to read or the August 2016 newsletter.
to read or the August 2016 newsletter.
Rabbi Martin W. Levy Founding Rabbi Leonard A. Helman, z”l Founding Cantor Michael G. Linder Cantorial Soloist Ephraim A. Herrera Congregation Beit Tikva P. O. Box 24094 S a n ta F e , NM 8 7 5 0 2 t e l e p h o n e / fa x : 505.820.2991 w w w. b e i tt i k vasa n taf e . o r g Tammuz/Av 5776 August 2016 Board of Directors Officers President Paul Grace vice-President Philip Goldstone Treasurer Jeffrey Less upcoming high holy days Save the Dates for High Holy Days 5777/2016 October 2 October 3 October 11 October 12 Sunday, August 28, 2016 Gala Benefit honoring Gail and Elliot (Sonny) Rapoport Erev Rosh Hashanah 7:30pm Service Rosh Hashanah Day 10:00am Service Kol Nidre 7:30pm Service Yom Kippur Day 10:00am Service recording secretary Sue Katz With a Musical Performance by the Maccabeats, America’s premier a cappella Jewish vocal ensemble past presidents Jerry Bork & David Pollak Trustees For concert tickets please call 505.820.2991 or purchase at event/2552432 See page 4 for more information. Kenneth Coffae Valerie Frost Gary Katz Lynn Kelly Barbara LaMont Don Miller Larry Singer Ed Sorken Dirk Wassner Sheldon Weinstein Meditation and Kabbalah Classes Staff Executive Director Gail Rapoport Corresponding Secretary Marcelle Cady Bookkeeper RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS There will be a Pizza Party on Sunday, Aug. 14th at 4:30 pm. This is our summer gathering for students, teachers, and parents of our Sunday School. Please join us at the synagogue for food and fun. Please join us for a special fiveweek introduction to Meditation and Kabbalah, on Tuesdays, August 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 at 6:00pm in the library at Beit Tikva. Dr. Petr Chylek from Los Alamos, will be our teacher. Dr. Chylek has taught classes on Kabbalah for the past ten years. For more information, please contact Rabbi Levy at Cathy Turner graphic designer Paula Eastwood Shabbat at Home will be held at Brookdale Senior Living, 640 Alta Vista St. on Friday, August 26 and Friday, September 23 at 5:30 pm. F r i d ay S h a b b at S e r v i c e s — 7 : 3 0 p m 2230 O l d P e cos T r a i l RABBI’s message David Ben-Gurion proclaiming the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948 C hutzpah is a Hebrew word which is easier to illustrate than to define. One of the comic examples of this attitude is the boy who kills his parents and then pleads for mercy on the grounds that he is an orphan. A classic example of chutzpah is found in the Abraham story, in the early chapter of Genesis. The Almighty plans to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, but Abraham challenges God and says, “How can you do such a thing…to slay the innocent as well as the guilty? Shall not the judge of all the world deal justly?” As we enter the final weeks of summer, we begin reading from Deuteronomy, and many of the Haftorah readings come from the prophet Isaiah. The prophet showed chutzpah in many ways. Isaiah lived during the sixth century BCE, in an exiled community that was despondent and believed it would never return to the homeland of Israel. But Isaiah, in those shadowed times, offered some amazing promises: In Memory Barbara Cohen the nation of Israel will be restored, the people will return to Jerusalem, and “nations shall walk by your light…kings, by your shining radiance.” Torn from its homeland, living in marginal conditions in Babylonia, the prophet dared to predict that we will experience a glorious future. That rebirth of the Jewish people will be followed by a cultural and intellectual renaissance. The people Israel will kindle the light for other nations, and set a new example for future nations. Of course, most of the Israelite people had difficulty believing such a “chutzpahdich” promise. Yet the Jews returned to Israel fifty years after this exile, and restored the community in Jerusalem. And if we consider this more carefully, we see that Israel was restored in 1948, and that small country has been a beacon of democracy in the midst of Arab authoritarian governments. Many thinkers have acknowledged the genius of the Jewish people. Pearl Buck wrote that she “had never witnessed a country or culture which was not the better for having the contribution of the Jewish people.” More than two centuries ago, Matthew Arnold wrote that “All who want to make progress in righteousness will come to Israel for inspiration.” Isaiah’s incredible promise that nations would walk by the light and inspiration of the Jewish people has truly been fulfilled. Think of our Declaration of Independence— the thinking derives from Jefferson’s understanding of the five books of Moses. Yes, we need a massive dose of chutzpah to live in this world, to believe that we can improve our world, and to care for those in need. We must dream great dreams as did Isaiah, in order to offer strength to those around us. Dear friends, enjoy this summer time and I look forward to being with you at our Gala Celebration on August 28th. B’shalom, August 1, 2016 Rabbi Martin W. Levy 505.670.4671 2 president’s message Dear Friends, A s we approach the High Holy Days in a few weeks, it is appropriate to begin reflecting upon the past and looking toward the future. I have been affiliated with Congregation Beit Tikva since I moved to Santa Fe with my family in 2000, just five years after the Congregation was established. We were drawn to the welcoming arms of the Congregation and we immediately enrolled our two sons in the Religious School, which wandered from place to place without a permanent home. When my wife died just three months after our arrival, it was Beit Tikva that sustained me, particularly Rabbi Leonard Helman. Within a year of our arrival, my oldest son, Jayson, was called to the Torah in the space we borrowed for Sabbath services from the Lutheran Church of the Servant across the street from what is now Sam’s Club. Four years later my youngest son, Zachary, was the last Bar Mitzvah there as we prepared to move into our very own synagogue on Old Pecos Trail. During those early years the Congregation celebrated High Holy Days at churches on Cordova Road or downtown. It was a thrill to walk with the Torah from the Lutheran Church along Rodeo Road, past the Santa Fe Memorial Gardens where we paused to say Kaddish for so many of our loved ones buried there. Members took turns carrying the Torah scrolls along the five-mile trek to Old Pecos Trail. When we arrived at the driveway to our new home, the Torah was handed over to Sonny Rapoport for the final leg of the journey. How appropriate. Sonny and Gail Rapoport were founding members and a real driving force behind the creation of Santa Fe’s House of Hope. Sonny served as the Congregation’s first cantor before Michael Linder joined us. He often helped lead services in the homes of founding members until Rabbi Helman became our spiritual leader. Gail took on the responsibilities of Executive Director and as the membership rapidly grew she spent more and more time nurturing the fledgling Congregation and handling all of the administrative details. Sonny was one of the teachers in the Religious School, staffed exclusively by parents of the students. He regaled the students with Jewish folk songs on his guitar and the entire Congregation at Sukkot and other holidays. As we grew and wanted a permanent home, Gail became the Congregation’s principal fundraiser. Largely as the result of her fundraising efforts, we were able to build our own synagogue, firmly establishing our footprint in Santa Fe. After we moved into our new home, Sonny served as a one-man Building and Grounds Committee tending to all of the little, and not so little, details that come with ownership of a new building. After Friday night services, it was typically Sonny and Gail who stayed behind to make sure that everything was cleaned up and put in its place after the Oneg. When the time came years later to consider expansion of the synagogue building, Gail again led the fundraising effort that resulted in completion of the expansion with no ongoing building fund debt. In a few short weeks we will be honoring these two extraordinary people for their role in our lives, bringing into reality a Congregation that fosters Jewish learning and a love of Israel. I hope to see all of you at the Gala Fundraising Event on Sunday, August 28th at the Santa Fe Convention Center. We thank Gail and Sonny Rapoport for their years of service to our Congregation with a catered dinner followed by a musical performance by the Maccabeats. Because of their continuing dedication to Beit Tikva, our future is secure. Shalom, Paul Grace 505.690.8505 3 August Birthdays A Gala dinner and Concert honoring Gail and Elliot (Sonny) Rapoport America’s premier a cappella Jewish vocal ensemble The Maccabeats ( Sunday, August 28 • 7:30pm • Santa Fe Convention Center Congregation Beit Tikva P. O. Box 24 0 9 4 Join us on Sunday, August 28, 2016! S a n ta F e , NM 87502 t e l e p h o n e : 505. 820. 2991 w w w. b e i tt i k vasa n taf e . o r g Please call 505.820.2991 by Thursday, August 18 to reserve your Gala dinner tickets. Donations for the Gala 2016 are tax-deductible. GALA TICKETS for Sunday, August 28, 2016 ❏ Dinner 5:30pm and Concert 7:30pm—$180 per person Number of tickets____________ Meal options: Salmon #___ Beef #___ Vegetarian #____ ❏ Concert Only 7:30pm—$30 per person Number of tickets___________ ❏ I would like to make a donation to Gala 2016. $__________________ Name _______________________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ Total for Ad, Tickets, and/or Donation___________________ City _____________________________State _____ Zip _____________ Total amount of check enclosed___________________ Credit Card ❏ Master Card ❏ Visa Name as it appears on the card ___________________________ Card Number ____________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________ social action at congregation beit tikva Another Successful Beit Tikva Teddy Bear Project for Abused Children (Not included in the last bulletin….our apologies) he 2016 Teddy Bear Project for the Solace Center was a huge success! CBT, Hadassah & Barker Realty Santa Fe collected nine large bags of beautiful stuffed animals, and three bags of writing journals for the children who are interviewed at the Center. Those who donated said what fun it was shopping for the stuffed animals and how good it made them feel. Certainly the children will find joy at selecting a toy as theirs, after the sexual abuse interview. Such a meaningful project, and so easy to do. Special thanks to our friends at Barker Realty, Hadassah and each and everyone at CBT who dropped a donation into our box. Thank you, Joan Less 4 August 6 August 7 August 7 August 9 August 11 August 12 August 21 August 25 August 25 August 25 August 28 August 30 August Anniversaries Ellen & Robert Vladem Audrey & David Garrison MaryCarole & Jerry Wertheim Jennifer Ramo & David Kutz Lois & Gary Podolny Joan & Jeffrey Less Carolyn Handler Miller & Terry Borst August 5 August 15 August 20 August 21 August 24 August 27 August 29 _Expiration date ____________________ Total $ amount to be charged_____________________________ T Shiela Bicoll Rae Shapiro Megan Siegel Juli Horwitz Kite Bee Schulman Susan Krohn Karen Goldstein Beth Beloff Kenneth Coffae Howard Handler Zoe Gayl Kenneth Kahn Thank You Oneg Sponsors MAY Sue & Gary Katz Barbara & Armon LaMont Phyllis Arlow Sharon & Ed Sorken June Nancy & Artie Hartington Juli & Ron Kite Alma & Windy Dankoff, Carolyn Handler Miller and Bonnie Kohl & John Liebman Susan & Ken Coffae July Lois & Gary Podolny Lynn Kelly Joyce and Gerry Levine Connie & Stuart Rosenberg Phil Goldstone Congregation Beit Tikva Legacy Society, Chaim L’Chaim our jewish cemetery W e are introducing a Legacy program called Chaim L’Chaim, “Life To Life,” to help ensure the continuing existence of our Jewish Community and specifically our congregation. L’Chaim guides participants through a process that begins with the signing of a Statement of Intent (a non-binding commitment) to provide for Congregation Beit Tikva in their estate, via a will, beneficiary designation for an IRA, real estate, or insurance policy, or other means. This program gives community members the opportunity to support the many ways our synagogue maintains Jewish life and values even beyond each individual’s lifetime. Every individual who signs a Statement of Intent will be recognized as a Founding Member of the Congregation Beit Tikva Legacy Society L’Chaim. Help us continue to build our heritage of religious and volunteer leadership, rituals, celebrations, and education for peoples of all ages, which define our congregation and our place in Santa Fe’s religious community. For further information, or to get a Statement of Intent form, please contact a member of our Legacy Committee: Gary Katz, Chair 505-983-1808 Jerry Bork 505-473-9162 Jeffrey Less 505-954-1030 Phil Goldstone 505-984-1905 “Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh L’Zeh” –each of us is responsible for preserving the future of the Jewish Community. The Santa Fe Jewish Film Festival’s presents A Culinary “Tour De Force” T he Santa Fe Jewish Film Festival is wrapping up its sixth season with its biggest event ever: In Search of Israeli Cuisine—A Culinary Exploration, August 28 – 31 in Santa Fe and January 12 – 20, 2017 in Israel. Events include the screening of a new documentary that critics have described as “mouthwatering”, a feast of Israeli mezzes, kabobs and desserts at Georgia, a demonstration cooking class at the Santa Fe Culinary Academy, and a culinary tour of Israel with a chance to experience the best that Israel has to offer. For details visit or call 505.216.0672. Remembrance plaques available again through August 26! This unique memorial binds us to our beloved family members. Wherever we dwell, our loved ones are always with us. —Rabbi Martin Levy Having a plaque in the Cemetery makes my mother a part of the Jewish community of Santa Fe. —Gail Rapoport Our family is now brought together in the Cemetery. I come from New Orleans and my husband is from Philadelphia. My father had a love for Western things. He would be thrilled that his name is here. I lived out his dream. —Jane Buchsbaum Through the mitzvah of bimkom kever, it is now possible to locally memorialize relatives and friends who are buried far away, or whose graves are unknown. Adding a plaque to the Memorial Wall defines the Jewish Section of Memorial Gardens Cemetery on Rodeo Road in Santa Fe. Plaques must be ordered by August 26 if they are to be ready for the annual Remembrance Event now scheduled for Sunday, October 9, 2016. Plaques are $613, of which $400 is tax-deductible. To purchase a plaque, please visit cknnm.jccnnm. org and click on “Jewish Cemetery.” Or, contact Doris Francis, JCCNNM Cemetery Chair, 982-9488, 5 August 2016 donations General Fund Barbara & Jerry Bork – In memory of Janet Reilly, sister of Larry Singer Barbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of a speedy recovery for Lynn Kelly Barbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the birthday of Susan Feiner Barbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the birthday of Ephraim Herrera Barbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the birthday of Jeff Less Barbara &Jerry Bork – In honor of the birthday of Stuart Rosenberg Barbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the birthday of Ruth Wallack Barbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the birthday of Lynn Singer Barbara & Jerry Bork – In honor of the anniversary of Kathy & Manny Marczak Susan & Leonard Feiner – In memory of Janet Reilly, sister of Larry Singer Valerie Frost – In honor of a speedy recovery for Lynn Kelly Valerie Frost – In memory of Frederick William Hall, father of Valerie John Guffey – In memory of John G. Guffey, father of John Gail & Sonny Rapoport – In memory of Louis Erhard, husband of Doris Francis Connie & Stuart Rosenberg – In memory of Bobby McNickle, brother of Connie Phillip Sagazio – In memory of Howard Aronow Sharon & Ed Sorken – In honor of a speedy recovery for Jerry Bork Sharon & Ed Sorken – In honor of a speedy recovery for Lynn Kelly Sharon & Ed Sorken – in memory of Janet Reilly, sister of Larry Singer Dirk Wassner – In memory of Naomi Becker Mary Carole & Jerry Wertheim – In memory of Tracy May Hutchison, niece of Mary Carole Mary Carole & Jerry Wertheim – In memory of Bob Wertheim, brother of Jerry Mary Carole & Jerry Wertheim – In memory of Max Kugleman, uncle of Jerry Mary Carole & Jerry Wertheim – In memory of Max Wertheim, father of Jerry Building Fund Founder Eleanor Brenner – In memory of Richard Brenner Building Fund Patron Kate Shane – In honor of the 70th birthday of Sandy Levine Kathy & Manny Marczak – In honor of the birth of George Arthur Heitlin, grandson of Ruth Wallack & Peter Merrill Oneg Fund Nancy & Artie Hartington – In memory of Lorraine Kahn, mother of Nancy and Al Kempenich, Jr., uncle of Nancy Nancy & Artie Hartington – In memory of Walter Kahn, father of Nancy Marilyn & Don Miller Kate Shane Rabbi Levy’s Discretionary Fund Music Fund Eleanor Brenner Sue & Gary Katz Kate Shane – In honor of a speedy recovery for Jerry Bork Kate Shane – In honor of the 70th birthday of Lynn Kelly Future Fund, Including Pledges Valerie Frost Philip D. Goldstone Member Shirley Klinghoffer hopes that you will be inspired by this upcoming exhibit. It is a program she is passionate about and deeply committed to. Stitching Our Stories, is a program that brings issues of the past into the current context of immigration and xenophobia. At the heart of Stitching Our Stories is the art and story of Holocaust survivor Esther Nisenthal Krinit, with an exhibit of photographic images of all 36 tapestries. Meetings Upcoming in fall, 2016 Please let Reggie Klein ( or Pat Shapiro ( know if you are interested in attending. New Mexico Jewish Historical Society Fall Conference Jewish Identities Lost, Rediscovered, and Reclaimed November 12 and 13, 2016 New Mexico History Museum and The Lodge at Santa Fe Santa Fe, New Mexico 6 August 2016 donations Sue & Gary Katz Lynn Kelly Joan & Jeffrey Less Lois & Gary Podolny Lynn & Larry Singer Sharon & Ed Sorken Dirk Wassner Religious School Fund Barbara Cohen & Al Chapman – In memory of Louise Clark, mother of Barbara Specified Donation Phil Goldstone Maccabeat/Rapoport Event Celebration Benefit Visionaries Gail & Elliot (Sonny) Rapoport Benefit Innovators Kimberly & Simon Stertzer Benefit Patrons Isadora & Alan Bielsky Eleanor Brenner Linda & James P. Cohen Marilyn & Larry Cohen Paddy Rawal & Abigail Davidson Molly & Michael Duane Valerie Frost Larry Goldstone Susan & Gary Katz Shirley & Fred Klinghoffer Ruthie Getz-Koval Beth & Steve Landsman Carol & Richard Lieberman Freddie & Louis Proyect Tess Chappuis & Alan “Skip” Rapoport Ellen Sills-Levy & Dorset Sanford Megan & Edward Siegel Angelina Vera & Raphael Shapiro Allan Swartzberg Mary McGlone & Ian Underwood Dirk Wassner ErDein & Jay Weiner MaryCarole & Jerry Wertheim Tribute Book Ad Donations Paul F. Abrams Anonymous L.Paul Balderamos Isadora, Alan, Solomon and Adira Bielsky Barbara & Jerry Bork Marilyn & Larry Cohen Abigail Davidson Adrianne & Andrew Davis Deborah & Daniel Duane, Molly, Michael, Laura, Eric & Brendan Paula Eastwood Carlos Duno/The Hire Firm Richard (Dick) Fink Kristen & Steve Flance Miriam (Meg) Folk Janis Redding & Kay Fowler & The Beit Tikva High Holiday Choir GOLF Partners: Jerry Bork, Ken Coffae, Len Feiner, Armon LaMont Paul Grace Santa Fe Chapter of Hadassah Barbara Bogart & Robert Hillman Terry & David Izraelevitz Jewish Community Council of Northern New Mexico Phyllis Kapp Jenny, Justin, Henry & Hannah Kaufman Regina Klein, Barbara, Zoe & Noah Barbara & Armon LaMont, Leah Kellogg z”l Beth & Steve Landsman Joan & Jeffrey Less Joyce & Jerry Levine Kaycee Canter & Rabbi Martin Levy Amy & Arthur Lynn Mah Jongg Friends Ashley & Paul Margetson Ian Underwood & Mary McGlone Helene Singer Merrin Marilyn & Don Miller Judy & Barry Permut Francine Landau & David Pollak, Noga, Matt & Hila Fredi & Louis Proyect, Dana & Andrew Gail & Sonny Rapoport Bob Clifford & Tim Rivera/ Rivera Family Mortuaries & Memorial Gardens Cemetery Connie & Stuart Rosenberg Santa Fe Jewish Film Festival Peter Brill/Sarcon Construction Corporation Anne & Ralph Scheuer/Scheuer Law Firm Ned Siegel Janie Siskin Vic Middlekauff & Josie Stern Temple Beth Shalom The Thaler & deChadenedes Families Cathy Turner Frederika Vaupen & Burton Vaupen z”l Joan Vernick Pat & Bob Wartell Leslie & Shep Weinstein Tribute Book Business Card Donations Marcelle Cady/Project Manager Walter Burke Catering Barbara Cohen & Al Chapman Paula Eastwood/ Eastwood Design Ron Duncan Hart/ Gaon Books Ephraim Herrera/Teacher & Performer Mark Ihlefeld/Ihlfeld Accounting CPA, Inc. Carolyn Handler Miller/ Digital Storytelling John King/ Paper Tiger Lynn Kelly/Early Childhood Consultant Pat Shapiro/Sage Ways Yoga for Midlife & Beyond Marcelle & Jim Cady Stewart Chessick Gale & Jordan Davis Lorraine Haneyko & Michael Edelman Ruth Anne & Halley Faust Claire Lichtenstein & Michael Gold Barbara Somerfield z”l and John Guffey Wendy & Cowden Henry Melanie & Barry Hornstein Terry & David Izraelevitz Dena Jacobs Ethel Kolbor Susan & Burton Krohn Sandra Levine Kathy & Manny Marczak Barbara & Jordan Miller Rita Miller Stephanie Murray Lois & Gary Podolny Becky Schwarz Susan & Richard Seligman Kate Shane Sharon & Ed Sorken Additional Event Donations Anonymous Peggy & David Ater Lorraine Haneyko & Michael Edelman Mary & Richard (Dick) Fink Ephraim Herrera Lois & Gary Podolny Vic Middlekauff & Josie Stern The Thaler & deChadenedes Families Tribute Book Name Donations The Aronow Family Peggy & David Ater Tassie & Stephen Bielsky 7 Congregation NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION U . S . P O S TA G E P A ID PERMIT #660 SA N TA F E , N M Beit Tikva P. O . B ox 24094 S anta F e , N M 87502 address service re q uested AUGUST Torah Passages August 6Numbers Matot 30.2-32.42 Sacredness of vows & oaths, Koshering of utensils Massei 33.1-36.13 Summary of route tribes took from Egypt to Jordanto the Promised Land, Boundaries of Eretz Israel August 13 Deuteronomy Devarim 1.1-3.22 Moses’ first discourse: His farewell statementregarding treks through the desert & victories Shabbat Chazon Vision Chapter containing a denunciation of Israel’s Sins read before Tish B’Av Erev Tisha B’Av August 14 Tisha B’Av Destruction of the First Temple AUGUST schedule of services August 20 Deuteronomy Va’etchanan 3.23-7.11 Second discourse of Moses regarding: prayer & rejection, religious tolerance, The Ten Commandments Shabbat NachamuShabbat of Comfort after Tisha B’Av August 5 Friday 7:30pm Service led by David Pollak August 12 Friday 7:30pm Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy August 19 Friday 7:30pm Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy August 27 Deuteronomy Ekev7.12-11.25 Moses speaks on: Blessings of obedience, lessons of food, warnings of the lure of prosperity, virtues of the land, stiff-necked people September 3 Deuteronomy Re’eh11.26-16.17 Moses speaks on: religious institutions, false prophets, the blessings & the curses, choosing good over evil August 26 Friday 7:30pm Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy Sept. 2 Friday 7:30pm Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy
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