ci9- V950
ci9- V950
ci9- V950 CLASSIFICATION NOTES No. 32.2 CONTAINER SECURING AUGUST2003 DET NORSKE VERITAS Veritasveien 1, N-1322 H~vik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 OU Fax: +47 6757 99l1 FOREWORD DET NORSKE VERIT AS is an autonomous and independent Foundation with the objective of safeguarding life, property and the environment at sea and ashore. DET NO RS KE VERITAS AS i.., a fully owned subsidiary Society of the Foundation. It undertakes classification and certification of ships, mobile offshore units, fixed offshore structures, facilities and systems for shipping and other industries. The Society also carries out research and development associated with these functions. DET NORSKE VERIT AS operates a worldwide network of survey stations and is authorised by more than 130 national admin istrations to carry out surveys and, in most cases, issue certificates on their behalf. Classification Notes Class1hcat.1on Notes are publications that give practical information on classification of ships and other objL'Cl<;. Examples of design solutions, calculation methods, specifications of test procedures, as well a'> acceptable repair methods for some components are given as interpretations of the more general rule requirements. A list of Classification Notes is found in the latest edition of Pt.O Ch.1 of the "Rules for Classification of Ships" and the "Rules · for Classification of High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft". The list of Classification Notes is also included in the current "Classification Services - Publications" i..,sued by the Society, which is available on request. All publications may be ordered from the Society's Web site Amendments and Corrections The l'IUlin changes are: The increasing size of container ships and introduction of new requirements, such as OSHA requirements etc, have led to a rapid technical development within the field of container securing. DNV have during the past years developed new analysis methods to account for these developments thal have not yet been inc luded into the published guidelines. Due to this the Classification Note for container securing (CN 32.2) has been completely revised to include the recent development. The changes can be summarised under the following headings calculation methods, guidance to specialised stowage and acceptance criteria. Calculation methods The Classification Note co ntain the formula based calculation method as given in the existing class note as well as a detailed description of the new calculation method utilised in the "NAUTJ.CUS Container securing" software. These two analysis methods are considered equivalent however the new method is more general and can be used for a wider range of stowage arrangements. In addition to these calculation methods a calculation method for mixed stowage is given (with and without over stow). Specialised stowage For specialised stowage types additional guidance is required in order to perform the analysis and in addition some stowage arrangements cannot be analysed with !-ltandardised analysis methods. To cope with these problems a new chapter have been introduced where guidance for stowage types such as the following is given: Mixed stowage (20' containers in 40' cellguides and 40' containers in 45' cellguides) Lashing to lashing bridge Vertical lashings Platform containers Block stowage Acceptance criteria Some minor changes to the acceptance criteria will be introduced in the new Classification Note. The allowable forces on the contai ner box have been slightly revised to allow forces in excess of the ISO test criteria, this revision have been done to be aligned with the industry standard. In addition a list of guidance values for allowable forces on lashing equipment has been added. Comments may be sent by e-mail to For .c;uhscription orders or information about subscription terms, please use dilui' Comprehensive information about DNV and the Society's services is found at the Wch site http://www,<lny,com © Det Norske VeritaR Computer Typeseuing (F1vl+SGML) by Oet Non;ke VcritaR Printed in Norway. If any person suf!e.s 10$6 or damage which is ptcwed 10 have been caused bf any negligenl acl or oml.9sion ot Del Norske Verilas, then Del Norske Verilas snaW pay C()lllpensalicrl lo &UCh person for his proYed dlrllGI loss or daml>ge. HOW41ver, lhe compensatton shal not exceed an amount equal lo ten times the tee charged'"' Ille S9fVice in question, provided lhal the maxmum compen· aalion shad ™Iller exceed USO 2 million. In this provision "Det Norsk& Ventas· &hall mee.n lhe Foundation Oet Nolske Verb s as well as an ils 61.bsidiaries, cirectors, orflCOOI, employees, agents and any other eclflg on behalt ol Det NOr$k8 Veritas. Classification Notes - No. 32.2 3 August 2003 CONTENTS 1. I. l l.2 1.3 1.4 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 GENERAL ....... ,, ....... ,............................................ ,... 4 Introduction ....... ................................................. .......... 4 Procedure .......................................... ........................... 4 Definitjons .................................................. .................4 Assumptions ................................................................5 DESIGN J,O ADS ...................................................... 5 General .. .................................. ..................................... 5 Wind load ..................................................................... 5 Acccleralions ...... ... ....... ................................ ............... 5 LOADING CONDITIONS ...................................... 5 Gcneral .............................. ........................................... 5 LC1: Transverse loading I ................................... ........ 5 LC2: Vertic;al loading ............. .....................................6 LC3: Transverse loading II ........ .................................. 6 LC4: Longitudinal loading ..........................................6 ACCEP T A NCR CRITERIA .................................... 6 General .............. ........................................................... 6 Container box ............................................................... 6 Container securing equipment ..................................... 7 Ship s lructure ...............................................................9 DIRECT CALCULATION USING BEAM ANALYSIS ............................................. ................... 9 Gcncral ............................. .. .......................................... 9 Modelling of geometry .......... .... .................................. 9 Boundary conditions .................. ................................ 10 Loading conditions ......................................... ........... 10 Results .............................. ............................... ........... 10 FORMULA BASED ANALYSIS, BASIC FORMULAE ........................................................... 10 Rigid c;ontainer securing arrangements (Ce ll guidc.~ and similar) ............................................. 10 Non-rigid securing arrangements (Lashings and sin1ilar) ....................................................................... 10 Container stack with four flexible horizontal supports .... ..................................................................11 Container stack with combined rigid and flexile horizontal supports ............. ........ .......... ...................... 12 6.5 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7 .9 8. 8. 1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 Container blocks ................. ....................................... ·12 FORMULA BASED ANALYSIS, DERIVE D FORMULAE ........................................................... 13 General ...................................................................... 13 Container stack with single rigid support .................. 14 Container stack with two rigid horizontal supports .. J4 Container slack with three rigid horizuntal supports ..................................................................... 15 Container stack with single tlex ibl e support ............. 15 Container stack with one rigid and one flexible support ............ .............................. ............................. 16 Container stack with two flexible horizontal supports ......................................................... .. .......... 16 Container stack with one rigid and two flexible horizontal supports .................................................... 16 Container stack with three flexible horizontal supports ..................................................................... 17 SPECIAL CONTA INER ARRANGEM.ENTS .... 17 General ...................................................................... 17 Mixed stowage (20' container in 40' cellguide) ....... 17 40' container in 45' cellguides ........ .......................... 18 Effectiveness of lashings aLtached to lashing bridge ................. .. .. ....................................... ............. 18 Vertical lashings - Wind lashing .............................. 18 Block stowage in hold without cellguides................. 18 Platfonn based containers with reduced stiffness ..... 19 Containers placed on 2 hatches or on hatches and side pillars .................................. ......................... 19 APPENDIX A APPROVAL OF L ASHING COMPUTERS/SOFTWARE ............................................ 20 APPENDIX B CALCULATED EXAMPLES .......................................... 22 DET NORST<'E VERITAS 4 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August 2003 1. General Ch.2 Design loads 1.1 Introduction I."J.1 Ch.3 Loading conditions For Ships intended for container transport the "Rules for Classification of Ships" require that app roved securing arrangements for the cargo containers are fitted. 1.1.2 The purpose of this pu blicalion is to serve as an aid to those .responsible for the planning and strength evaluation of securing arrangements for cargo containers on board ships. Acceptable assumptions and cak:ulation procedures supplementing the general requirements stated in the Rules for Classification of Ships are given. Ch.5 Direct calculation using beam analysis 1.1.3 Ch.6& 7 Formula based analysis Ch.8 Special container arrangements Ch.4 Principles of analysis have been outlined for normal types of securing arrangements, including cellular containment structures (rigid containment system). 1.1.4 For securing arrangements ba."ed on lashings or similar, calculation formulae taking into account the interaction of containers and supports have also been included. 1.2 Procedure This classification note describes methods for performing calculations of container securing arrangements. The calculations are based on requirements given in Rules for Cla.~sification of Ships. Two different calculation methods are desctibcd "Direct calculation using beam analysis" and a "Formula based analysis" these two methods are in general considered to be equivalent. Should the re however be discrepancies in the results of the two methods the direct calculation method will be decisive (This is also the method used in approval). The flow chart in Figurel- 1 gives an overview of applicable chapters depending on the meth()d of calculation. The chapters are brietly described in the following: Ch.2. Design Loads, gives description or reference to the applicable local loads, like wind loads and accelerations. Ch. 3. Lnading Conditions, gives a description of the app 1icable loading conditions. Ch.4. Acceptance criteria, gives applicable strength ratings for the containers and m·commendations for the lashing equipment. Ch.5. Direct calculation usin!J beam analysis, outlines the procedure for calculation of container arrangements where the containers and lashings are modeled as beam elements. Ch.6. Fo rmula based analysis, Basic formu lae, outlines the basic formulae for the simp 1ified calculalion of ordinary container arrangements. Ch.7. Formula based analysis, Derived formulae, gives derived formulae (from the Basic formulae described in Ch.6) for simplified calculation of ordinary container arrangement'\. Acceptance criteria fig ure 1-1 Flowchart 1.3 Definitions 1.3.1 References to directions refer to the principal axis system of the ship. Thus the terms vertical, horiwntal, longitudinal and transverse when used refer Lo the ship's axis. 1.3.2 With regard to terms used in this note reference is made to Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6. 1.3.3 The following symbols have been used: = = a, = g = Pw = k,. = GM = ¢ = M = b~ = h = nb = n = i = av al Kc = KI = Ph = a = P1i = Pri = Ch.8. Special container arrangements, describes calculation methods for special container arrangements which are not necessarily covered by the other methods e.g. 20' containers in 40' cell guides. Psh = Appendix A Approval of lashing computer/software, gives guidance to procedure for type approval of computer software fo r determination of forces in lashi ng systems. a Appendix B. Calculated examples, gives some calculalcd ex amples for easy reference. Pch = = = combined vertical accelernlion * combined transverse acceleration * combined longitudinal acceleration * acceleration of gravity = 9.81 mfs2 wind load according to Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 G radius of gyration* metacentric height* roll angle* mass of container (M3 for variable container masses) distance between bottom supports of container in mm height of container in mm number of interconnected stacks in container bluck number of tiers in stack or block number of tiers of containers in stack or block below the level in question (also valid for j, k and m) racking stiffness in kN/mm of container wall horizontal stiffness in kN/mm of container lashing connected to level i horizontal force in kN acting per half container (Pha for variable forces) denominator of container in stack (from l ton) lashing force in kN of lasing connected to level i, similar for k, j and m horizontal support force in kN actin at level i, similar for k,j and m vertical support force in kN acting at bottom of container stack due to horizontal loads vertical support forces in kN acting in side posts of lower most container of stack due to horizontal loads Psh - Phi h / 2 bs assumed fraction of hori~ontal load acting on container end, which is transmitted through the container wall. Normally a may be taken as 0.5 and 0.0 for end and side walls respectively DET NORSKE VERlTAS 5 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August2003 qc = clearance in mm of rigid transverse support at level i, similar at levels j, k and rn t>io = calculated horizontal displacement in rnm at level i of a horizontalunsupported stack of containers when sub- q.i ----- jected to a uniform horizontal load, similar ar levels j, kand m = calculated horizontal displacement in mm at level i of a stack of containers when subjected to a horizontal point load at level j, similar for other combinations of displacement and point load levels. *For details see P t3 Ch.l Sec.4 B 1.4 Assumptions 1.4.1 Ship huU supports are normally assumed rigid. In special cases (e.g. shoring forces at ship sides) it may be necessary to consider non-rigid supports. Sec also Ch. 8. Wind exposed container Figurc2·1 1.4.2 Calculutions are assuming that contuincrs have at least normal strength and stiffness, i.e. closed boxes, open-top boxes, tank containers. For platform-based containers see Ch.8. 1.4.3 All containers in a stack or block arc placed in the same direc- tions, i.e. all containers with doors or doorJess ends in same direction. 1.4.4 Friction effects are not taken into account. Wiudlvad. 2.3 Accelerations 2.3.l Accelerations should be computed according to Pt.3 Ch. l Sec.4 B, i.e. extreme dynamic loads arc to be used. The transverse dynamic acceleration is not to be taken less than the minimum acceleration given in Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 0301. The actual/realistic roll radius of gyration, kr, and metacentric height, GM, may be used in the calculations instead of the rules defined provided these have been computed for the actual condition. 1.4.S Pretension of lashings is noL considered. Nvte: 2.1 General The rules defined rolling angle is given in Pt.3 Ch. 1 Sec.4. lf rolling angles is specified in exce&~ of these rules defi ned the acceleration~ in general should be computed in accordance with Pt.3 Ch.I Sec.4 B utilising the specified roll angle and the iulcs de- 2.1.1 fined period of roll. This will lead to very high accelerations un less the period of roll is increased. 2. Design Loads Design loads applied in direct calculations arc to be taken as given in the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 G. Wind loads and accelerations arc further specified in 2.22.3 in the following. ---e-n-d···Ol~--N-O·t·C··· 2.2 Wind load 3. Loading conditions 2.2.1 For wind-exposed stacks or containers a wind load of l .171 kN/m2 is to be applied to the side and end walls. Giving the following values for standard ISO container walls, in accordance with Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 G: 3.1 General Sides 20' long, 8.5' high Sides 40' long, 8.5' high Ends, 8.5' high Pw = 18.5 kN Pw= 37 kN Pw =7.5 kN 3.1.1 In Table 3-1, applicable loading conditions are listed with indications regarding their applicahility. In the subsequent chapters the relevant loading conditions will be described in more detail. Table 3-1 Load case overview Ve1ti<.:al LC Description Transverse loading I L l! Vertical loading g + llu 2 3 4 Transverse loading II Longitudinal loading Horizontal Wind a. Ye.<: . No e: cos(¢) a, ~ a, Yes Yes 3.2 LCt: Transverse loading I 3.2.l For deck stowage extreme transverse accelerations are combined with the acceleration of gravity acting downwards. Wind loads shall be added to wind exposed containers. See also Figure 3-1. DET NORSKE VERlTAS 6 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August 2003 3.2.2 3.5 LC4: Longitudinal loading For hold stowage extreme transverse accelerations arc combined with the acceleration of gravity acting downwards. See also Figure 3-1. 3.5.l Por deck stowage extreme longitudinal accelerations are combined with the acceleration of gravity acting downwards. Wind loads shall be added to wind exposed containers . See also Figure 3-4 . .----t-• M a, 3.5.2 ror hold stowage extreme longitudinal accelerations are combined with the acceleration of gravity acting downwards. Mg See also Figure 3-4. Figure 3-1 Load case 1 M 3.3 LC2: Vertical loading 3.3.1 1:or deck slOwagc extreme vertical accelerations are com bined with the acceleration of gravity acting downwards. Sec also Figure 3-2. 3.3.2 For hold stowage extreme vertical accelerations are combined with the acceleration of gravity acting downwards. See also Pigure 3-2. Figure 3-4 Lo11d case4 4. Acceptance criteria 4.1 General M 4.1 .l Acceptance criteria for the container box, lashing equipment and the ship structure is outlined in Pt.5 Ch.2 Scc.6 I. fn the following chapters strength ratings for ISO-containers and guidance as to the allowable forces io the securing equipment ar.e given . M (a,.+g) Figure3-2 Load ca~e 2 4.2 Container box 3.4 LC3: Transverse loading II 3.4.1 For deck slOwage extreme transverse accelerations arc combined with the vertical component of acceleration of gravity acting downwards. Wind loads shall be added to wind exposed containers. See also Figure 3-3. 3 .4.2 Fo.r hold sto wage extreme transverse accelerations arc combined with the vertical component of acceleration of gravity acting downwa rds. See also Figure 3-3. f•'i i.<ure 3-3 Load C.'lSC 3 Mg 4.2.1 Container strength limits are no1mally to be in accordance with the required mini mum (tested) strength values an d capabilities given .in ISO-standard 1496/ I. Allowable forces strength ratings are given in Table 4- 1. 1'c1ble 4·1 Strcnglh ratings Standard ISO 20' 150 150 75 (150>!<) 40' Rru;king force door end 150 Racking force doorlcss end 150 Racking force side walls 75 ( 150*) Corner post compression 864 864 Vertical tension in top comer 250 250 (from locking device) Vertical tension in bottom cor250 250 ner (from locking device) I.ashing loads in comer casting (in plane of cont. wall) 150 150 Horizontal Vertical 300 300 Horizontal shoring forces on comers (perp. lO cont. wall) Lower comer, tension 200 250 Lower comer, compression 300 350 Upper comer, tension 200 250 Uoocr corner, compression 200 250 ~ For closed box container:; DET NORSKE VERTTAS 7 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August 2003 l S0/150 kN • 2501250 kN ~5(150)kN 2001250 kN 2501250 kN Figure 4-1 Strength ratings 20' I 40' 4.3 Container securing equipment 4.3.1 Working loads in container securing devices are in general not to e xceed 50% of the minimum breaking load of considered equipment. Table 4-2 shows guidance values of maximum securing loads for selected types of the container securing devices, for calculation purposes values for actual equipment is lo be utilised. DET NORSKE VERlTAS 8 Classifica1ion Notes - No. 32.2 August 2003 Table 4-2 Guidance values for lashing equipm ent Item Type Typical MSL [kN} l > Figure Lashings 1 Lashing rod 2 Turnbuckle -o _,_ -ri=-I -~ 3 Penguin Hook 4 D-Ring 5 Lashing plate -230 _Q_ / _ID_ Twist kx:ks and deck connections 6 Twist lock (single) 7 Twist lock (linked) 8 Flush ISO socket 9 Pedestal ISO socket lO Oove tail so1:kel with twist lock _+- -+=t t= -er 250 2102) 250 25{) :rb: IJ.:r. 210 ... .....- __ I • 210 250 210 I In hold stowage and block stowage 11 Stacker (single) 12 Stacker (double) 13 Linkage plate 14 Pressure element 15 T/P element -+-- •= -c:w:::J- ==. =I =I Ii -. •• = • I I These values are selected to match the ~trength rating of the containers, for light stack weight.~ &mailer values may be accepted. As item 6 + Horizontal tension a_q given 3) As item l 1 + Horizontal tension us given lJET NORSKB YERITAS 2103) 210 650 650/550 t :::::: 2) J) 210 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 9 Augus12003 4.4 Ship structure When a force F (3.85 kN for the door end and 10 k.N for the door-less end) is applied to the container the calculated deflection should be l mm. 4.4.1 The supporting structure for the containers such as hatch covers. decks, inner bottom and bulkheads must be evaluated according to Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6. accep1ance criteria is given in T300. 5.2.2 5. Direct calculation using beam analysis The twistlocks must be modelled with a hinge at one end to avoid transferring bending moments between the containers. see Figure 5-2. Twistlocks are to he modelled with an area sufficiently large to avoid large tensile deformations. 5.1 General 5.1.1 This chupler gives guidance on how to perform beam analysis for container lashing arrangement<>. See also Appendix B for examples. Hi11ge ...-Twist lock 5.1.2 The pro<.:edure described below represents the method used by the program NAUT1CUS Container Securing. ft'igure 5-2 Hinge at end of twist lock 5.1.3 The container stacks are modelled as two independent 2-dimensional beam models, one ror the door end and one for the doorless end to incorporate lhe different racking stiffness. Each stack may be analysed separately unless there are connections between the stacks such as double stackers or similar, in which case the whole block needs to be analysed. Non-structural top bridge fittings arc ignored in the analysis. 5.1.4 Non-linearities such as compression elements and gaps in horizontal supports mus1 be included. The analysis is to include tbe effects of clearances. For individual coniainer stacks, clearances of stack fittings may be ignored. Stipulated clearances between container stacks and horizontal supports are to be taken into account. For container blocks with horizontal supports, clearances of bridge fittings within the block are to be taken into account. Non-linearities such as compression elements and gaps in horizontal supports must be included. 5.2.3 Stacking cones are modelled as twist locks with the difference thut these must be modelled as non-linear clements capable of taking compresllion and shear but not tension. 5.2.4 Double stackers, linked twistlocks and linkage plates are modelled with the actual cross sectional area. The transverse elements should he positioned nl the midpoint of the twistlock/ stacking cone and in general be fitted with hinges at both ends, sec Figure 5-3. For components that have the capability to transfer vertical shear rorces these hinges may be omitted. Gaps in the bridges must be modelled as non-linearities. Link Hinge '~ ---~ 5.2 Modelling of geometry II Hin~c 'Linking elements 5.2.1 The analysis is to take into account the flexibility or the containers. Unless otherwise specified, the rn<.:king stiffness Kc of container end walls for normal closed box ISO containers may be taken as: Figure 5.3 Linking elemeuts and double stackcrs Kc = 10 kN/mm for doorlcss ends 5.2.S Kc = 3.85 kN/rnm for door ends Unlc.~s otherwise specified, the racking stiffness of container sidewalls may be taken equal to doorless container end walls. The corner posts arc modelled with a shear area so that the correct racking stiffness is obtained, according to Figure 5- 1. The bending stiffness o f the beams should be high to avoid introducing bending strc..~ses in the elements. c--_.,~ ....._._________, ,' I ' '' . ' I '' r I ' Figure 5-1 Racking .stiffness of container ' '' I r r Buttress supports, compression and tension clements arc modelled with the actual cross sectional area. Pure compression elements must be modelled as non-linear element taking compression only, in addition the gap between the clement and the supporting structure must be modelled as non-linearity. Hull deformations, if significant, arc to be taken into account when detc1mining the shoring for<.:cs. 5.2.6 Por ordinary lashing units with one turnbuckle or lashing, the lashing should be modelled as beam clements with characteristics according co Table 5- 1. The lashings elements shall be l'itted with hinges at both ends to avoid transfer of bending moments. r '' I I '' r Table 5-l Lashing characteristics IArea -, Modulus of elasticity f N!mm2 j Rod lashing I Actual area or rnd I 40 (l -1000) maximum 2.06 x 1o5 l = The length of lashing includinu turnbuckle, in mm For wind lashings please sec Ch. 8.4. DET NORSKE VERITAS 10 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August 2003 5.3 Boundary conditions 6.1.5 5.3.1 Hull deformations, if significant, are to be taken into account when determining the shoring forces. Elements attached to the ship structure should be restricted from translation. 5.4 Loading conditions 5.4.1 Lc:J.ding condition:; arc to be iu acCOi\li\nc~ w·itli Chaptl;1 2 cl.HU 3. 6.2 Non-rigid securing arrangements (Lashings and similar) 6.2.1 For non-rigid securing arrangements the vertical support forces. internal forces of the container stacks. horizontal suooort forces and lashing forces are all to he calculated if relevant. 6.2.2 5.4.2 Loads should be applied as point loa<ls in the corners of the containers. The distribution of transverse inertia forces between the top and bottom corners should be taken in relation to the centre of gravity of the container, which should in no case be set lower than 45% of the container height. Vertical inertia forces are only applied to Lhc bottom comers of the container. W in<l loads may be equally distributed between the 4 comers of the container, on the windward side or distributed on all corners of the container. The analysis is to take into account Lhc flexibility of the con tainers. Unless otherwise spedficd, the racking sliffness Kc of container end walls for normal closed box ISO containers may he taken as: Kc = 10 kN/mm for doorless ends Kc = 3.85 kN/mm for door ends Unless otherwise specified, the racking stiffness of container sidewalls may be taken c.qual to doorless container end walls. 6.2.3 5.5 Results 5.5.1 Forces shall be extracted from the model to continn thut the loads in the securing devices between the containers and the container boxes themselves are not to exceeding the safe working load of the securing devices or the container strength timit, according to Chapter 4. Tn addition the reaction forces in the ship structure must be considered. Calculalions are to be performed for container stacks or blocks assuming both doorless and Joor end walls. Normally maximum vertical and horizontal reaction forces at the stack base are found for doorles.~ ands, whilst maximum horizontal support forces and lashing forces are found for door ends. 6.2.4 The analysis is to be based on the e lastic stiffness of lashings according to their type and dimensions, ref. Ch. 7. I . I. 6.2.5 6. Formula based analysis, Basic formulae 6.1 Rigid container securing arrangements (Cellguides and similar) 6.1.1 The maximum vc11ical support force from corner base fitting may be taken as: P~ = 0.25 II r Ma(.~ +av) kN 11=! The analysis is to include the effects of clearances. For individual container stacks, clearances of stack fittings may be ignored. Stipulated clearances between container stacks and horizontal supports are to be taken into account. For container blocks with horizontal supports, clearances of bridge fittings within the block arc to be taken into account as outlined in Ch 6.5. 6.2.6 The effects of vertical connections between the containers of a stack are to be taken properly into account. The effects of possible tipping of container stacks without lock connection at bottom supports are of special importance and must he especially considered ref. Ch. 5.2. 6.2.7 6.1.2 The maximum compressive force in container end posts may be taken as: n Ps = 0.25 'LM 11 (g+a 11 ) kN The calculations are based on methods of analysis applicable for structures in general. In the analysis the container walls may be considered as shear panels. The interaction between the two ends (or sides) of containers may normal I y be assumed negligible, see also Ch. 8.2. 6.2.8 a=2 Generally, the horizontal force of the container per end or side is to he taken as: 6.1.3 The stresses and forces in the securing structures for hori:Lontul accelerations and forces from wind, where relevant, arc to he calculated for transverse and longitudinal forces per contuiner equal (M <ti+ P w) and (M a1 + Pw) k.N, respectively. 6.1.4 The analysis required for rigid container securing arrangements depends on the Climplexity of U1c arrangement. For complex cellular securing structures, direct analysis may be necessary. In other cases manual calculation will be s ufficient. ah = at or a 1 for transverse or longitudinal accelerations, res pectively. 6.2.9 M aximum vertical s upport forces, racking forces, horizontal support forces and lashing forces may normally be delem1ined directly in accordance with Ch. 7. DF.T NORS.Kb VERITAS Classification Notes - No. 32.2 11 August 2003 6.2.10 container posts is normally determined as the larger of: The combined maximum vertical support forces may be determined as the larger of: On compression side (positive): kN a=2 and n P~,. = 0.25 n Pc =0.25L,M0(.1:+av) L M aR +Psh + L Psi kN a=l n or kN LM u8 +Pch +I.Psi Pc= 0.25 a=2 = cakulated compressive force in post due to horizontal Pch Psc=0.25 fM a~ + av) loads kN a=l LPst = as given in Ch. 6.2.10 6.2.12 The racking force in the wall of the lowermost container stack is determined hy: On tension side (negative): n Pst =0.25 L,M 0 gcos¢ - Psh + L.Prl kN n a=l S, = LPha +aPh1 - kN L;P, a=2 If Pst becomes negative tipping will take place and locking cones or twistlocks arc to be installed (see also Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 F302, for stacks without lashing or shoring). P~h = calculated vertical support force due to horizontal loads as given in Ch.7.2.3 :tP~1 = sum of the vertical components of relevant lashing forces according to Ch.7 On compression side :tP51 is only added when internal cross lashing is used On tension side LP sl is only added when external lashing is used 6.2.ll The combined maxi.mum compressive force in the lowermost - LPr == sum of horizontal lashing or supporting forces (Pri• Prj etc.) calculated in accordance with Ch.7. P111 horizontal force at end of lowermost container = In cases where there arc two or more containers above the upper lashing or fixed support, the racking force in the lower of these should also be checked. 6.3 Container stack with four flexible horizontal supports 6.3.1 Consider a container stack supported by lashings at levels i, j, k and m in that order from the bottom. For the analysis in the following, reference is made to Figure 6-1. Omm \ I I ' ' ' : I I \ t t I I Omo : \: l 011 ~ \, : \ I \ I \ 1 \ t \ \ ,1 t •' \ \ • \: -· I • I Ip •' Ujj I I\ \I \ ) I ' \ \ \ I I I Uu \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' I I \ r \ \\\' ' ,, \ \ \ I ,,,, \ \ I \ ,,,,,, ,., \ \ . '41 t D.ET NORSKE VERITAS ~ I ~: I I ' .h1... • I ', \ I I S: I \ ' Fibrure 6-1 Four flexible supports, general case Ujo I f r \ •' \ \ s:. .. n=6 f I I I - I .M... ' I ~ :\ I \ I \: I \ : ,___ _ _ _ _ ___ _ .JI •' ... ' P115 I I I \i , \ I ' I ' S: Ujo I I t 12 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August2003 6.3.2 with two lashings, the system reduces to: Disregarding the lashings, the free horizontal displacement at level i is given by; Oio =-.1- ( a Li Pha + Li Kc a =l n L,Phb ) a=lb=a+1 and similar for other levels j, k and m. 6.4 Comainer stack with combined rigid and fiextle horizontal supports 6.3.3 The horizontal displacement at level i due to a horizontal force acting at the same level is given by: i. p. 8-· =--! K u c 6.4.1 Consider a stack of containers as in 2.3. Let one suppor:t be rigid, for example at level j. A clearance Ojc at that support is assumed. 6.4.2 and similar for other levels j, k and m. The displacement at levels below the force in question is proportional to Lhe level number, e.g. the clisplacement at level i due to force acting at level k is given by: The displacement at levels above the force in question is equal to the displacement at the force level. 6.3.4 The support force at level i is expressed as a function of the .resulting horizontal displacement at the same level, i.e.: The support forces at level i, k and m are gi vcn by the formulae in 6.3.4. At level j the resulting displacement is given by: Consequenlly the linear equations in 6.3.5 are modified as follows: - The diagonal clement [ ~: + j) ~ j - The displacement 6.4.3 and similar for other levels j, k and m. In this way the linear equations may be set up for an arbitrary combination of rigid and flexible supports. 6.3.5 The horizontal forces as mentioned in 6.3.3 must be equal to the corresponding support forces given in 2.3.4. Consequently the following linear equations may be derived, on matrix form: (~+m) Km k .i k (~:+k) j j (K - c+J') Kj j P~l Prk _ Pr; Pr; [v, OkoKc 8j 0 K,. oio Kc (~; +i) For example, with four rigid supports the horizontal support forces are given by: m k J Pmi (Om.o - Omc)Kc k k J Prk (Oko - OkrJKc j j j PrJ (Ojo -Ojc)Kc Pri (Oio - Oic )Kc i i i 6.5 Container blocks 6.5.1 From these equations the horizontal support forces Prnv Prk • Prj and Pri may be solved. If the number of las hings is less than four, the system reduces corresponclingly. E.g. for a system Container stacks conne(;ted by horizontal bridge stackers may he regarded as a block with respect to lashing und rigid horizontal supports. It is assumed that bridge stackers are fitted at each level of horizontal support and that the clearances at stackers normally are negligible. T he block may be calculated on the basis of an analysis of single stacks with the same deflection (fixed suppo1t clearance). The resulting horizontal support force will be the sum of all support forces from the individual stacks. If the horizonial stackcrs are fitted with a clearance &b at each stacker, the suppon clearances &ic• &jc• &kc or &1c are for each stack away from the rig id support LO be increased by &b. Arrangement with a single rigid support is shown in Figure 6-2 . DET NORSKE VERlTAS 13 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August2003 - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. n=6 i:::5 ' ' l---~1----~.-----1 •~ l Pn .' .. .:' :.' .. .. :' : t : o I .: :: 1---~ ~--~1----1 .. • • ..... '. I : I '' .. 1---~~--~1----1 / ,' ., ,,,, Figure 6-2 Bloc.k with single rigid horizontal i;upport 6.5.2 If the number of stacks in a block i.<:> greater than 4 and bridge stackcrs are fitted at all levels in the block, a reduction in the hori:t.ontal support forces may be introduced due to the stackers giving a certain vertical shear restraint. The final support forces may be found a1>: Pri = calculated horizontaJ reaction force for block = reduction factor as given in Table 6-1 1~~ I!-4 l~.98 l~.95 l~.91 I~.85 16.79 7.1.2 The calculation fonnulae have been ba~cd on the assumptions: Prif = Cr. Pri Cr general, the formulae may be applied for the determination of vertical suppo11 forces, horizontal support forces and .lashing forces. Note that the formulae for vertical support forces do not include the vertical component of possible lashing forces and vertical mass forces. 1>10 ~.75 The racking force Sr in the end wall of the lowermost container is to be calculated according to 6.2.12 with the reduced Prif inserted in the fonnula. The vertical support forces may be calculated with the uncorrected P n- 6.5.3 Tn order to reduce the hori:t.ontal support forces at rigid block supports, the supports may be arranged for absorbing both compressjon and tension. ff the clearances at tbe individual stackers are considered to be negligible, a 50% distribution between the compression and tension side may no1mally he used when calculating the support forces according to 6.5.1 and 6.5.2. In case of clearance at each horiwntal bridge stacker, redistribution towards 100% compression will take p lace. A 50% distribution may be achieved hy omitting all bridge stackers between middle stacks, thus obtaining two individual blocks. The bending stiffness of the container wall is assumed >> than their shear stiffness. The container walls have therefore been considered as shear panels. Internal clearances in stacking and locking members of individual stacks are ignored. Tensile vertical forces are assumed taken by lock stackers. If lock slackers are not fitted and containers may be subject to tilling, the lashing forces will have to be specially considered The flexi'bility of container walls and lashings are assumed to be linear. Pre-stressing of lashings is not included in the consideration. Containers subjected to horizontal acceleration forces are assumed homogeneously loaded with gravity centre in the centre point of the container (However a CoG of 45% may be utilised). 7.1.3 The horiwntal spring stiffness of simple lashing devices supporting the container stack at level i may be expressed as: or 7. Formula based analysis, Derived formu~ lae 7.1 General E1 = modulus of elasticity of lashing in kN/mm2. 7.1.1 For ordinary lashing units with one turnbuckle or locking tensioner nominal E 1 values may be: The following describes elementary formulae for the analysis of stacks of containers when subjected to horizontal forces. In Chain la~hing: 100 kN/mm2 Wire lashjng: 75 kN/mm2 DET NORSKE VEJUTAS 14 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August 2003 Rod lashing: See Table 5-1 At = cross sectional area of lashing in mm2, to be taken as: by : Wire lashing: Nominal area (a=lf (a - 0. 5)Pha - iPri )1i Chain lashing: Area of one side of link s1 hl t1 = Rod lashing: Actual area of rod length in mm, see figure 7-1 length in mm, see Figure 7-1 length in nun, see Figure 7-1 Psh= - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~-: 'J-lor wire lashing EzAt may be substituted by a stiffness constant C. Unless otherwise specified C may be taken as: C = 8000 kN for 12.5 mm diameter sceel wire rope = 15000 kN for 16 mm diameter steel wire rope = 2 1000 kN for 19 mm diameter steel wire rope = 28000 kN for 22 mm diameter steel wire rope = 38000 kN for 25.4 mm diameter steel wii'e rope. - For intennc<liate diameters C may be de tcm1ined by linear interpo Iation. \ ' \ I I ' i=3 ., " - ' I I f I I I I I ' ' I I I I I f I I f ' 't I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I ' I I - I I I I , ,, ' ,' '' .,'' ,,,, • I I f I I I I .. h1 I I ' ' ' '' I - For lashing dcvicelJ consisting of different elements the spring stiffness may have to be determined experimentally. ; I kN b.1, ~ "" '1. ~ I Figure 7-2 Single rigid horizontal support I I I 7 .3 Container stack with two rigid horizontal supports Figure 7-1 Stiffness of simple lashing 7.2 Container stack with single rigid support 7.2.1 The arrangement is shown in F igure 7-2. 7.3.1 The ammgemen t is shown in Figure 7-3. The c learances at the lower and higher supports, Oic and ~c respectively arc assumed to be known. The unsupportea dis placement'>, Oio and 8jo may be calculated in accordance wit11 the formulae i n 6.3.2. The clearance at the rigid support, oic• is assumed to be known. The unsupported displacement, Sio• may he calculated with the formula 6.3.2. 7.3.2 7.2.2 T he horizontal support force derived from the general formulae in 6.4.3 is given by: At level i: The horiwntal support forces derived from the general formulae in 6.4.3 arc g iven by: kN kN At levelj: Not valid for Oic > Oio· kN 7.2.3 The vertical .s upport force due to the hori7.ontal forces is given DET N ORS KE VERITAS 15 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August 2003 Jf any of the support forces becomes negative, this support will not he engaged. The calculation has to be repeated with the remaining support only, accorcling to 7.2. At levelj : 7.3.3 The vertical support force is given by: At level k: [ L(a -0.S)Pha -(iPri + jP )lhJ rj Psh -_ kN a=I hs If any of the support forces becomes negative, this support will nol be engaged. The calculation has lo be repeated with the remaining support~, according to 7.3. 7.4.3 The vertical support forces are given by: - - 7.5 Container stack with single flexible support 81 - 7.5.1 The arrangement is shown in Figure 7-4. The horizontal spring stiffness of the lashing, Ki, may be calculated in accordance with the formu la in 7 .1.3. The unsupported displacement, Oio• may be calculated in accordance with the formula in 6.3.2. 7.5.2 I I ' I I ' f I I I I I ' The horizontal support force derived from the general formulae in 6.3.5 is given by: I I I I I I I I I I 1/ ,,,, ~ 7.5.3 The vertical support forces may be calculated as given in 7 .2.3. Figure7-3 Two rigid horizontal supports - 7 .4 Container stack with three rigid horizontal supports I I - - 6.3.2. 7.4.2 The horizontal support forces derived from the general formulae in 6.4.3 are given by: AL level i: I I I I I I I aij : I K· kN Figure 7-4 Single flexible horizontal support DET NORSKE VERJT AS '' .. - 7.4.1 T he clearances at the three supports, Sic• O·c and dkc are assumed to be known. The unsupported displacements, Bio• Ojo and Oko may be calculated in accordance with the formulae m ' ' '' ' t' I . '. ' I I I I I I I I ' ' I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I JI I I I ,, I " II ' I I 16 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August 2003 7.6 Container stack with one rigid and one flexible support 7.6.1 The arrangement is shown in Figure 7-5. The hoti:tontal spring stiffness of the lashing, Ki• may be cal culated in accordance with the formula in 7.1.3. The clearance at the rigid supp01t, oic, is assumed to be known. The unsupported displacements, 010 and ~\o may be calculated in accordance with i.he fuuu uh1~ i 11 Ci.3.2. The horizontal spring stiffness of the lashing, Ki and Xj may be calculated in accordance with the formula in 7.1.3. The unsupported displacements, oio and 8;0 may be calculated in accordance with the formulae in 6.3.2. · 7.7.2 The horizontal support forces derived from the general formulae in 6.3.5 are given by: At level i: 7.6.2 The horiwntal support forces derived from the general formulae in 6.3.5 and 6.4.3 are given by: At level i: kN At level j: At level j: kN kN 7.7.3 The vertical support force s may be calculated a:-; given in 7.3.3. 7.6.3 Ojo The vertical support forces may be calculated as given in 7.3.3. JH fy: 'I rJ ' I I - I I I ' I I I I B~ -- - -- - ' '' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I '. 'I I : P,; :---I' II I I I I I o;' ..'''' ''' I I .'' ..''' '' .' . I I ' I I 1-------1 : I I oI ,' I I ,' " I I' '. ,, "" .. I I Figure 7-6 I I Two flexible horizontal supports H 7.8 Container stack with one rigid and two flexible horizontal supports Figure 7-5 One rigid and one flexible support 7.8.1 7.7 Container stack with two flexible horizontal supports 7.7.1 The arrangement is shown in Figure 7-6. I -- ' I I K· I - '' ' I I I I I I I - ~-- - -- -- I The anangement is shown in Figure 7-7. The horizontal spring stiffness of the lashing, Ki and K; may be calculated in accordance with the formula in 7.1.3. · The clearance at the rigid support, okc• is assumed to be known. The unsupported displacements, 9, Ojo and oko may be calculated in accordance with the formu lae in 6.3.2. oi DET NORS KE VERIT AS Classitication Notes - No. 32.2 17 August 2003 7.8.2 T he horizontal support forces derived from the general formulae in 6.3.5 and 6.4.3 arc given by: At level i: C · = Kc+ j J K. J kN At level j : 7.9.3 The vertical support forces due to horizontal loads and forces may be calculated as given in 7 .4.3. At level k: Skc - C·= Kc+i t K; Kc . C · = - +1 J K· J 7.8.3 T he vertical support forces due to the horizontal loads and forces may be calculated as given in 7.4.3. 7.9 Container stack with three flexible horizontal supports ~ ~ .- ~ . '. \ P rk : . \ \ \ I I I I I ' I I I I I o·J 7.9.1 T he horizontal spring stiffness of the lashing, Ki, Ki and Kk may be calculated in accordance with the. formula in ·1. l. 3. Figure 7-7 Container stack with one rigid and two flexible supports The unsupported displacement<:, Sio• oj o and Oto may be calculated in accordance with the fonnulae in 6.3.2. 8. Special container arrangements 7.9.2 The horizontal support forces derived fro m the general formulae in 6.3.5 are given by: At level i: 8.1 General 8.1.l In this chapter some special cases of container arrangement are presented with applicable analysis methods. The calculation methods described in the previous chapters are not necessarily applicable for these a.trangemcnts. 8.2 Mixed stowage (20' container in 40' cellguide) 8.2.1 At levelj: 20' containers may be carried in cell guides designed for 40' containers provided that: Cones fixed lo the tank top or similar arrangements are fitted at mid hold to restrict sliding of the bottom of the 20' :stacks. At le vel k: p rk 2 2 r, _cJ.) = K ok0 'c.c ~ I J. -; )+o.JO~'· - jc.)+io· I 10 v c 2 2( ) C;CjCk - j C; +i 2j-Cj-Ck kN The 20' containers to be topped by at least one tier of 40' containers (full or empty) in order to achieve maximum stack loads. Securing devices (e.g. stacking cones) are to be provided between each tier of the 20' containers and be.tween the top 20' container and the 40' container. DET N ORSKE VERITAS Classification Notes - No. 32.2 18 August2003 The loads on the securing devices between the containers and the container boxes themselves are nol lo exceed the safe working load of the securing devices or the container strength limit. The 20' conlaincrs are to have steel walls and top, i.e. open frame containers are not allowed. 8.2.2 The container weight of the 20' stacks is delcrmined by the Ht~kiHg force li111il of the lowest container. The rransversc dynamic forces on each tier may be distributed with 35% to the midhold end and 65% to the cell guide end. The racking force of the lowest 20' container is dctennined by summing the transverse forces of the 20' container ends above the lowest container with one half of the transverse force of the lowest container. 8.2.3 JJ the 20' stacks are nol topped by a 40', the transverse force distribution is LO be taken as 45% to lhc midhold end and 55% to the cell guide end. Stacks with more than 7 tiers without 40' on lop will be specially eonsidered. 8.2.4 The deformation of the container stack should also be analysed, taking into account the clearances between the stacking cones and the corner castings, to verify that the different stacks will not come inlo contact. The analysis should be performed in longitudinal and transverse dir<.-'Ction and a combination of bolh. 8.3 40' container in 45' cellguides 8.4 Effectiveness of lashings attached to lashing bridge 8.4.1 When lashing is attached to a lashing b1idge the relative movement of lhc hutch cover and the ship structure will give rise to increased loads in the lashing. To account for this phenomenon in the calculations the MSL of the lashing is in general to be reduced according to Table 8-1. Table 8-1 Red uction of MSL 20' container stack 1) T.ength Shon umg I.ashing 3) lashing 2) 10% 0% L< 270 m 270 < L <315 15% 0% L> 315 20% 0% 40' container stack Leng Short lashing 2) lashing J) 15% 0% 0% 20% 25% 0% 2) Assuming a lashing gap al mid hold otherw ise values as 40' should be utilised Lashing from la~hing hridge to rirst tier above 3) Lashing from lashing bridge to second tier ~bove I) 8.4.2 For specialised arrangemenls with extreme lashing angles or unusually long distance between lashing bridge and container is to be specially considered. 8.5 Vertical lashings - Wind lashing 8.5.1 Wind lashings eannot in general be included in the analysis but must be considered as a separate item. 8.5.2 8.3.l 40' containers may he carried in cell guides designed for 45' containers provided that: Cones fixed to the tank lop or similar arrangements are fitted at mid hold lo resttict sliding of the bottom of the 40' stacks. Securing devices (e.g. slacking cones) are to be provided between each tier of the 40' containers. Maximum stack height is 7 tiers. The loads on the securing devices b etween the containers and the container boxes themsel vcs are not to exceed lhc safe working load of the securing devices or the container strength limil. The containers arc lo have steel walls and top, i.e. open frame containers are not allowed. 8.3.2 The container weighl of the 40' stacks is determined by the racking force limit of the lowesl container. The transverse dynamic forces on each lier may be distributed with 50% to the mid hold end and 50% to the cell guide end. The racking force of Lhc lowest 40' conlaincr is determined by smnming the tram;verse forces of the 40' container ends above lhc container with one half of the transverse force of the lowest comainer. 8.3.3 The deformation of the container stack should also be analysed, taking into account the clearances between the stacking cones and the comer castings. to veti ry that the different stacks will not come into contact The analysis should he performed in longitudinal and transverse direction and a combination of both. Due to the clearances in the twistlocks lhe wind lashing will carry the whole load until the deformations of the stack have closed these clearances. 8.5.3 For wind lashings fitted with special lurnhuckles, in order to have the same "clearance" of the lai:;hing as the lwistloeks, the vertical tensile force may be assumed divided between the conlaincr corner post and the lashing. 1/3 in the lashing and 2/3 in the corner post. !-<or lashings without such a device the w hole force is assumed taken by the lashing. 8.6 Block stowage in hold without cellguides 8.6.1 Care must be taken so that. the verlicul and sideways support points of lhc containers is aligned with the. fo r this purpose, reinforced areas of the ship structure. 8.6.2 The eftects of slowing mixed container heights in the holds must be specially considered taking into account the support points in the transverse bulkhead und i:;ide structure. 8.6.3 The effects of hull deflections due to sea loading are to be taken inlo account when calculating transverse shoring forces. This is especially important for vessels with long holds and where the ship side deflections are large. If lhc hull deflections are unknown a conservative assumption should be made. 8.6.4 C..1earances in securing equipment between the secuJing equipment and the supporting structure must be specified. DET NO"RSKE YERlTAS 19 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August2003 8.6.5 Container blocks in holds without transverse connections, only compression pads (i.e. OSHA adaption) should be specially considered since this equipment does not give any vertical shear restraint and hence the horizontal support forces will be increased. 8.7 Platform based containers with reduced stiffness 8.7.1 Platform based containers generally have reduced racking stiffness and longitudinal strength that must be taken into account in the analysis. 8.8 Containers placed on 2 hatches or on hatches and side pillars 8.8.1 ff containers are placed on 2 hatches or on hatches and side pil1ars the relative deformations must be accounted for in arrangement, by fitting overlong ISO sockets, or by including this deformation in the lashing calculations DET NORSKE VERITAS 20 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August 2003 Appendix A Approval of Lashing computers/software A.1 Introduction This is gu idancc to those who are involved in approval and cerLification of Lashing computers for a specific ship. T.e. the software manufacturer who wishes LO have his software approved fnr :t c:peci fie- VPC:<:P] hardware may be waived, but both nominated computers are subject to cenification. ln addition, computers that are to be a part of a ship's network should be approved in accordance with other relevant requirements posed by the Society. T he lashing computer is to be capable of producing printouts of the results numerically. These numeric values are to be presented both as absolute values and as a percentage of the allowable values. All screen and hardcopy output data arc to he presented in a clear and;; iii.anncr w·ith idci·.tificativti of tlic vc, .. Guidance is also given for those manufacture.<; that wishes to have their software type approved. sion number of the calculation program. A.2 Definitions In case two nominated computers are used, these are both to he equipped with separate screen and printer. Lashing computer system A lashing computer system is a computer-based system for calculation and control of container securing arrangements for compliance with the applicable strength requirements. The lashing computer system consists of software (calculation program) and hardware (the computer on which it runs). A.4 General hardware requirements A.5 General software requirements Lt. is recommended that the design and production of the calculation program is in accordance with appropriate quality standards. Approval and certification for a specific v~ssel The software is to present the relevant parameters of each con tainer arrangement. The following is to be presented: Approval of software means that ONV approves the software for a specific installation onboard a specific vessel. The approval is based on a review and acceptance of design, calculation method, verification of slorcd data and test calculation for the specific vessel. 2) GM-value Approval of the software is to be carried out for each specific vessel where the software is to be installed. Approval of the software results in approved rest conditions. If the software is type-approved, the review and acceptance of design is not necessary for each specific vessel. Only verification of user's manual, stored data and test calculations for the specific vessel will then be carried out. Certification (installation testing) is carried out to ensure that the lashing computer system works properly onboard the specific vessel, and to ensure tl1al Lhc correct approved version of the software has been installed. Certification is to be carried out for each vessel where a lashing computer system has been installed. Type upproval 1) Draught 3) Each container weight 4) Position of each container stack 5) Lashing arrangement 6) forward visibility 7) Accelerations of each contitincr 8) Strength limi tation: Listing of obtained values compared with the limit values according to Ch.4 (internal forces in containers, forces in securing equipment and forces in supports). 9) A clear warning is to be given if any of the strength limitations are not complied will1. 10) The data is to be presented as screen and hard copy output to lhe user in a clear and unambiguou~ manner. The software is to r~jecl input errors by the user. For instance negative weight input on containers or containers positioned outside the ship is not to be accepted. Type approvaJ means that DNV has approved the design methods and specifications of the software in general. The type approval is given based on a review and acceptance of design, calculation methods and documented test results for at lea~t two test vessels. Type approval certificate is issued. The software and the stored characteristic data are to be protected against erroneous use. The software should be written to ensme that these can not be altered by the user. ln the type approval certificate it will he stated what kind of calculations the type approval covers. The software is to be user-friendly, with a graphic presentation of the container arrangement. In connection with approval for a specific vessel with type ap- Any changes made to the software are to be made hy the manufacturer or appointed representative. The Society is to be informed immediately of any changes. Failure to advise of any modifications to the software wilJ invalidate the certificates issued. In such cases the modified software is lo be re-assessed in accordance with the approval and certification procedure. proved !>Oftware, less documentation will be required, anti Jess fee will be charged. A.3 General requirements The approval and certification process includes the following procedures for each ship. 1) Appmval of software which results in approved Test Conditions 2) Approval of computer hardware, where necessary 3) Certification of the installed lashing computer system which results in a lashing computer certificate. The approved test conditions arc to be kept onboard together with the User's manual and the lashing computer Certificate. The approved software is either installed on a type-approved hardware, or it is to he installed on two nominated computers. If two nominated computers are available, approval of the A.6 Documentation to submit for approval A .6.1 Hardware documentation Requirements in Rules for C lassification of Ships Pt.4 Ch.9 are to be complied with. If the hardware is to be type approved, documentation according to Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.4 Ch.9 Sec. l is to be submitted. A.6.2 Software documentation Approval of the test conditions is mainly based on comparing the input and the results of the software calculations with values calculated by DNV. The difference is not lo be greater than DET NORSKR VERITAS 21 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August 2003 5% calculated according to the following: ((Value calculated by software)- (Value calculated by DNV)) I (Allowable)~ ±5% The documentation must be prepared in a language understood by the users. If this language is not English, a translation into English is to be included. All submitted documentation is to be identified with the following: Name of vessel, name of yard, the yard building number and the DNV identification numher of the ship for which the program applies 2) Program name, version number and version date 3) Program manufacturer and address 4) List of contents. I) For each specific ship the following documentation is to be submitted: I) User's manual 2) Program description (not required for type approved software) 3) Test conditions 4) Stored characteristic data. The user's manual is to contain: I) A general description of the program denoting identification of the program and it's version number stated 2) Where applicable, a copy of the type approval certificate 3) Hardware specification needed to run the program 4) Listing of etTor messages and warnings with instructions for actions to be taken by the user in each case 5) Listings of allowable strength limits with respect to the container, lashing equipment and ship. 6) Exumple of calculation procedure supported by illustrations and sample computer output 7) Example of computer output of each screen display with explanatory text. 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Deck stowage with twistlocks only Case wilh exceeding stack weight Case with exceeding lashing force Case with exceeding lifting force An example with outboard stack is missing. The stored characteristic data is to include the following: 1) Main dimensions of the ship 2) The position of each bay from the aft perpendicular 3) Strength limitations (for containers, lashing C£1uipment and the ship) 4) General loading limitations. A.7 Certification Certification is carried out to ensure that the lashing computer system works properly onboard and to ensure that the correct approved version of lhe software ha:;; been installed. The approved test conditions are to be tested on the lashing computer system in presence of a surveyor from the Society, before the la~hing computer certificate is issued. During Lhe test, the securing arrangements calcuJated on the installed lashing computer system arc Lo be verified to be identical to the approved test conditions. If numerical output from the lashing computer system is at variance with the approved test conditions, a certificate can not be issued. During the tests, at least one of the test conditions is to be built up from scratch, to ensure that the calculating methods function properly. Where the hardware is nm type approved, the test is to be carried out on both the first and the second nominated computers prior to the issuance of the lashing computer cenificate. The two nominated computers are both to he identified on the certificate. After completion of satisfactory tests, the lashing computer certificate is to be issued . The following is to be listed in the lashing computer certificate: Program description is not required for type approved software. In some cases where the functionality and principles are not clear the entire program may need to be submitted for evaluation at the discretion of the Society. The test conditions are to be as follows: 1) Name of vessel, name of yard, yard number and year of built for the vessel. 2) Software name, software version. 3) Software manufacturer name and address. 4) If lhe software is type approved; type approval certificate number. 5) Hardware name, serial number and manufacturer. 6) Name and serial number of the second nominated computer or type approval certificate number. 7) J.dentifa:ation of the approved test conditions used for the certification. l) Typical stowage in hold 2) Mixed stowage, if applicable 3) Typical stowage on deck The lashing computer certificate and the approved test conditions are to be kept onboard attached to the user's manual. The certification is to be carried out onboard. The program description is to contain the following: Description of functionality, including flow chart-; 2) Descriptions of calculation methods and principles. 1) DET NORSKE VERITJ\S 22 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August 2003 Appendix B Calculated examples properties is given below. In this appendix the following calculated example~ are given using both tl1e direct analysis method and the formula based method: Table B-1 Container clement.; Top and hotrom Section characteristic beam Ay I x 10 10 11Jm2 A, I x 1010 mm2 8.2.'I Four tier stack with two analysis method) cro~~ I x 1olO nun2 Ix 10IO nun4 1 x I otu rrun 4 1 x io10 mm 4 Ix HP mm3 Ix HP mm3 Ix 107 mm3 A, B.1.1/B.1.2 Three tier stack with single lashing, no windload I. lrtshinr;. winrllmrl (rlirec1 Iv I, B.2.2 Four tier stack with two cross lashing, no windload (formula based method). W,, B.1 Three tier stack with single lashing w7 w. e" () B.1.1 Direct calculation method c, () Three-tier high 40' standard ISO container stack with single cross lushing to top of tier I, see Figure B-1. (Note that wind loads are not included in the example and that a CoG of 50% have been utilised) f., f, I I Ix: A~.: Wy: ly: ·. A Wz: Height of twist lock 25m m Side beam, door less end 1 x. 1010 rrun2 1 x 10LO uun2 160 nun2 1x10LO mm4 1 x.1010 mm 4 1x1010 mm4 l x 107 mm3 l x 107 nun3 l x 107 mm3 1 I 0 0 1 1 Profile properties: Ax: W x: t Side beam, duorend 1 x 10 10 mm2 1 x IOIO mm2 62mm 2 Ix 10 10 mm4 I x 10 10 mm4 1 x 10 10 mm4 l xl07 mm3 1x107 rnm3 1x107 mm'.l 0 0 lz: ey: ez: f_y: fz: Axial area (total profile area) Torsion section modulus Torsional moment of inertia Shear area in local z-direction Section modulus about local y-axis Moment of inertia about local y-axis Shear area in local y-direction Section modulus about local 7.-axis Moment of inertia about local z-axis Shear centre distance from vertical neutral axis Shear centre distance from horizontal neutral axis Shear faclor in local y-direction Shear factor in local z-dircction The twistlocks are modelled with element properties according to Table B-2 and filled with hinges in the top end. Table B-2 Twistlock elements Section characteristic Ax Av A,, Figure H-1 Ix Iv Iz f'..eneral data: Wx W.,, Container weights: Twistlocks: Lashing rods: 30 t (all ti.ers) SWL 250 kN (between each tier) Steel, diameter 25 mm S\VL250 kN Transverse accelerations: Tier 1: 6.67 m/s2 Tier 2: 6.67 m/s2 Tier 3: 6.67 m/s2 Vertical acceleration: Tier 1-3 7 .60 m/s2 Rollangle, 27° <I> w7. ev e"' fv f,._ Twistlocks 40000 nuu2 I x 1010 mm2 }J(JOL0mm2 1 x JOL0mm 4 1 x JOlOmrn 4 1x1010 mm 4 1x 101 mm3 l x 107 mm3 1x107 mm3 0 0 l l Lashings: Lashings are modelled a.~ a pipe section with diameter of 25 mm and a wall thickne.~s of 12.4 mm. The mate1ial for the rod is defined according to the following: = .J259l2 + 243S2 =3558 mm E =0.04 (l -1000) =40 (3558 -1000) = 102320 N/mm2 2 l Geometry: The containers are modelled with clements according to Table B-1 Lo get the correct racking stiffness. Definition of section = 102.3 kN/mm v=0.3 For simplicity rf:asons the twistlocks and lashing rods arc attached to the extreme corners or the container. The lashing rods must be given truss properties, alternatively beam proper- DET NORSKE VRRITAS 23 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August2003 tics with hinged coIU1ection to the corner casting in order to avoid bending moments in the lashing rod. The lashing rods arc tension members only. Therefore, only the lashing subjected to tension loads should be modelled, see Figure B-2. fcg = 0.5 since CoG is set at 50';ifJ Tier 1-3 Bottom nodes Top nodes PT,node = 25.0 kN PT,node =25.0 kN Vertical force per bottom corner node M · g ·cos¢ Pv,node - = (2 . 2) Tier I- 3 Bottom nodes FigureB-2 Results: The maximum resultant forces are presented in Table B-3. Acceptance criteria according to Ch. 4.2 and as given in this example have been used. Load1>: The transverse force is divided between the two sides of the container (50% each) and between the four corners of each side in relation to the centre of gravity. LC4 is not calculated in the beam analysis since it is a relatively simple check of the racking force in the containers this is easy checked by using a simplified analysis. LCt Transverse force per corner node f\v P... •1,node=( 2 · 4 )+ M ·at · .l~g (2 . 2 ) fcg = 0.5 since CoG is set at 50% Tier 1-3 =25.0 kN PT,node =25.0 kN Bottom nodes Top nodes PT,node Vertical force per bottom corner node R Pv.node == 65.6 kN _M·g V,node - ( . ) 2 2 Tier 1- 3 Bottom nodes Pv,node =73.6 kN LC2 Vertical force per bottom corner node Tier I- 3 Pv.nodc Bottom nodes =130.6 kN LC3 Transverse force per corner node l\v flr',node=(2·4)+ Force Notes 151.1 549.4 Doorless end Doorle:;s end Pass OK OK 82.6 181.8 Doorless end OK 157.4 Door end Not OK 1,3 168.9 Vertical I Horizontal shoring forces on comers Lower, tension Lower compression Upper, tension 1,3 75.5 Upper 1 compression Door end OK Not relevant Not relevant OK OK Not relevant Door end OK OK Tension in twistlock Shear in twistlock Tension in lashing rods Vertical support force at bottom of stack - - I 3 181.8 Doorlcss end OK 2 1,3 1,3 103.3 230.9 Door end Door end OK OK l 705.4 Into ship structure I B.1.2 Formula based method Three-tier high 40' standard TSO container stack with single cross lashing to top of tier l, see J-ligure B-3. (Note that wind loads are not included in the example). + g) (2 . z) M(av Pv,node = T.ible B-3 Tier LC liem Racking force I I I I Corner post compression Vertical tension in I 3 top corner Vertical tension in l 3 bottom comer Lashing load.s in comer casting 1,3 I Horizontal M ·a1. fr:g (2·2) General data: Container weights: Twistlocks: Lashing rods: 30 t (all tiers) SWL 250 kN (between each tier) Steel, diameter 25 nun SWL 250 kN Transvcl'se accelerations: 6.67 mfs2 Tier 1: Tier 2: 6.67 m/s2 DET NORSKE VERITAS 24 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August 2003 Ye1tical support force (see 7.2.3): 6.67 m/s 2 Ticr3: Psh Vertical acceleration: Tier 1-3 7.60m/s2 Rollangle. qi 27° -- (4.5·100- l ·99.7)· 2591 2258 402.0 kN Lashing force: p. = 99. 7 ..f~25_9_12_+_24 _3_8_ i 11 145.5kN (< 250) 2438 \/,..._.,!,.,..1 ........ _ _ ......... ,..,_ ..... CI ...... \...!--.&'..... - ........ v ""' "'"''.u \.-V1uvv.uvu" v1 .Lv1vc. 2591 pl =99.7-=106.0kN (<300) s 2438 n=3 Combined vertical support forces (see 6.2.10): Compression side Psc = 0.25 · 3 · 30· (9.81+7.60)= 391.7 kN f'sc =0.25· 3· 30·9.81+402.0+106.0=728.7kN i=I => Psc =728.7 kN (into ship structure) Tension Side (Psi= 0)) P.~, =0.25. 3. 30· 9.81·cos27° -402.0 ==- 205.3 kN (< 250) Twistlock with SWL= 250 kN. Compressive force in lowermost container (see 6.2. l l ): Pc =0.25· 2·30· (9.81+7.60)= 261.2kN Figure B-3 ~· =0.25 ·2 ·30· 9.81+402.o- 100 · 25 ~ 1.+106.0=597.8 kN . Horizontal force per container end: = => Pc=597.8 kN (<864) = Ph 'h x 30 x 6.67 l 00 kN Lashing (See Ch. 7.1.3): Racking force in lowest container (see 6.2.12): = 491 mm2 = 2591 mm = 2438 mm A1 h1 s1 l1= E1 = ) s, =2· 100+0.5· 100-99.7 3558 mm 40 (3558 - 1000) = 102320 N/mm2 =102.3 kN/mm2 K . = 102.3 · 491·2438' ~(2591' + 2438') 2·2258 = 150.3 kN ( "'150) Calculation for door end walls End wall racking stiffness (see 6.2.2): Kc= 3.85 kN/mm Free displacement at level i (see 6.3.2): 1 =6.63 kN/mm 0.0 =-(0.5·100+ JOO+ 100)=64.9 mm 3.85 I Horizontal support force of lashing (see 7.5.2): Calculation for doorless end walls End wall racking stiffness (see 6.2.2): Kc= 10 kN/mm Free displacement at level i (see 6.3.2): o.0 = 101 (0.5·100+100+100)= 25.0 mm I Horizontal support force of lashing (see 7.5.2) : P. = l0· 2:5.0 =997kN(<l50) /'I ~ 10 ...• -+I 6.63 P,; = (J 8 64 :; ·) --+1 6.63 158.lkN (> 150, Notok!) Ve1tical support force (see 7.2.3): p = (4.5·100-1·158.l)· 2591= _ kN 334 9 sh 2258 Lashing force: P.. ,, =15 8.1 .J259 I2 + 2438 2438 2 230.7k:N (< 250) Vertical component of lashing force: 2591 Pl =158.1-=168.0kN(<300) s DET NORSKE VERITAS 2438 25 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August2003 Combined vertical support forces (see 6.2.10): Compression side P,.c = 0.25· 3 · 30 · (9.81+7.60) =391 .7 kN f' =0.25 ·3 · 30·9.8 1+ 334.9+ I68.0=723.6kN => Psc =723.6 k.N (into ship structure) Tension Side (Psl = 0) P~.1 = 0.25 · 3 · 30· 9.81·cos27°-334.9=-138.2 kN (< 250) Twistlock with SWL = 250 kN. Compressive force in lowermost container (see 6.2.11): Pc= 0.25 · 2 · 30· (9.81+7.60) =261.2kN Pc =0.25·2·30 ·9.81+334.9- 100 . 2591 . S - +168.0= 596.9kN 2 243 => Pc = 596.9 kN (<864) FigureB-4 Racking force in lowest container (see 6.2.12): Sr = 2·100+ 0.5 · I00-158.1=91.9kN(< 150) Geometry: The containers are modelled with elements according to Table B-4 to get the correct racking stiffness. Definition of section properties is given below. Tipping moment I Pull out force for tier 2. Vertical support forces: = (2·100_-l-0)·2591 =229.5 k.N p sh 2258 Tuble B·4 Container elements Section Compression side Psc =0.25· 2· 30· 9.81 +229.5=376.7kN Side beam, door end J x !Ol0mm2 l x 1010 mm2 Iy Ix 1010 mm2 1x1010 mm4 62mm2 1x1010 mm4 Ix 1010 mm4 1 x tOLO mm4 lxJ07mm3 l x 1010 mm2 160 mm2 l x 10 10 mm4 1x10 10 mm4 1x1010mm4 l x 107 mm3 1x107 mm3 l x 107 mm3 l x 107 mm3 1x107 mm3 0 0 0 0 1 1 Av Av Tension Side Pst Top and bottom beam 1x1010 mm2 Ix 1010 mm2 characteristic = 0.25 · 2 · 30· 9.81·cos27°- 229.5 =-98.4 kN (< 250) Az Iv 1 x JO!O mm4 B.2 Four tier stack with two cross lashings I, B.2.1 Direct calculation method Four-tier high 40' standard JSO container stack with two cross lashing, wind load included, see Figure B-4. Wx Wv Wz l x 1010 mm4 J x 107 rrun3 1 x 107 nun3 1 x 101 nun3 General data: Twist locks: Lashing rods: ez e~ SWL 250 kN (between each tier) Steel, diameter 25 mm SWL250kN Mass Tier 1: Tier 2: Tier 3: Tier4: 30 30 30 3 Transverse acceleration, at: 6.10 m/s2 6.25 m/s2 6.40 m/s2 6.55 m/s2 Vertical acceleration: Tier 1-3 4.20 mJs2 Rollangle, <1> Windload, Pw 25° 37kN fv fz 0 0 1 1 I 1 Side beam, door less end 1x1010 mm2 Profile properties: Axial area (total profile area) Tor.sion section modulus Torsional moment of inertia Shear area in local z-direction Section modulus about local y-axis Moment of inertia about local y-axis Shear area in local y-direction Section modulus about local z-axis Moment of inertia about local z-axis Shear centre distance from vertical neutral axis Shear centre distance from horizontal neutral axis Shear factor in local y-direction Shear factor in local z-direction The twistlocks are modelled with element properties according DET NORS KE VERITAS 26 Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August 2003 to Table B-5 and fitted with hinges in the top end. LCl Transverse for.ce per comer node M ·at · .1·cg p. •a.. w T ,node=(2 · 4 )+ (2 . 2) Table B-5 1\vMlock elements Section characteristic A, Av Twistlocks 40000mm2 w. Ix 1010 mm2 Ix l010 mm2 I x 1010 mm4 I x 1010 mm 4 Ix 10 10 mm4 Ix 107 mm3 l x 107 mm1 I x 107 rnm1 Cv () c, () A. Ix t. I, w. WY fv I f, 1 fcg Tier 1 Hottom nodes Top nodes ='.lY.~ kN PT,node =25.2 kN PT,no<le Tier 2 Bottom nodes Pr.node = 30.4 kN Top nodes Pr.node= 25.7 kN Lashings arc modelled as a pipe section with diameter of 25 nun and a wall thickness of 12.4 mm. The material for the rod is defined according to the following: For lashing to first tier E 1 =0.04 (l - 1000) 40 (3558 - IOOO) = 102320 N/mm2 l 02.3 kN/mm2 = =0.55 for bottom and 0.45 for top nodes = v =0.3 Tier3 Bottom nodes Top nodes PT.node PT.node =31.0 kN =26.2 kN Tier4 Bottom nodes Top nodes PT,node =7.3 kN PT.node = 6.8 kN Vertical force per bottom corner node For lashing to second tier E2 =0.04 (l - 1000) = 40 (5727 - 1000) = 189080 N/mm2 = 189.1 kN/mm2 v =0.3 For simplicity reasons the twisllocks and lashing rods are attached to the extreme comers of the container. The lashing rods must be given truss properties, alternatively beam properties with hinged connection to the corner casting in order to bending moments. The Lasing rods arc tension members only. Therefore, only the lashing subjected to tension loads should he modelled, see Figure B-5. M·g = (2 . 2 ) Pv,node Tier 1- 3 Bottom nodes Pv,node =73.6 k.N Tier4 Bottom nodes Py ,node = 7.4 kN LC2 Vertical force per bottom corner node R _M(av +g) ( . ) 2 2 V,node - Tier I- 3 Bottom nodes Pv,no<le = I 05. I kN Tier4 -Figure B-5 Bottom nodes 10.5 k.N Pv,node = LC3 Transverse force per corner node -- f\,v Pr,node =(z. 4 )+ fcg Loads: The transverse force is divided between the two sides of the container (50% each) and between the four corners of each side in relation to the centre of gravity. LC4 is not calculated in the beam analysis since it is a relatively simple check of the racking force in the containers this is easy checked by using a simplified analysis. M . ai . i~:x (2 · 2 ) =0.55 for bottom and 0.45 for top nodes Tier I Bottom nodes Top nodes Tier2 Bottom nodes Top nodes DET NORSKE VERITAS kN Pr.node= 25.2 kN PT.node= 29.8 PT.node = PT.node = 30.4 kN 25.7 k:N Classification Notes - No. 32.2 August2003 27 B.2.2 Formula based method Four-tier high 40' slandard ISO container stack with two cross lashing, no wind load included, see Figure B-6. Tier3 Bottom nodes Top nodes Ticr4 Bottom nodes Top nodes PT,no<le = 31.0 kN PT,no<le = 26.2 kN PT,no<le PT,nodc General data: Twistlocks: =7.3 kN =6.8 kN SWL 250 kN (between each tier) Steel. diameter 25 Lashing rods: mm SWL250k.N Vertical force per bottom corner node P. _ M · g · cos¢ V,node - Tier I- 3 Bottom nodes Tier 4 B ottom nodes Tier I: Tier2: Tier 3: Tier4: Pv,nodc = 66.7 kN Pv,nodc = 6.7 kN Results: The maximum resultant forces are presented in Table B-6. Acceptance criteria according to Ch. 4.2 and as given in this example have been used. TableB-6 [tern Tier LC Force Racking force 1 l 139.5 754.8 Corner post :1 l compression Vertical tension 1 3 89.3 in top comer Vertical ten8iOn I 174.8 3 in bottom corner Lashing loads in corner casting, tier I Horizontal I 1 120.9 Vertical 1 1 129.7 Lashing loads in comer casting. tier 2 Ho1izontal 2 1 113.4 Vertical 2 l 243.3 Horizontal shoring forces on corners Lower, tension Lower compression Upper, tension Upper 1 58.0 J compression - Tension in twistlock Shear in twistlock Tension in lashing rods, I Tension in lashing rods, 2 Vertical support force at bottom of stack Transverse acceleration, a1: 6.10 mfs2 6.25 m/s2 Mass (2 . 2 ) - - Notes Doorless end Door end OK OK Doorless end OK Doorless end OK Door end Door end OK OK Door end Door end OK OK Nol relevant Not relevant OK OK Not relevant Door end OK OK 30 30 30 3 6.40 m/s2 6.55 m/s2 Vertical acceleration: Tier 1-3 Pha 91.5 kN 93.8 kN 96.0 kN 9.8 kN 4.20 mJs2 25° Rollangle, <I> - n=4 j=2 i=I Figure B·6 1 3 174.8 Doorless end OK I I 101.4 Doorless end OK I 1,3 177.3 Door end OK 2 1,3 268.5 Door end Not l I 867.7 lnto ship structure Lashings (see 7 .1.2): =.J2591 l.l 2 + 24382 =3558 mm l . =~(2 · 2591 )2 + 2438 = 5727 mm 2 OK! J E; = 40 (3558 - 1000) =102320 N/mm2 == 102.3 kN/mm2 Ej = 40 (5727 - 1000) = 189080 N/mm2 = 189.1 kN/mm2 2 K. I ~(259l1+24382 Y K .= , 102.3·49 1·2438 = 6 .63 kN/mm 2 189.1·491 ·2438 ~((2. 2591)2 + 2438' DET N ORSKE VERlTAS r =2_94 kN/mm Classification Notes - No. 32.2 28 August 2003 Calculation for doorless end walls. End wall racking stiffness (see 6.2.2): Kc= 10 kN/mm Pree displacement at level i and j (see 6.3.2): 1 8.0 == - (0.5 · 91.5 + 93.8 + 96.0 + 9.8)== 24.5 mm Calculation for door end walls. End wall racking stiffness (sec 6.2.2): lO I Racking force in lowest container (see 6.2.12): Sr = 0.5 ·91.5 + 93.R + 96.0 + 9.8 - 73.8- 60.0= 11 l.6k.N (< 150) K =3.85 kN/mm Free displacement at level i andj, modify values from doorless end: l t5 ;n = -;--;:_ (0.5 · (91.5 + 93.8)+ 96.0 + 9.8 + 93.R + 96.0 + 9.8) = 39.8 mm " = 24.5 -IO ··= 63.6 mm 8,,., '" !\/ :3.X.:5 JO oJ.0 = 39.8 = 103.4 mm 3.85 Horizontal support force of lashing (see 7.7 .2): 10 1J1·39.8 -(+ 2)24.5] 2 94 P.= 73.8kN(< l50) · ri + 1)(_!Q__ + 2) 6.63 2.94 Horizontal support force of lashing: 1 1' -(-HI 3.Ss[l · pri 63 P,; = ( 1 ~· +1 6.63 x JO ) - - +2 -1 2 2.94 2.94 6.63 (0.5. 91.5+ l.5 ·93.8 "': 2.5 ·96.0 +3.5 . 9.8 -1 ·?3.8-2 ·60.0)· 2591 ='.306.0 kN 2258 2.94 Vertical support force: P = (0.5 .91.5 ~ 1.s-•n.R + 2.5·96.0+ 3.5 ·9.8-1·•n.4-2 ·91.l). 2590 = . kN 207 8 22511 di lL 1'J Lashing force: = 73 .8 ../2591 P . = 60.0 91.lkN {< 150) (3.8~ + i)(3.85 + 2 ) _ 11 r1 Lashing force: P. = 97.4 kN (< 150) 85 3.8J(36·63 +1}03.4-1 ·63.3] p. = 1 · 60.0kN(<ISO) Ve1tical support force (see 7.3.3): ,, "' 103.4- (~+ 2)63.6] ( & )( ) 1' - 3. 5 + l 3 .85 + 2 6.63 1{( ~+ 1}9.8-1·24.5] 1 = 2 2 +2438 2438 107.7 kN (< 250) P . = 107.7 1! ~(2 . 2591)2 + 24382 = 140.9kN (< 250) 2438 97 .4 =142.2 kN (< 250) 73.8 9 Pl. == 140.9 1.l =213.9kN (< 250) J 60.0 Vertical component of lashing foi:ce: Vertical component of lashing force: 2591 p ,. == 97.4- - == 103.5 kN ( < 300) 2591 P 1. =73.8 - - = 78.4k.N (<300) SI 2438 s 2438 ! 2·2591 P 1. = 91.1 - - · ""193.6kN(<300) 2 2591 p . =60.0 . = 127.SkN (<300) ~1,, 2438 2438 SJ Combined vertical support forces: Compression side Combined ve1iica1 support forces (see 6.2. 10): P~c Compression side P sc = 0.25 · (3 · 30 + 3) · (9.8 l + 4.20)= 325.7 .kN =0.25 · (3 · 30 +3)· (9.81+ 4.20) = 325.7 kN Psc = 0.25· (3· 30+3)·9.81+207.8 + 103.5+ 193.6:::733.0kN Psc = 0.25 · (3 · 30+ 3) ·9.81+306.0+78.4+127.5 = 740.0kN => Psc =733.0 kN (into ship structure) => Psc =740.0 k.N (into ship structure) = Tension Side (P 51 0) Ps1 = 0.25 · (3 · 30 +3)· 9.81·cos25°-306.0= - 99.3 kN (< 250) Twistlock with SWL =250 kN. Compressive force in lowermost container (see 6.2.11): Pc= 0.25 · (2· 30+ 3)· (9.81+4.20) = 220.7 kN Pc== 0.25 · (2 · 30 + 3) · 9.81+306.0 - 9 25 ?! 1.5 · + 78.4+127 .5::: 613.9 kN 2·225R Tension Side (Psr = 0) Pst =0.25 · (3 · 30+ 3)· 9.81 ·cos25° - 207. 8 = -1 . lk.N (< 250) Twistlock w1lh SWL =250 kN. Compressive force in lowermost container (see 6.2.11): P,: =0.25 · (2. 30+ 3)· (9.81+ 4.20) = 220.7kN 9 259 1 Pc =0.25·(2· 30+3)· 9.81+207.8- 1.5 +I03. 5+193.6 = 607.6kN 2· 2258 => Pc= 607 .6 kN (<864) => Pc = 613.9 kN (<864) DET NORSKE VERITAS Classification Notes - No. 32.2 29 August 2003 Racking force in lowest container (see 6.2.12): Sr = 0.5 ·91.5 +93.8 +96.0+9.8-97.4 - 91.1 = 56.9kN(<150) Racking and Tipping moment I Pull out force for tier 2. Doorless end: Compression side f'sc =0.25 ·63·9.81 +178.3=332.8k.N Tension Side Pst = 0.25 · 63 · 9.81·cos25° -178.3 = - 38.3 kN (< 250) Vertical support forces due to horizontal forces: 2591 p1 = (0.5·93.8+1.5·96.0+ 2.5·9.8 - 60.0)=178.3 kN si 2258 DET NORSKE VERITAS