seawall stabilization
seawall stabilization
SEAWALL STABILIZATION Manzanilla Beach Facility BACKGROUND The Manzanilla Beach Facility is a popular tourist destination known internationally for its leatherback sea turtle nesting areas. Located on the eastern side of the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean Sea, the beach was forced to close in 2014 after sections of its 25-year-old concrete seawall began to collapse due to Manzanilla’s notoriously rough surf: vigorous wave action was literally undermining the wall. In fact, several concrete seawalls in the region have failed due to the scouring action of waves at the toe of the walls. The Coastal Protection Unit of Trinidad’s Ministry of Works & Infrastructure required a new solution that was not vulnerable to wave scouring. The solution had to perform three functions: retaining wall, coastal erosion protection, and seawall barrier. And it had to last much longer than the existing wall. PROJECT SCOPE The Shoreline Management Specialist for Trinidad’s Coastal Protection Unit, Mrs. Candice Gary-Bernard, exhaustively researched alternative approaches to concrete seawalls. In particular, she was impressed by CMI’s response to similar challenges in areas ranging from the Gulf of Mexico to the Caribbean coasts of Colombia. Not only was CMI vinyl sheet piling less money than steel piling, it is virtually maintenance free, and it carried a 50-year warranty on materials and manufacturing. Working closely with the Ministry, and Marger Limited, a Trinidad-based distributor, CMI engineered a new wall of vinyl sheet piling that would extend much deeper into the soil than the existing concrete wall. 1 CONSTRUCTION In addition to being intimately involved with all stages of design and engineering, CMI was onsite to assist Zeeton Limited, a Trinidad-based contractor, in the initial installation of panels and their ArmorWare tie-back system. PERFORMANCE Tourism and future development is critically important for the Manzanilla Beach area of Trinidad. So it’s not surprising that when the beach reopened in August 2015, the head of the Ministry of Works and Infrastructure, Dr. Surujrattan Rambachan officiated the commemoration ceremony. The new wall doesn’t just fulfill its three primary functions. It’s also an integral part of a vibrant new public space that includes a promenade with solar streetlights, sitting areas, new concrete stairs and a wheelchair access ramp to the beach. The Ministry of Works proudly displays a YouTube video of the completed project. Manzanilla Beach is Trinidad’s first public works project using vinyl synthetic piling. Nevertheless, they have already started a second ShoreGuard® 850-based beach protection project, just north of Manzanilla Beach, at Cocos Bay. WALL SPECIFICATION SG 850 TimberGuard 770-933-8166 | | Date: August 2015 Contractor: Zeeton Limited Owner: Manzanilla Beach Facility Engineers: Ministry of Works & Infrastructure and CMI Enineering Depth 19 ft. 5.8 m Length 872 ft. 252 m The very dense soil (40 SPT sand) required an auger to prepare it prior to the vibratory-hammer driving of the sheets. Alternatively, CMI’s PileClaw® Mandrel may have been used, eliminating the auger. Using polymer-coated ArmorRod™ tie-backs, the SG-850 Vinyl Sheet Piles are tied back to DMA-9 Plate Anchors, which are installed on the existing concrete wall. To the left is the excavator-mounted auger. To the right is the excavator-mounted vibratory hammer for driving the sheet piles. Onsite, CMI assisted the contractor, Zeeton Limited, with the initial installation of the panels and their ArmorWare tie-back system. Crane Materials International (CMI) manufactures innovative products which provide value added sustainable solutions for the construction and engineering communities. Physical properties are defined by ASTM testing standards, The Aluminum Association Design Manual, The Naval Facilities Design Manual DM 7.2, and The US Army Corps of Engineers General Design Guide: PVC Sheet Pile and/or standard engineering practice. The values shown are nominal and may vary. The information found in this document is believed to be true and accurate. No warranties of any kind are made as to the suitability of any CMI product for particular applications or the results obtained there from. Crane Materials International is a Crane Building Products® company. CRANE MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL products are covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patents and International Patents: 4,674,921; 4,690,588; 5,292,208; 5,145,287; 6,000,883; 6,033,155;6,053,666; D420,154; 6,575,667; 7,059,807; 7,056,066; 7,025,539; 7,393,482; 5,803,672; 6,231,271; 1,245,061CA; 7,914,237 and other patents pending. ©2005-2015 Crane Materials International. All Rights Reserved. CMI_11-15 2 770-933-8166 | |
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Physical properties are defined by ASTM testing standards, The Aluminum Association Design
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