183.000 people read Ziarul Financiar daily
183.000 people read Ziarul Financiar daily
For 12 years the front page in business ZIARUL FINANCIAR is the reference brand for business community on the Romanian market. ZF claims the position of the most powerful business newspaper in Romania through its credible, fresh and exclusive information, suitable for the target and by dealing in depth with the business topics. ZF differentiates through its care for context and also through its articles that are edited on successive steps like the most important foreign newspapers. What makes ZF readers buy the newspaper and flick it through, adding thus a relevant hierarchy to their business information already available on the web? • The easiness of finding the most relevant news on the well known sections of the newspaper • Avoid the loss of attention and time, due to the clear differentiation between a main story and the pieces of news • The value of the articles is also built, besides text, by titles, photographs, quotes, graphs and tables that are easily perceived at a glance ZF makes the daily agenda of the most powerful business people in Romania. ZIARUL FINANCIAR has kept its readers up-to-date on vital world business, financial, economic and political news. The editorial policy is to present authoritative, accurate, insightful news and analyses, which are both objective and impartial. Inspiration for business MUGUR ISARESCU NBR Governor STEVEN VAN GRONINGER MISU NEGRITOIU CEO ING Bank Romania CEO Raiffeisen Bank Ziarul Financiar has become a true European newspaper. My working day starts with Ziarul Financiar. I always read Ziarul Financiar early in the morning, in the office. Gradually, it has formed a highly professional team of journalists, who imposed themselves as most trusted voices in the market. I read it every morning in the car, on my way to the office, and it helps me to have access to the most important information, not necessarily on the finance-banking domain alone. It is my first choice because it offers an overview on different industries, along with company profiles which are very important for us bankers, and because it identifies novelty in the market. In fact, I’ve witnessed a win-win situation: the newspaper has gathered highly prestigious journalists who, at their turn, raised the publication. I consider it a quality newspaper which covers very well all the economic segments. I think it successfully manages to blend economic information with political analysis that are of big interest for investors who have to take into account elements such as stability and macroeconomic balance. Today, Ziarul Financiar lies on the desks of all the people who mean something for this country: bankers, managers and other business representatives, researchers, teachers, as well as politicians, governors and magistrates. It is a resourceful daily working tool for all of us, helping in making the most important business decisions. I wish Ziarul Financiar more prosperous times ahead, with even more readers and increased influence! Ziarul Financiar is the best answer to my information need of finding out what is going on in the domains that are connected to my bank activity. In a more and more complex market, with very complicated financing structures, Ziarul Financiar has to continue promoting the best economic analysts. From now on, it is inevitable to take a closer look to the financial-banking system from a European perspective, and for that it is important for a newspaper to have a high level of knowledge and understanding of European markets. j h Ziarul Financiar is the most sought after business newspaper both in Bucharest and in the country, where I have seen it in many business people’s offices. Awards ZIARUL FINANCIAR has been the reference brand of the business community in Romania for 12 years and the awards acquired in time prove it. The Young Journalist of the Year Awards • Science and Technology Section, Grand Prize: Adrian Seceleanu (2008) • The best IT&C journalist of the year award, offered by “Comunicatii Mobile” magazine: Adrian Seceleanu (2009) The Capital Market Gala • Award of Excellence • Award of Excellence • Ziarul Financiar won • Award of Excellence for professionalism on reflecting the capital market: Andrei Chirileasa (2008) for the quality of analysis on the capital market: ZF team (2008) the award for the publication that best displayed the capital market (2007) for reflecting the capital market - Economic Press Category (2009) Business Superbrands Romania • Ziarul Financiar (2007, 2008) Insurance Market Awards • Media Awards – Ziarul Financiar – The publication of the year (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005) • Special Media Awards – The journalist of the year: Sorin Pislaru (2002) Support and training program for journalists – “European Union founds transparency” 2009: • The Grand Prize awarded by the ActiveWatch - Media Monitoring Agency (AW-AMP) and the Romanian Center for Investigative Journalism (CRJI): Adriana Rosoga Core-target readership leader* *Core target: 20-49 years old, ABC Esomar, high revenues (>250 Euros) The ZF readers have a strong interest in economy, they are middle and top managers, medium and big business owners Source: SNA FOCUS, Oct 2009 - Oct 2010 All urban, 14-64 years old Positioning Map • 183.000 people read Ziarul Financiar daily; they are the main revenue source for their families, with monthly earnings higher than the competition’s readers Source: SNA FOCUS, Oct 2009 - Oct 2010 All urban, 14-64 years old 57% of the ZF readers are managers Sex Varsta Educatie Ocupatie Statut Social ESOMAR Venit personal • A category: Top managers and professionals with high education Source: SNA FOCUS, Oct 2009 - Oct 2010 All urban, 14-64 years old • B category: Middle managers and directors • C category: Employees with high education, owners of small companies ZF readers earn more than the national average • ZF readers earn (individuals and as a family) much more than the national average Source: SNA FOCUS, Oct 2009 - Oct 2010 All urban, 14-64 years old ZF – Key Facts 20.000 Average gross circulation per edition 14.000 Average number of subscriptions per month 471.000 ZF readers per week 827.000 The total number of readers in time 57% ZF readers belong to Esomar AB (high social status) 39 Is the average age of the ZF readers 57% Urban awareness Source: SNA FOCUS, Oct 2009 - Oct 2010 All urban, 14-64 years old ZF – Consumer Behaviour Percent Affinity indices compared to the population universe Product / service 41% 170 Interested in financial-banking information published in newspapers/magazines 19% 133 Newspapers are the main source of financial-banking / insurance information 78% 131 Have at least one car 21% 135 Intend to buy a car in the next year 9% 175 Have a week-end house 8% 232 Have at least a business account 6% 154 Own securities (shares, bonds) 31% 167 Have at least one type of insurance 27% 152 Have at least one credit card 23% 137 Use at least two mobile services that they pay alone 72% 117 Have a high-tech mobile phone (3G, photo camera, MMS, Mp3 Player) 74% 121 Use an Internet service on the mobile phone 13% 162 Have travelled at least once by plane for personal reasons in the last year Sursa: SNA FOCUS, Oct 2009 - Oct 2010, Urban 50k+, 14-64 ani provider of accurate, credible and on time information ZF captures the trends of the Romanian and foreign business environment, as well as the administration decisions that have an impact on business Sections: Front Page Event Stock Exchange Banks - Insurance Companies International Business Hi-Tech Analysis Monday – Profesii Friday – Dupa Afaceri The ZF rhetoric is specific to the quality press category – the writing is concise and sober, whilst the information is complete, treated in context The most comprehensive daily business newspaper Online Events Supplements and yearly books More Information - Supplements A complete range of business information brought through ZF supplements ZF Proprietati – Weekly Real Estate supplement (every Thursday) ZF Business Construct – Monthly supplement with analysis, trends and news for the Romanian construction market Dupa Afaceri PREMIUM – Monthly supplement that covers the trends, novelties and events of the business lifestyle universe in an elitist, informative, elegant manner Dupa afaceri CHRONOS - Biannual supplement dedicated to the watch making industry. Presents new launches along with the trends in this field, interviews with the presidents and the people behind the most important brands of this industry. Thematic Supplements Insurance, Banking Real estate, IT&C, Telecom, Energy, Automotive, Football World Cup 2010 The perfect business tools – ZF Yearly Books Top Tranzactii – reflects the dynamics of the Romanian economy with the ranking of the most important transactions of the previous year (March) Anuarul Caselor de Avocatura – landmark for the most important players in economy who will still need legal consultancy for their future business decisions. Anuarul de Business al Romaniei – detailed analysis of the most important 80 industries; highlights the real players of the market (June) Cei mai importanti 1.000 de oameni din business – the most important 1,000 business people from the companies that matter in Romania (October) Top 100 cele mai valoroase companii – top companies ranking in terms of market value (November) Events ZF organizes the most highly rated business events in Romania, illustrated by the big number of participants. More than 4,000 in 2010 ZF Seminars ZF Conferences ZF Dinner ZF Gala ZF Expert Online www.zf.ro is the main source of information for business people - over 60,000 unique visitors per day www.zf.ro 688.688 unique visitors / month 5.587.218 pageviews / month (source: SATI, November ‘10) Newsletters and Breaking News alerts daily delivered to over 30,000 subscribers m.zf.ro – access business information directly from your mobile browser Overview Format: 420 x 630 mm Frequency: quotidian Distribution: national No. of pages: 12 - 24 pages Type of paper: 45 g / mp Cover price : 3 lei / issue RATE CARD ZF (EURO) starting January 1, 2011 Prima pagina Tarif Modul/dimensiune (cm) 4C b/w 1/1 pagina (38/59 cm) 6,500 4,350 1/2 pagina (38/28,5 cm) 1/2 junior page (27/38.5 cm) 1/3 pagina (38/18,9 cm) 1/4 pagina (18,8/28,5 cm; 38/13 cm) 1/4 - centrul paginii 1/8 pagina (18.8/14 cm) 1/16 pagina (9.2/14cm) 1/32 pagina (9.2/7 cm) modul special DS 1A (7.8/16 cm-colt dreapta jos) modul special DS 1B (7.8/12 cm-colt dreapta jos) modul special DS 1C (7.8/7.8 cm-dreapta jos) modul special DS 1D (10.5/5 cm-stinga jumatatea 4,350 5,350 3,650 2,750 4,900 1,750 1,100 - 3,000 3,800 2,400 1,750 3,300 1,100 700 400 - 10% 20% 15% 5% 10% 20% 15% 5% modul special DS 1E (5/5 cm-stg. sau dr. cap ziar) modul special DS 1F (26.5/5 cm-centru cap ziar) Majorari Pozitionare speciala Pozitionare caiet SC Articol publicitar Machetare (se aplica la valoarea primei aparitii) Inserturi Leaflets pe tot tirajul Leaflets pe tiraj partial Dead-line Dead-line comanda Dead-line macheta Frecventa Zi de aparitie Ultima Pagina 4C Pagina Companii 4C - 4C E-Business&IT/ Banci-Asigurari b/w 4C 8,000 7,650 5,350 7,650 3,500 2,900 2,300 1,700 1,100 5,850 5,200 6,600 4,350 3,250 5,850 4,800 6,150 4,000 3,050 5,400 1,950 1,250 - 3,300 4,100 2,750 2,100 3,650 1,250 750 450 - 4,800 6,150 4,000 3,050 5,400 1,950 10% 20% 15% 5% 10% 20% 15% 5% - 10% 20% 15% 5% 10% 20% 15% 5% 70 EURO/1000 ex. 85 EURO/1000 ex. cu 3 zile inainte de data de aparitie cu 2 zile inainte de data de aparitie cotidian luni - vineri Modulele speciale se achizitioneaza in limita spatiului disponibil Tarifele nu includ TVA (24%), taxa de sanatate (12%). NOTA: Publicitate politica - majorare de 50% a tarifelor din rate-card;' comenzile de publicitate sunt acceptate numai cu plata in avans. 10% 20% 15% 5% RC ZF supplements (EURO) starting January 1, 2011 Supplements , Energy, Automotive, Insurance, SMEs, Greece, Germany, Austria etc. (8-16 pages, A3 format, full color) Proprietati (8 pages, full color, A3 format, SC paper) Format / size (cm) 1/1 27.5/37.5 cm 1/2 27.5/18.5 cm 1/4 13.65/18.5 cm P1 box (5,1/7,2 cm) P2 box (5,1/7,2 cm) P3 box (5,1/7,2 cm) Special taxes Special positioning Political ads* Advertorial Ad creation Frequency Issue Day Dead-line Order placement deadline Layout submission deadline Price 4C 800 450 250 10% 50% 15% 15% First Page Last Page 4C 4C 100 100 100 10% 50% 15% 15% 950 600 Format / size (cm) - 10% 50% 15% 15% weekly Thursday 7 working days before the print date 4 working days before the print date Interior Page Price 4C 1/1 (28.5/39.2 cm) 1/2 (28.5x19.4 cm, 14x39.2 cm) 1/3 (9,2 x 39.2 cm, 28.5x13 cm) 1/4 (14.05/19.4 cm, 28.5x9.5 cm) Special taxes Special positioning Political ads* Advertorial Ad creation Frequency Dead-line Order placement deadline Layout submission deadline 1/1 (20.5/27.5 cm) 1/2 (20.5/13.5cm) Coperta 4 (20.5/27.5 cm) Coperta 3 (20.5/27.5 cm) Coperta 2 (20.5/27.5 cm) Opening Spread (41/27.5 cm) Inside Spread (41/27.5 cm) ½ Inside Spread (41/13.5 cm) Special taxes Special positioning Political ads* Advertorial Ad creation Frequency Dead-line Order placement deadline Layout submission deadline 4C 4,500 2,500 1,850 5,000 2,750 2,000 1,250 1,400 10% 50% 15% 15% 10% 50% 15% 15% yearly 7 working days before the print date 4 working days before the print date ZF Yearbooks (Top Tranzactii, Who’s Who in Business, Top 100 Companii, Anuarul Caselor de Avocatura, Anuarul de business al Romaniei etc.), 128 + 4 pag, A4, full color, glossy Format / size (cm) Last Page Rate Card 4C 3,950 2,100 6,950 4,950 5,950 8,950 7,150 4,050 10% 50% 15% 15% yearly 21 working days before the print date 14 working days before the print date Technical delivery conditions For 1/1 pages • Printing films, 85 lpi, normal emulsion, format – elliptic point • Angles: C15, M75, Y0, K45 • Final resolution: 1270 dpi. • Film dimensions: • Page mirror: 380x590 mm; • Finished format: 420x630 mm; For avoiding colour inadvertencies inherent in the printing process, it is recommended that the films come with the match print. For smaller than 1/1 pages: Available dimensions: (See ad dimensions from the offers) Macintosh *.EPS files in binary code, final resolution 300 dpi for colour and minimum 170 dpi for white/black, in one of the following programs: Quark Xpress, Free Hand, Adobe Illustrator. They will be send on a magnetic support, or via e-mail and must be send necessarily with print. Deadlines for ZF: Order deadline: at least 3 days before the day of issue. Ad deadline: at least 2 days before the day of issue. Deadlines for ZF weekly supplements: Order deadline: at least 7 days before the day of issue Ad deadline: at least 4 days before the day of issue. Note If the requirements above are not met, Ziarul Financiar does not guarantee that the ads will be published as scheduled. Overdue deadlines can be done only with the approval from Ziarul Financiar and are charged with an additional 20% from the total value
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Ziarul Financiar
• trim area: 420x630 mm;
To avoid any color inaccuracies inherent to the printing process we recommend that the films come with a matchprint or cromalin