Software: Required - LED Sign |


Software: Required - LED Sign |
Optec Displays, Inc.
1. Warranty Documentation………………………………………………… 1-2
2. Software: Install..…………………………………………………………….pg 4-5
3. How to change the IP address on your PC for Optec Settings.…..……...… 6-7
4. How to create an AVI/OPV in ME3………………………...………..…….pg 8-10
5. How to send a message to your sign………………………………………pg 11-12
6. How to create/use tokens in User End………..…………….…………… 13-14
7. How to Create a Blank Message………………………………………… 15-16
8. How to Adjust the Time Zone on your sign………………………………pg 17-18
9. How to Adjust the temperature reading on your sign………………….….pg 19-20
10. Networking a sign: Items required and the process..……………...………….pg 21
11. How to change the IP address on your sign…………………..………… 22-25
12. How to change the IP address on your Engenius Wireless ……...……….pg 26-27
13. How to set and use an Alternate IP address………………………...…… 28-32
14. Engenius layout and hookup…………………………………………… 33-34
15. Troubleshooting: Display issues………………………………..…………pg 35-36
16. Troubleshooting: Communication issues…………………………………pg 37-43
Standard Warranty
Software: Required
1. Install Media Editor 3 from the Disk, click on “Install MediaEditor 3”
2. In window 2 select “Continue Installing Media Editor V 3.0.0.XX”, “Install .NET
Framework V2.0” can be ignored as your computer will already have this.
3. In “ezME Setup” select Install.
4. “Setup- Optec Plugins” , select “Next” – then select “Install”
5. In the ME3 CD select Back, and proceed to install “User End Schedule Editor”
6. Once “User End” is installed proceed to install “Ultra VNC Client”
7. If your sign is using Optec Wireless Communication: proceed to Install “Engenius
Locator.exe” from the ME3 disk or
8. Software that is required to be installed
a. ME3
b. User End – Schedule Editor
c. UltraVNC Viewer
d. Engenius Locator.exe
How to change the IP address on your PC for Optec Settings
This walk through will enable you to communicate to any Optec Displays Digital Display that uses LAN (Ethernet
Cable) or Wireless Ethernet Communication with Optec default settings.
1. On your computer you will need to open your “Start”
2. On Windows XP you will locate and select “Run”
3. When the “run” window is open type “ncpa.cpl” and select the “OK” button
4. On Windows Vista/Windows 7 you will locate “Start Search”
5. In “Start Search” type “ncpa.cpl” and press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.
6. Network Connections Window will open, right click on “Local Area Connection” and
select “properties”
7. In the “Local Area Connection Properties” window opens, select “Internet Protocol
TCP/IP” or “Internet Protocol v4 TCP/IP” and select properties.
8. In the “Internet Protocol Properties” window, select “Use the following IP address” and
type in the IP address in the IP field
Subnet mask:
9. Once your IP is entered as shown above, select “OK” in the “Internet Protocol
Properties” window.
10. In the “Local Area Connections Properties” window, select “OK”
11. Do not click on the “X” button or close in any of the windows as it will cancel your
How to Create an OPV in ME3
1. Open ME3 and select “New Movie”
2. Change the matrix to what your sign is and what type of sign you have.
3. Once all settings are set a Blank Frame will open.
4. In this blank frame select what you want to work with, text, word Art, Image or Video.
5. In this frame we will use “Word Art”
6. Once you have made your changes and adjustments you will need to save your work. (If
you ever need to edit any work it can only be done on ME3 files as OPV files are finalized
files and cannot be altered.)
7. Once your ME3 file is saved you can proceed to export the file (File>Export Frames).
When you export the file you must make sure that you save the OPV in the same
directory that your ME3 file is saved under. Make sure that you select/check the
“compress box” and in compression select “Microsoft Video 1.”
8. Observe where file is being exported and saved to in the Directory box of “Export to Video” window,
you can later retrieve the file.
9. Select “Export” and the file will begin to export as an OPV file.
How to send a message to your sign
1. Open “User End”
2. Select “New” button on the right and designate a group, file or token
3. Using “File”, select browse and load your AVI or OPV file, file selecting
“Browse” and loading your saved AVI or OPV.
4. Adjust your “Start” and “End” times accordingly, should you leave the “Start”
and “End” time as default the message will expire at 12AM as the fields are for
every 24 hr period between start and end time.
5. Once your “Start” and “End” time have been adjusted, select “OK”
6. Save your schedule so that you can edit or change it later.
7. Send your message to the display, select “Command” then “Send Schedule”
”Send Schedule” will remove the old message to the sign,
“Add To Schedule” will add your new message to your current schedule that is playing on the
How to create/use tokens in User End (Date, Time, Temperature, Text, Image)
1. Open “User End”
2. Select “New” button on the right and select “Token”
3. In the token “Edit Date Time” window, select the “Settings” button at the bottom.
An empty frame will appear.
4. Select your desired “Token”, then right click on the text within the frame and
adjust the size.
5. Select “Apply” in the “Token Editor” window.
never manually type the temperature, always use the
temperature token. The temperature will begin to display according to the sensor readings.
6. Adjust your “Start” and “End” times accordingly, default settings will cause the
message to end at midnight the same day.
7. Send your message to the display, select “Command” then “Send Schedule”
”Send Schedule” will remove the old message to the sign,
“Add To Schedule” will add your new message to your current schedule that is playing on the
How to Create a Blank Message
1. Using ME3, create, save and export a blank OPV file.
a. Save a new frame that is blank and export it as is
2. Load your current schedule, by selecting “File” and “Optec Schedule”
3. Select “New” and “File” to load “Blank File” to your existing schedule.
4. Adjust the “Start” and “End” time of your entire schedule to allow your blank file
to play.
5. Example below: Business runs from 8 AM – 10PM daily
6. The sign should be blank from 10PM -7:59:59AM
7. In order to achieve this we must load the “Blank File” two times
a. From 10PM – 11:59:59PM
b. From 12AM-7:59:59AM
8. The end result will look as follows:
9. The above image displays a schedule that the sign will show the normal schedule
from 8AM-9:59:59PM daily and will be blank from 10PM-7:59:59AM.
How to Adjust the Time Zone on your sign
Please note that before you proceed your computers IP address must be
1. In order to Change the IP address of your sign you must have Ultra VNC Viewer installed
on your scheduling computer. Ultra VNC viewer is located in the Media Editor 3
Software CD or
2. Locate and Run VNC Viwer (green icon with an eye)
3. To log into the Sign Controller, use VNC – Viewer (not listen mode)
4. In VNC server field type the default IP address “” and select
(IP in the image is an example)
5. Once the Authentication window appears, type the password “5952788” and Log
6. You will now be logged into the remote desktop of the sign controller. (You may
scroll down or to the left on the remote window in order to view the correct area)
7. After making changes to IP address, Subnet, Time zone, etc. on remote desktop, you
must Go to “Start” then “All Programs,” select “VGASign” folder and run the "Do_
Commit". Follow on screen instructions to save changes and reboot sign controller.
8. Working in the remote desktop, locate the taskbar time on the lower right corner
of the taskbar and double click on it to open the “Date and Time Properties”
9. In the “Date and Time Properties”, select the “Time Zone” tab and correct the
time zone and select “Apply”.
10. Once your time zone is adjusted you must commit your changes, failing to do so
will result in settings reverting back to factory settings.
11. Go to “Start” then “All Programs” then “VGASIGN” folder and select
“Do_Commit” command. Follow instructions to save and reboot controller.
How to adjust the temperature reading on your sign
Please note that before you proceed your computers IP address must be
1. In order to Change the IP address of your sign you must have Ultra VNC Viewer installed
on your scheduling computer. Ultra VNC viewer is located in the Media Editor 3
Software CD or
2. Locate and Run VNC Viwer (green icon with an eye)
3. To log into the Sign Controller, use VNC – Viewer (not listen mode)
4. In VNC server field type the default IP address “” and select
(IP in the image is an example)
5. Once the Authentication window appears, type the password “5952788” and Log
6. You will now be logged into the remote desktop of the sign. (You may need to
scroll down or to the left on the remote window in order to view the correct area)
7. Working in the remote desktop, locate “SignEnd” icon on the lower right corner
of the taskbar.
8. Right click on the “SignEnd” icon and select “Options”
9. In “SignEnd Settings” window, locate the “Offset,” enter the desired temperature
offset to increase (+) or decrease (-) the temperature reading and click on “OK”
10. Once your temperature adjustment is completed, proceed to close the remote
desktop window by following the "Do_Commit" procedure outlined above.
Networking a sign: Items required and the process
In order to add the sign into your existing network you must obtain 1-3 unused static
IP addresses.
If your sign is using Wireless Ethernet you must obtain 3 static IP addresses so that
you can add all equipment including the wireless radios to your network. (Refer to Page
22-27). Change the IP of the sign first , then sign end radio and computer end radio last.
The first static IP will be assigned to the sign/sign controller
The second IP will be assigned to the Sign End wireless EnGenius radio.
The third IP will be assigned to the Computer end wireless EnGenius radio.
If your sign is not using Wireless Ethernet but hardwired CAT5 cable you may obtain only
1 static IP address for the sign controller only. (Refer to Page 22-25).
You will need to have basic understanding of your network to achieve this or consult
your Network Administrator, IT professional or Internet Service Provider.
Optec Displays is not responsible for providing unused static IP addresses on your
network for the sign controller and cannot suggest or give IP addresses to use.
Information contained herein is for informational purpose only and may not work for you.
Please record your new IP addressing below for future service calls
IP address of the sign: __________________________
Subnet Mask:
Preferred DNS (if applicable):___________________________
Alternate DNS (if applicable):___________________________
New IP address for the Sign End Wireless Receiver (if
New IP address for the Computer end Wireless Receiver (if
How to change the IP address on your sign
Please note that this procedure is to be followed if you want to add your sign to your
existing network, before you proceed your computer IP address must be
Your IT must provide you with a static IP address for the sign.
1. In order to Change the IP address of your sign you must have Ultra VNC Viewer installed
on your scheduling computer. Ultra VNC viewer is located in the Media Editor 3
Software CD or
2. Locate and Run VNC Viwer (green icon with an eye)
3. To log into the Sign Controller, use VNC – Viewer (not listen mode)
4. In VNC server field type the default IP address “” and select
(IP in the image is an example)
5. Once the Authentication window appears, type the password “5952788” and Log
6. You will now be logged into the remote desktop of the sign. (You may need to
scroll down or to the left on the remote window in order to view the correct area)
7. Go to “Network Connections” and when window opens, select LAN (Local Area
Network 2) and right click and select “Properties).
8. In the “Local Area Connection 2 Properties” window, scroll down and double
click on “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”.
9. In the “Internet Protocol” window, change the IP address from the default to the
IP address your IT department has provided or the IP address that you need the sign
controller to be.
To apply all changes you must select “OK”
in all opened windows.
10. VNC will freeze – indicating that the IP change has changed on remote controller.
11. You will need to change the IP address of your computer to match the range that
the sign controller is in or in most cases set your IP address back to “Obtain an IP
address automatically”.
12. Use VNC Viewer and log into the sign controller again using the new sign IP address.
13. Once the remote desktop of the sign controller is open you must commit to save the
change in sign controller IP as it uses Windows Embedded.
14. Go to “Start” then “All Programs,” select “VGASign” folder and run the
“Do_Commit” and follow its instructions. Sign will restart at the end.
15. Failure to complete step 14 will result in the sign defaulting back to factory
16. Open User End and select Option>Connection Properties and change the Optec
default IP with the new IP address you just assigned to the display controller.
How to change the IP address on your Engenius Wireless
1. In order to change the IP address of the Wireless Engenius you must have the
“Engenius Locator.exe” installed on your scheduling computer and 2 unused
static IP addresses.
2. “Engenius Locator.exe” may be installed from the Media Editor 3 CD or directly
from Engenius
3. To download “Engenius Locator.exe” visit and search for
EnGenius Locator or visit and select “Customer Support” tab.
4. Once installed, open Engenius Locator.exe and select search.
5. If the locator requires that you select a Network Adapter, make sure you select
your integrated network card, not a wireless card if using a laptop.
6. Once the devices appear on the locator wait for the search to finish then highlight
the “Sign End Engenius” by clicking on it and select the “IP Setting” option on
the locator.
7. A Log On window will appear. Enter the correct user name and password and
select Apply”
User Name: Admin | Password: vgasign
8. In the “IP Settings” window, modify the Optec default IP of,
subnet mask and gateway to your desired value or that provided by your IT, then
select “Apply”
9. Go back to the “Engenius Locator” and select the “Computer End” by clicking on
it and select the “IP Settings” option on the locator.
10. A Log On window will appear. Enter the correct user name and password and
select Apply”
User Name: Admin | Password: vgasign
11. In the “IP Settings” window, modify the Optec default IP of,
subnet mask and gateway to your desired value or that provided by your IT, then
select “Apply”
12. The modifications to the Wireless devices must be done in the order seen above.
13. Never select “Factory Default” – this will render the Wireless units unusable and
will cause a void in your warranty for those devices. Factory settings are not the
the same as Optec Displays settings.
How to set and use an Alternate IP address
This document is intended for modification of your scheduling computer’s network settings which
will allow you to use 2 different IP’s, the first will be obtained from your network - will allow you to
continue to work within you network. The alternate will allow you to communicate with the display
at default network settings without modifying the sign’s network settings. (Optec Displays is not
responsible for any network disruptions if this method is used and does not guarantee
that this alternate method will work on all Networks)
Hardware required: (Please consult with your authorized vendor what equipment was
purchased with your display).
Communication equipment for the display: Wireless Ethernet, CAT 5 cable
Ethernet Switch
Obtain your:
IP address
subnet mask
DNS (s)
(Vista and Windows 7)
- Click on the Start button and select Search and type “CMD” and press OK
In Command Prompt type “ipconfig /all” - and press enter, here you will obtain your network
information. (For Windows 7 or Vista you will need to look for your “IPV4” settings).
Record your network settings: (example above)
1. IP address :
2. Subnet mask:
3. Gateway:
4. DNS servers:
1. On your computer you will need to open your “Start”
2. On Windows XP you will locate and select “Run”
3. When the “run” window is open type “ncpa.cpl” and select the “OK” button
4. On Windows Vista/Windows 7 you will locate “Start Search”
5. In “Start Search” type “ncpa.cpl” and press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.
6. Network Connections Window will open, right click on “Local Area Connection” and
select “properties”
7. In the “Local Area Connection Properties” window opens, select “Internet Protocol
TCP/IP” or “Internet Protocol v4 TCP/IP” and select properties.
In the “Internet Protocol Properties” window, select “Use the following IP address” and
type in the IP address in the IP field
Select Use the Following IP address and manually enter your static IP, subnet, gateway and
DNS that you obtained earlier.
(Note that the above IP addresses are sample taken from a different network and your
network may have a different scheme such as or with matching
Subnet, Gateway, DNS information. Enter them accordingly in the appropriate boxes.
Apply your changes by selecting “OK” on all the windows. Next re-open the Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) Properties window, Click on Advanced tab in the same window.
Select “Add” and add the following IP, exactly how it is in the image below then select “Add”
then OK and OK in the next window to apply all settings (do not just “X” out the window or
close, never select Cancel).
You will now be able to access the internet on your own network while still able to conenct to
the default IP and subnet of the Optec sign controller. This is not the approach recommended
by Optec. The best approach is to change the default IP schemes on sign controller and/or
wireless radios with IP address information provided by your IT for better network management.
Mounting the Sign End EnGenius Wireless Radio
Wireless communication typically involves WLAN (WiFi) and a pair of wireless Ethernet
bridges using either Inscape or EnGenius radio modems.
Mount the sign end wireless unit high enough on the sign structure (not on the display)
so that it is pointed back to the office building end radio in a straight line of sight.
Because of their built in directional antennas, if there is a big altitude difference then
they must be aligned properly using the swivel arms on their respective mounting
Wireless EnGenius radio on Upper or Lower mount with swivel arm
The wireless CAT 5 cable is weather proof, but if you run the cable into the structure use
a weather tight grommet to prevent the cable from being chaffed and cut over time. Run
the black cable back down inside the structure to the base and bring it up to the
A circular knockout with a 90-degree weatherproof conduit connector is provided on the
rear of the display cabinet or the environmental box and the CAT5 cable from the radio
runs into it. The end of this cable with a RJ45 plug will be connected to the ODU/PoE
RJ45 socket on the Power Injector inside the display cabinet to provide POE (Power
Over Ethernet) for the wireless radio. The RJ45 or LAN socket on the Power Injector will
connect to the LAN port of either an internal controller or the external DELL controller via
a standard CAT5 patch cable.
The wireless unit at the office building end will again be mounted according to the picture
shown above. The CAT5 cable must always hang from the bottom of the unit and a drip
loop is to be set in place. This CAT5 cable from the radio will be brought inside the
building so that its RJ45 plug can be connected to the ODU/PoE RJ45 socket on the
Power Injector installed inside the building. The RJ45/LAN socket on the PoE of
Engenius radio must then be connected to an available 10/100 port on a network switch
or the LAN port on a stand alone computer intended to be used as the programming
Engenius: Hookup / Layout
Troubleshooting: Display Issues
1. A partial (small) outage on the display is blank while the rest of the display is
working fine:
This is typical of a power supply that is either bad or has gone into a self protect
mode. Normally caused by displays that are not properly vented, grounded or the
sign is being shut off every night.
a. Shut the display off at the breakers for 10-15 minutes
b. Turn the breakers to the ON position and check the sign for any problems.
c. Do not hook up the sign to an AC timer or shut the sign off at the end of
the day.
d. If the problem persists call your Authorized Sign Dealer for service.
2. A partial (very small) outage on the display is blank/scrambled while the rest of
the display is working fine:
This normally an issue with a driver board if your display is HYB (hybrid) or a LED Tile
if your unit is INF (infinity).
a. Shut the display off at the breakers for 10-15 minutes
b. Turn the breakers to the ON position and check the sign for any problems
c. If the problem persists call your Authorized Sign Dealer for service.
3. A large outage on the display is blank/scrambled while the rest of the display is
working fine or you have a double face sign where one face is blank and the other
is 100%:
This is typical of a problem with the Logic Board in the display.
a. Shut the display off at the breakers for 10-15 minutes
b. Turn the breakers on the ON position and check the sign for any problems
c. If the problem persists call your Authorized Sign Dealers for service.
4. The display is showing a mirrored image or out of order image:
This is commonly seen when a logic board is replaced in the display.
a. Contact your Authorized Sign Dealer or technician that replaced the logic
board in the sign.
b. Have them check order of the ribbon cables
c. Have them check the jumper shunts on the new logic board (mirrored
image means that the old jumpers were not removed from the original
logic board and placed on the new logic board).
5. The sign is 100% blank and you cannot communicate to the display:
This is typical of a controller problem
a. Shut the display off at the breakers for 10-15 minutes
b. Turn the breakers to the ON position and check the sign for display.
c. If the problem persists call your Authorized Sign Dealer for service.
6. The sign freezes on the same movie:
This is typical of a bad or corrupt file that you sent to the display.
a. Observe the file that the sign freezes on.
b. Remove the file from your schedule and resend your schedule.
7. Display is too bright:
This is typical when the temperature/light sensor was installed where light
constantly hits it or the sensor has failed.
a. Contact your Authorized Sign Dealer so that they relocate the sensor.
b. Opt to use schedule brightness with software brightness.
Troubleshooting: Communication Issues
1. You replaced your computer and you cannot communicate to the display:
a. Check your IP address on your computer, make sure it is set to the same
range as your sign
b. Make sure that User End software is set to “Network LAN”
c. Make sure that the correct IP address is set in User End software.
d. Do not change your IP address on your computer to
e. Make sure that User End software does not have the IP of
2. You changed internet providers and you cannot communicate to the display:
a. Check your IP address on your computer, make sure it is set to the same
range as your sign
3. You or your employee took your scheduling computer home to browse the
a. Make sure that your IP address is changed back to your static IP
b. If Optec default settings are used then proceed as follows:
i. Sign IP address:
ii. Computer IP address:
4. You are communicating to the display via a CAT5 cable direct to your computer:
a. Make sure that the cable is not exceeding 300ft
b. Make sure that the cable is a cross-over cable, for sign to computer
c. If a cross-over cable is not being used, make sure that you connect to a
Ethernet switch.
d. Shut the sign off for 5 minutes then power it back on.
5. You are communicating to the display using Wireless Ethernet (Optec provided):
a. Make sure that the transmitter or computer end is installed outside of the
b. Make sure that the Wireless devices have a clear line of sight
c. Make sure that the Wireless devices are not more than 2500 ft from each
d. Make sure that you DO NOT factory restore the devices by hitting the
“Reset” button, this will not revert to Optec default settings and will cause
communication to fail (factory resetting your unit is not covered under
e. Make sure that the Wireless units are hooked up correctly
i. LAN connects to your network or computer
ii. PoE connects to the Wireless device (Power Over Ethernet)
1. Refer to the “Wireless Ethernet Quick Setup Guide” in
your owners manual
f. Disconnect the power adapter from the Engenius POE device for 10
seconds, then reconnect
g. Shut the sign off for 10 seconds then repower
h. If problem persists call your Authorized Sign Dealer for service
i. Note that Wireless units may be functioning but your site may be
surrounded by large amounts of wireless activity causing wireless