Competition brief
Competition brief
Schindler Global Award 2017 Competition Brief Transforming the urban core: Urban design for coexistence São Paulo, Brazil AcademicPartner Partner Academic Partner Academic Schindler Global Award Competition Brief Contents Page Introduction 3 Task 4 Framework 4 Topics 6 Key Questions 7 The Site and Its Context 9 Background Information 10 CEAGESP 10 Mobility 10 Climate 13 Topography and hydrology 13 Social housing and slum-upgrading program 13 Brief History of São Paulo 14 Table of Content: Maps, Plans and Diagrams (Figures 1–14) 16 Entry Requirements 30 Schedule 31 Submission Process 32 * Photos: Fabio Knoll 2 2 Schindler Global Award Introduction The Schindler Global Award (SGA) is a student urban design competition with a focus on mobility. The SGA is an ideas competition, intended to engage students in formulating a response to complex conditions in cities across the globe. The SGA is open to architecture, landscape architecture, urban design and planning students, in their final Bachelor degree year and Masters degree students. Students can participate individually or in teams, and each entry must have a faculty supervisor. The 2017 competition site is in São Paulo, the main economic engine of Brazil and most populous city in South America. With a population of twelve million1 and more than twenty million people in the metropolitan region,2 the city is well established and embedded in global flows of resources, people and power. The city faces challenges at all scales, and the competition asks students to address them using urban design frameworks and strategies. The competition site is centered on the CEAGESP (Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo) wholesale market, along with its surrounding neighborhood and infrastructures. The CEAGESP will be relocated by the city in the coming years, freeing up a substantial part of the city for redevelopment and change. Its location in the center of São Paulo offers the potential for forward-thinking approaches to the creation of a new centrality within the city, connected and integrated into the local and regional context. An international jury of renowned experts will evaluate the entries and allocate awards, with a total prize sum of 105,000 USD. The SGA competition begins with the release of this brief and the opening of registration on the 16th of June 2016; the registration deadline for the SGA is the 16th of December 2016. Entries are due on the 30th of December 2016, and prizes will be awarded in spring 2017. The commission for competition and study assignments of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) examined the competition program. It is compliant to the SIA 142 rules for architecture and engineer competitions (2009 edition) under the constraints of a student competition, which explicitly also includes the total prize-money sum. nu ng S I A 1 42 be 2 0 0 sga Au rd SIA 14 2 zu r O , 2 ko o rm 1 gramm nf 9 ro . P Estimated population 2015, IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística), accessed May 30, 2016, Estimated population 2015 of the metropolitan region of São Paulo, SEADE (Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados), accessed May 30, 2016, 3 3 Schindler Global Award Task Framework The task of the 2017 Schindler Global Award is to make a comprehensive urban design proposal to address the existing and future challenges on the CEAGESP wholesale market site. The locally focused urban design strategy should be embedded into its context, strengthening the city and the region as a whole. The central themes of the competition are connection and integration, using public space, mobility infrastructures, housing and workplaces as catalysts. Participants are asked to design a sustainable portion of the city by taking a comprehensive look at these topics. The competition site, situated west of the old center of São Paulo, is located in close proximity to one of the functional gateways to the city, a strategic position, through which hundreds of thousands of commuters from outlying urban areas pass daily, on their way to and from work. The site is northwest of the current centralities of mostly high-paying jobs. (Figure 13) This offers the potential to divert development in the city away from a southward direction by presenting an alternative in the northwest. The CEAGESP area could become a new centrality in a network of other new and existing centralities. Changes to the mix of uses on the site could offer new economic and housing opportunities. The CEAGESP area has been functioning for many decades as a wholesale market for perishable goods. It is an important local employer. Within a radius of approximately one kilometer are numerous commercial businesses, specialist retailers, and service companies that are directly associated with the CEAGESP, such as plant nurseries, garden furniture retailers, and event agencies. The city government of São Paulo wants to relocate the commercial activity in the near future, moving it from the 640,000 square meter site to the periphery near the Rodoanel Mário Covas beltway. (Figure 12) The primary reason for relocation is the high level of traffic associated with the CEAGESP, which significantly contributes to congestion in city. Consequently, for the purpose of the competition, the vision for the existing industrial and commercial area is to develop a lively district with a dense mixture of living, working and services, uniting urban and economic considerations. Locally based economies contribute to the diversity, stability and identity of neighborhoods. The mix of uses is therefore of great importance, as are questions of mobility to define where and how residents and workers from the designed neighborhood commute and access their needs in greater São Paulo. This can substantially impact quality of life, and includes everything from employment and living to leisure. For example, well-designed neighborhoods with varied uses and good mobility connections could significantly improve commutes for a portion of the population, by reducing transit distances and the time people need to reach essential destinations in their daily lives. New, contemporary forms and modes of mobility, such as car-sharing concepts, should be part of the thinking behind the design. There is an urgent need to develop alternatives to problems related to individual transport in car-dependant São Paulo. The role and function of public transportation is a key part of addressing these concerns. The urban fabric of São Paulo is divided by massive road and rail infrastructures, many of which severely fragment the city. The question is whether – and how – infrastructure can support more diverse uses and functions. Infrastructure could enable more interfaces between uses and users, and become an integrated part of the public realm, rather than a mono-functional element that often isolates neighborhoods. The competition site contains the train station Ceasa, part of the CPTM (Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos) network. The station is segregated from the urban fabric and is only accessible from one side of the adjacent Pinheiros River. Changes to its range of uses and design could potentially create a new urban hub. The relationship of infrastructure elements to public space and how infrastructure functions as public space should be assessed. The design of the network of open spaces, roads and pathways, within and adjoining the competition site, should be planned and incorporated into the overall design. 4 4 Top: On the left side of the Pinheiros river lays the CEAGESP wholesale market site with its large open market pavillion, the Pavilhão Mercado Livre do Produtor (MLP). Bottom: High traffic, direction separated highways run alongside the Pinheiros River. 5 The urban design should indicate how new buildings connect to public spaces, and address density along with urban form. São Paulo’s urban development, driven largely by the real estate market and informed by security concerns, has mostly resulted in walled high-rise towers. These self-contained living environments abandon the street as unattractive residual space. This should be looked at critically. For city residents the fear of robberies and burglaries is high, and this is reflected in the building typologies. Building setbacks, the relationship of public, private and semi-private areas, as well as outright security measures, such as fences, gates and guards, should be examined. Alternatives that better integrate public space with the tower-based typology should be tested. Adjacent to the site boundary, some of the plots of land have already changed in use, as industry has shifted away from the area. The site was a place of active industry starting in the late 19th century, but this has been in decline since the mid-20th century. This is due in large part to shifts in the economy, technological progress and changes in land prices. The industrial past is still visible, evident in the large-scale plot configurations and former industrial buildings. This gives the area a strong spatial identity. (Figures 2 and 4) New and interim uses, including film studios, event halls, car dealerships and residential towers should somehow be included or addressed in the design. These new uses have attracted service industry businesses, such as restaurants and bars, which cater to workers and visitors. This progressive change is key to designing an area that can evolve over time, to become an increasingly complex and integrated part of the city. The residual space along the river, polluted and disconnected, is also a relic of the area’s industrial past. This dividing element could attain its full potential as a new connecting open space and recreational area. (Figure 5) As today’s city of nearly twelve million people continues to grow,3 pollution will worsen. Exhaust emissions from motorized private transport are of particular concern. Deliberations about São Paulo’s wastewater disposal and drainage problems should also be taken into account. The phenomenon of urban heat islands is common in São Paulo, where large portions of the urban surface are paved or covered by buildings, effectively sealing it. This means that evaporation is reduced and solar radiation is stored in buildings and road surfaces. Heat islands develop, raising surface temperatures significantly in certain areas. Additionally, because rainwater cannot percolate into the ground it immediately becomes surface runoff. This routinely overburdens the wastewater infrastructure, frequently leads to flooding and, even worse, to landslides. Consideration should be given to how the design of the new district can avoid exacerbating these negative environmental conditions and offer a high quality of life year-round. Inherent in a holistic approach is the integration of found conditions into designs. Designs can draw on the historical identity of the CEAGESP site as they assimilate new ideas. These new ideas must engage the present-day situation and its requirements, to bring flexibility and adaptability for future development. The quality of life of the local residents should be a central concern and should be used to identify approaches that result in high quality urban development overall. Topics The choice of a focus for the design is essential, but the comprehensive nature of the competition means that a multifaceted response is required. Four essential topics are meant to guide proposals, and serve as the benchmarks for the evaluation of entries. Students are free to define additional considerations, but the following topics should be used to ensure holistic designs: 1. 2. 3. 4. Regional and local urban design impact Mobility and public space integration Urban living, urban economy and creation of jobs Cultural, social and architectural heritage Designs should be grounded and linked to research and analysis. This allows a spectrum of pragmatism and imagination, generated from realistic starting points. 3 1.08% average yearly growth rate 2011-2025, United Nations, UN World Urbanization Prospects: The 2011 Revision (New York: United Nations, 2011), 8. 6 6 Key Questions The following questions are linked to the framework and topics of the competition. Designs should take each question into account. The Key Questions are the criteria by which the jury will evaluate entries. By taking a holistic approach urban design proposals should address the following aspects: Regional and local urban design impact a) What implications and gains are proposed for the immediate neighborhood? b) How does the strategic gateway position of the site and its potential as a new centrality work in connection with other already existing centralities in the city and the region, in a condition of polycentrality? Mobility and public space integration a) How are the design suggestions integrated into the city’s existing public spaces and transportation network? b) How are the surrounding areas and mobility infrastructures on both sides of the river connected and made accessible? c) How is the expected increase in mobility demands met, and what is the spatial and functional integration of the existing CPTM train station, and any new mobility access points? What are the spatial and functional qualities of these transfer points and transport interface nodes? d) What new concepts and forms of mobility could help the site overall, such as those that result in lower emissions and traffic congestion? e) How can the design of a high-quality public street network help to avoid or reduce the effects of urban heat islands and help with storm- and wastewater issues? f) What are the green and open space concepts? Urban living, urban economy and creation of jobs a) How can a diversity and density of people, uses and offers – a frequency and interaction density – be achieved, to avoid, for example, dormitory quarters and areas that are dead outside of shop and office working hours? b) How is safety and security balanced with the desire to improve public space and street relationships, especially considering the city’s tendency toward walled towers? c) Mixed-use: How are local businesses integrated? How can integrating mixed-use concepts encourage the creation of jobs, such as those related to urban manufacturing or new forms of urban production? Cultural, social and architectural heritage a) How is the existing urban fabric and the heritage of the site part of the design? b) How is the transformation of the existing industrial site treated? 7 7 Top: Exit of the Ceasa CPTM railway station. Bottom: Open space between the lanes of the Avenida Dr. Gastão Vidigal. 8 Global Schindler Award The Site and Its Context The design perimeter encloses an expanse of approximately 1.8 square kilometers. (Figure 1) It is part of São Paulo’s industrial belt, which formed along the Tietê and Pinheiros Rivers starting in the late 19th century. The area is in the district of Vila Leopoldina, a lively old quarter, rich in tradition, with around 43,000 residents.4 Vila Leopoldina belongs to the subprefecture of Lapa, in the northwest of the city. In the middle of the competition site is the 0.64 square kilometer CEAGESP area, with its prominent and distinctive open market pavilion, where perishable goods are peddled every day around the clock. The pavilion was built in 1964, in the tradition of Brutalism, and renovated in 2013. Surrounding it are additional sales halls and warehouses for fruits, vegetables, and other goods. Thousands of trucks and delivery vans come and go or are parked on the traffic and circulation areas between the market halls. This activity occurs day and night, bringing goods to the market and then distributing them throughout the city. The entire CEAGESP area will be freed up by the departure of the wholesale market in the near future. For almost twenty years, the city government of São Paulo has been considering relocating the CEAGESP wholesale market to the periphery of the city. The current mayor, Fernando Haddad, announced in early 2016 that these intentions will now be implemented into action and the relocation plans should move forward later this year. In February 2016, the necessary zoning changes were passed in the city parliament. They enable the transformation of the existing industrial and commercial area into a high-density, mixed-use zone. (Figure 14) Within the northern part of the site perimeter, there is already real estate development activity. Existing industrial buildings have been renovated according to new uses and currently have new or interim uses, or simply stand vacant. High-rise apartment buildings have recently been built on a few of the plots. The southeastern part of the site continues to be the location of industrial businesses that produce and function as before. At the southeastern edge of the site, four office parks have recently been built. Between them lie an older subsidized housing development and two favelas, the Favela da Linha / do Votoran and the Favela do Nove / Japiaçu, each with a few thousand inhabitants. Directly nearby, the NGO Associação Nossa Turma has been working with children and adolescents from both favelas for over eighteen years; in addition to running a daycare center, operating workshops, offering computer courses and growing fruits and vegetables in their garden. (Figure 2 and 3) Inhabitants of the two small favelas are registered citizens and have the right to stay, as stated by the zoning plan (Zona Especial de Interesse Social, ZEIS) and the respective settlement laws. In the course of a new development in the CEAGESP area the normative approach by the authorities would be to build social housing and to allow people to relocate, in the immediate neighborhood if possible. To the northeast, the Avenida Dr. Gastão Vidigal borders the site; it is one of São Paulo’s most important transpor tation axes. Southwest of the site perimeter is the CPTM rail line No. 9 (Esmeralda), which carries thousands of commuters every day from the agglomeration to their jobs. (Figure 10) Near the rail line and site perimeter is the Pinheiros River, which was channelized in a process that ended in the 1960s. The Pinheiros is the drainage outlet for the southern part of the city and it joins the Tietê farther to the northwest. On both sides of the Pinheiros are divided highways that connect the city, varying from five to ten or more lanes in each direction from north to south. A similar highway system runs from east to west along the Tietê. (Figure 8) On the opposite side of the river from the CEAGESP area, there are more industrial uses, as well as the favela Nova Jaguaré, with about 16,000 inhabitants. It has been the object of many enhancement and upgrading measures over the last fifteen years, such as the construction of infrastructures, parks, and social housing. A little further to the southeast, near the site, is the vast campus of the University of São Paulo (Universidade de São Paulo), the Cidade Universitária with numerous architectural masterpieces of Brazilian modernism. 4 Population 2015, SEADE (Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados), accessed May 30, 2016, 9 9 Schindler Global Award Background Information CEAGESP The CEAGESP (Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo) is a state-owned company and part of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento). CEAGESP controls Brazil’s largest network of warehouses owned by the public sector and currently operates twelve sites in the state of São Paulo. The company was established in May 1969 through the merger of two companies belonging to the state of São Paulo, namely CEASA (Centro Estadual de Abastecimento) and CAGESP (Companhia de Armazéns Gerais do Estado de São Paulo). According to its own data, the CEAGESP is currently one of the largest distribution and wholesale centers in the world, handing over 280,000 tons of goods per month, consisting of fruits, vegetables, fish, and flowers as well as garlic, potatoes, onions, coconuts, and eggs. (Figure 3) Products from more than 1,500 Brazilian municipalities and eighteen countries are stored, distributed, and traded. Approximatly 50,000 people and 12,000 vehicles move about on the premises per day. The CEAGESP facility in São Paulo was planned by the firm of Figueiredo Ferraz, and construction work began in the early 1960s. The large open market pavilion, the Pavilhão Mercado Livre do Produtor (MLP), was built in 1964 and enlarged in 1977. In 2013/14, the structure was renovated. Mobility Each day the residents of São Paulo spend on average 1 hour and 44 minutes in a car or 1 hour 58 minutes on public transportation, in order to travel to and from their main activities (as of 2015).5 More than twenty million inhabitants now live in the metropolitan region of São Paulo.6 The existing road and highway infrastructures are consistently overloaded and there are frequently kilometer-long traffic jams. This may be one of the reasons why São Paulo has one of the largest privately owned helicopter fleets in the world, benefitting only the wealthy and allowing them to avoid the notoriously congested roadways. São Paulo’s underground train network (Metrô) is small relative to the size of the city and currently links only a few districts. It works in tandem with the CPTM regional rail system. Expansion of the city’s rail network is planned and already partially underway, but the combined capacity still does not meet current demand, nor is it projected to meet anticipated growth. Another challenge is presented by the disproportionately high travel costs for the poorer population groups relative to income. The bus system, in contrast, is very well developed, such that practically any point in the city can be reached by bus. In most cases, the buses have to share the roads with cars and are often equally affected by the problematic traffic conditions. While there are separate bus lanes in some places, their allocation is limited due to a general lack of space on the roadways. The huge bus fleet mainly consists of diesel vehicles, which have a negative effect on the city’s air quality. Private motorized vehicles are typically equipped with conventional gasoline or diesel fuel internal combustion engines, which also contribute to emissions. The consequenes include high levels of airbourne pollution that lead to respiratory tract diseases and irritation, especially among the youngest and oldest segments of the population. 5 6 “9a Pesquisa sobre Mobilidade Urbana – Semana da Mobilidade 2015”, Rede Nossa São Paulo/Ibope Inteligência, accessed May 30, 2016,, 18. Estimated population 2015 of the metropolitan region of São Paulo, SEADE (Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados), accessed May 30, 2016, 10 10 Top: Warehouses on the CEAGESP site. Bottom: Delivery area. 11 Top: Space under the open market pavillion (MLP). Bottom: Cargo handling area between the warehouses on the CEAGESP site. 12 Climate São Paulo is situated on a plateau at an altitude varying between 715 and 900 meters above sea level and the city has a tropical to subtropical climate. The average annual temperature is 19.3 ° C, ranging from an average temperature in winter (July) of 15.8 ° C to an average of 22.4 ° C in summer (February).7 São Paulo is one of the wettest areas in Brazil, with an average precipitation amount of 1455 mm per year. (Figures 6 and 7) Much less precipitation falls in the winter months from April to August than in the rest of the year, yet the water consumption of the growing city8 is high year round, therefore water shortages have increasingly occurred in recent years.9 Advancing climate change further amplifies these extremes. Topography and hydrology The city extends across a highly furrowed, hilly terrain; the level topography found on the perimeter of the city boundary is an exception. Only along the channelized rivers is the terrain partly level. (Figure 11) Channelizing the rivers gave the city more land to use for development, but also deprived the rivers of crucial floodplain areas. The Tietê and Pinheiros Rivers, which still had fish stocks within the city limits in the 1960s, have become contaminated, dead stretches of water. All drainage from roadways flows directly into them. The city began to expand and improve its sewer system starting in the early 1990s,10 yet the system still does not capture and treat all of the wastewater from households and businesses. In addition, not all of what receives can be processed by water treatment facilities. As a result, some wastewater flows untreated into the rivers,11 with unpleasant odors nearby as a consequence. The water level of the rivers rises sharply in the case of heavy rainfall during the summer months (October to March), with flooding as a frequent result. The paved surfaces in the city limit percolation into the ground and exacerbate significant stormwater runoff, causing flash flooding. This prevents groundwater recharge, and the stormwater becomes polluted as it moves over the urban surfaces. The city has suffered significant drinking water shortages in the recent past, leading to civil unrest. Social housing and slum-upgrading program In the city of São Paulo roughly one third of the population lives in precarious conditions, housed in favelas, irregular settlements and overcrowded tenements.12 The criteria qualifying a settlement as precarious broadly follows the indicators established by UN Habitat,13 superimposed with the social vulnerability index of São Paulo state (IPVS).14 Between 2005 and 2012, under the government administrations of José Serra and Gilberto Kassab, the Housing and Urban Development Authority (Sehab) implemented a systematic slum-upgrading approach, delivering infrastructure to approximately 82,000 families 15 and social housing to roughly 41,000 families. In 2012, Sehab received the UN Habitat Scroll of Honor for “one of the largest slum-upgrading programs in Latin America.”16 Sehab also implemented a digital slum survey system known as Habisp17 and developed the Plano Municipal de Habitação de São Paulo 2009-2024, a comprehensive housing plan effective from 2009 to 2024, which was approved by the city parliament in 2012.18 The new government administration under Fernando Haddad, who came into office in 2013, decided to stop the program. Consequently, and reinforced through the current and severe political and economic crisis throughout Brazil, the favelas, illegal invasions and overcrowded tenements have again started to increase in size and number.19 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 “São Paulo Climate and Temperature,” accessed May 30, 2016, 1.08% average yearly growth rate 2011-2025, UN World Urbanization Prospects: The 2011 Revision, 18. Carolin Stauffer, “Drought ends in Brazil’s Sao Paulo but future still uncertain,” accessed May 30, 2016, Inter American Development Bank, BR0190: Decontamination of the Tiete River, Stage I, accessed May 30, 2016,,1303.html?id=BR0190. Marcelo Leite, “São Paulo – ein toter Fluss als Lebensader,” Bild der Wissenschaft, August 19, 2008. “Habisp,” accessed April 27, 2016, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, The Challenge of Slums: Global Report on Human Settlements: Indicators and Thresholds for Defining Slums (New York / Nairobi: United Nations, 2003), 12. “Índice Paulista de Vulnerabilidade Social (IPVS),” accessed April 27, 2016, Prefeitura de São Paulo, Secretaria de Habitação, World Bank and Cities Without Slums, Plano Municipal de Habitação. A Experiência de São Paulo (São Paulo: Prefeitura de São Paulo, 2012), 101. “2012 Scroll of honour winners,” accessed May 27, 2016, “Habisp,” accessed April 27, 2016, Prefeitura de São Paulo, Secretaria de Habitação, World Bank and Cities Without Slums, 191-441. For example, see André Monteiro, “Puxadão: Favela cresce dentro de área do Cingapura; terreno foi divido por 23 famílias,” Folha de São Paulo, accessed April 27, 2016, 13 13 Schindler Global Award A Brief History of São Paulo On the 25th of January 2004, São Paulo celebrated its 450th birthday. Five centuries ago, around 1530, representatives of the Portuguese government, Jesuit priests and Portuguese settlers started to occupy the plateau upon which the city of São Paulo was later officially founded. The first had an interest in controlling the plateau region, the second were focused on converting the indigenous population, while the interest of the third group, the settlers, was to find riches and enslave the Indians. On the 25th of September 1554, on Saint Paul’s day, the first mass of the Pátio do Colégio was celebrated; by then the building was a temporary, simultaneous mix of a church, a school and priests’ shelter, initiated by the Jesuit priest Nóbrega. Rebuilt many times, the Pátio do Colégio still exists – it functions today as a restaurant, among other things – and is the official founding site of the Brazilian metropolis.20 In 1711, as determined by the Portuguese Royal Charter, São Paulo was raised to the category of a city, mainly due to discoveries of gold in the region, but still with less than 1,000 inhabitants. After independence from Portugal in 1822, Republican leaders took power in 1889. Brazil’s ruling classes in those years saw themselves as representatives of European civilization in the tropics. In those days, the climate was still cooler and damp, resembling European weather conditions. In 1890, São Paulo had 65,000 inhabitants. The Republican modernizing effort materialized in the use of symbolic aspects of urban design by imitating urban planning developments found in European cities, especially those of Paris. In the wake of the first mass immigration between 1890 and 1914, many European mechanics, skilled workers and businessmen came to São Paulo. In those days, Europeans accounted for fifty to seventy percent of the population of the city.21 A major development at that time was the emergence of industrial districts and workers quarters. Factories were located along the railroad lines, with workers’ districts adjacent. From 1922 onwards, highways facilitated access throughout the city; and the distribution of manufactured products. The global financial crisis of 1929 led to the collapse of the coffee market and the traditional agrarian economy, which led to a diversification in agriculture and efforts to further industrialize.22 In 1930, the population of São Paulo reached 900,000 and the city had become a manufacturing center with an extensive railroad system. After 1945, foreign companies began to invest in Brazil. By 1950, São Paulo had roughly 2.2 million inhabitants. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, there was a massive flow of migration to São Paulo from other regions in Brazil, enabled by the construction of the first paved highways reaching the interior of São Paulo state, the inauguration of the highway between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and the completion of the Rio-Bahia road system. Consequently, the numbers of very poor neighborhoods, full of newcomers to the city, increased proportionally. Favelas began to expand, although there were only a few at that time. Heliópolis, still the city’s biggest favela with up to 70,000 inhabitants, has existed since then.23 On the other hand, from 1930s to the late 1950s, the downtown area and the middle- and high-income neighborhoods in São Paulo retained their character and charm, despite the absence of a master plan or overall criteria guiding development.24 By 1960, both the Tietê and the Pinheiros rivers were channelized. Multilane roads along their margins were built. The city had occupied almost all of the available adjacent space, and quickly expanded in every direction, beyond the river boundaries. Endless subdivisions, nameless streets and irregularly numbered houses were built and occupied by migrants from other regions of Brazil, drawn to the city by the prospect of employment. The industry, commerce and service sectors grew. São Paulo had become the center of a metropolitan region with almost five million inhabitants. 20 21 22 23 24 Nestor Goulart Reis, São Paulo, Vila, Cidade, Metrópole (São Paulo: Via Des Artes, 2004), 15-31. ibid., 57-109. ibid., 139-187. Secretaria Municipal de Habitação, Heliópolis, accessed May 12, 2016, Goulart Reis, São Paulo, Vila, Cidade, Metrópole, 190 -207. 14 14 An inter-regional highway and expressway network was planned to connect all regions of the country as well as the new capital Brasília; a development that coincided with the arrival of the automobile industry in São Paulo. Heavy traffic became a burden in the 1960s, as the old radial-concentric urban plan from the 1930s, made by architect, engineer and then-mayor of São Paulo (1938 – 1945) Francisco Prestes Maia, was not able to absorb the movements of a metropolis of over five million. The public transportation system was also extremely precarious. A number of general plans were drafted, including a new subway and a system of expressways arranged in a mesh rather than a radial-concentric pattern. Over the course of 1980s, the metropolitan region underwent a major transformation and its population jumped to almost eighteen million by 2000.25 At the end of the 20th century, the appearance of São Paulo’s streets and squares was no longer determined by public works, and locations for collective uses were no longer public spaces provided by public authorities. Private capital and commercial concerns increasingly shaped the city. Ever larger fleets of buses, mostly operated on diesel fuel, their routes organized according to the radial-concentric system and starting and ending in downtown São Paulo, transformed streets into waiting and boarding areas for both endless lines of passengers and the busses themselves. As the architect-sociologist and author of São Paulo, Vila, Cidade, Metrópole Nestor Goulart Reis wrote: “São Paulo was less and less a city to be lived in and more and more a city to be merely used.”26 Private developers started to build towers and ensembles of buildings. These were often closed and gated, containing apartments as well as mixed-use facilities for sports, retail and leisure, surrounded by large private gardens. The intention was to build oases of order and tranquility in the midst of an urban jungle, often perceived as rather chaotic, noisy and polluted. In the last twenty years or so, the predominance of shopping malls has become obvious and entire neighborhoods, e.g. Vila Madalena, have specialized in leisure, restaurants and nightlife.27 Visitors to the city may simply see a continuous sprawl of similar structures – or a “giant collection of objects” as architect Jacques Herzog once described it.28 Today, São Paulo’s urban condition is reflected in precarious public spaces and a growing number of private spaces for public use. The less affluent areas, often located in the periphery, struggle with tiny and even more precarious private and public spaces. Although the municipal government of São Paulo implemented an impressive effort in upgrading favelas with infrastructures and in providing social housing between 2005 and 2012, only some of the people in need were served.29 The severe economic and political crises Brazil is currently going through are again intensifying the difficulty of the living conditions for the poor, including in São Paulo, where the slum-upgrading program was stopped in 2013, when the current government came into office under Mayor Fernando Haddad. Today, São Paulo’s increasingly mobile population is facilitating the ever-greater dispersion of urbanization, people and activities. Many people cross two or three different municipal boundaries daily. Every day, one or two million people move from one region to another, e.g. from the east of São Paulo or from the municipalities west of São Paulo such as Barueri, Carapicuíba and Osasco, to the city center. São Paulo has become the center for finance, specialized services, scientific research and technology both in Brazil and on the South American continent.30 The challenge of how to steer the urban development of such a metropolis will remain; acknowledging and promoting its financial, economic and cultural power, with a special emphasis on a urban design and a development vision, can enable a high quality of life for everybody, not only for those who can afford it. 25 26 27 28 29 30 Goulart Reis, São Paulo, Vila, Cidade, Metrópole, 209-224. ibid., 222. ibid., 209-224. Jacques Herzog (lecture, Auditório do Ibirapuera, São Paulo, November 23, 2011). Secretaria Municipal de Habitação, Politíca Municipal de Habitação. Uma Construção Coletiva (São Paulo, 2012). Saskia Sassen, “Cities in a Global Context,” (lecture, Urban Age Conference, São Paulo, December 4, 2008). 15 15 Schindler Global Award Maps, Plans and Diagrams (Figures 1–14) Contents Page Figure 1: Figure-ground plan 17 Figure 2: Map of uses – urban quarter 18 Figure 3: Map of uses – CEAGESP 19 Figure 4: Map of building condition 20 Figure 5: Map of public space and green network 21 Figure 6 / 7: Average rainfall and temperature 22 Figure 8: Street network 23 Figure 9: Section of the river and surrounding area 24 Figure 10: Map of puplic transport, bicycle paths and pedestrian crossings 25 Figure 11: Topography map 26 Figure 12: Road and railway network – metropolitan region 27 Figure 13: Job opportunities vs social vulnerability 28 Figure 14: Extract of the city zoning plan 29 * Please note: A base map is included in the competition materials in DXF and DWG file formats. 16 16 i o T i e t ê Figure-ground plan (Figure 1) R R io P in h e ir o s (source base map:; site research ETH Zürich 2016) 0 0 0.05 0.2 0.05 0.2 0.5 0.5 1km 1km site perimeter CEAGESP area 17 17 i o T i e t ê Map of uses – urban quarter (Figure 2) R R io P in h e ir o s (source base map:; site research ETH Zürich 2016) 0 0.05 0 18 0.2 0.05 0 0.5 0.05 0 0.20.05 0.2 0.2 1km 0.5 residential offices recycling residential together with small business bank school / daycare / educational institute hotel event hall policia civil shop restaurant / bar / snack empty / rental garden / plant / flower shop sport favela logistic / storage car sale / garage CEAGESP / not defined creative and design studio gas station site perimeter mixed small business processing industry / manufacture CEAGESP area 0.5 0.5 1km 1km 1km 18 i o T i e t ê Map of uses – CEAGESP (Figure 3) R R io P in h e ir o s (source base map:; site research ETH Zürich 2016) 0 0 19 administrative vegetables / flowers bank fish shop frozen food snack / lunch / bar trolley storage fruits / various repair shop fruits / vegetables not defined potatoes / onions site perimeter vegetables CEAGESP area 0.05 0.05 0.2 0.2 0.5 0 0.05 0.5 0.2 1km 0.5 1km 1km 19 i o T i e t ê Map of building condition (Figure 4) R R io P in h e ir o s (source base map:; site research ETH Zürich 2016) 0 0.05 0.2 0 fair site perimeter good CEAGESP area 0.05 0.5 0 0.05 0.2 0.2 1km 0.5 0.5 1km 1km new renovated / refurbished (new usage) poor various favela not defined 20 20 i o T i e t ê Map of public space and green network (Figure 5) R R io P in h e ir o s (source base map:; site research ETH Zürich 2016) 0 0.05 0.2 0.5 0 0.05 0.2 1km 0.5 1km park riparian area track field street greening vacant land private puplic space site perimeter CEAGESP area 21 21 Average rainfall and temperature (Figure 6 and 7) Climate Graph Climate and and Temperature Temperature Graph São Paulo // Brazil São Brazil 23°30'S, 46°37'W, 46°37'W, 792m 23°30'S, 792ma.s.l. a.s.l. 120120 240 240 220 110 200 100 180 90 160 80 140 70 120 60 110 220 100 160 140 80 70 60 120 50 100 100 40 80 80 30 60 60 20 40 40 10 20 20 90 0 0 Jan Jan Feb Feb Mar Mar Apr Apr Avg. Precipitation (mm) May Jun Jul May Jun Jul Avg. Temp (°C) Avg. Precipitation (mm) Aug Aug Sep Oct Sep Nov Oct Nov Avg. min. Temp (°C) Avg. Temp (°C) 40 30 20 10 0 Dec 50 Temperature (°C) Precipitation (mm) Precipitation (mm) 180 Temperature (°C) 200 0 Dec Avg. max. Temp (°C) Avg. min. Temp (°C) Avg. max. Temp (°C) Climate Table Jan Feb Mar Apr Avg. Precipitation (mm) Jan 238.7 Feb 217.4 Mar 159.8 Apr 75.8 Climate Table May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Dec Σ 55.7 Jun 44.1 Jul 38.9 Aug Temp (°C)(mm) Avg.Avg. Precipitation 22.1 217.4 22.4 159.8 21.7 75.8 19.7 73.6 17.6 238.7 16.5 55.7 15.8 44.1 17.1 38.9 17.8 80.5 19.0 123.6 20.3 145.821.1 200.9 Ø Σ 19.3 1454.8 min. Avg.Avg. Temp (°C)Temp (°C) 18.7 22.4 18.8 21.7 18.2 19.7 16.3 17.6 13.8 22.1 12.4 16.5 11.7 15.8 12.8 17.1 13.9 17.8 15.3 19.0 16.6 20.3 17.7 21.1 Ø Ø 15.5 19.3 Temp Avg.Avg. min.max. Temp (°C)(°C) 27.3 18.8 28.0 18.2 27.2 16.3 25.1 13.8 23.0 18.7 21.8 12.4 21.8 11.7 23.3 12.8 23.9 13.9 24.8 15.3 25.9 16.6 26.3 17.7 Ø Ø 24.9 15.5 61.7 60.4 62.8 64.0 66.2 68.5 70.0 Ø 54.3 53.1 55.0 57.0 59.5 61.9 63.9 Ø 71.2 71.2 73.9 75.0 76.6 78.6 79.3 Ø Avg. Temp (°F) Avg. min. Temp (°F) Avg. Temp (°F) Avg. max. Temp (°F) Avg. min. Temp (°F) 71.8 27.3 65.7 71.8 81.1 65.7 72.3 28.0 65.8 72.3 82.4 65.8 71.1 27.2 64.8 71.1 81.0 64.8 67.5 25.1 61.3 67.5 77.2 61.3 63.7 23.0 56.8 63.7 73.4 56.8 21.8 61.7 54.3 21.8 60.4 53.1 23.3 62.8 55.0 80.5 Sep 123.6 Oct 145.8 Nov 200.9 Dec Annual 73.6 May Avg. max. Temp (°C) 23.9 64.0 57.0 24.8 66.2 59.5 max. Temp 81.1 82.4, 81.0 77.2 73.4 71.2 71.2 73.9 (dataAvg. source: São Paulo(°F) Climate and Temperature; accessed May 18,75.0 2016) 76.6 22 Nov 25.9 68.5 61.9 78.6 26.3 70.0 63.9 79.3 1454.8 Annual Ø Ø Ø Ø 66.7 24.9 59.9 66.7 76.7 59.9 76.7 22 i o T i e t ê Street network (Figure 8) R R io P in h e ir o s (source base map:; site research ETH Zürich 2016) 0 0.05 0.2 0 0.5 0.05 0.2 1km 0.5 1km highway (Marginal) primary street secondary street tertiary street local/quarter street dead end site perimeter CEAGESP area 23 23 Pa e9 ay ES lin sr Ro CE ad fie AG ld lw Tra ck rai CP TM ay hw Hig Pin he iro t ee ay str er hw Hig art Qu rea me (Es ra ive aré gu Ja va No ral nd da ) rip ari an zo ne Section of the river and surrounding area (Figure 9) (source base map:; site research ETH Zürich 2016) 24 0 10 30 50 100 m 0 10 30 50 100 m 24 i o T i e t ê Map of puplic transport, bicycle paths and pedestrian crossings (Figure 10) R R io P in h e ir o s (source base map:; site research ETH Zürich 2016) 0 0.05 0.2 0 CPTM railway line 8 (Diamante) bicycle path CPTM railway line 9 (Esmeralda) projected bicycle path CPTM railway stop pedestrian strip bus lines site perimeter bus stop with 1–3 lines CEAGESP area 0.05 0 0.05 0.5 0.2 0.2 1km 0.5 0.5 1km 1km bus stop with 4–7 lines bus stop with 8+ lines 25 25 Topography map (Figure 11) (source base map: 0 site perimeter 26 1 0 3km 1 3km 26 Road and railway network – metropolitan region (Figure 12) site perimeter (source base map:; OpenStreetMap contributors; Google, DigitalGlobe 2016) beltway (Rodoanel Mário Covas, SP-21) civil aviation airport beltway under construction site perimeter inner ring road radial street existing train line train line under construction planned Ferroanel 27 27 Job opportunities vs social vulnerability * (Figure 13) site perimeter OPPORTUNITIES vs. VULNERABILITY Jobs More jobs Less jobs * Social Vulnerability Index of * São Paulo (IPVS) Very high vulnerability High vulnerability Average vulnerability Low vulnerability 0 2 5 10 km (source: Rais/MTE, 2010; IPVS/Seade, 2010; MDC/SMDU; Emplasa, 2007; SMDU, 2014) 28 28 Extract of the city zoning plan (Figure 14) CEAGESP area (source:, accesssed on May 30, 2016) ZPIs are reserved for typical industrial uses in different areas of the city, both in central (I) and in conservation areas (II). These zones promote predominantly residential, but also non-residential uses with low and medium building and population densities. Within the ZEU – Zemp zoning laws, there are three different categories: transformation areas (ZEU, ZEUP, ZEM and ZEMP) to increase the density and diversity of uses, buildings and people; requalification areas to qualify the existing mix-use with moderate building densities (ZOE, ZPI, ZDE, ZEIS, ZM, ZCOR, and ZC); and preservation areas (ZEPEC, ZEP, ZEPAM, ZPDS, ZER, and ZPR) to maintain the existing low and middle building densities, beyond the preservation of natural and cultural assets. These zones promote the allocation of non-residential uses and public spaces, in dense urban transformation zones, sub-centers or neighborhoods with medium building and population densities. There are four types of ZCOR zones. All of them are located along main or important traffic routes, giving priority to non-residential uses that are compatible with the residential uses nearby. These zones require the construction of social housing (HIS) and / or the regularization of land tenure and requalification of slum areas and irregular settlement areas. More than 25% of São Paulo’s population lives in such precarious and informal areas to which the ZEIS zoning law applies. Favelas (slums) are almost always in the category ZEIS 1, whereas empty or underutilized land portions that could be used for the construction of social housing fall into the category ZEIS 2. ZEIS 3 allotments are usually located in central city areas while ZEIS 4 areas are being situated in nature reserves. Both of them reserved for the construction of social or public housing and, in some instances, for the allocation of non-residential uses (ZEIS 3). ZDEs indicate predominately industrial areas to be maintained or modernized, including production, research and the establishment of new and high technology uses. The aim is to promote urban industries, also within consolidated residential areas. ZOEs are reserved for special uses such as the nearby University Campus or the CEAGESP itself. The ZPR zoning is similar to the ZER zoning with the difference that other uses are allowed as long as they are compatible with residential uses that are predominant in ZPRs. ZEPs include parks that are either owned by the state or the municipality of São Paulo or other nature reserves that fall under national law (Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação), focusing on research, ecotourism and environmental education. ZER-1, ZER-2, and ZERa indicate areas with low density, exclusively residential use (single-family houses). The sub-categories indicate the size of the parcels (I and II) or the location in conservation areas (a). ZPDS areas indicate areas of landscape protection in which sustainable economic activities are allowed, as long as they do not harm the requalification and the maintenance of the natural and cultural landscape, especially if the natural environment is the source of those activities (agriculture, tourism, green low dense housing etc.). ZPDSr have the same characteristics but are located in rural areas. ZEPAMs include remaining areas of Atlantic rainforest and / or other native vegetation subject to heritage protection. 29 29 Schindler Global Award Entry Requirements The project should be described using a comprehensive narrative structure that explains the logical coherence between analysis and design. An underlying concept and logic for the design should be clear. A range of scenarios can be tested with impact assessments of their possible spatial, social, economic and environmental consequences. Only one proposal per entry is allowed. Entries are due in full by midnight, Central European Time on the 30th of December 2016, and must be submitted according to the process outlined below. Late or incomplete entries will not be accepted. Complete entries will consist of the following: Panels Two A0 size panels in landscape format, containing presentation material in a range of scales (e.g. regional, inter-city, city, neighborhood and block scales) must be submitted. A variety of representational modes (maps, plans, sections, elevations, isometric drawings, diagrams and visualizations) should be used to explain the project. The exact strategy for representation, chosen by participants and suited to their design, is an important part of the competition. Booklet A booklet in landscape or portrait format of a maximum of 15 pages in size A4, containing additional information such as analysis, preliminary studies, calculations, narration, and the derivation of the project though written annotations, diagrams and drawings must be submitted in addition to the panels, but it is of secondary importance for the purpose of evaluation. Models cannot be submitted for the evaluation process but photographs of them may be included as part of the competition entry, in the panels or as part of the supporting information. Panels: Booklet: + or (portrait or landscape) (landscape) 30 30 Schindler Global Award Schedule The following schedule outlines the important dates for the competition. Participants are asked to check the official competition website regularly for updated information. 31 16 June 2016 Opening of the competition, release of the brief 9 September 2016 Deadline for questions 30 September 2016 Publication of the questions and answers (Q&A) 16 December 2016 Registration deadline 30 December 2016 Deadline for projects to be submitted 2–14 January 2017 Technical evaluation 2/3 February 2017 Jury meeting April 2017 Award ceremony 31 Schindler Global Award Submission Process Each team will be issued an entry number at the time of registration. As the competition is anonymous, this number must be used to identify all submittal documents. All documents must bear the entry number of the team in the lower right-hand corner. Any entry containing names of the students or their schools and / or any reference to their identity will be excluded from the competition. All documents must be submitted digitally as PDFs on the competition website. An upload link and submission form will be provided online. Entrants nominated for prizes will be required to submit their original files within three days of notification of nomination. 32 32 Schindler Global Award A shared global responsibility for future cities. Contact the Schindler Global Award Committee: Ms. Andrea Murer Project Leader Schindler Management Ltd. Zugerstrasse 13 6030 Ebikon Switzerland Tel. +41 41 445 45 14 Prof. Ir. Kees Christiaanse Award Program Leader ETH Zürich / Switzerland Chair of Architecture and Urban Design Institute of Urban Design / Network City and Landscape Ms. Fabienne Hoelzel Mr. Dimitri Kron Academic Project Management ETH Zürich / Switzerland Chair of Architecture and Urban Design Institute of Urban Design / Network City and Landscape 33