The MORECO Project
The MORECO Project
The MORECO Project October 2013 Issue 5 1. Introduction INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 Introduction 2 Moreco Mid-term conference in Mantova 3 MORECO Tool implementation process in the Pilot Sites 4 The MORECO-events 5 Salzburg pilot area 6 Pinerolese pilot area With the midterm conference in Mantova (4th of June 2013) the MORECO project overcame one of its main turning points and entered in its last phase, that will bring to its conclusion in the half of 2014. The midterm conference was a great occasion to compare the variety of solutions that the partners are testing in the different pilot areas to improve accessibility and to foster sustainable mobility by an optimized polycentric settlement development. Furthermore, the conference allowed a widening of MORECO’s horizons, through the interesting lectures that presented the cases of other areas in the Alpine Space (as for the urban regeneration realized in the urban settlements and the public transport system of the city of Brescia) and elsewhere (the urban development of Curitiba and of North Holland Province). In this number of the newsletter you can discover the tool implementation process in the pilot sites, take a look at the list of MORECO events and be introduced to the Salzburg and to the Pinerolese case study regions. To be updated on the program and on all activities of the project check the website! 2. Moreco Mantova Mid-term conference in Social and territorial costs of the urban sprawl: how to rethink the planning tools The midterm conference of the MORECO project was held on the 4th of June 2013 in the prestigious location of the Salone Mantegnesco in Mantova. The event, entitled “Social and territorial costs of the urban sprawl: how to rethink the planning tools”, was organized by the Province of Mantova. Page 2 The MORECO Project INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 Introduction 2 Moreco Mid-term conference in Mantova 3 MORECO Tool implementation process in the Pilot Sites 4 The MORECO-events 5 Salzburg pilot area The conference was attended by about 90 people, among which the project partners representatives, the conference lecturers, public authorities, associations representatives, professionals and students, and has been the occasion for the whole MORECO partnership to present itself to Mantova and describe the tools developed by the project and, in particular, the actions that the Province is coordinating within its territory. The event dealt with the consequences of a bad territorial planning and its related problems, which represent some of the main theme of interest for the Alpine Space region: soil consumption, traffic and pollution, wastage of resources and worsening of the quality of life are common and current problems in many areas of the Alpine Space territory, in particular the ones characterized by medium-big cities and mountain valleys. From these subjects arose the need for an occasion where to evaluate smart solutions, exchange best practices and discuss possible common way out. 6 Pinerolese pilot area The conference began with the welcome of the local authorities represented by the President of the Province of Mantova, Alessandro Pastacci, who has underlined the importance of the participation to European projects in order to contribute to the creation of a real European Union and at the same time to bring locally the added value of international best practices, his speech was followed by the representatives of the Municipality of Mantova and of the project observer APAM (The local public mobility agency). Then SIR, IMOVE and ISPACE gained the participants attention presenting the projects tools: the tool for politicians that SIR is developing, the cost calculator for householders almost concluded by IMOVE and the software to support the planners in the public administrations, realized by ISPACE. Some interesting hints were offered by the international experts from the University of Deventer (Holland), Huibert Haccau and Paul Chorus, who have presented the experiences and methodologies used in the urban planning of the city of Curitiba (Brasil) and in the Page 3 The MORECO Project INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 Introduction 2 Moreco Mid-term conference in Mantova 3 MORECO Tool implementation process in the Pilot Sites 4 The MORECO-events 5 Salzburg pilot area 6 Pinerolese pilot area Province of North Holland, where the urban planning have followed both the public transport network and the evolution of the society and the territory. Luciano Lussignoli of the National Institute of Urban Planning, presented the programme of urban regeneration realized in the urban settlements and the public transport system of the city of Brescia (Italy). Two of the MORECO project observers also brought their contribute to the conference. Francesca Quiri (APAM) has explained the local outcomes of the project related to the possibility of connection between the request for mobility and the integrated planning of local transports and urban development, while Carlo Peraboni (Politecnico) has presented the issue of the polycentrism in the “spread city”: the governance tools in the territory of Mantova. The Province of Mantova has concluded the speeches explaining the activities that it is implementing in the pilot area: from the experimentation of the MORECO tools to the adoption of some common measures for the Territorial Plan of Provincial Coordination and the Plans of Territorial Governance for the development of the territory and transports. The interest shown for the tackled themes and the numerous participants, in particular the representatives of the 16 Municipalities of the 1° and 2° belts of Mantova involved into the project, have confirmed that the event has been an important occasion to discuss, at a local level, integrated planning and shared governance. Outside the Salone Mantegnesco, an exhibition of illustrative panels has shown the main projects realized by the Province of Mantova and some Municipalities to support a sustainable mobility and a territorial planning that aims at minimizing the soil consumption and increasing the services in smaller centres. Please see the site for the downloads of the lecturers’ ppt and the illustrative panels. Contact person: Elena Mattioli Provincia di Mantova Tel.: +39 (0)376 204316 E-Mail: Page 4 The MORECO Project INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 Introduction 2 Moreco Mid-term conference in Mantova 3 MORECO Tool implementation process in the Pilot Sites 4 The MORECO-events 5 Salzburg pilot area 6 Pinerolese pilot area 3. MORECO Tool implementation process in the Pilot Sites There were different tools developed during the second project year of MORECO to foster sustainable mobility by an optimized polycentric settlement development in the Alpine Space. Beside the tools for politicians and planners, a calculation tool for private households was designed as well. This tool is planned to be used by private households which want to analyze their mobility and residential costs, referring to different site locations. The MORECO tool for households was developed as a basic MS Excel tool which can be used in each involved Pilot Site. As simple Excel version it can be downloaded from the project website ( As it was planned during the development phase, there are two adaption steps possible in the Pilot Sites concerning the marketing of the household tool: On the one hand the pilot sites have the option just to implement and promote the basic Excel version of the tool, translated into the local language. On the other hand it is also conceivable, to use the Excel tool and additionally develop it further into a web-based version similar to the Munich WoMo-Calculator ( Even a total different implementation process is possible, depending on the special needs and framework in the partner region. Each MORECO partner decided independently if and which tools they want to implement in the relevant Pilot Site and how much effort they will put into the process. Page 5 The MORECO Project 5 partners determined to adapt the household tool beside the other MORECO-Tools. The adaption processes differ very much from Pilot Site to Pilot Site. Some started very early and developed their own approach (France); other partners just translated the common MORECO Excel tool. Belluno Rhône-Alpes Salzburg UIRS UNCEM Approach Web-based version Excel version with integrated Python software, then web-based version Web-based version Excel version and webbased version Excel-based full cost calculator + car cost webbased version Calculated development time 7 months development and implementation Development 12 months, implementation 8 months 3 months development 200 hours Date of publication (online) December 2013 Beginning of 2014 September/ September 2013 Fall 2013 Live interfaces Yes Yes Yes Not yet decided No Involved Organizations/ Citizens, Consumer associations, Public transport agencies Citizens, social bodies, public transport organizations, housing promoters, municipalities, notaries, banks Salzburger transport association Local authorities of the JVS region, potentially the association of Municipalities of Slovenia Metropolitan and regional mobility agency bodies Contact person: Susanne Franz imove Institut für Mobilität & Verkehr Institute for Mobility & Transport Tel.: +49(0)631 205 4261 E-Mail: October 2013 The declarations in the table are results of a partner questionnaire concerning the implementation process. After the development of the local tool applications, the implementation process will focus on the marketing of the tool(s) in the last phase of the MORECO project. Page 6 The MORECO Project 4. The recent MORECO-events This list contains the transnational and local meetings organized by the MORECO partners in the last 6 months and in the previous period, if not included in the Newsletter 4. Date Venue Transnational Local Title Purpose 13.11.2012 Sedico (BL) – Villa Patt Local IT Mo.Re.Co. project - Territory governance on a mountain scale Moreco official presentation to the stakeholders of pilot areas and whole Province of Belluno 14.11.2012 Lozzo di Cadore (BL) Local IT Workshop for decision makers and planners of pilot area n. 2 17.1.2013 Belluno Local IT Meeting with provincial school management office to propose and to share activities for schools 7.2.2013 Belluno Local IT Meeting with cooperative companies confederation to involve them in pilot actions 17.2.2013 Belluno Local IT Meeting with GAS (ethical purchasing groups) provincial association to involve them in pilot actions 19.3.2013 Belluno Local IT Meeting with Belluno Municipality to involve it in pilot actions 04.04.2013 Green City Munich Local DE Series of lectures “Klimaherbst 2013 Mobilität” First preparatory meeting, participation of MORECO Meeting with other sectors of Province of Belluno to coordinate activities with provincial municipalities (as data collections and dissemination) of many european projects on going 11.04.2013 Belluno Local IT 16.04.2013 Salzburg Local AT Workshop / Meeting INTERREG Mobility-Networking 19.04.2013 Salzburg Local AT Workshop Integration of relevant data into GIS-online of Land Salzburg 23.04.2013 Salzburg Local AT Public presentation Presentation of MORECO Slidepool at SIRgeneral assembly 24.04.2013 Torino Local IT Workshop Implementation and test of tools at the Polythecnic University of Torino 02.05.2013 Torino Local IT Workshop Implementation and test of tools at the Polythecnic University of Torino 06.05.2013 Salzburg Local AT Workshop Integration of relevant data into GIS-online of Land Salzburg Local DE Workshop with Technische Universität München discussion of local mobility needs and costs, possible contribution of MORECO Presentation of the MORECO results in the municipal council 13.05.2013 Planning Dept. 14.05.2013 Municipality Haar Local DE Stress test results 14.05.2013 Grödig Local AT „Round table meeting of spatial planners“ 16.05.2013 Belluno Local IT Presentation of MORECO Slidepool Meeting with Belluno Municipality to coordinate activities for schools Page 7 The MORECO Project Date Venue Transnational Local Title Purpose 04.06.2013 Mantova Transnational MidTerm Conference First MORECO-results, Networking 0506.06.2013 Mantova Transnational 6 Partner meeting Transnational project coordination 11.06.2013 Bürmoos Local AT Project presentation Presentation of MORECO Slidepool at assembly of ‚Regionalverband Flachgau-Nord‘ 11.06.2013 Green City Munich Local DE Series of lectures “Klimaherbst 2013 Mobilität” Second preparatory meeting, participation of MORECO 17.06.2013 Planning Dept. Local DE What is still missing? What can MORECO contribute? Discussion of city and regional planners with Technische Universität München 26.06.2013 (1) Belluno Local IT Meeting with artisan companies confederation to involve them in pilot actions 26.06.2013 (2) Belluno Local IT Meeting with Belluno Municipality to share activities for schools 28.06.2013 Belluno Local IT Meeting with estate agencies to involve them in pilot actions 15.07.2013 Feltre Local IT Meeting with citizens association (Laboratori di cittadinanza attiva) to involve them in pilot actions 18.07.2013 Belluno Local IT Meeting with Belluno Municipality to organize concrete activities for schools 19.07.2013 (1) Belluno Local IT Meeting with commerce and tourism confederation to involve them in pilot actions and in “Moreco INformation” preparation 19.07.2013 (2) Belluno Local IT Meeting with GAS (ethical purchasing groups) provincial association to involve them in in “Moreco INformation” preparation 23.07.2013 Planning Dept. Transnational 24.07.2013 Mantova National IT Meeting with italian partners to coordinate tools developement 31.07.2013 Belluno Local IT Meeting with industrial companies confederation to involve them in pilot actions and in “Moreco INformation” preparation 01.08.2013 Venezia Local IT Meeting with Veneto Region (observer) to involve them in pilot actions and in “Moreco INformation” preparation th MORECO lobbying in Brussels Draft of activities 01.08.2013 Planning Dept. Local DE MORECO PR work Workshop with PR experts 05.08.2013 Salzburg Local AT Workshop Information and discussion about possible synergies with „LandInvest“ 06.08.2013 Belluno Local IT Final meeting with Belluno Municipalità and the other institutions involved in project for schools, to define and coordinate concrete activities Meeting with BIM Piave Consortium (institution that group together all province municipalities) to involve them in pilot activities and to support Province in contacting local politicians 07.08.2013 Belluno Local IT 14.08.2013 Tamsweg Local AT Lecture at EURUFU-summer university „Mobility in rural areas“ DI Helmut Koch, komobile Page 8 The MORECO Project Date Venue Transnational Local Title Purpose 27.08.2013 Salzburg Local AT Project presentation Informing the new vice-governor of Land Salzburg about MORECO 03.09.2013 Belluno Local IT 12.09.2013 Amiens National FR 34th national meeting of French Urban Agencies Presentation of MORECO project and MOBICOSTS tool 13.09.2013 Grenoble Local FR New student workshop Work on the MOBICOSTS experimentation, feedbacks and dissemination 17.09.2013 Green City Munich Local DE Series of lectures “Klimaherbst 2013 Mobilität” Final preparatory meeting, participation of MORECO 26.09.2013 Salzburg Local AT Workshop New ways of cooperation with Land Salzburg, Department for mobility planning 27.09.2013 (1) Longarone (BL) Local IT Expo Dolomiti 2013 fair Free software GIS lesson Free software GIS lesson for planners, architects, public technical office personnels. 27.09.2013 (2) Longarone (BL) Local IT Expo Dolomiti 2013 fair Mo.Re.Co. project – A different method to plan costs in territory management Meeting with decision makers and planners of pilot areas to present Moreco tools 28.09.2013 Longarone (BL) Local IT Expo Dolomiti 2013 fair Free software GIS lesson Free software GIS lesson for planners, architects, public technical office personnels. 29.09.2013 Longarone (BL) Local IT Expo Dolomiti 2013 fair Free software GIS lesson Free software GIS lesson for planners, architects, public technical office personnels. 01.10.2013 Saint Marcellin Local FR City council Presentation of MORECO and first technical contributions to the pilot site Meeting with BIM Piave Consortium to share tools development Page 9 The MORECO Project INSIDE THIS ISSUE 5. Salzburg pilot area 1 Introduction 2 Moreco Mid-term conference in Mantova 3 MORECO Tool implementation process in the Pilot Sites 4 The MORECO-events 5 Salzburg pilot area 6 Pinerolese pilot area City of Salzburg and District ‘Salzburg Umgebung’ The pilot Site ‘Salzburg Umgebung’ is located in the northern Alpine foothills and is characterized by agriculture, business and brisk settlement activities. Because of the advantageous landscape and the embedded capital city Salzburg, land is jeopardised by diverging claims on soil utilisation. It is a vibrant region with good international transport connections. It includes 37 rural municipalities with 143.000 people and the capital city Salzburg with 150.000 inhabitants. The rural district is a settlement magnet for people from different Austrian and foreign regions as well as for people who leave the city centre for living whereas the city itself provides a big amount of jobs. The rising demand of residential areas increases property prices, commuting increases traffic, availability of building land in preferable areas is often a problem. This is why the area has a lot of urban sprawl and many people move to the countryside in order to find affordable property. Contact person: Daniela Bischof SIR - Salzburger Institute for Spatial Planning and Housing Tel.: +43 (0)662 623455-32 E-Mail: Especially in the private sector location decisions are often taken without long term impact assessment. Many new residents are orientated towards short term costs and individual transport, away from good accessible and affordable infrastructure. They have to commute every day for work, shopping, leisure activities and children's activities. This is mainly done by car (motorised private transport) which causes high costs for private budgets as well as for public budgets. Page 10 The MORECO Project INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 Introduction 2 Moreco Mid-term conference in Mantova 3 MORECO Tool implementation process in the Pilot Sites 4 The MORECO-events 5 Salzburg pilot area 6 Pinerolese pilot area Target groups and Outputs in Salzburg As site decisions "where to live", "where to plan residential area", "where to build?" are made by different groups of stakeholders, MORECO tools and governance address different target groups such as private persons as well as economy (investors, banks, building companies), spatial planners and political decision makers. The developed tools in Salzburg are new institutional cooperation between authorities in charge of spatial planning and mobility, sound methodological instruments for showing long term cost-impacts (Scenarios), new instruments showing spatial potentials (Settlement assessment-tool) and new services to influence house hunting citizens like housing counselling and the MORECO-household-costcalculator. Additionally we provide several lectures, events, stakeholder workshops and consulting service at the Salzburg fair for housing and living. The new MORECO-household calculator and MORECO-settlement assessment tool are available on the website 6. Pinerolese pilot area The Pinerolese pilot region includes two main valleys (Chisone and Pellice) and the underlying area that has its main centre in Pinerolo (35.000 inhabitants). The area has an important historical background, being a border region between Italy and France, characterized by the Waldesian and Occitan cultures. In the last twenty years, the region was interested by transformations typical of mountain areas. The delocalization of productive activities towards the lowlands and the disappearance of traditional agricultural and farm activities brought to a significant depopulation of the area. In the same period the touristic activities, mainly focused on sky, were a cause of development, that knew its main moment during the Torino Winter Olympics in 2006. Unfortunately, the sky tourism led also to an increase of the urban exploitation of the territory, with the building of vacation houses and a disordered urban sprawl towards the lowlands. In the Province of Torino from 1990 the urban areas increased of 14%, while the population remained constant. Page 11 The MORECO Project INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 Introduction 2 Moreco Mid-term conference in Mantova 3 MORECO Tool implementation process in the Pilot Sites 4 The MORECO-events 5 Salzburg pilot area 6 Pinerolese pilot area Contact persons: Andrea Stanghellini Erich Giordano UNCEM Piemonte Tel.: +39 (011 8613713 E-Mail: MORECO - Smart locations for better liveability The area is interested by different means of public transport. The railway between Torino, Pinerolo and Torre Pellice is by 150 years a direct connection with the regional administrative centre. This line is composed by a first section between Torino and Pinerolo, inaugurated in 1854, and by a second one that goes up the first part of the Pellice Valley, inaugurated in 1882. Besides the train there is a huge, even if confused and scarcely organized, network of bus connections. Despite all this possibilities, the public transport role is today marginal, in particular concerning the internal connections. In fact, while the percentage of transfers towards Torino is about 25-30%, the data decreases until the 15% for internal transfers. For this reason, the Pinerolo-Torino line, set in densely populated areas and with a significant number of consumers, entered at the end of 2012 in the Metropolitan Railway System of the Torino area. On the other hand, the railway connection between Pinerolo and Torre Pellice was suspended in June 2012 and substituted by a bus transport, to reduce the high costs in a process of general renovation of the regional public transport that affected in particular the lines operating at a loss. The infrastructural choices, the urban planning and the public transport management favoured the private mobility. In fact in the last twenty years important interventions were made on roads infrastructures – among which the completion between 1992 and 2006 of the Torino-Pinerolo highway – while the railway line was not potentiated. Still, the doubling of the Torino-Pinerolo line was projected and for the section towards Torre Pellice many solutions were proposed (i.e. transforming it in a light rail inspired from the Stadtbahn of Karlsruhe): but for none of this projects and proposals the funds were set. In the same direction the urban planning and the residential and service localization strategies did not take into account the presence of the railway: for this reason nowadays the railway stations are often far from houses and poles generating mobility. Finally, in the public transport management the combination between different systems, that could favour the interchange between private cars, buses and trains, was not incentivized: the low reliability of railway service and the interests of local public transport enterprises, brought the different means of transport to a competitive situation, with the buses travelling in parallel with the railway, overlapping in terms of routes and schedules. This situation is deeply anti-economic for the involved public subjects and does not bring real benefits to final users. Imprint: UNCEM, Union of Mountain Municipalities of Piedmont Region, Torino, ITALY in collaboration with the MORECO-partnership