Discover Beijing - Moving Mandarin


Discover Beijing - Moving Mandarin
Lorem Ipsum Discover Beijing 4-­‐Week Intensive Summer Program Discover Beijing 2 A Unique Program Moving Mandarin’s intensive summer abroad program, Discover Beijing, is the only full-­‐immersion program that incorporates in-­‐class instruction and learning while exploring on a 50:50 ratio. Discover Beijing provides a unique opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the Chinese language and culture. The program was founded on the basis that the only effective way of learning Mandarin Chinese is to thoroughly study the language elements in the classroom and actively practice it in real-­‐life situations. Given the rich learning environment of China’s capital city, students are given endless opportunities to meet with different aspects of the Chinese language and culture. For the Summer 2011 program, we have chosen Capital Normal University as our program site mainly for its convenient student residences and modern classrooms. Students sign a Language Pledge upon their arrival to Beijing, after which only M andarin Chinese will be spoken, read, written and heard during the four-­‐week program. Beginning students are given a grace period of 4 days where they go through intensive language instruction to allow quick adjustment into the pledge system. The Moving Classroom ensures that the Language Pledge is employed at all times as students carry dictionaries and are accompanied b y their teachers during all trips and cultural activities in and around the capital city. We welcome students of all levels, as we believe that this creates the perfect environment for endless learning. On the first day after orientation, students take a placement test that assesses their speaking, writing, listening and reading abilities. Classroom instruction will be held within the same level groups and each student will take 2 hours of 1-­‐on-­‐1 tutoring per week to support their studies. Learning While Exploring will bring students of all levels together. These trips and activities will be accompanied by at least one teacher from each level. Discover Beijing 3 Our intensive 4-­‐week curriculum is equivalent to a semester of Mandarin Chinese classes at the college level*. As much as Mandarin Chinese is an important language, it is a very difficult one to master. We ask our students to take the program very seriously to get the most out of the four weeks in Beijing. A typical day would include : • 15-­‐minute morning quiz • 4 hours of Chinese In-­‐Class Instruction • 4 hours of Learning While Exploring (Trips & Activities) • 3 hours of Homework All of our teachers are certified through Beijing Language and Culture University and have several years of teaching experience. Our teachers also go through an in-­‐house training program that focuses on ACTFL’s (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) 5C’s: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. In-­‐class instruction is divided into three parts : General Chinese (2 hours) This class focuses on grammar drills, vocabulary in context, reading and writing practice, and sentence building. Chinese Culture (1 hour) Students learn about various aspects of the Chinese culture, covering topics such as : history, politics, literature, traditions, and business. Contextual Learning. The program’s in-­‐class instruction is geared toward Contextual Learning, to use and retain. Chinese in Action (1 hour) This is where students learn all vocabulary and key expressions that they are expected to practice during their afternoon Learning While Exploring. Assignments include : History Presentation, Survey & Interview, and Photo Journaling. Discover Beijing 4 LEARNING
while Exploring
Trips and Activities Highlights Overnight at the Great Wall During this trip students will hike up the Great Wall (approx. 10 km) to watch the sunset. Students and accompanying teachers will then have the unique opportunity to stay overnight at a nearby village. Students will spend quality time with the village folk, p laying games, eating home-­‐cooked meals and interacting with the local people in Chinese. 798 Art District Famous for one of the largest art communities in the world, students will spend a day at the 798 Art District visiting galleries and exhibitions and interact with local artists. Students can choose to get their portraits drawn b y street artists and win fabulous prizes during our Scavenger Hunt. The trip will end with a Peking duck meal at a traditional Chinese restaurant. Forbidden City and Tian’anmen Square Before this trip, students will learn detailed history about the Forbidden City and Tian’anmen Square. With this knowledge, students will go to the center of the city to visit the world’s largest palace complex. The day trip will end with a delicious stop at the famous Snack Street in Wangfujing where students can pick anything from Chinese tacos to roasted scorpions. Chinese Temples : Daoist Buddhist, Muslim and Catholic In order to better understand the religious trends in China, students will take short half-­‐day trips to the Lama Temple, White Cloud Temple, Cow S treet Mosque and the Wangfujing Church. Students will collect information from these visits and will be assigned group presentation topics. Other Trips Include : Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven, Beijing Hutong Tour, paddle boating in Houhai and making Chinese dumplings Discover Beijing Important Details 5 Housing * Our modern housing facilities in the Capital Normal University are convenient and secure. The d orm tower is connected to the classroom building and each fully furnished room comes with a private bathroom and shower, wireless internet and a mini-­‐fridge. Students will share d ouble rooms and have the option to request for a single room. Students will fill out a short Housing Questionnaire as part of the application process to b e placed with a roommate of similar Chinese level in order to promote the Language Pledge. Our on-­‐site bilingual Resident Director will live in the same building as the students and will be accessible 24/7 for personal and academic issues. Meals The program will host two dinner banquets but otherwise, students will pay for their own meals. As they will be staying in a large university area, they will have access to many clean, affordable restaurants in and around campus. A typical breakfast costs as low as $1 and there are many supermarkets nearby where students can purchase western groceries and fresh fruits and vegetables. Communication** All students will be provided with Beijing cellphones that have staff and emergency contact numbers programmed in the phone. Family members can reach students anytime through these local numbers. Safety and Insurance We are dedicated to providing students with a safe trip while in China. Within the first 24 hours upon arrival, students undergo orientation where they will be introduced to extensive safety guidelines and important Beijing laws they should be aware of. All students are enrolled in CISI’s basic plan, which is included in our program costs. For detail information on the plan’s coverage, please visit : Our Staff Our staff has several years of running study abroad programs in China. Many have studied abroad themselves and are familiar with working with students. Students will have 24-­‐hour access to their on-­‐site bilingual Residential Director. Parents will also be able to reach our staff at anytime by phone and email. Our experienced Residential Director, teachers and trip leaders have all undergone CPR and First Aid training to ensure a quick response in case of emergency situations. They are also familiar with international hospitals that are covered by our insurance. *Student accounts will be charged for room damages. **Students will be required to pay a deposit of RMB 300 (USD 50) for local cellphones. ***Students should bring spending money for gifts, souvenirs and daily meals. Discover Beijing 6 Dates & Fees
Program Name Program Dates Application Deadline Program Fees Payment Schedule July Group USD 3025 USD 3025 Deposit (USD 500) due 5 DAYS AFTER ACCEPTANCE Balance (USD 2525) due May 1st 2012 Deposit (USD 500) due 5 DAYS AFTER ACCEPTANCE Balance (USD 2525) due June 1st 2012 August Group st
July 1 – 31st 2012 April 5th 2012 August 1st – 31st 2012 May 5th 2012 Early Bird Discount (for both programs) Full payment made 5 DAYS AFTER ACCEPTANCE : 15% discount USD 2570 (original : USD 3025) Above fees include : l
Classroom instruction for 4 weeks Textbooks and other learning materials CISI’s Basic Insurance Plan Orientation Packet on arrival day Housing in modern facilities 24/7 wireless internet in accommodation Airport pick-­‐up and drop-­‐off Tour site entrance and transportation fees 2 Banquet Dinners 24-­‐hour bilingual support Beijing cellphones (deposit required) Chinese Visa service (through Above fees do NOT include : l Airfare to and from Beijing Capital Airport l Meals l Personal Expenses such as shopping, snacks, etc. l Anything not mentioned on the right Application Process Eligibility : 1. Enrolled in an accredited college/university 2. In good academic standing 3. Hold a passport (valid for at least 6 months) Applicants must submit all application materials mentioned on the Application PDF by the deadline according to the chosen program. Students will be notified of their acceptance decision within one week of submitting their full application. Students will then have five business days to confirm their acceptance via our online system and pay the USD 500 deposit fee, or make full payment for Early Bird rates. These steps must be completed in order to ensure your place in the program. Please note that the remaining balance should be paid by the deadline of your chosen program. Lorem Ipsum Moving Mandarin Co., Ltd Suite A558, CBD International Mansion, 16 Yong An Dong Li Chaoyang, Beijing 100022, CHINA +8610-­‐65637798