January-March 2012 - The Soul


January-March 2012 - The Soul
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January - February - March, 2012
The Soul-Esteem Center ...
for Practical Spirituality
Quote Note:
A publication of The Soul-Esteem™ Center • 314.ASK.SOUL (275-7685)
What is The Soul-Esteem Center
By Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks
It’s no wonder that I get asked this question whenever The Soul-Esteem Center
(SEC) gets mentioned around someone unfamiliar with it. You may be wondering
how to answer that question when someone asks you. So, since this is the
beginning of a new year, and one that has stirred a lot of energy around change,
fear, uncertainty and various other consciousness confusions, it’s the perfect time
to let people know that there is a place which teaches people how to practice the
Presence of God in their lives and that beyond appearances, all is well.
When I’m asked what The SEC is, I often start with, “We’re an independent
spiritual center, or church, focused on the practical application of spiritual
principle in our everyday lives. We like to teach people to be true instruments of
the Divine.”
I like to describe The SEC as “the common ground upon which people, at
many different places on their spiritual journey, can meet in an atmosphere of
love, non-judgment and acceptance, and keep each other moving onward and
deepening their relationship with God.”
Sometimes I get asked the more difficult questions, like “Is The SEC
Christian?” or “Does The SEC believe Jesus is our Lord and Savior?” My
answers to these questions get mixed reactions depending upon the inquirer’s
perspective. My answer is usually something like, “We are based in, and have
evolved out of, the Christian tradition, but we integrate into our ministry the
Truth that runs through all major spiritual teachings.” With respect to Jesus, I
consider him to be my brother, the Way-Shower, a change-agent and my best
friend. I do my best to follow and exemplify the five major evolutionary and
revolutionary teachings that he brought to the planet. I also remember the
words from scripture which say: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God,
and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” (I Cor. 3:16)
If you’re wondering what the five major teachings are, here’s an acronym to
help you remember: Jesus is ENUFF. E=Eternal Life; N=Non-judgment;
U=Unconditional Love; F= Forgiveness; and F=Father Within. Try answering
the questions you’re asked with this—most everyone seems to like it.
Our objective at The SEC is to empower individuals by helping them
understand, because they are creations of God, they are whole, perfect and
complete at the level of soul. We are essentially spiritual beings, having a human
experience. Our goal is to remember this and do our best to demonstrate it in
our lives as honest, healthy, energetic, creative, prosperous and joy-filled humans
being, who see that their primary purpose in life is to give, love and serve.
I hope this helps you answer your own questions, and especially in responding
to the questions of others. And remember: I’m always available to answer your
questions, to pray with you, and to help you prove that God’s Presence will
never let you down.
Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks is the Spiritual Director and Founder of The Soul-Esteem Center, now in
its fifteenth year. She is a speaker, teacher, spiritual counselor and author of SOUL-ESTEEM:
The Power of Spiritual Confidence (Available in The SEC Bookstore).
Men suffer all their life long,
under the foolish superstition that they can be
cheated. But it is impossible for a man to be cheated
by anyone but himself.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
In This Issue:
Quote Note ............................... 1
A Prayer for Our World........... 2
Bedtime Affirmation ................ 2
Morning Affirmation................ 2
What is The Soul-Esteem
Center? ............................. 1
Congratulation to our
New Ministers .................3
About our Ministerial
Alliance .............................3
Winter Empowerment
Groups .............................. 5
Free & Easy Ways to Support
The Soul-Esteem
Center ................................7
What’s Happening
Children, Teens & Mentors .....4
Special Events .........................6
Sunday Messages
and Music .........................8
List of Classes, Seminars
and Descriptions .... Insert
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soul-esteem EDGE
The Soul-Esteem™ Center
Founded in April, 1997, the
SEC is an independent spiritual
community with a primary
focus upon “practical” spirituality. Our intention is to offer as
many spiritual tools as possible
so that your life becomes a
demonstration of the powerful
nature of God through you as
an individualized expression of
God. The SEC perspective is
that we are all spiritual beings
having a human experience
rather than human beings
having an occasional spiritual
insight. It is also our intention
to provide a safe, loving, inclusive and sacred space where we
can come together to recharge
our spiritual batteries, renew
our faith and trust in a God of
Love, and develop our spiritual
confidence, or “soul-esteem.”
Special Thanks
Maria Verbeck
Ambrilis Graphics, Inc.
Design and Layout
Chris Bryant
Board of Directors
Rev. Cindy Brinkop
Ann Getz
A Prayer for Our World
(A daily prayer to bless, support and better
our world.)
As I look upon my world, I see beauty
instead of ugliness; love rather than fear;
abundance over lack and faith in place of
doubt. I see God’s Love and Divine Energy
flowing through me as I allow myself to be an
instrument of compassion, forgiveness and a
channel for the limitless resources of
Universal Intelligence, abundance and peace.
As I align myself with the wholeness and wellbeing of the Divine, I make the world a better
place. I remember every day that I am a
temple of God and that God’s Spirit dwells
within me and within all people everywhere.
Thank you, God, for this moment of grace as
I bless my world.
Morning Affirmation
(Say this with feeling before your feet hit the
floor every day!)
I awake to this day with joy in my heart.
Today I use my gift of will to choose thoughts
of love, words of appreciation and an attitude
of lightness. I make wise decisions that are for
the highest good of all concerned. I conduct
myself with spiritual confidence because I am a
child of God and heir to the Kingdom. This
day is blessed and filled with inspiration, creativity, abundance and well-being. Thank you,
Bedtime Affirmation
(Say this with feeling as you prepare for a
peace-filled night’s sleep)
Thank you, God, for the blessings, the lessons and the opportunities this day has offered
me. I rejoice in the good that is flowing
through all of it. I prepare for a restful night’s
sleep by relaxing my body, clearing my mind,
forgiving any missteps or mistakes, and knowing that the good set into motion today is expanding and unfolding into even greater joys
tomorrow. And so it is.
Facilitated by
Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks,
John Vlasich and
Reiki Practitioners
Jan. 29 & Feb. 19, 2012
12:00 (noon)-12:30 p.m.
in the Auditorium
Gary Heebner
Diane McClain
An Evening with Rev. Phylis
Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks
William Topp
Saturday, February 18, 2012 – 7:00-9:30 p.m.
Maria Verbeck
Hosted by Rev. Jeff Jackson and Steve Mann
132 Fiesta Circle., St. Louis, MO 63146
105A Progress Parkway
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Join us for this wonderful opportunity to enjoy dessert
and snacks together, ask questions, meet new people and
engage in lively discussion! Please let us know you’re
coming by signing up or calling ... Pick up a flyer at the
Information Table with directions on the back.
January - February - March, 2012
Sign up on Sunday,
or call us at (314) ASK-SOUL.
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Congratulations to our New Ministers
On October 16, 2011, we ordained eight new ministers at
The SEC. These people answered the call by meeting many
requirements including considerable authorized class work,
a twelve-week intensive training program, background
checks, final interviews with our Board of Directors and a
vote of acceptance by The SEC Board based upon interview
Our newly ordained ministers include Reverends Carroll
(Candy) Christie, Shera Dalin, Pam Frye, Jeff Jackson,
Meegan Kainady, Bill Lange, Polly Lemire and Kay
By Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks
Congratulations to these fine people who will go on to
use their special and individualized talents to give, love and
serve not only the congregation of The SEC, but the world
at large. You will be seeing more and more of their presence
as they join me on the platform on Sundays, teach seminars
and classes, take up special missions including outreach,
fundraising, promotion, expansion and other endless
possibilities as they share their Light with enthusiasm and
loving intention.
About our Ministerial Alliance
The SEC ordained it’s first group of newly trained ministers in 2005. These wonderful, dedicated people include
Reverends Robert Boschert, Cindy Brinkop, Robert Brown, Paul Brauner, and Joseph Lahue, all of whom took part in the
second ordination ceremony on Oct. 16, 2011. Thank you to all of these fine people as they continue to answer their
personal call to the ministry and act as guides to the eight new members of The SEC Ministerial Alliance.
Our staff of professionally trained ordained Ministers offer a wide range of services including weddings, pastoral
counseling, guest speaking, and a variety of other services that celebrate people’s lives. You may contact any one of the
following ministers directly. To be referred to one of our minister, go to our website at www.soul-esteem.com, or call The
SEC office at (314) ASK-SOUL (275-7685).
Rev. Robert Boschert
Rev. Paul Brauner
Rev. Cindy Brinkop
Rev. Robert Brown
Ongoing Activities
... at The Soul-Esteem™ Center
A Course in Miracles Study Group
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. with Rev. Robert Brown
Rev. Carroll (Candy) Christie
Rev. Shera Dalin
Rev. Pam Frye
Rev. Jeff Jackson
Rev. Meegan Kainady
Rev. Joseph Lahue
Rev. William Lange
Rev. Polly Lemire
Rev. Kay Losciuto
Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks
The Spirit of 12-Steps for Everyone
Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
Facilitated by Tim Barnett
Street Smart Spirituality
Discussion Group
Every 2nd Friday 7:00-9:30 p.m.
Led by Michael Babcock
Creating with Spirit...
A day to enjoy your craft!
First Saturdays (Jan. 7, Feb. 4 & Mar. 3, 2012)
with Rev. Polly Lemire
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Upcoming TEEN Events
(See Meegan Kainady for times, locations
and permission slips.)
Jan. 15: (Sunday) Lunch Bunch at St. Louis Bread
Co., Westport Plaza, 10:15-12:00. Teens only.
Jan. 21: (Saturday) Laser Tag at The EDGE — Teens
only. Time TBD.
Feb. 11: (Saturday) Kids eleven and under: Valentine’s
Bowling Party at The Brunswick Zone, St.
Peters. Time TBD.
Feb. 19: (Sunday) Lunch Bunch at St. Louis Bread
Join our Facebook group,
Soul-Esteem Teens!
You can send Meegan Kainady a Friends Request,
or you can send an Invitation Request. Get to know
our teen group, and then come join us on Sunday
mornings at 10:30 a.m. for our teen discussion
group. Bring your questions and concerns and
come ready to learn, share, grow and help others
do the same! Help us plan the calendar for future
teen activities!
Co., Westport Plaza, 10:15-12:00. Teens only.
Feb. 24: (Friday) Teen Lock-In at SEC. Time. TBD.
Mar. 18: (Sunday) Lunch Bunch at St. Louis Bread
Co., Westport Plaza, 10:15-12:00. Teens only.
Parents are welcome to go out to
lunch and pick the kiddos up later.
Invitation to Children...
All children are invited to attend Sunday classes at The
Soul-Esteem Center during the 10:30 a.m. service. We
• toddler care (ages newborn to 3) • Children’s Gatherings (ages 4-7)
• Mids (ages 8-12), and • Teen Gatherings (ages 12-18).
Our Youth program is a place of unconditional love and acceptance, where children of like-minds
can come together to study universal spiritual truth, and its practice in daily life.
What is a Spiritual Mentor?
Spiritual Mentors at The Soul-Esteem Center are those who have responded to the call to give, love and
serve others. They are trained to offer prayer support, a listening ear, comfort, spiritual coaching and
assistance to others in times of need or crisis. Their goal is to lift people out of distress and into peace. A Mentor
knows how to “be there” for another person, offering compassion, wisdom and positive reinforcement. An SEC
Mentor always holds the space for healing and the vision of wholeness for everyone.
Our mentors address prayer requests for one week after being received. The team of Spiritual Mentors at The SoulEsteem Center is 30 strong. If you would like a Mentor to contact you, just call (314) ASK-SOUL (275-7685) and we will
put you in touch, or you can find their contact information on our website at www.soul-esteem.com.
January - February - March, 2012
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Winter Empowerment Groups — Registration in January
“It was a busy day and I was tired,
but I decided
to come anyway…
This space of peace and kindness is
exactly what I needed.”
An empowerment group is open to anyone who is
interested in a deeper Spiritual connection, turning
goals into accomplishments and discovering wonderful
new friends who are on the same spiritual path.
Groups meet weekly, 7:00-9:00 pm, in a host’s home
for an eight-week commitment.
Registration for the Winter Empowerment Group
Session will take place in January at The SEC. For
more information, or if you would like to host an
Empowerment Group, contact Rev. Polly Lemire at
An empowerment group is more than a
“Mastermind” group. Not only do you make new
friends and receive support for your intentions and
your spiritual growth, you have prayer partners who
are including you in their spiritual practice.
A typical meeting opens with a meditation,
sometimes with music or any inspirational passage that
a member wishes to share with the group. After an
opening prayer, members take turns briefly sharing
their thoughts and experiences from the previous
seven days. Participants then write out a short
intention for the coming week so that the group can
affirm each member’s intention. This takes place
within 90 minutes, leaving time for a snack and
conversation before the evening closes.
gift ideas!
The Soul-Esteem™ Center
Cutting-edge Books
Greeting Cards
Audio Books & DVDs
Affirmation Card Sets
Music CDs
and much more!
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Cinema Sunday
at The SEC
Sun., February 12. 2012 1:30 p.m.
Admission: $8.50
The End of Overload
The Search for the
Crystal Skulls
definitive film to date on the phenomenon.
Starring Davie Hatcher Childress, J.J. Hurtak,
Stephen S. Mehler and Bill Homann, the keeper
of the Mitchell Hedges Crystal Skull, this DVD
covers one of the most fascinating enigmas in
history, archeology and metaphysical science.
Does the fact that they are carved from crystal
enable them to interact with human thought
waves? There is a lot of evidence to suggest this
is so. Also included is the amazing visual
experience, “The Crystal Skull Meditation” from
Producer, Ron James. With High-def cameras and
a set of special lights, we filmed the magical
Crystal Skull while playing the channeled music
of LiPo. What happened next is nothing short of
unexplainable. See it for yourself.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Admission: $25 in advance,
$30 at the door
In this workshop we take a close look at our
relationship to “stuff” and why we feel our
self-worth is tied up in it. This is an
interactive, fun and yes, a challenging
experience as we look at how we have been
living through and believing the lie that is
seen through the Chotchky Paradigm. We
can make the leap to knowing our true
value and rediscover how to love ourselves
as we are, no chotchky required.
Sign up ahead of time at The SEC, or call
(314) ASK-SOUL (275-7685).
Barry will be the guest speaker and musician
at the Sunday Service at 10:30 a.m.
The Four Spiritual
Laws of Prosperity
Sunday, April 29, 2012
1:30-4:00 p.m. (Love Offering)
Edwene is the author of The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, the owner-director of Rock Ridge Retreat
Center in Valley Head, Alabama, and an ordained Unity minister. She has committed her life to the
“transformation of the abundance consciousness of Planet Earth.” This workshop is about finding your Divine
Purpose, forgiveness and worthiness, tithing and giving, and setting clear-cut goals. If you are ready to learn
and practice the principles of true prosperity, this workshop will answer your questions and inspire you to act.
Edwene will also be speaking at The SEC’s 10:30 am service.
January - February - March, 2012
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Free & Easy Ways to Support The Soul-Esteem Center
Do You
We’ve just made it easier for you to support The
Soul Esteem Center!
We registered The Soul Esteem Center with GoodSearch.com, a company that helps non-profits like
ours raise funds through the everyday actions of our
Here is how you can help:
• Use GoodSearch.com when you search the
internet — they will donate a penny to us every
time you do.
• Use GoodShop.com when you shop online—they
work with more than 2,500 major brands, have
over 100,000 coupons and donate a percentage of
every purchase you make to us.
• Enroll in the GoodDining.com they will donate up
to 6% of every dollar you spend when you eat at
one of 10,000 participating restaurants
Please join our community on GoodSearch.com
and help us raise money for our mission. Get started
by clicking the “Become a Supporter” button on our
profile page!
Schnucks eScrip Card
Puts the FUN Back in
It’s Free, It’s Easy, It’s Powerful
Schnuck Markets, Inc. has launched the Schnucks
eScrip Community Card—a card that puts the
fun back in fundraising, in the St. Louis metropolitan
Once activated, every time the eScrip Community
Card is presented at the checkout, Schnucks will
give a percentage of the total grocery bill to The
Soul-Esteem Center. You just present the card every
time you shop and you automatically earn money that
is transferred monthly to The Soul Esteem Center.
Schnucks’ customers earn 1% for the first $300 in
sales, 2% on the next $301-$600 and 3% on sales
between $601-$999.
Here’s how it works:
• Pick up a Schnucks eScrip Community
Card at Schnucks customer service counter.
• Register your card by calling 800.931.6258 or visit
• It’s really that easy!
The eScrip website (www.escrip.com) allows
cardholders and organizations to track their earnings.
Schnucks customers can earn from out of pocket
Schnucks Pharmacy purchases as well. However,
money cannot be earned on the purchase of Schnucks
Gift Cards, special services or taxes.
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U.S. Postage
St. Louis, MO
Permit No. 495
The Soul-Esteem™ Center
105A Progress Parkway
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Sunday Sermon Topics
and Guest Musicians (Sermons by Rev. Sparks unless otherwise noted)
Jan 1: A Return to the Sacred
Music: Trina Brunk
Jan. 29: Building a Foundation for Truth
Music: Richard Carr
Jan. 8: Unleash Your Divinity
Feb. 5: Falling in Love
Music: Danielle Feinstein
by Rev. Cindy Brinkop
Music: Tim Mead & Brad Smith
Jan. 15: The Razors Edge:
Knowing and Not Knowing
Music: Deborah Sharn
& Steve Schenkel
Feb. 12: Love’s Initiations
Music: Tim Mead & Brad Smith
Feb. 19: Celebrate Yourself
Music: Deborah Sharn & Steve
Jan. 22: The Principle of All-Sufficiency
Music: Brian Clarke
Feb. 26: Self-Love and Its Myth
Music: Mitzi MacDonald
Mar. 4: Greg Tamblyn guest speaker
from Kansas City
Music: Greg Tamblyn
Mar. 11: Good and Bad Power
Music: Tim Mead & Brad Smith
Mar. 18: What Every Good Leader Knows
Music: Deborah Sharn
& Steve Schenkel
Mar. 25: The Economics of Soul
Music: Gateway to Agape Choir
& Keltic Reign
Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
105 Progress Parkway
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
(East of I-270, midway between
Westport Plaza Dr. and Dorsett Rd.)
Page Ave
t Plaza Dr
West Port
Join us as we come together in reverence to God, in a casual and loving atmosphere. We welcome
all people. The service includes a spiritual message, prayer, guided meditation, live music, background video—and more ... The Spirit of 12-Steps for everyone at 9:00 a.m.; A Course In Miracles
Study Group at 9:00 a.m.; Children and Teen Gatherings and Toddler Care at 10:30 a.m.
Progress Parkway
Spiritual Service
Dorsett Rd
Interstate 270
The Soul-Esteem™ Center’s

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