PRIMO SHELL PLAIN ZIRCON ROCIO VERDE ELECTRA SABBIA EMPIRA IMPERIAL PIETRA MYSTIC BLACK ERBA OPAL GRANULATO KRIPTON ROUGH BLANCO FIRMA AESTRO KALLIS BIANCA RHYOLITE KRIA PETIT SQUARE COTTO PAVIT PAVICRETE CLADIT TERRENE GRANIT MC-4/02/12 ARORIO BEIGE COLORADO MORION KRIA CUPRA PERIDOT RAMP KRIPTON POLVO ROSSO NEGRO AZUL AURIUMDORADO FLEMI ALABASTER CARNE RUBY SMOKY QUARTZ ALPS INGRESS STRADA PUMICE REVERSE SQUARE EMPIRA PLAIN SURFACE ESOTICA Vision To establish facilities to provide 24X7, 360 degree customer care in flooring & wall covering products by developing serviceable infrastructure of branches in all “A” class cities , employees in all “B” class towns and one active channel partner in 500 revenue districts in India. To bring the best & latest of the products & services from all over the world to Indian customers and exporting the best of Indian produce all over the world. To implement best clean & green practices aimed at sustenance of the resources to the delight of all the stake holders. To provide high quality design solutions, technical assistance as a service to attain customer delight. Corporate Profile Mission Striving for the customer delight by providing value added solutions for beautification of the living spaces, and the betterment of quality of life without increasing the carbon foot print in flooring, wall covering materials worldwide, while being responsive & responsible to all the stake holders. Pavit Ceramics Pvt. Limited, a unit of VPJ group, is established by the veterans in ceramic field to manufacture Vitrified tiles for exterior & interior applications under the brand “PAVIT”, thus being the pioneers in this line. Equipped with the state of the art production facilities having an annual capacity to produce 2.8 million Sq. metres in ISO 9001:2008 certified systems environment, the company had a steady growth which was accelerated in leaps and bounds augmenting various new vitrified concepts along the way which are showcased in the coming pages. All the brands from PCPL stable enjoy the patronage of the best in the building Industry & the best of the architects. PCPL has pan Indian presence with well structured channel management handled by efficient field staff. The approvals in major prestigious organizations both in public, private & Government sectors like MES, Renaults, Ashok Leyland, TATA motors, TATA housing, Infosys, DLF etc has given the impetus for the best of the organic growth. Naturally the future belongs to PAVIT. Expect new ideas from us. PAVIT- the vitrified exterior unrectified tile concept that inspires the creative mind to augur for the scapes, be it land or lower deck of the house! PAVIT pioneered the technology of making small format vitrified tiles for the first time in India. The unrectified product is presented in three interesting sizes, fourteen fantabulous colors with a single finish in a range of thickness designed to take various application!!! One of the size is in rectangular shape providing interesting combinations of square and rectangle. Apart from this unrectified models, GRANULATO range is presented in two rectified sizes and six colors which are known world over as salt & pepper series. The total range is now presented in the coming pages for you to appreciate. The application areas are driveways, parking bays, walk ways, garages, balconies, roof tops, swimming pool sides & corridors, lift fascia, bays and to the places wherever your imagination takes you in the inspired way. Granulato Size: 400 x 400 mm (Rectified) Thickness: 9 mm EARTHEN Sabbia Arorio DECOR Rocio Verde EXOTIC Negro Azul EARTHEN-Sabbia & Polvo (400 x 400 mm) Carne Polvo Granulato Size: 300 x 300 mm (Rectified) Thickness: 10 mm EARTHEN Sabbia Arorio DECOR Rocio Verde EXOTIC Negro Azul EARTHEN-Polvo & DECOR-Carne ( 300 x 300 mm) Carne Polvo Plain Surface Size: 200 x 200 mm (Unrectified) Thickness: 10, 12*, 15* mm EARTHEN E102WP E116WDB E121W E151WC D173W D163WP D144W X191 X194WP E193 DECOR D123W EXOTIC X126WP *Note: Custom made thickness M.O.Q. 500 sq.mts. EARTHEN-E121W & EXOTIC-X191( 200 x 200 mm) Plain Surface Size: 100 x 100 mm (Unrectified) Thickness: 12, 16 mm EARTHEN E102WP E116WDB E121W E151WC D173W D163WP D144W X191 X194WP E193 DECOR D123W EXOTIC X126WP RAMP (Thickness: 16 mm) E121W DECOR-D123W & EXOTIC-X194WP ( 100 x 100 mm) E193 Plain Surface Size: 210 x 100 mm (Unrectified) Thickness: 12 mm EARTHEN * E102WP E116WDB E151WC E181 E193 LAYING PATTERNS D163WP, E102WP (210 x 100 mm, 100 x 100 mm) E151WC (210 x 100 mm) & E193 (100 x 100 mm) E121W (210 x 100 mm) & E181 (100 x 100 mm) *Note: Decor & Exotic shall be customized production & strictly against specific order of 500 sq.mts. and above. EARTHEN-E116WDB (210 x 100 mm) & EARTHEN-E181 (100 x 100 mm) Recommended fixing methods Pavit Before fixing the tiles, lay them out in the desired pattern and make sure that they give an acceptable blend of colors and design. Also make sure that the tiles are acceptable to your satisfaction. Please note that certain amount of shade & size variation is inherent in all vitrified products and the company will bear no liability after the tiles are fixed for fixing vitreous tiles, we recommend the use f tiles fixing adhesives, for best results; follow the fixing instructions provided by the adhesive manufacturers, However we are recommending the general procedure of fixing the tiles with cement applicable for low to medium heights. When the adhesives are used, please substitute the word CEMENT with ADHESIVE in the guidelines under the title LAYING METHOD. Horizontal - Floor applications Substrate preparation 1. The ground should be compacted properly by ramming and applying water on it as per the standard practice to create a firm base. Ensure that there is no settlement of base. Also ensure the natural slope for drainage. 2. For low pedestrian Traffic, on this base apply 4” to 6” thick BBCC (Brick Bats Cement Concrete). 3. For Medium Traffic Floor, on the BBCC base, make 3” thick pcc (Plain cement concrete) in 1:3:6. 4. for heavy duty traffic, make 4” thick RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) in 1:2:4. The RCC should be laid such a way that the proper line and level is attained. Laying methods 1. Prepare base mortar by mixing sand and cement in 4:1 proportions. 2. Lay the mortar on the substrate prepared as mentioned above in required line and level. It should be noted that in any case the bed mortar thickness should be more than 1” thickness. 3. Mark the centerline and fix the tiles on all the corners and center in the required level. Preferably, start fixing tiles parallel to longer span. 4. Prepare thick cement paste by mixing water & cement. Apply this paste on the backside of the tile to fix it. 5. fixing of tile has to be done with minimum gap of 8mm. We do not recommend tiles to be laid without gap (to provide for expansion due to sun light/heat). 6. Lay the tiles on this firm base and ram lightly with the help of rubber hammer or trowel from top. See that the tile top surface is laid in required line and level with proper joint gap. 7. Utmost care should be taken while fixing other tiles in terms of matching lines and keeping exact joint width between tiles. (For maintaining joint width spacers are recommended of required joint thickness). Vertical - Wall applications Substrate preparation 1. The wall has to be plastered in line, level and plumb with 1:4 of cement and sand mortar in thickness of minimum 12 mm. 2. the surface should be rough and in perfect line, level and plumb. 3. Allow the surface t settle for minimum 72 hours and cure with water to avoid any hair line cracks and hollows from inside. 4. Also, there should not be any leakage of water or drainage pipes, which will render the adhesives to poor performance. Laying methods 1. Use cement and sand mortar in the ratio of 1:3 proportions for interior and 1:4 proportions for exterior applications. 2. Prepare thick cement paste by mixing water & cement. Apply this paste on the backside of the tile to fix it. 3. Mark the level at a height of 3’-0” from the bottom of the wall and draw a horizontal line. 4. Prepare the mortar of any good brand of tile fixing adhesive as per the method suggest by adhesive manufacturer. 5. Apply the mortar on the wall with the help of notched trowel. (The width of notch will be recommended by the adhesive manufacturer). 6. Fixing of tile has to be done with minimum gap of 5 mm to 15 mm. We do not recommend tiles to be laid without gap. 7. Fix the tiles on the marked line to level and ram it properly with the help of hammer or rubber trowel so that it gets fixed properly. 8. utmost care has to be taken while fixing other tiles. The joint gap and line has to be maintained while fixing other tiles. 9. It is recommended to use gap rod of required thickness and string for maintaining line. Joint filling-grouting 1. allow the tiles to properly set and cured, for 24 hours, then fill the joint gaps with any well-known joint filler. Prepare the consistent paste as per the method instructed by the joint filler manufacturer. Fill the joint with the help of rubber trowel. Before grouting, all the joints should be free from any dust and impurities. 2. For filling the joints, keep the filler paste on the tiles and fill the gaps by spreading it in the space between the tiles with the help of rubber trowel in such a way that the entire area of joint gaps are filled with the joint filler paste. Apply light pressure of finger in such a way that it creates ‘U’ shape between two consecutive tiles and works as a small channel to pass water through it. 3. Remove the excess material from the tile surface before the setting time of joint filler recommended by the supplier with the help of rubber trowel. Clearing 1. Clean the surface with the help of a wet sponge immediately before setting time of joint fillers. 2. After 24 hours of applying of joint filler, wash the surface with water and if required use any available mild detergent to remove dirt from ties. 3. It is recommended not to use the laid tiles before 48 hours of fixing and/or before 24 hours of filling of joint. These are recommended methods of laying as per international Norms published in good faith. Any liability due to non adherence of these norms by the contractor / mason and the resultant non conformance / performance is not assumed or imposed on the manufacturer i.e. PCPL. The wall cladding/flooring is a composite of the quality of substrate, adhesive or cement, workmanship, ambient conditions, available time etc, besides the tile quality. So any inconsistency with the expected performance or looks of this composite may reflect on the tile. Such inference has to be validated before lodging any claim on the manufacturer. Note: The colors of vitrified products and those of printing inks do not match exactly therefore, color selection may be done from actual products. All dimensions are in millimeter (nominal) and are subject to change without notice. Technical Specification Characteristics Standards Pavit Value 100 x 100 mm 200 x 100 mm 210 x 100 mm Pavit Value Rectified 300 x 300 mm Deviation length / width + 2.5% (IS-4457) + 2% + 0.2% Thickness + 5..0% (ISO-10545-2) + 4.0% + 4.0% Water absorption < 2 % (IS-4457 ) < 0.5 % < 0.5 % MOH’s hardness Min 6 (EN 101) 8 8 Breaking strength 1300 N (ISO-10545-4) > 1300 N < 1300 N Modules of rupture 35 N (IS-4457 : 2007) > 35 > 35 Deep abrasion resistance Max 175 mm (ISO-10545-6) > 160 mm3 > 160 mm Acid resistance < 1.5% (IS 4457 : 2007) > 0.5% > 0.5% Skid resistance ** > 0.4 (ASTM C - 1028) > 0.6* > 0.6* Stain resistance Resistance (ISO - 10545-14) Resistant Resistant Moisture expansion NIL (ISO-10545-10) NIL NIL Frost resistance** Resistance (ISO-10545-12) Resistant Resistant Density 2.2 gm/cc (DIN 51082) >2.36 >2.36 Colour resistance to light** No visible damage (ISO-10545-16) No visible damage No visible damage Linear thermal expansion** < 9x10 (ISO-10545-8) < 6.0 x 10 < 6.0 x 10 Thermal shock resistance** No damage (ISO-10545-9) No damage No damage Straightness of sides + 0.5% (ISO-10545-2)) ------- + 0.2% Surface flatness + 0.5% (ISO-10545-2)) ------- + 0.2% Rectangularity + 0.6% (ISO-10545-2)) ------- + 0.2% 3 3 -6 -6 -6 * The declared results in this table are as per the PCPL lab from the particular batch. The values are indicative in nature and purchaser may ask for MTR of their supply. In such case charges for testing will be levied on the purchasing party. ** All these tests apply for overseas customers but may not be relevant in Indian context. Packing Details Type Size in mm Thickness Pc/Box Coverage area Square Meters Wt./Box in Kgs.(Appr.) PAVIT - Granulato PAVIT - Granulato 400 x 400 mm 300 x 300 mm 9 mm 10 mm 6 10 0.96 0.90 19.50 19.70 PAVIT - Plain Surface PAVIT - Plain Surface PAVIT - Plain Surface PAVIT - Plain Surface 200 x 200 mm 200 x 200 mm 200 x 200 mm 210 x 100 mm 10 mm 12 mm 15 mm 12 mm 20 16 13 40 0.80 0.64 0.52 0.84 17.40 17.40 17.40 21.00 PAVIT - Plain Surface PAVIT - Plain Surface 100 x 100 mm 100 x 100 mm 12 mm 16 mm 80 60 0.80 0.60 20.00 20.00 303, Camps Corner-II, Near Prahladnagar Garden, Satellite, Ahmedabad-380015, INDIA. Ph : +91 79 40266000, Fax : +91 79 40266099,, Mumbai Office: No-23/24, Keshav Kunj, Sector-30, Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400703, Maharastra. INDIA Ph : +91 22 32939373 There may be a difference in the colors, please see the actual tiles before taking a decision on colors • Size/Shade variation is inherent property of all vitrified tile and is not be construed as manufacturing defect • It is highly recommended to keep min 8mm gap between the tile while fixing • It is advised to see the dry run of the tiles before fixing the tiles. No claims of what so ever are entertained after fixing of the tiles as per the International norms. New Delhi Office: 254 A/1, T.K. House, 2nd Floor, Press Enclave Road, Opp. Max Hospital, Saket, New Delhi-110017. INDIA Ph : +91 11 26682376 Pune Office: B-118, 1st Floor, Kumar Business Court, Above Thatbath, Mukund Nagar, Pune-411037. INDIA Ph : +91 20 32318159 NORTH ZONE: Delhi 09313040001, 09313455310 / Punjab 09356710767, 09356712715 / Rajasthan 09314928574 / Uttar Pradesh 09335260231 WEST ZONE: Gujarat 09327071856, 09375925185 / Madhya Pradesh 09301717908 / Mumbai 09323089665, 09323598641 / R.O. Maharashtra & Goa 09325336331, 09370865529 / Kolhapur 09370865529 / Nagpur 09325336331, 09326342442 EAST ZONE: West Bengal, Orissa & NE States 09339288846, 09330021022 SOUTH ZONE: Andhra pradesh 09347784111 / Karnataka 07483114804 / Tamil Nadu 09382555038, 09382183954 / Kerala 09349090005, 09387839042