REALTOR George Bookis, GRI, President • Vol. XXVI, No. 2 • FEBRUARY 2009 • NUNZIO DEL GRECO RCE, Chief Executive Officer Expanded TALF Will Encourage Commercial Real Estate Investment continued on page 7 (Left to right) Ron Garfunkel, Service Directions, Inc.; Vincent Buccieri, Today Realty Corp.; Dan Margulies, US Energy Group; Eliot Cherson, Counsel to the Board; Evelis Huaman, Aflac New York; Anthony Mormile, Hudson Valley Bank; Joseph Kelleher, Hutchinson Metro Center; Gina Kuhlenkamp, AEC Engineering Design & Construction Services PLLC; Christina Taylor, VP Bronx Residential Division; Frank Castellucci, Moments To Remember Video Services; Sandra Erickson, Past President; Nunzio Del Greco, Chief Executive Officer; Pat Logan, Community Preservation Corp.; Barbara-Ann Benson, Century 21 Wolff of Yonkers; Gary Jacobs, F & F Supply; Neal Berman, Brainstorm Promotions; and Janine Schall, BMAR Marketing Assistant. Real Estate Trade Show Planning Luncheon HELD at the Pelham Split Rock Golf Course A Trade Show Luncheon was held on Thursday, January 22, 2009 at the Pelham Split Rock Golf Course. The luncheon was well attended by many of the Trade Show committee members and a prior exhibitors. Below are important points which will be followed-up to the luncheon and for planning for a successful 8th Annual Real Estate Trade Show. • members were impressed with the facility, change of venue and service • the revised 2009 Trade Show Brochure will include a photo of the facility • it was discussed that the show should begin in the afternoon and continue into the evening as a network ing cocktail party 85th Annual Banquet Honorees......................................... 6 2009 Leadership ............................................................ 2 • additional members Access Millions of Buyers................................................. 4 Active MLS Realtor Companies........................................ 15 volunteered to serve Advantage Advertising.................................................... 14 on the committee to Association Mission Statement ...................................... 13 Banquet Reser vation Form................................................ 7 make recommendaBenefits of the Bronx-Manhattan MLS................................ 8 tions to improve the Calendar of Events ........................................................3-4 CEO Report .................................................................... 2 event Housing Stimulus and Stabilization Will Help Economic Recover y......................................... 9 • greater effort will be Instructors Wanted......................................................... 13 made to increase atNew MLS Listing Opportunity.......................................... 14 Newsletter Product & Ser vice Providers............................. 5 tendance and traffic at NYSAR Free Legal Hotline............................................... 13 the event President’s Message . ..................................................... 3 Proposed Real Estate Industr y Regulation Changes for • greater effort will Rent Stabilized Buildings in NYC.................................... 9 Realtors Recognize Importance of Keeping Banks Out be made to bring in of Real Estate............................................................... 7 new exhibitors and Realtors Welcome Efforts Towards Housing Stabilization... 11 Special MLS Announcement............................................ 10 assist all participating What’s Inside The U.S. Treasury’s announcement that commercial mortgage-backed securities will now be accepted as eligible collateral for the Term Asset-Backed Loan Facility (TALF) will encourage investment in the commercial real estate market, according to the National Association of Realtors®. Over the past year, the broader credit crisis that has permeated the world’s capital markets has increasingly curtailed commercial lending activity. Banks have tightened their credit standards and reduced loan volume while the commercial mortgage-backed securities market has stopped functioning effectively. Without liquidity, commercial borrowers face a growing challenge of refinancing maturing debt and the threat of rising delinquencies and foreclosures. “A severe lack of credit threatens commercial real estate and poses significant risks for the whole economy,” said NAR President Charles McMillan, a broker with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Dallas-Fort Worth. “Expanding the TALF and opening it up to commercial mortgage-backed securities is a movement in the right direction, and welcome news for the American economy.” The announcement implements policy directions recommended and endorsed by NAR’s Realtors® Commercial continued on page 7 Susan E. Goldy Graduates Leadership Academy................. 5 Visit www.bmar.org • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • FEBRUARY 2009 • PAGE OFFICERS GEORGE BOOKIS, GRI President MATTHEW ENGEL, CPM President-Elect NUNZIO DEL GRECO, RCE Chief Executive Officer CHRISTINA TAYLOR V.P. Bronx Residential Div. RICHARD GUARINO V.P. Manhattan Residential Div. MATTHEW SCHMELZER V.P. Owner‑Management Div. KATHY ZAMECHANSKY V.P. Commercial-Industrial Div. DANIELLE ERICKSON NOAK Treasurer HATEMA NEZAJ Secretary ELIOT J. CHERSON, ESQ. Counsel to the Board GOVERNORS FRANK BARBIERI SHAUN BELLE BARBARA ANN BENSON PETER BOURBEAU VINCENT BUCCIERI KENNETH CODER, CPA JAMES K. COLEMAN JOSEPH W. COLONEL FLOYD E. COOPER VASCO DA SILVA ELLEN FELD, GRI WANDA FORDEN JEFFREY GAULT RICHARD GILIOTTI RAM GUPTA JOAN KUZNIAR, GRI ANTHONY MORMILE EUGENE REISMAN, ESQ. HALE RICKMAN SHIMON SHKURY RANDOLPH J. SILVERSTEIN JAMES SLATTERY SONNY VATAJ ARNOLD WALDMAN EARL H. WASHINGTON STEphen WOLINETZ SENIOR COUNCIL MARK F. ENGEL, CPM SANDRA ERICKSON JOEL T. FISHMAN VIRGINIA M. GALLAGHER PERRY GAULT SUSAN E. GOLDY, CIPS, GRI JACQUELINE KYLE KALL BARRY H. LEVITES, CPM JOSEPH F. LIMONGELLI MICHAEL SCHMELZER, GRI WILLIAM SCHUR ERIC A. STERLING, IFA, ASA, GAA JOSEPH A. VILLANI CEO REPORT 2009 Leadership Nunzio Del Greco RCE, Chief Executive Officer with “ Working Today’s New Business Dynamics ” The only thing that is certain these days is change and it’s happening faster than ever. Most people I speak to these days are very stressed out with a sense of uncertainty about their businesses and companies. I believe that “Uncertainty is the New Business Dynamic” in our society. The continuing drop in the Stock Market, economic instability, depreciation in real estate values, and lack of consumer confidence compounds this uncertainty. The fact that we are bombarded with endless sources of news, telephone calls, faxes, emails, and noise 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week doesn’t help. National leadership is necessary to boost consumer confidence to convince the folks on Main Street that better days are ahead. Our elected representatives need to get over partisan politics and work to solve the problems in our economy and put America first. The rhetoric from most of the politicians is negative in order to advance their agenda. Unfortunately, the recently passed Stimulus Bill contains more social engineering, political payback, pork and not enough economic stimuli. I hope that President Obama and Congress are successful in getting the economy moving again since we are all in the same boat. However at this time, significant tax cuts on capital gains; cuts in personal income tax rates; cuts in business taxes; cuts in inheritance taxes etc. would have done much more to jump-start the economy and real estate industry. Tax reductions and incentives are positive means to stimulate investments and business growth. A healthy economy increases tax receipts on all levels of government. The $13.00 per week per worker will do little to get most people to spend their money. While frustration and stress is magnified by today’s new business dynamics, we need to take personal charge of circumstances that are within our sphere of influence. Balancing and juggling priorities is an on-going responsibility in this ever-changing business, economic and business environment. Stay focused on your priorities such as family, friends, business relationships and associations such as the BMAR. With the challenges we are all facing on multiple levels, the importance of membership and networking is more important than ever. High on your priority list should also be health and taking care of you. It’s easier than you think. Begin to make time for yourself by unplugging from all the noise, news, telephone, computer, etc. for an hour a day. Treat yourself with quiet time without interruptions, noise or worry. Just as the body needs rest to recharge itself, so does the mind. Meditation and focusing on your breath is a great way to take a break from the chatter. I started practicing yoga about ten years ago and the benefits are priceless. Stretching and proper breathing is also very important for health and balance. I added Qi Gong which is similar to Tai Chi and Bagua martial arts to my routine. It works for me. It’s important to find something that works for you. It may be taking a walk or reading a book. With practice time, you will see positive results. With “Today’s New Business Dynamics”, BMAR provides valuable programs and services for our members to maintain a competitive edge and generating new business. You never know where your next big deal is going to come from. Mark your calendar and plan on attending some of the major networking events including the upcoming 85th Annual Banquet, April 23, 2009 at the Marina del Rey Caterers. Use the reservation form on page 7. PAGE • FEBRUARY 2009 • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • Visit www.bmar.org “ Better Days Will Come! Dear Colleagues ” Winter is slowly loosening its grip on us just as the tight credit market is slowly, very slowly loosening up. In these times vision is very important; and in fact vision is not the same as sight. When our sight is in excellent health we can see all that occurs around us and can take informed decisions as to which direction we follow. Sometimes our sight becomes blurred and this hinders our ability to move forward confidently. Our vision embraces the longer term; the what can be; the distant future. Our vision should not be affected by either good or poor sight. Our vision must remain clear, keeping the horizon in focus whether it may be approaching or receding. Our sight today is blurred by the economic downturn, the financial crisis, the lack of credit, the amount of distressed debt and increasing unemployment. We move forward hesitating at every step, not sure of our direction as though we are in a thick fog with no end in sight. We all acknowledge that these troubling times will be behind us one day, and having learned from them we will be in a superior position to take advantage of what may lay ahead. This is the vision we must all keep in focus. Better days will come! Ideas come from seeds that may lead to changes that improve one’s self, one’s environment, one’s business and one’s future. For these ideas to be implemented and to effect change they must be put forth for consideration. The various committees of The Bronx Manhattan North association of realtors are the forum for the exchange of ideas but the momentum required to effect change is provided by the involvement of our members. At this time it is very important that we all commit ourselves to serving on committees to provide the focused vision for our members that will guide us through the fog. Many things have changed over the past three years and BMAR must adapt to meet the challenges before us as we approach the clearing horizon. Your leadership attended the NYSAR business meetings in Verona and the committee chairs will be submitting reports at the next Board of Governor’s meeting. As always please direct any comments, suggestions or concerns you may have to: info@bmar.org President’s Message CALENDAR OF EVENTS George Bookis, GRI, 2009 President FEBRUARY 1-5, 2009 NYSAR Business Meeting The Turning Stone Resort & Casino Verona, New York February 6, 2009 WCR Technology Seminar BMAR Board Room 9:30 am FEBRUARY 12, 2009 Board of Governors Meeting BMAR Board Room 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM February 23, 2009 MLS Training Session BMAR Board Room 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM February 25, 2009 Trade Show Logistics Meeting & Walk Through Pelham Split Rock Golf Course 9:30 AM February 27, 2009 Realtor Associate Networking Event Information Exchange & Member Forum 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM March 4, 2009 Golf & Tennis Committee Meeting BMAR Board Room 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM March 4, 2009 Trade Show Committee Meeting BMAR Board Room 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM March 12, 2009 Bronx Residential Division Round Table Discussion & Member Forum BMAR Board Room 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM March 14, 2009 WCR Fundraiser Bowling Event Bowler’s Lanes in the Bronx 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM MARCH 19, 2009 Board of Governors Meeting BMAR Board Room 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM APRIL 16, 2009 Board of Governors Meeting BMAR Board Room 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM April 19, 2009 WCR Cultural Brunch Lorraine Coyle’s Home 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Visit www.bmar.org • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • FEBRUARY 2009 • PAGE APRIL 23, 2009 85th Annual Banquet Marina del Rey Caterers MAY 11-16, 2009 NAR Business Meetings Washington, D.C. MAY 19, 2009 New Member Welcome Seminar/ Code of Ethics (3 hours CE Credits) BMAR Board Room 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM MAY 21, 2009 Board of Governors Meeting BMAR Board Room 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM JUNE 18, 2009 Board of Governors Meeting BMAR Board Room 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM JUNE 29, 2009 74th Annual Golf & Tennis Outing Fresh Meadow Country Club Lake Success, New York SEPTEMBER 13-16, 2009 NYSAR Business Meetings The Saratoga Hilton Hotel Saratoga Springs, New York SEPTEMBER 22, 2009 New Member Welcome Seminar/ Code of Ethics (3 hours CE Credits) BMAR Board Room 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM SEPTEMBER 24, 2009 Board of Governors Meeting BMAR Board Room 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM OCTOBER 28, 2009 8th Annual Real Estate Trade Show Location To Be Announced 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM OCTOBER 28, 2009 Board of Governors Lunch Meeting 12:00 PM- 1:30 PM Access Millions of Buyers through www.Realtor.com and over 20 premium internet search engines NOVEMBER 11-16, 2009 NAR Annual Convention San Diego, California NOVEMBER 17, 2009 New Member Welcome Seminar/ Code of Ethics (3 hours CE Credits) BMAR Board Room 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM NOVEMBER 19, 2009 Board of Governors Meeting BMAR Board Room 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM DECEMBER 3, 2009 25th Annual Holiday Party Marina del Rey Caterers DECEMBER 17, 2009 Board of Governors Meeting BMAR Board Room 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM PAGE • FEBRUARY 2009 • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • Visit www.bmar.org Newsletter Product & Service Providers BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES Emigrant Mortgage.................................(718) 459-6556 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS Al-Ghazai Construction............ (212) 410-6862 COPIERS, PRINTERS & FAX MACHINES DEC Copiers...........................................(845) 942-1400 ELEVATOR AL’AN Elevator Corp.............................(718) 792-9530 Ver-Tech Elevator...................................(212) 375-1900 Riverdale REALTOR® Susan E. Goldy graduates NYSAR Leadership Academy ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, HEATING CONTROLS U.S. Energy Group..................................(718) 380-1004 Susan E, Goldy of Boston, MA, President and Principal Broker at SUSAN E. GOLDY, INC. in Riverdale, successfully completed Leadership NYSAR, an intensive one year academy designed by the New York State Association of REALTORS to develop emerging REALTOR® leaders. “As a graduate of Leadership NYSAR, Susan Goldy is recognized by the New York State Association of REALTORS® as a distinguished member and as potential future association leader.” said NYSAR President Daniel J. Hartnett. “We are fortunate to count among our graduates accomplished real estate professionals such as Susan Goldy, who are dedicated to the advancement of the association and the industry.” The 14 participants of Leadership NYSAR’s inaugural class attended four twoday retreats throughout 2008, working their way to the much anticipated graduation, which took place in early February at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino in Vernon, NY. The program’s curriculum focused primarily on leadership techniques and how participants can establish effective procedures for goal-setting and problem solving. In addition to a comprehensive overview of the industry and association, participants explored proven strategies to both personal and professional success. Susan Gold, President of SUSAN GOLDY, INC., has been an innovative Real Estate professional since 1972, actively involved in the sale of residential properties throughout Riverdale, Kingsbridge, and Yonkers. The New York State Association of REALTORS® is a not-for-profit trade organization representing more than 61,000 of New York state’s real estate professionals. The term REALTOR® is a registered trademark, which identifies real estate professional who subscribe to a strict code of ethics as members of the New York State Association of REALTORS®. These REALTORS® are also members of the New York State Association of REALTORS®. ENERGY / NATURAL GAS & OIL Bay Ridge Fuel.......................................(718) 836-9222 Castle Oil Corp.......................................(914) 381-6600 YOUR “AD” FITS HERE This monthly newsletter is sent to over 10,000 companies and professionals throughout New York City for more information email: info@bmar.org ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Jerome Environmental Services, LLC....(718) 220-4200 Professional Environmental Services, Inc........................................(718) 231-8399 EXTERMINATOR Metro Pest Control..................................(718) 803-0000 INSURANCE CBS Coverage Group Inc.......................(516) 938-9000 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Service Directions Inc.............................(800) 666-0505 Mortgage Financing Services Community Preservation Corp..............(718) 601-6600 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE (MLS) Bronx-Manhattan North Association Of Realtors......................(718) 892-3000 PRINTING Beehive Press..........................................(718) 654-1200 Promotional Products Brainstorm Promotions..........................(516) 681-3118 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS A. Schonfeld Property Management......(347) 275-3775 SPRINKLER COMPANY Big Apple Fire Sprinkler Co...................(718) 205-8580 TITLE INSURANCE Judicial Title Insurance Agency, LLC.....(914) 381-6700 WATER TREATMENT OCS Chemical Engineering....................(914) 739-2676 PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS IN THIS NEWSLETTER! *Tell them that you saw their “ad” in the BMAR Newsletter Visit www.bmar.org • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • FEBRUARY 2009 • PAGE 85 Years of Service 1924-2009 Attend the 85th Annual Banquet of the Bronx-Manhattan North Association of Realtors, Inc. THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2009, 5:30 P.M. Marina del Rey Caterers Bronx, New York Network and join us in saluting outstanding individuals and Award Recipients Elias Karmon Dr. Dr. Elias Karmon Distinguished Service Award Posthumously James Alston Community Service Award McCall’s Bronxwood Funeral Home Michael Berr Affiliate Member of the Year Goodhart National Gorman Agency Richard Guarino Realtor Associate of the Year Extreme Realty LLC Kathy Zamechansky Realtor of the Year KZA Friedland Realty Consulting Services Michael Kesselman Institutional Member of the Year Meridian Capital Group LLC Awards will also be presented to Members for years of service Floyd Cooper ……...40 Year Member Cooper Group & Associates, Inc. Jacqueline Kyle Kall……….….40 Year Member Port of Kall Realty LLC Richard Goodman…….…....35 Year Member Goodman Management Co., Inc. Eric Sterling……..…...35 Year Member Sterling Appraisals Associates, Inc. Eugene Reisman…………….30 Year Member Novick, Edelstein, Reisman, Lubell, Wasserman, & Leventhal, P.C. Nicholas Chimienti…………..25Year Member Chimienti Realty Corp. For reservations or more information call Janine Schall, Marketing Assistant (212) 242-4343, (718) 892-3000, or email: Info@BMAR.org AN INDUSTRY EVENT FOR YOUR NETWORKING SUCCESS PAGE • FEBRUARY 2009 • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • Visit www.bmar.org Realtors® Recognize Importance of Keeping Big Banks Out of Real Estate th 85 Annual Banquet of the Bronx - Manhattan North Association of Realtors,Inc. “We thank Sens. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and Richard Burr, R-N.C., for their leadership in introducing legislation to prevent big banks from expanding their business to act as real estate brokers and managers,” said NAR President Charles McMillan. Thursday, April 23, 2009 Networking Cocktail Hour: 5:30 P.M. Formal Program, Dinner and Entertainment: 7:00 P.M. It’s an Excellent Networking Opportunity! Marina del Rey Caterers, Bronx, New York Dress: Black Tie Preferred I will attend the 85th Annual Banquet on April 23, 2009 at the Marina del Rey, Bronx, New York Name Company Address Billing Zip Telephone No. of Reservations Amount Enclosed $ Date Charge my Visa MasterCard Discover AMEX Card # Expiration Date Signature *CVN *CVN is the last 3 or 4 digits off of the back of the card. Referred or recommended by ______ ______ Attach the names of your guests. Printer’s deadline for Seating List is March 25, 2009. *PAYMENT IS REQUIRED FOR PROCESSING RESERVATIONS* Reservations Price Schedule Before March 25, 2009 are: Reservations By Members: $200 each ticket Table of 10 - $1,800 Allowing large national banks to enter into real estate brokerage and property management could be devastating to the safety and security of the nation’s economy, which is why the National Association of Realtors® has been calling for legislation that would permanently ban banks from entering into real estate transactions. Reservations By Non-Members: $250 each ticket Table of 10 - $2,500 *Add Optional RPAC (Realtors Political Action Committee) Contribution of $10 or More $275. For Each Reservation Received After March 25, 2009 $500 each ticket at the door if available * NO CANCELLATIONS AFTER APRIL 16, 2009 PAGE • FEBRUARY 2009 • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • Visit www.bmar.org During the introduction of the Community Choice in Real Estate Act on Friday, Sen. Boxer said, “Permitting banks to engage in commerce could compromise their lending decisions and create conflicts of interest while restricting consumer choice and competition among mortgage lenders.” Some national banks had petitioned the federal government for the power to own and operate local real estate brokerage or property management companies. Since 2003 language has been included in annual appropriations bills to temporarily block implementation of these actions. The Community Choice in Real Estate Act would make the prohibition permanent. “Imagine how much worse the crisis in the financial sector and our overall economy would be if banks had been permitted to enter into commercial activities such as real estate,” McMillan said. “We hope that Congress will work quickly to close any loopholes and pass laws that maintain the separation of banking and real estate and protect our nation’s economy from unnecessary and avoidable risks.” Expanded TALF Will Encourage Commercial Real Estate Investment continued from front cover Alliance through its Commercial Economic Stimulus Work Group. The work group developed a plan to address high-priority issues like lack of credit to avoid further losses in the commercial real estate markets as a part of the national economic recovery plan. “Though much still remains to be done, this policy decision will help reassure investors in the vital commercial real estate sector, which provides more than 9 million jobs and generates roughly 70 cents out of every dollar in local government budgets,” said RCA Chair Robert Toothaker. “There is no secondary market for commercial mortgages, so it is important to encourage lenders and investors whose activity will be essential in refinancing the performing commercial real estate loans in the marketplace, many of which are due to reset soon.” Under the new approach, TALF credit facilities will be extended to newly originated AAA-rated securities backed by commercial real estate loans. “This important measure will enhance liquidity and ease the lending crisis facing commercial markets,” said Toothaker. Expanding the TALF program to include commercial mortgage-backed securities has been a key part of NAR’s message to policymakers and is integral to the commercial economic stimulus plan developed by the association’s commercial leaders. “NAR is encouraged by this positive announcement and will continue to work with Congress and the regulatory agencies as further policy options are considered to address the crisis in the credit market and ensure overall economic recovery so that real estate will once again lead the economy to recovery,” Toothaker said. YOUR “AD” FITS HERE This monthly newsletter is sent to over 10,000 companies and professionals throughout New York City for more information email: info@bmar.org Benefits of the Bronx-Manhattan Multiple Listing Service (MLS) • FREE unlimited listings are featured on over 20 premium internet search engines • No charge to member agents for unlimited MLS access 24 hours per day • Realtors can choose to pay MLS dues annually, quarterly or a monthly flat fee • Companies do not have to have an office in the Bronx or Manhattan to participate • Put thousands of real estate agents to work on selling your listings • Realtor Associate dues are the lowest in the New York area • Be more productive and competitive regardless of the size of your company • Additional benefits are also available... For more information email: info@bmar.org Real Estate Trade Show Planning Luncheon Held at the Pelham Split Rock Golf Course continued from front cover exhibitors in maintaining and cultivating business contacts • a successful Trade Show benefits members, the participating exhibitors and the organization • committee members will visit the facility to map the locations for the exhibit booths, floor plan set-up, etc. • a committee meeting will be scheduled to confirm the date, location, schedule, discuss logistics, floor plan, potential seminars, other attractions, etc. For more information on the 2009 Real Estate Trade Show or to serve on the committee, contact Janine Schall at (212) 242-4343; (718) 892-3000 or email: J.Schall@bmar.org. Make your reservations to attend the 85th Annual Banquet April 23, 2009 ********** For more information or reservations contact Janine Schall at: j.schall@bmar.org (718) 892-3000 or (212) 242-4343 Visit www.bmar.org • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • FEBRUARY 2009 • PAGE Housing Stimulus and Stabilization Will Help Economic Recovery The following is a statement by National Association of Realtors® President Charles McMillan: “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is important for the U.S. economy and contains some important housing provisions. Eliminating the repayment provision in the $7,500 first-time home buyer tax credit will help bring buyers to the market and reduce housing inventory. NAR has been advocating that this provision be improved – the change will stimulate more than 200,000 additional home sales, which will help stabilize home values. “Reinstating the higher loan limits for FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for mortgages in highcost areas is also important and will help reduce inventory and improve liquidity in the overall mortgage market. The allocation of resources for neighborhood stabilization efforts to help communities purchase and rehabilitate foreclosed and vacant properties is also very promising for the housing market. This funding will help protect communities across the country and preserve home values from further decline. “As the leading advocate for homeowners and the real estate industry, NAR will continue to address issues facing Americans who are trying to purchase a home, protect their current home or preserve investment opportunities in residential and commercial properties. NAR recognizes the efforts of the members of Congress who understand that without a housing recovery, an overall economic recovery is impossible. “NAR believes that positive steps are being taken to improve the housing market and will continue to work with President Obama, Congress and regulators to make housing stabilization a key component of any federal recovery plans.” PROPOSED REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY REGULATION CHANGES FOR RENT STABILIZED BUILDINGS IN NYC Owners and property managers of rent stabilized buildings in New York City need to be aware of proposed regulations impacting the industry and your bottom line. Below is a letter from Billy Schur past President of the association and recommended action you can take today. Dear BMAR Member, My involvement with various other real estate industry trade organizations results in my frequently being introduced to proposed legislation that can adversely affect our industry. As a result of the Democrats finally obtaining a majority in the NYS Senate, there are a number of bills that have been proposed or already passed through the NY State Assembly and may pass through the Senate. A particular bill affecting MCI increases would change their status from “permanent” to “temporary” in all instances. This means that the permitted 1/40th MCI increases which currently result in a permanent increase in rent would now become temporary and would drop off the rent when the amount spent was recouped As passage of this bill will result in less MCI type of work being done in the buildings, the vendors who actually do the work will be adversely affect and lose business as will their suppliers. Rent Stabilization Association of New York (“RSA”) is an organization of much larger size than ours is reaching out to owners and managers for support in defeating this bill. As such, RSA’s campaign involves reaching out to these vendors to educate them on the bill and the potential negative impact on their business and employees so that they will join this campaign. The hope is to broaden the base of opposition beyond those in the Real Estate industry and demonstrate to the legislature that passage of this bill will impacts many other businesses and industries. RSA wishes to compile a listing of companies that service residential multi-family buildings with MCI types of improvements and outreach to them so they can be part of this opposition effort. Hence, I am asking for your help with the following: 1. Review your current listing of vendors who provide MCI types of services to your buildings: a. Window installers b. Roofing/Pointing contractors c. Plumbing & Electrical contractors d. Intercom & Entrance door installer e. Boiler installers f. Apartment Rehabilitation Companies g. Appliance Suppliers 2. Compile a listing of these companies including a. Contact name b Company name c. Mailing Address d. Telephone # e. Email address if available 3. Forward your listing of vendors fitting this criteria directly to RSA: Frank P. Ricci Director of Government Affairs Rent Stabilization Association of NY 123 William Street, 14th Fl. New York, NY 10038 (212) 214-9266 ricci@rsanyc.org At some point in the near future, RSA will reach out to you and/or your vendors with direction as to how to assist in this effort – likely with a letter writing campaign to local NYS senators and Assembly members. I expect they would be able to provide a draft letter and the proper elected official’s mailing information. It is not often we reach out to you for your support in such matters but in this instance, it is critical. Your support in this effort is appreciated both by RSA as well as your fellow Real Estate owners and managers. Sincerely, Billy Schur Past President Visit www.bmar.org • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • FEBRUARY 2009 • PAGE Al’An Elevator Corporation Serving The Tri State Area Since 1981 Complete 24 Hour Service • Maintenance • Repairs • Modernizations • New Installations • Violations Removal • Test Inspections * * * Call Now For A Free Survey Of Your Elevator * * * Anthony Di Napoli Lawrence Laurenzano President Vice President Anthony@Alanelevator.com Larry@AIanelevator.com Al’An Elevator Corporation 2368 Westchester Avenue Bronx, New York 10462 718-792-9530 Phone 718-792-4218 Fax Visit us at: Alanelevator.Com * * * * * * * * * N E W ! * * * * * * * * * We now have a Certified In-house Lead Dust Laboratory. For quick turnaround on dust wipes. Lead Paint Testing NYDOH ELAP#11863 Special MLS Announcement The Bronx-Manhattan North Association of Realtors’ MLS Listings will be featured FREE and automatically on additional premium websites including: FGOOGLE BASE FTRULIA FZILLOW FMYSPACE CLASSIFIED FLYCOS.COM FYAHOO REAL ESTATE FAOL.COM FCYBERHOMES FOVERSTOCK.COM FHOTPADS FPROPERAZZI FOODLE FVAST Environmental Testing FHOMESCAPE.COM • Dust Wipe Testing • HPD Challenges • Indoor Air Quality Testing • Mold Testing • Phase 1 Site Audits FBACKPAGE.COM Michael Cassidy (718) 231-8399 Fax: (718) 231-8109 PAGE 10 • FEBRUARY 2009 • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • Visit www.bmar.org FLISTPIC.COM FMILITARY.COM FLOCAL.COM FFRONTDOOR (HGTV). In additional to Realtor.com, the premium websites above makes this is a very exciting development for members of the MLS especially in this real estate market. It is a significant benefit for current and new members. For more information contact Desiree Santiago at: D.Santiago@BMAR.ORG. Commercial Mortgages $100,000 to $5,000,000 Emigrant Funding, a subsidiary of Emigrant Bank, Member FDIC, is a DIRECT LENDER specializing in first mortgage financing for most types of commercial real estate, including: multi-family apartment houses, mixed-use buildings & retail and office properties. �No minimum credit score requirement �Local Emigrant presence in Brooklyn, �Purchases, rate/term refis & cash-out refis �15, 20, 25 and 30-year amortization loans �Non-recourse & full-recourse loans available �Cooperatives: underlying mortgage and lines of credit Manhattan, Long Island & Westchester �Lending throughout NY, NJ, CT, FL, MA, RI, PA, and IL �Brokers protected! % Premiums paid to brokers! Greg Manning 7 Westchester Plaza, Elmsford, NY 10523 Telephone: (914) 785-1420 Facsimile: (914) 785-1950 www.EmigrantFunding.com Emigrant Funding Corporation (EFC). All rights reserved. EFC is a subsidiary of Emigrant Bank, Member FDIC and is an Equal Opportunity Lender. The information, products, and services containted in this advertisement are believed to be correct but may include inaccuracies, typographical errors and/or omissions. This information is intended for mortgage and/or real estate professional use only and should not be distributed or presented to consumers or any other third parties. This is not an offer or guarantee to extend EQUAL HOUSING credit. All loans are subject to submission of a complete application, underwriting review and credit and property approval. EFC is L E N DE R registered or licensed with the Banking Departments or Divisions in NY, NJ, CT, MA, RI, PA, FL and IL. The Finance Leader Executive Towers cutive Towers is a Located in the Bronx, Exe nity, serving as a home mu com the of e cornerston to hundreds of local ss, ine bus and as a place of recent $5M Freddie Mac ’s CPC community members. 455-unit co-op will help second mortgage for the ns to make necessary mea the with m the provide hen their financial ngt stre as l upgrades as wel will fund a reserve for ds cee pro condition. The loan improvements including ital immediate and future cap de restoration, elevator garage restoration, faça trical of convection units, elec t men lace upgrades, rep lobby upgrades. and way hall lic pub sub-metering, and CPC’s dedicated staff of mortgage professionals will help you create customized solutions to fit your multi-family project’s financing needs. Thanks to the dedication of our Member Banks, and partnership with government, nonprofits and scores of other committed organizations, CPC continues to create affordable financing solutions to fit each community’s needs. We Offer: t'SFEEJF.BD'JOBODJOH t1FSNBOFOU-PBOT t3FöOBODJOH0QUJPOT t$PNQSFIFOTJWF5FDIOJDBM 4VQQPSU For More Information in the Bronx & Manhattan: $POUBDUBruce DaleBU18)601-6600FYU PSCEBMF!DPNNVOJUZQDPN www.communityp.com Realtors® Welcome Renewed Efforts Toward Housing Stabilization Congress and the U.S. Department of the Treasury must enact legislative and regulatory priorities to stabilize the housing market and help stop the U.S. financial market’s rapid deterioration, and on Friday, five freshman U.S. senators took decisive action toward this goal. “For months the National Association of Realtors® has urged the importance of stabilizing the housing market to help the nation’s economic future,” said NAR President Charles McMillan. “Although steps have been taken, the focus has not been on housing in the way it needs to be. We thank and congratulate five of our country’s newest senators for their leadership in pushing for decisive action to, in their words, ‘restore vigor to our nation’s slumping housing industry.’” Last November, NAR presented a fourpoint plan developed to spur home sales and stem the rapid rise in foreclosures by lowering mortgage interest rates and unclogging the credit market, extending the home buyer tax credit, making the increased loan limits permanent, and increasing liquidity in the both the commercial and residential real estate market. On Friday, Sens. Jeanne Shaheen, N.H., Kay Hagan, N.C., Mark Udall, Colo., Tom Udall, N.M., and Mark Begich, Ark., called for their Senate colleagues to focus on housing in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Tax Act of 2009, S. 1, and to expand the home buyer tax credit through the end of 2009. In a letter to their colleagues, the senators noted that the housing industry has long been the engine that drives our economy and recommended extending the tax credit until the end of 2009 to encourage aspiring and qualified home buyers to come off the sidelines and significantly reduce the nation’s high housing inventory. NAR agrees with and supports the senators’ actions and vows to work with Congress and the administration to establish strong housing legislation that will help bring stability to home values, prevent foreclosures and put the U.S. economy on the road to recovery. Visit www.bmar.org • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • FEBRUARY 2009 • PAGE 11 PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS IN THIS NEWSLETTER! *Tell them that you saw their “ad” in the BMAR Newsletter IAQ CertIfIed ePA CertIfIed Indoor AIr QuAlIty sPeCIAlIsts leAd testIng & AbAtement mold testIng & remedIAtIon thermo ImAgIng AnAlysIs flood restorAtIon 2800 Webster Ave. bronx, ny 10458 Free Consultation & estimate tel: 718.220.4200 fax: 718.329.5323 www.jesllc.com PAGE 12 • FEBRUARY 2009 • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • Visit www.bmar.org OCS CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Specializing in Water Treatment For Boiler and Cooling Systems FREE ENGINEERING SURVEY AND ANALYSIS CORROSION COUPON STUDY TEL: 914-739-2676 FAX: 914-739-2873 REALTOR® ASSOCIATION MISSION STATEMENT The Bronx-Manhattan North Association of Realtors strives to sponsor meaningful programs and services which enhance the member’s ability to conduct their business in a competent and ethical manner, to promote cooperation and networking among its members, and to promote the public’s right to use and transfer real estate property. Visit Us At: www.bmar.org Independently Owned & Owner Operated VER TECH E L E VATO R • • • • Preventive Maintenance Violation Removals Tests & Inspections Modernizations • Repairs • Fully Stocked Parts Dept. • 24 Hr. Service 877-VER-TECH 212-375-1900 • 718-850-9111 • 516-239-2205 www.ver-techelevator.com Quality Elevator Services and Modernizations INSTRUCTORS WANTED The Real Estate Institute of the Bronx-Manhattan North Association of Realtors is expanding its Education program and is interested in hiring qualified instructors to teach real estate courses. Resumes should be forwarded with a cover letter to Nunzio Del Greco, Chief Executive Officer at the Board Office. In addition to an hourly rate of compensation, instructors are also eligible for 2 hours of continuing education credit for license renewal for each hour of instruction. Visit www.bmar.org • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • FEBRUARY 2009 • PAGE 13 NEW MLS LISTING OPPORTUNITIES Non-member MLS Realtors can submit listings into the system for the first time. This is an outstanding opportunity if you are not a member of the MLS but want to get your listings on Realtor.com and get maximum exposure for your exclusive property listing. A processing of $250 per listing charge is required. Appraisers are extended a special introductory membership of $1,200 for the first year. Affiliate membership dues $350 plus a one time $50 application fee is required for processing. For more information call (212) 242-4343, (718) 892-3000 or email: info@bmar.org. ADVANTAGE ADVERTISING Save 10% - 20% to reserve space in the Publications of the Bronx-Manhattan North Association of Realtors * Discounts Available * For more information Call: 718-892-3000 • 212-242-4343 Gold Elite Dealer 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 Digital Copiers Fax Machines Printers Scanners Paperless Solutions Electronic Document Management (845) 942-1400 www.deccopiers.com www.deccopiers.com PAGE 14 • FEBRUARY 2009 • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • Visit www.bmar.org — Printer of This Newsletter — 3742 boston road bronx, ny 10469 A.SCHONFELD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT-RENTALS ALAN SCHONFELD MANAGEMENT SINCE 1980 119 E 233 RD ST BRONX, NY 10470 TEL: 347-275-3775 FAX: 347-275-4332 E-MAIL: ALREAL626@AOL.COM CELL: 917-416-6045 PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS IN THIS NEWSLETTER! *Tell them that you saw their “ad” in the BMAR Newsletter AEC Engineering Design & Construction Services PLLC Complete Architectural Engineering Services Marc A. 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Hill, Inc......................................................................................................................... 718-884-2200 Roy Holmes Realty, Inc................................................................................................................. 718-653-3100 The Best Hope Realtly................................................................................................................... 718-584-8600 S & G Realty................................................................................................................................ 212-828-0312 *Susan E. Goldy, Inc..................................................................................................................... 718-549-4116 Today Realty Corp......................................................................................................................... 718-597-1777 *TransUnion SSI........................................................................................................................... 256-536-5330 Triton Reo Management Corp....................................................................................................... 646-478-7818 *United Realty Services...............................................................................................................718--405-2266 WW Realty Services Inc................................................................................................................ 212-283-7966 Weichert Realtors-House & Home................................................................................................ 718-432-5000 *Mention this advertisement when calling any of the above offices* World Savings Bank..................................................................................................................... 516-832–4102 *Mention this advertisement when calling any of the above offices* Look for the 1867 Williamsbridge Road Bronx, NY 10461 718-892-3000 * 212-242-4343 Fax: 718-892-9181 E-mail: info@bmar.org logo Visit www.bmar.org • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • FEBRUARY 2009 • PAGE 15 1-800-945-WASH 800 Westchester Avenue • Suite 5340 • Rye Brook, NY 10573 Tel. 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Editor & Chief Executive Officer Make your reservations to attend the 85th Annual Banquet April 23, 2009 For more information or reservations contact Janine Schall at: j.schall@bmar.org (718) 892-3000 or (212) 242-4343 Visit us at www.bmar.org PAGE 16 • FEBRUARY 2009 • REALTOR PROFESSIONAL EDGE • Visit www.bmar.org