BOTTOm BOTh FEET - Family Foot Reflexology
BOTTOm BOTh FEET - Family Foot Reflexology
BOTTOm BOTh FEET Acute Points 2 1 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 5 hold Foot at a 90° Angle a Hip and Sciatic * To be done on both feet at same time. Using knuckles, begin at Olsen’s Point. Drag knuckles up between toes 4 and 5. Go back to Olsen’s Point and drag up to toe 3. Go back to Olsen’s point and drag up between toes 2 and 1. Do a total of 3 times. ** PRECAUTION ** Avoid this point on a pregnant woman who is less than 38 weeks along. OLSEN’S POINT (SPHINCTER MUSCLE) BOTTOM OF RIGHT FOOT ©2014 FAMILY FOOT REFLEXOLOGY OLSEN’S POINT (SPHINCTER MUSCLE) BOTTOM OF LEFT FOOT 54 BOTTOm BOTh FEET Acute Points hold Foot at a 90° Angle b Bowels Put both feet on lap. Starting withtherightfoot,usingflatof knuckle, work up ascending colon, over transverse all the way through the left foot down the descending colon on left foot hitting the Olson’s Point with knuckle and draining out the rectum. c Body/Mind Connection Grab the inside toe of both feet pressing toward the inside of the big toe. Hold. BOTTOM OF RIGHT FOOT BOTTOM OF LEFT FOOT OLSEN’S POINT (SPHINCTER MUSCLE) Note: This point is the body/ mind connector. this is a protection mechanism for things that are too hard to face. Ask: Which side is more tender? Right or Left side? Right: Power, ego based responses Left: Fear based responses Note: One may disconnect for any reason such as too much physical pain (does not want to be in body) or feeling hopelessness (too much emotional pain). The body will fully heal when it is connected and grounded. ** PRECAUTION ** Avoid this point on a pregnant woman who is less than 38 weeks along. 55 ©2014 FAMILY FOOT REFLEXOLOGY OuTSIdE BOTh FEET Acute Points d Balance Internal Time Clock Hold both feet in hands using yourpointerfingerandthumb. On the outside of both heels start at 1 and circle to A using the thumbs. ** PRECAUTION ** Avoid this point on a pregnant woman who is less than 38 weeks along. 1 OUTSIDE RIGHT FOOT A ©2014 FAMILY FOOT REFLEXOLOGY A 1 OUTSIDE LEFT FOOT 56 OuTSIdE BOTh FEET Acute Points e Still Points STILL POINTS BOTTOM OF RIGHT FOOT STILL POINTS ©2014 FAMILY FOOT REFLEXOLOGY STILL POINTS Hold both feet in hands using pointerfingerandthumb.Press on the inside and outside of the heel to relieve headaches and stomach aches. BOTTOM OF LEFT FOOT 57