Strong at any age


Strong at any age
January 2010
Strong at any age
Whats inside
JoAn's Healthy Hints
Toughest Test of a
swimmer's mettle
Join the Team PAGE 10
Fit over 50 PAGE 12
Food for Life PAGE 14
Age is just a number
Beth Carlson (left)
and her daughter
Get to Know Me
Happy New Year
From PEAK!
Page 2
January 2010
Quote of the month
“Don’t ever
give up.”
Growing up, I can always remember a qwerky poster hanging up in my brother's bedroom. A scraggly looking frog ¿ghting for his life as he chokes the stork who's trying
to swallow him up. It simply reads along the bottom, "Don't ever give up." The poster
followed me to college, and is still hanging in my bedroom closet today. You may have
seen this poster hanging in the doctor's of¿ce, at school, or at work. The simplicity of the
poster really hits home for many people.
Sometimes getting through the day can just be hard, and you may feel like you’re hanging on for dear life as you strive to achieve goals at work, ¿tness goals, or just trying to
balance life. So, I wanted to bring a little bit of my funny motivational ways to you as you
start off the New Year!
Note from the editor
ANUARY is a month for new
beginnings. Hello 2010! And let
me just say you are never too
old, or young for new beginnings. In
this issue we focus our attention on age
or the lack of importance on your age.
This year, age is just a
number. It will not hold
you back, and it will not
be an excuse.
As you browse the
pages, you will ¿nd
amazing stories of Peak
members both young
and old working hard
to accomplish their
¿tness goals. Twelveyear -olds are beating
20- year -olds’ records.
A 60 -year -old man can
lift as much or more
weight than a teen athlete. We have
mothers and grandmothers working out
along side their daughters. At Peak, we
prove that age means nothing. Another
birthday is a celebration to accomplish
yet another life goal.
Here at Peak, members are running
their ¿rst marathon or triathlon. Mem-
bers are losing 100s of pounds and
gaining their lives back. Families have
made vows to live happy and healthier
lives together. At Peak there is proof
that anything is possible at any age. Despite the fast-food, convenience driven
nation we live in, we
have the choice to slow
our lives down and
get back to the basics,
and it is never too late.
Make a choice this
year; whether you are
15 or 65, there is opportunity for change.
So, let these stories
be our inspiration as
we start a new year in
our lives. No matter
what your age, ¿nd a
new ¿tness goal for the
year and strive for it! Let’s celebrate another year; a year older, a year stronger,
a year healthier.
MaryKate Rand
January 2010
JoAn's Healthy Hints
Page 3
Kids love this ….
Breakfast Burrito
Start your kids off right: the
importance of child nutrition
By JoAn Todd, MS,RD, LD
We all know that obesity is on the in- eat. Choose foods from at least thre food
crease, not only for adults, but also for chil- groups for each meal and try to choose
dren. As a dietitian, I am very concerned fruits and vegetables of different colors to
about the statistics and the imget a variety of vitamins and
pact that this will have on our
phytochemicals. For snacks,
children. I believe we should
keep a variety of healthful
all be concerned about the
snack foods available and
health and future of the next
store snacks at eye level so
your child can see them and
Much of the responsibility
make choices.
does fall on parents. I believe if
Eating family meals toparents are educated and pracgether gives you a chance to
tice healthy eating habits at
model good behaviors for
home, then their children will
your children and also is imalso grow up with healthy eating habits.
portant for communication. During famThere are a few general principles that ily meals turn off the TV and cell phones.
are very simple, but very important to buy Mealtime talk should be fun. Ask questions
like: what made you feel happy today?
What did you eat at lunch today? Tell me
Here is the Division of Responsibil- one thing you learned today? What made
you laugh today?
I grew up with the two bite rule. When
It is the parent’s responsibility to provide healthy foods for the child to eat. A my Mother brought a new food to the table
child does not have the education and we each had to have at least two bites and
knowledge to make that decision and to be then we could pass. After awhile I learned
responsible for their own health.
to like all of the foods that were offered.
It is the parents responsibility to provide Have trust and patience that your children
the structure for food eating, (meals and too will learn to like a variety of foods if
snacks) for the child , and to set the tone they are consistently offered, as a part of
of the eating environment. Hopefully this meals and snacks.
means family meals together a minimum
Then don’t forget to balance the healthy
of 5 times a week.
food you eat with physical activity. ChilIt is the child’s responsibility to deter- dren should never be put on a diet. They
mine what they will eat and how much. will grow into their normal weight if they
The key here is that as a parent you have are active and if they are eating a variety of
provided a variety of healthy choices.
healthy foods.
It is also the child’s responsibility to determine how much they will eat. We know
I will be offering a family supermarket
that if the child has structured meals and tour beginning in January. Make this your
they choose not to eat during a meal, they family new year’s resolution! I will set up
will get another chance at snack time or a time to go with your family on a one
the next meal time, but not the minute they hour tour at the supermarket to talk about
leave the table.
healthy food choices for meals and snacks
Remember variety is the key! Serve and share information that will help supdifferent foods to your family each day port your effort to make healthy food deand let your child choose and help prepare cisions. To schedule an appointment with
new foods. Do not force or bribe a child to me contact the Peak front desk.
Serves 1
1 flour tortilla
1 egg
2 Tbsp. shredded cheese
2 Tbsp. chopped vegetables (onion, green
peppers, chilies, etc.)
1. Warm tortilla in skillet and place between
paper towels to keep warm or warm in
the microwave prior to serving.
2. Lightly grease cooking skillet.
3. Beat egg and scramble in skillet until
thoroughly cooked. Add cheese and
4. Divide egg mixture into warm flour
tortillas and roll up. Serve.
5. Refrigerate leftovers.
NUTRITION FACTS (per serving) - Calories 230
~ fat 12 g ~ calories from fat 110 ~ sodium
350 mg ~ total carbohydrate 18 g ~ fi ber 1 g
PEAK on the Go is a monthly newspaper focusing on the members
of PEAK Fitness and Sports Club and happenings at its facilities.
PEAK on the Go is published by the Rochelle Newspapers, Inc. at
211 Hwy. 38 E., Rochelle, IL 61068. The newspaper is distributed free
of charge at PEAK facilities and participating advertiser locations.
Contact 815-561-2126.
Page 4
January 2010
Swim News
The 1650 – The toughest test of a swimmer's mettle
Director of Aquatics
It was once said, “The most important quali¿cation
in a championship swimmer is an intense burning desire
to ¿nish with the win.” Just to ¿nish this race has more
swimmers intimidated than any other
race they face. Why you ask? The
1650 is swimming’s mile. Swimming
one mile is the equivalent of running
seven miles on the body. Swimming
is the only sport that requires a person
to use EVERY muscle in their body
simultaneously to advance. The 1650
is 66 lengths or 33 laps of personal
challenge. Imagine if you could endure 20-40 minutes of consistent pain
to move your body to advance all the
while in an isolated con¿nement of
your mind. No music to hear. There
is no one to talk with. You only have
your thoughts and desires to continue. This is one race
that will test every ¿ber of your being. The mental,
physical, and emotional tests are at every moment. The
Peak JR and SR Master’s Swim program embraces this
Peak Master’s Swim Teams gauges there advancement by the measure of personal success in the 1650.
Once every couple of months, both the JR Masters and
SR Masters reserves a Saturday morning for this event.
Almost every swimmer dreads this day but subjects
their body to the test of will of spirit.
On Saturday November 21st, the
combined teams gathered at 8:00am
to start there heats. Some wish to go
¿rst, others would rather wait for a
later heat. Four swimmers per heat
make their way into the water for an
easy warm up of 200-300 yards. Just
get loose. Coaches Doug Gish and
Terry Egan both have race stradgies
for each swimmer depending on their
skills, goals, and abilities. One goal
for every swimmer – PMA – “Positive Mental Attitude” Plan the race
to swim, then swim the race you
planned. For some just the attempt to
¿nish the 1650 is the goal. Others it’s to break there
PB’s – personal best.
The race is about to start. ButterÀies in the stomach
arise and tension ¿lls the air. The countdown comes as
the clock goes off to start the swim. Now swimmers in
Open Daily At 11AM
Serving Food Until 11PM
Oscar’s Is Your
NFL Playoff
Bring In Your PEAK Fitness
Card And Receive 50% Off A Single
Food Item With Beverage Purchase.
Must Be 21. Offer Good For The Month Of January.
the Peak Master’s program are used to swimming between 3500 -4500 yards a practice. So why would only
1650 yards be that dif¿cult? This is different. You don’t
stop. You don’t get a moments rest. You can only think
and feel your body straining with every stroke. You
struggle to relax to get air, with every breath it becomes
harder and harder to focus on your task. Should I give
up? Should I stop? If I only could take a small break I
would be ¿ne. I can’t stop. I have to go on. I want to ¿nish. Only your desire drives you to the ¿nish.
The next 1650 swim is
Saturday, January 2, 2010
at 8 a.m.
Come watch or
Some outstanding swims:
Susie Paul – sets the pool record while four months pregnant then
re-breaks pool record several months after giving birth.
Abby Olson – at 12 years old Abby lands 6th ALL Time top 50
female swims in 26:04.32 dropping almost two min off her Personal
Isabella Eisenrich- age 8, swims a 37:08.06! She set the 8 years old
and under record on 10/10/2009
See Your Favorite Team On One Of Our Many HDTVs
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6277 E. Riverside Blvd
Rockford, IL 61114
Jason Rager
January 2010
Page 5
Spotlight on PEAK's Top Swimmers
Susie Paul
While four months pregnant,
swimmer Susie Paul set the all-time
fastest women’s 1650 yard (one
mile) swim for PEAK. Susie had
been a competitive swimmer all her
life until a shoulder injury slowed
her down. After taking 10 years off
from the sport she decided it was
time to give it a try again. Weight
lifting and her determined attitude
helped her get right back in the water. As a former competitor, Susie
doesn’t see the sport of swimming
as a fun way to hit the gym; she sees
it as an opportunity to get back into
the athlete mentality.
Susie simply states, “Records
are made to be broken.” Not only
did Susie set the record for fastest mile swim for woman but she
then came back to break the record two more time. While out of
Aby Olson
At just 12 years old Aby Olson holds the 6th place record in
the female all-time fastest 1650
swim. With just a year swimming at Peak Aby has shown
that she has quite a gift. She
placed 6th place after her third
time completing the race with a
time of 26:04.32, dropping an
astonishing two minutes off her
personal best! Not to mention
Aby is ranked among women
who are twice her age with
many more years of swimming
The mile swim is a grueling
race and at such a young age
Aby knows what it takes to ¿nish something as dif¿cult as the
1650 and she a major an impact
doing it.
Aby explains, “Swimming
has made me mentally stronger- I don’t get upset as easily
anymore, about volleyball or
anything really.” Her instructors
have been great inspiration for
Aby through out the last year.
He may be tough, but “he
never pushes me down. He always encouraged me and made
swimming much easier for me”
says Aby of Peak Swim Instructor Doug Gish.
During the last split of Aby’s
race, she showed everyone just
how easy she could swim as she
accomplished it in 30 seconds
Àat- faster than the top swimmer in all of Rockford in her
age group.
swimming during her ¿nal weeks
of pregnancy, her initial record was
broken by another Peak swimmer.
Susie was well aware that she had
now taken a mere second place, so
just months after her pregnancy she
took back her title. If that wasn’t
impressive enough, she came back
and broke her own record again
just two months later with a time of
At 37 years old, Susie still holds
the record and I doubt she will let
anyone take it from her. Swimming
is a mental release for Susie, “much
like a runner’s high,” she states.
With two small children at home
the pool is the perfect place to leave
all worries aside. Susie also gets
the chance to be a part of the team
again. With the peak swimming instructors and her fellow swimmer
pushing her to accomplish more,
she has been able to get right back
in the water at full force.
Page 6
January 2010
Following in her big sister’s foot steps,
Isabella knew swimming was something
she wanted to do. She started swimming
classes at seven years old and at eight she
swam her ¿rst 1650 race. She ¿nished the
race, shocking her instructors, mother, and
all spectators with a time of 37:08.06. With
just one race under her belt she set the eight
and under fastest 1650 swim record.
With thoughts of not being able to ¿n-
ish running through Isabella’s mind, swim
instructor Terry Egan jumped in to swim
along side Isabella pushing her to ¿nish. “I
was so scared!” Isabella exclaimed. Many
swimmers end in tears at the ¿nish of the
1650 and Isabella was one of them in the
bittersweet moment. “All I wanted to do
was ¿nish,” she says. And that she did, in
the number one spot! As a third grader, the
furthest thing from her mind is swimming
the next 1650. She just wants to swim along
side her friends while doing something she
loves, but she has proven too many that she
will have a great future in swimming.
Current Peak Swimming Records
21:06.19 8/20/2009
22:50.26 11/21/2009
KELLY O’BRIEN 23:38.45 1/26/2009
24:59.59 11/21/2009
EMILIE FIELDER 25:10.03 10/10/2009
BRAD KOCH JR 19:53.02
DAN VIDICAN 20:38.19
JEFF WAGNER 24:21.32
January 2010
Page 7
Peak Members Bring back PowerBlendz drinks
Peak Members have joined forces
with Meg’s Daily Grind of Rockford
to bring to you Powerblendz. When the
café inside of the Peak Sports Club was
closed, many members had to ¿nd another alternative to their must-have workout
booster. Peak Member Sherry Block has
been drinking Meg’s Daily Grind’s mocha drinks in hopes to replace her weekly
PowerBlendz protein shakes, but the results were just not the same.
Sherry explains, “Although [the mocha drink] was good, I felt it did not have
the vitamins and nutrients that the PowerBlendz drink had.”
With the amount a members that had
really enjoyed the Powerblendz drinks,
Sherry and Jodi of Meg’s Daily Grind
saw an opportunity. Meg’s Daily Grind
right down the street from Peak Sports
Club now offers both mocha and fruit
smoothies. Meg's also provides you with
three of the most popular health booster;
the thermogenic energizer, and the pyruvate and chromium fat burners which
help you supress your appetite and burn
Each 16 ounce smoothie is around 250
calories which is the perfect amount for a
midday snack.
What is PowerBlendz? Powerblendz
is a company out of California that has
brought together Island Oasis and NUCO
USA to bring the best tasting fruit smoothies and supplement shakes with only the
freshest fruits combined with the most
effective supplements. With drinks such
as their slim & tone, fat burner and the
energizer you each drink is packed with
essential vitamins and nutrients to help
rev up your workout. Head over to Meg’s
Daily Grind before or after your workout
to pick up your favorite combinations.
You simply choose your shake, choose
your Àavor, and choose your boost.
Stop by one of Meg’s Daily Grind locations on your way to or from the gym
to get and extra boost with PowerBlendz!
Or just come stop in to enjoy a smootie in
Meg's friendly, homey atmosphere.
According to Meg herself, PowerBlendz will be on sale starting Jaurary 4th at
the Perryville and Rock Valley College
Shelly Block and Heather Christenson taste test the new PowerBlendz at the Perryville Meg's Daily Grind.
Ronnie Gators.
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Serving full
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Featuring A Wide Variety
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Watch All Of Your
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Bring In Your
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Offer Good For The
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Just South of PEAK Fitness in front of Carlson Ice Arena
Page 8
By Dr. Jaime King
Advanced Rockford Eye Care
It can come with no warning and no
noticeable symptoms. It is the second
most common cause of blindness in the
United States. "IT" is Glaucoma, the Silent Thief of Sight. Glaucoma is a group
of eye disorders that lead to damage of
the optic nerve and result in vision loss
and blindness.
January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month and I encourage all people,
especially those at higher risk for this
disease, to familiarize themselves with
the potential symptoms and need for
regular eye examinations. A regular eye
examination is especially critical since a
person with early-stage Glaucoma may
not notice any symptoms at all.
While the early stage symptoms may
not be noticeable, persons with more advanced Glaucoma may notice blurred vi-
January 2010
sion, the presence of halos around lights,
loss of peripheral vision and dif¿culty
focusing on objects.
Glaucoma affects an estimated 3 million
Americans - Only half know they have
it. While older adults are at higher risk
for glaucoma, it is important to realize
it can occur at any age. Each year 1 in
10,000 babies are born with glaucoma.
Some people are more at risk than
others. Those at higher risk include:
•People over the age of 60
Melt away those extra
pounds in the snow
The snow is of¿cially falling and it’s time to enjoy the winter wonderland! Skiing
the slopes, skating on the frozen lake and making the yearly snowman are just a few
ways to get active during the cold months. Believe it or not you can burn some serious
calories in the snow.
Mayo Clinic health manager at has put together a chart showing about
how many calories can be burned during an hour of fun in the snow.
•African-Americans over age 40
Activity (1-hour)
•People with diabetes
•Individuals that have experienced a
serious eye injury
•Anyone with a family history of glaucoma
While there is no cure for Glaucoma,
early detection and treatment can slow or
prevent further vision loss. Sadly once
vision is lost it cannot be restored so
we like to catch it early. First and foremost in the process is a comprehensive
eye health exam including dilation of the
eyes by your family eye doctor.
NFL player
Larry English
with New
Vision’s Dr.
Vakharia after
Lasik Surgery
Weight of person and calories burned
160 lbs
200 lbs
240 lbs
Ice skating
Skiing, cross-country
Skiing, downhill
For the snowboarding lovers out there you burn about half the calories snowboarding
for an hour as you would skiing, but it’s still a great workout.
And, what about the dreaded task of shoveling? Now that's hard work! www.¿tday.
com is a great source to calculate calories burned during different tasks. At my height
and weight I can burn up to 300 calories when shoveling snow for an hour! That’s
some motivation to get shoveling!
Page 9
January 2010
TSP Baseball Acad
Hitting Leagues No
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at TSP Baseball Ac
Indoor baseball traini
ng facility
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team instruction
Scheduling time slot
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Page 10
January 2010
Get into the Team Spirit with Body Attack
The afternoon Body Attack team huddles up during the cardio session of their workout.
We have been introduced to a couple of
the Les Mills classes within Peak. Well,
this month comes the introduction of Les
Mills’ Body Attack. Introduced to the
world in 1997 along with Body Combat,
this class has been showing its success at
Peak as all the class sessions ¿ll up. Each
Les Mills is very different but this class
tops it off so far! The team atmosphere is
amazing. You feel as if the instructor has
become your coach and you are training
for the next big game. The fact that you
are all in it together makes you want to
work that much harder. By the end of the
work out you will be exhausted letting out
a big load “ugh!” from fatigue but you will
never have felt better.
Body Attack is a 55 minute interval
training class focusing on athletic movements and strength and stabilization exercises. It has the same fun, motivating music as all other Les Mills courses but with
an eleven interval training format. The focus is to improve speed, agility, and power.
During one of the high intensity Body Attack routines you can burn anywhere from
500 to 800 calories!
Peak Attack instructor, Shelia Wetland,
has been in group ¿tness for many years
starting with the basic aerobics and step.
She now teaches Peak Bodies, Core, and
Spin. Already extremely ¿t, Shelia lost
seven pounds while training to become a
Body Attack instructor. This class really
works, and those who have been practicing for a while are proof. Twenty-six year
old Tawinan Misik has been Body Attacking for about a year now and she has seen
great changes to her body.
She explains, “Body Attack has been a
whole body transformation for me. I lost
the extra college weight I had gained.”
This class is great for all different skill
levels. Whether you are looking to lose
weight, get toned, or improve your agility Body Attack is your answer. Of all the
Les Mills classes available at Peak this is
the class that caters most to athletes. Not
saying you have to be an athlete or former
athlete to participate but this class will improve your chance on the court, ¿eld, or
whatever venue you prefer. You will be
sure to improve your mobility, heighten
your vertical, and improve heart and lung
capacity with each session.
Please keep in mind that this class is
for those at a moderate workout level. The
moves are easy, so anyone can catch on.
Instructor Shelia Wetland clari¿es that the
class is low impact so you can de¿nitely
take it down a level if you need to, but you
need to have some cardio stamina built up
to participate correctly.
So, if you are craving an athletic body
it’s possible with Body Attack. And if you
are an athlete looking to improve your game
Body Attack can help. Take the challenge
and come join the Body Attack team!
Peak Body Attack instructor Shelia Wetland leading her team with pushups.
Page 11
January 2010
2010 Swim Lessons Registration
Get your kids ready for Peak's new
outdoor pool!
Winter Session: Jan. 4th - Feb. 20th
Early Spring Session: Feb. 22nd- April 10th
Register your
child today!
Spring Session: April 12th- May 29th
For the greatest savings combine the first three sessions!
Value Pack: Jan. 4th- May29th (21weeks, 63 lessons)
Class times for each session are as follows:
Background Picture: Aby Olson executes a perfect stroke during the
last stretch of her record breaking 1650 swim.
4:30-5:15 PM & 5:20-6:05 PM
Wednesday 4:30-5:15 PM & 5:20-6:05 PM
9:30-10:15 AM (PT,1,2,3), 10:20-11:05 AM (PT,1,2,3) & 10:00-10:45 AM (4&5 only)
Eating healthy never looked this good.
6840 Spring Creek Road
Rockford, Illinois 61114
on your next order.
Page 12
January 2010
Pictured left to right, Back row: Sharon Black, Linda Wyaft, Pat Olsen, Nancy Mattison, JoAn Todd, Lynn Scandroli. Front Row: Murt Weirick, Janice Long, instructor
Sue McPherson, and Judy Anderson.
Fit Over 50: Making 50 the new 20
On a quite Monday morning in December you can hear the faint sound of Christmas music coming from the ¿tness room at
PEAK on State. Look inside and you will
¿nd a group of spunky young ladies getting
¿t to “Jingle Bells”.
Sue McPherson has been leading the Fit
Over 50 class at Peak for three years now.
In this class age is nothing but a number
and the motivation for these women to get
moving. Sue leads the woman through a
series of steps, squats, abdominal work,
and places much emphasize on the strength
bands and the stability ball. Sue’s main focus is to improve Àexibility and balance
and the ball is the best way to achieve results. With age, comes weakened muscles
and bones, so it’s Sue’s responsibility to
make sure her group is getting as much out
of her class as possible. Everyday activities
should not be an obstacle for the elderly,
which is why daily exercise is so important
with age. Sue McPherson, who has worked
in group ¿tness for over 25 years and also
works at PA Peterson Center for Health
here in Rockford, is very knowledgeable
on the aging process and the results of ¿tness on the body.
Sue explains, “It is my focus to help
those in my class to remain in their homes
and keep the ability to do all their daily
activities like grocery shopping, getting in
and out of the car, and walking up stairs.”
Sue is a major advocate of strength training which should be focused on more so
than cardio. Core Strength is very important to maintain as you get older because it
is the key muscle for balance and stability
in the body. In Fit over 50, Sue will guide
you through a series of abdominal strengthening techniques all done with the stability
ball. With 10 years experience in specializing with the stability ball Sue has found
that it is the “perfect tool for Àexibility and
balance.” At ¿rst many of her class mem-
bers were hesitant about using the ball, but
after getting used to it, they have grown to
love the workout. Also, for those people
with limited body strength, the ball is a
great way to help achieve the right types of
movements throughout each exercise.
So, if you are about to hit the big 50 or
just think you need to get moving again
come get ¿t with Sue! The atmosphere is
fun and upbeat, and you will leave ready
to take on any old Àight of stairs. Never
forget the importance that strength training
can have on the body as you age, so please
keep moving and let PEAK help!
4202 Maray Drive, Rockford, IL 61107
(815) 397-3030
Page 13
January 2010
Fit Kids
LesMills Program New Track Launch!
Kids 7 – 12 years old can enjoy games and
activities that will increase their levels of
¿tness while having fun!
Kids will enjoy obstacle courses, scooter
races, basketball, dodge ball and a variety of
games and activities designed to keep them
moving. A non-competitive, encouraging
atmosphere designed to build healthy habits
to last a lifetime.
4:00–4:55 p.m.
Begins January 4th
All levels of ¿tness are welcome!
Class meets in the Fitness Room
Come join us on January 16th for the LesMills New
Year, New You Launch! It will be a fun morning fi lled
with healthy snacks and serious workouts. Peak will
be launching at both clubs, so take your pick.
State Street
Body Pump 8:30-9:30am (Shannon, Susie, Lisa, Danna)
Body Combat 9:45 - 10:45am (Ro, Susie, Gabe, Danna)
Body Pump 7:45-8:45am (Brian, Leslie, Traci, Wendy,
Body Attack 9:00-10:00 am (Sheila, Leslie)
Body Combat 10:15-11:15am (Traci, Wendy, Brian, Carrie)
BodyVive 11:30 am-12:30 pm(Anne)
** Due to the launch Adult Hip Hop Jam will begin at
12:45pm on January 16th
Page 14
January 2010
Congrats Indoor
Triathalon Winners!
Congratulations to the overall male and female
winners, Keith Thompson and Jodie Jones.
Event winners were:
Swim - Robert Bales
Bike - Ed Woolf
Run - Eric Hess
Congratulations to everyone who participated!
Next Indoor Triathlon is Saturday, January 16th.
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Food for Life
As we take in all different types of media, one major topic of discussion is the
increasing number of disease in America.
From heart disease, breast and prostate
cancer, this rise in cancer victims is disappointing. I have found that the food we eat
is the number one culprit. I have written
many articles about the effects of food on
the body. I have read amazing stories of
men and woman who have seen incredible
results from simple changes to their diet.
Just this past month all that research became evident to me when I sat down with
a women in a local coffee shop. I listened
to her story of the impact of something as
simple as the food has had on her families
Earlier this year a husband and wife
were shocked with the news that he had
prostate cancer. At 67 years old, previously
a runner, with a thin frame, and virtually
no health problems, they wondered how
could this happen? While going through
a regular doctor check up, a PSA Count
(prostate cancer screening test) was taken.
A PSA test detects the amount of protein
in the blood. At a count of 5.3 and growing to 5.9 months later his slightly elevated
count was slowly growing. With a biopsy
request, it was discovered that cancer cells
were in fact present. Progress was taken
and the best solution was to schedule surgeryfor the removal of the protstate. For a
man who has never had invasive surgery,
having a prostatectomy brought on much
panic. There are several complications
and side effects that come along with the
surgery, and the couple knew they quickly
needed to seek out other options.
A friend, who had been a cancer survivor recommended the program put together
by author, Bill Henderson. Henderson had
watched his wife suffer for years getting
operations and chemotherapy to rid her
ovarian cancer. He was determined to ¿nd
alternative cancer treatments. He has published two books called “Cure Your Cancer” and Cancer Free”,
which focuses on
using non-
toxic ways to rid cancer such as placing
different types of foods and herbs in your
diet and getting rid of others.
After seeing such positive results with
their friend from this program, this husband and wife thought-let’s give it a try.
They began eliminating red meat and dairy
from their diet and replacing them with
more fruits and vegetable. Incorporating
kale, broccoli and bok choy and as much
raw food as possible in the diet showed
major mental and physical changes to the
couple. Flaxseed oil has become a major
part of their diets as well as the most famous applesauce and rosemary combination three times a day which has been proven in Bill Henderson’s book to bring down
the PSA count. As they continued to make
the changes to their diet the husband went
to get another PSA test with a local physician a two weeks before the scheduled surgery just out of curiosity. The impossible
became possible when his PSA count came
out to a normal 4.1. He had lost all typical
symptoms of cancer; he had dropped some
weight, had more energy, and was overall
feeling great.
With doctors in shock, the prostatectomy was cancelled. Now cancer free, the
couple continues to learn more about alkalinity and acidity in the body, they continue to gain knowledge on what foods we
should be eating. They no longer indulge
on the triple chocolate donut everyday.
They are now learning to read food labels,
they are learning to cook all new types of
vegetables, and they are living life healthier than ever.
Food is very powerful and it has been
proven in thousands of stories such as this.
It is proof that we have the power in many
cases to prevent and cure disease but we
are ill informed. Have the will power to
change your diet as this couple did, it may
just save your life.
Check out Bill Henderson's website at to learn
more about his remarkable work.
Page 15
January 2010
What's your 2010 New Year's Resolution?
"I don't usually make resolutions. I just
try to stay happy and healthy all year."
"After finding out I have cancer, I've been
living very healthy. But, this year I will
be working towrds getting back to my
normal self."
"To just live a healthy lifestyle this year!"
Tae Kwon Do
Now open to all
PEAK members
Tae Kwon Do is now an open class. All members have
the opportunity to come join in on the fun! Classes will
be held Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30-6:20pm
and 6:30-7:20 pm and Fridays from 5:30-6:30 pm only.
Times will be subject to change due to member preferences.
Tae Kwon Do is the world’s most popular form of martial arts. All classes are taught by Korean Master Yong
Shik Kim, a 4th degree black belt with 25 years of experience.
He made his way to Rockford from Korea when he was
18 after graduating from high school. Not knowing a bit of
English, he received a 2nd diploma from Rockford’s Guilford High School to learn the language. Kim continues to
live and work here in Rockford with his wife Kellie, who
is a 2nd degree black belt.
Yong Shik Kim’s main focus is on ¿tness. Conditioning
is a major part of Tae Kwon Do and it is important to ¿rst
get into the right mind and body. In which Kim teaches the
basics for beginners, taking a step by step approach into
the Tae Kwon Do world. With the opportunity to move up
to different levels, this class can become a life long endeavor in which patience and discipline are attained.
Ages six and up are encouraged to attend. Yong Shik
Kim stresses a fun family atmosphere in his classroom
in hopes of bringing bonding time for the family instead
of separation time. No more waiting for that other family
member to get out of their class, come together and learn
the discipline of Tae Kwon Do! Be sure to wear loose ¿t
clothing and long pants.
Page 16
January 2010
Bob Hochstein proves age is merely a number
At 63 years old Bob Hochstein has made quite a name for himself in the
world of weight lifting. Bob, who hadn’t picked up a weight until he was
in his mid 40’s, found that he may have a gift after successfully winning a
simple bet. He was browsing through a sporting goods store when he was
jokingly bet to lift a bar totaling 300lbs. He easily lifted it above his knees,
winning the bet and shoking himself it sparked his interest. After going
through some struggles in his life he needed a way to release some pressure
and it just so happened weight lifting was his answer.
Hochstein became a member of Peak Fitness in 2001 and quickly developed a lifting routine. It wasn’t shortly after he joined that members around
him saw what he was capable of. He was encouraged by fellow lifters to try
body building and found that he wasn’t placing as high as he liked, and then
a friend ¿nally suggested Power lifting. There is a big difference between
Body Building and Power Lifting. Genetics plays a major role in Body
Building. There is much restriction on diet and body weight. Power Lifting
on the other hand doesn’t take such a drastic toll on the body. It simply involves the three major lifts; squat, bench, and dead lift. There is more room
for success; as long as you work hard training Power Lifting can be possible.
Bob learned throughout his training that his dead lift could get him places.
And that it did.
At the age of 60, Bob set a dead lifting record in a weight class of 198
lifting 558lbs. And he brought home another title again at 62, lifting 562lbs.
His determination goes to show that age is merely a number.
“I want people to know that you are never too old to
have the desire to keep going” states Hochstein.
Bob's strength even persisted while experiencing a severe illness during one of his major competitions. After months of training he could not
just let the competition slip by. He went on to break records once again
despite his condition. At his age, any illness is not to be taken lightly. It
lead him to surgery soon after and with a speedy recovery he was back
to lifting just two weeks after. He knows a little bit of exercise can go
a long way, and in some cases can even save your life. Bob gratefully
expressed “I would not have recovered that quickly if I wasn’t already in
good shape- It makes you appreciate your life.”
Bob continues to workout four days a week working all
different mucsles groups. Although he does admit at
his age three days would be good enough, and some
weeks if his work out is shorten he never tries to
make it up because that is where injury comes in.
He now understands the importance weight
training has on the body with age. And, he
is great inspirtaion for those who build up
fear of the gym in their older age. Take
it from Bob, the physical and emotional
bene¿ts are amazing!
Bob would like to thank Mark Banz of Peak, Doug Swedlund, his work out partner for a year
and half, Doug and Deb at Rockford’s Myo Store and personal friends and world champion power
lifter, Dan Swift. Each of whom as supported him greatly through out his lifting years.
Page 17
January 2010
Pilates News
MVe Chair Challenge Class
Class combines Pilates, Balance & Core
Who says a chair is just for sitting? In this six week small group MVe Chair class
you will perform a myriad of exercises. Exercises are done lying, kneeling, sitting, and
standing on the chair, as well as from positions to the sides of the chair.
Classes Start Jan. 6!
Wednesday mornings
Frankie Larsen, Teacher
Wednesday evenings
Deb Gille, Teacher
The P.E.A.K weight loss program at
Peak Sports Club will be inviting and fun,
while providing you with the resources
and support you need for long-term weight
loss success, no matter what your ¿tness
Our optional 12 or 16 week weight loss
program includes, two sessions per week
with a personal trainer and one session
a week with a registered dietician. Your
personal trainer will take you through a
wide variety of exercises tailored to your
individual needs, no matter what your
¿tness level. Gain valuable knowledge
about strength training, cardiovascular
exercise, and nutrition that will help you
take the weight off and keep it off!
January 6th – February10th
6 sessions
$99.00 member
$149.00 non member
Only 6 Seats Available
Register at Front Desk to
Reserve Your Seat
Pre-Requisite: minimum of 4 PSC Pilates Mat Classes. Minimum of
5 students to register to hold class.
Arc Barrel Pilates
Conditioning for the abs, back and glutes
Introductory price!
$99 members
$149 non members
1/06/10 – 02/10/10
* The Pilates Arc is designed to
increase core strength and Àexibility as well as improve posture and
Six classes
Wednesdays 10:00-11:00am
Only 5 spaces available!
Register at the front desk
* It’s a lightweight user-friendly
piece of Pilates equipment that
can be used in a mat-based class
to bring the Pilates repertoire to a
new level.
Pre-Requisite: Pilates
Mat Experience or
Pilates Studio Apparatus
* Come see why this little black
arc is the best new piece of equipment here at Peak.
Sign up today at the
Peak Sports Club
Front Desk!
The Program will begin
late January.
We will be following
the progress of willing
participators throughout
the program
Page 18
January 2010
Occupation: Assistant Manager at Peak
Fitness on East State Street and the
Athletic Trainer at Roscoe Physical
Family: My Beautiful wife Bonnie of
4 ½ years.
School: Bachelor of Art at Trinity
International University.
First Job: C&C Auto, Where I
changed tires and oil on the school
What do you do for fun? I like
going to Chicago with my wife and friends at least twice a month,
Mountain Biking and Water Skiing.
Get to know me
Best thing about your job? Helping people to believe in themselves;
and help them achieve their goals in ¿tness.
Jason Lubben teaches his high school Junior apprentices Lindsey Magnuson and
Meghan Dherty in a lesson on the joints of the body.
What is something that people would be surprised to know about
you? That I am a Farmer, and worked as a Athletic Trainer with the
NFL(Jacksonville Jaguars) and the NBA (Indiana Pacers). Also that I am
the Head Athletic Trainer for the Harlem High School, contracted thru
Roscoe Physical Therapy.
Working towards a Healthier Youth
Favorite Sport: Baseball.
Jason Lubben has been working with
teens for the past three years as Harlem
High School’s sole athletic trainer. As we
explore in this January issue the importance of physical ¿tness and overall health
at all different ages, teen years are of the
most important years in a person’s development. Jason works with a group of 1,200
high school athletes; teaching them about
the importance of nutrition, guiding them
through rehab, and overall making sure
his kids are healthy. Injury prevention is a
major issue that Jason stirves for in his athletes. In the case of injury prevention, nutrion and regular exercise are of the utmost
importance especially in a society in which
we greatly underappreciate both.
Mr. Lubben Upholds a strict no soda,
fast food, or junk food policy, he knows that
no good can come of his athletes polluting
their bodies with convenience foods.
“Those kids who eat healthier, recover
better and are better prevented from further
injuries, but the convenience of fast food
and junk food has become a major problem
with no signs of improvement” explains
Jason. Before each sport begins their seasons training Jason takes it upon himself
to lead a nutrition lecture to each team at
Not only is poor nutrition a major issue
in Jason’s line of work, but lack of exercise is also a major problem in teens and
young adults. Through Jason’s experience,
kids who keep moving even in the off season, even for those who are non-athletes,
are less susceptible to muscle strains, heat
exhaustion and fatigue.
Jason's knowledge of health and ¿tness
on the human body has made him the best
Athletic trainer he can be. His hard work
is proof that we can have healthier kids
in America with the right choices. And at
Harlem High School it certainly helps to
have a leader like Jason.
Memorable words of advice you have received: “Work every day like
you are working for a letter of recommendation.
What inspires you? My Father who works so hard on the Farm everyday
no matter how Hot, Cold, Rainy etc…. It is. He is still happy to be doing
the job he loves. So that has inspired me to be a hard worker and enjoy
my career no matter how dif¿cult it could be some days.
Favorite movie: Memphis Bell and Saving Private Ryan.
Favorite childhood Memory: When my grandfather Harms and I would
paint the barn every other summer.
Any fears? To lose my ability to work or lose a limb.
Favorite vacation spot: Rivera Maya, Mexico at the Royal Hideaway.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? To
cook Cuban, Mexican, and Italian Cuisine’s as good as or better than my
Page 19
January 2010
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Page 20
January 2010
Start the New Year with Clear Vision!
Dr. Jaime King is
proud to announce
her new location…
Rockford’s Premier Optometry Clinic Providing you & your family with…
The clearest vision while
evaluating the health of
your eyes.
Wheelchair friendly
office. State-of-the art
equipment, ADA
compliant doorways,
and floor plan allows
for easily accessible,
superior eye care.
Treatment of eye disease
Specialty contacts
including bifocal
Gallery of designer eye
wear for every need and
for every budget
including glasses and
sunglasses for infants
and children.
50% off full comprehensive eye exam
when scheduled before 1/20/2010
(cannot be combined with insurance)
buy one pair of prescription glasses, get
the second pair 1/2 off
We accept most vision and medical
insurance including Medicare, BCBS, VSP,
eyemed. Use your flex spending $$ on
your exam, glasses, contact lenses and
even designer prescription sunglasses!