan 2 Lillian Baneth, Louis Bergher 5/22 Sivan 4 Libbey Boyk, Daniel Brochin, Samuel Kaback, David Kalkstein, Chester Tuschman 5/23 Sivan 5 George Shopneck, Herman Siegel 5/24 Sivan 6 Harry Katz, Leo Tauber, Rose Wiegler 5/25 Sivan 7 Anna Stauber, Fanny Tenzur, Pearl Tochtermann 5/26 Sivan 8 Ben Albert, Rose Goldstein 5/27 Sivan 9 Bernard Jacoby, Frances Levy 5/28 Sivan 10 David R. Radovsky, Sol Scharf, Cirala Shidlowsky 5/29 Sivan 11 Harry Baron, Saretta Bassett, Sadye Bookman, Seymour Cohen, Shirley Fox, Edward Ginsberg, Nettie Levitin, Pearl Schwartz, Morris Siegman 5/30 Sivan 12 Sharon Gayle Friedes, Israel Steinberg, Ruth Vinson 5/31 Sivan 13 Isidore Kahn, Carl Zerner Todah Rabah Thank you to the many people who helped identify individuals in the archival photos. Special thanks to Gary Beren, Harriet Davis, Bernice Katz, Eleanor Golding, Roanne Katzman, Larry Kripke, Jeff Knoll, Dave Perlman, Barry Sherman, Corrine Adler, Sherrie Zaft, Harlan Britz and Louise Schuster. Please continue to contact Cathy Sperling if you recognize anyone in the pictures. Bulletin Helpers On the last week of every month a dedicated group of CBI members gather to fold, address, sticker and count to prepare the bulletin for mailing. This group has fun while doing an important job. Many thanks to Dave Perlman, Marilyn Reinstein, Cathy Sperling, Jerry and Arlene Russell, Phyllis Diamond, Kathryn Linver (and her dog Buddy), Leah Connor, Alix Greenblatt, Fran Weinblatt, Sharon Stein, Shirley Gerber, Gail and Lee Kwait, Anne Bauer, and Doris Steinberg. Special thank you to the following youth in our synagogue; Deena Zucker, Kayla Bernstein, Josh Brody, Dahlia Zack, Sam Zack and Daniel Intrater. They designated their B’nai Tzedek Fund donations to B’nai Israel. The total of these donations was $1,600 to the Youth Scholarship Fund. Their generosity is exemplary. A generous anonymous donation was made by a loyal member of B’nai Israel to provide kugel weekly at our Shabbat lunches. We take great pride in having a luncheon every Shabbat. Donations to the Hiddur Fund are always appreciated. Rockin Shabbat On Friday, March 20 over 100 people attended our Rockin’ Shabbat. A delicious dinner was prepared under the direction of Miriam Beckerman. “The Boysch” provided entertainment. Everyone had a great time singing, praying, and eating. A big thank you to all who helped and made this such a fun, wonderful evening. Mazal Tov Sidney Levine on the marriage of his son David Levine to Julie Weiss. The couple was married on April 24th in the Wasserstrom Chapel with Hazzan Lichterman officiating. Co n g r e g a t i o n B ’nai I s ra el ORAL HISTORIES Oral Histories will begin after Passover. The committee plans on interviewing as many members of the congregation as possible. Interviews will be videotaped and transcribed. Everyone who is interviewed will review and approve the final transcript before it is printed and archived. Excerpts of interviews may be incorporated into the 150th celebration. The Honor | Celebrate | Inspire interviews will be archived and the oral histories will become a permanent record of the history of Congregation B’nai Israel. If you would like to share your history for our B’nai Israel archives, please call the office. 1 5 0 y e a r s o f c o n s e c ra t e d s e r v i c e t o G o d , To r a h a n d I s r a e l Or MiDor L’Dor! Passing the Torch Congregation B’nai Israel participated in the flagship project of the Education Task Force of Partnership2Gether, Or MiDor L’dor- Passing the torch. Groups (school class, youth group, elderly homes etc.) in our Partnership consortium gets a torch-shaped canvas. on which to illustrated the gifts (values, presents, capabilities etc.) they received from the previous generation and want to pass to the next generation. The torches will decorate Israel Independence Day events. Youth and Education News An Important Message from BITUSY Toledo's USY chapter BITUSY would like to host Fall Boards on October 15-18. Before committing to hosting this convention we need to ensure that we will have volunteers. We need volunteers to host the USY’ers in your home for two nights (Thursday and Friday), breakfast, transportation to and from B’nai Israel, and help in the kitchen preparing meals. We also need several homes within walking distance to the shul. The decision to have the Fall Boards in Toledo must be made within a few weeks. Please let me know if you can help. Thank you in advance for your support! Brynna Post SUMMER SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE* FOR CAMP RAMAH, USY SUMMER PROGRAMS AND CERTAIN OTHER JEWISH YOUTH PROGRAMS CONTACT THE CBI OFFICE FOR MORE INFORMATION *Certain requirements apply 2016 Confirmation Trip to Israel Informational Meeting Through the generosity of the Sherwin and Naomi Kripke Israel Trip Fund at the Toledo Jewish Community Foundation, we are thrilled to announce that we have begun planning for the Confirmation Class Trip to Israel which is scheduled for June 7-15, 2016! The students are from the high school graduating classes of 2017, 2018 and 2019. An informational meeting will be held on Monday, June 15 at 7 p.m. for all students planning to join the trip and their parents. Cantor Lichterman and Matt Kripke will be the chaperones. To be eligible for the trip, students must attend Sunday School through their Confirmation or they will be responsible for repayment of the full cost of the trip. Please rsvp for the meeting. Thank you! Kim Brody SUPPORTED BY David S. Stone Religious School Religious School Closing Shabbat Saturday, May 2, 2015 Please join us when we honor all students who have participated and attended services regularly throughout the school year. We are thrilled to announce the student of the year award to Jeremy Davis for all of his participation in services this past year. Our dedicated teaching staff will also be recognized for another outstanding year. The teachers are Megan Miller, Hope Davis, Paulette Sherline, Peter Silverman, Cantor Lichterman, Nick Thanasiu, Fagie Benstein, and Rabbi Sokobin. Megan Miller is retiring after ten years of service and we will miss her. We greatly appreciate our staff ’s Jewish Federation & Foundation YOUR CAMPAIGN AND LEGACY GIFTS AT WORK dedication to our students. We will also honor our graduating seniors who have dedicated their Sunday mornings to work at our religious school. The following seniors will be greatly missed next year when they are all away at college; Josh Sherman, Josh Brody, Sam Zack, Deena Zucker, Bari Resnick, Sari Kripke, Morgan Segall, and Emma Podolsky. We wish them well A special Todah Rabah to Rabbi Sokobin for meeting numerous times with our confirmation students and helping each of them prepare for confirmation. Contributions March 18 through April 17, 2015 Minimum Contributions are $10.00 Please note: More generous contributions will be indicated in the following ways: * denotes B’nai Mitzvah ** denotes Chai *** denotes Silver **** denotes double Chai A box denotes Gold A double box denotes Platinum A bold box denotes Diamond $13.00 $18.00 $25.00 $36.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00+ 150TH ANNIVERSARY FUND Yahrzeits Morris Siegman Arlene and Jerry Russell* Jennie Albert Ben Albert Marvin Karp and Elaine Levey** Elsie Winter The Winter and Vrudny Families**** Abe Katzman Roann and Lonnie Katzman*** In Memory of Eva Touran Arlene and Jerry Russell* Dana Greenblatt Al and Michele Blumberg Alix and Dick Greenblatt Denise and Mark Greenblatt & Family Bobbye and Dave Shall Cathy and Steve Sperling In memory of my grandparents Shirley and Irwin Fruchtman Lucyle and Maurice Zanville Carolyn Z. and Jerry Lemieux Shabbat Prayer Book Etz Hayim Bible Tree of Life Leaf Tree of Life Stone Memorial Plaque $65.00 $100.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 REMEMBER B’NAI ISRAEL IN YOUR WILL BUILDING FUND Yahrzeits Vernon Petler Ellen and Gary Petler*** CAMP RAMAH Yahrzeits Florence Lenenberg Rene Levy** CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY Yahrzeits Abraham Kanter Dora Kanter Rubin Andrea and Gary Urie Charles Rubin Marlene and Merv Russell* Vernon Petler Shirley Bader Alice Bogart Sue Wilson** Alice Weisman Ira and Marlene Weisman*** In Memory of Leonard Thal Esther Kezur and Harvey Malone Eva Touran Ira and Marlene Weisman** In Appreciation All of the Misheberrachs Sherrie Zaft** Cantor Lichterman Alex Schlichting Cantor Lichterman The “Salzman sisters”: Elsie Liber and family, Lil Perlman and family HIDDUR/KIDDISH Yahrzeits Beatrice Price Ellen and Allan Chabler** Seymour Cohen Sandy, Chuck, Jay and Kari Traugott** Ruth Bauer Anna Wengrow Jeff and Anne Bauer Murray E. Remer Marlene and Arnie Remer* Laya Tannenbaum Leonard Tannenbaum The Podolsky Family Sharon Gayle Friedes David and Lori Friedes** In Appreciation Fagie and Eli Benstein Ellen Federman Rabbi Alan Sokobin Michael and Leslie Podolsky In Honor of Linda and Joel Beren’s Son’s marriage Ann and Howard Rosenberg*** KATZ SANCTUARY FUND In Honor of Sid Levine’s Son’s marriage Eleanor Golding SHERWIN & NAOMI KRIPKE Yahrzeits Howard Erd Judy Erd and Family Evelyn Grande Alan and Mike Blumberg** George Shopneck The Moreau Family* In Memory of Eva Touran Rhoda Miller Fran and Chuck Weinblatt Belle Swartz Joan and Larry Kripke Sandy Romanoff and Joe Greenberg* In Honor of Dr. Sonja Pinsky - Special birthday Eli Abramson and Nora Romanoff Linda and Joel Beren - Son’s marraige Neal and Lisa Intrater MARIAN & STANLEY OBERLIN Yahrzeits Ralph Oberlin Lorrie & Jeff Daube, Andi, Ryan, Dani, Sergio MICHAEL & RENEE QUIROGA FUND Yahrzeits Rose Goldstein Jeff and Diane Goldstein In Memory of Eva Touran Ruth and Jerry Gold RELIGIOUS SCHOOL In Memory of Eva Touran Gail and Lee Kwait Marjory Rusgo Barbara Straus Steven Federman**** Madeline Levinson*** Cyrus Neuman, father of Jill Gottlieb Sharon Hoicowitz** In Honor of Dr. Sonja Pinsky - Special birthday Margie Rusgo Sheldon and Helen Kerper - 45 Anniversary Gail and Leon Kwait Alix Greenblatt - Special birthday Gail and Leon Kwait** YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND Yahrzeits Jeanette Kohler Margie Kohler* Miriam Wexler Sandy Wexler and Stuart Dunn and Chuck Wexler and family In Memory of Eva Touran Hazzan Jamie Gloth and Bina Carr** TRIBUTE Yahrzeits Ethel Skolnick Bette L. Raymond*** David Kalkstein Marilyn J. Reinstein Alfred Damrauer Peggy and Marvin Damrauer Julius Swolsky Jeff & Sherry Phillips and Elaine Aubin Jeanette Kohler Zale and Shirley Kohler*** Ann Levine Shirley and Joel Levine*** Our Beloved Family Arthur, Marcia and Mark Friedman In Memory of Eva Touran Eli Abramsom and Nora Romanoff** Charles and Sharon Schwartz* SAM SCHWARTZ MINYAN FUND Speedy Recovery Mike Blumberg Howard and Karen Rosenbaum TORAH FUND In Memory of Leonard Thal Bill and Luann Garber Eva Salzman Touran Marilyn Reinstein Phyllis Diamond Harry and Leeta Nistel** Arthur and Marcia Friedman Merv and Marlene Russell Sherrie and Caren Zaft Gerald Feldstein and Corrine Adler Elaine Hershman In Good Health Dr. Howard Rosenberg Bill and Luann Garber JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREATER TOLEDO t n e v e y t i n u omm C An Evening with Author Letty Cottin Pogrebin Letty Cottin Pogrebin Photo: Mike Lovett Wednesday, May 13 7 p.m. Temple Shomer Emunim, 6453 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania Registration kindly requested by Monday, May 4 to 419-724-0354 or Letty Cottin Pogrebin is an award-winning journalist, widely published opinion writer, acclaimed public speaker, admired political activist, and author of several nonfiction bestsellers, including Growing Up Free; Getting Over Getting Older; Deborah, Golda, and Me; and Three Daughters. SUPPORTED BY YO U R C A M PA I G N G I F TS AT WO R K Everyone knows someone who’s sick or suffering. Yet, when a friend or relative is under duress, many of us feel uncertain about how to cope. Throughout her recent bout with breast cancer, Letty Cottin Pogrebin became intrigued by her friends’ and family’s diverse reactions to her and her illness; how awkwardly some of them behaved; how they misspoke or misinterpreted her needs; and how wonderful it was when people read her right. She began talking to her fellow patients at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and interviewed dozens of other veterans of serious illness, seeking to discover what sick people wished their friends knew (and were surprised they didn’t know) about how to comfort, help, and even simply talk to them. Now Pogrebin has distilled their collective stories, insights, opinions, and ideas into How To Be a Friend To a Friend Who’s Sick, an invaluable guidebook for anyone who wants to rise to the occasion of this most challenging passage of friendship. Sponsored by: Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo 3rd Annual continues ... Deli Man Monday, May 4 | 7 p.m. Running Time: 91 minutes, English/Yiddish with subtitles $5 per person Hester Street – 40th Anniversary Monday, May 18 | 7 p.m. Running Time: 90 minutes, English/Yiddish with subtitles $5 per person All films: Maumee Indoor Theatre 601 Conant St., Maumee, OH 43537 Tickets can be purchased at the door on a first come, first served basis. Seating is limited and may sell out. Transportation will be available. A bus will depart at 6:15 p.m. (unless otherwise noted) from the Jewish Federation campus (6465 Sylvania Avenue) before each event with service to the Maumee Indoor Theater and return to the Federation campus afterwards. Reservations for bus transportation are a must, as seating is limited. Additional information in Toledo Jewish News. Ticket and bus reservations can be made by contacting Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or Payment is due at the time of reservation. CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL STAFF Ivor Lichterman............................................ Hazzan Howard Rosenbaum .........................Minyan Leader Kim Brody ...................... Religious School Principal Chuck Traugott .............. Synagogue Administrator Congregation B’nai Israel Bulletin 6525 Sylvania Ave. Sylvania, OH 43560 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Sylvania, OH Permit No. 42 Address Service Requested Rhoda Miller ...... Community Outreach Coordinator Brynna Post ..................................... Youth Director Cindy Robertson ....................... Sisterhood 2.0 Rep Bruce Post ...................................... Men’s Club Rep Sam Zack ......................................... USY President EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President ................................................... Jeff Bauer Vice President of Administration ..... Alix Greenblatt Vice President of Religious Affairs ..... Ellen Federman Vice President of Youth Activities ..... Michael Portnoy Secretary .......................................... Fran Weinblatt Treasurer....................................... Stephen Goldberg BOARD OF TRUSTEES Stuart Brody, David Friedes, Marc Glasser, Sharon Joehlin, Jill Kripke, Michael Leizerman, Bruce Post, Cindy Robertson,Howard Rosenberg, Jerry Russell, Debbie Spangenthal, Honorary Trustees: Phyllis Diamond, Howard Rosenbaum Save the dates May 2 May 3 May 5-18 May 16 May 23 May 23-25 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 31 June 1 June 14 End of Religious School year Shabbat Confirmation and last day of Religious School Cantor’s European Trip Shabbat with Rabbi Miller Shavuot Tikkun Shavuot OFFICE CLOSED Sisterhood Book Club Israel Trip Meeting Malt Shop Memories Adult Education with Judge David Katz Congregational Annual Meeting and picnic he t e v Sa date! CONTRIBUTION OPPORTUNITY WE HAVE OUTGROWN OUR STORAGE AREAS WITHIN OUR SYNAGOGUE BUILDING. DONOR(S) WANTED TO HELP PURCHASE AND INSTALL STORAGE SHED ADJACENT TO BUILDING. APPROXIMATE COST $3500.