January 2013 - Towamensing Trails
January 2013 - Towamensing Trails
TRAILS TROPICS Towamensing Trails Property Owners Association Update From The President Well, fellow property owners, we survived Hurricane Sandy. Some fared better than others. Many trees came out of the ground and fell either onto roads or onto power lines. Maintenance was right on to it, removing trees blocking roads. Those that were on power lines, we had to wait for PPL to do their thing. Winter is coming very soon, so if you have trees on your property that will come down over roads when packed with ice or snow, please cut them back. Also, trees blocking stop signs must be trimmed back . All this is for the safety of all of our property owners and our maintenance equipment when plowing and cindering roads. Halloween Party held at TLTC was a great success. There were 44 children that attended and all had a great time. Each child was given a pumpkin, which they painted and took home along with a bucket of candy. Nice December 2012 January 2013 Special points of interest: By: Dolores Cosgrove job, Linda and Activities Committee!! Remember to sign up your child or children for the Christmas Party on December 01 , 2012, at 10am. Please be on time, we don’t want the children to miss seeing Santa Claus. The TTPOA Board of Directors want to wish everyone Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all. We also wish you all a very safe and Happy New Year!! New Trash Compactor Hours Effective January 1, 2013 we will have new hours for our Trash Disposal: •Sunday...7:00AM-7:00PM •Thursday...11:00AM-7:00PM •Monday...7:00AM-3:00PM •Friday...7:00AM-3:00PM •Tuesday...11:00AM-7:00PM •Saturday...7:00AM-7:00PM •Wednesday...7:00AM-3:00PM If you have an emergency please call 911. If you also want TTPOA Security’s assistance, you must call Security directly @570-722-9563 or 1-800-916-7501 Office hours are Monday thru Friday 9am to 5pm. Saturday 9am to 3pm. Closed on Sunday Please see calendar for office closings, meeting dates and times. Without written authorization from the deeded property owner vehicle/trash passes will not be given out. Before beginning any work outside your home please contact the office to inquire if a permit is needed. The New Rules of Conduct and the New ACC Rules will be available for pick up after January 01, 2013. The Pool and Lake dates for 2013 Summer season : The Pool and Lake will be open for weekends only starting May 25, 2012 until June 15, 2013 when both the Lake and Pool will open full time. December 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 ACC and Lake Preservation 2 Office Closed 3 4 Trash Closed 5 6 Trash Closed 7 8 BOD Meeting 10am 9 Office Closed 10 11 Trash Closed Publication 12 13 Trash Closed Quilting 14 15 Civil Penalty Closed Meeting 16 Office Closed 17 18 Trash Closed 19 20 Trash Closed 21 22 Advisory 23 Office Closed 24 Office Closes at 25 Trash Closed 3pm Office Closed 26 27 Trash Closed Quilting 28 BOD Meeting 29 30 Office Closed 31 Office Closes at At 3pm ***Board of Directors Meeting Are Subject To Cancellation*** January 2013 Sun 6 Office Closed 13 Office Closed Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Office Closed 2 3 4 CERT/Firewise 10am 5 ACC and Lake Preservation 7 2013 Assessments Due 8 9 10 Quilting 11 12 BOD Meeting 14 15 Publications Meeting 16 10am 17 19 Civil Penalty Closed Meeting 20 Office Closed 21 22 23 24 Quilting 27 Office Closed 28 29 30 31 Page 2 18 25 26 Advisory December 2012 Committee Updates Firewise Committee Report: At our November meeting we set the dates for the 2013 meetings. Discussions have begun for our 2013 Adventure Day. Please consider joining our Committee, applications available on line or in the office. Our next meeting will be January 4, 2013 following the 10:00 CERT meeting. Publications Committee Report: We are now beginning work on the Feb/March 2013 issue. Deadline for articles is January 4, 2013. We welcome articles from our residents, please forward to the office. New members are always welcome. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 10:00 AM in the Teepee. Wishing all a very Blessed Christmas and healthy New Year. C.E.R.T. Committee: We participated in offering hot soup and coffee to those without electricity following hurricane Sandy. Like most committees we could use more participants……. we play a very important role in our community during times of emergency. Treasurers Report October 2012 Income $25,332.86 Expenses Administrative Community Wide Security Maintenance Recreation Trash Removal Restricted Funds $14,890.23 $26,972.19 $28,516.01 $31,897.11 $1,418.41 $7,420.86 $4,695.37 Total Expenses $115,810.18 Cash Assets Bank Mauch Chunk Activities Lake Preservation Mauch Chunk Operating Mauch Chunk Money Market 1st Northern Money Market Union Bank Operating Union Bank Membership $887.19 $1,260.11 $35,017.82 $217,972.81 $215,615.11 $412,826.43 $23,095.39 ESSA CD First NorthernCD CDARS Reserve CDARS Operating $102,893.96 $19,747.24 $1,238,895.58 $400,310.79 Total $2,668,522.43 News from State Representative Doyle Heffley My first term as a state representative has been fast-paced with a lot of progress made on legislation to curb government waste and spending, protect our children and improve the business climate in an effort to bring more jobs to Pennsylvania. The most rewarding experience over the past two years has been the opportunity to address the questions and concerns of all Carbon County residents at my district offices.” Doyle supported a new property tax reform law that requires school districts to ask for voter approval more often before increasing property taxes over the rate of inflation. Doyle introduced legislation that would dedicate revenue earned from casino table games to property tax relief. Doyle is the prime sponsor of a bill that would give voters an opportunity to voice their opinion on new plans to replace the outdated system of school property taxes. Doyle joined a landmark lawsuit to ensure Carbon County schools get their fair share of state funding. Doyle voted in favor of legislation to promote better treatment of and education about Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. This is important to our region because Carbon County is situated in the bull’s eye of high risk areas for contracting Lyme disease. Save The Date December 1st: Children's Christmas Party December 24th: Office Closes at 3:00pm December 25th: Office Closed December 31st: Office Closes at 3:00pm January 1st: Office Closed January 7th: Assessments Due Date Liabilities - none outstanding at this time Trails Tropics Page 3 Pearl Harbor – “A Day Which Will Live in Infamy” Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hawaii, was attacked by Japanese torpedo and bomber planes on December 7, 1941, at 7:55 a.m. Hawaii time. The sneak attack sparked outrage in the American populace, news media, government and the world. On December 8, President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the American Congress, and the nation, to detail the attack. In that address, the President asked Congress to pass a ‘declaration of war’. Congress obliged, voted and passed the US Declaration of War on Japan the same day. That marked America’s formal entry into WorldWar II. The attack took place on a sunny Sunday morning. A minimal contingent of soldiers was on duty at the time. Most offices on the base were closed and many servicemen were on leave for the weekend. The incoming Japanese attack planes were detected by radar and reported, but were mistaken for an incoming group of American planes due from the mainland that morning. Today the battle-scarred, submerged remains of the battleship USS Arizona rest on the silt of Pearl Harbor, just as they settled on December 7, 1941. The ship was one of many casualties from the deadly attack by the Japanese that day. President Roosevelt called it "a date which will live in infamy." USS Arizona under attack When the Snows Arrive Winter is here and unless we are fortunate to have a winter like last year with little snow, we need to remember some important issues and safeguards. It is a good idea to make your property look occupied. If you are one of our “snowbirds” or just are not able to come up on a regular basis, it is a good idea to have a neighbor or friend check on your house and leave tire marks in your driveway and footprints to your door. Remember you, or the person who plows for you, cannot plow snow onto the road. Our maintenance department will be out doing their best to get and keep all our roads open starting with the main roads first. In order to keep your driveway from getting plowed back in after you have Eric shoveled or plowed, a suggestion might be to clear 20 to 30 feet on the side of your driveway in the direction that the plow comes from. By doing this, there should not be any snow pushed in front of the driveway. Ice is always an issue as temperature affects how well the products deposited on the roads will work and without the traffic flow the busy state and township roads receive, it takes longer for these products to do their job. Please drive according to the road conditions and in a safe and courteous manner. Keep in mind the warning “If you don’t have to go out, don’t”. Page 4 December 2012 9 Ways to Help Wildlife-Proof Your Home An opossum, raccoon or other critter could damage your property and threaten your health and safety if it seeks shelter in your home. The list below could be considered for your fall/winter to-do list to keep local wildlife from moving in. Inspect your home’s exterior for openings animals could use as entry points. These might include vents, damaged shingles, and holes in siding and gaps where different building materials meet. Large holes should be permanently repaired or covered with a chew-resistant solid material or screen, such as ½-inch hardware cloth. Fill smaller gaps or cracks with caulk, mortar, expandable foam or steel wool. Install hardware cloth around decks and open foundations that sit less than two feet off the ground. Attach screening to the deck, and then bury the screen, bending it into an “L” shape at the bottom then cover. Cover your chimney with a chimney cap. Top window wells with grates or plastic covers. Trim tree branches that overhang rooflines. Repair or replace damaged fascia boards. Repair or replace damaged windows or doors in your home and out buildings. Eliminate food sources. Keep gutters clean and remove debris piles. Store material such as firewood off the ground; stack to minimize openings. Before repairing or sealing possible entries, make sure an animal hasn’t already made itself at home. Inspect chimney flues and attics for clues such as droppings. Stuff holes loosely with paper or sprinkle powder outside openings, and then return after a few days of calm weather. If the paper and powder are undisturbed, make any necessary repairs. If there are signs of activity, call a professional to have the animal safely removed. Update From The Office When coming to the office for your 2013 updated items, please remember to bring all of your Badges and your Property Owner ID Cards or valid Photo ID along with your vehicle registration and your vehicle passes. There is nothing worse than having to wait in line and finally getting to the window and being told that you need these items. Please be patient with us and know Trails Tropics that we are working as fast as we but are due and payable at the same can. These policies are put into place time as your Annual for the Security of the Assessments. We can not Community and not to update your items until all torture you. You may fees are paid. pick up your updated If you have any questions Rules of Conduct, ACC regarding the updating Rules and Regulations after January 01, 2013. “The Office Staff” on Halloween. process please feel free to contact us here at the In addition Rental Fees office. were billed separately Page 5 Who is Amelia Earhart ? Amelia Earhart saw her first plane at age 10. She thought it was a “thing of rusty wire and wood and looked not at all interesting.” However, a decade later she and a friend were watching from a clearing as a plane dove at them. She stood her ground and did not scamper. She felt the little red airplane said something to her. She took her first flying lesson in 1921 and in six months saved enough money to buy her own plane. She called the bright yellow plane “Canary” and used it to set her first woman’s record by rising to an altitude of 14,000 ft. In 1928 she was asked “how would you like to be the first woman to fly the Atlantic?” She promptly replied “yes” and joined pilot Bill Stultz and pilot/mechanic Louis Gordon, leaving Newfoundland in a Fokker F7 on June 17, 1928 and arriving in Burry Port, Wales about 21 hours later. Upon returning to the US, they were greeted with a ticker-tape parade in NY and a reception held by President Calvin Coolidge. On May 20, 1932, she took off on her first solo flight from Newfoundland to Paris. Finally, in 1937 she was ready for a monumental challenge – being the first woman to fly around the world. She and her navigator Fred Noonan set off from Miami and began the 29,000 mile journey making several stops along the way. On July 2, the pair took off from Howland, a small spot in the Pacific and were never heard from again. On July 19, the US government abandoned all search efforts. January 11 has been designated as Amelia Earhart day. Smokey Wants Us to Have a “Firewise” Christmas Hoping by now you have had the’ chimney sweep’ check your chimney and all is ready for the winter fires. When choosing your Christmas tree make sure it is fresh (no dry or easily pulled out needles). Make sure once the tree is in place it is watered on a regular basis until removed from the house. Are your Christmas lights in good working order with no bare wires? Please check before decorating the house. Make sure your driveway is plowed and cleared well of snow allowing plenty of room for emergency vehicles. Smokey says, “Have a very blessed and safe Firewise Christmas.” Page 6 December 2012 2012 Autumn Community Clean-up We had some first timers as well as some veterans that volunteered. All were cheerful as we met at the Pavilion for instructions and donuts. Then we were on our way. The trash we collected in plastic bags would later be picked up by our maintenance department. Those taking part were Ray Kadingo, Lindsay and Patrick Martin, Julie Foley, Jeanne and Arch Jamieson, Jennifer Peabody, Dan and Fabio Sunday, Carla and Joe Benckert, Barbara Conroy and Tyler and Cindy Schick. Thank you to Ray Kadingo and Carla Benckert for their passion in having a clean community and doing the leg work in organizing this event. However, Folks, only 14 people volunteered from a community with hundreds!!!! It was reported by Delroy and Dan of maintenance that 28 bags of trash, one tire, one 5 gallon plastic bucket and some other discarded items were collected this year compared to 40 volunteers who picked up litter to fill 250 bags a few years ago. Why is this? Where are the volunteers? We live in a great community with an array of natural beauty, yes, there will always be those that willingly throw trash on the roadside…..shame on them..….but the rest of us that appreciate a beautiful, neat, well cared for environment, let’s not be afraid of a little exercise once or twice a year to maintain that beauty. We know that there are property owners who pick up litter periodically who have not been able to participate in the spring and fall litter cleanup projects. We need to get these property owners to identify the roadways they periodically clean up so the area can be charted. Then, for the spring and fall cleanup projects, we can have the volunteers concentrate their effort on the other roadways. Inauguration Day 2013 January 20, 2013 the President and Vice President will be sworn in exactly noon in the U.S. Capitol. After the swearing in there will be 4 ruffles (on drums) and 4 flourishes (on bugle), followed by the Presidential Anthem Hail to the Chief for the President and the Vice Presidential Anthem Hail Columbia. Following the swearing in there will be a parade along Pennsylvania Avenue watched by the President and Vice President at the viewing stand in front of the White House. Massive security will be present as the parade not only disrupts traffic and daily life in Washington DC but also brings out protests and demonstrations. (a true testament to the freedoms we enjoy in the United States of America) Inaugurations began with the first President George Washington on April 30, 1789 for his first term, March 4, 1793 for his second term and continued as March 4 until FDR who was inaugurated January 20, 1937. It has continued as January 20 since 1937. Inauguration day is not a public holiday but is a federal holiday for federal employees in Washington DC and the surrounding area. This year being on a Sunday most federal employees will lose a day off! The entire ceremony and parade are televised so all Americans can watch it in the comfort and warmth of their homes. Trails Tropics Page 7 Exterior Maintenance….Who is Responsible? At a recent POA meeting it was brought to the Board’s attention that there are many trees overhanging and encroaching in our roadways. Our maintenance department reported that trees, when bogged down with snow and ice, present a great problem. Our roads are made impassable and there is the possibility of limbs breaking off and crashing into the roadways causing danger to vehicles and humans. Remember the ice storm of 2005, and more recently Hurricane Sandy? However, after writing all that, just where does the responsibility lie in the maintenance of encroaching trees? You guessed it…..it is the responsibility of the homeowner. I will quote from our Covenants: Exterior Maintenance…..In the event the Owner of any Lot or Living Unit shall fail to promptly provide for exterior maintenance as to buildings or grounds, the Developer or the Association may, but shall not be obligated to do so, provide exterior maintenance as follows, but not limited to: paint, repair, replace and care for roofs, gutters, downspouts, exterior building surfaces, trees, shrubs, grass, walks and other exterior improvements, removal of accumulated rubbish debris, abandoned derelict or incomplete structures and materials and abandoned vehicles. Assessment of Costs….The cost of such exterior maintenance shall be assessed against the Lot or Living Unit upon which such maintenance is done and shall be added to and become a part of the annual assessment or charge to which such Lot or Living Unit is subject. Access at Reasonable Hours…..For the purpose solely of performing the exterior maintenance authorized by this ,the Developer or the Association through its respective duly authorized agents or employees, shall have the right, after reasonable notice to the Owner, to enter upon any Lot or exterior of the Living Unit at reasonable hours on any day. It’s time, folks, to get out there and take inventory of the condition of the trees along the roads around your property. We need to take the necessary action in trimming and/or removing etc. If there are trees over 4” in diameter that need to be taken down a permit from the ACC is required and can be obtained by filling out the necessary form(s) at the Teepee. Let’s be pro-active and do whatever we can to avoid future problems. Hurricane Sandy; soup and coffee Hurricane Sandy has come and gone. Some of us suffered little…….others suffered greatly. So what part does soup and coffee play in an article about a hurricane? Let me tell you……………. October 31 we found that there were folks in our community without electricity, and had been for a couple of days. In some areas residents were literally locked in as huge trees had fallen across their driveways. Those living in the ‘Tall Trees’ area on the far side of the lake were particularly hard hit with downed trees and electrical wires. There were also those on Lindsey Mews and Bishop Circle suffering some of the same problems. As a caring gesture the CERT team offered Hot Soup, Coffee and buttered rolls to those stuck in cold, damp houses. By evening power was restored to those on Lindsey Mews. However, there is much work to be done in cleaning up after Sandy. Having watched the news on TV our problems seem small compared to the massive clean up needed in New Jersey and New York. Page 8 December 2012 Happy 30th Anniversary TLTC! & The Halloween party was once again a great success, thank you to Brian and Sue Denham And all the volunteers that made it happen!! Philadelphia Walk for Cancer Awareness By: Dolores Cosgrove Janice's Bosom Buddies with the one and only, basketball legend, Charles Barkley. While we were walking on City Line Avenue in Philadelphia, PA we saw Charles at a gas station buying Gatorade. He just got done working out at the gym and kindly stopped to get a picture with us! The other picture is Janice's Bosom Buddies at Closing Ceremonies at The Navy Yard in South Philly. After walking for 3 days and a total of 60 miles...the Bosom Buddies are still smiling. The other picture is of my lovely family ..... Dani, Chelsea, Eileen, and Terry...Eileen made that sign for Terry to have at the finish line! I am so proud of all the girls!!!!! Little Ghosts ‘N Goblins 44 children attended the annual Halloween party sponsored by the Activities Committee. Each child was given a large pumpkin to paint and take home. The Prize of a $5 gift certificate to Wal-Mart was awarded to the best costume in each age group. Juice & water were provided by the Activities committee and a few parents brought snacks (cookies, brownies, etc.). Music was provided by Linda Pavel and when the children left, they were given a Halloween bucket filled with candy. Lobster, Fudge, Windbells and Tornadoes Submitted By: Mary O’Brien What a vacation to Maine Joe and Mary O’Brien of Deer Park had! A mid-September return to Maine was beautiful as well as interesting! The excitement started as soon as we hit route 84 in New York. We started hearing warnings from the radio about a tornado about to touch down – seek shelter! It was not a “test”, but an actual warning and then a watch. The tornado touched down in Brooklyn. The announcer talked about cars on the highway being overturned and stranded – we had no clue how close we were so we just kept going! An Interesting start to the journey. We had beautiful weather the entire time; Maine is very similar in many ways to the Poconos. One big difference …. Lobster was $4.95 a pound. A lobster dinner in a nice restaurant right on the bay was $20 for three lobsters! However, go figure – the cost of fudge was $15.00 a pound. Ate more lobster than fudge! We went in search of a wind bell – sturdier than a wind chime and sounds like a buoy. We found where they make them and took a side trip to the factory while on the way to the Penobscot Lighthouse. Here we were about 500 miles from home in a remote section of Maine, walked into the showroom and imagine this – the “special” was a Pocono Mountain wind bell. Of course we bought one! Glad to be back in the Poconos. Still looking for a $20 lobster dinner! Trails Tropics Page 9 Page 10 December 2012 Little Creek Tree Farm Providing Choose and Cut your own trees for Over 25 years, 1000’s of trees to choose from Located just minutes from Albrightsville. Take Rt. 534 East and go 1 mile past the Jonas Hotel, turn right onto Barry S RD and Travel 1/2 mile turn right into the driveway Prices start at just $15– none more than $50. Have a cathedral ceiling we have trees to fill That space. Open Weekends Only 11/24 thru 12/23 Questions? Call Barry at 570-629-1423 Trails Tropics Page 11 Towamensing Trails Property Owners Association PO BOX 100 Albrightsville, PA 18210 Phone: 570-722-0302 Fax: 570-722-2061 E-mail: office@towamensing.com We’re on the web: www.towamensing.com For all Emergencies Call 911 Local Emergency Departments Towamensing Trails Security Fire Dept.'s Penn Forest Township Fire Company #1 (Route 903) Fire Company #2 (Route 534) Albrightsville ( Route 534) 570-325-8114 570-722-0555 570-722-8325 Borough & Township services Carbon County Court House Penn Forest Township Building 570-325-3611 570-325-2768 Medical Gnaden Huetten Memorial Hospital Palmerton Hospital Pocono Medical Center Geisinger Wyoming Valley US Veterans Hospital 610-377-1300 610-826-3141 570-421-4000 570-808-7300 570-824-3521 570-722-9563 1-800-916-7501(When Connected hit 0.) Towamensing Trails Office 570-722-0302 Monday thru Friday 9am to 5pm Saturday 9am to 3pm Closed Sunday Towamensing Trails Website: www.towamensing.com Towamensing Trails E-mail: office@towamensing.com Trails Lake and Tennis Club 570-722-8582 Police Department (non-emergency) Carbon County Sheriff Fern Ridge State Police 570-325-2821 570-646-2271 Postal Service Albrightsville Pine Point Plaza 570-722-9493