School Guide 2016 - Grayson County News Gazette
School Guide 2016 - Grayson County News Gazette
Grayson County Gazette BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE Back to School Guide Saturday, July 23, 2016 1 BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2 Saturday, July 23, 2016 Grayson County Gazette Transportation and Safety Practices The Grayson County Transportation Department is responsible for establishing bus routes and provide safe and efficient system of transporting students to and from school. There are 52 bus routes that daily transport approximately 2,700 students to our elementary schools, middle school, and high school. Our buses safely travel more than 4,200 miles each day. During the year, our buses total more than 828,000 miles. It is extremely important that all citizens help keep our children safe. Please observe all the traffic laws and be especially watchful at our bus stops. Please honor our bus stop signs and be patient as our children board and depart from our buses. The safety of our children is everyone’s concern. If you need to contact someone in transportation at the Grayson County Board of Education, you may contact the following: Braxton Allen, Transportation Director: 259-4011 extension 231 Mary Johnson, Driver Trainer: 259-4011 extension 236 Bus Garage: Rick Dudgeon, S.G. Bryant, or Bobby Fulkerson: 2594011 extension 239. Messages to the Motoring Public Never pass a school bus when its stop lights are flashing. Be extra vigilant around school hours—assume a child might run out at any moment. Be courteous to school buses, give them room and let them change lanes when they need to. LeitchfieLd Pediatric cLinic, P.S.c. Help us celebrate 40 years of caring for infants, children and adolescents in Anthony Smith, DO; Tarek El-Masri; Joseph Lee MD; Wendee Embry, PA-C; John Evans, MD Leitchfield and Grayson County 908 Wallace Ave, Ste 108, Leitchfield | 270-259-5641 GGS SaleS and SupplieS • Horse Feed • Cow Feed • Sell Patio and Field Rock • Landscaping Rock •Mulch and Top Soil • Fertilizer and Minerals • Gates Available • Sheep and Goat Feed• Mulch Available by Bulk We want to wish Emily Butler, Brett Butler, Colton Gibson, Ella Gibson, Alex Beasley and Lane Beasley A fun and Success year. GGS Sale and Supplies • 9695 Elizabethtown Road • Big Clifty • 270-242-4350 We proudly support our local farmers & thank everyone for their business! Grayson County Gazette BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE Saturday, July 23, 2016 3 BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 4 Saturday, July 23, 2016 Grayson County Gazette 2016 Grayson Co. Back to School Events GCHS Senior Portraits Elementary Schools Open Houses Senior portraits for the Class of 2017 of Grayson County High School are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, July 25 and 26 at the high school from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. each day. If you cannot make your appointment time, please call Graham Photography in Bowling Green at 270-781-2323 to reschedule. Open Houses will be held at all Grayson County Elementary Schools on Thursday, Aug. 4, 2016, at the following times: Clarkson - Kindergarten Jumpstart, 8-11 a.m., Grades 1-3, 5 p.m., Grades 4-5, 6 p.m.; Lawler - Kindergarten, 5 p.m., Grades 1-5, 6 p.m.; Wilkey, Grades 1-5, 5-7 p.m. Caneyville will have its open house on two nights: Tuesday, Aug. 2 - Pre-School & Kindergarten at 5 p.m., First Grade at 6 p.m. and Second Grade at 7 p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 4 - Third Grade at 5 p.m., Fourth Grade at 6 p.m., Fifth Grade at 7 p.m. GCHS Freshman Transition Day, Monday, August 1, 1 p.m. The focus is all on incoming freshmen as GCHS welcomes The Class of 2020. Students can get to know the high school before hitting the halls as they meet and mingle with fellow freshmen and faculty, tour the school and become familiar with life at GCHS. Food and schedules provided at 4 p.m. Parent join in from 5-7 p.m. for information, to meet faculty, and also take a tour of GCHS. GCMS Open House Grayson County Middle School will hold an Open House on Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2016. Students will be able to pick up their class schedules and meet and greet their teachers. Sixth-grade students will be greeted from 5-6 p.m., while 7th & 8th grade students will be from 6-7 p.m. Back-to-School Bash Big Clifty United Methodist Church, 211 main St. in Big Clifty, will hold a Back-to-School Bash on Saturday, Aug. 6, 2016, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. CDT. There will be free refreshments and games. Free back packs and school supplies will be handed out on a first-come, first-served basis. The event is for all school children, pre-school through high school. For more info, call 270-446-9676. St. Paul School St. Paul School “Back to School Night” will be Thursday, August 4. It will begin with a Meet and Greet at 5:15 p.m. (CST). Custom Screen Printing on T-Shirt, Caps | Jackets & Sports Uniforms | Photo Shirts, Trophies & Awards Embroidery on Caps, Jackets & Blankets | Custom Laser Engraving Come See Us For All Your Cougar Needs We want to wish all students a great year. Fast Friendly Service Reasonable Prices 270-230-9999 | Barbara & John Allen 117 W. Main St., Leitchfield, KY | 270-326-7424 We are holding Open Enrollment Now: Grades Pre-K through 8. For new students, please bring a copy of birth certificate, immunization form, and registration form to begin enrollment process. We welcome our new principal this year, Mrs. Kim Smith. Our new K-1 teacher is Mrs. Cindy Paris. It’s Open Registration through the first of school until all spots are filled. The Kindergarten supply list is available at Wal-Mart and on their Facebook page. For any information, contact Diane Jones at (270) 259-6838. St. Paul School has been providing a quality education in a loving, Christian environment for over 100 years. If you are considering our school for your family, please contact us at stpaulschool@ or by phone at 270-2427483. First Baptist Preschool & Kindergarten Back to School Night is Tuesday, August 2 starting at 7:00 p.m. meeting at the Family Life Center. August 8 will be the first day of school. Breckinridge-Grayson Headstart Back to School Night: August 11, 2016 4 p.m.-6 p.m. They provide their own transportation. Someone is in the office from 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Early Headstart is 8 a.m.-2 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays. Headstart is 8 a.m.-2 p.m. on Mondays through Thursdays. Early Headstart is 0-3 years-old. Headstart is 3-4 years-old. Contact: Gail Edwards: 270-259-4054 Address: 201 East Walnut St., Leitchfield, KY 42754. Preschoolers are 3-4 years old, and Kindergartners are 5 - 6 years old. For preschoolers, there are two programs. The Half Day program is Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-11:30 a.m. The Full Day program is Monday through Friday from 7:15 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Kindergarten schedule is from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. However, the doors open each day at 7:15 a.m. for all students. Lawler SBDM Meetings The Lawler Site-Based DecisionMaking Council will meet the second Wednesday of each month during the 2016-17 school year. Twin Lakes Counseling Services 346 South Main Street | Leitchfield, KY 42754 | 270-230-1777 Luke H. Hatfield M.Ed., LPCC. Is excited to announce the opening of Twin Lakes Counseling Services! We provide services for: Adults,Families,ChildrenandCouples We are providing professional and confidential mental health services for our community. We are currently accepting patients. Our goal is to support mental health in our communities and strive to play an active role in that every day! We provide support for: • Depression • Anxiety • MoodDisorders • AngerProblems • School • SexualAbuse • Drugs/Alcohol • Parenting • BehaviorIssues • ADHD • GenderIssues • Autism • Divorce • EatingDisorders • LGBT • Grief • PhysicalAbuse • WorkIssues • Mediation • Sexualissues • SelfInjury • Assessments • Addictions • Religiousissues We accept most insurance including Medicaid • Co-parenting • Mediation • Career • CouplesIssues • MarriageIssues HAVE A FUN YEAR! BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE Grayson County Gazette Saturday, July 23, 2016 5 How to buy school clothes without busting your budget Parents often note that kids seem to grow like weeds. Pants that once reached to the tops of a youngster’s feet quickly become too short, while once-loose shirts may soon become too snug. Many parents find themselves regularly in children’s clothing departments stocking up on the basics, which can put quite a dent in already stretched-thin budgets. Although children’s wardrobes are added to at various times of the year, the bulk of shopping occurs just before the school year begins. Though clothing can be expensive, families need not bust their budgets when shopping for kids’ clothing. By shopping smart and concentrating on fashion staples, it’s easier to stretch money further. • Spread out purchases. Shopping early allows parents to make the most of sales. Warm weather clothing generally goes on sale in July to make room for new fall lines. Considering the first few months of school still may be warm, short-sleeved shirts will still have utility and are generally less expensive than sweaters and sweatshirts. Staggering purchases also enables parents to develop a clothing allowance each and every month instead of having one large bill at a certain point in the year. Parents can even add to their children’s wardrobes during the holiday season, when clothes tend to get reduced again for holiday sales. • Don’t discount hand-me-downs. It’s trendy to recycle clothing and also to be environmentally conscious by putting items to good use again and again. Aside from you and your wallet, no one will know if your child is wearing a secondhand pair of pants or a brand new pair. Many school moms are anxious to swap clothing with others to lessen their own financial burdens with children’s clothing. Start a clothing swap with a group of friends, and you may find you have more than you need in the way of clothes for the kids. See CLOTHES | 7 See CLOTHES | 7 $51,500 Make Offer! Make Offer $229K Real Deal Realty LLC 270-257-8818 Because EVERYONE is looking for a REAL DEAL! Charming with total remodel. New HV a C perfect rental or starter home. $45k make offer! The Beach Club 115 Sequoia Drive Leitchfield, KY 42754 270-259-9756 100 Cardinal Lane 3 bedrooms 2 241 Marina Point Fully furnished bath close to the lake and the Grayson and beautiful: log sided cabin: three County line. Really huge inside! nice yard several lots go with this property bedrooms two baths- fireplace. Has PROVEN rental income! Call 270-668-3731 110 Wilkerson Street, Clarkson DO A DEAL WITH DOTTIE Adorable 3 bed, 1.5 bath w/ 2 fireplaces! Great location. HUGH flat yard w/ Detached garage. $129k We Only Do Cute! Unlimited Tanning for $20.16 Spray Tans $25 Lotions at Wholesale Prices Weekly Unlimited $8.95 60668228 113 Spring St. Clarkson Madison Square Boutique 42 Public Square • Leitchfield • 270-230-3825 Anne Whitney Gonzales • Owner Like us on facebook! BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 6 Saturday, July 23, 2016 Grayson County Gazette Grayson County Bus Routes and Drivers 2016-2017 School Year CANEYVILLE DISTRICT: Bus #1191 Danny Powell - 259-6257 - 62 West, Hudson Road, Ready Jackson Road, Bryant Ridge Road Hwy 79 North, Lawrence Hayse Rd., Hwy 79 North, US 62 W, Caneyville Cutoff Rd., Kelly Road, Windy Ridge Rd., US 62 E. Bus # 1406 Travis Jackson - 270-2872787 -0662 - Sadler Ln., Shrewsbury Rd., Phelps Johnson Road, Shrewsbury Rd., Gray Rd., Shrewsbury Sadler Rd., Nash Ln. Bus # 0770 Mike Geary - 879-8418 - West Hwy. 62, Goff-Neafus Road, Dog Creek Road to Butler Co. line, Windyridge Road to Caneyville, Sunset Dr., Center St. Bus # 1297 Debbie Mudd - 270-8990255- Hwy 736 (Yeaman Rd.), Free Zion Rd., Sipes School Rd., Hopewell Rd., Hwy 62, Richland Rd., Yeaman Rd. Bus # 1304 Verna Fentress - 270-8793113 - Yeaman Rd., Ridge Rd., Yeaman Olaton Rd., Tousey, Pine Knob Rd., Hwy 79, River Rd., Shain Rd. Bus # 1512 James Coffey - 8791385 - Post Tousey Rd, Hopewell Road to Green Decker Rd, Hwy 79 to Walnut Grove Rd.Hwy 79 back to Watershed Rd to Hwy 62 to Caneyville. Bus # 1619 David King 270-879-3898 - Cave Creek Rd., Bluebird Rd., HWY 79, Green Farm Rd., HWY 79, Junction Rd., Junction Spur Rd., HWY 79, Lahue Cemetary Rd. Bus #1618 Sheila Carroll 270-8794196 - Renfrow Rd., Cook Rd., Layman Rd., Rabbit Flat Rd., Beech Grove Rd., Rabbit Flat Rd. Bus # 1616 John Paris - 242-9557 St. Paul Road, Crown Rock Road, Witten Road, Hwy 62 Hughes Mill Rd., Cemetery Road, Main St., Tulley Road. Bus #1302 Marion Higgs - 879-6463 Hwy. 259 South, McGrew Church Road, Decker School Road, Scott Rd., Bear Creek Road. Bus # 0981 Lisa Geary - 879-0609 Duff Rd., Mt. View Circle, Pine Ridge Rd., Shores Rd., Indian Valley, Concord Rd to Short Creek. Bus # 1408 Chris Nelson -270-2462854 - VanMeter School Rd., KY 259 S, Dickey Mills Rd., Oakland Dr., Ambassador Shores, Foxwood Circle, Ravenwood Drive, Rockwood Rd., AVFD. Bus # 1295 Vickie Cattlet - 270-8794573 -Pleasant Run Road, Lone Hill Rd., HWY 878, Vic Young Rd., HWY 878, Fallen Rock Rd., Mahurin Cemetery Rd., HWY 54. Bus # 1087 Charles Burnett - 2426374 - Lacon T. Skaggs Road, Elmore Ln., Keller School Road, Braton Road, Hwy 224, Skaggs Road, Nosey Road. Bus # 1088 Tammy Daugherty - 8791093 - Wilson Church Road, Higgs Road, Pleasant View to WK Parkway, Caney Creek Road, Peth Road, Blue Creek Road, HWY 187, Mulberry Hollow, Millers Orchard. CLARKSON DISTRICT: Bus # 1298 Amanda Otten - 270-2877303 - Pearman Road, Hwy 1777, 1214 to 479, 479, Pleasant Valley Road, RoyalLoneoak Road, Hwy. 224 to Clarkson. Bus# 1296 Norma Olinger - 879-4546 - Hwy. 185, Hwy. 411, Big Ready Road. Bus# 0773 Elois Humphrey - 270307-8830 - Hwy.1214, Grindstone Road, Downs School Road to to Hwy. 1214 to Hwy. 88., Lodgsdon Cemetery Road, Timberland Drive, Beeler Road Alphie Powell. Bus # 1515 Allen Mudd - 270-8680032 - Sinks Rd., Milam Ln., Post Hopewell Rd., Hopewell, Hornback Rd., Post Millwood Rd., Pleasantview Rd., Hwy 62. Bus # 1514 Ricky Mudd - 270-2871079 - Hardin Springs Rd—St. Paul Area—Hwy 720 to Tar Hill Bill Davis Rd., St. Paul Cemetery Rd., Joe Harris Rd., James Miller Rd. Bus # 1620 Sherry Gipson - 270-2420206 - Progress Road, Wheeler Mill, River Road, Fields Lane, Hwy 224 Mt. Zion Road, Nosey Creek Road. Bus # 0771 Wendy Haycraft - 5897363 - Crow Hollow Rd., Clark School Rd., Bartons Run Rd., Clifty Ave., Old Leitchfield Rd., Patterson St. (Clarkson Rd.), Mulberry Flats Wilkerson Street, Spring Street. Bus #1303 Gail Davis - 230-2725 Bloomington Rd., Wilbur Higdon Road, Hwy. 88, Skaggs Rd., Meredith Ridge Rd., Hwy. 226, Huffman Rd., Decker Rd., Hwy 88 from Nelson Rd to Clarkson. Bus # 0772 Kenny Duvall - 242-9234 - Oak Grove Rd., Horntown Rd, Rock Creek Road, Jesse Skaggs Rd, Annie Boone Rd, Boone White Rd., Pearl Oak Rd.,Hwy. 1264, Lee Rd., Hwy.224 to Clarkson. Bus # 0879 James Catlett - 270879-4573 - Antioch Chruch Rd—Clifty Church Rd.-Old Etown Rd. Sugar Branch Rd., US 62 from County Line to Clarkson. Bus # 1194 Monica Smith - 270-2424083 - Hwy. 1356, Hwy. 88, Washburn Rd, Hwy. 479, Hwy. 1214 to Grayson Springs, Paradise Point Road, Gibson Lane, Williams Cemetery Road, Haycraft Road, Dug Hill Rd., Paradise Point. Bus # 0983 Laura Keown - 270-2000095 -Spurrier Road, Mt. Zion Road, Ward Rd, Flint Hill, Shaw Creek Road, Cain Road, Hwy. 1168 and on to Clarkson. Bus # 1299 Tina Bruner 270-4460264- Pearson Branch, White Rd., St. Augustine Church Road, Ellison Ridge Rd., Sims Rd., Nelson Rd., Hickory Flatts, Meadowview Est. Bus # 1193 Alicia Gilley 270-2570662 - Hwy. 88, Hwy. 889,Ponderosa Rd., Twin Coves Rd., Conoloway Road, Hwy. 88 to Peonia, Twin Coves Circle Road. Bus # 1192 David Thurman - 2420397 - Skeese Rd., Big Clifty Rd., Morrison Rd., St. Paul Shuttle. LAWLER DISTRICT: Bus # 0665 Shi Whitman - 270-8793200 - N. Broadway, Chester St., Tilden St., Hendricks St., Mulberry St., Thomas St., Fraim St., E. Main St., S. English, W. Market, Leavette Ave., Stone St., Cubbage St., HWY 54. Bus #1407 Paul Burnett - 230-8261 - W. Walnut, Sunbeam Road, Subeam Estates, Watson School Road HWY 54, Ray Priddy Road (N&S), Priddy Crossing, Glen Road. BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE Grayson County Gazette Bus # 1513 Mary Johnson - 242-7276 - Hwy. 259 South from Smitty City, Airport Rd., Providence Road, Bear Creek Rd., and Byrtle Grove Rd. Bus # 0774 Anna Whitaker - 2596034 - Cedar Ln., Sadler Rd., Hooper Barton Rd., Cheal Rd., Liberty Church Rd., Sharer Dr., Frontage Rd., Blackrock Rd. Doll Vincent Rd. Bus # 0876 Brenda Huffman 270230-5708 - Little Clifty Church Rd., Lewis School Road, Hickory Grove Rd. Hwy. 737 (Lilac Road), Lilac Estates, N. Main St., Hwy 62 (Lawler to 187), Foxborough Dr., Clifty Church Dr. Bus # 0875 Lana Lacefield - 8990060 - Claggett Road, Buffalo Road, Hwy. 2193 to Millwood, Green Meadow, Hwy. 62 to Lawler. AM only, Parkway Villa Middle School Students. Bus # 0980 Carey Dossey - 259-6038 - Hwy. 1133, Blowtown Road, Freedom School Road, Liberty Church Road, Hwy 187 and McDonald Road., Saltsman Lane, Sandlin Road, Maple Leaf Est. CLOTHES From page 5 • Take stock of what you already have. How many times have you run out to the grocery store for a missing ingredient only to find that very item buried at the back of the pantry? The same thing happens with kids’ clothes. Before taking kids clothes shopping, take inventory of their closets. Have little ones try on clothes to see which items still fit and which can be discarded or donated. Make a list of the items you need to cut down on impulse spending at the store. Bus # 1086 Glenda Bertram - 2599798 - Park Villa Court, South Broadway, Penner Dr., S. English, West Lake Dr. Bus # 1617 Brian Payton - 971-1130 Warren Purcell Rd., Stone View Rd., Duff Rd., Stones Chapel Rd., Taylor Cemetery Rd., Kefauver Rd. Bus #1089 Lee Schroerlucke - 2593869 - Lilac Rd from 259 to Prestige Estates, Thomas Dr., Essie Ln., Carwile Dr., Mulberry St., N. English., W. Chestnut. WILKEY DISTRICT: Bus # 0982 Tina Riggs - 230-2681 King Road, Hanging Rock Road, Charlie Kiper Road, Hwy 920, East Lake Drive, Cave Mill Apartments. Bus # 0664 Jill Meredith - 259-4373 - Brandenburg Road, Abby Lane, Brumfield Dr., Sycamore Ln., Central Ave., Goff Dr., Asbury St., Floyd St., Marion St., Johnson St. Bus #1301 Shirley Snyder - 259-4572 - Hwy. 920, Danny Sadler, Hwy. 720, To Mt. Hebron Area. Tar Heel, Holly Road. Bus #0562 Lee Schroerlucke - 2593869 - Cave Mill Rd ( Both Sides) and Mill St. (From 259 to Hardin St., Tammy’s Play School to Wilkey. Bus #0877 Bylinda Aubrey - 2593097 - Bloomington Road, Grant Road, Sulphur Wells Road, Hwy. 1214 and Dave Coffey Rd. Bus # 1305 Earl Penner - 259-5821 - Eveleigh Cemetery Road, Hilton Mill Road to Eanes Road, Conklin School Rd. Hwy 259 North to Wilkey and Middle School……..Hwy. 62 starting at Bee Hive Factory to Clarkson. Bus # 1086 Glenda Bertram - 2599798 - Fountain View Estates, in Leitchfield Hwy. 62 E, E. Market, and South Clinton to., East Shain Drive. • Invest in the right high-quality pieces. Spending a fortune for a trendy pair of pants that may end up getting ruined on the playground is not the best way to shop for kids’ clothing. However, investing in a quality pair of shoes that will last much of the year is a good investment. Know when to splurge and when it’s okay to shop at the discount store. • Learn to layer. Layering items can make pieces look like new by putting them together in different combinations. Layering a summer T-shirt under a fall hoodie gets use out of two different season’s worth of clothes. It also enables kids to be comfortable during unpredictable weather. • Stock up on staples. A straight-leg cut of jeans, some solid colored polo shirts and an A-line dress or skirt are some classic foundation pieces for children’s wardrobes. Such items tend to last longer than trendy items that may only last a few months before the next trend arrives. Saturday, July 23, 2016 Bus # 1085 Leon Shaw - 270-2594607 - Eveleigh Bridge to Eveleigh Cemetery Road, Morrison Clifty, Cave School Road, Hardin Road and Carter Roads, Hubert Logsdon Rd., Hwy. 259 North. PM Lawler Elem. Daycare Route. Bus # 0563 James Pilkenton - 2303997 - Lowe’s Trailer Park, Johnson Street, Hilltop Dr., and Ryan Drive. **Bus # 0563 will run teo routes in the afternoon. Elementary first and then the Middle & High School students. PM Wilkey Elem. Daycare Route. SPECIAL NEED BUSES: Bus #1409 Lora Lindsey - 589-1671 Bus # 1410 Vivian McQueen - 270589-7076 Bus #1190 Bessie Casey - 242-9414 Bus # 0984 Mona Paddack - 270-8790270 Bus # 1511 Lloyd Napier - 242-7486 • Leave it to the kids. Parents often worry about what other parents will think of their own children’s clothing. Children do not typically worry about such things until their preteen or teenage years. You may spend less money on clothing simply because your child has a few favorite shirts and pants he or she wears over and over. That’s less laundry for you and less money you have to spend on new clothes. 7 BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 8 Saturday, July 23, 2016 Grayson County Gazette Grayson County “Shuttle” Bus Routes 2016-2017 School Year Bus #1296 Norma Olinger - All high school students from bus # 1296, 1304, 1191, and 0770. Bus #1302 Marion Higgs - All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from bus # 1303, 1408, and 1302. CANEYVILLE TO MIDDLE SCHOOL: Bus #1512 James Coffey - All high school students from bus # 1512, 1088, and all high school students from Caneyville to the High School. CLARKSON TO HIGH SCHOOL: Bus # 0876 Brenda Huffman - All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from bus # 0876 and 1407. Bus # 0771 Wendy Haycraft - All high school students from bus # 0771, 0773, 1087, and all “walk-ins.” Bus # 0875 Lana Lacefield - All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from bus #0875 and 0980 (a.m. only). Bus #1616 John Paris - All high school students from bus # 1616, 1193, 1514, and 1192. WILKEY AREA TO HIGH SCHOOL: Bus # 1191 Danny Powell - All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from Bus # 1619 and 1191 plus all “walk-ins” and all Middle School students on Hwy. 62 from Caneyville to Millwood. Bus #1297 Debbie Mudd - All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from Bus # 1304, 1297, and 1618. Bus # 1295 Vickie Cattlet - All high school students from Bus # 1295 and 0981 at Short Creek. Bus # 1304 Verna Fentress - All high school Students from # 1304 and #1619. Bus#1406 Travis Jackson - All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from bus # 1406, 0770, and 1296. Bus #1617 Brian Payton - All high school students from Bus # 1515 and # 1617 at Millwood. Bus # 1088 Tammy Daugherty - All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from Bus #1512 and 1088. CLARKSON TO MIDDLE SCHOOL: Bus # 1295 Vickie Cattlet - All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from Bus # 1295 and 0981 at Short Creek. Bus # 1617 Brian Payton - All 6th, 7th, 8th graders from Bus # 1515 and 1617 at Millwood. Bus # 1514 Rickey Mudd - All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from bus # 1514, # 0771 and # 1087 all “walk-ins.” Bus # 1305 Earl Penner - All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from bus # 1305, 0772,1194 and 1193. CANEYVILLE TO HIGH SCHOOL: Bus # 1299 Tina Bruner - All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from bus #1299, 0773, 1616, and 0879. Bus # 1618 Sheila Carroll - All high school students from bus # 1297, 1618, 1406 and all “walk-ins”. Bus # 1298 Amanda Otten - All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from bus #1298, 1620 1192, and 0983. Linda’s Hair Studio Back to School Specials Haircuts $10 Wax $6 Combo Wax $10 Through July 26th-August 31st Linda Bradley Owner 524 South Main Street • Leitchfield, KY 42754 • 270-287-9699 Bus #1617 Brian Payton - #1617, 1513, and Athletes and Overflow. Bus # 0664 Jill Meredith - Students from bus #0664 and 0563, plus all “walkins.” Bus # 0879 James Cattlet - All high school students from bus # 0879, 0772, 1194, and 1299. Bus #1301 Shirley Snyder - Students from bus #1301 and (0982 2nd run a.m. and all p.m.). Bus # 0983 Laura Keown - All high school students from bus # 0983, 1298,1620, and all high school students on Hwy. 62 from Clarkson to Bee Hive Factory. Bus # 1085 Leon Shaw - Students from bus # 1085, 0982’s 1st run a.m. Bus # 0877 Bylinda Aubrey - Students from bus # 0877, 1305, and 1085’s (p.m. only) Wilkey run. Bus # 1408 Chris Nelson - All high school students from bus #1408, 1303, and 1302. LAWLER AREA TO MIDDLE SCHOOL: Bus #0774 Anna Whitaker - All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from bus # 0665 and 0774. Bus #1295 Vickie Cattlet -# 0980 and 1087 p.m. only. Nick’s school of Rock is MoViNG acRoss the stReet! Come See Us at Our New Location Starting August 1st. For Music Lessons, Instruments and Records. thanks for Your Business! 20 Public Square | Leitchfield, KY 42754 | school of rock Grayson County Gazette BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE Saturday, July 23, 2016 9 10 Saturday, July 23, 2016 Website and Social Media District website: (hover over “Our Schools” for individual schools) Follow us on Twitter: District @gcboe GCHS @gchs_cougars GCMS @GCMSCougars Caneyville @caneyvilleflash Clarkson @CESsoars Lawler @LawlerLions BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE Grayson County Gazette Food Services All elementary schools will once again participate in Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), which means students will receive a no-charge breakfast and lunch each day. Each elementary student is required to submit a Household Income Form (HIF). This information helps determine funding for schools and classrooms. GCMS and GCHS students will receive a no-charge breakfast each day. GCHS also offers Second-Chance Breakfast after first period. Families with students in GCMS and/or GCHS are encouraged to submit a Family Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals. Forms are available on the district website and at the schools. Full-price lunches remain $2.25/day, and reduced-price lunches are $0.40/day. Wilkey @WilkeyElem Follow your favorite programs and teams through the new district Social Media Directory. Just visit and click on Quick Links from the Home page. DELL Member Purchase Plan Open to all Grayson County Schools staff, students and families. The program provides exceptional everyday prices on PCs, tablets, electronics and accessories. Shop with your Member ID: US29262112. Visit and click on Member Exclusive Deals under the homepage banner. Or call 800-695-8133 to speak with a sales representative. The intelligent way to buy a car! B a c k to Scho ol! www. 270-287-0278 602 | South Main St., Leitchfield, KY We want to wish Dakota, Carson and all Grayson County students great success this upcoming year. Mykas Gifts 523 West Main St. • Leitchfield KY 42754 (270) 287-0881 Grayson County Gazette BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE Dates to Remember Saturday, July 23, 2016 11 Elizabethtown Communit y & Technical College Tuesday, August 2 GCHS Upperclassman schedules available to view on the Infinite Campus Portal. Tuesday, August 9 First Day of School K - 12 Monday, August 15 Preschool RTI First Day of Classes Tuesday, August 23 Preschool (all students) First Day of Classes Want to earn a degeree & stay close to home? Check out the ECTC Leitchfield Campus apply onlinE If you live in Grayson, Breckinridge, Hart or a nearby county, our Leitchfield Campus could make taking classes even more convenient. At this full-service campus, you can earn degrees in a variety of fields or get a transfer degree. We also provide continuing education and non-credit, personal enrichment courses for area professionals and local citizens. Our classes are of the same high quality as classes at our main campus and are taught by highly qualified, motivated faculty. • Getting started is easy, just fill out an online application. • Search our Class Schedules to see what classes are specifically offered in Leitchfield. Make sure when searching the “on Campus” class schedule that you choose the appropriate semester and the Leitchfield campus. 270-259-1540 ElizabEthtown commuinty & tEchnical collEgE systEm 60596853 BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 12 Saturday, July 23, 2016 Grayson County Gazette C IN , s m ra g ro P n o s y ra B re c k in ri d ge -G ad Start & Head Now ta kin g ap pli ca tio ns fo r Ea rly He (fo r tho Enroll you r chi ld now for FR EE Pre sch ool Start 20 16 -20 17 Sc ho ol year se wh o qua lify based on incom e/d isa bili ty) On Th e Ro ad to Read in ess Ba ck to Sc ho ol Ni gh t August 11 th 4: 0 0 p. m . - 6 p. m . s Mon thly Fam ily Engage men t Acti vitie dren Chil for gs Develop men t and Hea lth Scre enin 270 -2 59 -4 0 54 Ea rly Head Sta rt Cen ter Ba sed Wa lkin g thro ugh age 3 12-M ont h Pro gra m Mo nday – Frid ay ilies Extend ed Care Opt ion s for Wo rkin g Fam Head Sta rt Cen ter Ba sed 3 yea r – Kin dergar ten age August – May Mo nday – Thu rsd ay Ea rly Head Sta rt ho me Ba sed Pre natal Mothe rs – age 3 90 Min ute wee kly hom e visi ts Soc iali zat ion tim e 2 tim es per mo nth Tran sp or tatio n prov id ed fo r ch ild re n 2 ye ars an d up.