2013 Referral Directory - Texas Criminal Justice Coalition
2013 Referral Directory - Texas Criminal Justice Coalition
2013 REFERRAL DIRECTORY Legal Services and Other Resources for Low-Income Texans Published by the LEGAL ACCESS DIVISION OF THE STATE BAR OF TEXAS P.O. Box 12487 . Austin, Texas 78711-2487 512-427-1855 or 800-204-2222, Ext. 1855 . Fax: 512-427-4160 probono@texasbar.com . www.texasbar.com/referraldirectory Click on YOUR county for your region’s resources! Anderson Cameron Denton Grayson Jasper Andrews Camp DeWitt Gregg Jeff Davis Angelina Carson Dickens Grimes Jefferson Aransas Cass Dimmit Guadalupe Jim Hogg Archer Castro Donley Hale Jim Wells Armstrong Chambers Duval Hall Johnson Atascosa Cherokee Eastland Hamilton Jones Austin Childress Ector Hansford Karnes Bailey Clay Edwards Hardeman Kaufman Bandera Cochran El Paso Hardin Kendall Bastrop Coke Ellis Harris Kenedy Baylor Coleman Erath Harrison Kent Bee Collin Falls Hartley Kerr Bell Collingsworth Fannin Haskell Kimble Bexar Colorado Fayette Hays King Blanco Comal Fisher Hemphill Kinney Borden Comanche Floyd Henderson Kleberg Bosque Concho Foard Hidalgo Knox Bowie Cooke Fort Bend Hill La Salle Brazoria Coryell Franklin Hockley Lamar Brazos Cottle Freestone Hood Lamb Brewster Crane Frio Hopkins Lampasas Briscoe Crockett Gaines Houston Lavaca Brooks Crosby Galveston Howard Lee Brown Culberson Garza Hudspeth Leon Burleson Dallam Gillespie Hunt Liberty Burnet Dallas Glasscock Hutchinson Limestone Caldwell Dawson Goliad Irion Lipscomb Calhoun Deaf Smith Gonzales Jack Live Oak Callahan Delta Gray Jackson Llano Loving Ochiltree San Jacinto Upshur Lubbock Oldham San Patricio Upton Lynn Orange San Saba Uvalde Madison Palo Pinto Schleicher Val Verde Marion Panola Scurry Van Zandt Martin Parker Shackelford Victoria Mason Parmer Shelby Walker Matagorda Pecos Sherman Waller Maverick Polk Smith Ward McCulloch Potter Somervell Washington McLennan Presidio Starr Webb McMullen Rains Stephens Wharton Medina Mills Sterling Wheeler Menard Randall Stonewall Wichita Midland Reagan Sutton Wilbarger Milam Real Swisher Willacy Mitchell Red River Tarrant Williamson Montague Reeves Taylor Wilson Montgomery Refugio Terrell Winkler Morris Roberts Terry Wise Motley Robertson Throckmorton Wood Nacogdoches Rockwall Titus Yoakum Navarro Runnels Tom Green Young Newton Rusk Travis Zapata Nolan Sabine Trinity Zavala Nueces San Augustine Tyler Click on HIGHLIGHTED text to be taken to corresponding pages. Table of Contents Statewide Resources – Civil Legal, Government and Related Agency Resources .............................................1 • Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Information.................................................................................................1 • Children/Minors...................................................................................................................................................1 • Civil Rights/Discrimination ..................................................................................................................................1 • Consumer ...........................................................................................................................................................2 • Disability .............................................................................................................................................................2 • Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault/Crime Victims ..............................................................................................2 • Elder Law............................................................................................................................................................3 • Employment........................................................................................................................................................3 • Grievances Against Lawyers, Judges or Medical Professionals ........................................................................4 • Health .................................................................................................................................................................4 • Housing...............................................................................................................................................................4 • Immigration .........................................................................................................................................................4 • Insurance ............................................................................................................................................................5 • Non-Profits/Transactional....................................................................................................................................5 • Public Benefits ....................................................................................................................................................5 • Public Utilities .....................................................................................................................................................5 • Veterans..............................................................................................................................................................5 • Other...................................................................................................................................................................6 Civil Resources – Legal Resources Related to Civil Matters (by county) ............................................................7 Criminal Resources – Legal Resources and Other Agencies Relating to Criminal Matters...........................131 • Juvenile Public Defender ................................................................................................................................131 • Specialty Public Defender...............................................................................................................................131 • Public Defender ..............................................................................................................................................132 • Federal Public Defender (Texas 5th Circuit – Federal Court).........................................................................132 • Statewide Legal Resources Relating to Criminal Matters ..............................................................................133 • Non-Capital Criminal Matters (Misdemeanors or Felonies) ...........................................................................133 • Capital Criminal Matters (Involving the Death Penalty)..................................................................................133 • Innocence Claims ...........................................................................................................................................133 • Legal Resources for Inmates in Prison ..........................................................................................................134 • Prison Grievances ..........................................................................................................................................135 • Jail Grievances ...............................................................................................................................................135 • Employment....................................................................................................................................................135 • Information for Relatives of Inmates...............................................................................................................135 • Legal Resources for Mexican Nationals .........................................................................................................135 Other Resources .....................................................................................................................................................137 • Lawyer Referral Services (Full Fee and Reduced Fee) .................................................................................137 • Introduction To Pro Se (Self-Help) Resources ...............................................................................................138 Statewide Civil Legal, Government and Related Agency Resources Office Of Consumer Affairs, Texas Department Of Family And Protective Services 800-720-7777 (Main Office) www.dfps.state.tx.us/contact_us/inquiries_and_complaints Handles case-specific complaints relating to adult protective services, child protective services, child care licensing, licensing in general and complaints regarding the Department of Family and Protective Services hotline ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE TREATMENT INFORMATION Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Texas Department of State Health Services 866-378-8440 (Main Office) www.dshs.state.tx.us/mhsa Provides information on mental health and substance abuse programs and services, mental health promotion, substance abuse prevention and intervention information Texas Legal Services Center – Texas Kincare Taskforce 866-979-4343 (Main Office) www.tlsc.org/programs/kincare.asp Provides referrals and information to grandparents, aunts, uncles and older siblings who are raising minor children (with neither parent being at home) to appropriate sources of on-going assistance; produces the Texas Kincare Primer available for download at www.texaslawhelp.org CHILDREN/MINORS Abuse & Neglect, Texas Department Of Family And Protective Services (TDFPS) 800-252-5400 (Main Office) www.dfps.state.tx.us/Contact_Us/report_abuse.asp Hotline to report abuse, neglect and exploitation of children and the elderly or adults with disabilities CIVIL RIGHTS/DISCRIMINATION Jane’s Due Process, Inc. 866-999-5263 (Main Office) www.janesdueprocess.org Ensures legal representation for pregnant minors in Texas American Civil Liberties Union Of Texas (ACLU) 713-942-8146 (Main Office) www.aclutx.org Works in courts, legislatures and in the community to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States Legal Line – Access, Visitation & Custody Telephone Hotline 866-292-4636 (Main Office) www.txaccess.org Legal information, guidance, referrals and education for non-custodial parents and interested parties addressing access, visitation and custody; paternity establishment; the child support order process Civil Rights Division, Texas Workforce Commission 512-463-2642 (Main Office) www.twc.state.tx.us/customers/jsemp/employee-rightslaws.html Investigates and resolves complaints of employment and housing discrimination; may file civil suits in state courts Office Of Attorney General Child Support – General Information Line 800-252-8014 (Main Office) https://www.oag.state.tx.us/cs/index.shtml Provides information 24 hours a day for child support establishment and enforcement services provided by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG); assists in establishing paternity; handles reporting for newly hired or retired employee statues; offers parents automated information on payment and case status, dates, and more Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 202-663-4900 (Main Office) www.eeoc.gov Responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person’s race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40+), disability or genetic information Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund (MALDEF) 210-224-5476 (Main Office) www.maldef.org/index.html Promotes change in the areas of education, employment, immigration rights and political access 1 DISABILITY Texas Civil Rights Project 512-474-5073 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org Advocates for racial, social, and economic equality in Texas through education and litigation programs, bringing lawsuits related to prison conditions; provides VAWA for immigrant victims of domestic violence and U-visa legal representation Disability Rights Texas 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Relay Texas 800-735-2988 (Main Office) www.relaytexas.com/english.html Provides telephone interpreting service between individuals who can hear and those who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind or speech-disabled CONSUMER Consumer Credit Counseling Service 800-249-2227 (Main Office) www.cccs.net Provides financial counseling, comprehensive community education, professional debt management plans and responsive customer service Southern Disability Law Center 512-458-5800 (Main Office) www.sdlcenter.org Provides free individual and systemic legal representation to persons with disabilities who have been denied Medicaid or special education services Consumer Helpline, Office Of The Consumer Credit Commissioner 512-936-7600 (Main Office) www.occc.state.tx.us Regulates the credit industry and educate consumers and creditors, thereby producing a fair, lawful, and healthy credit environment for social and economic prosperity in Texas DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/SEXUAL ASSAULT/ CRIME VICTIMS See: www.hhsc.state.tx.us/help/family-violence/centers.shtml for a city-by-city list of domestic violence shelters and crisis numbers Legal Line – VICARS For Crime Victims 888-343-4414 (Main Office) www.idvictim.org Free legal assistance for all victims of violent crimes, human trafficking and ID theft in Texas; assistance with Crime Victims’ Compensation and criminal justice support; Victim Toolkits for victims of ID theft Crime Victims’ Compensation Program, Office Of The Attorney General Of Texas 512-936-1200 (Main Office) www.oag.state.tx.us/victims/about_comp.shtml Ensures that victims of violent crime are provided financial assistance for crime-related expenses that cannot be reimbursed by insurance or other sources Office Of Attorney General – Consumer Protection Division 512-463-2185 (Main Office) www.oag.state.tx.us/consumer/complain.shtml Investigates violations of state consumer protection laws and may file civil suits in the state courts; takes consumer complaints for deceptive trade practices Love Is Respect – National Dating Abuse Helpline 866-331-9474 (Main Office) www.loveisrespect.org Offers one-on-one support from trained Peer Advocates who supply information and advocacy to those involved in dating abuse relationships, concerned parents, teachers, clergy, law enforcement, and service providers Texas Department Of Transportation 800-558-9368 (Main Office) www.dot.state.tx.us Provides assistance to applicants, contractors, consumers, and citizens affected by TxDOT agency action; assistance provided includes contractor discrimination complaints, investigation and complaint resolution services and mediation National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233 (Main Office) www.thehotline.org Advocates are available for victims and anyone calling on their behalf to provide crisis intervention, safety planning, information and referrals to agencies in all 50 states, U.S. territories and Canada 2 Sexual Assault Legal Services and Assistance (SALSA) 888-343-4414 (Main Office) www.hopelaws.org Provides free and confidential legal assistance to any survivor in Texas, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., M-F Legal Line – Legal Hotline For Texans 800-622-2520 (Main Office) www.tlsc.org/programs/legalhotline.asp Provides free legal advice, self-help publications, and referrals to Texans over the age of 60 and Texans who receive Medicare Texas Advocacy Project 512-476-5377 (Main Office) www.texasadvocacyproject.org Provides free legal services statewide to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. Family Violence Legal Hotline: 800-374-HOPE (4673) Family Law Hotline: 800-777-FAIR (3247) Sexual Assault Legal Hotline: 888-296-SAFE (7233) Legal Line – South Central Pension Rights Project (SCPRP) 800-443-2528 (Main Office) www.southcentralpension.org Provides services including drafting administrative pension claims and appeals and support through proceedings; identifies and pursues pension benefits from sponsors that have discontinued their plan, changed names, merged with another company, or gone out of business; answers basic questions about rights and remedies under all public and private pension systems throughout Texas Texas Association Against Sexual Assault 512-474-7190 (Main Office) www.taasa.org/victim_services Assists victims of sexual assault with resources and support services Legal Line – Texas Elder Exploitation Project 888-612-6626 (Main Office) www.tlsc.org/programs/elderexploitation.asp Advises seniors on how to prevent financial exploitation and assists seniors who have been victims of financial exploitation; advises seniors on powers of attorney, mail fraud, and telemarketing schemes; provides community education and self-help materials Texas Council on Family Violence 512-794-1133 (Main Office) www.tcfv.org Assists and supports Texas domestic violence shelters, battering intervention and prevention programs and other family violence service providers; maintains extensive domestic violence-related resources Texas Advocates For Nursing Home Residents (TANHR) 972-572-6330 (Main Office) Advocates improvement in the quality of life and care of Texas nursing home residents Victim Services Division, Texas Department Of Criminal Justice 800-848-4284 (Main Office) www.tdcj.state.tx.us/divisions/vs/index.html Provides direct, personal services to victims and their families throughout Texas; assures victims that they can be involved in all parts of the criminal justice system if desired; updates victims with the status of the offender Texas Department On Aging And Disability Services (DADS) 512-438-3011 (Main Office) www.dads.state.tx.us Routes number to local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) office; provides services for people who are aging and who have cognitive and physical disabilities, chronic illness and disease; works in partnership with consumers, caregivers and service providers ELDER LAW Abuse & Neglect, Texas Department Of Family And Protective Services (TDFPS) 800-252-5400 (Main Office) www.dfps.state.tx.us/Contact_Us/report_abuse.asp Hotline to report abuse, neglect and exploitation of children and the elderly or adults with disabilities EMPLOYMENT Texas Workforce Commission, Employee’s Hotline 800-832-2829 (Main Office) www.twc.state.tx.us Provides employment-related assistance including discrimination in employment, education, job search and unemployment insurance; services include general information, individual advocacy and ombudsman services Legal Line – Facility Victim Program 800-622-2520 ext. 127 (Main Office) www.tlsc.org/programs/facilityvictims.asp Offers legal advice and assistance to victims of abuse, neglect and exploitation who are residents of a nursing home, assisted living facilities or who receive in-home nursing services 3 HOUSING Workers Compensation Division, Texas Department Of Insurance 512-804-4000 (Main Office) www.tdi.state.tx.us/wc/index.html Assists injured employees who are covered by workers compensation Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs 800-525-0657 (Main Office) 800-525-0657 (Main Office) www.tdhca.state.tx.us Provides referrals for rental assistance, low-interest housing loans, weatherization, utility assistance, and home repair. The Manufactured Housing Division regulates manufactured homes, ensures they are safe and correctly installed and that consumers receive fair and effective remedies; regional offices include: Austin 800-500-7074 Dallas/Ft. Worth 877-724-5670 Edinburg 877-724-5672 Houston 877-724-5674 Lubbock 877-724-5676 San Antonio 877-724-5678 Tyler 877-724-5679 Waco 877-724-5680 GRIEVANCES AGAINST LAWYERS, JUDGES OR MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS Attorney Grievance Information/Client Attorney Assistance Program (CAAP) 800-932-1900 (Main Office) www.texasbar.com/caap Assists the public and attorneys in resolving disputes with Texas attorneys; facilitate and improve communications between clients and attorneys Health Professions Council's Complaint Referral System 512-305-8550 (Main Office) www.hpc.state.tx.us Receives complaints about any health care professional and routes them to the appropriate licensing board Texas Low-Income Housing Information Service 512-477-8910 (Main Office) www.texashousing.org Provides online information on public housing, tenants’ rights, and colonias; housing counselor helps locate affordable housing in Texas State Commission On Judicial Conduct 512-463-5533 (Main Office) www.scjc.state.tx.us Investigates allegations of judicial misconduct or judicial disability and disciplines judges To Report Barratry 866-224-5999 (Main Office) www.texasbar.com Report possible unlawful solicitation by an attorney Texas Tenants Union 214-823-2733 (Main Office) www.txtenants.org Offers information and assistance to tenants with rental housing problems; free weekly tenants’ rights workshops held every Wednesday night at 7:30pm at 4228 Main Street, Dallas, 75226; Individualized counseling provided HEALTH IMMIGRATION Legal Line – Health Law Program 866-979-4343 (Main Office) www.tlsc.org/programs/healthlaw.asp Provides free legal services to Texans with modest incomes that have questions regarding health care issues, including but not limited to Medicare and Medicaid matters, FMLA, continuation of health care after end of employment, denial of treatment and end of life planning and directives For VAWA cases, see the “Civil Resources tab” (countyby-county listings) for LSC-funded programs and other programs which are able to accept VAWA petition cases for battered spouses; some of the non-LSC programs may charge a nominal fee or request donations GANO/CARECEN Central American Refugee Center 713-665-1284 (Main Office) Provides immigration services and handles court cases; adjustment of status, naturalization, family petitions, temporary protected status; does not handle business or employment related matters U.S. Citizenship And Immigration Services (USCIS) 800-375-5283 (Main Office) www.uscis.gov Federal agency that oversees lawful immigration to the United States 4 Texas Department Of State Health Services General Inquiry Hotline 888-963-7111 (Main Office) www.dshs.state.tx.us General inquiry hotline for programs run by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS); for state referrals dial 2-1-1 INSURANCE CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) 877-543-7669 (Main Office) www.chipmedicaid.org Children in Texas without health insurance may be able to get low cost or free health coverage from the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or Children’s Medicaid. Both programs cover office visits, prescription drugs, dental care, eye exams, glasses, and much more. Texas Health And Human Services Commission 512-424-6500 (Main Office) www.hhsc.state.tx.us Oversees the operations of the health and human services system; provides administrative oversight of Texas health and human services programs and provides direct administration of some programs, including Medicaid, food stamps and disaster relief; Call 2-1-1 for intake or toll-free at 1-877-541-7905 Texas Department Of Insurance 800-578-4677 (Main Office) www.tdi.texas.gov Regulates the state’s insurance industry NON-PROFIT/TRANSACTIONAL PUBLIC UTILITIES Texas – Community Building with Attorney Resources (Texas C-BAR) 512-374-2712 (Main Office) www.texascbar.org Provides pro bono legal referral program and other legal services to non-profit organizations with a mission to assist low-income communities in the state of Texas; provides legal assistance to micro entrepreneurs and small businesses Public Utility Commission (PUC) 888-782-8477 (Main Office) puc.texas.gov Provides assistance in filing complaints against public utility companies (telephone and electricity), “do not call” telemarketer lists, and low income energy assistance programs VETERANS Texas Accountants And Lawyers For The Arts 713-526-4876 (Main Office) www.talarts.org Provides free legal and accounting services to arts, non-profits and artists from all creative disciplines, including visual artists, musicians, actors, dancers, film makers and writers HEROES For Children In Military Families 512-460-6400 (Main Office) Provides service members, veterans and their dependents with enhanced, personalized assistance in addressing paternity establishment, child support, and parenting time matters; (Help Establishing Responsive Orders Ensuring Support (HEROES) for Children in Military Families is a federal Office of Child Support Enforcement demonstration project developed and implemented by the Texas OAG/CSD – Funded through August 2013) PUBLIC BENEFITS 2-1-1 Texas Information & Referral Network 877-541-7905 (Main Office) www.211texas.org/211 Identifies free information on health and human services including food, shelter, rent assistance, utility bill assistance, counseling, child care, after-school programs, senior services, disaster relief, and other programs in your area; fees may vary. Callers can dial 2-1-1 from anywhere in the state to reach an information or referral specialist Operation Enduring LAMP (Legal Assistance To Military Personnel) 800-204-2222 ext. 1855 (Main Office) www.texasbar.com/lamp Helps active duty military, members of the Reserves and National Guard called to active duty and their families with a wide range of legal issues ranging from family law matters to employment issues to consumer law Social Security Administration 866-627-6991 (Main Office) www.socialsecurity.gov Provides services for persons seeking retirement, Medicare, disability or spousal benefits Stateside Legal www.statesidelegal.org Website for military members, veterans and their families to help access benefits, find free legal help and better understand legal issues 5 Texas Lawyers For Texas Veterans www.texasbar.com/veterans Website includes resources for veterans on legal clinics and other related issues Texas Veterans Commission 512-463-6564 (Main Office) www.tvc.state.tx.us Offers disability claims representation and counseling assistance, employment services and education benefits for Texas veterans and funding for the veteran’s assistance program Veterans Legal Assistance Project 800-622-2520 (Main Office) www.tlsc.org/programs/vlap.asp Provides legal assistance (advice and brief services) in civil legal matters, including family law, employment, housing, consumer, bankruptcy, probate, and VA benefits to Texas veterans, their spouses, dependents, and survivors OTHER Texas Secretary Of State 512-463-5600 (Main Office) www.sos.state.tx.us Provides information regarding corporations, limited liability companies, trademarks, voting rights and telephone solicitations; includes pre-recorded information, self-help materials and copies of filed documents; for voting information and election information, contact the Elections Division at 800-252-8683 TexasLawHelp.Org www.texaslawhelp.org Website provides free, reliable civil legal information to low-income Texans. A LiveChat operator is available Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm to help you navigate the website. The Justice Foundation 210-614-7157 (Main Office) www.thejusticefoundation.org Represents clients free of charge in cases enforcing laws to protect women’s health The People’s Lawyer 713-743-2100 (Main Office) www.peopleslawyer.net Website containing a variety of information for the public on legal topics such as consumer, tenants’ rights, small claims courts and other issues; also see www.texasccc.com for consumer complaints 6 LEGAL AID PROGRAMS Introduction to Civil Legal Aid There are three legal service providers, federally-funded through the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), that serve every county in Texas: Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, Lone Star Legal Aid and Texas RioGrande Legal Aid. These providers handle a wide range of civil legal issues. The majority of cases handled are family law (40%). Other areas of high demand include housing, consumer law, employment, public benefits, and issues affecting the elderly. Due to federal funding restrictions, these providers cannot handle immigration cases, unless the immigrant has been a victim of violent crime, or criminal cases. Funding for civil legal services is extremely limited causing legal aid to turn away thousands with serious legal needs each year. LSC funded programs, and most other programs listed in this directory, must refuse service to any applicant whose income is above specific federal poverty guidelines. 7 In most situations, the family income must fall below 125% of the federal poverty income guidelines. But in some situations, the family income can be up to 200%, so even if your household exceeds the 125% guidelines, you should still apply. 2013 Poverty Guidelines FAMILY SIZE 100% 125% 175% 1871⁄2 200% 1 11,490 14,363 20,108 21,544 22,980 2 15,510 19,388 27,143 29,081 31,020 3 19,530 24,413 34,178 36,619 39,060 4 23,550 29,438 41,213 44,156 47,100 5 27,570 34,463 48,248 51,694 55,140 6 31,590 39,488 55,283 59,231 63,180 7 35,610 44,513 62,318 66,769 71,220 8 39,630 49,538 69,353 74,306 79,260 4,020 5,025 7,035 7,538 8,040 Each additional member add Calculations based on data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services The listed providers include LSC funded legal services providers, as well as those that serve either a specific client group (such as people with disabilities, children or older individuals) or limit service to a specific type of legal issue (such as civil rights, consumer, housing, or immigration). These providers may have different income restrictions from the LSC funded providers. The LSC funded providers are listed first under each county because they provide the most extensive civil legal service. 8 ANGELINA ANDERSON Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month County Seat – Palestine Lone Star Legal Aid 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U Visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Crisis Center of Anderson & Cherokee Counties 903-723-5858 (Palestine) 800-232-8519 (Main Office) www.mycrisiscenter.com Offers specialized services, including emergency crisis counseling to victims of family violence, sexual assault and child abuse; assistance with the process of obtaining protective orders; provides a safe house Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination ANGELINA County Seat – Lufkin Lone Star Legal Aid 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm ANDREWS County Seat – Andrews Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-1207 (Odessa) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U Visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only 9 ANGELINA Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Crisis Center Of East Texas (Women’s Shelter Of East Texas, Inc.) 800-828-7233 (Lufkin) 936-639-1681 (Main Office) www.familycrisiscenterofeasttexas.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Women’s Shelter Of South Texas 361-881-8888 (Main Office) www.thewomensshelter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration ARANSAS ARCHER County Seat – Rockport County Seat – Archer City Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-420-1994 or 361-880-5410 (Sinton) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5542 (Wichita Falls) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Corpus Christi – Immigration 361-442-2224 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities-cc.com Provides legal assistance on immigration matters such as adjustments, family petitions, naturalization, U Visas and T Visas and VAWA petitions Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination First Step, Inc. 940-723-7799 (Main Office) firststep.org/home Provides comprehensive services to victims of family violence and sexual assault, including legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal assistance 10 ATASCOSA ARMSTRONG County Seat – Claude Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Atascosa Family Crisis Center 877-569-2001 (Pleasanton) 830-569-2001 (Main Office) www.atascosafamilycrisis.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio – Guardianship Services Program 210-293-1009 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org/seniors/seniors.html Provides legal guardianship protection, including less restrictive alternatives such as financial, medical and living wills, for those who lack mental capacity due to age, illness, or disability and who are at risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, offers powers of attorney for those with sound mental capacity Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Support Services Of Amarillo 800-749-9026 (Amarillo) 806-342-2500 (Main Office) www.fss-ama.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to obtain free and sliding scale legal assistance Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. 210-930-3669 (Main Office) www.fvps.org Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims of domestic violence; offers emergency shelter and community based intervention and prevention services ATASCOSA County Seat – Jourdanton Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 or 210-704-8730 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Alamo Area Resource Center 800-308-2437 (San Antonio) 210-358-9995 (Main Office) www.aarcsa.com Offers referrals to persons with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and powers of attorney Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention 11 AUSTIN AUSTIN County Seat – Bellville Lone Star Legal Aid 979-865-9133 (Bellville) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Cabrini Center For Immigrant Legal Assistance 713-874-6570 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities.org Handles a wide range of immigration matters including, but not limited to, family-based visa petitions, citizenship applications, asylum proceedings, adjustment of status for refugees and asylees, legal assistance to immigrant crime victims and representation of unaccompanied minors Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration BAILEY County Seat – Muleshoe Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-8491 (Plainview) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Aid Society Of Lubbock 806-762-2325 (Main Office) www.lubbocklegalaid.org Provides free and/or reduced cost legal services in the areas of family and elder law Women’s Protective Services Of Lubbock, Inc. 800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 806-747-6491 (Main Office) www.wpslubbock.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; assists with immigration counseling and social referrals BANDERA County Seat – Bandera Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Alamo Area Resource Center 800-308-2437 (San Antonio) 210-358-9995 (Main Office) www.aarcsa.com Offers referrals to persons with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and powers of attorney 12 BASTROP Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio – Guardianship Services Program 210-293-1009 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org/seniors/seniors.html Provides legal guardianship protection, including less restrictive alternatives such as financial, medical and living wills, for those who lack mental capacity due to age, illness, or disability and who are at risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, offers powers of attorney for those with sound mental capacity Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. 210-930-3669 (Main Office) www.fvps.org Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims of domestic violence; offers emergency shelter and community based intervention and prevention services Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center 830-792-5000 (Main Office) hillcountrydrc.com Provides impartial mediation services which explore issues and generate opinions which lead to the creation of solutions which will work for all parties in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention BASTROP County Seat – Bastrop Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 512-374-2777 (Austin) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Click HERE for Bastrop County Self-Help Resource AIDS Services Of Austin 512-458-2437 (Main Office) www.asaustin.org Provides counsel in most civil law matters to indigent individuals living with HIV or AIDS in areas including, but not limited to, estate planning, discrimination, debtor counseling, insurance problems, access to health care, public benefits, family and immigration law American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Crisis Center 512-321-7760 (Main Office) www.family-crisis-center.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention 13 BAYLOR BAYLOR County Seat – Seymour Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5542 (Wichita Falls) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Corpus Christi – Immigration 361-442-2224 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities-cc.com Provides legal assistance on immigration matters such as adjustments, family petitions, naturalization, U visas and T visas and VAWA petitions Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Services 361-888-0650 (Main Office) www.co.nueces.tx.us/dispute Provides free mediation services in civil disputes: neighbor, consumer, tenant, business, family, landlord, bullying, trespass, and small claims Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention First Step, Inc. 940-723-7799 (Main Office) firststep.org/home Provides comprehensive services to victims of family violence and sexual assault, including legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal assistance BEE Women’s Shelter Of South Texas 361-881-8888 (Main Office) www.thewomensshelter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance County Seat – Beeville Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-420-1994 or 361-880-5410 (Corpus Christi) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm BELL County Seat – Belton Lone Star Legal Aid 800-234-6606 or 888-674-4529 (Belton) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm 14 Click HERE for Bell County Self-Help Resource BEXAR American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Families In Crisis, Inc. 254-634-1184 (Main Office) www.familiesincrisis.net Assists with protective orders, crime victim services and provides referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid Greater Waco Youth Law Project 254-715-0894 (Main Office) www.wacoyouthlaw.com Offers civil legal assistance to at-risk children, youth and youth aging-out of foster care on matters such as access to health and mental health care, school disciplinary hearings, special education, legal rights of teen parents, minor parents custody/CPS proceedings, emancipation, immigration in Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) applications, housing, improper denial of public benefits and domestic violence, does not represent adults Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking BEXAR County Seat – San Antonio Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Alamo Area Resource Center 800-308-2437 (San Antonio) 210-358-9995 (Main Office) www.aarcsa.com Offers referrals to persons with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and powers of attorney Atascosa Family Crisis Center 877-569-2001 (Pleasanton) 830-569-2001 (Main Office) www.atascosafamilycrisis.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Bexar County Dispute Resolution Center 210-335-2128 (Main Office) www.bexar.org/drc Provides free mediation and referral services to low income individuals; issues mediated include consumer problems, neighbor complaints, child visitation, money owed, landlord & tenant issues, auto repair problems, property damage, animal nuisance, workplace issues and much more Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio – Guardianship Services Program 210-293-1009 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org/seniors/seniors.html Provides legal guardianship protection, including less restrictive alternatives such as financial, medical and living wills, for those who lack mental capacity due to age, illness, or disability and who are at risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, offers powers of attorney for those with sound mental capacity Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 15 Click HERE for Bexar County Self-Help Resource BEXAR Equal Justice Center 512-474-0007 (Main Office) www.equaljusticecenter.org Provides free legal assistance to low-income persons seeking enforcement of wage and employment rights, regardless of citizenship or immigration status Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. 210-930-3669 (Main Office) www.fvps.org Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims of domestic violence; offers emergency shelter and community based intervention and prevention services Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention BLANCO County Seat – Johnson City Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 512-374-2777 (Austin) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm AIDS Services Of Austin 512-458-2437 (Main Office) www.asaustin.org Provides counsel in most civil law matters to indigent individuals living with HIV or AIDS in areas including, but not limited to, estate planning, discrimination, debtor counseling, insurance problems, access to health care, public benefits, family and immigration law American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center 800-664-3574 (Marble Falls) 830-693-5600 (Main Office) www.hlfcc.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention Click HERE for Blanco County Self-Help Resource 16 BOWIE BORDEN County Seat – Gail Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-4557 (Lubbock) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice BOSQUE County Seat – Meridian Lone Star Legal Aid 800-299-5596 (Waco) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Abuse Center 800-283-8401 (Waco) 254-772-8999 (Main Office) www.familyabusecenter.org Assists with protective orders, crime victim services, and provides referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid BOWIE County Seat – Boston Lone Star Legal Aid 800-568-3857 (Texarkana) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Domestic Violence Prevention, Inc. 903-794-4000 (Main Office) www.dvptxk.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 17 BRAZORIA BRAZORIA County Seat – Angleton Lone Star Legal Aid 800-244-5492 (Angleton) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm AdvoCourt For Kids 713-681-7300 (Main Office) Accepts pro bono appointments for children in divorce and custody proceedings of the family courts in Harris and surrounding counties; Amicus attorneys assist the courts in determining the best interests for the child Bay Area Turning Point 281-338-7600 (Main Office) www.bayareaturningpoint.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Boat People SOS, Inc. 281-530-6888 (Main Office) www.bpsos.org Provides civil legal assistance for low-income Vietnamese Texans in the areas of family law, immigration, landlord-tenant and wills Cabrini Center For Immigrant Legal Assistance 713-874-6570 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities.org Handles a wide range of immigration matters including, but not limited to, family-based visa petitions, citizenship applications, asylum proceedings, adjustment of status for refugees and asylees, legal assistance to immigrant crime victims and representation of unaccompanied minors Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Earl Carl Institute For Legal And Social Policy, Inc. 713-313-1139 (Main Office) www.earlcarlinstitute.org Provides services that range from counsel and advice on property of various estate documents, property title documents and non-profit incorporation documents for low-income Texans Fort Bend County Women’s Center, Inc. 281-342-4357 (Richmond) 281-344-5750 (Main Office) www.fortbendwomenscenter.org Partners with Lone Star Legal Aid and Fort Bend Lawyers Care to assist domestic violence victims through the legal process Women’s Center Of Brazoria County 979-849-9553 (Main Office) www.womenscenterbrazoriacounty.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders; offers supervised visitation programs for non-custodial parents and their children-must be court ordered; works in partnership with Catholic Charities to interview victims who are eligible to self petition; assists with filing for pro se divorce Veterans Legal Initiative 713-228-0735 (Main Office) www.MakeJusticeHappen.org Provides advice and counsel to any veteran or spouse of a deceased veteran every Friday, from 2 pm until 5 pm, at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, 2002 Holcombe Blvd, Houston 77030. The clinic is held on the first floor, near the emergency room entrance. No appointment is necessary. Also conducts veterans clinics in surrounding areas. YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration BRAZOS County Seat – Bryan Lone Star Legal Aid 800-570-4773 (Bryan) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm 18 BRISCOE Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Center – Central Brazos Valley 979-822-6947 (Main Office) www.bvdrc.org Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Twin City Mission 979-822-7511 (Main Office) www.twincitymission.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-948-1824 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination El Paso County Dispute Resolution Center 915-533-4800 (Main Office) www.riocog.org/REGSVCS/drc.htm Provides mediation services for all civil cases, family/child visitation, and community disputes for a nominal fee Family Crisis Center Of The Big Bend 800-834-0654 (Alpine) 432-837-7254 (Main Office) familycrisiscenter.homestead.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and victims of personal injury and crime, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways BRISCOE County Seat – Silverton BREWSTER County Seat – Alpine Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 866-221-4833 (Alpine) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) 915-532-3975 (Main Office) www.dmrs-ep.org Provides legal representation in immigration matters, including family-based immigration, battered immigrant spouses and children and the naturalization process Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-8491 (Plainview) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) 19 BRISCOE Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month South Texas Civil Rights Project 956-787-8171 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=478 Provides representation in matters involving a violation of civil rights, disability rights or consumer rights; helps victims of domestic violence with immigration petitions; defends workers who have not been paid or have suffered other labor abuses Crisis Center Of The Plains 806-293-7273 (Plainview) 806-293-9772 (Main Office) www.plainviewunitedway.org/agencies/hccc.shtml Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Women’s Shelter Of South Texas 361-881-8888 (Main Office) www.thewomensshelter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination BROOKS County Seat - Falfurrias Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-420-1501 or 361-880-5410 (Corpus Christi) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Catholic Charities Of Corpus Christi – Immigration 361-442-2224 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities-cc.com Provides legal assistance on immigration matters such as adjustments, family petitions, naturalization, U visas and T visas and VAWA petitions Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination BROWN County Seat – Brownwood Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 325-646-8659 (Brownwood) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm The Ark 325-643-2699 (Main Office) arkshelter.org Partners with Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas and Texas Advocacy Project to assist domestic violence victims through the legal process Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking 20 BURNET BURLESON BURNET County Seat – Caldwell County Seat – Burnet Lone Star Legal Aid 800-570-4773 (Bryan) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Center – Central Brazos Valley 979-822-6947 (Main Office) www.bvdrc.org Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Twin City Mission 979-822-7511 (Main Office) www.twincitymission.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 512-374-2777 (Austin) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm AIDS Services Of Austin 512-458-2437 (Main Office) www.asaustin.org Provides counsel in most civil law matters to indigent individuals living with HIV or AIDS in areas including, but not limited to, estate planning, discrimination, debtor counseling, insurance problems, access to health care, public benefits, family and immigration law American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center 800-664-3574 (Marble Falls) 830-693-5600 (Main Office) www.hlfcc.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Click HERE for Burnett County Self-Help Resource 21 BURNET Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention CALDWELL County Seat – Lockhart Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 512-374-2777 (Austin) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm AIDS Services Of Austin 512-458-2437 (Main Office) www.asaustin.org Provides counsel in most civil law matters to indigent individuals living with HIV or AIDS in areas including, but not limited to, estate planning, discrimination, debtor counseling, insurance problems, access to health care, public benefits, family and immigration law American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center 512-396-3404 (Main Office) www.hcwc.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking CALHOUN County Seat – Port Lavaca Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-234-1274 or 361-880-5410 (Corpus Christi) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Mid-Coast Family Services 361-575-7842 (Main Office) www.midcoastfamily.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 22 CAMERON Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking CALLAHAN County Seat – Baird Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Noah Project, Inc. 800-444-3551 (Abilene) 325-676-7107 (Main Office) www.noahproject.org Provides shelter and legal advocacy for survivors of family violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault, including legal accompaniment, obtaining protective orders, referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance, and filing Crime Victims Compensation CAMERON County Seat – Brownsville Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-369-2651 or 877-341-7248 or 956-548-7477 (Harlingen) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Border Association For Refugees From Central America 956-631-7447 (Main Office) Provides legal services for immigration matters such as asylum, visa petitions, family unity and VAWA petitions on a sliding scale Casa De Proyecto Libertad 956-425-9552 (Main Office) Handles all aspects of immigration cases, specializing in VAWA claims Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Crisis Center, Inc. 956-423-9305 (Main Office) www.familycrisisctr.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Friendship Of Women/Amistad de Mujeres 956-544-7412 (Main Office) fowinc.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal services Hidalgo Community Justice Program 956-393-6240 (Main Office) hidalgobar.org/cde.cfm?event=219903 Provides family law-related legal services to low-income individuals throughout the lower Rio Grande Valley South Texas Civil Rights Project 956-787-8171 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=478 Provides representation in matters involving a violation of civil rights, disability rights or consumer rights; helps victims of domestic violence with immigration petitions; defends workers who have not been paid or have suffered other labor abuses South Texas Immigration Council 956-425-6987 (Main Office) Provides legal services for immigration matters, VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) petitions, cancellation/suspension, asylum and referral for other immigration matters 23 CAMERON South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project (ProBAR) 956-425-9231 (Main Office) www.americanbar.org/groups/public_services.html Provides legal services in immigration proceedings to detained, indigent immigrants and asylum-seekers, through direct service and pro bono representation CAMP County Seat – Pittsburg CARSON County Seat – Panhandle Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Lone Star Legal Aid 800-866-0821 (Longview) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Hutchinson County Crisis Center, Inc. 806-273-2313 (Main Office) ww.borgerhc3.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Shelter Agencies For Families In East Texas (SAFE-T) 903-572-0973 (Main Office) www.safe-tagency.com/home0.aspx Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Tralee Crisis Center For Women, Inc. 800-658-2796 (Pampa) 806-669-1131 (Main Office) www.pan-tex.net/usr/t/tralee Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance CASS County Seat – Linden Lone Star Legal Aid 800-568-3857 (Texarkana) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm 24 CHAMBERS Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Domestic Violence Prevention, Inc. 903-794-4000 (Main Office) www.dvptxk.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance CASTRO County Seat – Dimmitt Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-8491 (Plainview) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Crisis Center Of The Plains 806-293-7273 (Plainview) 806-293-9772 (Main Office) www.plainviewunitedway.org/agencies/hccc.shtml Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Support Services Of Amarillo 800-749-9026 (Amarillo) 806-342-2500 (Main Office) www.fss-ama.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to obtain free and sliding scale legal assistance CHAMBERS County Seat – Anahuac Lone Star Legal Aid 800-551-3712 (Galveston) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm AdvoCourt For Kids 713-681-7300 (Main Office) Accepts pro bono appointments for children in divorce and custody proceedings of the family courts in Harris and surrounding counties; Amicus attorneys assist the courts in determining the best interests for the child Boat People SOS, Inc. 281-530-6888 (Main Office) www.bpsos.org Provides civil legal assistance for low-income Vietnamese Texans in the areas of family law, immigration, landlord-tenant and wills Cabrini Center For Immigrant Legal Assistance 713-874-6570 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities.org Handles a wide range of immigration matters including, but not limited to, family-based visa petitions, citizenship applications, asylum proceedings, adjustment of status for refugees and asylees, legal assistance to immigrant crime victims and representation of unaccompanied minors 25 CHAMBERS Catholic Charities Of Southeast Texas – Immigration Services 409-924-4410 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesbmt.org Provides legal assistance for a nominal fee based on a sliding scale on immigration matters such as family-based, U Visa, VAWA, naturalization, and I-90s Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Earl Carl Institute For Legal And Social Policy, Inc. 713-313-1139 (Main Office) www.earlcarlinstitute.org Provides services that range from counsel and advice on property of various estate documents, property title documents and non-profit incorporation documents for low-income Texans New Horizon Family Center 281-424-3300 (Main Office) www.newhorizonfamilycenter.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration CHEROKEE County Seat – Rusk Lone Star Legal Aid 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Crisis Center of Anderson & Cherokee Counties 903-586-9118 (Jacksonville) 800-232-8519 (Main Office) www.mycrisiscenter.com Offers specialized services, including emergency crisis counseling to victims of family violence, sexual assault and child abuse; assistance with the process of obtaining protective orders; provides a safe house Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination CHILDRESS County Seat – Childress Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5542 (Wichita Falls) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month 26 COCHRAN Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination First Step, Inc. 940-723-7799 (Main Office) firststep.org/home Provides comprehensive services to victims of family violence and sexual assault, including legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal assistance Tralee Crisis Center For Women, Inc. 800-658-2796 (Pampa) 806-669-1131 (Main Office) www.pan-tex.net/usr/t/tralee Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance CLAY County Seat – Henrietta Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5542 (Wichita Falls) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination First Step, Inc. 940-723-7799 (Main Office) firststep.org/home Provides comprehensive services to victims of family violence and sexual assault, including legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal assistance COCHRAN County Seat – Morton Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-4557 (Lubbock) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Aid Society Of Lubbock 806-762-2325 (Main Office) www.lubbocklegalaid.org Provides free and/or reduced cost legal services in the areas of family and elder law 27 COCHRAN Office Of Dispute Resolution 806-775-1720 (Main Office) www.co.lubbock.tx.us/department/?fDD=8-0 Provides statewide dispute resolution services for governmental agencies, and persons involved with pre-litigation, civil and criminal matters; operates trainings and various continuing education workshops throughout the state; supervises child support payors, conducts social studies, and other services authorized by the Texas Family Code, offers a guardianship program and supervised visitation Women’s Protective Services Of Lubbock, Inc. 800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 806-747-6491 (Main Office) www.wpslubbock.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; assists with immigration counseling and social referrals COKE County Seat – Robert Lee Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-284-5180 (San Angelo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination ICD Family Shelter & Self-Advocacy Center 800-749-8631 (Main Office) www.icdbridges.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking COLEMAN County Seat – Coleman Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 325-646-8659 (Brownwood) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm The Ark 325-643-2699 (Main Office) arkshelter.org Partners with Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas and Texas Advocacy Project to assist domestic violence victims through the legal process Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Mosaic Family Services 214-821-5393 (Main Office) www.mosaicservices.org Provides comprehensive social services for immigrants and refugees and legal representation in both immigration and family law to immigrant survivors of crime, such as domestic violence and human trafficking Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking COLLIN County Seat – McKinney Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-906-3045 (McKinney) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Click HERE for Collin County Self-Help Resource 28 COLORADO Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Human Rights Initiative Of North Texas, Inc. 214-855-0520 (Main Office) www.hrionline.org Provides high-quality legal services free of charge to those seeking asylum, relief under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, immigrant victims of violent crime and immigrant child victims of abuse, neglect and abandonment Tralee Crisis Center For Women, Inc. 800-658-2796 (Pampa) 806-669-1131 (Main Office) www.pan-tex.net/usr/t/tralee Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria New Beginning Center 972-276-0423 (Main Office) www.newbeginningcenter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance COLLINGSWORTH COLORADO County Seat – Columbus Lone Star Legal Aid 979-865-9133 (Bellville) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination County Seat – Wellington Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Family Crisis Center 512-321-7760 (Main Office) www.family-crisis-center.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 29 COLORADO Fort Bend County Women’s Center, Inc. 281-342-4357 (Richmond) 281-344-5750 (Main Office) www.fortbendwomenscenter.org Partners with Lone Star Legal Aid and Fort Bend Lawyers Care to assist domestic violence victims through the legal process YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration COMAL County Seat – New Braunfels Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Alamo Area Resource Center 800-308-2437 (San Antonio) 210-358-9995 (Main Office) www.aarcsa.com Offers referrals to persons with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and powers of attorney Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio – Guardianship Services Program 210-293-1009 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org/seniors/seniors.html Provides legal guardianship protection, including less restrictive alternatives such as financial, medical and living wills, for those who lack mental capacity due to age, illness, or disability and who are at risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, offers powers of attorney for those with sound mental capacity Crisis Center Of Comal County 800-434-8013 (Main Office) www.ccccnbtx.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. 210-930-3669 (Main Office) www.fvps.org Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims of domestic violence; offers emergency shelter and community based intervention and prevention services Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention COMANCHE County Seat – Comanche Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 325-646-8659 (Brownwood) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm The Ark 325-643-2699 (Main Office) arkshelter.org Partners with Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas and Texas Advocacy Project to assist domestic violence victims through the legal process Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month 30 CORYELL Cross Timbers Family Services 254-965-4357 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination CONCHO County Seat – Paint Rock Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-284-5180 (San Angelo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination ICD Family Shelter & Self-Advocacy Center 800-749-8631 (Main Office) www.icdbridges.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking COOKE County Seat – Gainesville Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-1407 (Denton) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Crisis Center 800-259-3909 (Main Office) www.graysoncrisiscenter.org Provides a safe haven, crisis intervention, comprehensive support services and legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria CORYELL County Seat – Gatesville Lone Star Legal Aid 800-234-6606 or 888-674-4529 (Belton) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime 31 CORYELL Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination First Step, Inc. 940-723-7799 (Main Office) firststep.org/home Provides comprehensive services to victims of family violence and sexual assault, including legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal assistance Families In Crisis, Inc. 254-634-1184 (Main Office) www.familiesincrisis.net Assists with protective orders, crime victim services and provides referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking COTTLE County Seat – Paducah Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5542 (Wichita Falls) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month CRANE County Seat – Crane Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-948-1824 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice 32 CULBERSON CROCKETT County Seat – Ozona Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Disability Rights Texas 800-948-1824 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination ICD Family Shelter & Self-Advocacy Center 800-749-8631 (Main Office) www.icdbridges.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking CROSBY County Seat – Crosbyton Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-4557 (Lubbock) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Aid Society Of Lubbock 806-762-2325 (Main Office) www.lubbocklegalaid.org Provides free and/or reduced cost legal services in the areas of family and elder law Office Of Dispute Resolution 806-775-1720 (Main Office) www.co.lubbock.tx.us/department/?fDD=8-0 Provides statewide dispute resolution services for governmental agencies, and persons involved with prelitigation, civil and criminal matters; operates trainings and various continuing education workshops throughout the state; supervises child support payors, conducts social studies, and other services authorized by the Texas Family Code, offers a guardianship program and supervised visitation Women’s Protective Services Of Lubbock, Inc. 800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 806-747-6491 (Main Office) www.wpslubbock.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; assists with immigration counseling and social referrals CULBERSON County Seat – Van Horn Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 866-221-4833 (Alpine) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm 33 CULBERSON Center Against Family Violence 915-595-2238 (Main Office) www.cafv.org Assists with domestic violence issues; provides a family resource center, and legal services for undocumented victims of abuse Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) 915-532-3975 (Main Office) www.dmrs-ep.org Provides legal representation in immigration matters, including family-based immigration, battered immigrant spouses and children and the naturalization process Disability Rights Texas 800-948-1824 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination El Paso County Dispute Resolution Center 915-533-4800 (Main Office) www.riocog.org/REGSVCS/drc.htm Provides mediation services for all civil cases, family/child visitation, and community disputes for a nominal fee Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways DALLAM County Seat – Dalhart Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Safe Place Inc. 806-935-7585 (Main Office) www.safeplaceinc.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; also offers parenting, anger management, and healthy relationship classes DALLAS County Seat – Dallas Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 214-748-1234 (Dallas) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm The Bridge/LANWT 214-670-1100 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Partners with Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas to provide free legal services to the homeless population Brighter Tomorrows 972-254-4003 (Main Office) www.brightertomorrows.net Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month CitySquare 214-827-1000 (Main Office) www.citysquare.org Handles predominantly family law matters, but can handle Probate and Heirship proceedings, simple wills, consumer matters and other civil matters Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program – Neighborhood Legal Clinics 214-243-2236 (Main Office) www2.dallasbar.org/dvap Conducts evening legal advice clinics for low-income applicants seeking legal assistance for matters, including, but not limited to, family, bankruptcy, housing, consumer, employment termination and wage claims, guardianships, wills and small estates; for clinic dates and times, call 214-748-1234 34 DALLAS Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program Veterans Legal Advice Clinic 214-857-0388 (Main Office) www.dallasbar.org Provides advice and counsel to veterans every first Friday, from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m., at the VA Medical Center, 4500 South Lancaster Road, Dallas 75216; appointment is necessary Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Mediation Service, Inc. 214-754-0022 (Main Office) www.dms-adr.org Provides affordable conflict resolution assistance to the greater Dallas community through mediation, education, training and referrals Family Place 214-559-2170 (Main Office) www.familyplace.org Partners with Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas to assist domestic violence victims through the legal process on matters such as temporary custody orders, divorce and support (spousal and child), custody and visitation, protective orders, emergency orders and writs of attachment Genesis Women’s Shelter 214-389-7700 (Dallas) 214-942-2998 (Main Office) www.genesisshelter.org Partners with Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas to provide an on-site attorney to assist domestic violence victims through the legal process Housing Crisis Center 214-828-4244 (Main Office) www.hccdallas.org Provides legal information and education to tenants regarding landlord/tenant issues; offers on-site clinic about Texas housing laws and tenants rights every Wednesday night at 5:30pm, 4210 Junius St., Dallas, 75246 Human Rights Initiative Of North Texas, Inc. 214-855-0520 (Main Office) www.hrionline.org Provides high-quality legal services free of charge to those seeking asylum, relief under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, immigrant victims of violent crime and immigrant child victims of abuse, neglect and abandonment Justice For Our Neighbors (JFON) 214-381-0901 (Main Office) www.ntcumc.org/pages/detail/1245 Provides immigration legal services to low-income immigrants Legal Aid Ministries 214-207-6542 (Main Office) legalaidministries.com Serves the legal needs of low-income families by educational outreach, legal appointments, pro se assistance, and representation Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria Legal Line – Dallas Bar Association & MexicanAmerican Bar Association 214-220-7476 (Main Office) www.dallasbar.org/legalline Offers free legal advice over the phone on the 2nd and 3rd Wednesdays every month from 5:15pm to 8:00pm; there are Spanish-speaking attorneys when available Mosaic Family Services 214-821-5393 (Main Office) www.mosaicservices.org Provides comprehensive social services for immigrants and refugees and legal representation in both immigration and family law to immigrant survivors of crime, such as domestic violence and human trafficking New Beginning Center 972-276-0423 (Main Office) www.newbeginningcenter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Salvation Army Victims Of Violence Program 800-799-7233 (Dallas) 214-424-7208 (Main Office) www.salvationarmydfw.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with referrals for protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Click HERE for Dallas County Self-Help Resource 35 DALLAS SMU Dedman School Of Law Clinical Program – Legal Clinics 214-768-2562 (Main Office) www.law.smu.edu/Academics/Clinical-Program.aspx Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s legal clinics, including civil law, consumer advocacy, federal tax, criminal defense (primarily court appointed), small business, and child advocacy (court appointed only); services primarily provided in Dallas County DAWSON County Seat – Lamesa Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-4557 (Lubbock) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice DEAF SMITH County Seat – Hereford Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Support Services Of Amarillo 800-749-9026 (Amarillo) 806-342-2500 (Main Office) www.fss-ama.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to obtain free and sliding scale legal assistance DELTA County Seat – Cooper Lone Star Legal Aid 800-925-5802 (Paris) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 36 DEWITT Dispute Resolution Services Paris Junior College 903-783-9839 (Main Office) Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Shelter Agencies For Families In East Texas (SAFE-T) 903-572-0973 (Main Office) www.safe-tagency.com/home0.aspx Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance DENTON County Seat – Denton Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-1407 (Denton) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Denton County Alternative Dispute Resolution Program 940-320-1500 (Main Office) www.dentonadr.com Provides alternative dispute resolution services including mediation for matters such as divorce, custody, probate and community disputes on a sliding scale Denton County Friends Of The Family 940-382-7273 (Denton) 940-387-5131 (Main Office) www.dcfof.org/index.php Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria Mosaic Family Services 214-821-5393 (Main Office) www.mosaicservices.org Provides comprehensive social services for immigrants and refugees and legal representation in both immigration and family law to immigrant survivors of crime, such as domestic violence and human trafficking New Beginning Center 972-276-0423 (Main Office) www.newbeginningcenter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance DEWITT County Seat – Cuero Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-234-1274 or 361-880-5410 (Corpus Christi) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Mid-Coast Family Services 361-575-7842 (Main Office) www.midcoastfamily.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 37 Click HERE for Denton County Self-Help Resource DEWITT Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention DICKENS County Seat – Dickens Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-4557 (Lubbock) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Office Of Dispute Resolution 806-775-1720 (Main Office) www.co.lubbock.tx.us/department/?fDD=8-0 Provides statewide dispute resolution services for governmental agencies, and persons involved with pre-litigation, civil and criminal matters; operates trainings and various continuing education workshops throughout the state; supervises child support payors, conducts social studies, and other services authorized by the Texas Family Code, offers a guardianship program and supervised visitation Women’s Protective Services Of Lubbock, Inc. 800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 806-747-6491 (Main Office) www.wpslubbock.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; assists with immigration counseling and social referrals DIMMIT County Seat – Carrizo Springs Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-369-0467 (Eagle Pass) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention 38 EASTLAND Wintergarden Women’s Shelter, Inc. 830-876-9656 (Carrizo Springs) 800-363-9441 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance DONLEY County Seat – Clarendon Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Tralee Crisis Center For Women, Inc. 800-658-2796 (Pampa) 806-669-1131 (Main Office) www.pan-tex.net/usr/t/tralee Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance DUVAL County Seat – San Diego Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-420-1501 or 361-880-5410 (Corpus Christi) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Catholic Charities Of Corpus Christi – Immigration 361-442-2224 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities-cc.com Provides legal assistance on immigration matters such as adjustments, family petitions, naturalization, U visas and T visas and VAWA petitions Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking South Texas Civil Rights Project 956-787-8171 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=478 Provides representation in matters involving a violation of civil rights, disability rights or consumer rights; helps victims of domestic violence with immigration petitions; defends workers who have not been paid or have suffered other labor abuses St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention Women’s Shelter Of South Texas 361-881-8888 (Main Office) www.thewomensshelter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance EASTLAND County Seat – Eastland Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm 39 EASTLAND Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Noah Project, Inc. 800-444-3551 (Abilene) 325-676-7107 (Main Office) www.noahproject.org Provides shelter and legal advocacy for survivors of family violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault, including legal accompaniment, obtaining protective orders, referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance, and filing Crime Victims Compensation ECTOR County Seat – Odessa Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice EDWARDS County Seat – Rocksprings Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (Del Rio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio Immigration Services 210-433-3256 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org Offers family-based immigration services for low-income residents with an emphasis on crime, domestic violence, and human trafficking victims Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-1207 (Odessa) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center 830-792-5000 (Main Office) hillcountrydrc.com Provides impartial mediation services which explore issues and generate opinions which lead to the creation of solutions which will work for all parties in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking 40 ELLIS St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention EL PASO County Seat – El Paso Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 915-585-5183 or 915-521-7007 (El Paso) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Center Against Family Violence 915-595-2238 (Main Office) www.cafv.org Assists with domestic violence issues; provides a family resource center, and legal services for undocumented victims of abuse Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) 915-532-3975 (Main Office) www.dmrs-ep.org Provides legal representation in immigration matters, including family-based immigration, battered immigrant spouses and children and the naturalization process Disability Rights Texas 800-948-1824 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination El Paso County Dispute Resolution Center 915-533-4800 (Main Office) www.riocog.org/REGSVCS/drc.htm Provides mediation services for all civil cases, family/child visitation, and community disputes for a nominal fee El Paso County Domestic Relations Office 915-834-8200 (Main Office) www.epcounty.com/dro Provides assistance in family law matters and fosters compliance of family law-related court orders Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center 915-544-5126 (Main Office) www.las-americas.org Provides legal representation for indigent refugees, immigrants, and unaccompanied minors, in matters such as asylum, domestic violence against immigrants and wage recovery for low-income workers Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways ELLIS County Seat – Waxahachie Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 866-614-3344 (Waxahachie) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Brighter Tomorrows 972-254-4003 (Main Office) www.brightertomorrows.net Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 41 ELLIS Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria New Beginning Center 972-276-0423 (Main Office) www.newbeginningcenter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance ERATH County Seat – Stephenville Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-3959 or 800-967-6708 (Fort Worth) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm AIDS Outreach Center 817-335-1994 (Main Office) www.aoc.org Provides in association with the Legal Hospice of Texas legal assistance and representation for low-income HIV+ clients for wills, social security, disability and power of attorney Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Cross Timbers Family Services 254-965-4357 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination FALLS County Seat – Marlin Lone Star Legal Aid 800-299-5596 (Waco) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Abuse Center 800-283-8401 (Waco) 254-772-8999 (Main Office) www.familyabusecenter.org Assists with protective orders, crime victim services, and provides referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid Greater Waco Youth Law Project 254-715-0894 (Main Office) www.wacoyouthlaw.com Offers civil legal assistance to at-risk children, youth and youth aging-out of foster care on matters such as access to health and mental health care, school disciplinary hearings, special education, legal rights of teen parents, minor parents custody/CPS proceedings, emancipation, immigration in Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) applications, housing, improper denial of public benefits and domestic violence; does not represent adults. 42 FAYETTE Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Twin City Mission 979-822-7511 (Main Office) www.twincitymission.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance FANNIN County Seat – Bonham Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-906-3045 (McKinney) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Crisis Center 800-259-3909 (Main Office) www.graysoncrisiscenter.org Provides a safe haven, crisis intervention, comprehensive support services and legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Services Paris Junior College 903-783-9839 (Main Office) Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Fannin County Family Crisis Center 903-583-7694 (Main Office) www.fccrisiscenter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, violent crimes and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria FAYETTE County Seat – La Grange Lone Star Legal Aid 979-865-9133 (Bellville) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm AIDS Services Of Austin 512-458-2437 (Main Office) www.asaustin.org Provides counsel in most civil law matters to indigent individuals living with HIV or AIDS in areas including, but not limited to, estate planning, discrimination, debtor counseling, insurance problems, access to health care, public benefits, family and immigration law American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits 43 FAYETTE Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Crisis Center 512-321-7760 (Main Office) www.family-crisis-center.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Gateway Family Services, Inc. 800-578-8054 (Snyder) 325-573-4351 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention FISHER County Seat – Roby Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month FLOYD County Seat – Floydada Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-8491 (Plainview) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Crisis Center Of The Plains 806-293-7273 (Plainview) 806-293-9772 (Main Office) www.plainviewunitedway.org/agencies/hccc.shtml Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 44 FORT BEND Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Aid Society Of Lubbock 806-762-2325 (Main Office) www.lubbocklegalaid.org Provides free and/or reduced cost legal services in the areas of family and elder law FOARD County Seat – Crowell Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5542 (Wichita Falls) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination First Step, Inc. 940-723-7799 (Main Office) firststep.org/home Provides comprehensive services to victims of family violence and sexual assault, including legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal assistance FORT BEND County Seat – Richmond Lone Star Legal Aid 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Advocate Legal Senior Center 713-527-4029 (Main Office) Provides legal services on a pro bono and sliding scale basis to senior citizens residing in and around Harris County AdvoCourt For Kids 713-681-7300 (Main Office) Accepts pro bono appointments for children in divorce and custody proceedings of the family courts in Harris and surrounding counties; Amicus attorneys assist the courts in determining the best interests for the child Boat People SOS, Inc. 281-530-6888 (Main Office) www.bpsos.org Provides civil legal assistance for low-income Vietnamese Texans in the areas of family law, immigration, landlord-tenant and wills Cabrini Center For Immigrant Legal Assistance 713-874-6570 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities.org Handles a wide range of immigration matters including, but not limited to, family-based visa petitions, citizenship applications, asylum proceedings, adjustment of status for refugees and asylees, legal assistance to immigrant crime victims and representation of unaccompanied minors Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Click HERE for Fort Bend County Self-Help Resource 45 FORT BEND Earl Carl Institute For Legal And Social Policy, Inc. 713-313-1139 (Main Office) www.earlcarlinstitute.org Provides services that range from counsel and advice on property of various estate documents, property title documents and non-profit incorporation documents for low-income Texans Family Violence Center – Northwest Assistance Ministries 888-750-4673 (Main Office) www.namonline.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Fort Bend County Dispute Resolution Center 281-342-5000 (Main Office) Provides the community with education, training, and affordable alternative dispute resolution services; varied income requirement criteria Fort Bend County Women’s Center, Inc. 281-342-4357 (Richmond) 281-344-5750 (Main Office) www.fortbendwomenscenter.org Partners with Lone Star Legal Aid and Fort Bend Lawyers Care to assist domestic violence victims through the legal process Fort Bend Lawyers Care 281-239-0015 (Main Office) www.fortbendlawyerscare.org Provides legal services to low-income residents of Fort Bend county, offers legal advice over the phone once a week; offers a family law workshop every 1st Wednesday of the month from 6:30pm to 8pm, call to pre-qualify YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration FRANKLIN County Seat – Mount Vernon Lone Star Legal Aid 800-925-5802 (Paris) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Services Paris Junior College 903-783-9839 (Main Office) Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Shelter Agencies For Families In East Texas (SAFE-T) 903-572-0973 (Main Office) www.safe-tagency.com/home0.aspx Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 46 FRIO FREESTONE County Seat – Fairfield Lone Star Legal Aid 800-299-5596 (Waco) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Abuse Center 800-283-8401 (Waco) 254-772-8999 (Main Office) www.familyabusecenter.org Assists with protective orders, crime victim services, and provides referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid FRIO County Seat – Pearsall Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-369-0467 (Eagle Pass) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Alamo Area Resource Center 800-308-2437 (San Antonio) 210-358-9995 (Main Office) www.aarcsa.com Offers referrals to persons with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and powers of attorney Atascosa Family Crisis Center 877-569-2001 (Pleasanton) 830-569-2001 (Main Office) www.atascosafamilycrisis.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio Immigration Services 210-433-3256 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org Offers family-based immigration services for low-income residents with an emphasis on crime, domestic violence, and human trafficking victims Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Southwest Family Life Center 830-334-4556 (Hondo) 830-426-5972 (Main Office) Provides shelter and legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and provides referrals to Texas RioGrande Legal Aid St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention 47 GAINES GAINES County Seat – Seminole Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-4557 (Lubbock) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice GALVESTON County Seat – Galveston Lone Star Legal Aid 800-551-3712 (Galveston) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm AdvoCourt For Kids 713-681-7300 (Main Office) Accepts pro bono appointments for children in divorce and custody proceedings of the family courts in Harris and surrounding counties; Amicus attorneys assist the courts in determining the best interests for the child Bay Area Turning Point 281-338-7600 (Main Office) www.bayareaturningpoint.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Cabrini Center For Immigrant Legal Assistance 713-874-6570 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities.org Handles a wide range of immigration matters including, but not limited to, family-based visa petitions, citizenship applications, asylum proceedings, adjustment of status for refugees and asylees, legal assistance to immigrant crime victims and representation of unaccompanied minors Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Earl Carl Institute For Legal And Social Policy, Inc. 713-313-1139 (Main Office) www.earlcarlinstitute.org Provides services that range from counsel and advice on property of various estate documents, property title documents and non-profit incorporation documents for low-income Texans Resource & Crisis Center Of Galveston County, Inc. 409-765-7233 (Galveston) 409-763-1441 (Main Office) www.rccgc.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Veterans Legal Initiative 713-228-0735 (Main Office) www.MakeJusticeHappen.org Provides advice and counsel to any veteran or spouse of a deceased veteran every Friday, from 2 pm until 5 pm, at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, 2002 Holcombe Blvd, Houston 77030. The clinic is held on the first floor, near the emergency room entrance. No appointment is necessary. Also conducts veterans clinics in surrounding areas. 48 GILLESPIE YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration GARZA County Seat – Post Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-4557 (Lubbock) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Aid Society Of Lubbock 806-762-2325 (Main Office) www.lubbocklegalaid.org Provides free and/or reduced cost legal services in the areas of family and elder law Office Of Dispute Resolution 806-775-1720 (Main Office) www.co.lubbock.tx.us/department/?fDD=8-0 Provides statewide dispute resolution services for governmental agencies, and persons involved with pre-litigation, civil and criminal matters; operates trainings and various continuing education workshops throughout the state; supervises child support payors, conducts social studies, and other services authorized by the Texas Family Code, offers a guardianship program and supervised visitation Women’s Protective Services Of Lubbock, Inc. 800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 806-747-6491 (Main Office) www.wpslubbock.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; assists with immigration counseling and social referrals GILLESPIE County Seat – Fredericksburg Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Alamo Area Resource Center 800-308-2437 (San Antonio) 210-358-9995 (Main Office) www.aarcsa.com Offers referrals to persons with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and powers of attorney Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio – Guardianship Services Program 210-293-1009 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org/seniors/seniors.html Provides legal guardianship protection, including less restrictive alternatives such as financial, medical and living wills, for those who lack mental capacity due to age, illness, or disability and who are at risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, offers powers of attorney for those with sound mental capacity 49 GILLESPIE Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center 830-792-5000 (Main Office) hillcountrydrc.com Provides impartial mediation services which explore issues and generate opinions which lead to the creation of solutions which will work for all parties in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention GLASSCOCK County Seat – Garden City Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5630 (Midland) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice GOLIAD County Seat – Goliad Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-234-1274 or 361-880-5410 (Victoria) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Mid-Coast Family Services 361-575-7842 (Main Office) www.midcoastfamily.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking 50 GRAY St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention GONZALES County Seat – Gonzales Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-234-1274 or 361-880-5410 (Corpus Christi) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Alamo Area Resource Center 800-308-2437 (San Antonio) 210-358-9995 (Main Office) www.aarcsa.com Offers referrals to persons with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and powers of attorney Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio Immigration Services 210-433-3256 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org Offers family-based immigration services for low-income residents with an emphasis on crime, domestic violence, and human trafficking victims Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Guadalupe Valley Family Violence Shelter 830-372-2780 (Seguin) 800-834-2033 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining emergency protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Mid-Coast Family Services 361-575-7842 (Main Office) www.midcoastfamily.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention GRAY County Seat – Pampa Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 51 GRAY Tralee Crisis Center For Women, Inc. 800-658-2796 (Pampa) 806-669-1131 (Main Office) www.pan-tex.net/usr/t/tralee Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance GRAYSON County Seat – Sherman Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-906-3045 (McKinney) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Crisis Center 800-259-3909 (Main Office) www.graysoncrisiscenter.org Provides a safe haven, crisis intervention, comprehensive support services and legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria Click HERE for Grayson County Self-Help Resource GREGG County Seat – Longview Lone Star Legal Aid 800-866-0821 (Longview) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Women’s Center Of East Texas 903-295-7526 (Main Office) www.wc-et.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal aid services GRIMES County Seat – Anderson Lone Star Legal Aid 800-570-4773 (Bryan) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Advocate Legal Senior Center 713-527-4029 (Main Office) Provides legal services on a pro bono and sliding scale basis to senior citizens residing in and around Harris County 52 GUADALUPE Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Center – Central Brazos Valley 979-822-6947 (Main Office) www.bvdrc.org Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Montgomery County Women’s Center 936-441-4044 (Main Office) www.mcwctx.org Provides free legal representation to eligible victims of family violence, stalking, or sexual assault who need assistance on family law issues Twin City Mission 979-822-7511 (Main Office) www.twincitymission.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration GUADALUPE County Seat – Seguin Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio – Guardianship Services Program 210-293-1009 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org/seniors/seniors.html Provides legal guardianship protection, including less restrictive alternatives such as financial, medical and living wills, for those who lack mental capacity due to age, illness, or disability and who are at risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, offers powers of attorney for those with sound mental capacity Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. 210-930-3669 (Main Office) www.fvps.org Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims of domestic violence; offers emergency shelter and community based intervention and prevention services Guadalupe Valley Family Violence Shelter 830-372-2780 (Seguin) 800-834-2033 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining emergency protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention Alamo Area Resource Center 800-308-2437 (San Antonio) 210-358-9995 (Main Office) www.aarcsa.com Offers referrals to persons with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and powers of attorney 53 HALE HALE County Seat – Plainview Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-8491 (Plainview) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Crisis Center Of The Plains 806-293-7273 (Plainview) 806-293-9772 (Main Office) www.plainviewunitedway.org/agencies/hccc.shtml Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Aid Society Of Lubbock 806-762-2325 (Main Office) www.lubbocklegalaid.org Provides free and/or reduced cost legal services in the areas of family and elder law Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways HALL County Seat – Memphis Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-8491 (Plainview) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Crisis Center Of The Plains 806-293-7273 (Plainview) 806-293-9772 (Main Office) www.plainviewunitedway.org/agencies/hccc.shtml Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 54 HANSFORD HAMILTON HANSFORD County Seat – Hamilton County Seat – Spearman Lone Star Legal Aid 800-234-6606 or 888-674-4529 (Belton) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Cross Timbers Family Services 254-965-4357 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Families In Crisis, Inc. 254-634-1184 (Main Office) www.familiesincrisis.net Assists with protective orders, crime victim services and provides referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Panhandle Crisis Center 806-435-5008 (Main Office) www.panhandlecrisiscenter.org Assists victims in understanding their legal rights and options; provides assistance in obtaining legal resources, including protective orders and legal representation; information, referral, and accompaniment services are available to assist victims in obtaining other needed legal, medical and social services Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways 55 HARDEMAN HARDEMAN County Seat – Quanah Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5542 (Wichita Falls) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination First Step, Inc. 940-723-7799 (Main Office) firststep.org/home Provides comprehensive services to victims of family violence and sexual assault, including legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal assistance HARDIN County Seat – Kountze Lone Star Legal Aid 800-365-1861 (Beaumont) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities Of Southeast Texas – Immigration Services 409-924-4410 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesbmt.org Provides legal assistance for a nominal fee based on a sliding scale on immigration matters such as family-based, U Visa, VAWA, naturalization, and I-90s Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Services – Women’s And Children’s Shelter Of Southeast Texas 409-832-7575 (Main Office) www.westrengthenfamilies.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Hardin County Crime Victims Assistance Center 409-246-4300 (Main Office) www.co.hardin.tx.us/ips/cms Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; can transport clients to a safehouse if needed Jefferson County Bar Association Pro Bono Program 409-839-2332 (Main Office) www.jcba.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=2 Provides legal assistance in civil matters to indigent and low income clients YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration HARRIS County Seat – Houston Lone Star Legal Aid 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm 56 HARRIS Advocate Legal Senior Center 713-527-4029 (Main Office) Provides legal services on a pro bono and sliding scale basis to senior citizens residing in and around Harris County Consejos Legales 713-759-1133 (Main Office) www.mabah.com/consejos-legales.htm Offers free legal advice over the phone for Spanish speakers on the 1st Thursday of every month from 6-8pm AdvoCourt For Kids 713-681-7300 (Main Office) Accepts pro bono appointments for children in divorce and custody proceedings of the family courts in Harris and surrounding counties; Amicus attorneys assist the courts in determining the best interests for the child Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Aid To Victims Of Domestic Abuse 713-224-9911 (Main Office) www.avda-tx.org Provides free legal representation to domestic violence victims; handles family law cases including protective orders, divorce, child custody, child support, and termination of parental rights Bay Area Turning Point 281-338-7600 (Main Office) www.bayareaturningpoint.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Boat People SOS, Inc. 281-530-6888 (Main Office) www.bpsos.org Provides civil legal assistance for low-income Vietnamese Texans in the areas of family law, immigration, landlord-tenant and wills The Bridge Over Troubled Waters 713-472-0753 (Main Office) www.thebridgeovertroubledwaters.org Provides legal advocacy and support services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, and the homeless Cabrini Center For Immigrant Legal Assistance 713-874-6570 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities.org Handles a wide range of immigration matters including, but not limited to, family-based visa petitions, citizenship applications, asylum proceedings, adjustment of status for refugees and asylees, legal assistance to immigrant crime victims and representation of unaccompanied minors Cathedral Justice Project (Cathedral Health And Outreach Ministries) 713-220-9780 (Main Office) cjphouston.org/Home_Page.html Provides civil legal services to the poor and homeless in Harris county, including but not limited to, public benefits, housing, employment, disability, wills, consumer law, and municipal code violations Earl Carl Institute For Legal And Social Policy, Inc. 713-313-1139 (Main Office) www.earlcarlinstitute.org Provides services that range from counsel and advice on property of various estate documents, property title documents and non-profit incorporation documents for low-income Texans Family Violence Center – Northwest Assistance Ministries 888-750-4673 (Main Office) www.namonline.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Fort Bend County Women’s Center, Inc. 281-342-4357 (Richmond) 281-344-5750 (Main Office) www.fortbendwomenscenter.org Partners with Lone Star Legal Aid and Fort Bend Lawyers Care to assist domestic violence victims through the legal process Harris County Dispute Resolution Center 713-755-8274 (Main Office) www.co.harris.tx.us/DRC Provides community, civil and family mediation services for county residents Harris County Domestic Relations Office 713-755-6757 (Main Office) www.dro.hctx.net Assists in child support and visitation enforcement, conducts social study investigations, and provides mediation services Houston Area Women’s Center 713-528-6798 (Main Office) www.hawc.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault; referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 57 Click HERE for Harris County Self-Help Resource HARRIS Houston Volunteer Lawyers 713-228-0735 (Main Office) www.MakeJusticeHappen.org Provides free legal services to low income residents of Harris County by linking qualified applicants with volunteer attorneys. Also offers a variety of free legal advice clinics on a walk-in basis. Areas of service include family law, wills, consumer, tax and guardianship. Does not provide extended representation with criminal, traffic, or fee-generating matters. University Of Houston Clinical Programs 713-743-2094 (Main Office) www.law.uh.edu/clinic/civil.html Offers very limited legal assistance through several, varied law clinics such as the Civil Clinic, Immigration Clinic, Transactional Law, and Consumer Law. Does not offer legal advice; all cases accepted are pro bono and for the students Veterans Legal Initiative 713-228-0735 (Main Office) www.MakeJusticeHappen.org Provides advice and counsel to any veteran or spouse of a deceased veteran every Friday, from 2 pm until 5 pm, at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, 2002 Holcombe Blvd, Houston 77030. The clinic is held on the first floor, near the emergency room entrance. No appointment is necessary. Also conducts veterans clinics in surrounding areas. Houston Volunteer Lawyers AIDS Project 713-228-0732 (Main Office) www.MakeJusticeHappen.org Provides free legal assistance to eligible low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS. Legal assistance may be provided in the areas of family law, estate planning and probate, tax, guardianships, Social Security appeals and consumer matters. Does not provide legal assistance in traffic, criminal, or fee-generating matters. The Victim Assistance Centre, Inc. 713-755-5625 (Main Office) www.victimassistancecentre.com Provides crime victims compensation application assistance, supervised group visitations, monitored visitations, private visits and therapeutic counseling for victims; legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Montgomery County Women’s Center 936-441-4044 (Main Office) www.mcwctx.org Provides free legal representation to eligible victims of family violence, stalking, or sexual assault who need assistance on family law issues New Horizon Family Center 281-424-3300 (Main Office) www.newhorizonfamilycenter.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration South Texas College Of Law Civil Practice Clinics 713-646-2990 (Main Office) www.stcl.edu/clinics/index.html Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s legal clinics, including family law, probate/estate planning, guardianship, and mediation through the school’s mediation department; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention HARRISON County Seat – Marshall Tahirih Justice Center 713-496-0100 (Main Office) www.tahirih.org Provides pro bono legal services in immigration and family law, as well as holistic case management support, social and medical service referrals Thurgood Marshall School Of Law – Legal Clinics 713-313-7275 (Main Office) www.tsulaw.edu/clinic/index.html Offers limited assistance through the law school (legal clinics), including criminal misdemeanors (Harris County only), probate, guardianship (incapacitated adults), simple wills, simple divorces, and immigration matters Lone Star Legal Aid 800-866-0821 (Longview) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only 58 HAYS Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Women’s Center Of East Texas 903-295-7526 (Main Office) www.wc-et.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal aid services HARTLEY County Seat – Channing Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Safe Place Inc. 806-935-7585 (Main Office) www.safeplaceinc.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; also offers parenting, anger management, and healthy relationship classes HASKELL County Seat – Haskell Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Noah Project, Inc. 800-444-3551 (Abilene) 325-676-7107 (Main Office) www.noahproject.org Provides shelter and legal advocacy for survivors of family violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault, including legal accompaniment, obtaining protective orders, referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance, and filing Crime Victims Compensation HAYS County Seat – San Marcos Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 512-374-2777 (Austin) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm 59 HAYS AIDS Services Of Austin 512-458-2437 (Main Office) www.asaustin.org Provides counsel in most civil law matters to indigent individuals living with HIV or AIDS in areas including, but not limited to, estate planning, discrimination, debtor counseling, insurance problems, access to health care, public benefits, family and immigration law American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Equal Justice Center 512-474-0007 (Main Office) www.equaljusticecenter.org Provides free legal assistance to low-income persons seeking enforcement of wage and employment rights, regardless of citizenship or immigration status Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center 512-396-3404 (Main Office) www.hcwc.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention HEMPHILL County Seat – Canadian Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Tralee Crisis Center For Women, Inc. 800-658-2796 (Pampa) 806-669-1131 (Main Office) www.pan-tex.net/usr/t/tralee Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Click HERE for Hays County Self-Help Resource 60 HIDALGO HENDERSON HIDALGO County Seat – Athens County Seat – Edinburg Lone Star Legal Aid 800-248-0048 (Tyler) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination East Texas Crisis Center 903-595-5591 (Tyler) 903-509-2526 (Main Office) www.etcc.org Provides crime victim shelter and assistance and support for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 956-393-6283 or 956-393-6240 (Edinburg) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Border Association For Refugees From Central America 956-631-7447 (Main Office) Provides legal services for immigration matters such as asylum, visa petitions, family unity and VAWA petitions on a sliding scale Casa De Proyecto Libertad 956-425-9552 (Main Office) Handles all aspects of immigration cases, specializing in VAWA claims Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Hidalgo Community Justice Program 956-393-6240 (Main Office) hidalgobar.org/cde.cfm?event=219903 Provides family law-related legal services to low-income individuals throughout the lower Rio Grande Valley Mujeres Unidas/Women Together 956-630-4878 (Main Office) www.mujeresunidas.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance South Texas Civil Rights Project 956-787-8171 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=478 Provides representation in matters involving a violation of civil rights, disability rights or consumer rights; helps victims of domestic violence with immigration petitions; defends workers who have not been paid or have suffered other labor abuses Click HERE for Hildalgo County Self-Help Resource 61 HIDALGO South Texas Immigration Council 956-425-6987 (Main Office) Provides legal services for immigration matters, VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) petitions, cancellation/suspension, asylum and referral for other immigration matters HILL County Seat – Hillsboro Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Lone Star Legal Aid 800-299-5596 (Waco) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Abuse Center 800-283-8401 (Waco) 254-772-8999 (Main Office) www.familyabusecenter.org Assists with protective orders, crime victim services, and provides referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid HOCKLEY County Seat – Levelland Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-4557 (Lubbock) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Legal Aid Society Of Lubbock 806-762-2325 (Main Office) www.lubbocklegalaid.org Provides free and/or reduced cost legal services in the areas of family and elder law Office Of Dispute Resolution 806-775-1720 (Main Office) www.co.lubbock.tx.us/department/?fDD=8-0 Provides statewide dispute resolution services for governmental agencies, and persons involved with pre-litigation, civil and criminal matters; operates trainings and various continuing education workshops throughout the state; supervises child support payors, conducts social studies, and other services authorized by the Texas Family Code, offers a guardianship program and supervised visitation Women’s Protective Services Of Lubbock, Inc. 800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 806-747-6491 (Main Office) www.wpslubbock.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; assists with immigration counseling and social referrals 62 HOUSTON HOOD County Seat – Granbury Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-3959 or 800-967-6708 (Weatherford) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Cross Timbers Family Services 254-965-4357 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria HOPKINS County Seat – Sulphur Springs Lone Star Legal Aid 800-925-5802 (Paris) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Services Paris Junior College 903-783-9839 (Main Office) Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Shelter Agencies For Families In East Texas (SAFE-T) 903-572-0973 (Main Office) www.safe-tagency.com/home0.aspx Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance HOUSTON County Seat – Crockett Lone Star Legal Aid 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only 63 HOUSTON Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Crisis Center Of East Texas (Women’s Shelter Of East Texas, Inc.) 800-828-7233 (Lufkin) 936-639-1681 (Main Office) www.familycrisiscenterofeasttexas.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance HOWARD County Seat – Big Spring Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5630 (Midland) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Office Of Dispute Resolution 806-775-1720 (Main Office) www.co.lubbock.tx.us/department/?fDD=8-0 Provides statewide dispute resolution services for governmental agencies, and persons involved with pre-litigation, civil and criminal matters; operates trainings and various continuing education workshops throughout the state; supervises child support payors, conducts social studies, and other services authorized by the Texas Family Code, offers a guardianship program and supervised visitation Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice HUDSPETH County Seat – Sierra Blanca Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 915-585-5183 (El Paso) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Center Against Family Violence 915-595-2238 (Main Office) www.cafv.org Assists with domestic violence issues; provides a family resource center, and legal services for undocumented victims of abuse Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) 915-532-3975 (Main Office) www.dmrs-ep.org Provides legal representation in immigration matters, including family-based immigration, battered immigrant spouses and children and the naturalization process 64 HUTCHINSON Disability Rights Texas 800-948-1824 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination El Paso County Dispute Resolution Center 915-533-4800 (Main Office) www.riocog.org/REGSVCS/drc.htm Provides mediation services for all civil cases, family/child visitation, and community disputes for a nominal fee Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways HUNT County Seat – Greenville Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-906-3045 (McKinney) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Services Paris Junior College 903-783-9839 (Main Office) Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria New Beginning Center 972-276-0423 (Main Office) www.newbeginningcenter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Women In Need 903-455-4612 (Main Office) www.women-in-need.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance HUTCHINSON County Seat – Stinnett Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Hutchinson County Crisis Center, Inc. 806-273-2313 (Main Office) ww.borgerhc3.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 65 IRION IRION County Seat – Mertzon Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-284-5180 (San Angelo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination ICD Family Shelter & Self-Advocacy Center 800-749-8631 (Main Office) www.icdbridges.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking JACK County Seat – Jacksboro Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-1407 (Denton) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination First Step, Inc. 940-723-7799 (Main Office) firststep.org/home Provides comprehensive services to victims of family violence and sexual assault, including legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal assistance Wise County Domestic Violence Task Force 940-626-4855 (Main Office) www.wisehope.org Assists with domestic violence and sexual assault issues, divorce, custody and protective orders; no legal representation-referrals and shelter only JACKSON County Seat – Edna Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-234-1274 or 361-880-5410 (Corpus Christi) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Mid-Coast Family Services 361-575-7842 (Main Office) www.midcoastfamily.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking 66 JEFFERSON JASPER County Seat – Jasper Lone Star Legal Aid 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities Of Southeast Texas – Immigration Services 409-924-4410 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesbmt.org Provides legal assistance for a nominal fee based on a sliding scale on immigration matters such as family-based, U Visa, VAWA, naturalization, and I-90s Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Services – Women’s And Children’s Shelter Of Southeast Texas 409-832-7575 (Main Office) www.westrengthenfamilies.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) 915-532-3975 (Main Office) www.dmrs-ep.org Provides legal representation in immigration matters, including family-based immigration, battered immigrant spouses and children and the naturalization process Disability Rights Texas 800-948-1824 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination El Paso County Dispute Resolution Center 915-533-4800 (Main Office) www.riocog.org/REGSVCS/drc.htm Provides mediation services for all civil cases, family/child visitation, and community disputes for a nominal fee Family Crisis Center Of The Big Bend 800-834-0654 (Alpine) 432-837-7254 (Main Office) familycrisiscenter.homestead.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and victims of personal injury and crime, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways JEFFERSON County Seat – Beaumont JEFF DAVIS County Seat – Fort Davis Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 866-221-4833 (Alpine) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Lone Star Legal Aid 800-365-1861 (Beaumont) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm 67 JEFFERSON Catholic Charities Of Southeast Texas – Immigration Services 409-924-4410 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesbmt.org Provides legal assistance for a nominal fee based on a sliding scale on immigration matters such as family-based, U Visa, VAWA, naturalization, and I-90s Casa de Misericordia 877-782-2722 (Laredo) 956-712-9590 (Main Office) www.mercylaredo.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Services – Women’s And Children’s Shelter Of Southeast Texas 409-832-7575 (Main Office) www.westrengthenfamilies.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Jefferson County Bar Association Pro Bono Program 409-839-2332 (Main Office) www.jcba.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=2 Provides legal assistance in civil matters to indigent and low income clients YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration JIM HOGG County Seat – Hebbronville Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 956-393-6283 (Edinburg) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm South Texas Civil Rights Project 956-787-8171 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=478 Provides representation in matters involving a violation of civil rights, disability rights or consumer rights; helps victims of domestic violence with immigration petitions; defends workers who have not been paid or have suffered other labor abuses JIM WELLS County Seat – Alice Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-420-1501 or 361-880-5410 (Corpus Christi) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Catholic Charities Of Corpus Christi – Immigration 361-442-2224 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities-cc.com Provides legal assistance on immigration matters such as adjustments, family petitions, naturalization, U visas and T visas and VAWA petitions Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 68 JONES Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month South Texas Civil Rights Project 956-787-8171 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=478 Provides representation in matters involving a violation of civil rights, disability rights or consumer rights; helps victims of domestic violence with immigration petitions; defends workers who have not been paid or have suffered other labor abuses Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention Women’s Shelter Of South Texas 361-881-8888 (Main Office) www.thewomensshelter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance JOHNSON County Seat – Cleburne Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-3959 or 800-967-6708 (Fort Worth) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm AIDS Outreach Center 817-335-1994 (Main Office) www.aoc.org Provides in association with the Legal Hospice of Texas legal assistance and representation for low-income HIV+ clients for wills, social security, disability and power of attorney Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria New Beginning Center 972-276-0423 (Main Office) www.newbeginningcenter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance JONES County Seat – Anson Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 69 JONES Noah Project, Inc. 800-444-3551 (Abilene) 325-676-7107 (Main Office) www.noahproject.org Provides shelter and legal advocacy for survivors of family violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault, including legal accompaniment, obtaining protective orders, referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance, and filing Crime Victims Compensation KARNES County Seat – Karnes City Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Alamo Area Resource Center 800-308-2437 (San Antonio) 210-358-9995 (Main Office) www.aarcsa.com Offers referrals to persons with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and powers of attorney Atascosa Family Crisis Center 877-569-2001 (Pleasanton) 830-569-2001 (Main Office) www.atascosafamilycrisis.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio – Guardianship Services Program 210-293-1009 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org/seniors/seniors.html Provides legal guardianship protection, including less restrictive alternatives such as financial, medical and living wills, for those who lack mental capacity due to age, illness, or disability and who are at risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, offers powers of attorney for those with sound mental capacity Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Guadalupe Valley Family Violence Shelter 830-372-2780 (Seguin) 800-834-2033 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining emergency protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention KAUFMAN County Seat – Kaufman Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 866-614-3344 (Waxahachie) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 70 KENEDY Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria New Beginning Center 972-276-0423 (Main Office) www.newbeginningcenter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance KENDALL County Seat – Boerne Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Alamo Area Resource Center 800-308-2437 (San Antonio) 210-358-9995 (Main Office) www.aarcsa.com Offers referrals to persons with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and powers of attorney Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio – Guardianship Services Program 210-293-1009 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org/seniors/seniors.html Provides legal guardianship protection, including less restrictive alternatives such as financial, medical and living wills, for those who lack mental capacity due to age, illness, or disability and who are at risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, offers powers of attorney for those with sound mental capacity Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. 210-930-3669 (Main Office) www.fvps.org Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims of domestic violence; offers emergency shelter and community based intervention and prevention services Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center 830-792-5000 (Main Office) hillcountrydrc.com Provides impartial mediation services which explore issues and generate opinions which lead to the creation of solutions which will work for all parties in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention KENEDY County Seat – Sarita Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-420-1501 or 361-880-5410 (Corpus Christi) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Catholic Charities Of Corpus Christi – Immigration 361-442-2224 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities-cc.com Provides legal assistance on immigration matters such as adjustments, family petitions, naturalization, U visas and T visas and VAWA petitions 71 KENEDY Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination South Texas Civil Rights Project 956-787-8171 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=478 Provides representation in matters involving a violation of civil rights, disability rights or consumer rights; helps victims of domestic violence with immigration petitions; defends workers who have not been paid or have suffered other labor abuses Gateway Family Services, Inc. 800-578-8054 (Snyder) 325-573-4351 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Women’s Shelter Of South Texas 361-881-8888 (Main Office) www.thewomensshelter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance KENT County Seat – Jayton Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-4557 (Lubbock) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month KERR County Seat – Kerrville Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Alamo Area Resource Center 800-308-2437 (San Antonio) 210-358-9995 (Main Office) www.aarcsa.com Offers referrals to persons with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and powers of attorney Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio – Guardianship Services Program 210-293-1009 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org/seniors/seniors.html Provides legal guardianship protection, including less restrictive alternatives such as financial, medical and living wills, for those who lack mental capacity due to age, illness, or disability and who are at risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, offers powers of attorney for those with sound mental capacity Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 72 KING Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center 830-792-5000 (Main Office) hillcountrydrc.com Provides impartial mediation services which explore issues and generate opinions which lead to the creation of solutions which will work for all parties in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee ICD Family Shelter & Self-Advocacy Center 800-749-8631 (Main Office) www.icdbridges.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention KIMBLE KING County Seat – Guthrie Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5542 (Wichita Falls) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm County Seat – Junction Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center 830-792-5000 (Main Office) hillcountrydrc.com Provides impartial mediation services which explore issues and generate opinions which lead to the creation of solutions which will work for all parties in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 73 KING Women’s Protective Services Of Lubbock, Inc. 800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 806-747-6491 (Main Office) www.wpslubbock.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; assists with immigration counseling and social referrals St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention KLEBERG KINNEY County Seat – Kingsville County Seat – Brackettville Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-774-8383 (Del Rio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio Immigration Services 210-433-3256 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org Offers family-based immigration services for low-income residents with an emphasis on crime, domestic violence, and human trafficking victims Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination La Clinica De Inmigracion De San Jose, Inc. 830-774-8742 (Main Office) Provides legal assistance with immigration applications for naturalization and family visas Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-420-1501 or 361-880-5410 (Corpus Christi) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Catholic Charities Of Corpus Christi – Immigration 361-442-2224 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities-cc.com Provides legal assistance on immigration matters such as adjustments, family petitions, naturalization, U visas and T visas and VAWA petitions Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination South Texas Civil Rights Project 956-787-8171 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=478 Provides representation in matters involving a violation of civil rights, disability rights or consumer rights; helps victims of domestic violence with immigration petitions; defends workers who have not been paid or have suffered other labor abuses Women’s Shelter Of South Texas 361-881-8888 (Main Office) www.thewomensshelter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 74 LA SALLE KNOX County Seat – Benjamin Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5542 (Wichita Falls) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking LA SALLE County Seat – Cotulla American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Noah Project, Inc. 800-444-3551 (Abilene) 325-676-7107 (Main Office) www.noahproject.org Provides shelter and legal advocacy for survivors of family violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault, including legal accompaniment, obtaining protective orders, referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance, and filing Crime Victims Compensation Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Disability Rights Texas 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention Wintergarden Women’s Shelter, Inc. 800-363-9441 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 75 LAMAR LAMAR County Seat – Paris Lone Star Legal Aid 800-925-5802 (Paris) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Services Paris Junior College 903-783-9839 (Main Office) Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Shelter Agencies For Families In East Texas (SAFE-T) 903-572-0973 (Main Office) www.safe-tagency.com/home0.aspx Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance LAMB County Seat – Littlefield Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-8491 (Plainview) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Crisis Center Of The Plains 806-293-7273 (Plainview) 806-293-9772 (Main Office) www.plainviewunitedway.org/agencies/hccc.shtml Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Aid Society Of Lubbock 806-762-2325 (Main Office) www.lubbocklegalaid.org Provides free and/or reduced cost legal services in the areas of family and elder law Office Of Dispute Resolution 806-775-1720 (Main Office) www.co.lubbock.tx.us/department/?fDD=8-0 Provides statewide dispute resolution services for governmental agencies, and persons involved with pre-litigation, civil and criminal matters; operates trainings and various continuing education workshops throughout the state; supervises child support payors, conducts social studies, and other services authorized by the Texas Family Code, offers a guardianship program and supervised visitation 76 LAVACA Women’s Protective Services Of Lubbock, Inc. 800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 806-747-6491 (Main Office) www.wpslubbock.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; assists with immigration counseling and social referrals Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking LAVACA LAMPASAS County Seat – Hallettsville County Seat – Lampasas Lone Star Legal Aid 800-234-6606 or 888-674-4529 (Belton) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center 800-664-3574 (Marble Falls) 830-693-5600 (Main Office) www.hlfcc.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-234-1274 or 361-880-5410 (Corpus Christi) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Mid-Coast Family Services 361-575-7842 (Main Office) www.midcoastfamily.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention 77 LEE LEE LEON County Seat – Giddings County Seat – Centerville Lone Star Legal Aid 800-570-4773 (Bryan) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm AIDS Services Of Austin 512-458-2437 (Main Office) www.asaustin.org Provides counsel in most civil law matters to indigent individuals living with HIV or AIDS in areas including, but not limited to, estate planning, discrimination, debtor counseling, insurance problems, access to health care, public benefits, family and immigration law American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Crisis Center 512-321-7760 (Main Office) www.family-crisis-center.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Lone Star Legal Aid 800-570-4773 (Bryan) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Advocate Legal Senior Center 713-527-4029 (Main Office) Provides legal services on a pro bono and sliding scale basis to senior citizens residing in and around Harris County Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Center – Central Brazos Valley 979-822-6947 (Main Office) www.bvdrc.org Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Twin City Mission 979-822-7511 (Main Office) www.twincitymission.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 78 LIMESTONE LIBERTY County Seat – Liberty Lone Star Legal Aid 800-365-1861 (Beaumont) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Advocate Legal Senior Center 713-527-4029 (Main Office) Provides legal services on a pro bono and sliding scale basis to senior citizens residing in and around Harris County AdvoCourt For Kids 713-681-7300 (Main Office) Accepts pro bono appointments for children in divorce and custody proceedings of the family courts in Harris and surrounding counties; Amicus attorneys assist the courts in determining the best interests for the child Cabrini Center For Immigrant Legal Assistance 713-874-6570 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities.org Handles a wide range of immigration matters including, but not limited to, family-based visa petitions, citizenship applications, asylum proceedings, adjustment of status for refugees and asylees, legal assistance to immigrant crime victims and representation of unaccompanied minors Catholic Charities Of Southeast Texas – Immigration Services 409-924-4410 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesbmt.org Provides legal assistance for a nominal fee based on a sliding scale on immigration matters such as family-based, U Visa, VAWA, naturalization, and I-90s Jefferson County Bar Association Pro Bono Program 409-839-2332 (Main Office) www.jcba.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=2 Provides legal assistance in civil matters to indigent and low income clients Montgomery County Women’s Center 936-441-4044 (Main Office) www.mcwctx.org Provides free legal representation to eligible victims of family violence, stalking, or sexual assault who need assistance on family law issues New Horizon Family Center 281-424-3300 (Main Office) www.newhorizonfamilycenter.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance Veterans Legal Initiative 713-228-0735 (Main Office) www.MakeJusticeHappen.org Provides advice and counsel to any veteran or spouse of a deceased veteran every Friday, from 2 pm until 5 pm, at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, 2002 Holcombe Blvd, Houston 77030. The clinic is held on the first floor, near the emergency room entrance. No appointment is necessary. Also conducts veterans clinics in surrounding areas. YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration LIMESTONE Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Earl Carl Institute For Legal And Social Policy, Inc. 713-313-1139 (Main Office) www.earlcarlinstitute.org Provides services that range from counsel and advice on property of various estate documents, property title documents and non-profit incorporation documents for low-income Texans County Seat – Groesbeck Lone Star Legal Aid 800-299-5596 (Waco) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm 79 LIMESTONE Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Abuse Center 800-283-8401 (Waco) 254-772-8999 (Main Office) www.familyabusecenter.org Assists with protective orders, crime victim services, and provides referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid Greater Waco Youth Law Project 254-715-0894 (Main Office) www.wacoyouthlaw.com Offers civil legal assistance to at-risk children, youth and youth aging-out of foster care on matters such as access to health and mental health care, school disciplinary hearings, special education, legal rights of teen parents, minor parents custody/CPS proceedings, emancipation, immigration in Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) applications, housing, improper denial of public benefits and domestic violence; does not represent adults Twin City Mission 979-822-7511 (Main Office) www.twincitymission.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance LIPSCOMB County Seat – Lipscomb Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Panhandle Crisis Center 806-435-5008 (Main Office) www.panhandlecrisiscenter.org Assists victims in understanding their legal rights and options; provides assistance in obtaining legal resources, including protective orders and legal representation; information, referral, and accompaniment services are available to assist victims in obtaining other needed legal, medical and social services LIVE OAK County Seat – George West Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-420-1994 or 361-880-5410 (Sinton) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Atascosa Family Crisis Center 877-569-2001 (Pleasanton) 830-569-2001 (Main Office) www.atascosafamilycrisis.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 80 LLANO Catholic Charities Of Corpus Christi – Immigration 361-442-2224 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities-cc.com Provides legal assistance on immigration matters such as adjustments, family petitions, naturalization, U visas and T visas and VAWA petitions Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Services 361-888-0650 (Main Office) www.co.nueces.tx.us/dispute Provides free mediation services in civil disputes: neighbor, consumer, tenant, business, family, landlord, bullying, trespass, and small claims Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention Women’s Shelter Of South Texas 361-881-8888 (Main Office) www.thewomensshelter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance LLANO County Seat – Llano Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 512-374-2777 (Austin) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm AIDS Services Of Austin 512-458-2437 (Main Office) www.asaustin.org Provides counsel in most civil law matters to indigent individuals living with HIV or AIDS in areas including, but not limited to, estate planning, discrimination, debtor counseling, insurance problems, access to health care, public benefits, family and immigration law American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center 800-664-3574 (Marble Falls) 830-693-5600 (Main Office) www.hlfcc.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention 81 LOVING LOVING County Seat – Mentone Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-1207 (Odessa) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) 915-532-3975 (Main Office) www.dmrs-ep.org Provides legal representation in immigration matters, including family-based immigration, battered immigrant spouses and children and the naturalization process Disability Rights Texas 800-948-1824 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice LUBBOCK County Seat – Lubbock Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-4557 (Lubbock) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Aid Society Of Lubbock 806-762-2325 (Main Office) www.lubbocklegalaid.org Provides free and/or reduced cost legal services in the areas of family and elder law Office Of Dispute Resolution 806-775-1720 (Main Office) www.co.lubbock.tx.us/department/?fDD=8-0 Provides statewide dispute resolution services for governmental agencies, and persons involved with pre-litigation, civil and criminal matters; operates trainings and various continuing education workshops throughout the state; supervises child support payors, conducts social studies, and other services authorized by the Texas Family Code, offers a guardianship program and supervised visitation Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Texas Tech University School Of Law 806-742-4312 (Main Office) www.law.ttu.edu/acp/programs/clinical Provide students the opportunity to represent clients (including low-income) and participate in real cases through the clinical courses Click HERE for Lubbock County Self-Help Resource 82 MADISON Women’s Protective Services Of Lubbock, Inc. 800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 806-747-6491 (Main Office) www.wpslubbock.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; assists with immigration counseling and social referrals Women’s Protective Services Of Lubbock, Inc. 800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 806-747-6491 (Main Office) www.wpslubbock.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; assists with immigration counseling and social referrals MADISON LYNN County Seat – Madisonville County Seat – Tahoka Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-4557 (Lubbock) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Aid Society Of Lubbock 806-762-2325 (Main Office) www.lubbocklegalaid.org Provides free and/or reduced cost legal services in the areas of family and elder law Lone Star Legal Aid 800-570-4773 (Bryan) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Center – Central Brazos Valley 979-822-6947 (Main Office) www.bvdrc.org Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Twin City Mission 979-822-7511 (Main Office) www.twincitymission.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 83 MARION MARION County Seat – Jefferson Lone Star Legal Aid 800-866-0821 (Longview) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Women’s Center Of East Texas 903-295-7526 (Main Office) www.wc-et.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal aid services MARTIN County Seat – Stanton Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5630 (Midland) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice MASON County Seat – Mason Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 512-374-2777 (Austin) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits 84 MAVERICK Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center 830-792-5000 (Main Office) hillcountrydrc.com Provides impartial mediation services which explore issues and generate opinions which lead to the creation of solutions which will work for all parties in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee ICD Family Shelter & Self-Advocacy Center 800-749-8631 (Main Office) www.icdbridges.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance MATAGORDA County Seat – Bay City Lone Star Legal Aid 800-244-5492 (Angleton) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Matagorda County Women’s Crisis Center 979-245-9109 (Main Office) www.crisiscnt.com/door Provides crisis intervention services to domestic violence victims, sexual assault victims, and child abuse victims with a child advocacy center Mid-Coast Family Services 361-575-7842 (Main Office) www.midcoastfamily.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration MAVERICK County Seat – Eagle Pass Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-369-0467 (Eagle Pass) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking 85 MAVERICK St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention Wintergarden Women’s Shelter, Inc. 830-876-9656 (Carrizo Springs) 800-363-9441 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance MCCULLOCH County Seat – Brady Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 325-646-8659 (Brownwood) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center 830-792-5000 (Main Office) hillcountrydrc.com Provides impartial mediation services which explore issues and generate opinions which lead to the creation of solutions which will work for all parties in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee ICD Family Shelter & Self-Advocacy Center 800-749-8631 (Main Office) www.icdbridges.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking MCLENNAN County Seat – Waco Lone Star Legal Aid 800-299-5596 (Waco) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Baylor Law School Veterans’ Legal Assistance Clinic 254-710-4244 (Main Office) Provides civil legal services to veterans Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Abuse Center 800-283-8401 (Waco) 254-772-8999 (Main Office) www.familyabusecenter.org Assists with protective orders, crime victim services, and provides referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid Greater Waco Youth Law Project 254-715-0894 (Main Office) www.wacoyouthlaw.com Offers civil legal assistance to at-risk children, youth and youth aging-out of foster care on matters such as access to health and mental health care, school disciplinary hearings, special education, legal rights of teen parents, minor parents custody/CPS proceedings, emancipation, immigration in Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) applications, housing, improper denial of public benefits and domestic violence; does not represent adults 86 MEDINA Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking MCMULLEN County Seat – Tilden Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-420-1994 or 361-880-5410 (Sinton) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Atascosa Family Crisis Center 877-569-2001 (Pleasanton) 830-569-2001 (Main Office) www.atascosafamilycrisis.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Catholic Charities Of Corpus Christi – Immigration 361-442-2224 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities-cc.com Provides legal assistance on immigration matters such as adjustments, family petitions, naturalization, U visas and T visas and VAWA petitions Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention Women’s Shelter Of South Texas 361-881-8888 (Main Office) www.thewomensshelter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance MEDINA County Seat – Hondo Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Alamo Area Resource Center 800-308-2437 (San Antonio) 210-358-9995 (Main Office) www.aarcsa.com Offers referrals to persons with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and powers of attorney Atascosa Family Crisis Center 877-569-2001 (Pleasanton) 830-569-2001 (Main Office) www.atascosafamilycrisis.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio – Guardianship Services Program 210-293-1009 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org/seniors/seniors.html Provides legal guardianship protection, including less restrictive alternatives such as financial, medical and living wills, for those who lack mental capacity due to age, illness, or disability and who are at risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, offers powers of attorney for those with sound mental capacity 87 MEDINA Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. 210-930-3669 (Main Office) www.fvps.org Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims of domestic violence; offers emergency shelter and community based intervention and prevention services Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Southwest Family Life Center 830-426-5131 (Hondo) 830-426-5972 (Main Office) Provides shelter and legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and provides referrals to Texas RioGrande Legal Aid St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention MENARD County Seat – Menard Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-284-5180 (San Angelo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Hill Country Dispute Resolution Center 830-792-5000 (Main Office) hillcountrydrc.com Provides impartial mediation services which explore issues and generate opinions which lead to the creation of solutions which will work for all parties in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee ICD Family Shelter & Self-Advocacy Center 800-749-8631 (Main Office) www.icdbridges.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking MIDLAND County Seat – Midland Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5630 (Midland) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways 88 MITCHELL Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice MILAM County Seat – Cameron Lone Star Legal Aid 800-234-6606 or 888-674-4529 (Belton) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Twin City Mission 979-822-7511 (Main Office) www.twincitymission.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance MILLS County Seat – Goldthwaite Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 325-646-8659 (Brownwood) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking MITCHELL County Seat – Colorado City Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month 89 MITCHELL Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Gateway Family Services, Inc. 800-578-8054 (Snyder) 325-573-4351 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance MONTAGUE County Seat – Montague Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-1407 (Denton) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination First Step, Inc. 940-723-7799 (Main Office) firststep.org/home Provides comprehensive services to victims of family violence and sexual assault, including legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal assistance Wise County Domestic Violence Task Force 940-626-4855 (Main Office) www.wisehope.org Assists with domestic violence and sexual assault issues, divorce, custody and protective orders; no legal representation-referrals and shelter only MONTGOMERY County Seat – Conroe Lone Star Legal Aid 888-595-8969 (Conroe) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Advocate Legal Senior Center 713-527-4029 (Main Office) Provides legal services on a pro bono and sliding scale basis to senior citizens residing in and around Harris County AdvoCourt For Kids 713-681-7300 (Main Office) Accepts pro bono appointments for children in divorce and custody proceedings of the family courts in Harris and surrounding counties; Amicus attorneys assist the courts in determining the best interests for the child Cabrini Center For Immigrant Legal Assistance 713-874-6570 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities.org Handles a wide range of immigration matters including, but not limited to, family-based visa petitions, citizenship applications, asylum proceedings, adjustment of status for refugees and asylees, legal assistance to immigrant crime victims and representation of unaccompanied minors Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Earl Carl Institute For Legal And Social Policy, Inc. 713-313-1139 (Main Office) www.earlcarlinstitute.org Provides services that range from counsel and advice on property of various estate documents, property title documents and non-profit incorporation documents for low-income Texans Family Violence Center – Northwest Assistance Ministries 888-750-4673 (Main Office) www.namonline.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 90 Click HERE for Montgomery County Self-Help Resource MORRIS Montgomery County Women’s Center 936-441-4044 (Main Office) www.mcwctx.org Provides free legal representation to eligible victims of family violence, stalking, or sexual assault who need assistance on family law issues Veterans Legal Initiative 713-228-0735 (Main Office) www.MakeJusticeHappen.org Provides advice and counsel to any veteran or spouse of a deceased veteran every Friday, from 2 pm until 5 pm, at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, 2002 Holcombe Blvd, Houston 77030. The clinic is held on the first floor, near the emergency room entrance. No appointment is necessary. Also conducts veterans clinics in surrounding areas. YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration MOORE County Seat – Dumas Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Safe Place Inc. 806-935-7585 (Main Office) www.safeplaceinc.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; also offers parenting, anger management, and healthy relationship classes MORRIS County Seat – Daingerfield Lone Star Legal Aid 800-925-5802 (Paris) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Shelter Agencies For Families In East Texas (SAFE-T) 903-572-0973 (Main Office) www.safe-tagency.com/home0.aspx Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 91 MOTLEY MOTLEY County Seat – Matador Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-8491 (Plainview) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Crisis Center Of The Plains 806-293-7273 (Plainview) 806-293-9772 (Main Office) www.plainviewunitedway.org/agencies/hccc.shtml Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination NACOGDOCHES County Seat – Nacogdoches Lone Star Legal Aid 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Crisis Center Of East Texas (Women’s Shelter Of East Texas, Inc.) 800-828-7233 (Lufkin) 936-639-1681 (Main Office) www.familycrisiscenterofeasttexas.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration NAVARRO County Seat – Corsicana Lone Star Legal Aid 800-299-5596 (Waco) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month 92 NOLAN Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Abuse Center 800-283-8401 (Waco) 254-772-8999 (Main Office) www.familyabusecenter.org Assists with protective orders, crime victim services, and provides referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria NEWTON County Seat – Newton Lone Star Legal Aid 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities Of Southeast Texas – Immigration Services 409-924-4410 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesbmt.org Provides legal assistance for a nominal fee based on a sliding scale on immigration matters such as family-based, U Visa, VAWA, naturalization, and I-90s Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Services – Women’s And Children’s Shelter Of Southeast Texas 409-832-7575 (Main Office) www.westrengthenfamilies.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration NOLAN County Seat – Sweetwater Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Gateway Family Services, Inc. 800-578-8054 (Snyder) 325-573-4351 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways 93 NOLAN Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking NUECES County Seat – Corpus Christi Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-420-1501 or 361-880-5410 (Corpus Christi) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Catholic Charities Of Corpus Christi – Immigration 361-442-2224 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities-cc.com Provides legal assistance on immigration matters such as adjustments, family petitions, naturalization, U visas and T visas and VAWA petitions Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Services 361-888-0650 (Main Office) www.co.nueces.tx.us/dispute Provides free mediation services in civil disputes: neighbor, consumer, tenant, business, family, landlord, bullying, trespass, and small claims OCHILTREE County Seat – Perryton Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Panhandle Crisis Center 806-435-5008 (Main Office) www.panhandlecrisiscenter.org Assists victims in understanding their legal rights and options; provides assistance in obtaining legal resources, including protective orders and legal representation; information, referral, and accompaniment services are available to assist victims in obtaining other needed legal, medical and social services OLDHAM County Seat – Vega Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 94 PALO PINTO Family Support Services Of Amarillo 800-749-9026 (Amarillo) 806-342-2500 (Main Office) www.fss-ama.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to obtain free and sliding scale legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration ORANGE PALO PINTO County Seat – Orange County Seat – Palo Pinto Lone Star Legal Aid 800-365-1861 (Beaumont) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-3959 or 800-967-6708 (Weatherford) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Southeast Texas – Immigration Services 409-924-4410 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesbmt.org Provides legal assistance for a nominal fee based on a sliding scale on immigration matters such as family-based, U Visa, VAWA, naturalization, and I-90s AIDS Outreach Center 817-335-1994 (Main Office) www.aoc.org Provides in association with the Legal Hospice of North Texas legal assistance and representation for low-income HIV+ clients for wills, social security, disability and power of attorney Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Services – Women’s And Children’s Shelter Of Southeast Texas 409-832-7575 (Main Office) www.westrengthenfamilies.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Jefferson County Bar Association Pro Bono Program 409-839-2332 (Main Office) www.jcba.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=2 Provides legal assistance in civil matters to indigent and low income clients Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Cross Timbers Family Services 254-965-4357 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Hope, Inc. 940-325-1306 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 95 PANOLA PANOLA County Seat – Carthage Lone Star Legal Aid 800-866-0821 (Longview) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Women’s Center Of East Texas 903-295-7526 (Main Office) www.wc-et.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal aid services Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Freedom House 817-596-4369 (Weatherford) 817-596-7543 (Main Office) www.freedomhousepc.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Hope, Inc. 940-325-1306 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria PARKER PARMER County Seat – Weatherford Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-967-6708 (Weatherford) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm AIDS Outreach Center 817-335-1994 (Main Office) www.aoc.org Provides in association with the Legal Hospice of North Texas legal assistance and representation for low-income HIV+ clients for wills, social security, disability and power of attorney County Seat – Farwell Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-8491 (Plainview) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm 96 POLK Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination PECOS County Seat – Fort Stockton Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 866-221-4833 (Alpine) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) 915-532-3975 (Main Office) www.dmrs-ep.org Provides legal representation in immigration matters, including family-based immigration, battered immigrant spouses and children and the naturalization process Disability Rights Texas 800-948-1824 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Crisis Center Of The Big Bend 800-834-0654 (Alpine) 432-837-7254 (Main Office) familycrisiscenter.homestead.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and victims of personal injury and crime, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways POLK County Seat – Livingston Lone Star Legal Aid 888-595-8969 (Conroe) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities Of Southeast Texas – Immigration Services 409-924-4410 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesbmt.org Provides legal assistance for a nominal fee based on a sliding scale on immigration matters such as family-based, U Visa, VAWA, naturalization, and I-90s Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Crisis Center Of East Texas (Women’s Shelter Of East Texas, Inc.) 800-828-7233 (Lufkin) 936-639-1681 (Main Office) www.familycrisiscenterofeasttexas.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 97 Click HERE for Polk County Self-Help Resource POLK SAAFE House (Sexual Assault And Abuse Free Environment) 936-291-3529 (Main Office) www.saafehouse.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration PRESIDIO County Seat – Marfa Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 866-221-4833 (Alpine) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) 915-532-3975 (Main Office) www.dmrs-ep.org Provides legal representation in immigration matters, including family-based immigration, battered immigrant spouses and children and the naturalization process POTTER County Seat – Amarillo Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Support Services Of Amarillo 800-749-9026 (Amarillo) 806-342-2500 (Main Office) www.fss-ama.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to obtain free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-948-1824 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination El Paso County Dispute Resolution Center 915-533-4800 (Main Office) www.riocog.org/REGSVCS/drc.htm Provides mediation services for all civil cases, family/child visitation, and community disputes for a nominal fee Family Crisis Center Of The Big Bend 800-834-0654 (Alpine) 432-837-7254 (Main Office) familycrisiscenter.homestead.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and victims of personal injury and crime, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways 98 REAGAN RAINS RANDALL County Seat – Emory County Seat – Canyon Lone Star Legal Aid 800-248-0048 (Tyler) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination East Texas Crisis Center 903-595-5591 (Tyler) 903-509-2526 (Main Office) www.etcc.org Provides crime victim shelter and assistance and support for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid Women In Need 903-455-4612 (Main Office) www.women-in-need.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Support Services Of Amarillo 800-749-9026 (Amarillo) 806-342-2500 (Main Office) www.fss-ama.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to obtain free and sliding scale legal assistance REAGAN County Seat – Big Lake Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5630 (Midland) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 99 REAGAN La Clinica De Inmigracion De San Jose, Inc. 830-774-8742 (Main Office) Provides legal assistance with immigration applications for naturalization and family visas ICD Family Shelter & Self-Advocacy Center 800-749-8631 (Main Office) www.icdbridges.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention RED RIVER County Seat – Clarksville REAL County Seat – Leakey Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio Immigration Services 210-433-3256 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org Offers family-based immigration services for low-income residents with an emphasis on crime, domestic violence, and human trafficking victims Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Lone Star Legal Aid 800-925-5802 (Paris) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 100 REFUGIO Domestic Violence Prevention, Inc. 903-794-4000 (Main Office) www.dvptxk.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Shelter Agencies For Families In East Texas (SAFE-T) 903-572-0973 (Main Office) www.safe-tagency.com/home0.aspx Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice Dispute Resolution Services Paris Junior College 903-783-9839 (Main Office) Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee REEVES REFUGIO County Seat – Pecos County Seat – Refugio Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 866-221-4833 (Alpine) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-234-1274 or 361-880-5410 (Victoria) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) 915-532-3975 (Main Office) www.dmrs-ep.org Provides legal representation in immigration matters, including family-based immigration, battered immigrant spouses and children and the naturalization process Catholic Charities Of Corpus Christi – Immigration 361-442-2224 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities-cc.com Provides legal assistance on immigration matters such as adjustments, family petitions, naturalization, U visas and T visas and VAWA petitions Disability Rights Texas 800-948-1824 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Mid-Coast Family Services 361-575-7842 (Main Office) www.midcoastfamily.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 101 REFUGIO Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention Women’s Shelter Of South Texas 361-881-8888 (Main Office) www.thewomensshelter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance ROBERTS County Seat – Miami Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Tralee Crisis Center For Women, Inc. 800-658-2796 (Pampa) 806-669-1131 (Main Office) www.pan-tex.net/usr/t/tralee Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance ROBERTSON County Seat – Franklin Lone Star Legal Aid 800-570-4773 (Bryan) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Center – Central Brazos Valley 979-822-6947 (Main Office) www.bvdrc.org Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Twin City Mission 979-822-7511 (Main Office) www.twincitymission.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 102 RUSK ROCKWALL RUNNELS County Seat – Rockwall County Seat – Ballinger Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-906-3045 (McKinney) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-284-5180 (San Angelo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria New Beginning Center 972-276-0423 (Main Office) www.newbeginningcenter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Women In Need 903-455-4612 (Main Office) www.women-in-need.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance ICD Family Shelter & Self-Advocacy Center 800-749-8631 (Main Office) www.icdbridges.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking RUSK County Seat – Henderson Lone Star Legal Aid 800-866-0821 (Longview) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only 103 RUSK Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Women’s Center Of East Texas 903-295-7526 (Main Office) www.wc-et.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal aid services SABINE County Seat – Hemphill Lone Star Legal Aid 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Crisis Center Of East Texas (Women’s Shelter Of East Texas, Inc.) 800-828-7233 (Lufkin) 936-639-1681 (Main Office) www.familycrisiscenterofeasttexas.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration SAN AUGUSTINE County Seat – San Augustine Lone Star Legal Aid 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Crisis Center Of East Texas (Women’s Shelter Of East Texas, Inc.) 800-828-7233 (Lufkin) 936-639-1681 (Main Office) www.familycrisiscenterofeasttexas.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration 104 SAN PATRICIO SAN JACINTO Veterans Legal Initiative 713-228-0735 (Main Office) www.MakeJusticeHappen.org Provides advice and counsel to any veteran or spouse of a deceased veteran every Friday, from 2 pm until 5 pm, at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, 2002 Holcombe Blvd, Houston 77030. The clinic is held on the first floor, near the emergency room entrance. No appointment is necessary. Also conducts veterans clinics in surrounding areas. County Seat – Coldspring Lone Star Legal Aid 888-595-8969 (Conroe) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Cabrini Center For Immigrant Legal Assistance 713-874-6570 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities.org Handles a wide range of immigration matters including, but not limited to, family-based visa petitions, citizenship applications, asylum proceedings, adjustment of status for refugees and asylees, legal assistance to immigrant crime victims and representation of unaccompanied minors Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Crisis Center Of East Texas (Women’s Shelter Of East Texas, Inc.) 800-828-7233 (Lufkin) 936-639-1681 (Main Office) www.familycrisiscenterofeasttexas.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Montgomery County Women’s Center 936-441-4044 (Main Office) www.mcwctx.org Provides free legal representation to eligible victims of family violence, stalking, or sexual assault who need assistance on family law issues SAAFE House (Sexual Assault And Abuse Free Environment) 936-291-3529 (Main Office) www.saafehouse.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration SAN PATRICIO County Seat – Sinton Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-420-1994 or 361-880-5410 (Corpus Christi) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Catholic Charities Of Corpus Christi – Immigration 361-442-2224 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities-cc.com Provides legal assistance on immigration matters such as adjustments, family petitions, naturalization, U visas and T visas and VAWA petitions Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Services 361-888-0650 (Main Office) www.co.nueces.tx.us/dispute Provides free mediation services in civil disputes: neighbor, consumer, tenant, business, family, landlord, bullying, trespass, and small claims 105 SAN PATRICIO Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention Dove Project 325-372-4357 (Main Office) Provide legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, and serve as a satellite location for legal aid and the Texas Advocacy Project Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking SCHLEICHER County Seat – Eldorado Women’s Shelter Of South Texas 361-881-8888 (Main Office) www.thewomensshelter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-284-5180 (San Angelo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm SAN SABA County Seat – San Saba Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 325-646-8659 (Brownwood) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination ICD Family Shelter & Self-Advocacy Center 800-749-8631 (Main Office) www.icdbridges.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways 106 SHELBY SHACKELFORD Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking County Seat – Albany Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm SCURRY County Seat – Snyder Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Noah Project, Inc. 800-444-3551 (Abilene) 325-676-7107 (Main Office) www.noahproject.org Provides shelter and legal advocacy for survivors of family violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault, including legal accompaniment, obtaining protective orders, referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance, and filing Crime Victims Compensation Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Gateway Family Services, Inc. 800-578-8054 (Snyder) 325-573-4351 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance SHELBY County Seat – Center Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Lone Star Legal Aid 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only 107 SHELBY Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Crisis Center Of East Texas (Women’s Shelter Of East Texas, Inc.) 800-828-7233 (Lufkin) 936-639-1681 (Main Office) www.familycrisiscenterofeasttexas.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration SHERMAN County Seat – Stratford Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Safe Place Inc. 806-935-7585 (Main Office) www.safeplaceinc.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; also offers parenting, anger management, and healthy relationship classes SMITH County Seat – Tyler Lone Star Legal Aid 800-248-0048 (Tyler) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination East Texas Crisis Center 903-595-5591 (Tyler) 903-509-2526 (Main Office) www.etcc.org Provides crime victim shelter and assistance and support for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid Click HERE for Smith County Self-Help Resource 108 STARR STARR YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration County Seat – Rio Grande City Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 956-393-6283 or 956-393-6240 (Edinburg) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm SOMERVELL County Seat – Glen Rose Border Association For Refugees From Central America 956-631-7447 (Main Office) Provides legal services for immigration matters such as asylum, visa petitions, family unity and VAWA petitions on a sliding scale Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-3959 or 800-967-6708 (Weatherford) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm AIDS Outreach Center 817-335-1994 (Main Office) www.aoc.org Provides in association with the Legal Hospice of North Texas legal assistance and representation for low-income HIV+ clients for wills, social security, disability and power of attorney Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Cross Timbers Family Services 254-965-4357 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Casa De Proyecto Libertad 956-425-9552 (Main Office) Handles all aspects of immigration cases, specializing in VAWA claims Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Hidalgo Community Justice Program 956-393-6240 (Main Office) hidalgobar.org/cde.cfm?event=219903 Provides family law-related legal services to low-income individuals throughout the lower Rio Grande Valley Mujeres Unidas/Women Together 956-630-4878 (Main Office) www.mujeresunidas.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance South Texas Civil Rights Project 956-787-8171 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=478 Provides representation in matters involving a violation of civil rights, disability rights or consumer rights; helps victims of domestic violence with immigration petitions; defends workers who have not been paid or have suffered other labor abuses 109 STEPHENS STEPHENS ICD Family Shelter & Self-Advocacy Center 800-749-8631 (Main Office) www.icdbridges.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance County Seat – Breckenridge Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Noah Project, Inc. 800-444-3551 (Abilene) 325-676-7107 (Main Office) www.noahproject.org Provides shelter and legal advocacy for survivors of family violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault, including legal accompaniment, obtaining protective orders, referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance, and filing Crime Victims Compensation STERLING County Seat – Sterling City Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-284-5180 (San Angelo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking STONEWALL County Seat – Aspermont Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month 110 SWISHER SWISHER Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination County Seat – Tulia Noah Project, Inc. 800-444-3551 (Abilene) 325-676-7107 (Main Office) www.noahproject.org Provides shelter and legal advocacy for survivors of family violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault, including legal accompaniment, obtaining protective orders, referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance, and filing Crime Victims Compensation SUTTON County Seat – Sonora Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination ICD Family Shelter & Self-Advocacy Center 800-749-8631 (Main Office) www.icdbridges.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance La Clinica De Inmigracion De San Jose, Inc. 830-774-8742 (Main Office) Provides legal assistance with immigration applications for naturalization and family visas Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-8491 (Plainview) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Crisis Center Of The Plains 806-293-7273 (Plainview) 806-293-9772 (Main Office) www.plainviewunitedway.org/agencies/hccc.shtml Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Support Services Of Amarillo 800-749-9026 (Amarillo) 806-342-2500 (Main Office) www.fss-ama.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to obtain free and sliding scale legal assistance 111 TARRANT TARRANT Justice For Our Neighbors (JFON) 214-381-0901 (Main Office) www.ntcumc.org/pages/detail/1245 Provides immigration legal services to low-income immigrants County Seat – Fort Worth Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-3959 (Fort Worth) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm AIDS Outreach Center 817-335-1994 (Main Office) www.aoc.org Provides in association with the Legal Hospice of Texas legal assistance and representation for low-income HIV+ clients for wills, social security, disability and power of attorney Brighter Tomorrows 972-254-4003 (Main Office) www.brightertomorrows.net Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Services Of North Texas 817-877-4554 (Main Office) www.drsnorthtexas.org Provides mediation services in family, community, and civil matters for a nominal fee Human Rights Initiative Of North Texas, Inc. 214-855-0520 (Main Office) www.hrionline.org Provides high-quality legal services free of charge to those seeking asylum, relief under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, immigrant victims of violent crime and immigrant child victims of abuse, neglect and abandonment Click HERE for Tarrant County Self-Help Resource Legal Hospice Of Texas 214-521-6622 (Main Office) www.legalhospice.org Provides free legal counsel, representation, and advocacy to low-income persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness or HIV disease, have a civil legal issue related to their diagnosis, and meet established income criteria Legal Line – Project Of The Tarrant County Bar Association 817-335-1239 (Main Office) www.tarrantbar.org/Default.aspx?tabid=88 Offers free legal advice over the phone on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month from 6pm-8 pm Methodist Justice Ministry 817-339-2407 (Main Office) www.fumcftw.org Provides free legal advice and representation to people whose incomes are at 125% or less of federal poverty guidelines Mosaic Family Services 214-821-5393 (Main Office) www.mosaicservices.org Provides comprehensive social services for immigrants and refugees and legal representation in both immigration and family law to immigrant survivors of crime, such as domestic violence and human trafficking New Beginning Center 972-276-0423 (Main Office) www.newbeginningcenter.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance SafeHaven Of Tarrant County 817-548-0583 (Arlington) 817-548-0583 (Main Office) www.safehaventc.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and representation in family law matters Tarrant County Domestic Relations Office 817-884-1879 (Main Office) www.tarrantcounty.com/edro/site/default.asp Assists in child support enforcement; provides court ordered mediation, visitation monitoring, and social study investigation 112 TERRELL Tarrant County Volunteer Attorney Services (Tarrant County Bar Foundation) 817-338-4092 (Main Office) www.tvasdoingourpart.org Serves Tarrant County community by connecting Tarrant County attorneys with those who could not otherwise afford representation for uncontested divorces and wills; encourages participation from our legal community in pro bono legal services and recognizes individual attorneys, law firms and corporations in Tarrant County for their commitment to pro bono legal representation Texas Lawyers For Texas Veterans – Tarrant County Chapter 817-546-4460 (Main Office) www.txltxv.org Assists military veterans and spouses of deceased veterans who cannot afford or do not have access to the legal services they need by offering legal clinics and maintaining a pro bono volunteer attorney network Texas Wesleyan Law Clinic 817-212-4123 (Main Office) law.txwes.edu Offers limited legal assistance through the legal clinic, which focuses on family law, children's issues, and social security and SSI disability TAYLOR Noah Project, Inc. 800-444-3551 (Abilene) 325-676-7107 (Main Office) www.noahproject.org Provides shelter and legal advocacy for survivors of family violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault, including legal accompaniment, obtaining protective orders, referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance, and filing Crime Victims Compensation TERRELL County Seat – Sanderson Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-774-8383 (Del Rio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Disability Rights Texas 800-948-1824 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination County Seat – Abilene Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Crisis Center Of The Big Bend 800-834-0654 (Alpine) 432-837-7254 (Main Office) familycrisiscenter.homestead.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and victims of personal injury and crime, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways 113 TERRY TERRY County Seat – Brownfield Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-4557 (Lubbock) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Women’s Protective Services Of Lubbock, Inc. 800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 806-747-6491 (Main Office) www.wpslubbock.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; assists with immigration counseling and social referrals THROCKMORTON Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Aid Society Of Lubbock 806-762-2325 (Main Office) www.lubbocklegalaid.org Provides free and/or reduced cost legal services in the areas of family and elder law Office Of Dispute Resolution 806-775-1720 (Main Office) www.co.lubbock.tx.us/department/?fDD=8-0 Provides statewide dispute resolution services for governmental agencies, and persons involved with pre-litigation, civil and criminal matters; operates trainings and various continuing education workshops throughout the state; supervises child support payors, conducts social studies, and other services authorized by the Texas Family Code, offers a guardianship program and supervised visitation County Seat – Throckmorton Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-8591 (Abilene) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Noah Project, Inc. 800-444-3551 (Abilene) 325-676-7107 (Main Office) www.noahproject.org Provides shelter and legal advocacy for survivors of family violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault, including legal accompaniment, obtaining protective orders, referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance, and filing Crime Victims Compensation 114 TRAVIS TITUS TOM GREEN County Seat – Mount Pleasant County Seat – San Angelo Lone Star Legal Aid 800-925-5802 (Paris) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Shelter Agencies For Families In East Texas (SAFE-T) 903-572-0973 (Main Office) www.safe-tagency.com/home0.aspx Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-284-5180 (San Angelo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination ICD Family Shelter & Self-Advocacy Center 800-749-8631 (Main Office) www.icdbridges.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways TRAVIS County Seat – Austin Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 512-374-2777 (Austin) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Click HERE for Travis County Self-Help Resource 115 TRAVIS AIDS Services Of Austin 512-458-2437 (Main Office) www.asaustin.org Provides counsel in most civil law matters to indigent individuals living with HIV or AIDS in areas including, but not limited to, estate planning, discrimination, debtor counseling, insurance problems, access to health care, public benefits, family and immigration law Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Austin Bar Association Veterans Legal Advice Clinic 512-472-0279 (Main Office) http://bit.ly/Help4CenTXVets Provides brief, legal advice to veterans on the first Monday of the month at the Austin VA Outpatient Clinic, 2901 Montopolis Drive, Austin, 78741 from 9:00 a.m. to noon; no appointment necessary; please sign-in by 11:30 a.m. and bring any paperwork that is relevant to your case; if seeking veteran's benefits or a discharge upgrade, bring a copy of your DD214 and any evidence related to your claim Dispute Resolution Center 512-371-0033 (Main Office) www.austindrc.org Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Equal Justice Center 512-474-0007 (Main Office) www.equaljusticecenter.org Provides free legal assistance to low-income persons seeking enforcement of wage and employment rights, regardless of citizenship or immigration status Family Eldercare, Inc. 512-450-0844 (Main Office) www.familyeldercare.org Provides court-appointed legal guardianship for the elderly and people with disabilities who are at-risk for abuse, neglect or exploitation, and have no relatives to assist them Austin Tenants’ Council 512-474-1961 (Main Office) www.housing-rights.org Offers information and education on housing discrimination, tenant-landlord issues and housing repair and rehabilitation; refers callers seeking legal assistance to Legal Aid or lawyer referral services Austin/Travis County Family Violence Protection Team 512-974-8535 (Main Office) Offers crisis intervention, counseling and information on how to obtain protective orders for victims of domestic violence including emergency protective orders; assists with filing police reports and provides advocacy services Casa Marianella 512-385-5571 (Main Office) www.casamarianella.org Provides immigration services (asylum, U-visas, VAWA, work permits, and adjustment of status) and other resources; does not handle business or employment related matters; legal clinic is located inside the community education center, 821 Gunter St., Austin 78702 Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking SafePlace 512-267-7233 (Main Office) www.safeplace.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 116 UPSHUR Family Crisis Center Of East Texas (Women’s Shelter Of East Texas, Inc.) 800-828-7233 (Lufkin) 936-639-1681 (Main Office) www.familycrisiscenterofeasttexas.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention Travis County Domestic Relations Office 512-854-9696 (Main Office) www.co.travis.tx.us/dro Assists custodial parents with the collection of child support payments, enforcement of delinquent child support or visitation orders, jail release for child support violations, and Guardian Ad Litems VLS/TRLA Legal Advice Clinic 512-476-5550 (Main Office) www.vlsoct.org Offers free evening legal advice matters and intake clinic on civil and family law matters every Monday and Wednesday night (except on holidays or during school breaks) at local middle schools from 6-7pm – Monday’s clinic is at Martin Middle School, 1601 Haskell Street, Austin, TX 78702; Wednesday’s clinic is at Webb Middle School, 601 East St. John’s Street, Austin, TX 78752 TRINITY County Seat – Groveton Lone Star Legal Aid 888-595-8969 (Conroe) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination SAAFE House (Sexual Assault And Abuse Free Environment) 936-291-3529 (Main Office) www.saafehouse.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance TYLER County Seat – Woodville Lone Star Legal Aid 800-354-1889 (Nacogdoches) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities Of Southeast Texas – Immigration Services 409-924-4410 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesbmt.org Provides legal assistance for a nominal fee based on a sliding scale on immigration matters such as family-based, U Visa, VAWA, naturalization, and I-90s Community Mediation Center Of Tyler County 409-283-2877 (Main Office) Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Family Services – Women’s And Children’s Shelter Of Southeast Texas 409-832-7575 (Main Office) www.westrengthenfamilies.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 117 UPSHUR UPSHUR County Seat – Gilmer Lone Star Legal Aid 800-866-0821 (Longview) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Women’s Center Of East Texas 903-295-7526 (Main Office) www.wc-et.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal aid services UPTON County Seat – Rankin Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5630 (Midland) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice UVALDE County Seat – Uvalde Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-369-0467 (Eagle Pass) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways 118 VAN ZANDT La Clinica De Inmigracion De San Jose, Inc. 830-774-8742 (Main Office) Provides legal assistance with immigration applications for naturalization and family visas Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Southwest Family Life Center 830-278-1067 (Hondo) 830-426-5972 (Main Office) Provides shelter and legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and provides referrals to Texas RioGrande Legal Aid St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention VAN ZANDT County Seat – Canton VAL VERDE County Seat – Del Rio Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-774-8383 (Del Rio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio Immigration Services 210-433-3256 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org Offers family-based immigration services for low-income residents with an emphasis on crime, domestic violence, and human trafficking victims Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Lone Star Legal Aid 800-248-0048 (Tyler) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 119 VICTORIA WALKER East Texas Crisis Center 903-595-5591 (Tyler) 903-509-2526 (Main Office) www.etcc.org Provides crime victim shelter and assistance and support for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid County Seat – Huntsville Lone Star Legal Aid 888-595-8969 (Conroe) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm VICTORIA County Seat – Victoria Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-234-1274 or 361-880-5410 (Corpus Christi) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Catholic Charities Of Corpus Christi – Immigration 361-442-2224 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities-cc.com Provides legal assistance on immigration matters such as adjustments, family petitions, naturalization, U visas and T visas and VAWA petitions Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Mid-Coast Family Services 361-575-7842 (Main Office) www.midcoastfamily.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Montgomery County Women’s Center 936-441-4044 (Main Office) www.mcwctx.org Provides free legal representation to eligible victims of family violence, stalking, or sexual assault who need assistance on family law issues SAAFE House (Sexual Assault And Abuse Free Environment) 936-291-3529 (Main Office) www.saafehouse.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Veterans Legal Initiative 713-228-0735 (Main Office) www.MakeJusticeHappen.org Provides advice and counsel to any veteran or spouse of a deceased veteran every Friday, from 2 pm until 5 pm, at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, 2002 Holcombe Blvd, Houston 77030. The clinic is held on the first floor, near the emergency room entrance. No appointment is necessary. Also conducts veterans clinics in surrounding areas. YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration 120 WARD WALLER Veterans Legal Initiative 713-228-0735 (Main Office) www.MakeJusticeHappen.org Provides advice and counsel to any veteran or spouse of a deceased veteran every Friday, from 2 pm until 5 pm, at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, 2002 Holcombe Blvd, Houston 77030. The clinic is held on the first floor, near the emergency room entrance. No appointment is necessary. Also conducts veterans clinics in surrounding areas. County Seat – Hempstead Lone Star Legal Aid 936-539-2130 (Conroe) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration Advocate Legal Senior Center 713-527-4029 (Main Office) Provides legal services on a pro bono and sliding scale basis to senior citizens residing in and around Harris County AdvoCourt For Kids 713-681-7300 (Main Office) Accepts pro bono appointments for children in divorce and custody proceedings of the family courts in Harris and surrounding counties; Amicus attorneys assist the courts in determining the best interests for the child WARD County Seat – Monahans Cabrini Center For Immigrant Legal Assistance 713-874-6570 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities.org Handles a wide range of immigration matters including, but not limited to, family-based visa petitions, citizenship applications, asylum proceedings, adjustment of status for refugees and asylees, legal assistance to immigrant crime victims and representation of unaccompanied minors Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Earl Carl Institute For Legal And Social Policy, Inc. 713-313-1139 (Main Office) www.earlcarlinstitute.org Provides services that range from counsel and advice on property of various estate documents, property title documents and non-profit incorporation documents for low-income Texans Family Violence Center – Northwest Assistance Ministries 888-750-4673 (Main Office) www.namonline.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-1207 (Odessa) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) 915-532-3975 (Main Office) www.dmrs-ep.org Provides legal representation in immigration matters, including family-based immigration, battered immigrant spouses and children and the naturalization process Disability Rights Texas 800-948-1824 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways 121 WASHINGTON Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice WASHINGTON County Seat – Brenham Lone Star Legal Aid 979-865-9133 (Bellville) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Dispute Resolution Center – Central Brazos Valley 979-822-6947 (Main Office) www.bvdrc.org Provides mediation services in family law matters or community disputes for a nominal fee Twin City Mission 979-822-7511 (Main Office) www.twincitymission.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration WEBB County Seat – Laredo Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 956-718-4683 (Laredo) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Advocate Legal Senior Center 713-527-4029 (Main Office) Provides legal services on a pro bono and sliding scale basis to senior citizens residing in and around Harris County Casa de Misericordia 877-782-2722 (Laredo) 956-712-9590 (Main Office) www.mercylaredo.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance Catholic Social Services Of Laredo, Inc. 956-722-2443 (Main Office) www.dioceseoflaredo.org Provides immigration legal services on a sliding scale Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways 122 WHEELER South Texas Civil Rights Project 956-787-8171 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=478 Provides representation in matters involving a violation of civil rights, disability rights or consumer rights; helps victims of domestic violence with immigration petitions; defends workers who have not been paid or have suffered other labor abuses Fort Bend County Women’s Center, Inc. 281-342-4357 (Richmond) 281-344-5750 (Main Office) www.fortbendwomenscenter.org Partners with Lone Star Legal Aid and Fort Bend Lawyers Care to assist domestic violence victims through the legal process Matagorda County Women’s Crisis Center 979-245-9109 (Main Office) www.crisiscnt.com/door Provides crisis intervention services to domestic violence victims, sexual assault victims, and child abuse victims with a child advocacy center St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention YMCA International Services 713-339-9015 (Main Office) www.ymcahouston.org/ymca-international Handles immigration matters only; asylum applicants, immigration education and referrals for victims of persecution or fear of persecution, trafficking victims, victims of crime and VAWA petitions; provides immigrant court representation and representation for naturalization and family based immigration WHARTON County Seat – Wharton Lone Star Legal Aid 800-244-5492 (Angleton) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm WHEELER County Seat – Wheeler Advocate Legal Senior Center 713-527-4029 (Main Office) Provides legal services on a pro bono and sliding scale basis to senior citizens residing in and around Harris County Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-6808 (Amarillo) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Cabrini Center For Immigrant Legal Assistance 713-874-6570 (Main Office) www.catholiccharities.org Handles a wide range of immigration matters including, but not limited to, family-based visa petitions, citizenship applications, asylum proceedings, adjustment of status for refugees and asylees, legal assistance to immigrant crime victims and representation of unaccompanied minors Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-0821 (Houston) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 123 WHEELER Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Tralee Crisis Center For Women, Inc. 800-658-2796 (Pampa) 806-669-1131 (Main Office) www.pan-tex.net/usr/t/tralee Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance WICHITA Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month County Seat – Wichita Falls Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5542 (Wichita Falls) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month First Step, Inc. 940-723-7799 (Main Office) firststep.org/home Provides comprehensive services to victims of family violence and sexual assault, including legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination WILLACY County Seat – Raymondville First Step, Inc. 940-723-7799 (Main Office) firststep.org/home Provides comprehensive services to victims of family violence and sexual assault, including legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal assistance WILBARGER County Seat – Vernon Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5542 (Wichita Falls) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-369-2651 or 877-341-7248 or 956-548-7477 (Brownsville) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Border Association For Refugees From Central America 956-631-7447 (Main Office) Provides legal services for immigration matters such as asylum, visa petitions, family unity and VAWA petitions on a sliding scale 124 WILLIAMSON Casa De Proyecto Libertad 956-425-9552 (Main Office) Handles all aspects of immigration cases, specializing in VAWA claims Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination AIDS Services Of Austin 512-458-2437 (Main Office) www.asaustin.org Provides counsel in most civil law matters to indigent individuals living with HIV or AIDS in areas including, but not limited to, estate planning, discrimination, debtor counseling, insurance problems, access to health care, public benefits, family and immigration law American Gateways 512-478-0546 ext. 200 (Main Office) www.americangateways.org Handles immigration matters including, but not limited to, asylum, VAWA petitions, citizenship, family-based visa petitions, detainees rights, TPS for Hondurans and immigrant victims of crime Family Crisis Center, Inc. 956-423-9305 (Main Office) www.familycrisisctr.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Catholic Charities Of Central Texas Immigration Legal Services 512-651-6125 (Main Office) ccctx.org/programs/ils Provides legal assistance on immigration matters; $35 initial consultation fee includes review of client eligibility for immigration benefits Office Of Dispute Resolution 806-775-1720 (Main Office) www.co.lubbock.tx.us/department/?fDD=8-0 Provides statewide dispute resolution services for governmental agencies, and persons involved with pre-litigation, civil and criminal matters; operates trainings and various continuing education workshops throughout the state; supervises child support payors, conducts social studies, and other services authorized by the Texas Family Code, offers a guardianship program and supervised visitation Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination South Texas Civil Rights Project 956-787-8171 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=478 Provides representation in matters involving a violation of civil rights, disability rights or consumer rights; helps victims of domestic violence with immigration petitions; defends workers who have not been paid or have suffered other labor abuses Equal Justice Center 512-474-0007 (Main Office) www.equaljusticecenter.org Provides free legal assistance to low-income persons seeking enforcement of wage and employment rights, regardless of citizenship or immigration status WILLIAMSON County Seat – Georgetown Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 512-374-2777 (Austin) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Family Eldercare, Inc. 512-450-0844 (Main Office) www.familyeldercare.org Provides court-appointed legal guardianship for the elderly and people with disabilities who are at-risk for abuse, neglect or exploitation, and have no relatives to assist them Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Click HERE for Williamson County Self-Help Resource 125 WILLIAMSON Disability Rights Texas 800-315-3876 (Austin) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. 210-930-3669 (Main Office) www.fvps.org Provides free legal assistance to income-eligible victims of domestic violence; offers emergency shelter and community based intervention and prevention services Williamson County Crisis Center 512-255-1212 (Round Rock) 800-460-7233 (Main Office) www.hopealliancetx.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance as well as crime victims compensation Guadalupe Valley Family Violence Shelter 830-372-2780 (Seguin) 800-834-2033 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining emergency protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance WILSON County Seat – Floresville Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 210-212-3783 (San Antonio) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Alamo Area Resource Center 800-308-2437 (San Antonio) 210-358-9995 (Main Office) www.aarcsa.com Offers referrals to persons with HIV/AIDS seeking general civil legal services including advocacy, wills, guardianships, directives and powers of attorney Atascosa Family Crisis Center 877-569-2001 (Pleasanton) 830-569-2001 (Main Office) www.atascosafamilycrisis.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance Catholic Charities Archdiocese Of San Antonio – Guardianship Services Program 210-293-1009 (Main Office) www.ccaosa.org/seniors/seniors.html Provides legal guardianship protection, including less restrictive alternatives such as financial, medical and living wills, for those who lack mental capacity due to age, illness, or disability and who are at risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, offers powers of attorney for those with sound mental capacity Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention WINKLER County Seat – Kermit Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-1207 (Odessa) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) 915-532-3975 (Main Office) www.dmrs-ep.org Provides legal representation in immigration matters, including family-based immigration, battered immigrant spouses and children and the naturalization process 126 WOOD Disability Rights Texas 800-948-1824 (El Paso) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Safe Place Of The Permian Basin 432-570-1465 (Main Office) www.safeplacenow.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; attorney on staff for consultations and advice WOOD County Seat – Quitman Lone Star Legal Aid 800-248-0048 (Tyler) 800-733-8394 (Main Office) www.lonestarlegal.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; for family law cases call Monday 8:30am-12:30pm; for other civil matters call Tuesday through Friday 8:30am-12:30pm WISE County Seat – Decatur Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-955-1407 (Denton) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm AIDS Outreach Center 817-335-1994 (Main Office) www.aoc.org Provides in association with the Legal Hospice of Texas legal assistance and representation for low-income HIV+ clients for wills, social security, disability and power of attorney Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Wise County Domestic Violence Task Force 940-626-4855 (Main Office) www.wisehope.org Assists with domestic violence and sexual assault issues, divorce, custody and protective orders; no legal representation-referrals and shelter only Catholic Charities – Diocese Of Tyler 903-258-9492 (Main Office) www.dioceseoftyler.org Provides immigration services such as VAWA, U visas and family-based petitions; by appointment only Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination 127 WOOD East Texas Crisis Center 903-595-5591 (Tyler) 903-509-2526 (Main Office) www.etcc.org Provides crime victim shelter and assistance and support for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to Lone Star Legal Aid YOAKUM County Seat – Plains Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-933-4557 (Lubbock) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities 806-765-8475 (Main Office) www.cclubbock.org/immigration.html Provides representation and/or assistance with all immigration processes, renewal or replacement of legal Permanent Resident Card and/or Employment Authorization Card and assists with all family-based categories for non-immigrant and immigrant visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month Disability Rights Texas 800-880-4456 (Lubbock) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Legal Aid Society Of Lubbock 806-762-2325 (Main Office) www.lubbocklegalaid.org Provides free and/or reduced cost legal services in the areas of family and elder law Office Of Dispute Resolution 806-775-1720 (Main Office) www.co.lubbock.tx.us/department/?fDD=8-0 Provides statewide dispute resolution services for governmental agencies, and persons involved with pre-litigation, civil and criminal matters; operates trainings and various continuing education workshops throughout the state; supervises child support payors, conducts social studies, and other services authorized by the Texas Family Code, offers a guardianship program and supervised visitation Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Women’s Protective Services Of Lubbock, Inc. 800-736-6491 (Lubbock) 806-747-6491 (Main Office) www.wpslubbock.org Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance; assists with immigration counseling and social referrals YOUNG County Seat – Graham Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas 800-926-5542 (Wichita Falls) 888-529-5277 (Main Office) www.lanwt.org Provides free legal assistance in a wide-range of civil matters to eligible, low-income Texans; call Monday through Friday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Catholic Charities Of Dallas Immigration And Legal Services 214-634-7182 (Main Office) www.catholiccharitiesdallas.org Provides a broad range of immigration counseling and representation to immigrants and their families; Tuesday through Saturday every week, except the last Saturday of each month 128 ZAVALA Disability Rights Texas 800-880-2884 (Dallas) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination First Step, Inc. 940-723-7799 (Main Office) firststep.org/home Provides comprehensive services to victims of family violence and sexual assault, including legal advocacy, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to legal assistance ZAPATA County Seat – Zapata Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 956-718-4683 (Laredo) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm Border Association For Refugees From Central America 956-631-7447 (Main Office) Provides legal services for immigration matters such as asylum, visa petitions, family unity and VAWA petitions on a sliding scale Casa de Misericordia 877-782-2722 (Laredo) 956-712-9590 (Main Office) www.mercylaredo.com Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free legal assistance Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking South Texas Civil Rights Project 956-787-8171 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=478 Provides representation in matters involving a violation of civil rights, disability rights or consumer rights; helps victims of domestic violence with immigration petitions; defends workers who have not been paid or have suffered other labor abuses St. Mary’s University School Of Law, Center For Legal And Social Justice 210-431-2596 (Main Office) www.stmarytx.edu/law Offers limited legal assistance through the law school’s three clinics: Civil Justice Clinic, Criminal Justice Clinic, and Immigration and Human Rights Clinic; cannot handle cases requiring immediate attention ZAVALA County Seat – Crystal City Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. 800-369-0467 (Eagle Pass) 888-988-9996 (Main Office) www.trla.org Provides free legal services to low income residents; represents migrant and seasonal farm workers; operates public defender programs in several Southwest Texas counties; call Monday through Thursday 8am-8pm; Friday 8am-6pm 129 ZAVALA Disability Rights Texas 800-880-8401 (San Antonio) 800-252-9108 (Main Office) www.disabilityrightstx.org Handles disability-related issues including access and discrimination Paso Del Norte Civil Rights Project 915-532-3799 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org/?page_id=480 Provides representation for victims of civil rights abuses either by government agencies or corporations in state and federal courts and victims of domestic violence and other crimes before Citizenship and Immigration Services and Immigration Courts through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Program; offers Economic Justice Program focusing on recovering wages for workers whose employers don’t pay them or violate their rights in other ways Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES) 210-226-7722 (Main Office) www.raicestexas.org Provides immigration related legal services for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, immigration detainees, and victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking Wintergarden Women’s Shelter, Inc. 830-876-9656 (Carrizo Springs) 800-363-9441 (Main Office) Provides legal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, particularly with obtaining protective orders and referrals to free and sliding scale legal assistance 130 LEGAL AND OTHER RESOURCES RELATING TO CRIMINAL MATTERS If a public defender office is available in a particular county (see below), defendants should contact the public defender office. In criminal matters that could result in incarceration, indigent defendants should contact a magistrate, jailer, court administrator, or judge to request a court appointed lawyer. In matters involving a Class C misdemeanor (where no possible jail time is part of the sentence), there is no right to a court appointed lawyer. JUVENILE PUBLIC DEFENDER SPECIALTY PUBLIC DEFENDER If a juvenile (ages 10-16) is charged with a crime, it may be considered a civil matter and legal aid may be able to help (see first program listed for the county in which the juvenile is being charged). In addition to contacting legal aid, a list of public defender offices that handle indigent juvenile defense is below. Bexar County Appellate Public Defender 210-335-0701 (Main Office) www.co.bexar.tx.us/apd Appellate cases for indigent defense through court appointment only (includes Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Brooks, Dimmit, Duval, Frio, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, La Salle, Mason, Maverick, McMullen (also trial PD), Medina, Menard, Real, Starr, Sutton, Uvalde, Val Verde (also trial PD), Webb (also trial PD), Wilson, Zapata, Zavala counties) Cameron County Juvenile Public Defender 956-399-3075 (Main Office) Represents juvenile offenders Caprock Regional Public Defender Office 806-742-2570 (Main Office) www.law.ttu.edu/acp/programs/clinical/crpd Indigent criminal defense in misdemeanors, felonies, and juvenile cases appointed by judge (includes Armstrong, Briscoe, Collingsworth, Cottle, Dawson, Dickens, Floyd, Garza, Hardeman, Kent, King, Knox, Motley, Stonewall, and Swisher counties) Fort Bend County Mental Health Public Defender 281-238-3050 (Main Office) www.co.fort-bend.tx.us Represents defendants with mental illnesses; cases with both felonies and misdemeanors involving mental health Harris County Public Defender 713-368-0016 (Main Office) harriscountypublicdefender.org Indigent criminal defense in the following: felony appellate, misdemeanor appellate, and misdemeanor mental health Dallas County Public Defender – Juvenile Division 214-698-4400 (Main Office) www.dallascounty.org/department/pubdefender Represents juveniles charged with delinquent conduct Earl Carl Institute For Legal & Social Policy, Inc.– Juvenile Justice Project 713-313-1139 (Main Office) www.earlcarlinstitute.org/Centers/Criminal_Justice/Juve nline_Justice.shtml Represents juveniles in Class C Misdemeanor School Ticket cases before Justice of the Peace and Municipal Courts El Paso County Public Defender 915-546-8185 (Main Office) www.co.el-paso.tx.us/pdefender Represents indigent individuals charged with juvenile, misdemeanor, and felony offenses from pretrial up to and including appeal; also assists in capital and child support Travis County Juvenile Public Defender 512-854-4128 (Main Office) www.co.travis.tx.us/juvenile_public_defender Represents juveniles who have been accused and asked to appear in juvenile court Lubbock Private Defenders’ Office 806-749-0007 (Main Office) Appoints specially trained private defenders to represent indigent citizens with serious mental illnesses or conditions charged with the commission of misdemeanor and felony offenses in Lubbock County; assigns case workers to provide case management after incarceration in order to help reduce the cycle of recidivism Montgomery County Managed Assigned Counsel Program 936-538-8131 (Main Office) mctx.org Managed assigned counsel program representing indigent citizens of Montgomery County in felony mental health and misdemeanor mental health offenses through court appointment 131 Regional Public Defender For Capital Cases 806-775-5650 (Main Office) Indigent criminal defense (includes Andrews, Armstrong, Bailey, Baylor, Borden, Briscoe, Brown, Carson, Castro, Cochran, Coke, Coleman, Collingsworth, Concho, Cottle, Crane, Crosby, Dallam, Dawson, Deaf Smith, Dickens, Ector, Fisher, Floyd, Gaines, Garza, Glasscock, Gray, Hale, Hall, Hardeman, Hartley, Hemphill, Hockley, Howard, Irion, Kent, King, Knox, Lamb, Lipscomb, Loving, Lubbock, Lynn, Martin, McCulloch, Menard [see also appellate PD], Midland, Mills, Moore, Parmer, Potter, Randall, Reeves, Roberts, Runnels, Schleicher, Scurry, Shackelford, Sherman, Sterling, Stonewall, Swisher, Taylor, Terry, Tom Green, Ward, Wheeler, Winkler, Yoakum counties) Travis County Mental Health Public Defender 512-854-3030 (Main Office) www.courts.state.tx.us/tidc Misdemeanor criminal defense for those with mental health issues and defense with social services PUBLIC DEFENDER See: www.oca.courts.state.tx.us/tfid/pdoffices.asp for a listing of public defender offices. Bee County Regional Public Defender RioGrande Legal Aid 361-358-1925 (Main Office) www.trla.org/office/bee-county-regional-public-defender Indigent criminal defense (includes Live Oak and McMullen Counties) Bowie County Public Defender 903-792-2012 (Main Office) Indigent criminal defense (includes Red River County) Burnet County Public Defender Office 512-234-3061 (Main Office) Indigent criminal defense in felony, juvenile and misdemeanor offenses Caprock Regional Public Defender Office 806-742-2570 (Main Office) www.law.ttu.edu/acp/programs/clinical/crpd Indigent criminal defense in misdemeanors, felonies, and juvenile cases appointed by judge (includes Armstrong, Briscoe, Collingsworth, Cottle, Dawson, Dickens, Floyd, Garza, Hardeman, Kent, King, Knox, Motley, Stonewall, and Swisher counties) Colorado County Public Defender 979-732-9425 (Main Office) www.co.colorado.tx.us/ips/cms Indigent criminal defense Dallas County Public Defender 214-653-3550 (Main Office) www.dallascounty.org/department/pubdefender Indigent criminal defense for capital, felony, misdemeanor and juvenile offenses El Paso County Public Defender 915-546-8185 (Main Office) www.co.el-paso.tx.us/pdefender Represents indigent individuals charged with juvenile, misdemeanor, and felony offenses from pretrial up to and including appeal; also assists in capital and child support Hidalgo County Public Defender 956-292-7040 (Main Office) www.co.hidalgo.tx.us/index.asp?nid=196 Represents indigent individuals charged with misdemeanor offenses from arraignment up to and including appeal; felony, misdemeanor, juvenile Kaufman County Public Defender 972-932-0230 (Main Office) www.kaufmancounty.net/pd.html Indigent criminal defense; felony, misdemeanor Webb County Public Defender 956-523-4101 (Main Office) www.webbcountytx.gov/PublicDefender Ensures legal representation to indigent defendants charged with adult misdemeanor and felony crimes; juvenile criminal defense unit Wichita County Public Defender 940-766-8199 (Main Office) www.co.wichita.tx.us/pub_def.htm Indigent criminal defense Willacy County Public Defender Texas RioGrande Legal Aid 956-364-3800 (Main Office) www.trla.org/office/willacy-county-public-defender Indigent criminal defense FEDERAL PUBLIC DEFENDER Federal public defenders offer effective counsel to indigent federal defendants who cannot afford to retain their own representation. Federal Public Defender, Eastern District Beaumont: 409-839-2608 Frisco: 469-362-8506 Sherman: 903-892-4448 Tyler: 903-531-9233 txe.fd.org 132 Federal Public Defender, Northern District Amarillo: 806-324-2370 Lubbock: 806-472-7236 Fort Worth: 817-978-2753 Dallas: 214-767-2746 txn.fd.org Texas Tech University School Of Law 806-742-4312 (Main Office) www.law.ttu.edu/acp/programs/clinical Provide students the opportunity to represent clients (including low-income) and participate in real cases through the clinical courses Federal Public Defender, Southern District Brownsville: 956-548-2573 Corpus Christi: 361-888-3532 Laredo: 956-753-5313 McAllen: 956-630-2995 Houston: 713-718-4600 www.fpdsdot.org CAPITAL CRIMINAL MATTERS (INVOLVING THE DEATH PENALTY) Capital Murder – Request For Appointed Counsel 512-463-1551 (Main Office) www.cca.courts.state.tx.us The defendant should file a motion (or write a letter) to the district court that convicted him/her requesting an appointed attorney on appeal and habeas corpus. If there is no response after a reasonable period of time contact: Federal Public Defender, Western District Alpine: 432-837-5598 Austin: 512-916-5025 Del Rio: 830-703-2040 El Paso: 915-534-6525 San Antonio: 210-472-6700 txw.fd.org Court of Criminal Appeals – Attn: Presiding Judge Supreme Court Building P.O. Box 12308 Austin, TX 78711 STATEWIDE LEGAL RESOURCES RELATING TO CRIMINAL MATTERS Capital Punishment Clinic, UT School Of Law 512-232-6325 (Main Office) www.utexas.edu/law/academics/clinics/capital Provides representation, on a limited basis, to indigent defendants charged with or convicted of capital offenses on death penalty cases at the trial, appellate, and postconviction stages of litigation If a public defender is not listed under your county and the court does not appoint an attorney on your behalf, a list of all the lawyer referral services in Texas can be found under the “Other Resources” tab. Please indicate that you are searching for a criminal defense attorney. Alternative resources are listed below. INNOCENCE CLAIMS Texas Fair Defense Project 512-637-5220 (Intake Line) www.texasfairdefenseproject.org Accepts complaints from defendants who need help to request a court-appointed lawyer, feel that their request for a court-appointed lawyer was wrongly denied, or who feel that they did not receive adequate representation from their court-appointed lawyer NON-CAPITAL CRIMINAL MATTERS (MISDEMEANORS OR FELONIES) Criminal Defense Clinic, UT School Of Law 512-232-1300 (Main Office) www.utexas.edu/law/clinics/criminal Represents select misdemeanor cases in Travis County Criminal Justice Clinic, SMU Dedman School Of Law 214-768-2562 (Main Office) www.law.smu.edu Provides legal assistance to Dallas County citizens charged with offenses (such as classes A and B misdemeanors) and face the possibility of imprisonment Innocence Project Of Texas 806-744-6525 (Main Office) www.ipoftexas.org 1511 Texas Avenue, Lubbock, TX, 79401 Investigates claims of actual innocence where an individual has been convicted of a crime in Texas and has exhausted all of his or her direct appeals. Does not provide litigation assistance during trial, appeal, or parole proceedings. All case requests must be sent by mail. Please include in the letter a description of the crime, the claimant's contact information (including TDCJ# if they are incarcerated), and a description of any evidence that could help to prove innocence. Texas Center For Actual Innocence 512-471-1317 (Main Office) www.utexas.edu/law/clinics/innocence The University Of Texas School Of Law 727 E. Dean Keeton Street, Austin, TX, 78705 A non-profit, tax-exempt corporation that screens and investigates claims from inmates that they are actually innocent of the offense for which they were convicted and are serving a prison sentence 133 The State Counsel for Offenders has five sections: Texas Innocence Network 713-743-8592 (Main Office) www.law.uh.edu/cji/homepage.asp 100 Law Center, Houston, TX, 77204-6060 Considers cases involving incarcerated inmates with persuasive claims of actual innocence, who have reached the end of the appellate process. Only takes cases in which a guilty plea, no contest plea, or plea bargain was entered on a limited basis only. All case requests must be sent by mail. Please include the inmate’s name, number, address, crime convicted of, and reason(s) they are innocent of the crime. State Counsel For Offenders – Appellate Services 936-437-5221 (Main Office) www.tdcj.state.tx.us/divisions/scfo/sco_appellate.html Assists indigent offenders who need legal services with appeals and writs State Counsel For Offenders – Civil Commitment Services 936-521-6700 (Main Office) www.tdcj.state.tx.us/divisions/scfo/sco_civil_ commitment.html Represents indigent persons subject to a court proceeding under the Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) civil commitment statute; cannot help offenders with civil rights issues Thurgood Marshall School Of Law Innocence Project 713-313-1139 (Main Office) www.earlcarlinstitute.org/Centers/Criminal_Justice.shtml Earl Carl Institute For Legal &, Social Policy, Inc. Houston, TX, 77004 Investigates claims of actual innocence where an individual has been convicted of a crime in Texas. The convicted individual must have exhausted all direct appeals. State Counsel For Offenders – General Legal And Immigration Services 936-437-5203 (Main Office) www.tdcj.state.tx.us/divisions/scfo/sco_ immigration.html Assists indigent offenders with appearances in Immigration Court or with any questions concerning immigration LEGAL RESOURCES FOR INMATES IN PRISON Most federally funded legal aid programs are prohibited from assisting inmates with criminal legal matters. All Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) inmates must use the TDCJ system for filing complaints State Counsel For Offenders – Legal Assistance 936-437-5235 (Main Office) www.tdcj.state.tx.us/divisions/scfo/sco_legal.html Assists indigent offenders with some of their legal problems and questions including petitions for discretionary review, pending charges and detainers, administrative proceedings & other legal issues; nunc pro tunc State Counsel for Offenders Division, Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) 936-437-5203 www.tdcj.state.tx.us/stcounsel/stcnsloff-home.htm The State Counsel for Offenders provides attorneys who are independent of the confinement divisions of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to help inmates with legal problems. If the offender has been served with legal papers, the offender should immediately send the legal papers with an I-60 with their name and TDJC ID# printed on the request, by truck mail to: State Counsel For Offenders – Trial Services 936-437-5246 (Main Office) www.tdcj.state.tx.us/divisions/scfo/sco_trial.html Represent indigent offenders indicted for felonies allegedly committed while incarcerated within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) Texas Department of Criminal Justice State Counsel for Offenders – Attention [name of section] P.O. Box 4005 Huntsville, TX 77342-4005 Texas Civil Rights Project 512-474-5073 (Main Office) www.texascivilrightsproject.org Advocates for racial, social, and economic equality in Texas through education and litigation programs, bringing lawsuits related to prison conditions; provides VAWA for immigrant victims of domestic violence and U-visa legal representation Texas CURE 972-276-9865 (Main Office) Non-profit organization that organizes prisoners, their families, and other concerned citizens to achieve reforms in the Texas criminal justice system; provides referrals and information, but no legal assistance 134 PRISON GRIEVANCES JAIL GRIEVANCES An Ombudsman is an independent and impartial investigator for the public's complaints about the administration of government. Texas Commission On Jail Standards 512-463-5505 (Main Office) www.tcjs.state.tx.us Inspector – Inmate Complaints P.O. Box 12985, Austin, TX, 78711-2985 Handles complaints of concern involving inmates in county jails or private correctional facilities that house county and/or out-of-state inmates (excludes the Texas Department of Criminal Justice facilities, city jails, juvenile facilities, and other privately operated facilities); inmates must use internal grievance process prior to submitting their complaint to the office; issues that are criminal in nature should be submitted to a law enforcement agency Access To Courts 936-437-4816 (Main Office) www.tdcj.state.tx.us/divisions/arrm/index.html 1060 Hwy 190 E, Huntsville, TX, 77340 Administers law libraries in the prison units that, at a minimum, contains self-help publications, pertinent case law, codes, rules, and fill-in-the-blank legal forms Office Of The Inspector General-Texas Department Of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) 512-671-2480 (Main Office) oig.tdcj.texas.gov/index.html P.O. Box 13084 - Capitol Station, Austin, TX, 78711 Investigates allegations of excessive/unnecessary use of force and harassment and retaliation of inmates for use of the legal system; investigate all criminal activities involving offenders and employees in the offices of the TDCJ; investigate fraud and any misappropriation of funds by state employees of TDCJ TDCJ Correctional Institutions Division Ombudsman Office 936-437-4927 (Main Office) www.tdcj.state.tx.us/divisions/cid/index.html P.O. Box 99, Huntsville, TX, 77342 Handles issues from the public relating to secure facilities (prison units, state jails, and substance abuse felony punishment facilities), and any specific concerns regarding offenders confined in these types of facilities TDCJ Ombudsman Coordinator 936-437-4927 (Main Office) www.tdcj.state.tx.us/divisions/arrm/index.html P.O. Box 99, Huntsville, TX, 77342-0099 Provides a single point of contact for elected officials and members of the general public who have inquiries regarding the agency, offenders or staff; also acts as a liaison between TDCJ and the general public; responds to informational inquiries regarding agency policies, procedures, or actions or to questions concerning a specific offender; facilitates problem resolution TDCJ Parole Division Ombudsman 512-406-5795 (Main Office) www.tdcj.state.tx.us/divisions/arrm/index.html P.O. Box 13401 Capital Station, Austin, TX, 78711 Handles issues from the public relating to parole supervision; responds to concerns from offenders on parole or mandatory supervision Texas Jail Project 512-597-8746 (Main Office) www.texasjailproject.org 1712 E. Riverside Drive, Box 190, Austin, TX, 78741 Non-profit organization that works to improve conditions for incarcerated women and men in Texas county jails; helps inmates address problems within those jails INFORMATION FOR RELATIVES OF INMATES Texas Inmate Families Association (TIFA) 512-371-0900 (Main Office) www.tifa.org P.O. Box 300220, Austin, TX, 78703-0004 Non-profit organization for families of inmates that advocate on behalf of their members to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and the Texas Legislature. LEGAL RESOURCES FOR MEXICAN NATIONALS Mexican Consulates may provide some assistance to Mexican Nationals – ask for the department of protection and legal affairs. Consulate General Of Mexico Austin: 512-478-2866 Brownsville: 956-542-4431 Dallas: 214-932-8670 Del Rio: 830-775-2352 Eagle Pass: 830-773-9255 El Paso: 915-532-5540 Houston: 713-271-6800 Laredo: 956-723-0990 McAllen: 956-686-0243 Presidio: 423-229-2788 San Antonio: 210-227-9145 www.mexonline.com/consulate.htm 135 LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICES (FULL FEE AND REDUCED FEE) Lawyer referral services enroll licensed attorneys who pay the necessary registration fee and meet basic guidelines. Callers referred to a participating attorney by a lawyer referral service receive a half-hour consultation for no more than $20. After the initial half-hour consultation, should the caller decide to authorize the lawyer to take action on their legal issue, the caller and lawyer may negotiate fees. These fees may be on a full or reduced fee basis, depending on the program the attorney is participating in. Below is a list of the certified lawyer referral services in Texas. The State Bar of Texas operates the lawyer referral service for the areas of the state not covered by a local lawyer referral service. State Bar of Texas Lawyer Referral Information Service....................................................................800-252-9690 Serving all counties except Bexar, Dallas, El Paso, Harris, Jefferson, Nueces, Tarrant, and Travis CERTIFIED LOCAL LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICES Arlington Bar Association ....................................................................................................................817-277-3113 Corpus Christi Bar Association............................................................................................................361-883-3971 Dallas Bar Association .........................................................................................................................214-220-7444 El Paso Bar Association .......................................................................................................................915-532-7052 Harris County Bar Association ............................................................................................................713-236-8000 Houston Lawyer Referral Service* ...........................................................................713-237-9429 or 800-289-4577 *Also offers reduced fee attorneys for income-eligible individuals Jefferson County Bar Association ......................................................................................................409-835-8438 Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas*...............................................................512-472-8303 or 866-303-8303 *MATCH Program – reduced fee panel for family law, probate and uncontested guardianship cases; potential clients must ask for “MATCH” program by name North Dallas Bar Association ...............................................................................................................972-980-0472 Plano Bar Association ..........................................................................................................................972-424-6113 San Antonio Bar Association ..............................................................................................................210-227-1853 Tarrant County Bar Association ..........................................................................................................817-336-4101 137 INTRODUCTION TO PRO SE (SELF-HELP) RESOURCES Major problems impacting access to the justice system in Texas include limited resources, funding restrictions, proximity to legal services in rural areas, and a rapidly increasing poverty population. The programs listed in this directory receive many requests for legal assistance, more than any program can accommodate. As a result, these programs can only assist a fraction of the requests received. Consequently, in some situations, individuals seeking legal assistance may have no choice other than to represent themselves in a legal matter. Disability Rights Texas 6800 Park Ten Blvd., Suite 208-N San Antonio, TX 78213 210-737-0499 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., M-F Provides assisted pro se services (attorney(s) on premises) ONLINE SELF-HELP RESOURCES TexasLawHelp.org Website provides free, reliable civil legal information to low-income Texans. A LiveChat operator is available Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm to help you navigate the website. BLANCO SELF-HELP RESOURCES FOR CIVIL MATTERS Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas 512-472-8303 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., M-F Offers Limited-Scope referrals and the Match Program (reduced fee/must income qualify) BASTROP Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas 512-472-8303 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., M-F Offers Limited Scope referrals and the Match Program (reduced fee/must income qualify) BURNETT Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas 512-472-8303 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., M-F Offers Limited-Scope referrals and the Match Program (reduced fee/must income qualify) BELL Bell County Justice Center – Lone Star Legal Aid 1201 Huey Rd. Belton, TX 76513 254-939-3521 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., M-F Provides assisted pro se services including individual review of documents, legal advice, sample documents, advice on preparation of documents COLLIN BEXAR Bexar County Court – Staff Attorney’s Office 100 Dolorosa Ave., Rm. 201 San Antonio, TX 78205 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m., M-F Offers answers to procedural questions and reviews paperwork for SRLs; review paperwork in simple, uncontested divorces and more complicated matters Collin County Law Library 2100 Bloomdale Rd. McKinney, TX 75071 972-548-4255 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., M-F Access to www.TexasLawHelp.org and other sources of legal information; no legal advice is offered (attorneys not on premises) 138 DALLAS GRAYSON Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program 1515 Main St. Dallas, TX 75201 214-243-2236 Conducts evening legal advice clinics for low-income applicants seeking legal assistance for matters, including, but not limited to, family, bankruptcy, housing, consumer, employment termination and wage claims, guardianships, wills and small estates; for clinic dates and times, call 214-748-1234 Judge R.C. Vaughan County Law Library 100 W. Houston St., Ste. 27 Sherman, TX 75090 903-813-4320 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., M-F, closed 12-1 for lunch Provides access to www.TexasLawHelp.org (six terminals available) and other sources of legal information; no legal advice is offered (attorney(s) not on premises), pre-printed divorce forms in packets available DENTON HARRIS Denton County Law Library 1450 East McKinney St., Ste. 2102 Denton, TX 76201 940-349-2130 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., M-F Provides access to www.TexasLawHelp.org and print self-help materials; legal aid clinic meets in library Disability Rights Texas 1500 McGowen, Ste. 100 Houston, TX 77004 713-974-7691 Hours: 8:00 a.m., – 5:00 p.m., M-F Assists the disabled with pro se services FORT BEND Fort Bend County Law Library Fort Bend County Justice Center Third Fl., Rm. 30304 1422 Eugene Heimann Circle Richmond, TX 77469 281-341-3718 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., M-F Offers self-help services at all 10-county libraries, including reference materials and specific legal resources; access to www.TexasLawHelp.org and other sources of legal information; no legal advice offered (attorney(s) not on premises) Fort Bend Lawyers Care 310 Morton St., Ste. 566 Richmond, TX 77469 281-239-0015 Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., M-F Provides legal services to low-income residents of Fort Bend county, offers legal advice over the phone once a week; offers a family law workshop every 1st Wednesday of the month from 6:30pm to 8pm, call to pre-qualify Harris County Courthouse, HVLP Courthouse Booth Family Law Center 1115 Congress, Basement Houston, Texas 77002 No phone inquiries, provides in person assistance only Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. M-F Assists pro se litigants in filling out forms or provides appropriate referrals (attorney(s) on premises) HAYS Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas 512-472-8303 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., M-F Offers Limited-Scope referrals and the Match Program (reduced fee/must income qualify) HIDALGO Hidalgo County Law Library 100 N. Closner Blvd. Edinburg, TX 78539 956-318-2155 Hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., M-F Provides access to www.TexasLawHelp.org and other sources of legal information; no legal advice is offered (attorney(s) not on premises) 139 LUBBOCK TARRANT Lubbock County Law Library 916 Main St. Lubbock, TX 79401 806-775-1075 Hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., M-F Provides access to www.TexasLawHelp.org and other sources of legal information; no legal advice is offered (attorney(s) not on premises) Tarrant County Law Library 100 W. Weatherford, Rm. 420 Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-884-1481 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. M-F Provides access to www.TexasLawHelp.org and other sources of legal information; no legal advice is offered (attorney(s) not on premises); costs are applied for printing or making copies MONTGOMERY TRAVIS Montgomery County Courthouse 301 N. Main St., Rm. 100 Conroe, TX 77301 936-539-7855 Hours: By appointment only, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., M-F Provides self-help center; assists pro se litigants in filling out forms or provides appropriate referrals (attorney(s) on premises) Disability Rights Texas 7800 Shoal Creek Blvd., Ste. 142-S Austin, TX 78757 800-315-3876 Hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., M-F Assisted pro se services; Non-profit legal aid for individuals with disabilities Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas 512-472-8303 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., M-F Offers Limited-Scope referrals and the “Match” Program (reduced fee/must income qualify) POLK Polk County Courthouse 101 W. Mill, Ste. 157 Livingston, TX 77351 936-327-6856 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. M-F Provides access to www.TexasLawHelp.org and other sources of legal information; no legal advice is offered (attorney(s) not on premises) SMITH Smith County Courthouse Law Library 100 N. Broadway Ave., Ste. 21B Tyler, TX 75702 903-590-1750 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.; 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. M-F Provides Self-Help Center; offers assisted pro se and review of pleadings in uncontested divorces, by appointment only (attorney(s) on premises) Travis County Law Library & Self-Help 314 West 11th St., Rm. 140 Austin, TX 78701 512-854-8677 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., M-F Offers bi-lingual reference attorney at the District Courts' twice daily for uncontested dockets and individual attorney appointments for SRLs with uncontested family law cases; legal information, forms, handouts and referrals available WILLIAMSON Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas 512-472-8303 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., M-F Offers Limited-Scope referrals and the Match Program (reduced fee/must income qualify) PROGRAM SERVICE AREA Lone Star Legal Aid Various locations, call 800-733-8394 Offers workshops throughout its service area in the areas of wills, foreclosures, divorce, and child support 140 STATEWIDE LiveChat Remote services via computer Go to http://TexasLawHelp.org/ and click on the green box that says “Need Help Finding Information?” Provides legal information and some limited legal advice to qualifying individuals to assist in pro se matters; all advice provided through a chat feature on the website Parenting Order Legal Line and Texas Access and Visitation Hotline Remote services via telephone and computer 866-292-4636 Hours: 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., M-F Provides legal information, guidance, referrals, and education for non-custodial parents and interested parties addressing access, visitation, and custody; paternity establishment; and the child support order process State Law Library P.O. Box 12367 Austin, TX 78701 512-463-1722 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., M-F Serves the legal research needs of the Court of Criminal Appeals, Supreme Court, Office of the Attorney General, other state agencies and commissions, and the citizens of the state Texas Advocacy Project Remote services via telephone and computer Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., M-F Provides free legal services statewide to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking; Family Violence Legal Hotline: 800-374-HOPE (4673) Family Law Hotline: 800-777-FAIR (3247) Sexual Assault Legal Hotline: 888-296-SAFE (7233) 141