PRODUCT PERFORMANCE I o N l, e e t S MICROTHERM® - A S SOLUTION OLUTION F FOR OR EVERY EVERY THERMAL THERMAL PROBLEM D u r t ns n o i ct e t o r P Fire o C & e v i ss Pa g n i ild Bu e R a at cord gy r e n E e l b a n i a Sust l a c i em h c o r Pet ers Furnaces g led Packagin o r r e F n n o i ct t a t r o p s g n n a i r T p s i s P l a l a i r G t , s s u u nd ag eH ea D te Fue o m rs l Ce e s lls tic Ap p lian Pow ces er Ge nera tion Temperature Control St or e c a sp o r e A ion MICROTHERM® THERMAL INSULATION – NANOTECHNOLOGY WORKING FOR YOU • Microtherm is the leading manufacturer of high performance thermal insulation. • Microtherm® thermal insulation effectively minimises the transmission of heat over a large temperature range from cryogenic temperatures to 1200 °C (2192 °F). • With a porous structure consisting of minute air cells contained between chains of amorphous silica agglomerates of particles from 5 – 25 nm in size, Microtherm® is classified as a microporous insulation. • Microtherm® has appreciably better thermal performance at high temperatures than other more conventional insulation products including aerogel blankets. Microtherm® performs even better than still air. • This performance advantage extends right down to cryogenic temperatures. MICROTHERM® R&D AND ENGINEERING • Microtherm is the wise choice as partner in developing high performance innovative thermal insulation solutions. • We offer more than 40 years of expertise and the proven skills of our application and engineering teams. This allows us to design and (co-)develop the best tailor made thermal protection solutions for our customers. • All developments can be supported by transient thermal analysis and performance testing in our in-house laboratories, including fire resistance testing to “A” and “H” category fire scenarios. MICROTHERM® SERVICE NETWORK • Microtherm operates from a truly global network to serve every industrialised country in the world. • Microtherm has three main sites ideally positioned to serve Europe, Australasia, and the Americas. These sites are further supported by our Global Partners – a network of distributors and agents around the world. • Our headquarters at Sint-Niklaas in Belgium is the base for all of our group technical expertise. Add this to the competence of our customer service specialists and the result is a level of service and technical support that has made us market leader. 3 MICROTHERM® THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY M EA N TEM P ER ATU R E (°F) 100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0,3 2.0 P E R L I TE C E LL U L A R G L A S S 1.8 POLYURETHANE 0,25 MINERALWOOL CERAMIC FIBRE BLANKET 1.6 C A LC I U M S I L I C AT E B L O C K MINERAL FIBRE BLOCK 0,2 1.4 A E R O GE L B L A N K E T M I C R O TH E R M ® S U P E R A MICROTHERM ® SUPER G 1.2 MICROTHERM ® SLIMVAC 0,15 0.8 T H ERMA L CO ND UC T IVI TY (W/ m . K) 0,1 0.6 r still ai 0.4 0,05 0.2 0 0 -50 0 100 200 M EA N TEM P ER A TU R E (°C) 300 400 500 600 700 800 T HE RM AL CON DU CT I VI TY (Bt u . in /ft 2 . h r . °F) 1.0 MICROTHERM® IS A TRULY REMARKABLE THERMAL INSULATION Below zero, Microtherm® SlimVac is again the best product available. The relationship of the thermal conductivity of Microtherm® to the exposure temperature is almost a straight line with only a very slight increase as temperatures approach the maximum continuous exposure temperature of 1000 °C (1832 °F). The reason for the very low thermal conductivity at high temperatures is the presence in the Microtherm® formulation of an opacifier which makes the insulation an almost perfect block against the passage of infra red radiation. 0,10 The r mal co ndu c t iv it y (W/m.k) From the chart comparing the thermal conductivity of a selection of the most widely used insulation materials, it is immediately obvious that Microtherm® out-performs all other insulation materials from zero up to 1000 °C (1832 °F). Micro therm ® A ero sil silica 1 0 0 % 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02 0,01 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Mean temperature ( ° C ) Normal insulation materials do not have this characteristic. Another remarkable feature of Microtherm® is the dimensional stability at very high temperatures (see page 14). Shrinkage after continuous exposure at maximum temperature can effectively be ignored in almost all applications. However, what makes Microtherm® really exceptional as a thermal insulation is the fact that it will also give excellent protection right down to cryogenic temperatures. It quite literally maintains its exceptional performance form the deep cold of cryogenic temperatures right up to the extreme heat of 1000 °C (1832 °F). It is the single solution for all thermal protection problems irrespective of exposure temperature. That is why we believe that it is the best performing general thermal insulation at all temperatures that you can buy. • Microtherm® – the most versatile insulation at all temperatures! • Microtherm® – the best performing insulation from zero to 1000 °C (1832 °F). • Minimal increase in TC even at maximum operating temperature. • Performs better than still air at all temperatures above zero. • Dimensionally stable over full temperature range. • Excellent performance maintained right down to cryogenic temperatures. • Unaffected by thermal shock. • No deterioration with age. MICROTHERM® - COOL ANSWERS TO HOT PROBLEMS 5 MICROTHERM® PRODUCTS HIGH TEMPERATURE PRODUCTS MICROTHERM® RIGID PANELS Panels Hydrophobic Panels MICROTHERM® FLEXIBLE PANELS Quilted & Semi-quilted panel Hydrophobic quilted panel Overstitched & Semi-overstitched panel Aeroguard® Marineguard® Slimflex® Slatted panel Hydrophobic slatted panel Steelflex® & Steelflex+ MICROTHERM® BLOCK PRODUCTS Block Microtherm Super G, HT & Super A Hydrophobic Block Board Thin Sheet MICROTHERM® MOULDED PRODUCTS Moulded Pipe Sections (MPS) MICROTHERM® MACHINED PRODUCTS MICROTHERM® POURABLE PRODUCTS FreeFlow® Chimney Insulation Mintherm® AMBIENT & LOW TEMPERATURE PRODUCTS MICROTHERM® RIGID PANELS Slimvac® MICROTHERM® FLEXIBLE PANELS Floppy panel PASSIVE FIRE PROTECTION (PFP)PRODUCTS MICROTHERM® RIGID PANELS Slim&Light® Slim&Light+ MICROTHERM® FLEXIBLE PANELS Quilted & Semi-quilted panel Overstiched & Semi-overstiched panel Slimflex® Aeroguard® Marineguard® CLOTH COVERINGS Microtherm use a variety of covering materials for their products dependent on exposure temperature and conditions of use. These can include materials such as non-woven polyester where temperature resistance is not required but the product needs to be dust free and, in some instances, flexible without damage. For most applications Microtherm uses woven E-glass cloth coverings. The cloth covering ensures cleanliness and lack of dust when installing the Microtherm® products. However, at exposure temperatures above 600 oC (1112 oF) the fibres of the cloth will begin to stick together, leading to brittleness and loss of strength on cooling. Some shrinkage may also be observed leading to splits in the cloth. These effects are more severe at higher temperatures. E-glass cloth will melt at temperatures exceeding 800 oC (1472 oF). Microtherm offers alternative coverings with higher temperature resistance for special applications. The main consequence of these thermal changes to the glass cloth is that the strength and handleability of the insulation tends to revert to what it would have been without the glass cloth covering – the insulation performance is not altered in any way. Since Microtherm® insulation is usually held between metal sheets or refractory materials, deterioration of the glass cloth is normally not an important issue. • For even more demanding applications, Microtherm® can be covered in almost any appropriate material. • For higher temperature exposure, a covering of quartz cloth may be used which is capable of withstanding direct flame impingement. • For most mechanically challenging applications we can even supply Microtherm® totally encapsulated in stainless steel. 7 PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS Microtherm® insulation ... has a thermal conductivity up to 1000°C (1832 oF) which is close to the lowest theoretically possible in any material. Microtherm® Super A can be used up to 1200 oC (2192 oF). Microtherm® also gives superb performance down to cryogenic temperatures. ... is resistant to thermal shock. ... is available in a range of densities to suit diverse applications. ... is available in a wide range of (tailor made) complex shapes and forms as well as standard forms ex stock. ... can be encapsulated in heat resistant fabrics and other coatings. ... is non-combustible. ... some products are available in hydrophobic versions. ... is mechanically stable for long periods at maximum operating temperatures. ... can be used in air or other gases at pressures greater than atmospheric. ... is slimmer, lighter and more energy efficient than conventional insulations. ... is simple to use and easy to apply. ... is reliable. ... is made of green materials and environmentally safe with no respirable fibres. ... is available in seven principle grades for general applications differing in maximum temperature capability, thermal conductivity, water resistance, density and ease of machining. Other versions available to meet specific application requirements. ISO 9001:2008 Microtherm is a world leader in thermal insulation solutions... ... We are known for our comprehensive product range and for our creative design advice – the result of our relentless commitment to R&D. ... Above all, we are known for the superb quality of our products. ... All design and manufacture is to ISO 9001:2008. ... We believe that we offer a product range and a service that are unique in the insulation industry. 9 National Physical Laboratory Thermal Conductivity Measurements on Microtherm® Insulation (ISO 8302 and ASTM C 177) .&" /5&.1 &3" 563& ¡' 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.40 0.05 0.35 5)&3." -$ 0 /%6 $5*7*5: 8N t, 0.25 0.03 0.20 0.15 0.02 MI CROTHERM ® 45&&-'&9 MICROTHERM ® SUPER A 0.10 MICROTHERM ® HT 0.01 MICROTHERM ® G, SUPER G, SUPER G HYDROPHOBI C 0.05 MICROTHERM ® BOARD 0.00 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 5)&3." -$ 0 /%6 $5*7*5: #UV tJ OG U 2 tIS t¡' 0.30 0.04 900 . & "/ 5& . 1 & 3 "563 & ¡$ Upper temperature limits for Microtherm® products 1652°F 1832°F 1922°F 2012°F 2102°F 2192°F M I C R O T HE R M ® G MICROTHERM® SUPER G MICROTHERM® SUPER G HYDROPHOBIC MICROTHERM® BOARD MICROTHERM® HT MICROTHERM® STEELFLEX+ MICROTHERM® SUPER A 900°C 1000°C 1050°C 1100°C 1150°C 1200°C When we quote maximum working temperature limits it is on the basis of a controlled level of shrinkage age under full heat soak conditions. conditio ons ns. hat although the upper continuous u s ex expo posure posu sure ree llilimit imit imit Normal applications involve single sided heating. Under these conditions we can say that exposure ns it may be possible for thee insulation insu sula lati tion on to to wi with thst th stan and an d a maximum maxi ma ximu mum m for Microtherm® Super A is quoted as 1150 °C (2102 °F), in some situations withstand intermittent exposure temperature of 1200 °C (2192 °F). m® SteelFlex+ which,, u under nder nd er tth he rrig he ight ig ht cco onditi ond dition onss, m on may ayy w iths it hsta tand nd iintermittent exposure The same advice can be given for Microtherm® the right conditions, withstand 2012 °F). temperatures up to 1100 °C (2012 p pecialists pecialis ists ts ffor or ffur urth ur ther th er aadvice dviice dv ice on tth he ccapabilities he apab ap abililit itiies of o our ur m mat ater eriialls. Please contact our specialists further the materials. OPTIMISE YOUR PROCESS WITH MICROTHERM® EXISTING INSULATION INCREASE CAPACITY! 75 °C (165 °F) 75 °C (165 °F) CERAMIC FIBRE 150 MM MICROTHERMTM 45 MM CERAMIC FIBRE 150 MM 980 °C (1800 °F) MICROTHERMTM 45 MM INTERNAL MICROTHERMTM 150 MM 75 °C 25 °C (165 °F) (75 °F) SAVE SPACE! Microtherm® MPS SAVE ENERGY! Calcium Silicate The unbeatable performance of Microtherm® can result in a number of benefits: • Greatly reduced insulation thickness / volume for equivalent performance. • Greatly reduced insulation weight. • Faster installation due ue to reduced quantity of insulation tion pieces. • Savings on outer coverings cove co veri ring ngs / casings due to size redu reduction. duct ctio ion. • Reduction in storage of goods go s prior priorr to installation. pr prio iins nsta tallllat atio ion n. Reduction • Reduc cti tion on in in cost of packaging packag gin ing g of insulation for delivery. d delive l very ry. • Re Redu Reduction duct du c io ct ion n in delivery d del eliv ivery costs due to reduced volume. vol o ume. • Cleanerr in inst installation stal alla lati tion on w with ith no h it ith heal health lth h ha h hazards. zards. Performance comparison of Microtherm® and Calcium Silicate moulded pipe insulation for equivalent heat flow at 750 oC (1382 oF). Microtherm® is only one quarter the thickness ! 1 11 R&D AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT - ENGINEERING Microtherm is the leading developer of high performance thermal insulation solutions. Our Research & Development team is constantly striving to improve further our insulation material and products. In our in-house laboratory and testing facilities, innovations are examined and analysed carefully before industrialisation is started. The extensive know-how of the R&D group is then integrated with the work of our highly experienced and qualified engineering team. In close cooperation with our customers we (co-) develop tailor made insulation solutions. MEASURING THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY ... Microtherm obtains thermal conductivity measurements by three different procedures: 1. Conventional Guarded Hot Plate equipment complying with ISO 8302 and ASTM C 177 standards is used for all published data. This produces precise data over a wide temperature range (up to a mean value of 800°C (1472 °F). Two flat panels are tested and the heat flow between a heated test square and the water cooled outer plates is measured. 2. Microtherm in-house testing facilities. Microtherm has designed testing equipment based on a cylindrical geometry with a central heat source for routine quality control and product development. This cylindrical geometry equipment is particularly suitable for measurements at pressures greater than atmospheric and in gases other than air. Various gases can be fed into the outer chamber of our purpose built equipment and multi point TC curves can be generated. 3. Thermal conductivity measurement of vacuum insulation panels. In the Microtherm materials laboratory, routine thermal conductivity measurement of SlimVac® panels is done on our FOX 600 machine from Lasercomp. This machine measures centre panel thermal conductivity and has a thermal guard to minimise any effects from edge conduction through barrier materials. Measurements comply with ISO 8301 and ASTM C-518. 13 OPTIMISING DENSITY The thermal conductivity of microporous insulation is influenced by its density. Together with IR radiation, heat is transferred through the insulation either by gaseous conduction (air pockets), or by solid conduction (particles). Put simply, the higher the density, the more particles, the higher the thermal conductivity. Also, the lower the density, the more air pockets, the higher the thermal conductivity. By balancing the interaction between gaseous and the solid conduction, an optimal thermal conductivity value can be found for each of the Microtherm® grades. Microtherm supplies all products at an optimised density for optimised performance. 5IFSNBM$POEVDUJWJUZPG.JDSPUIFSN¥4(BTBGVODUJPOPG %FOTJUZBU¡$¡'NFBO5FNQFSBUVSF %& /4 * 5 : M C G U % &/ 4 * 5: L H N 5 )& 3 . " - $ 0/ % 6 $ 5 *7 *5 : # U V t JO G U t I S t ¡ ' 5 )& 3 . " - $ 0/ % 6 $ 5 *7 *5 : 8 N t , RESISTANCE TO COMPRESSION Microtherm® insulation products are normally supplied at the lowest density which can be handled satisfactorily, consistent with optimum overall performance. When greater resistance to compression is required, higher densities can be supplied. Depending on the product type, the normal density range is from 200 to 450 kg/m3 (12,5 - 28lb/ft3). D E N SI T Y ( l b / f t 3 ) Resistance to compression 10 15 20 25 30 35 160 MI CROT H E RM ® BOARD 1 140 MI CROT H E RM ® H T MI CROT H E RM ® S UPE R G 120 0.8 MI CROT H E RM ® G 0.6 MI CROT H E RM ® S UPE R G H YDROPH O B IC 100 MI CROT H E RM ® S UPE R A 80 MI CROT H E RM ® STEELFLEX+ 60 0.4 40 0.2 20 0 0 100 150 D E N S I TY ( k g / m 3 ) 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 RE S IS TA NC E TO CO MP RE SS I ON ( p si ) R E S IS TA NCE TO COM PR E SS IO N (M Pa) 1.2 THE NON-COMBUSTIBILITY OF MICROTHERM® INSULATION PRODUCTS Microtherm® insulation meets the requirements of BS476, DIN4102 and UL94V-0 for non-combustibility. Combustibility of coverings (eg. glass cloth) may be greater than that of the Microtherm® insulation. Specialised applications may require particular coatings to be applied to the Microtherm® insulation. Microtherm® insulation products create excellent fire barriers to protect steel, aluminium or composite structures. Fire performance certificates are available on our website and from our Applications Engineering group. Microtherm Overstitched Panels have been satisfactorily tested to the European Single Burning Item (SBI) test EN 13823, and have been classified A1 to EN 13501-1:2002. Microtherm® flexible insulation panels used in marine Passive Fire Protection systems are covered by EU and USCG certification for non-combustibility of the insulation core, and zero spread of flame for the glass cloth covering material. In-house fire performance testing Thermal image of lift doors during fire resistance test. ENSURING STABILITY AT MAXIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE Microtherm® insulation can be used for long periods against hot surfaces at maximum operating temperatures. Like all insulation materials, a small amount of irreversible lateral shrinkage will occur after sustained exposure to the maximum rated temperature limit for the material. Microtherm measures shrinkage according to ASTM C356, BS-EN 1094-6, ISO 2477, and in-house techniques. These full soak methods in which the material is kept in a high temperature furnace for a period of 12 to 24 hours, and the dimensional changes measured. These methods are more severe than single-sided shrinkage tests and give a conservative estimate of maximum service temperature. 5IFSNBMTISJOLBHFPGJOTVMBUJPONBUFSJBMT ISGVMMTPBLBU¡$¡' .*$305)&3.¥ $0.1&5*5*7& .*$30103064."5&3*"-" $0.1&5*5*7& .*$30103064."5&3*"-# $"-$*6.4*-*$"5& 4 )3 * / , " ( & $&3".*$'*#3�"3% " M M N BU FS JBMTS BU FECZNBOV GBDU V S FS TGPS ¡$¡'PQFS BU JPO 15 MINIMISING THE EFFECTS OF MOISTURE AND HUMIDITY Thermal and mechanical properties of Microtherm® insulation are not significantly affected by severe changes in humidity. Steam passes through the structure of Microtherm® insulation without causing damage. Microtherm® insulation normally has a moisture content of 1 – 3% by weight. The presence of a small amount of absorbed water does not affect the performance of Microtherm®. If contact with liquids or water is likely, we recommend using Microtherm® Super G Hydrophobic Grade. Applications such as steel ladles which may be lined with a wet castable refractory cement require water resistant insulation panels. © Photo courtesy Corus Steel. SUPER G HYDROPHOBIC GRADE This material is based on silica particles which have been specially treated to render them, and hence the insulation, water repellent. In applications where water could be present in proximity to the Microtherm® insulation, the use of the hydrophobic grade will ensure that the microporous structure is not damaged with a corresponding compromise of the thermal performance. Whenever the presence of water is anticipated in an installation, a prior discussion with our specialists will ensure that the performance of the Microtherm® product is always optimised. MICROTHERM® AND REACH In keeping with their ongoing focus on health and safety issues, the Microtherm Group and their partners have been happy to comply with this important European Community Regulation on chemicals and their safe use (EC 1907/2006). The Regulation which came into force on 1st June 2007 deals with the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances. The aim of REACH is to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances. The REACH Regulation gives greater responsibility to industry to manage the risks from chemicals and to provide safety information on the substances. Manufacturers and importers are required to gather information on the properties of their chemical substances, which will allow their safe handling, and to register the information in a central database run by the European Chemicals Agency. The European Chemicals Agency are anxious that the most dangerous chemicals and substances should be given full registration as a priority. Less dangerous substances are treated with much less urgency. Because all of the materials that we use are inherently safe, both for handling and for the environment, full registration for Microtherm® has been given a deadline of 2018. MICROTHERM® AND THE ENVIRONMENT As an important part of our corporate policy, the Microtherm Group is continually focused on the environmental impact of its products and its thermal insulation solutions. We share global concerns regarding the effects of greenhouse gas emissions and the resulting climatic changes. We support the global interest and need for a low carbon energy future. A key component of the carbon footprint of an industrial process is energy consumption. Controlling energy usage by incorporating a Microtherm® thermal insulation solution wherever heat containment is required is an obvious way of reducing the immediate environmental impact. A further hidden benefit comes from a clear CO2 reduction from delivery of a greatly reduced insulation volume, and a corresponding reduction in recycling costs of much less packaging. MICROTHERM® - THE CLEAN, GREEN INSULATION 17 SERVICE & SUPPORT THE MICROTHERM® SERVICE PROMISE We understand thermal management and energy conservation. The use of Microtherm®, the most thermally efficient high temperature insulation available, brings many advantages but we know that it must be optimised and offered in the simplest possible design to ensure that the final thermal insulation solution is totally cost effective. Efficient insulation saves space, saves weight, and saves energy. Design optimisation saves cost whether it is for a single high technology project or for high volume series production. We have been the industry leaders for 40 years and our background expertise and experience, coupled with our state-of-the art manufacturing facilities, ensure that the quality of our products is matched by the quality of our technical advice and our service. All of this on a global scale. We offer professional, technically and commercially competent support and advice at every stage of your project, no matter how complex and challenging that project may be. The complete supply package – we leave nothing to chance! PROBLEM ANALYSIS Thermal design problems can be extremely complex. Our specialist application engineers will help you to fully understand the problem parameters, often employing thermography (infra red photography) to define precisely where a thermal weakness occurs. IR measurement on steel ladle Steel ladle during thermal assessment Only when the thermal weaknesses in an installation are fully understood can an effective insulation solution be designed. A comparison of thermographs showing performance, with and without the insulation, will demonstrate the dramatic improvements that can be achieved using a Microtherm® solution. Our first level of technical support is to help you to understand the nature, and the extent, of your thermal problem. 19 THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALCULATIONS Transient heat flow calculations Once the problem is understood our engineers can provide a wide range of thermal calculations from steady state right up to full 3D transient calculations. These define the rate of heat transfer and the insulation requirement to contain it. Modern CAD modeling combined with powerful transient heat calculation software enables a detailed understanding of temperatures and heat flows at all stages of exposure. This applies equally to heat exposure in hot processing such as furnaces or steel making, exposure to a hot environment such as fire, or simple thermal protection during normal operation such as in a home electrical appliance. With the information from our thermal analysis we are able to design our insulation thickness for the application. This is the first stage of our system design. PRODUCT SELECTION AND DESIGN The Microtherm® product portfolio includes a range of block products, rigid panels, fully flexible panels and rolls, slatted panels, evacuated panels, powder and granular products. The versatility of the product forms means that our engineers are able to select the optimum product characteristics for every thermal insulation system. Factors to consider include – • What exposure temperature will be encountered and for how long? Is the temperature steady or cyclic? • Will the product need to be rigid or flexible? • Will the product require a covering for protection or dust control? • Will the product need to withstand water? • What are the physical needs – shock, vibration, abrasion etc.? • Will the product need a special shape? This is the second stage of our system design. DESIGN OF SYSTEM FEATURES Many thermal insulation systems will have quite unique requirements. An excellent example is the Microtherm® system designed for the Joint European Torus – the world’s largest nuclear fusion research experiment that effectively replicates the power source for our own sun. Fusion occurs at a sufficient rate only at very high energies. On earth this needs temperatures greater than 100 million Kelvin – even hotter than the sun. Microtherm® insulation forms the outer layer of the system that contains this heat. The design challenge here was to not only contain these tremendous temperatures but also to allow for the considerable linear expansion of the outer casing components. The insulation system used is based on flexible quilted panels of Microtherm® held in place by specially designed straps with an innovative clip fixing for fast assembly and demounting. Panels are overlapped so that even after expansion there is still full insulation cover. Other system design features include factory shaping and assembly - Encapsulation for protection and simplicity of assembly - Machining or moulding to an accurate and often complex shape. For more complex projects, the optimum product will be offered as part of a carefully designed insulation system which includes all fixing methods and any encapsulation. This is the third stage of our system design. 21 PERFORMANCE TESTING We have the capability of “in house” insulation system performance testing for exposure to fire for a wide range of application scenarios including passive fire protection to marine bulkheads and floors, lift doors, and a wide range of protective enclosures and fire safes. We will also liaise with your own designers for any external testing at internationally recognised test laboratories. A full colour brochure outlining our fire test capabilities in more detail is available as a download from our corporate web site. Because we can test systems under development “in-house”, we can immediately identify any weakness in the overall thermal protection and make an appropriate design revision. This ensures absolute confidence in our designs during formal accreditation testing in an internationally recognised test laboratory. We take out the guesswork and leave nothing to chance. PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION This is another application for thermography. A sequence of IR photographs immediately shows any weakness in an insulation system. This is the final stage in our system design. INSTALLATION SUPPORT AND CO-ORDINATION Our engineers will ensure that your insulation system is fitted correctly for optimum benefit. We can train your fitters to handle, shape, and fit our products and when necessary we can provide on-site supervision. MICROTHERM® MICR ROTHERM® - THE CLEAN, GREEN INSULA INSULATION ATION 23 MICROTHERM® WORLDWIDE CONTACTS www.microthermgroup.com Microtherm is a registered trademark of Microtherm (GB) Ltd. Nippon Microtherm Co., Ltd. Korakuen Shinjuku Bldg, 4-15-7, Nishi-shinjuku Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan T. (+81) 3 3377 2821 F. (+81) 3 3378 2821 E. sales@microtherm.co.jp Issue ref.310111/01 The information contained in this brochure is intended to assist in designing with Microtherm products. It is not intended to and does not create any warranties, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or that the results shown in this brochure will be achieved by a user for a particular purpose. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of Microtherm products for each application. • www.claerhout.be Microtherm N.V. Industriepark Noord 1 9100 Sint-Niklaas Belgium T. (+32) 3 760 19 80 F. (+32) 3 760 19 99 E. info@microthermgroup.com 100907 Microtherm Inc. 3269 Regal Drive Alcoa, Tennessee 37701 USA T. (+1) (865) 681 0155 F. (+1) (865) 681 0016 E. sales@microtherm.us
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