April, 10 - St Ferdinand Church


April, 10 - St Ferdinand Church
Page Two
Third Easter Sunday
Mass Intentions
April 10, 2016
The sanctuary lamps
this week are lit for:
+Anna Prus
Anthony R. Coco – recovery of health
MONDAY — April 11 Memorial of St. Stanislaw Bp. & Martyr
8:00 AM – Mass in English
12:00 PM (Noon) – Mass in English
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish
TUESDAY — April 12, 2016
8:00 AM – Birthday blessing for Fr. Jason Torba
12:00 PM (Noon) – Recovery of health for Anthony R. Coco
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish
WEDNESDAY — April 13, 2016
8:00 AM – +Catherine Francel
12:00 PM (Noon) – + Corazon M. Ranola -1st Ann. of death
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish
THURSDAY — April 14, 2016
8:00 AM – Mass in English
12:00 PM (Noon) – +Diana Reyes rq. Family
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish
FRIDAY — April 15, 2016
8:00 AM – Mass in English
12:00 PM (Noon) – Mass in English
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish
SATURDAY— April 16 2016
7:00AM- Mass in Polish
8:00 AM – Mass in English
5:00 PM – +Rosario Lim
SUNDAY— April 17—Fourth Sunday of Easter
7:00am – o zdrowie i boże błogosławieństwo oraz opiekę
Matki Najświętszej w czasie choroby dla zięcia, o zdrowia dla
mnie i całej mojej rodziny +Ewa i Jan Kabat, +Maria i Jan
Budzioch oraz ich dzieci, +Franciszek Budzioch, Krzysztof
8:30 AM – Birthday blessing for Sr. Anna Gorski
10:00 AM – +Felix T. Aquino
10:15 AM – o Boże błogosławieństwo i opiekę Matki
Najświętszej z okazji 60 rocznicy zawarcia
Sakramentu Małżeństwa dla Janiny i Franciszka
Wiercińskich +Wojciech Rzeszutek, +Edward
12:30 PM – Reno Romei
3:00 PM – Dziękczynna za otrzymane łaski z prośbą o dalsze
błogosławieństwo, zdrowie i opiekę Matki
Najświętszej dla rodziny Bywalec, o Boże
błogosławieństwo i dary Ducha sw. dla Małgorzaty
Bywalec z okazji 25 tych urodzin, o Boże
błogosławieństwo dla Danuty i Mariana z okazji 31
-szej rocznicy zawarcia Sakramentu Małżeństwa, o
zdrowie i błogosławieństwo Boże dla córki Zyty w
dniu imienin, +Malgorzata Bywalec, +Stanisław
Bywalec, +Roman Hadaniak, +Franciszek Sobesto
5:00PM- Mass in English
7:00 PM- Mass in Polish
We Welcome in Baptism
Tomasz Franciszek Kusyk son of Dorota Z. Kusyk
Abel Ma hew Barcenas son of Abel and Norma J.
(Juarez) Barcenas
Lennon Emilia Kostelicz daughter of Dariusz
Bartholomew and Jenna Marie (Scanlow) Kostelicz
Bartosz Michael Pankowski son of Bartosz and
Karolina (Pankowska) Pankowski
Adriana Czempinski daughter of Adam and Katarzyna
Anna (Romaniuk) Czempinski
Mikolay Teslyuk son of Mikhaylo and Ewelina Lucja
( Frys) Teslyuk
Congratula ons and best wishes to the couple married in
our church last week:
Michael Abran and Irene Mastalerz Heidelbauer
Rest in Peace
Please remember to pray for the souls of
all our faithful departed, especially:
Martha Iwanicki
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Held each Thursday following the
8:00 a.m. Mass un l 6:45p.m.
Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed in English
everyday from Monday to Friday following
8:00 a.m. Mass. Please take a short break
from your busy life and join the ladies in prayers. On every Saturday right a er 8:00 a.m. Mass prayer to St. Anne
is being said. Please stop by the Church and offer to God
at least a few moments of your me.
April 10, 2016
Third Easter Sunday
Page Three
Remember in Prayer
Our Stewardship
of Treasure
As members of the parish faith community, it is our
responsibility to remember both in concrete and
spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate with us each
week because they are ill. Those who are sick in turn,
remember all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings.
Irene Rowe
Mary Ayello
Anthony R. Coco
Lo e Chrapla
Violet Del Vacchio
Edward Waytula
Pat Ostrowski
William Keleher
Arlene Garcia
Diana Krzyzanowski
Nick Paolino
Jean Staniszewski
Laura Schofield
Calvin Upton
Julie D’Agos no
Luna Family
Brianna Jurczykowski
Susan Milostan
Robert Malek
Michael F. Coco
Tish Vanoni
Jodi Mack
Geraldine Mack
Agnes Coco
Ester Baran
Isabell Beyer
Deadra Kusek
Stanley Podgorny
Laverne Greco
Steve Johns
Barbara Alderson
Anna DeBold
Kathleen Barr
Lesley Barr
Mary Hal n
Virginia Starsiak
Veena Bhat
Pat Flynn
Veronica Segovia
Frances Skrabacz
Marion Watermann
Richard Behrendt
Joseph Biancalana Sr.
Joseph Biancalana
Steve Garorowski
Grace Miceli
Dolly D’Agos no
Jerry Mack
Wiliam Reynen
Julia Szyelik
Jim Jezuit
George Keehn
Donald Trainor
Maureen Keith
Dolly Aloisio
Michael Spano
Judy Fahey
Lee Ready
John Ready
Gack Fahey
Jadwiga Glowacz
Petronella Latuszek
Jack Fahey
Jany Aloisio
Margery Janz
Jody Panek
Chris ne Gross
Zareli Saavedra
Helen Szostak
Be y Hotcaveg
Mary Lynn Remijan
Wiliam Remijan
Arle e Prasteher
Richard Wojcichowski
Frank De Marco
Stefan Wiśniewski
Carmela DiTata
Stanisław Cwieka
John Brown
Joanna Grzeszkowiak
Felix Aquino
Marry Henning
Teri & Fred Bauer
Lena Dorado
SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016
Envelopes — $6,142.00
— $6,966.00
Envelopes — $14,530.00
— $ 5,158.00
$ 19,688.00
Envelopes — $5,593.00
— $3,231.00
$ 8,824.00
Thank you for sharing your „TREASURE”
with St. Ferdinand Parish
Thank you!
Sincere THANK YOU to all who give their me
to keep our church clean. Thank you for your
faithfulness and dependability. Please know
that your help is very much valued and
We invite anyone able to help with the church cleaning.
Please join us weekly on Mondays at 5:00 pm
and Fridays at 10:00 am. Thank you!
SATURDAY, April 16
5:00 PM
D. Lasiewicz
E. Mele, R. Scarpelli
SUNDAY, April 17
8:30 AM
SPC Jeffrey Foerster ;
SA Andrew Rios
Pvt2 Nicholas Whelan;
CPL Derrick Mateja
$ 13, 108.00
10:00 AM
12:30 PM
S. Pasko
Rel Ed
E.A. Anaya
J. Portenlanger
M. Syodia/
L. Perez
R. Pasko, M. McGinniss
A. Groeper, E. Anaya
M. Barbhart, C. Trujilo, D. Ash
S. Kass, E. Camamara
H. Syodia
J .Zarate, M. Madrano
April 10, 2016
Third Easter Sunday
Page Four
he truth is we cannot comprehend how far God’s mercy reaches. A look around the world today and we witness a state of
serious sin among its people. We witness the broken heartedness that resulted from sin, and we witness a people lost –
searching for that one thing that only God can offer – the healing balm of Godly love. So the ques on becomes, can the sinner
be redeemed, can he be saved? Or is the sinner lost, sentenced to the pain of separa on from God for all eternity?
I believe the answer can, in part, be found in today’s readings. David, the great king whose lineage would eventually give us
Joseph, Mary and Jesus Christ himself, had certainly found favor with God. The last several weeks we have read what a great
man and leader King David was. He fought the giant Goliath and won, he treated Saul with the honor and respect due him, and
just yesterday we witnessed David’s hear elt humility and love for our Lord God. God blessed David’s house, a blessing that
would last for all of eternity. Oh how God must love David.
Then today…. Oh David! Seriously, a er receiving all of that from God and having such a beau ful personal rela onship with
Him – you fall into lust, adultery and murder? Sins, that rank pre y high on the sin scale by any measure. Oh, how weak we
human beings can be. Yes, David the great king was human, and in being so, he was subject to human weakness. However,
God in all his loving mercy remained faithful to the promise he made with David. Yes, God kept his word. God con nued to
bless David and show him mercy in spite of David’s sinful nature.
David, a er all the sins he commi ed, s ll received the blessings God promised. He gets the girl and he is blessed with a male
heir to his throne. Remember, a er taking the beau ful Bathsheba as his wife, she gives birth to a son – Solomon who would
become another great king. Yes, God is good and David was blessed indeed.
However, somehow it doesn’t seem quite fair does it? A sinner such as David s ll receives God’s mercy and apparent favor? Of
course, we know David was a virtuous man in many ways and that God saw David’s goodness. However, some mes we scratch
our heads and say – really God? One can one fall to lust,
commit adultery and murder and s ll be redeemed by
offering an abundance of good works coupled with desire to
have a rela onship with you? Yes – you see, human
judgement cannot comprehend the loving mercy of God.
They key here is David’s desire to have a rela onship with
God coupled with the steps he took to foster this
rela onship. Remember, David ac vely par cipated in a
rela onship with God over and over.
To know the mind of God is beyond all human
comprehension. This is why we are called to not judge as
judgement is God’s alone. Only God has the ability, authority
and power to offer defini ve judgement. Remember, God
“desires all men to be saved” (1 Tim 2:4), and that for him “all
things are possible” (Mt 19:26). So, let’s leave it with God.
Let’s not judge the David’s in the world (for good or bad),
let’s not judge our neighbors, our family, our friends. Let’s
focus on what God want us to focus on.
So what are we called too focus on? Of course we are called
to love God above all others and to love our brothers as
ourselves! And how can we do that this year in par cular?
Pope Francis has declared this year a year of Mercy – beyond
beau ful. (don’t you just love being Catholic!!!!) We are
called to show mercy, to show love to one another and in
doing so we par cipate with God’s plan for humanity.
By: Carolyn M. Berghuis, MS, ND, CTN
Page Five
Third Easter Sunday
April 10, 2016
Dear St. Ferdinand’s Parishioners,
My name is Sebas an Zebrowski. I am a seminarian and I am preparing for the priesthood
in the Mundelein Seminary. Recently, thanks to the hospitability of your pastor Fr. Jason Torba I
have become a new seminarian of St. Ferdinand Parish and I am happy to call this my adopted
parish here in Chicago.
This is my second year in the United States. I love this country, people, and, if God wants, I
will become a priest here in the Archdiocese of Chicago. However, I s ll face many challenges like
studies, forma on, culture, and language. Because of that it is very important for me have place
that I can call home. I believe that St. Ferdinand will become this kind of place for me. I am very
grateful to Fr. Jason, Fr. Paul, and Fr. Michael, the sisters, and you for receiving me here. I hope that I will not disappoint you.
Right now I am finishing my First Year of Theology in Mundelein Seminary. This year has been very frui ul, yet also
par cularly difficult for me. I lost my father and s ll try to recover a er his death. Consequently, I ask you for the prayer for
him and my family in Poland. Thank you for that in advance. If you ever would like to talk with me I would be more than happy
to do it. Thank you again!
May God Bless you!
Seminarian Sebas an Zebrowski
Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Collection
I was hungry and you gave me food
Watching your child go without food is one of the hardest
experiences any parent could imagine. Thankfully,
Catholic Chari es has a network of food pantries for
anyone in crisis. We also distribute food to women,
infants, children, and seniors; deliver meals to the homebound; and give summer lunches to poor children. At our
supper programs, thousands who are hungry or homeless
are comforted with warm meals in the company of
friendly faces.
Wednesday, April 20
St. Ferdinand’s Ladies of St. Anne will
have their mee ng on Wednesday,
April 20, 2016 at 11:30AM. The
mee ng wll be held at St. Ferdinand’s Convent, 5936 W.
Barry, Chicago.
Are you red of Winter? What a be er way to welcome
Spring then to come and enjoy visi ng with old frineds and
making new ones. Bring a friend— all are welcome!
A light lunch will be served.
Concert -Sunday, April 24, 2016
“Spring Medley of Violin and Vocal”
Mallory Linehan, violinist and soprano Rebecca May Gaspelin
will perform works by Bach, Mozart, Debussy, Guiliani and
Saint. – Mallory (le ) is a 6th semester Violin Performance
major at Roosevelt University. Originally from MetroDetroit, she has been studying violin for 10 years, and has
experience performing all sorts of genres, from . music of the
Renaissance and Baroque, to Jazz and other contemporary
styles. Rebecca (right) is a young Soprano from Orlando, Fl.
She is currently studying at Chicago College of Performing
Arts majoring in Vocal performance.
This Sunday, April 24th a ernoon concert, is the fourth and
final of the Lasallian Salon series this season being presented
at the Stahl Family Theatre, 5900 W. Belmont. The concert
begins at 2pm. Sea ng is limited to 40 guests, and
complimentary wine, coffee, tea and (snacks donated by All
on the Road Catering of Park Ridge) are included in the
admission price of $25. Order ckets by mail, phone, or
online at: 773-286-8470, www.stpatrick.org/performingarts
Page Six
Third Easter Sunday
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Annual Prevent Child Abuse Prayer Service and Pinwheel
Plan ng to be Celebrated at Healing Garden
April marks the beginning of Na onal Child Abuse
Preven on Month and, in observance of this, the Annual
Prevent Child Abuse Prayer Service and Pinwheel Plan ng
will be held at the Healing Garden of the Archdiocese of
Chicago, located at Holy Family Parish, 1080 West Roosevelt
Road in Chicago, on Friday, April 15, at 11:30 a.m. The
outdoor service will be led by Rev. Lawrence Dowling, Pastor
of St. Agatha Parish, and will include a reflec on from
Michael Hoffman, Chairman of the Hope and Healing
Commi ee. Students from St. Igna us College Prep will
perform music at the service.
Many students from Archdiocesan Catholic schools will
par cipate in prayer and song at the service and Pinwheel
Plan ng event, including those from St. John de la Salle
Catholic Academy, St. Angela School, St. Igna us College
Prep, St. Mary of the Woods School and St. Thecla School. As
part of the prayer service, each student will plant his or her
own pinwheel for preven on, many of which are being
handcra ed for this event. Blue ribbons, another symbol of
preven on, will be ed onto trees at the Healing Garden.
Pinwheels, the na onal symbol of child abuse preven on,
represent the happiness of childhood and the chance at
healthy, joyful and full lives that all children deserve.
The Healing Garden was created in 2010 as a place of prayer
and healing for vic m/survivors of clerical sexual abuse, for
their families and for the greater Catholic Church. The
concept of the garden came from clergy abuse vic ms,
priests and Office for the Protec on of Children and Youth
staff members, and was approved by the late Francis
Cardinal George, OMI, Archbishop Emeritus of Chicago. A
focal point of the Healing Garden is the sculpture, Circle of
Love, depic ng the Holy Family, a gi of the Sisters of the
Holy Family of Nazareth.
More informa on can be found on the Healing Garden
website, www.healinggardenchicago.org.
Friday, April 29 and Saturday, April 30
Two or more hours of your me will make
a difference for more than 600 children and
adults with developmental and physical disabili es.
Please call Kathy & John Gaughan
at 708-771-8850 or email them at
April 10, 2016
April 10, 2016
Third Easter Sunday
Mother-Daughter Tea
Sunday, April 24
The Natural Family Planning Ministry of the Marriage and
Family Ministries Office of the
Archdiocese is organizing the Mother
-Daughter Tea Program for 10-12
year old girls and their mothers. The
Program will be held at the Catholic
Chari es St. Vincent Hall, 721 North
LaSalle Street in Chicago, on Sunday,
April 24, at 2 p.m. For more
informa on and to register, visit
Mass for Expectant Mothers
Sunday, May 8
Very Rev. Ronald A. Hicks, Vicar General of the Archdiocese
of Chicago, will celebrate Mother’s Day with a special Mass
for Expectant Mothers at Holy Name Cathedral, State and
Superior Streets in Chicago, beginning at 12:30 p.m. At the
Mass, Fr. Hicks will give a special blessing to all mothers. A
silk rose, as well as a prayer card and medal of St. Gerard,
the patron saint of expectant mothers, will be given to all
those awai ng the birth of a child.
ECHO Chicago
June 24 to 30
ECHO Chicago is a Theology of the Body Summer Camp
where young adults unpack and process the themes of
prayer, iden ty and the mission to love. Invited are entering
High School Juniors and Seniors, as well as gradua ng
Seniors and young adults. Due to space, overall balance or
male/female ra o and other factors, the camps are
necessarily limited. Please visit
www.RespectLifeChicago.org to get more informa on and
to register. Everyone who applies will be considered, but
not all may be accepted for this summer's camp. For more
informa on call, 312-534-5355 or email:
September 18
The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, September 18, at 2:45 PM, at Holy
Name Cathedral, 735 North State Street,
Chicago, Illinois. Couples married in 1966
interested in a ending this celebra on
should contact their parish to register. For
further informa on, call the Marriage and
Family Ministries Officeat 312.534.8351 or visit the website:
Page Seven
Monday — April 11, 2016
10:00AM — Friendship Club (Convent)
6:00PM — Cub Scout (Convent)
6:00PM — Troop #51 (Jason Torba Center)
Tuesday — April 12, 2016
10:30AM — Irving Park Women’s Club (Convent)
5:00PM — Radosc (Jason Torba Mee ng)
6:00PM — Chicagowskie Slowiki (Chapel)
Wednesday — April 13, 2016
11:30AM — Ladies of St. Anne (Convent)
2:30PM — Jr. Legion of St. Mary (Convent)
5:00PM — Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena (Church)
6:00PM — Cub Scouts (Convent)
6:00PM — Polonia Group Dance (Jason Torba Center)
6:00PM — Chicagowskie Slowiki (Chapel)
6:30PM — Legion of Mary (Small Convent)
Thursday — April 14, 2016
2:30PM — Jr. Legion of Mary Adora on (Church)
6:00PM — Boy Socuts Pack 3051 (Jason Torba Center)
6:00PM — Girls Scouts (Convent)
7:00PM — Filareci Choir (Chapel)
Friday — April 15, 2016
9:00AM — Legion of Mary (Convent)
6:30PM — Pilgrim Virgin (Convent)
7:00PM — Faus num (Church)
Saturday —April 16, 2016
8:00AM — Polish School (School)
1:00PM — Polish Scouts (Convent)
3:30PM — St; Ferdinand School Dance (Jason Torba Ctr)
5:30PM — Holy Spirit Missionary Associa on (Convent)
6:00PM — AA Mee ng (Convent)
Sunday— April 17, 2016
10:00AM — Pine Wood Derby Cub Socut (Jason Torba Ctr)
10:10AM — Mater Chris Council Anniversary Mass (Chapel)
11:00AM — Knight s Anniversary Recep on (Canning)
11:10AM — Lednica (Chapel)
3:00PM — Bap sm in Polish (Church) ARCHDIOCESAN WEBSITE
See what’s new at www.archchicago.org
April 10, 2016
Third Easter Sunday
Page Eight
Sunday Mornings at 9:30 a.m. on WGN-TV 9 —
Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls the
“Parish of the Airways” is seen on Sunday mornings at
9:30 a.m., on WGN-TV, Channel 9 in Chicago for those
unable to leave their homes because of age or ailment to
a end Mass.
The deadline for bulle n ar cles is 3:00 p.m. on the
previous Friday preceding the Sunday of publica on.
All ar cles can be can emailed to:
bulle n@sain erdinand.org or drop it off at the office.
Thank you!
April 10, 2016
Third Easter Sunday
Page Nine
8:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.
3131 N. MASON
ADULTS — $7.00
CHILDREN under 12 — free
Includes a Complete
of Pancakes,
Sausages, Orange
Juice, Milk, Coffee
or Tea
Page Ten
Third Easter Sunday
Drodzy Parafianie Parafii Św. Ferdynanda,
Nazywam się Sebas an
Zebrowski. Jestem klerykiem
i odbywam swoja formacje
seminaryjną w Mundelein
Seminary. Od niedawna,
dzięki gościnności waszego
Proboszcza, ks. Zdzisława
Torby stałem się również
klerykiem Parafii Św.
Ferdynanda. Dzięki temu mogę nazywać waszą
parafię moim przyszywanym domem tu w Chicago.
W Stanach Zjednoczonych mieszkam od
niedawna, bo od dopiero dwóch lat. Kocham ten kraj
oraz ludzi i jeśli Pan Bóg pozwoli zostanę wyświęcony
na kapłana Archidiecezji Chicago. Wciąż jednak
doświadczam trudności związanych ze studiami,
formacją seminaryjną, kulturą i językiem. Dlatego jest
dla mnie tak ważne, aby mieć miejsce, które mógłbym
nazwać domem. Wierzę, że takim miejscem dla mnie
stanie się Parafia Św. Ferdynanda. Jestem bardzo
wdzięczny Księżom Proboszczowi, Pawłowi,
Michałowi, siostrom i oczywiście Wam za przyjęcie
mnie tutaj. Mam nadzieję, że was sobą nie rozczaruje.
W tym momencie kończę mój pierwszy rok w
Mundelein. Był to owocny, ale także i bardzo trudny
dla mnie rok. W listopadzie straciłem mojego tatę i
wciąż próbuję dośjć do siebie po jego śmierci. Dlatego
tez proszę o modlitwę za jego duszę i za moją rodzinę
w Polsce. Dziękuję za to. Jeśli kiedykolwiek
chcielibyście ze mną porozmawiać byłbym za to
bardzo wdzięczny. Jeszcze raz dziękuję!
Szczęść Boże!
Kleryk Sebas an Zebrowski
W każdy drugi czwartek miesiąca
o godz. 6:00 wieczorem
zapraszamy na
Adorację Najświętszego
z młodzieżowym zespołem
Radość działającym p
rzy naszej parafii.
Zachęcamy i serdecznie
zapraszamy w najbliższy
czwartek, 14 kwietnia!
April 10, 2016
Czwartek, 14 kwietnia, 2016
W zwiazku z obchodami 1050 Rocznicy Chrztu Polski w czwartek,
14 kwietnia serdecznie zapraszamy na Mszę św. odnowieniem
przyrzeczen Chrztu Świętego o godz. 7:00 wieczór.
Dzień 14 kwietnia, który w tym roku wypada w czwartek, ma
szczególne znaczenie. Wedle zgodnej opinii historyków właśnie 14
kwietnia 966 roku, w przypadającą wówczas Wielką Sobotę, książę
Mieszko I przyjął chrzest. Gdzie akt ten nastąpił, nie wiadomo.
Najnowsze badania sugerują jednak, że stało się to
najprawdopodobniej na terenie podległym władcy, niewykluczone,
że w jednym z głównych grodów, wśród których Gniezno
odgrywało szczególną rolę. Tysiąc lat później, 14 kwietnia 1966
roku w Gnieźnie odbyły się centralne obchody Sacrum Poloniae
Millenium pod przewodnictwem Prymasa Tysiąclecia kard. Stefana
Wyszyńskiego i z licznym udziałem wiernych i duchownych, m.in.
przyszłego papieża, a wówczas metropolity krakowskiego Karola
Chrzest i erygowanie niezależnego biskupstwa zrównały Polskę
z chrześcijańskimi krajami Europy i związały z zachodnim kręgiem
kultury chrześcijańskiej. Mieszko I stał się równy innym władcom
chrześcijańskim, umocnił też swoją władzę. Do Polski zaczęli
przybywać duchowni. Powszechna wśród nich znajomość łaciny
ułatwiała władcy kontakty międzynarodowe. Duchowni znali
również tajniki uprawy roli, uczyli melioracji podmokłych terenów,
stosowali nowe narzędzia, których wykorzystanie przyczyniało się
do rozwoju gospodarki rolnej. Pogańskie dotychczas plemiona
zamieszkujące państwo Polan trzeba było ewangelizować, uczyć
prawd wiary i zasad chrześcijańskiej moralności. Powstawały
wspaniałe budowle sakralne, wznoszono nowe świątynie. Przy
katedrach, parafiach i klasztorach zakładano szkoły kształcące
kandydatów do stanu duchownego, ale nie tylko. Klasztory
i kościoły były też ośrodkami życia intelektualnego i artystycznego.
Literatura i sztuka kształtowały się głównie pod wpływem i dla
celów Kościoła. Szerzenie się religii chrześcijańskiej sprzyjało
rozwojowi i wzbogacaniu słownictwa. — Całe nasze duchowe
bogactwo, nasza narodowa kultura, są owocem przyjęcia chrztu
św. przez księcia Mieszka I i naszych praojców. Jako ich
spadkobiercy, jako spadkobiercy tej ogromnej duchowej spuścizny,
mamy prawo do wielkiej dumy, ale mamy też święty obowiązek
obrony chrześcijańskich wartości, z których wyrosła Polska!
April 10, 2016
Third Easter Sunday
Zapraszamy na spotkania Rodziny Radia Maryja przy stole
wielkanocnym W niedzielę 17 kwietnia 2016 r. - godz.
10:30 przed południem odprawiona zostanie Msza św. z
udziałem Ojców z Radia Maryja z
Torunia, w kościele Św. Stanisława
Biskupa i Męczennika przy 5352 W.
Belden Ave., w Chicago.
O godz. 4:00 po południu spotkanie i
obiad w Sali bankietowej restauracji
„Lone Tree Manor” przy 7730 N.
Milwaukee w Niles.
Karty wstępu do nabycia w Centrali
Radia Maryja. Tel. 773.385.8472
Serdecznie zapraszamy całą Rodzinę Radia Maryja z Chicago
i okolic, a także tych, którzy w tę rodzinę chcą się włączyć,
na wspólne świętowanie.
Z modlitwą,
O. Zbigniew Pieńkos CSsR
Page Eleven
Narodowe Siły Zbrojne-Nowe Pokolenie
pragną serdecznie podziękować parafii
pw. Św. Ferdynanda za umożliwienie
nam przeprowadzenia kwesty "Polacy w
Chicago - Polakom na Kresach".
Wyrazy wdzięczności dla księży, sióstr zakonnych,
parafian, wszystkich, którzy
pomagali przy zbiórce i
przede wszystkim dla
Przyłącz się do Wspólnoty Apostołów Bożego Miłosierdzia w naszej parafii, podejmując dzieła miłosierdzia każdego dnia.
Zapraszamy na Mszę św. W piątek, 15 KWIETNIA lDo kościoła na godz. 7:00 wieczorem. Jest to godzina Miłosierdzia w której
uprosisz wszystko dla siebie i dla innych. W tej godzinie stała się łaska dla całego świata—Miłosierdzie zwyciężyło
April 10, 2016
Third Easter Sunday
Page Twelve
April 10, 2016
Third Easter Sunday
Page Thirteen
ON GETTING BACK TO WORK, AND FINDING THE CHRIST Copyright 2015 by John B. Reynolds (john@jrwrites.com)
In today’s Gospel, we find Simon Peter, Thomas, Nathanael
(Bartholomew of the original Twelve), Zebedee’s sons James and
John, and two unnamed disciples--seven in total--along the shore
of Lake Tiberias (a.k.a the Sea of Galilee). Well, I’m thinking these
guys are fisherman. I mean, we know that Peter and James and
John are. We don’t really know about the other four, but it’s a
good guess that it’s what they all do, too. At least it’s what they
probably all did before Jesus came along to make them fishers of
men. And that went pre y well for them un l that bad scene back
at Jerusalem. But then Mary of Magdala found the empty tomb,
and things are looking up again.
We know about Peter and John’s footrace to the spot. We know
that they “did not yet understand the scripture that (Jesus) had to
rise from the dead.” We even know that Jesus appeared to his
disciples when Thomas was absent, then a week later with Thomas
present. But even given these appearances, the disciples must
have been unsure of what to do next. So again, I’m thinking they all
went back to doing what they used to do (these seven to fishing,
Ma hew to tax collec ng, the others to who-knows-what. When
Peter says, “I am going fishing,” then, it’s much more than just an
idea for something to do. He and the rest are essen ally saying,
“We’re going back to work.”
Especially in this Jubilee Year of Mercy when the Holy Father
calls us to forgiveness and love, we could speak at length today of
Christ’s beau ful display of mercy to Peter near the end of the
Gospel. Surely Jesus poses the same ques on to Peter three mes
to allow his responses to confirm his allegiance to Jesus following
Peter’s three-fold denial in the courtyard. “Simon, son of John, do
you love me more than these?” Jesus asks. “Simon, son of John, do
you love me?” “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” And Peter
responds in turn, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” “Yes, Lord,
you know that I love you.” And finally, “Lord, you know everything.
You know that I love you.” And with each response, Jesus directs
Peter to care for the flock.
But the message that speaks to me more so today comes just prior
to all these repea ng ques ons and answers. It comes in the
disciples’ decision to return to work--to the commonplace--even
though they are no doubt hoping for Jesus to connect with them in
some more impac ul way. And yet it is in the commonplace that
they come to recognize Jesus in the stranger on shore giving them
fishing direc ons. “Cast the net over the right side of the boat and
you will find something,” the man calls to them, and only when the
disciples do this--and garner a tremendous catch a er a long night
of nothing--do they make the connec on. “It is the Lord,” John
says to Peter. And what’s the very first thing the disciples do when
they reach the shore? They have a meal with Jesus. I mean, how
commonplace is that? Of course we can find the risen Christ in all
of our sacred tradi ons. And it’s good to find him there. But let’s
never forget that we can find him also--and probably on a more
regular basis--in the commonplace. Perhaps even at breakfast with
friends. Grilled fish, anyone?
St. Ferdinand Parish
Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary: Marcia Codak
Ladies of St. Anne: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio, President
Legion of Mary: Miss Aurora Almeida — President
Legion of Mary, Juniors: Mrs. Emma Camara, President
Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club: Mrs. Dolores Schoewe
Polish Altar Servers — Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski, Moderator
English Altar Servers: Fr. Pawel Adamus, Moderator
Polish Club of the Good Shepherd: Mr. Andrzej Parada, President
Bro. Dr. James Drangsholt, Director of Music/Liturgy,
Polish Rosary Group: Mrs. Helena Lesak, President
Lector & EM Coordinator
Polish School Parents’ Assn.: Mrs. Bogusława Łakomy, Pres.
Mr. Kamil Duda, Polish Music Director
Radość: Ms. Marzena Kulesza, Music Teacher
Dcn. Irv Hotcaveg, Deacon Emeritus
Kropeczki: Sr. Dorota Domin
Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Homebound Ministers of Care Scheduler
Lednica Group: Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski
Polonia: Ms. Anna Krysinski 847-529-2555
Parish Council
Mrs. Sophie Kass—President, Stanley Mastalerz, Anthony
MOP: Mrs.Marta Robak 847-312-6144
Mangiaracina, Peter Holod, Irene Heidelbauer, MaryAnn Barnhart,
St. Ferdinand Athletic: Mrs. Linda Ward
Joyce McGiniss, Elizabeth Kata, Maria Gal, Br. James Drangsholt,
St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club:
ExOfficio Members: Dr. Lucine Mastalerz , Sr. Dorota Domin
Mr. Tadeusz Kulasik, President
St. Ferdinand School Board:
Parish Finance Committee
Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Chairperson
Mr. Tom Bucaro-Chairperson, Robert Groszek, Tadeusz Czosnyka,
St. Vincent DePaul Society: Mr. Michael McGinniss, President
Edith Anaya, Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Mr. Gene Szaben, Greg Ramel, Teens of Our Church: Fr. Pawel Adamus —Youth Minister
ExOfficio Members: Mr. Martin Wojtulewicz-Parish Accountant, Sr.
The Association of Apostles of the Divine Mercy:
Kamila Wojdyla, Irene Heidelbauer, Dr. Lucine Mastalerz
Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski, Moderator
Ushers Club: Mr. Peter Holod, President
Parish Organizations and Prayer Groups
Pro-Life Coordinators: Tony Mangiaracina, Helena Lesak
Boy Scout: Mr. Vince Clemente, Coordinator
Chapel Choir – Conductor Julie Tupiak 773-742-2611
Fish Fry: Mrs. Pat Wenzl and Mrs.Mary Ellen Leavy Coordinators Word of Life — Dito Camara 773-344-8514
Holy Spirit Missionary Association: Sr. Elwira Dziuk
Friendship Club: Mrs. Patricia Flynn, President
Notre Dame Athletics: Mrs. Linda Ward
Girl Scout: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss, Coordinator
Notre Dame Board of Directors: Ms. Sue Miller & Ms. Judy Becker
Knights of Columbus—Mater Christi Council:
Mr. Edward Weyna, Grand Knight
Support Staff
Mrs. Zofia Mazurek, Parish Secretary
Sr. Kamila Wojdyla, Administrative Assistant
Ms. Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska, Bulletin Editor
Mr. Kamil Duda, Website Designer/Editor
St. Ferdinand Parish
Phone: (773) 622-5900
Rev. Zdzisław (Jason) Torba, Pastor
Rev. Pawel Adamus, Associate Pastor
Rev. Michael Wyrzykowski, Associate Pastor
Rev. Albert Judy, OP — PT Associate Pastor
Rev. Raymond O’Connor, CMF — Weekend Help
Br. James Drangsholt, OSF — In Residence
Dcn. Pawel Barwikowski
8:00 AM & 12:00 Noon
W ciągu tygodnia
7:00 PM
8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Anticipated)
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
10:00 AM (Chapel)
12:30 PM
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
10:15 AM
3:00 PM
7:00 PM
Monday—Saturday / od poniedziałku do soboty
6:30 PM — 7:00 PM
Saturday / Sobota
8:30 AM — 9:00 AM
First Friday of the month / Pierwszy piątek miesiąca
6:00 PM —7:30 PM
St. Ferdinand School: 773 622-3022
Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Principal
Notre Dame High School for Girls Office: 773-622-9494
Irene Heidelbauer— Principal
Religious Education Office: 773 622-3022 ex. 352
Sr. Dorota Domin
St. Ferdinand Polish Saturday School: 773-622-3022 ex 303
Sr. Dorota Domin — Principal
Christian OutReach (COR): 773 622-9732
Mr. Michael McGinniss, Director
Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773 889-7979
Sr. Dorota Domin—Superior Sr. Kamila Wojdyla,
Sr. Anna Gorska
For Children: a pr e-Baptism class is required for Baptism of the
first child. Classes are held in English on the first Wednesday of each
month at 7:30PM in the Church, and in Polish on the last Tuesday of
each month at 7:30PM in the Church. Following registration, the
sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in English on the second Saturday
each month at 6:00PM and on the fourth Sunday of the month at the
12:30PM Mass. The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in Polish on
the first Saturday of the month at 6:00PM and on the third Sunday of
the month at the 3:00PM Mass. Please call the rectory to register at
For Adults: Classes ar e taught thr ough the Rite of Chr istian Initiation Program (RCIA) on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM. Please call
Stan Mastalerz, the RCIA Director at 773/865-4151 for more information.
Must be arranged at least four months prior to the
ceremony. Please call the rectory.
St. Ferdinand #639
5900 Barry Avenue
Chicago, Illinois. 60634
Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska
630– 308-2609
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Wednesday, 7:00AM
Cover through 16 (ads on page 14 and 15)
Page 16 is church copy
April 10, 2016
Third Easter Sunday