11/22 - Church of the Assumption
11/22 - Church of the Assumption
Church of the Assumption November 22, 2015 29 South Adams Street, Manchester, Connecticut 06040 Website: www.assumptionmanchester.org E-mail: info@assumptionmanchester.org Pastor Father John E. Pahl Permanent Deacon Arthur Dickman Rectory, 860-643-2195 285 West Center Street Office hours: Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Mass - 5 p.m. Sunday Morning - 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 a.m. Daily Mass Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 7 a.m. Saturday - 8 a.m. Holy Days - as published in the bulletin Confessions Saturday 4 p.m. or by appointment Rosary and Novena Miraculous Medal - Mondays at 7:10 p.m. Baptisms All parents desiring the Sacrament of Baptism for their children, must participate in a PreBaptismal Program. Please contact Sister Colleen at 860-643-7596 for further information. Marriages Couples must make arrangements at least six months prior to wedding date Religious Education Program Sr. Colleen Doyle, RSM: 860-643-7596 Religious Education, Grades 1-8 High School Confirmation Preparation RCIA Assumption Early Learning Center www.assumptionelc.org Accepting PreK and Kindergarten Miss Marguerite Ouellette 860-649-0889 Bulletin Deadline Monday by 12 noon in writing Please remember to patronize the companies that advertise on the back of this bulletin. CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION Please remember to turn off your cellphone during Mass. ATTENTION PARISHIONERS OF CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION Your church is in need of volunteers to help in many areas of service. Either through attrition or for personal reasons, there has become a need for lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, adult and youth altar servers, ushers, and volunteers to help clean the church. Understandably a certain amount of time and COMMITMENT are required to help in any of the above areas; but, this is YOUR church and in order for it to run efficiently, parishioners are needed to help. If you are interested in serving your church by volunteering in any of the areas specified; or, if you would like further information, please call the rectory, 860-643-2195. Please note that all volunteers are subject to a background check. Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this request. PARISH SUPPORT November 15, 2015 Weekly Offertory MANCHESTER, CT ASSUMPTION EARLY LEARNING CENTER BOTTLE AND CAN DRIVE Assumption Early Learning Center will be having its first bottle and can drive on Saturday, December 5th from 9 a.m.-noon. Bottles and cans can be dropped off at the school or placed behind the church by the garage for anyone who cannot come on December 5th. THANKSGIVING DAY PRAYER O God, ever good and merciful, look graciously upon us as we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Our nation has been richly blessed, and we thank You for the necessities of life that so many of us enjoy in abundance. May we never take these gifts for granted or forget that they come from You, the Creator and Author of Life. We pray for those among us who suffer as a result of material, spiritual or moral poverty. Enkindle in us a greater charity toward our neighbor in need, and help us as a people to build a more just and peaceful society and world. We pray in a special way for those who are persecuted for their faith throughout the globe. Thank you, Father, for all Your blessings, In the Name of Christ Our Lord. Amen. $4886.70 Thank you for your support. The second collection this week is for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). CCHD provides funding for groups that make lasting change and uplift the poor in the United States. Please give as generously as you can to help defend human dignity and build communities of solidarity. TUESDAY EVENING BINGO Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no Bingo this Tuesday, November 24. We will resume again on December 1. Plan to join us then. The Progressive Prize will be $900. GIFT TREE Next week the Assumption Gift Tree will be set up. This is an opportunity to bring some Christmas joy to our neighbors at Touchpoint and West Side Nursing Homes as well as local families in need. Christmas is a time of rich traditions. Perhaps you could start a new one by having each of your family members or group of friends take a tag and go shopping together to get your gifts. After shopping you could go out for ice cream or coffee and talk about the things you are grateful for over this past year. Giving is a gift for the receiver and the giver. Enjoy the true riches of this Christmas season. Donations for Christmas food baskets may be left in church hall. Items needed include canned fruits and vegetables, pasta and sauce, cranberry sauce, stuffing,, cereal, juice, coffee, tea. To donate a turkey, please contact Heather Laprise, heatherlaprise96@gmail.com OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST , KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEMBER 22, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK MEMORIAL CANDLES November 22, 2015 MARY’S ALTAR Alfred & Jeanne Poncelet Paul, Clara, Laura, Babita, Bablu, Calvine & Claudia Gomes Ernie Fournier Successful Operation Paris Victims Mary, Jesus, & All Saints ST. JOSEPH’S ALTAR Good health for Holy Father, Priest, Sister Decone, save unborn child Personal Petition Joseph Boucher For Almighty God To request a candle be lit, take an envelope from either Mary’s or Saint Joseph’s Altar, fill in the information and place in the collection basket or deliver to the rectory. You can request more than one candle per envelope by utilizing the space on the back of the envelope. Please do not take more envelopes than you need for the one week. Reminder: The cost for a candle is $7.00. Christmas Bazaar Raffle Basket Winners Congratulations to these lucky basket winners and thank you to all who purchased tickets. Kitchen Sampler Everything Christmas Cozy Warm When God Sends Angels Wine Country FAO Schwartz Meets Ty Clear the Way, Here I Come Tea Party Delight Pamper Me Seaside Babies Game Night Track 9 Wine Run Dinner Is Served Oh Boy, Oh Boy Fun For the Birds Date Night Tonight Snow Be It! I Am An American Girl Harvest Home Soup de Jour 23rd Psalm Keeping You Warm It’s An Amazing Man’s World Lena Samulis Jillian Begin Paula Darby Jessie Judith Walton Joy Boyer Marilyn Turner Laurie Dunlop Evelyn Farrell Mike Darby Helen Longo Vanessa Richmond Anna Lynn Kim Bednar Barb McConville Venna John Foley Katrina Collins June Barrett Dee Anna Brugnetti SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 5:00 PM Father Francis McDonnell SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 7:30 AM Mary Elizabeth Pinto—18th Anniversary . 9:30 AM Sam LeSmith 11:30 AM Jennie Marcanthony MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23 7:00 AM Robert Kirchgessner TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 7:00 AM St. Anthony WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 NO MASS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26 8:00 AM John Brow FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 8:00 AM Ronchi & Saintomas Family SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28 8:00 AM Louise Turnquist 5:00 PM Raymond Lanzano SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29 7:30 AM Nancy Ann Galligan—14th Anniversary 9:30 AM Sam LeSmith 11:30 AM Thomas Downes The rectory will be closed Thursday, November 26, and Friday November 27, due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Best wishes for a blessed and happy Thanksgiving. Please note daily Mass on Thursday and Friday is scheduled for 8 a.m. Novena Every Monday evening at 7:10 p.m. Church of the Assumption conducts a Novena to the Blessed Virgin with a Rosary, Exposition, and Benediction. This is a good opportunity for you to spend some time with the Lord and receive a blessing. Interfaith Service Scheduled for This Weekend The Manchester Interfaith Clergy group is hosting a Thanksgiving Interfaith Service on Sunday, November 22, at 4:30 p.m. at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 60 Church Street. Parking is available next to the church hall in the basement of the church. The service will include a program of prayers, readings, and hymns. Participants are being asked to bring a nonperishable food item or make a monetary donation to the Manchester Area Conference of Churches (MACC) for its emergency food pantry. John F. Tierney Funeral Home Inc. Serving the Community for Fifty Years. 219 West Center Street • Manchester, CT 06040 LEW PELLETIER’S AUTO SERVICE INC. 1099 Barbara C. Tierney Thomas J. Tierney Daniel R. Troiano Thomas F. Tierney Family Owned & Operated (860) 643-1222 LEW PELLETIER, OWNER 110 Center St., Manchester, CT 649-7425 HOLMES WATKINS Funeral Home Funeral Home 860-643-2441 860-646-5310 HOWARD M. HOLMES RICHARD P. HOLMES SCOTT B. HOLMES MARK C. HOLMES Botticello Farms Westown Pharmacy “WE GROW OUR OWN” WHOLESALE & RETAIL FRUITS • VEGETABLES • BEDDING PLANTS 209 Hillstown Rd., Manchester CT 06040 (860) 649-2462 CUNLIFFE AUTO BODY 649-9946 FREE DELIVERY 643-0016 For further information, please call the Parish Office. Support Local Business! “QUALITY WORK AT COMPETITIVE PRICES” “Workmanship Guaranteed” FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 455 Hartford Rd., Manchester 317 Highland Street Daily Specials • We Serve Breakfast All Day FREE ESTIMATES Manchester, Connecticut 06040 927 Center Street • Manchester, CT 06040 (860) 649-4011 23 Hartford Tpke., Rt. 83 (Vernon/Manchester Line) - Vernon www.chezBen.com Open 6am-2pm Daily 860-646-4277 www.highlandparkmarket.com Come see us after Mass GIOLA CORP. GENERAL Since CONTRACTORS 19 46 Landscaping Water & Sewer Installation and Repair 660 Keeney St., Manchester, CT 06040 (860) 643-0150 WILLIAM S. GOCHEE ROCCO J. DeSIMONE, JR. WYMAN OIL CO., INC. The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes FUEL OIL • BURNER SERVICE 484 East Middle Turnpike Manchester, CT 06040 CHECK IT OUT TODAY! (860) 643-2453 860-646-5036 PHIL LOCICERO PRESIDENT FAX: 860-646-1552 AUTO REPAIR INC. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 FOREIGN & DOMESTIC REPAIRS SINCE 1972 174 WEST CENTER ST. MANCHESTER, CT 06040 Your ad an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA could be in this space! SPENDLESS DISCOUNT LIQUORS www.SpendlessLiquors.com 210 Spencer Street Manchester, CT PRE-ARRANGEMENTS ✦ MAUSOLEUMS ✦ CREMATION ST. JAMES CEMETERY 368 Broad Street Manchester, Ct. 06040 (806) 646-3772 www.ccacem.org (860) 643-9461 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal l mpanion a n o s Per ayer Co r u o Y Pr through 2030 Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! In Stock & Ready to Order Today. 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