Inventory of CDs, DVDs and Videotapes


Inventory of CDs, DVDs and Videotapes
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July 2011
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1a. A Basic Course in American Sign Language Tape #1.
Lessons 1-7. 1 hour. Accompanies textbook of same title.
1b. A Basic Course in American Sign Language Tape #2.
Lessons 8-14. 1 hour. Accompanies textbook of same title.
1c. A Basic Course in American Sign Language Tape #3.
Lessons 15-22. 1 hour. Accompanies textbook of same title.
1d. A Basic Course in American Sign Language Tape #4.
Conversations. 1 hour. Accompanies textbook of same title.
2. ASL Numbers: Cardinal and Ordinal Systems. (1990).
Bienvenu & Colonomos. Sign Media. Part of an ASL number series.
This tape demonstrates how ASL makes distinctions between
numerals, adjectives that quantify, and numbers used for counting.
3. ASL Numbers: Incorporating Systems. (1990). Bienvenu &
Colonomos. Sign Media. Part of an ASL number series. This tape
presents those classes of signs that use number handshapes with a
base sign.
ASL Numbers: Unique Systems. (1990). Bienvenu &
Colonomos. Sign Media. Part of an ASL number series. This tape
covers a number of independent classes of signs dealing with age,
clock time, phone numbers and others that require special changes in
the way numbers are formed.
American Sign Language: ABC Stories. (1992). Sign
Media. Deaf people present fascinating "sign play" stories. Each
story presented 3 times: once at regular speed, once in slow motion,
and again at regular speed. Also presented is an on-screen graphic
display of corresponding letters during the slow motion presentation.
Sign Media. Series of 3 tapes specifically designed to accompany
the text by Lou Fant. Each tape contains "phrases, expressions,
sentences and questions that come up in everyday conversation". In
the following titles:
American Sign Language Phrase Book Tape #1. Deals with
Everyday Expressions, Signing and Deafness, Getting Acquainted,
Health and Weather.
American Sign Language Phrase Book Tape #2. Deals with
Family, School, Food and Drink, Clothing.
American Sign Language Phrase Book Tape #3. Deals with
Travel, Animals, Colors, Civics, Religion, Numbers, Time, Dates and
(1980). Sign Media. Each tape specially designed to accompany the
text by Baker and Cokely. Student tape illustrates the dialogues in
the accompanying student text. May be difficult for persons
beginning to learn ASL.
9. Units 1-9
10. Units 10-18
11. Units 19-27
ASL STORYTIME SERIES. Gallaudet. Eight tapes in series:
12. ASL Storytime Volume 1. Contains stories: One Day at
School; A Camping Experience; June's Dinner; A Bus Ride; At
the Beach; Miss Gallaudet Pageant; A War; House.
13. ASL Storytime Volume 2. Contains stories: At the Hotel; Rifle;
A Ride on the Airplane; A Dream; Shopping With Kids; See Now,
Never See Again; Youth Leadership Camp; Gulf War.
14. ASL Storytime Volume 3. Contains stories: At the Airport; A
Trip to Japan; How Did I Lose My Hearing? Rover; The Importance
of Fingerspelling; Twenty Dollars; Raw Oysters; House.
15. ASL Storytime Volume 4. Contains stories: Why Did I Move
to America?; Back House; Which Door?; A Misunderstood Sign; One
Day in a Class; One Embarrassing Moment; My First Day in Italy;
16. ASL Storytime Volume 5. Contains stories: Our Family Cat;
Hearing Awareness; A Pair of Gloves; Planet Way Over Yonder;
Labor Day Weekend; Turtle Soup; A Nightmare; A Visit at the
17. ASL Storytime Volume 6. Contains stories: Look Out for
Traffic; Look, Look; A Kiss; Tour Guide; Volleyball; World Afire; El
Salvador; Visuth.
18. ASL Storytime Volume 7. Contains stories: That's Life; A Trip
to Europe; Funny Experiences; April Fool's Day; Snakes; Quacky;
Hurricane; Brotherhood.
19. ASL Storytime Volume 8. Contains stories: Mexico-USA;
Technology Funnies; King Kong; A Strange Encounter; A Family;
Missed the Plane First Time; Farmer Johnson; King's Island.
Talking Picture Service. Videotape learning system contains six
tapes with 32 complete lessons in vocabulary practice intended to
supplement Basic Sign Communication Curriculum. This series has
been designed as a resource for self-instruction and sign language
practice. It is not a substitute for classes or interpersonal
conversational practice.
Basic Sign I:
Tape 1: Modules 1-8
Tape 2: Modules 9-14
Tape 3: Modules 15-18
Basic Sign II:
Tape 1: Modules 1-8
Tape 2: Modules 9-16
Basic Sign III:
Tape 3: Modules 1-13
Beginning American Sign Language Video Course. A set of 15
videotapes. (1991). Sign Enhancers. Join a family with a deaf
father, hearing mother and two deaf children as they use ASL during
many funny and touching family situations. Conversational
presentation. In the following titles:
Now Available in DVD
Meet the Bravo Family-Lesson 1. 40 minutes. Vocabulary
related to morning routines.
Breakfast with the Bravos-Lesson 2. 40 minutes. Learn
signs for breakfast and dining.
Where’s the TV Remote?-Lesson 3. 30 minutes. Household
Let’s Go Food Shopping-Lesson 4. 40 minutes. Food Signs.
Review Tape-Lesson 5. 60 minutes. Review and practice
new sentences, dialogues, and a story.
Read Any Good Fingers Lately? Lesson 6. 40 minutes.
A School Daze Lesson 7. 40 minutes. Signs related to
A School Daze The Sequel Lesson 8. 45 minutes. Numbers
and math signs.
Dollar Signs Lesson 9. 50 minutes. Signs related to money.
Review Tape Lesson 10. 60 minutes. Review and practice
Playing in the Park Lesson 11. 45 minutes. Signs related to
nature and sports.
The Doctor is IN Lesson 12. 45 minutes. Medical setting
Business as Unusual Lesson 13. 45 minutes. Work related
Let’s Go Clothes Shopping Lesson 14. 40 minutes. Clothing
and shopping signs.
Review Tape Lesson 15. 65 minutes. Review and practice
41. Beginning Reading and Sign Language. (1990). Wisconsin
School program production. Limited application.
42. Building Conversations. A Family Sign Language Curriculum
from Boys Town Research Hospital by Mary Pat Moeller and Brenda
Schick. Two videotapes and workbook in a plastic case for each
volume. Located in the print library – in the following titles:
Volume 1: Building Conversations. Learn signs and
techniques for everyday conversations with a young deaf
Volume 2: Building Concepts. Learn to sign abstract
concepts encountered daily by deaf toddlers, such as
funny, soft, and sticky.
Volume 3: Positive Parenting. Learn signs to use for
praising and effectively disciplining your young deaf child.
43. Beginning ASL Videocourse: Tape #16: The People Behind
the Bravo Family. 45 minutes.
Face of ASL Videotape Series. Sign Media. (1991). This unique
series on facial grammar has been specifically designed by MJ
Bienvenu and Betty Colonomos. This series will focus on developing
accurate non-manual signals and markers used in ASL. Each tape
contains descriptions and demonstrations of facial behavior in context
and practice exercises for viewers to check comprehension and
production. In the following titles:
Basic Declarative Sentences.
Basic Questions.
Conditional & Relative Clauses
Complex Sentences.
48. Fingerspelling: Expressive & Receptive Fluency. (1992).
Dawn Sign Press. Set includes guide booklet.
49. Learning American Sign Language. Video and tape set.
Dawn Sign Press. (1992). Tom Humphries and Carol Padden.
50.Linguistics of American Sign Language. 60 minutes.
One Two…Buckle Your Shoe: Numbering Systems in American
Sign Language. Sign Enhancers. Also available in DVD. Set of 3
51.Lesson 1: Counting, etc.
52.Lesson 2: Age, Money, Clock Time, Calendar
PARENT SIGN SERIES. (1988). Sign Media Inc & TJ Publishers.
The Parents Sign Video Series contains instructional videotapes
developed and produced specifically for parents of deaf children.
Each present frequently used vocabulary and phrases. Deaf and
hearing parents, each having a deaf and a hearing child, reflect
common communication needs of all families. Special insets allow
viewers to see each sign head-on and in profile for easy recognition
of specific movements and handshapes. Included are:
53.The Birthday Party.
54.Dinner at Home.
55.Evening Activities at Home.
56.The Grocery Store.
57.The Fast Food Lunch.
58.Waking Up and Getting Dressed.
59.Visiting the Dentist.
Poetry in Motion. Series from Sign Media. (1990). A deaf poet
performs his/her original works. The following performers:
60.Poetry in Motion: Patrick Graybill.
61.Poetry in Motion: Debbie Rennie.
62.Poetry in Motion: Clayton Valli.
Rainbow’s End Series. Sign Language Classics. (1993). Sign
Media. Rainbow’s End is a television studio in Anycity, USA, where a
group of people (most of them deaf) produce television programs.
Each tape 30 minutes. Must like Sesame Street, each program
consists of a number of entertaining, enriching activities. Set of 5
tapes in series:
63.Dr. Plural’s Ark: Plurals
64.The No-So-Cowardly Lion: Adverbs
65.Humpty Dumpty’s Trail: Word Classifications
66.The Most Active Dance Contest: Action Verbs
67.A Bear Loose in the Studio: Preposition
Sign Language Instruction Tapes. Modern Talking Pictures. Set of
11 tapes in series. Vocabulary words on the following subjects:
68.Budget Tape #1. 35 min.
69.Employment Tape #47.
70.English Tape #6. 50 min.
71.Human Sexuality #22. 50 min.
72.Human Sexuality #28. 37 min.
73.Legal Tape #53. 50 min.
74.Legal Tape #54. 58 min.
75.Legal Tape #56. 57 min.
76.Physics Tape #45. 35 min.
77.Physics Tape #49. 27 min.
78.Printing Tape #51.
79.Sign Language Studies on CD-ROM. Contains every issue of
Sign Language Studies beginning with Volume 1 (1971) through
Volume 81 (December 1993). Features both a MacIntosh and PC
version which contains full text and all graphics. The PC version
will require windows.
SIGN WITH ME. (1993). A sign language 2-tape series with
accompanying parent workbook. Also available under the title
Building Conversations listed under American Sign Language in this
80.Unit 1 ASL Lessons 1-4
81.Unit 1 ASL Lessons 5-8
82.Signs of Drug Use. (1980). James Woodward. TJ Publishers.
An introduction to drug and alcohol vocabulary in ASL. 1 hour.
83.Signs of Sexual Behavior. (1979). James Woodward. TJ
Publishers. An introduction to some sex-related vocabulary in
American Sign Language. Accompanies videotape of same title.
30 minutes.
American Sign Language written by Ella Mae Lentz/Ken Mikos/Cheri
Smith. Dawn Sign Press. This is a total, multimedia series designed
for teachers and students of American Sign Language. Included in
this series are four levels of language instruction and one Student
Videotext and Workbook. This series is to be used with a trained
ASL instructor.
Signing Naturally, Level 1. Videotape and Teacher's Guide.
Signing Naturally, Level 2. Videotapes & Student Workbook.
Signing Naturally, Teacher's Orientation. Videotape
Signing Naturally,Teacher'sCumulativeReviewLevel2
Signing Naturally, Level 3. Stories videotape, Student
Videotext, and Student Workbook.
SPORTS SIGN SERIES. (1991). Sign Media. A brief history of the
game; overview of the rules; vocabulary used in the game, in the
following titles, each tape 30 minutes:
88.Tales from the Green Books. (1980). Sign Media.
89.The Green Books: Student Test Units 1-9. (1980). Sign Media.
91. Sign and ABCs. Teaches the written, spoken, and American
Sign Language alphabets, while offering an introduction to spelling, a
teaching the signs for 88 words. Viewers will learn a fingerspelling
game as well. 50 minutes.
Cartoons in ASL and Signed English. (1989). United American
Video in the following titles:
Casper - ASL
Casper, The Friendly Ghost Volume 2 - Signed English
Popeye vs. Bluto - ASL
Raggedy Ann - Signed English
Raggedy Ann - ASL
Superman - ASL
98. Christmas Stories Videotape. (1986). ASL. Harris
Fables & Fairytales. (see listing #116)
Fairytales I. (1986). Sign Enhancers. 110 minutes. Using
ASL contains: Rapunzel; Snow White & Rose Red; Frog Princess;
Hansel & Gretel; Brave Little Tailor.
Fairytales II. (1986). Sign Enhancers. 83 minutes. Using
ASL contains: Sleeping Beauty; Golden Goose; Little Red Riding
Hood; Princess & the Pea; The Tinder Box.
The Fantastic Series. Gallaudet. These tapes are designed to
encourage both deaf and hearing children ages 6-10 to use their
imagination and creativity. Each program features a host using sign
language, signed stories, and mime, all with voice-over narration.
Fantastic A: Exciting People, Places and Things
Fantastic B: The Wonderful Worlds of Sports and Travel
Fantastic C: Dogs at Work and Play
Fantastic D: Imagination, Actors, and "Deaf Way"
Fantastic E: From Post Offices to Dairy Goats
Fantastic F: Colonial Times, Chocolate, and Cars
Fantastic G: Roller Coasters, Maps, and Ice Cream
Fantastic H: Skiing, Factories, and Race Horses
Festival II Series. Each episode gives a little bit of history and the
telling of a "tall tale" that has now become legend. The mysteries of
English are explained as are the meanings of American Sign
Language idioms and expressions.
110. Davey Crockett
111. John Henry
112. Sacajewea
113. Mary Read The Pirate
114. Around The World in ASL. (1999). From Language Matters,
Inc. Journey around the world with this collection of wonderful stories
and fables. Told in ASL by Pat Stivland, these stores are sure to
delight and entertain. Pat Hauser provides a simultaneous reading of
the works in English. A wonderful learning tool for students of ASL,
ASL-English interpreters, and all who enjoy vivid stories.
115. Fingers That Tickle & Delight. (1994). Harris
Communications. Evelyn Zola, Deaf Senior Citizen of the Year,
captivates you with her gifted storytelling. Voice Interpreter Sharon
Neumann Solow. 30 minutes. Closed Captioned.
Four For You Set. (1991). Sign Media. Each tape 60 minutes. Set
of 5 videotapes and activity packets (3-ring binders) in the following
116. Fables & Fairytales Volume I. The Wind & The Sun; The
Mice & The Weasels; The Bear & The Bees; The Fox & The Crow;
The Tortoise & The Hare; The Three Little Pigs.
117. Fables & Fairytales Volume II. Friends and the Purse; A
Raven and a Swan; The Goose and the Golden Egg; Doctor Toad;
Jack and the Beanstalk; The Three Bears.
118. Fables & Fairytales Volume III. The Fox and the Grapes; The
Birds, the Beats, and the Beasts; The Cock and the Fox; The Fox
with a Tail; Three Billy Goats Gruff; Rapunzel.
119. Fables & Fairytales Volume IV. The Lion and the Mouse;
Wolf and the Jackass; Three Bullocks and the Lion; Dog and His
Reflection; Hansel and Gretel; The Frog Prince.
120. Fables & Fairytales Volume V. Wolf and the Shepherd Boy;
The Fox and the Stork; Old Lion and the Fox; The Milkmaid and Her
Pail; Rumpelstiltskin; Little Red Riding Hood.
121. Granny Good’s Signs of Christmas. (1988). 26 minutes.
Set of 5 videotapes in the series that complement the Four For You
series. Each tape 90 minutes. Each tape features two fables and
one fairytale told twice – the first version is the traditional story and
the second version is the way the story would have been told if deaf
people had created the tale. In the following titles:
122. Volume I. The Boys and the Frogs; The Wolf & The Kid; The
Mole & The Mother; The Eagle & Jackdaw; Two Goats; The Brave
Little Tailor; How Six Made Their Way in the World.
123. Volume II. The Jackass, Fox & Lion; The Cat & The Rat; The
Crab & the Mother; The Cat; Cock & Mouse; The Wolf & The Goat;
Cinderella; The White Snake.
124. Volume III. Ants & The Grasshopper; The Wolf & House Dog;
The Turtle & The Dove; Wonderful Tar Baby Story; Three Little
Gnomes in the Forest.
125. Volume IV. The Bundle of Sticks; The Cat & The Fox; The
Peacock & the Crane; The Gnats & the Bull; Mercury & the
Woodsman; The Golden Goose; The Nixie in the Pond.
126. Volume V. The Man & The Lion; The Owl & Grasshopper; The
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing; The Miser; The Jackass & the
Grasshopper; The Bremen Town Musicians; The Ugly Duckling.
127. King Midas in American Sign Language. (1990). Gallaudet
University. With text. 30 minute.
128. Once Upon a Time. Part 2. Language Says It All. Tripod
Parent Series.
ONCE UPON A TIME SERIES. (1991). Children’s Classics Retold
in ASL. Tapes plus storybook. Dawn Sign Press. The following
129. Cinderella and Rumpelstiltskin. Video Six. 30 minutes.
130. The Emperor’s New Clothes; Hans Clodhopper. Video Two.
A Hans Christian Andersen Story.
131. The Fisherman and His Wife; Hansel & Gretel. Video Three.
Grimm’s Fairy Tales. 45 minutes.
132. The Little Mermaid. A Hans Christian Andersen Story.
133. The Musicians of Breman; Rapunzel; Sleeping Beauty.
Grimm’s Fairy Tales.
134. The Princess & the Pea; Inchilena.
SCHOOL ZONE SERIES IN ASL. In the following titles:
136. Crazy About Colors
137. Numbers
138. Shipshape Shapes
139. Sign Me A Story. Starring Linda Bove of SESAME STREET.
Closed Captioned. (1987). 30 minutes.
140. Sign Songs Fun Songs to Sign & Sing. Signed ASL, singing,
no captions. With accompanying song sheet. 29 minutes.
SIGN-TOONS WITH LINDA BOVE. (1994). Sign Enhancers.
Series of 4 tapes featuring deaf actress Linda Bove of SESAME
STREET signing cartoons. Each tape 30 minutes. Signed and
voiced. Included in the set are the following cartoons:
141. Looney Signs. Daffy Duck in: To Duck or Not To Duck, A Tale
of Two Kitties, and Grampy in House Cleaning Blues.
142. Once Upon A Sign. Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood, and
The Sheepish Wolf.
143. That’s Sign Folks! Cartoon features Christmas stories such
as Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, The Wabbit Who Came to
Supper, Christmas Comes But Once a Year, and Daffy Duck & the
144. What’s Sign, Doc? Bugs Bunny in: Falling Hare, Case of the
Missing Hare, and Fresh Hare.
SIGNED CARTOONS. Series from Sign Enhancers; in ASL; no
captions; 30 minutes each. The following titles:
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
The Three Little Pigs
The Three Bears
Fireman, Policeman, Mailman
Saying “No” to Strangers
Learning Right & Wrong
152. Sleeping Beauty in American Sign Language. (1992).
Gallaudet University.
series in ASL, unless otherwise noted, in the following titles:
The Father, The Son, and the Donkey. (1986)
The Greedy Cat. (1987) (Signed English)
The House That Jack Built. (1987).
The Magic Pot. (1987).
Village Stew. (1986).
158. Hear We Go. Traditional American Children’s Songs.
AUDIOTAPE ONLY. Print songbook included.
FROM MIME TO SIGN SERIES. Three-tape series which can be
used in conjunction with the book of same title:
159. Tape #1: covers chapters 1-5 of book of same title.
160. Tape #2: covers chapters 6-9 of book of same title.
161. Tape #3: covers chapters 10-11 of book of same title.
162. ASL Video Series: Robinson’s Home Day – Lesson 1.
Consists of five different segments of a typical morning with a deaf
Segment 1: Good Morning
Segment 2: Wake Up
Segment 3: Breakfast
Segment 4: The Lost Dog
Segment 5: The Blue Book
163. ASL Video Series: Work Day – Lesson 2. Four segments of
a typical work day with a deaf family.
Segment 1: Coffee Break
Segment 2: Lunch Time
Segment 3: ASL Class
Segment 4: Travel Agency
FINGERSPELLING PRACTICE TAPES. Series of 4 tapes covering
different areas of fingerspelling. 60 minutes each. Each tape
contains two instructional practice sections and a self-correcting
comprehension test. Designed to improve fingerspelling.
Fingerspelling Practice: Miscellaneous Items
Fingerspelling Practice: Loan Signs
Fingerspelling Practice: Geographic Locations
Fingerspelling Practice: Proper Names
RATHER STRANGE STORIES SERIES. Provides practice in word
groups at the Intermediate Level in Signing Exact English. Word
groups arranged by topic. Each tape case contains a written help
sheet. Tapes in the series include:
168. The Girl & The Grand Ball: Adjectives
169. Picnic Time: Foods
170. The Rabbit and the Beaver: Verbs
171. Sign Language Made Simple. Practice videotape to
accompany book of same title.
172. Animal Antics. Eight segments to this tape emphasizes
recognition of a respect for animals and the perceptual skill of finding
what is missing in a picture.
173. Beauty and the Beast. Cartoon narrated by Mia Farrow.
174. Merlin and the Dragon. Cartoon narrated by Kevin Kline.
175. Ready, Set, Go, Go, Go! For ages 2-5, but suitable for all
children. A creative and safe workout combined with tips for
healthy snack ideas.
176. The Snow Queen. Cartoon narrated by Sigourney Weaver.
177. A Basic Course in American Sign Language: Vocabulary.
90 minutes.
178. An Afternoon at the Park. Part of the Parent Sign Series.
179. Afternoon Activities at Home. Part of the Parent Sign Series.
conversations in ASL features deaf people in natural, unrehearsed
conversations in cities across America. 60 minutes each. Each city
features volume 1 and volume 2.
ASL Across America: Albuquerque
ASL Across America: Detroit
ASL Across America: Philadelphia
ASL Across America: San Francisco
ASL Across America: Seattle
ASL Across America: St. Paul
186. Come Sign With Us. 75 minutes. Accompanies book of same
title. Features lessons form the book. Includes how to fingerspell
using the manual alphabet and how to form American Sign Language
signs for animals, holidays, sports, etc.
187. Shape Up ‘n Sign. 30 minutes. An aerobic exercise tape
introducing basic sign language for deaf and hearing children ages
six to ten. Two 15 minute workouts teach numbers, the alphabet, and
3 songs with original music and vocal cues to match the signs.
188. ASL/PSE Grammar & Sentence Structures. 60 minutes.
Sentences presented in both ASL and Pidgin Sign English clearly
demonstrated with several examples.
189. Fingerspelling: Practice Exercises with Phrases. Lessons
primarily intended for beginning students although may be helpful for
advanced students as a review. 48 minutes.
series; each 90 minutes. ASL translator: Patrick Graybill. As follows:
Chapters 1-6
Chapters 7-10
Chapters 11-16
Chapters 17-22
Chapters 23-24 & Glossary
195. Fingerspelling: Practice Exercises with Words. 55 minutes.
Provides learners with the opportunity to gain extended practice in
receptive skills with fingerspelled words and phrases, as well as in
developing productive fingerspelling skills.
196. Read With Me: Volume 1: Sharing the Joy of Storytelling
with Your Deaf Toddler. 21 minutes. Fluent signers tell stories that
will help you learn and provide stimulating entertainment for your
children. Using a variety of popular children’s books, this tape will
demonstrate as you learn.
197. Read With Me: Volume 2: Stories for Your Deaf
Preschooler. Stories signed in ASL to entertain your deaf
preschooler and help you improve your storytelling skills. Stories are
also read aloud in English so everyone can enjoy them. Stories:
Where The Wild Things Are, sets you off on a journey with Max to a
wild rumpus in a land of wild things. More Bunny Trouble is a heartwarming adventure about Ralph, the soccer-loving bunny and his
sister Emily. (Books of the same title are available in the Media in
Print library.)
198. Read With Me: Volume 3: Stories for Your Deaf
Preschooler. Third in this series. Stories: How the Grinch Stole
Christmas, and The Wolf’s Chicken Stew, the story about a fox who
gets a big surprise when he gets a terrible craving for chicken.
(Books of the same title are available in the Media in Print library.)
SIGNS AROUND THE WORLD. Series of tapes specially designed
to illustrate the richness and variety of signs from different countries:
199. Australia
200. Finland
201. France
202. India
203. Italy
204. Japan
205. Quebec
206. Thailand
207. United States
208. Bravo ASL! Activities. Sign Enhancers. Part of the Bravo
ASL! Curriculum. Accompanies curriculum book of same title.
209. Bravo ASL! Assessment. Sign Enhancers. Part of the Bravo
ASL! Curriculum. Accompanies curriculum book of same title.
VISUAL STORYREADING SERIES from the Kansas School for
the Deaf Visual Storyreading Program. The tapes are short in
length and are grouped by suggested reading level. The videos have
no audio. Each video has a corresponding book listed in the Media in
Print Inventory.
READING LEVEL B – Kindergarten (age 5-6)
210. Are You My Mother? (no description available)
211. Fish is Fish. (no description available)
212. The Mitten. Several animals sleep snugly in Nicki’s lost mitten
until the bear sneezes.
213. ‘Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving. School children on a
field trip to Mack Nugget’s farm save the lives of eight turkeys in
the poem based on “The Night Before Christmas”.
READING LEVEL C – Grade 1-2 (age 7-8)
214. Matilda Who Told Lies… (no description available)
215. Nicolas, Where Have You Been? Mishap turns to adventure
as a young mouse learns that all birds aren’t the enemies he
thought they were.
216. No Jumping on the Bed! Walter lives near the top floor of a
tall apartment building where one night his habit of jumping on
his bed leads to a tumultuous fall through the floor after floor,
collecting occupants all the way down.
217. That’s Good! That’s Bad! A little boy has a series of
adventures and misadventures with a bunch of wild animals.
218. Town Mouse, Country Mouse. After trading houses, the
country mice and the town mice discover there’s no place like
219. William’s Doll. (no description available)
READING LEVEL D – Grade 3-4 (ages 9-10)
220. The Lady and the Spider. A spider that lives in a head of
lettuce is saved when the lady who finds her puts her back into
the garden.
221. Liang and the Magic Paintbrush. A poor boy who longs to
paint is given a magic paintbrush that brings to life whatever he
222. Nine in One Grr! Grr! When the great god Shao promises
Tiger nine cubs each year, Bird comes up with a clever trick to
prevent the land from being overrun by tigers.
223. Prince Cinders. A fairy grants a small, skinny prince a change
in appearance and the chance to go to the Palace Disco.
224. Tom Thumb. After many adventures, a tiny boy, no bigger
than his father’s thumb, earns a place as the smallest Knight of
the Round Table.
READING LEVEL E – Grade 5-6 (age 11-12)
225. Chicken Sunday. To thank old Eula for her wonderful Sunday
chicken dinners, the children sell decorated eggs and buy her a
beautiful Easter hat.
226. Gift of the Magi. A simplified version of the well-known tale in
which a husband and wife sacrifice treasured possessions so
that they may buy each other Christmas presents.
227. Heckedy Peg. A mother saves her seven children from
Heckedy Peg, a witch who has changed them into different
kinds of food.
228. Snow White in New York. (no description available)
229. Aida. Retells the story of Verdi’s opera in which the love to the
enslaved Ethiopian princess for an Egyptian general brings
tragedy to all involved.
230. Rose Blanche. During World War II, a German girl’s curiosity
leads her to discover something far more terrible than the dayto-day hardships and privations that she and her neighbors
have experienced.
(See #237 for continuation of Kansas School for the Deaf Visual
Storyreading Program.)
231. American Sign Language Basics for Hearing Parents of
Deaf Children. 2-tape set with accompanying book of same title.
232. Deaf Tend Your. 30 minutes. ASL presentation with English
voice-over. Accompanies book of same title. CC
233. Telling Tales in ASL: From Literature to Literacy. From the
1997 Teleconference. Accompanies book of same title.
234. Land Before Time 4: Journey Through the Mists. 1 hr.14
min. Prehistoric little dinosaurs in a wonderfully produced cartoon
emphasizing teamwork.
235. Signing Treasurers. Excerpts from the Signing Naturally
videos. 50 minutes.
236. Number Signs for Everyone: Numbering in ASL.
Additional tapes from the Visual Storyreading Series from the Kansas
School for the Deaf Visual Storyreading Program. The tapes are
short in length and are grouped by suggested reading level. The
videos have no audio. Each video has a corresponding book listed in
the media in print inventory.
READING LEVEL A – Preschool (age 3-4)
237. Tacky the Penguin. Tacky the penguin does not fit in with his
sleek and graceful companions, but his odd behavior comes in
handy when hunters come with maps and traps.
238. Very Hungry Caterpillar. Follows the progress of a hungry
little caterpillar as he eats his way through a varied and very
large quantity of food until, full at last, he forms a cocoon
around himself and goes to sleep.
239. Where’s Spot? Simple story of a dog named Spot.
READING LEVEL B – Kindergarten (age 5-6)
Emily’s Snowball. (no book available for this video)
Ginger Jumps. (no book available for this video)
Lost. (no description available)
Love You Forever. Story of a mother and her baby who
becomes a grown-up man.
244. The Rainbow Fish. Very colorful storybook.
READING LEVEL C – Grade 1-2 (age 7-8)
245. Baker’s Dozen. (no book available for this video)
246. Cranberry Thanksgiving. Grandmother almost loses her
secret recipe for cranberry bread to one of the guests she and
Maggie invite for Thanksgiving dinner.
247. Miss Nelson is Missing. The kids in Room 207 take
advantage of their teacher’s good nature until she disappears
and they are faced with a vile substitute.
248. Nicolas, Where Have You Been? (no book available video)
249. Possum Magic. When Grandma Poss’s magic turns Hush
invisible, the two possums take a culinary tour of Australia to
find the food that will make her visible once more.
250. Rainbow Fish to the Rescue. The most beautiful fish in the
entire ocean discovers the real value of personal beauty and
251. Something Good. Story of a father and his children who go
grocery shopping.
READING LEVEL D – Grade 3-4 (age 9-10)
Climbing Kansas Mountains. (no book available)
Dark & Full of Secret. (no book available for this video)
Grandfather’s Rock. (no book available for this video)
My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother. After losing running,
climbing, throwing, and burping competitions to her obnoxious
older brother, a young girl makes a wish on a falling star.
256. The Rag Coat. Minna proudly wears her new coat made of
clothing scraps to school, where the other children laugh at her
until she tells them the stories behind the scraps.
257. Washing the Willow Tree Loon. A loon is rescued from an oil
spill, cleaned, cared for before being returned to the wild.
Includes information on cleaning birds.
READING LEVEL E – Grade 5-6 (age 11-12)
258. Boy of the Three-Year-Nap. A poor Japanese woman
maneuvers events to change the lazy habits of her son.
259. Orphan Boy. Though delighted that an orphan boy has come
into his life, an old man becomes insatiably curious about the
boy’s mysterious powers.
260. Pulling the Lion’s Tail. Her grandfather finds a clever way to
help an impatient young Ethiopian girl get to know her father’s
new wife.
261. The Twelve Dancing Princesses. Retelling of a favorite
Grimm tale.
READING LEVEL F – Grade 7-8 (age 13-14
262. Death of the Iron Horse. (no book available for this video)
263. How My Parents Learned to Eat. An American sailor courts a
Japanese girl and each tries, in secret, to learn the other’s way
of eating.
264. Reading to Deaf Children: Learning from Deaf Adults.
David R. Schleper. Gallaudet University. With accompanying
265. Read With Me Tape #4. Stories for Your Deaf Child. Two
stories signed in ASL and narrated in English. The Mitten: A
Ukranian Folktale is a funny story about Nicki’s lost mitten. One by
one, woodland animals find the mitten and crawl into it. King Biggots
in the Bathtub is a tale about an unruly king who, despite pleas from
his court, refuses to get out of his bathtub to rule his kingdom.
266. Read With Me Tape #5. Stories for Your Deaf Child. Two
stories signed in ASL and narrated in English. The Rainbow Fish
tells the story of the most beautiful fish in the sea who is too vain to
make friends, but gets a lesson in humility. Small Green Snake is an
audience participation story that will be preschoolers humping. A
small, sassy, flashy, grassy garter snake won’t obey Mama Snake
and stay home where he is safe.
267. Read With Me Tape #6. Stories for Your Deaf Child. One
story signed in ASL and narrated in English. If I Ran The Zoo is a
story by Dr. Suess about how it would feel to run the zoo.
268. Read With Me Tape #7. Stories for Your Deaf Child. Three
stories sign in ASL and narrated in English. The Very Busy Spider is
a unique story about a determined spider who will not rest or play
until she finishes her web. Owl Babies tells the story of three baby
owls who wake to find their mommy is gone. Monster Can’t Sleep
monster tries everything to fall asleep…until he gets some help from
his stuffed spider.
269. Read With Me Tape #8. Stories for Your Deaf Child. This
story is signed in ASL and narrated in English. Elizabeth & Larry is a
tender tale about two best friends. Elizabeth is an old lady and Larry
is an alligator. The trouble is that neighbors stare at Larry and make
him feel different.
VISUAL STORYREADING SERIES. Unless specifically noted, each
videotape has a correlating book of the same title in the Media in
Print library. Please specify if you want both tape and book.
READING LEVEL B – Kindergarten (age 5-6)
270. Building a House. Briefly describes the steps in building a
271. Is Your Mama a Llama? A young llama asks his friends if their
mamas are llamas and finds out, in rhyme, that their mothers
are other types of animals.
READING LEVEL C – Grades 1-2 (age 7-8)
272. A Chair for My Mother. A child, her waitress mother, and her
grandmother save dimes to buy a comfortable armchair after all
their furniture is lost in a fire.
273. The Doorbell Rang. Each time the doorbell rings, there are
more people who have come to share Ma’s wonderful cookies.
274. Jam. While Mrs. Castle works as an atomic scientist, Mr.
Castle takes care of the house and children so efficiently that
he soon finds himself with nothing to do until the backyard plum
tree gives him an idea.
275. The Royal Raven. Crawford the raven is determined to be
noticed. But what can he do when he’s just an ordinary-looking
raven like all the rest? It takes a bit of nerve and smidge of
magic for Crawford to get his wish and then the surprises begin.
276. Snow Angel. Accidentally left behind in a snowstorm, a young
girl is befriended by a snow angel who takes the girl on a
magical flight in search of her mother.
277. The Tale of Rabbit and Coyote. Rabbit outwits Coyote in this
Zapotec Indian tale which explains why coyotes howl at the
278. A Weekend With Wendell. Sophie does not enjoy energetic,
assertive Wendell’s weekend visit until the very end, when she
learns to assert herself and finds out Wendell can be fun to play
with after all.
READING LEVEL D – Grades 3-4 (grade 9-10)
279. Meteor! A quiet rural community is dramatically changed when
a meteor crashes down in the front yard of the Gaw family. (No
book to accompany this videotape.)
280. The Rainbabies. When the moon gives twelve tiny babies to a
childless couple, the new parents take great care of their
charges and eventually receive an unexpected reward.
281. The Velveteen Rabbit. By the time the velveteen rabbit is
dirty, worn out, and about to be burned, he has almost given up
hope of ever finding the magic called Read.
READING LEVEL E – Grades 5-6 (age 11-12)
282. Dawn. In the adaptation of The Crane Wife, a shipbuilder
marries a mysterious woman who makes him promise never to
look at her while she weaves.
283. Old Henry. Henry’s neighbors are scandalized that he ignores
them and lets his property get run down, until they drive him
away and find themselves missing him.
284. Princess Furball. A princess in a coat of a thousand furs
hides her identity from a king who falls in love with her.
285. Pink and Say. Say Curtis describes his meeting with Pinkus
Aylee, a black soldier, during the Civil War, and their capture by
Southern troops.
286. You Can Sign! Volume 1. Sign Enhancers. This series
features the Bravo family consisting of two deaf children, a deaf
father, and a hearing mother. Volume 1 contains lessons on Morning
Routines, Breakfast & Dining, Household Signs and Food Signs.
1 hour 22 minutes.
287. You Can Sign! Volume 2. Sign Enhancers. The Bravo family
features Fingerspelling & Colors, School Signs, Numbers at School,
Money and Baking. 1 hour 55 minutes.
288. You Can Sign! Volume 3. Sign Enhancers. Featuring Nature
& Sports, Health & Medicine, Work-related Signs, and Clothing &
Shopping. 2 hours.
289. Bummy’s Basic Parliamentary Workshop. (1998). Gerald
“Bummy” Burstein. Dawn Sign Press. The author has been deaf
since birth and is a professional parliamentarian. He solves the
problem of confusion and inefficient meetings with this video
workshop featuring deaf participants. 90 minutes.
290. Reading to Deaf Children: Learning from Deaf Adults.
1 hour. Also includes booklet of same title.
VISUAL STORYREADING PROGRAM. These videotapes have no
audio. Unless otherwise indicated, each take has a corresponding
book of the same title. When ordering, specify if you want tape alone
or tape and book.
READING LEVEL A – Preschool (age 3-4)
291. Christmas With Teddy Bear. Teddy Bear is so eager for
Christmas to come, he’s counting down the days. And there’s
so much to do before the big day arrives. From writing to Santa
and decorating the tree to caroling with Mom and Dad, Teddy’s
holiday season is filled with tradition and warmth.
292. Clifford’s Puppy Days. Adventures of Clifford’s puppy days
when he was so tiny he could ride on a bar of soap and get lost
inside Emily Elizabeth’s woolen cap. Even then Clifford
managed to get into big trouble.
293. Just a Little Bit. When Mouse and Elephant decide to go on
the seesaw, Mouse needs a lot of help from other animals
before they can go up and down.
294. Our New Puppy. When the puppy Floyd joins the family, Eliza
and Isabelle see how Rosie the family dog reacts and learn
what it is like having and being a younger sibling.
READING LEVEL B – Kindergarten (age 5-6)
295. Caps for Sale. The peddler walks carefully up and down the
streets selling the caps as he balances a huge pile of caps on
top of his head.
296. Corduroy. Story of a bear who has been on the department
store shelf for a long time. A childhood classic as basic and
appealing as a small bear’s desire for a home and a friend and
the perfect fulfillment found in the devotion of a young girl.
297. Farmer Duck. When a kind and hard working duck nearly
collapses from overwork while taking care of a farm because
the owner is too lazy to do so, the rest of the animals get
together and chase the farmer out of town.
298. Oh Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone? An expanded
version of the well-known song, in which the dog runs away
from home and explores the desert, mountains, and oceans
before deciding that home is best. Tape includes music.
299. The Runaway Bunny. A little bunny keeps running away from
his mother in an imaginative and imaginary game of verbal
hide-and-seek; children will be profoundly comforted by this
lovingly steadfast mother who finds her child every time.
READING LEVEL C – Grade 1-2 (age 7-8)
300. The Bremen Town Musicians. In this classic comic tale by
the Brother’s Grimm, a donkey, a dog, a cat, and a rooster who
have all outgrown their usefulness to ungrateful masters,
embark on unlikely new careers as musicians.
301. Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures With Family Lazardo.
While vacationing in Africa, the Lazardo family find and bring
back to America a friendly dinosaur that becomes the talk of the
302. The Fat Cats, Cousin Scraggs and the Monster Mice.
Relates how Cousin Scraggs saves the Fat Cat family from an
attack by monster mice and eventually leads them to a simpler
but happier life.
303. The First Strawberries. A quarrel between the first man and
the first woman is reconciled when the Sun causes strawberries
to grow out of the earth.
304. The Giant Jam Sandwich. Townspeople from Itching Down
create a giant jam sandwich to trap the wasps and keep them
away from the picnickers.
305. The Little Red Ant & Big Crumb. The little red ant finds a
crumb in a Mexican cornfield, but she is afraid that she lacks
the strength to move it herself and goes off to find an animal
that can.
306. Madeline. Madeline is the smallest and naughtiest of the
twelve little charges of Miss Clavel. One night Madeline wakes
up with an attack of appendicitis.
307. Parents in the Pigpen, Pigs in the Tub. Tired of their usual
routine, the farm animals insist on moving into the house, so
the family decides to move into the barn. But eventually
everyone tires of this new arrangement.
308. The Snowchild. Katie knows lots of good games, but no one
wants to play with her. As hard as she tries, she never quite fits
in, until one day she builds her own playmate, a snowman so
small she calls it a snowchild.
309. Sylvester and the Magic Pebble. In a moment of fright,
Sylvester the donkey asks his magic pebble to turn him into a
rock but then cannot hold the pebble to wish himself back to
normal again.
READING LEVEL D – Grade 3-4 (age 9-10)
310. A Christmas Carol. The story of miserly Ebenezer Scrooge
and his stingy ways, his fearful repentance at the hands of
ghosts, and his miraculous transformation.
311. Amelia Bedelia. She is the hardworking, charming
housekeeper who does exactly what the Rogers family asks her
to do.
312. Min-Yo and the Moon Dragon. When the moon suddenly
appears to be approaching the earth, young Min-Yo climbs the
cobweb staircase between the earth and moon to ask the moon
dragon for help.
313. Paul Bunyan. Recounts the life of the extraordinary
lumberjack whose unusual size and strength brought him many
fantastic adventures.
314. Sidney Rella and the Glass Sneaker. Sidney Relle becomes
a football player with a little help from his fairy godfather.
315. Solo. When her parents Floe and Fin leave her to search for
food, Solo the baby penguin tries to follow and loses her way.
316. True Story of the Three Little Pigs. The wolf gives his own
outlandish version of what really happened when he tangled
with the three little pigs.
317. Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge. A small boy tries to
discover the meaning of “memory” so he can restore that of an
elderly friend.
318. Wishbones. In this Chinese version of the Cinderella tale, Yeli
Hsien uses magic fish bones to dress herself for the Cave
Festival, where she loses a slipper in fleeing from her wicked
stepmother. (No book to accompany this video.)
READING LEVEL E – Grade 5-6 (age 11-12)
319. Caterina, The Clever Farm Girl. In this Tuscan folktale, a
poor farmer’s daughter becomes queen by charming the king
with her wit and ingenuity. (No book to accompany this video.)
320. The Frog Prince Continued. After the frog turns into a prince,
he and the Princess do not live happily ever after and the
Prince decides to look for a witch to help him remedy the
321. Lily and the Wooden Bowl. A young girl who wears a wooden
bowl over her face to hide her beauty overcomes a variety of
trials and eventually finds love, riches, and happiness.
READING LEVEL F – Grade 7-8 (age 13-14)
322. The King’s Equal. In order to wear the crown of the kingdom,
an arrogant young prince must find an equal in his bride. Instead, he
finds someone far better than he.
323. The Ugly Duckling. (1998). Mariposa Productions.
Performed entirely in ASL with English voiceover in the form of
narrator and cartoon-like character voices. Starring seven real kids
from New Mexico School for the Deaf, this video teaches the
important lesson of accepting oneself and others, while reinforcing
ASL vocabulary.
324. Fun With Fire Fighters! Dawn Sign Press. An adventure with
deaf performer C.J. Jones and his sidekicks on a magical journey. A
blend of sign language and spoken English is brought to the screen
as the Happy Hands Kids Klub cast explores our world through
lessons in communication, friendship, invention, and teamwork in an
adventure that will entertain the entire family. 22 minutes.
325. Gems, Jewels and Precious Things. Dawn Sign Press.
Another Happy Hands Kids Klub adventure. Uses a blend of sign
language and spoken English. 20 minutes.
326. A Visit to the Vet. Dawn Sign Press. Another Happy Hands
Kids Klub adventure. 22 minutes.
327. The ASLTA Evaluation and Certification System. 30
minutes. Hosted by Keith Cagle and William Newell.
328. Signing Fiesta 1. SPANISH. (1996). Instructional series
teaches basic sign language through Spanish and English and is
geared towards Latino parents with deaf children who use ASL or
Signed English. Volume 1 deals with animals, insects, school, colors.
28 minutes.
329. Signing Fiesta 2. SPANISH. (1996). Second in the series.
Volume 2 deals with family, festivities, action verbs. 28 minutes.
330. Signing Fiesta 3. SPANISH. (1996). Third in the three-part
series. Volume 3 deals with food, feelings, questions. 28 minutes.
331. Fingerspelled Names & Introductions. Provides practice in
fingerspelled word recognition through a carefully constructed
methods to increase skills. 90 minutes.
332. Pursuit of ASL: Interesting Facts Using Classifiers. Using
only ASL, no spoken English, many interesting facts are signed such
as “Dizziness: Why do we get dizzy?” 60 minutes.
333. Signs of Language. From Films for the Humanities and
Sciences. For those who think that language can only be spoken,
here is proof of the great eloquence with which language can be
signed. 25 minutes.
334. Signs of Life. The hearing impaired have been an unknown
and misunderstood minority for too long. This program blows away
the stereotypes, and should be required viewing for both those who
hear normally and the hearing-impaired. 40 minutes.
335. Passport Without a Country. This program is about the
hearing children of hearing-impaired parents provides a look at a
unique culture: men and women who do not quite belong to either of
the worlds between which they are the only true bridge. 47 minutes.
336. Understanding Hearing Loss. This program explains sound,
hearing, hearing loss, and the relationship between listening to
speech and different kinds of hearing loss. It includes realistic
simulations of what speech sounds like with different kinds of hearing
loss, and useful hints on improving communication. 17 minutes.
337. Read It Again and Again. (1998). David Schleper. Gallaudet.
40 minutes. Six easy steps to conduct your own shared reading
sessions. Tape also describes characteristics that make some books
the favorites of children, and ways to promote English literacy through
ASL. A manual for educators under the same title is included. 40
338. Reading to Deaf Children: Learning from Deaf Adults.
(1997). David Schleper. Gallaudet. Considerable research has
explored the most effective strategies used by deaf parents and
teachers for reading to deaf children. Based on those studies and
direct observation, the fifteen principles outlined in this video are a
guide for parents and teachers who want to share the pleasure of
reading with the deaf children in their lives. A manual for educators
under the same title is included. 59 minutes.
339. ASL/English Idioms and Their Translations. Harris
Communications. Uses 104 selected idioms in ASL, provides a
unique learning experience necessary for the appropriate use and
understanding of ASL. Twelve deaf sign models. ALSO
AVAILABLE: workbook of same title.
340. Beginning Reading and Sign Language. Aylmer Press.
Inspired by the book Seeing Voices by Oliver Sacks. Recommended
for kids ages 2 and up as well as for adults losing their hearing. CC.
341. Sing, Dance ‘n Sign. (1999). Heartsong Communications.
Songs from Gaia’s award-winning CD. Get your feet and fingers in
motion and join Gaia and the KidSign Club kids for a new, exciting,
musical adventure with sign language. For ages 3-9. Open
Captions. Lyric sheet included. 45 minutes.
342. Handrew’s Library. (1998). TJ Publishers. Mariposa
Productions. Meet Handrew, the all-knowing bookshelf that signs
and has the Mona Lisa for a face, as he and his visitors explore ways
to make nursery rhymes more fun for both hearing and deaf, through
dialogue, games and play acting. Voiceover. 55 minutes.
343. Religious Signs. By George Joslin, a pastor who has worked
with deaf people all over America. He explains each word and the
sign that is used. He has served as president of the Virginia Registry
of Interpreters of the Deaf.
344. Getting Started in Signing. Set includes a 60-minute
videotape plus a learner’s dictionary and guidebook with over 500
illustrations. The author uses practical, everyday situations like
talking about your family planning a party, shopping at the mall, etc.
The manual alphabet is included.
345. See & Sign. (1994). Nationally certified interpreter David Bush
condenses 10 hours of his classes onto this 105-minute tape. A total
of 29 lessons are presented with Bush always demonstrating new
signs in a sentence, repeating for clarity, and teaching shortcuts to
346. See Me Sing. Travel to Bearheart Kingdom. Enter a magical
land filled with wonderful surprises. Meet the castle family and learn
to sign the songs. Work with the Princess to learn the alphabet as
well as songs. SIGNED EXACT ENGLISH. 25 minutes. Voice-over.
347. Say It By Signing: Conversing in American Sign
Language. Covers the basics of ASL with an emphasis on
conversation. Learn how to sign in any practical situation, whether
you’re home with your family, meeting friends at a restaurant, or
going shopping. 60 minutes.
348. Sign Language Crash Course I. Program designed for self
study, community education, and enrichment sign language classes.
Eight 20-minute lessons. This tape includes lessons on vocabulary;
ASL story; gesture exercise; sentences (English & ASL); dialogue
(English & ASL); language and culture tips. Study book included. 138
349. Sign Language Crash Course II. Eight 20-minute lessons on
the following topics: vocabulary; ASL story; gesture exercise;
sentences (English & ASL); dialogue (English & ASL); language and
culture tips. Study book included. 94 minutes. All signs with
captions, but no voice.
350. Sing ‘n Sign for Fun. As seen on CNN and The Learning
Channel. Sing, dance, and sign alone to seven upbeat music videos
that both hearing and deaf children can enjoy. Gaia and her KidSign
Club friends sing and sign original songs that inspire creativity and
encourage acceptance of one another. Meet deaf children who
demonstrate the manual alphabet and signs for each song. 42
minutes. Signed in ASL; Voice-over. Open-captioned.
351. The Snowman. This delightful animation weaves a spell of
magic enchantment as a young boy’s snowman comes to life and
escorts him on a fantasy dream visit to the North Pole. Together they
plan through the night but never speak a word. Enjoyment for deaf
and hearing alike with no words, only music. 29 minutes.
352. Santa’s Surprise. Four cartoons in ASL. Cartoon titles:
Santa’s Surprise; Teacher’s Pest; Christmas Broadcast. 30 minutes.
353. Pup’s Christmas. Four cartoons in ASL. Cartoon titles: Pup’s
Christmas, Teacher’s Pest, Jack Frost; Old Shell Game. 30 minutes.
354. Jingle Bell Foolin’. Four cartoons in ASL. Cartoon titles:
Jingle Bell Foolin’; Gobs of Fun; Ginger Nutt’s Christmas Circus. Hep
Cat. 30 minutes.
355. Raggedy Ann and Friends. Three cartoons in ASL. Cartoon
titles: The Enchanted Square; The Bored Cuckoo; The Mite Makes
Right. 30 minutes.
356. Goldilocks & The Three Bears. Three cartoons in ASL.
Cartoon titles: To Spring; Hysterical History; Dick Whittington’s Cat.
30 minutes.
357. Cinderella. Three cartoons in ASL. Cartoon titles: A Coach
for Cinderella; Play Safe; Poor Cinderella.
358. Three Little Pigs. Four cartoons in ASL. Cartoon titles: Pigs
in a Polka; Doggone Tired; Boy Meets Dog; Farm Frolics. 30
359. Casper The Friendly Ghost. Four cartoons in ASL. Boo
Moon; Crazy Town; Dingbat Land; The Seapreme Court.
360. Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. In ASL. From Sign On
361. Tales That Teach. In ASL. Stories: King Midas; The
Chocolate Princess, etc.
362. Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. In ASL.
363. Basic Sign Language for Children: See-Sign 4: Animals,
Prepositions, Objects.
364. Basic Sign Language for Children: See-Sign 5: Clothes,
Colors, Commands.
365. Basic Sign Language for Children: See-Sign 6: People,
Action, Verbs, Opposites.
366. Be Cool, Play It Safe! A Children’s Safety Video for ages 3-9.
Host Michael Mish and his canine assistant, Gracie, teach children
how cool it is to be safe. Children learn to take responsibility for their
own safety in this entertaining video. Topics covered include motor
vehicle safety, pedestrian safety, bicycle safety, preventing drug
abuse, gun safety, fall prevention, fire and burn prevention, water
safety, choking prevention, dog bite prevention. 43 minutes.
367. Talking Hands. A sign language video for children. Teaches
young children more than 30 common words using signs and
gestures based on ASL and Signing Exact English. Even beneficial
for nonverbal children. 45 minutes.
368. Read With Me: Volume 9. Boys Town Press. Stories for your
deaf child. Story featured: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie is a story
of a mischievous and curious little mouse who shows up at your
house and wants a cookie. Then he leads you through a crazy and
fun afternoon as he wants more to go with his cookie. 28 min.
369. Read With Me: Volume 10. Boys Town Press. Stories for
your deaf child. Story featured: The Mixed-up Chameleon is a
magical story about a chameleon who was not satisfied just changing
colors and catching flies. One day he saw a zoo. He thought it would
be so exciting to change into the wonderful animals he saw. He
wanted to be smart like a fox, to swim like a fish or to run like a deer.
Soon he was so mixed up he couldn’t catch flies anymore. That
made him wish he could go back to being a chameleon…because he
was happier being just the way he was. 17 minutes.
370. Visual Music Workouts. A unique workout video designed
specifically for the needs of the hearing impaired. Jennifer Jernigan
created the concept of adding a colorful light burst that flashes to the
rhythm of the music and changes color to help translate the sound of
the music into a visual energy form. Covers cardiovascular, muscle
work, abdominals, and cool down. 45 minutes.
371. In Sign Language Series: The Star Spangled Banner and
Pledge of Allegiance. Silent Word Videos. Step-by-step, sign-bysign instruction. No previous sign language experience necessary.
30 minutes.
372. Baby See ‘n Sign. Kronz Kidz Productions. The Basic Building
Blocks for Beginning Easy Sign Language. Over 60 signs. 45
373. How to Talk to a Person Who Can’t Hear. Sign Language
Video. A unique and fun video that teaches sign language. Starring
Anthony Natale. Shows over 300 signs in a fun and unusual way.
Fun and easy for any age. 55 minutes. CC.
374. Mouth Morphemes in American Sign Language. (1986).
DeBee Communications. Features 52 different mouthing movements
along with their respective phonological meanings. Signed acts with
special effects for visual acuity and appeal accompany the video and
text. ASL and subtitled. 60 minutes.
375. The Basics of Teaching American Sign Language. (1997).
Dawn Sign Press. An introduction to the history of ASL instruction,
teaching strategies, classroom activities, ASL grammar, vocabulary
and conversational techniques. 70 minutes.
376. Sign ASL? Sure You Can! A review of common ASL
grammar by DrSign (Mike Tuccelli), University of Florida’s Teacher of
the Year 1999-2000. Signed and voiced.
377. The Signed English Starter: Part 1. A Beginning Course in
the Signed English System. Introduces signs for people and
pronouns, things, special verbs and function words, the body, and
actions of both the body and mind. Covers the first six chapters of
the book of the same title which is also available for loan.
378. The Signed English Starter: Part 2. A Beginning Course in
the Signed English System. Introduces signs for leisure time, nature
and animals, descriptions, food, travel, time, money, shapes, and
adverbs. Covers chapters 7 through 12 in the book of the same title
which is also available for loan.
379. Fingerspelling: The Final Frontier. (2001). From Sign
Enhancers. 52 minutes.
380. Finger Flicks: Intermediate, Tape 1. (1994). SignQuest.
For 3rd and 4th semester ASL students. Develop your fingerspelling
skills. Sentences are signed in ASL with fingerspelled words. Each
lesson includes 15 topic words, 15 numbers, and 10 topic sentences
with fingerspelling.
381. Finger Flicks: Advanced, Tape 1. (1994). SignQuest. For
advanced students or interpreters. Advance your fingerspelling skills.
Sentences are signed in ASL with fingerspelled words. Each lesson
includes 15 topic words, 15 numbers, and 10 topic sentences with
382. Sports Signs: General. From Rochester Institute of
Technology. 50 minutes.
383. Signing Times: My First Signs. Volume 1. (2002). From
their magical animated world, Alex and Leah invite infants and
children to “Come sign with us!” Watch and enjoy as they and their
friends share 18 ASL signs within a fun and playful way. Alex is
hearing and Leah is deaf. 30 minutes. CC. Available in DVD also.
384. Signing Times: Playtime Signs. Volume 2. (2002). From
their animated treehouse, Alex (who is hearing) and Leah (who is
deaf) invite infants and children to “Come sign with us!” as 30
playtime signs are taught. 30 minutes. CC. Available in DVD also.
385. Signing Times: Everyday Signs. Volume 3. (2002). Alex
(who is hearing) and Leah (who is deaf) demonstrate 29 everyday
signs. This is volume 3 and the final volume in this series. 30
minutes. CC. Available in DVD also.
386. Baby See n‘ Sign. (2001). Kronz Kidz Productions. Basic
building blocks for beginning baby sign language. For ages 6 months
and up. Over 60 signs taught. 45 minutes.
387. Animusic. (2001). A computer animation video album. A
stunning visual music experience featuring seven completely unique
music animations. Also available in DVD. 35 minutes.
388. Introduction to Sign Language. (1999). Hope Inc. Dr. Petra
Horn is a nationally known leader in the deaf community. She clearly
explains and demonstrates basic features of ASL including time
aspects, facial expression, active voice, classifiers, loan signs,
questions, pronouns, plurals, incorporation, directionality,
topicalization, sightline, and sign repetition. 23 minutes. CC.
These tapes are designed to provide instructional support and
practice to families as they learn ASL concepts. As follows:
389. ASL For Families: Video 1. Covers the following subjects:
Grammatical and Emotive Aspects of Facial Expressions, Basic
Declarative Statements, Asking Yes/No Questions, Changing
Statements into Questions, Asking a Wh-Question, Directional Verbs,
Showing Courtesy, Showing Possession and Presence of Objects
with the Verb Have and the Correct Usage of No.
390. ASL For Families: Video 2. Covers the following subjects:
Qualities and Attributes, ASL Word Order: Topic-Comment, ASL
Word Order: Noun-Adjective, ASL Word Order: Three Signs or Less,
ASL Word Order: Subject-Verb-Object, Use of Space: Referring to
Persons and Places, Using Pronouns, Possessive Pronouns, Facial
Expression, Showing Different Meanings Using Facial Expressions
and Sign Exaggeration.
391. ASL For Families: Video 3. Covers the following subjects:
Fingerspelling, Loan Signs, The Temporal Aspect of ASL: Movement
of a Sign Can Show the Amount of Time Involved in an Activity,
Adjective/Adverb Modulation in ASL: Movement of a Sign Can Show
Degree to Which an Emotion or Action is Expressed, Use of
Classifiers, Pronomial Classifiers, The Time Line in ASL.
392. ASL For Families: Video 4. Covers the following subjects:
ASL Word Order: Time Indicators, Cardinal Number System and
Quantifiers, Ordinal Number System, Unique Number System,
Plurality: How to Show More Than One.
393. ASL For Families: Video 5. Covers the following subjects:
Number Incorporation, Showing Past Tense in ASL, Future Tense in
ASL, ASL Word Order: Time Sequence Principle, Using Conceptually
Accurate Signs.
394. All Kinds of Signs. (2001). Preschoolers play along with
Steve to figure out where Blue wants to have her snack – by following
all kinds of signs from directional signs to ALS. 52 minutes.
Animated. CC.
395. Coffee Break Sign Language with DrSign. Lessons 1-5.
Five short lessons with vocabulary and basic structure of sign
language taught by Teacher of the Year DrSign.
396. Coffee Break Sign Language with DrSign. Lesoons 6-10.
See description above.
397. Signing Fiesta – 4. (1996). Teaches the sign and says the
word in both Spanish and English. This tape covers a visit to the
audiologist. 29 minutes.
398. Signing Fiesta – 5. (1996). Teaches the sign and says the
word in both Spanish and English. This tape translates Spanish
stories using nine colorful books. 21 minutes.
399. Signing Fiesta – 6. (1996). Teaches the sign and says the
word in both Spanish and English. This tape translates Spanish
stories using nine colorful books. 21 minutes.
400. Signing Fiesta – 7. (1996). Teaches the sign and says the
word in both Spanish and English. This tape translates Spanish
stories using nine colorful books. 21 minutes.
401. Signing Fiesta – 11. A unique video that reviews commonly
used vocabulary at a wedding, In Spanish and English.
402. Signing Fiesta – 12. Daily activities words in Spanish and
403. Signing Fiesta – 13. More daily activities words in Spanish
and English.
404. Signing Fiesta – 14. More daily activities words in Spanish
and English.
405. Signing Times: Family, Feelings & Fun. Volume 4. Join
Alex, Leah and Rachel Coleman for lots of singing fun. Teaches
signs for family members, feelings, and things outside. For ages 1-8.
30 minutes. CC. Available in DVD also.
406. Signing Times: ABC Signs. Volume 5. Teaches the alphabet
in ASL and introduces more than 50 signs for words corresponding to
different letters. For ages 1-8. 30 minutes. CC. Available in DVD
407. Signing Times: My Favorite Things. Volume 6. Teaches
signs for colors of the rainbow, fruits & vegetables, and activities. For
ages 1-8. 30 minutes. CC. Available in DVD also.
408. Signs for Recovery. (2003). A comprehensive guide to the
signs and concepts used in the chemical dependency treatment
setting. Presented in sign language by Keven Poore. 44 minutes.
Open Captioned. Sign Narration. Voice Narration.
409. The Treasure Chest. (2003). Wide-Eyed Learning Corp. A
magical journey of discovery learning signs for toys, play, songs. For
ages 3-36 months. 30 minutes.
410. Signing for sense: Guidelines for making visual sense.
(2004). These materials (video and workbook) are designed to
help families , ASL Students and interpreters improve their
ability to make visual sense when communicating with people
using sign language.
411. Signing for sense: (2005). Guidelines for making visual sense
when communicating with your deaf or hard of hearing child.
(DVD and workbook).
412. MORE signing for sense: Guidelines for making visual
sense. (2005). Available in DVD, Videotape and along with a
413. Idioms- part 1 and 2 by Lance Mcwilliams. These tapes
have open captioning along with the slang’s/Idioms- so you can
see the actual English idioms below that Lance demonstrates
the way deaf people sign them.
414. More Classifiers storytelling. (2002). Trix Bruce presents a
one deaf- woman story. Her main area of study has been ASL
linguistics with a focus on ASL performance. 60 minutes.
415. FINGERSPELLING 2: Student video. (2005). Signs for
intelligence founded by Missy Keast. Available in DVD.
416. FINGERSPELLING 2: Teachers guide. (2005). Signs for
intelligence founded be Missy keast. Available in DVD.
417. See what I mean: differences between deaf and hearing
cultures. (2001). Holcomb and Mindess. Videotape- 45
418. Bravo ASL: Activities DVD. Along with Instructor’s guide and
Student Workbook. Lesson #18 and #19.
419. Signing Times: Leah’s Farm. Volume 7. Leah’s Farm teaches
signs for farm animals and pets. (2005) DVD.
420. Signing Times: The Great Outdoors. Volume 8. This DVD of
the Great outdoors teaches signs for woodland animals, bugs,
and things found in nature. (2005).
421. Signing Times: The Zoo Train. Volume 9. Teaches signs for
Favorite zoo animals and ocean creatures. (2005). DVD.
422. Signing Times: My Day. Volume 10. My Day teaches signs
About everything in your daily routine-waking up, getting
dressed, playing, and going to bed! (2006) DVD.
423. Signing Times: My Neighborhood. Volume 11.
Teaches sign for playground activities, vehicles, places to go
and people to see around town. (2006) DVD.
424. Signing Times: Time To Eat. Volume 12. Teaches signs
about cooking, eating, and favorite foods. (2006) DVD.
425. Signing Times: Welcome to School. Volume 13. Teaches
signs about people, objects and activities in the classroom.
(2006) DVD.
426. Processing Skills Development Series: (DVD’s) 2005.
1. Visualization/Summarizing
2. Shadowing/ Paraphrasing
3. Listening Comprehension
4. Structuring
5. Dual Task
6. Abstracting/Cloze
Behavior Observation Method for the School Psychologist.
(1982). Western Michigan University. 59 minutes.
CID Phonetic Inventory – CID Spine Demo. (1989).
DLM Teaching Resources WJ-R Video Conference. 75
GAEL-C. Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language:
Complex Sentence Level. Accompanies test kit of same title.
GAEL-P. Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language: preSentence Level. Accompanies test kit of same title.
GAEL-S. Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language:
Simple Sentence Level. Accompanies test kit of same title.
SEMANTIC AWARENESS TEST. (1991). Sign Media. Videotape
series to accompany Administration Manual and Student Response
forms. A flexible instructional assessment tool. Series of 7 tapes
includes the following tapes:
English Multiple Choice (EMC) Tape #1
English Multiple Choice (EMC) Tape #2
English Multiple Choice (EMC) Tape #3
Sign Multiple Choice (SMC) Tape #1
Sign Multiple Choice (SMC) Tape #2
Sign Multiple Choice (SMC) Tape #3
Practice Test Tape
SIB Demo
Alternative Assessments. September 1996. From Distance
Learning Center.
16. MN Statewide Assessment Grad Standards Testing: A
Teachers Guide. From MN Department of Children, Families &
Learning. 28 minutes.
17. Psychosocial Assessment. Tape 1 & 2. Featuring Tom
Goulder, PhD. From Outstate Assessment Service. 90 minutes.
Psychosocial Assessment. Tape 3. Featuring Tom Goulder,
PhD. From Outstate Assessment Service. 40 minutes.
Assistive Devices for Hearing Impaired Persons.
Now You See It. Visual Technologies for Deaf and Hard of
Hearing People. Computer-assisted Notetaking. (1991). Gallaudet.
Open captioned.
Tactaid. Audiological Engineering Corporation, Somerville,
Using Your TTY. (1993). SMI and TDI.
Your TTY and the Relay Service. (1994). Funded by the
Telecommunications Education Trust established by the California
Public Utilities Commission. Nathie Marbury helps a deaf friend and
you learn how to use the TTY Relay Service to gain access to phone
communications. 30 minutes. Open Captioned.
Becoming a Proficient Cuer. (1992). Metzger & Fleetwood.
Accompanies workbook of the same title.
2-3. Building Cue Reading. Tape 1 & 2. Metzger & Fleetwood.
Use Tape 1 & 2 together. Also has accompanying test cards.
READ MY LIPS! Speechreading instruction course from Harris
Communications. Set of 6 tapes. When you have mastered tape 1,
then you are ready for tape 2, etc.
Read My Lips! Tape 1
Read My Lips! Tape 2
Read My Lips! Tape 3
Read My Lips! Tape 4
Read My Lips! Tape 5
Read My Lips! Tape 6
10. I See What You Say: Lipreading Program. Also available:
book of same title.
11. An Adventure in Cued Speech. (1999). Alina Mills. An
information video presenting Cued Speech users, their families and
professionals, demonstrating and discussing Cued Speech in a
variety of settings. 40 minutes.
12. Play-Based Speech for Children with Hearing Impairments.
22 minutes.
13. Acoustics, Audition, and Speech Reception. Daniel Ling,
PhD. Essentials underlying the development of spoken language by
children who are hearing impaired.
14. Native Intuition. (2001). Language Matters. Daniel Koo uses
American Sign Language to explain the nature of cued languages.
15. Discovering Cued Speech. Instructional video set includes two
videotapes, manual and stuffy guide.
16. Do You Hear That? (1992). Estabrooks & Samson. AG Bell.
Auditory verbal therapy program as practiced at North York General
Hospital, Toronto Canada. A booklet of the same title should be used
with this videotape. See media in print inventory.
17. Sound Ideas. (1999). Canadian Hard of Hearing Association.
Booklet and video set contains eight lesson modules about
speechreading. Open captioned. 150 minutes.
18. I Can Hear. AG Bell. Part 1 of the Auditory Verbal Therapy
19. I Can Hear II. AG Bell. Part 2 of the Auditory Verbal Therapy
20. Ms Bobbie and Kids Present “A Birthday Party Celebrating
the Birth of Jesus”. A cued speech videotape.
21. Touch The Future. (2002). From Cued Language Network of
America. This video explains how and why Cued Speech was
developed. It shows that your family’s language can easily be your
deaf child’s natural language too. CC.
22. Listen To This: An Auditory-Verbal Therapy Videotape and
Guidebook for Professionals and Parents. (2004). AG Bell.
Observe Warren Estabrooks and his colleagues providing quality
Auditory-Verbal therapy to the families they serve. Accompanies
booklet of same title.
Cochlear Implant: The Deaf Community’s View. Mel &
Sharon Carter. 60 minutes. Voice-over. Closed Captioned.
2. Bringing Sound to Life: Principles & Practices of Cochlear
Implant Rehabilitation. DAY #1. From the May 20, 1999
Teleconference. Distance Learning Center.
3. Bringing Sound to Life: Principles & Practices of Cochlear
Implant Rehabilitation. DAY #2. From the May 20, 1999
Teleconference. Distance Learning Center.
4. Cochlear Implants: Covering the Basics. (2000). Phil Bravin.
Dawn Sign Press. Gives important facts with a human touch
surrounding the decisions about hearing assistive devices.
Voiceover. CC. 40 minutes.
5. TWINS: A Cochlear Implant Story. Shows the effectiveness of
cochlear implants for children by following two sets of twins for 3
years after implantation. Each set has one deaf twin implanted at 12
months and one hearing twin. Includes commentary from “Sound &
Fury’s” renowned implant surgeon, Dr. Simon Parisier and audiologist
Dr. Pat Chute. Open Captioned. 30 minutes.
6. Cochlear Implants: A Choice for Listening. From
Montgomery County Public Schools. Open Captioned. 27 minutes.
7. Start Listening: A Guide to Pediatric Rehabilitation.
Strategies for cochlear implant recipients. Open Captioned. 11
8. Teaching the Kids with High-Tech Ears. Meeting the Unique
Needs of Students With Cochlear Implants in the Real World of
Public Education. (2000). Follow the experiences of a large
metropolitan school district that studied and implemented an
innovative program for cochlear implant students. What they learned
can also be valuable for deaf or hard of hearing students in the
mainstream classroom. Subtitled. 16 minutes.
9. Link Between Silence and Sound. (2001). Advanced Bionics
Corporation. Success stories with cochlear implant. Open
Captioned. 56 minutes.
10. Nucleus 24 Contour. (2000). Cochlear Corporation. More
success stories. Open Captioned.
11. Perspectives on Getting a Cochlear Implant. (2004). Hope,
Inc. Part 1 of this video shows a discussion among parents who are
considering a cochlear implant for their child, ad their deaf mentor
and hearing parent advisor. The second part includes perspectives
about getting a cochlear implant on the part of the mentor, parent
advisor, mother, and father. The emotional challenges of this
decision are honestly portrayed. 40 minutes. CC.
12. Bionic Buddy. (2004). Advanced Bionics. Videotape to
accompany Tools for Schools folder helping children with cochlear
implants succeed in the classroom. 11 minutes. CC.
13. Introduction to Cochlear Implants. Cochlear Americas Corp.
15 minutes. CC.
14. Summer’s Story: Coming of Age with the Cochlear Implant.
(2003). Multimedia Corp. The story of a teenager’s experience
growing up with a Cochlear Implant. 27 minutes. Open Captioned.
15. Breaking the Code: A ten-minute film shot by Jawad Metni
(Hell House, Rumble in Mumbai) is a persuasive look into the
revolutionary, but underutilized, educational tool: Cued Speech. DVD
16. Need to Know: What professionals need to know for
cochlear implant rehabilitation. Jill L. Bader, M.A., Allison Biever,
Au.D,. CCC-A, Aziza Hydari Tyabji. (2006).
17. Listen Learn and Talk: Another Cochlear Innovation. (2003)
It consists of a book and 3 videos. This program was developed for
parents and professionals as a resource to supplement the child’s
habilitation program.
1. Deaf/Blind Communication and Commnity: Getting InvolvedA Conversation. (1992). Sign Media.
2. Deaf/Blind Communication and Community: Overview &
Introduction. (1992). Sign Media
3. Hand in Hand: It Can Be Done! (1995). AFB Press. An
introduction to working with students who are deaf/blind, starring
many deaf-blind people and their families and teachers. Full of
practical suggestions and valuable insights. Accompanies 4 books of
same title (Trainer’s Manual; Volumes I & II; and Selected Reprints &
Annotated Bibliography).
4. Tragedy to Triumph: An Adventure with Helen Keller. 40
minutes. The life of Helen Keller through the eyes of a young man
from our own time. A young man with little sympathy for those who
are different from himself.
5. Psychoeducational Evaluation of Children Who Are
Deaf/Blind: Focus on Communication and Social Environment.
(April 6, 2001). Dr. Harvey Mar. Produced by Regions Hospital &
Wellness Program, St. Paul, MN.
6. Deaf Blindness and the Intervener. (1988). Hope, Inc. An
intervener is a person who works one-to-one with an individual who is
deafblind. This videotape discusses the effective use of interveners
with children and youth who are deafblind. 17 minutes. CC.
7. Making the Most of Early Communicaton. (1997). AFB Press.
Deborah Chen & Pamela Haag Schachter. Strategies for supporting
communication with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers whose
multiple disabilities include vision and hearing loss. Companion
booklet of same title also available. 34 minutes. CC.
8. Introduction to Tactile Communication. Hope, Inc. This
videotape is an introduction to communicating with a child who is
deafblind or who needs tactile communication. Suggestions are
given about accepting all of the child’s ways of communicating and
helping the child access new people, events, and places.
9. Ski*Hi Using Tactile Signals and Cues: Topics 1-4. Hope, Inc.
Part of a series of tapes designed to teach family members and
service providers how to use tactile signals and cues effectively with
young children who are deafblind or who need tactile communication.
Topic 1: Encouraging Child to Relate to People; Topic 2: Letting
Child Know Who You Are and What y You Will Do; Topic 3: Deciding
What Signals and Cues to Use; Topic 4: A Model for Using Signals
and Cues. 60 minutes. CC.
10. Ski*Hi Using Tactile Signals and Cues: Topics 5-6. Hope,
Inc. Part of a series of tapes designed to teach family members and
service providers how to use tactile signals and cues effectively with
young children who are deafblind or who need tactile communication.
Topic 5: Anticipation, Getting Up and Playing; Topic 6: Awareness of
Child’s Signals, Toileting, Bathing and Brushing Teeth. 60 minutes.
11. Ski*Hi Using Tactile Signals and Cues: Topics 7-8. Hope,
Inc. Part of a series of tapes designed to teach family members and
service providers how to use tactile signals and cues effectively with
young children who are deafblind or who need tactile communication.
Topic 7: Eating or Feeding; Topic 8: Encouraging Turn-Taking,
Waking Up, Going to Bed, Dressing. 60 minutes. CC.
12. Ski*Hi Using Tactile Signals and Cues: Topics 9-10. Hope,
Inc. Part of a series of tapes designed to teach family members and
service providers how to use tactile signals and cues effectively with
young children who are deafblind or who need tactile communication.
Topic 9: Giving Your Child Choices, Playing and Actions. Topic 10:
Using Coactive Signs, Placing and Calming Your Child. 60 minutes.
13. Ski*Hi Using Tactile Signals and Cues: Topics 11-12. Hope,
Inc. Last in the series of tapes designed to teach family members
and service providers how to use tactile signals and cues effectively
with young children who are deafblind or who need tactile
communication. Topic 11: Enriching Activities and Routines,
Expressing Feelings and Using Senses; Topic 12: Encouraging
Active Communication, Going Somewhere. 60 minutes. CC.
14. Ski*Hi Coactive Sign Series: Tape #1. (1998). First in the
series that teaches families and service providers how to use handon-hand signing with children who are deafblind or who need this
form of communication. This tape contains Lesson 1: Family
Members and Interacting with Family; Lesson 2: Foods. Instruction
Booklet also available. 60 minutes. CC.
15. Ski*Hi Coactive Sign Series: Tape #2. (1998). Second in the
series that teaches families and service providers how to use handon-hand signing with children who are deafblind or who need this
form of communication. This tape contains Lesson 3:Eating;
Lesson 4: Dressing, Undressing, Toileting, and Diapering. Instruction
Booklet also available. 60 minutes. CC.
16. Ski*Hi Coactive Sign Series: Tape #3. (1998). Third in the
series that teaches families and service providers how to use handon-hand signing with children who are deafblind or who need this
form of communication. This tape contains Lesson 5:Washing and
Bathing. Lesson 6: Teeth & Hair, Getting Up & Going to Bed.
Instruction Booklet also available. 60 minutes. CC.
17. Ski*Hi Coactive Sign Series: Tape #4. (1998). Fourth in the
series that teaches families and service providers how to use handon-hand signing with children who are deafblind or who need this
form of communication. This tape contains Lesson 7: Play and
Sensory Stimulation; Lesson 8: Feelings, Being Sick. Instruction
Booklet also available. 60 minutes. CC.
18. Ski*Hi Coactive Sign Series: Tape #5. (1998). Fifth in the
series that teaches families and service providers how to use handon-hand signing with children who are deafblind or who need this
form of communication. This tape contains Lesson 9: Action Words in
Daily Routines; Lesson 10: More Action Words and Prepositions in
Daily Routines. Instruction Booklet also available. 60 minutes. CC.
19. Ski*Hi Coactive Sign Series: Tape #6. (1998). Sixth in the
series that teaches families and service providers how to use handon-hand signing with children who are deafblind or who need this
form of communication. This tape contains Lesson 11: Going Places
and Visiting People; Lesson 12: Special Words for Sensory Impaired
Children. Instruction Booklet also available. 60 minutes. CC.
20. Ski*Hi Coactive Sign Series: Tape #7. (1998). Seventh in the
series that teaches families and service providers how to use handon-hand signing with children who are deafblind or who need this
form of communication. This tape contains basic vocabulary. Unit 1:
Toys, Animals; Unit 2: Body Parts; Unit 3: Colors; Unit 4: Letters,
Numbers; Unit 5: Home; Unit 6: Food; Unit 7: Being Sick, Getting
Hurt; Unit 8: Time. Instruction Booklet also available. 60 minutes.
21. Ski*Hi Coactive Sign Series: Tape #8. (1998). Eighth in the
series that teaches families and service providers how to use handon-hand signing with children who are deafblind or who need this
form of communication. This tape contains basic vocabulary. Unit 9:
Prepositions, etc.; Unit 10: Clothing; Unit 11: Cooking, Eating; Unit
12: Pronouns; Unit 13: Holidays; Unit 14: Bedroom, Bathroom;
Unit 15: Family, People; Unit 16: Vehicles, Places, Things Outside.
Instruction Booklet also available. 60 minutes. CC
22. Ski*Hi Coactive Sign Series: Tape #9. (1998). Last in the
series that teaches families and service providers how to use handon-hand signing with children who are deafblind or who need this
form of communication. This tape contains basic vocabulary. Unit
17: Descriptors, Adjectives, Adverbs and Articles; Unit 18: Going to
School; Unit 19: To Be Verbs and Helping Verbs; Unit 20: Action
Words. Instruction Booklet also available. 60 minutes. CC
23. SKI*HI Using Tactile Interactive Conversational Signing.Topics 13. Lessons include 1) Encouraging Independent Signing: Moving
from Coactive to Interactive Signing; 2) Establishing a Foundation for
Conversational Interaction: Encouraging the Child to Sign
Interactively; 3) Suggestions to Encourage Language Development:
Vocabulary. CC.
24. SKI*HI Using Tactile Interactive Conversational Signing
Topics 4-6. Lessons include 4) Suggestions to Encourage Language
Development: Using Comments, Directions & Questions; 5) Creating
a Communicative Environment: Using Calandar Systems; 6) Creating
a Communicative Environment, Encouraging Independence &
Providing Rich Language. CC
25. SKI*HI Using Tactile Interactive Conversational Signing
Topics 7-10. Lessons include 7) Selecting Materials and Activities
that Promote Interaction; 8) Establishing Guidelines for Effective
Conversation; Conveying Emotions and Meanings Through Tactile
Signs; 10) Fingerspelling. CC.
26. SKI*HI Using Tactile Interactive Conversational Signing
Topics 11-12. Lessons include: 11) Encouraging Interaction with
Peers and Others Within the Community; 12) Interpreting for the
Individual Who is Deaf-Blind. CC.
27. SKI*HI Using Tactile Interactive Conversational Signing
Topic 13. Lessons include: 13) Perspectives from Individuals who
are Deaf-Blind. 72 minutes. CC.
An Introduction to American Deaf Culture. Bienvenu &
Colonomos. Sign Media. Five tapes in the series in the following
1. Group Norms
2. Identity
3. Language & Traditions
4. Rules of Social Interaction
5. Values
6. An Introduction to the Deaf Community. (1993). Sign Media.
7. Bird of a Different Feather, & For a Decent Living. (1992).
Dawn Sign Press. STUDENT VIDEOTEXT. ASL Literature Series.
By Ben Bahan & Sam Supalla. No audio. Accompanies student
workbook of same title. 60 minutes.
8. Bird of a Different Feather, & For a Decent Living. (1992).
Dawn Sign Press. TEACHER’S EDITION. ASL Literature Series.
No audio. Accompanies workbook of same title. 60 minutes.
9. Bird of a Different Feather, & For a Decent Living. (1992).
Dawn Sign Press. COLLECTOR’S EDITION. ASL Literature Series.
No audio. 60 minutes.
10. Creative Literature-Interpretation of Literature in Sign.
Modern Talking Picture Service.
Deaf Culture Autobiographies. Sign Enhancers. Now available
in DVD
#8A: Gilbert Eastman. 40 minutes. Emmy award winner.
8B: M.J. Bienvenu. 40 minutes. Deaf spokeswoman and
8C: Alfred Sonnenstrahl. 40 minutes. Inspiring story of his
struggle to overcome discriminatory hiring practices.
#8D: Paul Johnson, PhD. 31 minutes. Experiences as a
graduate from a college for deaf students who goes to a
university for his masters and doctorate that has no
#8E: Rev. Thomas Coughlin. 30 minutes. One of the first
deaf priests shows how determination and hard work broke
through the barriers of discrimination.
#8F: Dennis Schemenauer. 30 minutes. Deaf history
#8G: Patrick Graybill. 30 minutes. Entertainer.
#8H: Howie Seago. Famed actor shares his life experiences
and a “numbers” story.
Deaf Culture Tape #8I. “Deaf Culture Lecture” and
“Deaf/Hearing Differences”. Now available in DVD
20. Deaf Heroes. (1992). Northern Sign Theatre. Sign
21. DEAFology 101. Deaf Culture as Seen Through the Eyes of a
Deaf Humorist. A comedy presentation by Ken Glickman aka
“Professor Glick”.
Famous Deaf Americans Series. Modern Talking Pictures Service.
Two 30-minute tapes to the series.
22. Part I.
23. Part II.
24. Have You Heard About the Deaf? (1993). National
Association of the Deaf. Accompanies teacher’s guide of same
name. From Special Education Programs, US Dept of Education.
International Conference on Deaf History. (1992). Sign Media.
The first-ever International Conference on Deaf History was held at
Gallaudet University June 20-24, 1991. The four-day conference
program featured speakers from all over the world who shared their
research and perceptions. The 19-tape series covers the following
25. American Schools and Depression Years. M.Reis: Student
Life at Indiana School for the Deaf During the Depression Years.
J.Dick: Interest Group Activities of the Deaf and Social Services in the
26. American Sign Language in the 19th Century. D.Baynton:
Decline of Manualism in the 19th Century. R.Buchanan: The Silent
Worker Newspaper and the Building of a Deaf Community, 18871929.
The British Deaf Heritage. Peter Jackson.
Canadian Deaf Heritage. Clifton Carbin.
The Church and Deaf Missions. Sr. V. Young: Deafness was
in their Destiny; C. Mitchell: A Chapter of Deaf History in French
Canada: The Sisters of Charity of Providence.
30. Deaf History: Education and Rehabilitation. E.Adler-History
of Rehabilitation Research; S. Carter – History of the National
Leadership Training Program.
31. Deaf History: Germany and Italy. H.Teuber: Otto Friedrich
Wilhelm Kruse, One Deaf Giant 1801-1880; E.Radutzky: Deaf
Education in Italy.
32. Deaf History: Selected Topics. N.Abbott: Thomas Hart
Benton’s Association with the Deaf Residents of Martha’s Vineyards;
T.Leaky: Vocational Education in the Deaf American and African
American Communities; N.Abbott: Gallaudet’s First British Isle
33. Deaf History: Theory and Applications. G.List-Deaf History:
A Suppressed Part of General History; J.Hay Edinburg-Deaf
Education: Adult Basic Education Scheme with the Pre-Lingually
Deaf; B.White-Visual History, Deaf Mosaic.
34. East Europe and Deafness. W.McCagg: The First Hungarian
School for Deaf Children of Jewish Descent 1817-1836.
35. French Beginnings. C.Barral Laurent Clerc et Jean Massiew;
Dans LaFrance DuXVI Siecle; R.Fischer 18th Century Language
de’action; A Guartararo Republicanism and Deaf Identity: Henry
The French Deaf Heritage. Bernard Truffaunt.
37. The French Deaf Movement. (a) Karacostas-Ferdinant
Berthier and the Deaf Movement; (b) Mottez-The Deaf-Mute
Banquets and the Birth of the Deaf Movement.
38. History Sources. L.Fischer: Wanted by the National ArchivesDeaf History Researchers; T.Jones: America’s First Multi-Generation
Deaf Families.
The Impact of Deaf History on Our Lives. Jack Gannon.
40. Medicalization of Cultural Deafness in Historical
Perspective. Harlan Lane.
41. T.H.Gallaudet and A.G.Bell. P.Valentine-Thomas
G.Gallaudet: Benevolent Paternalism and the Origins of the American
Asylum: M.Winzer-Visible Speech and the Oral Revolution: From
Intent to Imperative.
42. Russian Deaf Heritage. H.Williams: Deaf History in Russia;
I.Abramov: History of Deaf in Russia, Myths and Realities.
43. Spanish Heritage. S.Plann Fray Pedro Ponce DeLeon: Myth
and Realith; M.Albarran-Deaf Education in Puerto Rico 1902-1990.
44. Interview with Bernard Bragg and Robert Panera. Modern
Talking Picture Service.
45. It’s Not Just Hearing Aids: Deaf People & The Epidemic. 60
minutes. Voice-over. CC.
LIVE AT SMI – Deaf Entertainers. Set of 6 tapes in the series from
American Sign Language ABC Stories featuring performances by
deaf entertainers. Tapes in the following titles:
CHALB. (Comedy team of J.Charlie McKinney & Alan
Gilbert Eastman.
Bill Ennis
Patrick Graybill
Eric Malzhuhn
Mary Beth Miller
52. Minnesota Living History by Jim Potter.
WHEN THE MIND HEARS. Set of 12 tapes in the series:
53. Chapter 1: The New Family
54. Chapter 2: The Shepherd & The Symbol
55. Chapter 3: High Theatre
56. Chapter 4: A Tale Based on Fact
57. Chapter 5: The Secret
58. Chapter 6: Success & Failure
59. Chapter 7: Fortune & Misfortune
60. Chapter 8: Spreading the Word
61. Chapter 9: Concerning Women
62. Chapter 10: A Dangerous Incursion
63. Chapter 11: The Denial
64. Chapter 12: The Incurable Deafness
When the Mind Hears: Interview with Harlan Lane.
ASL PAH: Deaf Student’s Perspectives on Their Language.
Accompanies workbook of same title.
Moving Pictures, Moving Hands: The Ernest Marshall
Portrait of a Deaf Irish American: Terrance James
Deaf Mosaic: Deaf Way. Part 1. Highlights from the July
1989 international conference and festival on deaf language,
history and art. Includes performances by deaf actors and
dancers, as well as interviews with deaf scholars from around
the world.
Deaf Mosaic: Deaf Way. Part 2. More highlights.
71. ASL Poetry: Clayton Valli. Twenty-one selected works by
ASL poet Dr. Clayton Valli. Signed by Lon Kuntze.
72. The Treasure. Poems by well-known deaf poet Ella Mae
Lentz. 60 minutes.
73. The Bridge. 94 minutes. An opera in American Sign
Language. A metaphorical tale about a young boy who envisions a
better world across the seat and sets out to build a bridge to reach it.
74. Charles Krauel: A Profile of a Deaf Filmmaker. 30 minutes. A
rare view of the Deaf Community through the eyes of Charles Krauel,
who shot thousands of feet of film with his friend over a period of 50
years. He began recording deaf community events in 1925.
75. Telling Stories. 1hr.28 minutes. An international awardwinning play captured on videotape. Using symbols and myths
drawn from the struggles between the world of deaf and the world of
hearing, this nonverbal, gestural play fascinates audiences
regardless of their knowledge of deafness or sign language. From
76. An Interview with Bernard Bragg – Volume 1. 35 minutes.
Bernard Bragg, deaf actor, recalls his rise to success in a profession
where few hearing people ever excel. Told in 6 volumes, 35 min.
77. An Interview With Bernard Bragg – Volume 2.
78. An Interview With Bernard Bragg – Volume 3
79. An Interview With Bernard Bragg – Volume 4
80. An Interview With Bernard Bragg – Volume 5
81. An Interview Bernard Bragg – Volume 6.
82. Deaf Culture Lecture DVD and Tape #8J – An Inside View. 42
minutes. CC. Topics covered: cross-cultural etiquette, tales from
schools for the Deaf, access anecdotes, and stories that dispel longheld myths.
83. Deaf Culture Lecture DVD and Tape #8K – Tools for a CrossCultural Adventure. 42 minutes. CC. Collective wisdom and stories
from the Deaf community. Experiences shared by Deaf individuals,
children of Deaf parents, and parents who have Deaf children.
84. Deaf Culture Lecture DVD and Tape #8L – Shared Wisdom for
Families. 45 minutes. CC. Get to the heart of Deaf culture with
stories for an about families with Deaf children. Whether you have a
Deaf child, want to learn more about Deaf people, or simply want to
improve your ASL skills, this tape is for you. Excellent parenting tips
from a mom who has been there.
85. In the Land of the Deaf. (1994). Spoken in French and French
Sign Language, subtitled in English. With unerring curiosity and
sensitivity, French filmmaker Nicolas Philibert portrays the difficulties
and joys of being deaf, offering vivid portraits of, among others, a
charismatic sign language teachers, a woman who was treated as
mentally ill because her deafness was not properly diagnosed, a
young man who remembers the first, horrifying experience of hearing
with an aid, a newly-wed deaf couple trying to communicate with a
real estate agent. 99 minutes.
86. The Los Angeles Club of the Deaf Story. 30 minutes. CC.
Depicts the historic changes of the deaf club in a large city. This club
had a variety of social activities and theatrical events where a large
crowd of deaf people came to enjoy themselves. There were also
sports events such as basketball, softball and bowling. Extensive
footage of old black and white film clips shows their activities way
back to the 1940s.
87. Voices in a Deaf Theatre. 24 minutes. Documentary follows a
mixed cast of deaf hearing actors as they prepare to present
Tennessee Williams’ “The Glass Menagerie”.
88. See What I’m Saying. 31 minutes. Documentary illustrating
how children who are deaf or hearing impaired learn to communicate.
It follows Patricia, a four-year-old child who is deaf, through her first
year at the Kendall Elementary School of Gallaudet University.
89. Deaf Can Dance 2000. Summer 2000. San Antonio Deaf Dance
Company. Presentation June 29, 2000.
90. Deaf Can Dance 2001. San Antonio Deaf Dance Company 5th
Anniversary Summer Performance. June 28, 2001.
91. See What I Mean: Differences Between Deaf and Hearing
Cultures. Tape #8M. (2001). Holcomb & Mindess. Sign Enhancers.
45 minutes. Also available in DVD.
92. Interview with Kristin Gonzales. AG Bell Association. Kirsten
Gonzales has been profoundly deaf since childhood and is an RID
certified oral interpreter and evaluator. She lectures frequently on the
topics of oral interpreting, speechreading, communication with
hearing impaired people and has published several articles on this
93. You Think DEAF People Have Problems? (1999). This video
features Angel Petrone Stratify’s one-woman comedy show based on
her “research” on hearing people, and her perspectives on how deaf
people survive in the hearing world. ASL and voiceover. 90 minutes.
94. Hear This!: Turning a Deaf Ear to Negativity. (1999). Kathy
Buckley, America’s first hearing impaired comedienne is a five-time
American Comedy Award nominee, television and stage actress,
humanitarian and one of the country’s leading motivational speakers.
Kathy will make you laugh and may you cry as she shares her life.
95. The Preservation of ASL. (1997). Sign Media. The Gallaudet
University Archives contains a number of old sign language films.
This video contains eight of these films including: “The Preservation
of Sign Language”; “Lorna Doone”; “Dom Pedro’s Visit”; “Memories of
Old Hartford”; “Lay Sermon”; “The Irishman’s Flea”; “The Signing of
the Charter of Gallaudet College”; “The Discovery of Chloroform”.
Video clips are not voices, but narrations are signed in ASL and
voiced. 90 minutes.
96. Understanding and Appreciating Deafness. Hope, Inc. This
video presents candid and heart-felt comments from parents about
their children who are deaf and the importance to them of learning
about deafness and Deaf Culture and participating in the deaf
community. 17 minutes. CC.
97. ASL, Interpreting and Deaf Culture: VP-1. Viewpoints: Deaf
Culture. Sign Enhancers. 54 Minutes.
98. ASL, Interpreting and Deaf Culture: VP-2. Viewpoints:
Interpreters. Sign Enhancers. 33 Minutes.
99. ASL. Interpreting and Deaf Culture: VP-3. Viewpoints: Deaf
Education. Sign Enhancers. 42 Minutes.
100. The Hearing World Around Me. Trix Bruce tells what it is like to
be a deaf person among the hearing. She shares the most
embarrassing moments, learning experiences, greatest challenges,
and growing sense of pride. Performed in ASL and voiced.
101. Through Deaf Eyes: A two hour documentary for PBS, explores
nearly 200 years of Deaf life in America. The film presents the shared
experiences of American history-family life, education, work and
community connections-from the perspective of deaf citizens.
Language Says It All. Tripod Productions. 23 minutes.
Listening Problems in the Classroom. 38 minutes.
Mainstreaming Hearing Impaired Students: An Inservice
Training Module for Classroom Teachers.
Problem Solving at School. Deaf teenage drama shot at a state
school for the deaf. Focuses on problem solving at school, frustration
and anger due to a learning disability, projected anger and violence;
boy/girl relationships. Song-signing and dance numbers. 23
Show & Tell: Explaining Hearing Loss to Teachers. Clark
School for the Deaf. CC.
Bridges Beyond Sound. (1996). Corinne Jensema. Sign
Enhancers. An instructional video on understanding and including
students with a hearing loss. Also available book of same title.
Inner Rhythm: Dance Training for the Deaf. (1995). Naomi
Benari. Harwood Academic Publ. Provides exciting new ways to
teach dance to the profoundly deaf. (Accompanies book of same
8. Dreams Spoken Here. (1998). A detailed exploration of oral deaf
education from infancy through adolescence and adulthood, focusing
on the critical early years. Includes important information on
educational techniques and dramatic technological advances in
hearing aids and cochlear implants. 60 minutes. CC. Long and Short
9. Driving to Hear Successfully in the Classroom: Hearing Aids
versus FM Systems in the Classroom. From Urbana School District,
Urbana IL. No other information available.
10. MENUS for Teachers. (2002). California State University at
Northridge. An educator’s guide to meet the needs of deaf and hard
of hearing students in grades Pre-K to 12. Covers numerous issues
of concerns specifically for general education teachers working with
deaf and hard of hearing students. ALSO AVAILABLE: 3-ring binder
and practices guide of the same title.
11. MENUS for Administrators. (2002). California State University at
Northridge. Addresses specific concerns of K-12 administrators
working with deaf and hard of hearing students for the first time.
ALSO AVAILABLE: 3-ring binder and practices guide of the same
12. For Deaf Mentors: Helping Parents Communicate Enjoyably and
effectively with their Child in ASL. (2004). Hope, Inc. Part 1 of this
video shows techniques that deaf parents use with their deaf
infants/young children to help them learn and communicate in ASL.
Suggestions are given to Deaf Mentors for teaching these techniques
to hearing parents. Part 2 illustrates many fun ways to share ASL
and Deaf Culture with families, including ASL games and family
activities. ALSO AVAILABLE: Instruction booklet of same title that
includes follow-up questions, and 3-ring binder. 90 minutes. CC.
13. Tips for Teaching Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
(2000). University of Arkansas, Little Rock. Accompanies booklet of
same title.
14. My Body, My Responsibility. (2003). University of Rochester
NY. A Health Education Video for Deaf Women.
15. Embracing Deaf Student Writers. No description available.
Access for All: Integrating Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing
Preschoolers. Accompanies manual of same title. 68 minutes.
Early Images. Video picture book for baby’s enjoyment and
enhancement. Accompanying booklet.
Supporting Families. Contains 2 parts. 32 minutes. From MN
Interagency Early Childhood Intervention Project. Explains Part H
Legislation and Service Coordination (Minnesota Statute 120.1701).
Infant Hearing Screening: For Fifty Years… Duplicated by the
Early Identification and Intervention Workgroup with permission from
the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management.
Newborn Hearing Screening: Changing Lives. Duplicated by
The Early Identification and Intervention Workgroup with permission
from the Marion Downs National Center for Infant Hearing.
EARLY INTERVENTION SERIES – A module for training personnel
serving families of deaf and hard of hearing infants and young
children. Set includes 7 tapes individually boxed in a large plastic
carrying case. Each case contains one videotape plus instruction
manual. Also available: Trainer’s Handbook.
Tape Set #1 – Supporting Emotional Needs of Family
Tape Set #2 – Play-based Learning.
Tape Set #3 – Promoting Early Communication I – Prelinguistic
Tape Set #4 – Promoting Early Communication II – The Role of
the Family.
Tape Set #5 – Promoting Speech Development.
Tape Set #6 – Team Approach to Audiologic Assessment.
12. Tape Set #7 – Public Law 99-457 and the Basics of FamilyCentered Intervention.
13. Turn Around: An Early Start for Hearing Impaired Infants and
Their Families. Infant Hearing Resource Hearing & Speech Institute.
30 minutes. Captioned.
14. The Gift of Early Intervention – Deaf Children Then & Now. An
Infant Hearing Resource from Hearing and Speech Institute. No
other information is available.
15. Early Identification and Treatment of Infants with Hearing Loss.
By Laurie Hanin. Taped from TV. No other information is available.
16. A Public Health Journal Program. No other information is
17. Infant Hearing Resource For Families – Helping Your Child
Learn to Communicate. A guide for helping your young deaf or hard
of hearing child learn to listen and communicate. From Hearing and
Speech Institute. Set is contained in large plastic case containing 2
videotapes and guidebook.
18. Universal Screening. (1999). Presented by Christine Itano at
the 1999 MN Statewide Deaf & Hard of Hearing Conference.
19. What Can Baby Hear? (1996). Deborah Chen. Auditory tests
and interventions for infants with multiple disabilities. With
accompanying view’s guidebook. 30 minutes.
20. Early Hearing Detection & Intervention. Part 1. Features
Christine Yoshinaga-Itano, PhD. 1hr. 24 minutes. CC.
21. Early Hearing Detection & Intervention. Part 2. Features
Christine Yoshinaga-Itano, PhD. 1 hr. 30 minutes. CC
22. Sign With Your Baby. Northlight Communications. (1999). How
to communicate with infants before they can speak. Also available:
book of same title.
23. See What I’m Saying. Tom Kaufman. Follows Patricia, a fouryear-old child who is deaf, as she struggles to acquire language
skills. Also available: book of the same title.
24. The First Step. Addresses early intervention programming for
families of deaf and hard-of-hearing children. Highlights four families
with deaf and hard-of-hearing children and a variety of parenting
styles, promoting early communication. 24 minutes. Open captions
in English.
25. The First Step (El Primer Paso). Spanish edition addresses early
intervention programming for families of deaf and hard-of-hearing
children. 24 minutes. Open captions in Spanish.
26. The Baby is Listening. AG Bell. An educational tool for
professionals who work with children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
29 minutes.
27. Learning to Communicate: The First Three Years. (1993). Bill
Wilkerson Center Press. Illustrates the milestones of normal
communication development in the first three years of life. In
addition, warning signs may indicate a possible delay in speech and
language development are outlined. 11 minutes. CC.
28. Introduction to Hearing Loss. (2002). University of Michigan. A
parent’s perspective on discovering for the first time that their child
has a hearing loss.
29. Hearing Development and Hearing Loss: Birth to Three Years.
(1995). Bill Wilkerson Center Press. Discusses hearing development
in the first three years of life. The structures of the ear and their role
in hearing are described. An addition, risk factors and conditions
associated with hearing loss are discussed. Conductive hearing loss
and sensorineural hearing loss are defined and the consequences of
each are outlines. 15 minutes. CC.
30. Top Ten Strategies for Parents. AG Bell Press. Shows each of
the top ten strategies, as they are being taught to and demonstrated
to parents. The parents are shown an active role with the child while
a therapist “coaches” the parent to integrate a new strategy into their
everyday life. 70 minutes. CC.
31. The Home Team. (2003). Boys Town Press. A family centered
approach to working with families and newly identified babies who are
deaf or hard of hearing. 14 minutes. CC.
32. Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Seminar: Christi
Yoshinaga-Itano. Part 1. June 28, 2000.
33. Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Seminar: Christi
Yoshinaga-Itano.. Part 2. June 28, 2000.
34. MOMS Talk About Utah EHDI. 24 minutes. No further
information available.
35. Aural-Oral and Sign Options for Hearing Families in Early Home
Programming. (1998). This videotape explores communication
options for young children who are deaf or hard of hearing. It
discusses various communication approaches and shows young
children and their families using these approaches. Communication
options discussed also include Manually Coded English, ASL, and
Bilingualism. 45 minutes. CC.
36. Challenging Situations for Home Visitors: What Would You Do?
(2003). Hope, Inc. This videotape shows a variety of challenging
scenarios that early interventionists may encounter as they provide
early intervention services. It is ideal for brainstorming and problem
solving in professional development inservice training and pre-service
personnel preparation programs. A discussion guide is also included.
13 minutes.
37. Hearing Aid Management Skills for Families of Young Children
who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. (1998). Hope, Inc. This video
teaches basic hearing aid management skills. Parent advisors are
shown explaining and demonstrating basic concepts and skills related
to the management of the child’s hearing aids such as understanding
the anatomy of the ear, hearing tests, the audiogram, identifying parts
and functions of the hearing aid, putting aids on the child, giving the
hearing aid a daily listening check, establishing full time hearing aid
use, and troubleshooting for the source of feedback. CC.
38. Testing and Fitting Hearing Aids on Babies and Young Children
with Hearing Aids: An Interview with a Pediatric Audiologist. (2004).
Hope, Inc. This videotape is an interview with a pediatric audiologist
who provides clear and current information in answer to questions
about audiological testing for infants and young children. Included is
a discussion on technological advances in hearing aids for young
children with hearing loss. 17 minutes. CC.
39. Universal Newborn Hearing Screening. Hope, Inc. The first
segment is entitled “For Fifty Years They Said It Must Be Done…Now
It is!” This 12-minute segment includes information about the
importance of early hearing loss identification including testimonials
from parents, and information about early otoacoustic emissions
screening. The second segment is entitled “Giving Your Baby a
Sound Beginning”. This 4-minute segment was designed to be
shown to new parents in hospitals about their infant being screened
for hearing loss, but can also be used by doctors, audiologists, parent
advisors, and other medical and educational personnel. The second
segment is also presented in Spanish. Total 20 minutes.
 40. Hear the Difference. (2004). Oral Deaf Inc. Early
identification, early intervention, outcomes for children who are
deaf or hard of hearing. (In English). 9 minutes. CC.
 41. Hear the Difference (2004). Oral Deaf Inc. See description
above. (In Spanish). 9 minutes. CC.
 42. Sounds and Silence. (2003). Alaska Department of
Health. A guide to identifying hearing loss in children. 15
 43. SIGN with your BABY: How to communicate with infants
before they can speak. (2004-2005). DVD Complete Learning
Kit. By Dr. Burton White.
My Perfect Child is Deaf. House Ear Institute. With
accompanying guidebook. 30 minutes.
Our Children, Our Family. Nebraska Hearing & Speech Center.
Two copies available in our library. COPY 1 has no captions; COPY
2 is captioned. Please specify when ordering.
Parents Can Make a Difference. (1993). Parent Network.
Armour Productions. Open captions. 1 hr.33 min.
Back to Love. 14 minutes. From MN Dept. of Children,
Families, and Learning. Parents representing four families who have
experienced either spousal abuse, child abuse or neglect, discuss
their experiences in getting help and the beneficial effect of this help
on their lives and the lives of their children. The message is that of
hope and recovery.
Families With Deaf Children: Discovering Your Needs &
Exploring Your Choices. From Boys Town Press. This 2-part tape
provides parents and professionals with a starting point for discussion
and decision making.
Families With Hard of Hearing Children: What If Your Child Has
a Hearing Loss? From Boys Town Press. Parents and professionals
talk about having a hard of hearing child.
7. Mom and Dad: Your Deaf Child is OK! (1998). Flavia Frazier.
Dawn Sign Press. Includes interviews with families, both hearing and
deaf, about how they dealt or are dealing with issues related to their
deaf children. Six issues discussed are: “Concerns”,
Cochlear Implant”, “Which Language?”, “Family Involvement”, “No
Time, Too Busy, Too Hard”, and “Words of Advice”. Includes sign
language, voice-over and subtitles. 45 minutes.
8. Choices: Options for Parents of Children Who are Deaf or Hard of
Hearing. From Pennsylvania Training & Technical Assistance
9. Beginnings: Anything But Hear. From Beginnings, Inc.
10. Parents Supporting Parents. From Beginnings, Inc.
11. Communication Choices. From Beginnings, Inc. 20 minutes. No
further information available.
of 6 tapes of unrehearsed panel discussions on Sign Language
Interpreting. Guest experts were brought in from around the country
to share their practical experience and invaluable insights. Led by
moderators Sharon Neumann Solow and Lou Fant. A transcript
accompanies each 90-minute tape. In the following titles:
Ethical Standards and Behavior. A lively exchange dealing with
this challenging topic – perceptions of ethical behavior and conduct,
resolution of conflicts, role of consumer/client groups, role of
practitioners, and methods of supervising and disciplining
Freelance Interpreting. A frank discussion of this exciting and
fast-growing career choice – advantages and disadvantages,
economic considerations, the real impact on social and family life,
associated business practices, and stresses.
Identity, Past, Present and Future. A lively discussion of the
history of Sign Language interpretation, how interpreters’ roles have
changed, interpreter’s evolving relationship with the Deaf Community,
and an overview of where and how interpreters work.
Interpretation Models and Process. An insightful exchange of
this vital topic – what it is interpreters do, factors in interpretation, how
interpreters do what they do, research areas, the relation of process
models to curricula in interpreter preparation programs.
Mentoring. A practical, lively discussion of this rapidly
expanding concept in sign language interpretation – what it is, how to
identify and create a healthy mentor/mentee relationship, ethical
considerations, advantages and limitations.
Working For A Referral Agency. An informative discussion
dealing with real-life working conditions and career choices – job
security, working conditions, profit and not-for-profit agencies, typical
weekly schedule, and finding jobs.
7. Interpreting Practice Videotape with Modeling #TR-LF: “Living
Fully” with Transliterating Models. Sign Enhancers. 60 minutes. CC.
Also available in DVD.
Interpreting Practice with Two Models – 10 Year Old Signer
Scott Pfaff. (1989). Sign Enhancers.
Sign Enhancers. Approximately 30 minutes each. Tapes in the
following titles:
Tape #6B – ASL Sentences.
Tape #6C – More ASL Sentences.
Tape #6D – ASL Practice – Sentences.
Tape #6E – ASL Practice Mini-stories.
Tape #6F – ASL Stories.
Tape #6G – ASL Practice – Dialogues.
Tape 6H – ASL Funny Bones.
Tape #TR-EL Elem School Sample w/Transliterating Models
Tape #TR-HS High School Sample w/Transliterating Models
Tape #INT-EL Elementary Sample w/Interpreting Models
Tape #INT-HS High School Sample w/Interpreting Models
20. Working With a Sign Language Interpreter. Includes instruction
manual. (1992). Sign Media.
21. Working With Bilingual Interpreters: Special Education
Assessment. 30 minutes. From MN Department of Children,
Families and Learning. Accompanying booklet contains discussion
notes. Prepared by Elizabeth Watkins, LEP/Special Ed Consultant,
Division of Special Education.
22. The Art of Interpreting ASL. TJ Publishers. Short videotape to
accompany book of same title.
includes booklet and videotape. 25 minutes. Open Captions. In the
following titles.
Educational Interpreters: An Introduction. Volume 1 in series.
Working With Educational Interpreters. Volume 2 in series.
Employing Educational Interpreters. Volume 3 in series.
Evaluating Educational Interpreting Services. Volume 4.
26a. Students Working With Educational Interpreters Parts I & II.
Volume 5 in series.
27. Deaf Children Signers 5A – 10 Year Old Signer. Sign
Enhancers. Scott Pfaff signs “Jack and the Beanstalk”. Two voice
interpreting models make this a valuable tool for educational
interpreters. 60 minutes.
28. Deaf Children Signers 5B – 23 Samples of Deaf Children
Signers. Sign Enhancers. Entertaining stories signed by an age-
variant group of 13 children provide an hour of practice material. 60
29. Deaf Children Signers 5C – More Deaf Children Signers Age 511. Enhance your interpreting skills with young children. Lets you
practice without pressure.
30. Deaf Children Signers 5D – Even More Deaf Children Signers
Age 11-14. Sign Enhancers. This tape provides the practice and
modeling needed to enhance your skills and confidence as an
educational interpreter or teacher. 35 minutes.
31. Deaf Children Signers 5E – Still More Deaf Children Signers
Age 13-18. Sign Enhancers. Are you ready to interpret for high
school kids? Here’s a rare skill-building opportunity with a variety of
samples from this challenging age group. 40 minutes.
32. Interpreting Practice Videotape with Modeling 3B – Performing
Arts Concert with Interpreting Models. Sign Enhancers. Live John
McCutcheon concert. Music and stories are demonstrated in ASL by
performing arts interpreter Jenna Cassell. 45 minutes.
33. Interpreting Practice Videotape with Modeling 7C – Apartment
Manager/Tenant Interview. Sign Enhancers. Interactive practice for
interpreters featuring interpreting models Sharon Neumann-Solow
and Rico Peterson. 55 minutes.
34. Interpreting Practice Videotape with Modeling Tape #INT LF
Living Fully with Interpreting Models. Sign Enhancers. Excellent
practice material complete with unrehearsed modeling by three of the
best interpreters (Lou Fant, Jan Humphries, and Anna WitterMerithew). 60 minutes. CC Now available in DVD
35. Instructional Video Presented in Sign Language Tape #LEG 1
Legacy of Learning Series Lou Fant. Sign Enhancers. Program host
is Sharon Neumann Solow. 55 minutes. CC
36. Instructional Video Presented in Sign Language Tape #LEG 2
Legacy of Learning Series Sharon Neumann Solow. Sign
Enhancers. Program host is Lou Fant. 55 minutes. CC
37. Shakespeare Unmasked. Instructional Video Presented in Sign
Language Series TAPE #SU-NTD. Sign Enhancers. Reenactment of
Shakespeare’s most memorable plays. Talented actors from The
Little Theatre for the Deaf transform these pieces with creative ASL
translations. For interpreters, ASL students, and anyone who enjoys
great theatre. Produced by The National Theatre of the Deaf. 55
38. Wild Wild Wits. Instructional Video Presented in Sign
Language Sign Lange TAPE #WWW-NTD. Sign Enhancers.
Another Little Theatre for the Deaf play with ASL and English in a
comical presentation based on Carl Sandburg’s “Rootababa Stories”.
Listen with your eyes and be surprised at what you can see. Great
for ASL students, interpreters, and theatre-goers. Produced by The
National Theatre of the Deaf. 32 minutes.
NTS Interpretation Practice Tape. (1988). From RID.
NTS Transliteration Practice Tape. (1988). From RID.
Interviewing a Prospective Tenant. Sign Media
Meeting With a Dog Trainer.
Meeting With a Funeral Director.
Giving a Medical Case History.
Meeting With a Sales Representative.
Seeking an Auto Loan.
Meeting With a Real Estate Agent.
48. Sign Language Sampler Tape #6A. Sign Enhancers. Interpreting
Models used.
49. Sign Language Practice Tape #7A: One-to-One Interview:
Interpretation. Shows an interview between a hearing and a deaf
consumer and you are the interpreter. 45 minutes.
50. Interpreting Practice Tape #7D: Job Interview. Sign Enhancers.
60 minutes.
51. Interpreter Model Series: English to ASL.. (1985). Sign Media.
52. Interpreter Model Series: ASL To English. (1985). Sign Media.
53. You Can Interpret. From a May 1992 teleconference at Johnson
County Community College, Overland Park KS. Open Captioned. 2
54. English Skills Development. Carol J. Patrie. Dawn Sign Press.
From the Effective Interpreting Series. CC with audio. 74 minutes.
55. Cognitive Processing Skills in English. Carol J. Patrie. Dawn
Sign Press. From the Effective Interpreting Series. CC with audio.
85 minutes.
56. Interpreting in Various Settings. Part A. Includes
review/demonstration of interpreting; oral interpreting; educational
interpreting: elementary; employment/rehabilitation interpreting;
performing arts interpreting; and medical interpreting. 160 minutes.
57. Interpreting in Various Settings. Part B. Includes telephone
interpreting; round table interpreting; deaf-blind interpreting;
educational interpreting: secondary; interpreting for mis-educated
deaf persons; legal interpreting. 120 minutes. Voice-over.
58. Interpreting in Various Settings. Part C. Includes artistic
interpreting (music); voice interpreting; religious interpreting; platform
interpreting; educational interpreting: post-secondary; and mental
health counseling interpreting. 160 minutes. Voice-over.
59. Pre-Interpreting Survey: Introduction to Interpreting. Contains six
practical 20-minute lectures including: facial expressions in
interpreting, pantomime in interpreting, gesture interpreting, voice
interpreting, ASL interpreting, and transliterating. 162 minutes.
Voice-over. ALSO AVAILABLE: booklet of same title.
60. Pre-Interpreting Survey: Peer Evaluation. Contains six practical
15-minute lectures including: definition and purpose of evaluation;
personality and standards in evaluation; how to receive critique; how
to give critique; critiquing factors of ASL; and critiquing factors of
English and interpreting. 94 minutes. Voice-over. ALSO
AVAILABLE: booklet of same title.
61. Technical Aspects of Interpreting: PART 1: Introductory Topics.
Contains six practical 20-minute lectures. Part 1 topics: The Process
of Voice Interpreting; Taking Care of Yourself While Interpreting;
Using Guessing and Closure Effective; Using Pronouns in Voice
Interpreting; Interpreting the Spatial Aspects of ASL; Making and
Protecting Your Interpreter Image. 120 minutes. Voice-over.
62. Technical Aspects of Interpreting: PART 2: Intermediate.
Contains six practical 20-minute lectures. Part 2 topics: Working with
Multiple Interpreters; Working with a Team Interpreter (from signs);
Working with a Team Interpreter (from speech); Establishing Signals
with a Deaf Speaker (speaker who signs); Establishing Signals with a
Deaf Speaker (speaker who speaks); Evaluating and Using Register
in Voice Interpreting. 120 minutes. Voice-over.
63. Technical Aspects of Interpreting: PART 3: Advanced. Contains
six practical 20-minute lectures. Part 3 topics: Visual and Gestural
Modification of Signs; Conversational Control; Dealing with
Alternating/Overlapping Conversations; Situational Control;
Conference Interpreting with Multiple Interpreters; Working with Relay
64. Interpreting Practice DVD: One-to-One Interview: Interpreting.
Sign Enhancers. 55 Minutes.
65. Interpreting Practice DVD: One-to-One Interview: Transliterating.
Sign Enhancers. 60 Minutes.
66. Interpreting Practice DVD: You can sign Volume 1. Sign
Enhancers. 82 Minutes.
67. Interpreting Practice DVD: You can sign Volume 2. Sign
Enhancers. 104 Minutes.
68. Interpreting Practice DVD: You can sign Volume 3. Sign
Enhancers. 114 Minutes.
69. Interpreting Practice DVD: ASL Grammatical Aspects: DVD. Sign
Enhancers. 60 Minutes. Also available on CD Rom along with a
Instructional Guide. 2001
A three-part set of videotaped demonstrations based on the book
Facilitating Manual Communication. The combination of book and
videotape is a practical, easy-to-use combination for an
educational setting. Excellent practice for interpreters at any level
from beginners to advanced. Presented in both ASL and Signed
64. Section 1: Lessons 1-8. Multiple Meaning Words. 150 minutes.
Audio English with signs. Transliteration, then interpretation.
65. Section 1: Lessons 9-15. Multiple Meaning Words. 148 minutes.
Audio English with signs. Transliteration, then interpretation.
66. Section 2: Lessons 1-15. English Idioms. 86 minutes. Audio
English with signs. Transliteration, then interpretation.
67. Section 3: Lessons 1-7. Finding Alternative Signs. 80 minutes.
Audio English with signs. Transliteration, then interpretation.
68. Section 3: Lessons 8-16. Finding Alternative Signs. 80 minutes.
Audio English with signs. Transliteration, then interpretation.
69. Legacy of Learning Series: Lou Fant. TAPE #LEG-1. (1995).
Program host is Sharon Neumann Solow. Advanced sign-to-voice
practice session with Louis Fant. Simultaneous model voice
interpretations are provided. 55 minutes. CC.
70. Worshipping Hands. Learning to Worship Through the Art of
Song in Sign. Clark Productions. Easy to follow steps to learn to
sign in song. ALSO AVAILABLE: complete kit Worshipping Hands
found in media section.
71. Interpreting the Miranda Warnings. (1992). Sign Media. This
video addresses a number of issues one must face in order to render
an accurate interpretation of the Miranda Warnings. 60 minutes.
72. National Curriculum for Training Interpreters Working with People
Who are Deaf-Blind. VIDEO 1. Dawn Sign Press. (2001). One of
two videos to be used with the book of the same title. Video 1
contains three programs. Program 1: “The Deaf-Blind Community
Experience” depicts Deaf-Blind people’s life experiences in several
community situations (22 minutes). Program 2: “Understanding
Technology Used by People Who Are Deaf-Blind” demonstrates
various technological equipment and assistive devices used by
individuals who are Deaf-Blind (30 minutes). Program 3: “Sighted
Guide Techniques with People Who Are Deaf-Blind demonstrates
techniques used in guiding individuals who are Deaf-Blind from one
location to another (20 minutes). Total 72 minutes. Voiceover. CC.
73. National Curriculum: An Introduction to Working and Socializing
with People Who are Deaf-Blind. Dawn Sign Press. (2001). One of
two videos to be used with the book of the same title. Video 2
contains two programs. Program 1: “Tactile Communication
Methods and Techniques” depicts individuals who are Deaf-Blind
using particular communication styles (20 minutes). Program 2:
“Interpreting Adjustments” illustrates adjustments that may be
required while interpreting depending on the communication method
used (30 minutes). Total 50 minutes. Voiceover. CC.
74. Interpreting in Insurance Settings. (2002). Carol Patrie. Dawn
Sign Press. In this three-part series of materials, the viewer sees
unscripted, unrehearsed interpretations in settings that are normally
restricted or difficult to arrange. Helpful discussion starters and full
transcripts of the interpreted dialogues are included in the book.
75. Interpreting in Legal Settings. (2002). Carol Patrie. Dawn Sign
Press. Second in the three-part series of materials, the viewer sees
unscripted, unrehearsed interpretations in settings that are normally
restricted or difficult to arrange. Helpful discussion starters and full
transcripts of the interpreted dialogues are included in the book.
76. Interpreting in Medical Settings. (2002). Carol Patrie. Dawn
Sign Press. Third in the three-part series of materials, the viewer
sees unscripted, unrehearsed interpretations in settings that are
normally restricted or difficult to arrange. Helpful discussion starters
and full transcripts of the interpreted dialogues are included in the
 77. War Related Vocabulary. Signing Fiesta. ENGLISH.
For beginning to intermediate interpreters.
 78. War Related Vocabulary. Signing Fiesta. SPANISH.
For individuals who speak Spanish.
 79. Charting the Way. U of MN. Accompanies binder of
same title.
 80. Perspectives. U of MN. Accompanies binder “Charting
the Way”.
 81. Mental Health Interpreting: A Mentored Curriculum.
From University of Rochester School of Medicine and
Dentistry. Accompanies workbook of same title.
82. A Model Series for Interpreters & Transliterators I – Tape 1.
National Center on Deafness. Three model voice-over/sign to
English interpretations are included. 2 hours.
83. A Model Series for Interpreters & Transliterators I – Tape 2.
National Center on Deafness. 2 hours.
84. A Model Series for Interpreters & Transliterators II – Tape 1.
National Center on Deafness. 2 hours.
85. A Model Series for Interpreters & Transliterators II – Tape 2.
National Center on Deafness. 2 hours.
86. Translating from English. (2001). Dawn Sign Press. Offers a
studied, careful way to learn about transferring information from one
language to another. 30 minutes. CC with audio. Also Available:
Book of same title.
 87. Music in the Church…Who Needs It? This video
introduces deaf music. Topics include facial expressions,
rhythm, translating English to ASL, guidelines for Deaf choir.
Using both ASL and voice. 60 minutes.
 88. English Idioms. (2005). Sign Enhancers. Interpreting and
 Interpreter Practice: Giving Voice to Small Hands –
o Sign to Voice Samples in the following titles:
 89. 1A: Bold as Brianna
 90. 1B: Delightful as Derek
 91. 1C: Lydia’s Lessons
 92. 1D: Kudos to Kuualoha
o Voice to Sign Samples in the following title:
 93. 1E: Ancient Greece
o Voice to Sign with Hearing Teachers in the following titles:
 94. 1F: A Lesson With Heart
 95. 1G: A Mother’s Perspective
 96. 1H: Why Can’t We All Be Purple?
o Sign to Voice with Deaf Teachers
 97. 1I: Introduction to Videography
 98. 1J: History of Fashion
 99. 1K: The World in Your Hands
 100. 1L: Science & Drama in Motion
 101. Interpreter Practice: Survivor. The Deaf “Survivor” Story.
Hear’s To The A.D.A. From SHHH. 23 minutes.
Graduation Standards Testing Accommodations &
Modifications. From MN DCFL. 16 minutes.
3. Silent Justice: Court Experiences of People Who are Deaf or Hard
of Hearing. Discussion Guide included. From American Judicature
Society. Demonstrates what courts can do to ensure access for
people with varying degrees of hearing loss. Narrated by
comedienne Kathy Buckley.
XII. MINNESOTA SECTION (Tapes by prominent Minnesota
Deaf professionals developed and utilized at the Interpreter Institute
in Minnesota.)
Cochlear Implant Panel Discussion. Featuring Sharaine
Rawlinson, Andy Beisner, Janet Paulson, Dan Shellin, Tracy Giller
and Joan Stephan.
Deaf Culture Series I, Deaf Culture Series II, Classifiers.
Featuring Dale Finke and Bob Cook.
English Idioms & Jim Jones Stories. Featuring Jim Jones, Bob
Cook and Dale Finke.
Handshape Stories & Stories For All Ages. Featuring Dale
Finke, Bob Cook, and Metro Deaf School students.
Minnesota Deaf Heritage Series Tape #1. Featuring Gordon
Allen, Kathleen Moe, Lloyd Moe and Jim Jones.
Minnesota Deaf Heritage Series Tape #2. Featuring Kim
Williams, David Williams and Jim Jones.
Minnesota Deaf Heritage Series Tape #3. Featuring Doug
Bahl, Diane Leonard and Bob Cook.
Minnesota Deaf Heritage Series Tape #4. Featuring Jan
McCready-Johnson, Bob Harris and Joan Stephan.
ABC Stories. Educational Interpreter Institute, June 1997.
10. The Case of the Cook-Itch Kid. 20 minutes. Featuring Amy
Hile. Storytelling.
11. Reading Lesson. Featuring Amy Hile. Poetry by Shel
12. High School Math; Algebra Word Problems. Featuring Jody
High School Math: Graphing. Featuring Jody Olson.
14. High School Math: Lectures, Word Problems, Graphing.
Featuring Jody Olson.
15. Middle School Science Lecture: Pollution. Featuring Deb
16. Grade 4 & 5 Lecture: History, Cortes and the Aztecs. Featuring
Bonnie Protextor-Gonzalez.
Animal Feet. 15 minutes. Featuring Michele Heise.
18. Native Americans. 23 minutes. Featuring Bonnie ProtextorGonzalez.
Where Did ASL Come From? Featuring Debbie Peterson.
20. Balto Story: The True Story of a Bravest Dog. Featuring Amy
Hile. 16 minutes.
Wm “Dummy” Hoy. Featuring Amy Hile. 20 minutes.
Wm Classifiers. Featuring Amy Hile. 54 minutes.
Wm Hoy Story. 30 minutes.
Iditarod. Featuring Bonnie Gonzalez. 20 minutes.
A Bomb. Featuring Bonnie Gonzalez. 17 minutes.
26. Adj/Adv-Partial Sentence Types. Featuring Bonnie Gonzalez.
64 minutes.
Graphs. Featuring Jody Olson. 19 minutes.
Word Problems. Featuring Jody Olson. 16 minutes.
Finger Spelling I. Featuring Doug Bahl. 56 minutes.
Finger Spelling II. Featuring Doug Bahl. 45 minutes.
Deaf Immigrants. Featuring Doug Bahl. 32 minutes.
Evolution of ASL. Featuring Doug Bahl. 32 minutes.
Four Seasons. Featuring Michele Heise. 13 minutes.
Good & Bad. Featuring Michelle Heise. 17 minutes.
With accompanying three-ring binder. Two tapes in the series:
American Freedom Speeches: Tape 1.
American Freedom Speeches: Tape 2.
St. Paul Tech College Program for Deaf Students. 10 minutes.
To Your Health: Choosing A Healthy Lifestyle. Focuses on
decisions made daily that impact directly on an individual’s health.
Information given on eating and nutrition, exercise, smoking.
We Children of the Skeppargatom. 23 minutes. Carl
Sandberg. A Swedish Sign Language videotape showing sign
language used at the Swedish Schools for the Deaf.
We Know It Can Be Done: Hearing Impaired Program. SC
ECSU. 30 minutes.
The World According to Pat: Reflections of Residential School
Days. 80 minutes. With Patrick Graybill, Department of Theatrical
Tuck Everlasting. (1975). Natalie Babbitt. Gallaudet University
Press. Set includes book and videotapes #1-#5. Blessed with
eternal life after drinking from a magic spring, the Tuck family
wanders about trying to live as inconspicuously and comfortably as
they can. When 10-year-old Winnie Foster stumbles on their secret,
the Tucks take her home and explain why living forever at one age is
less a blessing than it might seem. Complications arise when Winnie
is followed by a stranger who wants to market the spring water for a
these famous classics. The details of each case are given in sections
by Dr. Watson (Patrick Graybill) and then each step of the mystery is
artfully unraveled by Holmes (Gilbert Eastman). Carefully translated
voice-over makes each tape accessible to non-signing viewers.
The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle.
10. The Red-Headed League.
11. The Adventure of a Speckled Band.
EDGAR ALLAN POE. Series of 3 tapes in these famous classics.
Each of these short stories has been told in American Sign Language
by master story-teller Patrick Graybill. Carefully translated voice-over
makes each tape accessible to non-signing viewers.
12. The Black Cat.
13. The Fall of the House of Usher.
14. The Pit and the Pendulum.
15. Forget Me Not: The Story of Anne Frank. (1996). From “In
Search of Heroes”. 60 minutes. A dramatic voyage into the past.
Mat Fritzlinger is a school boy enamored by the neo-nazi movement.
One day, while on a field trip to a Holocaust museum, Mat finds
himself in a mysterious, magical library. From there he is spun into
the streets of Nazi occupied Amsterdam in the year 1944 – as a Jew.
There he meets Anne Frank and discovers the true meaning of the
word HERO.
16. The Susan B. Anthony Story. (1994). From “In Search of
Heroes”. 40 minutes. We meet Susan B. Anthony through the eyes
of a young girl from our own time – a young girl who feels her life is a
“lost cause”. Entering a mysterious library, this young girl is
catapulted into the past. There she meets Susan B. Anthony and
learns that the only “lost causes” are the ones we don’t fight for.
17. The Pioneer Spirit: A Texas Story. (1995). Grace Products,
Inc. With accompanying booklet of same title. Story of two brothers,
William and Walter Caruth, who came to Texas with little more than
their name. As told through the eyes of a young boy who has to write
a school report on the pioneer spirit. Hoping to write about someone
famous, the boy goes to his grandfather for advice. But to the boy’s
surprise, his grandfather tells him that a true pioneer doesn’t have to
be famous. A true pioneer simply “prepares the way for others”. As
we prepare the way for the next generation, we are all pioneers.
18. Miss America 1995: Heather Whitestone. 7 minutes. Highlights
the crowning and interview of Heather Whitestone.
19. Tomorrow Dad Will Still Be Deaf & Other Stories. Bonnie Kraft.
Dawn Sign Press. True stories of her life as the hearing child of deaf
adults. She is a rising star on the stage of deaf comedy. (2 Copies).
20. Now You See It. (1991). Visual Technologies for Deaf and
Hard of Hearing People. Computer-assisted notetaking. Gallaudet
University Press. Open Captioned.
21. A Sign of the Times. 23 minutes. Story of Diondre Carter, an
energetic basketball player, and his high-energy tutor, Vicki
Josefsberg. A powerful story of courage, determination, and
22. Stay Tuned. 29 minutes. Story of Anne Pope who found that
with her hearing loss she could no longer function at meetings and on
the telephone thus causing her to leave her job. After her selfesteem plummeted, various professionals, her husband and a
support group helped her reconnect and enjoy life.
23. Interpretations. 25 minutes. Uses humor and drama to explore
the interaction of deaf and hearing communities. Story of Janice, a
freelance photographer who is deaf.
24. Children of a Lesser God. (1986). 116 minutes. Starring
Marlee Matlin and William Hurt. Based on the hit Broadway play, it’s
the uplifting love story of John Leeds, an idealistic special education
teacher, and the headstrong deaf girl named Sarah. Rated R.
25. The Miracle Worker. (1962). Black and White. 1hr 27min.
Starring Patty Duke and Anne Bancroft. Story of the little girl Helen
Keller and her teacher Anne Sullivan. Captioned.
26. Mr. Holland’s Opus. 143 minutes. Starring Richard Dreyfuss,
Glenne Headly, Jay Thomas and Olympia Dukakis. Glenn Holland is
a passionate musician who dreams of composing one truly
memorable piece of music, but reality intrudes when he reluctantly
accepts a day job as a high school music teacher. CC.
27. Gone Through Any Changes Lately? A 4-minute video to be
used for workshops, team meetings, or training sessions on any topic
involving change. This video helps people understand and deal with
change in a positive way through the humorous metaphor of a
favorite childhood toy.
28. Beauty and the Beast: An Impossible Silence. (1987). Starring
Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman. The timeless tale of star-crossed
lovers Vincent, half-animal, and Catherine, the beautiful and
courageous investigating attorney, continues as Laura, a deaf girl
from the world below, witnesses the murder of a police detective.
29. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. (1968). Story of John Singer, a
deaf-mute. Starring Alan Arkin and Chuck McCann.
30. Harry By The Sea. (ASL Version). Gallaudet University Press. A
family dog goes on an exciting adventure at the beach.
31. Harry By The Sea. (Signed English Version). Gallaudet
University Press. See description above. Voiceover.
32. Hungry Fox & Foxy Duck. (ASL Version). Gallaudet University
Press. A fox tries to outsmart a clever duck.
33. Hungry Fox & Foxy Duck. (Signed English Version). Gallaudet
University Press. See description above. Voiceover.
34. The North Wind & The Sun. (ASL Version). Gallaudet University
Press. This story is about an imaginary conflict between the north
wind and the sun.
35. The North Wind & The Sun. (Signed English). Gallaudet
University Press. See description above. Voiceover.
36. The Perfect Nose for Ralph. (ASL Version). Gallaudet University
Press. A boy creatively replaces his toy panda bear’s nose.
37. The Perfect Nose for Ralph. (Signed English). Gallaudet
University Press. See description above. Voiceover.
38. Sound and Fury. (2000). Academy Award nominated story
follows the intimate, heart-rending tale of the Artinians, an extended
family with deaf and hearing members across three generations.
Together they confront a technological device that can help the deaf
to hear but may also threaten deaf culture – and their bonds with
each other. 80 Minutes. CC. ALSO AVAILABLE: DVD of same title.
39. The Tomato Chef: Heart-Healthy Cooking. (2002). Harris
Communications. Chef Jeff Perri is the first deaf graduate of
Scottsdale Culinary Institute. Using ASL, Chef Perri will teach you
about the preparation of a complete heart-healthy meal. Voiceover.
25 minutes.
40. Protect Yourself!: A Basic Guide to Self Defense. (1996).
DeBee Communications. Each instructor demonstrates in ASL.
41. Why We Can Hear and Speak. (2002). AG Bell. This video
provides examples of spoken interaction with child, sibling, peer and
parent in natural settings. 24 minutes. Open Captioned.
42. For a Deaf Son. Ron Tranchin. Hope, Inc. The author’s deaf
son Thomas is the focus of this video. It is a poignant story of the
family’s search for the best ways of educating Thomas and
communicating with him. It explores a myriad of educational,
emotional and personal issues that are of vital concern and interest to
parents. 55 minutes. CC.
43. I Am NOT a Stranger. (2004). Deaf Child Media. Dramatizes
what a silent world might feel like to a child. Demonstrates to hearing
parents and professionals, the vital importance of meaningful
communication with their Deaf children. Filmed from a child’s
perspective. 43 minutes. Open Captioned.
44. A Christmas Gift. (2004). Deaf Missions, Inc. A Holiday show
featuring ASL, original songs based on ASL poetry, a
beautiful Nativity shadow drama, a cast of deaf and hearing actors
and the world’s first animatronic signing puppet (Pops). 50
minutes. English & Spanish. CC and Voice.
45. Welcome to Northern Voices. Video from the Oral School for the
Deaf. No description available.
46. Sound of Fury: 6 Years Later. (2006). A look to what has
happened to the Artinians since their family saga captured audiences
around the world in “Sound of Fury” in 2000. Available in DVD and
My Turn, Your Turn. Child Development and Mental
Retardation Center, University of Washington: Seattle, WA. 24
Special Education: What Decision Makers Need to Know. 21
minutes. A videotape from MDE for School Board members. CC
Trimming Special Education Sails. September 21, 1995
Teleconference. Open captioned. Also available 3-ring binder of
same title.
4. ADHD in the Classroom: Strategies for Teachers. (1994). 36
minutes. Ideal for teacher training. With accompanying program
Mental Health Services for Your Child. (1997). From State of
Minnesota. 18 minutes.
Promising Practices: Effective Early Intervention in Autism. 22
minutes. Teaches education strategies found to be critical in
teaching young children with autism spectrum disorders. Viewer’s
guide included.
7. Attention & Memory: Reason for the Behavior. From a September
2000 teleconference by Regions Hospital Health & Wellness
8. Visual Schedules and ASD. MetroECSU. Using visual supports
to improve work skills and reduce unwanted behavior.
PART 1. 2 hours, 3 minutes.
PART 2. 1 hour, 5 minutes.
2. Overview of the Ski*Hi Model. Hope, Inc. This video is an
overview of the SKI*HI Model as described in the old 1993 SKI*HI
Curriculum. 23 minutes. CC.
This series from Hope, Inc., consists of ten beginning and ten
intermediate tapes with three lessons on each tape. How the signs
are used in Manually Coded English is demonstrated. Lessons
include presentation of signs, simple explanations, picture inserts,
parent sign checks, practice sentences, and demonstrations of Total
Communication in the home. Most of the signs shown are common
to SEE and ASL. In those cases where the most common sign (ASL)
is different from the SEE sign, both are shown. Topics include:
3. Tape 1: Family. Lesson 1: Identify Members of the Family;
Lesson 2: Getting Along with the Family (Family Survival); Lesson 3:
More Family Survival Signs. 21 minutes.
4. Tape 2: Morning Routines. Lesson 4: Getting Up; Lesson 5:
Getting Dressed; Lesson 6: Brushing Teeth and Combing Hair. 26
5. Tape 3: Morning Routines. Lesson 7: Changing Diapers; Lesson
8: Getting a Drink; Lesson 9: Going to the Bathroom. 26 minutes.
6. Tape 4: Evening Routines. Lesson 10: Getting Dressed for Bed;
Lesson 11: Storytime (Introduction to Animals); Lesson 12: Little
Rhymes, Songs and Prayers. 28 minutes.
7. Tape 5: Mealtime & Snacks. Lesson 13: Foods; Lesson 14: More
Foods and Eating Meals; Lesson 15: Preparing Meals. 28 minutes.
8. Tape 6: The Body & Feelings. Lesson 16: Body Parts; Lesson
17: Getting Hurt and Being Sick; Lesson 18: Expressing Feelings. 24
9. Tape 7: Living and Working in the Home. Lesson 19: Things in
the House and Doing Housework; Lesson 20: Taking Care of
Clothes; Lesson 21: Setting & Clearing the Table and Doing Chores.
31 minutes.
10. Tape 8: Playing & Doing. Lesson 22: Toys and Playthings;
Lesson 23: Playing Outside the House; Lesson 24: Playing Inside the
House (Coloring, Counting, etc.). 29 minutes.
11. Tape 9: Going Somewhere. Lesson 25: Traveling; Lesson 26:
Visiting Places; Lesson 27: Going to School. 27 minutes.
12. Tape 10: Putting It All Together. Lesson 28: Manual Alphabet;
Lesson 29: Question Words and Connecting Words; Lesson 30: L
Prepositions and Affixes. 29 minutes.
13. Tape 11: People. Lesson 31: Relatives and Relationships;
Lesson 32: Identifiers and Pronouns; Lesson 33: People in the
Community. 31 minutes.
14. Tape 12: The Body & Clothing. Lesson 34: Body Parts; Lesson
35: Sickness and Injury; Lesson 36: Clothing. 28 minutes.
15. Tape 13: Animals. Lesson 37: Home and Farm Animals; Lesson
38: Wild Animals; Lesson 39: Birds, Fish, Insects and Reptiles. 28
16. Tape 14: Food. Lesson 40: Fruits and Vegetables; Lesson 41;
treats and Beverages; Lesson 42: Meats, Main Dishes and Cooking
Ingredients. 28 minutes.
17. Tape 15: Describing and Feeling. Lesson 43: Describing People
and Things (Adjectives); Lesson 44: Describing Sizes, Amounts,
Distances, Actions; Lesson 45: Ways of Feeling. 26 minutes.
18. Tape 16: Inside & Outside the House. Lesson 46: Things in the
House; Lesson 47: Things in the Yard; Lesson 48: Nature. 30
19. Tape 17: Time and When Things Happen. Lesson 49: Days and
Time; Lesson 50: Months and Seasons; Lesson 51: Holidays and
Celebrations. 30 minutes.
20. Tape 18: Action and Doing Things. Lesson 52: Communication
and Action Words; Lesson 53: Action Words Continued; Lesson 54:
Less Active Words. 27 minutes.
21. Tape 19: Going Places. Lesson 55: Getting There
(Transportation & Direction); Lesson 56: Places; Lesson 57:
Countries. 26 minutes.
22. Tape 20: Going to School. Lesson 58: At School; Lesson 59:
Subjects: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Communication; Lesson 60:
Music, Science, Art, Sports. 31 minutes.
Did I Do That? Sam Trychin, PdD. Gallaudet University 18 min.
How Can I Tell If I’m Hooked? Parts 1 & 2 in one tape.
Sunburst Communications. With accompanying teacher’s guide.
Open Captioned.
I Live in an Alcoholic Family. Parts 1,2,3 in one tape. Sunburst
Communications. Open Captioned.
Mourning Process. From SC ECSU.
Space Camp. With accompanying pamphlet. From US Space
& Rocket Center, 1 Tranquility Base, Huntsville, Alabama. 23 min.
Dreams of Denial. (1993). MN Chemical Dependency
Program for D/HH Individuals, Fairview Riverside Medical Center.
The story of a chemically dependent young man, Mike, who in a
dream meets a guardian angel called Ralph. Through the use of
flashbacks of Mike’s life, Ralph shows the ways that Mike has denied
using alcohol and other drugs. Ralph also points out that family,
friends and treatment staff have given him support that he has
rejected. 23 minutes. Also includes Leader’s Guide.
Sexual Harassment: It’s Not Fun/It’s Illegal. 17 minute tape
from MN Department of Children, Families & Learning. Accompanies
books Girls and Boys Getting Along (curriculum for K-6 Teaching
Sexual Harassment Prevention) and Sexual Harassment to
Teenagers: It’s Not Fun/It’s Illegal. (Will be loaned as a set.)
Stuttering: The Doctor Is In. 29 minutes. Looks at the impact
of stuttering on children, teenagers and adults, and shows therapies
designed to help them. The emphasis is on learning to live with a
long-term problem that doesn’t have to stand in the way of social
enjoyment and career success.
9. Good Grief. AG Bell Press. For families and parents of newly
identified deaf children. This video is designed to equip professionals
to create a safe setting that supports parents’ grieving. It shows
parents participating in a grief support group. These scenarios will
provide views with an overview of the grief process, ways to be more
supportive and how to generate a parent support network. 36
minutes. CC.
10. AIDS in the Deaf Community/Deaf in the AIDS Community:
Creating Partnerships. (2000). Sign Enhancers. 35 minutes.
Special Education Law. Training Manual and ten-tape set including
the following titles:
• Tape 1: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: An
Overview. Reviews the IDEA basic requirements involving FAPE,
IEPs, and procedural safeguards. 27 minutes.
• Tape 2: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: An
Overview. Provides a general overview of the legal implications
created by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and its
regulations. 27 minutes.
• Tape 3: Discipline of Students with Disabilities. Details 11
suspension and expulsion rules every school district needs to
follow. You find out what you can and cannot do under the IDEA
and Section 504 when disciplining your students with disabilities.
24 minutes.
• Tape 4: Extended School Year Services. Explains the 1999 IDEA
regulation requirements for extended school year services,
including the criteria used to define extended school year services
and determine who is entitled to them. 17 minutes.
Tape 5: The Requirement for Educating Students with Disabilities
with Non-disabled Students. Addresses the complexities of
educating students with disabilities in the regular education
classroom. You learn how the courts have ruled and what factors
school districts need to consider when making placement
decisions. 22 minutes.
Tape 6: Procedural Safeguards and the Avoidance of Procedural
Violations of the IDEA. Learn 19 common procedural violations
that occur during the IEP process and program development and
what your school district should do to avoid them. 17 minutes.
Tape 7: Serving Medically Fragile Students. Examines school
district responsibilities to medically fragile students after the
Supreme Court’s landmark Garret F. decision. Plus you learn
what issues schools face as a result of their new obligations to
serve these students. 10 minutes.
Tape 8: Residential or Private School Placement of Students with
Disabilities. Explores the frequently litigated issue of private
school placement for students with disabilities. You understand
school district obligations under IDEA and learn the standards
courts have used to determine private or residential placement.
16 minutes.
Tape 9: Personal Liability of Educators for Violations of Special
Education Legal Requirements. Highlights cases brought against
school officials for violations under Section 504 and IDEA, and
circumstances in which school employees are liable. Plus you
learn the categories of damages available in special education
Tape 10: An Overview: What’s New Under the 1997 IDEA and its
Regulations. Focuses on key changes made by the IDEA
Amendments and Regulations including: identification, evaluation,
IEP development and revision, student participation in
assessments and more. 24 minutes.
The New IDEA Regulations: Know Your Legal
Responsibilities. VOLUME 1. Covers child-find,
evaluations, IEPs. 25 minutes.
The New IDEA Regulations: Know Your Legal
Responsibilities. VOLUME 2. Covers discipline, procedural
safeguards, due process. 25 minutes.
The New IDEA: What Regular Educators Need to Know.
Shows how to comply with the 1997 IDEA Amendments with
emphasis on issues such as students with disabilities
participating in the general education curriculum and the
regular educator’s role on the IEP team. 24 minutes.
IDEA Procedural Safeguards: Parents’ Rights, Districts’
Responsibilities. Explains parents’ rights in developing an
educational program for their children with disabilities, and
reviews school districts’ obligations to provide services to
these students under the 1997 IDEA Amendments and 1999
Regulations. 17 minutes.
The Seven Deadly Sins: Common Mistakes that Lead to
Due Process Hearings. Through compelling reenactments
of real-life situations, this video shows the seven most
common mistakes that routinely land other districts in
hearings, and what you can do to avoid them. 20 minutes.
It’s Your Life… 14 minutes. Provides viewers with a 5-step
process to follow to assist students in taking an active part in their
Painting Your Future, Planning for Transition. With Transition
Planning Wheel. 9 minutes. CC
Transition. Stephanie Corbey, Transition Specialist with MN
Department of Education. 40 minutes.
The Silent Connection. From the Midwest Center for
Postsecondary Outreach. 16 minutes.
5. Corey’s Plan: Transition Focused IEP. Produced by MN
Department of Children, Families and Learning. Story of Corey
Jackson, a high school student, as his parents, transition instructor,
rehab counselor, and work supervisor, map his future in his IEP. 26
minutes. CC.
6. Procuring Services for the Hard of Hearing Student in Higher
Education. (March 15, 2001). Midwest Center for Postsecondary
Outreach. 2 hours.
 7. Services for Hard of Hearing Students in Postsecondary
Education. (2001). Midwest Center for Postsecondary
Outreach. 2 hours.
Animusic. (2004). A computer animation video album. 75 minutes.
 ABC Signs. (2004). Two Little Hands Productions. Teaches
the alphabet in ASL and introduces more than 50 signs for
words corresponding to different letters. For ages 1-8. 30
minutes. CC.
 ASL Poetry: Selected Works of Clayton Valli. (1995). Dawn
Sign Press.
 ASL Role Shifting: “He Said, She Said…”. (2005). Steamboat
Productions. Featuring Trix Bruce.
 ASL Semantics: FALL. (2005). Steamboat Productions.
Featuring Trix Bruce.
 A Christmas Carol. (2004). Blair & Associates. A holiday
classic. Restored from the 1951 classic, this colorized version
contains subtitles in English and Spanish, and has the option of
narration for the Blind.
 A Christmas Gift. (2004). Deaf Missions. CC and subtitles in
English and Spanish. ASL and Voice. 60 minutes.
 Bionic Buddy. (2004). Advanced Bionics. DVD to accompany
Tools for Schools folder helping children with cochlear implants
succeed in the classroom. 11 minutes. CC.
 Cecilia’s Story. (2003). Advanced Bionics Corporation. A
documentary that chronicles Cecilia’s life from infancy to her 8th
birthday. A highly personal story of a cochlear implant
 Clouds: A Paws Science Adventure. (2003). Institute for
Disabilities Research and Training. Learn about different kinds
of clouds. ASL captions support the audio.
 Coffee Break Sign Language Lessons. DVD set of 2. Basic
signs along with grammatical structure taught by Teacher of the
Year Dr. Mike Tuccelli (also known as “DrSign”).
 Discovering Cued Speech: Instructional set in DVD. Also
available in videotape form.
 Everyday Signs. (2002). Two Little Hands Productions.
Teaches signs for favorite foods and everyday life. For ages 05. 30 minutes. CC.
 Family, Feelings & Fun. (2004). Two Little Hands Productions.
Teaches signs for family members, feelings, and things outside.
For ages 1-8. 30 minutes. CC.
 Fingerspelling: Expressive & Receptive Fluency. (1992).
Dawn Sign Press. 120 minutes. Voice-over, English captions,
CC. Also available in videotape by same title.
 The Hearing World Around Me. Trix Bruce tells what it is like to
be a deaf person among the hearing.
Infant Hearing guide: A tool developed in CD format for use
with families of infants with hearing loss.
 Interpreter Practice: Giving Voice to Small Hands –
o Sign to Voice Samples in the following titles:
1A: Bold as Brianna
1B: Delightful as Derek
1C: Lydia’s Lessons
1D: Kudos to Kuualoha
o Voice to Sign Samples in the following title:
1E: Ancient Greece
o Voice to Sign with Hearing Teachers in the following titles:
1F: A Lesson With Heart
1G: A Mother’s Perspective
1H: Why Can’t We All Be Purple?
o Sign to Voice with Deaf Teachers
1I: Introduction to Videography
1J: History of Fashion
1K: The World in Your Hands
1L: Science & Drama in Motion
 Interpreter Practice: Survivor. The Deaf “Survivor” Story.
 Introduction to ASL: Parts 1 & 2. Lance McWilliams. Open
 Journey of Sound Begins. (2005). Advanced Bionics
Corporation. On the subject of cochlear implants.
 Manny ASL: Stories in American Sign Language. (2002).
Manny Hernandez. 43 minutes.
 The Miracle Worker: Disney’s Contemporary Version of an
American Classic. (DVD). This is a classic true story that stars
the acclaimed talents of Hallie Kate Eisenberg as Helen Keller
and Alison Elliot as Anne Sullivan. Helen, who is unable to
speak, hear or see since childhood, is increasingly difficult to
educate until her parents find Anne Sullivan. 90 minutes.
My Baby Can Talk. (2005). Baby Hands Productions. Inspires
early language development in ASL for ages 10 months and older.
40 minutes.
 My Favorite Things. (2004). Two Little Hands Productions.
Teaches signs for colors of the rainbow, fruits, vegetables, and
activities. For ages 1-8. 30 minutes. CC.
 My First Signs. (2002). Two Little Hands Productions.
Teaches signs for your child’s very first words. For ages 0-5.
30 minutes. CC.
 Nathie: No Hand Me Downs. Nathie Marbury. Tactile Mind
Press. Stories and observations told with humor, and insights
on the human condition. Voiced and subtitled for the signingimpaired.
 One, Two, Buckle Your Shoe: Numbering Systems in ASL.
DVD with booklet/workbook.
 Playtime Signs. (2002). Signing Times Publ. From their
animated treehouse, Alex (who is hearing) and Leah (who is
deaf) invite infants and children to “Come sign with us!” as 30
playtime signs are taught. 30 minutes. CC.
 Signs for Recovery. (2003). VMA Corp. Presented in ASL by
Keven Poore. A comprehensive guide to the signs and
concepts used in the chemical dependency treatment setting.
Sound and Fury. (2001). This story follows the Artinians, an
extended family with deaf and hearing members across three
generations. Together they confront a technological device that can
help the deaf to hear but may also threaten deaf culture. 80 minutes.
 Spell Well: An American Sign Language Game. (2003).
Institute for Disabilities. 20 category game boards animated to
challenge your knowledge of sign language and spelling.
 Tales of a Mad, Mad, Mad, ASL World. (2003). Steamboat
Productions. A one deaf-woman story featuring Trix Bruce.
 The Treasure Chest. (2004). Wide-Eyed Learning Corp. Baby
sign language for early communication and vocabulary
development. For ages 3-36 months. 30 minutes.
 Trix Upon a Time: An American Sign language Storytelling
Handbook. Steamboat Productions. Create your own visual
storytelling. Performed in ASL, no voice.
 Cued Speech for Special Needs Your Helping Hand: Adapted
from a presentation given in Helsinki, Finland. 27 minutes.
Pamela H. Beck, M.E.D.,CI/CS. Requires Windows and Internet
Explorer 6.0+
Auditory Visual Articulation. (2003). Sonido Inc. Features easy
articulation interface, speech sample acquisition, sample
 Compass Cards. Auditory discrimination exercises for cochlear
implants. Word Play Productions.
Computer Fingers. Computer floppy disk from SoundBytes.
Cue That Word. Computer floppy disk from SoundBytes.
Cue Those Fingers. Computer floppy disk from SoundBytes.
Cue Those Phrases. Computer floppy disk from SoundBytes.
 Cued English: Gaining Fluency. (2001). Metzger &
Fleetwood. Also available in audio tape form.
 Elf on a Shelf for Articulation. Word Play Publications. A CD
print program containing gameboards, lotto games, grid games,
barrier games, cup games, matrix games, Elf on a Shelf board
game. English and Spanish.
 Elf on a Shelf for Minimal Pairs. Word Play Publications. A CD
print program containing flashcards, lotto games, grid games,
barrier games, cup games, matrix games, Elf of a Shelf board
Fluency Tools and Speech Acquisition. (2003). Sonido Inc.
Features delayed auditory feedback, masked auditory feedback,
looped auditory feedback, simultaneous auditory feedback.
Here’s Your Cue. (2002). Region III Low Incidence Project. Texts
for receptive practice with cued language.
Literacy Lessons: Storytelling in ASL and Cued Language. (2002).
Region III Low Incidence Project.
Syndromes, Associations, and Additional Disabilities Frequently
Associated With Hearing Loss. (2004). Hope, Inc. Information on a
variety of syndromes, associations, and medical conditions that are
commonly associated with hearing loss. It has a basic description of
genetic inheritance of hearing loss and includes links to websites for
follow-up information. There is no sound on this CD.
 Troll in a Bowl. Word Play Productions. Game and card print
factory containing Troll in a Bowl games, cards for minimal
pairs, cards for articulation, cards for vocabulary.
Understanding Hearing. (2004). Hope, Inc. The information on this
CD-Rom provides families with an understanding of hearing, hearing
loss, hearing tests, and the professionals who determine hearing loss
and fit hearing aids. Delightful illustrations are included. There is no
sound on this CD.
Welcome Home! (2003). Sonido Inc. Aphasia workbook featuring
topics found around the home, multi-mode drills (simple to complex),
articulation interface, session reports.
 Tools for Schools. (2004). Helping children with cochlear
implants succeed in the classroom.
National Information Clearinghouse on Children Who Are Deaf-Blind.
(2004). From US Dept of Ed.
Sensory Perspectives. (2003). Hope, Inc. Two DVDs in the set.
Addresses sensory loss related to deafblindness as well as deafness
and blindness. Interactive quizzes also included.
Effective Classroom Management. (1999). Interactive Training
Media. An interactive multimedia professional development tool for
educators. Accompanied by facilitator guide and worksheets.
 Educator CD. (2004). Med-El Corporation. Contains:
Handbook for Educators; Handlig and Troubleshooting the
TEMPO+; HearSay Newsletter.
Bilingual-Biculturalism in Parent Infant Programs. (2004). This CDRom explores the issue of Bilingualism-Biculturalism in infant
programs and includes information about ways families can be
helped with their young children who are deaf.
 Delta Zeta Sorority Sound Beginnings Program. From Utah
State University. Early Assessment series.
 Listening Fun for Littles. (June 29, 2006).
 Parent’s Guide to Hearing Loss. Choices available for families
of children with hearing loss. From Center for Disease Control
and Prevention.
 Pediatric Hearing Aid Fittings. From the MN Regions 1 & 2 Low
Incidence Project.
Update on Newborn Hearing Screening. From Boys Town National
Research Hospital, Omaha NE.
Video Scrapbook. Two PowerPoint files for review and use: a sample
EHDI presentation, and EHDI video scrapbook. From National
Center for Hearing Assessment and Management, Utah State
By The Book. (2004). College of St. Catherine. Interpreting an
Intake in a County Jail.
 Hurry Up & Wait: Interpreting a Visit to an Emergency
Department. (2005). College of St. Catherine.
 In Transition. (2002). Region V at College of St. Catherine and
SLICES. Interactive situations for interpreting practice on
transition to college.
Interpreter Discourse: English to ASL Expansion/ASL to English
Compression. (2004). Rochester Institute of Technology, National
Technical Institute for the Deaf Department of American Sign
Language and Interpreting Education.
Just Between Us. (2001). Region III Low Incidence Project. Four
interactive situations for interpreting practice.
Mentor to Mentor: Tips and Techniques for Deaf Mentors Working
with Interpreters. (2002). College of St. Catherine and SLICES.
Signs of Development. Interpreters’ Resource for Training &
Development. Materials available include:
CD ROM: 1000 ASL Faces. Focuses on facial expressions
and body grammar with a number of activities to challenge the
participant to develop a strong lexical English and sign base to
assist in accurately interpret between English and ASL.
CD ROM: ASL Sentence Types. Introduces you to 20 types
of ASL sentences with accompanying descriptions of the
sentence types in four example sentences with their
corresponding English interpretation.
CD ROM: 1000 Fingerspelled Words. Comprehensive and
intensive listing of most of the fingerspelled words that are used
in daily living. Also includes a brief history of fingerspelling.
BOOK: It’s a Matter of $’s and $ense: A Guide to Business
Practices for Sign Language Interpreters. Also included with
book: computer disk.
CD ROM: K-12 A Deaf Perspective. No description
CD ROM: K-12 A Deaf Perspective. No description
CD ROM: Deaf Childhood Development. No description
Still Talking- Interactive DVD-ROMS with situational examples for
ASL English interpreters. (2006) set of DVD-ROMS. Each of the
twenty 30 minute scenarios demonstrates Consecutive Interpretation
at work. Procedural, Informational, Argumentative, Expository and
 Take These Meds: Interpreting Visits to a Pharmacy. (2005).
College of St. Catherine.
All in Due Time. (2003). College of St. Catherine and SLICES.
Perspectives on childbirth from deaf parents.
BASC-2: Behavior Assessment System for Children. Assist scoring
and reporting system. (2004). AGS Publishing.
 Birth Companions: Perspectives on Doulas and Nurse
Midwives in ASL and English. (2005). College of St.
Fingerspelling Screen Saver. From Interactive Sign Language.
The Gift of the Magi. CD Rom produced by Texas School for the
Deaf. O’Henry’s famous Christmas story. MAC 68040 processor
running system 7.1 or later; 8MB Ram or 16 MB for Power Mac. IBM
PC-Compatible system requirements: Pentium processor with
Soundblaster chip running Windows 3.1 (8MB RAM) or Windows 95
(16MB RAM).
Goats, Trolls and Numbskills. (2003). Region III Low Incidence
Project. A Middle School lecture on folklore genres.
Make ‘n Takes. (2003). Thinking Publications. Eight great
storybooks for sound and language play. ALSO AVAILABLE: book
of same title.
Navigating Discourse Genres. (2002). College of St. Catherine and
SLICES. ASL and English texts on canoeing in the BWCA.
The Retrieved Reformation. CD Rom produced by Texas School for
the Deaf. O’Henry’s story about a safe cracker who tries to change
his ways and live straight. MAC system requirements: MAC 68040
processor running system 7.1 or later, 8 MB Ram or 16 MB for Power
Mac. 300 speed or better CD Rom player. IBM PC-compatible
system requirements; Pentium processor with soundblaster chip
running Windows 95.
Computer Game Maker. (2000). Windmill Works, Inc. For Windows
95, 98, NT or 2000. Import clipart and pictures. Type 8
questions/prompts with 8 answers/responses, import the graphics
you desire and this program does the rest. Fun-filled games reinforce
concepts in language arts, social studies, math, science, art, music,
driver’s ed.
Johnny Rock’s Christmas. (1999). Windmill Works, Inc. Learn
vocabulary, reading and language skills at the elementary grade
level. Match pictures of Santa’s sleigh, candy cane, wreath, elf,
lights, bells, etc., to the proper words. Fifteen lessons in fun-filled
Learning to Read: Beginning Reading Instruction. (2001).
Interactive Training Media. Accompanied by Guidebook for
Nouns K-2nd Grade. (2003). Sonido Inc. Child Language software
featuring language workbook, multi-mode drills (simple to complex),
articulation interface, session reports.
Pre-Reading Skills. CD Rom from Vegetable Friends. Ages 4-6. For
IBM PC-compatible with Windows, Win95 or Win98. Will also run on
MacIntosh computers that have been configured for IBM programs.
Reading Power. (2002). From Vcom3D. A complete interactive
reading and learning tool designed for the deaf and hard of hearing
that brings reading to life with characters who sign.
Reading to Learn: Comprehension Instruction. (2002). Interactive
Training Media. Accompanied by Instructor Strategies booklet and
Introduction and Installation booklet.
Reading & Vocabulary. CD Rom from Vegetable Friends. Ages 6-8.
For IBM PC-compatible with Windows, Win95 or Win98. Will also run
on MacIntosh Computers that have been configured for IBM
Reading, Vocabulary and Trivia. CD Rom from Vegetable Friends.
Ages 8-10. For IBM PC-compatible with Windows, Win95 or Win98.
Will also run on MacIntosh Computers that have been configured for
IBM programs.
She Said, He Said. (2003). Region III Low Incidence Project.
Monologues and dialogues in ASL.
School Days: (2004). An ASL word book with CD Rom and audio
clips for windows 98, ME or 2000.
Aesop in ASL. CD ROM. Four fables told in American Sign
American Sign Language Dictionary. (1999). Multimedia Inc. Visual
and interactive tool to learn and practice the signs of ASL.
The American Sign Language Dictionary on CD-ROM. Martin
Sternberg. Salem, OR: Sign Enhancers, Harper-Collins.
American Sign Language Fingerspelling & Numbers CD-ROM. From
Sign Enhancers.
ASL: Vocabulary, Grammar & Sentences CD-ROM. Accompanies
videotape and instruction book of same title.
American Sign Language Vocabulary. CD Rom from NTID. For
individuals looking to improve their sign language skills. Search by
word or phrase and improve skills using the self-testing option.
American Sign Language Vocabulary. (2000). From Rochester
Institute of Technology. For Intel Pentium processor or compatible.
American Sign Language Phrase Book. From Sign Media. For
Windows 95/98, Macintosh and Power Mac. Over 200 sentences or
phrases are presented, each organized by commonly occurring
themes. Themes include: health, family, school, sports, travel,
religion, time, money, food and drink, and small talk. Three different
practice exercises allow you to test your knowledge.
ASL Songs for Kids. (2003). Institute for Disabilities Research &
Trading Inc. Six songs typically learned by young children are sung
and signed in this CD.
An Appointment in Cardiology. (2003). From College of St.
Catherine & SLICES.
An Appointment in Gastroenterology. (2003). From College of St.
Catherine & SLICES.
Baby Signs. (2003). Sonido Inc. Basic sign language for babies and
Fingerspelling Screen Saver: CD Rom.
Illustrated Dictionary. (2002). Interactive sign language tool.
Interactive Basic Signs. CD Rom from SoundBytes.
Interactive Sign Language: Fingerspelling & Numbers. For Windows.
(1994). Salem, OR: Sign Enhancers.
Learn to Talk Around the Clock: (2006). Spanish “Talking Points” for
Families. 192 Talking Points have been translated into culturally
appropriate language. ( CD Rom).
Math Signs. (2003). Sonido Inc. Sign language reference in
algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, numbers, time, money,
general math.
Mexican Sign Language, American Sign Language Translator.
(2000). CD Rom. From Institute for Disabilities Research and
Training, Inc. CD Rom allows you to translate from one language to
the other in sign or text. Learn four languages: Mexican Sign
Language, American Sign Language, Spanish and English. Over 575
words in each language.
Mirrored Math. (2001). From College of St. Catherine & SLICES.
Five parallel math lessons in ASL and English
One Hundred One Basic Signs. CD-ROM from Interactive Sign
Language. System requirements: 486sx or greater, Windows 3.1 or
greater, 8 MB RAM, CD-Rom Drive.
Paws Sign Stories. (1998). CD-ROM and Storybooks in American
Sign Language and English. Five books included for ages 3-7. For
use with Windows 95, 98 and NT.
Ready, Set, Sign! (2001). RSS Inc. A comprehensive 24-lesson
sign language course for beginning signers from age 10 to 100.
Rosie’s Walk. Sign Language CD-ROM. From Gallaudet. Featuring
American Sign Language and Signed Exact English with games to
build signing and reading vocabularies.
Science Signs. (2003). Sonido Inc. Sign language reference in
anatomy, biology, chemistry, geology, medical, physics, zoology.
Sign Language for Everyone: An Interactive Guide for Learning
American Sign Language. CD-ROM disk for Microsoft Windows.
Sign Link. A CD-ROM for Windows 95/98 Macintosh and Power
Mac. A multimedia lexicon and tutorial for ASL.
Signing Exact English. (2000). A comprehensive collection of signs
for English words with easy-to-follow graphic illustrations for over
4400 signs.
Signing Hands. Software bonus pack for creating messages in Sign
Language. Includes Mouse Pad and 2 disks. For MacIntosh.
 Signing Time Songs: Come Sing With Us!. Volumes 1-12.
 Signing Time Songs: Shine: Selected songs for Grownups.
Signs for American National Government. (2001). PEPNet. National
Center on Deafness. A sign language dictionary for signs used in
courses on American National Government. Includes definition,
fingerspelling, voice and sign for commonly-used terms.
Stomach This. (2002). From College of St. Catherine & SLICES.
The digestive system in ASL and English.
Survival Sign Language Vocabulary. (2000). Sonido Inc. Digital
movie clips, quick lookup of signs, customizable dictionary.
Teaching History and Things (T.H.A.T.) Four computer disks in
Volume 1: Subject-Verb Agreement
Volume 2: Passive Voice
Volume 3: Prefixes-Suffixes
Volume 4: Progressive Tense
Suitable for IBM and IBM Compatible computers.
Team up with Timo Stories: Launching Language and Literacy with
an Animated Tutor. Home Edition. Windows/Macintosh. (2005).
Team up with Timo Vocabulary. Animated Language Learning Tutor.
Windows/Macintosh Grades K-12. (2005).
Tool Kit on Teaching and Assessing Students with Disabilities:
Parents’ Materials. (2006).
This ‘n That. (2001). Region III Low Incidence Project. A grab bag
of texts in ASL.
To The Heart of the Matter. (2001). From College of St. Catherine &
SLICES. The cardiovascular system in ASL.
What’s Going On. (2003). Region III Low Incidence Project. Current
and not-so-current events with Mike Cashman.
Holidays: An ASL word book with audio clips for windows 98, ME,
2000, or XP.
Baby’s first book of signs: volume 1, 2 and 3. Has over 390 words.
Shared Reading Bookbags are designed to teach parents,
caregivers, and teachers how to read to deaf and hard of hearing
children using American Sign Language (ASL) and how to use
strategies to make book sharing most effective. Also recommended
for use with this series are the books and videotape sets Read It
Again and Again and Reading to Deaf Children: Learning from Deaf
Adults also available from this library. Shared Reading Bookbags
contain: story videotape signed in ASL, storybook, activity guide
for fun story-related ideas, bookmark with tips on reading to a
deaf and hard of hearing child.
Suitable for children grade 2 and younger, these books use
rhythm, rhyme, cumulative sequence, known sequence, and
repetition. In the following titles:
All My Little Ducklings. (1989). BOARD BOOK. Monica
Animals Should Definitely NOT Wear Clothing. (1970). Judi
Barrett. Reasons why animals should not wear clothing.
At Christmas. (1997). Cousin, Mitchell, and Porter.
Baby’s 1, 2, 3. (1990). Neil Ricklen. Simple board book on
Baker, Baker, Cookie Maker. (1998). Linda Hayward. For grades
Preschool-Grade 1. Cookie Monster from Sesame Street bakes
beautiful and tempting cookies in his bakery, but he has so many
customers that he cannot even have a taste.
Big Dog and Little Dog Going for a Walk. (1997). Dave Pilkey.
Board book.
Boats. (1986). Byron Barton. Board book.
Bright Eyes, Brown Skin. (1990). Cheryl Willis Hudson and
Bernette Ford. Story of four very special brown skinned children.
Caps for Sale. (1968). Esphyr Slobodkina. A tale of a peddler,
some monkeys, and their monkey business.
Celebrating Chinese New Year: Nick’s New Year. (1999). Rosa
Drew & Heather Phillips. Nick is Chinese-American. Watch as he
celebrates Chinese New Year.
Celebrating Christmas: Christmas Decorations. (1999). Kimberly
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo: Fiesta Time! (1999). Sandi Hill.
Cinco de Mayo (May 5) is a holiday celebrated by Mexicans and
Mexican-Americans to commemorate the Battle of Puebla between
Mexican and French armies!
Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Dreaming of Change.
(1999). Joel Kupperstein.
Celebrating Patriotic Holidays: Honoring America. (1999). Joel
Celebrating President’s Day: What is a President? (1999).
Kimberly Jordano and Trisha Calella-Jones.
Celebrating Valentine’s Day: My Special Valentines. (1999).
Kimberly Roark.
Chinese New Year. (1992). Fiona Reynoldson & Jane Shuter.
Cookie’s Week. (1988). Cindy Ward. Cookie the Cat’s week is full
of mischief.
Corduroy. (1968). Don Freeman. Corduroy is a bear who once
lived in the toy department of a big store.
A Day in the Life of a Doctor. (2001). Linda Hayward. From the
Beginning Reading Series. Doctor Amy Baker sees patients in her
office. A mother brings in her little girl, who is crying. What is wrong?
The Day of the Dead. (1999). Jazmin Quinonez. Story written by
grade school student about the Mexican tradition of visiting the grave
of a loved one. When we remember the dead, they never truly die.
Day of the Dead. (1997). Tony Johnston & Jeanette Winter. Gently
poetic text seamlessly blends in Spanish words for special foods,
rituals, and customs. There is a triumphant sense of celebration and
A Day in the Life of a Builder. (2001). Linda Hayward. From the
Beginning to Read series. Jack is building five new houses. One is
for the Wilson family. Will the Wilsons like their new house?
A Day in the Life of a Teacher. (2001). From the Beginning
Reading Series. Ms. Hill brings 28 fish to school d today. What will
she and her students do with all those fish?
A Day with Firefighters. (2000). Jan Kottke. Simple text and
photographs present the work of firefighters.
A Day with Paramedics. (2000). Jan Kottke. From The Hard Work
A Day with Police Officers. (2000). Jan Kottke. Illustrations and
simple text describe different kinds of police officers and the work
they do.
Dinosaur Roar. (1994). Henrietta Stickland. Board book on
Doctor Maisy. (2001). Lucy Cousins. Doctor Maisy and Nurse
Tallulah are playing hospital. Poor Panda is sick, but Maisy takes
good care of him. Then it’s Maisy’s turn to need help – and Nurse
Tallulah comes to the rescue.
Don’t Forget the Bacon! ((1976). Pat Hutchins. As he sets out for
the store, the boy’s mother reminds him, “Six farm eggs, a cake for
tea, a pound of pears, and don’t forget the bacon.”
Easter Basket. (1999). Chuck Murphy. This Easter basket is
brimming with treats.
Easter Egg Hunt. (1999). Chuck Murphy. Simple board book.
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. (1989). Eileen
Christelow. A counting board book in which one by one the little
monkeys jump on the bed only to jump off and bump their heads.
Five Little Pumpkins. (1998). A popular rhyme ideal for sharing
with toddlers who love to chant along.
Fiesta Time. (1997). Olivia Ruiz.
Freight Train. (1978). Donald Crews. BOARD BOOK. Brief text
and illustrations trace the journey of a colorful train as it goes through
tunnels, by cities, and over trestles.
Garcia, The Thanksgiving Turkey. (1996). Miguel’s father drives
an 18-wheel truck across the country. He is sending Miguel a
present…but what is it? Miguel and his grandmother will go to the
train station to get the package. A delightful Thanksgiving story
which also teaches some words in Spanish.
Good Night, Gorilla. (1994). Peggy Rathmann. Board book about
the zookeeper putting the animals to bed.
Goodnight Moon. (1947). Margaret Wise Brown. Little bunny says
goodnight to everything in her room at bedtime.
Hanukkah Lights, Hanukkah Nights. (1992). Leslie Kimmerlman.
Board book about the lighting of each menorah candle, introducing
the joyous celebration, festivities and traditions of Hanukkah.
Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King. (1993). Jean Marzollo.
Have You Seen My Cat? Eric Carle. A little boy’s cat is missing and
he embarks on a fantastic round-the-world quest to find his lost pet.
Henny Penny. (1989). H. Werner Zimmerman. Charming traditional
Hooray! It’s Passover. Leslie Kimmelman. From singing holiday
songs to playing favorite games, this first introduction celebrates all of
the wonderful festivities and traditions of Passover.
I Am Eyes: Ni Macho. (1978). Leila Nash Ward. All little celebrates
morning in her Kenyan home by naming all the bright and beautiful
things she sees, all the wonderful animals great and small.
I Can Help. (1998). Margaret Miller. Board book on how little
children can be helpful.
I Like Me! (1988). Nancy Carlson. A little pig realizes she is her
own best friend.
I Love Spiders. (1988). John Parker. A little spider explains why
she likes spiders.
I’m Grown Up! (1998). Margaret Miller. Board book
In a Dark, Dark Wood. (1998). A traditional tale.
Is Your Mama a Llama. (1989). Deborah Guarino. Lloyd the llama
meets all kinds of animals as he asks his question, until at last his
friend Llyn leads Lloyd to the answer he longs to hear!
I Went Walking. (1989). Sue Williams. A young boy’s exciting
adventure with a menagerie of colorful animals. By the end of his
walk, he has a zany parade following him.
Just This Once. (1996). Joy Cowley. Liz begs to take her
hippopotamus on vacation “just this once”.
The Lady with the Alligator Purse. (1998). Nadine Bernard
Westcott. BOARD BOOK. Nonsense rhyme book features an ailing
young boy named Tiny Tim.
Lisa’s Daddy and Daughter Day. (1991). Eloise Greenfield. Lisa
and her daddy spend the day together
Little Nino’s Pizzeria. (1987). Karen Barbour. Tony likes to help
his father at their small family restaurant, but everything changes
when Little Nino’s Pizzeria becomes a fancier place.
Lots of Dads. (1997). Shelley Rotner & Sheila Kelly. Dads come in
all colors, shapes, and sizes, and do all different types of work. But
dads are alike, too. They help you and play with you. When
something is broken, dads try to fix it. Dads like to show you how to
do things and are proud of what you can do. And most important,
they love you! Filled with bright, joyful photos of dads and their little
ones, this book is a true celebration of the special relationship
between children and their fathers.
Made’s Birthday. (1996). Lyly Rojas de Knaus. It is Made’s
birthday, but his father and mother have the same name. His name
is pronounced Mah’-day.
Manuel the Portuguese Fisherman. (1994). Forrest Stone. Silly
sea stories.
Maisy Drives the Bus. (2000). Lucy Cousins. Maisy is driving the
bus. She must visit each bus stop to pick up passengers. Climb
aboard for a ride and find out who might be waiting for the bus.
Mary Had a Little Lamb. (1990). Sarah Josepha Hale. Traditional
Mei Ling’s Tiger. (1993). Marcia Tullman and Deborah DeRoo.
Mei Ling tells all her friends that she has a pet tiger.
Mrs. Wishy-washy. (1998). Joy Cowley. All the farm animals get
very dirty at play.
My First Kwanzaa Book. (1992). Deborah Newton Chocolate.
Introduces young children to the joyous celebration of this original
African-American holiday.
Old MacDonald. (1998). Rosemary Wells. Traditional story board
1, 2, 3 Thanksgiving! (1996). W. Nicoka-Lisa. Count along on
Thanksgiving Day, from one to ten and back again. There’s one fat
turkey and ten bright candles before the family feast. After that, ten
empty plates, nine crumpled napkins – all the way down to one big
Open Your Mouth! (1996). Joy Cowley. Story of how animals feed
their babies.
Pat-a-Cake. (1994). Tony Kenyon. Board book.
Rosie’s Walk. (1968). Patricia Hutchins. Rosie the hen went for a
Seven Candles for Kwanzaa. (1993). Andrea Davis Pinkney.
Kwanzaa is an American holiday inspired by African traditions. It is
not intended as a religious, political or heroic holiday, nor is it a
substitute for Christmas. During the seven-day festival from
December 26 through January 1, people of African descent rejoice in
their ancestral values.
Ten For Dinner. (1989). JoEllen Bogart. Margo invites 10 friends
for dinner on her birthday.
Ten, Nine, Eight. (1983). Milly Bang. A counting book
Thanksgiving Day. (1983). Gail Gibbons. Colorful book presenting
information about the first Thanksgiving and the way that holiday is
celebrated today.
The Birthday Cake. (1986). Joy Cowley. Very simple book.
The Carrot Seed. (1945). Ruth Krauss. A little boy plants a carrot
The Dancing Fly. (1996). Joy Cowley. A little fly gets in a store and
bothers the storekeeper.
The Doorbell Rang. (1986). Pat Hutchins. Ma made plenty of
cookies until the doorbell rang and the children had to share.
The Horrible Big Black Bug. (1995). Rigby Heinemann. Follow a
bug as it travels across the kitchen.
The Magic Quilt. (1995). Blair Thompson. Grandma makes a quilt
for her granddaughter to reminder her of her mother who is far away.
The Matzah That Papa Brought Home. (1995). Fran Munushkin.
Matzah is a word meaning unleavened bread. It is served during the
Seder. This is a story about the Jewish Passover and the traditions
surrounding it.
The Sandwich that Max Made. (1989). Marcia Vaughan. Max
makes a big sandwich.
The Snowy Day. (1962). Ezra Jack Keats. Story of Peter who had
fun with the first snowfall.
The Sombrero of Luis Lucero. (1993). Cecilia Avalos. Villagers
tell this tale of the beautiful sombrero that appeared at the Wishing
Shrine for young Luis Lucero.
The Story of America’s Birthday. (2000). Patricia A. Pingry. Tells
the story of the Declaration of Independence, the American
Revolution, and America’s quest for independence. It will serve as an
introduction to the complex subject of America’s freedom and a
beginning point for a discussion of the celebration of the Fourth of
The Three Billy Goats Gruff. (1984). Ellen Appleby. A Norwegian
Tortilla for Emilia. (1992). Maria Angeles. A little Mexican girl
discovers the different between a pancake and a tortilla.
Trains. (1986). Byron Barton. Board book
Trucks. (1986). Byron Barton. Board book.
Valentine’s Day. (1998). Joy Cowley.
Who Sank the Boat? (1983). Pamela Allen. Animals ride a boat
across the sea.
Who’s in the Shed? (1986). Brenda Parkes. A circus truck comes
to the shed and now the animals wonder who is in the shed.