new teens is it a mood or a mood disorder 24
new teens is it a mood or a mood disorder 24
TEENAGE DEPRESSION & BIPOLAR IS IT A MOOD OR A MOOD DISORDER PRESENTED BY THE MOOD DISORDERS ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA MOOD DISORDERS ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA We are a self-help organization whose purpose is helping others to help themselves through peer support, education and advocacy. We will increase public awareness about mood disorders and empower people to develop and manage mental wellness. We will provide a welcoming atmosphere to those dealing with co-occurring disorders. MOOD DISORDERS ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA Services available Peer support: Trained volunteers who answer the phones and provide one on one support to consumers who walk-in or phone needing help or someone just to talk to. Support Groups: Meet in Winnipeg every Sunday, Monday, and Thursday afternoon: 1 PM to 3 PM and Wednesday evening 7 PM to 9 PM. The Wednesday night support groups are Illness specific. MOOD DISORDERS ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA Services available Educational Presentations & Displays: We have many presentations available various groups, schools and businesses. These presentations are free of charge and take in various topics such as: Depression, Bipolar Illness, Borderline personality disorder, Boundary's, Stress and other topics all relating to depression and Bipolar Illness. We also have display booths. MOOD DISORDERS ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA Services available Link to other agencies: Our Staff, Peer Support Volunteers and Facilitators all have access to a resource book that has been meticulously compiled and updated with Links to other agencies that our consumers may find helpful. Advocacy MDAM advocates for those people living with mood disorders. Peer on Family Support Support for the whole family and friends of a person with lived experience who wants to include them in their recovery. This is done by appointment and is done “to get the family onboard”. MOOD DISORDERS ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA Services available Teen Support Group Mood disorders has a walk in free support group for teens 15 to 21 years old. The group meets on Monday nights at 6 PM to 7:30 PM at 100- 4 Fort Street MOOD DISORDERS 1 IN 5 CANADIANS WILL BE AFFECTED BY MENTAL ILLNESS THIS YEAR WHAT IS DEPRESSION? A very deep long feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. More than feeling blue. A common problem among youth. Sometimes a result of difficult circumstances. It could be a result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. IF YOU HAVE IF YOU HAVE FOUR OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS AT THE SAME TIME, AND IF THEY LAST LONGER THAN TWO WEEKS, YOU MAY HAVE DEPRESSION OR BIPOLAR ILLNESS SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION I feel an overwhelming sense of sadness that doesn’t go away. I have no confidence in myself. I have lost interest in the things and people that I used to enjoy. SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION I am often in a Bad Mood. I get angry for no reason I have trouble concentrating on things like homework, reading or watching TV. I often feel restless or tired SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION I have a tendency to over-react emotionally. I get unrealistic ideas about things I’m going to do. Withdrawing from usual activities. Often the first sign is isolating yourself from others. SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION I often think about death. Thoughts of suicide pop into my mind. I like very dangerous activities, like driving really fast. I use illicit drugs or alcohol on a regular basis. LOW SELF ESTEEM HIGH SELF-ESTEEM IF YOU CHECKED ANY OF THESE I often think about death I like very dangerous activities, I use drugs or alcohol on a regular basis get help IMMEDIATELY From a parent, teacher, school counsellor or an adult you can trust Never forget- Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem SUICIDE IT IS A CRY FOR HELP Seeking help from a trusted friend or professional is a common, smart, and safe action to take when you are feeling distressed or suicidal Talking about suicide does not put ideas into peoples heads SUICIDE IN CANADA, THE UNITED STATES AND AROUND THE WORLD SUICIDE IS BECOMING A VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM OUR SOCIETY CAN NOT AFFORD TO LOSE THESE PEOPLE FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE AND ALL AGE GROUPS WE NEED EVERYONE TO BUILD A GREAT SOCIETY. SUICIDE Don’t be afraid to ask: “Do you sometimes feel so bad you think of suicide?” If the answer is: “Yes, I do think of suicide,” You must take it seriously. GET HELP FROM AN ADULT OR USE THE NUMBERS AT THE BACK OF THIS PRESENTATION WHERE TO LOOK FOR HELP? FRIENDS PARENTS A COACH TEACHER/GUIDENCE COUNSELOR RELIGIOUS AFFILIATIONS MOOD DISORDERS ASSOCIATION DOCTORS PSYCHOLOGISTS/PSYCHIATRISTS EDUCATE YOURSELF WHERE TO LOOK FOR HELP? Take a moment and think about who you would go to if you needed to talk to someone? What about a trusted adult? Who is your trusted adult? SUICIDE Who is at risk? People likely suicide include: Those who don’t have someone they can depend on are having a serious physical or mental problem are abusing alcohol or illicit drugs are experiencing major changes in their life, such as teenagers and seniors have made previous suicide threats persons who have made concrete plans or preparations for suicide TEENAGER’S GUIDE TO DEPRESSION OR BIPOLAR ILLNESS KNOW You’re not alone You’re not “strange” or “different” THE MOOD DISORDERS ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA WHAT CAUSES DEPRESSION OR BIPOLAR DISORDER Difficult life events, physical illness or long periods of stress. Alcohol or drug abuse, certain medications and your outlook on life. If you have a family history of depression, you have a greater risk of developing this illness. However just because you have a family history of depression does not mean you will go on to develop it. Depression and Bipolar Illness needs a trigger. TEENAGER’S GUIDE TO DEPRESSION OR BIPOLAR ILLNESS Social pressures and responsibilities can be triggers and may change your moods. It’s important to know as soon as possible if yours is just a mood or a mood disorder? LEARN THE FACTS MOOD DISORDERS & ANXIETY Anxiety is a normal response to stress or danger. Anxiety becomes a problem when it is experienced intensely and it persistently interferes with a person’s daily life. Depression and anxiety commonly occur together. Not everybody who is anxious is depressed, but most depressed patients have some symptoms of anxiety. When an anxiety disorder is also present, depression is more severe and is more likely to fail to respond to treatment. Anxiety disorders appear to be common in people with bipolar disorder as well. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO GET HELP? So you can have fun in life! So you can enjoy your family and friends! So you can have better relationships! So you can feel enthusiastic about the future! So you don’t have to feel suicidal! So it is easier to stay away from promiscuity, violence, alcohol and illicit drugs, yes. Even marijuana is an illicit drug that can be very harmful for people with mental illnesses. WHERE TO LOOK FOR HELP? Further resources are listed at the end of this presentation. Be sure to keep a copy handy so, You can help someone you care about. TYPES OF MOOD DISORDERS BAD MOOD Temporary frustrations which are normal TYPES OF MOOD DISORDERS MILD DEPRESSION Feeling sad but still able to enjoy family & friends TYPES OF MOOD DISORDERS SITUATIONAL OR REACTIVE DEPRESSION RESULTS FROM NORMAL SADNESS ABOUT SOME LOSS OR LIFE CHANGE TYPES OF MOOD DISORDERS MAJOR DEPRESSION This is serious & you must seek help, by first getting a proper diagnoses from a Doctor ONLY A DOCTOR CAN PROPERLY DIAGNOSE YOU TYPES OF MOOD DISORDERS BIPOLAR DISORDER (MANIC DEPRESSION): Periods of mania and deep depression Bipolar 1 extreme highs and lows and Bipolar 2 milder highs and extreme lows SYMPTOMS OF MANIA unrealistic plans and ideas of what you can do Irritability Less need for sleep or going for days without sleep Racing thoughts, racing speech Poor judgement SYMPTOMS OF MANIA Overconfidence, heightened mood Aggressive behaviour Reckless behaviour such as spending sprees and driving really fast Concentration problems ANGER Symptoms that can accompany Bipolar Illness Headaches Muscle and joint pain Sexual problems School or work avoidance or failure Symptoms that can Accompany Bipolar Illness Confusion Anxiety or panic attacks Cravings for certain foods or alcohol EFFECTS OF MOOD DISORDERS Can make achieving in school difficult Can cause constant anger Shouting at people for the slightest thing Trouble getting along with family and friends Experimenting with drugs and or alcohol Starting fights, being a bully. Facts about Depression & Bipolar THEY ARE TREATABLE ILLNESSES Causes of Mood Disorders Traumatic life events Like the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, abuse, severe neglect, rape, send some people into deep depression, while others cope with the same problem and move on. Psychological makeup A negative orientation to the world plays a role. Those prone to the illness include people with low self- esteem, very pessimistic, or are overwhelmed by stress Causes of Mood Disorders Chemical Imbalance Brain chemicals like serotonin, norepinephrine, and cortisol may influence a person’s energy, emotions, sleeping patterns and eating patterns Causes of Mood Disorders Chemical Imbalance Studies show the most successful treatment of the illness involves medication along with counselling, therapy and self-help CHEMICAL IMBALANCE Causes of Mood Disorders Environmental factors: Traumatic experiences, a death, severe illness, a divorce, rape, incest or loss of job can precipitate clinical depression Work conditions workload, harassment, supervision, discrimination Mood Disorders It’s not shameful to have an illness that affects your thoughts and behaviour. Recovery is not as simple as using willpower. Millions of people lead normal lives with the right treatment, just like people with other illnesses. Mood Disorders Coexistence of clinical depression with alcohol and drug abuse “drown their sorrows” By using alcohol or other substances to reduce the pain or induce euphoria. This only exacerbates clinical depression Facts about Depression & Bipolar A mood disorder is an illness of the brain that affects; Moods Feelings Behaviour Physical health It is a whole body illness YOU CAN’T CATCH A MOOD DISORDER Depression and Bipolar Illness can be triggered by: TRIGGERS OF DEPRESSION AND BIPOLAR medical illness, some medications, change in health habits, substance abuse, hormonal changes, or stress IF YOU’R SHOWING SIGNS OF A Mood Disorder Be your own best friend Get advice about finding help Write down your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in a journal, and show an adult you trust. HELPING A FAMILY MEMBER OR FRIEND Let them know you care. Encourage them to seek help. Know your facts. Stand by them during their recovery period. HELPING A FAMILY MEMBER OR FRIEND DO NOT take responsibility for making them well. You are not a therapist. Assure them that treatment will be successful in time. HELPING A FAMILY MEMBER OR FRIEND DO NOT agree to keep their condition a secret, if he or she is suicidal you must tell someone immediately. WHAT IS TREATMENT LIKE? For major depression Antidepressants are usually prescribed. Some talk therapy. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Self help Suppot WHAT IS TREATMENT LIKE? To treat bipolar disorder Mood Stabilizers are usually prescribed, Some talk therapy Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Self help Support groups WHAT IS TREATMENT LIKE? MDAM has a Cognitive Behaviour course for Depression and Bipolar illness which has been developed along a self-help and lived experience model PRESCRIPTION ANTIDEPRESSANT MEDICATIONS DO NOT cause artificial happiness. DO NOT change someone's personality. DO NOT “space people out.” ARE NOT habit forming. PRESCRIPTION ANTIDEPRESSANT MEDICATIONS Taking prescribed Antidepressants or Mood Stabilizers is no different than a diabetic taking insulin for diabetes. PRESCRIPTION ANTIDEPRESSANT MEDICATIONS Medication usually produces a marked improvement in three weeks, but may require up to eight weeks for full effect. Mood Disorders Give yourself a chance to learn from others. Taking that first step and asking for help can be very difficult but it’s important to remember that mood disorders are treatable. Support groups allow people to privately share their feelings and ask questions. Provide a safe place where people with mood disorders are accepted and understood. “TREAT IT-DEFEAT IT” MOOD DISORDERS ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA MDAM has a youth support group for ages 15 to 24. This group is facilitated by Peers. It meets every Monday night 6 to 7:30 regardless of holidays. YOUTH CAMP MOOD DISORDERS ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA ATTITUDE -----life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how you react to it YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF YOUR ATTITUDE MAKE IT POSITIVE CRISIS PHONE LIST Crisis Stabilization Unit (755 Portage)------ 940-3633 Klinic 24 hour Crisis Line-786-8686 or 1-888-322-3019 Klinic Sexual Assault Line-----------------------786-8631 Manitoba Suicide Line-------------------1-877-435-7170 Mobile Crisis Line---------------------------------940-1781 Misericordia Urgent Care------------------------788-8188 Youth Mobile Crisis Team------------------------949-4777 RESOURCE PHONE LIST Mood Disorders Assoc. of Manitoba----------------- 786-0987 Addictions Foundation of Manitoba-------------------944-6200 Anxiety Disorders Assoc. of MB.-----------------------925-0600 Canadian Mental Health Assoc. (MB Div.)-----------953-2350 Canadian Mental Health Assoc. (WPG Div.)---------982-6100 Health Links----------------------------------------------788-8200 Kids Help Phone-----------------------------------1-800-668-6868 WHO CAN YOU TURN TO NAME ON CARD____________________ TRUSTED ADULT___________________ PHONE #________________ SOMETIMES YOU FEEL SO ALONE THANK YOU on behalf of The Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba AND TINA HOLLAND 4 Fort Street Winnipeg, MB R3C 1C4 PH: 786-0987 TOLL FREE: 1-800-263-1460 E-mail: