Sale Ad - Cowbuyer
Sale Ad - Cowbuyer
Benfield Full Bore 4449 Benfield Reality 4431 Lot 1 BW 3.9 WW 54 YW 93 MM 21 Benfield Whitley 4429 WRA Mirror Image B22 Lot 44 BW 1.3 WW 65 YW 102 MM 22 WRA Vindicator B10 Lot 16 BW 0.3 WW 61 YW 95 MM 23 Lot 13 BW 3.7 WW 61 YW 100 MM 31 WRA Treasure B18 Lot 48 BW 1.4 WW 45 YW 80 MM 29 Benfield Whitley 4430 Lot 28 BW -0.7 WW 45 YW 75 MM 24 WRA Treasure B16 Lot 18 BW 0.3 WW 58 YW 94 MM 24 Benfield Elliott 4441 Lot 34 19th Annual Bull Sale Saturday • 1:00 PM BW -1.4 WW 50 YW 80 MM 29 WRA Treasure B2 March 21, 2015 Rockingham County Fairgrounds, Harrisonburg, Virginia Lot 41 Lot 37 BW 2.4 WW 58 YW 100 MM 24 BW -0.2 WW 53 YW 86 MM 26 Benfield Angus and White Ridge Angus are family run purebred operations with over 40 years experience breeding maternally oriented, practical Angus cattle with muscle. While we value and use performance records, EPDs, and other evaluation tools, we know that breeding cattle is more than just reading numbers. Our balanced trait approach to breeding cattle emphasizes: Traditional Convenience Values— We emphasize the convenience traits of mothering ability, fertility, udder quality, disposition and faultfree structure. These qualities are not readily measured by EPDs, but are essential. We want problem free cattle that work for us. Lower Inputs = Higher Profits—The Benfield and White Ridge cowherds function and thrive on pasture and grass hay without supplementation. No tubs, no grain, no silage. Outcross Genetics—Our programs provide outstanding, reliable genetics that are unique to the mainstream Angus population. Calving Ease Plus—Many of the bulls selling March 21are low birthweight bulls with muscle, maternal value, and fleshing ability. These are hard to find--we have them. If you value these traits in your program, join us Saturday, March 21 at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds, Harrisonburg, Virginia for our 19th Annual Headquarters for Hindquarters Bull Sale. For a catalog or more information: Bobby Grove, 540-850-0266, Don Benner, 540-939-4608, Video Previews available on YouTube March 1st View and bid online in real time with Pre-registration and highspeed internet required. Contact: Aaron Ray Tompkins, 336-363-4639, HEADQUARTERS for HINQUARTERS BENFIELD ANGUS 2503 Deerfield Valley Road Deerfield, Virginia 24432 FIRST CLASS MAIL DATED MATERIAL Selling 60 Heavy Muscled, Balance Trait Angus Bulls, Including Sons of: Benfield Reality 6211 Benfield Substance 8506 WRA Mirror Image T10 Ginger Hill Treasure 129 WRA Whitley Z10 19th Annual Bull Sale Saturday, March 21, 1:00 PM Rockingham County Fairgrounds, Harrisonburg, Virginia Call us today or visit our website: Salebook available on request, videos available on YouTube March 1. BENFIELD ANGUS Don and Juliana Benner Deerfield, Virginia 540-939-4608 WHITE RIDGE ANGUS Bobby Grove Somerville, Virginia 540-850-0266