Newsletter – 19 - Parua Bay School


Newsletter – 19 - Parua Bay School
Parua Bay School
“Success Through Effort”
“Ma te mahi ka matau”
Newsletter – 19th February 2013
Term 1, Week 3
This year we will alternate between certificate assemblies and presentation assemblies.
Certificate Assemblies: Cool kid awards, four kinds awards and any other certificates
and awards will be issued.
Presentation Assemblies: Each class has an opportunity to do a presentation to the
school community.
This year, at Parua Bay School, we are having a major focus on handwriting. We believe
that all children at our school should be taught how to write fluently, legibly and
reasonably quickly. As these are important skills, your child will be shown correct pencil
grip, letter formation and when appropriate, how to flick and join letters.
Please see your child’s classroom teacher if you would like a copy of correct letter
formation or if you have any other aspect of handwriting you wish to discuss.
Paid Union Meeting
On Wednesday 20th March, all our teachers who are members of the NZEI will be
involved in a paid union meeting from 1 – 3pm. Although the school is officially open, we
will endeavor to have a skeletal staff to supervise those students who are unable to go
home at lunchtime. Thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter.
Meet the Teacher Evening
A huge thanks to the many parents who attended this event last week. It was a
wonderful opportunity for us to meet informally and get to know a little about the
teacher, and the class community.
Until next time,
Ka kite ano mauri ora
Jill Lees
Ice blocks for sale Thursday lunchtime $1 each!!
All proceeds go to restocking our Junior Readers.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday 19th February
Thursday 21st February
Friday 22nd February
Thursday 28th February
Friday 1st March
Monday 4th March
Sunday 7th April
BOT Meeting – 6pm
Swim For Life
Scholastic book orders due
Swimming Carnival – Year 4 – 8 swimming sports
Vision and Hearing testing, New Entrants only
Zone Swimming Champs – selected students
Wheelie Good Family Fun Day – Watch this space!
Relay For Life
As part of the Relay 4 Life this year Team 10 and Mrs Vette are organising some
fundraising events to contribute to this essential cancer research and promotion event.
Mrs Lees has agreed to remove ‘degrees’ of her hair, depending on the amount of
donations we get. Please donate any loose change to this cause and see if we can give
Mrs Lees a No 1!!! All donations appreciated, but a substantial amount will be needed to
get her completely bald!
ICAS Exams
These international exams are skills based assessments with a competitive element.
Students who are keen to participate in these exams can collect info from Mrs Vette.
Wheelie Good
Family Fun Day
Sunday 7th April
Watch this space!
Year 4 – 8
Swimming Carnival
Thursday 28th February
Parents & whanau welcome!
Hell’s Pizzas may be ordered to enjoy poolside for lunch!
Place your order on the tear-off form and return to school with payment
no later than Wednesday 27th February!
$1 from every pizza order goes to support our school!
I would like to order a $6 Hell’s Pizza for lunch to enjoy on Thursday 28th February!
Ham & Mozzarella
Ham, Pineapple and Mozzarella
Salami, Bacon, BBQ Sauce and Mozzarella
Tomato, Oregano, Salsa and Mozzarella
Chicken, Cranberry Sauce and Mozarella
Name: ______________________ Room: ________ Colour: _________________
Name: ______________________ Room: ________ Colour: _________________
Name: ______________________ Room: ________ Colour: _________________
Do you have what it takes?
Caves Buses is looking for a casual bus driver. Caves will provide full
training for the right applicant. Contact Athol on 4308889.
 Team 10 need some large sheets of card or cardboard to construct an
enlarged book for their geometry unit. Can you help? They need 10
sheets, approximately 1.2m².
 Milk bottle caps, all colours, to Room 3 please.
School Donation
Invoices for 2013 School Donations and Technology fees have been sent home today.
Enviro Club News
We seem to have 'misplaced' our hose for watering the sunflowers and other flowers,
on Monday of last week. The reel of hose which was partly donated and partly funded
by a staff member, mysteriously vanished between Monday morning and lunch-time of
the same day. We hope that someone has borrowed it and will return it soon as it is a
very hard job to carry buckets of water from the drinking taps. The enviro students
would really like it back please :)
Children's Day in Whangarei takes place this year on Sunday, 3 March, at The Pulse in
Raumanga. This a free, fun day out for children and their families and runs from 10am
to 1pm. Activities this year include NZ Police puppies, army UNIMOG truck, sausage
sizzle, win a bike, live stage performers, The Pulse swimming pool, giant slippery slide,
bike slalom, NZ fire service, Circus Kumarani and many, many more!!
Entrance is free and there will be a free bus service to and from The Pulse - see the
Whangarei Leader on Tuesday, 26 February for bus timetables. So come and join us on
Children's Day at The Pulse (off Raumanga Valley Rd) - bring a picnic lunch, hat, togs
and towel - see you there!
(CEC) Bible in Schools
Bible in Schools is due to start in March. This year it will be held on
Wednesdays from 2.15 – 2.45pm. For further information on this
programme, please see the attached flyer.
If you do not wish for your child to take advantage of this opportunity,
please complete the tear off slip below and return to your child’s teacher.
If your child is normally collected from school, or walks home, and does not attend
Bible in Schools they are required to leave school at 2.15pm.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do not wish for my child to take part in the Bible in Schools programme.
Child’s name ____________________________________ Room: _____________
Child’s name ____________________________________ Room: _____________
Thursday 6.30pm
Parua Bay Community Centre
No experience necessary!
Sports for Nippers programme (Under
5s) is starting again on Wednesday 20th
Feb from 2.00pm-2.40pm at the Parua
Bay Community Hall.
Stolen from Pataua South
A red, white and black adults bike
and boogie board were stolen from
Pataua South last night. If you know
anything about this please contact
anonymously to Parua Bay School.
Thank you!
Our trained speech and drama teachers
help students overcome speech problems
using engaging up to date activities.
Creativity and confidence games and
drama are part of every session. Ph Helen
433 0288
Wanting to sell your home?
Call Jude now for a free no-obligation appraisal
There are three basic components of
selling a home:
 Pricing
 Presentation
 Marketing
These three components all work
together and are like the legs on a
three-legged stool, if one leg is
broken, the stool won't stand.
Jude Copland
PH 021 74 74 11 or
0800 20 40 80
25 Rathbone Street, Whangarei