91 1984-2007 PARTS (800) VETTE JD (800) 838
91 1984-2007 PARTS (800) VETTE JD (800) 838
91 1984-2007 PARTS PRICE AIR INTAKE AIR INTAKE (cont) PRICE 70243B 06-09 Vortex Ram Cold air sys w/carbon Fiber Cover………………………….. 70243C 06-09 Vortex Ram Cold Air System w/Clear Cover……………………….. 70244 01-04 Vortex Ram Ind Sys w/filter, Black. 70246 01-04 Vortex Ram Ind, Sys w/filter, Clear. 70250 85-04 K&N H/P Air Filter Element Oil….. AIR INTAKE ACCESSORIES 75170 70265 70270 70280 70290 70300 70010 70020 70030 70040 70045 70047 70050 70060 70070 70080 70100 70110 85-89 Rear Intake Duct, (accordion)........... 90-91 Air Intake Duct except ZR-1............. 90-95 ZR-1 Air Intake Duct........................ 85-89 Air Intake Housing............................ 90-96 Air Intake Housing, Exc 92-93 LT1. 92-94 Air Intake Housing, 92-93 LT1……. 85-89 Air Intake Housing Ret Nut 2 req..... 85-89 Air Intake Housing Retainer Screw.. 85-89 Air Intake Housing Retainer Clamp.. 85-89 Air Intake Housing Ret Clamp Pin... 85-89 Air Intake Duct Front Clamp............ 85-91 Air Intake Duct Rear Clamp except ZR-1……………………….............. 70120 90-95 Air Intake Duct Front Clamp (92-95 ZR-1)………………............. 70130 87-91 Air Filter Water Deflector................. 70140 92-96 Air Filter Water Deflector................. 70150 85-89 Air Cleaner Element Cover............... 70160 85-89 Air Cleaner Element Cover Screw.... 70170 90-96 Air Cleaner Element Cover except LT1…………………........................ 70180 90-96 Air Cleaner cover Bolt...................... 70190 84 Air Cleaner Gasket 2 required........... 70195 84 Air Cleaner/Hood Seal...................... 70200 84 Air Filter Element Stock.................... 70205 84 K & N High Perf Air Filter Element. 70210 85-89 Air filter Element Stock.................... 70215 85-89 K & N High Perf Air Filter Element. 70217 85-89 Vortex Ram Ind, Sys w/filter, Black 70218 85-89 Vortex Ram Ind, Sys w/filter, clear 70220 90-96 Air Filter Element Stock................... 70230 90-96 K & N High Perf Air Filter Element. 70232 90-96 Vortex Ram Ind, Sys w/filter, Black 70233 90-96 Vortex Ram Ind, Sys w/filter, Clear 70235 97-04 K N Filter.......................................... 70238 97-00 Vortex Ram Ind, Sys w/filter, Black 70242 97-00 Vortex Ram Ind, Sys w/filter, Clear 70243 05-07 Vortex Ram Cold Air Sys w/carbon Fiber Cover--except Z-06………….. 70243A 05-07 Vortex Ram Cold Air Sys w/clear Cover Except Z-06 ……………... (800) VETTE JD $17 CALL CALL 85 CALL CALL 9 13 12 CALL 9 549 549 250 250 10 PRICE 85-91 TPI Throttle Body Airfoil................. 92-96 Air Foil-Inlet Fair.............................. 85-96 Corvette Logo Throttle body Cover.. 85-89 Mass Air Flow Sensor Test Tool...... 84-96 Idle Air Control Test Tool................ 85-91 Manifold Air Temp Sensor Tool....... $30 40 48 16 16 16 BATTERY PRICE 70310 84-96 Battery Hold Down Clamp………... $5 19 CALL 13 CALL 54 10 116 CALL 12 33 52 80 22 68 270 270 43 85 270 270 70 250 250 (800) 838-8353 70320 70330 70340 70350 70360 30600 30610 70370 84-96 Battery Tray............................................ 84-96 Battery Cable Negative.......................... 84-85 Battery Cable Positive............................ 86-91 Battery Cable Positive except ZR-1....... 92-96 Battery Insulator..................................... Battery Discnct Switch Top Terminal.... Battery Discnct Switch Side Terminal... 84-96 Anti-Theft 18 ga Steel Battery Guard.... $47 40 54 70 25 18 10 30 549 549 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 PARTS PRICE BRAKES 70380 84 Master Cylinder................................ $230 70390 85 Master Cylinder................................ 330 70400 86-87 Master Cylinder............................... 240 70410 88 Master Cylinder................................ 349 70420 89-91 Master Cylinder.............................. 600 70430 92-94 Master Cylinder............................... 396 70435 95-96 Brake Master Cylinder--Delco……. 550 70450 86 Master Cylinder Repair Kit.............. 109 70460 87 Master Cylinder Repair Kit.............. 109 70470 88 Master Cylinder Repair Kit.............. CALL 70480 89-91 Master Cylinder Repair Kit.............. 172 70490 92-96 Master Cylinder Repair Kit ............. 140 70500 84-85 & 88-91 Master Cyl Reservr 2 req... 10 70520 84-85 Master Cyl Reservoir Diaphragm… CALL 70530 86-91 Master Cyl Reservoir Diaphragm.... 12 70540 84-91 Master Cyl Reservoir Grommet....... 8 70550 84-91 Master Cylinder Cap........................ 8 70560 92-96 Master Cylinder Cap w/Diaphragm. 35 70565 84-87 Brake Rotor Front, Replacement..... 60 70570 84-87 Brake Rotor Front, Delco................. 100 70571 84-87 Rotor-Cross Drilled/Slotted, LF...... 140 70571A84-87 Rotor-Cross Drilled/Slotted, RF..... 140 70572 84-87 Rotor-Cross Drilled/Slotted, LR...... 140 70572A 84-87 Rotor-Cross Drilled/Slotted, RR.... 140 70573 88-96 Rotor-Cross Drilled/Slotted, LF...... 150 70573A88-96 Rotor-Cross Drilled/Slotted, RF..... 150 70574 88-96 Rotor Cross Drilled/Slotted, LF....... 240 70574A88-96 Rotor-Cross Drilled/Slotted, RF..... 240 70575 88-96 Rotor-Cross Drilled/Slotted, LR...... 150 70575A88-96 Rotor-Cross Drilled/Slotted, RR..... 150 70576 97-03 Rotor-Cross Drilled/Slotted, LF...... 150 70576A97-03 Rotor-Cross Drilled/Slotted, RF..... 150 70577 97-03 Rotor-Cross Drilled/Slotted, LR...... 150 70577A97-03 Rotor-Cross Drilled/Slotted, RR..... 150 70580 84-87 Brake Rotor, Rear Delco.................. 140 70583 84-87 Brake Rotor Rear, Replacement...... 60 70590 88-96 Brake Rotor Rea, Replacement........ 70 70595 88-96 Brake Rotor Rear exc HD, Delco… 120 70596 97-02 Left Front Brake Rotor, Delco......... 100 70597 97-02 Right Front Brake Rotor, Delco....... 100 70600 88-95 Brake Rotor Front except HD, Repl 70 70605 88-95 Brake Rotor Front exc HD, Delco... 110 70610 88-96 Brake Rotor Front w/HD, FE7, J55 Left Hand……………..................... 170 70620 88-96 Brake Rotor Front w/HD, FE7, J55 Right Hand…………....................... 170 70625 97-02 Left Rear Brake Rotor, Delco.......... 110 70626 97-02 Right Rear Brake Rotor, Delco........ 110 70630 84-95 Brake Pressure Warning Switch...... 18 70650 85-88 Brake Proportioning Valve Rear...... 70 70660 92-95 Master Cylinder Proport Valve….... 90 70675 84 Brake Booster (Rebuilt) Core $ 75... CALL 70680 84-89 Brake Booster 84 Replacement….... 290 70682 85-96 Brake Booster Check Valve………. 22 70685 85-89 Brake Booster Rblt Exch core $75.. 170 70690 90-91 Brake Booster except ZR-1 6 Speed 520 70695 90-91 Brake Booster Rebuilt Exch……... 170 70700 90-91 Brake Booster ZR-1 6 Speed........... 430 70710 92-96 Brake Booster….............................. 440 (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 92 70715 92-96 Brake Booster Rebuilt Exch……... 70720 92-95 Brake Booster ZR-1……………... 70730 84 Brake Booster Vacuum Hose Filter. 70740 84-96 Brake Booster Check Valve............. 70750 84-96 Brake Booster Check Valve Grom 78980 84-96 Brake Pedal Clevis Pin Retainer...... 78820 67-96 Clutch Pedal Return Spring Bushing 70780 70790 70800 70810 70820 70830 $170 566 110 25 13 2 2 85-87 Front Caliper New Assembly LH.... CALL 85-87 Front Caliper New Assembly RH.... 130 84-87 Front Caliper Rebuilt Exchange LH 60 84-87 Front Caliper Rebuilt Exchange RH 60 84-87 Rear Caliper Rebuilt Exchange LH. 60 84-87 Rear Caliper Rebuilt Exchange RH. 60 PLEASE NOTE: Rebuilt Calipers are sold on an exchange basis. Exchange Calipers must be in undamaged rebuildable condition. If exchange calipers are not available at the time of sale, a core charge of $50 must be added to the purchase price. The core charge is fully refundable on receipt of rebuildable cores. Prices of new or rebuilt calipers do not include pads or brackets. 70840 70850 70860 70870 70880 70890 70900 71120 70913 70915 70920 70930 70940 84-96 Caliper Bleed Valve......................... $2 84-96 Bleeder Valve Cap........................... 6 84-87 Anti-Squeal Shim Kit Front............. CALL 84-87 Anti-Squeal Shim Kit Rear.............. 15 84-87 Caliper Seal Repair Kit Front.......... 17 84-87 Caliper Seal Repair Kit Rear........... 17 85-87 Caliper Mount Bracket Front........... CALL 84-96 Calipr Guide Pin 84-87 Ft All Rear 13 84-87 Front Brake Pads, Delco, ................ 110 84-87 Rear Brake Pads, Delco, ................. 100 84-87 Brake Pads Front Axle Set, Repl..... 30 84-87 Brake Pads Rear Axle Set, Repl….. 30 84-87 Brake Pads Front & Rear Car Set, Replacement…………………….. 70 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 93 1984-2007 PARTS BRAKES (cont) PRICE 71140 71143 71145 71147 71150 70945 70946 70947 70948 70949 70950 70960 70964 70967 70970 70980 70990 71000 71010 71020 71030 71050 71060 71065 71070 71075 71080 71090 71094 71097 71100 71110 71120 71130 85-87 Brake Kit - Upgrade.......................... $980 88-96 Brake Kit Upgrade............................ 996 97-04 Z-06 Caliper Upgrade Kit................. 476 65-04 Red Caliper Paint Kit……………… 40 65-08 Caliper Paint Kit--Black-2 Kits Req/per car…………………. 40 88-96 Front Caliper w/o HD New Assy LH 150 88-96 Ft Caliper w/o HD New Assy RH…. 175 88-96 Front Caliper w/o HD Rebuilt LH.... 60 88-96 Front Caliper w/o HD Rebuilt RH.... 60 88-96 Front Caliper w/HD New Assy LH... 254 88-96 Front Caliper w/HD New Assy RH.. 254 88-96 Caliper Seal Repair Kit Front........... 17 88-96 Caliper Mount Bracket w/HD Ft LH 80 88-96 Caliper Mount Bracket w/HD Ft RH 80 88-96 Caliper Mnt Bracket w/o HD Ft LH CALL 88-96 Caliper Mnt Bracket w/o HD Ft RH. 52 88-96 Caliper Guide Pin w/o HD Front...... 14 88-96 Brake Pads Front Axle Set Repl....... 40 88-96 Brake Pads Front Axle Set OEM...... 230 97-04 Front Delco Brake Pads.................... 130 97-04 Front Brake Pads (set) repl……….... 45 88-96 Rear Caliper New Assembly LH...... 170 88-96 Rear Caliper New Assembly RH...... 170 88-96 Rear Caliper w/o HD Rebuilt LH..... 80 88-96 Rear Caliper w/o HD Rebuilt RH..... 80 88-96 Caliper Seal Repair Kit Rear............. 40 88-96 Caliper Mount Bracket Rear 2 req… 57 88-96 Caliper Guide Pin.............................. 13 88-96 Anti-Squeal Shim Kit Rear............... CALL (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 88-96 Brake Pads Rear Axle Set, Delco........... 88-96 Brake Pads--Rear--Repl……………….. 97-04 Rear Delco Brake Pads........................... 97-04 Rear Brake Pads (Set) repl…….……… 88-92 Parking Brake Actuator Collar Kit......... $80 35 110 45 160 BRAKE HOSES 71160 84-87 Brake Lines Stainless Steel Set of 4....... 71170 88-96 Brake Lines Stainless Steel Set of 4....... 71173 94-96 Braided Hose Set S/S………………. 71175 97-04 Braided Brake Hoses, Set of 4………... 71180 84-87 Brake Hose Front 2 required.................. 71185 84-87 Rear Brake Hose, 2 req per car, Delco... $120 120 120 120 40 40 71190 71200 71210 71220 71230 71240 71250 71260 71270 71280 71290 71300 88-92 Brake Hose Front LH............................. 88-92 Brake Hose Front RH............................ 93 Brake Hose Front .................................. 94-95 Brake Hose Front LH............................. 94-95 Brake Hose Front RH............................ 88-92 Brake Hose Rear LH.............................. 88-92 Brake Hose Rear RH........................ 93-95 Brake Hose Rear.............................. 84-88 Brake Hose Copper Washer............. 84-96 Brake Hose Fitting Bolt................... 84-92 Brake Hose Fitting Gasket.............. 84-96 Brake Hose Retainer........................ $40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 2 5 2 5 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 PARTS BRAKES (cont) PARKING BRAKE COMPONENTS 71310 88-96 Parking Brake Handle Assembly..... 71320 71330 71340 71350 71360 71370 71380 71390 71400 71410 71420 71430 PRICE $130 88-96 Park Brake Lvr Cover dye to match CALL 84-87 Front Parking Brake Cable.............. 40 88-96 Front Parking Brake Cable.............. 43 84-96 Front Parking Brake Cable Guide.... 3 84-87 Parking Brake Cable Rear LH......... 30 84-87 Parking Brake Cable Rear RH......... 30 88-96 Parking Brake Cable Rear 2 req...... 42 88-96 Ft Park Brake Cable Ret Spring....... 19 84-87 Parking Brake Shoes Set of 4.......... 131 84-87 Park Brake Lever & Strut Assy LH. CALL 84-87 Park Brake Lever & Strut Assy RH. CALL 84-87 Parking Brake Hardware Kit............ 50 BUMPERS FRONT BUMPER (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 PRICE 94 BUMPERS (cont) PRICE 1984 - 1986 FRONT BUMPERS 71440 84-90 Urethane Ft Bumper Cover OEM.... CALL 71450 91-96 Urethane Ft Bumper Cover OEM... 589 NOTE: Please see the Fiberglass section of the catalog for other front bumper options. Pg 304 71456 71457 71460 71470 71475 71477 71480 71490 71500 71510 71520 71530 71540 71550 71560 71564 71565 71570 71580 71585 71590 71600 71610 71620 71630 71640 71710 71720 71730 71735 71740 71744 71745 71746 53-04 Horn--Low--Repl………………... 53-04 Horn--High--Repl……………….. 84-90 Ft Bumper cover Retainer Center.... 84-90 Ft Bumper cover Ret Outer, Lwr…. 84-96 Ft Bumper Outer Upper Ret, LH…. 84-96 Ft Bumper Outer Upper Ret, RH…. 91-96 Ft Bumper cover Retainer Center.... 91-96 Front Bumper cover Retainer Outer 84-90 Ft Bumper Molding Center (black) 88 Ft Bmpr Molding Cntr 35th Anniv.. 84-90 Front Bumper Molding LH.............. 84-90 Front Bumper Molding RH.............. 88 Ft Bumper Molding LH 35th Anniv 88 Ft Bumper Molding RH 35th Anniv 84-90 Front Deflector Panel Support Brkt 84-90 Front Air Dam Hardware Kit........... 91-96 Front Air Dam Hardware Kit........... 84-90 Ft License Plate Filler "Corvette" 91-96 Ft License Plate Filler "Corvette".... 97-02 Front License Plate Filler................. 84-85E Front Air Dam LH, Short.............. 84-85E Front Air Dam RH, Short.............. 84-85E Front Air Dam Center, Short......... 85L-90 Front Air Dam LH, Long.............. 85L-90 Front Air Dam RH, Long.............. 85L-90 Front Air Dam Center, Long......... 91-96 Front Air Dam LH........................... 91-96 Front Air Dam RH........................... 91-96 Front Air Dam Center...................... 84-90 Center Spoiler Brace/Bracket-Uppe 84-90 Front Air Dam Retainer LH or RH.. 97-04 Air Deflector/Spoiler, LH………… 97-04 Air Deflector/Spoiler, RH………… 97-04 Air Deflector/Spoiler, Center…..… 56 56 22 13 81 111 CALL 6 140 CALL 80 80 CALL CALL CALL 13 15 126 55 127 40 37 40 25 25 25 25 25 25 CALL 42 29 29 99 REAR BUMPER E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 95 1984-2007 PARTS PRICE BUMPERS (cont) 1984-1996 REAR BUMPERS 71750 84-90 Urethane Rear Bumper Cover, OEM 71760 90-95 Urethane Rear Bumper Cover, ZR1 71770 91-96 Ure Bumper Cover exc ZR1, OEM. 71775 84-90 Tail Light Louver Kit (except ZR1).. 71777 91-96 Tail Light Louver Kit (90-ZR1)....... 71778 97-03 Tail Light Louver Kit........................ NOTE: Please see the Fiberglass section of the catalog for other rear bumper options. Pages 304-305 71780 84-90 Rear Bumper Molding LH Outer...... 71790 84-90 Rear Bumper Molding RH Outer...... 71800 88 R Bumper Molding LH Outer 35th Anniversary…………….................... 71820 84-90 Rear Bumper Molding LH Inner....... 71830 84-90 Rear Bumper Molding RH Inner...... 71840 88 Rear Bumper Molding LH Inner 35th Anniversary…………….…….. 71850 88 R Bumper Molding RH Inner 35th Anniversary…………….................... 71860 90 R Bumper Molding LH Inner ZR1… 71870 90 R Bumper Molding RH Inner ZR1... 71880 90 R Bumper Molding LH Outer ZR1... 71890 90 R Bumper Molding LH Outer ZR1... 71893 94-96 Rear Splash Shield/Liner, LH........... 71894 94-96 Rear Splash Shield/Liner, RH........... 71940 84-96 R Bumper cover Ret Upper Center... 71950 90-95 R Bumper Cover Retainer Up ZR1 71960 84-96 R Bmpr Cover Ret Side exc ZR1...... 71970 84-96 R Bmpr Cover Ret Out LH exc ZR1 71980 84-96 R Bmpr Cover Ret Out RH exc ZR1 71983A 97-04 Ft Fndr/Bmp, Lwr Brace, Rein, LH 71985A 97-04 Ft Fndr/Bmp, Lwr Brace, Rein, RH 72010 84-90 Rear Bumper Cover Retainer Lower. 72020 91-96 R Bmpr Cover Ret Lwr LH exc ZR1 72030 91-96 R Bmpr Cover Ret Lwr RH exc ZR1 72060 84-90 R Bumper Cover Reinf Lower LH.... 72070 84-90 R Bumper Cover Reinf Lower RH... 72080 91-96 Rear bumper Cover Reinf Lower….. PRICE $630 CALL 1013 23 40 40 $67 66 CALL 50 50 CALL CALL 85 79 49 55 87 87 37 CALL CALL 26 28 13 14 CALL 20 12 9 12 8 WE ARE USED PARTS SPECIALISTS WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON THOUSANDS OF USED PARTS AND HELP YOU FIND THOSE HARD TO FIND DISCONTINUED PARTS (800) VETTE JD COOLING SYSTEM (800) 838-8353 72100 84-89 Radiator Delco (84-85 Replacement)..... 72103 84-89 Radiator Probe………………………… 72105 84-89 Racing Aluminum Radiator.................... 72105A 84-89 Racing Aluminum Radiator, Auto…… 72106 84-89 Racing Aluminum Radiator w/AT.......... 72110 84-85 Radiator Mount Cushion LH 2 Req........ 72111 84-85 Radiator Mount Cushion, RH................. 72112 86-89 Radiator Mount Cushion LH 2 Req........ 72114 86-89 Radiator Mount Cushion RH 2 Req........ 72116 84 & 91-96 Radiator Cap….............................. 72118 85-90 Radiator Cap………............................... 72120 84-89 Upper Radiator Support.......................... 72112A 84-89 Lower Radiator Support........................ 72114A 85-89 Radiator Shroud Kit.............................. 72116A 84-89 Fan, (cooling)……................................ 72119 84-89 Fan Motor……....................................... 72120A 85-87 Fan Relay….......................................... 72121 84 Engine Cooling Fan Relay...................... 72121A Cooling Fan Relay Plug, Pigtail…………….. 72122 88-96 Fan Relay…............................................ 72124 85-89 Radiator Upper Air Baffle...................... 72126 84 Radiator Lower Air Baffle--Repro.......... 72128 85-89 Radiator Lower Air Baffle--Repro......... 30278 84-96 Radiator Lower Air Baffle Retainer....... 72132 84-89 Radiator Grill Mount Panel..................... 72134 85-87 Rad L Baffle/Wheelhouse Bracket LH... 72136 85-87 Rad L Baffle/Wheelhouse Bracket RH... 72138 84-89 Radiator Grill Inner Bracket LH............. 72140 84-89 Radiator Grill Inner Bracket RH............. 72142 84-89 Radiator Grill Center Bracket................. 72144 84 Upper Radiator Hose............................... 72146 85-89 Upper Radiator Hose.............................. $260 19 796 560 796 4 4 CALL CALL 11 11 CALL CALL 80 70 80 18 18 20 18 CALL 100 100 7 38 CALL CALL CALL 25 CALL 32 28 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 PARTS COOLING SYSTEM (cont) PRICE 72150 84-89 Lower Radiator Hose Coupe............ 72152 86-87 Lower Radiator Hose Convertible... 72154 88-89 Lower Radiator Hose Convertible .. 72156 84-96 Coolant Recovery Reservoir Tank... 72158 84-96 Coolant Rcvry Reservoir Tank Cap 72160 84-91 Water Pump (New)............................. 72162 56-91 Water Pump Gaskets pair................ 72164 84-91 Water Pump Pulley.......................... 72166 84-91 Thermostat 195 Degree................... 72167 97-03 Thermostat W/Housing…………... 72168 84 Thermostat Housing........................ 72170 85-91 Thermostat Housing except ZR1..... 72172 84-91 Thermostat Housing Gasket............. 72173 89-96 Racing Aluminum Radiator w/EOC 72174 90-96 Radiator Manual Trans or ZR1….... 72174A 90-96 Direct Fit Aluminum Radiator-Auto 72174B 90-96 Direct Fit Aluminum Radiator-Manual 72175 89-96 Racing Aluminum Radiator, 6 Spd.. 72176 90-96 Radiator Automatic Transmission... 72177 90-96 Racing Aluminum Radiator w/AT... 72177A 97-04 Radtor All, exc 02-04 Auto, Delco 72177B 02-04 Radiator, Delco, Automatic……… 72178 90-91 Radiator Mount Cushion Upper....... 72180 90-93 Radiator Mount Cushion Lower LH 72182 90-93 Radiator Mount Cushion Lower RH 72116 91-96 Radiator Cap.................................... 72186 90-96 Upper Radiator Support................... 72188 90-96 Lower Radiator Support................... 72190 90-96 Radiator Support Bracket................. 72192 90-96 Radiator Shroud............................... 70130 87-91 Radiator Upper Air Deflector.......... 72196 92-96 Radiator Upper Air Deflector.......... 72198 84-96 Radiator Lower Air Baffle Retainer 72200 90 Radiator Grill Mount Panel.............. 72202 84-90 Radiator Grill Center Bracket.......... 72204 90-96 Radiator Cooling Fan ( 2 req).......... 72206 90-96 Fan Motor, 2-required...................... 72122 88-96 Fan Relay......................................... 72210 90-91 Upper Radiator Hose....................... $35 30 38 40 9 140 6 60 11 49 CALL 20 5 708 CALL 560 560 796 210 796 280 410 CALL CALL CALL 11 146 97 13 98 13 CALL 7 27 CALL 53 90 18 27 96 72212 90-91 Lower Radiator Hose....................... $36 72214 92-96 Lower Radiator Hose except ZR!.... 39 72216 92-94 Radiator Hose Front Upper LT1...... 25 72218 92-94 Radiator Hose Rear Upper LT1....... 24 72220 90-96 Upper Radiator Hose Support.......... CALL 72224 84-96 Coolant Recovery Reservoir Tank... 50 72224A 84-96 Coolant Recovery/Reser Tank cap. 7 72224B 97-04 Coolant Recovery/Reservoir Tank. 14 72225 90-96 Rad Coolant Surge Filler w/Sensor. 65 72225A 97-99 Rad Cool Srge Fill Tank w/o Snsr 97 72225B 00-04 Rad Cool Srge Fill Tank w/o Snsr 94 72227 92 Water Pump, Delco.......................... 250 72228 93-95 Water Pump, Delco.......................... 260 72229 96 Water Pump, Delco.......................... 246 72229A 97-04 Water Pump--Delco…………….. 280 72160 84-91 Water Pump (New).......................... 140 72162 84-91 Water Pump Mount Gasket pair...... 6 72232 84-91 Water Pump Pulley.......................... 60 72166 84-93 Thermostat 195 degree..................... 11 72170 85-91 Thermostat Housing except ZR!...... 19 72172 84-91 Thermostat Housing Gasket............. 5 72240 84-96 Low Temp Cooling Fan Switch…... 21 72242 85-96 Cnvrsn Wiring Harness for 72240... 20 72244 85-96 Coolant Temp Sensor Test Tool...... 40 DASH CONSOLE AND REAR COMPARTMENT PRICE SEE ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE 98 84-89 REBUILT DASH CLUSTERS (SPEEDO-TACH) Sold on exchange basis, core charge $450 72245 84 Dash Cluster Code "LS" w/Cruise... $390 72246 85 Dash Cluster Code "LAK" w/Cruise 390 72247 86 Dash Clust Code "LAW" w/Cruise 390 72248 87-88 Dash Cluster Code "LBS" w/Cruise 390 72249 89 Dash Cluster Code "LDL" w/Cruise 390 84-89 DASH COMPONENTS 72250 84-89 Dash Cluster (SpeedometerTachometer) Bulb Each................... $13 72251 84-96 Ashtray............................................. 13 72252 90-91 Ashtray Light Gray (91 Early)......... CALL 72253 91-96 Ashtray Door Black (91 Late)......... CALL 1990-1996 Cooling System (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 97 1984-2007 PARTS DASH CONSOLE AND REAR COMPARTMENT (cont) 1984-1989 Dash 72254 84-96 Lighter w/Element........................... 72255 84-95 Lighter Housing Assembly.............. 72256 84-89 Console Door Dark Charcoal, OEM 72256R 84-89 Center Console Door, Repro (BLK) 72257 84-96 Console Door Spring Kit................... 72258 90-96 Console Door Black, OEM............... 72259 97-04 Center Lid Latch Assy…………… 72260 84-89 Console Door Hinge.......................... 72262 90-96 Console Door Hinge.......................... 72264 88 Console Emblem w/35th Anny......... 72266 84-96 Console Cup Holder Liner................ 72268 84-96 Console Compartment Lock............. 72272 84-89 Cassette Tape Storage Tray............... 158926 90-96 Shift Boot Manual , Repro…… ( see also Interior) 158927 90-96 Shift Boot Automatic, Repro.......... 72278 84-89 Shift Console Plate Auto w/o Seat Graphic…………………………….. 72279 84-89 Shift Console Plate Auto w/Seat Graphic…………………………….. 72280 89-91 Shifter Console Plate Manual........... 72281 84-88 Shifter Plate w/Seat Graphics 4+3 Manual……………………….. 72282 90-91 Shifter Console Plate Automatic....... 72284 92-93 Shifter Console Plate Automatic....... 72286 92-93 Shifter Console Plate Manual........... 72288 94-96 Shifter Console Plate Automatic....... 72292 94-96 Shifter Console Plate Manual........... 72294 84-89 Automatic Shift Indicator Dial, Lens 72296 90-93 Automatic Shift Indicator Dial, Lens 72297 84-89 Automatic Shifter Dash Pointer........ 72298 84-85 Speedo/Tach Dash Bezel................... 72299 86-89 Speedo/Tach Dash Bezel................... 72302 84-89 Center Cluster Bezel......................... 72304 84-89 Dash Pad Passenger Side.................. 72305 84-89 Dash Panel Kit (passenger side)….. 72306 84-85 Printed Circuit-Instrument Cluster… 72308 86-89 Printed Circuit-Instrument Cluster.... 72310 84-89 Fuse Box Cover................................. 72312 84-96 Fuse Box Cover Nut.......................... 72314 84-96 Courtesy Lamp LH Under Dash....... 72316 84-93 Diagnostic Conn Cover LH U/D…... 72318 84-89 Headlight Knob w/Rod..................... 72320 84-89 Headlight Switch Nut........................ 72322 84 Temperature Select Knob………….. 72324 85-89 Temperature Select Knob………….. 72326 84-87 AC Blower Switch Knob.................. 72328 84-86 Rear Defogger Switch Knob............. 72330 90-96 Instrument Cluster Trim Bezel.......... 72332 90-96 Instrument Gauge Lens..................... (800) VETTE JD PRICE $11 14 276 160 10 306 26 CALL CALL CALL 13 25 23 50 50 100 1990-1996 Dash 90-96 DASH COMPONENTS 72340 90-91 Center Gauge/Radio Console Plate Except ZR1………..…………………... $90 72344 92-93 Center Gauge/Radio Console Plate Except ZR1……..................................... 55 72346 94-95 Center Gauge/Radio Con Plate Exc ZR1 56 72348 90-92 Fuse Box Cover...................................... 27 72350 93-95 Fuse Box Cover...................................... 29 72312 84-96 Fuse Box Cover Nut............................... 5 72358 84-96 Courtesy Lamp LH Underdash............... CALL 72360 84-93 Diagnostic Conn Cover LH Underdash.. CALL 117 150 130 150 150 150 150 150 58 CALL 20 110 136 160 CALL 50 CALL CALL 20 5 13 CALL 20 8 CALL 6 21 CALL CALL 66 (800) 838-8353 72362 72364 72366 72368 72370 72372 72374 72376 72378 72380 72384 72386 84-89 Rear Compartment Tray LH................... 84-89 Rear Compartment Tray RH................... 90-96 Rear Compartment Tray LH................... 90-96 Rear Compartment Tray RH................... 84-96 Rear Storage Compartment Door LH..... 84-96 Rear Storage Compartment Door RH..... 84-96 Rear Compartment Door Handle............ 84-96 Rear Compartment Door Striker............. 84-95 Rear Compartment Insulator RH............ 84-96 Rear Compartment Lock......................... 84-96 R Compartment Master Frame, Coupe... 84-96 R Compartment Door Hinge Pins pair… $23 23 16 38 CALL CALL 10 4 CALL 25 CALL CALL 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 PARTS PRICE DOOR 98 DOOR (cont) 72670 84-92 Door Align Pin Locator on Body Coupe RH……………………….. 72680 86-90 Door Align Pin Locator on body Convertible………………….......... 72690 84-96 Power Win Regulator w/Motor LH. 72700 84-96 Power Win Regulator w/Motor RH. 72703 97-04 Window Regulator LH………….. 72704 97-04 Window Regulator RH…………. 72705 84-86E Power Window Motor R or L…… 72710 86L-96 Power Window Motor LH…......... 72720 86L-96 Power Window RH....................... 72730 84-87 Win Regulator Repl Ribbon each.... 72740 84-96 Custom Lower Door Edge Seals pr. PRICE $22 81 350 350 350 350 91 110 110 46 35 Please Note: For Door Window Seals see the Interior Section of the Catalog. We can supply used 1884-96 doors from our used parts inventory, from complete doors to bare shells. 72390 72400 78000 72420 72430 72440 72450 35930 72462 72465 72467 72480 72490 72500 72510 72520 72530 72540 72545 72546 72550 72560 72565 72566 81095 72580 72590 72600 72605 72606 72610 72620 72630 72640 72620 72660 84-96 Door Handle Outer LH.................... 84-96 Door Handle Outer RH.................... 84-96 Door Locks pair............................... 84-90 Door Glass LH................................. 84-90 Door Glass RH................................ 91-96 Door Glass LH, EZ Kool................. 91-96 Door Glass RH, EZ Kool................. 84-96 Door Glass Anti-Rattle Cushion….. 97-04 Rivet/Nut--Small…………………. 97-04 Rivet/Nut --skid bar--Medium….. 97-04 Rivet/Nut--Large…………………. 84-90 Conduit Door Wire LH…................ 84-90 Conduit Door Wire RH.................... 91-96 Conduit Door Wire, R or L.............. 84-96 Upper Door Hinge, R or L............... 84-96 Lower Door Hinge, R or L............... 84-96 Door Hinge Pin................................ 84-96 Door Hinge Pin Bush, 2 per Hinge.. 84-96 Outside Door Handle Rod Clip…… 84-96 Solenoid Rod Clip……………….. 84-96 Door Hinge Spring........................... 84-96 Door Hinge Spring Tool.................. 90-96 Door Window Guide, LH………… 90-96 Door Window Guide, RH………… 84 Power Door Lock Actuator.............. 85-93 Power Door Lock Actuator.............. 84-87 Door Lock Striker on Body............. 88-96 Door Lock Striker on Body............. 84-89 Lock/Unlock Knobs (orange paint). 90-96 Lock/Unlock Knobs (yellow paint). 84-92 Door Align Pin on back of door 8490 Coupe 91-92 All......................... 84-92 Door Align Pin Seal use w/72610.... 86-90 Door Align Pin on back of door Convertible...................................... 86-90 Door Align Pin Seal LH Conv......... 86-90 Door Align Pin Seal RH Conv......... 84-92 Door Align Pin Locator on body Coupe LH......................................... $50 49 45 190 190 240 240 10 6 6 6 CALL 15 14 81 71 4 5 3 5 14 12 20 18 116 68 15 8 8 8 EMBLEMS 72750 72760 72770 72775 72776 72778 72780 72790 72800 72810 72820 72825 72826 72827 72830 72840 CALL 4 72850 CALL CALL 4 72860 20 72870 72880 72890 (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 84-90 Gas Lid Emblem.............................. 88 Gas Lid Emblem 35th Anniversary.. 91-96 Gas Lid Emblem.............................. 97-04 Gas Lid Emblem.............................. 05-08 Gas Lid Emblem…………………. 03 Gas Door Emblem………………… 93 Gas Lid Eblm 40th Anny, Chrome.. 84-93 Hood Underside Emblem "Bowling Green".............................................. 84-90 Nose Emblem................................... 88 Nose Emblem 35th Anniversary...... 91-96 Nose Emblem................................... 97-04 Nose Emblem .................................. 05-08 Nose Emblem…………………….. 03 Nose Emblem, 50th Anniversary… 93 Nose Eblem 40th Anny, Chrome..... 85-90 Rear Bumper Emblem Corvette Bright Red........................................ 88-90 Rear Bumper Emblem Corvette Black Charcoal Metallic & Polo Green Metallic................................. 88-90 R Bumper Emblem Corvette Dark Red Metallic..................................... 84 R Bmpr Eblm Vette Spectra Red... 84-90 Rear Bumper Emblem Corvette Black w/Silver Border..................... 84-88 R Bumper Emblem Corvette White. PRICE $67 CALL 50 53 60 78 52 50 50 CALL 45 75 60 80 55 53 CALL CALL CALL 74 CALL E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 99 1984-2007 PARTS PRICE EMBLEMS (cont) 72900 84-89 Rear Bumper Emblem Corvette Medium Gray Metallic...................... 72910 84-85 Rear Bumper Emblem Corvette Light Bronze Metallic....................... 72920 84-87 R Bumper Emblem Vette Gold Met. 72930 86-89 R Bmpr Emblem Corvette Yellow.... 72940 86-87 R Bmpr Emblem Vette Dark Beige.. 72950 86-88 R Bmpr Emblem Vette Flame Red... 72960 87-90 R Bmpr Eblm Vette Nassau Blue.… 72970 88 R Bmpr Emb Vette Dk Gray Smoke. 72980 88 R Bmpr Emblem White 35th Anniv.. 72990 89-90 R Bumper Emblem Corvette White.. 73000 88 Side Fender 35th Anniversary........... 73010 93 Side Fender 40th Anniversary........... CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL 49 GOLD AND CHROME PLATED EMBLEMS 73020 84-89 4 piece Gold...................................... $170 73030 84-90 Front Emblem Gold.......................... 89 73040 84-90 Rear Emblem Gold, (On Gas Door).. 89 73050 84-90 Rear Letter Unit Gold....................... 140 73055 84-89 Horn Button Emblem Gold............... CALL 73060 90 Gold Emblem Kit.......................... 149 73062 91-96 Front, Gold Plated Emblem.............. 80 73063 91-96 Rear, Gold Plated Emblem................ 120 73065 91-96 3 piece Gold...................................... 93 73070 91-96 Rear Letter Unit Gold....................... 149 73090 84-90 Rear Letter Unit Chrome................... 93 73102 97-04 Front Letter Unit, Chrome………… 30 73103A 97-04 Front Chrome Emblem…………… 70 73103 97-04 Rear Letter Unit, Chrome………….. 30 73103B 97-04 Rear Bumper Emblem, Chrome….. 70 73103C 05-07 Rear Bumper Letter Set S/S……… 70 ENGINE PRICE SERPENTINE BELTS AND TENSIONERS 73110 84-87 Serpentine Engine Drive Belt........... 73120 88-91 Srpntne Engine Drive Belt exc ZR1. 73130 92-93 Srpntne Drive Belt exc ZR1(93F)…. 73140 92-95 Srpntne Drive Belt exc ZR1………. $60 60 56 56 (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 ENGINE (Cont) 73150 73160 73170 73180 73181 73185 73186 73187 73188 PRICE 90-95 Serpentine Engine Drive Belt ZR1……. $56 84 Drive Belt Tensioner............................... CALL 85-87 Drive Belt Tensioner............................... 156 88-91 Drive Belt Tensioner............................... 98 84-91 Drive Belt Tensioner Pulley................... 40 92-96 Belt Tensioner--w/LT1………………... 98 97-00 Belt Tensioner…………………………. 106 01-04 Belt Tensioner…………………………. 97 97-04 A/C Belt Tensioner……………………. 100 DISTRIBUTOR AND IGNITION 35470 84 Distributor Cap HEI Ignition................... $34 73200 85-91 Distributor Cap HEI Ignition.................. 40 35440 84-91 Distributor Rotor..................................... 9 73220 84 Distributor Rotor Screw............. ............ 1 35420 84-91 Ignition Coil............................................ 77 73230 82-91 Distributor Coil ……………………….. 66 73240 92 Ignition Coil LT1.................................... 48 73250 90-95 Ignition Coil ZR1.................................... 45 73260 84-96 Ignition Coil Mounting Screw................ 2 73270 84 Distributor Shaft...................................... 59 73280 84 Distributor Pole Piece Retainer............... CALL 73290 84-91 Coil/Distributor Cap Cover..................... 14 73300 84-91Coil Cover Screw..................................... 7 73310 Coil Seal (Under Coil)............................ 9 73320 84-89 Ignition Module...................................... 87 73330 90-92 Ignition Module...................................... 87 73340 84-91 Pole Piece w/Plate................................... 67 73350 85-91 Intake Plenum Ext. Distributor Cover.... 38 73360 85-91 Distributor Cover Bolt............................ 6 73370 84-91 Distributor Terminal Block..................... 110 73380 84-91 Dist Terminal Block w/Capacitor........... 31 73390 84-92 Distributor Mount Gasket....................... 2 35340 84 Distributor Drive Gear Lower................. 46 73410 85-91 Distributor Drive Gear Lower................. 30 73420 84-90 Distributor Lower Gear Washer............. 3 73430 84-91 Distributor Lower Gear Tang Washer.... 1 73440 84-95 Delco Spark Plug Boot Sealant............... CALL 73445 84 Rebuilt Distributor.................................. 190 73446 85-91 Rebuilt Distributor.................................. 190 73450 84 Spark Plug Wire Set Delco..................... 72 73455 92-94 Distributor, New, Delco…...................... 500 73456 95-96 Distributor, New, Delco……………….. 640 73460 85-91 Spark Plug Wire Set Delco……………. 70 73470 92-95 Spark Plug Wire Set LT1 Delco………. 100 73480 90-95 Spark Plug Wire Set ZR1 Delco………. 63 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 PARTS ENGINE (cont) PRICE MISCELLANEOUS ENGINE 73482 85 Mass Air Flow Sensor New, Delco $796 73483 86-87 Mass Airflow Sensor, New, Delco.. 696 73484 88-89 Mass Air Flow Sensor New Delco.. 696 73487 85-89 Throttle Body Assembly.................. 360 73489 97-00 Mass Airflow Sensor……………... 400 73489A 01-04 Mass Airflow Sensor…………….. 400 73490 84-91 Engine Mount except ZR1............... 62 73495 85-91 Fuel Injector, New, Replacement… 60 73496 85-88 Fuel Injector--Delco……………... 90 73497 89-91 Fuel Injector--Delco………………. 130 73498 82-84 Idle Air Control Valve……………. 80 73500 92-96 Engine Mount LT1........................... 116 73503 85-91 Fuel Injector Plug, Pigtail………… 17 73505 84-91 Harmonic Balancer.......................... 110 73506 89-96 Flywheel (6 Speed)……………….. 896 73507 84-91 Lower Crank Pulley......................... CALL 73509 92-96 Purge Solenoid, Dual Size Hose….. 11 73510 84-92 Starter Solenoid................................ 54 73512 97-04 Oil Pressure Switch………………. 58 73515 85-89E EGR Pipe Heat Shld 11 1/4” Lng 26 73516 89L-91 EGR Pipe Heat Shield 15” Long... 32 73520 84-94 Starter Shim Kit w/o Offset Starter.. 9 73530 85 Alternator Mount Kit Upper............. 79 73540 86-91 Alternator Mount Bracket Upper..... 60 79860 84-91 Alt/PS Pump Mount Bracket Lower 74 73555 97-04 Chrome Alternator………………. 496 ELECTRICAL, SENSORS AND SENDERS 73560 84-95 Spark Plug Wire Ret 2-Wire 7 req... $5 73570 84-91 Spark Plug Wire Retainer 4-Wire except ZR1....................................... 8 73580 85-91 Spark Plug Wire Clip 4 Loom......... 5 73584 84-89 Speed Sensor, Automatic…………. 166 73585 84-90 Speed Sensor, Manual…………….. CALL 73586 91-93 Speed Sensor, Automatic…………. 70 73587 91-96 Speed Sensor, Manual…………….. 80 73590 84-89 Water Temp Gauge Sensor 1 Blade. 60 73600 85-89 Mass Air Flow Sensor Seal.............. 3 73610 84 & 90-96 MAP Sensor........................... 70 73620 84-87 Sensor, Exh Gas Oxygen (EGO)…. 50 73625 88-92 Oxygen Sensor (02)........................ 60 73627 93-96 Oxygen Sensor (02)........................ 100 73630 84 Sensor Kit Throttle Position (TPS). 160 73640 85-89 Sensor Kit Throttle Position (TPS).. 77 73650 90-91 Snsr Kit Throttle Position exc ZR1.. 110 73653 82-96 Low Coolant Sender/Low Temp Switch/Knock Sensor Pigtail……... 20 73655 84 Throttle Body Rebuilt Kit................ 67 73657 84-90 Cruise Control Check Valve……… 9 73660 84 Idle Air control Valve (IAC)........... 136 73670 85-88 Idle Air control Valve Kit (IAC)..... 70 73680 89-91 Idle Air control Valve Kit (IAC)..... 125 73681 84 Smog Pump Rebuilt......................... 150 73681A 84 Smog Pump Pulley, Disco………… CALL 73683 85 Smog Pump Rebuilt………………. 150 73683A 85 Smog Pump Pulley, Disco………... CALL (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 100 73685 86 Smog Pump Rebuilt........................ $150 73685A 86 Smog Pump Pulley, Disco………… CALL 73687 87-91 Smog Pump Rebuilt......................... 150 73687A 87-91 Smog Pump Pulley………………. 37 73690 85E Manifold Air Temp Sensor (MAT). 50 73695 86 EGR Tube w/o Clamp…………….. 88 73700 85-91 MAT Sensor (85L)........................... 30 73701 84 ECM Auto Rebuilt (Core 89)........... 190 73702 84 ECM Manual Rebuilt (Core 250)..... 200 73703 85 ECM All Rebuilt (Core 89).............. 190 73704 86-89 ECM All Rebuilt (Core 89)............. 190 73705 90-91 ECM ZR1 Rebuilt (Core 250)......... 250 73706 90-91 ECM exc ZR1 Rebuilt (Core 150)... 190 73707 92-93 ECM ZR1 Rebuilt (Core 250)......... 250 73708 92-93 ECM exc ZR1 Rebuilt (Core 150)... 300 OIL SYSTEM 73710 84-87 Oil Filler Cap................................... $12 73720 88-91 Oil Filler Cap except LT1................ CALL 73730 92-95 Oil Filler Cap LT1........................... 16 73735 85-87 Gas Tank Sending Unit w/Fuel Pump--Repro……………………... 360 73740 84-86 Oil Filler Ext Tube Chrome w/Cap.. 79 37310 84-96 Oil Drain Plug w/Gasket Magnetic.. 7 37320 84-96 Oil Drain Plug Gasket...................... 3 73750 84-91 Oil Filter ……................................. 13 73760 88-96 Oil Filter ………........................... 7 73780 84-85 Oil Pan Gasket Set........................... 20 73785 84 Engine Oil Dipstick……………….. 40 73790 85-88 Engine Oil Dipstick......................... 21 73800 89-94 Engine Oil Dipstick except ZR1...... 13 73810 95-96 Engine Oil Dipstick except ZR1...... 16 73828 86-89 Vats Override (Codes 1-15)..……... 40 73830 84 Oil Dipstick Tube............................. CALL 73840 85-95 Oil Dipstick Tube except ZR1......... 41 73850 85-91 Oil Cooler Lower Hose (Outlet)...... 17 73860 85-91 Oil Cooler Upper Hose (Inlet)......... 15 73870 84 Sensor Oil Pressure 3 Blade (84E)... 90 73880 84-88 Sensor Oil Pressure 1 Blade (84L).. 46 73890 84-89 Oil Temperature Sender Switch....... 89 VALVE COVERS 73915 84-86E Valve Covers--Engraved………... 73920 85-86 Vlv Cover LH (86 w/Cst Iron Hds.. 73930 85-86 Vlv Cvr RH (86 w/Cst Iron Heads) 73940 86-90 Valve Cover LH (86 w/Alu Heads) 73950 86-91 Valve Cover RH (86 w/Alu Heads). 73955 86L-91Valve Cover Set--High Polished w/Alum. Heads--L98…………... 73960 91-96 Valve Cover LH except 96 LT4...... 73970 91-96 Valve Cover RH except 96 LT4...... 73980 96 Valve Cover LT4 LH....................... 73990 96 Valve Cover LT4 RH....................... 73995 84-91 Valve cover Paint, Magnesium…… 74000 86-90 Valve Cover Emblem....................... 74010 91 Valve Cover Emblem....................... 74020 84-86E Valve Cover Gaskets w/Iron Heads pair........................................ 220 CALL CALL CALL CALL 320 150 204 CALL CALL 13 45 CALL 23 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 101 1984-2007 PARTS ENGINE (cont) PRICE VALVE COVERS (cont) 74030 86L-92 Valve Cover Gaskets w/Alum Heads Pair……………………... 74040 93-95 Valve Cover Gaskets each……….. 74050 84-96 Chrome Valve covers w/Bolts pair.. $30 14 70 EXHAUST SYSTEMS & PARTS PRICE 74060 84-85 Front Y-Pipe...................................... 74070 84-85 Rear Y-Pipe w/Heat Shields............. (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 $200 160 74080 74090 74091 74100 74110 74120 74150 74155 74156 74160 74163 74165 74166 74167 74168 74170 74180 74190 74200 74210 84-85 Pipe-Front Y-Pipe…………………….. $279 84 Muffler Aluminized w/Tip, LH............... 90 84 Rear Exhaust Muffler Aluminized, RH.. 90 84-85 Catalytic Converter Repro...................... 150 84-91 Catalytic Converter Air Tube Kit........... 36 84-85 Cat Conv Injection Pipe Check Valve.... 28 86-91 Front Y-Pipe w/Pre-Converters.............. 330 92-93 Catalytic Converter, Repro, RH……….. 330 92-93 Catalytic Converter, Repro, LH……….. 330 86-91 Rear Y-Pipe w/Heat Shields................... 170 86-91 Rear Y-Pipe, OEM, Original.................. 198 85-90 Muffler Aluminized w/Tip (fits 84) LH. 90 85-90 Rear Muffler Aluminized, RH (fits 84).. 90 91 Muffler--Aluminized LH……………... 90 91 Muffler--Aluminized RH…………….. 90 86-91 Front Exhaust Hanger............................. 26 86-91 Front Exhaust Hanger Bracket Clamp.... CALL 86-91 Catalytic Converter Repro...................... 180 86-91 Cat Conv Injector Pipe Check Valve...... 23 97-03 Plate Exh Enhancing S/S Plate wC-5 emblem ……………............................... 45 74211 97-03 Plate Exh Enhancing S/S Plate w/Z-06 emblem.................................................... 45 74212 97-04 Rear Exhaust Enhancing S/S Plate……. 45 74213 97-04 Exhaust Plate w/C5 Logo……………... 60 74213A 97-04 Exhaust Plate w/Z06 Logo, non-billet.. 60 74213B 97-04 Exhaust Plate W/Z06 - 405 hp……….. 60 74214 97-04 C-5 Exhaust Plate, Stick-on, Chrome…. 74214A 97-04 Z06/405 Exh Plate, Stick-on, Chrome.. 74215 97-04 50th Exhaust Plate, Stick-on Chrome….. 74216A 05 Exhaust Chrome Plate S/S, Billet……... 74217 97-04 Billet Sill Plates w/C5 Logo, Chrome… 74217A 97-04 Billet Sill Plates w/50th Logo, Chrome 74218 97-04 Billet Rear License Frame, Chrome….. 74218A 05 Billet Rear License Frame, Chrome, C6 74219 97-04 Tail Light, Chrome set w/Emblem……. 74219A 97-04 Tail Light, Chrome set w/o Emblem…. 74220 84-88 Muffler Hangers w/Brackets & Insulators, pair………............................ 74230 89-96 Muffler Hangers w/Brkts/Insulators pr... 74240 84-88 Muffler Hanger....................................... 74250 84-88 Muffler Hanger Insulator........................ $170 200 190 230 180 180 180 180 199 230 $12 43 15 9 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 PARTS EXHAUST SYSTEMS & PARTS (cont) 74260 74265 74270 74280 74290 84-96 Muffler Bracket................................ 86-91 Rear, Y-Pipe Crossover Hanger....... 89-96 Muffler Hanger................................ 89-95 Muffler Hanger Reinforcement....... 89-96Muffler Hanger Insulator.................. PRICE $9 27 6 7 REPRO AFTERMARKET & HIGH PERFORMANCE, EXHAUST PRICE 74310 84-91 Monza Dual Ext Tips Round pair.... 74320 84-91 Monza Dual Exhaust Tips ZR1 Style pr…………............................. 74323 84-91 S/S LT-1 Style Mufflers, Pair.......... 74325 84-91 Monza Dual Exhaust Round Tips 2.5" SS pr……………..................... 74327 84-91 Monza Dual Exh Tips 3" SS pair..... 74330 84-85 Dynomax Y-Pipe Use w/Dynomax Mufflers, only.................................. 74340 86-91 Dynomax Y-Pipe w/Dynomax Mufflers only………………........... 74350 84-91 Dynomax Super Turbo Mufflers pr. 74360 84-91 Ultra Flow S/S Steel Mufflers pr..... 74363 86-91 Magnaflow Cat-Back SS w/Y-Pipe 74363A 92-96 Magnaflow SS Muff w/Dual Tips.. 74364 84-91 Borla Muff SS w/Dual Round Intercooled Tips………………….. 74364A 84-91 Borla Muff SS w/Dual Square Intercooled Tips………………….. 74364B 92-94 Borla Mufflers S/S w/LT1 Tips…. 74366 84-85 Borla High Perf Rear Y Pipe……... 74366A 86-91 Borla High Perf Rear Y Pipe……. 74367 86-91 Borla Stinger, Single, Tips………... 74367A 86-91 Borla Exhaust Sys Stinger, Single, Rectangle Tips……………………. 74370 84 Exhaust Tips S/S Set of 4................. 74380 85-89 Exhaust Tips S/S Set of 4................ 74382 85-91 LT Style Exhaust Tips..................... 74484 97-03 Engraved Rear Exhaust Tips............ 74485 97-03 Exhaust Tips Stainless Set............... 74485A 97-03 Corsa Rear Exhaust Tips................ 74486 97-03 Corsa Cat-Back S/S Exh System..... 74487 97-03 Corsa Cat-Back S/S Exh System..... 74487A 97-04 Corsa Cat-Back S/S Exh System Touring w/GTR Tips……………. 74487B 97-04 Corsa Cat-Back S/S Exh System Indy Pace Car w/GTR Tips……... 74487C 87-04 Corsa Cat-Back S/S Exh System Touring w/Tigershark Tips………. 74487D 97-04 Corsa Cat-Back S/S Exh System Indy Pace Car w/Tigershark Tips.. 74487E 97-04 Borla Cat-Back S/S Exh System Stinger w/Quad Tips……………... 74487F 97-04 Borla Cat-Back S/S Exh System Stinger w/Dual Tips……………… 74487G 97-04 Borla Cat-Back S/S Exh System Stinger w/Quad Oval Tips……….. 170 (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 170 300 300 330 174 189 428 450 660 500 102 REPRO AFTERMARKET & HIGH PERFORMANCE, EXHAUST (cont) 74487H 97-04 Magnaflow Cat-Back S/S Exh System w/Dual Tips……………... $1300 74487I 97-04 Magnaflow Cat-Back S/S Exh System w/Tru-X Pipe…………..... 1500 74487J 97-04 JDC Cat-Back Performance Exhaust System, w/Quad Tips……. 600 74488 05 Borla Exh System, Dual Round Tips………………………………. 1600 74488A 05-07 Borla Exh System, Dual Round Tips………………………………. 1700 74488B 05-07 Corsa Exhaust…………………..... 1400 74488C 05-07 Corsa Exhaust…………………..... 1400 74488Q 05-07 Borla C6 Stinger Quad, Round Muffler set………………………. 1396 74489 97-04 Corsa Exhaust System…….……… 390 74489A 97-04 Tru-X Pipe………………………. 300 74489B 05-07 Corsa Exhaust …….…...………… 400 74489C 01-04 Borla Short Headers S/S…………. 1199 EXTERIOR TRIM PRICE 500 720 619 300 259 718 749 70 80 90 219 100 160 1330 1330 1330 1330 1330 1330 1100 800 1100 74490 84-90 Door Molding LH (except 35th Anniversary)……………………… $148 74500 84-90 Door Molding RH (except 35th Anniversary).................................... 170 74510 91-96 Door Molding LH ........................... 170 74520 91-96 Door Molding RH............................ 149 74530 84 Ft Fender Molding Crossfire LH…. CALL 74540 85-90 Ft Fender Molding Tuned Port LH.. 66 74550 85-90 Ft Fender Molding Tuned Port RH.. 63 74560 84-90 R Qtr Panel Molding LH (exc 35th) 67 74570 84-90 R Qtr Panel Molding RH (exc 35th) 70 74580 91-96 R Qtr Panel Molding LH exc ZR1... 26 74590 91-96 R Qtr Panel Molding RH exc ZR1... 26 74591 97-04 Quarter Panel Air Scoop/Grille-LH 116 74592 97-04 Quarter Panel Air Scoop/Grille-RH 116 74593 97-04 Air Scoop Duct-LH……………….. 40 74594 97-07 Air Scoop Duct-RH………………. 40 74620 84-96 Rocker Panel LH except ZR1.......... 174 74630 84-96 Rocker Panel RH except ZR1.......... CALL 74640 90-95 Rocker Panel LH ZR1...................... 132 74650 90-95 Rocker Panel RH ZR1..................... 215 74660 84-89 Rocker Panels w/Side Exhaust Appearance pair............................... 300 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 103 1984-2007 PARTS EXTERIOR TRIM (cont) 74670 84-87 Side Louver Panel LH....................... 74680 84-87 Side Louver Panel RH....................... 74690 88-90 Side Louver Panel LH....................... 74700 88-90 Side Louver Panel RH....................... 74710 91-94 Side Louver Panel LH....................... 74720 91-94 Side Louver Panel RH....................... 74721 95-96 Side Louver Panel LH....................... 74722 95-96 Side Louver Panel RH....................... 74722A 97-04 C-5 Fender Screens………………. 74722B 97-04 C-5 Front Brake Duct Screens……. 74722C 97-04 C-5 Rear Bumper Screens………... 74722D 05-08 C6 Side Fender Screens………….. 74723 97-04 C5 Side Spear Kit,w/Fender Screens 74724 05-06 C6 Billet Side Spear Kit w/Screens.. 74724A 05-06 C6 Billet Alum Ft Grille Polisher... 74724B 05-06 C6 Ft Billet Grille Chrome……….. 74724C 05-06 C6 Tail Light Spears w/Flags, Chrome 12 pcs………………….... 74724D 05-06 C6 Tail Light Spears w/Flags, Chr.. 74725 53-04 License Plate, Gold Frame………… 74726A C-3 License Plate Screw Caps…….. 74726B C-4 License Plate Screw Caps…….. 74726C C-5 License Plate Screw Caps…….. 74727 53-04 License Plate Chrome Frame...……. 74728 05 Chrome Lic Plate Frame w/Flags…. FUEL SYSTEM PRICE $140 119 125 125 97 110 93 103 40 30 50 40 300 310 200 200 389 249 19 14 14 14 19 30 PRICE GAS TANK AND RELATED PARTS (cont) 74780 84-96 Gas Tank Sender-Neck Rubber Gskt $6 74790 84-96 Gas Cap............................................. 17 74800 84-96 Locking Gas Cap……………………. 22 74810 84-96 Gas Filler Neck Housing Rubber…… 30 39314 84-96 Gas Fill Neck O/F Hose Nipple………. 5 74830 84-96 Gas Filler Neck Overflow Hose………. 25 74840 84-96 Fuel Tank Door Coupe........................... 187 74850 86-96 Fuel Tank Door Convertible................... 231 74860 84-89 Fuel Door S/S Spring Kit........................ 10 74870 84-96 Gas Lid Neck Bezel/Hinge Assy Coupe CALL 74880 85-96 Gas Lid Neck Bezel/Hinge Assy Conv CALL 74890 84-96 Gas Door Bezel to Body Sealer……...... 4 74900 84-96 Gas Lid Door Bmpr Coupe Ft 2 req…... 8 74910 84-95 Gas Lid Door Bumper Rear.................... 8 74920 84-93 Gas Lid Door Bmpr Hinge Rpair Kit….. CALL FUEL FILTERS 74930 84 Fuel Filter Cannister Type GF-482……. 74940 85-95 Fuel Fltr Can Type GF-481 exc ZR1….. $20 60 FUEL PUMPS 74950 84 Fuel Pump Electric in Tank……………. 74960 85-87 Fuel Pump Electric in Tank…………… 74970 88-89 Fuel Pump Electric In Tank…………… 74980 90-91 Fuel Pump Electric in Tank except ZR1. 74990 92-96 Fuel Pump Electric in Tank.................... 75000 84-91 Fuel Pump Block Off Plate on Engine.... 75010 84-91 Fuel Pump Block Off Plate Gasket......... $130 130 130 130 128 4 6 FUEL VAPOR CANNISTERS 75030 84-90 Fuel Vapor Cannister.............................. 75040 91-96 Fuel Vapor Cannister.............................. 119 80 THROTTLE BODY AND THROTTLE CABLES 75045 84 Throttle Body Gasket Kit 2 req each....... CALL 75050 85-88 Throttle Body To Plenum Gasket........... 28 75060 90-95 Throttle Body To Plenum Gasket ZR1... 40 75070 85-91 Inlet Manifold Tube Gasket 6 pc set....... 45 GAS TANK AND RELATED PARTS 74730 84-96 Gas Tank........................................... 74732 84 Gas Tank Sending Unit, Delco…….. 74733 84 Gas Tank Sending unit w/Fuel Pump--Repro……………………... 74734 85 & 87 Gas Tank Sending Unit, Delco…. 74735 85 & 87 Gas Tank Sending Unit w/Fuel Pump--Repro…………………... 74736 86 Gas Tank Sending Unit, Delco…….. 74737 88 Gas Tank Sending Unit, Delco…….. 74737A 88 Gas Tank-Sending Unit, Repro……. 74738 89-96 Gas Tank Sending Unit, Delco……. 74739 89-96 Gas Tank Sending Unit, Repro……. 74740 84-96 Gas Tank Strap 2 required................ 74750 84-96 Gas Tank Mounting Cable 2 req…... 74760 84-88 Gas Tank Meter-Sender Strainer....... 74770 89-96 Gas Tank Meter-Sender Strainer....... (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 $600 399 310 600 310 534 569 299 458 299 21 33 11 40 75080 75090 75100 75120 75130 75140 75150 75160 84 Accelerator Cable.................................... $99 85-88 Accelerator Cable................................... 50 89-91 Accelerator Cable................................... CALL 84-91 Accelerator Pedal Lever Assembly......... 63 92-96 Accelerator Pedal Lever Assembly......... 39 84 Trans Throttle Control Cable Auto……. 40 85-88 Trans Throttle Control Cable Auto......... 40 89-91 Trans Throttle Control Cable Auto......... 80 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 PARTS FRAME AND BODY MOUNTS HIGH PERFORMANCE FUEL SYSTEM ACCESSORIES 75170 85-96 Throttle Body Air Foil..................... 75180 85-91 Adjust Fuel Pressure Regulator....... 75190 92-94 Adjust Fuel Pressure Regulator....... FUEL SYSTEM TEST EQUIPMENT 75280 85-96 Fuel Pressure Gauge........................ 75290 84-96 Knock Sensor Tester........................ 75300 84 & 90-96 Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Test Tool............................... 75310 84-93 Oxygen Sensor Test Tool................ 75320 85-91 Throttle Position Snsr Test Harness. 75330 92-96 Throttle Position Snsr Test Harness. REAR HATCH PRICE $30 80 150 $55 16 20 16 16 13 PRICE 104 REAR HATCH (cont) PRICE 75480 84-96 Rear Hatch Latch Striker Bolt......... 75490 84-96 Rear Hatch Vent............................... 75500 84-94 R Hatch Latch Release Cable w/ Solenoid…………........................... 75505 97-04 Rear Hatch Solenoid……………... 75510 84-90 Rear Hatch Release Relay................ 75520 90-96 Rear Hatch Release Relay................ 75530 84-86 Rear Hatch Window Bumper........... 75540 87-95 Rear Hatch Window Bumper........... $3 30 HEATER & AIR CONDITIONING Hot Water Control Valve AC under hood................................................. 75547 85-87 Hot Water Control Valve AC under hood OE..………………………. 75550 84-85 Heater/AC Blower Motor................ $126 36 14 17 5 6 PRICE 75545 84 $186 250 68 1984 1987 Air Conditioning 75340 84-85 Rear Hatch Window w/Defogger.... CALL 75350 86-88 Rear Hatch Window w/o Defog....... CALL 75360 86-90 Rear Hatch Window w/Defogger.... CALL PLEASE NOTE: Used Rear Windows are usually available from our huge used parts inventory. Please call. 75370 75380 75390 75393 75396 75398 75400 75410 75415 75425 75430 75440 75450 75460 75470 84-96 Rear Hatch Hinge Pin...................... $4 84-96 Rear Hatch Hinge w/Bushings......... 35 84-96 Rear Hatch Bushing......................... 1 84-96 Cargo Trim Rear.............................. 93 84-96 Cargo Trim LH................................ 65 84-96 Cargo Trim RH................................ 60 84-88 Rear Hatch Strut LH w/o Defog...... 50 84-96 R Hatch Strut w/Defog LH, OEM... 84 84-96 Rear Hatch Strut w/Defogger, Repl CALL 84-96 R Hatch Strut w/Defog RH, OEM... 84 84-96 Rear Hatch Strut Stud...................... 5 84-96 Rear Hatch Strut Nut Cap................ CALL 84-96 Rear Hatch Latch Striker on Glass.. 24 84-96 Rear Hatch Striker Nut.................... 11 84-96 Rear Hatch Striker Spacer……….. 15 (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 75560 75565 75570 75575 86-96 Heater/AC Blower Motor................ $80 84-96 Heater Core ..................................... 80 84-87 Blower Motor Relay........................ 20 86L-89 Heater/AC Control-Digital (Cpe) w/Rear Defog Core $100.00 360 75576 86-87 Air Conditioning Programmer......... 250 75577 88-89 Air Conditioning Programmer......... 210 75578 97 A/C Control ………………………. 446 75578A 98-99 Accumulator Hose……………... 470 75580 84 A/C Compressor (New)……........ 340 75590 85-87 A/C Compressor R4 (New)…….... 340 75592 84A/C Compressor Mounting Bracket....... 160 75595 85-87 A/C Compressor Mounting Bracket 67 75600 84 Compressor Hose Assembly............ 130 75610 85-87 Compressor Hose Assembly............ 140 75654 84 A/C Accumulator Hose.................... CALL 75655 85-87 A/C Accumulator Hose.................... CALL 76630 84-89 Condenser (except 88)..................... 300 76640 84 Evaporator Core............................... 314 76650 85-89 Evaporator Core............................... 300 76660 84-96 Evaporator Refrigerant Orifice........ 7 76670 84-87 Accumulator Drier........................... 70 76675 84-90 AC Heater Vacuum Tank, Delco…. 26 76680 84 Accumulator Hose............................ 80 76690 85-87 Accumulator Hose........................... 90 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 105 1984-2007 PARTS HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING PRICE (continued) 1988-2004 Air Conditioning 76700 76710 76720 76730 76740 76750 76760 76770 76780 76790 76800 76805 76810 76820 76840 76850 76860 76870 76880 76885 76886 88-96 Blower Motor Relay.......................... 88-96 Compressor Nipondenso (core 150). 88-89 Compressor Clutch............................ 90-91 Compressor Clutch............................ 88-96 Clutch Shim Kit................................ 88 Compressor Hose Assembly............. 89 Compressor Hose Assembly............. 90-91 Compressor Hose Assy exc ZR1….. 88 Condenser.......................................... 90-93 Condenser.......................................... 94-96 Condenser.......................................... 97-04 AC Condenser……………………... 90-93 Evaporator Core except ZR1............. 94-96 Evaporator Core except ZR1............. 88-92 Accumulator Drier............................ 93 Accumulator Drier............................. 94-96 Accumulator Drier............................ 88-89 Accumulator Hose............................. 90-91 Accumulator Hose except ZR1......... 92 A/C Accumulator Hose (LT-1)......... 93 A/C Accumulator Hose (LT-1)......... (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 $18 460 350 357 12 140 85 110 232 260 280 340 300 326 90 45 52 76 70 80 70 HOOD 76890 76900 76920 76921 76940 76950 76960 76970 76980 76983 76985 76990 77000 77010 77014 77015 77016 77018 77020 77030 77040 77043 77044 77050 77060 77070 77080 77090 77100 77110 77120 77130 77140 77150 77160 84-96 Emergency Hood Opening Tool............. 84-86E Hood Support....................................... 86L-96 Hood Support (shock).......................... 86L-87 Bracket Kit .......................................... 88-96 Hood Support Bracket Upper................. 88-96 Hood Support Bracket Lower................. 84-88 Hood Open Assist Rod, each.................. 84-96 Hood Hinge LH...................................... 84-96 Hood Hinge RH...................................... 97-04 Hood Hinge LH……………………….. 97-04 Hood Hinge RH……………………….. 84-96 Hood Hinge Shim U-Shaped.................. 84-88 Hood Plate Striker................................... 84-88 Hood Plate Striker.................................. 84-96 Hood Latch Striker Plate Assy, LH........ 89-96 Hood Latch Striker Plate Assy, RH........ 84-96 Hood Latch Assy For Both Sides…….. 84-96 Hood Latch, RH, (On Hood).................. 84-96 Release Cable Assembly......................... 84-96 Hood Rel Cable Retaining Clip, 2 req.... 84-96 Release Cable Handle Only.................... 97-04 Hood/Fender Seal, 2 req per car………. 97-04 Quarter Panel Seal--2 Req……………. 85-96 Hood Bumper Front................................ 84-88 Hood Bumper Rear................................. 89-96 Hood Bumper Rear................................. 84-96 Hood Guide Pin...................................... 84-96 Hood Guide Pin Bushing........................ 84-90 U/H Lamp w/Wire Harness 2 req........... 91-96 U/H Lamp w/Wire Harness 2 req........... 84-96 Underhood Lamp Lens........................... 84-96 U/H Lamp Mercury Switch 2 req........... 84-96 Hood Lamp Bulb.................................... 84E Underhood On/Off Lamp Harn (84E)… 84L-90 U/H On/Off Lamp Harness (84L)........ PRICE $20 100 109 144 20 38 105 106 132 104 104 4 CALL CALL CALL CALL 246 CALL 71 7 36 37 20 4 20 7 CALL 6 CALL CALL 33 CALL CALL 30 50 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 PARTS HOOD (cont) 77170 77180 77190 77200 77210 77220 77230 77240 77250 77260 77270 77280 77290 77300 77310 77320 77330 77340 77350 77360 81560 81570 84 Wheel Well Upper Panel LH........... 84 Wheel Well Upper Panel RH........... 85-87 Wheel Well Upper Panel LH.......... 85-87 Wheel Well Upper Panel RH........... 88-96 Wheel Well Upper Panel LH........... 88-96 Wheel Well Upper Panel RH........... 84-87 Wheel Well Lower Rear Panel LH.. 84-87 Wheel Well Lower Rear Panel RH.. 88-96 Wheel Well Lower Rear Panel LH except ZR1....................................... 88-96 Wheel Well Lower Rear Panel RH except ZR1....................................... 84-87 Whl Well Lower Center Panel LH.. 84-87 Whl Well Lower Center Panel RH.. 88-96 Wheel Well Lower Center Panel LH except ZR1................................ 88-96 Wheel Well Lower Center Panel RH except ZR1................................ 84-87 Whl Well Lower Front Panel LH.... 84-87 Whl Well Lower Front Panel RH.... 88-90 Whl Well Lower Front Panel LH.... 88-90 Whl Well Lower Front Panel RH.... 91-96 Whl Well Lower Front Panel LH.... 91-96 Whl Well Lower Front Panel RH.... 84-87 Fender Seal (2 required).................. 88-96 Fender Seal (2 required).................. (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 PRICE CALL CALL 85 CALL 100 98 CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL 77 71 150 150 150 150 70 72 42 25 106 LAMPS AND LENSES HEADLIGHTS AND RELATED PARTS 77390 84-96 Headlight Sealed Beam.................... 77400 84-96 H/L Capsule includes Bezel, Sealed Beam, Bucket & Retaining Nut….. 77410 84-96 Headlight Ring................................. 77420 84-96 Headlight Adjusting Screw & Nut... 77430 84-96 Headlight Adjusting Spring............. 77440 84-96 Headlight Door LH.......................... 77450 84-96 Headlight Door RH.......................... 77455 97-04 Headlight Door, LH………………. 77456 97-04 Headlight Door, RH………………. 77457 97-04 Headlamp Upper Bracket…………. 77458 97-04 Headlamp Upper Bracket, RH……. 77459L 97-04 Headlight Pivot, LH……………... 77459R 97-04 Headlight Pivot, RH……………... 77460 84-96 Headlight Door Bezel LH................ 77470 84-96 Headlight Door Bezel RH................ 77475 84-96 H/L Bezel Side Screw, (2 req per bezel)……………………................ 77476 97-04 Headlight Bezel, LH……………… 77477 97-04 Headlight Bezel, RH……………… 77478 97-04 Headlight Bezel Cap……………… 77480 84-96 Headlight Housing LH..................... 77490 84-96 Headlight Housing RH..................... 77500 84-96 Headlight Mounting Bracket LH..... 77510 84-96 Headlight Mounting Bracket RH..... 77520 88-90 Headlight Motor LH........................ 77530 88-90 Headlight Motor RH........................ 77540 91-96 Headlight Motor LH........................ 77550 91-96 Headlight Motor RH........................ 77553 84-87 H/L Actuator/Motor Isolation Relay 77555 97-99 Headlight Motor LH New………. 77556 97-99 Headlight Motor RH New………. 77557 00-04 Headlight Motor LH New………. 77558 00-04 Headlight Motor LH New……….. 77560 84-89 Headlight Actuator Relay 2 req…... 77570 84-96 H/L Actuator Control Module......... 77580 88-96 H/L Motor Repair Kit 3 pellets........ PRICE $20 67 33 3 3 88 88 166 176 75 71 274 274 48 48 6 20 20 5 276 276 123 128 305 305 533 479 30 270 270 270 270 40 190 16 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 107 1984-2007 PARTS LAMPS AND LENSES (cont) 1984-1987 HEADLIGHT MOTOR REPLACEMENT PARTS 77590 84-87 Reb HL Motor Exch LH core 150.... 77593 84-87 H/L Motor, New, LH Repro……….. 77594 84-87 H/L Motor, New, RH Repro………. 77595 84-87Reb HL Motor Exch RH core 100..... 77596 88-90 Rebuilt H/L Motor, LH..................... 77597 88-90 Rebuilt Headlight Motor, RH............ 77598 91-96 H/L Motor, Rebuilt, LH exchange… 77599 91-96 H/L Motor, Rebuilt, RH exchange... 77600 84-87 Headlight Motor Update Kit to 8890 Motors Outright............................ 77601 84-87 Hdlt Motor Update Kit to 88-90 Motors Exchange (Exchange must include 2 frames 2 housings and 2 rebuildable motors)........................... PRICE $150 260 260 150 150 150 150 150 $809 1510 PLEASE NOTE: Rebuilt Headlight Motors are sold on an exchange basis. If rebuildable hedlight motors are not available at the time of sale, a core charge must be added to the purchase price. The core charge is fully refundable on receipt of rebuildable cores. 77610 84-87 H/L Motor Replace Gear Brass Lrge 77620 84-87 H/L Motor Replace Gear Brass Sml 77630 84-87 H/L Motor Replace Gear Nylon Lrg 77640 84-87 H/L Motor Replace Gear Nylon Sml 77645 88-96 Headlight Bronze Gear…………….. 77652 88-96 H/L Motor Plastic Gear w/Pellets..... 77580 88-96 Headlight Motor Pellets Set of 3…... 77656 97-04 H/L Motor Gear w/Gasket-plastic…. 77659 97-04 LeMans/C6 Design Front H/L Kit… 77659B 97-04 H/L Kit C6 Style--Black Repro….. 77659C 97-04 H/L Kit C6 Style--Chrome Repro... 1984-1996 FRONT PARKING & SIDE MARKER LIGHTS (cont) 77720 88-90 Side Marker Light LF............................. CALL 77730 88-90 Side Marker Light RF............................. CALL 77740 91-96 Side Marker Light LF............................. 115 77745 91-96 Bulb Marker Light……………………. 2 77750 91-96 Side Marker Light RF............................. 115 77755 97-04 Park/Signal/Running Light LH……….. 57 77756 97-04 Park/Signal/Running Light RH………... 57 77760 91-96 Parking Light Lens Only LH.................. 110 77770 91-96 Parking Light Lens Only RH.................. 102 77772 97-99 Fog Lamp Bulb--each…………………. 17 77773 00-04 Fog Lamp Bulb--each…………………. 20 77774 97-04 Front Bulb--Amber……………………. 9 77774A 97-04 Clear Bulb--Rear…………………….. 9 77775 97-04 Fog Light LH…………………………. 156 77776 97-04 Fog Light RH…………………………. 136 77777 97-04 Park Lamp Spring…………………….. 6 1984-1996 REAR LIGHTS 77780 84-90 Backup Light LH.................................... CALL 77790 84-90 Backup Light RH.................................... CALL 79360 84-96 License Light Rear.................................. 14 77820 84-87 Side Marker Light LR............................. CALL $67 67 30 30 60 40 16 30 1390 500 500 1984-1990 Rear Lights Except ZR1 77830 77840 77850 77860 77865 77870 77880 77890 77900 77910 1984-1996 FRONT PARKING & SIDE MARKER LIGHTS 77660 84-90 Parking Light LH.............................. $300 77670 84-90 Parking Light RH.............................. 230 77680 91-96 Parking Light LH.............................. 354 77690 91-96 Parking Light RH.............................. 354 77700 84-87 Side Marker Light LF....................... CALL 77710 84-87 Side Marker Light RF....................... CALL (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 84-87 Side Marker Light RR............................. 88-90 Side Marker Light LR............................. 88-90 Side Marker Light RR............................. 84-90 Tail Light................................................ 84-90 Amber Tail Light, 4 req per car……….. 91-96 Tail Light Lens Screw............................. 86-90 Third Brake Light Coupe……................ 86-90 Third Brake Light Convertible............... 86-90 Third Brake Light Bezel (86-88 Conv) 91-96 Bulb Third Brake Light Convertible....... 59 CALL CALL 113 86 2 CALL CALL CALL 15 1991-1996 Rear Lights 77914 86-90 Third Light Bulb, 4 req per car………... 77916 84-90 Fog Lamp Bulb………………………... $16 16 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 PARTS LAMPS AND LENSES (cont) PRICE 1984-1996 REAR LIGHTS 77917 91-96 Fog Lamp Bulb…………………… $15 77920 91-96 Backup Light LH............................. 44 77930 91-96 Backup Light RH............................. 44 77933 97-04 Backup Plate/Lamp Assy………... 93 77935 91-96 Third Brake Lamp…………...…… 40 77937 97-04 Third Lamp……………………….. 150 77938 97-04 Third Lamp Socket………………. 50 77810 88-96 License Light Rear........................... 14 77940 91-96 Side Marker Light LR...................... 67 77950 91-96 Side Marker Light RR...................... 67 77955 97-04 Rear Side Marker Light………….. 17 77960 91-96 Tail Light Housing 4 required......... 37 77970 91-96 Tail Light Lens 4 required............... 13 77980 91-96 Tail Light Gasket 4 required............ 5 77870 85-96 Tail Light Lens Screw...................... 2 77985 84-96 Rear Light conversion Kit to 97-99 style. Use with fiberglass bumper. 4 lights, 1 back up plate, third lamp w/socket........................................... CALL 77987 97-04 Stop/Turn Lamp LH……………… 100 77988 97-04 Stop/Turn Lamp RH…………….. 105 LOCKS 72380 72268 78000 78005 78010 78012 84-96 Rear compartment Lock................... 84-96 Console Lock................................... 84-96 Door Locks pair............................... 84-85 Ignition Lock.................................... 86-96 Ignition Lock w/VATS key............. 89-96 Ignition Cylinder--6 Speed……….. MIRRORS 78015 78020 78023 78025 PRICE $25 25 45 34 60 110 PRICE 84-89 Mirror Glass Only Outside LH........ $18 84-89 Mirror Glass Only Outside RH........ 18 84-96 Outside Mirror Glass Tri-Union...... 4 84-89 Mirror LH Door 86-89 Convertible 84-87 Coupe..................................... CALL 108 MIRRORS (cont) 78062 88-96 Outside Mirror Glass Kit, LH.......... $61 78063 88-96 Outside Mirror Glass Kit, RH.......... 58 78065 84-96 Mirror Seal LH Door....................... 23 78070 84-96 Mirror Seal RH Door....................... 23 78075 84-86E Mirr Inside Rear View w/o Light 110 78080 86L-96 Mirror Inside Rear View w/Light.. CALL 78085 84-96 Mirror Ret Mirror Wire LH Door.... 4 78090 84-96 Mirror Ret Mirror Wire RH Door.... 4 78100 86-96 Wind Deflect Mirror LH Dr Metal 61 78110 86-96 Wind Deflector Mirror RH Door Metal………………........................ 61 78120 84-96 Wind Deflectors Mirror Plastic pair 29 PEDALS AND PADS PRICE NOTE: For Accelerator Pedal/Lever Assemblies See Fuel Section, Throttle Body and Throttle Cables, Page 103. 78130 84-96 Brake Pedal Pad Automatic............. $9 78140 84-89 Brake & Clutch Pedal Pad Manual.. CALL 78150 90-96 Clutch Pedal Pad.............................. 9 78160 90-96 Brake Pedal Pad Manual.................. CALL RADIO AND ANTENNA PRICE 1984-1996 REMANUFACTURED ORIGINAL RADIOS Sold on an exchange basis only. Exchange radios must be rebuildable and the exact same year and model. 78161 85-89 AM/FM Stereo Radio w/CD & Bose…………………….. 78162 84 Bose Radio-Core Charge 75............. 78164 85-89 Bose Radio-Core Charge 75............ 78165 90-96 Radio Receiver, Rebuilt, used…….. 78166 90-91 CD Radio-Core Charge 200............. 78167 92-93 CD Radio-Core Charge 200............. 78168 94-96 CD Radio-Core Charge 200............. $540 230 230 180 360 360 360 84-96 RADIO & SPEAKER SYSTEM COMPONENTS 78170 84-96 Dash Speaker w/o BOSE................. 78180 84-89 Dash Speaker Grill LH w/o BOSE.. 78190 84-89 Dash Speaker Grill RH w/o BOSE.. 78200 84-89 Dash Speaker LH w/BOSE.............. 78205 84-89 Dash Speaker RH w/BOSE.............. CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL 1984-1990 Outside Mirror 78030 84-89 Mirror RH Door 86-89 Convertible 84-87 Coupe…................................. 78035 88-90 Mirror LH Door 88-89 Cpe 90 All.. 78040 88-90 Mirror RH Door 88-89 Cpe 90 All.. 78045 84-87 Mirror LH Door w/Defogger........... 78050 84-87 Mirror RH Door w/Defogger........... 78055 88-96 Mirror LH Door w/Defogger........... 78060 88-96 Mirror RH Door w/Defogger........... (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 CALL 208 CALL CALL CALL 280 333 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 109 1984-2007 PARTS RADIO AND ANTENNA (cont) PRIICE 84-96 RADIO & SPEAKER SYSTEM COMPONENTS (cont) 78206 84-96 Door/Rear Speaker w/Bose.............. $50 78208 84-86E O.E. Amplifier--Front…………... 140 78209 84-86E O.E. Amplifier--Rear……………. 140 78210 84-85 Speaker Amplifier Only w/BOSE.... 130 78215 84-96 Amplifier Plug/Pigtail...................... 10 78220 84-85 Door Spkr w/Amplifier w/BOSE…. 150 78230 86-89 Door Spkr w/Amplifier w/BOSE..... CALL 78240 84-89 Door Speaker Grill w/BOSE............ 57 78250 84-89 Rear Speaker w/Amp LH Coupe..... 308 78260 84-89 Rear Speaker w/Amp RH Coupe...... 150 78270 84-96 Rear Speaker w/o BOSE Coupe........ 60 78280 86-89 R Speaker w/o BOSE Convertible.... 76 78290 86-89 R Speaker w/Amplifier BOSE Conv CALL 78293 84-89 Radio Knob Fade/Balance................ 5 78295 84-89 Radio Knob Volume/Tune................ 7 78300 84-87 Rear Speaker Grill LH Coupe........... 61 78310 84-87 Rear Speaker Grill RH Coupe........... CALL 78320 86-89 Rear Speaker Grill Convertible......... 40 78330 88-89 Rear Speaker Grill LH Coupe........... 69 78340 88-89 Rear Speaker Grill RH Coupe........... 69 78350 84-96 Spkr Grill Name Plate w/o BOSE…. 32 78360 84-93 Speaker Grill Name Plate w/BOSE.. 30 84-96 ANTENNA AND COMPONENTS 78370 84-87 Pwr Ant Replacement Mast w/o CB. $26 78380 88-90E Power Antenna Replacement Mast. CALL 78383 90L-92 Power Antenna Replacement Mast. 46 78387 93-96 Power Antenna Replacement Mast... 56 78390 84-87 Power Antenna Mast except CB....... 80 78410 84-87 Power Antenna w/o CB..................... 200 78415 84-87 Antenna, Repro……………………. 180 78420 88-89 Power Antenna.................................. 200 78430 90-92 Power Antenna.................................. 196 78435 93-96 Power Antenna.................................. 200 78440 84-87 Power Antenna Bezel On Body........ 7 78450 88-96 Pwr Ant Bezel On Body except ZR1 6 78460 84-87 Power Antenna Cable w/o CB.......... CALL 78470 88-89 Antenna Cable................................... CALL 78480 84-96 Power Antenna Relay........................ 18 78483 97 Power Antenna ................................. 210 78487 98-03 Power Antenna.................................. 166 SHIFTER, CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSION PRIICE 1984-1996 Manual Shifter MANUAL SHIFTERS 78490 84-88 Short Throw Shifter Kit w/4+3 Trans..... 78500 84-89 Shifter Knob 84-85 (E) 4+3 89 6 Speed. 78505 85L-88 Shifter Knob, Repro…………………. 78510 90-93 Shifter Knob 6 Speed.............................. 78520 94-96 Shifter Knob 6 Speed.............................. 78530 85-88 Shift Knob Button 4+3 (85L).................. 78540 89 Shift Knob Button 6 Speed..................... 78550 90-93 Shift Knob Button 6 Speed..................... 78560 94-96 Shift Knob Button 6 Speed..................... 78570 89-96 Lower Shift Boot 6 Speed...................... 78580 84-93 Shift Lever Pin........................................ 78590 84-88 Park Lock Cable 4+3 Shifter to Column $24 65 60 160 56 CALL CALL CALL CALL 52 7 CALL AUTOMATIC SHIFTER 78610 84-96 Shift Cable Automatic Shifter to Trans.. 78620 84-96 Shift Knob Leather Automatic Repro..... 78625 84-96 Shift Knob w/Button OEM..................... 78630 84-89 Shift Knob Button Automatic................. $90 56 173 10 1984-1996 Automatic Shifter (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 PARTS SHIFTER CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSION (cont) 78640 78650 78660 78665 78670 78680 110 PRICE 90-96 Shift Knob Button Automatic.......... CALL 84-96 Shift Knob Button Retainer Auto.... 10 84-96 Shift Knob Ring Automatic............. 4 84-96 Auto Shift Lock............................... 51 84-96 Park Lock Cable Automatic............ CALL 84 Auto Trans Detent Control Cable.... 34 1989-1996 Clutch 1984-1988 Clutch 78690 78700 78710 78715 78720 78730 78740 78745 78750 78765 78775 78776 78780 81310 78800 78810 78820 78830 78840 78850 84-88 Clutch Release Fork......................... $150 84-88 Clutch Fork Boot............................. CALL 84-88 Clutch Release Bearing.................... 66 84-85 Clutch Master Cylinder…………... 186 84-88 Clutch Master Cylinder.................... 170 84-88 Clutch Master Cylinder Repair Kit.. 62 84-88 Clutch Slave Cylinder...................... 160 84-88 Clutch Slave Cylinder Push Rod…. 50 84-88 Clutch Slave Cylinder Repair Kit.... CALL 84-85 Hose/Pipe…………………………. 150 86-88 Hose/Pipe…………………………. 150 89-90 Hose/Pipe…………………………. 150 84-86 Clutch Ntl Safety Switch Manual.... CALL 87-96 Clutch Ntrl Safety Switch Manual... 37 84-96 Clutch Ntrl Safety Switch Rod........ 8 84-96 Clutch Pedal Return Spring............. 7 86-96 Clutch Pedal Ret Spring Bushing.... 2 84-96 Clutch Brake Pedal Pivot Bush 4 pc 1 84-88 Clutch Fork Pivot Stud.................... 17 86-87 Bell Housing Clutch Cover.............. 18 PLEASE NOTE: We have a large inventory of used 84-88 4+3 transmission parts. We offer rebuild services for 4+3 transmissions and overdrive units. Please call. (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 78870 78880 78890 78900 78910 78920 78930 78940 78950 78960 78970 78980 78990 79000 89-96 Clutch Release Fork......................... $149 89-94 Clutch Release Fork Pivot Stud....... 50 90-94 Cltch Rel Fork Pivot Stud exc ZR1 49 89-93 Clutch Release Bearing.................... 166 84-95 Clutch Release Bearing.................... 108 84-96 Clutch Master Cylinder Spacer........ 23 89-96 Clutch Master Cylinder.................... 140 89-90 Clutch Slave Cylinder...................... 170 91-96 Clutch Slave Cylinder..................... 160 89-90 Clutch Cylinder Hose & Pipe Assy. 110 91-96 Clutch Cylinder Hose & Pipe Assy. 151 89-96 Clutch Pedal Push Rod Retainer...... 2 89-90 Bell Hous Clutch Cover exc ZR1… CALL 91-96 Bell Hous Clutch Cover exc ZR1.... CALL TRANSMISSION RELATED PARTS 79010 79020 79040 79050 79060 75160 79080 79090 79095 PRICE 84-88 Transmission Pan Screen 4+3.......... $21 84-88 4+3 OD Soft Parts Rebuild Kit....... 184 84-96 Auto Trans Filter & Pan Gskt Kit... 52 84 Trans Throttle Control Cable Auto. CALL 85-88 Trans Throttle Control Cable Auto. CALL 89-91 Trans Throttle Control Cable Auto.. 80 89-95 6 Speed CAGS Plug Seal Kit.......... 12 96 6 Speed CAGS Plug Seal Kit.......... 19 84-91 Trans Tail Shaft Housing…………. 140 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 111 1984-2007 PARTS SOFT TOP AND DECKLID 79100 79110 79120 79130 79140 79150 79160 79170 79180 79190 79200 79210 79220 79230 79240 79250 79270 79280 79290 79295 79300 79301 79302 PRICE 86-88 Convertible Rear Hatch Bezel........... $88 89-96 Convertible Rear Hatch Bezel........... 59 86-88 Conv Rear Latch Under Deck LH..... 90 86-88 Conv Rear Latch Under Deck RH.... 90 86-88 Conv Rear Bow Release Cable 2 req 62 89-92 Conv Rear Bow Release Cable 2 req 42 93-96 Conv Rear Bow Release Cable 2 req 48 86-93 Convertible Front Latch LH.............. 112 86-93 Convertible Front Latch RH............. 112 86-88 Convertible Front Latch Cover LH... CALL 86-88 Convertible Front Latch Cover RH... CALL 94-96 Front Soft Top Latch Handle LH...... 127 94-96 Front Soft Top Latch Cover RH....... 107 89-96 Soft Rop R Bow Hold Down Latch.. CALL 86-96 Conv Front Latch Lever Pin LH....... 102 86-96 Conv Front Latch Lever Pin RH....... 102 86-93 Convertible Frame Pivot Bushing..... 2 86-91 Decklid Latch Release Act & Cable. 125 86-91 Decklid Latch Release Cable 2 req... 61 89-92 Soft Top Latch Release Cable Kit…. 50 86-88 Decklid Front Trim Panel................. 400 89-91 Decklid Front Trim Panel…………. 400 93-96 Decklid Front Trim Panel…………. 400 SPARE TIRE AND CARRIER (cont) 79360 79370 79380 79390 79395 79400 79410 PRICE 84-87 Spare Tire Lamp................................ $14 88-96 Spare Tire Lamp................................ 13 84-96 Jack Handle....................................... 30 84-96 Jack.................................................... CALL 97-07 Jacking Lift Pads--set of 4 ……….. 70 84 Jack Storage Retainer....................... 10 85-93 Jack Storage Retainer........................ 28 PLEASE NOTE: We have many of the components plus many spate tires and wheels in our huge used parts inventory. Please call. STEERING PRICE FOR CONVERTIBLE TOP COVERS SEE INTERIOR SECTION PLEASE NOTE: We have complete used deck lids and many component parts in our huge used parts inventory. Please call with your needs. SPARE TIRE AND CARRIER 79310 79320 79330 79340 79350 84-96 Spare Tire Carrier w/Bracket............ 84-89 Spare Tire Carrier Alum Bckt LH..... 84-89 Spare Tire Carrier Alum Bckt RH.... 84-96 Front Spare Tire Carrier Hook 2 req. 84-96 Rear Spare Tire Mount Kit................ (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 PRICE $146 11 11 8 73 79420 79430 79440 79450 84 String Column Bearing Uppr or Lwr 84-91 String Column Bearing Lwr Shaft... 84-94 Column Bearing Spring Ret Lwr...... 84-96 Column Bearing Seat Lower............. $43 44 18 8 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 PARTS STEERING (cont) 79460 79470 79480 79490 79495 79497 79500 79510 79520 79530 79540 79550 79552 79554 79556 79558 79560 79570 79580 79590 79600 79610 79620 79630 PRICE 84-96 Column Bearing Spring Lower........ $11 84-96 Column Bearing Spring Upper........ 10 84-89 Horn Button Lead Tower................. 15 84-85 Horn Button Cap w/Emblem........... 80 84-85 Horn Cap W/O Emblem.................. 60 84-89 Horn Cap Emblem........................... 46 86-89 Horn Button Cap w/Emblem except 35th Anniversary……..................... 97 88 Horn Button Cap w/Emblem 35th Anniversary……….......................... CALL 84-89 Horn Button Cap exc 35th Anniv... 45 88 Horn Btn Emblem 35th Anny…….. CALL 84-85 Horn Contact…................................ 29 86-89 Horn Contact.................................... 20 84-86 Column Support/Knuckle--Lower.. 126 86-89 Column Support/Knuckle--Lower.. 126 90-93 Column Support/Knuckle--Lower.. 126 94-96 Column Support/Knuckle--Lower.. 126 84-89 Horn Contact Spring........................ 20 84-96 Steering Wheel Nut…...................... 8 84-89 Steering Wheel Nut Retainer........... 2 84-87 Turn Signal Lever w/o Cruise.......... 14 84-89 Turn Signal Lvr w/Cruise Control... 210 90-94 Turn Signal Lever w/Cruise............. 183 84-94 Turn Sig Switch Guide Springs pair 5 84-96 Tilt Wheel Release Lever................ CALL FOR RECOVERED 84-89 STEERING WHEELS SEE INTERIOR PAGES PLEASE NOTE: We have hundreds of 84-96 steering column parts in our huge used parts inventory including many complete columns. Call. 79635 79636 79640 79650 79660 79670 79680 79690 79700 79710 79720 97-04 Steering Column/Wheel Lock……. 97-04 Steering Column Bypass Kit……... 84-87 P/S Inlet hose Pump to Rack…….... 88-91 P/S Inlet Hose Pump to Rack exc ZR1…………………….................. 90 P/S Inlet Hose Pump to Rack ZR1... 84 P/S Hose Rack to Reservoir............ 85-89 P/S Outlet Hose Rack to Resevoir... 90-91 P/S Outlet Hose w/o Oil Cooler Rack/Res…………………….......... 88-90 Power Steering Outlet Hose Pipe..... 84 Power Steering Fluid Reservoir....... 85-89 Power Steering Fluid Reservoir....... 112 $227 96 37 46 30 20 27 1988-1991 Power Steering 79730 79740 79750 79755 79757 79760 79770 79780 79790 79800 79810 79820 79830 79840 79850 79860 79870 79880 79890 79895 90-91 P/S Fluid Reservoir ex ZR1…......... 92-96 P/S Fluid Reservoir ex ZR1............. 90-95 P/S Fluid Reservoir ZR1.................. 84-91 P/S Pump Rebuilt core $45.............. 92-95 P/S Pump, Rebuilt............................ 84 P/S Fluid Reservoir Cap................... 85-89 P/S Fluid Reservoir Cap.................. 90-91 P/S Fluid Reservoir Cap ex ZR1...... 92-93 P/S Fluid Reservoir Cap exc ZR1… 94-08 P/S Fluid Reservoir Cap ………..... 90-95 P/S Fluid Reservoir Cap …............ 85-89 Reservoir Bracket exc 86-87 Conv.. 84 P/S Reservoir to Pump Hose............ 85-89 P/S Reservoir to Pump Hose........... 90-91 P/S Reservoir to Pump Hose............ 84-91 Pump/Alternator Bracket................. 85-91 Pump Brace Rear............................. 85-91 Pump Bracket Rear.......................... 84-91 Pump Pulley except ZR1................. 97-04 P/S Pump Pulley…………………. $46 72 80 120 120 CALL CALL 28 CALL 14 17 CALL 36 36 CALL 74 22 CALL CALL 26 18 20 41 70 1984-1996 Steering Rack and Pinion 1984-1996 STEERING RACK AND PINION 79900 84-92 R &P Boot Kit w/Clamp 2 req......... 79910 84-96 R &P Mount Bushing Set Stock...... $40 36 1984-1987 Power Steering (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 113 1984-2007 PARTS STEERING (cont) PRICE 1984-1996 STEERING RACK AND PINION cont. 79920 84-96 R & P Mount Bushing Set Poly........ 79925 84-03 Tie Rod End Polyurethane Boots, pr 79930 84-87 Inner Tie Rod End 2 req…................ 79940 88-92 Inner Tie Rod End 2 req.................... 79944 93-96 Front Inner Tie Rod End, Repro…... 79945 97-04 Front Inner Tie Rod End, Repro…... 79960 84-96 Outer Tie Rod End 2 req................... 79965 86-96 Front Outer Tie Rod End, Repro…... 79970 84-87 Rack & Pinion Core Charge 150.... 79980 84-87 Rack & Pinion Core Charge 150..... 79990 88 Rack & Pinion Core Charge 150… 80000 88-89 Rack & Pinion Core Charge 150.... 80010 90-96 Rack & Pinion Rebuilt Exch 150.. 80017 97-98E Rack & Pinion-New Delco…….. 80018 98L-04 Rack & Pinion-New Delco…….. PLEASE NOTE: Rebuilt Rack & Pinions are sold on an exchange basis. Exchange rack & pinions must be in undamaged rebuildable condition. If an exchange rack & pinion is not available at the time of sale, a core charge of $ 150.00 must be added to the purchase price. The core charge is fully refundable on receipt of a rebuildable rack & pinion. FRONT SUSPENSION (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 $25 6 36 30 30 50 43 62 495 432 236 543 369 1296 1000 80020 80030 80040 80050 80060 80065 80080 80090 80100 80110 80120 80130 80135 80140 80142 80145 80150 80160 80170 80175 80180 80190 80200 80210 80220 80230 80240 80245 80250 80260 80270 80275 80280 80290 80300 80310 80320 80330 80340 80350 80360 80370 80372 80375 80377 80378 80379 80380 80390 80400 84-87 Upper Control Arm LH..................... 84-87 Upper Control Arm RH..................... 88-96 Upper Control Arm LH..................... 88-96 Upper Control Arm RH..................... 84-96 Upper & Lower A-Arm Bushings…. 84-96 Urethane Master Kit.......................... 84-87 Lower Control Arm LH Used Only. 84-87 Lower Control Arm RH.................... 88-96 Lower Control Arm LH.................... 88-96 Lower control Arm RH..................... 84-85 Front Hub & Bearing Assy Repro…. 84-90 F Hub & Bear Assy w/ABS OEM… 84-90 Ft Bearing/Hub Assy, Repro………. 91-96 Front Hub & Bearing Assy, OEM… 97-04 Ft Wheel Hub/Bearing Assy, w/snsr 84-96 Ft Lowering Wedges, pr, Urethane... 84-96 Front Wheel Lug Stud....................... 84-96 Upper Ball Joint................................ 84-96 Lower Ball Joint................................ 84-96 Bal Joint Boots Upr & Lwr, Set 4…. 84-87 Shock Absorber Lower Bracket LH.. 84-87 Shock Absorber Lower Bracket RH 84-87 Ft Sway Bar Bshng Kit-Poly 22mm 84-87 Ft Sway Bar Bshng Kit-Poly 26mm. 88-96 Ft Sway Bar Bshng Kit-Poly 22mm. 88-96 Ft Sway Bar Bshng Kit-Poly 24mm. 88-96 Ft Sway Bar Bshng Kit-Poly 26mm 88-96 Ft Sway Bar Bshng Kit-Poly 30mm. 84-87 Ft Sway Bar End Link Bracket........ 88-96 Ft Sway Bar End Link Bracket......... 84-96 Sway Bar Link Bushing Upper......... 84-87 Ft Sway Bar Link Kit Poly, 30mm... 84-87 Sway Bar Link Bushing Lower......... 88-96 Sway Bar Link Bushing Lower......... 84-85 Steering Knuckle LH USED ONLY 84-85 Steering Knuckle RH USED ONLY. 86-87 Steering Knuckle LH........................ 86-87 Steering Knuckle RH........................ 88-90 Steering Knuckle LH........................ 88-90 Steering Knuckle RH........................ 91-96 Steering Knuckle LH........................ 91-96 Steering Knuckle RH........................ 84-87 Front Fiberglass Spring Replace…... 84-87 Front Fiberglass Spring Sport........... 88-96 Front Fiberglass Spring Replace....... 88-96 Front Fiberglass Spring Sport........... 88-96 Front Spring, Adjustable…………... 84-87 Front Fiberglass Leaf Spring OEM.. 88-96 Front Fiberglass Leaf Spring OEM.. 84-85 Front Suspension Rebuild Kit Upper & Lower Ball Joints, Inner & Outer Tie Rod Ends, Both sides…… 80410 86-87 Front Suspension Rebuild Kit........... 80420 88-96 Front Suspension Rebuild Kit........... CALL CALL CALL CALL 100 290 CALL 483 CALL 674 179 260 200 300 370 20 4 30 40 10 CALL CALL 40 40 40 40 40 40 32 9 23 23 88 CALL CALL CALL 327 CALL 416 CALL 413 CALL 475 485 462 472 600 CALL CALL 270 270 270 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 PARTS FRONT SUSPENSION (cont) PRICE NOTE: ALL SHOCK ABSORBERS SOLD IN PAIRS ONLY 80430 84-87 Delco Gas Chgd Shocks Front each $43 80435 84-87 KYB Gas Shocks, Front, each……. 50 80440 84-87 Bilstein Shocks Base Ft , ea……... 80 80445 84-87 Bilstein F Shock Absorbers Z51, ea CALL 80450 88 Delco Gas Charged Shocks Frnt, ea CALL 80455 88 KYB Gas Shocks, Front, each…….. 50 80460 88 Bilstein Shocks Base Ft , each…..... 80 80462 89-96 Front Actuator ( w/Fx3), each.......... 286 80463 89-96 Rear Actuator (w/Fx3) each............. 283 80465 88 Bilstein Ft Shock Absorbers Z51, ea 160 80470 89-96 Delco Shocks Ft exc Adj Susp, ea.. 84 80475 89-96 KYB Gas Shocks, Front, each….. 50 80480 89-96 Bilstein Shocks Base Front ex Adjust Suspension, each………... 80 80482 89-91 Bilstein Shocks F Adj (FX3), ea. 251 80484 92-96 Bilstein Shocks F Adj (FX3), ea... 251 80485 89-96 Bilstein F Shck Absorbers Z51, ea.. 160 80488 95-96 Bilstein Ft Shck Absorbers Z51, ea 160 80490 84-87 Delco Gas Chgd Shck Absorbers Rear, each…….............................. 43 80495 84-87 KYB Gas Shocks, Front, each.. 50 80500 84-87 Bilstein Shks Base Rear (OEM), ea. 80 80505 84-87 Bilstn Rear Shk Absorbers Z51, ea 80 80510 88-96 Delco Shks Rear exc Adj Susp, ea 83 80510A 88-96 KYB Gas Shocks, Front, each.. 50 80511 89-91 Bilstein Shks Rear, Adj (FX3), ea 251 80512 92-96 Bilstein Shks Rear, Adj (FX3), ea. 251 80515 88 Bilstein Rear Shk Absorbrs Z51, ea 159 80520 88-96 Bilstein Rr Shck Absorb Bose, ea. 80 80525 89-94 Bilsteing Rr Shck Absorbs Z51, ea.. 80 80528 95-96 Bilstein Rr Shck Absorbers Z51, ea 80 80529 97-04 Shocks-Bilstein, Front, each............ 90 80529A 97-04 Shocks-Bilstein, Rear, each........... 90 PLEASE NOTE: We have hundreds of used 84-96 front suspension parts in our huge used parts inventory including upper and lower control arms, steering knuckles, springs and complete suspensions. We can save you hundreds of dollars. Please call. REAR SUSPENSION 80530 80540 80550 80560 80565 80570 80575 80576 80578 80580 80590 80600 80610 80620 80640 80650 80660 80670 80680 80690 80700 80705 80710 80720 80730 (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 114 PRICE 84-95 Rear Axle Toe Center Link Assy..... $500 84-91 Rear Axle Otr Tie Rod Ends 2 req... 50 92-96 Rear Axle Otr Tie Rod Ends 2 req... 43 84-94 Fiberglass Rear Spring Replace…... 390 84-96 Rear Sport Spring, Sport Conv........ 408 84-96 Rear Spring Lwrng bolt Kit 4 pcs.... 24 84-96 Rear Spring Outer End Bolt Nut...... 2 97-04 Rear Lowering Kit………………... 50 05-06 Front & Rear Lowering Kit……... 50 84-90 Spring Bolt Outer............................. 18 84-96 Spring Cushion Outer 4 required..... 13 84-96 Rear Spring Cushions Poly 4 pc...... 28 84-96 Spring Center Mount Plate.............. 19 84-96 Spring Center Mount Isolator 2 req. CALL 84-96 Spring Spacer Center 84 w/HD, 8588 w/o HD, 89-93 w/FE1................. 4 85-96 Spring Spacer Center 85-90 Coupe w/FE7 86-89 Convertible................ 5 84-96 Strut Rod LH (Replace for 84-88)... CALL 84-96 Strut Rod RH (Replace for 84-88)... CALL 84-88 Strut Rod Bushings Urethane 4 pc... 41 89-96 Strut Rod Bushings Urethane 4 pc... 41 84-96 Heavy Duty Adjust Strut Rods pr.... 150 84-96 Heim Joint Rear Strut Rods............. 300 84-95 Spindle control Rod Upper.............. 76 84-95 Spindle Control Rod Lower............. 75 84-95 Spindle Cntrl Rod Bush Poly 8 pc... 70 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 115 1984-2007 PARTS REAR SUSPENSION (cont) PRICE 80740 84-92 Rear Cam Bolt Kit 2 required........... 80750 84-96 Suspension Bumper Rear 2 req….… 80760 84-90 Drive Shaft U-Joint (Spicer)............. 80770 84-90 Half Shaft U-Joint (Spicer)............... 80780 84-96 R Sway Bar End Link w/Bushing..... 80790 84-96 Rear Sway Bar End Link Bushing… 45752A 84-96 R S/B End Link Bush Poly 4 pc..... 80810 86-96 R S/B Frame Bush Poly Conv pr...... 80820 84-96 R S/B Frame Bush Ply 20mm pr...... 80830 84-96 R S/B Frame Bush Poly 22mm pr…. 80840 84 R S/B Frm Bush Poly Z51 23mm pr 80850 84-96 R S/B Frame Bush Poly 24mm pr…. 80860 84-96 R S/B Frame Bush Poly 26mm pr…. 80870 84-96 Rear Hub & Bearing Assy OEM....... 80871 84-96 Rear Hub & Bearing Assy Repro…. 80874 97-04 Rear Hub/Bearing Assy, w/Sensor… 80150 84-96 Wheel Lug Stud…............................ 80880 84-96 Diff Crossmember Bushings Poly…. $30 20 35 38 30 20 13 27 28 33 27 34 34 316 180 276 4 35 RBLT REAR END DIFF UNITS EXCHNG Rear ends are rebuilt to factory specifications with new bearings, seals and clutch packs. There will be an extra charge if the case, carrier, gears or other "hard parts" are not reusable, or if a change of gear ratio is required. If an exchange, rear end is not available at the time of sale, a core charge must be added to the purchase price ($350 for Dana 36, Call for Dana 44). The core charge is completely refundable or receipt of a rebuildable rear end, as outlined above. 80890 84-96 R End Rblt w/Auto Trans-Dana 36. for change to 2:59, 2:73 or 3:07 ratios add.......................................... 80893 84-96 Rear End Oil 2 Required ea.............. 80895 84-96 Rear End Oil Additive 1 required..... 80897 84-96 Positraction clutch Pack , Auto/ Dana 36………................................. 80900 84-96 Rr End Rblt w/Man Trans-Dana 44.. for change of gear ratio...................... 80903 97-04 High Perf Diff, Exch, 3.42 Gears….. 80904 97-04 High Perf Diff, Exch, 3.73 Gears….. 80905 97-04 High Perf Diff, Exch, 3.90 Gears….. 80906 97-04 High Perf Diff, Exch, 4.11 Gears….. 80907HS 97-04 Pro-Torque Converter...………… 80907LS 97-04 Pro-Torque Converter…………... PLEASE NOTE: We have a huge inventory of used 1984-1996 rear suspension parts, including rear ends, all suspension parts, and complete rear suspension units. (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 896 17 9 80 850 896 1151 1250 1250 1250 796 696 SWITCHES 80910 80915 80920 80930 80935 80940 80950 80960 80961 80970 80971 80980 80990 80995 81000 81005 81010 81015 81020 81025 81030 81035 81037 81045 81047 81050 81055 81060 81065 81070 81075 81080 81085 81090 81095 81100 PRICE 84-96 Ignition Switch w/Tilt…......................... 97-04 Ignition Switch-on Column…………... 84-88 Turn Signal Stch w/Tilt & Tele……….. 89-96 Turn Signal Switch................................. 97-04 Turn Signal/Headlight Switch………… 84-89 Headlight Switch.................................... 90-91 Headlight Switch.................................... 92-93 Headlight Switch.................................... 94-96 Headlight Switch.................................... 84-86 Headlight Dimmer Switch except 91….. 91 Headlight Dimmer Switch..................... 84-89 Fog Lamp Switch On Dash.................... 84-86 Brake Light Swth w/Cruise Control…... 84-86 Brake Lght Swtch Auto w/o Cruise.. …. 84-86 Brake Lght Swtch Man w/Cruise ........... 84-89 Courtesy Lamp Harness (must be modified to fit 84-85) R or L….............. 87-92 Brake Light Switch w/Cruise.................. 84-87 Park Brake Indicator Switch................... 88-93 Park Brake Indicator Switch................... 84-89 Wiper Switch.......................................... 90-93 Wiper Switch.......................................... 94-96 Wiper Switch.......................................... 84-89 Heater A/C Blower Switch..................... 84-89 Pwr Win & Door Lock Stch Bezel......... 84-89 Window Switch Plastic Bezel................ 90-91 Power Window Switch LH.................... 90-91 Power Window Switch RH.................... 92-96 Power Window Switch LH.................... 92-93 Power Window Switch RH.................... 94-96 Power Window Switch RH.................... 84-85 Power Door Lock Switch LH................. 84-85 Power Door Lock Switch RH................ 90 Power Door Lock Switch....................... 91-96 Power Door Lock Switch....................... 84 Power Door Lock Actuator.................... 84-86 Power Door Lock Switch Actuator……. $28 90 50 56 230 40 227 239 203 25 25 24 CALL 7 14 16 12 CALL 3 90 226 50 20 20 14 CALL CALL 168 61 68 9 9 10 14 116 103 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2009 PARTS SWITCHES (cont) 81105 81110 81115 81120 81123 81125 81129 81130 81135 81140 81150 81151 81160 81165 81170 81180 81190 81200 81210 81220 81221 81230 81240 81250 81260 81270 81280 81290 81300 81310 81315 81320 81330 81340 81342 81343 81344 81345 81346 81347 81350 81351 81352 81354 81356 81358 84-86 Door Anti-Theft Switch LH............. 84-86 Door Anti-Theft Switch RH............ 87-96 Door Anti-Theft Switch LH............. 87-96 Door Anti-Theft Switch RH............ 97-04 Hazard Switch…………………... 84-89 Blower Switch w/AC Dash.............. 84-89 Power Mirror Selector Switch......... 84-89 Power Mirror Control Switch.......... 87-89 Power Mirror Control Switch ......... 90-91 Power Mirror Control Switch LH.... 92-93 Power Mirror Control Switch LH.... 94-96 Power Mirror Control Switch LH.... 84-90 Rear Window Defogger Switch....... 97-04 Seat Switch-- Sports Seat…………. 84-96 Rear Hatch Ajar Switch................... 84-96 Hatch Glass Rel Swtch Console….. 84-85 Hatch Glass Rel Switch Door 2 req. 86-87 Hatch Glass Rel Switch Door 2 req. 88-89 Hatch Glass Rel Switch Door 2 req. 90-93 Hatch Glass Rel Switch Door Jam... 94-96 Hatch Glass Rel Switch Door 2 req. 84 OD Switch on Console 4+3 Trans... 85E OD Switch on Console 4+3 Trans... 85L OD Switch on Shifter 4+3 Trans..... 86-88 OD Switch on Shifter 4+3 Trans..... 84-88 Backup Light Switch w/4+3 Trans.. 89-96 B/U Light Switch w/6 Speed Trans. 84-96 B/U Lght Swtch Auto 84-90 Netrl/ Sfty/B/U on Shifter 90-92 Park/ Neutral Pos………........................... 84-86 Neutral Safety Switch w/4+3 Trans. 87-96 Ntrl Safety Switch w/manual Trans. 84-89 Door Ajar Switch…………………. 84 Door Ajar Indicator Switch ............ 85-87 Door Ajar Indicator Switch 2 req… 88-96 Door Ajar Indicator Switch 2 req.... 93-96 Remote Control Trans, Coupe……. 93-96 Remote Control Trans, Conv…….. 97-99 Remote Control Trans, Cpe/Conv.. 00 Remote Control Trans, Cpe/Conv.. 01-04 Remote Control Trans, option 1….. 01-04 Remote Control Trans, option 2….. 84-89 courtesy Light Switch...................... 84-89 Delay Timer--Courtesy Light……. 84-85 Keyless Entry…………………...… 86-88 Keyless Entry……………………... 89 Keyless Entry……………………... 90-92 Keyless Entry……………………... (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 PRICE $44 25 29 27 40 19 40 CALL CALL CALL CALL 63 38 130 48 30 28 23 39 35 63 CALL CALL 220 149 19 98 40 CALL 37 20 CALL 33 28 180 179 110 146 76 76 18 136 CALL CALL CALL CALL 116 TOPS-REMOVABLE ROOF PANELS-COUPE PRICE REGLAZED 1984-2004 "GLASS" TOP PANELS We replace the damaged acrylic transparent panel in your top with a new transparent panel of the proper thickness for a perfect fit. Weatherstrips can be replaced at the same time for an additional charge. Refurbished tops can be replaced from stock with a The core charge is completely refundable on receipt of a rebuildable core. 81360 81370 81380 81390 81400 81410 81415 81417 81420 81425 41827 81428 81430 81440 81450 81460 81465 81470 81472 81473 81474 81480 81490 81491 81500 81510 81520 81521 81522 81523 84-86 Reglazed Top Bronze (86E) Exch... 84-86 Reglazed Top Blue (86E) Exch....... 86-88 Reglazed Top Bronze (86L) Exch... 86-88 Reglazed Top Blue (86L) Exch....... 89-96 Reglazed Top Bronze Exch............. 89-96 Reglazed Top Blue Exch................. 97-04 Reglazed Top, Bronze..................... 97-04 Reglazed Top, Blue......................... 84-96 Roof Pnl Storage Latch Rel Handle. 84-96 Top Storage Latch........................... 84-96 Top/Roof Storage Recvr Cover, LH 84-96 Top/Roof Storage Recvr Cover, RH 84-96 Roof Panel Front Align Pin (86E)... 86-88 Roof Pnl Plate Ft Hold Down (86L) 89-95 Roof Pnl Plate Ft Hold Down......... 84-96 Roof Pnl Lock Bolt 2 required…..... 84-96 Roof Panel/Front Lock bolt, 2 req... 84-96 Rear Roof Panel Lock Bolt Ret…... 84-96 Curtain/Shade Clip Set.................... 84-96 Rear Curtain/Shade Clip, LH........... 84-96 Rear Curtain/Shade Clip, RH........... 84-96 Roof Panel Rr Locator Bracket LH. 84-96 Roof Panel Rr Locator Bracket RH. 84-96 Roof Panel Rr Locator Bkt Shim…. 86-88 Roof Panel F Mount Bkt LH (86L). 86-88 Roof Panel Ft Mount Bracket (86L) 84-95 Roof Panel Locks…......................... 84-96 Roof Panel Wrench OEM................ 84-96 Roof Panel Wrench-Repl…………. 84-96 Top/Roof Wrench-Repl…………... $696 696 696 696 696 696 846 846 9 18 28 28 20 CALL 12 12 6 8 11 6 5 129 110 4 CALL CALL CALL 108 30 30 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 117 1984-2009 PARTS PRICE WEATHERSTRIP WEATHERSTRIP (cont) 81820 81830 81840 81850 81755 81756 81758 81860 81765 81764 81766 1984-2007 COUPE WEATHERSTRIP 81530 84-96 Rr Roof & Side Pillr W/S (A) OEM 81540 84-96 Ft roof & Side Pillr W/S (B) OEM.. 81535 84-96 Rear Roof & Side Pillar W/S........... 81537 84-96 Front Roof & Side Pillar W/S.......... 81550 84-96 Windshield Lower Seal (C)............. 81560 84-87 Fender Seals 2 required (D)............ 81570 88-96 Fender Seals 2 required (D)............. 81580 84-88 Rear Outer Hood Seal LH (E).......... 81590 84-88 Rear Outer Hood Seal RH (E)......... 81600 89-96 Rear Outer Hood Seal LH (E).......... 81610 89-96 Rear Outer Hood Seal LH (E).......... 81620 84-89 Door Main Weatherstrip RH (F)...... 81630 84-89 Door Main Weatherstrip LH (F)...... 81633 84-89 Door Main Weatherstrip, LH, OEM 81634 84-89 Door Main Weatherstrip, RH, OEM 81640 90-96 Door Main Weatherstrip RH (F)...... 81650 90-96 Door Main Weatherstrip LH (F)...... 81653 90-96 Door Main Weatherstrip, LH, OEM 81654 90-96 Door Main Weatherstrip, RH, OEM 81656 97-04 Door Main w/s LH--OEM………. 81657 97-04 Door Main w/s RH--OEM………... 81660 84-96 Outer Door Seal LH (G).................. 81663 84-96 Outer Door Seal LH--Repro………. 81665 97-07 Door Outer Upper Hrntl Seal LH.. 81673 84-96 Outer Door Seal RH--Repro………. 81675 97-04 Door Outer Upper Hrntl Seal RH... 81670 84-96 Outer Door Seal RH (G).................. 81680 84-96 Roof Side Rail W/S Repro LH (H).. 81690 84-96 Roof Side Rail W/S Repro RH (H).. 81693 97-04 Roof Side Rail W/S Repro LH……. 81694 97-04 Roof Side Rail W/S Repro RH…... 81695 84-96 roof Side Rail W/S OEM LH........... 81698 84-96 roof Side Rail W/S OEM RH.......... 81700 84-96 Rear Window Weatherstrip (I)........ 81705 84-96 Rear Window W/S (I) Repro........... 81706 84-96 Rear Hatch Drain Kit....................... 81710 84-91 Front Window Protector LH (J)....... 81720 84-91 Front Window Protector RH (J)....... 81730 92-96 Front Window Protector LH (J)....... 81740 92-96 Front Window Protector RH (J)....... 81750 84-89 7 Piece Kit A, B, 2xF, 2xH, I........... 81760 90-96 7 Piece Kit A, B, 2xF, 2xH, I........... (800) VETTE JD $388 415 170 170 30 42 25 CALL CALL 21 21 84 84 252 252 84 84 116 143 190 190 63 39 73 39 75 63 57 57 57 57 110 110 290 120 17 22 CALL CALL CALL 1211 1214 (800) 838-8353 84-96 Rear Roof Weatherstrip Retainer............ 84-96 Rear Pillar Weatherstrip Ret LH............. 84-96 Rear Pillar Weatherstrip Ret RH............ 84-96 Roof Side Rail W/S Retainer LH............ 84-89 Weatherstrip Kit, 7 pcs, coupe................ 84-89 Weatherstrip Kit, 7 pcs, coupe................ 84-89 Weatherstrip Kit, 7 pcs, coupe................ 84-96 Roof Side Rail W/S Retainer RH........... 90-96 Weatherstrip Kit, 7 pcs, coupe................ 90-96 Weatherstrip Kit, 7 pcs, coupe................ 90-96 Weatherstrip Kit, 7 pcs, coupe................ 1986-1996 CONVERTIBLE W/S 81870 86-96 Convertible Deck Lid (A)................ 81875 86-96 Deck Lid W/S Repro……………….. 81660 86-96 Outer Door Seal LH Convertible (B) 81670 86-96 Outer Door Seal RH Convertible (B) 81620 86-89 Door Main Weatherstrip LH (C)....... 81630 86-89 Door Main Weatherstrip RH (C)...... 81633 86-89 Door Main Weatherstrip, LH............ 81634 86-89 Door Main Weatherstrip, RH............ 81640 90-96 Door Main Weatherstrip LH (C)....... 81650 90-96 Door Main Weatherstrip RH (C)...... 81653 90-96 Door Main Weatherstrip, LH............ 81654 90-96 Door Main Weatherstrip, RH............ 81580 86-88 Rear Outer Hood Seal LH (D).......... 81590 86-88 Rear Outer Hood Seal RH (D).......... 81600 89-96 Rear Outer Hood Seal LH (D).......... 81610 89-96 Rear Outer Hood Seal RH (D).......... 81560 86-87 Fender Seals 2 required (E)............... 81570 88-96 Fender Seals 2 required (E)............... 81550 86-96 Windshield Lower Seal (F)............... 81540 86-96 Front Roof & Side Pillar W/S (G).... 81880 86-89 4 Piece Kit A, 2xC, G....................... 81890 90-96 4 Piece Kit A, 2xC, G....................... 81900 86-87 11 Piece Kit All Items A through G.. 81910 88-89 11 Piece Kit................................... 81930 90-96 11 Piece Kit....................................... PRICE $40 22 22 50 765 652 1611 45 770 668 1391 $166 110 63 63 84 84 252 252 84 84 116 143 CALL CALL 21 21 42 25 30 415 650 650 830 836 836 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 PARTS WEATHERSTRIP (cont) 1986-1996 SOFT TOP WEATHERSTRIP 81940 86-96 Ft Side Rail Weatherstrip LH (H)… 81945 86-96 S/T Ft Side Rail W/S Repro LH….. 81950 86-96 Ft Side Rail Weatherstrip RH (H)… 81955 86-96 S/T Ft Side Rail W/S Repro RH….. 81960 86-96 Cntr Side Rail Weatherstrip LH (I).. 81965 86-96 S/T Cntr Side Rail W/S LH OEM... 81970 86-96 Cntr Side Rail Weatherstrip RH (I). 81975 86-96 S/T Cntr Side Rail W/S RH OEM... 81980 86-96 Rear Side Rail Weatherstrip LH (J). 81985 86-96 S/T Vertical Side Rail W/S Repro LH…………………………. 81990 86-96 Rear Side Rail Weatherstrip RH (J). 81995 86-96 S/T Verical Side Rail Weatherstrip Repro RH………………………... 82000 86-96 Rear Bow Weatherstrip (K) OEM... 82005 86-96 Soft Top Rear Bow W/S Kit, Repro 82010 86-96 Soft Top 7 Pce Kit Items H thru K.. 82015 86-96 Weatherstrip Kit, 7 pcs, Soft Top... 1986-1996 CONVERTIBLE HARD TOP WEATHERSTRIP 82020 86-96 Horizontal Side Rail W/S LH (A).... 82030 86-96 Horizontal Side Rail W/S RH (A)... 82040 86-96 Vertical Side Rail W/S LH (B)........ 82050 86-96 Vertical Side Rail W/S RH (B)........ 82060 86-96 Rear Weatherstrip (C)...................... 82070 86-96 Hard Top 5 Pc Kit Items A thru C... 82080 84-89 Seal Cp Dash to Door LH Windlace 82090 84-89 Seal Cp Dash - Door RH Windlace 82100 90-96 Cp Seal Dash - Door LH, Windlace 82110 90-96 Cp Seal Dash - Door RH, Windlace 82120 86-96 Conv Body Lock Pillar W/S Ft LH. 82130 86-96 Conv Body Lock Pillar W/S Ft RH. 82140 86-96 Conv Body Lock Pillar W/S Rr LH. 82150 86-96 Conv Body Lock Pillar W/S Rr RH. 82170 Weatherstrip Adhesive Black........... 82180 Weatherstrip Adhesive Yellow........ 82183 53-03 Trim Adhesive……………………. 82185 Supertrim Adhesive (for interi- (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 PRICE $128 51 86 51 92 51 92 51 76 51 76 118 WHEELS CHROME WHEELS (EXCHANGE) 82190 84-87 Chrome Wheels ea core charge 100 82200 88-89 Chrome Wheels w/Cap ea core 195 82210 90 Chrome Wheels ea core charge 195 82220 91-92 Chrome Wheels ea core charge 195 82230 93-96 Chrome Wheels ea core charge 195 82240 91-96 Chrome Wheels ZR1 ea, core 249 82250 97-99 Chrome Whls ea, core charge 249 82252 00 Wheel Rechrome, Exchange........... 82254 01-04 Wheel Rechrome, Exchange............ 82256 01-04 Z-06 Rechrome Wheel, Exchange... 82257 05-07 Wheel Rechrom exch, incl cntr cap 82258 06-07 Z06 Wheel Rechrome, exch………. PRICE $146 175 175 175 175 175 180 180 180 180 190 200 PLEASE NOTE: The above wheels are sold on an exchange basis. Exchange wheels must be of the exact same year and in undamaged condition. If exchange wheels are not available at the time of purchase, the above core charges must be added to the purchase price. The core charge is fully refundable on receipt of undamaged cores. Some damage to core wheels may be repairable. If repairs are required, there will be an extra charge of $150 per wheel required. 59 170 80 649 310 $110 110 100 100 120 550 60 60 60 60 62 62 58 67 12 12 18 20 CHROME WHEEL ACCESSORIES 82260 84-96 Chrome Lug Nut Caps each…........ 82262 97-04 Chrome Lug Nut Caps each…..….. 82265 84-87/90 Center Wheel Chrome, Caps….. 82270 91-96 Chrome Caps (Repro) Set of 4......... 82280 97-99 C5 Chrome Wheel Chrome Caps Set of 4……..................................... 82285 97-99 C5 Chrome Wheel Carbon Fiber Caps Set of 4……............................ 82287 05-07 Wheel Chrome Cntr Cap, Repro, ea $2 3 90 90 80 80 26 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 119 1984-2007 PARTS WHEELS (cont) PRICE CHROME WHEELS - OUTRIGHT BUY 82290 84-87 Chrome Wheels Outright Set of 4… $957 82295 84-87 Motorsport Wheels, Chrome, Repro 274 82297 84-87 Motorsport Wheels, Black, Repro... 225 82305 88-96 Motorsport Wheels, Chrome, Repro 275 82307 88-04 Motorsport Wheels, Black, Repro... 225 82320 91-92 Chrome Wheels Outright Set of 4.... 2000 82330 93-96 Chrome Wheels Outright Set of 4.... 1400 82353 88-96 Black Wheels w/Polished Lip…….. 176 82354 88-96 ZR1 Silver Repro Wheels………… 176 82355 88-96 Chrome Whls ZR-1, 17x9.5, 17x11 226 82356 88-96 ZR1Repro Chrome Wheel w/Cap Each--outright Rear 17x11……….. 226 82360 97-99 Chrome Wheels Outright Set of 4 (Repro) …........................................ 1296 82363 97-04 Z06 Chrome Whls, 17x8.5, 18x9.5.. 246 82364 97-04 Z06 Chrome Whls, 17x9.5, 18x10.5 246 82366 88-04 C5 Style Chrome Repro Wheel Each 18x9.5 Front Each………... 226 82367 01 Chrome Wheels Outright, each….... 226 82368 97-04 Z06 Motorsport Whls, 17x8.5, 18x9.5 Front Each…….………….. 276 82369 97-04 Z06 Motorsport Whls, 17x9.5, 18x10.5……………….................... 276 82368A 97-04 Motorsport Wheels, Black, Repro 276 82368A1 88-04 Motorsport Blk Whl Repro w/Cap 276 82369A 97-04 Motorsport Wheels, Black, Repro 226 82369B 88-04 Motorsport Blk Whl Repro w/cap... 226 82369F 93-04 Wheel C-6 Style, 17X8.5 Ft……. 296 82369G 84-04 Wheel C-6 Style, 17X9.5 Ft & R 296 82369G1 88-04 Chrome Repro Wheel C6……….. 296 82369H 88-05 Wheel C-6 Style, 18X8.5 Ft & R. 296 82369I 84-04 Wheel C-6 Style, 18X9.5 Ft & R... 296 82369IX 88-04 Chrome Repro Wheel C6 Style…. 296 82369J 88-04 Wheel C-6 Style, 18X10.5 Rear…. 296 82369K 97-05Wheel C-6 Style, 19X10 Ft & R… 326 82369L 05-07 C6 Chrome Motorsport w/Cap….. CALL 82369M 05-07 C6 Black Motorsport w/Cap……. 1296 82369N 93-04 C6 Z06 Style Wheel w/Cap……... 296 82369P 93-04 C6 Z06 Chrome Wheel w/Cap…... 296 82369Q 88-04 C6 Z06 Chrome w/Cap 18x9.5….. 296 82369R 88-04 C6 Z06 Chrome w/Cap 18x10.5…. 296 82369S 88-07 Wheels C6 Z06 w/Cap 18x8.5…… 296 82369T 88-04 Wheels C6 Z06 Style 19x10……... 306 82369U 06-07 C6 Z06 Chrome 18x9.5 w/Cap….. 296 82369V 06-07 C6 Z06 Chrome 19x12 w/Cap…... 326 PLEASE NOTE: - Used OEM Corvette wheels of different years may be taken in trade for outright buy chrome wheels. Trade in values of undamaged OEM wheels are: 17" OEM Wheels: 16" OEM Wheels: (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 82372A 97-08 Split Spoke Chrome Wheel Front--18x8.5……………………. 82372B 97-08 Split Spoke Chrome Wheel Rear --19x9.5……………………. 82372C 97-08 Split Spoke Chrome Wheel Front--18x9.5……………………. 82372D 97-08 Split Spoke Chrome Wheel Rear--19x11…………………….. NEW OEM WHEELS 82370 84-85 16 X 8.5 LH...................................... 82380 84-85 16 X 8.5 RH...................................... 82390 86 16 X 9.5 LH...................................... 82400 86 16 X 9.5 RH...................................... 82410 88 16 x 8.5 LH....................................... 82420 88 16 x 8.5 RH.......(USED ONLY)....... 82430 88-89 17 X 9.5 LH...................................... 82440 88-89 17 X 9.5 RH...................................... 82450 90 17 X 9.5 LH...................................... 82460 90 17 X 9.5 RH..................................... 82470 90 17 X 11 LH Rear ZR1..................... 82480 90 17 X 11 RH Rear ZR1..................... 82490 91-92 17 X 9.5 LH..................................... 82500 91-92 17 X 9.5 RH............................................ 82510 91-92 17 X 11 LH Rear ZR1........................... 82520 91-92 17 X 11 RH Rear ZR1........................... 82530 93-96 17 X 8.5 LH Front.................................. 82540 93-96 17 X 8.5 RH Front.................................. 82550 93-96 17 X 9.5 LH Rear.................................... 82560 93-96 17 X 9.5 RH............................................ 82570 93-96 17 X 11 LH Rear ZR1............................ 82580 93-96 17 X 11 RH Rear ZR1........................... 250 250 250 250 CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL PLEASE NOTE: We have dozens of used 84-93 wheels in stock. We can save you hundreds of dollars over new replacement wheels. WHEEL ACCESSORIES 82590 84-85 Center Cap, Black................................... $60 82650 86 Center Cap, Silver................................... 58 82610 87 Center Cap, Gray..................................... 37 82620 88-89 Center Cap w/17" Wheels....................... CALL 82628 88-89 Chrome Whl Cap w/17" Core 50.00 50 82630 88-89 Center Cap Emblem (w/17" Wheels) 27 82650 90 Center Cap............................................... 58 82660 91-92 Center Cap.............................................. 91 82670 93-96 Center Cap.............................................. 57 82675 97-99 Center Cap.............................................. 52 82677 97-00 Low Air Pressure Sensor……………… 173 82678 01-03 Low Air Pressure Sensor……………… 76 82680 88-89 Center Cap Seal 17" Wheels................... 4 82700 88-89 Wheel Lock Set w/17" Wheels............... CALL 82710 84 Lug Nut w/Blk Plstc Coated SS Cap…... 8 82720 85-96 Lug Nut except 88-89 w/17" Wheel…... 4 82730 88-89 Lug Nut 17" Wheel................................. 10 82750 85 Lug Nut Cap Black can use on 84 .......... 4 82760 87 Lug Nut cap Gray.................................... 4 82770 86 & 90-96 Lug Nut Cap Silver....................... 2 82780 84-96 Wheel Lock Set....................................... 48 82790 84-88 Whl Adaptor Kit to adapt 17" Whls…... 140 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 PARTS WIPERS AND WASHERS 82800 82810 82815 82820 82825 82830 82833 82834 82835 82836 82840 82850 82860 82870 82875 82880 82890 82900 82910 82920 82930 82795 82796 82797 84-96Wiper Motor Seal……...................... 84-96 Wiper Arm LH................................. 95-96 Wiper Arm, LH…………………… 84-96 Wiper Arm RH................................. 95-96 Wiper Arm, RH…………………… 84-96 Wiper Blade OEM........................... 95-96 Wiper Blade, OEM, LH………… 95-96 Wiper Blade, OEM, RH………… 84-96 Wiper Blade Repro.......................... 95-96 Wiper Blade, Replacement, 2 req, e 84-96 Wiper Blade Insert........................... 84-96 Wiper Transmission Link Assy LH. 84-96 Wiper Transmission Link Assy RH. 84-96 Wiper Motor (no cover)................... 84-89 Wiper Motor Circuit Board Cover... 88-96 Wiper Motor Extension Harness...... 84-91 Washer Pump................................... 92-96 Washer Pump................................... 84-91 Washer Fluid Bottle......................... 92-95 Washer Fluid Bottle......................... 84-96 Washer Fluid Bottle Cap.................. 84-90 Front Replacement Windshield....... 91-96 Front Replacement Windshield....... 97-04 Front Replacement Windshield....... (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 120 PRICE $6 102 79 105 79 29 33 33 17 17 12 100 76 320 140 25 51 49 25 38 8 300 300 636 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 INTERIORS Order your Corvette interior by color code. Find the two digit color code for your Corvette's interior below and add it to the four digit part number of the basic part to obtain a complete six digit part number unique to that part and color. For example, 1984 black leather standard seat covers would be part number 1500_70. Year Color 84-96 84-85 84-87 84-87 84-87 84-85 84-87 86-89 86-92 88-89 Black Blue Broze Graphite Gray Red Saddle Blue Red Gray Code Year Color 25 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 88-91 88 90-91 90-91 92-96 92-96 92-93 93-96 93 Saddle Anniv Blue Gray Beige Gray White Red Ruby Red Code 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 218 1984-1996 SEAT FOAM 151500 84-88 Standard Seat Foam Back............... 151510 84-88 Standard Seat Foam Bottom........... 151520 84-88 Standard Seat Foam 4 piece set....... 151530 84-88 Sport Seat Foam Back..................... 151540 84-88 Sport Seat Foam Bottom................. 151550 84-88 Sport Seat Foam 4 piece set............ 151560 89-93 Standard Seat Foam Back............... 151570 89-93 Standard Seat Foam Bottom........... 151580 89-93 Standard Seat Foam 4 piece set....... 151590 89-90 Sport Seat Foam Back..................... 151600 89-90 Sport Seat Foam Bottom................. 151610 89-90 Sport Seat Foam 4 piece set............ 151620 91-93 Sport Seat Foam Back..................... 151630 91-93 Sport Seat Foam Bottom................. 151635 91-93 Sport Seat Foam Button, RH……... 151640 91-93 Sport Seat Foam 4 piece set............ 151650 94-96 Standard Seat Foam Back............... 151660 94-96 Standard Seat Foam Bottom........... 151670 94-96 Standard Seat Foam 4 piece set....... $80 80 280 85 85 300 80 80 280 85 85 300 85 85 85 300 80 80 280 SEAT COVER INSTALLATION TOOLS AND MATERIALS 151680 84-88 Seat Cover Install Kit - Hooks, Clips, Wires & Hog Rings for 2 Seats……………………………… 151690 89-93 Seat Cover Installation Kit.............. 151695 84-87E Rblt Pwr Seat Track, Round Pin 151696 87L-96 Rblt Pwr Seat Track, Flat Pin…... $34 34 220 220 FOR HOG RINGS, HOG RING PLIERS, CLIPS & CLIP INSTALLATION TOOL SEE 53-62 & 63-67 SECTIONS 84-86 SEAT COVER SETS- 2 BACK & 2 BOTTOMS 1500__ 84-88 Standard Leather Seat Covers Set... 1501__ 84-88 Standard Vinyl Seat Covers Set...... 1502__ 84-88 Sport Leather Seat Covers Set........ 150381 88 35th Anniv Leather Seat Cvrs Set 1504__ 84-88 Sport Seat Vinyl Seat Covers Set.... 1505__ 89-93 Stndrd Seat Lther Seat Covers Set.. 1506__ 89-93 Stndrd Seat Vinyl Seat Covers Set.. 1507__ 89-90 Sport Seat Leather Seat Covers Set. 1508__ 91-93 Sport Leather Seat Covers Set........ 1509__ 89-90 Sport Vinyl Seat Covers Set............ 1510__ 91-93 Sport Vinyl Seat Covers Set............ 1511__ 94-96 Standard Leather Seat Covers Set... 1512__ 94-96 Standard Vinyl Seat Covers Set...... 1513__ 94-96 Sport Lthr Seat Covers Set, Mntd... 1514__ 94-96 Sport Vinyl Seat Covers Set Mntd.. (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 $700 380 700 830 360 700 360 700 735 360 360 700 360 1100 960 1984-2004 SPORT SEAT LUMBAR PARTS 151700 84-93 Lumbar Bladder Assembly GM...... 151701 84-93 Seat Backrest Lumbar Repair Kit... 151710 94-96 Lumbar Bladder Assembly............. 151713 84-93 Seat Lumbar Control Bezel, LH..... 151714 84-93 Seat Lumbar Control Bezel, RH..... 151717 97-04 Seat Switch Bezel LH…………… 151718 97-04 Seat Switch Bezel RH…………... 151720 84-90 Lumbar Pump w/Harness GM....... 151730 91-93 Lmbr Pump w/Harn Driver's Side.. 151740 91-93 Lmbr Pump w/Harn Pass Side....... 151750 94-96 Lumbar Pump & Bladder Harness. 151760 94-96 Lumbar Pump.................................. 151765 84-93 Seat Back Release Bezel, Standard Seat…………………………........ 151766 94-96 Seat Back Bezel............................. 151770 84-90 Lumbar Switch Assembly.............. 151780 91-93 Lumbar Switch Assy Driver's Side 151790 91-93 Lumbar Switch Assy Pass Side..... 151800 94-96 Lumbar Switch Assy on console... $120 70 CALL 13 13 16 16 70 CALL CALL CALL 260 13 16 160 160 160 157 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 219 1984-2007 INTERIORS 1984-1989 RECOVERED FACTORY STEERING WHEELS 151810 84-85 Rcvrd String Wheel Exch (Thin)... 151813 84-85 Steering Wheel Rblt, Exch (Thick) 151815 86-89 Rcvrd String Wheel Exch (Thick). 151815A 84-89 Steering Wheel, Repro, (Thick).. 151816 84-89 Emergency Brake Handle-Rcvrd... 151817 84-04 Steering Wheel Lock w/Alarm..... 151818 84-04 Steering Wheel Lock w/Alarm..... 151819 84-89 Seat Belt, Coupe, Black, LH.......... 151820 84-89 Seat Belt, Coupe, Black, RH.......... Note: Recovered steering wheels require exchange of a good rebuildable original wheel or a good core 84-96 COLOR MATCHED LEATHER CENTER ARMRESTS 1519__ 84-89 Center Armrest............................... 1520__ 90-96 Center Armrest............................... $320 300 320 270 90 40 30 190 190 $50 50 1984-1996 SEAT BELTS There is a huge variety of colors, applications and availability for 1984-1996 seatbelts. Please call with your needs. We have a large inventory of used 1984 and newer seat belts. Again, please call with your needs. 1984-1993 INTERIOR SCREW SETS 151823 84-93 Interior Screw Kit Coupe............... 151825 86-90 Interior Screw Set Convertible...... INTERIOR DYE 1007__ Interior Dye - Spray Can.......................... (see page 218 for color codes) (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 1984-1996 SUNVISORS 151840 84-96 Sunvisor LH w/Lighted Mirror (#5) OEM………........................... $430 151860 84-96 Sunvisor RH w/Lighted Mirror (#3) OEM………........................... 430 151863 84-90 Sunvisor w/Map Strap, LH, Repro CALL 151864 87-96 Sunvisor w/Ltd Mirror, LH, Repro 100 151865 84-96 Sunvisor w/Lighted Mirror, RH..... 100 151866 84-96 Sunvisor LH (Light), Repl………. 80 151867 84-96 Sunvisor RH (Light), Repl…….. 80 151868 84-96 Sunvisors Retainer……………… 13 151868A 97-04 Sunvisor Retainer/Clip ………... 5 151869 97-04 Sunvisor, LH.................................. 98 151870 97-04 Sunvisor, RH.................................. 98 151872 97-04 Sunvisor Retainer/Nut/Donut, RH. 6 151873 97-04 Sunvisor Retainer/Nut/Donut, LH. 5 $36 36 $18 1984-1989 DOOR PANELS 1525__ 84-89 Deluxe Door Panel Coupe LH Incl Upr Door Pnl Trim, Upr Vent, Inr Win Seal, Match Armrest, Lwr Vent & Carpet Strip……................ 1526__ 84-89 Deluxe Door Panel Coupe RH........ 1527__ 86-89 Deluxe Door Panel Convertible LH 1528__ 86-89 Deluxe Door Panel Convertible RH 1529__ 84-89 Stndrd Door Pnl Incl Carpet Strip Inr Win Seal & Lwr Air Vent LH... 1530__ 84-89 Standard Door Panel RH................. 151880 84-85 Door Latch Bezel LH w/Pwr Locks 151890 84-85 Door Latch Bzl RH w/Pwr Locks... 151895 84-89 Inner Handle Plate……................... 153100 86-89 Door Latch Bezel LH, w/Pwrlocks. 153110 86-89 Door Latch Bezel RH, w/Pwrlocks. $400 400 400 400 260 260 50 50 189 50 50 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 INTERIORS 1990-1993 DOOR PANEL 1532__ 90-93 Door Pnl LH Incl Inr Door Seals, Cpt & Integrated Door Pull............. 1533__ 90-93 Door Panel RH................................ 153120 90-96 Front Door Panel Seal 2 required.... 153130 90-96 Door Panel Seal LH Inner OEM..... 153140 90-96 Door Panel Seal RH Inner OEM..... 81660 84-96 Door Panel Seal LH Outer OEM.... 81670 84-96 Door Panel Seal RH Outer OEM.... 153160 90-91 Door Lock Bezel LH....................... 153165 97-04 Dr Pull Pnl Escutcheon Plug/Insert 153170 90-91 Door Lock Bezel RH....................... 153180 92-93 Door Lock Bezel LH....................... 153185 97-04 Door Panel Reflector…………….. 153190 92-93 Door Lock Bezel RH....................... 81663 84-96 Outer Door Seal LH Repro…......... 81673 84-96 Outer Door Seal RH Repro............ $500 500 7 45 45 63 63 CALL 7 CALL CALL 36 CALL 39 39 1984-1989 DOOR PANEL HARDWARE & COMPONENTS 1535__ 84-89 Armrest LH..................................... 1536__ 84-89 Armrest RH…................................ 1537__ 84-89 Armrests pair……........................... 1592__ 84-87 Sill Plate, LH................................... 1593__ 84-87 Sill Plate, RH................................... 1594__ 84-87 Sill Plate Pads, pair......................... 153420 84-89 Upper Door Panel Trim Coupe LH. 153430 84-89 Upper Door Panel Trim Coupe RH. 153440 86-89 Upper Door Panel Trim Conv LH... 153450 86-89 Upper Door Panel Trim Conv RH.. 153460 84-89 Upper Door Panel Seal LH, Inner... 153470 84-89 Upper Door Panel Seal RH, Inner... 153480 84-89 Upper Defroster Bezel LH.............. 153490 84-89 Upper Defroster Bezel RH.............. 153800 84-89 Front Defroster Bezel...................... 153810 84-89 Front Speaker Grille........................ 153820 84-89 Arm Rest Filler LH......................... 153830 84-89 Arm Rest Filler RH......................... 153835 84-96 Dr Pnl Anchor/Nut, 6 req per Panel 153840 84-89 Armrest Savers w/Steel Filler pair.. 1539__ 84-89 Carpet/Vinyl Strips pair.................. 153465 84-89 Inner Door Seal LH........................ 153475 84-89 Inner Door Seal RH........................ $100 100 200 230 230 60 80 80 120 120 50 50 6 6 5 49 10 10 1 20 55 35 35 (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 220 1984-1996 CARPET SETS 1540__ 84-87 Full Set Cpe Original Mass Back… 1541__ 86-87 Full Set Conv Original Mass Back. 1542__ 84-87 Ft Cpe or Conv Orig Mass Back..... 1543__ 84-87 Rear Coupe Original Mass Back..... 1544__ 86-87 Rear Conv Original Mass Backing. 1545__ 84-87 Full Set Coupe Poly Backing.......... 1546__ 86-87 Full Set Convertible Poly Backing.. 1547__ 84-87 Front Cpe or Conv Poly Backing.... 1548__ 84-87 Rear Coupe Poly Backing............... 1549__ 86-87 Rear Convertible Poly Backing....... $590 590 340 320 320 500 500 300 260 260 84-96 COUPE REAR CARPET 1550__ 88-89 Full Set Cpe Original Mass Back.. 1551__ 88-89 Full Set Conv Original Mass Back 1552__ 88-89 Ft Cpe or Conv Orig Mass Back.... 1553__ 88-89 Rear Cpe Original Mass Back....... 1554__ 88-89 Rear Conv Original Mass Back..... 1555__ 88-89 Full Set Coupe Poly Backing......... 1556__ 88-89 Full Set Convertible Poly Back..... 1557__ 88-89 Front Coupe or Conv Poly Back.... 1558__ 88-89 Rear Coupe Poly Backing.............. 1559__ 88-89 Rear Convertible Poly Backing..... $590 590 340 320 320 500 500 300 260 260 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 221 1984-2007 INTERIORS 1560__ 1561__ 1562__ 1563__ 1564__ 1565__ 1566__ 1567__ 1568__ 1569__ 153870 153880 153890 157000 157010 157020 157030 157040 157050 157060 1988-1996 Front Carpets 90-93 Full Set Coupe Pile Mass Back...... 90-93 Full Set Conv Pile Mass Back....... 90-93 Ft Coupe or Conv Pile Mass Back. 90-93 Rear Coupe Pile Mass Back........... 90-93 Rear Convertible Pile Mass Back.. 90-93 Full Set Coupe Pile Poly Back....... 90-93 Full Set Conv Pile Poly Backing.. 90-93 Front Cpe or Conv Pile Poly Back. 90-93 Rear Coupe Pile Poly Backing....... 90-93 Rear Convertible Pile Poly Back... 93 Full Set Coupe Ruby Red TruRo Mass Backing…………................. 93 Full Set Conv Ruby Red TruRo Mass Backing…………................. 93 Front All Ruby Red TruRo Mass Backing……….............................. 93 Rear Coupe Ruby Red TruRo Mass Backing………..................... 93 Rear Conv Ruby Red TruRo Mass Backing..................... 93 Full Set Coupe Ruby Red TruRo Poly Backing………….................. 93 Full Set Conv Ruby Red TruRo Poly Backing…….......................... 93 Front All Ruby Red TruRo Poly Backing……….............................. 93 Rear Coupe Ruby Red TruRo Poly Backing………...................... 93 Rear Conv Ruby Red TruRo Poly Backing………….......................... (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 $600 600 340 320 320 500 500 300 260 260 600 600 340 320 320 500 500 300 260 260 1984-1996 Convertible Rear Carpet 1571__ 94-96 Full Set Cpe TruVette Mass Back. 1572__ 94-96 Full St Conv TruVette Mass/Back 1572A__ 94-96 Front All TruVette Mass Back.... 1573__ 94-96 Rear Coupe TruVette Mass Back.. 1574__ 94-96 Rear Conv TruVette Mass Back.... 1575__ 94-96 Full Set Cpe TruVette Poly Back.. 1576__ 94-96 Full Set Conv TruVette Poly Back 1577__ 94-96 Front All TruVette Poly Backing... 1578__ 94-96 Rear Coupe TruVette Poly Back... 1579__ 94-96 Rear Conv TruVette Poly Back..... $580 580 310 320 320 500 500 300 260 260 1984-1990 HEAT BARRIER KITS 157070 84-90 Heat Barrier Kit Coupe or Conv Ft. 157080 84-90 Heat Barrier Coupe or Conv F & R 82185 84-01 Adhesive (Supertrim Spray) 18 oz.. $113 160 20 1984-1996 FLOOR, DASH AND CARGO MATS 1581__ 84-93 Cut Pile Matching Carpet Mats pr.. 1582__ 93 TruRo Ruby Red Matching Carpet Mats………………......................... 1583__ 94-96 TruVette Matching Carpet Mats..... 157090 84-89 Dash Mat Black w/Red Vette Logo 158400 84-89 Dash Mat Blk w/Gold Vette Logo.. 158410 84-89 Dash Mat Gray w/Red Vette Logo. 158420 84-89 Dash Mat Gray w/Blk Vette Logo.. 158430 84-89 Dash Mat Red w/Black Vette Logo 158440 84-89 Dash Mat Sdle w/Blk Vette Logo... 158445 84-89 Dash Mat Sdle w/Red Vette Logo.. 158450 84-90 Floor Mats Black w/Red Logo pair. 158455 84-90 Floor Mats Black w/Silver Logo pr 158460 84-90 Floor Mats Black w/Gold Logo pr 158465 84-90 Floor Mats Grphte w/Red Logo pr 158470 84-90 Floor Mats Gray w/Red Logo pair.. 158480 84-90 Floor Mats Gray w/Black Logo pr 158490 84-90 Floor Mats Red w/Black Logo pair. 158500 84-90 Floor Mats Saddle w/Blk Logo pair 158505 84-90 Floor Mats Saddle w/Red Logo pr 158510G 91-94 Floor Mats Black w/Gold logo pr 158510R 91-94 Floor Mats Black w/Red Logo pr. 158510S 91-94 Floor Mats Black w/Silver Logo 158520B 91-94 Floor Mats Gray w/Black Logo 158520R 91-94 Floor Mats Gray w/Red Logo pr 158530B 91-94 Floor Mats Red w/Black Logo pr 158540B 91-94 Floor Mats Saddle w/Black Logo 158540R 91-94 Floor Mats Saddle w/Red Logo 158550G 95-96 Floor Mats Black w/Gold Logo 158550R 95-96 Floor Mats Black w/Red Logo pr 158550S 95-96 Floor Mats Black w/Silver Logo 158555B 95-96 Floor Mats Gray w/Black Logo 158555R 95-96 Floor Mats Gray w/Red Logo pr 158560B 95-96 Floor Mats Red w/Black Logo pr 158565B 95-96 Floor Mats Saddle w/Black Logo 158565R 95-96 Floor Mats Saddle w/Red Logo 158570G 97-04 Blk Floor Mats w/Gold Emblem. 158570R 97-04 Blk Floor Mats w/Red Emblem 158570S 97-04 Blk Floor Mats w/Silver Emblem 158573B 97-04 Saddle Floor Mats w/Blk Logo $60 76 76 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 116 116 116 116 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 1984-2007 INTERIORS 158576B 97-04 Gray Floor Mats w/Blk Emblem 157578B 97-04 Red Floor Mats w/Black Emblem 158580B 97-04 Black Floor Mats w/Z06 Logo... 158585C 05-07 Cashmere Floor Mats w/C6 Logo 158585E 05-07 Ebony Floor Mats w/C6 Logo pr 158585G 05-07 Gray Floor Mats w/C6 Logo pr 158585R 05-07 Red Floor Mats w/C6 Logo pr 158587 05-07 Ebony Floor Mats w/Z06 505hp pr 158590C 05-07 Cashmere Floor Mats w/C6 Logo & Corvette Script pair…………. 158590E 05-07 Ebony Floor Mats w/C6 Logo & Corvette Script pr……………….. 158620 84-90 Cargo Mat Coupe Blk w/Red Logo 158630 84-90 Cargo Mat Cpe Blk w/Gold Logo 158640 84-90 Cargo Mat Cpe Gray w/Red Logo.. 158650 84-90 Cargo Mat Cpe Gray w/Blk Logo 158660 84-90 Cargo Mat Coupe Red w/Blk Logo 158670 84-90 Cargo Mat Cpe Saddle w/Blk Logo 158675 84-90 Cargo Mat Cpe Sdle w/Red Logo 158680 86-90 Cargo Mat Conv Blk w/Red Logo.. 158690 86-90 Cargo Mat Conv Blk w/Gold Logo 158700 86-90 Cargo Mat Conv Gray w/Red Logo 158710 86-90 Cargo Mat Conv Gray w/Blk Logo. 158720 86-90 Cargo Mat Conv Red w/Blk Logo 158730 86-90 Cargo Mat Conv Sdle w/Blk Logo 158735 86-90 Cargo Mat Conv Sdle w/Red Logo. 158740 91-96 Cargo Mat Coupe Blk w/Red Logo 158750 91-96 Cargo Mat Cpe Blk w/Gold Logo 158760 91-96 Cargo Mat Cpe Gray w/Red Logo.. 158770 91-96 Cargo Mat Cpe Gray w/Blk Logo... 158780 91-96 Cargo Mat Coupe Red w/Blk Logo 158790 91-96 Cargo Mat Coupe Sdle w/Blk Logo 158795 91-96 Cargo Mat Cpe Sdle w/Red Logo... 158800 91-96 Cargo Mat Black w/Red Logo........ 158810 91-96 Cargo Mat Conv Blk w/Gold Logo 158820 91-96 Cargo Mat Conv Gray w/Red Logo 158830 91-96 Cargo Mat Conv Gray w/Blk Logo 158840 91-96 Cargo Mat Conv Red w/Blk Logo. 158850 91-96 Cargo Mat Conv Sdle w/Blk Logo 158855 91-96 Cargo Mat Conv Sdle w/Red Logo. 158856 97-04 Black Cargo Mat w/Red Emblem... 158857 97-04 Black Cargo Mat w/Red Emblem... 158858 97-04 Black Cargo Mat w/Silver Emblem (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 136 136 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 155 155 155 222 1984-1993 DASH PADS 158860 84-85 Dash Pad......................................... 158870 86-89 Dash Pad……................................. 158880 90-93 Dash Pad......................................... 158890 84-89 Dash Cap-instal over existing dash WOOD DASH KITS 158891 84-85 Rosewood Automatic 5 piece kit Speedp/Tach Cntr Dash, Cnsle Trim.. 158891A 84-85 Barlwood Automatic 5pc Kit Spd/ Tach Center Dash Cnsle Trim…….. 158892 86-89 Automatic 5 piece kit.......................... 158892A 86-89 Barlwood Automatic 5pd Kit……... 158893 84-85 4 Spd w/OD Switch in Cnsle 5 pc….. 158893A 84-85 Barlwood 4sp w/OD Switch in Console 5pc……………………….. 158894 84-85 4 Spd w/OD Swtch in Kob 5 pc Kit... 158894A 84-85 Barlwood 4sp w/OD Switch in Knob 5pc Kit………………………. 158895 86-88 4 Speed piece Kit…............................ 158895A 86-88 Rosewood 4sp Piece Kit…………... 158896 84-89 Passenger Side Dash Insert................. 158896A 84-89 Barlwood Pssnger Side Dash Insert.. 158897 84-89 Speaker Covers Front All................... 158897A 84-89 Barlwood Spkr Covers Front All pr. 158898 84-87 Speaker Covers Rear Coupe............... 158898A 84-87 Barlwood Spkr cover Rear Coupe pr 158901 84-89 Door Inserts……................................ 158901A 84-89 Barlwood Dooor Inserts PR……….. 158902 84-89 Package Deal 12 piece Kit-Specify Year and Equipment............. 158902A 84-85 Barlwood Dsh Trim 12pc Kit-Auto.. 158902B 86-87 Rsewood Dsh Trim 12pc Kit-Auto... 158902C 86-87 Barlwood Dsh Trim 12pc Kit-Auto.. 158902D 86-87 Rosewood Dash Trim 12pc Kit 4sp OD on Console………………... 158902E 84-85 Barlwood Dash Trim 12pc Kit 4sp OD on Console……………….. 158902F 84-85 Rosewood Dash Trim 12pc Kit 4sp OD on Knob…………………... 158902G 84-85 Barlwood Dash Trim 12pc Kit 4sp OD on Knob Coupe…………… 158902H 86-87 Rosewood Dash Trim 12pc Kit 4sp OD on Knob Couple………….. 158902J 86-87 Barlwood Dash Trim 20pc Kit…….. 158903 90-91 Automatic 5 piece kit-Istrument Cluster, Shift Console, Light Switch.. $450 450 500 100 $280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 340 24 HOUR FAX: (562) 804-5210 A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E 223 1984-2007 INTERIORS 158904 90-91 6 Speed 5 piece kit............................ 158905 90-91 ZR-1/LT-5 5 piece kit....................... 158906 92 Automatic 5 piece kit........................ 158907 92-93 6 Speed 5 piece kit…........................ 158907A 97-00 Barlwood Dash Trim 20pc Kit…... 158907B 97-00 Carbon Fiber Dash Trim 20pc Kit (Black on Black)…………………. 158908 92-93 ZR-1/LT/5 5 piece kit....................... 158908A 01-04 Barlwood Dash Trim 20pc Kit…... 158908B 01-04 Carbon Fiber Dash Trim 20pc Kit (Black on Black)………………….. 158909 94-96 6 Speed 8 piece kit - Inc Passenger Air Vent Cover.................................. 158910 94-96 Automatic 8 piece kit........................ 158911 90-92 Rear Speaker Covers Coupe............. 158912 93-96 Rear Speaker Covers Coupe............. 158913 90-96 Rear Speaker Covers Convertible…. 158913A 90-93 Barlwood Door Panel Inserts-pr 158914 90-93 Door Panel Kit 5 piece...................... 158914A 94-96 Rosewood Door Panel Inserts-pr… $340 340 340 420 400 380 380 380 380 340 340 80 80 80 80 85 85 1984-1996 INTERIOR ACCESSORIES 158917 84-96 Rear Compartment Master Frame… CALL 158920 84-96 Rear Compartment Hinge Pins pr…. CALL 158922 84-85E 4 +3 Manual Black Shifter Boot… $50 158923 85L-88 4Sp Manual Black Shifter Boot…. 50 158924 84-89 Automatic Black Shifter Boot.......... 41 158925 89 6 Sp Manual Black Shifter Boot....... 40 158926 90-96 6 Sp Manual Black Shifter Boot....... 50 158927 90-96 Automatic Black Shifter Boot…...... 50 158930 84-96 Removable Top Panel Bag Black…. 50 158940 84-96 Remov Top Panel Bag Dark Red…. 50 158950 84-96 Removable Top Panel Bag Red........ 50 158960 84-96 Removable Top Panel Bag Gray….. 50 158970 84-96 Removable Top Pnl Bag, Saddle….. CALL 158980 84-96 Remov Top Panel Bag Lt Saddle…. 50 158990 84-96 Remov Top Panel Storage Guides... 50 86-93 CONVERTIBLE TOPS w/PLASTIC REAR WINDOWS 159000 86-93 Conv Top Black Stafast Cloth.......... 159005 86-93 Conv Top Beige, Stafast Cloth……. 159010 91-92 Conv Top Dark Blue Stafast Cloth... 159020 91-93 Conv Top Beige Stafast Cloth.......... 159030 91-93 Conv Top Ruby Red Stafast Cloth... 159040 91-93 Conv Top Pearl White Vinyl……… 159050 91-93 Convertible Top Saddle Vinyl.......... 159060 91-93 Conv Top Arctic White Vinyl…….. 159070 91-93 Conv Top Black Replace Vinyl........ 159080 91-93 Conv Top White Replace Vinyl....... $500 500 420 500 500 290 290 290 290 290 94-96 CONVERTIBLE TOPS w/GLASS REAR WINDOWS 159090 94-96 Conv Top Beige Stafast Cloth.......... 159100 94-96 Conv Top Black Stafast Cloth.......... 159110 95 Conv Top Driftwood Stafast Cloth... 159120 94-96 Convertible Top White Vinyl........... 159105 97-99 Convertible Top Black…………….. 159105 97-99 Convertible Top Beige (Tan)…….... $600 600 520 520 796 796 (800) VETTE JD (800) 838-8353 1986-1996 CONVERTIBLE TOP ACCESSORIES 159130 86-96 Convertible Top Window Pillow... 159135 86-87 Conv Rear Pillar Trims--PR only 159136 88-89 Conv Rear Pillar Trims--PR only 159137 90-96 Lock Pillar Cover--LH Conv OE 159138 90-96 Lock Pillar Cover--RH Conv Rep 159140 86-93 Glass Rear Window Retrofit Kit.... 159150 86-96 Rr Deck Protect w/Soft Top Clear 159160 86-96 Rr Deck Protect w/Soft Top Blk… 159170 86-96 Rr Deck Protect w/Hard Top Clear 159180 86-96 Rr Deck Protect w/Hard Top Blk.. 159182 84-90 Car Cover (Max Tech) exc ZR-1... 159183 91-96 Car Cover (Max Tech) All ZR-1... 159184 97-04 Car Cover (Max Tech)................... 159184A 05-07 Car Cover (Max Tech) w/cable and Lock………………………… 159185 53-04 Car Cover Lock.............................. 159186 84-90 Bra Full w/Logo............................. 159187 91-96 Bra Full w/Logo............................. 159188 97-03 Bra Full w/Logo............................. 159189 02-04 Bra Full Z06…………………… 159190 05-09 Front Bra--Except Z06…………. $14 70 70 80 85 210 25 25 25 25 100 100 100 100 9 110 110 110 110 110 E-MAIL: inforequest@jdcorvette.com A L L P R IC E S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T IC E
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