Admissions in Central Bedfordshire 2016
Admissions in Central Bedfordshire 2016
Admissions in 2016 Schools and academies in Central Bedfordshire • Starting School 2016 • Transfer to Secondary 2016 • Transfer to Middle 2016 • Transfer to Upper 2016 A great place to live and work. Apply online at 150814 School Admission A4 Booklet 2016.indd 1 19/08/2015 16:50 Contents Message from the Executive Member for Children’s Services Introduction / Contact us Data protection policy Applying for schools outside Central Bedfordshire Which schools can I apply for? What to consider when expressing a preference for a school? Children with an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) ‘Looked after’ and previously ‘looked after’ children Making your application - How to make your application - Which address?/ Moving address - Children of UK Service Personnel - Applying on ‘very exceptional’ medical grounds - Siblings/ Twins or children from multiple births - Feeder schools - Changing your mind (change of preference) - Applying on religious or faith grounds How are places allocated? / Who allocates places? Admissions criteria How will you find out the result of your application Appeals Home to School Transport Late applications In year applications Starting School 2016 - Important dates in the starting school allocation round - When will your child start school?/ Deferred entry/ Delayed admission - Infant class size legislation - Lower School information sheets - Primary School information sheets Transfer to Middle 2016 - Important dates in the middle allocation round - Dates of middle school open days/evenings - Middle school information sheets Transfer to Secondary 2016 - Important dates in the secondary allocation round - Dates of secondary school open days/evenings - Secondary school information sheets Transfer to Upper 2016 - Important dates in the upper allocation round - Dates of upper school open days/evenings - Upper school information sheets Options for Current Year 9 Transfer to University Technical College (UTC) 2016 Applying for sixth form Useful contact information Map of Central Bedfordshire 1 Page 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20-24 24 26 27 27 28-29 30 33-64 64-74 75 75 76-77 78-87 88 88 89 90-92 93 93 94 95-98 99 100 102 103 104 Message from the Executive Member for Children’s Services Welcome to Central Bedfordshire Council’s admissions information booklet. This booklet is for parents/carers of children who are: Due to start school in the Reception year Transferring from a Lower to a Middle School Transferring from a Middle to an Upper School Transferring from a Primary to a Secondary School Transferring to a University Technical College (UTC) As the Executive Member for Children’s Services in Central Bedfordshire, I want to make sure that you have the necessary information to enable you to make an informed decision regarding your child’s education. This booklet provides you with important information to help you through the process of applying for a place at an academy or school. It provides information about the schools in the Central Bedfordshire area and explains how and when places are allocated. I should like to invite and encourage you to apply for a school place using the online application system. Applying online is a quick, safe and efficient way of making your application, although you may, if you prefer, complete a paper application form available from the School Admissions Team. I hope that you will find the information in this booklet helpful. If you require any further guidance, support or advice, please contact the School Admissions Team: Email: Telephone: School Admissions Helpline 0300 300 8037. May I take this opportunity to wish your child every success in their education. Cllr Mark Versallion Executive Member for Education and Skills 2 Introduction This booklet is for parents and carers of children living in Central Bedfordshire applying for a school place for September 2016. There are two ways you can make an application; either by applying online using our online facility at or by completing a paper application form. The national closing dates for applications to be received by the School Admissions Team are: 31 October 2015 - Transfer to Secondary 2016 - Transfer to Upper 2016 - Transfer to University Technical College 2016 15 January 2016 - Starting School 2016 - Transfer to Middle 2016 If you live outside Central Bedfordshire and wish to apply for a place at a Central Bedfordshire school, you must apply to your own local authority. They will work with us to process your application and then let you know the decision of your application on the national offer day. Even if your local authority accepts more than three preferences, please note that Central Bedfordshire Council only accepts a maximum of three schools. Contact us If you have any questions regarding School Admissions please contact us: @ Call our helpline on 0300 300 8037 Email us Write to us at School Admissions, Central Bedfordshire Council, Watling House, High Street North, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 1LF All the information is available on our website The Dunstable office is open Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm and Friday 8.30am to 4pm The Admissions Helpline is open Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5.30pm and Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm Contact Us 3 Data protection policy Your data and that of your child is very important to us, please take a moment to read our data protection policy: The School Admissions Team will communicate with the parties named on the application form. This should be one or both of the parents or a carer who is legally responsible for the child, If only one parent is named on the application form then we will expect only to speak to this person. If both parents are named on the application form, then we are able to speak to both parents. We will ask a series of questions to confirm that we are speaking to the parent of the child in question. If a third party who is not named on the application form contacts the School Admissions Team, we will not disclose any information about the application and will neither confirm nor deny that an application relating to the child has been received but will contact the parent(s) or carer(s) named on the application form. The person requesting information should expect to be asked to provide: proof of identity, proof of Parental Responsibility (see below) and any relevant Court Orders. The third party requesting information should expect that the details of their request will be disclosed to the parent(s)/carer(s) named on the application form and other relevant organisations/other third parties, such as the school. The third party requesting the information should expect a delay of up to four weeks before receiving a response to their request. The School Admissions Team will contact the parent(s)/carer on the application form. If the third party not named on the application form has Parental Responsibility for the child, the Schools Admission Team will be under a duty to disclose the information about the child unless there are strong reasons for non disclosure. If a parent/carer named on the application form requests the School Admissions Team to withhold information about the application from the third party, we will ask them to provide evidence of their reasons for this. The reasons we will consider include: Fear of violence or intimidation. This may be evidenced by Court Order but other evidence will be considered. A Court Order limiting the exercise of Parental Responsibility such as a Prohibited Steps Order. The third party is not a parent. Evidence refuting Parental Responsibility such as a Court Order will be required. The School Admissions Team may agree to provide the third party with information about the school only and to withhold information about the child’s address. Alternatively, the School Admissions Team may agree to withhold all information about the child from the third party enquirer and the response from the Schools Admissions Team will neither confirm nor deny that it holds an application in relation to the child. If one parent does not wish for the other parent to know the details of the child’s admission application, despite both parties being named on the application form, we will ask the parent wishing to withhold the information to provide evidence to support their objections. The following would be examples of appropriate evidence: A Court Order (for example a Prohibited Steps Order) Evidence to support fear of violence or intimidation. Evidence to support a claim that the other parent does not have Parental Responsibility. Unless there is a Court Order in place, the School Admissions Team will not refuse to speak to a parent who is named on the admissions form and who has provided appropriate evidence of Parental Responsibility. Data protection policy 4 Please note the following with regards to your application: We will hold the personal details supplied on the application form for the purposes of processing your application for a school place. We will share the information with other relevant teams within the Council and other Local Authority Admissions Teams where necessary. We will safeguard your personal details and these will not be divulged to any individuals or organisations for any other purposes. Applying for schools outside of Central Bedfordshire Legislation requires parents/carers to apply to the local authority in which they live, even if the schools are outside of that area. Therefore if you live in Central Bedfordshire but want to apply for a school in another local authority, you must apply to us either using our online facility or paper application forms. We will contact the relevant school admissions team on your behalf, and we will write to you at the appropriate time to let you know the outcome of your application. For information regarding out of area schools please contact the relevant local authority for an information booklet which will give details on their schools and admissions processes, or alternatively visit their website. You will also need to check with the relevant local authority if you are required to complete any supplementary forms or if your child is required to register for an entrance test if the school is a selective (grammar) school. For information regarding supplementary information, entrance exams (for grammar schools), appeals and waiting list arrangements please contact the relevant School Admissions team: Bedford Borough Council 01234 718120 Buckinghamshire County Council 01296 383250 Cambridgeshire County Council 0345 045 1370 Hertfordshire County Council 0300 123 4043 (customer service centre) Luton Borough Council 01582 548016 Milton Keynes Council 01908 253338 Applying for schools outside Central Bedfordshire 5 Which schools can I apply for? Catchment areas Many areas have a catchment school. You can find out which school is your catchment school by visiting our website If you do not have internet access you can call us on 0300 300 8037. Some academies have defined their own catchment area which may be different from the local authority’s original catchment listing. Some schools do not serve a local catchment area, these are: Ashton St. Peter’s VA (CofE) Primary Houghton Regis Academy Lark Rise Academy Priory Academy Pulford VA (CofE) Lower St. Mary’s VA (RC) Primary St. Vincent’s VA (RC) Primary Thomas Whitehead VA (CofE) Primary Do I have to apply for my catchment or local school? No. You have the right to express a preference for up to 3 schools/academies which provide education suitable for your child’s age. You may wish to apply for your catchment school as this will usually mean that if a place is not available at your preferred school, you may still have priority for a place at your catchment school. If you do not ask for a place at your catchment school, it could result in your child attending a school some distance from your home. You may be responsible for transporting your child to that school. Can my child attend our catchment or nearest school? You need to make your application on time in order to be considered for your preferred school(s). Your child does not have an automatic right to a place at your catchment or nearest school, however we will ensure your child is offered a place at a suitable school in the local area. Living in the catchment area may give your child priority however if there are more applications than places available then a place cannot be guaranteed. Do I have to apply for three schools? No, you can apply for up to three schools. Naming more than one school will not weaken your chance of gaining a place at your first preference school. Similarly naming the same school more than once will not increase your chance of gaining a place at that school, so therefore it is worth considering other local schools to in case a place cannot be offered at your preferred school. Even if another local authority accepts more than three preferences, Central Bedfordshire Council will only accept a maximum of three. Which schools can I apply for? 6 What to consider when expressing a preference for a school? In this booklet we have included information regarding each school’s contact details, their Published Admission Number and oversubscription criteria, and the allocation information for September 2015. We have also included the designated measuring point for each school, which is used in the event of the school being oversubscribed to calculate the straight line distance between the school and each child’s home address. For information on the school’s OFSTED report, curriculum details and assessment results you will need to contact the school directly, request a school prospectus from the school office or visit their website (where applicable). You should list your preferences in the order that you would most prefer them, not in the order you think you might get them. Oversubscription The number of applicants choosing a particular school varies from year to year; a school may be oversubscribed one year but have places available the next. Likewise just because a school has places available in September 2015 does not mean that you will definitely get a place in September 2016. For more information on the level of oversubscription in September 2015, visit our website or check the individual school’s information box further in this booklet. Open days/evenings Middle, Secondary and Upper schools hold open days/evenings during the Autumn term for parents and children to attend. Going along to these will give you an opportunity to meet the staff, see the facilities and ask any questions about the school which you may have. The details of these are published on our website and are also detailed further in this booklet. For lower and primary schools please contact the school/academy directly for more information and possible open events as these follow a different format to those of middle, secondary and upper schools. Transport The Transport Commissioning and Entitlement Team have included information within this booklet and also on their webpage which will advise whether your child would be eligible to free or concessionary home to school transport. You can also contact them to discuss your personal circumstances. Find out more about the schools you are interested in by visiting them on their open day, looking on their website and reading their prospectus Websites you may find useful when considering a school: OFSTED School Admissions catchment area information School Transport Which schools can I apply for? 7 Understanding the information sheets Designated measuring point- this is used in the event of the school being oversubscribed to calculate the straight line distance between the school and each child’s home address. School’s contact details School Name Head: Website: Email: Category: VC Age Range: Up to 9 years Address: NOR 2015 142 Admission Number 2016 30 Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Admissions criteriadecide in which order places are allocated where the school has more applications than places available Number on Rollwe have included the roll for January 2015 to show you the likely size of the school Tel: Designated measuring point: Doorway of Headteacher’s office Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 30 40 30 At the time of the initial allocation in March 2015 the last place offered was under ‘Any other children’ at a distance of 1,524.28m Published Admission Number – this represents the number of school places the school must offer up to in the year group. Some schools and academies may offer above the PAN This shows the level of subscription for the school in the on time allocation of places in September 2015 Category- indicates what type of school it is (see below) Community School The Local Authority is responsible for the admission arrangements and for applying criteria to each application before the allocation to ensure that places are allocated in the correct order. Foundation School The School’s Governing Body is responsible for the admission arrangements and for applying criteria to each application before the allocation to ensure that places are allocated in the correct order. Voluntary Aided School The School’s Governing Body is responsible for the admission arrangements and for applying criteria to each application before the allocation to ensure that places are allocated in the correct order. Religious education follows the teaching of Church of England (if CofE) or Catholic faith (if Catholic). The Local Authority maintains the school but the governors employ the staff. Voluntary Controlled (VC) School The Local Authority is responsible for the admission arrangements and for applying the correct criteria to each application before the allocation to ensure that places are allocated in the correct order. A VC school may have a religious character. Trust School A Trust school is a Foundation school which is supported by a charitable trust. A trust may include just one school or a group of schools working with external partners. The School’s Governing Body is responsible for the admission arrangements and for applying criteria to each application before the allocation to ensure that places are allocated in the correct order. Which schools can I apply for? 8 Academy Academies are publicly funded schools which operate outside of local authority control. The academy trust is responsible for the admission arrangements and for applying criteria to each application before the allocation to ensure that places are allocated in the correct order. Children with a of statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan The arrangements for admitting a child or young person with a statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC) are different to those for children/ young people who do not. Admissions to school for children and young people with a statement or an EHC Plan are dealt with by the SEND Support Team, and not by School Admissions. The SEND Support Team must consult with the Headteacher and Governing Body of the school before they can name a particular school/academy within a statement or Education, Health and Care plan (according to the 1996 Education Act and the Children and Family Act 2014). The local authority must name your preferred maintained school/academy in the statement or Education Health and Care Plan if: • the school/academy is suitable for your child’s age, ability and aptitude • the placement is not incompatible with the efficient education of other children or the efficient use of resources The SEND Support Team will let you know as soon as possible the name of the school/academy which they propose to name on your child’s statement of special educational needs or Education, Health and Care plan and will write to you at the appropriate time to tell you the school where your child has a place. If you are unhappy about the school which has been named on the statement, you should contact the SEND Support Team, telephone: 0300 300 8000. If you have any queries or concerns about this process, please contact the SEND Support Team, telephone 0300 300 8000 If you make an application through the School Admissions Team we will liaise with the SEND Support Team to process the application and you will receive written confirmation of which school your child has been offered a place at from both the SEND Support Team and the School Admissions Team. The School Admissions Team will post the decision letter in accordance with the national offer day for the relevant admission round to you and if you applied online you will receive an email from us. Children with Special Educational Needs but do not have a statement or Education Health and Care Plan If your child’s special educational needs are supported at SEND Support Stage 1 or 2, your preferences for their school place will be treated in the same way as all other applications and you will need to make a standard application to the School Admissions Team. If you have concerns about your child’s special educational needs or any aspect of their education , you can talk in confidence with Central Bedfordshire Council’s SEND Parent and Young Person Partnership Service, telephone 0300 300 8088. Children with a statement of SEN or EHCP 9 ‘Looked after’ and previously ‘looked after children’ The School Admissions Code states that the highest priority for admission to all maintained schools and academies must be to children who are ‘looked after’ or who were previously ‘looked after’. The Children Act 1989 defines a child who is ‘looked after’ as a child or young person who is accommodated by the local authority (Section 20), or a child or young person who is the subject of a full care order (Section 31) or an interim Care Order (Section 38). A previously ‘looked after’ child is one who immediately after being ‘looked after’ became subject to an adoption, residence, or special guardianship order. An ‘adoption order’ is an order under section 46 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002. A ‘residence order’ is an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live under section 8 of the Children Act 1989. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). If your child is ‘looked after’ please include the details on your application so that we can ensure the application is processed under this criterion. Please include the local authority that is responsible for the child, the child’s social worker and their contact details for us to verify. If your child is previously ‘looked after’ please include the details (the Local Authority who was responsible for your child) on your application and provide as evidence either a copy of: Adoption birth certificate Residence order Special guardianship order Making your application How to make your application Legislation requires you to apply to your home local authority. If you live outside of Central Bedfordshire you must contact the local authority and apply to them. We recommend that you apply online as it is quick, simple and safe. Alternatively you can make a paper application; the forms can be downloaded from our website, are available from all Central Bedfordshire schools or we can post one out to you (just call us to request one). In 2015, 86% of parents/carers applied online. Do not make both a paper and online application, if you do only your latest application (submitted before the closing date) will be processed and your first application will be disregarded. All applications received by the School Admissions Team after the national closing dates will be classed as late and not processed until the late allocation round. Late applications are not dealt with until after all the on time applications have been considered. Making your application 10 Which address? If both parents have parental responsibility, either parent may apply but the address at which the child spends the majority of the time will be considered. This means the address at where the child spends the majority of the school week (Monday to Friday). If the child spends an equal amount of time Monday to Friday at two addresses, the determining factor will be the address of the parent who receives the child benefit. Moving address If you move house after submitting your application it is your responsibility to inform us in writing of your new address and the exact date you moved address. It is not sufficient to put details of pending moves in the additional details section on your application form/online account. In order for your new address to be considered in the on time allocation, you must have exchanged contracts or have a signed tenancy agreement and informed us of this by the application closing date. Changes of address which take place after the closing date, or where we have not been informed of a new address by the application closing date, will be processed using the original address. We will post your application outcome to your new address; however it will not be updated on our system until the late allocation round. Proof of address and fraudulent information We will withdraw the offer of a place if we find that you have given fraudulent or misleading information that has effectively denied a place to a child with a stronger claim - for example if you claim to live in the catchment area when you don’t. We do not ask applicants to provide proof of their address when they make an application, however where there is competition for places and a waiting list in operation, we may ask applicants to provide proof of their address. If there is a query on the home address we will request official documentation e.g. council tax bill, a recent utility bill (gas, electricity or water), a rental agreement, child benefit annual statement or family tax credit information. Children of UK service personnel If you are a UK service personnel family and are moving into Central Bedfordshire in time for September 2016 you can apply directly to us if you provide an official letter from the Ministry of Defence declaring your relocation date and a unit postal or quartering address. We will then use this address in the allocation process. Applications must be submitted before the national closing dates to be processed in the on time allocation, any applications received after the closing date will be processed under the late allocations process (see page 24 for more information). Applying on ‘very exceptional’ medical grounds Some own admission schools and academies include, as part of their admissions criteria, a higher priority for children who have a medical condition. Please see their admission policy for further details; you can usually access this on their website. Please note that community and voluntary controlled schools do not have a specific criterion for children with medical needs within their admission policies. Making your application 11 Siblings In some cases your child may have a greater chance of being offered a place at a school if an older child already goes to that school, however this is not a guarantee of a place. If you do not live within the school’s catchment area and have an older child at the school it is possible that they will not be offered a place at the same school. If, at the time of application, you will have another child who will still be attending one of the schools you have nominated in September 2016, please put their name, date of birth and the school they attend, in the relevant section of your application. We will check this information with the school(s) concerned. A sibling refers to a brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister or fostered brother or sister where foster care has been arranged by a Local Authority, step brother or sister or the child of the parent/carer’s partner, and in every case, the child should be living at the same address. The sibling must be in the school at the time of application and be likely to remain in the school at the proposed date of admission. Twins or children from multiple birth children If you have twins or children from multiple birth you must make a separate application for each child. If one of your children is offered the last place available at a school and you have applied for the same school for the other child(ren), we will also offer them a place at that school if it is a community or voluntary controlled school. If it is for an academy or own admission authority school we will ask if they are willing to admit over their admission number. An own admission authority is responsible for making the decision and Central Bedfordshire Council will communicate this to you on their behalf. Feeder schools Some schools give a higher priority to children from outside the catchment area who go to one of the feeder schools however this does not guarantee a place. If any of the schools you nominate have feeder schools as part of their admissions criteria you must provide these details on your application, in order for us to consider this when we process your application. Please note some schools impose a time limit for attendance at a feeder school. Nurseries/pre schools on the school site Please note some schools have a nursery or pre school on their site however attendance at this does not form part of their admissions criteria. Therefore even if your child attends the nursery/pre school it will not have any bearing on your application. Even if your child attends a nursery on the school site, you must still make a Starting School 2016 application to the School Admissions Team as there is not automatic transfer to the Reception Year. Making your application 12 Changing your mind If you would like to change the school preferences on your application, or the order you have listed them, you need to complete a change of preference form. This is available on our website or we can post a paper change of address form out to you on request. We will not accept an email/or letter as a change of preference request, you must complete a change of preference form for your application to be amended. Making a change of preference means: any previous preferences will be discarded on submission of the form if a place can be offered at any of the new preference schools, the original offer will be automatically withdrawn if you want your child to stay on the waiting list(s) for school(s) at which you have been declined for, you need to include this as higher preferences on the form Changes made before the national application closing date (see below) will be processed as on time, your application will be amended to reflect the changes and these will be considered in the allocation. If you make a change to your application after the closing date (for dates see below), these changes will not be processed until the late allocation round. Your original application will be processed in the on time allocation as normal, we will write to you with the results of the original allocation on offer day, and the application will not be amended until after this time. The late changes of preference will be processed in the late allocation rounds. Transfer rounds Change of preference submitted By 31 October 2015 Transfer to Secondary/Upper/UTC From 1 November 2015 By 15 January 2016 Starting School/ Transfer to Middle From 16 January 2016 When will application be amended Treated as on time and application amended in time for allocation Change is late and application will not be amended until the late allocation, original application processed as normal Treated as on time and application amended in time for allocation Change is late and application will not be amended until the late allocation, original application processed as normal The national closing dates for applications/change of preference to be received by the School Admissions Team are: 31 October 2015 - Transfer to Secondary 2016 - Transfer to Upper 2016 - Transfer to University Technical College 2016 15 January 2016 - Starting School 2016 - Transfer to Middle 2016 Making your application 13 Applying on religious/faith grounds Some schools give a higher priority to children who are a practicing member of the appropriate faith or who have been baptised into that faith, than those children who have not. Some schools also include children who are a practicing member of another faith as higher priority of admission than children who are not. However applying on religious or faith grounds is not a guarantee of a place at a school with religious criteria if the school is oversubscribed. Catholic Schools The following Catholic schools have religious criteria as part of the oversubscription criteria: St. Mary’s Primary (Caddington) St. Vincent’s Primary If you are applying for a place on religious grounds because your child has been baptized or participating in a catechumen programme, you must provide a copy of their baptismal certificate or evidence that they are following a catechumen programme in order to be considered under this criterion. If you want to apply for any of these schools on religious or faith grounds you need to ask your priest, minister or faith leader to complete the Confirmation of Religious Affiliation form and return it to us. If you are applying online you will need to download the religious form from our website If you are completing a paper application form, the religious declaration section is attached at the back of the form. Church of England Schools The following Church of England schools have religious criteria as part of the oversubscription criteria: Ashton St. Peter’s Primary Clifton All Saints Academy Dunton Lower School Edward Peake Church of England Middle Henlow Church of England Academy Holywell Middle John Donne Lower Manshead School Meppershall Church of England Academy Northill Lower Pulford Lower St. Andrew’s Lower (both East and West) St. Leonard’s Lower St. Mary’s Church of England Academy (Stotfold) St. Mary’s Lower (Clophill) Sutton Lower Thomas Whitehead Primary Wrestlingworth Lower If you want to apply for any of these schools on religious or faith grounds you need to ask your priest, minister or faith leader to complete the Confirmation of Religious Affiliation form and return it to us. If you are applying online you will need to download the religious form from our website If you are completing a paper application form, the religious declaration section is attached at the back of the form. If you are applying for a religious school in another Local Authority you will need to contact that authority to request the relevant form to complete. Making your application 14 How are places allocated? All our schools operate an equal preference system for allocating places; this is in accordance with legislation. This means that there are two stages in the allocation process. Stage 1: All first, second and third preference applications are considered equally against the schools’ admissions criteria; at this stage there is no distinction between first, second and third preference applications. For example, if the school has 30 places and there are 45 first, second and third preference applications, all applications are ranked in the order of the academy/school’s criteria it meets. For example: Stage 2: If the child qualifies for a place at more than one school, the school ranked higher by the parent (i.e. first preference) will be offered and any lower ranking offers will be disregarded. For example, a parent’s first and third preferences might both qualify for a place, in which case the parent would be offered their first preference, leaving the place at the third preference school available for another pupil. Will I have a better chance of getting my first preference than someone who lists it as a second or lower preference? Not necessarily. All on time applications submitted receive equal consideration and are ranked against the schools/academies admission criteria. The preference order will only be used when it is possible for more than one school to offer you a place; this is why it is important that you list the schools in your exact order of preference. Places can be allocated to second or third preference applicants ahead of first preference applicants. For example child A may be allocated a place at their catchment school which was a second preference as a place could not be allocated at their first preference as they live outside the catchment area and the school was oversubscribed with applications. Who allocates places? Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools The local authority is the admission authority for community and voluntary controlled schools. This means that we allocate places for admission. The headteachers of these schools are not authorised to offer your child a place and if the headteacher of one of these schools indicates that he or she will offer your child a place, you cannot assume that this will be so. You must have a letter from us offering your child a place before your child can start at the school. However, if you are applying for a Starting School place and wish to apply for a place in the nursery unit or class, before admission into the reception year, the school will be able to deal with your nursery application and will let you know if a place is available. Academy, Foundation, Trust and Voluntary Aided schools The admission authority for an academy, foundation, trust or voluntary aided school is its Governing Body. This means that the school governors determine the applications according to the school’s admission criteria. However, we write to parents on the school governors’ behalf to offer school places in the reception year. You must have a letter from us offering your child a place before your child can start in the reception year at one of these schools. A letter from the school is not a valid offer. However, if you are applying for a place in a nursery unit or class, before admission into the reception year, the school will be able to deal with your nursery application. How are places allocated? 15 Admissions criteria Admission criteria are used by an admission authority to decide in which order places are allocated where the school has more applications than places available (the school’s Published Admission Number). A school’s/academy’s oversubscription criteria is determined by its admission authority. The admission authority is responsible for applying the correct criteria to each application before the allocation to ensure that places are allocated in the correct order. Who is the admission authority for a school/academy? Type of school Academy Community School Foundation School Voluntary Aided (VA) School Voluntary Controlled (VC) School Who is the admission authority? Academy Trust Local Authority School’s Governing Body School’s Governing Body Local Authority We have a standard set of criteria which the majority of Community and Voluntary Controlled schools use. Other schools and academies’ criteria may differ to this and where this is the case you will see the school/academy’s criteria further on in this booklet under the school’s information table. Standard Admission Policy 2016 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school Children living in the catchment area Other children with siblings at the school Children who live nearest to the school determined by straight line distance from the school site to the child’s home address The following Community and Voluntary Controlled schools operate a variation to the standard admissions policy above and their admissions criteria is detailed in the school’s information table further in this booklet: Dunton VC Lower St. Andrew’s Lower (both East and West) Wrestlingworth VC Lower Edward Peake VC Middle Leighton Middle Pupils with a Statement of Special Education Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan. In accordance with the Education Act 1996, children with a Statement of SEN or Education, Health and Care Plan are required to be admitted to the academy/school named in the Statement or Plan and will be allocated a place ahead of those without a Statement of Special Education Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan in the allocation process. Thereafter the admissions criteria for each academy/school will apply to those children without a Statement of Special Education Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan. After allocations have been made, if an application is made late or is received as part of the in-year process, pupils who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan are required to be admitted to the school which is named on the statement or Plan, even if the school is full. The admissions criteria will be applied separately and sequentially until all places are filled. Priority is not given within each criterion to children who meet other criteria. Admissions criteria 16 What happens where there is more than one child in the same criterion and there are not enough places available? The distance criterion will be used as a tiebreaker in each criterion where required to determine the allocation of places. The distance the pupil lives from the school which is measured in a straight line, using the local authority’s computerised measuring system, with those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority. The local authority will measure the distance from the address point of the pupil’s home to a point on the school site agreed with the governing body of the school. In the event of (a) two or more children living at the same address point (e.g. children resident in a block of flats) or (b) two addresses measuring the same distance from the school, the ultimate tie-breaker will be random selection, using the Tribal Admissions database to allocate the place. Measuring home to school distance Home to school distances for admission allocation purposes will be measured along a straight line between a child’s address and the relevant school/academy. The measurement is taken from the NLPG (National Land and Property Gazetteer) address point of your child’s house to the designated measuring point of the school. Address point data is a nationally recognised method of identifying individual residences. This is an objective method of measuring home to school distances consistently when applying admission criteria. It does not take into account the actual or expected route a child will travel to school. Definitions: 'Looked after' children A ‘looked after’ child is a child in the care of a local authority as defined by Section 22 of the Children Act 1989. In relation to school admissions legislation a ‘looked after child’ is a child in public care at the time of application to a school. Previously ‘looked after’ children A previously ‘looked after’ child is a child who was ‘looked after’, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a residence order or a special guardianship order. Catchment area A geographical area from which children are given priority for admission to the particular school. Please see for more information on school catchment areas. Sibling A sibling refers to a brother or sister, half brother or sister, step brother or sister, adopted brother or sister or fostered brother or sister where foster care has been arranged by a Local Authority or the child of the parent / carer’s partner, and in every case, the child should be living at the same address. The sibling must be in the school at the time of application and be likely to remain in the school at the proposed date of admission. Children who live nearest to the school determined by straight line distance from the school site to the pupil’s home address The distance the pupil lives from the school which is measured in a straight line, using the local authority’s computerised measuring system, with those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority. The local authority will measure the distance from the address point of the pupil’s home to a point on the school site agreed with the governing body of the school. Admissions criteria 17 How will you find out the result of your application? National offer days Tuesday 1 March 2016 - Transfer to Upper School 2016 Transfer to Secondary School 2016 Transfer to University Technical College 2016 Monday 18 April 2016 - Starting School 2016 Transfer to Middle 2016 We will write to on time applicants on the above date with the outcome of their application. The letters are posted out via 2nd class post on the date above and therefore will arrive a few days after the offer day. If you apply online and request email notification, we will email you the result of your application on the offer day (sometime during the working day). Even if you make your application online but choose letter notification, you will only receive a letter advising you of the outcome of your application which will arrive a few days after the offer day. Please note, that if you telephone the Admissions Helpline on the offer day, we can only confirm allocation details with the person(s) named on the child’s application, in line with our data protection policy. If your application is unsuccessful for any of your preferred schools Waiting Lists If we have not been able to offer you a place at your preferred school(s), we will add your child’s name on the waiting list for the academic year* (for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools). Waiting lists are prioritised according to the admission criteria for the individual school, not in date order of when applications are received. Your child’s position on the waiting list could change (move up or down) if other children are added or removed. Following the national offer day – If a place cannot be allocated at your preferred school(s) your child will be automatically added to the waiting list. If a place becomes available at your preferred school during the late allocation it will be allocated to your child and your original offer will be withdrawn and reallocated to another child if necessary. It is therefore essential that you inform us in writing within two weeks of the national offer day if you do not want to remain on the waiting list so that your original offer is not withdrawn. Following the late allocation - If a place cannot be allocated at your preferred school(s) your child will be automatically added to the waiting list. If a place becomes available after the late allocation we will contact the parent/carer of the child who is at the top of the waiting list and offer it to them. *For waiting list arrangements for own admission authority schools (foundation, trust and voluntary aided) and academies please check with them directly. How will you find out the result? 18 Accepting a place at a lower preference school will not affect your child’s position on the waiting list for a higher preference school. Appeals If you have been declined a place at your preferred school(s) you have the right of appeal to an independent Admissions Appeal Panel. Please see below for further details. Next nearest school If you have not been offered a place at any of your preferences and live in Central Bedfordshire we have a duty to nominate your child a place at: - your catchment school if there are places remaining after the allocation - or the next nearest Central Bedfordshire school (appropriate to your child’s age range) which is closest to your child’s home address which has places available Appeals All parents/carers have the right to appeal if they have not been offered a place at their preferred school(s). The appeal process is independent to the School Admissions Team, and is dealt with by the Committee Services Team at the Council. If you decide to appeal you will need to submit the grounds of your appeal in writing. An appeal hearing will then be arranged. At the hearing a representative from the Council or school/academy will present the case for non-admission; which will either be on the grounds of complying with infant class size legislation or prejudice to the school if another child is admitted. Both you and the panel will have an opportunity to question the school/academy’s case. It will then be your opportunity to present your case for why your child should be admitted to the school. The panel and the representative from the Council or school/academy will then be able to ask you questions regarding your case before both parties sum up. The panel will make their decision based on the information provided by both parties and will do so in private at the end of the appeal hearings that day or for the school/academy in question. The appeal clerk will inform you of the panel’s decision in writing within five school days of the appeal hearing. The panel’s decision is binding on all parties. At the appeal hearing, your case is decided upon by the appeals panel who are independent, trained volunteers. They are not paid and are not associated with the council or school. For information about the appeal process and guidance on how to make an appeal visit the website /appeals. Transfer round Date offer letters sent out Appeal to be received by 1 March 2016 13 April 2016 18 April 2016 16 May 2016 Transfer to Upper 2016 Transfer to Secondary 2016 Transfer to Middle 2016 Starting School 2016 If your appeal is received after the date given above, it may not be possible to hear your appeal before the school summer holidays. Accepting a place at another school will not affect your chances of your appeal being successful. If your application is unsuccessful 19 Once you have been made your appeal you will receive confirmation that your appeal has been received. After the appeal deadline the appeal clerk will write to you to tell you the date, time and venue of your appeal hearing. You will be given at least ten school days notice of your appeal hearing. Starting school and transfer appeals have to be heard within 40 school days after the appeal deadline. Late starting school and transfer appeals, as well as in year appeals, will be heard within 30 school days of submission. Appeals are heard during the working day; they are not heard at weekends, in the evening or during school holidays. If your application has been declined on infant class size grounds you may still lodge an appeal however it is important to know that the panel can only uphold your appeal in the following circumstances: 1) If the admission arrangements had not been applied correctly and this is the only reason the child was not admitted to the school. 2) If no reasonable admission authority could have made the decision not to admit the child (i.e. the decision was perverse in the light of the admission arrangements). For more information call Martha Clampitt (appeals clerk) on 0300 300 4032 @ email School Appeals Home to School Transport Free home to school transport is provided to pupils who meet the criteria as set out in the Council’s Home to School Transport Policy, a copy of which can be found on the Council’s website a hard copy is available upon request. A brief overview of the different criteria is described below; however if you do have any questions regarding the eligibility for free home to school transport then please contact the Transport Commissioning and Entitlement Team (TCET) on 0300 300 8339 or at 1. Pupils attending mainstream schools For pupils who attend a mainstream school, transport may be provided if they meet one of the following criteria: Pupils aged 4 – 8 years old (Reception year to the end of Year 3) who live more than the statutory walking distance of 2 miles, by the shortest available walking route to the nearest school or designated catchment school. If the pupil is entitled to transport under the above distance criteria whilst under the age of 8 years, they will continue to receive free transport until the end of the academic year in which he/she reaches the age of 8 (Year 3) Pupils aged 8 – 16 years old (Years 4 – 11) who live more than the statutory walking distance of 3 miles by the shortest available walking route, to the nearest school or the designated catchment school. Home to school transport 20 The statutory walking distance may not apply where the route which the pupil would be expected to walk to their nearest or designated catchment school (when accompanied by an appropriate adult) is assessed as unsafe. If you have any questions regarding the walking route then please contact us on the number or email at the top of the page. The pupil may also be entitled to transport in the event that you are not successful when applying for one or all of your school preferences via the School Admissions Team. If the School Admissions Team identify a school, which was not on your list of preferences and you meet any of the above criteria, the pupil may be entitled to transport. 2. Transport for Pupils with Special Educational Needs Having a current statement of special educational needs or an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) does not guarantee transport. However transport may be provided if: The pupil is attending a mainstream school and meets the criteria stated in section 1 The pupil is attending the nearest special school with spaces available which is over the statutory walking distance relevant to their age (see section 1) and has been identified by the Council as being able to appropriately meet their needs. If the pupil attends their nearest or designated catchment mainstream school or their nearest appropriate special school with places available and they live under the statutory walking distance and there are no road safety concerns, then their needs may be assessed to ascertain whether it would be reasonable or safe for them to walk to school when accompanied by an appropriate adult. A medical needs or special educational needs application form would need to be completed and returned to us for it to be assessed. These forms are available on the Council’s website A Passenger Assistant is provided if the Council believes that the health and safety of the pupil, driver or anyone else travelling in the vehicle would be at risk if not provided. The Council will consider transport to the nearest suitable school. If by parental preference a more distant school is named in the pupil’s statement or EHCP but the Authority’s view differs, transport will not be provided. A school designated by the Council as the most appropriate school for a particular pupil will normally be deemed to be the nearest suitable school. 3. Low Income Pupils from low income families may be entitled to free transport. The pupil will be entitled if they are eligible for free school meals or parents receive the maximum amount of Working Tax Credits. They must also meet one of the criteria below: Pupils aged between 8 – 11 who attend the nearest or designated catchment school and the distance between home and school is over 2 miles by the shortest available walking route. Pupils aged between 11 – 16 (Years 7-11) who attend 1 of the 3 nearest appropriate schools between 2 – 6 miles from the home address by the shortest Home to school transport 21 walking route if up to three miles or the shortest motorised route if over three miles. If you wish to apply for free home to school transport based on low income eligibility, then please complete the Low Income Application form which is on the Council’s website or by contacting us directly. 4. Children Attending a School on the Grounds of Religion or Belief Travel assistance will not be provided by the Council to a parent/carer of a pupil attending school on the grounds of religion or belief (‘denominational grounds’) with the exception of where a pupil is from a low income family (see section 3). A pupil aged between 11 – 16 years old (Years 7-11) who attends his/her nearest suitable school preferred by his/her parents on grounds of religion or belief and lives between 2 miles and 15 miles from the school, by the shortest available walking route if up to three miles or the shortest motorised route if over three miles. 5. Pupils with Temporary Medical Problems Free travel assistance may be considered where a pupil lives within the defined walking distance to school relevant to his or her age (see section 1) and is attending the nearest or designated catchment school with spaces available but is unable to walk to school because of a medical condition. For pupils who have a current statement of special educational needs or EHCP and have a medical condition which impacts on their ability to walk to school, then transport may be considered to the nearest school which has been assessed by the Council as being able to meet their needs. To apply for transport on medical grounds please complete and return a medical needs application form which can be found on the Council’s website or by contacting us. 6. Parents with a Disability The Council may exercise its discretion to provide transport where a child lives within the walking distance (see section 1) to school but where his/her parents are unable to accompany him/her on the walk to school because of a medical condition or disability. Please contact us to discuss transport on these grounds and be aware that you will be asked to provide evidence which demonstrates that you are unable to walk the pupil to school due to your disability. 7. Temporary Residential Circumstances Where a family is forced to re-locate temporarily to alternative accommodation owing to circumstances outside their control the Council may provide transport. Each case is assessed on its merits, and will be subject to assessment against the statutory walking distance. Pupils placed in refuges, whose safety may be at risk may be provided with transport without taking distance in to account. An application to the Transport Commissioning and Entitlement Team will be required and supporting evidence may be required. Home to school transport 22 8. When transport is not provided There are certain circumstances where free home to school transport is not provided by the Council and transport would be parental responsibility. These include: if the school attended is not the one which the Council deems to be the nearest suitable school; to an address which is not the primary registered address. The primary registered address is where the pupil will spend the majority of their time and will be registered with the school as the primary domiciliary address. to enable the pupil to attend extra curricular activities or between institutions within the school day. (For these journeys the organising school or institution will be responsible for transport arrangements); to attend dental or hospital appointments, or other non-educational appointments; in the event of sickness, where the pupil has to be collected from school (or returned to residential school midweek); for parents/carers attending review meetings; where the pupil is attending a school which is not the nearest or designated catchment school and the attendance is due to parental preference; to attend work experience; to attend an induction day at another establishment; to accompany a friend home; where the journey is to a nursery or pre-school setting; following misbehaviour occurring on transport, which threatens the Health and Safety of staff and/or other pupils; when the pupil travels at lunchtimes or at any time other than the normal start and end of the school day. Travel between these times will remain a parental responsibility. where other parental responsibilities such as other children or work commitments prevent them from being able to walk the pupil to school. It would be parental responsibility to make alternative arrangements. respite/Social Care Transport is not arranged by the Transport Commissioning & Entitlement Team. Please continue to contact Social Workers for this transport. 9. Concessions When there is a Council operated school bus with spare seats available after all the entitled pupils have been offered their seats, the Council may sell these as concessions. They are sold on a first come, first served basis, one term at a time and being accepted for a place for one term does not guarantee a place for the next term. For further discussions regarding concessionary places, please contact the Mainstream Transport Team on 0300 300 8167 or at 10. Definitions Maximum Journey Time Best practice suggests that the maximum each way length of journey for a pupil of primary school age might be considered to be 45 minutes; whilst a pupil of secondary school age might be expected to travel up to 75 minutes each way (which may not be possible to an out-of-county provision). However, a pupil’s special educational needs and/or disability might be such that it implies a shorter maximum journey time. Home to school transport 23 Catchment Area School The catchment area school is defined as the school designated by the Council to serve the home address of the pupil at the time of application. Information on school catchment areas is available from Walking Route - Distance Measurement The walking distance between home and school, is measured by the shortest route along which a pupil, accompanied as necessary, may walk with reasonable safety. The route measured may include footpaths, bridleways, and other pathways, as well as recognised roads with suitable pedestrian access. Home Address The home address is defined as the primary registered address. Pupils who live in a joint home arrangement will be provided with transport only to and from the primary home address registered with their school and the Council. The Council will not provide travel assistance to or from any other address. EHCP On 1 September 2014 government legislation introduced the Education Health Care Plan to replace the Statement of Special Educational Needs for all pupils assessed after that date. The term Statement of Special Educational Needs will continue to be used for a period of 3 years (Aug 2017) for pupils who already have a Statement. Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy for Schools Increased car use and the impact of the ‘school run’ is a problem everywhere and travel to nurseries and schools in Central Bedfordshire generates a significant number of car journeys contributing to peak time traffic congestion. In association with this there are increasing concerns around road safety at schools and poor health in young people, both in terms of inactive lifestyles, poor air quality and also climate change. Central Bedfordshire’s Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy sets out how students who attend schools in Central Bedfordshire can be assisted to travel sustainably and safely to and from school. A full list of schools and the schemes they run, as well as more information on our work to help promote safe and sustainable travel to school, can be found within the main strategy and the summary documents which can be found at: Late applications Home to School Transport All applications we receive after the national closing date will be classed as late and not processed until the late allocation round, which will take place after the national offer day for on time applications. Late applications are not dealt with until after all the on time applications have been considered. Places are not reserved at schools in the on time allocation for late catchment children or any other circumstances. Home to school transport 24 Submitting a late application significantly reduces your child’s chance of an offer of a place at one of your preferred schools. The national closing dates for applications to be received by the School Admissions Team are: 31 October 2015 - Transfer to Secondary 2016 - Transfer to Upper 2016 - Transfer to University Technical College 2016 15 January 2016 - Starting School 2016 - Transfer to Middle 2016 When will late applications be processed? Late applications received after the closing date but before the on time offer day will be processed in the initial late allocation round. This takes place after the on time allocation and allocates places which have been declined or where a school has places remaining. The outcome of late applications are sent via 2nd class post and so should arrive a few days after the offer day. Transfer Round Transfer to Upper, Secondary and UTC Starting School and Transfer to Middle Application received by School Admissions Between 1 November 2015 – 15 March 2016 Application processed Late allocation round When will you find out the result? From 16 March 2016 From May 2016 onwards As soon as application has been processed Between 16 January 2016 – 3 May 2016 Late Allocation round 6 June 2016 From 4 May 2016 From June 2016 As soon as application has been processed 26 April 2016 Late applications for schools in another local authority Late applications which are made for schools in another local authority will be sent over to the relevant authority after the on time allocations. How to make a late application: All late applications need to be made using the paper application form as the online facility is only available for on time applications and will close at midnight on the closing date. If your application is late: 1. On receipt of your late application we will write to you to confirm we have received the application (including the date we received it) and to advise when your application will be processed 2. We will write to you with the outcome of your application at the appropriate time (we will advise you of this on receipt of your application). Late Applications 25 In Year applications In year admissions are applications for a school place made during the academic year and applications for admission to age groups other than the normal year of entry. In-year applications are for where the place is sought for the child in the required year group within the next 4-6 weeks or by the start of the next term. Any place offered needs to be taken up within 4-6 weeks or by the start of the next school term. If you are applying for a school or academy in Central Bedfordshire you should make your application to the School Admissions Team. There are a few schools and academies where you need to apply directly to them, please see our website for more information. If you are applying for a school outside of Central Bedfordshire you should apply directly to the local authority where the school or academy is in. In year applications are processed from the half term prior to when the place is required. For applications where a place is required within that time frame we aim to process these within fifteen school days. In year application forms are available: you can make an application online using the eform on our website download a paper application form from our website to collect from Central Bedfordshire schools/academies you can request a form to be sent out to you by contacting us on 0300 300 8037 or You must provide proof of your child's date of birth with your application. The processing of your application will be delayed if you fail to submit the relevant evidence. In year applications 26 Starting School 2016 For children born between 01/09/11 and 31/08/2012 Date Event 1 September 2015 Online Starting School 2016 system opens for parents/carers to apply Paper application forms available from our website, schools and by contacting School Admissions National closing date for applications to be received by the School Admissions Team Late applications received during these dates will be processed in the late allocation round National offer day for on time applications. Decision letters will be posted out via 2nd class post and those applied online and requested email notification will receive an email with their application decision Parents/carers who are declining the place offered or wish to change their on time preferences need to have submitted a change of preference form by this date to be considered in the late allocation round Late allocation round offer day. Decision letters will be posted out via 2nd class post so will arrive a few days later Late applications received after 3 May will be processed 15 January 2016 16 January 2016 – 3 May 2016 18 April 2016 3 May 2016 6 June 2016 During June/July 2016 There is no automatic transfer from nursery to Reception YearYou must make a Starting School 2016 application to School Admissions! Apply online at Or complete a paper Starting School 2016 application form and send it to: School Admissions Central Bedfordshire Council Watling House High Street North Dunstable Bedfordshire LU6 1LF Closing date for applications to be received by School Admissions: 15 January 2016 Starting School 2016 27 Children attending a nursery at the school Even if your child attends a nursery on the school site, you must still make a Starting School 2016 application to the School Admissions Team as there is no automatic transfer to Reception Year. There is no guarantee that a child attending the nursery on the school site will be offered a place in the school (Reception Year). Please note some schools have a nursery or pre school on their site however attendance at this does not form part of their admissions criteria. Therefore even if your child attends the nursery/pre school it will not have any bearing on your application. When will your child start school? Children born between 01/09/11 and 31/08/12 should apply for a Reception Year place in the Starting School 2016 round. Schools must offer your child a full time place in September following your child’s fourth birthday if that is your wish. However your child does not have to attend school full time until he or she is of statutory age. Deferred entry Children are normally admitted to school in the September following their fourth birthday, which is at the start of Reception Year. However they do not have to start school until they reach statutory school age, which is the term after their fifth birthday (see below) Birthday between Term in which child is statutory school age (and therefore needs to be attending school full time) 1 September 2011- 31 December 2011 Spring 2017 (January) Reception Year 1 January 2012 - 31 March 2012 Summer 2017 (April) Reception Year 1 April 2012 - 31 August 2012 Autumn 2017 (September) Year 1 Even if you want to defer the school place, you must still apply at the normal time of admission. To defer your child’s place until they are of statutory school age please put this in writing to the Headteacher once a place has been offered. If the place offered has not been taken up by the beginning of the summer term, then it will be withdrawn and offered to another child if necessary. For parents/carers of children who are not statutory school age until the summer term, and choose to start them at school in Autumn 2017 (the start of Year 1) will have to make an in year application after the May half term 2017 for a Year 1 place for September. Places are not reserved for this situation, and therefore you may find there is not a place available for your child at your preferred school. Starting School 2016 28 Delayed admission for summer born children Parents/carers of children who are summer born (i.e. 1 April to 31 August) can also request that their child is admitted to Reception Year a year later. However, parents/carers do not have the right to insist that their child is admitted to a particular age group. A decision will be made by the admission authority for the school. In general, children will normally be educated in their normal age group, with the curriculum differentiated as appropriate, and requests for children to be educated out of their normal age group in certain circumstances will only be agreed. The Department for Education has issued non-statutory guidance which parents/carers should read if considering requesting their child’s admission is delayed. The document is available at Admission authorities must consider each request based on the individual circumstances of the case however there is no legal requirement for an admission authority to grant the request if they do not believe it is in the child’s best interests. Where a parent has more than one preferred school in their application, the relevant admission authorities will each consider the request and make their decision individually. There is no guarantee that all will come to the same decision. If the request is granted, the parent will need to make an application as part of next year’s normal admission round and this will be processed within the normal allocation process. A place cannot be guaranteed at a particular school and in the case of oversubscription, places are offered in accordance with the school’s oversubscription criteria. Therefore requesting a delayed admission is to delay a child’s application for a year rather than an offer of a school place. If a place cannot be offered at the preferred school which has agreed to the delayed admission as they are oversubscribed the School Admissions Team will advise of the next steps. This could result in your child being offered a place at another school in your child’s normal year group. If you have any queries regarding delayed admission then contact the Senior Admissions Officer for Starting School in the School Admissions Team on 0300 300 8037 or Starting School 2016 29 Infant Class Size legislation Government legislation states that no infant class where the majority of children will reach the ages of 5,6 and 7 years old can have more than 30 children to a single teacher. This means where a school has a Published Admission Number of 15, 30,45,60,75 or 90 infant class size limits will usually apply as classes will be organized into groups of 30 children with one teacher either from Year R or Year 1 onwards. If the school is oversubscribed and Infant Class Size limits apply then it means your application has been unsuccessful on the grounds of infant class size limits and although you have the right of appeal the Appeal Panel can only uphold your appeal in the following circumstances: 1) If the admission arrangements had not been applied correctly and this is the only reason the child was not admitted to the school. 2) If no reasonable admission authority could have made the decision not to admit the child (i.e. the decision was perverse in the light of the admission arrangements). Additional children may be admitted under exceptional circumstances however they must be at the top of the waiting list to be considered for this. If the child is not at the top of the waiting list then this cannot be applied as places must be offered in accordance with the oversubscription of a school. The excepted children are: (a) children admitted outside the normal admissions round with statements of special educational needs or Education, Health and Care Plans specifying a school; (b) ‘looked after’ or previously ‘looked after children’ admitted outside the normal admissions round; (c) children admitted, after initial allocation of places, because of a procedural error made by the admission authority or local authority in the original application process; (d) children admitted after an independent appeals panel upholds an appeal; (e) children who move into the area outside the normal admission round for whom there is no other available school within reasonable distance; (f) children of UK service personnel admitted outside the normal admission round; (g) children whose twin or multiple birth is admitted otherwise than as an excepted pupil (e.g. where the first twin is the 30th child) (h) children with special educational needs who are normally taught in a special educational needs unit attached to the school, or registered at a special school who attend some infant classes within the mainstream school. Children of UK service personnel There is no specific admissions criterion for children of UK service personnel. Applications must be submitted before the national closing dates to be processed in the on time allocation, any applications received after the closing date will be processed under the late allocations process (see page 24 for more information). The School Admissions Code states that admission authorities must “allocate a place in advance of the family moving into the area provided the application is accompanied by an official offer letter detailing the date of relocation and unit postal address or quartering area”. Starting School 2016 30 Directory of Lower and Primary Schools This list will help you to find the lower and primary schools in your local area. Detailed information about the schools can be found on the individual school information sheets. Location School Name Category Page Ampthill Ampthill Arlesey Aspley Guise Barton-le-Clay Biggleswade Biggleswade Biggleswade Biggleswade Blunham Caddington Caddington Campton Chalton Clifton Clophill Cranfield Dunstable Dunstable Dunstable Dunstable Dunstable Dunstable Dunstable Dunstable Dunstable Dunstable Dunstable Dunton Eaton Bray Eversholt Everton Flitwick Flitwick Flitwick Gravenhurst Greenfield Harlington Haynes Heath and Reach Henlow Henlow Hockliffe Houghton Conquest Houghton Regis Houghton Regis Houghton Regis Houghton Regis Houghton Regis Houghton Regis Russell Lower The Firs Lower Gothic Mede Academy Aspley Guise Lower Ramsey Manor Lower Biggleswade Academy Lawnside Lower St. Andrew’s Lower (East) St. Andrew’s Lower (West) John Donne Lower Caddington Village School St. Mary’s (Caddington) Primary Campton Lower Chalton Lower Clifton All Saints Academy St. Mary’s (Clophill) Lower Cranfield Church Of England Academy Ardley Hill Academy Ashton St. Peter’s Primary Beecroft Academy Dunstable Icknield Lower Hadrian Academy Lancot Primary Lark Rise Academy St. Augustine’s Academy St. Christopher’s Academy Vale Academy Watling Lower Dunton Lower Eaton Bray Academy Eversholt Lower Everton Lower Flitwick Lower Kingsmoor Lower Templefield Lower Gravenhurst Academy Greenfield C of E School Harlington Lower Haynes Lower St. Leonard’s Lower Derwent Lower Raynsford Church of England Academy Hockliffe Lower Community Academy Academy Community Community Academy Community VC VC VA (C of E) Community VA (Catholic) Community Community Academy VA (C of E) Academy Academy VA (C of E) Academy Community Academy Community Academy Academy Academy Academy Community VC Academy Academy Community Community Community Community Academy Academy Academy Community VA (C of E) Trust Academy Community 52 61 39 33 50 33 46 54 55 44 66 71 34 34 35 57 36 64 65 65 37 67 68 69 70 71 74 62 37 66 38 38 39 44 60 40 40 41 42 56 36 50 42 Houghton Conquest Lower Community 43 Hawthorn Park Primary Houghton Regis Primary St. Vincent’s Primary Thomas Whitehead Primary Thornhill Primary Tithe Farm Primary Community Community VA (Catholic) VA (C of E) Community Community 67 68 72 73 73 74 Starting School 2016 31 Husborne Crawley Kensworth Langford Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard Lidlington Marston Moretaine Marston Moretaine Maulden Meppershall Moggerhanger Northill Potton Pulloxhill Ridgmont Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Shefford Shillington Silsoe Slip End Southill Stanbridge Stotfold Stotfold Stotfold Studham Sundon Sutton Toddington Totternhoe Upper Caldecote Upper Stondon Westoning Woburn Woburn Sands Wrestlingworth Husborne Crawley Lower Kensworth VC Primary Langford Village Academy Beaudesert Lower Clipstone Brook Lower Dovery Down Lower Greenleas School, Derwent Road Greenleas School, Kestrel Way Heathwood Lower Leedon Lower Linslade Lower Pulford Lower Southcott Lower St. George’s Lower The Mary Bassett Lower Thomas Johnson Lower Church End Lower Shelton Lower Maulden Lower Meppershall C of E Academy Moggerhanger Lower Northill Lower Potton Lower Pulloxhill Academy Ridgmont Lower Laburnum Lower Maple Tree Lower Robert Peel Lower St. Swithun’s Lower Shefford Lower Shillington Lower Silsoe Lower Slip End Primary Southill Lower Stanbridge Lower Fairfield Park Lower Roecroft Lower St. Mary’s Church Of England Studham Church of England Lower Sundon Lower Sutton Lower Toddington St. George Church of England Totternhoe Lower Caldecote Lower Stondon Lower Westoning Lower Woburn Lower Swallowfield Lower Wrestlingworth Lower Community VC Academy Community Community Community Community Community Community Community Community VA (C of E) Community Community Community Community Trust Trust Community Academy Foundation Trust VA (C of E) Foundation Trust Academy Community Foundation Trust Foundation Trust Foundation Trust VC Community Community VC Community Community Community Community Community Academy VC Academy VA (C of E) Academy VC VC Community Foundation Community Community VC 43 68 45 33 36 37 41 41 42 46 46 49 53 55 61 61 35 52 47 47 48 48 49 50 51 45 47 51 58 52 53 53 69 54 58 38 51 57 59 59 59 62 62 34 58 63 63 60 64 Please note that the category, school name and age range of schools are subject to change throughout the year due to schools gaining academy status. Starting School 2016 32 Lower school information sheets Aspley Guise Lower School Head: Mrs. M Mercer Address: Spinney Lane, Aspley Tel: (01908) Guise, Milton Keynes, MK17 8JT 582245 Website: Designated measuring point: Main gate Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 135 27 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 Years Number: Received: Offered: 27 26 26 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Beaudesert Lower School Head: Mrs. E Cox Address: Appenine Way, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 3DX 373019 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: pedestrian entrance Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 240 55 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 55 49 49 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Biggleswade Academy Executive Head: Mr. S Phillips Address: Kitelands Road, Tel: (01767) Biggleswade, SG18 8NX 312372 Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 805 Year R- 60 Admission Requests Places 4 to 13 years Number: Received: Offered: Year 5- 80 60 62 60 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Any other children’ at a distance of 533.25m. 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children in catchment with siblings at the Academy 3. Children of Academy staff (see definition on the next page) 4. Children in catchment 5. Non-catchment children with siblings at the Academy 6. Other non-catchment children by distance Starting School 2016 33 Definition of staff- All staff employed by the school for at least two years for the purpose of working in the school as follows; all full time teaching staff, all full time support staff – defined as those on a 37 week and above contract, all part time teaching staff employed on a 0.5 or greater contract, all part time support staff who work more than 15 hours per week for 37 weeks or more. The definition does not include peripatetic staff. Caldecote VC Lower School Head: Mrs. L Evans Address: Manor Place, Upper Tel: (01767) Caldecote, Biggleswade, 316206 Bedfordshire, SG18 9DA Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VC 80 24 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 24 19 19 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Campton Lower School Head: Mrs. L Clifton Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Community Up to 9 years 115 Address: Rectory Road, Campton, Tel: (01462) Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5PF 813359 Designated measuring point: Main gate Admission Number 2016 22 Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 22 34 29 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Distance’ at a distance of 1,458.64m. Chalton Lower School Head: Miss E Noble Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Community Up to 9 years Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Starting School 2016 50 Address: Luton Road, Chalton, Tel: (01525) Luton, Bedfordshire, LU4 9UJ 872354 Designated measuring point: School gate Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Number 2016 15 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 15 10 10 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 34 Church End Lower School Head: Mr. B Storey Address: Church End site - Church Walk, Marston Moretaine, MK43 0NE Forest End site – Great Linns, Marston Moretaine, MK43 0LD Website: Email: Category NOR Admission Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Trust 295 90* Up to 9 years Tel: (01234) 768271 Designated measuring point: Main entrance at Church Walk site Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 90 74 74 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Any other children * site 1: Church Walk and site 2: Forest End. Church Walk = 60 places Forest End = 30 places Clifton All Saints Academy Head: Mrs. C Ward Address: Church Street, Clifton, Tel: (01462) Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5ES 628444 Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Main entrance Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 150 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 Years Number: Received: Offered: 30 38 30 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in See below April 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Any other children’ at a distance of 1,467.88m. 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the Clifton catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area; 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds; 5. Other siblings of pupils of All Saints; 6. Children of parents who have attended All Saints Church, Clifton once per month for a period of six months prior to application. Parents need the signature of the Rector on the application form. 7. Any other children Starting School 2016 35 Clipstone Brook Lower School Head: Mrs. A Hardy Address: Brookland Drive, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 3PG 376085 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: notice board at top of school drive Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 195 75 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 75 49 49 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Cranfield Church Of England Academy Head: Mrs. J Farbon Address: Court Road, Cranfield, Tel: (01234) Bedfordshire, MK43 ODR 750261 Website: Designated measuring point: Headteacher’s office Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 285 90 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 90 61 61 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children living in the schools catchment area 3. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds. 4. Siblings of pupils already attending the school 5. Any other children. Derwent Lower School Head: Mr J. Adkins Address: Hitchin Road, Henlow, Tel: (01462) Bedfordshire, SG16 6BA 812047 Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Headteacher’s office Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Trust 110 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 16 16 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Any other children Starting School 2016 36 Dovery Down Lower School Head: Ms. D Brewster Address: Heath Road, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 3AG 377233 Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 150 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 57 30 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 the last person offered was under (see page 16) ‘Feeder’ at a distance of 1,511.28m. Dunstable Icknield Lower School Head: Mrs. L Prewett Address: Burr Street, Dunstable, Tel: (01582) Bedfordshire, LU6 3AG 663709 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: tower Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 290 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 77 60 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 the last person offered was under (see page 16) ‘Feeder’ at a distance of 2,910.16m Dunton VC Lower School Head: Mrs. N Sheehan Address: High Street, Dunton, Tel: (01767) Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 8RN 312154 Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Headteacher’s office Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VC 60 15 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 15 27 15 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Sibling’ at a distance of 4,226.0m 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Children living in the catchment area 4. Other children with siblings at the school 5. Children, one or more of whose parents/carers have, at the time of application, shown commitment to the Church of England or another Christian church by attending a service at least once a month for the year prior to an application being made*. 6. Children who live nearest to the school determined by straight line distance from the school site to the child’s home address *A Christian Church is defined as one which is a member, or is eligible for membership, of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance. Applications in this category will need to ask their priest or minister to complete the relevant section of the local authority standard application form. Starting School 2016 37 Eversholt Lower School Head: Mrs. P Finch Address: Church End, Eversholt, Tel: (01525) Milton Keynes, MK17 9DU 280298 Website: Designated measuring point: The Email: entrance door Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 75 15 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 15 11 11 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Everton Lower School Head: Ms. A Russell Address: 33 Potton Road, Everton, Tel: (01767) Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2LE 680534 Website: Designated measuring point: Front gate Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 45 10 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 10 16 10 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 the last person offered was under (see page 16) ‘Sibling’ at a distance of 7,294.23m Fairfield Park Lower School Head: Mrs. J Stone Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Community Up to 9 years Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Starting School 2016 260 Address: Dickens Boulevard, Tel: (01462) Stotfold, Hitchin, SG5 4FD 830000 Designated measuring point: Main entrance Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Number 2016 60 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 60 71 60 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Catchment’’ at a distance of 417.31m 38 Flitwick Lower School Head: Mrs. J New Address: Temple Way, Flitwick, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK45 1LU 755444 Website: Designated measuring point: Main office Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 260 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 59 59 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Gothic Mede Academy Principal: Mr. D Archer Address: High Street, Arlesey, Tel: (01462) Bedfordshire, SG15 6SL 732002 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: entrance Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 310 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 69 60 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Catchment’ at a distance of 1,552.73m 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment with siblings at the academy 3. Pupils living in the catchment 4. Children of permanent BEMAT staff (see definition) 5. Other children with siblings at the academy 6. Any other children Permanent Staff Staff that work within BEMAT (Beds East Multi Academy Trust) on either a fulltime or part time basis. The parent must be a permanent member of staff and been employed within BEMAT for two or more years at the time of application, and/or recruited to fill a vacant post where there is a demonstrable skill shortage. Starting School 2016 39 Gravenhurst Academy Head: Mrs. L Rouse Address: High Street, Gravenhurst, Tel: (01462) Bedfordshire, MK45 4HY 711257 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: door Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy Up to 9 years 55 Admission Number 2016 15 Admissions in Sept 201 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 15 13 13 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment with siblings at the academy 3. Pupils living in the catchment 4. Children of permanent BEMAT staff (see definition) 5. Other children with siblings at the academy 6. Any other children Permanent Staff Staff that work within BEMAT (Beds East Multi Academy Trust) on either a fulltime or part time basis. The parent must be a permanent member of staff and been employed within BEMAT for two or more years at the time of application, and/or recruited to fill a vacant post where there is a demonstrable skill shortage. Greenfield Church of England School (Greenfield and Pulloxhill Academy) Head: Mrs. A McCullion Address: Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK45 5ES 712426 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: gate Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 135 25 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 25 25 25 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Any other children Starting School 2016 40 Greenleas School, Derwent Road Head: Mrs. R Clarke Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Community Up to 9 years 283 Address: Derwent Road, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 2AB 371735 Designated measuring point: Front door Admission Number 2016 60 Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 60 87 60 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Feeder’ at a distance of 3,528.42m. Greenleas School, Kestrel Way Head: Mrs. R Clarke Address: Kestrel Way, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 4UZ Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Community Up to 9 years 208 Tel: 01525 385356 Designated measuring point: Front door Admission Number 2016 60 Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 60 86 60 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Catchment’ at a distance of 354.61m. Harlington Lower School (A member of the Harlington and Sundon Academy Trust) Head: Mrs. D Shelvey Address: Westoning Road, Tel: (01525) Harlington, Bedfordshire, LU5 6PD 752500 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: entrance / front door of building Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 140 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 30 30 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Starting School 2016 41 Haynes Lower School Head: Mrs. R Simister Address: Foresters Close, Haynes, Tel: (01234) Bedfordshire, MK45 3PR 381225 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: front door Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 105 24 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 24 17 17 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Heathwood Lower School Head: Mrs. S Dove Address: Heath Road, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 3AU 377096 Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 150 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 43 30 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 the last person offered was under (see page 16) ‘Distance’ at a distance of 1,581.83m Hockliffe Lower School Head: Mrs. N Benger Address: Woburn Road, Hockliffe, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 9LL 210330 Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 65 15 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 15 20 15 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 the last person offered was under (see page 16) ‘Catchment’ at a distance of 693.66m Starting School 2016 42 Houghton Conquest Lower School Head: Miss C McCarthy Address: High Street, Houghton Tel: (01234) Conquest, Bedfordshire, MK45 3LL 740202 Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Headteacher’s office Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 90 20 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 20 22 20 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 the last person offered was under (see page 16) ‘Distance’ at a distance of 3,344.40m Husborne Crawley Lower School Head: Mrs. S Isaacs Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Community Up to 9 years Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Starting School 2016 60 Address: School Lane, Husborne Tel: (01525) Crawley, Bedfordshire, MK43 OUZ 280232 Designated measuring point: Main entrance Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Number 2016 12 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 12 10 10 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 43 John Donne Church of England Lower School Head: Mrs. J Johnson-Clarke Address: High Street, Blunham, Tel: (01767) Bedfordshire, MK44 3NL 640346 Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: of school Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VA (C of E) 65 24 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 24 22 22 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. ‘Looked after children’ or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. On ‘very exceptional’ medical grounds; 3. Children who at the time of application have their home address within the ecclesiastical parish of Blunham (a map is available on the website which can be consulted to give the parish in which you reside) and who have a sibling who will be attending the school at the time of entry; 4. Children who have a sibling who will be attending the school at the time of entry; 5. Children who at the time of application have their home address within the ecclesiastical parish of Blunham (a map is available on the website which can be consulted to give the parish in which you reside). 6. Children whose home address is outside the area as defined in Category 3 above, one or more of whose parents/guardians have, at the time of application shown commitment to the Church of England or another Christian Church by attending a service at least once a month for the year prior to an application being made. Applicants in this category will need to ask their priest or minister to complete the relevant section of the application form; 7. Any other children. *A ‘Christian’ Church is a member, or is eligible for membership, of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance. Kingsmoor Lower School Head: Mrs. C White Address: Kingsmoor Close, Tel: (01525) Flitwick, Bedfordshire, MK45 1EY 712448 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: gate Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 160 45 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 45 20 20 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Starting School 2016 44 Laburnum Lower School Head: Mrs. T How Address: Laburnum Road, Sandy, Tel: (01767) Bedfordshire, SG19 1HQ 680691 Website: Designated measuring point: Bell Tower Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Foundation (Trust) 140 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 35 30 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Feeder’ at a distance of 608m. 1. All looked after children or children who were previously ‘looked after’. 2. Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school. 3. Children living in the catchment area. 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other children with siblings at the school. 6. Children who live nearest to the school determined by a straight line distance from the school site (bell tower) to the child’s home address. Langford Village Academy Principal: Mrs. L Rouse Address: Church Street, Langford, Tel: (01462) Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 9QA 629000 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: office Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy Up to 9 years 165 Admission Number 2016 45 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 45 30 30 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment with siblings at the academy 3. Pupils living in the catchment 4. Children of permanent BEMAT staff (see definition) 5. Other children with siblings at the academy 6. Any other children Permanent Staff Staff that work within BEMAT (Beds East Multi Academy Trust) on either a fulltime or part time basis. The parent must be a permanent member of staff and been employed within BEMAT for two or more years at the time of application, and/or recruited to fill a vacant post where there is a demonstrable skill shortage. Starting School 2016 45 Lawnside Lower School Head: Mr. D Smith Address: Lawnside, Biggleswade, Tel: (01767) Bedfordshire, SG18 OLX 312313 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: entrance into school Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 295 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 65 60 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 the last person offered was under (see page 16) ‘Distance’ at a distance of 741.30m Leedon Lower School Head: Mr. R Benson Address: Highfield Road, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 3LZ 374713 Designated measuring point: Middle of Email: school quadrant Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 265 90 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 90 69 69 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Linslade Lower School Head: Mrs. H Farlam and Mrs. D Cannings Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Community Up to 9 years Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Starting School 2016 200 Address: Leopold Road, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 2QU 372085 Designated measuring point: Pupils entrance gate Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Number 2016 45 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 45 42 42 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 46 Maple Tree Lower School Head: Mrs. P Duncombe Address: Hawk Drive, Sandy, Tel: (01767) Bedfordshire, SG19 2WA 699806 Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Foundation (Trust) 185 45 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 45 33 33 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Maulden Lower School Head: Mrs. V Wang Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Community Up to 9 years Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) 150 Address: Church Road, Maulden, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK45 2AU 402286 Designated measuring point: Main pedestrian gate Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Number 2016 30 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 30 27 27 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 all applicants were offered a place. Meppershall Church of England Academy Head: Mrs. N Moore Address: High Street, Meppershall, Tel: (01462) Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5LZ 813293 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: entrance – Pedestrian gate Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 85 27 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 27 25 25 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children who at the time of application have their home address within the ecclesiastical parish of Meppershall and will have a sibling attending the school at the time of entry 3. Other children who at the time of application have their home address within the ecclesiastical parish of Meppershall 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other children who have a sibling who will be attending the school at the time of entry 6. Children living outside the area as defined in Category 2 above, one or more of whose parents/guardians have, at the time of application, shown commitment to the Church of England or another Christian Church* (see definition overpage) by attending a service at least once a month for the year prior to an application being Starting School 2015 made. Applicants in this category need to ask their priest or minister to complete the relevant section of the application form 7. Any other children Starting School 2016 47 * A ‘Christian’ Church is a member, or is eligible for membership, of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance. Moggerhanger Lower School Head: Mrs. D Randall Address: Blunham Road, Moggerhanger, Tel: (01767) Bedfordshire, MK44 3RD 640270 Website: Designated measuring point: Main door Email: of school Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Foundation 60 15 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 15 9 9 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1 All ‘looked after’ children and adopted children previously in care; 2. Pupils living within the catchment area with siblings at the school; 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area; 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical needs; 5. Other siblings; 6. Any other children. Northill C of E VA Lower School Head: Mrs. A Barden Address: Bedford Road, Northill, Tel: (01767) Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 9AH 627215 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: entrance Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VA (C of E) 65 15 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 15 6 6 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. To children living in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Northill, including Ickwell, Thorncote Green, Hatch and Budna with siblings at the school 3. To other children living in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Northill 4. On very exceptional medical grounds 5. To other siblings 6. To children living outside the area defined in Category 2 above, one or more of whose parents/guardians have, at the time of application and for a period of six months previously, attended Christian public worship at least once in each calendar month. Written evidence of attendance from the parish priest, minister or other suitable person should be provided, by completing the relevant section on the application form. Christian worship means at a church which is a member or is eligible for membership at Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance. 7. To any other children Starting School 2016 48 Potton Lower School Head: Mrs. C Smart Address: Everton Road, Potton, Tel: (01767) Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2PB 260239 Website: Designated measuring point: Secretary’s Email: office Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Foundation (Trust) 260 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 51 51 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Any other children Pulford Voluntary Aided Church of England Lower School Head: Mr. D Heather Address: Pulford Road, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 1AB 372188 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: entrance Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VA (C of E) 185 45 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 45 58 45 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Any Other Children’ at a distance of 741.30m 1. Looked after children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ but immediately after being ‘looked after’ became subject to an adoption, child arrangement or special guardianship order 2. Children who have a sibling who will be attending the school at the time of entry 3. Children of practicing families of the Church of England who regularly attend All Saints Leighton Buzzard. 4. Children of practicing families of the Church of England who are members of one of the Anglican Churches within the Ouzel Valley Team Ministry. 5. Children of practicing families of other Church of England churches. 6. Children of practicing families of other Christian Denominations. 7. Children of practicing families of other faiths. 8. Any other children. A practicing family is defined as a family which attends public worship. Public worship means a congregational act of worship of the church or religious community at least once in each calendar month over the previous year. In respect of The Church of England this is interpreted as attendance at a service which takes place in the Parish Church, or authorised place of worship, on a Sunday, and applies to categories 3, 4 and 5. When applying under categories 3, 4,5, 6 and 7 the relevant priest, minister or faith leader will need to sign the application form to confirm this level of attendance. For the purposes of this policy other Christian Denominations are those that are members, or are eligible for membership, of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance. Starting School 2016 49 Pulloxhill School (Greenfield and Pulloxhill Academy) Head: Mrs. A McCullion Address: Fieldside Road, Pulloxhill, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK45 5HN 713150 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: gate Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 70 12 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 12 11 11 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Any other children Ramsey Manor Lower School Head: Mrs. A Freaks Address: Manor Road, Barton-leTel: (01582) clay, Bedfordshire, MK45 4NS 881318 Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 295 58 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 58 56 56 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Raynsford Church of England Academy Head: Mrs. J Ashwell Address: Park Lane, Henlow, Tel: (01462) Bedfordshire, SG16 6AT 812319 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: gate Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 150 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 44 30 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 the last person offered was under (see page 16) ‘Distance’ at a distance of 2,193.01m Starting School 2016 50 Ridgmont Lower School Head: Mrs. J Cox Address: High Street, Ridgmont, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK43 0TS 280236 Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Headteacher’s office Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 45 15 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 15 8 8 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Robert Peel Lower School Head: Miss L Ganney Address: Dapifer Drive, Sandy, Tel: (01767) Bedfordshire, SG19 1QJ 681185 Website: Designated measuring point: Email: admin@ Headteacher’s office Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Foundation (Trust) 255 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 46 46 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings of pupils currently attending the school 6. Any other children Roecroft Lower School Head: Mrs. J Pearson Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Community Up to 9 years Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Starting School 2016 295 Address: Buttercup Road, Stotfold, Tel: (01462) Hitchin, Bedfordshire, SG5 4PF 730336 Designated measuring point: Main entrance door Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Number 2016 90 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 90 99 90 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Sibling’ at a distance of 2,418.23m. 51 Russell Lower School Head: Mrs. N Walker Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Community Up to 9 years 290 Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Address: Queens Road, Ampthill, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK45 2TD 755664 Designated measuring point: School gate Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Number 2016 90 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 90 50 50 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 all applicants were offered a place. Shefford Lower School Head: Mrs. T Callender Address: School Lane, Shefford, Tel: (01462) Bedfordshire, SG17 5BU 629123 Website: Designated measuring point: Main front Email: door Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 410 90 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 90 96 90 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 the last person offered was under (see page 16) ‘Distance’ at a distance of 1,510.14m. Shelton Lower School Head: Mrs. F Murray Address: Lower Shelton Road, Tel: (01234) Marston Moretaine, Bedfordshire, 768269 MK43 OLS Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: gate Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Trust 60 15 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 15 8 8 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school Children living in the catchment area Very exceptional medical grounds Other children with siblings at the school Children who live nearest to the school determined by straight line distance from the school site to the child’s home address Starting School 2016 52 Shillington Lower School Head: Mrs. J Parker Address: Greenfields, Shillington, Tel: (01462) Hitchin, Bedfordshire, SG5 3NX 711637 Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Headteacher’s office Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 115 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 28 28 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Silsoe Lower School Head: Mrs. S Purdue Address: High Street, Silsoe, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK45 4ES 860247 Website: Designated measuring point: Centre of Email: main gate Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VC 140 45 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 45 35 35 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Southcott Lower School Head: Miss. S Laundy Address: Bideford Green, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 2UA 375753 Website: Designated measuring point: Main door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 295 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 88 60 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 the last person offered was under (see page 16) ‘Sibling’ at a distance of 3,457.40m Starting School 2016 53 Southill Lower School Head: Mrs. F Murray Address: School Lane, Southill, Tel: (01462) Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 9JA 813312 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: entrance Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 65 15 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 15 18 15 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 the last person offered was under (see page 16) ‘Distance’ at a distance of 3,816.56m St. Andrew’s VC Lower School (East) Head: Mrs. S Rolfe Address: Bantock Way, Biggleswade, Tel: (01767) Bedfordshire SG18 8UQ 312311 Website: Designated measuring point: Front Email: entrance doors Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VC N/A 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 33 33 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Children living in the catchment area 4. Other children with siblings at the school 5. Children, one or more of whose parents/carers have, at the time of application, shown commitment to the Church of England or another Christian church by attending a service at least once a month for the year prior to an application being made*. 6. Children who live nearest to the school determined by straight line distance from the school site to the child’s home address *A Christian Church is defined as one which is a member, or is eligible for membership, of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance. Applications in this category will need to ask their priest or minister to complete the relevant section of the local authority standard application form. Starting School 2016 54 St. Andrew’s VC Lower School (West) Head: Mrs. S Rolfe Address: Brunts Lane, Biggleswade, Tel: (01767) Bedfordshire, SG18 OLY 312311 Website: Designated measuring point: Front Email: entrance doors Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VC 425 90 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 90 83 83 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Children living in the catchment area 4. Other children with siblings at the school 5. Children, one or more of whose parents/carers have, at the time of application, shown commitment to the Church of England or another Christian church by attending a service at least once a month for the year prior to an application being made*. 6. Children who live nearest to the school determined by straight line distance from the school site to the child’s home address *A Christian Church is defined as one which is a member, or is eligible for membership, of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance. Applications in this category will need to ask their priest or minister to complete the relevant section of the local authority standard application form. St. George’s Lower School Head: Miss M Rawlings Address: East Street, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 1EW 372096 Website: Designated measuring point: Main front Email: door Category Age Range NOR 2015 Community Up to 9 years 70 Admission Number 2016 30 Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Starting School 2016 55 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 30 12 12 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 all applicants were offered a place. St. Leonard’s V.A. Lower School Head: Miss S Vincent Address: Thrift Road, Heath and Tel: (01525) Reach, Leighton Buzzard, 237253 Bedfordshire, LU7 OAX Website: Designated measuring point: Main door Email: of school Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VA 100 20 Admission Requests Places (C of E) Number: Received: Offered: Up to 9 years 20 17 17 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children who at the time of admission will have their home address within the civil and ecclesiastical parish of Heath and Reach and who will have a sibling in the school at the time of admission. (A map is available on the website; which can be consulted to give the parish in which you reside) 3. Other children who at the time of admission will have their home address within the civil and ecclesiastical parish of Heath and Reach. (A map is available on the website; which can be consulted to give the parish in which you reside) 4. Children whose home address is outside the area, as defined in Category 2 above, and one or more of whose parents/guardians have, at the time of application shown commitment to St Leonard’s Church by attending a service at least once a month for the 12 months prior to an application being made and is continuing to attend at the time when the Governors consider the application. Applicants in this category will need to ask the vicar to complete the relevant section of the application form. 5. Other children who have a sibling who will be attending the school at the time of admission. 6. Children whose home address is outside the area, as defined in Category 2 above, one or more of whose parents/guardians have, at the time of application shown commitment to another Christian Church within the area covered by the Ouzel team ministry * by attending a service at least once a month for the 12 months prior to an application being made and is continuing so to attend at the time when the Governors consider the application. Applicants in this category will need to ask their priest or minister to complete the relevant section of the application form. 7. Any other children. The governors define a ‘Christian’ Church to be one which is a member, or is eligible for membership, of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance. The Ouzel team ministry includes the villages/parishes of Leighton Buzzard, Linslade, Heath and Reach, Hockliffe, Eggington and Billington. Starting School 2016 56 St. Mary’s VA CofE Lower School (Clophill) Head: Mrs. K Bingley Address: High Street, Clophill, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK45 4BE 860206 Website: Designated measuring point: Pedestrian Email: gate of school Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VA 120 30 Admission Requests Places (C of E) Number: Received: Offered: Up to 9 years 30 19 19 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other children living in the catchment area 4. On very exceptional medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Children living outside the Parish of Clophill, one or more of whose parents/guardians have, at the time of application, and for a period of six months previously, attended public worship at a Church of England Church at least once in each calendar month 7. Regular worshippers* in Churches of other denominations** 8. Any other children * ‘Regular worshippers’ are defined as being in regular attendance on at least one Sunday per month during the six months immediately prior to the submission of application. ** Other denominations means churches which are members of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance Written certification will be required from the relevant member of the clergy team of the Parish or the minister of your church. St. Mary’s Church Of England Academy (Stotfold) Head: Miss S Bishop Address: Rook Tree Lane, Stotfold, Tel: (01462) Hitchin, Bedfordshire, SG5 4DL 730343 Website: Designated measuring point: Central Email: point of main school site Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 225 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 39 39 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Children, one or more of whose parents/carers have, at the time of application, shown commitment to the Church of England or another Christian Church by attending a service at least once a month for the year prior to an application being made* 7. Any other children * A Christian Church is defined as one which is a member, or is eligible for membership, of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance. Applicants in this category will need to ask their priest or minister to complete the relevant section of the local authority standard application form Starting School 2016 57 St. Swithun’s V.C Lower School Head: Mrs. A Whitehurst Address: Ivel Road, Sandy, Tel: (01767) Bedfordshire, SG19 1BA 680692 Website: Designated measuring point: Main door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VC 140 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 23 23 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Stanbridge Lower School Head: Miss R Godwin Address: Tilsworth Road, Tel: (01525) Stanbridge, Leighton Buzzard, 210328 Bedfordshire, LU7 9HY Website: Designated measuring point: Front gate Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 85 24 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 24 23 23 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Stondon Lower School Head: Miss S Woodham Address: Hillside Road, Upper Tel: (01462) Stondon, Henlow, Bedfordshire, 850288 SG16 6LP Website: Designated measuring point: Main gate Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 140 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 27 27 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Starting School 2016 58 Studham Church of England VC Lower School Head: Dr. P Burrett Address: Church Road, Studham, Tel: (01582) Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 2QD 872337 Website: Designated measuring point: Main door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VC 40 15 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 15 19 19 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Sundon Lower School (A member of the Harlington and Sundon Academy Trust) Head: Mrs. D Shelvey Address: Streatley Road, Sundon, Tel: (01525) Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 3PQ 872357 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: school gate Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 55 15 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 15 5 5 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Sutton CofE VA Lower School Head: Mrs. L Chapman Address: High Street, Sutton, Tel: (01767) Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2NE 260334 Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: of school Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VA 60 15 Admission Requests Places (C of E) Number: Received: Offered: Up to 9 years 15 25 15 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Any other children’ at a distance of 1,819.79m 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children living in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Sutton (the catchment area) with siblings at the school. 3. Other children living within the Ecclesiastical Parish of Sutton. 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds. 5. Other children with siblings at the school. 6. Children living outside the Parish, one or more of whose parents/guardians are regular worshippers at and are committed members of the Church of England. (see next page) 7. Children living outside the parish, one or more of whose parents/guardians are regular worshippers with any other Christian denomination. (see next page) 8. Children eligible for Pupil Premium or Service Premium funding. 9. Any other children. Starting School 2016 59 For the purposes of this policy, regular worship is defined as parents/guardians who have, at the time of application, and for a period of six months previously, attended public worship at a Church of England Church at least once in each calendar month. Written verification is required from the relevant member of the clergy. There is a relevant section on the LA’s application form for this purpose. Swallowfield Lower School Head: Mrs. K Brewer Address: Weathercock Close, Tel: (01908) Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes, 582101 MK17 8SR Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 290 58 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 58 57 57 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Templefield Lower School Head: Mrs. H Lampard Address: Malham Close, Flitwick, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK45 1AJ 713625 Website: Designated measuring point: Main door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 260 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 57 57 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Starting School 2016 60 The Firs Lower School Head: Mr. A Campbell Address: Station Road, Ampthill, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK45 2QR 402735 Website: Designated measuring point: Enclosed Email: garden Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 295 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 47 47 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. Other siblings 5. Pupils of members of staff (see definition) 6. Any other children determined by straight line distance to the school site from the pupil’s home address. Pupils of members of staff- Any child of a member of our full time or part time staff (teaching or non-teaching) who is employed by the school. Temporary staff are not included in this arrangement. The Mary Bassett Lower School Head: Mr. K Hewitt Address: Bassett Road, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 1AR 373017 Designated measuring point: Front door Website: Email: Category NOR Admission Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 275 60 Up to 9 years Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 60 79 60 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Distance’ at a distance of 659.27m Thomas Johnson Lower School Head: Mrs. M Haimes Address: Hurst Grove, Lidlington, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK43 OSB 402377 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: gate Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 80 18 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 18 16 16 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Starting School 2016 61 Toddington St. George Church of England School Head: Mrs. J Spencer Address: Manor Road, Toddington, Tel: (01525) Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 6AJ 872360 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: gate Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 295 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 54 54 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Totternhoe Lower School Head: Mrs. O Bates Address: Church Road, Totternhoe, Tel: (01582) Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 1RE 662959 Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 80 29 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 29 12 12 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Watling Lower School Head: Mrs. S Penglase Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Community Up to 9 years Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Starting School 2016 170 Address: Bullpond Lane, Tel: (01582) Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 3BJ 662232 Designated measuring point: Main school gate entrance Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Number 2016 30 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 30 31 30 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Distance’ at a distance of 2,055.89m 62 Westoning Lower School Head: Mrs. J Boyle Address: High Street, Westoning, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK45 5JH 712994 Website: Designated measuring point: Front gate Email: of school Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Foundation 120 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 20 20 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Any other children Woburn Lower School Head: Mrs. N Ivett Address: Bedford Street, Woburn, Tel: (01525) Milton Keynes, MK17 9QL 290207 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: entrance Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 60 12 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 12 11 11 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place (see page 16) Starting School 2016 63 Wrestlingworth Lower School Head: Mrs. N Sheehan Address: Church Lane, Tel: (01767) Wrestlingworth, Sandy, 631249 Bedfordshire, SG19 2EU Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VC 60 13 Admission Requests Places Up to 9 years Number: Received: Offered: 13 17 14 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Feeder’ at a distance of 3,335.62m 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Children living in the catchment area 4. Other children with siblings at the school 5. Children, one or more of whose parents/carers have, at the time of application, shown commitment to the Church of England or another Christian church by attending a service at least once a month for the year prior to an application being made*. 6. Children who live nearest to the school determined by straight line distance from the school site to the child’s home address *A Christian Church is defined as one which is a member, or is eligible for membership, of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance. Applications in this category will need to ask their priest or minister to complete the relevant section of the local authority standard application form. Primary school information sheets Starting School 2016 Ardley Hill Academy Head: Mr. J Smith Address: Lowther Road, Dunstable, Tel: (01582) Bedfordshire, LU6 3NZ 667955 Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Main entrance Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 305 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 70 60 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Any Other Children’ at a distance of 1,402.62m. 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. Pupils with siblings at the school 5. `Very exceptional’ medical grounds 6. Any other children Starting School 2016 64 Ashton St. Peter’s Primary School Head: Mrs. S McGinty Address: Leighton Court, Tel: (01582) Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 1EW 663410 Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: of school Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VA (C of E) 170 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 42 30 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Any Other Children’ at a distance of 371.85m 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children who have siblings in the school when they enter the reception class 3. Children of practising parent/guardian of the Church of England whose attendance is verified by the signature of the priest on the application form* 4. Children of practising parent/guardian of other Christian churches** whose attendance is verified by the signature of the priest or minister on the application form* 5. Children of practising parent/guardian of other faiths whose attendance is verified by the signature of the faith leader on the application form*** 6. Children whose applications do not fall within Categories 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 but who have very exceptional medical needs which only Ashton St Peter’s C Of E VA Primary can adequately meet, supported with written evidence from a consultant doctor at the time of application. The Governors reserve the right to seek further information in order to determine whether it is essential for a child to be admitted to the preferred school on medical grounds 7. Any other children * A practising parent/guardian is defined as attending public worship at least once in each calendar month over the previous year. ** Another Christian Church is one which belongs to or is eligible for membership of, Churches Together in Great Britain and Ireland, the Evangelical Alliance, or in the Dunstable Fellowship of Evangelical Churches. *** A practising parent/guardian is defined as attending faith meetings at least once in each calendar month over the previous year. Beecroft Academy Head: Mr. J Hughes Address: Westfield Road, Tel: (01582) Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 1DW 663486 Website: Designated measuring point: The Central Email: Tower Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 270 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 51 51 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Starting School 2016 65 Caddington Village School Head: Mrs. S Teague Address: Five Oaks, Caddington, Tel: (01582) Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 4JD 726058 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: medical room Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 420 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 53 53 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Eaton Bray Academy Head: Mrs. S Hounslow Address: School Lane, Eaton Bray, Tel: (01525) Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 2DT 220468 Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Headteacher’s office Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 170 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 30 30 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the School 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. On ‘very exceptional’ medical grounds - applications on behalf of children under this category must be supported by professional recommendations from a medical practitioner 5. Other siblings 6. Children attending Eaton Bray Pre-School who are eligible for Service Premium or Early Years Premium. 7. Any other Children. Eaton Bray Academy’s admission policy is subject to change following a decision made by the Office of the Schools Adjudicator in July 2015. Starting School 2016 66 Hadrian Academy Principal: Mrs. S Ingham Address: Hadrian Avenue, Tel: (01582) Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 4SR 618400 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: school gates Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 320 45 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 45 62 45 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Feeder’ at a distance of 1,247.10m . 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils with siblings at the school 3. Children of teaching and non teaching staff * 4. Other pupils living in the civil electoral ward of Icknield as at 01.01.2012 (see academy’s website for details) 5. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 6. Any other children * For the purposes of satisfying these criteria, a member of staff is defined as a member of the; Full time teaching staff, or of the part time teaching staff with a 50% and above timetable, Full time support staff (on a 38 week and above contract) or of the part time support staff who work 50% and above as determined by their role whose role and activities can be demonstrated to provide a significant measurable impact on student achievement at the school. A panel from the Governors Admission Committee will determine whether the member of staff meets the requirements for this rule. This definition does not include contract staff or peripatetic staff employed by Hadrian Academy Trust. Hawthorn Park Community Primary School Head: Mrs. L Johnson Address: Parkside Drive, Tel: (01582) Houghton Regis, Dunstable, 863859 Bedfordshire, LU5 5QN Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: of school Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 375 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 49 49 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Starting School 2016 67 Houghton Regis Primary School Head: Mrs. J Gamble Address: St. Michael’s Avenue, Tel: (01582) Houghton Regis, Dunstable, 867487 Bedfordshire, LU5 5DH Website: Designated measuring point: Centre of Email: school field Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 250 45 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 45 58 45 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 the last person offered was under (see page 16) ‘Feeder’ at a distance of 905.18m Kensworth Church of England Primary School Head: Mrs. A Kentish Address: Common Road, Tel: (01582) Kensworth, Dunstable, 872336 Bedfordshire, LU6 3RH Website: Designated measuring point: Doorway of Email: Headteacher’s office Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VC 70 15 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 15 14 14 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Lancot School Head: Miss H Shead Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Academy Up to 11 years 315 Address: Lancot Drive, Dunstable, Tel: (01582) Bedfordshire, LU6 2AP 667956 Designated measuring point: Main gate Admission Number 2016 60 Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Starting School 2016 68 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 60 54 54 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 all applicants were offered a place. Lark Rise Academy Head: Mrs. R Baker Address: Cartmel Drive, Dunstable, Tel: (01582) Bedfordshire, LU6 3PT 607852 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: entrance Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 265 45 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 45 59 45 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Feeder’ at a distance of 3,190.55m 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils with siblings at the school 3. Children of teaching and non-teaching staff 4. Children who live nearest to the school determined by straight line distance from the school site to the child’s home address Children of teaching and non-teaching staff The Academy will admit a child of a member of staff provided that: a) The member of staff (defined below) has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made and/or b) The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable shortage. For the purposes of satisfying this criterion, a member of staff is defined as a member of the: full-time teaching staff, or of the part-time teaching staff with a 50% and above timetable, full-time support staff (on a 38 week and above contract) or of the part-time support staff who work 50% and above, as determined by their role whose role and activities can be demonstrated to provide a significant measurable impact on student achievement at the school. Slip End Primary School Executive Head: Mrs. S Teague Head: Mrs. A Howes Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Community Up to 11 years 105 Address: Ross Way, Slip End, Tel: (01582) Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 4DD 720152 Designated measuring point: Main gate Admission Number 2016 24 Admissions Criteria Standard 2016 policy (see page 16) Starting School 2016 69 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 24 34 24 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Distance’ at a distance of 1,398.49m St. Augustine’s Academy Principal: Mrs. L James (interim) Address: Oakwood Avenue, Tel: (01582) Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 4AS 661778 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: gate Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 110 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 15 15 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. Children who are in public care (looked after children) or those who were previously looked after 2. Children living in the catchment area who have siblings in the school at the time of admission. For the purpose of this policy siblings are children permanently residing at the same address and we consider our catchment area to be the Downside Estate to the south of the school and Half Moon Lane to the north-west of the school. 3. Other siblings. 4. Other children living in the catchment area. 5. Children with known special medical or social needs which only St. Augustine’s Academy can meet. Written supporting evidence should be supplied, at the time of application, from a relevant professional, such as, a doctor, social worker or educational psychologist. 6. Children who are eligible for Pupil Premium 7. Any other children. St. Christopher’s Academy Principal: Mrs. P Jones Address: Gorham Way, Dunstable, Tel: (01582) Bedfordshire, LU5 4NJ 500960 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: gate Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 230 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 52 30 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Catchment’ at a distance of 345.85m 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the civil electoral ward of Icknield as at 01.01.2012 (see post code list on academy’s policy) 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Any other children Starting School 2016 70 St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Caddington) Head: Mr. S Chiswell Address: Dunstable Road, Caddington, Tel: (01582) Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 4BB 602420 Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: of school Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VA (Catholic) 180 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 24 24 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Baptised Catholic* siblings of children attending the school whose application is supported by their parish priest or a priest known to them 3. Baptised Catholic* children of practising families** from the parish(es) of St. Mary’s Dunstable, St. Vincent’s Houghton Regis and St. Elizabeth’s Toddington, who application is supported by their Parish Priest or a Priest known to them 4. Baptised Catholic* children of practising families** from other parishes whose application is supported by their parish priest or a priest known to them 5. Other baptised Catholic* children 6. Siblings other than Catholic 7. Children from other Christian denominations*** whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education and whose application is supported by their Priest or Starting School 2016 Minister of Religion 8. Children from other faith backgrounds and whose application is supported by their Minister of Religion 9. Any other children * A Catholic child is a child baptised according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church or a child enrolled in a catechumenate programme. A Baptismal Certificate or proof of enrolment in the programme will be required. ** ‘Practising’ means weekly attendance at Sunday Mass. *** A Christian Church means a member of the Churches Together in England. Starting School 2016 71 St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary School Head: Mrs. C Lake Address: Hammersmith Gardens, Tel: (01582) Houghton Regis, Dunstable, 862456 Bedfordshire, LU5 5RG Designated measuring point: School gate Website: Email: Category NOR Admission Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VA 195 30 (Catholic) Up to 11 years Admissions Criteria See below Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Number: 30 Requests Received: 28 Places Offered: 28 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. ‘Looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Baptised Catholic* siblings of practising** families, whose application is supported by their parish priest or a priest known to them 3. Baptised Catholic* children of practising** families whose application is supported by a priest 4. Other baptised Catholic* children 5. Siblings 6. Children from Christian*** faith denominations (i.e. believers in Jesus Christ)whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education, and whose application is supported by their priest or minister of religion 7. Children from other faith backgrounds, whose application is supported by Starting School 2016 their minister of religion 8. Any other children * A Catholic child is a child baptised according to the rites of the Roman Catholic church or a child enrolled in a catechumenate programme. A baptismal certificate or proof of enrolment in the programme will be required **‘Practising’ means weekly attendance at Sunday Mass ***Christian Church means a member of the Churches Together in England Starting School 2016 72 Thomas Whitehead Primary School Head: Mrs. E Fairclough Address: Angels Lane, Houghton Tel: (01582) Regis, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, 865466 LU5 5HH Website: Designated measuring point: Front Email: gate of school Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VA 235 44 Admission Requests Places (C of E) Number: Received: Offered: Up to 11 years 44 24 24 Admissions At the time of the initial allocation in Criteria April 2015 all applicants were See below offered a place. 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children who have a sibling attending the school at the expected time of admission 3. Children of whom at least one parent is a practising member of the Church of England 4. Children of whom at least one parent is a practising member of another mainstream Christian church 5. Children of whom at least one parent is a practising member of other world faiths 6. Children whose applications do not fall into categories 1,2,3,4,5, will be admitted in order of proximity of home to school, measured as a straight line from the school’s front gate to their home Practising members of the Church of England or other mainstream Christian Churches means that at least one of the child’s parents is baptised and that the parent attends the principal act of worship of the church at least once a month for a period of twelve months prior to the date of application and is continuing so to attend at the time when the Governors consider the application. Application forms must be endorsed by the priest or minister of the church. Should applicants have moved into the area within the twelve months before the closing date for applications, then a letter from the priest or minister of the previous church will be needed to confirm attendance. A practising member is defined as one who has attended faith meetings at least once a month in the period of twelve months prior to the date of application and is continuing to do so at the time when the governors consider the application. Application forms must be endorsed by an official of the faith community. Thornhill Primary School Head: Mrs. J Lawson Address: Grove Road, Houghton Tel: (01582) Regis, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, 863516 LU5 5PE Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: main gate Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 180 30 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 30 30 30 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Starting School 2016 73 Tithe Farm Primary School Head: Mrs. S Surgey Address: Tithe Farm Road, Tel: (01582) Houghton Regis, Dunstable, 865047 Bedfordshire, LU5 5JB Website: Designated measuring point: Main gate Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 225 60 Admission Requests Places Up to 11 years Number: Received: Offered: 60 14 14 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Vale Academy Principal: Mrs. R Howe Address: Wilbury Drive, Dunstable, Tel: (01582) Bedfordshire, LU5 4QP 523000 Website: Designated measuring point: Pedestrian Email: gate on Ridgeway Avenue Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 4 to 11 years 385 Admission Number 2016 Year R- 100 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: Year 5- 100 75 28 28 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. ‘Looked after’ and previously ‘looked after’ children 2. Children who have siblings currently at Barnfield Vale Academy and will continue to be on the admission roll at the point of entry * 3. Children of staff employed by Barnfield Vale Academy who the Academy reasonably considers has been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is demonstrable skill shortage and/or have 2 or more years service at the time of application * 4. Children who live within the Central Bedfordshire Priority Admission Area- 50% of the available places remaining after the application of criteria 1,2 and 3, will be allocated to the Central Bedfordshire Priority Admission Area (see school website for map of area) * 5. Children who live within the Luton Priority Admission Area-the available places remaining after the application of criteria 1,2,3 and 4, will be allocated to the Luton Priority Admission Area (see school website for map of area) * 6. Pupils living within the ‘Combined Catchment area’ (see school website for details) * 7. Pupils living outside the ‘Combined Catchment area (see school website for details) * * Where the numbers of applicants in this criterion exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation Starting School 2016 74 Transfer to Middle 2016 For children currently in Year 4 Starting School 2016 Important Dates Date Event Online Transfer to Middle 2016 system opens for parents/carers to 1 September 2015 apply. Paper application forms will also be available from website, schools and by contacting the School Admissions Team October -November Schools hold their open evenings for prospective parents and 2015 children National closing date for applications to be received by the 15 January 2016 School Admissions Team 16 January – 3 May Late applications received during these dates will be processed in 2016 the late allocation round National offer day for on time applications. Decision letters will be posted out via 2nd class post and those applied online and 18 April 2016 requested email notification will receive an email with their application decision Parents/carers who are declining the place offered or wish to change their on time preferences need to have submitted a change 3 May 2016 of preference form by this date to be considered in the late allocation round Late allocation round offer day. Decision letters will be posted out 6 June 2016 via 2nd class post so will arrive a few days later Late applications received after 3 May will be processed during During June/July 2016 these months Apply online at Or complete a paper Transfer to Middle 2016 application form and send it to: School Admissions Central Bedfordshire Council Watling House High Street North Dunstable Bedfordshire LU6 1LF Closing date for applications to be received by School Admissions: 15 January 2016 Transfer to Middle 2016 75 Transfer to Middle 2016 open events Central Bedfordshire middle schools/academies Location Ampthill School Alameda Middle School Arlesey Etonbury Academy Barton-le-Clay Arnold Academy Dates & Times of Open events Wednesday 18 November 2015 6pm Tuesday 17 November 2015 Gothic Mede Academy and Roecroft Lower pupils presentation at 6pm (in hall) followed by tour of school St. Mary’s Academy and Fairfield Park Lower pupils tour of school from 6pm followed by presentation at 7pm (in hall) Wednesday 11 November 2015 5.45pm talk followed by tour at 6.15pm 6.45pm talk followed by tour at 7.15pm Academy at work 10.30am-12pm and 1.30pm-3pm Biggleswade Academy Wednesday 14 October 2015 5.30pm – 8.30pm Edward Peake CofE Middle School Thursday 26 November 2015 6.30pm8pm Holywell School Thursday 5 November 2015 Headteacher welcome and talk at 6pm, 6.30pm and 7pm Priory Academy Tuesday 20 October 2015 5.30pm-7.30pm Vale Academy Contact academy to arrange visit Biggleswade Cranfield Dunstable Flitwick Woodland Middle School Academy Henlow Henlow Church of England Academy Leighton Buzzard Brooklands School Gilbert Inglefield Academy Leighton Middle School Transfer to Middle 2016 Thursday 12 November 2015 Kingsmoor pupils & parents 5.30pm talk Templefield pupils & parents 6.15pm talk Flitwick Lower pupils & parents 7pm talk Pupils from other lower schools can attend any of the talks All followed by self guided tour of the school Wednesday 4 November 2015 School at work 6.30pm-8.30pm Thursday 12 November 2015 Parents only 7pm-9pm Thursday 12 November 2015 7pm-9pm Headteacher talk at 7pm and 8pm Open week 16 - 20 November 2015 9.30am-11.30am and 1.30pm -2.30pm Tuesday 10 November 2015 7pm-9pm Open week 16-20 November 9am 10.30am Wednesday 18 November 9am-12pm 1.30pm-3pm Saturday 14 November 9.30am-11.30am Open week 17-20 November 2015 - tours at 9am and 10am 76 Linslade School Potton Sandy Shefford Toddington Woburn Sands Burgoyne Middle School Sandye Place Academy Robert Bloomfield Academy Parkfields Middle School Fulbrook Middle School Saturday 7 November 2015 9.30am-12pm Open week 16-20 November 2015 tours at 9.30am and 10.45am (booking advisable) Wednesday 11 November 2015 7pm Saturday 17 October 2015 9am – 1pm Monday 9 November 2015 6pm Campton, Gravenhurst and Haynes Lower schools Monday 9 November 2015 6.30pm Southill, Clophill and Shillington Lower schools Tuesday 10 November 2015 6pm Wilstead, Silsoe and Cotton End schools Tuesday 10 November 2015 6.30pm Stondon and any other lower schools Monday 16 November 2015 5pm-6.30pm Shefford Lower School Thursday 12 November 2015 5.30pm8pm Thursday 19 November 6.30pm-8.30pm Bedford Borough middle schools/academies Location School Dates & Times of Open events Great Barford Alban Academy (Church of England) Marston Vale Middle Thursday 22 October 2015 6:30pm-7:10pm & 7:10pm-8:00pm Thursday 12 November 2015 6.30pm Stewartby This information is provided for those parents/carers whose catchment area middle school is within the Bedford Borough Council area. Please visit the Bedford Borough website, or contact their School Admissions, for information about open evenings for other schools in the Bedford Borough area. Transfer to Middle 2016 77 Middle school information sheets Alameda Middle School Head: Ms. M Warner Address: Station Road, Ampthill, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK45 2QR 750900 Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Main entrance Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 625 180 Admission Requests Places 9 to 13 years Number: Received: Offered: 180 182 182 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school Other pupils living in the catchment area Children who have attended the feeder lower schools i.e. Maulden, Russell and The Firs Other siblings Pupils of members of staff * Any other children *Members of staff have to have been employed for a minimum of two years and /or are recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage Arnold Academy Head: Mr. S Kelly Website: Email: Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 9 to 13 years 595 Address: Hexton Road, Barton-leTel: (01582) clay, Bedfordshire, MK45 4JZ 616400 Designated measuring point: Foyer entrance of school Admission Number 2016 150 Admissions Criteria See below 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 150 132 132 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 all applicants were offered a place. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ Pupils who live in the defined catchment area with siblings currently at the academy Other pupils who live in the defined catchment area On ‘very exceptional’ medical grounds Other siblings Pupils attending Ramsey Manor, Silsoe, Pulloxhill, Greenfield, Westoning and Sundon Lower Schools Any Other Children Transfer to Middle 2016 78 Biggleswade Academy Executive Head: Mr. S Phillips Address: Mead End, Biggleswade, Tel: (01767) Bedfordshire, SG18 8JU 318123 Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 805 Year R- 60 Admission Requests Places 4 to 13 years Number: Received: Offered: Year 5- 80 80 70 70 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. *An additional 80 places are available for children joining the school in year 5. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ Children in catchment with siblings at the Academy Children of Academy staff Children in catchment Non-catchment children with siblings at the Academy Other non-catchment children by distance Definition of staff- All staff employed by the school for at least two years for the purpose of working in the school as follows; all full time teaching staff, all full time support staff – defined as those on a 37 week and above contract, all part time teaching staff employed on a 0.5 or greater contract, all part time support staff who work more than 15 hours per week for 37 weeks or more. The definition does not include peripatetic staff. Transfer to Middle 2016 Brewers Hill Middle School Head: Mr. J Hughes Address: Aldbanks, Dunstable, Tel: (01582) Bedfordshire, LU6 1AJ 666668 Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Main gate Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 135 N/A Admission Requests Places 9 to 13 years Number: Received: Offered: 120 35 35 At the time of the initial allocation in April 2015 all applicants were offered a place. *Following the decision at the Executive on 19 August 2014, Brewers Hill Middle School will close in August 2017. There will be no Year 5 intake for September 2016. Transfer to Middle 2016 79 Brooklands School Head: Mrs. J Hodgson Address: Brooklands Drive, Tel: (01525) Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, 372018 LU7 3PF Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Headteacher’s office Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 350 150 Admission Requests Places 9 to 13 years Number: Received: Offered: 150 94 94 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Any other children Burgoyne Middle School Head: Mrs. C Smart Address: Mill Lane, Potton, Sandy, Tel: (01767) Bedfordshire, SG19 2PG 260034 Website: Designated measuring point: School Email: office Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Community 175 90 Admission Requests Places 9 to 13 years Number: Received: Offered: 90 66 66 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April Standard 2016 policy 2015 all applicants were offered a place. (see page 16) Edward Peake Middle School Head: Mrs. M Reddick Address: Potton Road, Tel: (01767) Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 314562 OEJ Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Headteacher’s office Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 VC 380 150 Admission Requests Places 9 to 13 years Number: Received: Offered: 120 125 125 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Children living in the catchment area 4. Other children with siblings at the school 5. Children, one or more of whose parents/carers have, at the time of application, shown commitment to the Church of England or another Christian church by attending a service at least once a month for the year prior to an application being made *. 6. Children who live nearest to the school determined by straight line distance from the school site to the child’s home address Transfer to Middle 2016 80 *A Christian Church is defined as one which is a member, or is eligible for membership, of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance. Applications in this category will need to ask their priest or minister to complete the relevant section of the local authority standard application form. Etonbury Academy Principal: Mr. A Prior Address: Stotfold Road, Arlesey, Tel: (01462) Bedfordshire, SG15 6XS 730391 Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Central point of main hall Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 530 150 Admission Requests Places 9 to 16** years Number: Received: Offered: 190 160 160 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment 3. Pupils with siblings at the academy 4. Children of permanent BEMAT staff (see definition) 5. Attendance at our traditional feeder academies / schools – St Mary's, Stotfold; Gothic Mede, Fairfield Lower and Roecroft Lower 6. Any other children. *Staff that work within BEMAT (Beds East Multi Academy Trust) on either a fulltime or part time basis. The parent must be a permanent member of the workforce and the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application and/or recruited to fill a vacant post where there is a demonstrable skill shortage. ** In September 2016 Etonbury Academy will operate Years 5 – 9. Fulbrook Middle School Head: Mrs. S Clancy Address: Weathercock Lane, Tel: (01908) Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes, 582022 MK17 8NP Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Main entrance Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 420 110 Admission Requests Places 9 to 13 years Number: Received: Offered: 110 123 123 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area, and Service Children with a confirmed posting to the catchment area or crown servants returning from overseas to live in the catchment area; 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Students who have attended Fulbrook’s feeder schools i.e. Aspley Guise, Husborne Crawley, Ridgmont, Swallowfield and Woburn Lower Schools 7. Any other children Transfer to Middle 2016 81 Gilbert Inglefield Academy Head: Mrs. R Swaffield Website: Email: Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 9 to 13 years 460 Address: Vandyke Road, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, LU7 3FU 372266 Designated measuring point: Central point of main library lawn Admission Number 2016 140 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 140 138 138 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Any other children Henlow Church Of England Academy Head: Mrs. C Earp Address: Church Road, Henlow, Tel: (01462) Bedfordshire, SG16 6AN 813733 Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Main entrance Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 490 140 Admission Requests Places 9 to 13 years Number: Received: Offered: 140 118 118 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in See below April 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the Academy 3. Pupils living in the catchment area 4. Other children with siblings at the Academy 5. Children of permanent staff 6. Attendance at our traditional feeder schools: All Saints Church of England Academy, Clifton; Derwent Lower, Henlow Camp; Langford Village Academy; Meppershall Church of England Academy; and Raynsford Church of England Academy, Henlow 7. Children, one or more of whose parents / carers have, at the time of application, shown commitment to the Church of England or another Christian Church by attending a service at least once a month for the year prior to an application being made 8. Any other children A Christian Church is defined as one which is a member, or is eligible for membership, of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance Definition of permanent staff- Staff who work at the Academy with a permanent contract, employed on either a full or part time basis. The member of staff should have been employed at the Academy for two or more years at the time the application for admission is made; or they have been recruited for a post where there is a demonstrable skill shortage. Transfer to Middle 2016 82 Holywell School Head: Mr. P Haddon Address: Red Lion Close, Tel: (01234) Cranfield, Bedfordshire, MK43 0JA 750381 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: entrance Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 9 to 13 years 540 Admission Number 2016 150 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 150 159 150 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Any other children’ at a distance of 9,097.93m 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other children living in the catchment area 4. Children with one or more parents or guardians who attend a Church of England church on a regular basis* 5. Children with one or more parents or guardians who attend any other Trinitarian Church on a regular basis* 6. Children living outside of the catchment area who currently attend and have attended for a period of at least one academic year Cranfield Church of England Academy or Wootton Lower School 7. Children living outside the catchment area with siblings who currently attend Holywell and will do so at the time of entry 8. Any other children living outside the catchment area who wish to attend the school Regular attendance is defined as; at the time of application, and for a period of six months previously attended public worship at St Peter & St Paul Cranfield, St Mary’s Wootton or any other Church of England or Trinitarian Church at least once in each calendar month. Applicants in these categories will be required to have their application forms signed by their parish priest/minister or faith leader to prove evidence of their regular attendance. Leighton Middle School Head: Mrs. A Thompson Website: Email: Category Age Range NOR 2015 Community 9 to 13 years 480 Address: Church Square, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 1EX 374907 Designated measuring point: Centre of memorial garden Admission Number 2016 120 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 120 199 120 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Feeder’ at a distance of 1,889.42m 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Children living in the catchment area 4. Other children with siblings at the school 5. Children who have spent a significant time (3 years or more) in a Leighton Buzzard/Linslade/Hockliffe school, i.e. Beaudesert, Clipstone Brook, Dovery Down, Greenleas, Heathwood, Leedon, Linslade, Mary Bassett, Pulfords, Southcott, St. Georges, St. Leonards, Stanbridge and Hockliffe Lower Schools. 6. Children who live nearest to the school determined by straight line distance from the school site to the child’s home address Transfer to Middle 2016 83 Linslade School Head: Ms. K Smith Address: Mentmore Road, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 2PA 372640 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: entrance Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 9 to 13 years 590 Admission Number 2016 165 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 150 131 131 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. Children of staff employed by Linslade Academy Trust who the academy reasonably considers have been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is demonstrable skill shortage and/or have 2 or more years’ service at the time of application. 5. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 6. Other siblings 7. Children who have spent a significant time (3 years or more) in a Leighton Buzzard/Linslade/Hockliffe Lower School i.e. Beaudesert, Clipstone Brook. Dovery Down,Greenleas, Heathwood, Hockliffe, Leedon, Linslade, Mary Bassett, Pulford, Southcott, St. George’s, St. Leonard’s and Stanbridge Lower Schools 8. Any other children Children of staff - This applies to permanent staff full time and part time. The relationship to the child is defined as by blood or adoption or with legal parental responsibility and living with the child in the same house Monday – Friday for a minimum of two years. Parkfields Middle School Head: Mr. D Brandon-Bravo Address: Park Road, Toddington, Tel: (01525) Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 6AB 872555 Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: of school Category Age Range NOR 2015 Foundation 9 to 13 years 465 Admission Number 2016 113 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 113 120 113 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Any Other Children’ at a distance of 4,440.41m 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area; 4. Other siblings 5. Children attending lower schools within the Parkfields pyramid i.e. Toddington St George, Harlington, Chalton and Eversholt; 6. Children attending other lower schools within the HAST pyramid i.e. Greenfield & Pulloxhill, Ramsey Manor, Silsoe, Sundon & Westoning; 7. Children of staff working at Parkfields Middle School (see definition); 8. Any other children. Children of staff definition- Teaching and non-teaching members of staff who work full-time or part-time at Parkfields Middle School. The staff member must be a permanent member of the workforce and been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application and/or was recruited to fill a vacant post where there was a demonstrable skill shortage. Transfer to Middle 2016 84 Priory Academy Head: Mrs. M Smith Address: Britain Street, Dunstable, Tel: (01582) Bedfordshire, LU5 4JA 661158 Website: Designated measuring point: Middle Email: entrance gate in Britain Street Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 9 to 16 years 535 Admission Number 2016 120 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 120 130 120 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Distance’ at a distance of 1,979.38m 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils with siblings at the school 3. Pupils of members of staff (see definition) 4. Pupils currently attending Dunstable Icknield Lower School, Studham CofE Lower School or Watling Lower School 5. Any other children who live nearest to the school determined by straight line distance from the school to the pupil’s home address Staff definition-This applies to permanent, full or part-time, staff who have been employed at the Academy for two or more years at the time of application and/or staff recruited to fill a vacant post where there was a demonstrable skill shortage. The relationship to the child is defined as by blood or adoption or with legal parental responsibility and living with the child in the same house Monday – Friday. Robert Bloomfield Academy Principal: Mr. J Axford (acting) Address: Bloomfield Drive, Tel: (01462) Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5BU 628800 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: entrance Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 9 to 13 years 915 Admission Number 2016 240 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 210 268 240 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 the last person offered was under ‘Any Other Children’ at a distance of 929.63m 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment 3. Pupils with siblings at the academy 4. Children of permanent BEMAT staff (see definition) 5. Attendance at our traditional feeder academies / schools - Shefford, Clophill, Haynes, Southill, Wilstead, Stondon, Shillington, Campton, Gravenhurst 6. Any other children. Staff definition- Staff that work within BEMAT (Beds East Multi Academy Trust) on either a fulltime or part time basis. The parent must be a permanent member of the workforce and the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application and/or recruited to fill a vacant post where there is a demonstrable skill shortage. Transfer to Middle 2016 85 Sandye Place Academy Principal: Mrs. K McCamley Address: Park Road, Sandy, Tel: (01767) Bedfordshire, SG19 1JD 680420 Website: Designated measuring point: Front door Email: of the Mansion House Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 9 to 13 years 485 Admission Number 2016 150 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 150 120 120 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Any other children Vale Academy Principal: Mrs. R Howes Address: Wilbury Drive, Dunstable, Tel: (01582) Bedfordshire, LU5 4QP 523000 Email: Designated measuring point: Pedestrian Website: gate on Ridgeway Avenue Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 4 to 11 years 385 Admission Number 2016 Year R- 100 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: Year 5- 100 100 0 0 Admissions Criteria No applications were received for the See below initial allocation 1. ‘Looked after’ and previously ‘looked after’ children 2. Children who have siblings currently at Barnfield Vale Academy and will continue to be on the admission roll at the point of entry * 3. Children of staff employed by Barnfield Vale Academy who the Academy reasonably considers has been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is demonstrable skill shortage and/or have 2 or more years service at the time of application * 4. Children who live within the Central Bedfordshire Priority Admission Area- 50% of the available places remaining after the application of criteria 1,2 and 3, will be allocated to the Central Bedfordshire Priority Admission Area (see school website for map of area) * 5. Children who live within the Luton Priority Admission Area-the available places remaining after the application of criteria 1,2,3 and 4, will be allocated to the Luton Priority Admission Area (see school website for map of area) * 6. Pupils living within the ‘Combined Catchment area’ (see school website for details) * 7. Pupils living outside the ‘Combined Catchment area (see school website for details) * * Where the numbers of applicants in this criterion exceeds the number of places, offers will be determined by random allocation Transfer to Middle 2016 86 Woodland MS Academy Head: Mr. J Conquest Address: Malham Close, Flitwick, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK45 1NP 750400 Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: entrance Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 9 to 13 years 565 Admission Number 2016 180 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 180 134 134 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in April See below 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Children attending the feeder lower schools i.e. Flitwick, Kingsmoor and Templefield 7. Any other children Transfer to Middle 2016 Transfer to Middle 2016 87 Transfer to Secondary 2016 For children currently in Year 6 Important Dates Date Event 1 September 2015 September- October 2015 31 October 2015 1 November 2015 – 15 March 2016 1 March 2016 15 March 2016 26 April 2016 During May 2016 Online Transfer to Secondary 2016 system opens for parents/carers to apply Paper application forms will also be available from website, schools and by contacting the School Admissions Team Schools hold their open evenings for prospective parents and children National closing date for applications to be received by the School Admissions Team Late applications received during these dates will be processed in the late allocation round in April National offer day for on time applications. Decision letters will be posted out via 2nd class post and those applied online and requested email notification will receive an email with their application decision Parents/carers who are declining the place offered or wish to change their on time preferences need to have submitted a change of preference form by this date to be considered in the late allocation round Late allocation round offer day. Decision letters will be posted out via 2nd class post so will arrive a few days later Late applications received after 15 March 2016 will be processed during this month Apply online at Or complete a paper Transfer to Secondary 2016 application form and send it to: School Admissions Central Bedfordshire Council Watling House High Street North Dunstable Bedfordshire LU6 1LF Closing date for applications to be received by School Admissions: 31 October 2015 Transfer to Secondary 2016 88 Transfer to Secondary 2016 open events Central Bedfordshire secondary schools/academies Location School Dates & Times of Open Events Caddington Manshead School Thursday 24 September 2015 6.30pm Wednesday 30 September 2015 tours at 9.10am and 11.30am Thursday 8 October 2015 tours at 9.10am and 11.30am Dunstable Queensbury Academy Thursday 8 October 2015 6pm – 9pm All Saints Academy Houghton Regis Houghton Regis Academy Thursday 1 October 2015 5pm – 8pm Talks by Principal in Main Hall at 5.30pm and 6.30pm Academy in action tours 9am on Tuesday 6, Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 October 2015 Thursday 15 October 2015 6.30pm8.30pm Out of area secondary schools/academies Please contact the relevant Local Authority for more details. Contact details for school admission teams in neighbouring authorities Bedford Tel: 01234 718120 Buckinghamshire Tel: 01296 383250 Hertfordshire Tel: 0300 123 4043 (customer service centre) Luton Tel: 01582 548016 Cambridgeshire Tel: 0345 045 1370 Milton Keynes Tel: 01908 253338 You will also need to check with the relevant Local Authority if you are required to complete any supplementary forms or if your child is required to register for an entrance test if the school is a selective (Grammar) school. Transfer to Secondary 2016 89 Secondary school information sheets All Saints Academy Principal: Tom Waterworth Address: Houghton Road, Tel: (01582) Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 5AB 619700 Website: Designated measuring point: Main pupil Email: entrance Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 11 to 18 years 845 Admission Number 2016 Year 7- 150 Year 12- 1 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Number: 150 Requests Received: 163 Places Offered: 163 Admissions Criteria See below 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. At the time of the initial allocation in March 2015 all applicants were offered a place. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ Students living in the catchment area with siblings at the school Other students living in the catchment area Children of staff (see definitions) ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds Other siblings Any other children The Academy will admit a child of a member of staff provided that: a) the member of staff (defined below) has been employed at the Academy for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the Academy is made, and/or b) the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable shortage. For the purposes of satisfying these criteria, a member of staff is defined as a member of the: · full-time teaching staff, or of the part-time teaching staff with a 50% and above timetable · full-time support staff (on a 38 week and above contract) or of the part-time associate staff who work 50% and above as determined by their role whose role and activities can be demonstrated to provide a significant measurable impact on student achievement at the Academy. A panel from the Governors Admission Committee will determine whether the member of staff meets the requirements for this rule. This definition does not include contract staff or peripatetic staff employed by All Saints Academy Dunstable. Transfer to Secondary 2016 90 Houghton Regis Academy Principal: Mr. M Bonner Address: Parkside Drive, Houghton Tel: (01582) Regis, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, 863294 LU5 5PX Website: Designated measuring point: Main entrance Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 11 to 16 years 235 Admission Number 2016 150 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 150 38 38 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in See below March 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All ‘Looked After’ children or children who were previously ‘Looked After’. 2. Children where recognised professional opinion (a letter from a GP, Consultant, Educational Psychologist or Social Worker explaining why the child cannot attend any school other than the Academy) shows that circumstances present a particularly strong case for taking in a child. 3. A child with a sibling on roll at the Academy at the time of application and admission. 4. Any other children. Manshead School Head: Mr. J Parker Address: Dunstable Road, Tel: (01582) Caddington, Bedfordshire, 679400 LU1 4BB Website: Designated measuring point: Main Email: entrance Category Age Range NOR 2015 VA (C of E) 11 to 18 years 1180 Admission Number 2016 Year 7- 210 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 210 156 156 Year 12-1 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in See below March 2015 all applicants were offered a place. A Community places (160) - up to the first 160 places will be offered as ‘Community places’ in the following order of priority: 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children with siblings at the school whose home address is within the designated catchment area at the time of application 3. Other children whose home address is within the designated catchment area at the time of application 4. Other children who are siblings of students of Manshead School at the time of application 5. Children attending feeder schools; Caddington Village, Kensworth Primary, Slip End Primary, St. Augustine’s Academy, St. Mary’s Primary Catholic School Caddington, Streetfield Middle School 6. Children with very exceptional medical reasons Transfer to Secondary 2016 91 B Foundation/Faith places (50) – up to the next 50 remaining places will be offered as ‘Foundation/Faith places’ in the following order of priority: 7. The children of a parent/guardian who, at the time of application, is a practising member of the Church of England 8. The children of a parent/guardian who, at the time of application, is a practising member of another Christian denomination 9. Children attending schools within the Ashton Foundation (Ashton St. Peter’s Primary and Ashton Middle) 10. The children of a parent/guardian who, at the time of application, is a practising member of another faith or religion C Other places In the event of undersubscription in either category A or category B, any remaining places will in the first instance be given to the other category 11. Any other children For the purposes of this policy another Christian Church is one which belongs to, or is eligible for membership of, Churches Together in Great Britain and Ireland, the Evangelical Alliance, or the Dunstable Fellowship of Evangelical Churches. A practicing member is defined as one who, for a period of 12 months prior to the time of application, has attended public worship at the church or religious meeting-place for at least one Sunday in each calendar month. Applicants in these categories are required to provide confirmation of practice from the relevant religious leader in writing, on the application form, in the space provided. Other faiths and religions - those faiths, or religions practised, which are not Christian and are founded on a doctrine which worships a God(s). Queensbury Academy Principal: Mr. O Button Address: Langdale Road, Tel: (01582) Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 3BU 601241 Website: Designated measuring point: Rear Email: corner of the central building Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 11 to 18 years 620 Admission Number 2016 Year 7- 210 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 210 139 139 Year 12- 1 At the time of the initial allocation in Admissions Criteria See below March 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Applicants resident in the current (1988) Queensbury Academy catchment area with siblings at the school at the time of application 3. Applicants resident in the current (1988) Queensbury Academy catchment area at the time of application 4. Siblings of students attending Queensbury Academy 5. Applicants for whom Queensbury Academy is the nearest secondary school/academy to their home measured in a straight line 6. Any other applicants Transfer to Secondary 2016 92 Transfer to Upper 2016 For children currently in Year 8 Important Dates Date Event 1 September 2015 September-October 2015 31 October 2015 1 November 2015 – 15 March 2016 1 March 2016 15 March 2016 26 April 2016 During May 2016 Online Transfer to Upper 2016 system opens for parents/carers to apply Paper application forms will also be available from website, schools and by contacting the School Admissions Team Schools hold their open evenings for prospective parents and children National closing date for applications to be received by the School Admissions Team Late applications received during these dates will be processed in the late allocation round in April National offer day for on time applications. Decision letters will be posted out via 2nd class post and those applied online and requested email notification will receive an email with their application decision Parents/carers who are declining the place offered or wish to change their on time preferences need to have submitted a change of preference form by this date to be considered in the late allocation round Late allocation round offer day. Decision letters will be posted out via 2nd class post so will arrive a few days later Late applications received after 15 March 2016 will be processed during this month Apply online at Or complete a paper Transfer to Upper 2016 application form and send it to: School Admissions Central Bedfordshire Council Watling House High Street North Dunstable Bedfordshire LU6 1LF Closing date for applications to be received by School Admissions: 31 October 2015 Transfer to Upper 2016 93 Transfer to Upper 2016 open events Central Bedfordshire upper schools/academies Location School Dates & Times of Open Events Ampthill Redborne Upper Thursday 1 October 2015 talks at 6pm, 6.30pm, 7.15pm and 8pm Biggleswade Stratton Upper Thursday 24 September 2015 6pm – 8.30pm Tuesday 29 September 2015 6pm – 8.30pm (Etonbury Academy and Henlow Academy pupils) Tuesday 6 October 2015 6pm – 8.30pm (Robert Bloomfield Academy pupils and out of catchment pupils) Wednesday 7 October 2015 6pm – 8.30pm talks at 6.30pm and 7.30pm Clifton Samuel Whitbread Academy Harlington Harlington Upper Leighton Buzzard Cedars Upper Monday 21 September 2015 6pm - 9pm Vandyke Upper Monday 28 September 2015 6pm – 9pm Sandy Sandy Upper Thursday 8 October 2015 5.30pm Bedford Borough upper school/academy Location School Wootton Wootton Academy Dates & Times of Open Events Thursday 24 September 2015 5.30pm – 7.30pm This information is provided for those parents/carers whose catchment area upper school is within the Bedford Borough Council area. Please visit the Bedford Borough website, or contact their School Admissions, for information about open evenings for other schools in the Bedford Borough area. Transfer to Upper 2016 94 Upper school information sheets Cedars Upper School Head: Mr. S Palmer Website: Email: Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 13 to 18 years 1160 Address: Mentmore Road, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 2AE 219300 Designated measuring point: Main entrance Admission Number 2016 Year 9- 320 Year 12 - 1 Admissions Criteria See below 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: 320 261 261 At the time of the initial allocation in March 2015 all applicants were offered a place. All ‘looked after’ children, including previously ‘looked after’ children Students living in the catchment area with siblings at the school Other students living in the catchment area Any child of a member of full time or part time staff (teaching or non-teaching) who is employed by the school. The member of staff must have been in post for at least 2 years. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds Other siblings Students who attend middle schools in the local community i.e. Brooklands, Fulbrook, Gilbert Inglefield, Leighton and Linslade. Any other children Harlington Upper School Head: Mr. S Fell Website: Email: Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 13 to 18 years 1360 Address: Goswell End Road, Tel: (01525) Harlington, Bedfordshire, LU5 6NX 755100 Designated measuring point: Entrance to front car park Admission Number 2016 Year 9- 300 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: Year 12- 10 300 299 299 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in See below March 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other children living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Children attending feeder middle schools (Arnold, Parkfields, Robert Bloomfield) 7. Any other children Transfer to Upper 2015 Transfer to Upper 2016 95 Redborne Upper School Head: Mr. N Croft Address: Flitwick Road, Ampthill, Tel: (01525) Bedfordshire, MK45 2NU 404462 Website: Designated measuring point: Main gate Email: to the North School Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 13 to 18 years 1510 Admission Number 2016 Year 9- 380 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: Year 12- 1 380 381 381 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in See below March 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Students living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other students living in the catchment area 4. Students not living in the catchment area but with siblings at the school 5. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 6. Students presently attending Alameda and Woodlands Middle Schools 7. Any child of a member of full time or part time staff (teaching or non-teaching) who is employed by the school. The member of staff must have been in post for at least 2 years. Temporary staff are not included in this arrangement. 8. Any other children Any child of a member of full time or part time staff (teaching or non-teaching) who is employed by the school e.g. parent by blood or adoption or with legal responsibility and living with the child in the same house Monday to Friday for a minimum of 2 years. The member of staff must have been in post for at least 2 years. Samuel Whitbread Academy Head: Mr. R Robson Address: Shefford Road, Clifton, Tel: (01462) Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5QS 629900 Website: Designated measuring point: Reception Email: office Category Age Range NOR 2015 Academy 13 to 18 years 1675 Admission Number 2016 Year 9- 434 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: Year 12- 1 434 415 415 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in See below March 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment 3. Pupils with siblings at the academy 4. Children of permanent BEMAT staff (see definition) 5. Attendance at our traditional feeder schools – Robert Bloomfield, Etonbury and Henlow Church of England Academies 6. Any other children. Staff definition- Staff that work within BEMAT (Beds East Multi Academy Trust) on either a fulltime or part time basis. The parent must be a permanent member of the workforce and the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application and/or recruited to fill a vacant post where there is a demonstrable skill shortage. Transfer to Upper 2016 96 Sandy Upper School Principal: Ms B Hare Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Foundation Trust 13 to 18 years 540 Address: Engayne Avenue, Sandy, Tel: (01767) Bedfordshire, SG19 1BL 680598 Designated measuring point: Main gate Admission Number 2016 Year 9- 269 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: Year 12- 1 269 129 129 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in See below March 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Any other children Stratton Upper School Head: Mr. R Watson Website: Email: Category NOR Age Range 2015 Academy 13 to 18 years Admission Number 2016 Year 9- 300 Admissions in Sept 2015 Admission Requests Places Number: Received: Offered: Year 12- 15 300 223 223 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in See below March 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Pupils living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other pupils living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other siblings 6. Pupils attending the feeder schools- Edward Peake C of E Middle, Gamlingay Village College or Biggleswade Academy. 7. Any other children Transfer to Upper 2016 1185 Address: Eagle Farm Road, Tel: (01767) Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, 220000 SG18 8JB Designated measuring point: Front doors 97 Vandyke Upper School Head: Mr. T Carroll Address: Vandyke Road, Leighton Tel: (01525) Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 3DY 636700 Website: Designated measuring point: Email: Entrance/exit nearest to Gilbert Inglefield Middle School Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 Academy 925 Year 9- 300 Admission Requests Places 13 to 18 years Number: Received: Offered: Year 12- 1 300 215 215 Admissions Criteria At the time of the initial allocation in See below March 2015 all applicants were offered a place. 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Students living in the catchment area with siblings at the school 3. Other students living in the catchment area 4. ‘Very exceptional’ medical grounds 5. Other students with siblings at the school 6. Students who will have completed Years 5 and 6 (KS2) and Years 7 and 8 (KS3) in middle schools in the local community i.e. Brooklands, Fulbrook, Gilbert Inglefield, Leighton and Linslade 7. Students who will have completed Years 7 and 8 (KS3) in middle schools in the local community i.e. Brooklands, Fulbrook, Gilbert Inglefield, Leighton and Linslade 8. Other students not meeting any of the above criteria Transfer to Upper 2015 Transfer to Upper 2016 98 Options for current Year 9 Central Bedfordshire College Skills Minister Matthew Hancock, announced in December 2012 exciting educational developments for Parents / Children in that Further Education (FE) colleges, who meet the Government’s qualification criteria, will be able to enrol 14-16 year olds who wish to study high quality vocational qualifications alongside their core curriculum. This announcement means that you will now be able to enrol your child, full time, at Central Bedfordshire College to undertake study their Key Stage 4 provision, this will include: Core subjects (GCSE) in: English Maths Science Foundation subjects in: Information and communication technology (ICT) Physical Education Citizenship Students will also select 1 subject from each the list below: Arts Design and technology Humanities Modern foreign languages Additionally to the above the college will also provide religious education and sex education. Students will then select one of the following Vocational Areas:- 1) 2) 3) Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (VTCT Level 2) Certificate for the Introduction to Vehicle Technology (Entry level) Diploma in Performing Engineering Operations (City and Guilds NVQ Level 1) The College is holding open events on: 7 October 2015 25 November 2015 27 January 2016 Please contact the college for times. For more information or to apply you need to contact Central Bedfordshire College directly: Central Bedfordshire College Dunstable Campus Kingsway Dunstable Bedfordshire LU5 4HG Tel: 01582 477776 Email: Options for current Year 9 99 Transfer to University Technical College 2016 Important Dates Date 1 September 2015 September-October 2015 31 October 2015 1 November 2015 – 15 March 2016 1 March 2016 15 March 2016 26 April 2016 During May 2016 Event Online Transfer to UTC 2016 system opens for parents/carers to apply Paper application forms will also be available from website, schools and by contacting the School Admissions Team UTCs hold their open evenings for prospective parents and children National closing date for applications to be received by the School Admissions Team Late applications received during these dates will be processed in the late allocation round in April National offer day for on time applications. Decision letters will be posted out via 2nd class post and those applied online and requested email notification will receive an email with their application decision Parents/carers who are declining the place offered or wish to change their on time preferences need to have submitted a change of preference form by this date to be considered in the late allocation round Late allocation round offer day. Decision letters will be posted out via 2nd class post so will arrive a few days later Late applications received after 15 March 2016 will be processed during this month Apply online at Or complete a paper Transfer to University Technical College 2016 application form and send it to: School Admissions Central Bedfordshire Council Watling House High Street North Dunstable Bedfordshire LU6 1LF Closing date for applications to be received by School Admissions: 31 October 2015 Transfer to UTC 2016 100 Central Bedfordshire University Technical College (UTC) Principal: Ms L Glover Address: Tel: CBUTC, Kingsland Skills Institute, 01582 867756 Parkside Drive, Houghton Regis Bedfordshire, LU5 5PY Specialist Status/Specialism: Designated measuring point: Entrance Engineering, Manufacturing, and Product Design Website: Email: Category NOR Admission Admissions in Sept 2015 Age Range 2015 Number 2016 UTC 130 Year 10 – Admission Requests Places 14 to 19 years 150 Number: Received: Offered: 150 4 4 Admission Criteria Year 12 – See below 150 1. All 'looked after' children or children who were previously ‘looked after’ 2. Siblings in catchment area 3. Siblings out of catchment area 4. Distance to UTC Open events for the Central Bedfordshire UTC Saturday 26 September 2015 - 10.00am – 1.00pm Saturday 17 October 2015 - 10.00am – 1.00pm Saturday 6 February 2016 - 10.00am – 1.00pm Thursday 12 May 2016 - 6.00pm – 9.00pm Please contact the UTC regarding any further open events To make an application for a UTC or studio school (in another local authority) please complete the online application or the UTC application form available on our website, or telephone to request a hard copy from School Admissions on 0300 300 8037. Transfer to UTC 2016 101 Applying for sixth form Applications for admission to a school sixth form are dealt with by the school/academy as different admissions criteria may apply and therefore to make an application you will need to contact the school or academy directly. For information about the sixth form admission arrangements contact the school/academy or visit their website. All Saints Academy - 01582 619700 Cedars Upper - 01525 219300 Harlington Upper - 01525 755100 Manshead School - 01582 679400 Queensbury Academy - 01582 601241 Redborne Upper - 01525 404462 Samuel Whitbread Academy - 01462 629900 Sandy Upper - 01767 680598 Stratton Upper - 01767 220000 Vandyke Upper - 01525 636700 Applying for sixth form 102 Useful contact information School Appeals 0300 300 4032 @ SEND Team (For children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan) 0300 300 8000 School Transport 0300 300 8339 @ Free School Meals 0300 300 8306 @ Parent Partnership (Supports parents/carers with children who have special educational needs) 0300 300 8088 @ Family Information Service (Provides information on childcare, early education, out of school clubs, family support etc) 0300 300 8119 @ Department for Education - OFSTED - Schools finder directory - School performance tables Useful Information 103 Central Bedfordshire in contact Find out more For more information about this publication, further copies, or a large print copy, get in touch. Please recycle me! When finished with, please put me in your recycling bin or bag. 0300 300 8037 School Admissions, Central Bedfordshire Council, Watling House, High Street North, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 1LF CS600_15 150814 School Admission A4 Booklet 2016.indd 2 19/08/2015 16:50