SGI Boar Catalog - Swine Genetics
SGI Boar Catalog - Swine Genetics
SGI Boar Catalog 2013 January TE SOU RC W OR S E U L MA TI IC LD W T E ID E G E N ELITE GENETICS TO MAXIMIZE REPRODUCTIVE CAPACITY, PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE, CARCASS MERIT AND MEAT QUALITY SWINE GENETICS INTERNATIONAL 30805 595th Avenue - Cambridge, Iowa 50046 - PH: 515-383-4386 - 800-247-3958 - F: 515-383-2257 SGI’s 2013 Boar Catalog Our NEW catalog format includes a picture and a brief summary for each boar. Please go to to obtain more detailed information such as boar pedigree, a more complete description of phenotype and performance as well as a video clip of each boar. SGI’S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES LIQUID SEMEN Liquid semen available from over 100 sires to meet your genetic needs and representing the following boar lines: Purebred and Exotic, Terminal and Maternal, Meat Quality and Certified “Nitch” Programs. Visit SGI at for more detailed information on the boars in this 2013 catalog plus new boars added since the catalog was printed. FROZEN SEMEN Frozen semen is available from boars featured in the 2013 catalog plus boars housed at SGI from 1981 to present. Custom freezing is available on boar semen collected at your facility. Contact SGI by phone: 800-247-3958 or visit SGI’s web site: for availability of frozen semen. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION PRODUCTS AND EQUIPMENT SGI carries a wide variety of AI products and equipment to meet your needs. View our “Equipment Catalog” at to find AI products from the following categories: Collection, Extenders, Extension, Insemination, Labware, Lab Equipment and Accessories, Microscope and Accessories, Storage, Nitrogen Tanks and Ultrasonic Equipment. SWINE BREEDING ANIMAL EXPORTS SGI has been very active in exporting swine semen and live animals around the world since 1981. Our personnel can assist in selection and can arrange and handle all health testing, quarantine, insurance, shipping and documentation necessary to deliver to the port of entry. CONSULTATION ON SEMEN COLLECTION, PROCESSING, ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION AND LABORATORY SET-UP @ g PH: 515-383-4386 Toll Free: 800-247-3958 FAX: 515-383-2257 30805 595th Avenue Cambridge, Iowa 50046 U.S. NATIONAL GENETICS EVALUATION The American Duroc, Hampshire, Landrace and Yorkshire breeds have been utilizing a national genetic evaluation system for several years. Individual records on over 2,000,000 animals are in the data bank for growth, backfat and reproductive traits. The data are analyzed using In BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Predictive) genetic evaluation procedures. This animal technology is the most accurate technology available for the eva evaluation of genetic merit. The individual’s own record, records on ancestors in the individual’s pedigrees, any collateral relatives with performan performance records (littermates, half sibs, etc) as well as records on any progeny of the individual are utilized. This multiple trait procedure is used fo for genetic evaluation of reproductive traits (Number Born Alive, Number Weaned and 21-Day Litter Weight) and growth traits (Days to 250, Lb L Lean, Backfat and Feed Efficiency). The sources of variation accounted for in the analysis models include the major sources that influence animal performance (contemporary group, sire, dam, permanent environment, maternal effects and service sire). This allows for the direct comparis comparison of all sires evaluated. TERMINOLOGY USED IN THIS CATALOG TERM STAGES AGES Data listed sted under the heading STAGES is based on the individua individual’s own record and that of relatives. In this case the sire does not have progeny with performance records. In most cases these sires are not oold enough to have sufficient accumulated progeny records. ACROSS-HERD RD SIRE SUMMARY Data is listed under this heading only if the sire has proge progeny g ny that have been tested under the National Evaluation System and the performance included in the sire’s evaluation. valuation. EPD The Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) is a prediction of the progeny performance of an animal compared to the progen progeny of an average animal in the population (Duroc, Hampshire, Landrace or Yorkshire breeds) based on all information currently available. As indicated above, the major sources of variation are accounted for including contemporary group and herd differences in the BLUP analysi analysis. This allows for direct comparison of all sires. These EPDs are expressed as a plus or minus for Number er Born Alive, 21-day Litter Weight, Days to 250 lb (114 kg), Lb Lean, Backfat and Feed Efficiency. Negative EPDs are desirable for Days, Backfat at and Feed Efficiency while pos positive EPDs are desirable for Lb Lean, Number Born Alive and 21-Day Litter Weight. Example: Sire A Sire B EPD EP D DA DAYS YS -5.0 50 2.0 EPD EP D LI LITTER LITT TTER TT ER W WT T -2.0 20 8.0 Sire A’s progeny will require 7.0 less days to 250 lb than Sire B. However, daughters of Sire B would produce litters 10 lb heavier at 21days than Sire A. INDEXES Selection indexes are calculated from the EPDs according to the economic value associated with cost of production and value off market pigs in a typical midwestern farrow to finish pork production facility. Three indexes are calculated: Terminal Sire Index (TSI) - It ranks animals on Days to 250, Backfat, Lb Lean and Feed Efficiency EPDs only. It does not include de maternal data. Sow Productivity Index (SPI) - It ranks individuals by Number Born Alive, Number Weaned and 21-Day Litter Weight EPDs only. It does not include Days, Lb Lean, Backfat or Feed Efficiency data. Maternal Line Index (MLI) - It utilizes the EPDs for both terminal (Days, Backfat, Lb Lean and Feed Efficiency)) and maternal (Born Alive, Number Weaned & Litter Weight) traits. All indexes are scaled so that the average parent has a value of 100 while superior parents have a value greater er than 100. Which index to utilize will depend on a herd’s individual needs and whether the sire is to be used for terminal or maternal line ne production production. In most commercial pork production systems, sires to be utilized to produce replacement females should be selected on MLI while sires sire utilized to produce market animals should be selected on TSI. DUROC SGI 1383 CBSW2 S Barrett 58-6 #337897006 Rambo 42-1 x Twinkle 11-1 Big framed and long bodied Lean (0.42 BF) and muscular (9.10 LEA) SGI 1382 CBSW2 S Kimball 64-1 #337903001 Label 61-3 x Twist 84-1 Extra wide made - Very thick muscled Super sound with top 4% TSI 135.2 SGI 1381 CBSW2 S Cosmo 64-3 #337903003 Label 61-3 x Twist 84-1 Long, well balanced, correct structure Fast growing 140 days - Top 3% TSI 136.2 SGI 1377 ISUB1 Belgian 102-4 #335807004 Draft Horse 40-1 x Solid Gold 125-1 Big Framed with extra heavy duty skeleton Solid Gold & Draft Horse two of SGI’s popular lines SGI 1376 ISUB1 Percheron 102-3 #335807003 Draft Horse 40-1 x Solid Gold 125-1 Extremely lean - Muscular appearance High EPDs for Lb Lean, Feed/Gain and TSI SGI 1375 ISUB1 Rock Solid 64-2 #334278002 Solid Gold 125-1 x Tucker 84-6 Big stout and super sound Backed by superior meat quality (5.1% IMF) SGI 1374 DZS1 Cotter 93-6 #336797006 Hercules 47-1 x Eight Below 14-2 Super meat quality and reproduction Outcross to most Duroc lines SGI 1372 CBSW1F Tackle 49-1 #332765001 Turkey 11-6 x Ace 10-5 Extremely fast growing, 131 Days to 250 lb/114 kg Lean and muscular with superior TSI 131.1 SGI 1370 CS1 Tug Boat 117-5 #327803005 Tug Boat 27-5 x Arsenal 1-2 Heavy structured, wide made and big footed Thick muscled (8.22 LEA) yet super sound & flexible SGI 1369 CS1 Thunder Bolt 124-6 #327792006 Thunder Bolt 99-4 x Big Unit 58-10 Bold shoulder, huge rib & heavy boned Muscular appearing with big top & thick ham SGI 1368 ISUB1 Firepower 162-2 #329933002 Firestone 142-6 x Top Secret 49-2 Grandsire ranks top 5% Days & TSI Very lean & shapely top (8.02LEA) & muscular ham SGI 1363 CBSW1 S Tater 13-4 #325247004 Tate 9-2 x Ken 28-1 Sire 140 TSI & grandsire 135 TSI top 1% & 3% Selected for generations for lean growth & structure Swine Genetics International, Ltd. 800-247-3958 or 515-383-4386 DUROC SGI 1380 HD 2 Trifecta 49-1 #335900001 Full Bore 68-4 x Buckshot 2-2 $32,000 Champion 2012 National Barrow Show One stout made, muscular, super sound stud SGI 1366 RWG0 Rio Bravo 264-3 #325062003 Gater 1-4 x Totally Awesome 118-1 $13,000 Co-Top Selling Duroc Indiana State Fair Outstanding profile, structure & powerful muscle SGI 1378 RBTD1 Ice Chest 67-1 #335831001 Ice 2-6 x Can’t Touch This 10-1 Extra wide made and super heavy boned Well balanced, eye appealing, muscular package SGI 1365 PDSI Lotta Body 15-10 #326708010 Full Shift 145-1 x Maxed Out 5-1 Indiana Jr. Champ~Littermate boar R Champ STC Fast growing (136 days) stout, thick muscled package SGI 1371 ISU1 War Horse 31-2 #336447002 Lockdown 5-3 x Roca Red 12-4 Extremely wide based and wide bodied Striking muscle expression and shape SGI 1359 NBD0 Draft Horse 40-1 #326316001 Tubs 1-1 x Bold Adventure 115-1 Fast Growing (134 days) stout made, super sound Huge rib & body capacity, extra muscle volume PERFORMANCE SGI DUROC SIRES STAGES EPDS Code Boar Days* BF LEA Days* D ys Days Da y * BF LB LB Lean L an Feed/Gain** Le Fee eed/ d/G d/Ga d/ Gain Ga i **** in** in 1383 Barrett 145 0.42 9.10 -1.7 -0.05 -1. 1.7 -0 0.0 .05 05 22.55 -7.7 77 1382 Kimball 149 0.43 8.89 -3.0 -0.04 2.1 -7.7 1381 Cosmo 140 0.44 8.16 -3.8 -0.03 1.5 -8.7 1380 Trifecta 139 0.54 8.75 1378 Ice Chest 149 0.60 8.80 1377 Belgian 155 0.59 7.96 -3.4 0.00 0.3 -6.0 1376 Percheron 159 0.41 8.96 -3.1 -0.03 1.4 -8.4 1375 Rock Solid 149 0.60 8.08 -2.1 0.00 0.6 -4.3 1374 Cotter 142 0.42 8.58 1372 Tackle 131 0.52 8.32 -3.2 -0.02 1.3 -7.4 1371 War Horse 139 0.50 9.20 1370 Tug Boat 160 0.50 8.22 -2.2 -0.01 0.3 -4.0 1369 Thunder Bolt 157 0.42 7.90 -2.3 -0.01 0.2 -3.6 1368 Firepower 147 0.52 8.02 -4.0 0.04 -0.2 -5.7 1366 Rio Bravo 156 0.56 8.70 1365 Lotta Body 136 0.53 8.90 1363 Tater 140 0.53 7.87 -3.7 -0.02 1.1 -8.0 1359 Draft Horse 134 0.60 8.05 -3.3 0.02 -0.4 -3.9 * Days of age to 250 lb (114 kg) ** Pounds or kilograms feed per 100 pounds or kilograms weight gain In addition to the above Duroc boars SGI has a battery of Duroc production boars Contact TSII TS 129.4 129. 129 12 299.44 135.2 136.2 INDEXES MLI MLI SPI SPI 113.6 101.5 113. 113 11 33.66 10 101 011..5 116.1 101.4 116.7 101.4 124.1 131.0 118.8 111.1 113.3 114.0 100.4 100.6 106.3 131.1 114.0 100.9 116.0 115.7 122.6 104.1 116.0 107.3 99.8 109.3 96.6 131.9 116.6 121.1 106.3 107.4 98.2 TEATS 14 13 14 13 14 12 12 14 13 13 13 12 12 15 14 14 13 13 SGI at 800-247-3958 for information about Duroc Choice Terminal Semen MATERNAL YORKSHIRE SGI 2511 ID2 Nuki 374-5 #533831005 Uki 365-7 x Saturn 337-4 Fantastic maternal pedigree combines Several top ranking boars & sows in the breed SGI 2508 CBSW1 F Kip 67-9 #523534009 Kip 81-5 x Casino 62-3 From outstanding litter with 21 Day LWT 231 lb Excellent maternal design-Long bodied, level made SGI 2507 CBSW1 F Topper 46-5 #521414005 Topper 73-1 x True Masterpiece 7-3 Extremely fast growing at 133 days Big bodied, well balanced, super sound SGI 2503 BTI1 Zuni 26-4 #517871004 Zump 53-10 x Uron 82-18 Grandsire 92-11 & Sire 53-10 Rank 1st, & 2nd SPI Zuni’s 0.82 NBA Ranks top 1% & MLI 136.1 top 2% SGI 2502 BTI1 Bistro 640 64-15 #516012015 Bistro 640 55-10 x KDU 66-1 Extra long bodied with excellent feet and legs Dam 13.3 NBA, 11.0 W , 169 LWT, 7 parities SGI 2499 1CR1 2020 453-3 #513917003 2020 633-5 x Uron 73-15 Excellent lean growth & feed efficiency (-8.8) From litter 12 B, 12 W with outstanding 194# LWT SGI 2496 WGW0 Del Rio 50-10 #513543010 Animal House 27-6 x Tank 9-5 From litter 13 F, 12W and reached 250# in 134 days Extra natural rib, base width, and muscle dimension SGI 2495 WFD0 Tallyrand 227-4 #506487004 First Rate 257-4 x M1 97-1 From litter 11 NBA, 11 weaned, 177 lb LWT Thick made, well-balanced & muscular SGI 2498 1CR0 The Unit 123-4 #503978004 Big Unit 132-2 x Saturn II 381-1 Sire was ranked 1st NBA, 1st SPI & 3rd MLI in breed Stout, fast growth 138 days, ranks 4th MLI 135.5 SGI 2494 BTI0 Ambassador 10-11 #505634011 Uron 82-18 x SGI Ziel 840 Very powerful-stout-sound boar Fantastic MLI index 143.9-Dam #1 York MLI 150.5 SGI 2488 BTI9 Uron 30-8 #497074008 Uron 73-15 x Donholm Pursi K 1-3 Typical Uron line boldness of front, heavy structured Excellent design, flexibility & soundness Swine Genetics International, Ltd. 800-247-3958 or 515-383-4386 SGI 2483 1TMC9 Wisconsin Steel 2-8 #492451008 Day Tripper 345-11 x Tug Boat 36-5 Supreme Champ Boar over all breeds,’09 WI St Fair Stout made, level designed, super sound MATERNAL YORKSHIRE SGI 2506 1CR1 Beyond 1152-4 #517293004 Beyond 401-13 x First Rate 339-4 Extremely powerful, well balanced, super sound Outcross to most other SGI maternal Yorkshires SGI 2505 1CR1 Zeb 141-3 #517589003 Ziel 840 x Captain 99-1 Swedish sire, Ziel 840, ranked 1st MLI & 3rd NBA Maternal design, extra muscle 8.46 LEA, 127.6 MLI SGI 2504 1CR1 Step Ahead 201-3 #517593003 Step Ahead 482-1 x Big Unit 132-2 Big ribbed, thick muscled, wide made & long bodied Has excellent 8-8 underline ~ Dam average 17.3 NBA PERFORMANCE SGI MATERNAL YORKSHIRE SIRES Code 2511 2508 2507 2506 2505 2504 2503 2502 2499 2498 2496 2495 2494 2488 2483 Boar Days* Nuki 162 Kip 142 Topper 133 Beyond 142 Zeb 155 Step Ahead 148 Zuni 147 Bistro 152 2020 146 The Unit 138 Del Rio 134 Tallyrand 144 Ambassador 136 Uron 30-8 146 Wisconsin Steel 148 BF 0.52 0.54 0.68 0.46 0.46 0.55 0.47 0.35 0.44 0.65 0.56 0.58 0.77 0.47 0.58 LEA 7.56 6.90 7.49 7.70 8.46 8.50 7.06 6.73 7.98 8.03 9.05 8.04 6.86 6.40 8.09 STAGES EPDS Days* Days Days Da y * BF Feed/Gain** Fee eed/ d/G d/ Gain Gai Ga in** N in** NBA BA LWT*** LWT WT** **** ** -2.3 -1.7 -2 2.33 0.01 00. 01 -1. 11.77 0.70 00. 70 7.44 77. -3.5 -0.03 -6.1 0.41 5.6 -4.1 0.00 -6.2 0.32 4.7 -2.5 -0.01 -4.3 0.18 2.4 -3.8 -0.01 -7.7 0.45 1.7 -1.5 -0.01 -4.1 0.54 4.0 -1.3 0.01 -1.4 0.82 6.6 -4.8 -0.02 -5.4 0.41 6.4 -4.3 -0.01 -8.8 0.32 3.4 -3.3 0.02 -4.1 0.81 3.5 0.8 -0.03 -1.2 0.31 -1.0 -3.6 -0.01 -8.3 0.10 1.8 -4.2 0.01 -6.4 0.80 4.9 -1.6 0.10 5.0 0.44 4.5 MLI MLI 131.5 131. 131 13 11.55 127.8 126.2 114.4 127.4 123.2 136.1 126.3 128.2 135.5 107.6 116.2 143.9 113.8 INDEXES SPI TSI SPI TSI TEATS T 128.0 106.7 16 128. 128 12 88.00 10 106. 106 66.77 116.5 125.9 16 114.2 126.2 15 106.2 118.4 14 113.5 132.5 14 116.2 117.4 16 133.5 106.1 14 119.5 110.8 15 112.3 137.2 14 127.2 117.4 14 106.7 104.4 14 104.2 134.5 14 131.6 127.7 14 119.0 89.1 14 * Days of age to 250 lb (114 kg) ** Pounds or kilograms feed per 100 pounds or kilograms weight gain *** 21-day litter weaning weight Contact SGI for information about contracts and volume discounts on Maternal or Yorkshire Breed Designated semen. LANDRACE ONLY N E M N SE FROZE SGI 3380 WHI Maximizer 52-9 #109256009 SGI 3379 WHI Validron 307-14 #108770014 Maxim 443-6 x Karlson 429-8 Sage 295-13 x Karlson 429-8 Extra long yet very good width & depth Fast growing, long sided maternal appearing boar Pikkus, Karlson & Sampson pedigree ranks with very best From litter 12W & 209 lb LWT top 1% MLI 137.5 SGI 3378 CBSW1 F Kadence 33-2 #109265002 Kade 2-1 x Falken 27-1 From outstanding litter, fast growth 130 days Level made & flexible, excellent 8-8 underline SGI 3377 CBSW1 F Chris 10-6 #108023006 Alken 36-7 x Falken 27-1 Big framed, extra long bodied, heavy boned From litter 13 weaned & outstanding 215 21-day LWT SGI 3376 1CR1 Falkston 263-1 #106898001 Winston 3-15 x Falken 138-1 Stout made, super sound with high MLI & TSI Brings back great Swedish Falken line SGI 3375 BTI1 Alexston 47-16 #106743016 Alexander 39-11 x Winston 914K 53-1 Sire ranks 1st MLI 142.6, NBA 1.30 & SPI 136.2 Heavy structured ~ Very sound and flexible SGI 3374 WFD0 Rodman 217-1 #103181001 Alexander 157-3 x Sweed 395-2 Powerful boar with great feed efficiency EPD -10.4 Long & wide bodied, stout structure & muscular SGI 3373 ICR0 Maxim 443-6 #103494006 Pikkus 628-2 x Alexander 92-9 Sire & grandsire were trait leaders NBA, MLI, SPI Well-balanced, eye appealing, extra muscle shape SGI 3372 BTI0 Lexus 47-9 #103097009 Alexandar 39-11 x Zebu 29-5 Sire is current trait leader NBA, MLI, SPI Long, level, flexible, super sound SGI 3370 BTI9 Ja Mar Winston 914K 16-6 #100861006 SGI 3369 BTI9 Epitome 72-11 #99719011 Ja Mar Winston 914K 3-9 x Alexander 11-10 Epitome 16-4 x Alexander 35-6 Extra wide & deep bodied, heavy boned, big footed Ranks 3rd in Landrace breed for SPI 126.3 Will add growth (EPD -6.0 days) & sow body condition Will make tough, long life, higher productive females Swine Genetics International, Ltd. 800-247-3958 or 515-383-4386 SGI 3366 WFD8 Kade 226-3 #97760003 Kado 11-10 x Rotoman 228-1 Extra wide base, bold shouldered & big thick rump Heavy boned, big footed, super sound boar LANDRACE PERFORMANCE SGI LANDRACE SIRES Code 3380 3379 3378 3377 3376 3375 3374 3373 3372 3370 3369 3366 Boar Maximizer Validron Kadence Chris Falkston Alexston Rodman Maxim Lexus Winston Epitome Kade Days* 150 141 130 132 155 151 149 160 145 133 156 135 BF 0.61 0.70 0.55 0.58 0.48 0.55 0.52 0.66 0.47 0.67 0.59 0.52 LEA 7.11 6.09 7.14 7.90 8.08 6.85 8.23 7.61 6.57 7.42 6.99 6.58 STAGES EPDS Days* BF Feed/Gain** NBA LWT*** -0.8 -0.01 -3.8 0.30 4.7 -4.1 -0.03 -7.9 0.47 5.9 -5.1 -0.01 -8.6 0.13 0.5 -3.9 -0.02 -8.8 0.40 1.0 -3.8 -0.01 -7.1 0.25 0.3 -3.4 0.04 -1.8 0.73 3.7 -1.3 -0.08 -10.4 0.00 2.2 -2.1 0.00 -3.7 0.40 1.8 -4.0 0.03 -4.2 0.43 2.3 -6.0 0.13 -0.0 0.15 5.6 -0.7 0.09 6.0 0.58 5.2 -3.7 -0.02 -5.9 0.16 -0.8 MLI 119.3 137.5 119.1 126.0 122.4 125.7 117.6 118.7 119.8 112.8 114.2 117.6 INDEXES SPI TSI Teats 112.9 116.8 15 123.1 133.6 14 102.7 136.9 16 110.6 136.2 14 109.3 130.3 16 121.4 106.2 15 102.0 137.1 14 111.4 117.0 16 111.1 116.9 16 113.0 92.0 15 126.3 88.4 14 106.3 125.2 16 * Days of age to 250 lb (114 kg) ** Pounds or kilograms of feed per 100 pounds or kilograms weight gain *** 21-day litter weaning weight CHESTER WHITE SGI 566 SC2 Direct Impact 45-3 #142351003 Direct Hit 1-3 x Old School 9-3 Days to 250# 143, Backfat 0.59, LEA 7.63 Our pick of Chesters shown summer 2012 Stout structure-excellent design-expressive muscle SGI 564 RS0 Parnell 60-2 #139273002 Professor 1-6 x Hercules 20-5 Days to 250# 158, Backfat 0.58, LEA 7.86 Stout, heavy boned, big footed, super sound Outstanding maternal & meat quality traits SGI 565 RS1 Live Wire 62-3 #141035003 Rudy’s Legacy 1-1 x Favze 29-2 Days to 250# 147, Backfat 0.61, LEA 8.10 $10,000 Hog College Boar 2011 National Barrow Show Outstanding phenotype, tremendous maternal production SGI 561 RS9 Mothermaker 100-5 #137744005 The Stud 9-6 x Heartbeat 95-4 Days to 250# 159, Backfat 0.67, LEA 7.65 209 Lb litter weight ~ Flexible & functional design Great shape, meat quality lineage Contact SGI for more information about contracts and volume discounts on Maternal Landrace & Chester semen. BERKSHIRE SGI 688 PA2 SGI Black Lion 16-10 #113529010 Black Lion 67-12 x All You Want 8-6 Days 250#, Backfat 0.70, LEA 7.85 Outstanding combination body structure, performance, reproduction Tremendous EPDs of -5.3 Days, 132.9 TSI, 124.3 MLI SGI 682 MLS1 Power Up 12-9 #107635009 Stimulator 30-3 x Making History 7-4 141 Days to 250#, Backfat 0.55, LEA 8.10 Champion Berkshire 2011 National Barrow Show Fast growing, stout, wide made, thick muscled SGI 687 IASU1 Justified 52-4 #111671004 Justified 18-18 x Contendor 47-3 Days 250# 160, Backfat 0.54, LEA 8.14 Littermate to Champ Gilt WPX, Sire Champion SW Flashy, well balanced, lean & muscular SGI 686 IASU1 Out For Justice 52-1 #111671001 Justified 18-8 x Contendor 47-3 Days 250# 143, Backfat 0.61, LEA 7.80 Fast growing, big framed & long bodied Heavy boned, big ribbed, sound functional SGI is your source for Pure Genetic Progress Through liquid and frozen semen Live animal exports SGI 678 PAO Powerline 51 19-6 #105594006 AJC Powerline 51 1-1 x Hulk 118-1 Selected for performance 120.7 TSI, 121.4 MLI Big frame, long bodied, trim made Proven meat quality both sides pedigree SGI 675 IASU0 Peter Lad II 38-1 #106593001 Fast Lane 3-7 x Parracombe Peter Lad 14 14-0 Days 250# 159, Backfat 0.72, LEA 7.91 Stoutness & lean muscle of sire and superior meat quality & reproduction of English dam In addition to the above boars SGI has a battery of production/meat quality Berkshires Contact SGI at 800-247-3958 for information about Terminal Berkshire semen Swine Genetics International, Ltd. 800-247-3958 or 515-383-4386 HAMPSHIRE~PIETRAIN~TERMINAL YORKSHIRE SGI 4534 RWF2 Garmin 72-7 #479951007 Greeter 21-8 x Heatwave 2-6 Days to 250# 151, Backfat 0.52, LEA 9.10 Eye appealing, well balanced and big ribbed Powerful muscle makeup in sound functional package SGI 4533 CDO0 Point Taken 257-3 #473011003 Augusta 18-1 x Jumbo 9-1 Days to 250# 163, Backfat 0.51, LEA 8.90 Stout structure~Impeccable design~Expressive muscle Sired numerous winners across USA SGI 4527 APLS8 Hung Jury 3-2 #461286002 The Judge 9-3 x Black Oak 85-6 153 Days to 250#, Backfat 0.53, LEA 9.89 Combines style, balance, superb muscle Sires fast growing, muscular & sound Hampshires SGI 985 GM Wide Tracker 18-3 Klams 69-1 x Blowback 1-2 Days 250# 156, Backfat 0.38, LEA 10.3 Displays exceptional muscle shape typical for Pietrains Well balanced, sound, functional, and wide made SGI 2509 HOBW2 Show Cat 1-9 #531221009 Snow Cat 11-4 x Spotlight 4-6 Days 250 #152, Backfat 0.64, LEA 8.90 Heavy boned, wide made, stout package Great muscle expression of top and ham SGI 2501 WIU1 Change Of Pace 15-9 #520695009 Drive By 1-1 x Beach Boy 10-5 159 Days to 250#, Backfat 0.56, LEA 8.60 Powerful muscle & structure ~ Eye appealing package Has consistently transmitted his power & muscle SGI 2500 BRJL1 The Solution 3-4 #514020004 The Grizz 38-8 x Crossfire 9-7 Reserve Champion, Top Selling Illinois State Fair Excellent side profile ~ Rear Leg Design Combination terminal-maternal Yorkshire SGI 2467 DPF8 Ocean Liner 10-4 #482075004 Tug Boat 36-5 x Powerpoint 25-1 140 Days to 250#, Backfat 0.69, LEA 9.05 Sires thick made, muscular, super sound Yorkshires Another combination terminal-maternal Yorkshire CROSSBRED / EXOTIC SGI 989 Pull The Trigger 21-1 Big Guns x Long Shot $20,000 Res Champ 2012 Fall Classic Bigger frame, different one, striking style & power SGI 988 Final Shine 24-2 Final Drive x Moonshine Lights out white exotic-Phenomenal pedigree Powerful body, muscle & structure SGI 986 Backwoods 247-7 Hillbilly Bone x Super Nova $35,000 Class Winner 2012 World Pork Expo Has look, stout structure & muscle to sire winners SGI 987 Black Sugar 1-1 Sweet Tooth x Super Duty Big bodied, soft made & very flexible Eye Catching, muscular powerhouse SGI 984 Unfare 28-5 County Fare x Lickety Split Great design with ideal feet & leg structure Offspring have been awesome SGI 982 Deep Threat 22-2 Deep Pockets x Out of Sight Heaviest structured most athletic at SGI Combines balance, style, width & muscle shape SGI 979 Banger 32-1 Bang This x Bullet Proof He’s awesome - Powerful muscle & structure Has sired numerous winners across U.S. SGI 977 Black Onyx 12-2 Onyx x Alias 27-1 The flawless one in design and structure Fantastic sire - One most popular ever at SGI SGI 980 Monster Bash 42-6 Super Monster x Hood Rat Well balanced complete package His litters consistently good top to bottom SGI 975 Naturally Gifted 18-2 Trooper x Super Duty Awesome muscle shape & dimension Yet soft, flexible and athletic SGI 971 Stimulus Package 6-1 Recovery x Leather Neck Extreme width of shoulder, rib & center body Great design with excellent muscle expression PH: 515-383-4386 Toll Free: 800-247-3958 FAX: 515-383-2257 30805 595th Avenue Cambridge, Iowa 50046 SGI 966 Batman 60-6 Superman x Super 7 One of the most sought after ever at SGI Sires powerful winners in show ring & farrowing house
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