Penatalaksanan Penatalaksanan intensif pasien dengan Penyakit
Penatalaksanan Penatalaksanan intensif pasien dengan Penyakit
Penatalaksanan intensif pasien dengan Penyakit Tropik Berat di ICU Dr .Dadik .Dadik Wahyu Wijaya SpAn Departemen Anestesiologi & Reanimasi / Instalasi Pelayanan Intensif (ICU) FKFK-USU / RSUP H.Adam Malik - Medan 1 Indikasi Umum Pasien dirawat di ICU Berdasarkan Prioritas Berdasarkan Diagnosis Berdasarkan NilaiNilai-nilai Parameter Hasil Laboratorium 2 Penyakit Tropik Berat (yang sering di ICU : Tetanus Berat (Severe Tetanus) DHF Grade IIIIII-IV (DSS) Malaria Berat (Severe Malaria) 3 TETANUS BERAT 4 Derajat Keparahan (Severity Grading) Philips Dakar Udwadia Gambaran Klinis Ablett Blect 5 Philips Score Waktu Masuk Skor Masa Inkubasi > 14 hari > 10 hari 5 – 10 hari 2 – 5 hari < 48 jam Imunisasi Lengkap < 10 tahun > 10 tahun Ibu diimunisasi Tidak diimunisasi Luka Infeksi Tidak diketahui Distal/perifer Proksimal Kepala Badan Komplikasi Tidak ada Ringan Tidak membahayakan Mengancam Nyawa (tidak langsung) Mengancam nyawa 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4 8 10 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 4 8 10 Selama Perawatan Spasme Hanya trismus Kaku seluruh badan Kejang terbatas Kejang seluruh badan Optistotonus Frekuensi Spasme 6 x dalam 12 jam Dengan rangsangan Terkadang spontan Spontan < 3x per 15 menit Spontan > 3x per 15 menit Suhu 36.7 - 37 C 37.1 – 37.7 C 37.8 – 38.2 C 38.3 – 38.8 C > 38.8 C Pernafasan Sedikit berubah Apnea saat kejang Kadang apnea setelah kejang Selalu apnea setelah kejang Perlu trakeostomi Total Skor Derajat Keparahan <9 9 - 18 >18 Ringan Sedang Berat Skor 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 4 8 10 0 2 4 8 10 6 Ablett Classification of Severity Grade I (mild) Mild trismus, general spasticity, no respiratory compromise, no spasms, no dysphagia Grade 2 (moderate) Moderate trismus, rigidity, short spasms, mild dysphagia, moderate respiratory involvement, ventilatory frequency > 30 Grade 3 (severe) Severe trismus, generalized rigidity, prolonged spasms, severe dysphagia, apnoeic spells, pulse > 120, ventilatory frequency > 40 Grade 4 (very severe) Grade 3 with severe autonomic instability 7 Derajat Keparahan hendaknya tidak dipakai sebagai pedoman “Kaku Kaku”” untuk indikasi rawat ICU Indikasi Rawat ICU bilamana caracara-cara konvensional yang dilakukan di ruang perawatan tidak berhasil mengatasi kejang /spasme atau pasien mengalami gangguan pernafasan akibat kejang atau aspirasi,, atau telah terjadi gagal nafas aspirasi atau gangguan sistem lain yang memerlukan terapi supportif. supportif. 8 Clinical diagnosis of tetanus Secure Airway Tracheostomy Benzodiazepines2 Midazolam Diazepam Antitoxin2 HIG im/it Equine antitoxin im Manage autonomic dysfunction 2 Antibiotics2 Metronidazole 1 Magnesium Inotropes 2 Benzodiazepines Bupivacaine 2 Morphine 2 Clonidine Consider DVT Prophylaxis1 2 Control Muscle Spasms Benzodiazepines2 Dantrolene1 NDNMBA’s1 Baclofen2 Magnesium2 Full primary course of immunisation1 Flow diagram showing the management of tetanus. 1—limited evidence; 2—some evidence; 3—good evidence. 9 Therapeutic Management Immunization Wound debridement Antibiotics Control muscle spasm Control Autonomic Disturbance Other supportive therapy 10 MANAGEMENT 1. Neutralize toxin outside of CNS - Human Tetanus Immune Globulin HTIG)) 150 units/kg IM or 5,000HTIG 5,00010,000 units IV - ATS 500 UI/kgBB intramuscular. 11 MANAGEMENT 2. Prevent further toxin release - Early surgical debridement of wounds - Antibiotics : Metronidazole 500mg 8 hourly and Penicillin G 1 MU 66-8 hourly. Heavily contaminated wound may need additional antibiotics. 12 MANAGEMENT 3. Minimize the effects of toxin already exists in CNS - Control rigidity and spasm - Respiratory support as necessary - Control of autonomic dysfunction. 13 Drug used to control spasm and autonomic disturbance Benzodiazepine Morphine Muscle relaxant: vecuronium vecuronium,, rocuronium rocuronium,, pancuronium Magnesium sulfate Dantrolen Baclofen Bupivacain,, atropine, Bupivacain 14 Benzodiazepine Common used as anticonvulsant in tetanus. Has sedative effect Dose of Diazepam vary 100100-400 mg/24 h max until 2400mg/24 h Preservative used can cause acidosis in large dose No/little effect on autonomic disturbance 15 Magnesium Sulfate - Pre synaptic neuromuscular blocker - Blocks catecholamine release from nerve and adrenal medulla - Reduce receptor responsiveness to release catecholamines - It antagonizes calcium in myocardium and at the neuromuscular junction - Inhibits parathyroid hormone release anticonvulsant-vasodilator 16 Dose Adult : a loading dose of 5 gram over 20 minutes IV followed by 1g hourly increasing to 2.5 gram hourly when necessary. Titrate to symptoms Pediatrics : 100mg /kg/24 hours, can be increased when necessary. Titrate to symptoms Sometimes MgSO4 is inadequate to be used alone, combination with benzodiazepine is also mandatory 17 Monitoring of possible side effects - Patellar reflex Diminished at the level of Magnesium >4 mmol mmol/L /L - Respiratory depression because of muscle paralysis (>Mg 6 mmol/L) mmol/L) - Bradyarrhythmia Bradyarrhythmia,, hypotension - Urine output Low output causes drug accumulation - Blood Calcium level, blood Magnesium level should be checked regularly - Overdose may cause sedation and anesthesia. Day 4 Day 6 Magnesium can be a prospective alternative for treatment of tetanus, especially when there are mass casualties since it reduces the need for mechanical ventilation, however, meticulous ICU monitoring is needed with ready for use ventilator. Gempa Yogyakarta Others Drugs & Regiment Obat pelemas otot (muscle relaxant) intermittent bila diperlukan. diperlukan. Baclofen (beta – [4[4-chlorophenyl] gamma amino butyric acid) sebagai P-GABA receptor agonist, menghambat pelepasan asetilkolin presinaps diotak, diotak, diberikan intrathekal Propofol (1,6 (1,6--diisopropyl phenol) dapat dipakai sebagai sedasi, sedasi, dengan dosis tritrasi.. tritrasi 22 Others Drugs & Regiment Penghambat beta : Propanolol,Labetolol,, Esmolol Propanolol,Labetolol Agonist alfaalfa-2 : Clonidine Dexmedetomidine Opioid kombinasi dengan sedative : Morphine + midazolam atau diazepam Sodium valproate ACE Inhibitor 23 MANAGEMENT Terapi supportif lainnya Terapi fisik (fisioterapi) karena pasien imobilisasi cukup lama. Ventilasi mekanik Metabolik : Nutrisi enteral , ditambah parenteral bila perlu. Penggunaan inotropik dan atau vasopresor Antikoagulan 24 3 major complications cause death Ventilatory restriction leading to respiratory complication and sepsis Autonomic disturbance Stress ulcer/gastric bleeding 25 DHF GR IIIIII-IV (DSS) 26 DF DHF (Grades) I II III Febrile Phase (3-7 days) Afebrile Phase (Critical Stage) Convalescent Phase RECOVERY If Appropriate Treatment not provided, there is a high rist death IV Grading the Severity of Dengue Infection DF/DHF Grade* DF Symptoms Laboratory Fever with two or more of the following signs : headache, retro – orbital pain, myalgia, arthalgia Leukopenia, Occasionally, Thrombocytopenia, may be present, no evidence of plasma loss DHF I Above signs plus positive Tourniquet test Thrombocytopenia, < 100,000, Hct rise ≥ 20 % DHF II Above signs plus spontaneous bleeding Thrombocytopenia, < 100,000, Hct rise ≥ 20 % DHF III Above signs plus circulatory failure (weak pulse, hypotension, restlessness) Thrombocytopenia, < 100,000, Hct rise ≥ 20 % DHF IV Profound shock with undetectable blood presure and pulse Thrombocytopenia, < 100,000, Hct rise ≥ 20 % * DHF Grade III and IV are also called as Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) Clinical Manifestation DSS Increase of Vascular permeability : Haemoconcentration,, Hypoalbuminemi, Haemoconcentration Hypoalbuminemi, Hypoproteinemia,, Shock, Pleural Hypoproteinemia effusion Thrombopathy Hemorrhage Coagulopathy 29 PENATALAKSANAAN Afebrile phase Manifestations Duration two days after febrile stage In addition to the manifestations of DHF Grade II : – Circulatory failurse manifested by rapid and weak pulse, narrowing of pulse pressure (20 mmHg or less) or Hypotension with the presence of cold clammy skin and restlessness – Capillary relief time more than two seconds Profound shock with undetectable pulse and blood pressure. Management – Check haematocrits/platelet – Initiate IV Therapy (5% D/NSS) 10 ml/kg/h – Check Haematocrit , vital signs, urine output every hour. – If patient improves IV fluids should be reduced every hour from 10 to 6 and from 6 to 3 ml/kg/h which can be maintained up to 24 to 48 hours. – If patients has already received one hour treatment of 20 ml/kg/hr of IV fluids and vital signs are not stable check haematocrit again and – If haematocrit is increasing change IV fluid to colloidal solution preferably Dextran or plasma at 10 ml/kg/h every hr. – If haematocrit is increasing from initial value give fresh whole blood transfusion, 10 ml/kg/h and continue fluid therapy at 10 ml/kg/h and reducing it stepwise bring down the volume to 3 ml/kg/h and maintain it up to 24 – 48 hours. – Initial IV therapy (5% D/NSS) 20 ml/kg as a bolus one or two times – Oxygen therapy should be given to all patients. – In case of continued shock colloidal fluids (Dextran or Plasma) should be given at 10 – 20 ml/kg/hr. Afebrile phase Manifestation Profound shock with undetectable Pulse and blood pressure Con Phase Duration 2 – 3 days After recovery from critical/shock stage Manifestation - 6 – 12 hours after critical/shock stage some symptoms of respiratory distress (pleural effusion or arcites) - 2-3 days after critical stage , strong pulse, normal blood pressure. - Improved general condition/return of appetite. - Good urine output - Stable haematocrit - Pletelet count > 50.000 per mm3 - Patient could bedischarged from hospital 2 – 3 days after critical stage - Bradycardia/arrhytmia - Asthenia and depression (few weeks) in adult Management - If shock still persists and the haemotocrit level continues declining give fresh whole blood 10 ml/kg as a bolus - Vital signs should be monitored every 30 – 60 minutes - In case of severe bleeding gives fresh whole blood 20 ml/kg as a bolus - Give platelet rich plasma transfusion exceptionally when platelet counts are below 5.000 – 10.000 / mm3 - After blood transfusioncontinues fluid therapy at 10 ml/kg/h and reduce it stepwise to bring it down to 3 ml/kg/h and maintain in for 24 – 48 hrs Management - Rest for 1 – 2 days - Normal diet - No need for medication Fluid Therapy in DSS The policy of initial fluid therapy in DSS according to the Department of Health and WHO until 2003 : Crystalloid (Lactate Ringer), followed with colloid (Dextran (Dextran)) if not responded 32 Department of Health Indonesian Intensive Care Association Indonesian Anesthesiology Ass Indonesian Paed. Paed. Ass (2004) Review on the management of DHF Change the protocol Include colloid MMWMMW-6% HES as alternative as initial fluid resuscitation in DSS 33 Volume Replacement Therapy Crystalloids Colloids Lactated Ringer's Normal Saline Albumin PPL Gelatin solutions Dextran solutions HES solutions 34 Crystalloid (RL, RA, NaCL) NaCL) Distributed to the interstitial space Very short period in the intravascular space Need more fluid to maintain intravascular volume risk for interstitial edema / pulmonary edema 35 Colloid – HES: ( MW 100.000100.000-300.000 kD ): Sealing effect +, good intravascular volume effect, longer duration in the intravascular space, ↑ DO2, ↑VO2 – Dextran : LMW colloid (40.000(40.000-70.000 kD kD)) with good preservation volume effect, no sealing effect, effect, increase anaphylactic reaction 36 Hydroxyethyl Starch (HES) - Effective and safe plasma substitute - HES broad range of MW, from very small until several hundred thousand Dalton - Classification of HES (by in vitro) according to MW: - HIGH MOLECULAR WEIGHT (HMW) → 450 K Da - MEDIUM MOLECULAR WEIGHT (MMW) → 200 K Da - LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT (LMW) → 70 K Da Sealing effect : HES with 100– 100–300.000 D MW Effect of HES on Blood Coagulation HMW--HES more effect on blood coagulation HMW (vWF, vWF, factor VIII) LMW (HES 70/0.5/4)/MMW(HES 70/0.5/4)/MMW(HES 200/0.5/6) 200/0.5/6) did not affect on blood coagulation Possible dilutional coagulation effect : PT, aPTT (significant prolongation after HMWHMW-HES 480) Fluid Resuscitation in DSS Primary importance in the management of hypoperfusion state Goal of therapy ↑ Tissue DO2 ↑ Blood Pressure ↑ VO2 Colloid MMW Reversing Lactic Acidosis 39 Study on DSS using colloid (HES ) as initial fluid resuscitation Tatty E. Setiati (2000) Different RESULT Herminia L. Cifra (2001)) H (2001 Different method of study 40 RL group Colloid group (HAES Steril 6%) 7.9+/- 2.6 2.3 +/- 2 Ventilators days 8 +/- 1.1 4.0 +/- 0.71 Pleural effusion 30 _ Duration of shock ( Hour) M2/Mod7/S21 ALI /PaO2/FiO2=200-250 4 1 ARDS 6 2 PaO2/FiO2 < 200 Conclusion Evidenced showed that endothelial dysfunction lead to vascular leakage and hemostatic disturbances occurred in DSS MMW which has a sealing effect could minimizing vascular leakage, good preservation volume effect, and lowering mortality MMW HES can be used as alternative for initial fluid resuscitation in DSSS DSSS 42 What not to do in DSS Do not give Aspirin or Ibuprofen for treatment of fever. Avoid giving intravenous therapy before there is evidence of haemorrhage and bleeding. Avoid giving blood transfusion unless indicated, reduction in haematocrit or severe bleeding. Avoid giving steroids. They do not show any benefit. Do not use antibiotics Do not change the speed of fluid rapidly, i.e. avoid rapidly increasing or rapidly slowing the speed of fluids. Insertion of nasogastric tube to determine concealed bleeding or to stop bleeding (by cold lavage) is not recommended since it is hazardous. 43 Signs of Recovery Stable pulse, blood pressure and breathing rate Normal temperature No evidence of external or internal bleeding Return of appetite No vomiting Good urinary output Stable haematocrit Convalescent confluent petechiae rash 44 SEVERE MALARIA 45 What is severe malaria? Severe malaria is the serious or life-threatening form of falciparum malaria which needs active appropriate patient management. According to WHO criteria in 1990, severe malaria patients have asexual forms of Plasmodium falciparum on a blood film and may have any one or more of the following manifestations and complications : 46 1. Cerebral malaria (unrousable coma not attributable to any other cause) 2. Severe normocytic anemia (haematocrit <15% or hemoglobin <5 g/dl) 3. Acute renal failure (urine output <400 ml/24 hours in adults or 12 ml/kg/24 hours in children, failing to improve after redydration and serum creatinine >265 mmol/l (3 mg/dl)) 4. Pulmonary edema or adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) 47 5. Hypoglyceamia (whole blood glucose <2.2 mmol or l40 mg/dl) 6. Circulatory collapse, shock: hypotension (systolic blood pressure <50mmHg in children aged 1-5 years or <70 mmHg in adults), with cold clammy skin or core-skin temperature difference >10 °C) 7. Spontaneous bleeding/disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) 8. Repeated generalized convulsions 9. Acidaemia (arterial pH <7.25) or acidosis (plasma bicarbonate <15 mmol/l) 10. Macroscopic haemoglobinuria 11. Post-mortem confirmation of diagnosis 48 WHO MULTICENTER STUDY ON SEVERE MALARIA IN UNDER FIVES IN 10 AFRICAN COUNTRIES (1230 CASES, 1999 – 2000) PREVALENCE OF SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS SIGNS AND SYMPOMS SEVERE ANEMIA PROSTRATION CONVULSIONS CEREBRAL MALARIA HYPOGLYCEMIA HYPOGLOBINURIA JAUNDICE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR COAGULATION NUMBER 666 371 279 218 162 41 21 12 1 % 54.1 30.2 22.7 17.7 13.2 3.3 1.7 1.0 0.08 49 Different clinical manifestation between adults and children with severe malaria Adult Children Cough Uncommon early symptom Common early symptom Convulsions Indicate cerebral involvement May indicate cerebral involvement or hypoglycemia, but may be non – specific consequence of fever Duration of symptoms before features of severe disease develop Commonly several days Usually 1 – 2 days only Jaundice Common Uncommon Time from start of treatment to resolution of coma in cerebral malaria Usually quinine 2 – 4 days Usually 1 – 2 days Hypoglycemia Relatively uncommon Usually quinine-induced (especially in pregnancy) Common Pulmonary edema Renal failure Neurological sequelae after cerebral malaria Common Common Uncommon Rare Rare Occur in about 10% of cases Management · Parenteral antimalarials. · IV fluid administration. · Vital signs monitoring every 4 hours. · Blood check up for malaria parasite every day until disappearance of parasitemia. · Monitoring clinical signs and symptoms of severe malaria that may occur later. · Record conscious level every 4 hours and urine output every 8 hours. 51 Antimalarial drug doses in severe malaria Hospital ICU Chloroquine-resistant P falcipanum Chloroquine – sensitive P falcipanum Quinine Quinine dihydrochloride 7 mg salt/kg infused over 30 min followed by Immediately 10 mg/kg Over 4 h: or 20 mg salt/kg Infused over 4 h Maintenance dose: 10 mg Salt/kg infused over 2-8 h At 8 h intervals Health Clinic : No Intravenous Infusion Possible Quinine dihydrochloride 20 mg salt/kg diluted 1 : 2 with sterile water given by split injection into both anterior thighs. Maintenance dose : 10 mg/kg 8 hourly Arteminisim derivative : a) Artemether 3.2 mg/kg Stat By im injection Followed by 1.6 mg/kg Daily a) Artesunate 2.4 mg/kg stat By iv injection followed by 1.2 mg/kg daily As for Hospital ICU : Artesunate can also be Given by im injection Chloroquine Chloroquine 10 mg base/kg Infused iv at constant rate over 8 hr followed by 15 mg base/kg over 24 hr Chloroquine 3.5 mg Base kg 6-hourly or 2.5 mg base/kg 4 hourly by im or sc injection. Total dose 25 mg base/kg Rural health clinic : No injection facilities Artesunate rectocap : 10 mg/kg daily Artemisinin suppository 20 mg/kg at 0 and 4 h Then daily Chloroquine 10 mg/kg daily Or nasogastric chloroquine as for oral regimen Poor prognostic features in severe malaria Clinical findings Deep Coma Repeated convulsions Respiratory distress (rapid, deep, laboured, stertorous, breathing often with intercostals recession) Significant bleeding Laboratory findings Biochemistry Hypoglycemia Hyperlactatemia Acidosis Serum creatitine Total bilirubin Liver enzymes Muscle enzymes Urate Hematology Leucocytosis Severe anemia Coagulopathy Parasitology Hyperparasitemia < 2.2 mmol/l > 5 mmol/l arterial pH<7.3 venous plasma HCO3 < 15 mmol/l >265 µmol/l > 50 µmol/l SGOT (AST) x 3 upper limit of normal SGPT (ALT) x 3 upper limit of normal 5 – Nucleotidase CPK Myoglobin > 600 µmol/l >12.999/µl PCV < 15 % Platelet < 50.000/µl PT prolonged > 3 s Prolonged PPT Fibrinogen <200 mg/dl > 100.000/µl - increased mortality > 500.00/µl - high mortality >20% of parasites are pigment – containing trophozoites and schizonts >5% of neutrophils contain visible malaria pigment 55