Mnet - The SpaceStation 4
Mnet - The SpaceStation 4
email: web: is the online extension of MNET the well-known South African-based subscription television channel. The popular website, which offers a mix of general entertainment features aligned to South Africa’s favourite TV shows as well as entertainment industry news, chat forums, photo / video galleries and fan clubs, has become the go-to destination for more than a hundred thousand South African television lovers. Over 200,000 people have joined’s diverse socila networks where they interact, chat and comment about their favourite shows. Demographics Age Under 19 4% 20 - 29 17% 30 - 39 19% 40 - 49 23 % 50 - 59 21% 60 + 16% Gender Monthly Income Household Up to R5999 9% R6000 - R11999 10% R12000 - R19999 14% 41% Female 59% Size Name 300 x 600 pixels R450 Leaderboard 728 x 90 pixels R350 Medium Rectangle 300 x 250 pixels R380 15’, FLV format R400 Streaming Video (pre and post roll) Statistics R30000 - R49999 16% Monthly Unique Browsers R70000 + 9% CPM Half Page Ad R20000 - R29999 15% R50000 - R69999 7% Male Rates & Sizes SA Web Monthly Page Views Int. & SA Web Mobile Web 23 288 29 299 39 870 70 686 85 952 108 839