Update, May, 2015


Update, May, 2015
Join Us
for a
Rootin’ tootin’
Texas Lady,
Go-To Reporter
of the
Thursday, May 28, 2015
11:30 am to 1:30 pm
Reservations requested to ensure
seating availability
$35 check payable to NHRW
must be received by
Saturday, May 23rd, $45 if later.
May 2015
Editor: Donna Loren
Ann-Marie Murrell is the CEO/Editor-in-Chief of
PolitiChicks.com, which was nominated “People’s
Choice Blogger of the Year” at CPAC 2013. AnnMarie is the co-author of the book What Women
Really Want, which has been ranked a #1 bestselling
book on Amazon in the category of ‘Women in Politics’.
Ann-Marie was the recipient of Front Page Magazine’s
Glazov Gang Ronald Reagan Award and she is
a contributor for TownHall Finance, Daily Caller, Front
Page Magazine, The Blaze, Jihad Watch, WND and more. In 2014, AnnMarie was a panelist at the National Security Summit in Washington,
D.C. discussing the barbaric treatment of women by Islamists.
to settle in the newly formed Republic of Texas in the early 1800’s. She
moved to California in the early 80’s to pursue an acting career, appearing
in small parts in dozens of television shows and movies including ABC’s
Sledge Hammer, The A-Team, Young and the Restless
Strip starring Tom Eplin (“Another World”).
After 9/11/01 Ann-Marie became “politically awakened” but she didn’t
become an activist until 2008. Now she is a featured speaker at rallies
across the U.S. and is a frequent guest on radio and television shows,
including a 2013 appearance on the Dr. Phil Show in which she represented
the conservative viewpoint. Other television and radio shows in which
Ann-Marie has appeared are: Fox and Friends, Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Good
Day DC, C-Span, Newsmax, BlazeTV, the Dennis Prager Show, and the
Janine Turner Show. Ann-Marie is a regular commentator and guest host
on the Rick Amato Show, Front Page Magazine’s Glazov Gang, the Mark
Isler Show on 870/The Answer, and MidPoint on Newsmax TV.
Email Becky if you have any questions
Ann-Marie interviewing Andrew Breitbart, a few weeks before he died.
Ann-Marie is one of the go-to reporters in the conservative movement.
In addition to political events nationwide, she also conducts red carpet
interviews in Hollywood. She has interviewed hundreds of conservative
leaders including LTC Allen West, Congressman Louie Gohmert, Rep.
Michele Bachmann, and she was one of the last reporters to interview
Andrew Breitbart.
email: beckycooper111@gmail.com
phone: 949-854-7196
Facebook and Twitter @
PolitichickAM. Contact Ann-Marie at: thepolitichicks@gmail.com
Mail to Reservations Chair:
Becky Cooper
7 Baristo
Irvine, CA 92612-2963
please include phone number
President’s Message by Bonnie O’Neil
If asked, what would you say is the most critical issue facing
knowing there are so many. So, can you imagine my surprise when
with friends recently someone brought up a serious political issue,
to which one of my bright and usually astute friends blurted out:
“I don’t pay any attention to politics; I’m not a bit interested in
the subject.” I was shocked! She was not being rude - just honest; but her surprising
response caused the group to change subjects. I thought about it later that day and
realized if someone that smart declines to engage in a political discussion, how many
others are like her? Equally important, if we allow ourselves to be silenced and avoid
discussions about our nation’s problems, how can America survive? There are people
in places of power trying to fundamentally change America and everyone needs to be
aware of that fact.
It is dangerous to blindly trust people in authority, and equally problematic to assume
the media will be our watchdog and report indiscretions and/or problems. People
who blindly trust politicians and/or media sources, and those who intentionally avoid
important political matters, are actually part of the problem. I’m reminded of Ronald
Reagan’s famous quote: “Trust, but verify.” Few citizens are doing that today.
Over half of our population is politically ignorant. There is a variety of reasons for
the “disengaged” among us. People must understand that if America is to remain
politicians and stop judging candidates solely by appearance and personality, and start
closely examining their principles and past records. Whoever is elected, we then must
hold him or her accountable to campaign promises.
After six and a half years of enduring the most liberal administration in our history,
America has been seriously harmed. This Web site lists some of President Obama’s
biggest failures: http://thefederalist.com/2014/09/16/10-ways-obama-has-failed-aspresident/ . And we know Hillary’s political agenda aligns closely with Obama’s. Do
you want a continuation of those policies?
The 2016 election is our generation’s chance to make a course correction for our country.
One would think that after all the failures, scandals, blunders, lies, and deceptions,
America would be hungry for a conservative President to move our nation back to center.
However, the liberal media will likely woo many into their liberal camp again. The
it is essential those of us who know the truth actively help educate and encourage all
We must no longer be silenced by those like my friend who have chosen to ignore facts,
because in so doing, we risk losing our amazing freedoms.
Our Board will be creating projects for our members to help with the 2016 election. I
urge you to think of ways you can make a positive difference in 2016. Are you willing
to join with like-minded patriots to take back America? Will you donate time to do what
is necessary to keep our exceptional country strong? Our children and grandchildren are
depending upon you and me to secure for them what other generations fought and died
to give us. Electing the best person to lead our nation has never been more important!
“Being adequately informed is a democratic duty, just as the vote is a democratic right. A
misinformed electorate, voting without knowledge, is not a true democracy.”
Award-winning British writer
Bonnie O’Neil, President
949 645-4450 boneil@me.com
JT Geehr, 1st VP Programs
949 650-5766 jgeehr@nhrw.org
Barbara Brawner, 2nd VP Membership
949 675-2151
Debra Figueroa, 3rd VP Headquarters
714 240-5550
Lee Frodsham, Recording Secretary
949 874-7521 leesline@aol.com
Becky Karns, Corresponding Secretary
949 679-2949
Valerie Boemler, Treasurer
949 495-9224 vboemler@cox.net
Anita Meister-Boyd,
949 640-4116 aboyd@cox.net
Katherine Keating,
Ways and Means/Historian
949 554-7578
Cindy Gates, Hospitality
949 395-2477
Veronica Wright Stephens,
Current Events Action
949 584-2040
Lisa Hupp, Scholarships
949 274-0850 thehuppfamily@cox.net
Donna Loren, Newsletter Editor
714 606-0055 donnaloren@mac.com
Patti Stern,
Voter Registration/Precinct Chair
949 425-9103 pattistern@cox.net
Becky Cooper, Reservations
(949 854-7196
Introduced by Program Chairman JT Geehr, Ann
McElhinney opened her talk by saying that she was born
to Socialist parents and that her father loved Obama!
How far she has come from that upbringing! She and
her husband (Phelim McAleer) are from Ireland, and
Gosnell’s abortion procedures, also.
Ann said that Kirsten Powers was the journalist most
responsible for getting the word out in her USA Today
newspaper coverage of the Philadelphia abortion clinic
horror. She said that this horror is morally irreconcilable,
although it is legal in Pennsylvania to abort up to 24
weeks (with some restrictions.) The newspaper showed
Missouri, news story. Uniquely, the play uses only exact
a photograph of rows of empty seats that had been
testimony that the grand jury heard in that case. Ann
reserved for journalists at the Gosnell trial. Kirsten
says, “It is dynamite!”
Powers emphasized that very few journalists had
attended the trial.
abortionist and convicted murderer, Kermit Gosnell of
“Every American is going to know about Gosnell and
Philadelphia. She pointed out many aspects of how the
what he did,” Ann McElhinney declared,
news media hide stories they don’t agree with and how
“and they will know that Gosnell is America’s biggest
government agencies collude with them. For some of
serial killer.” Her organization has received donations
from many people but more is needed to produce this
through the crowdfunding organization, Kickstarter.
phrases like, “l000’s of babies stabbed or murdered”
Gosnell was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.
their “community guidelines.” So Ann and her husband
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness - only light can.”
took their project to Indiegogo because that statement
- Martin Luther King
is true and had to be included. Two mothers died from
I would like to thank you for your support of the Young
in conservative principles, but growing up in Southern
California, my voice was often overshadowed by those
with more liberal ideas. The country that I love and the
constitution that I hold sacred was falling apart before
my very eyes as I watched the Obama Administration
takeover in 2008.
I had the power and the means to shape the future of this
Through YAF I was able to hear from famous conservative
speakers. I was able to network with students from
across the country, walk in the steps of Ronald Reagan
at Rancho Del Cielo, but more importantly I was doing
my part in keeping the principles of conservatism alive,
My parents, both refugees from Cambodia during Pol
the evils of Communism. My mother witnessed the
government taking her father away for execution and
my father witness[ed] his best friend at the age of only
12 beheaded, all in the name of progress and equality. It
is only natural that I hold in my heart a deep resentment
for anything mimicking the destructive policies of
Marxism, socialism, or progressivism.
conference, I would go on to start my own YAF chapter
down at Fullerton College, and I would also introduce
my younger sister to YAF leading her to start her own
chapter in high school. YAF provided me a platform to
voice the truth, YAF gave me hope in my generation as
more and more of my fellow youth fell blind to the lies
of progressivism, and YAF convinced me that with the
right ideas, a little hard work, and faith in God, it will be
morning again in America.
That weekend in Santa Barbara changed the course of my God Bless you. . .and thank you for help in ensuring that
life forever. Never before had I been in an environment Freedom will persevere in this generation and the next.
so fruitful, so committed to the founding principles of
— Viraktep Ath, Fullerton College
Elaine Gordon, Linda Daniels, Suzanne Shafer
Joan Dieda and Tulips
seated-Colleen Scully, Liz Barman, Katie Ogden
standing-Cathy Fitzpatrick, Sally Toth
seated-Trish Toomey, Mary Hanna, Susan Kinkade
standing-Chris Farland, Terry Hagan, Adriana Murillo, Sally Bender
Joan Mather, Lorraine Griffen
Leslie Leyton, Norma Roosevelt,
Nadine Leyton
JT Geehr,
Our Speaker Ann McElhinney
Nancy Best, Christy La Barthe
April Luncheon
Pacific Club
Sue Pieczenkowski, Julia Krupoff, Marilyn Burns
Tina & Joe Deaton
Our Speaker, Ann McElhinney
Elizabeth Beresford,
Mary Frances Stanley
Pat Raymond, Frances Applegate,
Sue Bennitt
Nona Demetre, Diana Sterling
Jeanette Jorden, Judith Voltmer
Stacey Spohn, Marti Allen
Nancy Burnett, Gini Robins
seated-Sally Phelps, Georgann MacDonald, Bettina Deininger
standing-Joyce Dieda, Sherry Marron, Jo Ann Kenton
Our beloved friend, Sheila Thomsen, passed away on April 14th. We all remember her calming
presence at the reservations table at our luncheon meetings. She was always there, cordially
greeting and making all who entered feel welcome. Behind the scenes she had organized the
reservations, made out the name tags, and fielded questions from everyone who called her.
Sheila was a longtime member of NHRW and always dedicated to our club and the principles
of patriotism.
Sheila held the office of Reservations Chairman for many years and was always helped at the
reservations table by her good friend, Sue Bennitt. They were an excellent team, each one efficient, warm, and
Never one to hide her political convictions “under a basket,” Sheila voiced her conservative opinions, but expressed
them without rancor. She enjoyed a good discussion.
Sheila will be greatly missed by all of us who can count ourselves fortunate to have known such a warm, generous,
suppportive, and gracious lady. We offer our heartfelt condolences for her loss to all her family.
Announcing Scholarship Winners
Come see the awards given at our May 28th luncheon
We had twelve applicants for the NHRW college scholarship this year.
To apply for the $1000 scholarship, you must be a resident of the Newport Mesa area. The application
process also requires a personal interview as well as personal recommendations along with an essay
entitled, “What is the Role of the US Government”.
The goal of the interview was to personally get to know the applicants, get a grasp of their personal
knowledge on political issues, and encourage them on their college path. The interviews were such
a privilege. What encouragement, knowing we have such capable young minds to carry on with the
conservative cause.
Samantha Ludes, Newport Harbor High School - attending Ohio State University.
Matt Hollander, Corona del Mar High School - attending University of Southern California.
Michaela Anderson, Estancia High School - attending Southern Utah University.
Kassidy McCullough, Newport Harbor High School - attending Auburn University.
Each of the four scholarship recipients are unique and deserving of this achievement.
Very respectfully,
Lisa Hupp, Scholarship Chair 2015
SAVE the
Current Events Action meeting - Speaker John Douglas Ford
“How Iran Fooled the United States” - 10 am to 12 am
Summer Social - Invitations will go out during the summer by snail mail to
our current members.
How Iran Fooled the United States
Speaker John Douglas Ford
missile production from our speaker John Douglas Ford.
Ford is an attorney in California. He served as a Captain in the US Army on active duty before entering private law practice. He is a regular commentator on foreign affairs and national
security matters.
Please join us and learn from Mr. Ford the truth about the recent interim framework struck by
the United States, its partners, and Iran in Lausanne.
point of view and in order to build a nuclear capability, a nation needs three basic compo-
time and money.
RSVPs required:
email Veronica Wright Stephens at veronicakwright@gmail.com or call her at 949 584-2040
for more details.
or visit our Current Events Action meeting page under Upcoming Events
Please meet at the Crystal Cove shopping center and drive in as groups to enable more to
come in. We are limited to 29 cars.
Welcome New Members
Jacqueline Borthwick, Psy.D
Carol A. Bromby
Kathryn Hannesson
MaryAnn Kroh
Colleen Scully
Check out our website
Annual membership is $30
Newport Harbor Republican Women
PO Box 5561
Newport Beach, CA 92662-5561
Check out our calendar of upcoming events on our website at www.nhrw.org.