June 1, 2015 - Desert Sands Unified School District


June 1, 2015 - Desert Sands Unified School District
A publication of Desert Sands Unified School District
June 1, 2015
Denise Moreno and James Neuburger of La Quinta Selected to Represent
California at National Fuel Up to Play 60 Student Summit in Chicago
California Milk Advisory Board chooses junior high
students to serve as Fuel Up to Play 60 state
ambassadors and support healthy changes at schools
throughout the state.
―I am grateful to have been selected as a California
student ambassador,‖ said Denise Moreno, an eighth
grader at La Quinta Middle School. ―I love being part
of a program that really benefits students like me. I
also like the fact that local dairy farmers in our nearby
communities are behind this program and are
supporting us at the school level.‖
―I am extremely passionate about living a healthy
lifestyle—one that focuses on fueling my body with
good foods and staying active, which is why I love the
Fuel Up to Play 60 program,‖ said James Neuburger
an eighth grader at La Quinta Middle School. ―For
students like me, this program is simple to implement
at school and, most of all, it’s fun!‖
State ambassadors, along with four national
ambassadors, lead the Fuel Up to Play 60 program
(within their own schools), which engages youth
directly as grassroots leaders to increase access to
nutrient-rich foods and 60 minutes of physical activity
at school. From smoothie stations to walking clubs,
Fuel Up to Play 60 helps students create healthier
school environments in over 73,000 schools
nationwide. The program also encourages and
recognizes schools and students with rewards, such as
a trip to the Super Bowl, NFL merchandise, and NFL
player appearances.
Denise Moreno and James Neuburger with
teacher Laura Spradlin
SAN FRANCISCO (May 26, 2015)—Denise Moreno
and James Neuburger, junior high students from La
Quinta, California, were selected as two of three
student representatives to serve as a State Ambassador
for Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP 60), the nation’s largest
health and wellness program. Created in partnership
with the National Dairy Council and the NFL, in
cooperation with the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA), FUTP 60 encourages students to
eat healthy, be active, and make positive, healthy
changes in their schools and communities. The
program is supported in California by the state’s more
than 1,450 dairy farm families through the California
Milk Advisory Board (CMAB).
(continued page 2)
The Beacon is published weekly by Desert Sands
Unified School District. Contents are the
property of the district and reprinting or reuse of
the material is available by contacting the public
information office at mary.perry@desertsands.us.
Publisher: Gary Rutherford, Ed.D.
Editor: Mary Perry
Copy Editors: Adriana Romero and Blanche Ramirez
Photo Editor: Roger Isabell
The 31
students will
use the stage,
podium, and
microphone to introduce their short films relating to a
book of their choice serving as an excellent showcase of
digital storytelling in an unprecedented use of
Chromebooks at the elementary level.
(Fuel Up continued from page 1)
―Both Denise and James are
dedicated to creating a healthier
lifestyle for themselves and their
school peers. This is why we are
thrilled to have them represent
California student ambassadors
this year,‖ said Jennifer
Giambroni, director of
communications for the CMAB.
―We look forward to seeing
everything they will accomplish
in the upcoming school year.‖
―We have read hundreds of great books this year, and we
were searching for a new and exciting way to showcase
our love for stories,‖ said Hayball. ―This is something
that celebrates all the books we have read and enjoyed
together throughout the year.‖
The event is an example of students coming alive with
the magic of books and reading. This classroom has read
over 125 books this year and will continue to read
throughout the summer.
Selected from a nationwide
search and an extensive
application process, these state
ambassadors along with national
James Neuburger
and school ambassadors will
recently addressed
have the opportunity to attend the community members on a
tour of his school.
Fuel Up to Play 60 Student
Ambassador Summit in Chicago
this summer. The summit provides student ambassadors
the opportunity to meet with fellow leaders and help
sculpt the program, which relies on the input and
participation of students to grow and evolve. Students
will also have the chance to meet NFL players and
participate in exciting events including unique physical
activities and an ultimate cook-off with their peers.
Media is invited and encouraged to attend the Book Film
Fest which will provide some great visuals with the kids
independently integrating technology into new Common
Core State
Amelia Earhart
School is located
at 45-250 Dune
Palms Road.,
Indio. For more
information on
this event, please call Ashley Hayball at 760-333-9471.
Hayball was the 2014 Riverside Teacher of the Year and
a California State Finalist for Teacher of the Year.
(Select videos can be viewed at El Deafo Book Trailer and
Tale Dark and Grimm book trailer.)
For more information about Fuel Up to Play 60 and the
student ambassadors, visit FuelUpToPlay60.com.
4th Grade Class Holds Film Festival
Move over, Palm Springs Film Festival!
In a
unique twist
on year-end
Hayball’s 4th
grade class at
Earhart Elementary School will participate in the
spectacular Earhart Book Film Festival, or Smartie Film
Festival, held at Amelia Earhart’s MultiPurpose Room
on Thursday, June 5, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Refreshments will be served following the awards
Literature Live
(Thanks to Gary Tomak, DSUSD board member for the photos.)
La Quinta High School students brought life to the pages
of their favorite books at an annual presentation of
Literature Live. Students reenacted scenes from the
books that they have studied and that made an impact
on their lives.
The students will be dressed in their fanciest attire and
will arrive with their invited guests (parents and family)
for a very special awards movie
Dates To Note
Celebrating the Life of Becky Baker
(Special thanks to Judy Wertz-Guenther for the photographs)
June 3: Carrillo Ranch Elementary School Red Carpet
Awards Night at 6:00 pm.
It is clear that everyone who knew Becky Baker valued
her as a friend and a teammate. Becky passed away on
May 16, 2015—the same year she would have
celebrated 25 years
of service to Desert
Sands Unified
School District. Her
friend and co-worker
Judy WertzGuenther said, ―She
was always inclusive
of everyone. Former
and present (friends)
always enjoyed her
company.‖ Another
friend and admirer,
Desert Sun reporter
Denise Goolsby noted that she ―can’t get Becky Baker’s
smile out of my head.‖
June 3: NEW DATE!!!! Elementary School Battle of
the Books; 5:00-7:00 pm at Franklin Elementary MPR.
June 5: Informal evening with the Circle Theatre. Final
performance in the old Indio High School theatre.
Student performances and awards at 7:00 pm.
June 15: Summer school begins
June 25: Desert Sands Education Foundation Summer
Fling. See flyer on page 13.
Note to all staff: Remember that there are early June
deadlines for expense claims, warehouse stock
requisitions, and purchase orders!
Graduation Dates & Times
June 3: Amistad High School Graduation 7:00 pm
June 4: La Quinta High School Graduation 7:00 pm
June 9: Summit High School Graduation 4:00 pm
June 9: Horizon School Graduation 7:00 pm
Students, both present and past, co-workers, friends and
family will have said goodbye to Becky by the time this
newsletter is distributed. But her legacy will live on.
Tentative Blackhawk Showdown Schedule
June 11: Executive Sous Chef Joey Domingo, Roy's in
Rancho Mirage, vs Executive Chef Daniel, Balisage
June 25: Executive Chef Kris Mitchum, Indian Wells
Hyatt, vs Executive Chef Herve Gline, The Parker
If you would like to be added to the Blackhawk
Showdown email list, please email
sean.webb@desertsands.us with the subject line stating
Blackhawk Showdown.
"Like" us on Facebook at Blackhawk Showdown to
learn about upcoming events. #BlackhawkShowdown
#LQPride #LQHS
July 16: Chef de Cuisine Denis Sebie, Twenty6 at the
La Quinta Resort, vs Chef TBA
July 30: Winner of 5/21 vs winner of 6/11
August 13: Winner of 6/25 vs winner of 7/16
August 27: Finals! Winner of 7/30 vs winner 8/13
Photos from the May 21 Blackhawk Showdown.
Bottom left: Participating students join chefs Jennifer Town, the
Purple Room (sixth from left), and LQHS graduate Angel Ramirez,
Lakes Country Club, and their teachers, Chef Mary and Sherry
Tucker, both at far right.
Center: Emcee Bianca Rae, KESQ TV, announces Chef Jennifer
Town as winner of the first round of this year’s Blackhawk
Bottom right: Wendy Jonathan, DSUSD board president, and Gary
Tomak, board member, smile after enjoying the amazing dishes.
for tickets
NEW!!!! In addition to the stadium seating ($40-$50),
for the June 11 Showdown, four tickets are being sold
for kitchen seating with complete access to viewing the
chefs and teachers at work. Price is $65 per ticket.
district is ready to invest millions of dollars to benefit all
students, with a powerful focus on supporting English
learners, economically disadvantaged students, and
foster youth.‖ Major initiatives under consideration in
the LCAP include:
 Opening full-day kindergarten classes at eight
elementary schools in Fall 2015 (John Adams,
Benjamin Franklin, Herbert Hoover, Abraham
Lincoln, James Monroe, Theodore Roosevelt,
Harry S. Truman, and Martin Van Buren)
 Continuing the board’s commitment to reduce class
size throughout the district, with a goal of 24:1 in
grades K-3
 Increasing the number of students in, and quality of,
career/technology pathways at the district’s seven
high schools
 Investing funds to strengthen Advanced Placement
(AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
 Ensuring safe and orderly schools by adding
attendance facilitators at high schools and assistant
principals at larger elementary schools
 Supporting special education students by hiring
more teachers and increasing the hours of paraeducators assigned in those classrooms
Students First
LCAP Community Participants Finalize Recommendations
Press Release Issued 5/27/15
May 27, 2015, La Quinta, CA:
Culminating two years of intense study
and consideration, and working with
community members throughout the
Desert Sands Unified School District,
the LCAP Oversight Committee (Local
Control Accountability Plan) issued a
draft plan today with recommendations for use of the
LCFF (Local Control Funding Formula) monies. The
LCAP will incorporate many of the committee’s
recommendations in accordance with California State
Legislature and Governor Brown’s plan to move control
of school district expenditure planning to the local level.
A draft copy of the DSUSD plan is available at
www.dsusd.us. Community members are invited to
share feedback or ask questions, either on-line through
the district web site or at public hearings at upcoming
Board of Education meetings on June 2 and June 16,
at 7:00 pm.
The LCFF formally directs district revenue in two funds
with specific purposes:
 A base grant that is the same for all school districts
and is intended to serve all students.
 Supplemental and concentration funds allocated
based on the number of students who are English
language learners, low income, or foster youth.
These funds can only be spent to serve high-need
students and families.
Although these actions commit approximately $11
million of the supplemental/concentration funds, more
than $5 million has also been set aside to compensate
our teachers for initiatives that deliver even greater
benefits to our students. Changes to compensation, as
well as any initiatives with the consequence of
impacting the work day, work year, workload, or other
certain impacts, are subject to negotiation.
Hand-in-hand with LCFF, the legislature requires
districts to account for the expenditure of such funds and
to describe how they intend to meet goals for all students
while addressing state and local priorities.
It is important to note that the passing of Measure KK in
November 2014 provides funding to modernize and
improve school facilities, including renovations, new
construction, and enhanced safety and security
measures. Measure KK funds are entirely outside of the
LCFF and will be spent in accordance with ballot
provisions approved by voters.
Beginning in November 2013, Desert Sands Unified
School District established an LCAP oversight
committee to develop a strategic plan based on input and
recommendations by the committee and from
stakeholder forums throughout the seven cities served.
Stakeholders include our students, parents, staff,
employee association members, community youth
organizations, community leaders, and the community-at
-large. Thoughtful analysis of the information gathered
in these settings led to the adoption of three overarching
goals— ensuring that all students acquire and apply
learning at high levels, graduating high school prepared
for success in college or career as responsible, respectful
and ethical citizens.
The Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, June 2, at
7:00 p.m. and again on Tuesday, June 16, at 7:00 pm in
the District Education Center Board Room to receive
public input as they consider acceptance of the plan.
Implementation will begin immediately upon approval.
Comments and questions can be sent directly to
Superintendent Rutherford via an online blog at
According to Board President Wendy Jonathan, ―We
asked and wow, did our community respond! The
Rebecca Cook, Superintendent Torlakson, DSUSD
Superintendent Gary Rutherford, Ed.D., Board member
Gary Tomak, Culinary Arts Academy Coordinator
Sherry Tucker, and Assistant Principal Michael
Schools Receive Gold Ribbon Awards
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom
Torlakson joined Gold Ribbon Award-winning schools
from throughout Southern California at a dinner and
ceremony on Friday, May 22, in San Diego. In his
comments he noted, ―I have never been more optimistic
about education. We’re making big changes in our state
and we are working together to do it. I call it the
California Way. It seeks nothing less than a renaissance
in education funding, academic standards, and
accountability. And because of efforts like yours, I have
no doubt that we will meet and even surpass our
of three
and Title I Academic Achieving School—were teachers
Stephanie Mann and Daniel Monroy, Assistant Principal
Tammie Monroy, Principal Janet Seto, (Superintendent
Torlakson), DSUSD President Wendy Jonathan, teacher
Robin Merrit, Board member Gary Tomak, and
Superintendent Gary Rutherford, Ed.D.
In these photos, Torlakson
presents the awards to the
individual schools.
Principal Majid Salehi of
John Glenn Middle School
is joined by members of
his staff (and
Superintendent Torlakson)
as he accepts the schools
Gold Ribbon Award.
Desert Ridge Academy
Principal Dan Borgen
is presented with both
the Gold Ribbon
Award and an
additional recognition
as a Title I Academic
Achieving School.
With him are Desert
Sands Unified School
District Superintendent
Gary Rutherford,
Ed.D., Board President Wendy Jonathan, and Board
member Gary Tomak. Supporting the school at the event
were Juan Robledo and Lorie Piltz, parents of student
Trevor Piltz and Angela Borgen, teacher at Ronald
Reagan Elementary School and Dan’s biggest fan.
Accepting the Gold Ribbon Award on behalf of Palm
Desert High School were DSUSD Superintendent Gary
Rutherford, Ed.D., Assistant Principal Renee Iniguez,
Principal Robert Hicks, Board President Wendy
Jonathan, (Superintendent Torlakson), teacher Alissa
Marshall, Board member Gary Tomak, PDHS
Foundation Board President Wemdell Turner, and PTO
President Molly Farren.
Sands of Time
Retirees from across the district as
well as staff celebrating milestone
years of service were recognized at
the Sands of Time on May 27.
Photos and a complete story will
appear in the June 8 edition of The Beacon.
In the meantime, DSUSD staff can access photos at
La Quinta High School was represented by Assistant
Principal Sean
The IB World
As the school year comes to a close, the
four DSUSD IB World Schools
recognize the work of their students.
La Quinta High School recently held a
dinner to honor the 23 ―full‖ IB diploma graduates.
John Glenn Middle School held an end of year awards
ceremony in the La Quinta High School gym—a great
opportunity for eight
graders to
experience a high
school campus.
Julie Middlebrook,
IB coordinator at the
school noted that
honors were given to
students promoting
Principal Majid Salehi addresses
with honors, high
students, families, and friends
honors, and those with
honors in all three years of school. Students with honors
perform at least fifteen hours of community service and
earn ―Global Context‖ points through on-campus events
and competitions in addition to having a 3.0 and above.
Additional requirements are established for students
with high honors.
Congratulations to:
Nina Ancheta, CSU San Bernardino, biology
Ashly Anderson, Washington State University Honors
College, animal medicine
Marco Andrade, UC Riverside, cell, molecular &
developmental biology
Natalie Ayala, UC Santa Barbara, English
Marin Bazua, UC Riverside, economics/business
Renzo Bojanovich, BYU, business management
Marco Bonilla, undecided
Blake Burton, Willamette, history or English
Dallin Frank, BYU, music composition/computer science
Cade Goodrich, undecided, civil engineer
Gloria Issa, UCLA, mechanical engineering
Noah Lopez, UCLA, biology
Burgundy Magana, undecided, business communications
Annmarie Magnus, Kenyon College, English
Matt Mansour, UC Santa Barbara, political science
Martin Mercado, UC Berkeley, political science
Jonathan Nelson, business school in France, business
Tuan Nguyen, MIT, math/computer science
Felipe Robles Jimenez, COD, kinesiology
Carolina Salcedo, CSU San Bernardino, biology
Alec Steele, UC Berkeley, film/business entrepreneurship
Paul Stoiber, Cal Poly Pomona, civil engineering
Zoe Velez, University of San Francisco, biology
(Special kudos to Celeste Cruz who has a perfect
attendance for all nine years of school—K-8. She told
her elementary school principal that she was committed
to graduating from high school without missing a single
day of school.)
Both Benjamin Franklin and Amelia Earhart
Elementary Schools’ fifth graders presented their PYP
Exhibition (Primary
Years Programme) as
they prepare to leave for
middle school.
PYP is an extended, indepth, collaborative
project that requires
fifth graders to work
collaboratively on an
Students at Franklin Elementary
inquiry into real-life
practice their presentation on fellow
issues or problems.
students prior to the evening exhibition.
Students collectively
synthesize the essential elements of the PYP in ways
that can be shared with the entire school community.
LQHS IB Programme Fundraiser
Thanks to the generosity of LQHS parent Timothy
Bradley, two ringside tickets will be given away for
Tim’s June 27 fight against Jessie Vargas in a battle for
the WBO welterweight title. Proceeds for this PTO
fundraiser will benefit both the IB Programme and Relay
for Life. Chances to win are $10 each and only 1,000 will
be sold. Drawing will be held at LQHS on June 11 at
2:15 pm. To purchase a chance go to:
The exhibition represents a unique and significant
opportunity for students to exhibit the attributes of the
IB learner profile developed throughout their
(continued page 7)
(World of IB continued from page 6)
New Art at DEC
engagement with the PYP. It provides students with a
wonderful opportunity to celebrate the transition of
learners to the next phase
of their education.
Thanks to 7th and 8th graders from John Glenn Middle
School of International Studies, a new art exhibition is
on display in the halls of the district office. Titled
Savoring Independence, the intent is ―to convey,
through visual literacy, a theme based on the
environment; its dependence on us as well as our
dependence on it. The hope is that the work will elicit
some level of psychological response and, perhaps,
trigger a memory as sweet as life itself.‖
According to Kelly MayVollmar, principal at
Benjamin Franklin,
―Ultimately, students
communicate their
Several Franklin 5th grade girls
findings and solutions to
used Red Nose Day (see page 10) as Franklin students and
their PYP project. They are pictured
staff as well as the
in the back row with younger
students and Harpo the Clown.
Exhibition experience is a
culminating experience for Franklin students as well as
an opportunity for them to employ the four Cs
(creativity, critical thinking, communicating, and
collaborating) of college and career success.‖
Many of the pieces are available for sale. For
information on the art work, contact Yolanda Jue at
David Marquez, 5th grader, Benjamin Franklin
Elementary School noted, ― Exhibition is a project that
helps 5th graders try to make a difference in our society.
To me, I think Exhibition gives an opportunity for 5th
graders to make a mark on this world and try to help
solve problems around the world.‖
PYP exhibition projects at Amelia Earhart Elementary School.
Digital Data Collection Tracking Seminar
The safety and security office of Desert Sands Unified
School District recently provided a comprehensive oneday training focused on using relevant open-source data
and publicly available information—including current
social media platforms—and the associated risks. The
training was provided in conjunction with Safe Schools
Together and
was attended by
site personnel
as well as
members from
the district’s
IT team.
IN THE NEWS DSUSD was featured…
Joshua Tree National Park Field Trips
May 21: Valley Roadrunner reported on a high school
and middle school jazz band competition in Coronado
noting that Palm Desert Charter Middle School took
home second place.
A visit to Joshua Tree National Park is a great way to
engage students in learning about the natural and cultural
history of the Mojave and Colorado Deserts. The park's
education office offers hands-on, curriculum-based
programs for pre-K through 12th grade students
throughout the school year.
From the education department at Joshua Tree National Park
May 22: T.R.E.C. was featured in the Neighbors section
of The Desert Sun. (See the May 4 edition of this
newsletter for more information www.dsusd.us.)
Through the generosity of a grant, we are able to pay for
bus transportation for qualified schools scheduling
ranger guided field trips with the park's education office.
Funding is still available for field trips taking place
through the end of September 2015.
May 24: A story in The Desert Sun on the La Quinta
Block Party included mention of the La Quinta High
School Jazz Band. ―Just look what we have,‖ commented
a participant at the event, pointing at the band.
May 24: Coverage of the Ophelia Project scholarship
awards was featured in The Desert Sun. (Additional
information can be found in the May 11 edition of this
newsletter www.dsusd.us.)
If interested in bringing your class to the park, visit:
www.nps.gov/jotr/learn/education/planafieldtrip.htm to
view the list of program offerings and to submit a
reservation request form. Please feel free to call us
at 760-367-3012 with any questions.
May 25: Denise Goolsby, reporter for The Desert Sun
wrote a commentary on the community’s loss of Indio
High School Becky Baker. (The story was also covered
in Paper Clips, the daily newsbrief of the RCOE.)
All Day Kindergarten Proposed
The recommendations of the LCAP Oversight
Committee (article on page 4) includes the expansion of
all-day kindergarten from two schools (Martin Van
Buren and Herbert Hoover elementary) to eight. The
expansion to full day will begin in the 2015-2016 school
year. Parents are advised to call the individual schools
for more information.
May 25: Adam Casillas, La Quinta High School senior
and winner of a Gates Millennium Scholarship was
featured in The Desert Sun.
May 25: Palm Desert High School student Mackenzie
Cosgrove wrote a letter to the editor of The Desert Sun to
thank the first responders who assisted after she was
bitten by a rattlesnake while hiking.
John Adams 760-777-4260
Benjamin Franklin 760-238-9424
Herbert Hoover 760-775-3820
Abraham Lincoln 760-862-4340
James Monroe 760-772-4130
Theodore Roosevelt 760-775-3860
Harry S. Truman 760-777-4240
Martin Van Buren 760-775-3870
May 26: The Desert Sun published a follow-up story to
an April 14, 2014 bus crash that involved a Palm Desert
High School student.
May 26: A full-page, double-sided, pull-out in The
Desert Sun included photos of all of the DSUSD Top 15
Scholar Graduates from all of the district’s high schools.
Message From CRTA
May 27: KESQ, CBS Local 2, The Desert Sun, and
Paper Clips covered the recommendations of the LCAP
Oversight Committee, focused on the introduction of allday kindergarten at an additional six schools.
Congratulations to all recent retired educators!
You are invited to our annual newly retired educator
reception this fall, hosted by the California Retired
Teachers Association, Desert Roadrunner Division #43.
May 28: An article on the La Quinta Middle School eight
graders serving as state ambassadors for Fuel Up to Play
60 ran in The Desert Sun. (See full coverage on the front
page of this newsletter.)
It will be held at the Heritage Palms Country Club
on Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 3:00 pm.
Come join us while we mingle with friends and share our
stories on retired living!
May 28: Both of the district’s Gates Millennium
Scholarship winners, Francisco Jauregi of Indio High
School and Adam Casillas of La Quinta High School,
were featured in a Desert Sun article.
For further questions you can contact:
Maggie Hamilton maghamilton@hotmail.com or
May 28: An article in the health section of The Desert
Sun noted that all three local school districts provide
summer food service to only 4-6% of children.
Shadow Hills High Holds
Awards Night
The Senior Scholarship and Awards
Night for the Shadow Hills Knights was
held on May 21. Students were honored
for their academic success and many
scholarships were awarded.
Evening of Scholars and Champions
Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School held their annual
Honors Dessert at Palm Valley Country Club. The
welcome was delivered by DSUSD Board President
Wendy Jonathan who introduced fellow board member
Gary Tomak. The key note address was presented by
Principal Derrick Lawson.
Schools Celebrate Red Nose Day
Several DSUSD schools took part in the celebration of
Red Nose Day. The international organization,
sponsored by NBC, including local television station
KMIR, encourages people to become activities for
ending childhood poverty.
KMIR stopped by Amelia Earhart Elementary School to
take photos and conduct interviews with students from
Pamela Anderson’s class. Sean Carlos, Ty Mello, and
Erick Hernandez helped plan the day and were selected
by their classmates to be their spokespersons.
See pages 6 and 7 for additional photos taken at
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School.
Congratulations to all schools participating in the
Signs of Summer
Enjoy this newsletter? Share it! Subscribe at:
In every American
community, a sign of summer
are the concerts in parks. La
Quinta was no exception as
the sounds of the LQHS jazz
band filled the air on
Saturday, May 23. The old
fashioned block party took
place in Old Town on a
comfortable weekend
outdoors. For future events go
to www.old-townlaquinta.com
Stories and photos always welcome!
Task Force Holds Training
On May 19 and 20 a training/workshop was held with
special education directors, management staff, and
classroom teachers including facilitators/consultants.
The workshop was a follow-up to the Special Education
Task Force committee training held in April and
centered on improvement strategies and effective means
to enhance the special education department.
Teachers Win 9th Annual Boomball Game
Is that Principal Brad Fisher attempting to steal a base at
the 9th Annual Boomball fifth graders vs teachers game?
The cheering squad from the rest of the grades was loud
and supportive but the
teachers still overtook
their students with a
score of 29-19.
The presenters, Dr. Sheri Wilkins and Ron Powell, were
from Innovative Educational Solutions and facilitated the
two-day workshop. Both have extensive years in the
field of special education and worked closely with the
district to craft a highly structured and productive twoday agenda.
From the RCOE Information Office
California Tech for Schools Summit
CDE invites you to participate in a technology summit at the University of California, Davis, on August 4, 2015, for a
technology summit designed specifically for superintendents and district technology and curriculum leaders. The
Technology for Schools event is co-hosted by the CDE, Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation, and EdSurge,
an independent information resource and community connecting entrepreneurs and educators involved in advancing
education technology. The summit will focus on how to use technology in a collaborative environment and will provide
attendees the following important outcomes: 1) ―rules of the road‖ to assess when and why you should consider new
technology in your district; 2) networking opportunities with your key team members, other leading educators, and
education technology pioneers from across the state; 3) deeper familiarity with some of the most innovative
technologies available to your districts. We encourage you to attend this summit with a team from your district
comprised of individuals who assist with the selection and implementation of technology for teaching and learning. A
team may consist of the superintendent, chief technology officer, curriculum and instruction assistant superintendent,
and board member. Although the summit is free for educators, space is limited so please register for the event as soon
as possible through the EdSurge Web page athttp://bit.ly/CAsummit2015.
Next Generation Science Standards State Rollout Symposium II: Awareness to Transition Rollout Training
Join science leaders at the second of a series of statewide professional learning symposia exploring the philosophy,
design, and initial implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Registration fee is $250 per
participant. All fees must be paid prior to attending the two day symposium. There are NO refunds for participant
cancelations. Please limit your district teams to 4-6 people to allow for additional districts to participate, as space is
limited. Registration and information at www.regonline.com/NGSS2015Training.
o September 15-16, 2015: Alameda County, CA State University, East Bay.
o October 15-16, 2015: Fresno County, Fresno Pacific University.
o October 22-23, 2015: San Diego County, CA State University, San Marcos.
o November 2-3, 2015: Siskiyou County, Tehama County Dept. of Education.
o November 9-10, 2015: Santa Clara County, Santa Clara County Office of Education.
o December 8-9, 2015: Ventura County and San Luis Obispo County, Ventura County Office of Ed.
2015–16 Schools To Watch™—Taking Center Stage Program
The CDE is pleased to announce the California Schools to Watch™—Taking Center Stage (STW™—TCS) application
process for 2015–16 is now open. STW™—TCS identifies model middle grades schools that are academically
excellent, developmentally responsive, socially equitable, and have a culture of strong collaborative leadership while
substantially increasing student academic achievement. For more information and to apply, visit the California League
of Middle Schools (CLMS) STW™—TCS Web page at http://www.clms.net/stw/. Questions: David Militzer,
916-323-5146 or dmilitzer@cde.ca.gov. October 5, 2015 is the deadline to apply.
Third annual STEM Symposium: Anaheim Convention Center
The California STEM Symposium brings together 3,000 teachers, administrators, students, higher education
representatives, program providers, philanthropic representatives, and industry representatives to engage them in
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education by providing strategies and resources for
program implementation. The symposium has a special focus on increasing and supporting the participation of women
and girls—as well as other underrepresented groups—in STEM fields. It also highlights leaders in classroom
innovation from across the state and attract student teams to showcase critical thinking, problem solving, and
teamwork. October 28–30, 2015: call for presentations; registration coming soon; vendor registration coming soon.
Great American Shakeout
The CDE has partnered with the Earthquake Country Alliance to encourage you to meet your school or district
earthquake drill requirements by participating in this year’s Great California ShakeOut on October 15, 2015 at 10:15
am. The first step is to renew or register your school or district today on the Great California ShakeOut Web site. The
ShakeOut is designed to provide a sense of urgency about earthquakes and to encourage people, organizations, schools,
and communities to get prepared, practice what to do to be safe, and to learn what plans need to be improved.
Registered participants will be given detailed information for their drills. The CDE has worked with many partners to
create age-appropriate resources for planning drills, promoting participation, teaching about earthquakes and
preparedness, and educating families. (Drills can be held on another day if necessary.) Find resources on the ShakeOut
―How Schools Can Participate‖ web page at http://www.shakeout.org/california/schools.
Have something to share?
...A couple of important details when submitting flyers/ads:
Articles/story ideas or information must be in no later
then two weeks in advance.
Ads/flyers must be in the Wednesday before the date of
Please send your ad/flyer as a jpg. PDFs work but are
converted before use.
Already created flyers are acceptable but note that they
are reduced in size to a quarter page of this newsletter.
An ―ad‖ created specifically for the quarter page format
works best.
In addition to the Wall of Honor
recognizing family members serving in
the armed forces, a second display
case/bulletin board is being created for
our students entering or serving in the
military. High schools are asked to
provide us with information about
members of the class of 2015 heading to
a service academy or directly into
training. A photo in uniform would also
be appreciated.
Questions? Email Mary at mary.perry@desertsands.us.
Staff members are reminded that site
mailboxes are for district/school business.