The Official Newsletter of the Alamo Dressage Association


The Official Newsletter of the Alamo Dressage Association
Stall Street
Winter 2013
The Official Newsletter of the Alamo Dressage Association
The Stall Street Journal is published monthly by, and for, the members of the Alamo Dressage Association.
We are on the web at
Happy winter! I hope everyone is enjoying the fair
weather and getting ready for the spring show season!
ADA Banquet
Cash Back Changes
Year-End Award Changes
ASSC Winners
The ADA show season kicked off with the ADA Junior
Benefit Show on Sunday, February 3rd. Open to all
riders, the juniors had 37 entries. Judging the competition was our own Ashley Hammill, L graduate and USDF
Certified Instructor! Pictures to come in our next issue.
Next is the San Antonio Spring Dressage I & II, our
recognized show on April 6-7th at the San Antonio Rose
Palace. We will need volunteers so contact our Assistant Show Manager, Cheryl Harlin, or our Show Chair, Carolyn Vandenberg to help! Prize list should be available SOON! Check the website!
This winter has been a busy one so far. Our 2nd annual Schooling Show Championships was a wonderful success.
We had two full days of rides. Fran Dearing was a wonderful judge. Cheryl Harlin did a great job managing the show.
Thanks to all the volunteers who helped make the show happen! Don’t forget, riders can start earning their scores for
next year!
The Freestyle clinic with Cynthia Collins was also a success. This was a joint effort by our club and CTDS. Cynthia
gave a lecture on Saturday morning, followed by matching horses to music. On Sunday she began the choreography.
Some riders left with a complete freestyle! Special thanks to our own Carolyn Vandenberg for organizing the event and
Vera Muckleroy for hosting the event at her Diamond M Dressage Park. Thanks to the other volunteers, including Kathy
Lubianski and Cheryl, Rachel and Rebecca Harlin.
There are many educational events in our region in the next few months so I recommend visiting the ADA calendar or
USDF Region 9 website ( for more information. Examples include the Steffan Peters and Janet
Foy Symposium on February 16-17 in Conroe, TX. These are wonderful opportunities to learn from the best and you can
offset your costs by applying for our Cash Back for Education!
Our Annual Awards Banquet was held on Friday, January 25th. We had 70 members and their families attend. Bigas served a wonderful dinner and we had a successful silent auction. Special thanks to Doug Christensen for being our
MC for the evening!
Some sad news, Carolyn Vandenberg is stepping down as Education Chair, but the good news is that she is staying on
as our Recognized Show Chair. A huge THANK YOU to Carolyn for her service!
Have a great month and happy riding! - Arlene Gaitan, President
Alamo Dressage Association is a Group Member Organization of the U.S. Dressage Federation. ADA’s members are
automatically USDF group members. For USDF Participating Membership, members must apply directly to USDF. Submissions close the 10th of the month prior to publication. Please send submissions to Arlene Gaitan at or ADA can be found at
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013—Page 1
Phone: 210-651-6202
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San Antonio, TX 78266
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 2
Cash Back For Education Changes—2013
At the January Board meeting the Board voted to make the following changes to the Cash Back for
Education Program:
Require 3 hours of volunteer service to receive a reimbursement. You do not have to fulfill these
hours prior to the educational event you are attending, but your reimbursement will be held until
the 3 hour volunteer requirement is met.
Allow 30 days from the date of the educational event to submit a request for reimbursement from
the Cash Back Program.
The board has again voted to budget $1,500 toward the Cash Back Program. Reimbursements
are made on a first-come, first-served basis until the budget is exhausted.
Members! Don’t forget about this wonderful benefit! Receive up to $50 cash back for attending educational events and clinics! ADA sponsored events are not eligible for reimbursements. For complete rules visit and visit the Education Page.
Sixty Equestrian Center
er S
We specialize in dressage and hunter
jumper lessons for children and adults.
We have a wide range of school horses
available for all levels of riders.
We offer training for all from
four-year-olds to forever young!
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 —Page 3
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 4
Pati Pierucci
Alamo Dressage Junior Sponsored/Subsidized Clinic
March 2 and 3, 2013
In the Irons (next to Rose Palace)
~Bronze, silver, and gold medalist
~Long listed for 2000 Olympics
~Listed as high as 47 in BCM rankings
~Head trainer for several major high performance facilities
~Many USDF and Virginia state awards.
~Has trained with many top trainers:
~Robert Dover, Kathy Connely, Martin Schaudt, Betsy Steiner
~Currently operating a successful training, sales, teaching and clinic business in Virginia.
~She also clinics in Houston on a regular basis.
Teaching philosophy:
Main focus is teaching correct position to help achieve correct balance for upper levels.
ADA Juniors will have scheduling priority.
Prices will be as follows:
Junior ADA members: $75 for one day, $120 for both days
Junior non-members: $80 for one day, $130 for both days
Adult Amateur ADA members: $80 for one day, $130 for both days
Adult Amateur non-ADA members: $90 for one day, $140 for both days
Open ADA members: $90 for one day, $140 for both days
Open non-ADA members: $100 for one day, $150 for both days
Auditing: $10 per day for ADA members, $20 per day for non-members
Pati will give a lecture at lunchtime both days. Saturday’s lecture will be on proper polo
wrapping techniques and Sunday’s lecture will be on dealing with horse show nerves and
show etiquette
Pati is a delightful, positive instructor and the ADA is fortunate she will be here to further
our education. Be sure to take this amazing opportunity!
In order to reserve your spot, send your check payable to ADA to:
Brittany Silvers, 1303 Hawks Meadow, San Antonio, TX 78248
Questions: or 210-408-6354
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ADA Schooling Show Championships
By Show manager, Cheryl Harlin
Thank you to volunteers of 2012 ASSC/Holiday Open Schooling Show! The 2012 Alamo
Dressage Association Schooling Show Championships (ASSC) and Holiday Open Schooling Show ran smoothly over November 17-18 at the San Antonio Rose Palace due to the
huge support of our official Fran Dearing, volunteers, sponsors, facility workers, attendees, and competitors. With Fran as the judge, the weekend was a relaxing and
ideal time to school prior to a recognized show at the Palace. To see the competitors,
spectators, and show staff enjoy themselves was an extreme pleasure, too. Congratulations to the ASSC and
Holiday Open champions and reserves!
First, many thanks to ADA President, Arlene Gaitan, who meticulously set up the weekend as show secretary
and pre-show manager working through Thursday evening before the event to set up the arena before her trip
on Friday to Virginia. She worked so many hours into planning the show from receiving entries, scheduling
rides, coordinating volunteers, awards, and to printing the show program--and much more.
Thanks so much to Connie Meredith, Mando and Colleen Gaitan, Karen Silvers, Jennifer Delmer, Kirsten
Rickard, Mackenzie Rivers, and Rachel Harlin for making time to set up the arena and show offices on November 15. The jobs were completed earlier with their awesome help. Gaby Perkins prepared the rider tests,
and Cel Cox coordinated the stall assignments. On the next day, Gaby continued prepping tests and checking
in the riders while the show office was firming up. The competitors worked well around the freestyle practices
and sound checks.
During Saturday's show, head scorer Karen Peacock easily oversaw the show results with the assistance of
Penny Phillips and Kathleen Reynolds as checkers. Penny also scribed on Saturday while her daughter Avery
ran tests between the judge and scorer in the morning. As ring steward, Heidi Abshire ensured competitors
met their ride times and encouraged them to do their best. Joanna Lambert ran tests in the afternoon. ADA
treasurer Kathy Lubianski manned the show office while collecting fees and checking riders. ADA Junior/
Young Rider ran the awards/ribbons room: Madeleine Ramon (and her mother Melissa), Rachel Harlin, and
Kristin Moore.
On Sunday Eva Oldenbroek covered the show scribing for Fran. Pam Gouger, Selma Kovars, Kathleen, Cel,
and Kathy continued running the show office. Kristin checked riders at the arena gate as all-day steward while
Rachel worked as runner/office break down; Karen and Penny tallied the show results while the two young
ladies organized and ran the awards ceremony. At the end of the show, ADA Jr/YR President Brittany Silvers
helped tear down the ring along with Austan Hinajosa, Kristin, Eva, and Mando.
Additionally, ADA is grateful for the weekend's sponsors: Deb Johnson our show photographer who captured
portraitures/show winners; Christine Munoz of Bridle Suite of Texas; Kathleen Reynolds (Training Level 3 AA
class); Molly Porter Burke (First Level Test 2 AA class), Jonathan and Jennifer Delmer (Training Level Test 3
Jr/YR class); Hill Country Air (Intro Level Test B Jr/YR class), Retama Equine Hospital, Capital Farm Credit,
and Hilary Harper for coordinating the judge's lodging with Fairfield Inn & Suites, Boerne TX.
Again, ADA is deeply appreciative of all the valuable assistance that was poured into the successful weekend at
the conclusion of the show season. Hope to see everyone next year!
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 8
ADA Schooling Show Championships
To view show results visit and click on
Horse Shows!
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 9
ADA Schooling Show Championships
To view show results visit and click
on Horse Shows!
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 10
ADA Schooling Show Championships
To view show results visit and click
on Horse Shows!
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ADA Schooling Show Championships
To view show results visit and click
on Horse Shows!
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 12
ADA/CTDS Freestyle Clinic with Cynthia Collins
Left: Cynthia Collins of
Luna Tunes (in pink),
poses with rider and
ADA member, Kathy Lubianski and the other
clinic participants including another ADA
member, Rebecca Harlin
(2nd from left).
Below: Cynthia gave a
lecture on Freestyle rules
and helpful hints on Saturday morning to a
packed house (um...
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 13
ADA Annual Year End Awards
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ADA Annual Year End Awards
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ADA Annual Year End Awards
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ADA Annual Year End Awards
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ADA Annual Year End Awards
Volunteer Awards— Top Left-Right: Rachel Harlin wins the Helen Valence Volunteer of the Year
Award and a $100 gift card to Dover Saddlery and Kristin Moore, Bottom Left-Right: Cel Cox and
Carolyn Vandenberg (who served as Education Chair and will continue as our Horse Show Chair.)
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ADA Annual Year End Awards
Volunteer Awards, cont… Top Left: Douglas Christensen the Banquet MC!
Sponsor Awards: Top Right: Sponsor of the Year, Jill Ammann of In the Irons Equestrian Center
Bottom Left-Right: Blue Ribbon Sponsor, Judy Campbell Urban and Red Ribbon Sponsor, Jennifer
Delmer accepting for her mother, Molly Porter Burke.
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 19
ADA Annual Year End Awards
Top Left-Right: Jennifer Delmer and Mackenzie Rivers, Cel Cox and Kathy Lubianski, Bottom
Left-Right: Kristen Moore, Vicki Krebsbach and Heidi Abshire
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 20
ADA Annual Year End Awards
Top Left—Right: Karen Silvers, Vicki Krebsbach,
Heidi Abshire, and Lauren Gerritsen.
Bottom Left—Right: Jane Jorgensen, Susan Hancock (Awards Chair) and Megan Haynes.
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ADA Annual Year End Awards
Top Left-Right: Brittany Silvers, Kathy Lubianski, Jennifer Delmer, Cel Cox and Kristin Moore.
Bottom Left—Right: Brittany Silvers, Elaine Bourbon, Mackenzie Rivers and Janet Burzlaff
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 22
ADA Annual Year End Awards
Top Left—Right: Eva Oldenbroek, Lauren Gerritsen and
Susan Hancock
Bottom Left—Right: Colleen Gaitan, Megan Haynes and Cel Cox.
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ADA Annual Year End Awards
Top Left—Right USDF Medalists: Eva Oldenbroek, Lauren Gerritsen, Leslie Johnson and Heidi
Abshire. Bottom—Left to Right: (Top row) Judy Urban, Tracey Augustine, Jennifer Delmer, Jill
Amman, Amanda Snyder, (Bottom row) Skye Simpson, Mackenzie and Morgan Rivers and
Patricia Augustine.
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Judges Educational Seminar with Christoph Hess
4th Annual Austin Dressage Unlimited Judging Seminar on February 2 - 3, 2013 was
presented by Christoph Hess the Director of Training for the German Olympic Committee for Equestrian Sports. This event was held in Georgetown, Texas. In attendance from ADA were Arlene Gaitan, Carolyn Vandenberg, Judy Allison, Ashley Hammill, PJ Hardin, Tim and Kitch Simpson and
Vera Muckleroy. Want to know what judges are looking for? Attend next year’s event with Stephen
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 25
October Board Meeting Minutes—Approved
October 10, 2012
I. Call to Order
Jennifer Delmer called the meeting to order at In the Irons at 6:30 p.m. After Jill Ammann provided the ADA Jr/ADA chair report, the
meeting was moved to the Scenic Loop Café at 6:54 pm.
II. Board of Directors Roll Call
Board of Directors present was the following: Jennifer Delmer (Vice President), Cheryl Harlin (Secretary/Sponsorship), Carolyn Vandenberg (Education Chair/Recognized Show Chair), and Jill Ammann (Jr/YR Chair), and Kathleen Reynolds (member-at Large-Chair). Guest
present Kathryn Bryant.
III. Approval of Today’s Agenda
Carolyn moved to approve the agenda; Kathleen seconded. The motion was approved.
IV. Approval of Previous Board of Directors (BoD) Meeting Minutes
Carolyn moved to approve ADA’s previous BoD meeting minutes; Kathleen seconded. The motion was approved.
V. President’s Report
No report
VI. Vice President’s Report No report
VII. Treasurer’s Report
Kathy reported ADA current balance sheet as of September 30, 2012 of $30, 759.76 with Frost Bank checking balance of $26, 710.90
and youth account of $4,048.86. For ADA’s Profit and Loss statement from October 2011 through September 2012, the total income was $76,
516.63 and expense was $85, 351.83; the net income was negative $8,835.30. For the ADA Fall Dressage Show I & II report as of October 5, she
also reported a total income of $25,235.00 and total expense of $23, 797.62 with a net income of $1,471.38. Kathleen moved to approve the
treasurer’s report; Cheryl seconded it. The motion was approved.
VIII. Secretary’s Report
The 2013-2014 elections ballots of ADA Member-at-Large and Secretary will be prepared for voting with vice president to disperse the
IX. Member-at-Large Chair’s Report
X. Newsletter Editor’s Report
No report
No report
XI. Junior/Young Riders Chair’s Report
Jill contacted C. Rouston to conduct a one-day ride-a-test in February or March in 2012 for the Jr/Yrs to host. Also, the youths plan on
hosting a schooling show in the spring to include a freestyle class and placing an ad in the ADA newsletter calling for donations for Triple H. At
the ADA Fall Show I & II, the Jr/YRs raised $36.00 in fundraising by selling horse treats.
XII. Education Chair’s Report
Carolyn reported working with Central Texas Dressage Society (CTDS) on firming details of the January 2013 Freestyle seminar with
Cynthia Collins of Luna Tunes on January 12-13 at Diamond M Dressage, 998 Hard Luck Rd, Marion, TX 78124. PayPal will not be utilized at
this seminar. A total of eight riding slots (four for ADA riders and four for CTDS; first come-first served) were allotted; the deadline for riders is
November 15. Auditors are welcome. Carolyn will seek publicity opportunities at local (ASSC, banquet, newsletter, etc.) and regional levels. She
is planning on a site visit prior to the seminar and is projecting a silent auction in order to raise freestyle prize money for the next 2013 ADA
schooling show.
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October Board Meeting Minutes—Approved, cont...
XIII. Committee Reports
Recognized/Rated Horse Shows: A.) Fall show summary: Again, Cheryl and Carolyn thanked everyone who assisted and participated at the September 8-9 show at the SA Rose Palace. All volunteers and show committee made the show run successfully. B.)
Carolyn and Cheryl listed some volunteer opportunities occurring before and after the recognized/schooling shows: silent auction
collection, sponsorship donations, business and personal ads in show programs, volunteering for GMO “cash back” at regional
competition/championship, class sponsorships, awards/prize/ribbon donations, and show office/ring set-up and tear down. C.) Due
to the extreme hardship of setting up show rings, a proposal was made to pay the SA Rose Palace staff $750 for three ring set-up
or $200/ring (for fewer rings). Before approval, recommendations were needed: needing exact time and date of ring set up (ADA
Jr/YRs and students/parents cannot help before 4pm or so on week days) to determine volunteer count for the particular show,
determining whether or not the fee will cut into show profit, asking SA Rose Palace/staff/personnel if they can actually execute
the task since they're already at the facility, and further consultation with ADA's Recognized Horse Show Chair before a final
decision is made. D.) Before the next recognized show, the ADA Rated Show Chair, Carolyn will need to purchase a metric measuring tape for ring set-up. Jennifer moved to allot up to $75 for the metric tape purchase; Cheryl seconded. The motion was approved. E.) The board suggested reordering more dressage polo shirts which were a success at the recognized shows.
Membership: No report; but dues may increase in 2014 due to rising cost of expenses; looking at other GMOs in USDF Region 9
membership rates was suggested.
Website: No report
Banquet: No report
Awards: No report
Sponsorship: For the ASSC, ADA has received 3-4 class and 2-3 business sponsorships to date.
By-Laws: No report
Schooling Show: For the ADA Schooling Show Championship and Open Schooling Show on Nov 17-18, Fran Dearing will be the
judge and Cheryl will be the on-site show manager. Arlene will set up the show prior to the show dates. Volunteers are needed.
Ring set up will be sometime after 4pm on November 15. The board recommended having an officer or chair on the show committee execute recognized or schooling show publicity.
Calendar: No report; Jennifer will coordinate to add C. Rouston for the Ride-a-Test in 2013.
XIV. Unfinished Business
1. ADA Picnic: Tabled.
2. USDF National Convention in New Orleans: Jennifer moved to set aside $100 for Carolyn to prepare/fill ADA’s GMO basket giveaway at the USDF National Convention Board of Governors’ meeting in December; Cheryl seconded. The motion was approved. Jennifer is
donating the actual basket. For Region 9 GMO sponsorship/donations for the national convention welcome party, further discussion is needed.
3. 2013 ADA BoD Officer Elections/general membership meeting: The positions for election are Member-at-Large/incumbent Kathleen Reynolds and Secretary/incumbent Cheryl Harlin. For the November 14 meeting, the BoD will start at 6 pm and the general membership
portion will begin at 7 pm. Arlene will bring tamales, Carolyn will supply the ice tea, Cheryl will bring desserts, and Kathleen will bring ice and
paper products/utensils. Other food contributions are welcomed. A Constant Contact will be sent for a meeting/potluck reminder to the membership.
4. USDF Region 9 Championships: Volunteers are needed.
XV. New Business
XVI. Adjournment
Cheryl moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m.; Carolyn seconded. The motion was approved. The next meeting will be scheduled on
November 14/6:00 p.m. at In the Irons.
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 27
November Board & General Membership Meeting Minutes—
Meeting Date: November 14, 2012
I. Call to Order
President Arlene Gaitan called the meeting to order at In the Irons at 6:00 p.m. to accommodate the 7:00 p.m. general membership meet-
II. Board of Directors Roll Call
Board of Directors present was the following: Arlene Gaitan (President), Jennifer Delmer (Vice President), Cheryl Harlin (Secretary/
Sponsorship), Carolyn Vandenberg (Education Chair/Recognized Show Chair), Kathy Lubianski (Treasurer), Vicki Krebsbach (Membership
Chair), Jill Ammann (Jr/YR Chair), and Kathleen Reynolds (Member-at-Large Chair). Member present was Cel Cox; guest present was Karen
III. Approval of Today’s Agenda
Kathleen moved to approve the agenda; Jill seconded. The motion was approved.
IV. Approval of Previous Board of Directors (BoD) Meeting Minutes
Jill moved to approve ADA’s previous BoD meeting minutes; Kathleen seconded. The motion was approved.
V. President’s Report
Arlene will send ballots for the 2013-2014 ADA officer elections for secretary and member-at-large via Constant Contact. She also announced Karen Peacock was USDF Region 9 Volunteer of the Year award recipient; the board congratulated Karen on her achievement.
VI. Vice President’s Report No report
VII. Treasurer’s Report
Kathy reported ADA current balance sheet as of October 31, 2012 of $28,243.23 with Frost Bank checking balance of $24,194.37 and
youth account of $4,048.86. For ADA’s Profit and Loss statement as of October 2012 (starting the new fiscal year), the total income was $0 and
total expense was $2,472; the net income was negative $2,472. Jennifer moved to approve the treasurer’s report; Cheryl seconded. The motion
was approved. Kathy will continue being treasurer for the next year.
VIII. Secretary’s Report
The 2013-2014 elections ballots for ADA Member-at-Large and Secretary will be prepared for voting with president or vice president to
disperse the ballots.
IX. Member-at-Large Chair’s Report
No report; Kathleen will need volunteer hours from recent show events.
X. Newsletter Editor’s Report
No report
XI. Junior/Young Riders Chair’s Report
Jill contacted C. Rouston to conduct a one-day ride-a-test in February for the Jr/Yrs to host. Also, Jill will chair Jr/YR for another year.
The youths are planning a trip to visit Lendon Gray; chaperones are needed. Cheryl submitted $36 from Jr/YR bake sale proceeds to treasurer.
XII. Education Chair’s Report
Carolyn reported working with Central Texas Dressage Society (CTDS) on firming details of the January 2013 Freestyle seminar with
Cynthia Collins of Luna Tunes on January 12-13 at Diamond M Dressage, 998 Hard Luck Rd, Marion, TX 78124. Currently, there is one ADA
slot left open. After distributing copies of the new training freestyle test sheet, she recommended a silent auction to raise freestyle prize money
for the next schooling show. Auditors are welcome. Carolyn will seek publicity opportunities at local (ASSC, banquet, newsletter, etc.) and regional levels. She is planning on a site visit prior to the seminar and will need attendance numbers for lunch coordination. Additionally, Carolyn
is projecting a scribe clinic in February (with possibly obtaining new riding test videos from Equine Productions) and a bits lecture through a
tack store owner. Arlene suggested other forms of dressage demo in the future.
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 28
November Board & General Membership Meeting Minutes—
Approved, cont...
XIII. Committee Reports
Recognized/Rated Horse Shows: A.) Arlene will look into coordinating with the SA Rose Palace setting up the three dressage rings
at the April recognized show and setting up of one to two arenas at $200/ring for future shows. The board recommended training
SA Rose Palace grounds personnel during the initial ring set ups. B.) Carolyn mentioned the recognized show officials for the
USEF Level 3/April 6-7 shows: Maryal Barnett “S” and Dolly Hannon “S”. The show secretary is Susan Peacock; show manager
is Ed Lavallee. For the September recognized show, the judges are Melissa Creswick “S” and Sue Mandas “S”. The show secretary will be Susan Peacock; the show manager is Cheryl Harlin. C.) The board recommended through Carolyn’s suggestion to
continue The Dressage Foundation class at recognized show(s). Also, the Cindy Joiner ADA (member only) High Point Award to
Membership: Vicki reported receiving ADA membership renewals.
Website: No report
Banquet: No report
Awards: No report
Sponsorship: Cheryl provided the treasurer $330 in sponsorship checks along with $36 from Jr/YR fall show fundraiser.
By-Laws: No report; Kathy will reformat it.
Schooling Show: A.) For the ADA Schooling Show Championship and Open Schooling Show on Nov 17-18, Fran Dearing will be the
judge and Cheryl will be the on-site show manager. Arlene will set up the show prior to the show dates. Volunteers are needed.
Arlene and the board thanked Hilary Harper for providing the judge’s accommodations. Carolyn moved to exempt her daughter’s
show entry fees in exchange for her hours of service as show manager; Jill seconded. The motion was approved. Cheryl was provided RV hook-up for her service as on-site show manager. B.) For the ASSC, lunging will take place outdoor below ring 1. Ring
set-up will take place on November 15 at 4 p.m. Bridle Suite of Texas will be an on-site vendor.
Calendar: No report.
XIV. Unfinished Business
1. ADA Picnic: Tabled.
2. USDF National Convention in New Orleans: A.) Kathy will look into ADA donating $300 at the convention welcome party. B.)
Arlene mentioned at this year’s USDF convention the Board of Governors will convene on Dec 7 and 8 with Cheryl as GMO delegate. Regarding the officer election of the president and treasurer, George W. Williams and Steven M. Schubert respectively are unopposed, but write-in candidates are permitted; for even numbered regions, directors are up for election. There will be a budget presented for the 2013 US Dressage Finals
in Lexington, KY. Any rule changes require coordination through USDF and USEF. C.) All three USDF convention (ADA) attendees will make
own flight arrangements and convention registration.
3. 2013 ADA BoD Officer Elections/general membership meeting:
See Section XVII.
4. USDF Region 9 Championships: Carolyn Vandenberg, Kathy Lubianski, and others raised ADA funds through their donated time at
the show. At the championships, they observed some fundraising basket bids started at $60.Also, the board congratulated Susan Hancock as the
2012 USDF Region 9 Training Excellence Award recipient.
XV. New Business
XVI. Adjournment
Jennifer moved to adjourn the BoD meeting at 7:00 p.m.; Cheryl seconded. The motion was approved. The next meeting will be scheduled on December 12/6:30 p.m. at In the Irons.
XVII. 2013 ADA General Membership Meeting: At 7:00 p.m., Arlene distributed ADA November 2012 Annual Report hardcopies and reviewed it with the attendees. The only nominations for the ADA officer election are Member-at-Large/incumbent Kathleen Reynolds and Secretary/incumbent Cheryl Harlin. The general membership meeting concluded at 7:48 p.m.
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December Board Meeting Minutes—Approved
Meeting Date: December 12, 2012
I. Call to Order
Vice President Jennifer Delmer called the meeting to order at the Calcutta’s Scenic Loop Cafe at 6:42 p.m.
II. Board of Directors Roll Call
Board of Directors present was the following: Jennifer Delmer (Vice President), Cheryl Harlin (Secretary/Sponsorship), Carolyn Vandenberg (Education Chair/Recognized Show Chair), and Kathy Lubianski (Treasurer). Members present were Kim Dunlap, Cel Cox, and Kassidy
Peacock; guest present was Karen Peacock.
III. Approval of Today’s Agenda
Cheryl moved to approve the agenda; Carolyn seconded. The motion was approved.
IV. Approval of Previous Board of Directors (BoD) Meeting Minutes
Carolyn moved to approve ADA’s previous BoD meeting minutes; Cheryl seconded. The motion was approved.
V. President’s Report
No report
VI. Vice President’s Report
Jennifer reported the success of the 2012 USDF Annual Convention in New Orleans with ADA’s four member delegation (A. Gaitan—
Pres., C. Harlin—GMO Delegate, J. Delmer—VP, and C. Vandenberg—USDF Technical Director At-Large). She also recognized some convention award winners: Karen Peacock, Kassidy Peacock, Cel Cox, and other medalists from ADA. Regarding the USDF officer election of the
president and treasurer, George W. Williams and Steven M. Schubert respectively were unopposed. Omnibus 2013 booklets are available for sale
at $15/copy. In 2014, Jennifer will head the USDF Region 9 Summer Business Meeting in our local area (downtown SA).
VII. Treasurer’s Report
Kathy reported ADA current balance sheet as of October 31, 2012 of $31,926.95 with Frost Bank checking balance of $27,842.09 and
youth account of $4,048.86. For ADA’s Profit and Loss statement as of November 2012, she reported a total net income of $1,211. Cheryl
moved to approve the treasurer’s report; Carolyn seconded. The motion was approved. Kathy mentioned adding the freestyle clinic and subsequent ADA events to the GMO’s insurance policy.
VIII. Secretary’s Report
Pertaining to the 2013-2014 elections for ADA Member-at-Large/K. Reynolds and Secretary/C. Harlin, we have received some return
ballots which were sent via email by Arlene.
IX. Member-at-Large Chair’s Report
X. Newsletter Editor’s Report
No report
No report
XI. Junior/Young Riders Chair’s Report
Jennifer and Kassidy reported an ADA Jr/YR benefit schooling show open to all riders on February 3, 13 at In the Irons (facility donated
by Jill Ammann) and judged by Ashley Hammill. Jill requests any stabling notification. Eventing and prix Caprilli will be offered with a minimum of three entries. Freestyle and western classes will not be included at the schooling show.
XII. Education Chair’s Report
Carolyn reported working with Central Texas Dressage Society (CTDS) on firming details of the January 2013 Freestyle seminar with
Cynthia Collins of Luna Tunes on January 12-13 at Diamond M Dressage, 998 Hard Luck Rd, Marion, TX 78124. Riders from training through
Intermediate I are scheduled. She will accept silent auction donations. Ring set up is scheduled on Thu or Fri before seminar. Kathy will help
bring show trailer to transport rings. Additionally, Carolyn is projecting a scribe clinic in February.
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 30
December Board Meeting Minutes—Approved, cont...
XIII. Committee Reports
Recognized/Rated Horse Shows: A.) Carolyn is firming up judges list for 2014. B.) Carolyn mentioned the recognized show officials
for the USEF Level 3/April 6-7 shows: Maryal Barnett “S” and Dolly Hannon “S”. She will also look for a third judge—possibly
Ms Sodowsky—and get a contract. The show secretary is Susan Peacock; show manager is Ed Lavallee. For the September recognized show, the judges are Melissa Creswick “S” and Sue Mandas “S”. The show secretary will be Susan Peacock; the show manager is Cheryl Harlin. C.) Carolyn and others emphasized voting for USEF Horse and Rider of the Year awards. D.) Cheryl emphasized enforcing entry late fee (with entry paid in full). Show management will try to publish the ride times approximately two
weeks before to first show day in order to firm volunteer list. Jennifer moved to increase the late fee to $25/entry/day (if the Sep
recognized show prize list late fee is less than $25/entry/day); Cheryl seconded. The motion was approved. E.) Freestyles will
occur near lunch break/arena drag on Sat/Sun. F.) Carolyn will work with Hilary Harper on hotel room for officials. G.) Carolyn
prefers silent auction on Sat night with show welcome party; lunging will only take place outdoors. H.) Cheryl will initiate prize
list review and welcomes suggestions and submit AQHA approval for spring and fall rated shows. Karen Peacock suggested
changing the entry form to be complete on-line. I.) Carolyn will have to return the defective metric tape for ring set up. J.) Kathy
reported that Gal Shweiki will donate printing ADA’s show programs; the board thanks him for the generous gesture. K.) Karen
Peacock will volunteer as ADA’s head show scorer in both recognized shows in Apr and Sep, and ASSC in Nov. The board
thanked her for her outstanding services. L.) Jennifer reported Arlene will update ADA’s insurance policy and adding membership
form to prize list.
Membership: The board recommended providing USDF membership numbers to accompany the ADA GMO roster for admin purposes, adding website and newsletter assistance to membership form, and increasing membership.
Website: No report; but need assistance along with newsletter.
Banquet: A.) Per board’s discussion, Jennifer suggested and Carolyn moved to eliminate the no membership dinner fee and to set cost
at $40/adult and $20/child 18YO and below; Cheryl seconded. The motion was approved. Further discussion may be required as
banquet coordination is in progress.
Awards: Per Susan and Arlene’s December 11, 2012 email recommendations on Year-End awards, Kathy moved to accept the three
item award changes; Jennifer seconded. The motion was approved. Additionally, Test 3 scores will be checked for item #2, the
current award form will be honored for 2012 awards and will be updated to reflect changes and consistency between form and
award requirements.
Sponsorship: Cheryl reported Jan Johnson is willing to become the new sponsorship chair. There are some pending balances for 2012
sponsorship; ADA has projected over $5000 in sponsorship. ADA will need to make event accommodations for the sponsor-of-the
-year winner and update sponsorship levels for 2013.
By-Laws: No report; Kathy will reformat it.
Schooling Show: For the successful ADA Schooling Show Championship and Open Schooling Show on Nov 17-18, show manager
Cheryl Harlin thanked judge Fran Dearing, show secretary Arlene Gaitan, head scorer Karen Peacock, Gaby Perkins, Hilary
Harper, Heidi Abshire, Rachel Harlin, Kathleen Reynolds, Penny and Avery Phillips, Kristin Moore, Brittany Silvers, Eva Oldenbroek, the Ramon family, Mando Gaitan, Kathy Lubianski, Selma Kovars, Cel Cox, Connie Meredith, Jennifer Delmer,
Mackenzie Rivers, Karen Silvers, Kirsten Richard, Austan Hinojosa, Joanna Lambert, Pam Gouger, and Bridle Suite of Texas our
on-site vendor.
Calendar: No report.
XIV. Unfinished Business
1. ADA Picnic: Tabled.
2. USDF National Convention in New Orleans: See VP report
3. 2013 ADA BoD Officer Elections: See Secretary Report
XV. New Business
XVI. Adjournment
Carolyn moved to adjourn the BoD meeting at 8:10 p.m.; Cheryl seconded. The motion was approved. The next meeting will be scheduled on Jan 9, 2013/6:30 p.m. at In the Irons.
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 31
Volunteers Needed
ADA cannot function without volunteers….here are our current volunteer opportunities!
NEW! Education Chair
Quarterly Newsletter Editor
Website Editor
Arena Set-up/break-down
Show Volunteers: Scribes, runners, ring stewards
(gatekeepers) and hospitality!
Contact Arlene Gaitan if you are interested in any of these positions!
2013 Board Election Results
Congratulations to Kathleen Reynolds, Director at Large and Cheryl Harlin,
Secretary, for being re-elected! We look forward to working with you for another
two years!
2013 ADA Officers
Voting Members
President/Newsletter : Arlene Gaitan,
Vice President: Jennifer Delmer, 210-828-0361
Secretary: Cheryl Harlin, 830-228-4867
Treasurer: Kathryn Lubianski, 830-303-4198 ,
Member-at-large: Kathleen Reynolds, 210 3834152,
Education/Recognized Shows: Vacant
Junior/ Young Riders: Jill Ammann, 830-446-9312,
Non-Voting Members
Membership: Vicki Krebsbach, 210-698-0479,
Awards: Susan Hancock 830-779-2899, and Leeann Loughlin 210-8591028,
Recognized Shows: Carolyn Vandenberg,
Schooling Shows: Pam Gouger, 210 316-8754,
Junior/Young Rider
President: Brittany Silvers,
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 —Page 32
Upcoming Clinics/Education
Whit Watkins Clinic at Faithful Farm. Febru- March 2-3, 2013: ADA Junior Clinic with
Patti Pierucci. Patti is a Grand Prix rider and
ary 8-10. Contact Amy Allen at aithfultrainer from Virginia. Priority to juniors but
adults may ride if there is room. FMI - Brittany
Janet Foy Instructors Workshop: FRIDAY, February 15, 2013 at Twinwood
Equestrian Center , Simonton , TX. You
need not be a Certified Instructor to attend. FMI
Vera Muckleroy, or 210213-4556
February 16-17, 2013, Stephen Peters/
Janet Foy Symposium held by HDS at the
Great Southwest. Katy, TX. FMI
Alamo Dressage
Calendar of Events available online at:
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 —Page 33
Board Meetings are generally held on
the second Wednesday of the month at
In the Irons Equestrian Center beginning at 6:30 p.m. Dates and times can be
confirmed on the Calendar of Events
page of
Stall Street Journal Advertising Information
Classifieds: Members: 8 lines free/2 issues; nonmembers: $5/1-5 lines; $10/6-10 lines for 2 issues.
Upcoming ADA Educational
March 2-3, 2013: ADA Junior Clinic
with Patti Pierucci at In the Irons
Equestrian Center. Patti is a Grand Prix
rider and trainer from Virginia. Priority
to juniors but adults may ride if there
is room. FMI - Brittany Silvers,
Commercial Advertisements
Full page:
Quarter page::
Half page:
Business card:
Quarter page: $10
Year-End Awards: 6 (six) hour
requirement to be completed by
the awards deadline!
Renewal Time!
Cash Back: 3 (three) hour requirement.
How can you earn volunteer
Scribe for a judge
Be a runner
Steward an arena
Transport and/or feed a judge
Set up or tear down an arena
Solicit advertising and sponsors
Contact a board member to see how
you can help!
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013—Page 34
Brittany Reynolds
Leslie Johnson
Karen Peacock
PJ Hardin
Jodie Carlson
Pam Gouger
Doug Christensen
Cel Cox
Maddie Ramon
Terrie Hargrove
Janet Burzlaff
Chris Smith
Kim Dunlap
Heidi Abshire
Becky Snell
Andy Guatemala
Bailey Nolte
Jennifer Brewer
Madeleine Ramon
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 35
Alamo Dressage Association Monthly Newsletter Winter 2013 - Page 36

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