the chronicle - Bordentown Elks
the chronicle - Bordentown Elks
THE CHRONICLE To Our Members: VOLUME 12 ISSUE 1 First I would like to say how truly honored I am to serve as your Exalted Ruler for this new Elk Year. Best wishes to the new Ladies Auxiliary President, Nancy Debnarik , and the Auxiliary in their new year. I understand they have a lot in store for us this year. Thank you to all the Committee Chairpersons who stayed on and to those who are taking on a new committee this new year. I look forward to working with each of them and our new Board of Directors. Walt Papp and his Entertainment committee did an outstanding job on the Saint Patrick’s Dinner Dance. The food was superb and the fellowship was equal to none. Congrats to the Committee on a well done job. Youth Activities and Special Children’s Committees did a great job on their Easter Egg Hunts. Seeing the smiles on the faces of the children makes it all worth the hard work and time they put into these events. My special thanks to the PERs for installing our Officers at Installation and to Lou Gamba, PDD for his hard work in making our Lodge installation an honored affair for all of us. My best to everyone for a successful new Elk year. Fraternally, APRIL 2015 Special Points of Interest Audio/Video Com. (Pg. 3) Chaplain Sickness & Distress (Pg. 2) Committee Chairpersons (Pg. 14) Convention Corner (Pg. 6) Credentials (Pg. 2) ELK of the Month (Pg. 7) Elks Nat. Found. (Pg. 7) That’s Entertainment - C&W Dance/Karaoke/Special Events (Pg. 3 & 7) House Com. (Pg. 4) Membership/Retention (Pg.5 & 6) Monthly Event Calendar (Pg. 15) Movie Knight (Pg. 14) PER Assoc (Pg. 2) Public Relations Com. (Pg. 5) Phil Tyler, Exalted Ruler Sandwich Night Menus (Pg. 7) WHOSE MOTTO is: “GREAT PEOPLE MAKING GREAT STRIDES” Secretary Notes (Pg. 2) Scholarship (Pg. 6) Special Children’s Com. (Pg. 5) Trustees Corner (Pg. 2) 2014- 2015 OFFICERS Veteran’s Field (Pg. 5) EXALTED RULER Phil Tyler 215 - 601– 1440 Women’s Aux. (Pg. 4) LEADING KNIGHT Carmen Adonizio 954 - 7439 Ways & Means (Pg. 6) LOYAL KNIGHT Pete DeLucia 529 - 9795 YAC (Pg. 3) SPECIAL AFFAIRS UPCOMING LODGE & ENTERTAINMENT COM.(Pg. 7) LECTURING KNIGHT Heather Cheesman 298 - 7828 ESQUIRE Edward G. Taddei 724 - 9489 CONVENTION NEWS (Pg. 6) CHAPLAIN Phil Horner 234 - 0631 CONVENTION STEAK DINNER (Pg. 8) INNER GUARD Michael Weckenbrock 712-4753 FLEA MARKET (Pg. 9) TILER Jim Sharpe 947 - 4560 FISH FRY (Pg. 8) GOLF LEAGUE (Pg. 10) MYSTERY GOLF TRIP (Pg. 11) $10,000 Dinner (Pg. 8) WOM. AUX. TEE SHIRT SALE (Pg. 10) SECRETARY Ellen Weckenbrock 298 - 5939 TREASURER Karl Swanson (PER) 332 - 9052 TRUSTEE (5 YEAR) Gerry Vaughn 291 - 0792 TRUSTEE (4 YEAR) Lou Gamba, PDD 638 - 8966 TRUSTEE (3 YEAR) W. David Rooney (PER) 610 - 2358 TRUSTEE (2 YEAR) C.K. Lippincott 658 - 6063 TRUSTEE (1 YEAR) Bill Johnson 712 - 5955 Mickey DeSantis (PER) 298 - 9181 JUSTICE OF SUBORDINATE FORUM THE CHRONICLE Page 2 TRUSTEES’ CORNER SECRETARY’S CORNER Great job done by Can-Do Committee. Members, as of this reading I will be away for the month of April. Any dealings with the Secretary's Office should be directed to Lou Gamba who will be covering the Office. If your 2015-16 dues needs to be submitted, Lou will be handling that also. Wishing everyone a Happy and Safe Easter and a Spring full of warmth and sunshine. Ellen T. Weckenbrock BPOE 2085 Lodge Secretary 609-298-5939 Fraternally, Tom Pitcherello, Chairman P.E.R. ASSOCIATION Next Meeting, APRIL 22, 2015 4th Wednesday of every month. CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE HOUSE COMMITTEE DEN For hall usage contact Tony Dilemme 609-280-1320 Reminder from the Leading Knight- Members must have their membership card to enter the club. If you do not have it, you must sign the book. A guest may come with a member. That guest must sign the book also. The guest may stay as long as the member is there. But once the member leaves, the guest must leave also. Thank you for your cooperation in the lodge rules. Carmen Addonizio, Leading Knight CHAPLAIN’S PEW MEMBERS ON SICK LIST LEONARD ERLICH, PER, HUBERT “LUKE” PLATT, ROBERT MALLOY, Salvatore “Sal” Legnetti, Barry Mollis, Ralph Cianfrano Heavenly Father, we ask that you grant these special people a speedy recovery and a future full of good health. Amen. DEPARTED MEMBERS GEORGE COLEMAN DONALD WEAVER May Almighty God grant our brothers the rewards of good life and offer comfort and solace to their bereaved families. Amen. PLEASE, if you know of anyone who is sick, hospitalized or has passed away, notify Chaplain Phil Horner (609) 234 - 0631. It is important to us that we show respect to our Members at all times, most importantly in death. As we no longer call their names on the Roll, let us honor them one last time! Volume 11 Issue11 Page 3 YOUTH ACTIVITIES Thanks to our new Exalted Ruler Phil for the opportunity to serve as chairman of Youth Activities. One of my goals for this year is to mentor my co-chair, Valerie Hines so she will be better prepared to chair this committee in the future. Our Student of the month program and Lodge (not ENF) scholarship program are in progress. Out Lodge Scholarship Dinner will be held on May 7th. Other upcoming events are our Annual Good Friday Fish Fry on April 3rd and Fishing contest on May 9th. See additional write ups in this bulletin for further information. As with other committees in the Lodge, we are always looking for new members to come up with new ideas for fundraising and giving back to the youth of our community. We meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM and all are welcome. Lou Gamba THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT OFFICERS: – Chair Walt Papp Co Chair Sue Crivelli Secretary Patti Dixon Liaison Treasurer Donna Papp Entertainment meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 7:30 PM Saturday, April 11th – Karaoke with Rob Saturday, April 25th – DJ/ Karaoke with DJs Mark and Karen Wednesday April 22nd – Sandwich Night – Chicken Cordon Bleu dinner Upcoming Events Saturday, May 9th – Karaoke with Rob Saturday, May 23rd – DJ/ Karaoke with DJs Mark and Karen Audio/Visual Committee Our next goal is to install an outside surveillance system; this will help to control any wrong doings in our parking lot when we rent the hall as well as to ensure the safety of our members and bartenders when leaving the building. Once the committee comes up with a plan we will meet with the trustees for final approval. Our next meeting is Tuesday March 10th at 7:30 pm Respectfully, Chairman Mickey DeSantis, PER Membership Committee We would love to see half of our 870 members bring in a new member, this would certainly help relieve the monetary pressure our lodge is experiencing. Some Elks become inactive and are dropped from the rolls for lack of dues payment. Normal reinstatement cost is $30 plus prorated dues and no back dues is charged. Thank you Sincerely, The Membership Committee THE CHRONICLE Page 4 Women’s Auxiliary Hello all: I am honored to represent the Women’s Auxiliary as President and I promise to fulfill my office to the best of my ability. Thank you for supporting my position! I would like to congratulate and thank the Women’s Auxiliary officers and members for their continuous support and commitment. Your dedication is greatly appreciated and noticed. A special thank you goes out to our past President, Donna Papp for all her hard work and prosperous 2014-2015 Elk year. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Cary Crivelli, Baby PER, for a very successful year and always supporting the Women's Auxiliary. Congratulations to our new Exalted Ruler, Phil Tyler and his officers. I am looking forward to working together during the 2015-2016 Elk year and accomplish our goals. Our primary goal is to support the lodge. We are committed 100%! I ask all of you to support the Auxiliary in their functions and fundraisers. Current Events: We are now taking orders for convention shirts (Color: Orange). T-Shirts are $10 for S-XL; $12 for 2XL-3XL; $13 for 4XL5XL & Collared shirts are $15 for S-XL; $18 for 2XL-4XL. Sample shirts and flyers are available in the bar area. Orders must be received no later than Thursday, April 30th. See or call Rosemary Becker @ 609-915-6754 to place an order. Delivery date will be prior to the Wildwood Convention. -Executive Board Meeting: Wednesday, April 1st – 7:30pm in the Card Room -General Meeting: Wednesday, April 8th - 7:30pm in the Mirror Room In Friendship, Nancy Debnarik, President DUES REMINDER: Annual membership payment is due this month. See or call Rosemary Becker 609-915-6754 Upcoming Events Mother’s Day Flower Sale – 5/6; 5/7; 5/8 check for upcoming signs at the lodge with details) Student of the Year Dinner– Thursday, May 7th at 6 p.m. The auxiliary is providing a family style meal to all those who attend the Scholarship Dinner. Any type of help is needed and would be greatly appreciated! Sounds of the Street – Saturday, May 16th (see ad in bulletin and posters and flyers at lodge) Wildwood Convention: June 5-7 White Elephant at our general meeting; June 10th- last meeting for the summer Auxiliary Auction: Thursday, June 25th… more details to follow Meeting Reminder Executive Board Meetings are the first Wednesday – 7:30pm in the Card Room General Meetings are the second Wednesday - 7:30pm in the Mirror Room If you know of an Auxiliary member who is sick, hospitalized, or has recently passed away, please see or notify Chaplin, Carol Santoro @ 609-586-5627 WOMEN’S AUXILIARY OFFICERS 2015 - 2016 President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Conductress Chaplin Parliamentarian Trustee 3 Year Trustee 2 Year Trustee 1 Year Nancy Debnarik Linda D'Amico Rosemary Becker Patti DeSantis Joanne Jackman Carol Santoro Carol Adonizio Donna Papp Charlotte Elmer Donna Grondski 609-298-1421 609-584-8803 609-915-6754 609-298-9181 609-586-1620 609-586-5627 609-424-3481 609-324-9501 609-610-6779 609-890-8178 Volume 11 Issue11 Page 5 VETERAN’S FIELD SPECIAL CHILDREN’S VENUE Happy Easter to everyone from the Special Children’s Committee. He is Risen, indeed! Some Events we are planning: April 18th. - SW District Charity Ball $40 pp, being held at the Hamilton Lodge. See Andy Bush for tickets and more information. April 25th. and 26th. – Shake-a-can for Camp Moore. We need volunteers for two hour shifts from 9 AM to 4 PM. Please open your hearts and help us. See Andy Bush for Sign Up and information. Held at the ShopRite in Hamilton Marketplace. May 10th. – Mother’s Day – SCC Breakfast. June 21st. – Father’s Day – SCC Breakfast. August Clothing Drive for Camp Moore. More information to follow. Our kids bowl every Saturday at the Thunderbird Lanes in Wrightstown at 4 PM. Stop by and see the smiles your donations put on their faces. Remember, you are never too tall to bend down to help a handicapped child. Meetings at Lodge 7 PM the fourth Monday of the Month. Fraternally, Andy Bush , Chairperson Special Children’s PUBLIC RELATIONS Please forward announcements, flyers, and news ar cles for Lodge upcoming events to a commi ee member or to our email account. Be sure to indicate if the event is open to the public. The sooner we can promote your event, the be er the chances of greater a endance adding to our success. In addi on, forward follow-up commentary indica ng the results of your event and the approximate a endance. Photos must be submi ed in high resolu on for the papers to print them. Danielle Messineo (the newest member of the Public Rela ons commi ee) and myself will work with each commi ee to help promote your events to the community and exhibit our spirit of Elkdom. We are providing wonderful services for the community, let’s be sure our neighbors know about these events. Danielle Messineo can be reached at (908)227-7344and Chuck Betros at (609)890-0955. Public Rela ons email is Fraternally, Chuck Betros As we all start a new Elk Year, our committee wishes everyone a Happy and Blessed Easter. It’s a new year and we look forward to completing our missions and facing all challenges that come before us knowing if ever we need help, our fellow Elks will be right there willing to do whatever needed. We are truly fortunate to be in the company, both working and having a great time, of so many good people. So, we take a deep breath and say to our new Elk year, “Bring it on”. “Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success.” .Henry Ford *We received word from one of our contacts in Afghanistan not to send packages until further notice since they were moving. Our other group requested Tasty Cakes, so we sent seven boxes of Tasty Cakes along with some St. Pat’s cookies and decorations. *We sent another batch of coupons overseas. Ongoing projects: *Collecting sample size toiletries, books, batteries, CD’s, DVD’s and all occasion greeting cards for Vineland and the troops and The Mission of Honor donations. . Also, we are still collecting manufacturer’s coupons to send to our enlisted families overseas. They can be 1 – 2 moths past date. If you could divide them between food (anything you swallow) and non food it would be a great help. Thanks to all who have contributed. Fraternally, Jim Sharpe Page 6 SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship Announcements Pending THE CHRONICLE MEMBERSHIP RETENTION COMMITTEE Chairman George Grondski, PER Co-Chairman Jack Becker, PER Committee Members: Lou Gamba, PDD, Robert Pecht, PER, Ellen Weckenbrock, Heather Cheesman Fraternally George Grondski, PER WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Chairman-Mickey DeSantis Co-Chair-Sue Crivelli Secretary-Terri Jewell Treasurer-Karl Swanson Cook Book Elks Cookbook Down to the last 35, call and reserve one today!!! Need a gift for a birthday, shower, anniversary, or need to add a little something to your gift, why not give an Elks Cookbook. Only $15.00, pick up the phone today and call Patti DeSantis 609 298 9181 to place your order. Cookbook is made up of over 140 recipes from Elk members, families and friends. Buy One Today!!! Hurry, only so many left. Flea Market Next Flea Market Saturday April 18th, Rain Date Sunday April 19th $15.00 per space. Rosemary Becker is taking reservations for spaces, 609-424-3167 We are in the process of recruiting new members to join our team to help with some new fundraisers, we meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month, our next meeting is April 9th at 7:30 pm All ways and Means money goes directly to the general fund to help with the lodge’s operating expenses. Thank you, Mickey CONVENTION NEWS Sign-ups for Wildwood are still available but the room you receive will not necessarily be one you've had from year to year. The hotels have been sent our sign ups and we are well underway with getting things situated. We have received the contracts back and the contract for the Band. PLEASE, if you are Marching, get to Giovanni's for your fittings. Our goal is to have everything ready by May 15th but we need your help to accomplish this goal. Our upcoming events will be Wednesday Sandwich Nights and the Steak dinner. Unfortunately, the Sands bus trip has been cancelled due to lack of interest. Final payment for the convention is due by May 1. Terri Jewell will be available on Monday evenings at the lodge for your convenience. Ellen Weckenbrock, Chair THE CHRONICLE Page 7 UPCOMING LODGE EVENTS 2015 APRIL MAY 2nd $10,000 DINNER 8TH CONVENTION STEAK DINNER JUNE 5th - 7th WILDWOOD CONVENTION 3rd YAC FISH FRY 8TH GOLF LEAGUE 18th FLEA MARKET 19th FLEA MARKET RAIN DATE 24TH MYSTERY GOLF TOUR Elks National Foundation No upcoming information at this time. SANDWICH NIGHT MENUS - 6pm - 8pm April 1 2015 April 8, 2015 April 15, 2015 April 22, 2015 April 29. 2015 - Open faced Turkey Sand., French Fries, veggies, salad, rolls and dessert. - Vet. Com Cheesesteaks or Tuna Salad sandwiches FF, dessert - House Committee Pork Roll w/cheese or Meatball Sandwich, coleslaw FF dessert - Conv. Com. Chicken Cordon Bleu Dinner - Entertainment Com. Meatloaf, potatoes, vegetable, dessert - P.E.R. Assn. ELK OF THE MONTH APRIL 2015 - OCTOBER MAY 2015 - NOVEMBER 2015 - JUNE 2015 - DECEMBER 2015 - JULY 2015 - JANUARY AUGUST 2015 - FEBRUARY 2016 - SEPTEMBER 2015 - MARCH 2015 - 2016 2016 - Page 8 THE CHRONICLE SPECIAL YOUTH AND CHARITIES COMMITTEE $10,000 DINNER Thursday, APRIL 2, 2015 Y.A.C. ANNUAL ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT FISH FRY FRIDAY APRIL 3, 2015 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM Held @ Bordentown Elks Lodge 5PM - 8PM LOWER BALLROOM MENU: NEW ENGLAND CLAM CHOWDER, BEER BATTERED FISH, MAC & CHEESE, FRENCH FRIES, COLESLAW, For Tickets, call: COFFEE, TEA & DESSERT “$150 per ticket” Only 150 tickets sold Includes One Dinner and Cocktails Bill Johnson 609 712 5955 or see ADULTS: $10.00 Mike Kobylinski, CK Lipincott, John Terrell, George Grondski, Grason Jones, Bill Scannon Children 12 and under:$5.00 Children under 5: free KEEP THIS DATE OPEN! Five (5) $250 cash prizes Contact Don Wirth @ 273-7189 for table reservations Last Ticket Wins $10,000 cash Friday, MAY 8, 2015 CONVENTION COMMITTEE STEAK DINNER $15.00 Per Person paid in advance Two Serving Times: 6pm & 7pm Cut off Monday May 4, 2015 CONTACT Don Wirth at 609-273-7189 or ROZANNE HARKINS 585 - 2366 or 571 - 2261 FOR RESERVATIONS Table reservations accepted. Bar seating 1st come, 1st served Volume 11 Issue11 LL VERY WE ED ADVERTIS Place: Bordentown Elks Lodge # 2085 11 Amboy Rd. Bordentown, NJ 08505 609-298-2085 Date: Time: Saturday, April 18, 2015 (Rain date: Sunday April 19, 2015) 9am to 2 pm (Vendors may set up at 7:30) Cost: $15 per space (outside in parking lot) Contact person: Rosemary Becker 609-424-3167 Email: Food: Available for purchase Page 9 SAVE THE DATE CONVENTION COMMITTEE ELKS BUS TRIP TO SANDS CASINO BETHLEHEM, PA SUNDAY MAY 3, 2015 DEPART ELKS 11 AM RETURN BY 7:30 PM $30.00 per person $20.00 Slot Play $5.00 Food Comp CONTACT DONNA @ 298-0180 SORRY CANCELLED Volume 11 Issue11 BORDENTOWN ELKS GOLF LEAGUE Hanover Country Club Every Wednesday 2pm-dusk April 8, 2015 – Aug. 29, 2015 League Fee: $90 includes end of year tournament, prizes, dinner Pay at the course: $20 for 9 or $23 for 18 holes Contact: Tony DiLemme 280-1320 or Anthony Cenneno 313-5182 Email : WOMEN'S AUXILIARY ORDER FORM Tee Shirt - $10 each Size Small Quantity _____ Medium _____ Large _____ _____ 2XL 4XL X-Large _____ _____ 3XL 5XL _____ _____ Golf Shirts - Sizes Small to XL - $15; 2XL-4XL - $18 Size Small Quantity _____ Medium _____ Large _____ X-Large _____ 2XL _____ 3XL _____ 4XL _____ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name__________________________________________ Phone number___________________ Amount paid $__________________ Check #_____________ or Cash___________ PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER BY APRIL 30TH. Contact person: Rosemary Becker 609-424-3167 Page 10 Volume 11 Issue11 Page 11 The 12th ANNUAL BORDENTOWN ELKS LODGE AL (COACH) FANELLI MYSTERY GOLF TRIP FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2015 Cost: $130 (limited to 64 golfers) Includes golf, cart, driving range, shirt, refreshments, dinner, prizes, transportation $30 deposit due by April 10 (Checks payable to BPOE #2085) Event Schedule: 9:00-9:30 am-register at lodge, coffee, donuts, Bloody Mary’s 10:00 am – depart lodge for course, beer, water, soda on bus 11:30-1:00 pm- lunch (not provided), driving range, putting 1 pm – shotgun start 6 pm – dinner & hors oeuvres at clubhouse 7:30 pm – depart for lodge Contact: Tony DiLemme 280-1320, Richie Proc 585-3612, Dave Goebel 298-0326 Email: Name _______________ Phone # __________________ Email ________________ Shirt size _________________ Community Bulletin Board ADVERTISE HERE ADVERTISE HERE Page 12 Volume 11 Issue11 ADVERTISE HERE Page 13 Volume 11 Issue11 Page 14 2015 – 2016 Committees AMERICANISM Sharon Sharpe 947-4560 AUDIO VISUAL Mickey Desantis 298-9181 AUDITING Mickey Desantis 298-9181 BAR Joe Fox BINGO MEMBERSHIP INVESTIGATION INDOCTRINATION George Grondski PER 298-5550 MEMORIAL SERVICE Herb Fues PER 298-6583 Herb Fues 298-6583 MOTORCYCLE Jack Becker 915-6815 BLOOD DRIVE Dave Rooney 610-2385 Tony Gulotta PER 802-8812 888-3561 PER ASSOCIATION George Grondski PER BULLETIN CAMERA CLUB Jake Knipper 558-8603 PUBLIC RELATIONS Danielle Messineo CAN DO George Haluska 610-6923 QUOITS LEAGUE George Grondski 908-2277344 802-8812 CHARITIES Ellen Weckenbrock 775-7574 RITUAL COACHES Danny Sholes PDD COMMUNITY WELFARE Dave Rooney PER 610-2385 CONVENTION FLOAT PARADES John Jarzyk 893-7955 586-6454 CREDENTIALS Anthony Escolano 498-5461 DRUG AWARENESS Tony Gulotta PER 888-3561 ELKS NAT’L FND Heather Cheesman 298-7828 ENTERTAINMENT Walt Papp 324-9501 FLAG RETIREMENT Jim Sharpe 947-4560 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Donna Pelehaty 298-0180 GOLF Tony Dilemme 280-1320 GOURMET – LADIES Jane Rooney GOURMET – MEN HANDICAPPED BOWLING Mickery DeSantis PER Danny Sholes PDD 802-8812 298-9181 870-7216 Mickey DeSantis PER. 424-3654 298-9181 RENTAL AGENT Tony Dilemme 280-1320 SAFETY Gerry Vaughn 291-0792 SCHOLARSIPS Tony Dilemme Steve Metterle 280-1320 424-6927 SICKNESS AND DISTRESS Phil Horner 234-0631 SHUFFLEBOARD Mickey Desantis 298-9181 SPECIAL CHILDREN Andy Bush 585-5792 SPECIAL YOUTH & CHARITIES Bill Johnson 712-5955 VETERANS’ SERVICE Jim Sharpe 947-4560 WAYS & MEANS Mickey DeSantis PER 298-9181 649-2014 WHEELCHAIRS & EQUIPMENT Bill Johnson 712-5955 Mike Weckenbrock 712-4753 WOMEN’S AUX Nancy Debnarik 298-1421 Sue Giancola 324-9010 YOUTH ACTIVITIES HOOP SHOOT SOCCER SHOOT Lou Gamba PDD 638-8966 Valerie Hines 238-0987 Valerie Hines 238-0987 Dave Wriggins 694-2763 Bob McVicker PDD HOUSE GOVERNING BODY Carmen Adonizio INSTANT RAFFLE Donald Swanson PER LODGE ACTIVITIES Robert Lenhardt PVP 954-7439 298-0595 638-8966 STUDENT OF MTH April 2015 Sun 5 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 SANDWICH NIGHT 6PM NO C & W YAC Fish Fry $10,000 Dinner 6pm 5pm—8pm 10 6 7 8 9 LODGE Mtg. 8pm BINGO 7:15 PM Golf League 2pm C&W 7:30 PM 13 14 15 16 BINGO 7:15 PM SANDWICH NIGHT 6PM C&W 7:30 PM 4 11 Karaoke w/Rob 8:30pm SANDWICH NIGHT 6PM 12 Sat 17 18 Flea Market 9am DJ/Karaoke W/ Mark & Karen 8:30 pm 19 RAIN DATE 20 21 22 23 24 Flea Market 9am LODGE Mtg. 8pm BINGO 7:15 PM MEN’S GOURMET 6pm SANDWICH NIGHT 6PM C&W 7:30 PM Mystery Golf Trip 9am 26 28 29 30 BINGO 7:15 PM SANDWICH NIGHT 6PM C&W 7:30 PM 27 25 WOMEN’S GOURMET 6pm LODGE /COMMITTEE MEETINGS LODGE MEETINGS - 1ST & 3RD MONDAYS 8PM HOUSE COM - 4TH MONDAY 7:30PM TRUSTEES 2ND MONDAY 7:30PM MEN’S GOURMET - 3RD TUESDAY 6PM WOM. AUX. E-BOARD - 1ST WEDNESDAY 7:30PM WOM. AUX. GEN. MTG. - 2ND WEDNESAY 7:30PM VETERAN COM. - 3RD WEDNESDAY 7:15 PM MEMBERSHIP RET. COM. - 2ND THURSDAY 7:30 PM AUDIO/Visual COM. - 2ND TUESDAY 7:30 PM SHUFFLEBOARD—1ST & 3RD MONDAYS POST MTG. ENTERTAINMENT COM. - 2ND MONDAY 7:30PM SCC - 4TH MONDAY 7:00 PM WOM. GOURMET - 4TH TUESDAY 6PM Y.A.C. - 1ST WEDNESDAY 7:30 PM PER ASSN - 4TH WEDNESDAY 7:30 PM WAM - 2ND THURSDAY 7:30 PM CONVENTION COM. 1ST THURSDAY 7:30 PM Standard Mail BORDENTOWN ELKS LODGE U.S. POSTAGE 11 AMBOY ROAD PAID BORDENTOWN, NJ 08505 Permit No. 622 Trenton, NJ NEXT BULLETIN INFO: NO LATER THAN 15TH OF EVERY MONTH Editors: Tony and Cathy Gulotta PHONE: 609-888-3561 E-mail: