Vapor - MR Williams
Vapor - MR Williams
} } } } Traditional cigarette sales, which now stands at $85 Billion per year, are declining 3-4% each year. E-Vapor business , which now stands at $2.2 Billion , is increasing at a 15% annual growth rate. E-Vapor provides three times the profit margins of traditional cigarettes. According to retailers and Bonnie Herzog of Wells Fargo, Vaporizers/Tanks are “overwhelmingly” taking the e-cigarette share. } The respiratory hazards of smoke are due to toxic by-products of combustion, not the active ingredients in the herb. Combustion is the process of igniting and burning plant material, creating smoke which can lead to lung cancer and many other respiratory disorders. Holding in smoke after inhaling absorbs even more tar and noxious chemicals into the lungs } By contrast, vaporizing is the process of heating plant material to 380-410° F, just below the point of combustion. This process extracts the full flavor, active compounds and purity of the plant material. Vaporizing emits a vapor that is 95% smoke and carcinogen-free. } } } } } } } } Lavender Eucalyptus Peppermint Rosemary Tobacco Leaf Flavored Pipe Tobacco Thyme Sage } } } } } Over the years, numerous studies have proved that vaporizers have numerous health benefits and are a much healthier alternative to smoking. The reason for this is that they heat the blends at a much lower temperature, instead of burning them. While vaporizers are highly beneficial to people who have been prescribed for medical purposes, they are also beneficial for all smokers. Many scientific studies have examined vaporizers and the results all state that the release of harmful constituents is dramatically reduced or completely eliminated when they are used. 1. In 2007, a study by University of California at San Francisco published in the Official Journal of the American Academy of Neurology examined the effects of a vaporizer and found that "using CO as an indicator, there was virtually no exposure to harmful combustion products using the vaporizing device. Since it replicates smoking's efficiency at producing the desired effect using smaller amounts of the active ingredient as opposed to pill forms, this device has great potential for improving the therapeutic utility blends." [source] 2. A 2006 study performed by researchers at Leiden University testing a Volcano Vaporizer claims "Our [vaporizer] results show that a safe and effective delivery system seems to be available to patients. The final uptake is comparable to the smoking, while avoiding the respiratory disadvantages of smoking." [source] 3. In a 2001 study testing a device called the M1 Volatizer, researchers discovered that "it is possible to vaporize medically active compoundsby heating to a temperature short of the point of combustion, thereby eliminating or substantially reducing harmful smoke toxins that are normally present in smoke." [source] 4. Researchers from the University at New York at Albany and the University of Southern California tested 7,000 participants in a 2007 study and concluded that "vaporizer users are only 40% as likely to report respiratory symptoms as users who do not vaporize, even when age, sex, cigarette use, and amount of blends consumed are controlled." [source] } } Simply put, the vaporizer consists of three basic components – Battery, Tank, and Heating element. Juices are available in hundreds of flavors in various nicotine strengths } Propylene and/or Vegetable Glycerin combined with water, nicotine extract and flavoring. Typically, the glycerin is 70% of the mixture. } The dangers are that there are no regulations in force at the moment. Many literally making in their garage. Nicotine in pure form is poisonous. A 10 ml bottle of e juice consumed by a 3-4 year old could be lethal. } } Insure you are offering only from reputable manufacturer. We feel regulations will be forthcoming requiring child safety caps, shrink wrap, rigid plastic bottle to insure a child can not squeeze. } Juice from USA or China is basically the same if the import brands are made under strict quality control and evaluated through WERCSmart Chemical Assessment Review Process. } } } } } Various Strengths mean higher temperatures. Some products ranging from liquids to eucalyptus are enjoyed better at various temperatures. Variable Voltage batteries are available. Tanks are now available in various sizes and colors. Some systems are wickless and some utilize wicks. Replacement tanks, mouthpieces, lanyards, carrying cases, replacement heaters, etc are all part of the growing number of accessory items. BRAND CIG 2.0 # ITEMS SALES $ PROFIT $ 67 1079.33 415.16 34 307.66 94.07 55 636.45 231.49 7 219.89 74.59 16 219.84 84.16 187 1535.13 641.42 13 95.87 48.07 Traditional E –Cig Sales = 379 units = $4,094.17 in sales / $1,588.96 in profit BRAND # ITEMS SALES $ PROFIT $ CLAYTON 212 $1,429.88 $772.36 866 $9,848.34 $3,232.66 1,078 $11,278.22 $4,005.02 VAPOR TOTALS Total E Vaping Sales =$15,372.39 Average / Store = $1,098.03 Vaporizer % of Sales = 73.3% of category! From the very beginning of this category, M.R. Williams and Novelty Express have been at the leading edge. Stepping out and bringing the latest innovations to their customers. More variety, multiple display options and top notch service. The leader in the industry. For more information on this presentation, please contact me at: Byron Oswald, 704.720.7710,