August-September 2015 - Wyoming State Quilt Guild


August-September 2015 - Wyoming State Quilt Guild
August - September 2015
Volume 17—No. 4
CAMP QUILT-A-LOT—Quilt Wyoming 2016—Powell, WY
The NW region invites you and your quilting friends to join
us at Camp Quilt-a-Lot at Northwest College in Powell July
14-17, 2016! We will have s’more fun, fabric and friends in
a relaxed camping atmosphere. Our hard-working Camp Directors Marylou Doyle, Sherry Fink, Alice Jagiello and Michelle Quick have rounded up a rowdy troop of awardwinning and inspirational national teachers to guide us to
some new skills:
Susan K. Cleveland
Susan is the inventor of the Piping Hot Binding
technique to accent curves and bindings.
Grace Errea
Camping, glamping, quamping?? Air-conditioned classrooms, modern dorms, great food with an ice cream machine
AND indoor plumbing! ‘Sounds like great fun. Camp QuiltA-Lot will be a simple and stimulating gathering. We hope
you will plan to join us. There will be evening programs each
evening with our three national teachers that will amaze. instruct and amuse us.
A Challenge Fabric Packet is not required to participate in the
Challenge Quilt competition so plan now to show your original quilt. Instructions below.
Put July 14-17, 2016 on your calendar, look forward to seeing
you in Powell!
Michelle Quick
Note: The Opportunity Quilt drawing is July 2016 not 2015
as printed on some of the tickets.
Grace is the acclaimed authority on how to
use Value to develop amazing art quilts
David Taylor
Quilt Theme “A Walk in the Woods”
David is an appliqué guru and quilter extraordinaire. He taught at Quilt Wyoming 2012 in
Sheridan and we welcome his return.
A Walk in the Woods
The beautiful Opportunity Quilt
is an appliquéd flannel
beauty. Marylou Doyle is the quilt
mom and would love to send it
to display at your quilting events
in the coming year. Send ticket
stubs to Marylou and payment to
Janice Benson, Treasurer.
The quilt must include one
recognizable Bear Paw block.
The quilt must measure at least
14”x14”, not larger than 40”
x40”. Irregular-shaped quilts must
have a perimeter no less than 56”
but less than 160”.
Quilts to be turned in for display at
QW 2016 registration desk.
No unfinished quilts.
Attach label to the back with the
quilt maker’s name and contact
Prizes will be awarded in two categories based on popular vote.
Camp Counselor-Maker has sold a quilt or won major competition. Camper—Everyone else.
(addresses next page, Officer Listing).
In This Issue
1 Camp Quilt-A-Lot
2 President April Pendleton
2 Officers and Appointees
Membership-Lee Carruthers
Regional Directors
Books for County Libraries
11 Belle Temple-Treasurer 2016
11 Golden Thimble—D Weeden
12 Frances Tormey-VP, Pres Elect
Part 7-Help Your Quilt-Gorges
Quilts of Valor-Linda Herget
Wyoming Quilt Events
August-September 2015
PATCHWORDS - Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter
President’s Message
April Pendleton
WSQG President
Quilt Wyoming 2015 in Rock Springs was
wonderful!! It is so much fun to see quilting friends from past years and meet new
quilting friends! The ladies did a great job
putting together a fun weekend for all of us.
For me quilting is a great way to relieve stress after a long day in
the office and keep your imagination alive and well. I am convinced quilting keeps us young. So ladies, keep quilting, keep
learning and trying new or old ideas, and challenge yourself.
Reading old and new magazines or books from cover to cover is a
wonderful way to see how far we have come as quilters. Old ideas
or patterns can spark a new idea for yourself or your local guild.
As an example the Dubois Never Sweat Quilt Guild is doing a
block of the month starting in January. (We will be using the Quilt
in a Day Pioneer Sampler by Eleanor Burns.) It will be fun to see
the fabric choices made by each participant!
Have a great summer and Happy Quilting,
April Pendleton
page 2
WSQG Elected Officers and Appointees
President April Pendleton
150 Jefferson, Lander, WY 82520
(307) 349-0041
Past President Mary Lee Dixon
503 Princeton Lane, Cheyenne, WY 82009
(307) 778-8797
Vice President/President-Elect Frances Tormey
8222 Firethorn Lane, Cheyenne, WY 82009
(307) 631-5085
Treasurer Janice Benson
4215 Navajo, Laramie, WY 82072
Secretary Linda Herget
129 Stanfield Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82007
(307) 635-0921
Northwest—Marylou Doyle
PO Box 8, Hyattville, WY 82428
(307) 469-2253
Southwest—Debbie Wolfe
3448 Brickyard Avenue, Rock Springs, WY 82901
(307) 389-9267
Central—Deb Zelenak
88 Sacajawea Avenue, Lander, WY 82520
(307) 438-1609
Northeast-Sherryl Buck
274 Murphy Gulch Road, Banner, WY 82832
(307) 737-2647
Northeast—Valeria Finley
625 Sumner Street, Sheridan, WY 82801
(307) 752-4515
Southeast—Daenette More
2525 Maple Way, Cheyenne, WY 82009
(307) 220-3794
Director-at-Large Jennifer Golden
6 Rocky Lane, Sheridan, WY 82801
(307) 672-8326/(303) 525-2904
Membership Director Lee Carruthers
PO Box 2999, Cheyenne, WY 82003
(307) 632-0878
Books for County Libraries Tauna Leathers
1507 Ord Street, Laramie, WY 82070
(307) 742-7408
Historian Joan Anderson
571 South Walsh Drive, Casper, WY 82609
(307) 689-1727
Properties Linda Hamilton
PO Box 9, Hyattville, WY 82428
(307) 469-2272
Newsletter Editor and Web Mistress
Virginia Ohr
193 Kumor Road, Buffalo, WY 82834
(307) 684-1466
Masthead designed and donated by Laura Costy from
Casper, WY, currently residing in Fort Collins, CO
The Wyoming State Quilt Guild
is a nonprofit organization.
All officers, directors and appointees are volunteers.
August-September 2015
PATCHWORDS - Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter
page 3
Membership Report
As the new Membership Chair, I have big shoes to fill as Barbara Davis has stepped down (not that Barbara’s feet are big, just big shoes). Barbara excelled at keeping up with all the duties and went above and
beyond for all. I hope I can do as well. So, enough of that.
It is time to introduce myself to all the WSQG members as I know only a few. I live in Cheyenne and
have been married to my husband for 28 years. We are retired. We do not have children. We love to
travel. I enjoy gardening, reading, tapestry, weaving, and (of course) quilting. I have been quilting for
approximately three years. I was taught by—none other than the fabulous, the one and only (drum roll)
Robin Dempsey. I have a lot to learn in the quilting department. I practice on long-term care and hospice patients at the VA Center in Cheyenne. They don’t mind the flaws. I love making quilts for the veterans. I take as many
classes as I can at the Quilted Corner. I am learning new techniques and making the old better.
If anyone needs assistance (other than quilting — trust me, you don’t want that) please contact me. My phone, email and
mailing address are listed on the opposite page. Thank you and hope to meet each and every one.
Lee Carruthers, Membership Director
Membership as of July 10, 2015
Welcome New Members!
Nickie Arney, Sheridan; Marcy Buckman, Worland;
Donna Hainsworth, Rock Springs; Robbie Hansen, Rock Springs;
Diane Krum, Casper; Deanna Lindeman, Douglas; Mandy Norris, Pinedale;
Elsie Preslar, Rawlins; Gwen Roich, Rock Springs; Kelly Shipley, Evansville;
Linda Siplon, Casper; Willow Ridge Crafts, Rock Springs
August-September 2015
PATCHWORDS - Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter
page 4
Regional Directors
Southwest - Debbie Wolfe
Barb Davis.
Congratulations to the Golden
East Meets West in Southwest Wyoming - 2015 Thimble Award, founding member
Jan DeBolt, and to the newlyWow, what a wonderful time the SW Region
elected Board members. Jeannie
ladies had hosting Quilt Wyoming 2015 in Rock Wilson from Cheyenne won the
Springs, East Meets West in Southwest
Opportunity Quilt, Asian HarWyoming. A big thank you to the QW15 Com- mony. Cathe Tuttle of Gillette
mittees that worked very hard, to everyone that volunteered before was the winner of the 2015 Scholand during the convention, and to everyone that found the time and arship and was presented a certificate to be used for Quilt Wyoming
resources to attend this annual event making it a success. EvaluaCathe Tuttle—Scholarship Winner
2016 registration.
tion inputs showed that all had a great time and some ladies liked
the June date rather than July. All of the teachers were inspiring
What is next? The QW 2015 Committee will be wrapping up their
and got rave reviews.
reports at the end of July and lessons learned will be passed on to
the Board and the QW16 Committee. Then life for will be back to
As with any convention, there were a few mishaps but everyone
normal, whatever normal means! UFO’s, watch out!
seemed to adjust with good humor. Francis Tormey, alias Teresa,
especially had a wonderful sense of humor and was voted WSQG
I am looking forward to a relaxing Camp Quilt-A-Lot in 2016.
President Elect on Sunday morning. A personal thank you to two
special ladies from the SE district (you know who you are) that
“Never compare yourself to the best others can do, but to the
greeted me at every meal with big hugs and words of encouragebest you can do.” – Author unknown
ment that kept me in good humor in spite of my shortcomings and
mishaps beyond my control!
The timing of the mini Vietnam Wall being on campus during
QW15 was a plus, drawing in vets and their families to see the
Quilts of Valor room ran by Linda Herget. One lady shared the
story of getting to see her husband’s name on the wall. Linda
shared her vision of one particular quilt made from donated blocks
from last year that will be donated to a family member that was in
the Marines. Donations were made; strips sewn; blocks cut; stories
shared – all to honor our vets.
I hope you all had a chance to
visit Rushmore Gym and shop
in the Vendor Mall and to see
the quilt show! There were 68
quilts entered into the general
show and 14 for the Quilt
Challenge. Josephine Keasler
received the Viewer’s Choice
award for her Midnight Wedding Star quilt. Winners of
the Quilt Challenge were:
Asian Princess: 1st Place Eva
Knight, 2nd Place, Barb Graham. Cowgirl Princess: 1st
place Gwen Roich, 2nd place
Viewer’s Choice Winner
Midnight Wedding Star
by Josephine Keasler
Quilt Camp Application Deadline
The deadline to apply for Quilt Camp funding is now
January 15. Application may be found on page 6 of
Camp Guidelines, Membership area,
We encourage you to apply.
Keep Stitchin’, Debbie
August-September 2015
PATCHWORDS - Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter
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Regional Directors
Southeast - Daenette More
My name is Daenette More, from Cheyenne Wyoming and I was elected the Southeast Regional Director for the next year. Susan Hoover has been
having some health issues and was unable to complete her term as the Southeast Regional Director
that she started in 2014. I have not before been
elected to this position, but I have served on the WSQG Board in
several other positions in the past. I am really excited to be Southeast Director because it is at this level where the action is, where the
community is served and where the quilters and creators of quilting
memories live. Since I have not had the opportunity to visit all the
quilting clubs, groups or gatherings yet. I can only remind you of
things that I am aware. Reminder: the WSQG Historian, Joan
Anderson requests that members send her information and pictures
of any activities in your areas. Let me know of these events also, as
I would love to visit!!!
Quilt Wyoming 2015 in Rock Springs was a great success. It was
held in June instead of July because of the hotel situation in Rock
Springs. I liked it in June. The weather was nice, and the committee put on an awesome Convention. How about you? Did you go?
Did you love it?
In our region there is great excitement about a “Row By Row Experience”, that is going on all summer, all over the nation and in
Canada. It is a great way to document your travels this summer in
the State of Wyoming and Elsewhere. It has the same premise as
our Wyoming Shop Hop that is exclusively Wyoming Quilt Shops,
free patterns and a prize is given for completion of the Shoppers
Passport. You have till September 10, 2015, to complete a travel
circle or visits to 12 of the 27 shops.
Visit to get the rules and to find out
which quilt stores are participating in this nationwide shop hop.
The theme this year is H2O (water). There are 14 quilt shops in
Wyoming, and 2,700+ quilt stores in all 50 states participating.
Click on “Start Here” at the top of the page and your experience
will begin. There are pictures of the free row patterns offered by
each shop as well as the quilting license plates chosen by each store.
The license plates are sold for $5.00 - $7.50 at the store or you can
have it shipped to you. You must visit the store to get the free patterns however. Patterns and license plates are available till Sept 8,
2015. You can do double duty and do both shop hops on your travels this summer! The pictures are
of the first Row by Row quilt
turned in to The Quilted Corner in
Cheyenne, by Debbie Przymus.
She put the collected fabric license
plates on the back of her quilt.
Debbie organized a Marathon Shop
Hop one-day tour on June 23 in
which 10 fabric stores were visited from Wyoming and into Colorado in one day. Three carloads of quilters participated and had a
great time. Congratulations Debbie!!!
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events in our area. The
Laramie County Fair is August 1 through August 8, 2015. Please
attend, and see if you recognize the quilters and their beautiful
work. It’s always fun to see if you agree with the judges and appreciate the beautiful work of our talented quilters. You may even see
one of your own quilts. You did enter didn’t you?
In Cheyenne, we are looking forward to the Cheyenne Heritage
Quilters Annual Quilt Show to be held at the First Methodist
Church in Allison Hall at 108 E. 18th Street, Aug 13 – 15th. There
are no vendors this year, but a” busting at the seams Boutique” with
lots of quilted items for sale. Demonstrations of the latest techniques and gadgets are scheduled every hour from 10:00 am until
2:00 pm on Saturday Aug 15th. Plus a lot of quilts (almost 100) on
display. Come and see, and enjoy!
Another favorite show is the Rocky Mountain Quilt Festival
where we can view quilts entered in the Hoffman Challenge. The
dates are August 9 – 11th at the Budweiser Events Center in Loveland Colorado. Look on their web site for more details. I think
there are about 57 vendors signed up for this event!
The Goshen County Quilters are busy preparing for their annual
Quilts Along the Platte Quilt Show. This year the show is scheduled for September 18 – 20 at the Goshen County Fairgrounds Rendezvous Center in Torrington, Wyoming. There are plenty of quilts
to see as well as vendors. Get a car load together of your friends
and experience this great quilt show with lots of tradition.
Mark your calendar for Oct 30 thru Nov. 1, 2015 for the Southeast
Region Fall Retreat at LCCC. It will be “spooky fun!”
Please let me in on what is going on in your guild, club or group. I
would love to get to know you and I am willing to travel.
Daenette More
Availability problems caused a change in the books to be supplied
to County Libraries. The 2015 selections are shown below:
Quilter's Academy, Volume I by Harriet Hargrave and Carrie Hargrave - The first in a series
of six books. Everything you need to get started making and designing beautiful quilts. Includes nine skillbuilding classes. Complete instructions for making 13
classic quilts.
The Quilt that Gave a Hug by Phyllis E. Kaldenberg - Follow Benjamin, a little shepherd boy, as
he experiences being away from home for the first time.
Benjamin has the security of his quilt and his father is
nearby as his first night with the shepherds becomes a
night of wonderment.
Contact Tauna Leathers with questions and recommendations for
future books. Email:
August-September 2015
PATCHWORDS - Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter
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August-September 2015
PATCHWORDS - Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter
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Regional Directors
Northwest - Marylou Doyle
I have been told there are two kinds of quilters
in the world—“project quilters” and “process
quilters”. Project quilters do not start the next
project until the current one is done. Process
people work until they figure out the process and
then get bored and want to move on to the next process. It is obvious which one I am!! I have 63, eight-inch squares on my design
wall. I have fiddled until I am sure they are ready to be sewn together. Do I do it? NO! I get out my black, white and red stashes
to see what the quilt will look like in those colors. Perhaps that will
show off the intended design better. I did do this one in a miniature
version. Then, again, maybe my problem comes from the “part-towhole” quilters as opposed to the “whole-to-part” quilters. Some
people can see the finished project before they start. Others do one
step at a time until they see the whole. I definitely fall into the first
category. Now that I have seen the “whole”, I need to try it again. I
wish I could be more like my “project” friend. I would not have as
many UFOs to finish!
A lady that I quilt with
weekly, Anna Hagen
of Ten Sleep, recently
completed a fantastic
tee shirt quilt for the
“Musical Theatre of
Anthem” located outside of Phoenix. This
quilt was made up of
one tee shirt (new
even!) for each show
that has been performed since their
opening in 2008,
through early 2015.
How did this happen
do you suppose? Her
17-year-old grandson
has performed in several of the productions so told the owner about
a tee-shirt quilt his grandmother had made. They, in turn, asked if
she would make one to be hung in the theater.
Now, for around the District. Paintbrush Piecers Quilt Guild is
gearing up for the Yellowstone Quilt Fest in Cody. The annual
Preview Party will be held Thursday, Sept 10th from 5:00–7:00pm.
The admission is $5.00 and includes prizes and light hors d’ oeuvres. The quilt show hours are Friday, Sept 11th, 9am-6pm and Saturday, Sept 12th, 9am-5pm with a $3 admission fee (children under
10 are free.) This is an invitation to anyone who has quilt(s) to enter in the show. Please go to the website at http://www. yellowtonequiltfest. info/ You will find information and entry forms. The
categories are quite simple. Judging is by People’s Choice with a
prize ribbon. For more information contact Marybeth at (307) 7545399. Quilts need not to have been made this year. Antique/
vintage quilts or quilted items are always enjoyed by the visitors.
Vendors will be displaying and selling a wide variety of quilt and
fiber art-related merchandise. “Save the dates” to come to the 2015
“BARN IT” Yellowstone Quilt Fest in Cody, WY.
We are glad to have the Pindroppers Quilt Guild from Lovell
functioning again. We will look forward to hearing more from
them when they start back up in September.
I hear from the Thermopolis gals that a huge fiber/craft show will
be taking place, August 1-2, at the Hot Springs State park. The
festival is a celebration of the skilled artisans, crafts men and
women and musicians that live and work in Wyoming. The familyoriented event includes a juried art show and sale in addition to invited craftsmen and artists demonstrating their skills. Many demonstrations have hands-on activities for all ages. For more information on this event, go to
Marylou Doyle
Variety Artisans
Fabric and Gifts
307 3rd Street
P O Box 234
Chugwater, Wyoming 82210
307 422-3214
307 322-6098 Cell
We regret that due circumstances beyond
our control, we will be moving.
We will offer substantial discounts on some
fabric and notions. Check our Facebook
page for announcements.
Open Mon. Thurs.
Fri. Sat. 10a.m. to
Sunday from 1p.m. to 4p.m..
August-September 2015
PATCHWORDS - Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter
Regional Directors
Valeria Finley
Sherryl Buck
I am Valeria Finley. You can pronounce my name any way you
like and I will answer. I have probably heard it all already. I am a
20-year-plus resident of Sheridan County. I moved into town a
couple of years ago. I have been sewing since before I can remember. (My mother had a hankie that she had given me to sew buttons
on to keep me out of her way while she was sewing. I must have
been about three. The buttons were standing on their sides and the
stitches were enormous. I remember the hankie but not the sewing.) I have been sewing ever since. I fell in love with the process
of hand quilting in 1986. I do machine quilt from time to time. I
love appliqué and hand piecing. I do a lot of machine piecing.
I am honored and excited to be able to serve the NE Region as a codirector. I hope to promote and encourage quilting in every way
possible. For me, it is the process rather than the product, but a
finished quilt is a wonderful thing!
Valeria Finley
Hello, I am one of your new Directors for the North East Region. I
am a “country girl” these days, complete with five sheep (for wool),
a barn cat, and guineas for watch dogs, bug control, and snake removal. I have been an off-and-on quilter for about 30 years, but
have been a more focused quilter for the last five years or so since I
retired and moved to Sheridan. My quilting is improving with practice! I enjoy taking classes and attending various events and retreats where I can try to finish my ever-growing list of UFO’s. I
have been to Quilt Wyoming four times now, so you may have run
across me there, or at an event in the NE Region.
Looking forward to meeting you, if I haven’t met you yet, and to
working with all the talented quilters here in the NE Region as we
continue to plan our 2017 Quilt Wyoming event. Our next planth
ning meeting for that event will be Saturday, September 19 at 10
am in Sheridan. The location will be announced.
Mark your calendars for the NE Wyoming Quilt Show, October 3
9 am - 5 pm and October 4th 10 am - 4 pm. The theme this year
is “Churn Dash” and there is a Facebook page (“NE Wyoming Quilt
Show”) you can check for most current updates on the show and
related activities. The team putting on the show has been working
hard on getting their program together and it promises to be a good
Sherryl Buck
Send Photos, newspaper clippings and articles about regional
events, quilt camps, and other quilt events to WSQG Historian
Joan Anderson. Contact Information Page 2 of Patchwords.
page 8
August-September 2015
PATCHWORDS - Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter
page 9
Regional Directors
Central - Deb Zelenak
Summer has definitely arrived. If you’re too
hot to quilt you can always plan your projects
for cooler weather or curl up with one of Barbara Graham’s (WSQG NW member) books. I
just read Murder by Artifact, A Quilted Mystery and thoroughly enjoyed it. Although I’m
such a newbie quilter and have never made a mystery quilt I’ll have
to actually make the quilt to have any idea what it looks like. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend Quilt Wyoming but I heard everyone quilted up a storm. I am looking forward to next year. I love
the opportunity quilt.
cases to give to each child who lives in the local group home, which
will be presented when school starts in August. They are also making bibs for residents of the local nursing home for Grandparent's
Day in September. If you’re out shop hopping stop in and see these
busy ladies.
As I said in the last newsletter, 2018 sounds like a long ways off. It
takes a lot of work, fun and planning to put on Quilt Wyoming as
everyone knows who has attended. In 2018 it will be Central region’s turn to host Quilt Wyoming. Our first official planning
meeting will be Saturday, 26 September in Riverton, WY at the
Riverton United Presbyterian Church, 1101 N Broadway Avenue.
If you would like to help out, have some ideas, just want to see
what’s going on and see if you want to get involved, join us on the
26th at 10 am. See you then, if I don’t see you at one of the shows
While the weather is warm and you’re doing some traveling before
school starts again, plan your travel around a couple of quilt shows. or out shop hopping!
There will be lots to inspire you at “Celebrating 20” the 20th annual
quilt festival for the Dubois Never Sweat Needlers’ Quilt Guild.
The festival is at the Headwaters Community Arts and Conference
Center in Dubois, WY and is open Friday, August 7th 10 am – 6 pm;
August 8th 10 am – 8 pm; Sunday August 9th 10 am – 2 pm. Admission is $2. The drawing for “BIG RED”, a queen-size raffle quilt,
will be at 2 pm Sunday with the proceeds going to benefit the Dubois Volunteer Fire Department, Headwaters Arts & Conference
Center and Warm Valley Lodge.
You’ll also find great quilts
at the Popo Agie Quilters
Quilt Show 11—12 September at the Lander Senior
Center, 215 S. 10th Street
Lander, WY. Your $2 admission provides you with
lots of displays, vendors, the
opportunity to purchase
tickets for the raffle quilt
and of course lots of quilts
for your viewing pleasure.
The show will be open Friday 5 – 8 pm and Saturday 9 am – 5 pm.
Proceeds from their raffle quilt will benefit the Backpack Program
that provides food for a weekend for needy school-age children and
their families
Stitches N Time Quilt Guild which meets in Douglas had ten
members from Converse and one from Platte counties attend Quilt
Wyoming. And just in case you didn’t know you don’t have to live
in Douglas to attend their meetings. They didn’t meet in July because their meeting date fell on the 4th of July, but they’re ready to
get to work on August 1st on Christmas Stockings for the Women’s
prison. Most of the stockings they’ll be making at the meeting will
go to Lusk and are stuffed with personal items the women need in
their daily lives by the Douglas Baptist Church Ladies.
Sagebrush Sisters will be touring Bobbie’s House during their August meeting. They meet the second Wednesday of each month at
the Prairie Stitcher in Douglas. Bobbie's House is a place where
people who have someone staying at the hospital can stay for little
to no cost. It is a wonderful service to offer to the Douglas community. One of the Sagebrush Sisters is on the board and always
makes a quilt to raffle to help with funding for Bobbie's House. The
group is very busy with service projects, including making pillow-
Deb Zelanek
August-September 2015
PATCHWORDS - Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter
page 10
Present your 2015 Membership Card to Receive a 10% Discount on regular-priced fabrics, books, patterns and
notions at Prism Quilt and Sew Co., Casper, WY. May not be combined with other special offers.
August-September 2015
PATCHWORDS - Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter
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Jan DeBolt Wins Golden Thimble
Belle Temple-Treasurer January 1, 2016
I have been quilting for about
15 years. It started when I
wanted to get a quilt made for
my daughter's graduation. Joan
Anderson told me she would
show me how and I have been
quilting ever since. It was
shortly after that time I became
a member of WSQG and
started to attend the annual conferences. When the NE region
sponsored the 2012 conference I was involved with scheduling
the vendors for the event. I really enjoyed the experience. I am
a member of the local Quilt Chicks and have been for quite a
few years.
I have two children, a boy and a girl. Steven works and lives
here in Gillette. Shondra is married and
lives in San Diego. My husband works for
Campbell County. I have just recently
retired from Campbell County School District, where I have taught for 32 years. I
taught, previously in Michigan, for four
years. During this time of teaching, I was
the state treasurer for Wyoming State
Reading Council for about seven years. I
have been involved in many community
organizations, such as: the Moose, The
American Legion Auxiliary, and the Eagles.
Another interest of mine is stamping. I
make birthday, seasonal, and special occasion cards. I use some of my fabric scraps
in my cards, as well.
I plan to be a hard-working, reliable treasurer for the Wyoming State Quilt
Belle Temple
Jan DeBolt was the winner of the Golden Thimble Award at Quilt Wyoming 2015 in Rock
Springs. She received
a Golden Thimble Certificate and $100 to purchase the thimble of her
choice. Congratulations
to you, Jan! She is a "Founding Mother” of WSQG. Jan
has held offices in the organization. She has taught many
quilting classes and has volunteered to help with 4-H. She is
a great promoter of quilting. She was nominated by Mary
Lee Dixon.
Thank you to everyone who took time to study the Golden
Thimble Award poster and vote. It is a great honor to receive this award.
The QW2015 Committee did such a phenomenal job
of hosting us. It is a lot of WORK and we had a great
time. Please pat yourselves on the back. Thank you again.
This is my last letter after being an officer
of WSQG for 10 years. It has been a good
experience and I have made great friends
that I will cherish forever.
God Bless you all and keep on quilting.
Donna Weeden
August-September 2015
PATCHWORDS - Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter
page 12
Frances Tormey, Vice President/President Elect
My name is Frances Tormey. I’m a
transplant to Cheyenne via the Air
Force. My husband and I decided to
raise our two children here in Wyoming. We love it here! Both my children are now in college so they take most of my fabric
money….darn it!
My first quilt was made for my son almost 23 years ago
when he was just a baby. Since then I have learned so
many things about not only quilting but the love of quilting
from the women I have met. I find I have become a secret
hoarder with my fabric stash and I have picked up certain
habits like over buying and collecting every notion or
gadget that I can get my hands on. I have tried to explain
to my husband that it is a “real” disease and the only therapy is more sewing!
Important—The Deadline for articles for the
October-November edition of Patchwords is
September 10, 2015
I have been a member of the Cheyenne Heritage Quilters
for a little over two years and have recently joined the
Goshen County Quilters. I have joined the QOV group
here in Cheyenne and attend as many classes and clubs that
I can through our two local quilt stores. I have learned
something new from every quilter I have met and look forward to meeting each of you. I have attended the last two
WSQG retreats and found them incredibly inspiring!
If you have any ideas or suggestions for the board I hope
you will let me know as I feel we each have something to
contribute. (My contact information is listed on page two
of Patchwords.) I want this experience to be positive for
everyone and hope you will join me in my enthusiasm to
make this year amazing!
Frances Tormey
Present your 2015 Membership Card to Receive a 10% Discount on regular-priced fabrics, books, patterns and
notions at ET Quilts., Buffalo, WY.
May not be combined with other special offers.
August-September 2015
PATCHWORDS - Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter
page 13
August-September 2015
PATCHWORDS - Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter
Quilt Display — How to Help Your Quilt Live to 100, Part 7
By Barb Gorges
page 14
QOV News in Wyoming
Over the last 30 years the quilting community has developed a nearly THANK YOU!
standardized tube-type sleeve for hanging quilts--protecting the quilt
I would like to thank all of the folks that stopped by the Quilt of
from the rod, and with less distortion.
Valor Sew Room at Quilt Wyoming. I spoke with many people that
Perhaps using leftover fabric from the back of the quilt, piece a strip wandered in to look at the quilts that had been made from all the
of fabric nine inches wide and as long as the width of the quilt. If it is blocks that were donated at last year’s Quilt Wyoming.
for a king-sized quilt, cut the length in half to make two sleeves, alTHANK
lowing for middle rod support.
YOU to all
Hem the short edges by turning under ½ inch towards the wrong or
the ladies that
right side, pressing, and turning under again. Stitch in place.
sewed blocks
this year. We
Match the two long edges with wrong sides together and stitch using collected over
a one-half-inch seam allowance. Press seam open and flatten the tube 700 blocks at
so that the raw edge of one of the seam allowances is just a little
QW and they
short of one of the folds.
are still coming. I love
Rearrange the tube to press receiving blocks from quilters that took kits. Those surprises in the
another parallel fold that is mail make my day.
on the other side of the
seam allowances, and three THANK YOU! THANK YOU to those who donated fabric. Withinches from the fold closest out those donations, we would have nothing to sew.
to the seam allowances.
THANK YOU to those who donated monetarily and to those who
On the quilt, mark a line
donated items for the Silent Auction as well as those that particiacross the back one to two pated in the Silent Auction. Once all the items have been claimed,
inches below the top edge
we hope to receive approximately $900 in donations.
of the quilt, and another
line three inches below the THANK YOU to everyone for supporting this endeavor to wrap our
This sleeve design protects the quilt from
the rod and the “pooch” helps the quilt
first line. Center the
veterans in comfort and hope. They are so deserving of the award.
hang flat. Photo by Barb Gorges.
sleeve, matching the folds
closest to the seam allow- Linda Herget SE Wyoming, State Coordinator, QOVF
ances with the lines and pin in place.
Use either a whip stitch or a large version of your favorite appliqué
stitch to sew along the pinned folds, catching generous amounts of
the quilt backing and batting. Also sew down the parts of the ends of
the tube that are against the back of the quilt. Use your imagination
for ways to support the ends of the rod. A rod can be cut almost the
width of the quilt to hide it, or a little longer, for insertion into decorative brackets.
The first six parts of this series, and more detailed sleeve instructions,
are available at
Barb Gorges
Eva Knight’s self
portrait in thread
painting displayed at
Quilt Wyoming 2015
Wouldn’t this be a
good class for a future Quilt Wyoming?
August-September 2015
PATCHWORDS - Wyoming State Quilt Guild Newsletter
May 30-September 4, 2015
Wyoming Quilt and Fabric Shop Hop
August 7-9, 2015 — The 20th Annual Dubois Quilt Festival
Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 10am-8pm, Sun 10am-2pm
email Leigh Tuckey
Op Quilt
The Headwaters Arts & Conference Center—Dubois, WY
* **
August 13-15, 2015 — Cheyenne Heritage Quilters Quilt Show
Thurs and Fri 10am-8pm, Saturday 10am-4pm
Information: Contact Michelle Condon
Op Quilt
United Methodist Church—Cheyenne, WY
August 8-15, 2015 — Wyoming State Fair "Let the Good Times Roll"
Fairgrounds—Douglas, WY
August 29, 2015 — 11th Annual Mountain Village Outdoor Quilt Show & Sale
Challenge Competition Theme: “Best Out West” 9am-5pm
See Flyers on
email: 36 North Piney Road, Story, WY
September 10-12, 2015—Yellowstone Quilt Fest
Preview Thur 5pm-7pm $5 admission; Fri 9am-6pm; Sat 9am-5pm $3 Admission Marybeth Richardson (307) 754-5399
Cody Auditorium, 1240 Beck Avenue—Cody, WY
September 11-12, 2015—Popo Agie Annual Quilt Show
Lander Senior Center, 205 South 10th Street
Fri 5-8pm; Sat 9am-5pm—$2 Admission—Lander, WY
September 18-20, 2015—Quilts Along the Platte
Sponsored by Goshen County Quilters
Sep 18-19 10am-6:00pm; Sep 20 11am-3pm
Vendors, Op Quilt, Demos, Door Prizes, Program,
Care/Repair Heirloom Quilts by Judy Knight Sep 19 1pm
Contact Judy Dorn,
Free Admission
Goshen County Fairgrounds, Rendezvous Center
West Highway 26, Torrington, WY
September 18-20, 2015—WyoFiberLive Festival
Contact or call (307) 250-4305
Laramie, WY
September 25-26, 2015—Quilt-a-Fair
Boulder County Fairgrounds
Longmont, CO
October 3-4, 2015—NEW Quilt Show
Facebook: NE Wyoming Quilt Show
Camplex Fairgrounds, Gillette, WY
page 15
October 5-31, 2015—Annual Creative Fiber Guild Show
Contact Janet Hoxie
Fullmer Library - 335 W. Alger Street, Sheridan, WY
October 16-18, 2015—Quilting in the Winds
Pinedale, WY
October 21-25, 2015—Quick Quilt Retreat
Holiday Inn, Cody, WY
April 20-24, 2016—Quick Quilt Retreat
Holiday Inn, Cody, WY
July 14-17, 2016—Quilt Wyoming 2016
Camp Quilt-a-Lot—Info:
Northwest College, Powell, WY
Present your 2015 Membership Card to Receive a 10% Discount
on regular-priced fabrics, books, patterns and notions at Nuts
and Bolts Fabric. May not be combined with other special of-
Wyoming Patchwords is the official publication of the
Wyoming State Quilt Guild.
Patchwords is a bi-monthly publication, February, April, June, August, October and December.
The deadline for ads and information to be published is the
10th of the month preceding publication.
Advertising Rates:
Business Card-Size (2”x3.5”) $7.00 ($35/yr)
1/4 Page (3-1/2”x5” or 2-1/4x7.5”) $12.50 ($62.50/yr)
1/2 Page (5”x7-1/2” or 3-1/4”x10”) $25.00 ($125/yr)
Full Page (7-1/2”x10”) $50.00 ($250/yr)
Exact size may vary slightly.
Please contact the Editor about advertising:
Web Site:
Requests for permission to reprint articles or information in
Wyoming Patchwords should be directed to the Editor.
Contact Virginia Ohr at
to submit items for Patchwords and the Wyoming State Quilt Guild web site.
WSQG and the Editor for Patchwords reserve the right to select
the articles and advertising that reflect the purpose of the guild.
Submit payment to: Janice Benson, Treasurer—4215 Navajo, Laramie, WY 82072
The purpose of the Wyoming State Quilt Guild is to unite those who love the
quilter’s art, to preserve the heritage of quilts and to be a source of education.
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Buffalo, WY
Permit No. 06
Virginia Ohr, Editor & Web Mistress
193 Kumor Road
Buffalo, WY 82834